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Thread: Can someone link me to a map of hoenn

  1. #1

    Default Can someone link me to a map of hoenn

    I don't mean a game map, I mean like an artists conception (If you've been to's r/b/y/g/s/c guides there are maps, I mean one's like that). *Also psots in fan art sectio nas a request*

  2. #2

    Default Can someone link me to a map of hoenn

    Theres an example, except thats of Kanto

  3. #3

    Default Can someone link me to a map of hoenn

    *whistles with fingers*
    Can we get a Mod? Anyone?
    I think this really belongs more in the R/S (Are they called Ruby/Saphire/Leaf/Flame yet?) if not general discussion. I understand you probably want it for a fan fic, but I don't think that's what this forum is meant for.

    Stop me if I'm wrong.

    Gamefaqs has one with all the place titles, but no OA or anything... I guess that's not what you want, is it? Sorry.

    Possibly temporarily back. Again.

  4. #4

    Default Can someone link me to a map of hoenn

    yeah, i want it for my fic since I'm asking my teacher to help me with it & figured it would help for him to have something like that

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