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Thread: == The AWAY Topic ==

  1. #41
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: As to the right
    Reason for leaving: Moving house, internet is being canceled friday, so i'll be officially offline from home for a while, getting the net in the new house, dunno how long that will take.
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: Unknown. I can access the forums from uni, but i don't like having to rely on it. If we use the net for pleasure too much it'll be removed, and i don't want to lose the only thing that's supplying me with images for my film. Anyway, i'll use it to make posts, but they wont be much.
    RPGs you're in: Curse of the Navari (on hold), Team Team (Doesn't need me to help run it, be random, someone make sure my character keeps up), LoZestiny (This is the one i'll be making posts in, but aside from that, Nabooru has control of my card, since she's GM)
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *Robs OutlawJT's and Ultimate Charizard's Banks and donates the dirt money to this one*
    Other: Curse of the Navari is on hold until I get back permanently.

  2. #42
    Cool Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Reason for leaving:groundement
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone:12-13 to 1-?-04
    RPGs you're in:W.O.O.H.P(or W.H.O.O.P?)
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank:*drops a shiny rock in*
    Other:the reason of ? is because i got 4 C's. kinda dumb. i don't know when i'll be back really, but it's not for a while. maybe christmas.
    No big secret, just really love yogurt.

  3. #43
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: classy_cat18 (duh!)
    Reason for leaving: End of semester, so I'm away from school and the computer labs. Also, the computers at home are in the shop.
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: Hopefully, just one week
    RPGs you're in: Crystal Storm, Draconis, Digimon: Spectral Birth (I think that's what it's called)
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *reaches in pockets and pulls out a dollar* Here ya go!
    Other: I'll miss ya, other! *smashes other with mallet*
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  4. #44
    ♥ <(^o^)> ♥ Advanced Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Crystal Tears
    Reason for Leaving: Going to a friends
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: 21st to 22nd.
    RPGs you're in: Mela Oniseta, The Aeon Children, Marks Of Possibility, Legends Reborn, and Spies Anonymous
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *drops in 15 bucks.* sorry I have no more.

  5. #45
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Nabooru23/Nab/Naboo/Erin, vatevah.
    Reason for Leaving: Christmas. Relatives. Bah.
    Day's I'll be gone: Thursday till Tuesday or Wednesday.
    RPGs I'm in: Chains fo Dragons (now making a comeback, yay!), Elemental Tablets, PokeBabies, Aeon Children, others (I need to cut back a bit, lol)
    Donations: Here, have a Chirstmas cookie ^^ *is cheap* >_<;
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  6. #46

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Ugh...this may be a bit late, but...

    Name: Chris R.
    Reason for Leaving: Personal RL BS
    Days I'll be Gone: I'll probably return to the RPing business during the Christmas break.
    RPGs I'm in: Pokébabies Returns, Team Team and the Mysterious Device (is that RP still even active? O_o)
    Donations: *Tosses in one shiney green rupee*

    Shamshir/Wario/Joann/Mr. Larpus/Giant Enemy Crab (Xanthius)

    Work It Harder Make It Better
    Do It Faster, Makes Us stronger
    More Than Ever Hour After
    Our Work Is Never Over

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Gladiator here

    Eh, I'm not posting to say that I'm going to be gone. I'm posting to explain that my computer was acting up and I couldn't get on. I've been absent for a couple of days and I apologize for it.

    I'm in Spies Anonymous, Golden Sun, etc.

  8. #48

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: MarshmallowEgg
    Reason for leaving: Going to my grandparents for a while
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: 12/26 to 12/29
    RPGs you're in: The Wild, Sorrow of Tarasque
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: Sorry, I'm broke too. ^^;;
    Other: Um... nope!

  9. #49

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    /me suggests sticky
    Guess who's back... Back Again... Baha's back...
    *bashed for obvious cliche*

  10. #50

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: MarshmallowEgg (again ^^;; )
    Reason for leaving: Jazz retreat
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: 1/14 to 1/16
    RPGs you're in: The Wild, Sorrow of Tarasque, New Reign of Terror
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: Still broke ^^;;
    Other: Um... nope!

  11. #51
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    I'll be away from Friday 11th till Monday 14th. This will affect Black Hole people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  12. #52
    SALTED NUTS! Advanced Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Krystalline Kabutops
    Reason for Leaving: Camping Trip
    Days I'll be Gone: Saturday, Sunday, and most if not all of Monday
    RPGs I'm in: X Pokes, The Thirteenth, Destiny, Perseverance: Chronicles of the AERT, Return of the Pantheon
    Donations: *Throws in some books* Literature is priceless :D

  13. #53
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Flaming Krystal
    Reason for Leaving: well, we're going to be without internet for a while, due to some things going on here. I'd go at school, except they keep a rather close eye on us at the computers.
    Days I'll be Gone: unknown
    RPGs I'm in: Thirteenth, OO's Pantheon (or whatever) RPG
    Donations: I'm poorer than you :<

  14. #54
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    ~Name: Nabooru23/Nab/Nabster/Naboo/whatever
    ~Reason For Leaving: I'm moving next week and I am on the crew for a play PLUS I need to get in as much time with my friends as possible.
    ~Days/Weeks I'll be gone: Monday and Tuesday, and at least from Wednesday or Thursday, I don't know when I'll be back but probably sometime the week after.
    ~RPGs I'm in: Oh Heck!, PokeBabies, Dragonsouls, X-Pokes, Return to the Pantheon, Destiny, Our Final Frontier, and others.
    ~Donation: Here, have a nice shiny quarter ^_^
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  15. #55
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Siderous Peregrine; also Florence Hayra
    Reason for Leaving: Going to go see gf for the weekend
    Days I'll be Gone: Friday, March 18th to Sunday, March 21st. I should find time to post Friday morning, and Sunday night.
    RPGs I'm in: The Twelfth Kingdom (sign ups),~Destino Reale~ (It STARTS! LSUs Welcome!), and-deep INTO rhapsody-[Starts! 1 LSU]
    Donations: I could give you a hug, but nobody seems to want hugs in this day and age anymore...

  16. #56
    SALTED NUTS! Advanced Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Krystalline Kabutops
    Reason for Leaving: Lessened computer availibility
    Days I'll be Gone: 'Til about next thursday. EDIT: Our company left sooner than expected, so I'm now back as of Easter Sunday.
    RPGs I'm in: Oh, jeeze, a lot... Arcanum Ressurectio is the only live one, I think.
    Donations: *Mashes some moles and tosses them into the pot*

  17. #57
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default TEH NAB IS BACK!

    Just posting to say I'm back. I'm on my mom's comp right now, in case anyone's wondering why I'm not on AIM (PM meh!). Mine'll be hooked up to the network tomorrow, hopefully. =^_^=
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Gladiator (Like, duh)
    Reason for leaving: I'm retiring from RPGs. I just don't think I have any interest left in them. I may show up every now and then for one good RPG, but I think I should leave now before I do any long term damage. (Funny, you always think you'd be doing this kind of thing all your life).
    Duration: Indefinitely, I'll be sticking around, but I won't be actively participating.
    Participating in Deep into Rhapsody and Destino Reale. (My Sign-ups are open for those who want them)
    Donation: $100, B4 deserves it.

  19. #59
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Siderous Peregrine (or Florence Hayra, or just Alex)
    Reason for Leaving: Seeing g/f
    Days I'll be Gone: Monday (today) through Wednesday morning
    RPGs I'm in: Destino Reale, Cold Steel, The Twelfth Kingdom, Happy Birthday TPM, Deep into Rhapsody
    Donations: *snatches Gladiator's $100 and gives it to B4* Here you go.

  20. #60
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    YAAY! Lookie at all my treasures! *locks them up in a vault*
    Mwhahaa-I mean, thankies!

    I'm not going to follow the format mostly because I'm technically going to just be a bit busy, not away. I'll try to find time to post in the mornings... at least one post per morning. I'm at a college with some friends and when they go to class I can post a bit.

    I'll be back April 2nd, and then I can post more frequently!
    [Please Send Tell]
    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  21. #61
    A serious brain-f*** Advanced Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Sam
    Reason for Leaving: Well-deserved holiday
    Days I'll be Gone: Tues 5th - Tues 12th (tiny possibility of the odd post inbetween)
    RPGs I'm in: Pokebabies, Destino Reale, WOOHP
    Donations: *Hands life savings to Kalah* I owe you for this so...

    *Note: Becky (Milkychunk) will be away also for this time. She's just too lazy to tell y'all herself*

    One signature.
    Experience preferred although training will be provided.
    Witty slogans only, please.

    Imooto-deshi says:

  22. #62

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name - Mire (repetition is great...)
    Reason - Life.
    Days Gone - May 6th - May 20th+
    RPG's - Do they bare listing? I'm under the impression all of them but Dragonsouls are dead, which is also nearing the stab to the heart.
    Donations - A google in pennies, but I want it counted. Counting builds character, and building character builds hatred!

    Now if only you'd use that hatred for a stricter ruleset around here...

  23. #63

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    I hate to do this when I've just signed up for two roleplays... but it can't be helped.

    Reasons for leaving - Undisclosed family issues...
    Days Gone - May 17th until May 27th
    RPG's I'm In - X-Men, Hikari, Dragonsouls II (save me a spot if it starts while I'm gone), and anything else that gets necroed, but everything looks pretty dead otherwise.
    Donations - Is this going to help something? I seriously doubt that. Have a quarter for good measure, I guess.

  24. #64
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    I'm gonna be gone off an on.. just figured I'd post it officially. This week is my last week of school and then I'm graduating, so things are gonna be hectic. I planned on posting today but I won't be able to but I will be posting in various RPGs Im in so hold in there! Also my OWN rpg will be starting next week.
    [Please Send Tell]
    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  25. #65

    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Look, it seems my leave must be extended. Stupid... blast... grr... This makes me want to sigh, I do very much like roleplaying. Anyway... Maybe I can get a couple posts somewhere, but I doubt it.

    Reasons for Leaving - Same as before.
    Days Gone - May 25th to June 9th
    RPG's I'm In - X-Men, Dragonsouls II
    Donations - I have some lint, good enough?

  26. #66
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default == The AWAY Topic ==

    Reasons for Leaving - Muchos English examos...I have a LOT of reading to do...
    Days Gone - Now, until, erm, 23rd June officially...
    RPG's I'm In - Dragonsouls II, Labyrinth-Shattered minds...and any others I've reserved but can't many RPGs are dying these's so sad!
    Donations - *holds out rock* Have some rock! It's bubblegum flavour....*waves rock around enticingly*

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  27. #67
    SALTED NUTS! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Krystalline Kabutops
    Reason for Leaving: Some kind of camp... again...
    Days I'll be Gone: From Mid-Sunday to Thursday.
    RPGs I'm in: Duurkonii, and that's it. Seriously. I'm not joking. STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT! *Stabs*
    Donations: *Throws in Word* Copy-and-Paste is priceless :D

  28. #68
    Plant of the Century Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Plantae
    Reason For Leaving: Family Reunion
    Days I'll Be Gone: July 30th - 31st (Sat/Sun)
    RPG's I'm In: Duurkonii (Pushes my next post to Monday), X-Men Mutant Academy (Likewise), Dragonsouls II: The Fall of Ra, Quid, Quis, Quidne (Has Not Started), Labyrinth: Shattered Minds (Has Not Started)
    Donations: A small fortune... whatever that is.

  29. #69
    Supernova Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: PoLHaruko-san
    Reason for leaving: Bored
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: Until I get out of this funk/
    RPGs you're in: The RPG of No Return
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: I'm broke.

  30. #70
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Magmar
    Reason for Leaving: Concerts, work and going to Six Flags
    Days you'll be gone: From Saturday August 6th until Tuesday afternoon (August 9th)
    RPG's: Quid, Quis, Quine (which hasn't begun yet)
    Donations: have a popsicle!
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
    (q)ueenly (2012), (y)ara sofia with Oslo (2012), (l)egalized (2014), (d)ream (2015), (a)ctive (2019), and (e)ighth generation unown awards! thanks TPM!

    member since day 1

    TPMNoVA12 ~ Hopes and Dreams ~ Team Birdo
    TPMUK12 ~ Drink the Pounds Away ~ Groceries

    3DS Code: 3325-3072-6715
    GO Code: 1336-7550-2201
    You Are Awesome.

  31. #71
    SALTED NUTS! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Krystalline Kabutops
    Reason for Leaving: Funeral
    Days I'll be Gone: 'till sunday-monday
    RPGs I'm in: Duurkonii, the one by fireguardian, The Psi, and Amulet of Altheaka
    Donations: *Drops in a shrunken head*

  32. #72
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: VirtualPlay (some know me as Mike)
    Reason for leaving: Camping trip *gasp*
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: until Sunday evening
    RPGs you're in: The Psi, Duurkonii, Only a Fairy Tale (hasn't started), Ten Steps from Immortality, Quid Quis Quidne (also hasn't started)
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: I'm poorer than you at this rate x.x
    Other: There better be two pages in The Psi when I return
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  33. #73
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Between tomorrow and yesterday

    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Brandy-chan ^v^
    Reason for leaving: Mah saiya-jin sistas (Steph and Sarah) are coming to visit XD
    RPGs you're in: The Psi, Quis Quid Quidne, and the continuing adventures of Dragonball FS lol (when they start)
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *knocks off bank* ^,-,^ Sushi moneyz Mwahaha!
    Other: This may or may not account for Rudy too, depends on whether or not he wants to escape from us girls XD

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  34. #74
    BU-KA-DING!!! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Tsukasa, Tsuki, Tony *points out redundant T's*
    Reason for leaving: Fun Vacation!! ^_^
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: From the 16th to the 19th
    RPGs you're in: Duurkonii (if it can be considered alive still), Ten Steps from Immortality, and Only A Fairy Tale (starting when I return!)
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *huggles Kalah and drops in a plushie* It's blank! You turn it into whatever you want! ^_^
    Other: *twitch* o.O
    Matataku Hoshi no Shita de
    Kono basho ga doko darou to miagereba matataku hoshi
    Sono shita de kimi wo omoeba warukunai yoru ni naru
    Fuan wo kazoeta yubi ni
    Nukumori ga tomoru

    Shinjiru to iu kotoba wo kimi wa kodomoppoi to warau kai
    Miwatasu kagiri no kouya de yukusaki wo shimesu mono
    Mune ni daite aruitekou
    Sekai ga wazuka ni kagayaku

    The bonds we have with those close to us keep us connected always...

  35. #75
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Name: Nabooru23 / Naboo / Nab / Arnen / Erin (but don't call me that ><)
    Reason for leaving: Lapse of creativity T_T
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: Hopefully just a few days, until I can gather my thoughts and not be so un-creative
    RPGs you're in: Lots
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *digs around* 2 cents *drops them into the bank*
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  36. #76
    ♥ <(^o^)> ♥ Advanced Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Crystal Tears
    Reason for leaving: Apparently I'm going to my cottage...
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: I'll be going on saturday... and I'll be gone for a week.
    RPGs you're in: Umm.. KK's Ani-morph one, Dru's magick one, and Tsukasa's Mai - HiME. (If I forgot any I'm sorry ^^;;; )
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: *drops in a quarter* Sorry, all I have left >.<

  37. #77
    Plant of the Century Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Plantae
    Reason for Leaving: Undisclosed circumstances.
    Days you'll be gone: I'll be gone until Monday.
    RPG's you're in: Duurkonii (I might post here before I leave), X-Men Academy, Dragonsouls II
    Donations to B4's Bank: A sweater.

  38. #78
    Supernova Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: PoLHaruko-san
    Reason for leaving: Disneyy!
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: 3 at most
    RPGs you're in: Tsuki's Mai-HiME and Roy's CCS one.
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: I have nadda.

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Asayake
    Reason for leaving: Cottage Trip
    Days/Weeks you'll be gone: Week, be back next Saturday
    RPGs you're in: Mai-HiME
    Donations to Bulbasaur4's bank: Um . . . $5 Canadian buckaroos
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  40. #80
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: == The AWAY Topic ==

    Name: Weasel Overlord, oh and probably Vulpix.ck87 too...I'll bet she's too lazy to post here herself! lol
    Reason for Leaving: LEEDS FEST!!!
    Days you'll be gone: 25th August til the 29th August
    RPG's you're in: Ergh...Dragonsouls II, sorry dudes! Duurkonii, possibly Dream of the Archer...
    Vulps is in: Dragonsouls II, Quid Quis Quidne, Psi and I think that's all...
    Donations to B4's Bank: Hippy garb from Leeds Fest! Also, some hallucinogenic fungus...enjoy!

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

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