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Thread: {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

  1. #481
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Pulling three pieces of food from the box, you toss them into the path of your Pokémon, who falls of them, and devours them in an instant.
    The Drowzee and Meditite stare solemnly at him as he finishes his meal, exchange a glance, look at you, then teleport again.
    They materialise right behind him, each delivering a punch to the side of his body that sends him crunching into the ground.
    Looks like these two know how to handle Dark types.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I wince slightly at the attacks, but I know that Nuka(The Houndoom) is alright. I'll tell the two Psychics how I came to get him and ask if they know anything I can do to get him to stop trying to eat everyone because as far as I know, he's just very hungry...
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  2. #482
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Switching your Vaporeon for your Houndour, he sends a beam of light shooting ino the air, that breaks through the storm clouds, rapidly drying the wet sand.
    The Aggron looks even more surprised at this second change in weather and wanders off quickly, muttering to itself.
    Recalling Ignatius, you walk off in the opposite direction, catching sight of a Magnemite trying with all its might to shock a Nincada thats scuttering through the sand, completely unaffected by the electricity.
    What are you going to do?

    I'm sure the Magnemite will eventually get bored, so I'll just continue on.

  3. #483
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Despite being wary of the two Pokémon, you walk over to the Rapidash , holding out a Poké Ball, talking to it to reassure it that you'd like to help.
    The Beldum stops laughing at that, and both the it and the Spoink stand and stare quietly as the Rapidash immeidately reaches out to activate the ball.

    Rapidash F L18

    Noticing the heavy silence, you turn to find the Beldum and Spoink still staring at you; the Spoink looks curious as to what happened, but the Beldum is shuddering aggresively.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'm going to tell the Spoink and Beldum that there's no need for them to be afraid, as I had no intentions of targeting them.

    Anyway, I'd like to make a side trip to the Lake, please.

    As for the Rapidash, I'm going to name her Ebony (I have plans to buy her a Black Juice someday when I can afford one), and make her Breed-on Move Charm. As for her free TM, I'd like it to be Flamethrower, please. Her trait will be Flash Fire.

    One more thing. If I send her out somewheres, will I need to help her get better?
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  4. #484

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Unable to keep a hostile tone out of your voice, you ask the Shelder if this is the place he was aiming for; he loks surprised, then lets go off you hand abruptly, and mutters a 'no'.
    However, he doesn't clamp back onto your hand, but begins to sheepishly bounce after you as you continue on.
    A splash ahead catches your eye; a Mantine is leaping gracefully from the water heading towards you.
    What are you going to do?

    I'll stop for a moment and ask Shellder if he wants to stay here. If he does, then I'll say goodbye and continue. If he doesn't... well, I have a feeling he wants something. If he doesn't want to stay in this place, I will ask if he wants to stay with me.

  5. #485
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Neither Mightyena wants to join your team initially, but what you take to be the strongest looks happy to battle.
    As its companion and the Cyndaquil edge away to give some room to battle, the Pokémon barks at you, obviously waiting for you to choose your Pokémon.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll use Zora, my level 17 male Zora (who is following me now.) and I'll ell him to use Ice Ball, and then use Mud Shot.

  6. #486
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Moonlight Espeon~
    Kneeling down next to the Sneasel, you assure it that if it comes with you, then you promise that it'll never end up in that sort of danger again, and you'll take good care of it.
    Raising its head, it looks at you silently, before taking the re-offered ball; it smiles slightly, and taps the button.

    Sneasel M L10

    What are you going to do?
    Location: River

    I'll simply move to the next area.

  7. #487
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Wild Eevee~
    Watching the free for all rather interestedly, you try to figure out who is going to win; there's a rather large Heracross smashing its way through the middle, but a couple off to your right are also blasting constant Earthquake through the room, which keeps on disrupting the others battles.
    Thankful to have Machop and Meditite around to keep you safe, your eye is suddenly caught by a flash of purple across the cave; only problem is, the mob closes up again, blocking your view of what it was.
    What are you going to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll move around so I can see what it is.

  8. #488
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Stuttering about the reason why you have the egg, the Murkrow don't seem to buy it, with a couple flying round to circle round you, cawing harshly.
    The Houndour and Machop look pretty stressed, when the Machop mutters something, jumps up, snatches the egg from you and holds it out to the flock.
    What you take to be the leader immediately darts in and seizes the egg, and dives back into the original cave, leaving behind the other Murkrow, who are still glaring at you.
    What are you going to do?

    I ask Houndour for my pokeball. I call out Ko, my Lv. 10 Male Tyrogue. I'll try to explain, reasonably. If they wanna fight still, I'll tell Ko to use Tackle, Houndour to use Flamethrower, and Machop to use Karate Chop.

  9. #489
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Sorry for the rather crappy updates, I'm lacking in inspiration today.

    Hastily starting to explain about Nuka, the Drowzee and Meditite look interested, and sympathetic as you explain about his seeming need to always eat.
    The Drowzee seems to have an idea and nudges his companion; the confer for a second, before turning to you; the Drowzee speaking telepathically that if they could find out psychically why he (Nuka) is so aggresive, and, well, dangerous that it might help to cure him.
    What are you going to do?

    Deciding to ignore the Magnemite and Nincada, you instead turn to your attention to a Rhyhorn that is charging in a wide circle around a Sudowoodo that is dancing erratically in the sand, cheering and waving at random things.
    A Baltoy is also hovering nearby, attempting to copy the Sudowoodo's dancing.
    What are you going to do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~ I'd say depends how long she's inside the Poké Ball; if she's in a while, she'll probably have restored some/most of her energy.

    Telling the Spoink and Beldum that you're not going to hurt them, you nonetheless decide to head off to the Lake.
    Upon arriving, you spot a Clamperl perched on the lake shore, slowly opening and closing, while further out, a Qwilfish is rapidly swallowing water, and inflating steadily.
    There also seems to be a shoal of Carvanha swimming around.
    What are you going to do?

    Asking Shelder if this is where he wants to stay, the Pokémon looks thoughtful for a second, before a shout comes from across the river; a small group of Shelder appear and motion to him happily.
    Nodding, he smiles at you and hops back into the water; shouting goodbye, you continue on, stumbling upon a Blastoise practising the accuracy of its attacks on a Wingull that's flying low over the river.
    What are you going to do?

    Choosing Zora to battle the Mightyena, you start off commanding a Ice Ball; Zora curls up and rolls forward, gathering an icy coat as he plunges towards the canine.
    Snarling, the Mightyena springs to the side, before launching an Iron Tail on the ice ball that is your Swampert, knocking it over and shattering the ice.
    Switching to a Mud Shot, Zora douse the Mightyena in thick mud, but he doesn't seem to care as he begins to charge a Shadow Ball.
    What are you going to do?

    Moonlight Espeon~
    Now that the area is cleared off Pokémon, you walk on, following the curve of the river.
    Up ahead, a Wailmer is floating in the water, suporting a Slowpoke and a Spheal; as you approach, the Wailmer snorts and sends a spray of water upwards, blasting the two Pokémon sky high.
    Squealing happily, they plummet back down to bounce onto the Wailmer's body.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    Trying to work out a suitable way to get through the Heracross-thick cavern, you finally decide to slide round the outside perimeter.
    Edging along, searching for the flash of purple again, you notice it again, now swooping up towards the ceiling.
    Even more curious now to what it exactly it is, you squint up, but just as you seem to be getting a good glimpse, you notice that a couple of Heracross have now noticed you and are pausing in their fight to turn and stare.
    What are you going to do?

    Houndour drops the Poké Ball into your hand, and you eagerly call out your Tyrogue, who flexes his muscles and looks in surprise at the Houndour and Machop.
    Facing the small flock of Murkrow, you begin to explain, but Houndour seems to want to battle and shoots a Flamethrower directly into the flocks heart.
    Howling, the ones hit retreat, but the couple left scowl and fly down, only to be met by Ko's Tackle and Machop's Cross chop.
    Shrieking, they turn and flap after their friends.
    What are you going to do?

  10. #490
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Deciding to ignore the Magnemite and Nincada, you instead turn to your attention to a Rhyhorn that is charging in a wide circle around a Sudowoodo that is dancing erratically in the sand, cheering and waving at random things.
    A Baltoy is also hovering nearby, attempting to copy the Sudowoodo's dancing.
    What are you going to do?

    O_o Okay... Well I'll continue on but keep my distance from the Rhyhorn, because I'm a little worried about it. It seems a bit mental.

  11. #491

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Asking Shelder if this is where he wants to stay, the Pokémon looks thoughtful for a second, before a shout comes from across the river; a small group of Shelder appear and motion to him happily.
    Nodding, he smiles at you and hops back into the water; shouting goodbye, you continue on, stumbling upon a Blastoise practising the accuracy of its attacks on a Wingull that's flying low over the river.
    What are you going to do?

    Woah. A Blastoise... so tempting... but as tempting as it is, it's just not tempting enough. I'll move on.

  12. #492
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Choosing Zora to battle the Mightyena, you start off commanding a Ice Ball; Zora curls up and rolls forward, gathering an icy coat as he plunges towards the canine.
    Snarling, the Mightyena springs to the side, before launching an Iron Tail on the ice ball that is your Swampert, knocking it over and shattering the ice.
    Switching to a Mud Shot, Zora douse the Mightyena in thick mud, but he doesn't seem to care as he begins to charge a Shadow Ball.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll tell Zora to use another Ice Ball, and then Hyper Beam.

  13. #493
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Hastily starting to explain about Nuka, the Drowzee and Meditite look interested, and sympathetic as you explain about his seeming need to always eat.
    The Drowzee seems to have an idea and nudges his companion; the confer for a second, before turning to you; the Drowzee speaking telepathically that if they could find out psychically why he (Nuka) is so aggresive, and, well, dangerous that it might help to cure him.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I thank them and tell them that it's a great idea and that I would like for them to try. I'll then ask if there is anything I can do to help them while they're working on Nuka.

    EDIT: May I have a Pokeball, a Great Ball, and an Ultra Ball for today(Monday)? Uhm, if I can only have one, could it be an Ultra Ball?
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  14. #494
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Wild Eevee~
    Trying to work out a suitable way to get through the Heracross-thick cavern, you finally decide to slide round the outside perimeter.
    Edging along, searching for the flash of purple again, you notice it again, now swooping up towards the ceiling.
    Even more curious now to what it exactly it is, you squint up, but just as you seem to be getting a good glimpse, you notice that a couple of Heracross have now noticed you and are pausing in their fight to turn and stare.
    What are you going to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll stop what I'm doing and get Meditite ready in case they should attack.

  15. #495
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~ I'd say depends how long she's inside the Poké Ball; if she's in a while, she'll probably have restored some/most of her energy.

    Telling the Spoink and Beldum that you're not going to hurt them, you nonetheless decide to head off to the Lake.
    Upon arriving, you spot a Clamperl perched on the lake shore, slowly opening and closing, while further out, a Qwilfish is rapidly swallowing water, and inflating steadily.
    There also seems to be a shoal of Carvanha swimming around.
    What are you going to do?

    I'll keep going.

    Edit: Since it's Monday, may I have an Ultra Ball please?
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  16. #496
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Looking round for the Bulbasaur, intending to invite it to join your team, you notice to your surprise that it seems to have disappeared.
    A quick glance round the surrounding area, and you notice it padding around a clump of grass a couple of metres off to your left. As you watch, the grass shakes, and the Bulbasaur jumps back, before glancing sheepishly back at you.
    What are you going to do?
    Must've been scared by the Kangaskhan. I'll ask it if it wants to join my team.
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  17. #497

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Inspiration It comes and goes as I go through each person, lol (which is why some people get really long updates from me and others get like 2 lines >_>;;.

    You decide to continue along, making sure that you watch the Rhyhorn quite carefully, not knowing what it will do. As distance yourself from the strange scene, you breath a sigh of relief. You slow down and begin walking in a normal manner. Suddenly, you hear some rumbling. You begin to have a strange feeling. You look bend down and hover your ear over the sand, but realize that that doesn't work. You shrug and think to yourself that it was probably nothing...until the Rhyhorn flips you over and onto its back. Flailing madly as you try to keep your balance, the Rhyhorn charges forward. You watch as the assortment of Geodude and Shuckle quickly ( quickly as they can. I'd imagine Shuckle move quite slow...) try to move out of the Rhyhorn's path. What do you do?

    Deciding that you do not want a Blastoise, you pass it and continue along. As you walk away, you find the Wingull soaring ahead of you, at head level. As you realize the implications this has, you fly forward, taking the brunt of a Water Gun attack. The Wingull cries out weakly as you land on the ground, using the poor bird as a cushion :/ The Blastoise stumbles up and apoligizes. Seeing his partner in such a condition, he begins to cry, saying that he'll never win the sharpshooting contest the water Pokemon are having. Hmm...sharpshooting contest eh? A few Goldeen and a Qwilfish swim up, wondering what on earth the commotion is. What do you do now?

    *grumbles as he has to look up Ice Ball* lol Btw, remember to place in parenthesis next to your Pokemon's nickname the type of Pokemon it is. I'm assuming Zora is the Swampert...but I wouldn't know if there were others involved or something ._.;;;

    Swampert curls into a ball and fires off a glowing beam of light, enveloping itself with a coat of ice. The Mighteyna fires off a Shadow Ball. The orb of dark energy strikes the encased Swampert, chiping off a bit of ice from the rounded ice ball. Zora begins rocking back and forth, adding momentum to the ice ball, until it finally beings to move and gain speed. The Mighteyna jumps out of the way, Swampert narrowly missing the dark dog. Zora rounds about and tries to strike again. The Mightenya fires off another Shadow Ball at Zora, chipping off more ice. Suddenly, the ice ball hits one of the indents in its own structure and Zora goes flying, hitting the wall and shattering itself out of the Ice Ball. Zora shakes itself off and charges its Hyper Beam. The Mighteyna charges up and takes a chunk out of your Swampert, the dark energy crackling as the teeth clamp upon the Water Pokemon's arm. Zora fires its Hyper Beam at point blank range, enveloping the field in dust and bright light. When the scene clears, you find Zora and the Mighteyna collapsed, the dog's teeth still sunk into Zora's arm. What do you do now?

    I had a brain fart when I tried to think of something for the last few >_< So I asked Amy if she could do the rest. ty Amy

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  18. #498
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by pokemasterfrank
    You decide to continue along, making sure that you watch the Rhyhorn quite carefully, not knowing what it will do. As distance yourself from the strange scene, you breath a sigh of relief. You slow down and begin walking in a normal manner. Suddenly, you hear some rumbling. You begin to have a strange feeling. You look bend down and hover your ear over the sand, but realize that that doesn't work. You shrug and think to yourself that it was probably nothing...until the Rhyhorn flips you over and onto its back. Flailing madly as you try to keep your balance, the Rhyhorn charges forward. You watch as the assortment of Geodude and Shuckle quickly ( quickly as they can. I'd imagine Shuckle move quite slow...) try to move out of the Rhyhorn's path. What do you do?

    It's like an extreme rodeo bull ride O_o Um, well, this might be fun so I'll stay on for a while. But then I'll send out Faithless [Aerodactyl, M, Lv 7], attempt to get onto his back as best as I can, and then get him to fly me a safe distance away from that Rhyhorn. Then I'll continue on as normal.

  19. #499
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Moonlight Espeon~
    Now that the area is cleared off Pokémon, you walk on, following the curve of the river.
    Up ahead, a Wailmer is floating in the water, suporting a Slowpoke and a Spheal; as you approach, the Wailmer snorts and sends a spray of water upwards, blasting the two Pokémon sky high.
    Squealing happily, they plummet back down to bounce onto the Wailmer's body.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: River

    Actually, I think I've had my fill. I'm going for diversity. I'd like to go to the North Caverns, please.

  20. #500
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by *Murkrow
    Houndour drops the Poké Ball into your hand, and you eagerly call out your Tyrogue, who flexes his muscles and looks in surprise at the Houndour and Machop.
    Facing the small flock of Murkrow, you begin to explain, but Houndour seems to want to battle and shoots a Flamethrower directly into the flocks heart.
    Howling, the ones hit retreat, but the couple left scowl and fly down, only to be met by Ko's Tackle and Machop's Cross chop.
    Shrieking, they turn and flap after their friends.
    What are you going to do?
    Eastern Caverns

    I look confidently into the eyes of the opposing Murkrow and then at Tyrogue. I tell them to battle, but not to seriosly hurt them. Just scare them away.

  21. #501
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by pokemasterfrank
    *grumbles as he has to look up Ice Ball* lol Btw, remember to place in parenthesis next to your Pokemon's nickname the type of Pokemon it is. I'm assuming Zora is the Swampert...but I wouldn't know if there were others involved or something ._.;;;

    Swampert curls into a ball and fires off a glowing beam of light, enveloping itself with a coat of ice. The Mighteyna fires off a Shadow Ball. The orb of dark energy strikes the encased Swampert, chiping off a bit of ice from the rounded ice ball. Zora begins rocking back and forth, adding momentum to the ice ball, until it finally beings to move and gain speed. The Mighteyna jumps out of the way, Swampert narrowly missing the dark dog. Zora rounds about and tries to strike again. The Mightenya fires off another Shadow Ball at Zora, chipping off more ice. Suddenly, the ice ball hits one of the indents in its own structure and Zora goes flying, hitting the wall and shattering itself out of the Ice Ball. Zora shakes itself off and charges its Hyper Beam. The Mighteyna charges up and takes a chunk out of your Swampert, the dark energy crackling as the teeth clamp upon the Water Pokemon's arm. Zora fires its Hyper Beam at point blank range, enveloping the field in dust and bright light. When the scene clears, you find Zora and the Mighteyna collapsed, the dog's teeth still sunk into Zora's arm. What do you do now?
    South Caverns

    So, is the Mightyena knocked out??? If it is, I'll send out Rayku (Umbreon) and tell her to use a Helping Hand on it with all her power, to energize it so it comes back awake. If it isn't I'll use my Ultra Ball on it.

  22. #502
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Sorry if some of these aren't just great, but i've had a case of writers block as well.


    *hands over the pokeballs* Turning your attention to the two psychics, you sit down beside them and thank them for any possible help that they might be able to provide. They nodd in an understanding way. When you ask them if there is anything that you can do to help, the two pokemon confer again. Finally, the Drowzee approaches you. It then begins to speak to you telepathically. <There is somethign that you could do. If you can somehow get him distracted enough that he doesn't attack us, that would be great. Any ideas?> What will you do?

    Wild Eevee

    Immediately, you freeze and whisper out of the corner of your mouth to Meditite to "Be ready for anything." As the other heracross take notice of the two that have stopped, they in turn notice you. For a good twenty minutes, nobody moves a muscle. Then a baby heracross begins crying. The adults all try to calm it down but they arent successful. What will you do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    *Hands over the ball* Not seeing any pokemon that fancies your interest, you continue along the bank of the lake. The silence is all but broken when a cry of annoyence pierces the peaceful atmosphere. Turning to the source of a sound you see a Lapras being teased by a Totodile. A Squirtle is floating nearby, safely tucked inside of his shell. What will you do?


    Turning to the bulbasaur, you assure it that everything is okay, When it has finally calmed down, you ask it once more if it would like to join your team. The small grass type is silent for a while before it finally makes a decision. "You seem like a talented trainer, but before i make up my mind I'd like to battle you. What will you do?


    Thinking quickly, you try and grab your aerodactyl's pokeball, but you're bouncing to much to try and stay on. Finally, you just give up and try to hang on when you see a cactus coming up dead ahead. Your eyes widen to the size of saucers as the Rhyhorn notices it. He slams on his brakes and skids to a stop about three feet from the cactus. You, however, aren't quite as lucky. You are sent flying off, and land face first in a pile of sand and your leg hits the cactus. Quickly pulling your head out of the sand you blink a couple of times and wipe your face off. When you open your eyes, the Rhyhorn is long gone, but there are three pokemon starting at you. There is Ponyta, a Baltoy, and a Metagross staring at you with confused looks. What will you do?

    Moonlight Espeon

    You decide to leave the scenic River and head into the chilling North Caverns. Pulling on a parka outside the entrance, you take a deep breath as you enter. Almost immediately a Shuppet appears out of nowhere and screams a bloodcurtling scream in your face. Out of surprise, you cry out causing the Shuppet to laugh insanely. In turn, a Sneasel sneaks up on the laughing Shuppet and jumps in front of it making a face causing the ghost to cry in alarm. Laughing the Sneasel notices you and the look on your face and burst out into and even louder fit of giggles. What will you do?


    Though only one Murkrow remains after being deserted by his buddies, you stare at it. Turning to Tyrouge you tell it to battle, and he nodds. Stretching first, he then rushes at the murkrow in an attempt to tackle. The murkrow squawks, before deciding that its better off with his buddies and takes flight leaving the room where you are. Soon after, a Bagon slowly emerges from a crack in the cavern walls that you hadn't noticed until now. What will you do?


    Cautiously approaching the Mightyena you poke it. When it doesn't move or yelp or do anything at all, you come to the conclusion that it has fainted. Grabbing a pokeball off you belt so hurl it into the air, and in a beam of red energy emerges the shape you your Umbreon. Quickly, you tell her to use Helping hand on it. She nodds and soon there is an image of a hand patting the Mightyena on its back. You have an Ultra Ball ready to hurl at the dark canine at just the right moment. However, as soon as the Mightyena is revived he snarls and leaps for you. As if running on instinct, you hurl the ultra ball at it. As the canine is sucked in, it howls in fury as the ball begins to bounce. However after one bounce, a faint ding is hear. Congrats you caught a Level 10 Male Mightyena. What will you do?
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  23. #503
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Thinking quickly, you try and grab your aerodactyl's pokeball, but you're bouncing to much to try and stay on. Finally, you just give up and try to hang on when you see a cactus coming up dead ahead. Your eyes widen to the size of saucers as the Rhyhorn notices it. He slams on his brakes and skids to a stop about three feet from the cactus. You, however, aren't quite as lucky. You are sent flying off, and land face first in a pile of sand and your leg hits the cactus. Quickly pulling your head out of the sand you blink a couple of times and wipe your face off. When you open your eyes, the Rhyhorn is long gone, but there are three pokemon starting at you. There is Ponyta, a Baltoy, and a Metagross staring at you with confused looks. What will you do?

    I'll get up (and balance on the leg that didn't hit the cactus) and explain to the three pokemon what happened. Then I'll ask what they're doing there.

  24. #504
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    *hands over the pokeballs* Turning your attention to the two psychics, you sit down beside them and thank them for any possible help that they might be able to provide. They nodd in an understanding way. When you ask them if there is anything that you can do to help, the two pokemon confer again. Finally, the Drowzee approaches you. It then begins to speak to you telepathically. <There is somethign that you could do. If you can somehow get him distracted enough that he doesn't attack us, that would be great. Any ideas?> What will you do?
    South Caverns

    "I still have most of my Box of Food left." I tell them. "Uh, and I can act as a decoy or something..." I get hte Box of Food. "Though I'd rather use the Food." ^_^
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

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  25. #505
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Turning to the bulbasaur, you assure it that everything is okay, When it has finally calmed down, you ask it once more if it would like to join your team. The small grass type is silent for a while before it finally makes a decision. "You seem like a talented trainer, but before i make up my mind I'd like to battle you. What will you do?
    I accept. I'll use my L15 Quilava, Cinder, for this battle.
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  26. #506
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    *Hands over the ball* Not seeing any pokemon that fancies your interest, you continue along the bank of the lake. The silence is all but broken when a cry of annoyence pierces the peaceful atmosphere. Turning to the source of a sound you see a Lapras being teased by a Totodile. A Squirtle is floating nearby, safely tucked inside of his shell. What will you do?


    The Squirtle is very tempting, but I am going to move on some more.
    Knight of Time

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  27. #507

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by pokemasterfrank
    Deciding that you do not want a Blastoise, you pass it and continue along. As you walk away, you find the Wingull soaring ahead of you, at head level. As you realize the implications this has, you fly forward, taking the brunt of a Water Gun attack. The Wingull cries out weakly as you land on the ground, using the poor bird as a cushion :/ The Blastoise stumbles up and apoligizes. Seeing his partner in such a condition, he begins to cry, saying that he'll never win the sharpshooting contest the water Pokemon are having. Hmm...sharpshooting contest eh? A few Goldeen and a Qwilfish swim up, wondering what on earth the commotion is. What do you do now?

    Eep. I'll check to see if the Wingull is okay... then I'll ask more about the sharpshooting contest, and wonder if I can help any.

  28. #508
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong
    Moonlight Espeon

    You decide to leave the scenic River and head into the chilling North Caverns. Pulling on a parka outside the entrance, you take a deep breath as you enter. Almost immediately a Shuppet appears out of nowhere and screams a bloodcurtling scream in your face. Out of surprise, you cry out causing the Shuppet to laugh insanely. In turn, a Sneasel sneaks up on the laughing Shuppet and jumps in front of it making a face causing the ghost to cry in alarm. Laughing the Sneasel notices you and the look on your face and burst out into and even louder fit of giggles. What will you do?
    Location: North Caverns

    That Shuppet is SO going down. I'll send out Bubbles, my Lv. 14 Male Octillery, and immediately use Octazooka on that little punk. >=O

  29. #509
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Wild Eevee

    Immediately, you freeze and whisper out of the corner of your mouth to Meditite to "Be ready for anything." As the other heracross take notice of the two that have stopped, they in turn notice you. For a good twenty minutes, nobody moves a muscle. Then a baby heracross begins crying. The adults all try to calm it down but they arent successful. What will you do?
    East Cavern

    I'll go see if the Heracross need help.

  30. #510
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    I'd like to release Oak, my level 17 female Ivysaur. I fell that i won't right much battles for her, seeing that I only wrote one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfsong

    Cautiously approaching the Mightyena you poke it. When it doesn't move or yelp or do anything at all, you come to the conclusion that it has fainted. Grabbing a pokeball off you belt so hurl it into the air, and in a beam of red energy emerges the shape you your Umbreon. Quickly, you tell her to use Helping hand on it. She nodds and soon there is an image of a hand patting the Mightyena on its back. You have an Ultra Ball ready to hurl at the dark canine at just the right moment. However, as soon as the Mightyena is revived he snarls and leaps for you. As if running on instinct, you hurl the ultra ball at it. As the canine is sucked in, it howls in fury as the ball begins to bounce. However after one bounce, a faint ding is hear. Congrats you caught a Level 10 Male Mightyena. What will you do?[/color][/center]
    South Caverns

    I'll recall Zora (Swampert), and walk over to the other Mightyena and the Cyndaquil. I'll ask that Mightyena, seeing that its partner is already mine, if it would like to join my team, and I'll tell it that all of my team are nice, and that I would be a good trainer. If it says yes, I'll put it in my Crystal Ball, and if it says no, I'll move on.

  31. #511
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center Version 10 (MA)

    Hannah is going to be posting hte new version soon. I meant to post it yesterday but then my comptuer messed up. I'm gonna try and get it fixed this weeked *crosses fingers*
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