Reflect Type

NormalOther0 - 15 0 Select


User becomes the target's type.

Pokemon That Learn Reflect Type

ID Image Name Level Type HP At Df SA SD Sp BST
73 #073 Tentacruel Tentacruel Water Poison 80706580120100515
120 #120 Staryu Staryu 40 Water none 304555705585340
151 #151 Mew Mew Psychic none 100100100100100100600
380 #380 Latias Latias Dragon Psychic 808090110130110600
380 #380 Latias Latias 70 Dragon Psychic 808090110130110600
380 #380 Mega Latias Mega Latias Dragon Psychic 80100120140150110700
380 #380 Mega Latias Mega Latias 70 Dragon Psychic 80100120140150110700