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Thread: funniest pokemon

  1. #1
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    Default funniest pokemon

    which pokemon do you think are funny?
    my vote goes to wobbufett, sudowoodo, and farfetch'd.

  2. #2
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    Default funniest pokemon

    I would have to say Mr. Mime, Wobeffet, and Phyduck.

  3. #3
    Jedi Hunter Moderator
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    Default funniest pokemon

    I think that wobbufett, psyduck, mr. mime, sudowoodo, and possibly slowpoke are all funny.
    1) There's no excuse for laziness, but I'm working on it!
    2) I will live forever or die trying
    3) It's only funny until somebody gets hurt...............then it's hilarious

  4. #4
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    Default funniest pokemon

    I would say definately Wobuffet and Victreebell! It's so funny how Team Rocket can't control their Pokemon right.

    I also like Psyduck, it's so cute when it just comes out of the Pokeball and Misty starts yelling at it.

    Sudowoodo was pretty funny too, but not as much as the others.

  5. #5
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    Default funniest pokemon

    Soonansu, Soonano, and Usokki, particularly in combination with each other. (Any conversation between any two of them is absolutely hilarious. I've seen all three combinations.)

    For those of you who aren't familiar with the original names, that's Wobbuffet, Wynaut, and Sudowoodo, but they aren't nearly as funny dubbed.

  6. #6
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    Default funniest pokemon

    Originally posted by Murgatroyd
    Soonansu, Soonano, and Usokki, particularly in combination with each other. (Any conversation between any two of them is absolutely hilarious. I've seen all three combinations.)

    For those of you who aren't familiar with the original names, that's Wobbuffet, Wynaut, and Sudowoodo, but they aren't nearly as funny dubbed.
    BTW, another Pokemon who isn't exactly funny dubbed but kind of hilarious in the original is Nyasu/Meowth.

    One of the only things funny of Nyasu is its voice. It has one of the scratchiest voices in the original series. It's kind of like Butch in the dub (whose voice I hate, it's much better in the Japanese), so just hearing his voice makes me chuckle...

    IMHO, the Japanese original is funnier...

  7. #7

    Default funniest pokemon

    I'd have to say Haunter.. why you ask?
    Well that guy's ACTS were funny, while the others' STUPIDITY is funny.. though I'll have to admit that they're funny, I just like Haunter better.. (Too bad we haven't seen him since he left )

  8. #8
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    Default funniest pokemon

    I think that Wobbuffet and Psyduck are the funniest to me. Meowth is sometimes, but sometimes not. To me Togepi has always been cutely funny, kind of like a five year old kid. And when it always had Pikachu rushing to save it from something; only to have Togepi walk away okay, and Pikachu be the one to almost get hurt.

  9. #9

    Default funniest pokemon

    Pikachu is pretty funny too. I liked the episode Showdown in Dark City (was that it?) when Scyther sliced through Pikachu's ketchup bottle and upset Pikachu. Pikachu was cute and it was pretty amusing too. ^^
    Thanks to BlazikenKevin for the avatar :]

  10. #10
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    Default funniest pokemon

    I can't believe that after nine posts, no one has mentioned lickitung

    In no particular order:


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  11. #11
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    Default The funniest IMHO

    Naturally, I have to mention Misty's Psyduck and Jessie's Wobbuffet. They are the original comic Pokémon, with Psyduck's ineptness and Wobbuffet's misdirected enthusiasm and loyalty.

    Oddly enough, I think that Ash's Bayleef can be funny too. She can act so strangely when she is trying to show her love for Ash. In that theme (funny natural behaviour), I think the way that Ash's Heracross treats Bulbasaur can be funny too.

    Brock's Pineco is the series' current source of slapstick laughs, especially when he Self Destructs in Brock's face.

    ILP, I never saw Lickitung as particularly funny (exept in the inherit humour from its' looks). Is there any incident involving him that made you laugh?

  12. #12
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    I know I didn't say that Lickitung was funny, but I was thinking about it, and I always thought that it was funny in Princess vs Princess when it first appeared and ate up and spit back out all of Jessie's new clothes!

  13. #13
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    Default funniest pokemon

    Pheer the power of the moighty Wobby

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by BenRG

    ILP, I never saw Lickitung as particularly funny (exept in the inherit humour from its' looks). Is there any incident involving him that made you laugh?
    I dunno, I guess lickitung is funny when it runs and rolls around. Plus what Light_Togetic mentioned.

    I guess I just like licki's appearance. A tongue pokemon is priceless
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  15. #15
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    Default funniest pokemon

    Ash's funniest: Totodile, the way he dances whenever he comes out of his ball is just priceless.

    Misty's: Psyduck, because it cant swim. I roll every time he comes out into water and starts drowning!

    Brock's: Pineco, cuz he Self Destructs in Brocks face all the time

    TR: Wobbuffet, because hes Wobbuffet, need I say more?

    The funniest human character by far is.........James!

  16. #16
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    Default funniest pokemon

    Psyduck-I wonder who's more intelligent: him or Patrick from SpongeBob? Misty's Psyduck gave us some the greatest series moments, like that "Prince Charming" get-up in "Wake Up, Snorlax!". And hearing his English voice actor, Michael Haigney, compare Psyduck to himself is a pretty good reason to hear the DVD commentary .

    Wobbofett-You either hate him or love his attempts to annoy Jessie. And even though he shouts along with James and Jessie's "We're blasting off again!!!" in every episode, I still find it funny. I am so easily amused.

    Togepi-He shouts at the most unusual moments and has no understanding of danger. This is why I love little kids in cartoons.

  17. #17

    Default funniest pokemon

    totodile, pinco, togepi's metronome

    i find wob is annoying, not funny
    note: if TR used mirror coat pic=dead...hehehe...stupid picachu

  18. #18
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    Wob definitely uses mirror coat at least once. Why can't Jesse use the right one
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  19. #19
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    Lately, Sonansu/Wobuffet has been becoming nothing but comic relief, kind of like how Team Rocket has been for the last three seasons and I just wish it would show its true colors like it did in the first episodes it was in.

    If only Wobba would use Destiny Bond or Mirror Coat more, that would be the day...

  20. #20
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    Default funniest pokemon

    I Think the funniest Pokemon is...Jigglypuff! Just look at it! *bursts out laughing* Its hilarios! Put everyone to sleep then...Graffitti! *laughs uncontrolably*

  21. #21
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    Default funniest pokemon

    Wish I could get a microphone/marker in one. Think of the possibilities
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  22. #22

    Default funniest pokemon

    Hmmmmm.... I never find the Pokemon antics that funny, I have to say (even if Victreebel's head-chomping never failed to bring a smile), but the funniest Pokemon is probably Soonasu (or however you spell it). Wobbuffet is amusing enough, and I like him, but the Japanese version where its constant butting-in makes comedic sense (as well as that allusion to the famous comedian guy) is probably the best long-running Pokemon joke in the anime.

    Somebody once said Wobbuffet should've been called "Darntootin" in English.... that would've been so much better, then the joke would've been preserved! Not only that, but when TR are blasted off it would be crying "Daaaaaaaaaaaarrrn!"


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