(8/3) What do you think of the new EMT Game? Do you think anything should be changed how about it works? Why/Why not?

I think it's pretty good. Can't think of any ideas right now as to what to be changed; it seems to be running pretty smoothly.

(8/4) Do you currently have a job? Have you had a job before? What do you do in your job if you currently have one? What job would you like to have? Do you prefer working or doing something else? Why?

Not currently; I can't work for money because I don't have a Social Security Number because I don't have a green card because I'm not a permanent resident here. :/ I did some work at an apartment leasing place but I didn't get paid for it, so yeah... As for the job I'd like to have, I'd prefer a computer programming spot (NO HARDWARE! I HATE HARDWARE!)... ^_^;; Sorry, bad experiences. I'd like it so that I'd have time to write on the side. Oh, yeah, and work is a burden. Like school, it's something you have to do. Unless I get the job I want, work will be just that... work, no fun.