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Thread: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

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    Advanced Trainer
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    Gateway to the West

    Default Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    It’s the height of summer, and you finally receive what you’ve been waiting for- a letter from the Indigo Plateau Pokemon League! Inside, you have your acceptance to the most prestigious high school in the area, Lapras Valley High. Some will come from high ranking families, some come from nowhere. All are expected to become the best of the best. After months of testing and competition, you have been chosen to join the cream of the crop. You now have a chance to go directly towards the top. What will you make of it?

    Late sign ups go here for approval.

    The Towers:
    Each is comprised of four floors, the first being a common area including kitchen and laundry room. The second floor is made up of the girls’ rooms, and the same for boys on the third. The fourth floor is another common area with pool table, couches, a TV, and coffee tables. Each tower is decorated in its own colors; red and light grey for Flaria, blue and sea green for Aquaria, deep green and light brown for Solaria, and yellow and white for Joltaria.

    Towers will be assigned after your sign up is approved. If you'd like to get an idea of how that works, the last LVH topic can be found here.

    Dru Pyronson, Female, 15, Sophomore; Flareon (f)
    Mateo Ralen, Male, 16, Sophomore; Eevee (f)
    Sebastian.L.Coyle, Male, 17, Senior; Mismagius (f)
    Aubrey Loosestrife, Male, 18, Senior; Growlithe (m)
    Rachel Parker, Female, 18, Senoir; Charmeleon
    Berezi Aiza, Female, 15, Sophomore; Espeon (m)

    Nola Evans, Female, 17, Junior; Totodile (m)
    Zane Pieters, Male, 15, Sophomore; Mudkip (m)
    Eric McAlister, Male, 15, Freshman; Dratini (f)
    Drake McAlister, Male, 17, Senior; Cloyster (m)
    Olivia Eirlys Pond, Female, 17, Senior; Sneasel (f)

    Von Marcellus, Male, 16, Sophomore; Gligar (m)
    Thomas Marcolt, Male, 16, Sophomore; Shuckle (f)
    Weston Avery, Male, 18, Senior; Nidorino
    Leonard Poe, Male, 17, Senior; Shedinja
    Tana Renais, Female, 14, Freshman; Nidorina
    Tiffany Parker, Female, 14, Freshman; Chikorita
    Tyson Buros, Male, 15, Sophomore; Toxicroak

    Holly Sans, Female, 16, Sophomore; Shinx
    Jennifer Miller, Female, 16, Sophomore; Zangoose (m)
    Krystal (Krys) Lynne, Female, 15, Sophomore; Pikachu (f)

    Majors/Areas of Focus:

    Tana Renais
    Drake McAlister

    Weston Avery
    Berezi Aiza

    Advanced battle techniques (Layla Nejem)
    Dru Pyronson
    Sebastian L. Coyle
    Zane Pieters
    Jen Miller
    Olivia Eirlys Pond
    Von Marcellus
    Leonard Poe

    Thomas Marcolt
    Eric McAlister

    Holly Sans
    Tyson Buros

    Mateo Ralen
    Nola Evans
    Aubrey Loosestrife

    PM or IM me with any questions!

    Lapras Valley High sits on a slight hill, its back to the ocean, and surrounded on two opposing sides by barely disturbed forest. A high wall surrounds the grounds, broken only by the front gate, rear gate to the beach, and a western gate into the surrounding forest. Parking for faculty/staff is to the west of the drive leading to the school, and parking for students/visitors is to the east, both just inside the main gate. The grounds itself includes one large building, the school proper, with towers at the four corners that make up the students’ dormitories. To the west of the main building are tennis and basketball courts; to the north, an Olympic-sized pool. Beyond the pool are the greenhouses and soccer/football field, which doubles as a tournament ground. Past that, all the way to the north wall, are lush green lawns, spotted with pavilions and benches where students can study and hang out. A similar pavilion can be found on the beach just outside the north gate.

    Inside the school itself, hallways lined with classrooms connect the dormitories and surround a central hall, designed both as a cafeteria and an assembly room. The south hall contains the administration offices, while the east and west halls are classrooms and the north contains the trophy room and vending machines. The northeast corner contains Flaria tower, the northwest Jolteria, the southeast Solaria, and the southwest Aquaria.

    As you arrive, you are directed to the admissions office, where your ID picture will be taken and you will receive information packets, including your class schedule, dorm info, roommate assignment, and details about the various facilities open to students.

    And here, our heroes enter the stage…

    Name: Dru Pyronson
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Class: Sophomore
    Focus: Advanced Battle Techniques
    Pokemon: Flareon (Torch, female)
    Physical Description: Standing at 5'5 with a lean build, what stands out about her is her personality manifesting in her appearance. Her hair hangs past her shoulder blades and never stays quite the same color for more than five weeks at a time (currently, it's a rich purple with one-inch midnight blue streaks worked evenly through). Her eyes are almost the same blue as the streaks in her hair. Her ears are pierced three times in each lobe, with two cartilage piercings in her left ear. Her left eyebrow is pierced twice as well (the outer with a spiked bar, the inner with a hoop ring), and she has a small black labaret in the middle of her lower lip. She does have a few tattoos that she's gotten on the sly, mostly on her back, though she does have one on her upper right arm; a blue and black band of Celtic knots works around her bicep. Her wardrobe leans towards the bizzare and extravagant; mostly dark, rich colors and heavy fabrics that both compliment and contrast each other. During the warmer months, she'll wear a dark colored (usually purple or black) tank top with tight but comfortable black pants and heavy black leather boots. Elbow-length black arm warmers (which really don't warm the arm) accent the outfit, along with many plain silver rings; one on every other finger, starting with her left pinky. Several silver necklaces dangle around her neck, including a western dragon and a cat with a pentacle.
    Personality: She's as quick to smile as frown. She hasn't had the happiest life, and has known loss from an early age, which can sometimes give her a gloomy outlook. She's much more aware of her own mortality than most are at her age, though most that know her would think the opposite. She is a daredevil and loves walking on the wilder side of life. Her trust is hard to win and can be easy to lose, but once she is a firm friend she will go all the way. She can be strong-willed and difficult to get along with, though she does try to be open minded about others views. Intelligent, quick-witted, and shrewd, she could be your best friend or your worst enemy.
    History: Her mother and twin brother were killed in a series of fires that swept through Cerulean City ten years ago. Since then, she has been the ward of her mother's cousin Blaine, gym leader of the Cinnabar Gym, and last known living relative. She hardly remembers her father at all, though has never heard anything to suspect that he is dead. She has no name to go on, only a few brief memories from her toddler years. She has one good friend, Nayia, a member of the Cerulean City Waterflower family and cousin to the gym leaders, that she visits often, especially during the summer.
    Relationships: None. Nayia was to attend, but her plans were changed last minute and made it impossible. Those who have visited the Cinnabar gym will recognize her as an apprentice there, but she doesn't actually know anyone.
    Other: She has a blue and black Suzuki motorcycle that she has ridden to school, and is a highly accomplished musician. She sings and plays guitar (both electric and acoustic, though she prefers electric most of the time) and a little bass. She has a black Gibson SG (and required set up) with her.

    Dru Pyronson, 15, Sophomore
    Get ready, set, all systems go

    Student parking required a permit, apparently, so I parked my bike in the visitor section, strapped my helmet to the seat, and made my way into the school, heading towards the administration office. The hallways were a nondescript off-white with light blue carpeting; soothing to some, boring to me. Whatever.

    The secretary greeted me and asked for an ID. I dug my driver’s license from one of the inner pockets of my jacket and handed it to her. I waited for a few minutes while she went through the drawer of a file cabinet and pulled out a manila envelope. She handed it to me, along with my driver’s license. “Just through there, dear,” she said, pointing to a hallway to my right. “They’ll take your picture and get you your keycard.”

    I joined the queue, just behind a tall guy with a blindfold over his eyes. He held a long cane in his hand, and I assumed that he was blind. I felt awkward, standing there behind him, not knowing if I should say hi or mind my own business.

    “So… where are you from?” I asked, feeling immensely lame. He turned slightly, not quite facing me, just listening for a few moments.

    “Saffron, how about you?” he asked.

    “Cerulean, originally, but I’ve been living in Cinnabar for awhile. I live with my cousin at the gym there.” I paused, wondering what to say next. “I’m Dru,” I added.

    “Leonard, pleased to meet you.” He smiled shyly.

    “Next!” The man in the next room called. “Uh… that would be you, son,” he added.

    “Oh, right. Nice talking to you, Dru.” Leonard turned towards the doorway, cane reaching out in front of him, and he made his way to the waiting stool in front of a white wall. From there, they took his picture and a machine near the camera started whirring and produced a small ID card. It was green with his picture and name on one side, and a black magnetic strip on the other.

    “Don’t lose this, now, it’s your key for the gates, your dorm tower, and your room. It also keeps track of your meal points, as well.” The man explained to Leonard, handing him the card. Leonard nodded, and made his way back out of the room and offices.

    I brushed my black leather jacket off a little bit, trying to disguise the fact that it was very dirty from travel. I also had helmet hair… I ran my fingers through it quickly and probably made more of a mess than before. I sat down on the stool and looked at the camera. The flash was blinding, and I sat there blinking for several seconds. Then came the whirring sound, and a red card with my name and picture on it was produced.

    “Like I told the last guy, this is very important, so don’t lose it,” the man reminded me as he handed the card over. “Key for the grounds and all that good stuff. Next!”

    I left the administration hallway, following the signs that pointed towards a red door at the end of a long corridor. I swiped my card through the reader and opened the door when it clicked. It opened into a large circular room that was half kitchen, half laundry room. The walls were red with grey molding along the floor and doorways. A spiral staircase rose out of the floor in the middle of the room and ascended into the tower. As I had no food nor laundry, I mounted the stairs to the second floor and the girls’ dormitories.

    I walked around the hallway until I found my name on one of the doors. I slid my card through the scanner and opened the door. There was a bed on the left side and the right, with a window in the opposing wall. Two closets flanked the door, and two desks did the same to the window; all in all, a pretty large room. Boxes were piled up on one side; I checked them, and my name appeared on each. At least my clothing and other belongings had made it here ahead of me. Life would have been awkward with only one set of clothing. I began to unpack a little, hanging clothing up and making the bed. I found my small amp for my guitar, and pushed it over next to my desk.

    I sighed and surveyed the damage I’d done to the pile of boxes. They were about half done, but I wanted to explore the grounds. I broke down what boxes I had emptied and gathered them up, intending to find the recycling bins. I felt a twitch at my belt.

    “OK, Torch, OK… I gotcha…” I put down my pile of cardboard and took the Pokeball from my belt and released my partner in crime from her confines. “FLARE!” She yelled at me.

    “Yeah, yeah, I know… C’mon, let’s find the recycling.”

    The light was bright outside, and I squinted at the glare. There was a large bin set up just outside the front door of the school building for cardboard boxes, and I deposited my burden into it. Torch sat back on her haunches and stared at me.

    “What is it now?”

    “Flare,” she said, and twitched her ear. Obviously, I was forgetting something…

    “Oh! I remember now!” The thought came to me that I’d forgotten to get a parking pass. I went back into the building and headed back into the administration office. The secretary looked up as I entered.

    “Uhm… Yeah. I forgot to get a parking pass.”

    The secretary pulled out a form and put it on the desk in front of me. “Just fill this out, make, model, year, color, and license plate… And put this on your rear window.” She handed me a static cling sticker.

    “Uh, I have a motorcycle…?”

    “Oh, then… just stick it on somewhere. If it comes off, just come back in for a new one, I suppose.”

    I nodded, and turned to leave, when I ran face-on into someone coming in.

    Last edited by Drusilla; 23rd December 2009 at 10:04 PM.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

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