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Thread: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

  1. #41
    Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Rachel Parker

    ”Where is she..” I wondered out loud, leaving the cafeteria soon after I noticed that Rachel had already left. It was late already, and getting dark, and part of me did worry about her safety even though my nerves were already shot from the stress of the day.

    The sound of rumbling ground caused my pace to increase, there were no battles scheduled at this time, and it was coming from the dorms, not the typical battlefields. “If some one is battling at this time..” I grumbled, knowing that the grounds keepers would give them holy hell if there was property damage. Then the blood drained from my face. “If Tiffany is battling…” My pace increased as the rumbling grew louder, by now I could make out the voices calling out commands in the distance.

    With one hand on Blaze’s Pokeball, I rounded the corner and was hit by what felt like a hundred pound weight in my chest. The ground was torn up, glass littered everywhere, it was a picture perfect reason as to why you would not battle close to large buildings.

    “Blaze, use flamethrower to separate the two” I called out as I tossed the Pokeball. He did exactly what I had trained him for, releasing a torrent of flames the moment he materialized out of the ball, separating the battling Pokemon before they even had a clue what was happening.

    “What the hell are you doing?!” I raced over to Tiffany while the flames died down, I grabbed my sister and spun her around to face me, a look of horror and shock on her face from my sudden appearance. “Look at all of this damage, look at it!” I spat in anger, but was quickly checking her over for cuts or injuries from the falling glass.

    “Who do you think is going to pay for this? To fix all of this?!” I shook her, even though deep down I was relieved she didn’t get hurt, I was still furious, and I had to act furious in front of everyone else, I couldn’t be seen giving her special treatment.

    “S-Sorry Rachel” She offered a meager apology, her head held low.

    “And another thing…” My eyes turned to the rather sheepish looking girl standing next to her, who looked like she wanted to speak. “Yes?” My voice crackled with anger as I turned my attention to her. The girl tried a joke, only to have my glare narrow onto her, she followed with a rambling reply about a Dugtrio until I cut her off in mid sentence.

    “Is this your friend, Tiffany?” I asked once the girl had shut up, which was probably the best thing for her right now.

    “You see, this guy is her boyfriend… except that this guy is actually a gal, see,” The rambling girl spoke up again, only to have my anger rise again, I was half tempted to have Blaze weld her mouth shut. “Ok… I won’t talk any more.”

    Both girls looked pretty beaten down, and they should have, they did something stupid, and at this hour the results of their stupidity most likely would remain until morning. “You, are going to take both of the Pokemon to the Pokemon Center, Tiffany will be along in a moment, once you are done there, both of you can start cleaning up the glass so that no one steps on it in the morning.”

    “But that might..” Tiffany spoke up, I glanced over at her and she quickly grew silent.

    I glanced back at the other girl who seemed to be standing around dumb founded. I may not have the authority to order them around, but they didn’t know that and if the older teachers saw all this glass lying about… “What are you waiting for, GO!” I snapped at her, as she returned one Pokemon, and gathered up the other and scurried off.

    I moved Tiffany over to the side, out of sight of any prying eyes, and allowed my shoulders to ease a little, some of the stress softening from my face. “We’re you winning?” I asked.

    She looked down and away, her eyes searching as if she were trying to remember the battle. “I think.. I might have been!”

    I cracked a small smile, and placed my hand on her head, rubbing it like I used to when we were little. “Good, now go join your friend.” I let her go; she nodded with a smile and ran off toward the Pokemon Center.

    I turned away and began to walk back to my dorm, any trace of the smile gone; my shoulders bunched up again and filled with stress. My shield was back up.

    I’ll add a post for Tiffany later today.

  2. #42
    Cheesecake! Moderator
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Coming from the opposing direction was a Flygon. It flew past Rachel and stopped abruptly in front of the mess and cried. Seconds later, Layla jogged past Rachel and stopped at the sight of the mess in front of her.

    "al-lu'na!" (DAMN! in arabic), she cried. "What happened here?!", she turned her head to the only other person there. "Ms. Parker, do you know what happened here?"

    "Yes.", she nodded as she said that. "Two people were battling here, I didn't see what caused it, though."

    "Did you see who?", she asked.

    "No, sorry by the time I got here they were already gone.", she said feigning cluelessness.

    Layla put her hand on her head. "The maintenance crew is not going to be happy about this.... one day before the start of the term.", she walked off down the hall "Serkan, keep a look out here I'm going to get someone to clean up, Ms. Parker if you don't mind keeping a watch as well, the perpatrators may come back."

    "No problem.. but, I'll be going back to my dorm to change."

    Serkan nodded and floated around for a few minutes as if surveying the damage and then turned to Rachel who just kind of stared at him and then walked off to change without another word.

    About 20 minutes later...

    It was indeed a battle that had taken place there and the several janitors that there were RATHER unhappy having to clean up. "You have any idea who did this Ms. Nejem?", said one of the crew members.

    "Well, from the looks of it.... the trainers are rather inexperienced at battling.... so that could narrow it down quite a bit.", she said staring at all the holes in the ground.

    "Any idea of the pokemon?"

    "Well, one of them was DEFINITELY a ground-type, that's for sure.. Lets not blow this out of proportio--"

    "Ma'am, this is the second instance of this happening, perhaps we ought to inform the administration this could be a problem?", the janitor said in a rather serious tone.

    "I'll take care of that myself then.", she said walking quickly down the hall "Serkan!", she called to the Flygon which immediately flew off after its trainer.


    Yeah short post, oh well. Hopefully my next one will be longer D:
    Why Linux is better.

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  3. #43
    Starm in the House Advanced Trainer
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    Smile Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Nayia Waterflower, 16, sophomore, Aquaria


    It didn’t take too long to figure out where Aquaria tower was located. Just follow the signs to the blue and sea green dorms. It was going up the stairs from the common area to the girl’s floor that was the hard part. It’s times like this that Nayia was glad the girl’s floor was the second floor and not the third. She’ll probably be rethinking that opinion when she hears the stomping and banging of boy roughhousing later that week.

    Since she had to call the school administration office while she was on the road to inform them that she was able to make it this year, she learned that there was an odd number of female students in Aquaria tower, so unless there is a late application or a transfer student later in the year, she had a room all of her own.

    Finally on the second floor after much struggle, Nayia carried Nixie and her luggage to her room and unlocked the door. A smile grew on her face as she examined the room, decoration ideas already forming in her head. Dropping her luggage, she went about pushing the two beds together and placing the end tables on each side. Then she moved the desks together to form an ‘L’ shape on the corner by the window.

    “That looks pretty functionally,” Nayia grinned at Nixie who agreed in excitement. Nixie was never one to sleep in her pokeball, so having more space on the bed would greatly help their sleeping arrangements. 5’11” dragons have the tendency to hog the bed.

    Grabbing her luggage from the doorway, Nayia spread it out on the bed and floor. Luckily for her, her middle brother Conway is an organization freak. So when her brothers packed her bags for her, everything was neat and organized making it so it will take little to no time to put everything in its place.

    The largest job was her clothes and footwear, which took five minutes to put away. Her laptop, books and other desk accessories were next. Next were her personal items, accessories, make up and electronics, hanging her decorations on the walls (a mixture of dolphin beads and postures, shells, tropical fish and Pokémon), then finally her bedding (leopard print with brushes of pink petals).

    Giving her arms and back a stretch, Nayia took a look at her completed room with a designer eye for detail and gave a nod of satiation. It was getting late and she could see the sun setting over the water from her beach view. Nayia was glad that they resolute to get take out for dinner during the last half an hour of the drive cause who knows what would be left to eat at this hour. Knowing Dru, she was probably still in the cafeteria with Torch since her Pokémon has such a love for food.

    Nayia smirked, waving Nixie over to hang on her shoulders as she pulled out her Blackberry. Once the Dratini was relaxing on her shoulders like a feather boa, Nayia stepped out of her room and skipped down the stairs, texting Dru as she went.

    ~*~Hey Dru! Hope you made it to LVH alright. ^.^ How’s the food in the cafe? Lol, I had takeout and it was great. I’ll cross my fingers and pray Torch is being good. Hope to see you soon. Miss you, Nay~*~

    Nayia grinned to herself, slipping her Blackberry into her skirt pocket as she walked across the common area and out the tower door. Surprising Dru would be fun. She tried to hold back the skip in her step as she went by a slender, blonde girl with a Totodile in deep conversation with a cute guy in shorts with a Mudkip while walking towards the cafeteria. On the way she noticed a teacher talking to a janitor by what looks like the leftovers of a battlefield that went through a few windows of the school. Students seemed to be keeping their distance from the site, but not so far away that they couldn’t see it while they gossiped.

    “It seems I’m missing out on everything today,” Nayia whispered to Nixie so she wouldn’t get caught up in what happened. She did have the tendency to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and Nayia was trying her best to stay out of trouble.

    Being a part time gym leader did help with it, being stuck in a gym all day and having to be a good example to gym apprentices and visiting trainers alike. She made the most of it though. She trained and played with the Pokémon half the day, practice her dancing the rest with breaks for swimming and nail art. It was fun to paint her nails while watching a trainer trying to battle through the gym apprentices so they could battle her. She loved catching the trainers off guard like that. It was half the fun with a little hidden lesson underneath her show.

    Spotting the cafeteria entrance she went through it, passing by a guy with an Eevee by his side… is that an Eevee? Nayia paused and did a double take. It was definitely an Eevee, she just had natural black fur. Different but charming, it seems to suit the Eevee well. Just like the Eevee’s trainer seemed comfortable with wearing his suit in a casual manner. Different but charming, it helped that the dark haired guy in the suit was striking.

    ‘Very good-looking…. Don’t stare.’ Nayia thought, ‘Just smile and keep walking. You have to find Dru and do the surprise thingy.’ She looked around as she walked. Most students were finishing up dinner and leaving, or just sitting around chatting with newly made friends.

    Dru was easy to spot with her rich purple hair with midnight blue streaks. She was sitting with a shaggy haired guy who had a cane by his side, a tall guy with very short chopped hair with a Nidorino, and a short, brown haired girl with round glasses and an Espeon. The Espeon and Dru’s Flarion, Torch seemed to be getting along… if having a relaxed staring contest counts as getting along.

    Nayia could see that Dru had just finished reading her text and was starting to send a reply back. Grinning, Nayia glided quietly over to the table, positioning herself behind Dru and leaded on the girl’s shoulder, causing Dru to look up about to question the stranger who dared to use her as a post. Nayia watching as Dru’s annoyance turned into shock before Nayia converse in a casual tone. “I swear it takes forever for you to text me back. It’s been a whole two minutes. It’s rude to make your friends wait, you know.”

    “What the… Nayia!” Dru stared, her shock fading into confusion mixed with excitement as she got up and hugged her friend. “What are you doing here? I thought you were stuck playing gym leader back in Cerulean City.”

    “I was until this morning when my oldest brother decided to get permission to take over until cousin Misty comes back.” Nayia smiled, hugging her friend back. “I was rushing to get here in time before the administration office closed.”

    “Why didn’t you call me?” Dru pulled out of the hug.

    “It wouldn’t have been a surprise if I told you.” Nayia stuck her tongue out at her friend, causing Dru to laugh. Nixie had managed to slither down Nayia’s body to go reunite with Torch.

    “Oh,” Dru paused, remembering her group at the table and pulled Nayia over to greet them. “Hey guys, this is my friend Nayia from Cerulean City with her Dratini Nixie. Nay, this is my roommate Berezi,” she gestured to the other girl at the table before pointing towards the guy with the cane than the tall guy. “This is Leonard and Weston.”

    Nayia smiled at the group and waved. “Hey, it’s nice to meet you all.”


    Haha, Dru and Nayia finally reunite. ;p Tag to whoever in that group wishes to reply.

    It's good to see a bit of activity these late ten days considering the time of year. I'm hopeing it will pick up a bit when exam time is over. It's so weird seeing one or two posts a day in the RPG forum. >.< So weird.
    Last edited by Nayia Waterflower aka starmie44; 8th April 2010 at 07:46 PM.

    TPM RPG & Character Tracking:
    Nayia Waterflower Lapras Valley High ~ Prestigious boarding school life done Trainer Style!
    Isabella Danvers underGROUND ~ Gamers playing against the law suddening start turning into characters from the last videogame they played!
    Esyllt Teardhrin Light Illuminate: Sign Ups ~ Magic Weavers and Sword Users train in the White Tower...

  4. #44
    Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Tiffany Parker

    “Is Chiko okay? What did the nurse say?” I rushed into the Pokemon Center, rushing over and grasping Karen’s hand. At first I hadn’t been worried about Chiko, but as I got closer and closer to the Pokemon Center, the memory of Blaze’s flame thrower kept playing out in my head. I hadn’t gotten a real good look at Chiko afterwards, could the flame thrower have hurt her worse than just a singe? Had she gotten caught up in it? Would she need surgery?!

    “Umm..” Karen blinked in shock. “She’s going to be fine; they are just treating her burns right now.”

    I gave a long sigh in relief and slumped into the chair, much of the tension from the last hour beginning to wash away. “Thank goodness..”

    After a moment she gave me a sideways glance. “I’m sorry we couldn’t finish our battle, I’m just terribly bad at battling you see..” Karen explained, I could only giggle which caused her to pause after a second, as she probably wonder what was so funny.

    “You’re bad at battles? I’m terrible at them.” I laughed, and then paused placing my hands behind my head as I stared off at the double doors that led down to where Chiko was being taken care of. “But I’m going to get better at them, just watch me, I’m going to be great at them, and I am going to beat my sister too!” I proclaimed.

    “That’s some dream.” She smiled, and then rose as if she were suddenly remembering something. “We still have all that glass to pick up, c’mon!” She grabbed my hand, rushing both of us out the door, and back into the cool night air. “Besides if we’re going to be up all night, we can at least get to know each other, and I can help you remember attacks or something”

    I gave her a quick nod, as I tightened my hand on her’s and quickened my pace toward the battlefield. Having a friend like Karen, my first real non room mate friend in high school. It just filled me with a extra rush of enthusiasm.

    “Where do you think you are going?” Rachel called out, her authoritative tone cutting through the night air and grinding both of us to a stop.

    “We uh.. I… umm..” We both looked back and forth dumbfounded, we were going to pick up glass just like what she told us to do.

    “One of the teachers showed up, she has a maintenance crew cleaning up the glass.” She held up two fingers, obviously seeing the fear on our faces of getting in trouble. “I lied my ass off to keep both of you out of trouble, having a little sister cause this much property damage while I am running for re election would be troublesome..” She rolled her eyes in frustration. “So here is what both of you are going to do, you are going to go help the maintenance crew clean up, if Layla comes along, tell her you know nothing.”

    My eyes grew wide in shock “Lie to a tea..”

    Rachel cut me off. “Nothing.” Her eyes shifted back and forth between us, “Get it? Good.”

  5. #45
    ♥ <(^o^)> ♥ Advanced Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Name: Kaylee York
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Class: Sophomore
    Pokemon: Bellsprout ♀ Ochu
    Physical Description: Kaylee is a bit taller than most girls, standing at 5’8’’. She’s lean, with not a pound of muscle on her body it seems. Still, she seems slim and slender and all around pretty with her azure eyes and strawberry blond hair (it’s pink. Lawl.). She seems like the typical schoolgirl with a trendy flare, never looking bad in any outfit she wears (often leaning more the cute side).
    Personality: Warm-hearted and friendly, Kaylee isn’t out to make enemies with anyone. She has a sweet charm to her that often makes her the one to hold everyone’s secrets. She’s out-going to an extent, having no problem approaching most people. Her downside is she can get rather jealous of people, and has a rather low self-esteem. While she’ll blow off most insults, some get through and she’ll often wait till the dead of night to breakdown about them. This often doesn’t happen, as Kaylee is rather hard to hate.
    History: Kaylee didn’t, she actually travelled around with her older sister. Her sister is a brilliant trainer, competing in the leagues numerous times. Caden (her sister) gave Kaylee Ochu, a runt of a Bellsprout. Despite the obvious disadvantage to having a weak pokemon, Kaylee who doesn’t often battle, loves the little plant.
    Relationships: None?
    Other: She cannot battle worth her life, it’s not that she’s inept, it’s just Ochu is.

    I’m going to assume she’s in Solaria, and she’s majoring in Technology. She was approved btw.

    Kaylee York & Ochu

    On the path between where the towers are and the beach?

    “You really can stop Ochu, you don’t need too-“

    With an uneasy sway, the bellsprout used two vines to lift up a rock. A rock that should’ve been easy, but considering poor Ochu was a runt compared to other bellsprouts, let alone other pokemon, it was a struggle. Kaylee watched with a gleeful expression, her little grass-type seemed so impressed with herself. It proudly bellowed its name, announcing its victory until it faltered.

    And fell backwards.

    The rock it was holding went flying out of the vine’s grasp. Kaylee watched as it zoomed through the air, slamming right into the face of another pokemon.

    “Oh no…” The girl grimaced, getting up instantly.


    Ochu shook her head, recovering from the fall easily. The poor plant didn’t quite understand what had happened, but it did now that Kaylee now looked especially worried. It twisted around, tilting its head as a strange creature got up slowly, wicked claws grinding against each other. There was a call from another trainer in a frantic attempt to calm the dark type down, but it would have none of that.

    It rushed bellsprout, claws flying.

    Ochu ducked stupidly, amazed as the pokemon (now revealed to be a sneasel) when flying over head. Kaylee yelped, watching as the creature bounded off the tree quickly and went to attack bellsprout again. Ochu let out a cry, attempting to run only to trip and do a hard somersault out of the way.

    “Midna!!” The trainer cried, approaching quickly.

    “It was an accident!” Kaylee tried to reason. “Ochu tripped!”

    Seansel grunted, narrowing its eyes at the helpless grass-type.


    The girl had almost white hair, though in the dying sun it had a sheen of gold to reveal it was actually blond. A bit shorter then Kaylee, she looked at her dark-type with a frustrated expression. The sneasel seemed to be ignoring its trainer, instead it glared daggers and doom upon Ochu, who was still very confused on what was going on.

    “What happened?” She questioned, looking over to Kaylee for a clearer explanation.

    “Um…” Kaylee watched as Bellsprout scrambled away from the fearsome opponent, and disappeared behind her leg. Only peeking out occasionally. “Ochu’s… Kind of clumsy…”

    Sneasel snorted.

    “She was trying to lift a rock, and tripped. She kinda… Sent the rock flying.” Kaylee bit her lip. “It was an accident, honest…”

    “It’s fine…” The girl finally sighed, picking up the proud pokemon. “Midna’s just irritated.”

    “Oh…” Kaylee didn’t want to say, but any sneasel she had ever met always seemed annoyed. This one was no different. “Um… May I know why?”

    “Snea! Sneasel Sneaaa, sel…” The pokemon grumbled, in a huff she crossed her arms.

    “She lost our last match.”

    “Oh…” The taller girl was quiet for a second. “I’m Kaylee, by the way.”

    “I’m Olivia.” She smiled as her pokemon merely grunted.

    Ochu meandered over, looking at the cross dark type in curiosity.

    “Bell…” She hung her head as a sign of apology.

    “Snea.” Midna countered, sticking out her tongue.

    Looking to her right, bellsprout picked up another rock. Midna tensed, watching as the grass type lifted it higher and higher above her own head before she suddenly released it. Kaylee let out a yelp and Ochu grunted as the rock slammed down on top of her head. Slowly the grass-type recovered, swaying unevenly as the world spun.

    Sneasel blinked, before breaking out into laughter.

    “Ochu…” Kaylee frowned, picking up the sad little creature. “You hurt yourself enough by accident; don’t start doing it on purpose.”


    ~ * ~

    Tag becki.

  6. #46
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Olivia and Midna

    Olivia couldn't help but chuckle at the little Bellsprout's mishaps. Sometimes she wished she didn't have such a violent Pokemon so that it might do cute things like that, but to be honest, Midna did to adorable things sometimes that she wouldn't like to admit.

    Of course, there was also the time where Midna had tried to eat a trainer's Pidgey. She managed to pluck a fair few feathers off its back before being recalled to her pokeball. The trainer wasn't too pleased at all... But that was when Olivia had first got her. Sneasels aren't exactly the most easy pokemon to train, since they're far too clever for their own good, but when she looked at Ochu...

    Well... Not every pokemon was meant for battling, right? And it wasn't a problem that training couldn't sort out...

    But what did she know about grass types? All she knew about was ice types and the fire types that tried to melt them.

    There was silence between the two girls as they headed towards the main building. Thankfully, it was soon broken by Kaylee, who seemed to be a lot more sociable than she was. It was kinda reflected in the way that so far, Olivia had only met one other person and her first instinct was to battle him.

    “So where are you from?” Kaylee asked, gently rubbing the top of Ochu's head where the rock had hit her.

    “Johto.” Olivia replied, watching her acquaintance's face light up. “Mahogany Town.”

    “Me too! Well, not Mahogany Town, Goldenrod City, but that's pretty close.” She beamed, Ochu snuggling into her arms.

    Of course, Midna, being the jealous type, tried to snuggle too. Except the problem was, she was about the size of a three year old, so she wasn't the easiest of Pokemon to carry anyway, considering her massive claws, but eventually managed to end up being carried like a baby.

    “We go to Goldenrod a few times a year to stock up on Ice Heals... We get quite a few trainers pass through unprepared for the weather and they're cheaper in the department store. A lot of them aren't prepared for the gym either.” She tried her best not to smirk, but Minda couldn't help herself.

    Kaylee didn't seem to notice, however. “My sister has that badge! She said it was quite tough, but she's an awesome trainer, so I'm sure it wasn't too hard. Do you know the Gym leader?”

    “Sort of...” Olivia smiled in an attempt to cover up her nervousness around the subject. “Most people in Mahogany do, it's a small town.” She mentally sighed, having managed to cover herself. “Has your sister competed in the Pokemon League?”

    “Yeah! Loads of times. We travel around with her, don't we Ochu?”


    “Lucky... I've barely left Mahogany Town.” Olivia shrugged. Before she even realised, they were already inside the main building, looking between the two towers. “Well, that's my tower... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?”

    “Yeah... It was nice meeting you, Olivia!” Kaylee and Ochu waved as they headed off towards Solaria.

    “You too!” She called back, heading towards the common room.

    Alas, there in the common room was Drake, sat with a few girls around him and a couple of guys. He looked very smug and it seemed like all attention was on him.

    “She was an idiot, she just let her Sneasel beat into my Cloyster's shell! It got so tired that it was easy to trap it-”

    Olivia didn't want to hear any more. She quickly closed the common room door, keeping a tight grip on Midna, who she knew would get so angry if she realised that he was talking about her. She ran back to the main hall area, straight into the Solaria tower and into their common room, Midna staring up at her in confusion.

    Thankfully, Kaylee was actually there, Ochu sat on her lap, swaying from side to side. Half of the pokemon seemed to flinch; bringing an ice type into a grass domain, especially a violent ice type, was obviously not a very popular thing to do.

    “I just...” Olivia began, unsure what to say to all these confused faces. “Wanted to talk to Kaylee...”

    Activity seemed to return to normal as she quickly took a seat next to Kaylee. “Are you alright?”

    “Drake was in the common room...” Kaylee looked confused. “The guy that beat us. Bragging about it. God knows what Midna would have done... His Cloyster may have nearly eaten her alive, but she managed to make a massive crack in his shell!”

    Kaylee laughed a little at just how triumphant that sounded. “Well you learnt something!” She nodded to emphasise her point. “And look, it tired her out...”

    Olivia looked down to see her pokemon curled up in a ball on her lap, her eyes barely open. Who would have thought a pokemon so cute when sleeping could be so vicious in battle? She smiled, petting her. One of Ochu's vines joined in too.

    “Sprout! Bell!” She chimed happily.

    Olivia chuckled. “That is possibly the bravest Bellsprout I've ever seen...”

    Tag Sie or anyone in Solaria Tower! Hope I'm allowed in there, I'll leave when it's bed time, promise!

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  7. #47
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Weston Avery & Vincent

    Weston drifted in and out of the conversation as he kept catching himself staring at this girl Dru. He hadn't known alot of girls with uncommon hair colors and piercings at Olivine, but this one was quite alluring. The purple shade of her hair just so happened to be Weston's favorite color, and the piercings gave her a sort of "tough but still feminine" look. He liked that. Alot.

    This is Leonard and Weston...

    Weston snapped out of his daze when he heard his name. He noticed that Dru was pointing at him and his roommate Leonard, apparently introducing us to her friend there. Embarassingly, Weston had not caught her name when she arrived due to his gawking.

    "Um...I'm sorry I don't hear very well...what did you say your name was again?" Weston sheepishly asked the girl, fibbing a bit about why he had missed it the first time. The girl just chuckled a bit.

    "It's Nayia, and this is Nixie!" she said with a grin, walking around the table and leaning on Weston's shoulder.

    "It's ok, I know she's pretty cute. Want me to put in a good word for ya?" Nayia whispered in his ear with a slight giggle.


    Weston's eyes widened instantly as his knee slammed up into the bottom of the table, rattling all the lunch trays and drawing the attention of half the lunchroom. When he noticed everyone staring at him, he had to think fast.

    " is this chicken good!" he exclaimed after a moment. Everyone went back to what they were doing as if nothing had happened. With a triumphant smile Nayia walked back around to Dru's side of the table and plopped her backpack on the bench.

    "Well I guess I'll go grab my food then. Be right back!" she said, giving the still red-faced Weston a wink.

    Secretly rubbing his aching knee under the table, Weston turned back to the group at the table.

    "So, where are all of you guys and gals from originally?" He asked.
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  8. #48
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    I'll give you a hint. It's cold.

    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Kaylee & Ochu

    Sunday | Morning

    Back on the path towards the beach.


    The bellsprout refused to listen, she tried again, her vines whipping out and slapping against the tree.


    Another slap, you know this wouldn’t be so embarrassing if the tree was anything but a baby. It was disappointing to realize her pokemon couldn’t snap a twig in half. The bellsprout ignored her second call, instead it huff and began to meander over to the little tree. Hell bent on revenge.

    Kaylee looked up, rising lazily off the rock she had been lying on. Ochu was swaying in front of the tree. Vines raised upwards in some vain attempt to look have imposing; the poor grass type got tripped by the wind that came suddenly, blowing the poor thing a couple feet sideways.

    “Ochu you’re not a hoppip…” She giggled, watching Ochu slowly get up and hang its head sadly. “You’ll get better; you managed to pick up two rocks yesterday.”

    That seemed to instantly improve the creature’s mood. She hopped back over to her trainer and scrambled up onto the larger rock Kaylee had chosen as her resting place. With a smile the woman patted the bellsprout gently on the head before laying back down, enjoying the sun’s rays.

    “Is this our hang-out then?”

    Kaylee looked over, eyes narrowing due to the sun. She could just make out the form of a girl around her age and a sneasel.

    “Olivia?” she questioned, though she knew the answer.

    “Hey.” The girl stepped more into view and smiled. “Is Ochu alright?”

    “Bell!” The pokemon announced, swaying proudly. Midna snickered, rolling her eyes at the display of ‘power’.

    “She’s fine.” Kaylee went back to staring at the sky. “Not the first time she’s dropped a rock on her own head. Believe me.”

    “Bell….” The grass-type shot a glare towards her trainer.

    “She’s cute.” The girl admitted, as she patted her own pokemon on the head before sitting down on a stump. “I’m sorry about bursting into your tower last night.”

    Kaylee sat up, confused about the apology. “No need to apologize, you’re welcome there whenever you want. Just use me as an excuse.”


    “Really.” The pink-haired girl smiled kindly, watching as Ochu hurried off the rock to join Midna. “Besides, if what’s-his-face really was bragging then he’s a prick.”

    Olivia smiled a bit sheepishly at the comment. “We’ll beat him.”


    Both of the girls turned, seeing another running towards them. Kaylee shot a glance over at Olivia, who simply shrugged. She had blond hair and appeared to be shorter than both of them, she stopped a few feet from them and Olivia seemed to click.

    “She’s from my tower…”

    “Yeah?” Kaylee tilted her head slightly as the girl approached with a big, friendly smile on her face.


    “Hi.” Kaylee smiled in return, and Olivia exchanged a greeting as well, though a bit quieter.

    “I’m Nayia Waterflower!”

    Well, she sure is bubbly. She makes me look like a sulking kid.

    “I’m Kaylee York, and this is Olivia…”

    “Hey… You’re in my tower, aren’t you?” She questioned, playing suspicious at Olivia for a second before turning her attention back to Kaylee. “Which tower are you from?”

    “Bell!” Ochu announced, bouncing up towards them before tripping and falling flat on her face.

    “Um…” Kaylee plucked her bellsprout off the ground and steadied her kindly. “Solaria.”

    “Aww, is this your pokemon?” Nayia beamed, petting the dratini around her neck. “She’s adorable!”

    “Her name’s Ochu.”

    Midna slid up afterwards, intently watching the grass-type sway like it was hypnotic.

    “This is Midna.” Olivia offered, gesturing to the mesmerized sneasel.

    “He he..” Nayia kept kindly petting her dragon-type. “This is nixie.”

    Caden have a Dragonite… I wonder how it’s doing? Kaylee’s mind trailed off for a second, snapped back to reality by Ochu who was tugging at her hand with a vine. There was a somewhat awkward silence as the three of them fell quiet, and that sort of silence Kaylee wouldn’t stand for.

    “So!” She scooped up her bellsprout. “Who’s up for an adventure?”

    ~ * ~

    Tag Nayia and Becki! Lots of convo, sorry~

  9. #49
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    Tiffany Parker

    The morning dawn broke over the school, the gentle light slowly illuminating the grassy path in which we had spent the night picking up shards of glass, which seemed to glitter and reflect the light like a million little diamonds. "Its so beautiful" I remarked, stopping for a moment to observe the beautiful moment.

    "It seems like we havn't made a dent in it!" Karen groaned, plopping down on the cool grass already dampened by the morning dew. After a minute I joined her, my eyes feeling heavy and saggy, just like they had when Rachel and I used to stay up all night to see what would come on TV during the early morning hours. "We're working with the maintenance crew all night and it just keeps going on and on and on, maybe some one is trying to punish us, throwing glass shards out the window."

    "I could sleep for a week.." I yawned, leaning against Karen more for support, I came here to learn, to become a Pokemon trainer, not to spend my days picking up glass.

    "I could sleep for a month!" Karen retorted, bringing a smile to my face, I had gotten to know my friend better over the last few hours as we spent time idly picking up glass.

    "Then you will flunk out of all of your classes" I pointed out, causing her to chuckle. She paused a moment to look behind my shoulder at all the glass that still lay in front of us to pick up.

    "Think we passed the 'picking up glass' class?" She asked.

    I shook my head. "We flunked out." I gave a long and lengthy sigh, my stomach already rumbling for food, I couldn't be sure but every few minutes I could smell the fragrance of breakfast come wafting through with the gentle morning breeze, then again it could just be my mind playing tricks on my hungry stomach.

    "Next time..." I began, thinking about my words. "Next time I have a battle with you, its going to be in a true battle field, that way we wont get stuck on glass duty!"

    Karen nudged my side, at first a gentle nudge then a jab to the ribs.

    "And I have already found a way to defeat your Dugtrio, you won't see it coming!" I exclaimed, Karen's nudges becoming harder and harder till they became painful. "What?" I asked, turning to see a very angry teacher staring down at us, her arms crossed with her Flygon standing next to her.

    "Oh..." I muttered.

    Wasnt sure what I could do, but tag dark and Telume

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Layla glared at the two girls for a moment and then breaking the silence, "So...", she started slowly. "It was you two... I had a feeling....", the words were like ice to two girls.

    "When I saw the holes in the ground I knew it had to be a ground-type. I hope you two didn't think your little stunt would go unnoticed. Just what were you thinking?!"

    "W-we're--", Tiffany started but Layla's glare was like a pair of knives and she immediately went quiet.

    She then softened her tone. "Do you two realize how much trouble you could have been in?", she said with slight emphasis. They nodded slowly. She sighed, "I'd say being up all night cleaning up your mess is enough of a corpral punishment. Consider yourselves lucky you weren't kicked out of the school. This could have been counted as vandalism!"

    They didn't say anything they just simply continued agreeing, after all it was their fault. Finally Karen spoke up, "So... we can stop cleaning?", she said meekly.

    "Yes, you may go. Don't do it again.", Layla said with an emphasis on the last portion of her statement.

    "Y-you mean... y-you're letting us off the hook?", Karen said and it was hard to tell if she was in disbelief or falling over from fatigue.

    "Not entirely.", Layla said staring off for a second. "You're starting off the year with demerits, everyone that was involved.", Tiffany looked as if she'd just been shot with a bullet, she knew what that mean. The cat was out of the bag now. "E-everyone? Y-yo--", she was interrupted. "Yes Ms. Parker that includes your sister Rachel for attempting to cover this up. I expect you two have a bit to talk about. I will look the other way just this once.", she continued in a firm tone.

    The two girls looked at each other and then got up.

    "Go get some rest you will absolutely need it before tomorrow. It is the first day of the term after all.", she said. "And I will be contacting the Registrar to make sure the demerits are applied.", she said before sending them off.

    After that the two walked off down the hall.

    She looked around at the mess and then went to call in more people to help clean it up.


    Tag Roy and dark.
    Last edited by Telume; 30th April 2010 at 09:10 PM.
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  11. #51
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Dru Pyronson, 15, Sophomore
    Sleep all day, party all night, never grow old and never die

    I watched Nayia walk off and wondered what she’d said. Knowing her, she was up to something.

    “Well, I’m from Cerulean originally, but I train at the Cinnabar gym. My mom was killed in the fire, and Blaine is her second cousin once removed or something. He’s my legal guardian now.” I left out the part about my dad being AWOL my whole life, and my twin brother. Some things are better left unshared. “Nay and I have been friends forever.”

    We kind of went around the table, everyone telling of their background and home. I couldn’t get over my surprise at Nayia being able to leave the gym. Things were looking up, not that it was bad before, but I wouldn’t feel quite so lost now.

    I found myself staring off into space. I was tired, very tired. “Hey guys... I think I’m going to call it a day. See you all tomorrow!” I said as cheerfully as I could without sounding exhausted. I smiled at every one, but as I glanced at Weston, I felt my face grow slightly hot and I looked away quickly. I wasn’t usually shy, but there was something about him that made me slightly unsure of myself.

    I stood up and called Torch, who glanced at Berezi’s Espeon before following me. I wondered if there was going to be trouble with those two. Torch could be unpredictable at best.

    I wearily climbed the stairs to the girls’ rooms, made my way to my room, and threw myself down on my bed after opening the door. I lay there, facedown, for a good while, just enjoying not being on my bike or standing.

    I heard movement behind me before a soft voice called out. “Are you alright?” Berezi asked.

    “I’m fine,” I replied without lifting my head, resulting in my words being muffled to the point of not being understandable. I rolled over on to my back and groaned. “Just a really long day, that’s all. I think I’m going to go hit the shower.” I stood slowly, grabbed my black towel (the better to hide haircolor stains) and shower caddy and made my way to the bathroom. Torch stayed behind, she was understandably not fond of water.

    Five minutes later, I returned, hair mussed and still rather wet. I managed to dress myself without flashing Berezi too much. Luckily, she wasn’t paying much attention to me. I struggled into a black satin camisole and black pants meant for yoga, I think. My tattoos were very visible, and Berezi glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged, knowing that my appearance was unusual at best. I began to work the tangles out of my hair with a widetooth comb; once I overcame that, I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. Torch jumped up and curled up at my feet, and sleep overcame me almost at once. My last thought as I drifted off what that I hoped I didn’t snore too much.

    Sunday dawned bright and early, sunlight filtering through the curtains in our room. I rolled over and tried in vain to fall back asleep. Sighing, I got up, found some clothes, and got dressed. Today featured a black KMFDM tshirt with boot cut jeans. I slid on some flip-flops, not feeling like getting my boots on just yet. The thought of going down to the beach after breakfast was rather appealing.

    Breakfast was uneventful. I say by myself and watched as most other people did likewise, not sure of each other for the most part. I didn’t see anyone from the dinner table, though that didn’t mean they weren’t around somewhere, I supposed. I took my dishes to the designated area and left the cafeteria, intent on exploring the grounds a little bit more than I had the previous evening. The beach sounded appealing still, so with Torch in tow, I headed in that direction.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  12. #52
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Karen Marshak

    Dig yer own hole


    If Karen really wanted to shift the blame real quick, she could’ve easily pointed out that Tiffany contributed to the whole problem by a) pressing on for a battle in the first place (well, OK, so maybe it was a little strong a word; maybe suggesting would be a better word), and b) mentioning about the incident when a teacher is conveniently in the vicinity. But then again, on hindsight, perhaps things were better off if Karen hadn’t accepted the proposal in the first place, knowing the nature of Dugtrios (who’s the fool?).

    And as for her? Well, it would be surprising to find out that she wasn’t really that worried about the situation right now. Sure, the aspect of getting demerit-ed initially worried her, but she had somewhat eased herself when she remembered that there’s a whole lot more worrisome, painful things out there (some which had even became experiences for her).

    After a few more minutes of silence, Tiffany said, “I-it’s m-”

    “Naw, don’t think so.” Karen knew exactly what was in her mind. “Nope.”

    “But- but I was the one who-”

    “Well, c’mon now. It already happened, yeah? Like what the teacher said, we asked some, and so we got some (yeah, we got schooled, so to speak). And it’s not that we could do anything now, don’tcha think so?”

    “Rachel… She. She’d…” The girl positively looked as if she was on the verge of tears. Karen understood it well; she was probably being new to the whole college experience, and with a particularly ill-tempered older sister and hand caught up in trouble, it was easy to see why she’s gotten her stomach in a knot.

    “You’re worried that she’d be angry – or, very pissed off – about this, is it?”


    Karen smiled, yawned – it was early morning, anyway – and gave the girl a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder.

    “You know, the best thing we could do right now is to sleep over it.” She then gave a slap – perhaps a little too strong – on the girl’s shoulder, that she was almost knocked off from her feet. “Things are always better after a good sleep. And breakfast. But yeah, let’s leave out your dear sister until the morning, OK? OK.”

    Tiffany flashed a smile (while rubbing her back). In her mind, Karen gave a sigh of relief.

    The first thing that Karen did in the morning was to scream “EARTHQUAKE!!”

    …but of course, that wasn’t exactly true: what exactly happened was that she was jolted awake by a persistent creaking sound. Half groggy and half panicked, she opened her eyes, and saw that her bed was shaking.

    It was only then that she screamed.

    Then, a pause; a quick glance later, she found out that the ‘earthquake’ was nothing more than a modest Bellsprout shaking the leg of her bed. For a small Pokemon, it seems to be rather successful at doing the job.

    The girl – possibly the Pokemon’s trainer, and definitely her roommate – sitting on the opposite bed chuckled. She appeared to be slightly taller than Karen is, and seems to be around her age range. The first feature that caught her eyes were her pink-ish blonde-ish hair. Overall, she supposed the girl could be considered pretty.

    Karen straightened up, stared for a full second or two, and said, “Appealing.”

    The girl blinked. “Sorry?”

    Karen gave a confused look, as if even she herself did not understand what she had just said. “Nah, it’s nothing…” She slumped back to her sleeping position.

    “You were sleeping like a log,” the girl said, pointing to Karen’s handphone. “The alarm went off, but you weren’t waking up. So, um, we tried to get you to wake up-”

    So that’s why my hair’s all wet…

    “…then Ochu shook your bed… and you were up.”

    “Screaming, yeah?”

    “Yeah,” the girl answered, with the slightest sign of amusement. “Where were you last night, anyway?”


    “I mean, I haven’t seen you for the whole night.”

    “Oh, I was… running an errand for the teacher… Yeah. Yeah. Whew, what a night…” Karen said in a tone that suggested that she didn’t want any further inquiry on the subject.

    “Ah. By the way, I’m Kaylee.”

    Karen straightened up again. “I’m Karen, and my Dugtrio, Rayleigh, is, uh… it’d be best not to let him out now, see. So. Kaylee, where are – nghh!” She stretched her arms, and gave a big yawn.

    …that wasn’t so polite, was it? She stared ahead for a second, and was going to finish her sentences, when she yawned again.

    And unexpectedly, she paused. Between the yawn.

    “Is there something wrong, Karen?” Kaylee asked, slightly apprehensive: she must have been worried to see her half-yawning half-scrutinizing face.

    “My hand – it’s – bleeding!” To show her point, she held out her right palm, now marked by a thin red line. “It’s – your Bellsprout’s leaf…! I think… Band aid! I need a band aid!”

    The event certainly took place before everyone else is taking/going to take a stroll at the beach (maybe even before breakfast)
    Please take it easy~

  13. #53
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Working on the other post as well.

    Rachel Parker

    With both hands I threw open the door to Layla's office, if I could see my face I would guess it would be twisted in a hideous mixture of rage and anger, I rarely allowed my emotions to get the best of me, but this was a special occasion. "What is the meaning of this?" I roared thrusting the crumpled sheet of paper onto her desk, a print out of the email I received notifying me of the demerits. "Is this some kind of a sick joke? If it is I am not laughing!"

    The professor seemed to look at me curiously for a moment, obviously taking in the situation and waiting for my rage to subside, it would be a long wait. "You covered up a crime perpetrated by your sister, you are as guilty as the rest of them." She said calmly, although her voice seemed to show a hint of annoyance.

    My mouth swung open in shock, hanging there for a moment as I tried to form words. "I... you... I..." Were the only things that seemed to come out.

    She rose from her desk, brushing the crumpled paper to the floor. "You stated that the two people who were battling had left by the time you got there, do you deny that you did not know it was your younger sister? That you just so happen were in the vicinity of the battle just moments before?"

    My sight began to take on a tint of red, that little brat, she had said something, done something, after all I had done for her! "I am one year from graduating! I am one of the top members of my class! This will ruin me!" I switched tactics, my voice raising with every point I made, I had been a perfect student, the perfect student, a demerit would ruin me, especially if it got out during the campaign season.

    "You are a resourceful girl Miss Parker, I am sure you will overcome this." She sat back down, if I didn't know better I would guess she was trying to hide a smile. "Now if there is not anything else." She seemed to find the book much more interesting than my gaze, her silence a indication of her want for me to leave.

    Some how I made it out of that office with out ripping her head off, by the time I left the room I was boiling with rage, but my exterior was a picture of serenity. "Dammit, its her fault, I save her skin and she does this to me. She doesn't even deserve to be here and the longer she stays the longer it endangers my plans." I mumbled to my self as I walked toward the student council chamber for the early morning meeting.

    "I swear, by the end of this month both of them will be out of this school"
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 20th May 2010 at 08:44 PM.

  14. #54
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)



    As horrible as it was that Ochu might’ve cut the poor girl, Kaylee couldn’t help but smile a tad at her exclamation of the action. Though the ‘appealing’ remark was somewhat out of the blue, the girl chose to push it to the back of her mind. Her new aquatence had an injury that needed tending to.

    “Here,” Kaylee stood and moved closer, taking the girl’s hand gently. “Let me see it.”

    The tomboy tensed up as Kaylee took her hand, inspecting the thin cut. The blood was beginning to dry already, but there was a thin red line around the tiny slice. Kaylee frowned, she realized Karen’s hand as she bent back, grasping her bag and dragging it over.

    “You don’t have to-“

    “Nonsense.” Kaylee smiled, taking Karen’s hand again and holding it open. With a half-smile the pink-haired girl reached into her bag and pulled out some disinfectant. “Don’t worry,” she smirked, eyes shining a little deviously. “It doesn’t sting.”

    “Oh, I wasn’t worried it would…” The girl winced automatically, expecting pain as Kaylee smoothed a clear coat over the wound. “Eh heh… Maybe I was a little worried?”

    “Don’t be.” Came the short reply from the medic, as she placed a pink band-aid on the wound. It had shiny, white stars on it for decoration. “There.”

    “Pink…” Karen noted, almost dryly. She frowned a little.

    “Of course,” Kaylee chimed, before she took the girl’s hand and kissed the injury gently. “All better now?”

    Her roommate was quiet as Kaylee released her hand and turned back to her side of the room. Ochu followed, swaying around as its trainer went for her headphones and iPod. Kaylee was almost prepared, dressed cutely in a jeans and a black tube-top.

    She was halfway done doing up her sneakers (which she had officially decided, while fashionable and quite lovely, were WAY to difficult to do up every day) when Karen spoke finally.

    “Where are you going?”

    “Out.” She shrugged, her mind not knowing where just yet. “Might head down to the forest between here and the beach.”

    “Oh, cool.”

    “You can come if you’d like.” Kaylee smiled, watching Ochu perk at the idea of company.

    “Eh… No, maybe a bit later. It’s awfully early in morning.”


    “I’m sure she has better things to do then follow us around Ochu.” Kaylee gave her pokemon a look before focusing on her friend again. “Don’t mind her, she just loves showing off her power.”


    And on cue, the poor thing fell over.

    “Oh yes… She seems to be overcome with power and finesse.”

    Kaylee chuckled. “She has that effect on people.” She went back to tying her own shoe, secretly hoping she’d run into Olivia, the girl was fun to hang around. “You sure you don’t want to come?”

    “I’m sure.” Karen nodded. “Maybe I’ll show up later.”


    And then there was this awkward, looming silence between them. Kaylee grabbed her back and scooped Ochu. She glanced back at her roommate, smiling a bit before she grabbed the doorknob of the room. The girl paused, thinking to herself.

    Did I forget anything?

    Not anything she could think of, the shrugged and waved her final goodbye before slipping out of the room.

    ~ + - + ~

    Alrighty, back-track complete. I repeat my tag of CHOBICHIBI, NAYIA WATERFLOWER AKA STARMIE44, and add darktyranitar to the list of would-be adventurers.

    <_<; Anyways~

  15. #55
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    Berezi had heard her roommate head out earlier in the morning but instead chose to ignore it and sleep in a bit, after all Azeri and Torch's play overnight had kept her up. She picked up the Poketch she had uncermoniously left on the floor and looked at the time. "10:30...", she muttered.

    She decided to get up and go have a look around, after all this would be her school for the next few years and she didn't really have too good of a look around yesterday since arriving, despite still feeling a bit tired from being kept up.

    Azeri meanwhile was curled up at the foot of the bed grooming himself. He looked up momentarily when he heard stirring under the sheets. He saw Berezi get up out of the bed and make her way to the shower.


    20 minutes later she was on her way out to have a look around, she really didn't get far when she realized she had no idea where to go first. She shrugged and decided to just walk and see where she ended up.

    Going down the hall she ran into Rachel Parker, a senior, she had seen her around before and she know that she had a younger sister. She casually waved to her but Azeri's hissing and sudden cry interrupted her, she looked down at him, he was in a defensive stance.

    Bastard lit my tail on fire! she looked at his tail and it was indeed slightly singed. The charmeleon was laughing its head off.

    "Ooooh!", she picked Azeri up. "Damn it!", Azeri was less then amused, he stared knives at the red lizard and started to wriggle in Berezi's arms. It was clear these two would not be getting along any time soon.

    Lemme at 'im! I'll kill 'im!, he wriggled more and more.

    "Azeri, calm down!", she tried to keep him still to no avail.


    Tag Roy
    Last edited by Telume; 27th May 2010 at 02:12 PM.
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  16. #56
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Olivia and Midna

    The girls had had a pretty good night sleep, actually. Whoever was meant to be sharing her room hadn't shown up, which gave Midna the perfect excuse to make use of the facilities. She pretty much took up the whole of the second bed, sprawling herself out.

    However, their sleep was interrupted by her PokéGear bleeping at her early in the morning. Rolling over and groaning, she put it to her ear without thinking to look and see who was calling.

    “... Hello?”

    “Olivia sweetie! You don't sound well!”

    “Oh, hi mum...” She rolled back onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. “I just woke up, that's all.”

    “Are you sure? You sound groggy... Did you sleep okay? Is the food-”

    “Mum, what time is it?”

    There was a short pause. “7am, why?”

    “That's why I sound groggy...”

    After a quick catch up, Olivia went through her normal morning routine. It looked quite warm outside, so she chose shorts and summery white top from her new wardrobe and headed down to breakfast, her hair still a little wet. She'd hoped to leave Midna sleeping, but her ever observant ears alerted her to movement and she was soon at her master's heels.

    There was hardly anyone there when she arrived. After all, it was 8am on a Sunday morning, who in their right mind would be awake? Her mother, of course, she would be cleaning the gym, but otherwise there was no real reason for it.

    She sat alone, hoping that her one friend might turn up sometime soon. Olivia wasn't good at approaching people at all, normally it was the other way around. They'd have to introduce themselves to her for gym challenges...

    Anyway, since it wasn't worth hanging around with so few people (notably, a girl with a Gastly was having issues, since it wouldn't stop licking other peoples' and Pokémon's faces. However it took one look at Midna and floated off in a different direction), so she decided to go exploring again.

    Unfortunately, it took her straight back to the beach.

    So much for exploring...

    But she was happy there. She sat on the sand, staring out at the sea whilst Midna played in the waves, occasionally scaring the Krabby that washed up and getting startled by a Kingler when she wasn't expecting it. She also tried to take down some Wingull, but they teased her by swooping low, but then flying out of her reach.

    “Snea!” She cried happily, pointing back towards the path.

    “Midna?” Olivia questioned, turning around to where she was now heading. “What's up?”

    She followed her back up the path, where she found Kaylee sat in the same place that they had been yesterday.

    I'm so glad she's here... I don't think I could spend much longer playing chase the Wingull... Olivia smiled as she approached her friend.

    ~~ Skippy forward ~~

    “So... Who's up for an adventure?” Kaylee asked, picking up Ochu.

    “I think I've seen enough of the beach...” Olivia admitted, shuffling her feet.

    “Snea...” Midna seemed a little disappointed.

    “Well, there's a lot more to explore...” Nayia began. She paused for a moment. “How much have you seen?”

    “The beach... The canteen... My tower...” Kaylee listed, a little embarrassment appearing on her face.

    “My list's the same, plus the Solaria tower...” Olivia admitted, looking a little sheepish.


    “Not that I didn't like your tower, Ochu!” She smiled at the little Bellsprout, petting her head. “I had fun! It was certainly better than being teased by Drake all evening.”

    “Well there's lots to see! Like the battle grounds, classrooms, gardens...” Nayia offered, but Olivia shrugged.

    “Kinda seen them in the brochure... I wanna see the hidden gems...”

    “What about the forest?” Another voice entered their conversation.

    Oh god... A fire type trainer...

    The girl that appeared was probably perfectly nice and all, but she hated fire types. Not cos of their type advantage over Midna, but their assumption that they could all beat Pryce with no questions asked. Personally, if she ever had his Piloswine, she'd teach it earthquake to show them all a lesson...

    But she wouldn't let this get in the way of things. She couldn't afford to, cos otherwise the list of people she knew wouldn't get any longer.

    Midna didn't really help things though. She stood close to her trainer's feet, growling at the Flareon. It was gonna be hard to break this habbit...

    “This is Dru.” Nayia introduced. “She's a very good friend of mine. This is Kaylee and Olivia.”

    “Hey!” Kaylee chimed, waving a little, Ochu waving too.

    “So you both went to this school before?” Olivia asked, tilting her head to one side.

    “Yeah.” Dru answered, grinning at Nayia. “We're both Sophomores.”

    “Me too!” Kaylee piped up.

    Oh no...

    “I'm a senior.” Olivia added, looking a little disappointed.

    My only friends aren't even in my year...

    “Hey, don't worry...” Kaylee seemed to read her mind. “I'm sure you'll find someone in your year soon enough.”

    “So far, that's not so successful...” Olivia sighed. “The only person I've met is Drake and he's a prick...”

    Midna snorted, Olivia smirked.

    “That doesn't seem like a very positive attitude to have towards making friends...” Dru frowned.

    “No really...” Kaylee came to her rescue. “From what I've heard he's a prick.”

    Kinda hot though... Olivia thought, a few little butterflies emerging in her stomach. Damn him...

    “What about the forest, though?” Kaylee suggested, motioning to it. “It could be fun!”

    Ochu certainly seemed excited! She leapt from Kaylee's arms towards the forest.

    “Hey, Ochu! Wait!”

    “Snea!” Midna took off after her, maybe even to make sure the little plant was alright rather than just play with her.

    “I guess that's a yes...” Nayia shrugged as they followed the two Pokemon, heading into the forest.

    Ergh... Sorry... Tag guys :3

    X-rated since April 2012!

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  17. #57
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Rachel Parker

    I eyed the sophomore up and down, she was holding on to her struggling Pokemon who seemed more than willing to fight back against Blaze, luckily the girl could realize that would be a losing venture. "I'm..." She struggled with her Pokemon as I glided past her effortlessly.

    "Berezi Aiza, you're a sophomore, fifteen years old I believe, with a B average last year." I spoke out, hoping to catch her off balance. It wasn't as if I had psychic powers or a photographic memory or some other nonsense. We had just done voting target run downs over the last week for the sophomore class, she was placed in the 'maybe' category.

    "That's amazing.." Her jaw remained open for a minute as I continued to move away from her, the last thing I needed was another annoying knat buzzing around me, I wanted to plan my revenge, not satisfy the curiosity of a child. "How did you know about my grades, only the teachers know about that."

    I turned to look back at her as she hurried to catch back up with me. "I'm the Student Council President, I'm supposed to know these things." She opened her mouth to speak but I quickly held a finger up. "Now I have quite a few things to do, if you need to talk to me you can schedule a time, and I would suggest you teach that Espeon some manners" I added in as a quick jab before turning and quickly heading back to my dorm room.

    Tiffany Parker

    At first it started off as a dull touch, something touching a part of my body, or what I thought was part of my body from a far off distance. Yet quickly it progressed and centralized, it was touching my foot, I could feel it now, and it wasn't just a dull touch but a tickling sensation that increased and increased. With a sudden burst of energy I sprung up in bed, I kicked whatever was tickling me, sending a small weight off the bed and eliciting a familiar cry. "Chiko!" I cried out and climbed to the edge of the bed and looked down at the small pokemon. She must have been using her leaf to wake me up.

    The memories of last night began to filter back in, picking up the glass, being discovered by the teacher, going to the pokemon center to pick up Chiko around sunrise, and then finally sneaking back into my dorm room with the hope I wouldn't wake my sleeping roommate.

    I stole a glance at the electronic clock and groan, it was nearly noon, meaning I had only gotten around four hours of sleep. The room was dead quiet meaning my roommate had already left, probably out exploring the campus. "I just wanna sleep all day." I groaned, curling back up in my sheets, only for the tickling to return. I couldn't just kick Chiko again, and she wasn't going to let me sleep while a perfectly good day passed us by. "Okay okay I'm up." I signaled defeat and rose from bed.


    "Chiko... I think we're lost." We both sighed, Chiko perched on my shoulder like usual and glanced down at the map as I twist and turned it in my hands, trying to figure out where we were in relation to the beach and all the other fun stuff that everyone seemed to be doing today. "Maybe if we go this way!" I pointed off in one direction toward a group of buildings.

    Chiko replied by tugging on my ear, and using her paw to point in the opposite direction. "But that... that goes that way..." I pointed on the map trying to identify the landmarks. "Or is it that way..." I glanced up again, the map really made no sense.

    "Chiko..." Chiko sighed, shaking her head

    "Umm hey, are you lost?" A upper classmate asked walking toward our direction.

    "Well we are trying to find the beach but we are...kind of... very lost." Chiko and I both sighed in defeat, our shoulders slumped.

    "Well..." She walked over and took the map from my hands and switched it around "You were holding it upside down" She laughed. I gave a bit of a embarrassed laughed as Chiko shot daggers toward me. "Now lets see, the beach... well we are here, so the beach would be down this path." She pointed toward a third path that neither Chiko nor I considered.

    "Thanks!" I took off past her, forgetting to grab the map, it wasn't very far before we were at another set of cross roads, this time how ever the sound of waves could be heard. "Which way which way.." I pondered and reached for the map in my pocket, only to find it empty.

    "Chiko?" Chiko asked curiously as I began to chuckle in embarrassment "Of course it's this way! We don't need to look at the map" I announced and turned toward the left.

    "Actually it is the other way." A familiar voice called out, I turned to find the upper classman walking back up the path, holding up my map and waving in my direction. "I figured you might get lost again with out your map, here I'll take you to the beach!" She offered, handing back my map.

    "Thank you so much!" I sighed and pocketed the map. "I'm Tiffany Parker, my big sister is.."

    She finished the sentence before I could "Rachel Parker, everyone knows her." She added and then extended her hand. "I'm Berezi Aiza"

    Sorry it isn't much, I am trying to figure out what to do with Tiff.
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 3rd June 2010 at 01:30 PM.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Not really a forest adventure post (at least, I don't think it is... yet, lol)

    Karen Marshak

    Earthquake + volcano = no good


    After her room mate went out, Karen went back to what she was earlier doing (that is, sleeping). Not only was it kinda early for her to go for a stroll – well, OK, so sometimes her father woke her up early in the morning to see nature’s wonders, but that’s a different story – but she had also spend a long night after a certain someone (which was herself, whoops) did something… unwise.

    Surprisingly, she woke up rather quick (maybe about 20 minutes later or so). There was a rumbling this time as well – like the one made by Ochu the Bellsprout – except that this time it came from…

    “I’m hungry. And sleepy. But most importantly, hungry,” she mentioned, to no one in particular. Except maybe to her stomach.

    She rummaged through the stuff on her table – she had managed to make a jumble of mess on the first day – checking if there was anything to eat.

    “Well, nothing here…” She glanced at Kaylee’s table, wondering – albeit a bit guiltily – if she had any food that she could… ‘borrow’. After she considered it for a while, she decided that it was best to leave her stuff alone.

    Something on the table caught her attention though. There it was, lying in a position that suggested that its owner had meant to bring it with her, but had somehow absentmindedly forgotten about it.

    What was it that they said? Something about it being important, and how we shouldn’t lose it…?Then, uh-oh.

    A quick shower later, Karen was out walking – and to a certain degree, running – towards where the forest is. From what she knew, there were several ways one could take to enter the forest. She recalled that Kaylee did mentioned about the beach… didn’t she? Guess that’ll be where she’s heading then…

    In her haste, she stumbled upon – guess who – Tiff’s older sister, Rachel, who was looking as snappy as she did when she last saw her. In fact, she now looked positively pissed off.

    And Karen didn’t even say a word yet.

    Not sure of what to say to this particularly irritated person, Karen grinned, and waved. The girl merely gave her an incredulous look, and then went (or maybe even stormed?) off without saying a word.

    Well. Don’t need to worry about that, do we? Karen thought, and continue to look for said beach.

    Wonder how she’s doing tho...

    “Kaylee! Kaaaayleeeee! I wonder if this is working… Kaylee? K-ayyyy-le-”


    “Hmm?” Karen peered down from her sitting position. And it only took about three minutes or so

    “Hi, Kaylee.”

    “What on earth are you doing?”

    “I’m up a tree.”

    If such thing was possible, Kaylee would have been sweatdropping then. “Well, I can see that…”

    “Nono, what I meant was that I’m in trouble, since I couldn’t find you by looking down through the trees… well, never mind, since you’re here now. Now, let’s see –where did I put that thing… aha! – catch, Ochu!”

    Quite surprisingly, the Bellsprout managed to catch the item (although it does appear as if she was actually trying to avoid the ‘attack’, and not catching it).

    “Oh, my ID card!” Kaylee plucked the card from Ochu’s vine-fingers. “I guess it just slipped my mind then…”

    “I know, right? Good thing it’s with me, eh?”

    “Yeah, it is. Thank you; sorry to trouble you so much.”

    “Nah, it’s OK. I was thinking of going for a walk sooner or later. Uhh. Now if you could just wait for a bit… oh, and watch your feet.” Karen threw a Pokeball (which fell for a distance of about 15 feet that separate her from the ground.

    What followed next was a slight shaking of the ground, with a somewhat-distant-but-actually-not-really rumbling.

    Perhaps out of her Pokemon instinct, Ochu laid herself flat to the ground.

    “Yaaahhh!” What came next could only be described as an instant reverse volcano, with a mound of earth suddenly popping out. Only this time, instead of lava, it was a girl (Karen). And instead of being spewed out, this girl went inside the mound (albeit only a fraction of her leg), with the mound slowly subsided, until the ground was more or less flat once again.

    Karen struck a pose. “Ta-da! And best of all, no damage whatsoever!”

    “Um. Uh.” Kaylee doesn’t seem to be that impressed. In fact, she seems to be assessing what she had just witnessed, thinking of a category where people like Karen belong to. Or maybe she was wondering how a little Dugtrio was capable of doing some neat reworking of the earth.

    “What was that, Kaylee?” came an unfamiliar voice. “We thought we felt the ground shaking just now. You alright?”

    “Yeah, I’m OK.” Presently, three people appeared, each with their respective Pokemon (Karen guessed that they were all from the other towers). They seem to be mildly and pleasently surprised to find someone else in the forest – after all, they themselves are in the forest now, aren’t they?

    “This is my roommate, Karen.”

    “Hi, guys. Wassup.”

    Tag you guys C:
    Please take it easy~

  19. #59
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Berezi stared at Tiffany for a second, she was so unlike her older sister. Not only was she a bit of a klutz she was also a bit absent-minded. The difference was almost flabberghasting.

    Only the girl's "Ummm... are we going or what?" snapped her out of her trance. Berezi shook her head and looked at Tiffany again. "Oh, right." she said somewhat distantly.

    The walked for a bit noting several Krabby slowly making their way across the beach along with several Wingull riding the drafts overhead. It wasn't long before they heard the familiar roar of the tide crashing against the shore. It was almost like something out of a painting.

    Berezi took a whiff of the fresh salt air, it had been ages since she'd last seen anything like this, not since taking a trip to Normandy as a little girl. Azeri for his part was content to prod along lightly on the sand and avoid the water like the plague.

    Blech! Water... Blech! SALT Water! Bad for my fur!

    "What was that?", Tiffany said out of no where.

    "What was what?", Berezi replied looking puzzled. "The talking, I heard someone else!", she replied almost freaking out.

    She looked down at Azeri and raised her eyebrow. Azeri stared back making a rather cute innocent face at her, unfortunately for him she wasn't easily bought and he knew it.

    Okay okay! I talked in front of her, sheesh
    . He said, licking his paw.

    "He can talk?", Tiffany looked almost astonished. "Well... not exactly.", Berezi said as a matter of factly. "It's more like, if your intentions are pure or you're of good heart, you can hear him."

    "You must have a lot of good in you so you must be able to hear him, I can hear him because he's been mine since I was 5 years old, my dad got him for me as an Eevee and he's been my companion ever since.", she continued.

    "When he evolved into an Espeon... the bond between me and him grew stronger and one day I was just as shocked as you to discover I could hear what he was thinking, it's helped our friendship.", she nodded.

    "Oh I see...", she looked down at Azeri and leaned down to pet him saying, "Hi.... uhh, what's his name again?", "Azeri.", Berezi replied.

    "Hi Azeri, my name is Tiffany~", she petted him and he responded by purring.

    Oooh yeah that's the spot can you scratch behind my ear?
    Hey, Berezi, I like this kid already!

    "So he never says his name?", Tiffany looked up.

    "Well he does he's just real quiet, he never has much to say to anyone and if he says anything to me he expresses it in that form... other than that he only ever expresses emotions so that's the only time you hear him make any time of sounds... he's not shy, he's just more of a watcher, I guess you could say"


    Tag anyone at the beach.

    Ended on a wierd note but I tried to leave it open-ended.
    Last edited by Telume; 11th June 2010 at 07:13 PM.
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  20. #60
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Tiffany Parker

    I tried my best to hide my shock, I really did, but here was this Pokemon who could speak, but speak in my head! I had read about psychic Pokemon, but I always had thought it was like some inside joke that they could read your mind. "So can he bend spoons? Can he lift things into the air? Can he read minds?" The questions just became spilling out of my mouth, slightly to my own embarrassment, it was at this moment I was about three feet in the air, with my feet kicking nothing than air. The absolute shock of flying or levitating was enough to shut me up as Azeri slowly placed me back down on the warm sand. "Sorry, guess I was being a bit embarrassing" I blushed in embarrassment.

    Out of the corner of my eye I could see Chiko walking around behind the Espeon, inspecting him, and then with a playful tug, pulled on the Espeon's tail with her vine before rushing off and hiding behind a rock, it was something Chiko did when she wanted to go play with a new Pokemon, most likely hide and go seek. Azeri cocked its head at the direction of the rock Chiko was hiding behind and then with what looked almost like a sly smile began to walk around aimlessly slowly heading toward the rock but pretending not to. I could almost see Chiko snickering at the thought she had fooled him, yet in the blink of a eye Azeri disappeared, and a second later a scream rang out as Chiko went scampering away from the rock and back into my arms, and Azeri chasing after her, having just teleported behind her.

    'I wonder what Karen is doing right now' I thought to myself, thinking of my friend from last night who I had spent getting to know so well during our mutual punishment. I began to follow Berezi, aimlessly walking the beach with her. The beach seemed quiet which was surprising seeing how class began tomorrow. I glanced over at Azeri, and wondered if the Espeon could actually read minds as in if he could hear my thoughts. The idea was slightly creepy, and meant I would have to keep from thinking about anything private.

    My mind went back to simple things, my favorite ice cream, my favorite food, my plans for the future. And then out of no where it suddenly sparked in my mind. "Hey Berezi?" I asked curiously.

    She turned her head curiously to glance back at me. "I was thinking, this is a beach, and a popular school, do you think there is something secret buried at the beach? Like buried treasure or old pokeballs or test answers?" I asked curiously. "Just with your Espeon's psychic ability we might be able to have a chance to find something cool!" I spoke up a bit of excitement in my voice

  21. #61
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    It's been too long, rpg!

    Mateo Ralen

    The canteen was busy, busier than I liked it to be but I didn't want to slink back to the tower and wait for it to get quieter so Shadow and I dealt with the numbers. It was freshers mostly, the ones who had yet to gauge the high and low tides of the school's mealtimes. It was lesson they'd learn quickly or not at all. I'd prefer it if they tried not to, a quiet period isn't quiet if that's when everybody tries to eat.

    Despite it all, Shadow and I were still able to find our own patch of table away from the willing friendmakers and the curious upper classmen looking to be helpful.

    "Same as last year," I muttered to the Eevee.

    Shadow nibbled her meal without sound. I wasn't sure if she could even hear me over the rumble of chatter and I doubted that if my words had failed to reach her, that the noise was the only cause.

    We ate in silence. She finished before me and started examining the room. She seemed odd, more alert than usual. Her nose was twitching. Suddenly, she jumped from the table and ran across the room. Through the various heads and bodies I saw her destination - a flareon.

    "Great time for you to go all excited orphan," I muttered. "Well I ent saving you. You're making this mistake on your own."

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  22. #62
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Tana & Reannon
    Absolutely terrified


    Tana got up early the next morning. She wasn’t quite used to the bed yet, as comfortable as it may be, and Tiffany was out all night, adding to her worries and thus had insomnia. Reannon, on the other hand, slept like a rock. Typical Reannon.

    The girl yawned and rubbed one of her eyes with the back of her hand, taking a glance at her roommate’s side of the room. “I guess she came back safely after all.” Careful not to wake Tiffany or the Pokemon, Tana tiptoed out of bed and crouched down, pulling out one of the drawers gingerly, trying to make as little noise as possible, but she lost her balance and rammed her knee right into one of the corners. She yelped, waking Reannon, but Tiffany and Chiko on the other hand… they slept like the living dead. Her Pokemon looked annoyed for a moment, trying to figure out who disturbed her beauty sleep and why when she spotted her Trainer fussing over her bleeding knee. The giant blue bunny-rhino thingy hopped off the bed, landing with a thud, and looked up at her with concern.

    “Reannon, shh, they’re still sleeping,” Tana whispered, rummaging through the closet this time for a first-aid kit or some kind of disinfectant and a band-aid. She couldn’t remember if she packed them in a separate container or just stuffed it all into a suitcase. After emptying out the floor of her closet while Reannon just sat and watched, she groaned to find that the first-aid kit was sitting on top of the dresser, right next to the ridiculously huge, bright pink make-up case that her mother insisted that she brought and a considerably less flashy box which contained some hair accessories and maybe a piece of jewelry or two. Looking back and forth between her wound and the mess on the floor, Tana saw that the wound had already began to scab over, inciting another groan. She reorganized and put away the rest of her belongings neatly and plopped back onto her bed, taking a look at the clock. “7:18 AM”

    She dragged herself out of bed again and went through the contents of her still open drawer, finally deciding on a white tank top and Capri-length jeans. When she was done changing and putting her pajamas away, the girl closed the drawer with her foot and moved back to the closet, taking a denim jacket off its hanger and putting it on. She brushed her hair quickly and braided a lock on each side before deciding that she didn’t like how her hair looked today and opted for a black casquette to cover up the frizziness. Tana glanced over at the clock again and noted the time. “7:46 AM”

    Reannon was bored out of her mind, thinking Tana took way too long each morning to get ready and laid on her back staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, they both heard a loud rumbling. Tana looked at her blushing face and smiled, “I guess we’re both hungry, huh?” She slipped on a pair of black, low-heeled, open-toe mules and made sure her ID card was safely in her bag before closing the door behind her and setting off for the canteen. Miraculously, there were no mishaps and she was able to find it with ease. Since it was still absurdly early, she was able to acquire food for herself and Reannon with ease.

    When they were done with breakfast, they wandered onto the school grounds, walking leisurely and giving a smile or a wave to those they walked past. When they meandered by the volleyball, tennis, and basketball courts, the Nidorina tugged on one of her pant legs and pointed excitedly at the gate in front of them. “Okay, okay, we can go to the beach if you want, but if we get in trouble, I’m blaming you!” She let Reannon lead the way and surveyed the surroundings. Tana never really liked the beach, but she indulged her Pokemon, she couldn’t really say, “No, you’re not allowed to go to the beach Reannon. EVER.” It wasn’t like Reannon was spoiled, anyway, and she was generally well-behaved. Tana took off her shoes, not wanting to get sand in them and sat down on a patch of grass as her Nidorina frolicked around the sand, chasing the tides and making up her own little adventures. Before long, the girl nodded off.


    Tana slowly opened her eyes, dazed. “Oh, right, I fell asleep. It’s the beach behind the school. I wonder where Reannon is…” Her eyes widened and she let out an ear-piercing shriek. She scrambled backwards, frozen in shock.


    So uh... didja miss me? Tag whoever heard Tana at the beach. The thing that freaked her out was a Krabby.
    Last edited by Kurosakura; 20th July 2010 at 12:52 PM.

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  23. #63
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    Default Re: Lapras Valley High (It starts! LSUs Welcome!)

    Back from Classy's House and I really came back energized, we just need more RPGs around!

    Tiffany Parker

    With nails caked in sand and dirt, the four of us finally sat down under a nice shady tree to find some relief from the mid day sun. Chiko used her leaf and vines to carry around the collection of treasure we had found so far. Much of it had been rather hit and miss, with some spots being entirely empty even though Azeri had insisted that there was treasure buried underneath the sand.

    "Lets see what we managed to uncover!" My voice filled with excitement after I had finished scraping the sand and dirt out from under my nails. Rachel would have told me it was unlady like to degrade myself to the level of digging in the sand, but I was not going to not do something that I asked Chiko to do.

    "What a ton of junk!" Berezi remarked, shaking her head disapprovingly as I pulled out a rusted over necklace with what looked like a dirty fake purple diamond emboldened in the pendent.

    "Don't call it that!" I shot back, cleaning off the necklace and draping it over Azeri's neck. "It matches your jewel!" I clapped my hands together before going back to dig through the various other seashells, rings, and necklaces we found.

    Azeri shook his head, trying to get the necklace off as Berezi slowly eased it off of him before holding it up to the sunlight that seemed to peek through the tree. "Azeri really doesn't like to wear things." She explained, her voice far off as if she were lost in thought. "But maybe we could do something with all this crappy jewelry, maybe set up a charity drive at school with jewelry for Pokemon." She offered

    My mind began to buzz with ideas, we could have a beauty booth and dress up Pokemon in all kinds of getups, we could even do it right outside the Pokemon Contest classes! "We would have to ask your sister for permission first." She added.

    Suddenly my stomach sunk to my toes, my hopes and dreams were dashed, as much as I loved my sister she seemed to have turned a mean and cold streak lately. She would never have approved of such a thing infact she would probably laugh me out of the room. "Maybe we don't have to tell her?" I offered timidly.

    Berezi looked at me for a second, her eye brow raised as if she was trying to figure something out. "Did you and your sister always have such a heated relationship?" She asked.

    "She wasn't always this way." I tried to explain as I laid back down on the soft grass, Chiko jumping onto my stomach and settling down. "We used to be best friends, we would sleep in eachother's room and talk about Pokemon and what we wanted to do in the future, she would even talk to me about boys even though I was too young to understand."

    "What happened?" Berezi asked curiously.

    I shrugged my shoulders as I gazed down toward Chiko. "I don't know, I know people change when they go off to school." I paused and for the first time I allowed a bit of sadness to creep into my voice, breaking the cherry personality I had tried to keep up. "I really don't know."

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