1/102 |
Alakazam |
Base Set |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
2/102 |
Blastoise |
Base Set |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
3/102 |
Chansey |
Base Set |
120 |
Pokémon - Basic |
5/102 |
Clefairy |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
7/102 |
Hitmonchan |
Base Set |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
8/102 |
Machamp |
Base Set |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
10/102 |
Mewtwo |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
11/102 |
Nidoking |
Base Set |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
12/102 |
Ninetales |
Base Set |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
13/102 |
Poliwrath |
Base Set |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
14/102 |
Raichu |
Base Set |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
16/102 |
Zapdos |
Base Set |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
17/102 |
Beedrill |
Base Set |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
20/102 |
Electabuzz |
Base Set |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
22/102 |
Pidgeotto |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
23/102 |
Arcanine |
Base Set |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
26/102 |
Dratini |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
27/102 |
Farfetch'd |
Base Set |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
28/102 |
Growlithe |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
30/102 |
Ivysaur |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
31/102 |
Jynx |
Base Set |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
32/102 |
Kadabra |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
34/102 |
Machoke |
Base Set |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
36/102 |
Magmar |
Base Set |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
38/102 |
Poliwhirl |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
40/102 |
Raticate |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
41/102 |
Seel |
Base Set |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
42/102 |
Wartortle |
Base Set |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
45/102 |
Caterpie |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
49/102 |
Drowzee |
Base Set |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
54/102 |
Metapod |
Base Set |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
55/102 |
Nidoran♂ |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
56/102 |
Onix |
Base Set |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
57/102 |
Pidgey |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
59/102 |
Poliwag |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
60/102 |
Ponyta |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
62/102 |
Sandshrew |
Base Set |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
68/102 |
Vulpix |
Base Set |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/102 |
Imposter Professor Oak |
Base Set |
Trainer |
75/102 |
Lass |
Base Set |
Trainer |
76/102 |
Pokémon Breeder |
Base Set |
Trainer |
77/102 |
Pokémon Trader |
Base Set |
Trainer |
88/102 |
Professor Oak |
Base Set |
Trainer |
91/102 |
Bill |
Base Set |
Trainer |
6/64 |
Mr. Mime |
Jungle |
40 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
7/64 |
Nidoqueen |
Jungle |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
10/64 |
Scyther |
Jungle |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
11/64 |
Snorlax |
Jungle |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
13/64 |
Venomoth |
Jungle |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
14/64 |
Victreebel |
Jungle |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
22/64 |
Mr. Mime |
Jungle |
40 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
23/64 |
Nidoqueen |
Jungle |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
26/64 |
Scyther |
Jungle |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
27/64 |
Snorlax |
Jungle |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
29/64 |
Venomoth |
Jungle |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
30/64 |
Victreebel |
Jungle |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
40/64 |
Nidorina |
Jungle |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
41/64 |
Parasect |
Jungle |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
57/64 |
Nidoran♀ |
Jungle |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
59/64 |
Paras |
Jungle |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
60/64 |
Pikachu |
Jungle |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
6/62 |
Haunter |
Fossil |
50 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
7/62 |
Hitmonlee |
Fossil |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
8/62 |
Hypno |
Fossil |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
9/62 |
Kabutops |
Fossil |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
10/62 |
Lapras |
Fossil |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
11/62 |
Magneton |
Fossil |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
21/62 |
Haunter |
Fossil |
50 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
22/62 |
Hitmonlee |
Fossil |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
23/62 |
Hypno |
Fossil |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
24/62 |
Kabutops |
Fossil |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
25/62 |
Lapras |
Fossil |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
26/62 |
Magneton |
Fossil |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
31/62 |
Arbok |
Fossil |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
40/62 |
Omastar |
Fossil |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
41/62 |
Sandslash |
Fossil |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
42/62 |
Seadra |
Fossil |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
50/62 |
Kabuto |
Fossil |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
58/62 |
Mr. Fuji |
Fossil |
1/130 |
Alakazam |
Base Set 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
2/130 |
Blastoise |
Base Set 2 |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
3/130 |
Chansey |
Base Set 2 |
120 |
Pokémon - Basic |
6/130 |
Clefairy |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
8/130 |
Hitmonchan |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
10/130 |
Mewtwo |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
11/130 |
Nidoking |
Base Set 2 |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
12/130 |
Nidoqueen |
Base Set 2 |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
13/130 |
Ninetales |
Base Set 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
15/130 |
Poliwrath |
Base Set 2 |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
16/130 |
Raichu |
Base Set 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
17/130 |
Scyther |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
20/130 |
Zapdos |
Base Set 2 |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
21/130 |
Beedrill |
Base Set 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
24/130 |
Electabuzz |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
27/130 |
Mr. Mime |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
28/130 |
Pidgeotto |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
30/130 |
Snorlax |
Base Set 2 |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
31/130 |
Venomoth |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
32/130 |
Victreebel |
Base Set 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
33/130 |
Arcanine |
Base Set 2 |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
38/130 |
Dratini |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
40/130 |
Farfetch'd |
Base Set 2 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
42/130 |
Growlithe |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
44/130 |
Ivysaur |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
45/130 |
Jynx |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
46/130 |
Kadabra |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
49/130 |
Machoke |
Base Set 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
51/130 |
Magmar |
Base Set 2 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
53/130 |
Nidorina |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
55/130 |
Parasect |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
57/130 |
Poliwhirl |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
58/130 |
Raticate |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
61/130 |
Seel |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
63/130 |
Wartortle |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
68/130 |
Caterpie |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/130 |
Drowzee |
Base Set 2 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
81/130 |
Metapod |
Base Set 2 |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/130 |
Nidoran♀ |
Base Set 2 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/130 |
Nidoran♂ |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
84/130 |
Onix |
Base Set 2 |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
85/130 |
Paras |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
86/130 |
Pidgey |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
88/130 |
Poliwag |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/130 |
Sandshrew |
Base Set 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
99/130 |
Vulpix |
Base Set 2 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
102/130 |
Imposter Professor Oak |
Base Set 2 |
Trainer |
104/130 |
Lass |
Base Set 2 |
Trainer |
105/130 |
Pokémon Breeder |
Base Set 2 |
Trainer |
106/130 |
Pokémon Trader |
Base Set 2 |
Trainer |
116/130 |
Professor Oak |
Base Set 2 |
Trainer |
118/130 |
Bill |
Base Set 2 |
Trainer |
1/82 |
Dark Alakazam |
Team Rocket |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
4/82 |
Dark Charizard |
Team Rocket |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
15/82 |
Here Comes Team Rocket! |
Team Rocket |
Trainer |
16/82 |
Rocket's Sneak Attack |
Team Rocket |
Trainer |
18/82 |
Dark Alakazam |
Team Rocket |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
21/82 |
Dark Charizard |
Team Rocket |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
34/82 |
Dark Electrode |
Team Rocket |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
56/82 |
Ekans |
Team Rocket |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
59/82 |
Machop |
Team Rocket |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
69/82 |
Voltorb |
Team Rocket |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
71/82 |
Here Comes Team Rocket! |
Team Rocket |
Trainer |
72/82 |
Rocket's Sneak Attack |
Team Rocket |
Trainer |
73/82 |
The Boss's Way |
Team Rocket |
Trainer |
76/82 |
Imposter Oak's Revenge |
Team Rocket |
Trainer |
1/132 |
Blaine's Moltres |
Gym Heroes |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
2/132 |
Brock's Rhydon |
Gym Heroes |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
5/132 |
Erika's Vileplume |
Gym Heroes |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
6/132 |
Lt. Surge's Electabuzz |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
7/132 |
Lt. Surge's Fearow |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
8/132 |
Lt. Surge's Magneton |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
10/132 |
Misty's Tentacruel |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
11/132 |
Rocket's Hitmonchan |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
12/132 |
Rocket's Moltres |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
13/132 |
Rocket's Scyther |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
14/132 |
Sabrina's Gengar |
Gym Heroes |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
15/132 |
Brock |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
16/132 |
Erika |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
17/132 |
Lt. Surge |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
18/132 |
Misty |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
19/132 |
The Rocket's Trap |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
20/132 |
Brock's Golem |
Gym Heroes |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
22/132 |
Brock's Rhyhorn |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
23/132 |
Brock's Sandslash |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
24/132 |
Brock's Zubat |
Gym Heroes |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
25/132 |
Erika's Clefairy |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
26/132 |
Erika's Victreebel |
Gym Heroes |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
27/132 |
Lt. Surge's Electabuzz |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
28/132 |
Lt. Surge's Raichu |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
29/132 |
Misty's Cloyster |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
30/132 |
Misty's Goldeen |
Gym Heroes |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
31/132 |
Misty's Poliwrath |
Gym Heroes |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
32/132 |
Misty's Tentacool |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
34/132 |
Sabrina's Venomoth |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
35/132 |
Blaine's Growlithe |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
36/132 |
Blaine's Kangaskhan |
Gym Heroes |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
37/132 |
Blaine's Magmar |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
39/132 |
Brock's Golbat |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
40/132 |
Brock's Graveler |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
41/132 |
Brock's Lickitung |
Gym Heroes |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
42/132 |
Erika's Dratini |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
44/132 |
Erika's Exeggutor |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
45/132 |
Erika's Gloom |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
46/132 |
Erika's Gloom |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
49/132 |
Erika's Weepinbell |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
51/132 |
Lt. Surge's Raticate |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
52/132 |
Lt. Surge's Spearow |
Gym Heroes |
30 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
53/132 |
Misty's Poliwhirl |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
55/132 |
Misty's Seaking |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
56/132 |
Misty's Starmie |
Gym Heroes |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
57/132 |
Misty's Tentacool |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
59/132 |
Sabrina's Jynx |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
60/132 |
Sabrina's Slowbro |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
61/132 |
Blaine's Charmander |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
63/132 |
Blaine's Ponyta |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/132 |
Blaine's Tauros |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
65/132 |
Blaine's Vulpix |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
66/132 |
Brock's Geodude |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
68/132 |
Brock's Mankey |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
69/132 |
Brock's Onix |
Gym Heroes |
100 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/132 |
Brock's Rhyhorn |
Gym Heroes |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
71/132 |
Brock's Sandshrew |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
72/132 |
Brock's Sandshrew |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/132 |
Brock's Vulpix |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/132 |
Erika's Bellsprout |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
77/132 |
Erika's Exeggcute |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
78/132 |
Erika's Oddish |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/132 |
Erika's Tangela |
Gym Heroes |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
80/132 |
Lt. Surge's Magnemite |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
81/132 |
Lt. Surge's Pikachu |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/132 |
Lt. Surge's Rattata |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
84/132 |
Lt. Surge's Voltorb |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
86/132 |
Misty's Horsea |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/132 |
Misty's Poliwag |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
89/132 |
Misty's Shellder |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
90/132 |
Misty's Staryu |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/132 |
Sabrina's Abra |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
93/132 |
Sabrina's Gastly |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
94/132 |
Sabrina's Mr. Mime |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
95/132 |
Sabrina's Slowpoke |
Gym Heroes |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
96/132 |
Sabrina's Venonat |
Gym Heroes |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
97/132 |
Blaine's Quiz #1 |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
98/132 |
Brock |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
99/132 |
Charity |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
100/132 |
Erika |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
101/132 |
Lt. Surge |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
102/132 |
Misty |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
105/132 |
Blaine's Last Resort |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
106/132 |
Brock's Training Method |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
109/132 |
Erika's Maids |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
110/132 |
Erika's Perfume |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
111/132 |
Good Manners |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
112/132 |
Lt. Surge's Treaty |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
113/132 |
Minion of Team Rocket |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
114/132 |
Misty's Wrath |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
117/132 |
Sabrina's ESP |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
118/132 |
Secret Mission |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
121/132 |
Blaine's Gamble |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
123/132 |
Misty's Duel |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
125/132 |
Sabrina's Gaze |
Gym Heroes |
Trainer |
1/132 |
Blaine's Arcanine |
Gym Challenge |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
2/132 |
Blaine's Charizard |
Gym Challenge |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
3/132 |
Brock's Ninetales |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
4/132 |
Erika's Venusaur |
Gym Challenge |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
5/132 |
Giovanni's Gyarados |
Gym Challenge |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
6/132 |
Giovanni's Machamp |
Gym Challenge |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
7/132 |
Giovanni's Nidoking |
Gym Challenge |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
8/132 |
Giovanni's Persian |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
9/132 |
Koga's Beedrill |
Gym Challenge |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
10/132 |
Koga's Ditto |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
11/132 |
Lt. Surge's Raichu |
Gym Challenge |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
12/132 |
Misty's Golduck |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
13/132 |
Misty's Gyarados |
Gym Challenge |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
16/132 |
Sabrina's Alakazam |
Gym Challenge |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
17/132 |
Blaine |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
18/132 |
Giovanni |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
19/132 |
Koga |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
20/132 |
Sabrina |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
21/132 |
Blaine's Ninetales |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
22/132 |
Brock's Dugtrio |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
23/132 |
Giovanni's Nidoqueen |
Gym Challenge |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
24/132 |
Giovanni's Pinsir |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
25/132 |
Koga's Arbok |
Gym Challenge |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
26/132 |
Koga's Muk |
Gym Challenge |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
27/132 |
Koga's Pidgeotto |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
28/132 |
Lt. Surge's Jolteon |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
29/132 |
Sabrina's Gengar |
Gym Challenge |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
30/132 |
Sabrina's Golduck |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
31/132 |
Blaine's Charmeleon |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
32/132 |
Blaine's Dodrio |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
33/132 |
Blaine's Rapidash |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
35/132 |
Brock's Primeape |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
37/132 |
Brock's Vulpix |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
38/132 |
Erika's Bellsprout |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
39/132 |
Erika's Bulbasaur |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
41/132 |
Erika's Ivysaur |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
42/132 |
Giovanni's Machoke |
Gym Challenge |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
44/132 |
Giovanni's Nidorina |
Gym Challenge |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
45/132 |
Giovanni's Nidorino |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
46/132 |
Koga's Golbat |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/132 |
Koga's Kakuna |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
48/132 |
Koga's Koffing |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
50/132 |
Koga's Weezing |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
51/132 |
Lt. Surge's Eevee |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
52/132 |
Lt. Surge's Electrode |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
53/132 |
Lt. Surge's Raticate |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
54/132 |
Misty's Dewgong |
Gym Challenge |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
55/132 |
Sabrina's Haunter |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
56/132 |
Sabrina's Hypno |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
58/132 |
Sabrina's Kadabra |
Gym Challenge |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
59/132 |
Sabrina's Mr. Mime |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
60/132 |
Blaine's Charmander |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
61/132 |
Blaine's Doduo |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
62/132 |
Blaine's Growlithe |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/132 |
Blaine's Ponyta |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
65/132 |
Blaine's Rhyhorn |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
66/132 |
Blaine's Vulpix |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
67/132 |
Brock's Diglett |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
68/132 |
Brock's Geodude |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
69/132 |
Erika's Jigglypuff |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/132 |
Erika's Oddish |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
71/132 |
Erika's Paras |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
72/132 |
Giovanni's Machop |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/132 |
Giovanni's Magikarp |
Gym Challenge |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
74/132 |
Giovanni's Meowth |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
75/132 |
Giovanni's Nidoran♀ |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/132 |
Giovanni's Nidoran♂ |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
77/132 |
Koga's Ekans |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
78/132 |
Koga's Grimer |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/132 |
Koga's Koffing |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
80/132 |
Koga's Pidgey |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/132 |
Koga's Weedle |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/132 |
Koga's Zubat |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/132 |
Misty's Horsea |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
88/132 |
Misty's Magikarp |
Gym Challenge |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
89/132 |
Misty's Poliwag |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
90/132 |
Misty's Psyduck |
Gym Challenge |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/132 |
Misty's Seel |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
92/132 |
Misty's Staryu |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
93/132 |
Sabrina's Abra |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
94/132 |
Sabrina's Abra |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
95/132 |
Sabrina's Drowzee |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
96/132 |
Sabrina's Gastly |
Gym Challenge |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
98/132 |
Sabrina's Porygon |
Gym Challenge |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
99/132 |
Sabrina's Psyduck |
Gym Challenge |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
100/132 |
Blaine |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
101/132 |
Brock's Protection |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
103/132 |
Erika's Kindness |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
104/132 |
Giovanni |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
105/132 |
Giovanni's Last Resort |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
106/132 |
Koga |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
107/132 |
Lt. Surge's Secret Plan |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
108/132 |
Misty's Wish |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
110/132 |
Sabrina |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
111/132 |
Blaine's Quiz #2 |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
112/132 |
Blaine's Quiz #3 |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
118/132 |
Misty's Tears |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
120/132 |
Rocket's Secret Experiment |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
121/132 |
Sabrina's Psychic Control |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
124/132 |
Fervor |
Gym Challenge |
Trainer |
1/111 |
Ampharos |
Neo Genesis |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
2/111 |
Azumarill |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
4/111 |
Feraligatr |
Neo Genesis |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
5/111 |
Feraligatr |
Neo Genesis |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
6/111 |
Heracross |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
8/111 |
Kingdra |
Neo Genesis |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
10/111 |
Meganium |
Neo Genesis |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
11/111 |
Meganium |
Neo Genesis |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
12/111 |
Pichu |
Neo Genesis |
30 |
Pokémon - Baby |
13/111 |
Skarmory |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
14/111 |
Slowking |
Neo Genesis |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
15/111 |
Steelix |
Neo Genesis |
110 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
16/111 |
Togetic |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
18/111 |
Typhlosion |
Neo Genesis |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
21/111 |
Donphan |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
23/111 |
Magby |
Neo Genesis |
30 |
Pokémon - Baby |
25/111 |
Sneasel |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
27/111 |
Ariados |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
28/111 |
Bayleef |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
29/111 |
Bayleef |
Neo Genesis |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
31/111 |
Croconaw |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
32/111 |
Croconaw |
Neo Genesis |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
34/111 |
Flaaffy |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
35/111 |
Furret |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
37/111 |
Granbull |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
38/111 |
Lanturn |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
39/111 |
Ledian |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
41/111 |
Miltank |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
42/111 |
Noctowl |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
43/111 |
Phanpy |
Neo Genesis |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
44/111 |
Piloswine |
Neo Genesis |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
46/111 |
Quilava |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/111 |
Quilava |
Neo Genesis |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
52/111 |
Xatu |
Neo Genesis |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
54/111 |
Chikorita |
Neo Genesis |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
55/111 |
Chinchou |
Neo Genesis |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
56/111 |
Cyndaquil |
Neo Genesis |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
58/111 |
Girafarig |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/111 |
Mantine |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
65/111 |
Mareep |
Neo Genesis |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
67/111 |
Natu |
Neo Genesis |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
71/111 |
Sentret |
Neo Genesis |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
72/111 |
Shuckle |
Neo Genesis |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
75/111 |
Spinarak |
Neo Genesis |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/111 |
Stantler |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
77/111 |
Sudowoodo |
Neo Genesis |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/111 |
Swinub |
Neo Genesis |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
80/111 |
Totodile |
Neo Genesis |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/111 |
Mary |
Neo Genesis |
Trainer |
96/111 |
Professor Elm |
Neo Genesis |
Trainer |
6/64 |
Entei |
Neo Revelation |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
11/64 |
Misdreavus |
Neo Revelation |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
13/64 |
Raikou |
Neo Revelation |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
14/64 |
Suicune |
Neo Revelation |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
62/64 |
Pokémon Breeder Fields |
Neo Revelation |
Trainer |
65/64 |
Shining Gyarados |
Neo Revelation |
100 |
Pokémon - Basic |
66/64 |
Shining Magikarp |
Neo Revelation |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
67/105 |
Gligar |
Neo Destiny |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/105 |
Larvitar |
Neo Destiny |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
77/105 |
Pineco |
Neo Destiny |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/105 |
Slugma |
Neo Destiny |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
94/105 |
Imposter Professor Oak's Invention |
Neo Destiny |
Trainer |
103/105 |
Team Rocket's Evil Deeds |
Neo Destiny |
Trainer |
105/105 |
Mail from Bill |
Neo Destiny |
Trainer |
110/105 |
Shining Noctowl |
Neo Destiny |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
112/105 |
Shining Steelix |
Neo Destiny |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
113/105 |
Shining Tyranitar |
Neo Destiny |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
1/110 |
Alakazam |
Legendary Collection |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
13/110 |
Hitmonlee |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
15/110 |
Machamp |
Legendary Collection |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
17/110 |
Ninetales |
Legendary Collection |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
19/110 |
Zapdos |
Legendary Collection |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
20/110 |
Beedrill |
Legendary Collection |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
25/110 |
Hypno |
Legendary Collection |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
26/110 |
Jynx |
Legendary Collection |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
27/110 |
Kabutops |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
28/110 |
Magneton |
Legendary Collection |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
31/110 |
Nidoking |
Legendary Collection |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
32/110 |
Nidoqueen |
Legendary Collection |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
34/110 |
Pidgeotto |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
36/110 |
Arcanine |
Legendary Collection |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
45/110 |
Growlithe |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
46/110 |
Haunter |
Legendary Collection |
50 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/110 |
Ivysaur |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
48/110 |
Kabuto |
Legendary Collection |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
49/110 |
Kadabra |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
51/110 |
Machoke |
Legendary Collection |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
54/110 |
Metapod |
Legendary Collection |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
55/110 |
Nidorina |
Legendary Collection |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
58/110 |
Omastar |
Legendary Collection |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
61/110 |
Raticate |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
62/110 |
Sandslash |
Legendary Collection |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
63/110 |
Seadra |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
64/110 |
Snorlax |
Legendary Collection |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
69/110 |
Caterpie |
Legendary Collection |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
72/110 |
Dratini |
Legendary Collection |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/110 |
Machop |
Legendary Collection |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/110 |
Nidoran♀ |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/110 |
Nidoran♂ |
Legendary Collection |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
84/110 |
Onix |
Legendary Collection |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
85/110 |
Pidgey |
Legendary Collection |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
86/110 |
Pikachu |
Legendary Collection |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/110 |
Ponyta |
Legendary Collection |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/110 |
Sandshrew |
Legendary Collection |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
92/110 |
Seel |
Legendary Collection |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
98/110 |
Vulpix |
Legendary Collection |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
102/110 |
Pokémon Breeder |
Legendary Collection |
Trainer |
103/110 |
Pokémon Trader |
Legendary Collection |
Trainer |
105/110 |
The Boss's Way |
Legendary Collection |
Trainer |
108/110 |
Bill |
Legendary Collection |
Trainer |
137/165 |
Bill's Maintenance |
Expedition Base Set |
Trainer - Supporter |
138/165 |
Copycat |
Expedition Base Set |
Trainer - Supporter |
142/165 |
Mary's Impulse |
Expedition Base Set |
Trainer - Supporter |
145/165 |
Pokémon Nurse |
Expedition Base Set |
Trainer - Supporter |
148/165 |
Professor Elm's Training Method |
Expedition Base Set |
Trainer - Supporter |
149/165 |
Professor Oak's Research |
Expedition Base Set |
Trainer - Supporter |
123/147 |
Forest Guardian |
Aquapolis |
Trainer - Supporter |
126/147 |
Juggler |
Aquapolis |
Trainer - Supporter |
130/147 |
Pokémon Fan Club |
Aquapolis |
Trainer - Supporter |
133/147 |
Seer |
Aquapolis |
Trainer - Supporter |
136/147 |
Town Volunteers |
Aquapolis |
Trainer - Supporter |
137/147 |
Traveling Salesman |
Aquapolis |
Trainer - Supporter |
4/109 |
Camerupt |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
7/109 |
Gardevoir |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
12/109 |
Slaking |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
14/109 |
Wailord |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
15/109 |
Blaziken |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
110 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
16/109 |
Breloom |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
20/109 |
Sceptile |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
23/109 |
Swampert |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
28/109 |
Combusken |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
29/109 |
Delcatty |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
32/109 |
Grovyle |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
33/109 |
Hariyama |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
34/109 |
Kirlia |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
36/109 |
Lairon |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
38/109 |
Linoone |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
39/109 |
Manectric |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
41/109 |
Marshtomp |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
42/109 |
Mightyena |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
46/109 |
Swellow |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
50/109 |
Aron |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
52/109 |
Electrike |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
56/109 |
Makuhita |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
60/109 |
Mudkip |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
61/109 |
Numel |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
63/109 |
Poochyena |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
66/109 |
Ralts |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/109 |
Skitty |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/109 |
Torchic |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/109 |
Treecko |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/109 |
Lady Outing |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
Trainer - Supporter |
89/109 |
Professor Birch |
EX Ruby & Sapphire |
Trainer - Supporter |
22/100 |
Shiftry |
EX Sandstorm |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
28/100 |
Anorith |
EX Sandstorm |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
43/100 |
Lileep |
EX Sandstorm |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
49/100 |
Nuzleaf |
EX Sandstorm |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
52/100 |
Vigoroth |
EX Sandstorm |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
77/100 |
Seedot |
EX Sandstorm |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
78/100 |
Shroomish |
EX Sandstorm |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
80/100 |
Slakoth |
EX Sandstorm |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/100 |
Wailmer |
EX Sandstorm |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/100 |
Lanette's Net Search |
EX Sandstorm |
Trainer - Supporter |
89/100 |
Wally's Training |
EX Sandstorm |
Trainer - Supporter |
42/97 |
Shelgon |
EX Dragon |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/97 |
Vibrava |
EX Dragon |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
49/97 |
Bagon |
EX Dragon |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
52/97 |
Corphish |
EX Dragon |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
67/97 |
Nincada |
EX Dragon |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/97 |
Trapinch |
EX Dragon |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/97 |
Mr. Briney's Compassion |
EX Dragon |
Trainer - Supporter |
88/97 |
TV Reporter |
EX Dragon |
Trainer - Supporter |
13/95 |
Raichu |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
39/95 |
Bulbasaur |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
40/95 |
Cubone |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
41/95 |
Jigglypuff |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
42/95 |
Meowth |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
43/95 |
Pikachu |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
44/95 |
Psyduck |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
45/95 |
Slowpoke |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
46/95 |
Squirtle |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
69/95 |
Team Aqua Schemer |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
Trainer - Supporter |
70/95 |
Team Magma Schemer |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
Trainer - Supporter |
71/95 |
Archie |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
Trainer - Supporter |
73/95 |
Maxie |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
Trainer - Supporter |
77/95 |
Team Aqua Conspirator |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
Trainer - Supporter |
82/95 |
Team Magma Conspirator |
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua |
Trainer - Supporter |
28/101 |
Beldum |
EX Hidden Legends |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
31/101 |
Claydol |
EX Hidden Legends |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
42/101 |
Medicham |
EX Hidden Legends |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
44/101 |
Metang |
EX Hidden Legends |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
53/101 |
Baltoy |
EX Hidden Legends |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
65/101 |
Meditite |
EX Hidden Legends |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
92/101 |
Steven's Advice |
EX Hidden Legends |
Trainer - Supporter |
11/112 |
Poliwrath |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
13/112 |
Rapidash |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
18/112 |
Arcanine |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
27/112 |
Magneton |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
34/112 |
Haunter |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
46/112 |
Poliwhirl |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
63/112 |
Gastly |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/112 |
Growlithe |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
68/112 |
Magnemite |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
75/112 |
Poliwag |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/112 |
Ponyta |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
85/112 |
Voltorb |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/112 |
Bill's Maintenance |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
Trainer - Supporter |
88/112 |
Celio's Network |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
Trainer - Supporter |
98/112 |
Prof. Oak's Research |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
Trainer - Supporter |
113/112 |
Charmander |
EX FireRed & LeafGreen |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/109 |
Copycat |
EX Team Rocket Returns |
Trainer - Supporter |
86/109 |
Rocket's Admin. |
EX Team Rocket Returns |
Trainer - Supporter |
88/109 |
Rocket's Mission |
EX Team Rocket Returns |
Trainer - Supporter |
110/109 |
Charmeleon |
EX Team Rocket Returns |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
111/109 |
Here Comes Team Rocket! |
EX Team Rocket Returns |
Trainer - Supporter |
19/107 |
Ludicolo |
EX Deoxys |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
32/107 |
Grumpig |
EX Deoxys |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
34/107 |
Lombre |
EX Deoxys |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
63/107 |
Lotad |
EX Deoxys |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/107 |
Spoink |
EX Deoxys |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/107 |
Lady Outing |
EX Deoxys |
Trainer - Supporter |
90/107 |
Professor Cozmo's Discovery |
EX Deoxys |
Trainer - Supporter |
77/106 |
Lanette's Net Search |
EX Emerald |
Trainer - Supporter |
79/106 |
Mr. Stone's Project |
EX Emerald |
Trainer - Supporter |
82/106 |
Professor Birch |
EX Emerald |
Trainer - Supporter |
84/106 |
Scott |
EX Emerald |
Trainer - Supporter |
85/106 |
Wally's Training |
EX Emerald |
Trainer - Supporter |
86/115 |
Mary's Request |
EX Unseen Forces |
Trainer - Supporter |
89/115 |
Professor Elm's Training Method |
EX Unseen Forces |
Trainer - Supporter |
97/113 |
Holon Scientist |
EX Delta Species |
Trainer - Supporter |
73/92 |
Fieldworker |
EX Legend Maker |
Trainer - Supporter |
27/110 |
Regice |
EX Holon Phantoms |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
28/110 |
Regirock |
EX Holon Phantoms |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
29/110 |
Registeel |
EX Holon Phantoms |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
88/110 |
Mr. Stone's Project |
EX Holon Phantoms |
Trainer - Supporter |
89/110 |
Professor Cozmo's Discovery |
EX Holon Phantoms |
Trainer - Supporter |
111/110 |
Mew |
EX Holon Phantoms |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
71/100 |
Bill's Maintenance |
EX Crystal Guardians |
Trainer - Supporter |
73/100 |
Celio's Network |
EX Crystal Guardians |
Trainer - Supporter |
17/101 |
Jynx δ |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
29/101 |
Electabuzz δ |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
48/101 |
Elekid δ |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/101 |
Copycat |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
Trainer - Supporter |
77/101 |
Mr. Stone's Project |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
Trainer - Supporter |
79/101 |
Professor Elm's Training Method |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
Trainer - Supporter |
80/101 |
Professor Oak's Research |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
Trainer - Supporter |
82/101 |
TV Reporter |
EX Dragon Frontiers |
Trainer - Supporter |
1/108 |
Aggron |
EX Power Keepers |
110 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
2/108 |
Altaria |
EX Power Keepers |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
3/108 |
Armaldo |
EX Power Keepers |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
4/108 |
Banette |
EX Power Keepers |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
6/108 |
Charizard |
EX Power Keepers |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
7/108 |
Cradily |
EX Power Keepers |
110 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
10/108 |
Kabutops |
EX Power Keepers |
110 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
11/108 |
Machamp |
EX Power Keepers |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
14/108 |
Dusclops |
EX Power Keepers |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
17/108 |
Mawile |
EX Power Keepers |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
20/108 |
Omastar |
EX Power Keepers |
110 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
21/108 |
Pichu |
EX Power Keepers |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
22/108 |
Sableye |
EX Power Keepers |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
25/108 |
Zangoose |
EX Power Keepers |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
27/108 |
Cacturne |
EX Power Keepers |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
30/108 |
Glalie |
EX Power Keepers |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
33/108 |
Machoke |
EX Power Keepers |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
37/108 |
Sealeo |
EX Power Keepers |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/108 |
Carvanha |
EX Power Keepers |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
50/108 |
Duskull |
EX Power Keepers |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
51/108 |
Kabuto |
EX Power Keepers |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
53/108 |
Machop |
EX Power Keepers |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
56/108 |
Omanyte |
EX Power Keepers |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
61/108 |
Shuppet |
EX Power Keepers |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/108 |
Snorunt |
EX Power Keepers |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
65/108 |
Spheal |
EX Power Keepers |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
66/108 |
Swablu |
EX Power Keepers |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
69/108 |
Vulpix |
EX Power Keepers |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/108 |
Wynaut |
EX Power Keepers |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
80/108 |
Professor Birch |
EX Power Keepers |
Trainer - Supporter |
81/108 |
Scott |
EX Power Keepers |
Trainer - Supporter |
83/108 |
Steven's Advice |
EX Power Keepers |
Trainer - Supporter |
6/130 |
Lucario |
Diamond & Pearl |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
20/130 |
Bibarel |
Diamond & Pearl |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
22/130 |
Clefable |
Diamond & Pearl |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
28/130 |
Heracross |
Diamond & Pearl |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
33/130 |
Munchlax |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
35/130 |
Pachirisu |
Diamond & Pearl |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
37/130 |
Snorlax |
Diamond & Pearl |
100 |
Pokémon - Basic |
43/130 |
Budew |
Diamond & Pearl |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
44/130 |
Cascoon |
Diamond & Pearl |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
46/130 |
Drifloon |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
49/130 |
Grotle |
Diamond & Pearl |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
52/130 |
Luxio |
Diamond & Pearl |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
56/130 |
Monferno |
Diamond & Pearl |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
58/130 |
Prinplup |
Diamond & Pearl |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
61/130 |
Riolu |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
63/130 |
Silcoon |
Diamond & Pearl |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
69/130 |
Azurill |
Diamond & Pearl |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/130 |
Bidoof |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
72/130 |
Buizel |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/130 |
Buneary |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
74/130 |
Chatot |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
75/130 |
Cherubi |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/130 |
Chimchar |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
77/130 |
Clefairy |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
78/130 |
Cleffa |
Diamond & Pearl |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/130 |
Combee |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/130 |
Glameow |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
90/130 |
Mime Jr. |
Diamond & Pearl |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/130 |
Misdreavus |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
92/130 |
Onix |
Diamond & Pearl |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
93/130 |
Piplup |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
96/130 |
Roselia |
Diamond & Pearl |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
98/130 |
Shinx |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
100/130 |
Sneasel |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
101/130 |
Starly |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
102/130 |
Stunky |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
103/130 |
Turtwig |
Diamond & Pearl |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
104/130 |
Wurmple |
Diamond & Pearl |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
112/130 |
Professor Rowan |
Diamond & Pearl |
Trainer - Supporter |
113/130 |
Rival |
Diamond & Pearl |
Trainer - Supporter |
48/123 |
Gabite |
Mysterious Treasures |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
69/123 |
Abra |
Mysterious Treasures |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
72/123 |
Barboach |
Mysterious Treasures |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
74/123 |
Bronzor |
Mysterious Treasures |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
78/123 |
Croagunk |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
80/123 |
Doduo |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/123 |
Exeggcute |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/123 |
Finneon |
Mysterious Treasures |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
84/123 |
Geodude |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/123 |
Nidoran♀ |
Mysterious Treasures |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
92/123 |
Paras |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
96/123 |
Sandshrew |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
97/123 |
Seel |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
101/123 |
Snover |
Mysterious Treasures |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
104/123 |
Surskit |
Mysterious Treasures |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
108/123 |
Zubat |
Mysterious Treasures |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
109/123 |
Bebe's Search |
Mysterious Treasures |
Trainer - Supporter |
115/123 |
Team Galactic's Wager |
Mysterious Treasures |
Trainer - Supporter |
17/132 |
Roserade |
Secret Wonders |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
21/132 |
Absol |
Secret Wonders |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
24/132 |
Dugtrio |
Secret Wonders |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
26/132 |
Electrode |
Secret Wonders |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
28/132 |
Golduck |
Secret Wonders |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
37/132 |
Sharpedo |
Secret Wonders |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/132 |
Cloyster |
Secret Wonders |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
48/132 |
Donphan |
Secret Wonders |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
49/132 |
Farfetch'd |
Secret Wonders |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
58/132 |
Pidgeotto |
Secret Wonders |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
59/132 |
Pinsir |
Secret Wonders |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
61/132 |
Raticate |
Secret Wonders |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
75/132 |
Wartortle |
Secret Wonders |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
80/132 |
Burmy Trash Cloak |
Secret Wonders |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
88/132 |
Grimer |
Secret Wonders |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/132 |
Lickitung |
Secret Wonders |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
93/132 |
Magmar |
Secret Wonders |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
105/132 |
Shellder |
Secret Wonders |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
106/132 |
Shellos East Sea |
Secret Wonders |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
107/132 |
Shellos West Sea |
Secret Wonders |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
116/132 |
Venonat |
Secret Wonders |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
119/132 |
Bebe's Search |
Secret Wonders |
Trainer - Supporter |
122/132 |
Professor Oak's Visit |
Secret Wonders |
Trainer - Supporter |
123/132 |
Professor Rowan |
Secret Wonders |
Trainer - Supporter |
124/132 |
Rival |
Secret Wonders |
Trainer - Supporter |
126/132 |
Team Galactic's Mars |
Secret Wonders |
Trainer - Supporter |
18/106 |
Houndoom |
Great Encounters |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
28/106 |
Slowking |
Great Encounters |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
33/106 |
Arbok |
Great Encounters |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
38/106 |
Gorebyss |
Great Encounters |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
42/106 |
Huntail |
Great Encounters |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
44/106 |
Loudred |
Great Encounters |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/106 |
Metapod |
Great Encounters |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
48/106 |
Pelipper |
Great Encounters |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
50/106 |
Purugly |
Great Encounters |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
51/106 |
Relicanth |
Great Encounters |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/106 |
Clamperl |
Great Encounters |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
65/106 |
Drowzee |
Great Encounters |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
66/106 |
Ekans |
Great Encounters |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
67/106 |
Feebas |
Great Encounters |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
69/106 |
Houndour |
Great Encounters |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/106 |
Igglybuff |
Great Encounters |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
71/106 |
Illumise |
Great Encounters |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/106 |
Kakuna |
Great Encounters |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
75/106 |
Krabby |
Great Encounters |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/106 |
Lunatone |
Great Encounters |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/106 |
Mankey |
Great Encounters |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
85/106 |
Solrock |
Great Encounters |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
88/106 |
Togepi |
Great Encounters |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
92/106 |
Volbeat |
Great Encounters |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
95/106 |
Wingull |
Great Encounters |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
96/106 |
Zigzagoon |
Great Encounters |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
98/106 |
Felicity's Drawing |
Great Encounters |
Trainer - Supporter |
27/100 |
Phione |
Majestic Dawn |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
35/100 |
Ambipom |
Majestic Dawn |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
36/100 |
Fearow |
Majestic Dawn |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
46/100 |
Scyther |
Majestic Dawn |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
54/100 |
Burmy Sandy Cloak |
Majestic Dawn |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
58/100 |
Chingling |
Majestic Dawn |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
62/100 |
Eevee |
Majestic Dawn |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
74/100 |
Spearow |
Majestic Dawn |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/100 |
Mom's Kindness |
Majestic Dawn |
Trainer - Supporter |
11/146 |
Mewtwo |
Legends Awakened |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
19/146 |
Azelf |
Legends Awakened |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
27/146 |
Ditto |
Legends Awakened |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
34/146 |
Mesprit |
Legends Awakened |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
43/146 |
Uxie |
Legends Awakened |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
53/146 |
Drifblim |
Legends Awakened |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
54/146 |
Exeggutor |
Legends Awakened |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
55/146 |
Gliscor |
Legends Awakened |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
63/146 |
Marowak |
Legends Awakened |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
67/146 |
Ninjask |
Legends Awakened |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
68/146 |
Persian |
Legends Awakened |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
74/146 |
Tauros |
Legends Awakened |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
91/146 |
Dratini |
Legends Awakened |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
97/146 |
Gloom |
Legends Awakened |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
98/146 |
Gulpin |
Legends Awakened |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
99/146 |
Hitmonchan |
Legends Awakened |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
102/146 |
Horsea |
Legends Awakened |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
109/146 |
Nosepass |
Legends Awakened |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
112/146 |
Oddish |
Legends Awakened |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
122/146 |
Staryu |
Legends Awakened |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
127/146 |
Weepinbell |
Legends Awakened |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
130/146 |
Buck's Training |
Legends Awakened |
Trainer - Supporter |
131/146 |
Cynthia's Feelings |
Legends Awakened |
Trainer - Supporter |
87/100 |
Marley's Request |
Stormfront |
Trainer - Supporter |
105/127 |
Cyrus's Conspiracy |
Platinum |
Trainer - Supporter |
109/127 |
Looker's Investigation |
Platinum |
Trainer - Supporter |
128/127 |
Electabuzz |
Platinum |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
129/127 |
Hitmonchan |
Platinum |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
130/127 |
Scyther |
Platinum |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
21/111 |
Gastrodon East Sea |
Rising Rivals |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
50/111 |
Starmie |
Rising Rivals |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
52/111 |
Tropius |
Rising Rivals |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
72/111 |
Nidoran♂ |
Rising Rivals |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/111 |
Nidorina |
Rising Rivals |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
86/111 |
Weedle |
Rising Rivals |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
87/111 |
Weezing |
Rising Rivals |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
88/111 |
Aaron's Collection |
Rising Rivals |
Trainer - Supporter |
89/111 |
Bebe's Search |
Rising Rivals |
Trainer - Supporter |
90/111 |
Bertha's Warmth |
Rising Rivals |
Trainer - Supporter |
91/111 |
Flint's Willpower |
Rising Rivals |
Trainer - Supporter |
92/111 |
Lucian's Assignment |
Rising Rivals |
Trainer - Supporter |
98/111 |
Volkner's Philosophy |
Rising Rivals |
Trainer - Supporter |
RT6 |
Charon's Choice |
Rising Rivals |
Trainer - Supporter |
82/147 |
Rotom |
Supreme Victors |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
136/147 |
Cynthia's Guidance |
Supreme Victors |
Trainer - Supporter |
137/147 |
Cyrus's Initiative |
Supreme Victors |
Trainer - Supporter |
139/147 |
Palmer's Contribution |
Supreme Victors |
Trainer - Supporter |
90/99 |
Professor Oak's Visit |
Arceus |
Trainer - Supporter |
5/123 |
Hitmontop |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
15/123 |
Ariados |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
22/123 |
Granbull |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
33/123 |
Tyrogue |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
41/123 |
Dunsparce |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
50/123 |
Qwilfish |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/123 |
Snubbull |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
83/123 |
Spinarak |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
89/123 |
Bill |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Trainer - Supporter |
100/123 |
Professor Elm's Training Method |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Trainer - Supporter |
101/123 |
Professor Oak's New Theory |
HeartGold & SoulSilver |
Trainer - Supporter |
6/95 |
Octillery |
Unleashed |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
43/95 |
Aipom |
Unleashed |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
59/95 |
Remoraid |
Unleashed |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/95 |
Stantler |
Unleashed |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
53/95 |
Chikorita |
Call of Legends |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
55/95 |
Cyndaquil |
Call of Legends |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
63/95 |
Mareep |
Call of Legends |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
66/95 |
Phanpy |
Call of Legends |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/95 |
Teddiursa |
Call of Legends |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
74/95 |
Totodile |
Call of Legends |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/95 |
Professor Elm's Training Method |
Call of Legends |
Trainer - Supporter |
83/95 |
Professor Oak's New Theory |
Call of Legends |
Trainer - Supporter |
101/114 |
Professor Juniper |
Black & White |
Trainer - Supporter |
92/101 |
N |
Noble Victories |
Trainer - Supporter |
101/101 |
N |
Noble Victories |
Trainer - Supporter |
50/149 |
Pikachu |
Boundaries Crossed |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
51/149 |
Voltorb |
Boundaries Crossed |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
52/149 |
Electrode |
Boundaries Crossed |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
55/149 |
Chinchou |
Boundaries Crossed |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
58/149 |
Wobbuffet |
Boundaries Crossed |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
64/149 |
Croagunk |
Boundaries Crossed |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
75/149 |
Gothita |
Boundaries Crossed |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
76/149 |
Gothorita |
Boundaries Crossed |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
82/149 |
Makuhita |
Boundaries Crossed |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
86/149 |
Mienfoo |
Boundaries Crossed |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
106/149 |
Meowth |
Boundaries Crossed |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
107/149 |
Farfetch'd |
Boundaries Crossed |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
109/149 |
Snorlax |
Boundaries Crossed |
100 |
Pokémon - Basic |
110/149 |
Togepi |
Boundaries Crossed |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
112/149 |
Taillow |
Boundaries Crossed |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
115/149 |
Spinda |
Boundaries Crossed |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
75/135 |
Riolu |
Plasma Storm |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
77/135 |
Lucario |
Plasma Storm |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
84/101 |
Professor Juniper |
Plasma Blast |
Trainer - Supporter |
110/113 |
Cedric Juniper |
Legendary Treasures |
Trainer - Supporter |
39/39 |
Tierno |
Kalos Starter Set |
Trainer - Supporter |
127/146 |
Shauna |
XY |
Trainer - Supporter |
90/106 |
Lysandre |
FlashFire |
Trainer - Supporter |
104/106 |
Lysandre |
FlashFire |
Trainer - Supporter |
1/12 |
Snivy |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
3/12 |
Tepig |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
4/12 |
Oshawott |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
6/12 |
Blitzle |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
7/12 |
Munna |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
8/12 |
Sandile |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
9/12 |
Zorua |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
10/12 |
Klink |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
11/12 |
Pidove |
McDonald's Collection 2011 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
2/17 |
Metagross |
POP Series 1 |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
6/17 |
Beautifly |
POP Series 1 |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
8/17 |
Murkrow |
POP Series 1 |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
10/17 |
Torkoal |
POP Series 1 |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
12/17 |
Minun |
POP Series 1 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
13/17 |
Plusle |
POP Series 1 |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
2/17 |
Pidgeot |
POP Series 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
7/17 |
Ivysaur |
POP Series 2 |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
8/17 |
Mr. Briney's Compassion |
POP Series 2 |
Trainer - Supporter |
11/17 |
TV Reporter |
POP Series 2 |
Trainer - Supporter |
13/17 |
Cacnea |
POP Series 2 |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
9/17 |
Pokémon Fan Club |
POP Series 4 |
Trainer - Supporter |
6/17 |
Bill's Maintenance |
POP Series 5 |
Trainer - Supporter |
1/17 |
Heatran |
POP Series 8 |
100 |
Pokémon - Basic |
3/17 |
Luxray |
POP Series 8 |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
4/17 |
Probopass |
POP Series 8 |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
5/17 |
Yanmega |
POP Series 8 |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
91/119 |
AZ |
Phantom Forces |
Trainer - Supporter |
104/119 |
Shauna |
Phantom Forces |
Trainer - Supporter |
107/119 |
Tierno |
Phantom Forces |
Trainer - Supporter |
133/160 |
Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick |
Primal Clash |
Trainer - Supporter |
69/98 |
Ace Trainer |
Ancient Origins |
Trainer - Supporter |
78/98 |
Lysandre |
Ancient Origins |
Trainer - Supporter |
138/162 |
Giovanni's Scheme |
BREAKthrough |
Trainer - Supporter |
162/162 |
Giovanni's Scheme |
BREAKthrough |
Trainer - Supporter |
104/122 |
Misty's Determination |
BREAKpoint |
Trainer - Supporter |
112/122 |
Tierno |
BREAKpoint |
Trainer - Supporter |
59/83 |
Clemont |
Generations |
Trainer - Supporter |
66/83 |
Olympia |
Generations |
Trainer - Supporter |
72/83 |
Shauna |
Generations |
Trainer - Supporter |
111/124 |
Shauna |
Fates Collide |
Trainer - Supporter |
13/114 |
Amoonguss |
Steam Siege |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
48/114 |
Litwick |
Steam Siege |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
62/114 |
Spiritomb |
Steam Siege |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
85/114 |
Zweilous |
Steam Siege |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
3/108 |
Caterpie |
Evolutions |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
4/108 |
Metapod |
Evolutions |
70 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
7/108 |
Beedrill |
Evolutions |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
14/108 |
Vulpix |
Evolutions |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
15/108 |
Ninetales |
Evolutions |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
17/108 |
Growlithe |
Evolutions |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
18/108 |
Arcanine |
Evolutions |
130 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
19/108 |
Ponyta |
Evolutions |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
20/108 |
Magmar |
Evolutions |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
23/108 |
Poliwag |
Evolutions |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
24/108 |
Poliwhirl |
Evolutions |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
25/108 |
Poliwrath |
Evolutions |
140 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
28/108 |
Seel |
Evolutions |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
36/108 |
Raichu |
Evolutions |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
41/108 |
Electabuzz |
Evolutions |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
42/108 |
Zapdos |
Evolutions |
110 |
Pokémon - Basic |
43/108 |
Nidoran♂ |
Evolutions |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
45/108 |
Nidoking |
Evolutions |
150 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
49/108 |
Drowzee |
Evolutions |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
51/108 |
Mewtwo |
Evolutions |
130 |
Pokémon - Basic |
53/108 |
Mew |
Evolutions |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
54/108 |
Sandshrew |
Evolutions |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
58/108 |
Machoke |
Evolutions |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
59/108 |
Machamp |
Evolutions |
160 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
61/108 |
Onix |
Evolutions |
100 |
Pokémon - Basic |
62/108 |
Hitmonchan |
Evolutions |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
63/108 |
Clefairy |
Evolutions |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
67/108 |
Raticate |
Evolutions |
60 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
68/108 |
Farfetch'd |
Evolutions |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
70/108 |
Chansey |
Evolutions |
120 |
Pokémon - Basic |
74/108 |
Brock's Grit |
Evolutions |
Trainer - Supporter |
80/108 |
Misty's Determination |
Evolutions |
Trainer - Supporter |
84/108 |
Professor Oak's Hint |
Evolutions |
Trainer - Supporter |
113/108 |
Here Comes Team Rocket! |
Evolutions |
Trainer - Supporter |
120/149 |
Hau |
Sun & Moon |
Trainer - Supporter |
121/149 |
Ilima |
Sun & Moon |
Trainer - Supporter |
122/149 |
Lillie |
Sun & Moon |
Trainer - Supporter |
128/149 |
Professor Kukui |
Sun & Moon |
Trainer - Supporter |
133/149 |
Team Skull Grunt |
Sun & Moon |
Trainer - Supporter |
BW01 |
Snivy |
Black & White Black Star Promos |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
BW02 |
Tepig |
Black & White Black Star Promos |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
BW03 |
Oshawott |
Black & White Black Star Promos |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
126/145 |
Hala |
Guardians Rising |
Trainer - Supporter |
127/145 |
Mallow |
Guardians Rising |
Trainer - Supporter |
112/147 |
Acerola |
Burning Shadows |
Trainer - Supporter |
115/147 |
Guzma |
Burning Shadows |
Trainer - Supporter |
116/147 |
Kiawe |
Burning Shadows |
Trainer - Supporter |
117/147 |
Lana |
Burning Shadows |
Trainer - Supporter |
119/147 |
Olivia |
Burning Shadows |
Trainer - Supporter |
120/147 |
Plumeria |
Burning Shadows |
Trainer - Supporter |
123/147 |
Sophocles |
Burning Shadows |
Trainer - Supporter |
61/73 |
Hau |
Shining Legends |
Trainer - Supporter |
62/73 |
Lillie |
Shining Legends |
Trainer - Supporter |
65/73 |
Sophocles |
Shining Legends |
Trainer - Supporter |
95/111 |
Gladion |
Crimson Invasion |
Trainer - Supporter |
6/156 |
Turtwig |
Ultra Prism |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
20/156 |
Chimchar |
Ultra Prism |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
31/156 |
Piplup |
Ultra Prism |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
46/156 |
Shinx |
Ultra Prism |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
81/156 |
Magnemite |
Ultra Prism |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
97/156 |
Gible |
Ultra Prism |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
119/156 |
Cynthia |
Ultra Prism |
Trainer - Supporter |
124/156 |
Gardenia |
Ultra Prism |
Trainer - Supporter |
126/156 |
Looker |
Ultra Prism |
Trainer - Supporter |
128/156 |
Mars |
Ultra Prism |
Trainer - Supporter |
135/156 |
Volkner |
Ultra Prism |
Trainer - Supporter |
6/131 |
Scatterbug |
Forbidden Light |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
14/131 |
Fennekin |
Forbidden Light |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
21/131 |
Froakie |
Forbidden Light |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
46/131 |
Honedge |
Forbidden Light |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
84/131 |
Flabébé |
Forbidden Light |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
92/131 |
Goomy |
Forbidden Light |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
104/131 |
Crasher Wake |
Forbidden Light |
Trainer - Supporter |
105/131 |
Diantha |
Forbidden Light |
Trainer - Supporter |
13/168 |
Nuzleaf |
Celestial Storm |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
15/168 |
Surskit |
Celestial Storm |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
29/168 |
Torkoal |
Celestial Storm |
120 |
Pokémon - Basic |
34/168 |
Marshtomp |
Celestial Storm |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
47/168 |
Voltorb |
Celestial Storm |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
60/168 |
Grumpig |
Celestial Storm |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
72/168 |
Phanpy |
Celestial Storm |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
73/168 |
Donphan |
Celestial Storm |
130 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
74/168 |
Larvitar |
Celestial Storm |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
78/168 |
Baltoy |
Celestial Storm |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
86/168 |
Sneasel |
Celestial Storm |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
89/168 |
Steelix |
Celestial Storm |
190 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
111/168 |
Wingull |
Celestial Storm |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
115/168 |
Slaking |
Celestial Storm |
160 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
120/168 |
Skitty |
Celestial Storm |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
126/168 |
Bill's Maintenance |
Celestial Storm |
Trainer - Supporter |
127/168 |
Copycat |
Celestial Storm |
Trainer - Supporter |
139/168 |
The Masked Royal |
Celestial Storm |
Trainer - Supporter |
149/168 |
TV Reporter |
Celestial Storm |
Trainer - Supporter |
5/70 |
Combusken |
Dragon Majesty |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
10/70 |
Heatmor |
Dragon Majesty |
110 |
Pokémon - Basic |
23/70 |
Croconaw |
Dragon Majesty |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
24/70 |
Feraligatr |
Dragon Majesty |
160 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
26/70 |
Quagsire |
Dragon Majesty |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
38/70 |
Vibrava |
Dragon Majesty |
80 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
58/70 |
Blaine's Last Stand |
Dragon Majesty |
Trainer - Supporter |
XY33 |
Trevor |
XY Black Star Promos |
Trainer - Supporter |
XY179 |
Snorlax |
XY Black Star Promos |
130 |
Pokémon - Basic |
XY188 |
Shaymin |
XY Black Star Promos |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
XY189 |
Victini |
XY Black Star Promos |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
XY190 |
Manaphy |
XY Black Star Promos |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
XY194 |
Darkrai |
XY Black Star Promos |
110 |
Pokémon - Basic |
XY195 |
Jirachi |
XY Black Star Promos |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
XY196 |
Genesect |
XY Black Star Promos |
110 |
Pokémon - Basic |
XY202 |
Pikachu |
XY Black Star Promos |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
1/214 |
Tangela |
Lost Thunder |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
18/214 |
Heracross |
Lost Thunder |
120 |
Pokémon - Basic |
35/214 |
Skiddo |
Lost Thunder |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
45/214 |
Houndour |
Lost Thunder |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
57/214 |
Delibird |
Lost Thunder |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
74/214 |
Lanturn |
Lost Thunder |
110 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
83/214 |
Stunfisk |
Lost Thunder |
110 |
Pokémon - Basic |
88/214 |
Xatu |
Lost Thunder |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
99/214 |
Yamask |
Lost Thunder |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
110/214 |
Sudowoodo |
Lost Thunder |
110 |
Pokémon - Basic |
128/214 |
Durant |
Lost Thunder |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
133/214 |
Jigglypuff |
Lost Thunder |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
135/214 |
Marill |
Lost Thunder |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
143/214 |
Carbink |
Lost Thunder |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
157/214 |
Smeargle |
Lost Thunder |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
179/214 |
Kahili |
Lost Thunder |
Trainer - Supporter |
183/214 |
Mina |
Lost Thunder |
Trainer - Supporter |
186/214 |
Morty |
Lost Thunder |
Trainer - Supporter |
193/214 |
Whitney |
Lost Thunder |
Trainer - Supporter |
8/181 |
Exeggcute |
Team Up |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
15/181 |
Vulpix |
Team Up |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
28/181 |
Staryu |
Team Up |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
31/181 |
Lapras |
Team Up |
130 |
Pokémon - Basic |
38/181 |
Voltorb |
Team Up |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
49/181 |
Helioptile |
Team Up |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
60/181 |
Tentacool |
Team Up |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
62/181 |
Grimer |
Team Up |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
79/181 |
Larvitar |
Team Up |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
86/181 |
Poochyena |
Team Up |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
100/181 |
Bronzor |
Team Up |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
125/181 |
Meowth |
Team Up |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
145/181 |
Jasmine |
Team Up |
Trainer - Supporter |
150/181 |
Nanu |
Team Up |
Trainer - Supporter |
13/214 |
Bellsprout |
Unbroken Bonds |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
43/214 |
Slowbro |
Unbroken Bonds |
120 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
98/214 |
Gligar |
Unbroken Bonds |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
123/214 |
Aron |
Unbroken Bonds |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
139/214 |
Cottonee |
Unbroken Bonds |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
176/214 |
Janine |
Unbroken Bonds |
Trainer - Supporter |
181/214 |
Molayne |
Unbroken Bonds |
Trainer - Supporter |
5/236 |
Shroomish |
Unified Minds |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
12/236 |
Karrablast |
Unified Minds |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
13/236 |
Foongus |
Unified Minds |
40 |
Pokémon - Basic |
46/236 |
Cryogonal |
Unified Minds |
90 |
Pokémon - Basic |
82/236 |
Skorupi |
Unified Minds |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
118/236 |
Drilbur |
Unified Minds |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
200/236 |
Hapu |
Unified Minds |
Trainer - Supporter |
13/68 |
Staryu |
Hidden Fates |
50 |
Pokémon - Basic |
33/68 |
Geodude |
Hidden Fates |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
34/68 |
Graveler |
Hidden Fates |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
35/68 |
Golem |
Hidden Fates |
170 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
52/68 |
Blaine's Last Stand |
Hidden Fates |
Trainer - Supporter |
13/236 |
Kricketot |
Cosmic Eclipse |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
26/236 |
Slugma |
Cosmic Eclipse |
80 |
Pokémon - Basic |
116/236 |
Palpitoad |
Cosmic Eclipse |
90 |
Pokémon - Stage 1 |
118/236 |
Throh |
Cosmic Eclipse |
120 |
Pokémon - Basic |
134/236 |
Pawniard |
Cosmic Eclipse |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
177/236 |
Rufflet |
Cosmic Eclipse |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
189/236 |
Cynthia & Caitlin |
Cosmic Eclipse |
Trainer - Supporter |
193/236 |
Guzma & Hala |
Cosmic Eclipse |
Trainer - Supporter |
198/236 |
Mallow & Lana |
Cosmic Eclipse |
Trainer - Supporter |
208/236 |
Will |
Cosmic Eclipse |
Trainer - Supporter |
165/202 |
Hop |
Sword & Shield |
Trainer - Supporter |
154/185 |
Leon |
Vivid Voltage |
Trainer - Supporter |
121/163 |
Bruno |
Battle Styles |
Trainer - Supporter |
123/163 |
Cheryl |
Battle Styles |
Trainer - Supporter |
129/198 |
Agatha |
Chilling Reign |
Trainer - Supporter |
130/198 |
Avery |
Chilling Reign |
Trainer - Supporter |
144/198 |
Karen's Conviction |
Chilling Reign |
Trainer - Supporter |
145/198 |
Klara |
Chilling Reign |
Trainer - Supporter |
150/198 |
Peony |
Chilling Reign |
Trainer - Supporter |
153/198 |
Siebold |
Chilling Reign |
Trainer - Supporter |
5/25 |
Snivy |
McDonald's Collection 2021 (25th Anniversary) |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
13/25 |
Tepig |
McDonald's Collection 2021 (25th Anniversary) |
70 |
Pokémon - Basic |
21/25 |
Oshawott |
McDonald's Collection 2021 (25th Anniversary) |
60 |
Pokémon - Basic |
24/25 |
Professor's Research |
Celebrations |
Trainer - Supporter |
2_A |
Blastoise |
Celebrations: Classic Collection |
100 |
Pokémon - Stage 2 |
Classic Collection |
73_A |
Imposter Professor Oak |
Celebrations: Classic Collection |
Trainer - Supporter |
Classic Collection |
15_A2 |
Here Comes Team Rocket! |
Celebrations: Classic Collection |
Trainer - Supporter |
Classic Collection |
66_A |
Shining Magikarp |
Celebrations: Classic Collection |
30 |
Pokémon - Basic |
Classic Collection |
86_A |
Rocket's Admin. |
Celebrations: Classic Collection |
Trainer - Supporter |
Classic Collection |
130/172 |
Barry |
Brilliant Stars |
Trainer - Supporter |
141/172 |
Gloria |
Brilliant Stars |
Trainer - Supporter |
166/196 |
Riley |
Lost Origin |
Trainer - Supporter |
151/195 |
Brandon |
Silver Tempest |
Trainer - Supporter |
152/195 |
Candice |
Silver Tempest |
Trainer - Supporter |
159/195 |
Lance |
Silver Tempest |
Trainer - Supporter |
162/195 |
Professor Laventon |
Silver Tempest |
Trainer - Supporter |
164/195 |
Serena |
Silver Tempest |
Trainer - Supporter |