Hotaru (Lv. 7 Male Volbeat) vs Espeon (Lv. 7 Male)

Hotaru's Stats:
HP: 30
Attack: 29
Defense: 17
Speed: 21
Special Attack: 15
Special Defense: 19

Espeon's Stats:
HP: 30
Attack: 18
Defense: 17
Speed: 24
Special Attack: 27
Special Defense: 22

Espeon uses Tail Whip, lowering Hotaru's defense by 1
Hotaru uses Confuse Ray, disorienting Espeon

Espeon: 30 HP, confused
Hotaru: 30 HP, defense -1

Espeon tries to attack but hits himself in confusion
Hotaru uses Tackle, dealing 5 damage

Espeon: 21 HP, confused
Hotaru: 30 HP, defense -1

Espeon rids himself of confusion and uses Shadowball, dealing 10 damage
Hotaru uses Tackle, dealing 5 damage

Espeon: 16 HP
Hotaru: 20 HP, defense -1

Espeon uses Shadowball, dealing 10 damage
Hotaru uses Confuse Ray, disorienting Espeon

Espeon: 16 HP, confused
Hotaru: 10 HP, defense -1

Espeon uses Shadowball and deals 10 damage, which is just enough to knock Hotaru out

Espeon: 16 HP
Hotaru: 0 HP

Espeon wins and grows to Level 8!