Magnetic Flux

ElectricOther0 - 20 0


The user manipulates magnetic fields which raises the Defense and Sp. Def stats of ally Pokémon with the Plus or Minus Ability.

Pokemon That Learn Magnetic Flux

ID Image Name Level Type HP At Df SA SD Sp BST
101 #101 Electrode Electrode Electric none 6050708080140480
181 #181 Ampharos Ampharos Electric none 9075751159055500
181 #181 Mega Ampharos Mega Ampharos Electric Dragon 909510516511045610
462 #462 Magnezone Magnezone Electric Steel 70701151309060535
601 #601 Klinklang Klinklang Steel none 60100115708590520
601 #601 Klinklang Klinklang 76 Steel none 60100115708590520