Kouki Saitou Illustrated Pokemon Trading Cards

# Color Name Set HP Type Rarity
H20 Water Octillery Aquapolis Aquapolis 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
26/147 Water Octillery Aquapolis Aquapolis 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
31/147 Fire Rapidash Aquapolis Aquapolis 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
94/147 Colorless Miltank Aquapolis Aquapolis 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
H6 Water Dewgong Skyridge Skyridge 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
H13 Fighting Kabutops Skyridge Skyridge 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
H20 Fire Moltres Skyridge Skyridge 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
7/144 Water Dewgong Skyridge Skyridge 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
14/144 Fighting Kabutops Skyridge Skyridge 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
20/144 Metal Magneton Skyridge Skyridge 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
21/144 Fire Moltres Skyridge Skyridge 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
56/144 Grass Forretress Skyridge Skyridge 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Common
64/144 Grass Heracross Skyridge Skyridge 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
146/144 Colorless Charizard Skyridge Skyridge 110 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Secret
3/109 Fire Blaziken EX Ruby & Sapphire EX Ruby & Sapphire 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
19/109 Water Pelipper EX Ruby & Sapphire EX Ruby & Sapphire 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
27/109 Fire Combusken EX Ruby & Sapphire EX Ruby & Sapphire 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
74/109 Fire Torchic EX Ruby & Sapphire EX Ruby & Sapphire 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
77/109 Water Wingull EX Ruby & Sapphire EX Ruby & Sapphire 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
19/100 Water Omastar EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
21/100 Fighting Sandslash EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
35/100 Lightning Electabuzz EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
36/100 Lightning Elekid EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 40 Pokémon - Baby Uncommon
63/100 Colorless Eevee EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
69/100 Psychic Natu EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
70/100 Water Omanyte EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
73/100 Water Psyduck EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
75/100 Fighting Sandshrew EX Sandstorm EX Sandstorm 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
19/97 Colorless Salamence EX Dragon EX Dragon 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
32/97 Water Gyarados EX Dragon EX Dragon 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
37/97 Fighting Meditite EX Dragon EX Dragon 50 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
50/97 Colorless Bagon EX Dragon EX Dragon 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
60/97 Water Magikarp EX Dragon EX Dragon 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
11/101 PsychicMetal title= Metagross EX Hidden Legends EX Hidden Legends 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
27/101 Grass Tropius EX Hidden Legends EX Hidden Legends 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
43/101 Psychic Metang EX Hidden Legends EX Hidden Legends 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
54/101 Psychic Beldum EX Hidden Legends EX Hidden Legends 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
26/112 Water Kingler EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX FireRed & LeafGreen 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
29/112 Grass Scyther EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX FireRed & LeafGreen 60 Pokémon - Basic Rare
31/112 Fire Charmeleon EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX FireRed & LeafGreen 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
42/112 Fighting Onix EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX FireRed & LeafGreen 80 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
57/112 Fire Charmander EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX FireRed & LeafGreen 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
66/112 Water Krabby EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX FireRed & LeafGreen 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
4/109 LightningDarkness title= Dark Electrode EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
6/109 PsychicDarkness title= Dark Hypno EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
9/109 PsychicDarkness title= Dark Slowking EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
17/109 Darkness Dark Raticate EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
51/109 Fighting Cubone EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
77/109 Fire Slugma EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
81/109 Water Wooper EX Team Rocket Returns EX Team Rocket Returns 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
25/107 Grass Shiftry EX Deoxys EX Deoxys 110 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
26/107 Metal Skarmory EX Deoxys EX Deoxys 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
43/107 Grass Nuzleaf EX Deoxys EX Deoxys 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
71/107 Grass Seedot EX Deoxys EX Deoxys 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
5/106 Fighting Groudon EX Emerald EX Emerald 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
9/106 Colorless Rayquaza EX Emerald EX Emerald 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
14/106 Fighting Groudon EX Emerald EX Emerald 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
15/106 Water Kyogre EX Emerald EX Emerald 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
17/106 Fighting Nosepass EX Emerald EX Emerald 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
19/106 Fighting Rhydon EX Emerald EX Emerald 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
31/106 Fighting Hariyama EX Emerald EX Emerald 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
32/106 Grass Illumise EX Emerald EX Emerald 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
42/106 Grass Volbeat EX Emerald EX Emerald 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
54/106 Fighting Makuhita EX Emerald EX Emerald 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
55/106 Fighting Meditite EX Emerald EX Emerald 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
62/106 Fighting Rhyhorn EX Emerald EX Emerald 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
3/115 Grass Bellossom EX Unseen Forces EX Unseen Forces 90 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
27/115 Fire Ho-Oh EX Unseen Forces EX Unseen Forces 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
29/115 Psychic Lugia EX Unseen Forces EX Unseen Forces 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
30/115 Darkness Murkrow EX Unseen Forces EX Unseen Forces 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
58/115 Grass Gloom EX Unseen Forces EX Unseen Forces 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Common
64/115 Grass Oddish EX Unseen Forces EX Unseen Forces 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
5/113 FireMetal title= Flareon δ EX Delta Species EX Delta Species 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
7/113 LightningMetal title= Jolteon δ EX Delta Species EX Delta Species 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
18/113 WaterMetal title= Vaporeon δ EX Delta Species EX Delta Species 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
91/113 Holon Farmer EX Delta Species EX Delta Species   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
92/113 Holon Lass EX Delta Species EX Delta Species   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
93/113 Holon Mentor EX Delta Species EX Delta Species   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
5/92 Psychic Gengar EX Legend Maker EX Legend Maker 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
9/92 Fighting Machamp EX Legend Maker EX Legend Maker 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
10/92 Psychic Mew EX Legend Maker EX Legend Maker 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
14/92 Water Wailord EX Legend Maker EX Legend Maker 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
28/92 Psychic Wobbuffet EX Legend Maker EX Legend Maker 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
2/110 DarknessMetal title= Cradily δ EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
5/110 Colorless Deoxys δ Normal Forme EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
14/110 LightningMetal title= Pidgeot δ EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
51/110 Lightning Raichu EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
52/110 Fire Seadra δ EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
61/110 Fighting Carvanha δ EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
76/110 Metal Pichu δ EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
78/110 Lightning Pikachu EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
85/110 Holon Adventurer EX Holon Phantoms EX Holon Phantoms   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
4/100 LightningMetal title= Charizard δ EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
14/100 Water Blastoise EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
15/100 Fighting Cacturne δ EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
18/100 Lightning Fearow δ EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians 60 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
42/100 Water Wartortle EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
63/100 Water Squirtle EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
72/100 Castaway EX Crystal Guardians EX Crystal Guardians   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
2/101 Lightning Feraligatr δ EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
7/101 Metal Nidoqueen δ EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
11/101 Water Togetic δ EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers 60 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
25/101 Darkness Xatu δ EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
28/101 Grass Dragonair δ EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
52/101 Lightning Larvitar δ EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
59/101 Lightning Pupitar δ EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Common
75/101 Holon Mentor EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
76/101 Island Hermit EX Dragon Frontiers EX Dragon Frontiers   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
21/130 Grass Carnivine Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
23/130 Psychic Drapion Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
25/130 Grass Dustox Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
29/130 Fighting Hippowdon Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
32/130 Fighting Medicham Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
38/130 Metal Steelix Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
41/130 Psychic Wobbuffet Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
47/130 Psychic Dusclops Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
53/130 Fighting Machoke Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
54/130 Metal Magneton Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
82/130 Psychic Gastly Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
87/130 Metal Magnemite Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
99/130 Psychic Skorupi Diamond & Pearl Diamond & Pearl 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
1/123 Metal Aggron Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
2/123 Psychic Alakazam Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 100 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
3/123 Colorless Ambipom Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
32/123 Fire Ninetales Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
34/123 Colorless Slaking Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
62/123 Water Sealeo Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
63/123 Metal Shieldon Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
81/123 Lightning Electrike Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
106/123 Water Totodile Mysterious Treasures Mysterious Treasures 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
1/132 Lightning Ampharos Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
22/132 Fire Arcanine Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
23/132 Psychic Banette Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
25/132 Lightning Electivire Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
31/132 Fire Magmortar Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
34/132 Psychic Nidoking Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
45/132 Grass Breloom Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
54/132 Water Lombre Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
62/132 Grass Roselia Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 70 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
64/132 Colorless Shelgon Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
74/132 Fighting Vibrava Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
77/132 Grass Bulbasaur Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
78/132 Grass Burmy Plant Cloak Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
98/132 Fighting Phanpy Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
113/132 Colorless Stantler Secret Wonders Secret Wonders 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
9/106 Water Swampert Great Encounters Great Encounters 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
13/106 Grass Beedrill Great Encounters Great Encounters 110 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
31/106 Psychic Weezing Great Encounters Great Encounters 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
37/106 Water Floatzel Great Encounters Great Encounters 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
43/106 Colorless Linoone Great Encounters Great Encounters 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
90/106 Grass Treecko Great Encounters Great Encounters 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
6/100 Fighting Kabutops Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
7/100 Grass Leafeon Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
15/100 Colorless Aerodactyl Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
16/100 Psychic Bronzong Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
48/100 Fighting Sudowoodo Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 80 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
51/100 Colorless Aipom Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
53/100 Colorless Buneary Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
76/100 Darkness Stunky Majestic Dawn Majestic Dawn 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
9/146 Water Mamoswine Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
30/146 Metal Heatran Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare
33/146 Colorless Lopunny Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
37/146 Colorless Regigigas Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare
40/146 Grass Shedinja Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 60 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
44/146 Grass Victreebel Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
46/146 Fighting Anorith Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
57/146 Fire Houndoom Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
59/146 Lightning Lanturn Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
71/146 Water Starmie Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
75/146 Water Tentacruel Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
95/146 Fighting Gligar Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
105/146 Grass Lileep Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Common
110/146 Fire Numel Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
116/146 Darkness Poochyena Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
121/146 Psychic Spoink Legends Awakened Legends Awakened 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
2/100 Metal Empoleon Stormfront Stormfront 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
26/100 Darkness Skuntank Stormfront Stormfront 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
27/100 Colorless Staraptor Stormfront Stormfront 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
29/100 Grass Tangrowth Stormfront Stormfront 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
32/100 Water Bibarel Stormfront Stormfront 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
44/100 Colorless Miltank Stormfront Stormfront 70 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
59/100 Psychic Duskull Stormfront Stormfront 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
SH2 Psychic Duskull Stormfront Stormfront 60 Pokémon - Basic Rare
6/127 Metal Dialga Platinum Platinum 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
8/127 Psychic Gardevoir Platinum Platinum 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
9/127 Psychic Giratina Platinum Platinum 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
11/127 Lightning Manectric Platinum Platinum 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
29/127 Water Golduck Platinum Platinum 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
31/127 Fire Infernape Platinum Platinum 110 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
38/127 Grass Shaymin Platinum Platinum 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
46/127 Fighting Cranidos Platinum Platinum 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
53/127 Metal Lucario Platinum Platinum 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
54/127 Darkness Mightyena Platinum Platinum 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
56/127 Fire Monferno Platinum Platinum 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
64/127 Colorless Vigoroth Platinum Platinum 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
69/127 Colorless Chansey Platinum Platinum 90 Pokémon - Basic Common
70/127 Fire Chimchar Platinum Platinum 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
73/127 Colorless Dunsparce Platinum Platinum 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
91/127 Fighting Riolu Platinum Platinum 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
100/127 Fire Torkoal Platinum Platinum 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
5/111 Colorless Flygon Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
9/111 Lightning Luxray GL Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
17/111 Darkness Drapion 4 Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare
24/111 Grass Heracross 4 Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 90 Pokémon - Basic Rare
31/111 Lightning Raichu GL Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
35/111 Grass Vespiquen 4 Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
37/111 Grass Yanmega 4 Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 90 Pokémon - Basic Rare
48/111 Grass Scizor 4 Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 80 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
49/111 Darkness Sharpedo Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
81/111 Colorless Snorlax Rising Rivals Rising Rivals 100 Pokémon - Basic Common
13/147 Grass Venusaur Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
22/147 Psychic Claydol Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
25/147 Colorless Dodrio Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
36/147 Fire Moltres Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare
37/147 Psychic Mr. Mime Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
73/147 Grass Ninjask Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
75/147 Grass Pinsir Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 90 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
105/147 Fighting Geodude Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
109/147 Grass Kricketot Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
114/147 Colorless Meowth Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
116/147 Water Mudkip Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
126/147 Lightning Shinx Supreme Victors Supreme Victors 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
7/99 Metal Probopass Arceus Arceus 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
11/99 Fighting Toxicroak Arceus Arceus 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
31/99 Grass Sceptile Arceus Arceus 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
39/99 Grass Grovyle Arceus Arceus 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
49/99 Grass Wormadam Plant Cloak Arceus Arceus 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
79/99 Grass Treecko Arceus Arceus 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
AR4 Water Arceus Arceus Arceus 90 Pokémon - Basic Rare
2/123 Water Azumarill HeartGold & SoulSilver HeartGold & SoulSilver 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
74/123 Water Marill HeartGold & SoulSilver HeartGold & SoulSilver 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
19/95 Fighting Lucario Unleashed Unleashed 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
26/95 Darkness Tyranitar Unleashed Unleashed 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
27/95 Colorless Ursaring Unleashed Unleashed 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
34/95 Lightning Minun Unleashed Unleashed 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
36/95 Lightning Plusle Unleashed Unleashed 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
39/95 Fighting Pupitar Unleashed Unleashed 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
51/95 Fighting Larvitar Unleashed Unleashed 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
60/95 Fighting Riolu Unleashed Unleashed 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
65/95 Colorless Teddiursa Unleashed Unleashed 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
71/95 Cheerleader's Cheer Unleashed Unleashed   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
73/95 Emcee's Chatter Unleashed Unleashed   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
75/95 Engineer's Adjustments Unleashed Unleashed   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
77/95 Interviewer's Questions Unleashed Unleashed   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
78/95 Judge Unleashed Unleashed   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
33/90 Lightning Raichu Undaunted Undaunted 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
51/90 Fighting Hitmonchan Undaunted Undaunted 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
52/90 Fighting Hitmonlee Undaunted Undaunted 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
61/90 Lightning Pikachu Undaunted Undaunted 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
7/102 Colorless Porygon-Z Triumphant Triumphant 110 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
9/102 Fighting Solrock Triumphant Triumphant 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
25/102 Fighting Lunatone Triumphant Triumphant 60 Pokémon - Basic Rare
49/102 Colorless Porygon2 Triumphant Triumphant 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
73/102 Colorless Porygon Triumphant Triumphant 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
37/95 Colorless Ursaring Call of Legends Call of Legends 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
57/95 Fighting Hitmonchan Call of Legends Call of Legends 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
58/95 Fighting Hitmonlee Call of Legends Call of Legends 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
76/95 Cheerleader's Cheer Call of Legends Call of Legends   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
79/95 Interviewer's Questions Call of Legends Call of Legends   Trainer - Supporter Uncommon
12/114 Grass Maractus Black & White Black & White 90 Pokémon - Basic Rare
15/114 Fire Tepig Black & White Black & White 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
17/114 Fire Pignite Black & White Black & White 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
19/114 Fire Emboar Black & White Black & White 150 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
23/114 Fire Darumaka Black & White Black & White 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
40/114 Lightning Blitzle Black & White Black & White 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
42/114 Lightning Zebstrika Black & White Black & White 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
44/114 Lightning Joltik Black & White Black & White 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
51/114 Psychic Swoobat Black & White Black & White 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
64/114 Fighting Krokorok Black & White Black & White 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
70/114 Darkness Zorua Black & White Black & White 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
73/114 Darkness Mandibuzz Black & White Black & White 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
85/114 Colorless Tranquill Black & White Black & White 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
91/114 Colorless Bouffalant Black & White Black & White 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare
115/114 Lightning Pikachu Black & White Black & White 60 Pokémon - Basic Rare Secret
1/98 Grass Pansage Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
7/98 Grass Leavanny Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
30/98 Water Beartic Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
32/98 Lightning Emolga Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
38/98 Psychic Venipede Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
48/98 Psychic Gothitelle Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
51/98 Fighting Boldore Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
59/98 Fighting Sawk Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 90 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
74/98 Metal Klink Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
75/98 Metal Klang Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
86/98 Colorless Rufflet Emerging Powers Emerging Powers 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
18/101 Fire Heatmor Noble Victories Noble Victories 90 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
65/101 Fighting Conkeldurr Noble Victories Noble Victories 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
67/101 Fighting Archeops Noble Victories Noble Victories 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
72/101 Fighting Golurk Noble Victories Noble Victories 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
76/101 Darkness Bisharp Noble Victories Noble Victories 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
80/101 Metal Escavalier Noble Victories Noble Victories 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
88/101 Colorless Haxorus Noble Victories Noble Victories 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
102/101 Colorless Meowth Noble Victories Noble Victories 60 Pokémon - Basic Rare Secret
9/99 Grass Amoonguss Next Destinies Next Destinies 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
16/99 Fire Simisear Next Destinies Next Destinies 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
25/99 Water Lapras Next Destinies Next Destinies 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare
44/99 Lightning Luxio Next Destinies Next Destinies 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
62/99 Psychic Beheeyem Next Destinies Next Destinies 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
76/99 Metal Bronzong Next Destinies Next Destinies 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
11/108 Grass Accelgor Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
21/108 Fire Larvesta Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
24/108 Water Slowbro Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
27/108 Water Piplup Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
31/108 Water Tympole Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
32/108 Water Palpitoad Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
33/108 Water Vanillite Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
34/108 Water Vanillish Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
61/108 Darkness Umbreon Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
82/108 Colorless Blissey Dark Explorers Dark Explorers 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
1/124 Grass Hoppip Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
6/124 Grass Wurmple Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
27/124 Water Feebas Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
31/124 Water Walrein Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
50/124 Psychic Drifloon Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
61/124 Fighting Marowak Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
94/124 Dragon Deino Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
96/124 Dragon Zweilous Dragons Exalted Dragons Exalted 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
6/20 Dragon Bagon Dragon Vault Dragon Vault 50 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
42/149 Water Ducklett Boundaries Crossed Boundaries Crossed 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
45/149 Water Jellicent Boundaries Crossed Boundaries Crossed 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
46/149 Water Cryogonal Boundaries Crossed Boundaries Crossed 90 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
60/149 Psychic Grumpig Boundaries Crossed Boundaries Crossed 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
66/149 Psychic Toxicroak Boundaries Crossed Boundaries Crossed 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
81/149 Fighting Gliscor Boundaries Crossed Boundaries Crossed 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
1/135 Grass Turtwig Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
21/135 Fire Litwick Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
22/135 Fire Lampent Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
26/135 Water Swinub Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
64/135 Psychic Trubbish Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
68/135 Psychic Elgyem Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
85/135 Darkness Scraggy Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
110/135 Colorless Patrat Plasma Storm Plasma Storm 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
35/116 Lightning Chinchou Plasma Freeze Plasma Freeze 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
51/116 Psychic Metang Plasma Freeze Plasma Freeze 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
63/116 Fighting Hariyama Plasma Freeze Plasma Freeze 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
72/116 Darkness Pawniard Plasma Freeze Plasma Freeze 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
95/116 Colorless Starly Plasma Freeze Plasma Freeze 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
17/101 Water Lapras Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 100 Pokémon - Basic Common
50/101 Fighting Machamp Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
54/101 Fighting Archeops Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
59/101 Metal Aggron Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
62/101 Dragon Bagon Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
69/101 Dragon Haxorus Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
70/101 Dragon Druddigon Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 100 Pokémon - Basic Common
71/101 Colorless Kangaskhan Plasma Blast Plasma Blast 100 Pokémon - Basic Common
46/113 Lightning Zapdos Legendary Treasures Legendary Treasures 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
47/113 Lightning Plusle Legendary Treasures Legendary Treasures 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
48/113 Lightning Minun Legendary Treasures Legendary Treasures 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
56/113 Psychic Xatu Legendary Treasures Legendary Treasures 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
74/113 Psychic Solosis Legendary Treasures Legendary Treasures 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
19/39 Metal Pawniard Kalos Starter Set Kalos Starter Set 60 Pokémon - Basic
29/39 Colorless Bidoof Kalos Starter Set Kalos Starter Set 70 Pokémon - Basic
4/146 Grass Kakuna XY XY 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
38/146 Water Simipour XY XY 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
66/146 Fighting Gurdurr XY XY 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
110/146 Colorless Stoutland XY XY 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
7/106 Grass Shiftry FlashFire FlashFire 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
21/106 Water Qwilfish FlashFire FlashFire 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
2/12 Grass Pansage McDonald's Collection 2012 McDonald's Collection 2012 70 Pokémon - Basic Promo
4/12 Fire Pignite McDonald's Collection 2012 McDonald's Collection 2012 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Promo
6/12 Lightning Emolga McDonald's Collection 2012 McDonald's Collection 2012 70 Pokémon - Basic Promo
11/12 Metal Klang McDonald's Collection 2012 McDonald's Collection 2012 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Promo
XY14 Psychic Trevenant XY Black Star Promos XY Black Star Promos 110 Pokémon - Basic Promo
1/17 Fire Entei POP Series 2 POP Series 2 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
3/17 Lightning Raikou POP Series 2 POP Series 2 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
4/17 Water Suicune POP Series 2 POP Series 2 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
5/17 Colorless Tauros POP Series 2 POP Series 2 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
2/17 Colorless Deoxys δ POP Series 4 POP Series 4 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
13/17 Lightning Pikachu POP Series 4 POP Series 4 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
15/17 Metal Zangoose δ POP Series 5 POP Series 5 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
2/17 Fighting Lucario POP Series 6 POP Series 6 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
7/17 Colorless Gible POP Series 6 POP Series 6 50 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
8/17 Fighting Riolu POP Series 6 POP Series 6 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
1/17 Lightning Ampharos POP Series 7 POP Series 7 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
9/17 Colorless Stantler POP Series 7 POP Series 7 70 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
11/17 Grass Burmy Plant Cloak POP Series 7 POP Series 7 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
7/17 Grass Carnivine POP Series 8 POP Series 8 70 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
13/17 Psychic Croagunk POP Series 8 POP Series 8 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
44/111 Fighting Machop Furious Fists Furious Fists 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
22/119 Water Alomomola Phantom Forces Phantom Forces 100 Pokémon - Basic Common
30/119 Lightning Heliolisk Phantom Forces Phantom Forces 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
56/119 Darkness Purrloin Phantom Forces Phantom Forces 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
85/119 Colorless Exploud Phantom Forces Phantom Forces 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
8/34 Psychic Team Aqua's Muk Double Crisis Double Crisis 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
16/34 Darkness Team Aqua's Poochyena Double Crisis Double Crisis 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
3/160 Grass Beedrill Primal Clash Primal Clash 120 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
52/160 Water Gorebyss Primal Clash Primal Clash 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
76/160 Fighting Rhyperior Primal Clash Primal Clash 150 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
100/160 Metal Aegislash Primal Clash Primal Clash 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
13/108 Fire Victini Roaring Skies Roaring Skies 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
63/108 Dragon Reshiram Roaring Skies Roaring Skies 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
31/98 Psychic Baltoy Ancient Origins Ancient Origins 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
51/98 Metal Registeel Ancient Origins Ancient Origins 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare
63/98 Colorless Eevee Ancient Origins Ancient Origins 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
9/162 Grass Chespin BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
48/162 Lightning Pikachu BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
57/162 Lightning Dedenne BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
93/162 Darkness Inkay BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
101/162 Fairy Flabébé BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
118/162 Colorless Snorlax BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 120 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
120/162 Colorless Noctowl BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
127/162 Colorless Staraptor BREAKthrough BREAKthrough 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
9/122 Grass Durant BREAKpoint BREAKpoint 70 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
23/122 Water Shellder BREAKpoint BREAKpoint 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
57/122 Psychic Garbodor BREAKpoint BREAKpoint 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
78/122 Metal Mawile BREAKpoint BREAKpoint 80 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
2/124 Grass Burmy Fates Collide Fates Collide 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
48/124 Fighting Hawlucha Fates Collide Fates Collide 70 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
80/124 Colorless Whismur Fates Collide Fates Collide 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
89/124 Colorless Cinccino Fates Collide Fates Collide 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
15/114 FireFire title= Volcarona Steam Siege Steam Siege 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
96/114 Colorless Talonflame Steam Siege Steam Siege 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
11/149 Grass Decidueye Sun & Moon Sun & Moon 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
39/149 Water Popplio Sun & Moon Sun & Moon 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
75/149 Fighting Palossand Sun & Moon Sun & Moon 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
76/149 Darkness Alolan Rattata Sun & Moon Sun & Moon 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
107/149 Colorless Trumbeak Sun & Moon Sun & Moon 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
9/145 Grass Golisopod Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
13/145 Fire Chandelure Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
55/145 Psychic Oricorio Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 90 Pokémon - Basic Rare
64/145 Fighting Machoke Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
75/145 Fighting Mudbray Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
91/145 Fairy Whimsicott Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
112/145 Colorless Stufful Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
114/145 Colorless Komala Guardians Rising Guardians Rising 80 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
14/147 Grass Dewpider Burning Shadows Burning Shadows 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
26/147 Fire Turtonator Burning Shadows Burning Shadows 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare
47/147 Lightning Togedemaru Burning Shadows Burning Shadows 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
79/147 Fighting Passimian Burning Shadows Burning Shadows 110 Pokémon - Basic Rare
82/147 Darkness Alolan Raticate Burning Shadows Burning Shadows 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
83/147 Darkness Alolan Grimer Burning Shadows Burning Shadows 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
2/73 Grass Ivysaur Shining Legends Shining Legends 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Common
47/73 Darkness Spiritomb Shining Legends Shining Legends 60 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
57/73 Colorless Shining Arceus Shining Legends Shining Legends 130 Pokémon - Basic Shining Holo
4/111 Grass Exeggcute Crimson Invasion Crimson Invasion 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
20/111 Water Piloswine Crimson Invasion Crimson Invasion 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
29/111 Water Shellos Crimson Invasion Crimson Invasion 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
58/111 Darkness Houndour Crimson Invasion Crimson Invasion 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
84/111 Colorless Regigigas Crimson Invasion Crimson Invasion 180 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
21/156 Fire Chimchar Ultra Prism Ultra Prism 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
43/156 Lightning Electabuzz Ultra Prism Ultra Prism 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
64/156 Fighting Cranidos Ultra Prism Ultra Prism 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
114/156 Colorless Oranguru Ultra Prism Ultra Prism 120 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
51/168 Lightning Electrike Celestial Storm Celestial Storm 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
69/168 Psychic Deoxys Celestial Storm Celestial Storm 100 Pokémon - Basic Rare
97/168 Metal Jirachi Prism Star Celestial Storm Celestial Storm 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
4/70 Fire Torchic Dragon Majesty Dragon Majesty 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
6/70 Fire Blaziken Dragon Majesty Dragon Majesty 150 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
31/70 Water Wishiwashi Dragon Majesty Dragon Majesty 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
42/70 Dragon Bagon Dragon Majesty Dragon Majesty 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
XY31 Fairy Xerneas XY Black Star Promos XY Black Star Promos 130 Pokémon - Basic Promo
XY49 Fighting Regirock XY Black Star Promos XY Black Star Promos 110 Pokémon - Basic Promo
XY110 Psychic Mew XY Black Star Promos XY Black Star Promos 70 Pokémon - Basic Promo
XY121 Fire Charizard-EX XY Black Star Promos XY Black Star Promos 180 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SM08 Fire Litten Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 60 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SM53 Psychic Dhelmise Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 120 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SM55 Grass Decidueye Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Promo
SM77 Psychic Mewtwo Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 120 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SM135 Dragon Latias Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 110 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SM136 Dragon Latios Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 120 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SM149 Water Suicune Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 110 Pokémon - Basic Promo
3/214 Grass Scyther Lost Thunder Lost Thunder 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
42/214 Fire Typhlosion Lost Thunder Lost Thunder 160 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
129/214 Metal Cobalion Lost Thunder Lost Thunder 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
140/214 Fairy Kirlia Lost Thunder Lost Thunder 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
166/214 Colorless Toucannon Lost Thunder Lost Thunder 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
26/181 Water Psyduck Team Up Team Up 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
51/181 Lightning Tapu Koko Prism Star Team Up Team Up 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
52/181 Lightning Zeraora Team Up Team Up 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
58/181 Psychic Nidorino Team Up Team Up 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
70/181 Psychic Cosmoem Team Up Team Up 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
117/181 Dragon Dratini Team Up Team Up 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
42/214 Water Slowpoke Unbroken Bonds Unbroken Bonds 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
85/214 Fighting Diglett Unbroken Bonds Unbroken Bonds 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
128/214 Metal Meltan Unbroken Bonds Unbroken Bonds 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
129/214 Metal Melmetal Unbroken Bonds Unbroken Bonds 150 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
45/236 Water Carracosta Unified Minds Unified Minds 160 Pokémon - Stage 2 Uncommon
57/236 Lightning Alolan Raichu Unified Minds Unified Minds 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
123/236 Fighting Meloetta Unified Minds Unified Minds 90 Pokémon - Basic Rare
23/68 Lightning Jolteon Hidden Fates Hidden Fates 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
30/68 Psychic Jynx Hidden Fates Hidden Fates 100 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
SV8 Water Alolan Vulpix Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault 60 Pokémon - Basic Rare Shiny
SV22 Fighting Lucario Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Shiny
SV32 Metal Celesteela Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault 140 Pokémon - Basic Rare Shiny
61/236 Water Black Kyurem Cosmic Eclipse Cosmic Eclipse 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
136/236 Darkness Guzzlord Cosmic Eclipse Cosmic Eclipse 150 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
221/236 Dragon Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX Cosmic Eclipse Cosmic Eclipse 280 Pokémon - TAG TEAM Rare Ultra
11/202 Grass Grookey Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
34/202 Fire Cinderace Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 170 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
38/202 Fire Sizzlipede Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
76/202 Lightning Boltund Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
109/202 Fighting Sandaconda Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 140 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
119/202 Darkness Galarian Obstagoon Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 160 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
126/202 Darkness Thievul Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
132/202 Metal Galarian Stunfisk Sword & Shield Sword & Shield 120 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
48/192 Water Galarian Darmanitan Rebel Clash Rebel Clash 140 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
53/192 Water Barraskewda Rebel Clash Rebel Clash 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
73/192 Lightning Morpeko Rebel Clash Rebel Clash 80 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
90/192 Psychic Drakloak Rebel Clash Rebel Clash 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
111/192 Fighting Stonjourner Rebel Clash Rebel Clash 140 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
123/192 Darkness Impidimp Rebel Clash Rebel Clash 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
82/189 Psychic Sinistea Darkness Ablaze Darkness Ablaze 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
125/189 Metal Klink Darkness Ablaze Darkness Ablaze 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
132/189 Metal Copperajah Darkness Ablaze Darkness Ablaze 190 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
153/189 Colorless Greedent Darkness Ablaze Darkness Ablaze 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
156/189 Colorless Corviknight Darkness Ablaze Darkness Ablaze 160 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
8/73 Fire Incineroar-V Champion's Path Champion's Path 220 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo V
35/73 Darkness Galarian Zigzagoon Champion's Path Champion's Path 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
62/185 Lightning Pincurchin Vivid Voltage Vivid Voltage 80 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
80/185 Psychic Milcery Vivid Voltage Vivid Voltage 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
112/185 Metal Galarian Meowth Vivid Voltage Vivid Voltage 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
1/72 Grass Yanma Shining Fates Shining Fates 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
16/72 Grass Zarude Shining Fates Shining Fates 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare
SV014 Grass Appletun Shining Fates: Shiny Vault Shining Fates: Shiny Vault 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Shiny
SV041 Lightning Toxel Shining Fates: Shiny Vault Shining Fates: Shiny Vault 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare Shiny
SV064 Fighting Galarian Sirfetch'd Shining Fates: Shiny Vault Shining Fates: Shiny Vault 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Shiny
SV074 Fighting Falinks Shining Fates: Shiny Vault Shining Fates: Shiny Vault 90 Pokémon - Basic Rare Shiny
SV077 Darkness Galarian Weezing Shining Fates: Shiny Vault Shining Fates: Shiny Vault 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Shiny
SV085 Darkness Grimmsnarl Shining Fates: Shiny Vault Shining Fates: Shiny Vault 170 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Shiny
SV104 Colorless Dubwool Shining Fates: Shiny Vault Shining Fates: Shiny Vault 130 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Shiny
67/163 Fighting Primeape Battle Styles Battle Styles 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
17/198 Grass Thwackey Chilling Reign Chilling Reign 100 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
35/198 Water Snorunt Chilling Reign Chilling Reign 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
93/198 Fighting Kubfu Chilling Reign Chilling Reign 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
12/12 Colorless Eevee  McDonald's Collection 2016 60 Pokémon - Basic Promo
4/12 Water Popplio  McDonald's Collection 2017 70 Pokémon - Basic Promo
12/25 Fire Chimchar McDonald's Collection 2021 (25th Anniversary) McDonald's Collection 2021 (25th Anniversary) 60 Pokémon - Basic Promo
23/25 Water Popplio McDonald's Collection 2021 (25th Anniversary) McDonald's Collection 2021 (25th Anniversary) 70 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SM218 Grass Buzzwole Sun & Moon Black Star Promos Sun & Moon Black Star Promos 130 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SWSH006 Grass Rillaboom Sword & Shield Black Star Promos Sword & Shield Black Star Promos 170 Pokémon - Stage 2 Promo
SWSH024 Fighting Coalossal Sword & Shield Black Star Promos Sword & Shield Black Star Promos 160 Pokémon - Stage 2 Promo
SWSH033 Metal Zacian Sword & Shield Black Star Promos Sword & Shield Black Star Promos 130 Pokémon - Basic Promo
SWSH034 Metal Zamazenta Sword & Shield Black Star Promos Sword & Shield Black Star Promos 130 Pokémon - Basic Promo
16/203 Grass Eldegoss Evolving Skies Evolving Skies 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
45/203 Water Avalugg Evolving Skies Evolving Skies 150 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
124/203 Dragon Regidrago Evolving Skies Evolving Skies 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
128/203 Colorless Smeargle Evolving Skies Evolving Skies 80 Pokémon - Basic Rare
88/264 Lightning Electrode Fusion Strike Fusion Strike 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
117/264 Psychic Galarian Corsola Fusion Strike Fusion Strike 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
119/264 Psychic Mawile Fusion Strike Fusion Strike 90 Pokémon - Basic Common
120/264 Psychic Deoxys Fusion Strike Fusion Strike 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
171/264 Darkness Zoroark Fusion Strike Fusion Strike 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
199/264 Colorless Meowth Fusion Strike Fusion Strike 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
270/264 Psychic Espeon-VMAX Fusion Strike Fusion Strike 310 Pokémon - VMAX Rare Rainbow
1/25 Fire Ho-Oh Celebrations Celebrations 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare
22/25 Colorless Lugia Celebrations Celebrations 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare
37/172 Water Empoleon Brilliant Stars Brilliant Stars 160 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
118/172 Colorless Staravia Brilliant Stars Brilliant Stars 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
14/189 Grass Shaymin Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 70 Pokémon - Basic Rare
31/189 Water Swinub Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
47/189 Water Bergmite Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
52/189 Psychic Hisuian Typhlosion Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 150 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
82/189 Fighting Hisuian Decidueye Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 160 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
93/189 Darkness Hisuian Sneasler Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
100/189 Darkness Hisuian Samurott Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 170 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare Holo
111/189 Metal Bronzor Astral Radiance Astral Radiance 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
TG16 Psychic Galarian Articuno-V Astral Radiance Trainer Gallery Astral Radiance Trainer Gallery 210 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo V
62/196 Psychic Clefairy Lost Origin Lost Origin 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
65/196 Psychic Haunter Lost Origin Lost Origin 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
72/196 Psychic Shuppet Lost Origin Lost Origin 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
76/196 Psychic Hisuian Zoroark Lost Origin Lost Origin 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare Holo
83/196 Fighting Hisuian Growlithe Lost Origin Lost Origin 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
100/196 Fighting Medicham Lost Origin Lost Origin 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
133/196 Dragon Hisuian Sliggoo Lost Origin Lost Origin 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
144/196 Colorless Aipom Lost Origin Lost Origin 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
TG10 Colorless Snorlax Lost Origin Trainer Gallery Lost Origin Trainer Gallery 150 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
14/195 Grass Virizion Silver Tempest Silver Tempest 110 Pokémon - Basic Rare
20/159 Fire Radiant Charizard Crown Zenith Crown Zenith 160 Pokémon - Basic Radiant Rare
36/159 Water Kyogre Crown Zenith Crown Zenith 140 Pokémon - Basic Rare Holo
106/159 Colorless Tauros Crown Zenith Crown Zenith 110 Pokémon - Basic Rare
GG26 Fighting Riolu Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 60 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG27 Colorless Swablu Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 50 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG28 Psychic Duskull Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 60 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG29 Colorless Bidoof Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 60 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG30 Lightning Pikachu Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 60 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG31 Grass Turtwig Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 80 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG32 Grass Paras Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 70 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG33 Darkness Poochyena Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 60 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
GG34 Lightning Mareep Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery Crown Zenith Galarian Gallery 60 Pokémon - Basic Trainer Gallery Rare Holo
14/198 Grass Floragato Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
18/198 Grass Tarountula Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
23/198 Grass Arboliva Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 150 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
27/198 Grass Capsakid Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
54/198 Water Quaquaval Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 170 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
59/198 Water Cetoddle Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 100 Pokémon - Basic Common
70/198 Lightning Rotom Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
79/198 Lightning Kilowattrel Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 120 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
80/198 Lightning Miraidon Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare
106/198 Psychic Houndstone Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 140 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
119/198 Fighting Silicobra Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
124/198 Fighting Koraidon Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare
126/198 Darkness Grimer Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
209/198 Lightning Pawmot Scarlet & Violet Scarlet & Violet 130 Pokémon - Stage 2 Illustration Rare
4/193 Grass Pineco Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
25/193 Grass Rellor Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 40 Pokémon - Basic Common
59/193 Water Arctibax Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
105/193 Psychic Tinkaton Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 140 Pokémon - Stage 2 Rare
128/193 Darkness Paldean Wooper Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
155/193 Colorless Farigiraf Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 140 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
158/193 Colorless Wingull Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
196/193 Grass Sprigatito Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 60 Pokémon - Basic Illustration Rare
197/193 Grass Floragato Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Illustration Rare
256/193 Grass Meowscarada-ex Paldea Evolved Paldea Evolved 310 Pokémon - Stage 2 Special Illustration Rare
129/165 Water Magikarp 151 151 30 Pokémon - Basic Common
130/165 Water Gyarados 151 151 190 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
8/182 Grass Bounsweet Paradox Rift Paradox Rift 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
14/182 Grass Nymble Paradox Rift Paradox Rift 50 Pokémon - Basic Common
18/182 Grass Wo-Chien Paradox Rift Paradox Rift 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare
28/182 Fire Iron Moth Paradox Rift Paradox Rift 130 Pokémon - Basic Rare
53/182 Water Wugtrio Paradox Rift Paradox Rift 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Uncommon
55/182 Water Dondozo Paradox Rift Paradox Rift 160 Pokémon - Basic Uncommon
88/182 Psychic Gimmighoul Paradox Rift Paradox Rift 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
1/91 Grass Pineco Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 70 Pokémon - Basic Common
43/91 Psychic Houndstone Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 140 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
58/91 Darkness Paldean Wooper Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 60 Pokémon - Basic Common
107/91 Grass Scovillain Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 110 Pokémon - Stage 1 Shiny Rare
110/91 Fire Charmeleon Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Shiny Rare
129/91 Water Arctibax Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 90 Pokémon - Stage 1 Shiny Rare
148/91 Psychic Abra Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 50 Pokémon - Basic Shiny Rare
162/91 Psychic Ceruledge Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 140 Pokémon - Stage 1 Shiny Rare
178/91 Fighting Garganacl Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 180 Pokémon - Stage 2 Shiny Rare
197/91 Colorless Pidgeotto Paldean Fates Paldean Fates 80 Pokémon - Stage 1 Shiny Rare
22/167 Grass Sinistcha Twilight Masquerade Twilight Masquerade 70 Pokémon - Stage 1 Rare
47/167 Water Corphish Twilight Masquerade Twilight Masquerade 80 Pokémon - Basic Common
96/167 Psychic Fezandipiti Twilight Masquerade Twilight Masquerade 120 Pokémon - Basic Rare
103/167 Fighting Timburr Twilight Masquerade Twilight Masquerade 80 Pokémon - Basic Common