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Thread: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

  1. #1
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    Default -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

    [color=#a00000][size=23pt]Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten

    Twenty years have passed since the last clash between Heaven and Hell. All has been quiet on the surface…

    However, the surface merely hides what lies beneath. And beneath an ancient evil is stirring…

    Life for mortals has changed slightly. More are religious in some way, and some were driven completely insane by the revelation of two decades ago. All but a few hope and pray that they will never have to experience… whatever it was again.

    Prayers aren’t always answered.

    For the Fallen Souls Coven, life is very different. Mateo, son of Sorcha and Marduk, has proven that he has neither his mother’s morals nor his father’s sophistication. Marduk, initially amused by his son’s reckless and immoral behavior, has lost patience with Mateo’s impertinence. Following the defeat of Satan’s general, the Archangel Michael all but disappeared, returning Sorcha to her former state with the exception of advanced powers. Jalken and Illuminia drift in and out of the picture, as does Malik, more of an associate than an actual member of the coven.

    Danger looms ever nearer to the coven…

    An unknown assailant or assailants has taken to the streets; deaths have been reported, some brutal, some mysterious. All have one thing in common: the bodies have been drained of blood.

    Strange behavior has been reported by some of those who were touched by the demon Legion during the last battle… Others who may or may not have even been around at the time report visions… Word on the street says that there are strangers in town who are there one moment, plain as day, then disappear into thin air… Symbols are appearing in trees, rocks, on buildings, everywhere.

    Something is coming…

    Refer to the original RPG with any questions; PM me if it doesn't help.

    Physical Description:

    Name: Sorcha
    Age: c. 1600 years old
    Gender: female
    Species: vampire-witch
    Gifts/powers: she has the limitations and strengths of a vampire of her age (sunlight is harmful but won't destroy her, she doesn't have to drink blood as often, strong telekinetic powers, extreme physical strength, skin like white marble, ability to fly, ect.), but can also communicate with spirits and manipulate elements (earth, air, fire, water) and can, at will, transform into a winged, angel-like version of herself with huge red and black wings, though any use of her witch powers can drain her, but no where near as much as it once did. She can join with the spirit of the archangel Michael, but rarely does anymore; it causes her pain for reasons that she refuses to discuss with anyone, including her husband.
    Physical Description: clicky for piccy Like so, but with black streaked with blood red. She used to, and occasionally still does, wear a short black leather skirt, black corset with red inset, and knee-high boots, but most of the time is dressed in a simple, sleeveless black satin gown.
    Personality: Party goddess. She loves to have a good time, and sometimes has difficulty "buckling down" when things get serious. Always the one to have some quirky remark, not many can take her on in an argument or a battle of wits. When she does get serious, then you know things are getting pretty bad, and someone's about to get their ass kicked. A great friend, trustworthy confident, and powerful ally, you definitely want to be on her good side.
    Lately, however, she has been stressed and a much different person than usual. Tensions in her family, especially between her husband and her son, have made Sorcha into a mere shadow of her formal self. She spends what energy she has training young witches and trying to heal the rift in her household.
    Origin/History: : Born in Ireland, Sorcha was a Druidic high priestess who traveled Gaul during the early days of the Holy Roman Empire. She was called to a gathering to help with a problem stemming from negative energy; during the ritual, the energy attacked her and nearly killed her when she was saved by the merging of a divine spirit with her own. She didn’t know what spirit it was, but she has a feeling that it was an important one, since afterwards she practically became God’s general on earth. She later found the spirit to be the archangel Michael. Not long after her transformation, she fell in love, but the man she fell in love with was destined to die. God promised that would be someone for her, and that he would come in time; that promise was fulfilled with her union with Koger, human form of the ancient god Marduk, who has since regained his former strength.
    Other: not yet


    "OK, you're getting the hang of it... Try to move with the flame in your mind rather than just forcing your will upon it..." I suggested to one of my young students. She was a human with the rare gift of pyrokinesis, and her parents wished for me to train her to better control her power. Too many close encounters with the fire department, I supposed; they didn't strike me as the understanding type and I knew that they thought of me as a freak. Then again, I wasn't human... but they didn't need to know that.

    The flame flickered and flared back to life, forming a star rather than the typical teardrop shape. The girl gasped, and I gave her a small hug.

    "See, you can do it! That's enough for today, I'll see you tomorrow, Jackie." I ushered her to the front door to where her parents waited. As they left, I closed the door behind them and sighed; it had been too long since I last had a vacation. Try over a century. A crash from somewhere in the house snapped me back to the present. "Mateo!" I yelled, not really expecting my son to pay any mind.

    "What on earth... What have I told you?" I snapped when I reached his bedroom doorway. Inside were he and some of his... friends. Several girls in various states of being scantily clad were sprawled around the room along with two other boys. Not my idea of a wholesome gathering. The remains of a table were gently smoldering in a corner.

    "No storms in the house?"


    "No destroying the furniture?"


    "No burning things?"



    "No whores in my house!" I spat, eyes flashing. "If you insist on bringing people in here, fine, but only if they're properly dressed!" Mateo rolled his eyes. "Pick up that table, too."

    He moved, slowly, and began to collect the bits of wood when I gave the flame a second life. His hair singed and he jumped in surprise. "Now, the rest of you, OUT! NOW!" I roared, fuming.

    "We will talk about this later," I growled at Mateo before closing the door and storming down the hallway, herding the trash out of my home.

    *drum roll* Introducing... kind of...

    Name: Melanthe
    Age: unknown
    Gender: Female
    Species: Vampire
    Gifts/powers: She's a fucking vampire, so guess.
    Physical Description: Five foot seven with bleached-looking flawless white skin that most older vamps have, shoulder-length blood red hair, piercing ice blue eyes. She wears a black leather halter-style top that covers very little and tight black leather pants.
    Personality: Cunning, deceitful, manipulating... more to come, mwahahaha!
    Origin/History: unknown, suckaz!
    Other: *evil plotting kind of grin*


    The taste of fresh blood on my lips sent ripples of pleasure through my body. My victim's dying breath echoed in my ears...

    Ah, sweet death! Her body lie on the filthy pavement, broken and forgotten, like the wretch that she had been. Probably a runaway; this forsaken city was full of them. The wold was full of them, for that matter, damned place that it was. I nudged the corpse with my foot and her head turned, eyes closed forever in eternal sleep. Such pretty blonde hair... She could have been beautiful, if only the layers of grime that covered her were washed away...

    The strong had conquered the weak. That's how it was, always has been, and always would be. Gentle grace had no place in a world of savage beauty, just as she had no place in my world.

    The Dark Destroyer. I smiled to myself, recalling my name in the old world. Yes, the Dark Destroyer had returned after centuries of obscurity. What would they call me this time?

    They would call me Mistress.


    I stood atop a high-rise, right on the edge, looking over the city and it's multitude of lights. Even in the midnight hour, the streets were alive...

    How long until this was mine? The Guardian no longer held sway, at least not nearly as much as two decades ago. Taint had begun to seep in, and the Guardian had not returned... something was happening to prevent it. If that situation, whatever it was, could be... pushed a little... I smiled darkly to myself. Perfect... it would be perfect...

    The city, with it's lights and people, would be a nice first step...

    But I really wanted it all.

    It would be a rather lonesome undertaking to do it alone... surely I could find someone worth at Inferno.

    Then again, if I wasn't careful, he would find me. Nothing was too low for him to sink to, the insufferable worm. Yet, he remained so self-riteous... I didn't understand him, nor did I want to. I wouldn't sink that low. A bad taste welled up in my mouth and I spat on the ledge in disgust.

    He would just have to die. I reminded myself that I and my sisters had been trying to kill him for millennia... No matter. He couldn't get lucky every time.

    Name: Zarahlinda
    Age: at least 3000 years old
    Gender: female
    Species: vampire
    Gifts/powers: In addition to the "traditional" vampiric powers, she is able to commune psychically with those who have dedicated themselves to her, call leopards (and wereleopards) to her aid, and other powers that will be disclosed later...
    Physical Description: (Obviously not wearing that outfit, though...) Normally wears a conservative floor-length black gown, like so
    Personality: Zarahlinda is one of the oldest vampires in the world, and her mere presence carries the weight of that age. She is extremely powerful, but doesn't flaunt it; under normal circumstances, she's calm, collected, introspective, and very wise. She would rather not become involved in conflict if it can be avoided, unless the cost is too high for her or her people. She rules like a matron rather than a dictator, and her people fear her but not to the point that the fear is what keeps them loyal.
    Origin/History: Except for those very few who are close to her, no one knows much about her. She comes from somewhere near the Middle East and is several thousand years old; most guess she was in her mid-twenties when she died. Some know that she was married and had children, but nothing more specific is public knowledge.

    (I will post for Zarah later)

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  2. #2
    A serious brain-f*** Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

    Name: Mateo (yeah I get to play him)
    Age: 20 (youngest char! woot!)
    Gender: Male
    Species: Vampire/Stormlord (sounds exciting huh?)
    Gifts/powers: Much like his mother, he benefits from the advantages of being a vampire, enhanced strength, the ability to fly, you get the idea. Of course, due to his father's gene's he's also able to counter the disadvantages. He has no blood lust - well not in a vampire sense - and can withstand sunlight as easily as any mortal. He is also able to create small storms and can perform a few spells of dark magic (unknown by his parents of course).
    Physical Description: He stands at 5'11" with a muscular build and short dark raven hair. Strangely enough, Mateo has deep red eyes, which is the only part of him that doesn't appear to be inherited from either of his parents. Wears - top, and - bottom.
    Personality: Where to begin? Mateo is the rebellious teenager of his time. He disobeys his parents, gets into trouble - A LOT of trouble, does whatever the hell he pleases with no disregard of anything and sleeps with just about any woman he comes across (he has his standards though). Yet despite this, he secretly has a great respect for his mother and if the situation ever really demanded it, he would do anything for her. He's still naive though believes himself to be bigger than he is and is easily manipulated by anyone willing enough to try it.
    Origin/History: The son of Sorcha/Marduk he is therefore expected by most immortals to achieve 'great things', an opinion that he greatly despises and has turned him slightly against his parents. He was raised in a mortal world, attending mortal schools and graduating from a mortal highschool. Yet his mother continued to help him develop his powers over storms (which may later evolve). A few years ago he discovered a book on the dark arts (found it 'accidently') and began to study its ways - unknown of course, to his parents. That's the simple bit, now for the complicated stuff. Before his death, Garth (the good one) split his soul in half so that he could have the chance of a life untainted by Satan. God honoured Garth's efforts by resurrecting the survivng half of his soul - the result being Mateo. However, one cannot exist fully with only half a soul so God created a new half-soul which was fused with Garth's to create Mateo's soul (yeah i know, confusing but it makes sense trust me). But, this plan was not completely successful. Due to the raping of Sorcha by Garth (the evil one), some his essence lived on within her, thus tainting her firstborn though not to the extent that Garth had lived with. It's only effects on Mateo are that they have manifested into an interest in the dark arts and also makes him easily manipulated by darker beings. (Wow that was confusing).
    Other: he owns a car and a motorbike - and he takes good care of them both.


    I sighed and started getting dressed. I really needed to see if that book had a locking spell that I oculd use to keep my mom out of my room. All these walk-ins were starting to get embarassing. What did she expect? It wasn't like I had anything else to do in my spare time except find various ways of entertaining myself. I mean geez, I WAS their son, how oculd they blame me for having their sex drives? It wasn't like I asked to get turned on by hot chicks so easily - and let's be honest, there WERE a lot of hot chicks around lately.

    Fully clothed, I headed downstairs and made a beeline for the kitchen. Food was really a major necessity but it tasted good and it helped pass some time. I was hoping to use it to slip past mom and avoid a lecture. I wasn't so fortunate.

    "Why do you insist on going out of your way to do the compelte opposite of what I tell you?"

    I sighed, rolling my eyes as I bit into a chicken wing. "You make it sound like I was doing such a terrible thing."

    "You had whores in my house!"

    I held up a figner to buy enough time to throw my point in. "They weren't whores, they were all free. Well, except for Rachel, she was a kinda -"

    "I don't want to know! Dammit Mateo I've had it up to here with you," I even got the hand gesture for emphasis. "You screw up one more time and I'll come down on you so hard -"

    "Gimme a break will ya? Why do you always gotta be breathing down my neck about the smallest thing? So a few things get burnt or broken, it happens. You don't need to go all ape on me over it."

    "You've got some nerve -"

    "Well I gotta be going," I interrupted calmly, catching a quick look at the clock on the wall. "Should be back in a few hours. I'm meeting Claire and I hear she's pretty easy." I headed for the door then paused for a moment. "We'll...continue this later hmm?" and I left her standing there.

    My mom just didn't get me. I ran it through my mind as I pulled my car out the garage. It was the way she was, I couldn't help but feel like she was waiting for me to screw up, and naturally it eventually happened. I couldn't always help it but she could be so pushy. She just didn't undestand the amount of pressure on me. She was this great hero in the immortal world and as her son, I was expected to accomplish great things too. But it could never work. I just couldn't handle that kind of expectation. So things between us were generally pretty bad. To be honest, she had a better relationship with most of her 'students' than she did with me.

    I pulled the car up outside Claire's house. A minute later she was in the seat, a clear sign of eagerness. She was gonna be even easier than I had expected. I had a system that worked for me in getting a girl to have sex with you and the level of ease determined how many steps would be taken. In Claire's case, I just skipped straight to the sex. Heck, she couldn't have been any worse than her sister.


    "Hmm?" my head was too preoccupied with her breasts to pay any real attention to what she was saying.

    "Did you have sex with my sister?"

    I pulled my head up. "Would it make any difference if I said yes?"

    She was thoughtful for a moment. It was f*cking irritating. "Not really."

    "Then stop talking."

    Knock. Knock.

    I sighed angrily and bowed my head slightly. What was the problem now? I peered out the darkened window to see a set of flashing lights. Just my luck. First my mom walks in on some action and then some donut-loving cop tries to ruin the evening for me. It just wasn't my night.

    I rolled down the window. "Problem officer?"

    "Are you aware that you're illegally parked on private property?"

    Of course I knew, but I wasn't gonna tell him that. "Sorry officer. I never knew."

    "Will you step out of the car please sir?"

    "Are you serious?"

    "Step out the car sir?"

    "Alright alright. Can I grab my pants?"

    "Just come on."

    He literally jerked the door open and I haf tumbled out, leaving Claire behind in the backseat. The officer concidered the both of us for a moment, then frowned. "You are aware that sex with a minor is ilegal in this state?"

    I looked from the cop, to Claire, then back to the cop. "Minor!? Are you serious!? She's like 18!"

    "You mean that girly there? Nope, she's fourteen. Heck, bought her a present for the celebration myself."

    I just gawped at her. "You lied to me!?"

    She just shrugged and closed the door as I was ushered into the back of the policecar with a towell wrapped about my waist. I would have preferred my pants but given the situation I wouldn't have minded. Sex with a, that sounded pretty bad. Fortunately for me, however, I got let off lightly. As Claire had consented to it - hell she'd practically jumped on me! What was I to do!? - I was let out on bail. Of wallet was in my pants, in my car, being towed to the dumped because it was ilegally parked on private property. Which of course, meant one thing.

    I had to call mom.

    "Hey mom?"

    There was a long sighing sound that came from the other end of the phone. "What is it Mateo?"

    "Well...I kinda need your help. See I'm at the police station and -"

    I never got to finish. The other end of the line cut out and I looked to the window. Sure enough, in the distance, a large black stormcloud was gathering. A few officers mumbled about a bad storm heading their way. I, on the other hand, thought only one thing: Sh*t.

    One signature.
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    Imooto-deshi says:

  3. #3
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    Default Re: -Blood and Magick II: The Forgotten- Begins (Mature) LSUs welcome

    Name: Helveanirica
    Age: Unknown (Ancient- Dawn of Time)
    Gender: Female
    Species: None (Explained Below)
    Gifts/powers: Her powers range with the variable of her mood and state of mind. If she's wicked, her powers are dark and come from the depths of hell. If she's good, her powers are light and come from the depths of heaven. However, currently her form is "locked" and her powers come from her wolven form, which are brute strength and swiftness.
    Physical Description: Currently, her physical form is that of a wolf. (See 1st Attachment). Her other form(s) have been erased and her true spirit has been locked. If and when she comes out of her locked state, her true form should reveal itself.
    Personality: Helve used to be very confused and comes across as insane. Her form would change with her alliance... which would change if she were to be swayed to one side or the other. However, now that she is locked her mind is clearly neutral and she only does what benefits herself. However, since she her form is locked and she's NOT meant to have her form locked, occasionally she'll do random acts of extreme good or random acts of vicious evil. This happens from time to time... but generally she's now crazy She'll offer advice if she deems its needed and she sees and senses almost everything that goes on around her- so she's a liable source of information. She has no need to lie, so the truth would spill from her lips... but she tends to like to keep quiet.
    Origin/History: FROM BLOOD AND MAGICK I: Helveanirica's history is long and feverish... so a summary is very much so needed. She's called Creation's Afterbirth, but don't let the name fool you. She's probably one of the most hidden secrets earth has to offer. When God created ... well, creation... he made things good and things evil, gave things 'yin and yang' if you will. Earth was created, heaven and hell were created... and all these bad and good energies had little remains of themselves. Now, with everything having a 'little remain' of themself... adds up to quite a lot. This all formed together, and when it had gathered... it grew a mind and gave itself its own 'soul' sort of speak, with out God's control. What was formed? Helveanirica... neither Good nor Bad, but inbetween. Of course as each thing dies and each thing is born... energies are casted away, each to Helveanirica which shifted her side from time to time. Eventually instead of remaining as a blob in the universe with a mind and presense, she/he pushed herself to the earth and took form there. She could take the form of anything... to blend in, but if her presense was requested her suited form would be human-like and match her current state. However, many evils and many goods found out about Helvenirica upon earth, and her moody and unsteady state. So each tried to sway her over... some succeeding. The plagues and one time when the Demon Empire was at it's full in ancient time... Helvenirica was summoned and called upon for aid. For some reason, evil sides were always able to tap into her most evil potential... but yet, never has good been able to tap into her most good potential. Perhaps there is a first time for everything to see what comes out? One time Helvenirica almost destroyed the world because her ultimate potential of evil had been reached... but God stepped forth and summoned a casting to surround and bind her/him. Helvenirica had been used blatently by both sides, and God felt pity for her/him... because he/she DID have a soul and was being taken advantage of (hah, with so much power who could have thought som eone like tha twas easily swayed and taken advantage of?) She was once again hidden by God... but he by no means kept her from being upon Earth, for God finds ways of not directly presenting himself. He just had pity upon her... for she was treated more as an object, then a soul which needs the same things that all souls do but she wasn't ever given.


    After the battle, Helve had been returned to a neutral state by Sorcha (unknowingly.) While Lucifer had been given a taste of her power, no one from Heaven realized Helve's abilities. Still, she had once again been used as an object and in her neutral state she grew weary of the world. Seeking revenge upon Helve for going against him, Lucifer (or Satan) summoned Helve against her will. She (being weary and worn) dwelled into the depths of Hell, where she met Lucifer who placed a binding curse upon her- causing her to be locked in her wolven form which she often sought refuge. The curse caused her other 'states of good and bad and neutrality' to mold into one. THis normally would have been a good thing, but her states of good and bad and neutrality were not HELVE but in essense, different beings themselves. Helve had been given no soul by God... so this was merely more chaotic to her but now she was forced to hold all of her states into one form. She now lives near where the battle of Heaven and Hell took place 20 years ago. She's very unstable at times... and tends to come across as insane now. However, because her powers of her states and their minds were forced together, her powers are shifty adn tend to be unstable as well. The only thing that is stable, is her wolven powers from before and her ability of transportation. She yearns for her form to be unlocked, but Satan's curse is probably the strongest curse an evil could do....
    Other: Helve has no soul nor identity. She's creation's afterbirth.

    .: Wolven Form | F | A park outside city :.

    "Woah... what the hell is that?"
    Voices again.
    "I looks... like a wolf man! A frigg'n huge wolf!"
    "What's it do'n in the city park?"
    "I dunno man... it looks dead..."
    A gleaming golden eye opened, revealing slitted eyes of annoyance as Helve's gaze met the two humans who had stumbled upon her slumbering grounds. They obviously were intoxicated - Helve could smell the stinging scent of the alcohol upon their breath.
    Intoxicated idiots... their scent disturbs me... it causes my insides to churn and my nose to burn...
    "Holy shit! It's looking at us!" The larger of the two spoke, pointing a shaking finger at Helve's furry body. Of course, it was dark out as well... being night- they had no idea how large and frightening Helve really was. Rising to her feet swiftly, soon her eye level grew well to theirs, as she suddenly curled her thick black lips back to expose her glistening ivory fangs. A low growl erupted from her throat, as she stood before them.
    " Holy sh*t! Holy sh*t! Let's f*cking get out of here!" The smaller one yelled, and the two of them turned to run but one of them stumbled and fell. Helve felt her muscles bunch up for a second, poising herself to pounce.
    Let them go... no one will listen to them.
    Kill them. Kill them now.
    Helve suddenly plunged her hindclaws into the dirt, as her powerful body took off. It was only a matter of a split second before she was above the fallen human. He looked up at her with horrified green eyes, giving out a muffled shout as one of her massive paws pressed into his chest. Her nose was inches from his face... burning from the smell of his breath as her angry, fire-induced golden eyes stared upon him. Her ears were flattened against her head as she continued to growl - saliva from her withdrawn lips dripping upon his face.
    "I don't wanna die..." he whined, crying like the pathetic child he was.
    Kill him. Crush his head within your jaws...
    Let the human go. Their ignorance is undeserving of death.
    Suddenly, Helve's teeth vanished into her muzzle, as lifted her paw off of his chest. The human quickly scrambled backwards in a crab-like walk, rising to his feet as if shocked.
    Get out of here before crush your ribs beneath my paws and taste your man-flesh. Helve growled, as the human screamed and ran off. No doubt hearing a voice within your mind was quite startling.

    Annoyed by her awakening, Helve glanced upwards through the trees. Such an annoyance... humans. They populated the earth like an unsightly parasite- feeding off the earth for their own selfish purpose. Laying back down upon the grass. Helve rested her large head between her paws. A small, quivering mouse was crawling upon the floor... close to Helve's muzzle. Watching it intently, both were aware of eachother. The mouse, trusting, crawled upon Helve's muzzle and seemed to rest there for a moment.

    Helve perhaps had lost much... but her symbolic nature with the animals was still intact.


    Name: Proticia (Prah-tish-uh)
    Age: Unknown... her appearance is decieving.
    Gender: Female
    Species: Appears human - in fact is a fallen angel, escaped from Hell.
    Gifts/powers: Proticia has abnormal powers, and is clearly not defined. She is extremely nimble and swift... having extremely good hand and eye coordination. She might not be extremely strong, but her agility usually helps her. Oddly enough, she seems to be unphased by any type of magick of good or evil (Heaven or Hell).
    Physical Description: See 2nd Attachment
    Personality: Proticia comes across as a niave little girl. She's taken the form of a little girl... so she comes across as cheerful, playful and extremely dependent of others. However, deep inside lies her true origins... which occasionally others can see glimpses of sadness, gloom and dispair.
    Origin/History: Proticia is the daughter of the Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel prized over Proticia in ancient times, teaching Proticia his own powers and showing her the human world and all the teachings of the Angels. However, during one of the ancient wars of Heaven and Hell, Gabriel was due to send a message to Satan. Proticia, having one of her visions that she was reknown for, visioned the curse and death of Gabriel. In order to save Gabriel, Proticia took Gabriel's message to Satan himself. Satan attempted to kill Proticia, but she illuded him with her sense of wit. However, the messages of God were only meant to fall into the hands of Gabriel and because of this Protricia was doomed to become a fallen. Gabriel and the other Archangels knew the laws that God had preset, and because of this, her wings were ripped and she was cast into hell. However, unlike all the other Fallens... Protricia fought against the brain-washing that the dark, empty voice and burning fires. When the war 20 years ago surfaced, she pretended to be like all the other fallens and managed to illude both Garth and Satan himself. As soon as the war was over, Hell shrank back but Proticia used all of her strength to fight against it and succeeded. Because she broke the chain and pull that Hell had over her, her form suddenly changed and for some odd reason she was given the form of a child.
    Other: While Proticia likes to think of God and Gabriel, she realizes that her form is hidden for a reason and she's waiting to see if perhaps she has another purpose. She's heart broken for being cast into hell... she questions the rules of God, for she was only trying to save Gabriel. However, she has forced herself to believe that God has a greater purpose for her and that she is part of a bigger plan.

    .: Cast/Fallen Angel | F | Within the City :.

    "I'm telling you... get out of here!" A small child, looking perhaps as if she were in 3rd or 4th grade, approached the Priest. It was late out... far too late for any little girl to be out in the city, especially by herself. The girl was quite beautiful however... her pale complexion without flaw and full of elegance. It was not pudgey nor filled with that common 'child' look... it showed more wisdom and clean intelligence and grace than any child. Her black, raven hair seemed to dance intricately about her body like a tantilizing attraction of the most exotic dancers. Her eyes were bewitching- containing the sort of gaze which could cause anyone to hesitate and for an instant, second guess themselves. She smiled politely for the priest once more. She had entered the church quite dramatically... thrusting both doors open with her little body, causing the Priest to be startled at first. He was bewildered. The church was large and usually filled with worshippers, but lately it had been empty. The sight of anyone- let alone a little girl- surprised him. She had told him to leave the church... which to him was odd but yet cute.
    "Why child... I cannot leave the church. It is my home so I can teach children like yourself about God."

    Proticia was patient, but not now.
    "You must leave, father." Her voice was smooth as silk... having a hint of child-like tone, due to her body but behind the voice was an exotic, foriegn sound as if she was not from around the area. If anything, to put quite bluntly, she held the air of a young, mature woman.
    " Leave!" She suddenly screamed, as a crackle of spontaneous lightening seemed to land next to the church.
    Suddenly, a cackle seemed to ripple through the Church- an eerie and unwelcomed sound which one would think could crack glass.
    In a blur, suddenly a creature seemed to leap from the high Organ pipes in the back of the church. With strange speed, Proticia rushed forward and managed to push the priest aside. A strange flash occured, and suddenly she held a long, elegant blade which seemed to glow ethereal-like. The blade was glowing with a slight cerrulean glow... having intricate markings that glowed in silver upon the semi-transparent blade. A long, blood-soaked cord was attached to the silver handle of the blade as well... and it was quite long yet seemed to be held easily by her. The blade was dripping with crimson blood, as she whirled about to face behind her where the figure now was.

    A shaggy, wild-eyed man stood before her and the priest. His arm was cut cleanly from his shoulder... and quite unusually, it did not heal very quickly. He was obviously slightly intoxicated- most likely NOT from alcohol- otherwise a sharp pain would have been felt, and he would have cried out.
    "Stupid stupid little girly wants tah play?" He said with a sluggish tone. Obviously, the creature was not comprehendidng that a small girl had just sliced off his arm.
    "Don't worry Priest... this is an easy AND dumb one." Proticia said with a soft grin, but the Priest was far too stunned and shocked to say anything.
    Suddenly, in rage, the creature charged at her.
    It was, in fact, far too easy.
    She swiftly took her sword from about her and twirled it about her hand. Leaping into the air, she dived at him, managing to fly slightly over the shoulder of his cut-off arm, and angle the sword off at her side. The blade cleanly cut into his flesh once more, penetrating his spine and seperating his neck exactly where one of the growth plates were.
    His head rolled off, blood gurgling from his neck as the body seemed to twitch for a moment, and then fall over. His head was screaming in agony... and Proticia landed upon the ground behind both head and body. Quickly running back over to the body, she took her sword and thrusted it into the middle of his chest, lodging it inside. Taking her foot and pushing off with it, she managed to run about in a circle- twisting the sword's blade into one as well. The screaming from the head stopped as soon as she had, and then she jerked the sword back out. The body swiftly seemed to pale, and the blood turned from crimson to black, and then faded away... leaving a stain upon the floor. The flesh upon the body melted away, leaving nothing but traced bones and dingy clothes.

    "What-what..." The Priest stammered, clenching the cross in his hands. Proticia looked at him, and another flash occured. Her sword had vanished.
    "I'm sorry you had to see that Priest... but I warned you to leave. I think you should have the stained spots on the floor purified intensely, to ward off other 'creatures' from coming into your Church." She stated, walking away from him in an instant.
    "B-b-but... child... where is your mother...? Shouldn't you..." He watched as she turned around, and for once- a glimmer of a sad smile-
    "Do you really think I have a home? Let alone a mother?"
    And with that, she walked through the door... disappearing into the darkness.

    [ Anyone can meet my characters. It will be noted, that Proticia will act like a 'child' to anyone. She was only serious towards the Priest because she was pursuing the creature. It might be noted that her appearance is that of a child... but yet her face and such make her seem rather 'different' and give her an air of a young woman. ]
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    hey, i will update a little later today, my comp is acting up. It'll be good though, i promise.

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    Name: Malik
    Age: 2020
    Gender: Male
    Species: Dark angel
    Gifts/powers: Apart from regeneration and super-human strength, Malik has total control over the powers of darkness as well as a bit of power over the elements (not much though). He can sprout raven black angel wings from his back, giving him the ability to fly. however, he's not a perfect being as holy objects and areas cause him pain.
    Physical Description: He stands at about 5'95'' and has a lean, yet well toned build. He has short, raven black hair which neatly covers his right eye and has golden eyes which watch from behind a pair of round-rimmed glasses.

    As for clothing, Malik wears a black, turtle neck sweater. Over it he wears a white coat which reaches his knees. He also wears a pair of white pants, a set of black, Italian shopes and white gloves.
    Personality: He can come off as a bit of a smart-ass at times. He loves to party and is notorious for flirting with anything on two legs and remotely attractive. However, he does know when to get serious. He may come off as cocky and arrogent. He rarely shows fear to anyone, even God.
    Origin/History: Malik is the son of Lucifer himself. While he was young, his father had high hopes for him and trained him to be the general of his unholy army. Malik however had other ideas. He escaped to earth where his life from point to him was one big party.

    Being someone who was supposed to be Lucifer's general, it was quite ironic that he aided in the destruction of his father's plans. When Lucifer tried to conquer earth, Malik sided with god and helped fight Lucifer's forces back.

    Now that that's over, life's gone back to being one big party for Malik.
    Other: none yet.

    Malik watched from the shadows as Sorcha sat down at the kitchen table and gave a long, frustrated sigh.

    "Something wrong Sorcha?" the son of Lucifer asked as he stepped into the light. The half vampire, half witch jumped in surprise.

    "I told you to stop doing that!" she spat in annoyance. Malik rose his handas defensively.

    "Easy Sorcha. I just stopped by to see if you wanted to see if you were up for a bit of clubin tonight."

    Sorcha just shook her head and Malik frowned. It seemed just like yesterday when he and Sorcha would paint the town red, and then smash it up in another of their fights. Now, she was married, had a son (who should have moved out by now) and she usually stayed home.

    "What happened to you Sorcha," Malik sighed, shaking his head, "What happened to the fun girl I used to know?"

    "She got married and had an ungrateful, hellraiser of a son."

    Not to mention had an archangel mess with her head.

    Malik couldn't help but notice something wrong with the girl.

    "What's the matter Sorcha? You're normally a lot more cheery then this." Malik sat down at the opposite end of the table. "Tell me all what's wrong. You can trust me."

    Name: Mephistophocles
    Gender: Male
    Species: Archdemon
    Gifts/powers: He has the power of regeneration, can manipulate the earth and has the ability of shape shifting. He can also change into a more demonic form, but he perfers his human form best. Like most demons, holy objects and places cause him pain, but he was a great tolerance to it. He also a large amount of strength, despite his lean frame. He also has the power to grant wishes, but these usually come at a price.
    Physical Description: He stands at about 6 feet and has a lean build. He has messy, pale blonde hair which reaches down to his neck and barely covers his left eye. his eyes are red and snake-like, but he usually wears blue contacts to hide this. He has a pale complexion.

    For clothing, Mephisto wears a fair bit of black. He wears a black coat which goes down to his knees and is usually left open, revealing his bare torso. A pair of black leather pants with dark blue patches on the knees and knee high boots. He also wears a black, spiked chocker and spiked arm bracelets.
    Personality: He's cocky, arrogent and loves to have a good time. He loves making bets with people (even God), and while he hates to loose, he doesn't hold it against anyone. While he prefers to serve under noone, he does have respect for those greater then he is. While most of the time he's calm, there are times when he can seem insane and just downright frightning.
    Origin/History: Mephisto is what one can be considered a rouge demon. He doesn't serve under Lucifer, but he does love to cause mischief. He's most famous for his attempt to damm the german doctor, Johann Faustus. Even though God won the bet in the end, Mephisto holds no grudges against god, nor the doctor. Upon hearing about sorcha and Marduk's son Mateo, Mephisto made another bet with God, that he can damm this particular child. God, confident in Mateo's goodness agreed. Mephisto thinks that this'll be easy for him.

    "Hmmm, that kid's a bit of a hellraiser isn't he?" Metatron sighed as he, the other seraph (par from Micheal) and God, the father, watched the image of Mateo before them. Gabrael shook his head.

    "How did he turn this way? He was such a good child in his youth."

    "It could be just a phase," Uriel replied, "He'd get over it."

    "Let's hope so. We could really need him right now."

    "Fear not my children." God spoke, his voice ringing out in the vast hall in which they stood, "The child may be wild now, but he has a good heart deep down. He will see that soon."

    The seraph all nodded in agreement.

    And then a maniacal laughter rang out from nowhere.

    The seraph looked over to see who was laughing, but saw noone. Suddenly, dark flames seemed to erupt from the floor, forming a pentagram. The seraph stepped back.

    "That's a good one my Lord," rang a voice, "I just knew you had a sense of humor."

    Gabriel's face turned into a sneer. He recognised that voice.

    In a burst of flame, a demonic form shot up from the pentagram. It fell towards the floor, changing into a more human form and landing gracefully on his feet. The demon strode across the hall towards God, his red, snake-like eyes focused on him. He smirked before giving a small bow.

    "Greetings my Lord," he spoke, almost politely, "I hoped I could bring you something cheerful, but it is hard in these dark times. I assume you already know of the darkness brewing on Earth."

    "Isn't that how you like it Mephistophocles?" Gabrael asked with a bit of venom. Mephisto frowned.

    "Of course not! For things are bad! I may be a demon, but I’m not heartless. Humanity is suffering and with Micheal gone, those who saved the Earth twenty years ago may fail.”

    Beneath the light that veiled God, the Lord gave a small smile.

    “You need not to fear. For when Micheal dissappeared, a new life was born.” God waved an arm towards the image of Mateo. Mephisto just laughed.

    “Him? That’s rich! I wouldn’t be surprised if he joined the evil! He’d probably sell out his own mother for a case of alchahol and a whore!”

    God frowned.

    “Mateo will learn that selfless acts bring greater rewards then the cheap leisures he seeks now.” Mephisto’s face curled into a sinister grin.

    “Is that so? How much would you care to wager.”

    “Don’t even think about it Mephisto!” Gabrael growled through clenched teeth.

    “Allow me to tempt his soul!” Mephisto continued, ignoring Gabrael, “And I’ll show you his true nature!”

    “You must be insane! There is too much resting on his shoulders for you to interfere!” Gabrael shouted, “How dare you make such a rediculuous preposal!”

    god was silent for a few moments before raising an arm.

    ”Very well,” he spoke, causing the seraph to gasp, ”But he will earn that it is my power that will lead him to salvation.”

    Mephisto grinned almost insanely.

    “It is done then!” Mephisto laughed and with a burst of unholy flame, he was gone. Gabrael looked over at God with widened eyes.

    “Why did you?” he asked, barely able to ask the question.

    ”The goodness in Mateo’s heart outweighs the evil. When Mephisto tempted Faust, he learned the true path to happiness and repented for his sins. Mephisto’s attempts may produce the same results for Mateo.”

    Gabrael gulped.

    “But what if they don’t?”

    Sorry for the shortness in Malik's post. I was more focussing on Mephisto this time.
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    [ Just a question fer you Mystic_Clown... I'm studying many plays in my History of Classical Theatre class. We (about two weeks ago) went over the play, Dr. Faustus. However, in the play Dr. Faustus was damned. (The original play, actually had Dr. Faustus damned and he did not repent.) However, during the time when the Church was rising to more power, they changed the play so that in the end he repented and went to heaven. ^_^ Just thought you might want to know that, in case you'd rather have Dr. Faustus damned. I read the original version, which I personally like better. MWhahahahaa....

    Faustus: ... Adders and sperpents, let me breathe awhile!
    Ugly hell, gape not! come not, Lucifer!
    I'll burn my books! - Ah Mephistophilis!
    Exeunt [ Devils with Faustus ]

    Chorus: Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight,
    And burned is Apollo's laurel bough,
    That sometimes grew within this learned man.
    Faustus is gone; regard his hellish fall,
    Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise
    Only to wonder at unlawful things,
    Whose deppness doth entice such forward wits
    To practise more than heavenly power permits.

    Terminat hor diem, terminat author opus
    " The hour ends the day, the author ends his work."

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    Yeah, I know about that. In fact, Goethe's version was the only one where Faustus gets into heaven, and personally is the one I prefer.
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    Name: Legion
    Age: About 5000
    Gender: Male
    Species: Demon
    Gifts/powers: He is only one soul now, but he operates by possessing weak minded individuals or animals. The demonic influence of his soul gives his host amazing powers, including enhanced speed, strength, dexterity and agility. He has also gained pyrokinesis, meaning he can manifest and manipulate fire. While small fireballs cause him no strain, the larger the flame and the greater extent of control he uses, the more it exhausts him. He gained this ability through his 'evolution' ability, which means every host he possesses, he can copy a useful ability and carry it to another host.
    Physical Description: This depends on his host. He does, however, have a true form, where he turns his host into a flaming humanoid (much like Meramon from Digimon)
    Personality: Deep down, he is a confused individual, for he has broken his bonds with his old master, Satan, and is now free for the first time in his life. However, his continued existence means he still has some use in this world. For now, he is going around killing everyone who he had tainted in his past life (the Acolytes) for they are still under Satan's command. While this technically means he is on the side of good, he also still believes that God's soldiers are the enemy. On first impressions, however, he is still a conceited individual who has no feelings or compassion.
    Origin/History: Since the battle against Sorcha ended and his main body was destroyed, he was recalled to Hell to face judgement from Satan. Unimpressed and angered by his constant insubordinance, Satan cast him out of Hell, thereby removing his pool of infinite souls. However, on his way out of Hell, he possessed a small demon, which had the power of pyrokinesis, and made it to the surface of the Earthly realm. He dumped the demon's body and discovered he had copied its ability. He has now returned to the city to carry out his mission.
    Other: Using his pyrokinesis, he likes to forge swords to use in battle.



    I could feel my quarry's presence, his anguish, his fear. I had chased him out of the city but I was going to use him to lead me to the others. I could hear his thoughts,
    My mind-manipulating abilities are not what they were, but those who cannot guard their thoughts are my oysters. He had finally stopped running, and I stopped. I looked around, surrounded by trees. I then locked onto his presence and began incinerating trees in my path. I saw the acolytes scramble to his feet and try to escape, but I was quick on his tail. I could feel more of them. The fool had led me right to the nest. Within seconds I pounced on him and held his brittle neck in my grasp. He flailed briefly and my eyes flared.
    "Die slave," and he became ashes in my grip. I knew I was surrounded by maybe eight, nine, yes nine for sure. I couldn't see them physically, but their demonic auras shone in the darkness. I threw out nine fireballs, and each acolyte let out a blood-curdling scream before being sent back to the demon realm from whence they came.

    I sat down and began sharpening my sword, pondering my next move. I had to find more acolytes, so I broadened my range, searching the entire park...

    I could feel a strong presence, a being not of this world, but not an acolyte...

    It was her.

    Helveanirica. I hadn't seen any of those since I was cast out of Hell, but perhaps she could prove of some use to me...I locked onto her general area and I sped at great speed towards her location. Maybe she could help me find my purpose...
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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    Name: Jason Tansmern
    Age: appears 20 years old, age is unknown.
    Gender: Male
    Species: Human (sort of, explained below)
    Gifts/powers: Jason is a master of an ancient art known as "Arscanious". The term is known as the "Yin-Yang" seperation technique. His body can generate a magical force that allows him to channel an ancient force. With this ability, he can heal the wonded, teleport short distances, and temporarily control a weaker man's mind. These techniques are secondary to his master ability. He can generate a green fire like magic spell that causes immense burning. The technique can be altered into a shape or object, such as a projectile or , Jason's favorite, a whip like attack. This fire is bursting with holy power. This does drain him when he is in the Yin-Yang form. It also causes him to completly change who he truely is.
    Physical Description: When not in the Yin-Yang form, Jason is best described as a American looking cowboy. He has a brown goatee and medium brown hair. He wears a cowboy hat usually and always wears a brown trenchcoat. His shirt is pitch black and he wears a pair of blackpants. He generally wears black pants.
    Personality: Very open, loves to talk and meet people. Is a strong and caring person.
    Origin/History: Jason was born early in the 1900s. He was a cattle farmer. One tragic day, he was killed in a bank robbery. He was an interesting case for God to decide. He wasn't pure enough to enter into the gates of Heaven, but wasn't condemmed enough to be sent to Hell. Enter the Reaper. The Reaper (also known as the Grim Reaper or just "Death") offered to take the boy from the hands of God and Satan. He would work for The Reaper and do his bidding. At the end of 100 years, the boy would be given a choice, take the job of the Reaper, or go to Heaven or Hell. God and Satan both agreed as the Reaper had been in charge since the dawn of existence. Since then, Jason lives as a mercenary for the Reaper, doing his bidding while trying to live a normal life. He was given the powers from the left hand of the Reaper to do his bidding. He is not entirely loyal but can't break free from the Reapers control.
    Other: He has a love interest by the name of Belle.

    Name: The Reaper (Grim Reaper, Death)
    Age: Born the Day Cain slew Able
    Gender: presumed Male, but unknown
    Species: Death...
    Gifts/powers: The Grim Reaper has the job of choosing who lives and who dies. He is Immortal. He carries around his Scythe wherever he goes. Power wise, The Reaper has a few powers. He can control the bodies of the dead, he can regenerate after any attack, he can appear anywhere he desires. When near the Reaper, anyone short of God, Satan, or an incredibly powerful being will feel very cold, very paranoid, and almost become insane for a breif period of time. If a victim looks into the eyes of the Reaper, they will die. He also can manipulate shadows into objects.
    Physical Description: The Reaper wears an all black cloack that covers his entire body. He has a black sort of auroa around him that seems to suck in all the light in the area. He can create diseases and suffering.
    Personality: He's Death! He's very grim (no pun intended) but very to the point. He seems very dishonest, no one can seem to read him. He seems to know more than he lets on.
    Origin/History: The moment that Cain slew Able, The Reaper was born. Throughout the ages, he has been there when ever a soul has died. He escprts them to both Heaven and Hell. In the war, he seems to be a middle man, but also seems to have a hidden alliance that no one knows about. He has many restrictions on his powers. He himself can not kill unless it is that mortals true time to die. That is the main reason he was so intent on receiving an apprentice like Jason. The Reaper now seems to have a hidden agenda that not even Satan or God seems to understand. He seems to have a particular interest in Malik and Proticia.
    Other: Whenever a character dies, the Reaper will appear to escort their soul to Heaven or Hell. He can also be called on to barter with. He can grant wishes at a cost. To summon the Reaper for any reason, whether it be a wish or information or whatever, the summoner must sacrifice some of their own blood into a fire.

    Jason and the Reaper

    The lights had just turned on for what felt like the first time. He was lying somewhere he didn't recognize, covered in a thick mucus like substance. He coughed for a second and lied there, having dry heaves and sweating profusly. He suddenly felt cold again, just like he always did when ever he showed up. Through the darkness, he could feel the long black cloak pass over him.

    "Why have you brought me here? I was finally living a life! I had a job, I have a fiance, i had everything going for me! Why!?!" The boy shouted as he felt the grimly presence of Death himself walking towards him.

    "I need you." The Reaper said in his usual cold, monotone voice. The boy tried to stand up, but the mucus had almost glued him to the floor. He was stuck there, listening. "You shall begin by going downstairs and killing everyone in this home. Everyone. Once you finish your chore, you will go out and find both of them. Once you do, contact me and I shall fill you in on the rest."

    "I will not be your servant anymore! I have a life! I..." The boy shouted. Before he could finish, his body was lifted up through the mucus and thrown against a cold wall. A icy boney hand was wrapped around his neck. Suddenly, hot white pain shot through his entire body. The Reapers arm was all the way through his chest. He cried out and could tell the the people down stairs heard him.

    "Do as I say, or your life shall dissapear. I'll kill you, put a plauge on the girls house, and you shall be stuck in my home for the rest of eternity, watching as i torture your precious girl." Death shouted in his face. His goatee has now frosted over from the Reapers cold breathe. It melted away instantly as his body become green with fire. The Reaper removed his arm and dissapeared.

    "Dude, who the **** is in my bathroom" An angry voice called out from the hallway. Jason stood up and aimed his right arm at the door. With a flick of the rist, he fired a stream of green fire that burned through the door and killed both people standing outside. Through the other door, another appeared. Jason grabbed him by the arm and smashed his head through the wall. He dropped the dead body to the ground and walked out the bathroom door. He got down the stairs and saw three young women, no more than fifteen, lying on the floor. He raised his hand as one looked him in the eyes. With much remorse, he fired.

    Minutes later, after checking the rest of the house, he walked outside and sat next to the house, in tears. He couldn't beleive his life had come to this, being a servant to...

    "You did well my child. A voice called out in his mind. The Reaper could always communicate to him like this. He hated it, but knew this was his destiny.

    "Why did they have to die! Why did I kill them?"

    In a few years, you shall take my place as the Grim Reaper. When that time comes, you shall understand why some live and why some die.

    Jason stood up, but the Reaper wasn't finished speaking to him.

    You have questions, ask them now.

    "What's happening on Earth?" Jason asked as he walked over to the garage and hoped onto a motorcycle. He used his abilities to turn his hand into a firey blade. He force started the engine with it.

    I can't say for sure right now. But we are going to end this war one way or another. That's why I need you to find both of them The Reaper said.

    "And how am I supposed to do that?" Jason asked as he started to drive away.

    I shall lend you my power over the undead. Use it to summon some allies. Send them fourth to find the boy and girl. Dead or alive, i want them.

    "Who's side do you fight for?" Jason asked as he did a u turn, planning to test his new power.

    I fight for balance. If Heaven or Hell become to powerful, the balance on Earth is gone. I favor one side, but i can not say who.

    "I'll contact you if I find anything." Jason said as he drove towards his destination.

    Nearly an hour later, he had arrived. He jumped off his bike and pulled out his cellular phone. He dialed a number as he pushed open a giant iron gate.

    "Hello?" a sleepy voice asked over the phone. He smiled as she was the only one who could cheer him up. He walked deeper into the dark area.

    "Hey baby, i got called on a trip. Some idiot blew the piping in the project in Honolulu, i'll be back in a little while." Jason said as he stood in the middle of a Grave stone forest.

    "Ok baby, call me when you can. Love you." she said.

    "I love you." he responded as the graves split open. Creatures covered in flesh and tatured clothing crawled their way from the grave. Using his powers, Jason raised his hands in the air and shouted just two names."Malik and Protecia". The undead split up into two groups of about a dozen each. One went north, and the other west. Jason lit a cigerette and walked farther along into the grave yeard as more headstones were being overturned...


    Just a note, anyone call kill these undead warriors. Their pretty much like the zombies in Resident Evil, just a little smarter and not so slow.

  10. #10

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    OOC: Hey, before I even try to join, I must know- what species are there, and are you still accepting new members?
    (please don't judge me by the "newbie" thing- I'm a fairly good RPer. *sweatdrop*)

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    OK, I will PM you in a few hours... I've got to run off to class at the moment. You're more than welcome to join, though.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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    The world is nothing but a mere playground in which lost souls play.

    Helve had rested upon the ground again, but this time her eyes were quite open as she stared upwards at the dirtied night sky above her. She could make out the sky through the tops of the trees.. but she could not see the stars. Not with her plain vision... the stars were lost- lost in the dirtied sky which the humans had polluted with their scum habits. Returning her vision to the small park she was in, she suddenly flickered one of her ears towards her right. Her head soon turned to the same direction, as she saw a figure before her.
    She didn't need an introduction to know him- like he probably didn't need an introduction to know her. Helveanirica still had her powers of knowledge, despite her confined and cursed state.
    She stated flatly, giving no emotion towards the name but rather stating it as a fact. Perhaps to simply show that she knew who he was... and most likely, what he was as well. Her large, glimmering eyes of golden stared at him intensely. He was about the same size as the humans who had come before him... but a bit larger, but only by a bit. His figure was humanoid... although far more dangerous and far wiser, and it was enough to cause it so that Helve's emotions didn't seem to rebuttle against him. He was not a human and he was neutral. Like her.
    Little cause for strong emotion.
    "Helveanirica..." He stated her name, and the sound of it hitting the air was enough to make her twitch slightly.
    Please, Helve will do. She spoke- well, in a way. It was more through his 'mind' of sorts... not invading it, but her voice was not recieved by ears.
    Helve shifted her position slowly. Bringing her body upwards from the front, she put herself in a sitting position. Her thick fur seemed to ripple slightly in a light breeze which weaved through the trees, as she faced Legion. She knew he was here for a reason... although she was puzzled as to why he'd come to her. He was no longer working for Satan nor anyone... as far as she had heard. So to any idea why he'd come to her... unless it was for some errand or perhaps to try to persuade her to do business- the cause of this meeting illuded her.

    .: Casted/Fallen Angel | F :.

    Proticia walked down the dark streets of the city. She was wide-awake.. finding it hard to sleep. Yes, she was human now... well, sort of... and she had to sleep. But she didn't sleep nearly as much as a normal human... a couple of hours- if that- would always suffice. Instead, she found herself constantly awake... searching for something in the night, but not exactly sure what.

    During the day, Proticia spent her time in an Orphanage. Of course... Proticia would have prefurred having a daylife like the adult humans had. However, given her current form... she was taken in off the streets by some strange woman, who then placed her in a home called an 'Orphanage.' It was here she was fed, taught, and given a small portion of a life. Proticia found it boring... but it was a way for her to eat and learn more about the human culture or race. At night however, Proticia would use her given abilities to sneak out and do her own biddings.

    Proticia couldn't help but feel lost... as if her life, her own soul... was lost.

    Suddenly, a shriek cut through the air. Proticia whirled her head about, seeing a woman behind her screaming at something across the street. When Proticia finally saw what it was- six more seemed to suddenly jump down from the buildings and appear before her. Undead- zombie like things which rank and were a very detestful sight.
    Of course, Proticia didn't give them time to summon up their 'friends' across the street though. Proticia took off.
    It didn't take a genious to realize that they were chasing her... for she saw all twelve pursuing her from behind. Although they were surprisingly fast and agile, she was much faster than them. They actually held some-sort of a formation as well... which showed some signs of intelligence.

    Leading them away from people, Proticia found herself in the end of an alleyway.
    "Guess this will have to do..." Proticia said, absently biting her lip as she twirled her wrist about. A silverly flashed seemed to ripple into the air, as her sword soon appeared once again- glowing an eerie crimson this time.
    " Why can't the dead just... stay dead?" She said outloud to them, as the first wave of three thrusted themselves at her. Blood soon coated the air, as she kneeled downards so that two of them overestimated her height and went over her. Raising her sword in a swift fashion, she had managed to slice them cleanly in half. Their dead, purple-like blood splatted in the air. She then rolled underneath the third, cutting him up from the ground in a vertical fashion. Before waiting for the other nine to join in, she disconnected all four-pieces of head (even the two half pieces) to prevent from any further nuisance from them.
    However, one of the zombie-like figures was impatient... and had thrown a rather large stone at her.
    Yes, a stone.
    It nailed her in the shoulder, causing her body to lurch forward a bit. While they weren't the fastest, smartest creatures... they were surprisingly strong.
    Proticia felt a slight throbbing sensation, as a small gash formed upon her shoulder and blood seeped through her shirt a bit.
    "Not.. nice.." Proticia said with a glare, facing the remaining nine. At least her left shoulder was the victim, not her right.

    They assumed a three by three by three position, seeing how the alleyway was too small for any larger number. Getting tired already by this game, Proticia simply threw her sword at three of them. Her sword swung counter-clockwise, in a horizontal fashion, so perfectly... that it managed to create a circle-cutting motion, and down the middle... cut the heads off three of them. Of course, the sword teetered slightly after cutting the third one's head, and it smashed into the middle fourth zombie, clattering to the ground. This zombie was very intrigued by the shiny sword... and it bent down to pick it up.

    Just as the undead's hand was about to touch it, suddenly the sword seemed to give out it's own scream. A brilliant flash of blood-red erupted into the air, and the zombie screamed- instantly combusting.
    Five left...

    Proticia ran to her sword, and swiftly grabbed it. One of the zombie's suddenly lunged at her figure however, and as she slid to grab her sword, it had grabbed her leg. Sinking it's undead teeth into her flesh, it bit down hard... and it wasn't one to let go. Shaking her leg, Proticia was hosted into the air by her leg... by the zombie's teeth. She dangled against the zombie, grasping her sword as the other four zombies made a move to chomp on her as well. The zombie who held her, simply began to walk out of the alleyway. Giving out a cry, Proticia madly slashed her sword in the air, doing upward angled cuts for about a period of about five minutes... but her aims were in vain for she was too low to accurately slice their heads clean off. Finally she swung about, slicing into the humanoid flesh by the legs, downsizing them to stumps. After a few more minutes... (they still liked to crawl after her, even with stumpy legs...) she had a good angle to cut their heads cleanly off. A few humans screamed seeing this sight, which Proticia didn't like.
    I hope they don't send police or cameras...
    She panicked, and instantly she felt a sharp pain- a reminder she was still upside down and her leg was tearing at the skin. With a slash of her sword once more, she used her abdominal muscles to hoister herself upwards enough to create a swinging motion to plunge her sword through the other zombie's neck.
    She immediatly fell to the ground with a thud. Swiftly going into a sitting position, she managed to pull out the teeth and open the jaw of the dead zombie from her flesh.
    She heard sirens in the distance... and ignoring the pain in her leg, she swiftly rose upwards and dashed off. Ducking into an alleyway, she saw her blood... ( a strange shade of crimson/black..) had left a trail. Withdrawing a sigh, she ripped the skirt she was wearing, so that it was extra short... but had a decent strip of the cloth to tie around the huge gash upon her leg. Wrapping it about tightly, it would be enough to stop the blood from dripping for a short while- just enough time for her to leave her trail.
    Taking off... it was a good five minutes more, until finally Proticia realized she was too weak to travel anymore. The closest thing to her, was a human club.
    Withdrawing a labored sigh, she used a bit of her exausted speed to slip by the 'Bouncer' and enter the club.
    Dizzing flashing lights and loud blaring music hit her full-on, but the humans in the club were far too into dancing and drunk to pay much attention to a 'shorter, more youthful' person entering the bar. (Besides, the Bouncer was supposed to prevent underage people from entering.) Finding an empty couch in the corner... Proticia crawled upon it, and soon laid down and closed her eyes.
    It was the oddest place yet... but it would do.

    [ So yeah... injured and quite exausted... ]

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    *smacks everybody with large pieces of wood* Come on guys, can't let this die before it even starts.


    The only thing worse than actually being punished is the waiting. I had an entire hour between the police station and my house to worry about what my mom was going to do to me when she showed up. She asked me to do one single thing: stay out of trouble for just one week. How long had I lasted? A day, maybe two, doubt it was three. I wondered how pi**ed she was going to be at me. She was really mad at me earlier and I'd done nothing to help her calm down. I sighed, watching the storm brewing outside. Who was I kidding? She couldn't be more pi**ed at me.

    "Your bail's here."

    With a defeated sigh, I headed out to the waiting area. Malik had tagged along, it only added to my humiliation. Mom had one of those 'disappointed' looks about her. I just hung my head and walked over.

    "Hi Mom...Hi Malik..."

    She sighed, I could see the anger rising in her. "I ask you to do one simple thing for me Mateo: just stay out of trouble. But can you do that? No. You have to go and get yourself arrested."

    "Let me explain -"

    "I don't want to hear it Mateo. I am sick to death of listening to your pathetic excuses. If you can't be trusted to do anything outside the house then I'm going to have to ground you."

    I shocked. "What!? You can't do that! I'm twenty years old!"

    "And you still act like a child. You're grounded Mateo, whether you like it or not."

    "For how long?"

    "Until I grow sick of the very sight of you, which I must warning you is drawing very close."

    That one hurt. That one hurt a lot.

    "Let's get the hell out of here," she said with a sigh. "The sooner I get you home the sooner you can get your damn clothes on."

    It was a long walk back home. Mom didn't look at me once. I don't think I'd ever seen her so pi**ed off. To be honest, I had my doubts that even Dad would be able to calm her back down. That's how bad it was.

    The second we got home, I disappeared to get some clothes on. I'd been walking around butt naked for almost three hours and I was really beginning to miss my pants. The breeze was starting to get a little uncomfortable. It was getting kinda cold too...

    Mom blanked me from the second I got back downstairs. She just carred on talking to Malik as if I wasn't even there. I hated it. When she went to get something from the kitchen about my five minutes later, I cornered her.

    "What's with the cold shoulder? You've never been so hard on me before."

    "I just can't be bothered with you Mateo. You're a selfish, ungrateful bast*rd of a son and I am tired of dealing with your screw-ups."

    "Oh just stop it!" I shouted. "You haven't got a clue, you're so damn proud. You made me a screw-up, you can't punish me for turning into one."

    "Where do you think this sh*t up Mateo? You caused all this. I never asked you to go out sleeping with everything you get your hands on, but you do. The things that I do ask to do, you don't even try to do. Tonight is a clear example of that and I just can't take it anymore."

    "Everything has to be about you doesn't it? Tell me, honestly, did you ever give a sh*t about me? Really? When I was little, everything I did I did to make you proud. Sure, I made a mistake now and then, but that was all you seemed to care about. It was like you were waiting for me to screw up. In the end I just stopped trying. It was just so much easier to do what you expected than to try and prove to you that I was better than that. At first I thought I must have done something to make you feel that way but then i realised, I couldn't remember the last time that you showed me any kind of affection. Come to think of it, I couldn't even remember the last time you'd told me that you loved me. What kind of mother can't show any affection to her own son? That's what I'm asking you." I paused for a moment. "But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I've 'screwed-up' again, but I'm giving you a chance to prove me wrong. So go on, say it, tell me that you love me."

    I waited but she didn't say anything. I kept my composure, I didn't want her to know how much it hurt,

    "I figured," I spat. I stormed out of the kitchen but before I left and paused to add in one last thing. "I wanted to be just like you once." I shot her a look of disgust. "Glad that didn't work out."

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    I sensed the turmoil in her mind. Good, neutral, evil. All were competing for control. However, as far as I knew, I was talking to Helve. She was just as confused to my presense as was the struggle for power inside of her. I stepped towards her, but she raised herself slightly, holding her ground. Was it fear, or caution that possessed her now?

    I smiled and stood still.

    "Helve, then. I assume you've heard I've broken from Satan's shackles, and that we're both marked."
    She remained still, but nodded.
    "Satan expressed much desire in your recapture, and had I been still under his control, well, lets just say I wouldn't just be standing here talking to you."
    I chuckled, whereas she scowled slightly.
    "Not in the mood? Fair enough."
    I took out a big cigar, stuck it in my mouth and ignited my finger, then lit the end. I puffed away, savouring the flavour, then blew a puff of smoke into the darkness.
    "Whereas both Hell and Heaven would very much like to see me dead. Problem is, my soul is damned to walk this plane of existence until the end of time. Maybe afterwards. I might as well make the most of it."
    What did you come here for?
    "Ah, she speaks. I think you know what I want. Are you willing to make a deal? My knowledge of Satan's soldiers could provide a great deal of protection, plus I have a personal vendetta against the other slaves. Also, the Lord's apparent compassion for you may give me an umbrella of hope from his angels."
    I let her take it in and took another puff from my cigar. As I looked into the darkness, I could see shadows in the moonlight. I blew the smoke out and tried to sense them. Helve had smelt them too.
    Acolytes I suppose?
    I stepped away from her and took a few steps towards the approaching figures, just to get a better look.
    "No, these are definitely not my doing. But whatever they are, they better have a good reason for ruining my evening."
    My heightened vision along with my supernatural sixth sense finally managed to decipher them: zombies. But what were they doing here? I looked at Helve.
    "Think about my proposition. In the meantime, I've got some zombies to disembowel."
    And with that I unsheathed my sword and walked towards the zombies.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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    Another brief post... I've got a date in half an hour, so I've gotta run... that, and school's about over anyway. (finally!)


    My eyes flashed with anger. That boy... for, deep down, that's all he was, didn't know what it was like to suffer. Poor child, he'd had such a rough life... I turned and stalked from the kitchen, Malik following me, talking per usual. I didn't hear a word.

    I led the way to the Wheel of Fortune, a place where I could vent completely and not destroy everything within two hundred miles of me...

    "Malik, stand back... you don't want to be in the circle, or anywhere near it, for that matter..." I warned. I stood in the center of the Wheel and took a deep breath before calling the corners.

    "Spirit of the North, I greet thee, element of Earth, Heart of the Mother..." I murmured, continuing to the other three corners, slipping from language to language as I went. I returned to the north, and knelt on the floor with my legs tucked underneath me. I sat still for several minutes, just breathing, feeling the faint, pulsing power of the Wheel within me. Then I released all of my rage with a blood-curdling scream. The floor of the chamber rippled violently like the surface of a lake during a violent storm, five or six feet from crest to trough. Wind shrieked around me as I levitated from the floor, my hair streaming out behind me, crackling with electricity. My scream reverberated throughout the chamber, sounding strange in the magick-heavy air. On and on it went, coming not from my lungs and voice but from my soul, letting loose all the pain, anger, and regret of the past twenty years. Releasing all of it to bring my true self to the surface...

    No one knew, but my husband had been gone for weeks, maybe months... it all ran together. It didn't matter, not now... things might have been different... but I was no one's housewife.

    All sound suddenly stopped, and everything was still but myself, still suspended in the air. I drew a shuddering breath, limbs tingling from the pure energy that flowed within me. "It has been too long, my friend.... too long..." My voice sounded different, confident, the way it once was. "There is evil near, and I have ignored it... But no more." I turned, still hovering, to look at Malik. "It's time that I was back."

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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    Oh this is too perfect!

    The archdemon grinned as he watched the three people enter the house, one being his target. He also recognised the man in white. It was Lucifer's son, Malik. He remembered a few run-ins with him in the past, but overall, things were good between them.

    When the three dissapeared from view, Mephisto quickly morphed himself in a raven and flew over to their house., gently landing on the roof, by a window, Mephisto morphed back into his human form, keeping himself out of sight. From where he was sitting, he could hear the argument between Sorcha and Mateo.

    Oh man, God was a fool to allow me to tempt this boy. This'll be easier then, then anything! I can't loose this!

    A wide grin was on his face and the blonde was using all the willpower he possessed to not do what he had named "The Happy Dance".

    However, some strang moans intterupted his little celebration.

    Mephisto looked down at the street and his eyes widened.

    Large groups of zombie staggered down the street, towards the house Mephisto was currently sitting on.

    The demon blinked a few times. He had expected a few snags when he made this wager, however, the walking dead just wasn't one of them.

    "This could be a problem," he muttered to himself.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    I stormed back to my room, slamming the door with such force that the very walls shook. I paced for a while, dark clouds forming overhead as I vented my anger. I needed to get away from here, get out of this damned house, I needed space, some place where I could relax for a while. "I'm grounded..." I reminded myself out loud. So? To hell with it. I was breaking out of here.

    I slipped out through the window, taking to the skies and landing a short distance from the house. I didn't look back once. A large groan came from in front of me and I was surprised to find a group of zombies limping up the street towards the house. Zombies? What the f*ck is going on here? I stood before them, fires burning in my eyes. "You guys have caught me on a really bad day," I said quietly, quickly deciding which method to use to dispose of their unwanted company.

    Chanting in an ancient language I far from understood, I watched as black fire engulfed my hands, the flames dancing harmlessly upon my skin. Thrusting my hand forward, I watched as a wave of dark fire snaked across the sky towards the oncoming corpses. It disappeared amongst them and everything fell silent for a moment. A ear-piercing blast shattered the silence, blowing zombies across the street. I stood expressionless, the after shock of the blast tearing at my hair and clothes.

    Grunting slightly, I continued on down the road. Piles of ash lay where the zombies had once stood but I paid them no mind, my thoughts were strongly preoccupied by the events that had transpired earlier. I guess it was the first time that I realised just how bad things were between my mom and I. Until that day, I hadn't really known just how little my mom cared for me. Not that I care of course. It weren't gonna mess up my sleep or nothing.

    I hadn't set up any plans for that evening so I decided to head over to Inferno to cool down. A few drinks there would cool my nerves. I had been a regular for the past couple of years and I could practically walk in unquestioned. It was my kind of lifestyle, quick and easy. I nodded to the two doormen outside and headed in. Ordering a strong pint of...god knows what it was...I turned and scanned the room for any signs of my next piece of meat.

    I never left this place empty handed and as luck would have it, she walked right up to me, leaning her gorgeous frame onto the bar.

    "Hey, get me a refill in here will ya?"

    She was a vision in black leather. Blood red hair, flawless pale skin, the most piercing blue eyes...that leather halter top of hers hardly left anything to the imagination.

    "I'll get it," I offered, sliding over slightly.

    She shot me a sideways glance. "I can buy my own drink."

    "Ah come on, you going to refuse a drink from a cute guy like me?"

    She straightened up and inspected me closely. "And who the hell are you supposed to be?"

    "Name's Mateo," I replied, smiling slightly.

    Her eyes flashed. "Well that's a different story now isn't it?" She moved within three inches of me. Just being in her presence seemed to arouse me. "I guess I can let you buy my drink if you really want to. Just makes me wonder if there isn't something that you want in return..."

    If this is some kind of game, she's f*cking good at playing it. "I'd settle for your name."

    She smirked, a mischievious, sexy smile. "I have many names but can call me Melanthe."

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    Samchu: did you have any plans for Melenthe? I've got an idea but I don't want to ruin anything.

    Malik couldn’t help but smirk. The old Sorcha was back, sure, she was a bit on the self rightious side, but it was better then the over stressed house wife she had been for the past twenty years.

    But what she said cought his interest more. An evil? Malik hand’t noticed any evil lately. But then again, he himself was technically a ‘creature of evil’, so he was probably too used to it to notice.

    But now that she mentioned it, he did sense something an hour ago. It was during Sorcha’s argument with Mateo, he could feel a dark presence nearby.

    What’s more, it felt rather familier, like he had met this presence before.

    However, shortly after the argument died down, the presence seemed to dissappear. Malik simply shrugged it off. But now that Sorcha said there was an evil nearby, Malik couldn’t shake the feeling that it was more then just a feeling.

    But why did it feel so damm familier?


    Malik was snapped from his thoughts as he spun around to see Sorcha behind him.

    “You coming?”

    “Oh, yes, sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts.”

    “What were you thinking about?”

    “Oh, nothing.” He didn’t want to worry her over what could be nothing.

    Sorcha gave him a look suggesting that she didn’t believe him, but let it go.

    “So, where to?” Malik asked.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    Well Dru and I have some plans for Mateo and Melanthe but there's no rush, it can always come in later.

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    I'd always said that I could get any woman to do whatever the hell I wanted them to do and hell it was true. I couldn't exactly say that I'd set a new record with Melanthe, because I'd definately been able to pull faster, but I got her in the end. Heck, didn't even have to buy her a drink. It was good thing no one used that alleyway very often...

    "You know, I got a place nearby," I said, pulling up my zipper. "You wanna come over for a bit?"

    "Your mom home?"

    I shurgged. "The hell if I care. Look I'll sneak you in if ya want. You'd be surprised what I can get passed the old bat."

    Her eyes gleamed. "Well if you're offering."

    I walked Melanthe back to the house. I would have loved to taken her back in the car - probably would have gotten something out of it if I had - but it had gotten towed and I didn't have the cash on me. It was pretty wrecked anyway, not much point in holding on to it. Besides, it's not like I really needed it. I had more conections than most of the druggies in this hell hole. If there was sex to be had, I'd find somewhere to have it.

    We raided the fridge for a few beers and then...let's just say I might wanna consider burning the sofa before mom gets back.

    "You know...we also have a great bath here. Fancy a dip?"

    She ran her fingers along the back of my neck. I would have hardened instantly if I hadn't reached my limit already. "If you think it's a good idea."

    I nodded. "There are few ideas better."

    So I took her to the bath. She'd disappeared to do something so I jumped in on my own first. I leant back against the edge, my head bent back onto the side. The water lay still around me, the warm aroma filling the air. It was so relaxing, I almost forgot why I was even there. All of a sudden, I felt the water lap at my neck. I looked across the bath to see Melanthe standing there. The steam parted like waves. It was the first time I'd seen her naked. I didn't appreciate womens' figures, I just slept with them.

    I could make out every fine detail of her in that place. Every slender curve, every bump, every flat, every dark and intricate tatoo that graced her skin. It was almost as if I was in the presence of a dark angel - a temptress. And I was more than happy to impress. She said nothing. Every step brought her closer to me and it was all I could do to wait for her. I felt possessed, as if no force on earth could tear me from it.

    Her lips fell against my own, her tongue wrapped around mine. I could feel her hips, moving in motion to my own. It was strange. As far as I was concerned, this was all backwards. I was the guy! It was my job to be doing the...well the 'doing'! Girls were meant to be on the recieving end. Not me. This wasn't...wait, I'm lying. Well it wasn't THAT bad. I mean, it was a nice change I guess. I could just lie back and relax and she did all the - woah! Woah, woah, woah! Where the HELL did THAT come from!?

    "Uh hey - hey - Mel!"

    Her head poked up above the water, a sadistic innocent look in her eyes. "Yes?"

    I bit my tongue. What was I saying here? Stop? No! NO! "Maybe this isn't a good idea..."

    She sighed quietly. "Mateo..."


    "Will you do something for me?"

    I stared at her blankly for a moment. "Mel...I don't know...I don't really..."

    "Not that you stupid prick!" it was the first sign of anger I'd ever seen, though it only lasted a moment. "There's somewhere I want to go."

    "Where? I'll take you anywhere." I bragged.

    "Take me to the Wheel of Fortune?"

    "Why the hell do you wanna go there?"

    "Will you take me there or not."

    "Ok ok, I'll do it."

    I grabbed her hand and pulled her out into the corridor. We left the clothes behind, not like we needed them. I had no idea why she wnated to go there but I didn't care. I ower her I guess. She just stood there, completely naked, watching everything. Not that there was anything to watch...

    "This will do perfectly."

    I stared at her blankly.



    "Theres' one last thing you can do for me."

    "Name it."

    Pretty obvious what she said right? And I was more than happy to have sex with her. Sure it was on the floor - not the greatest of places, but it was hard and it was exciting. What more could I possibly want?

    Halfway through she stopped.

    "What's wrong?"

    She sighed, a common thing for her I began to think. "You have a vistor."

    "I think that's the other way round..." I answered slighly.

    She shook her head. "Behind you."

    I bent my head back. Malik was there and my mom...with the most displeased face I had ever seen before in my life. She crossed her arms and glared. "Mateo?" She asked cooly. "Where are you clothes?"

    "Well..." I began, then looked down at Melanthe. "I'll tell you but you won't like it."

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    The night flew past the dark-tinted windows, distant though only meters away. The technology of the modern age was truly wondrous, though it lacked the personal touch of centuries past. I could remember the time when if you wanted to go somewhere, you walked. No cars, coaches, horses, nothing. Put one foot in front of the other, and you'll either get there or you died trying. Kept things simple...

    Now, danger was non-existant, at least in comparison. Sure there were threats... but there's nothing quite like not knowing if you'll see the next dawn or not.

    Call me old-fashioned if you want, because it's damn true. To my knowledge, I was the oldest being that had once been human still 'alive'. Not that I was alive. I hadn't been for millennia...

    I pressed the button in the arm rest at my side. "Turn left up here, please."

    The car smoothly turned the corner, heading to the hill just outside of town where one lone mansion overlooked the city.

    "She is not here..." I murmured to myself, bemused. "Family disturbances are so... troublesome." Then I frowned as I opened the door and stood. "Something... is not right. There is a presence here that should not be..."

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    It lives! And as I have been neglecting my rpg postings lately...I appologise for this strongly...I think I should slip something in here to see if I can keep this ball rolling. Heck, haven't hard the chance to play Mateo in a while...


    Things certainly began to kick off awful quick. All I wanted was to bring a very sexy, very horny chick back to my house and fuck her senseless. No harm in that right? It was just what I did. And since I didn't have a car I had to improvise a little, but hey, I wasn't exactly complaining. Sex is sex after all. And that's all I wanted but nooooo, the rest of my life decides to catch up with me - a.k.a, my mum.

    Timing was definately not one of her strong points.

    And of course, following her like a trusty dog, came Malik. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than having your mum walk in on you in the middle of an exciting romp - not that that was the first time it had happened. But it gets better! From outta nowhere, this chick just shows up in the room. She's pretty fine by standards but even I can sense she's past her sell by date in years. Now I've never seen her before in my life but apparently mum did and - most importantly - Melanthe.

    That was the point when things got REALLY interesting.

    Before I couldn't even figure out what the hell was going on things jumped very suddenly from bad - to awful. In a flash, Melanthe had pounced on my mum and was poised, her nails buried deep into her neck. "One move and I slit her throat."

    I stood up, instantly forgetting about my...'condition'. "Melanthe what the hell are you doing?"

    "I came here for a reason. Now listen carefully you sex-crazed piece of shit, do exactly what I tell you or your precious mother here will find a permanent relief from you."

    I looked at the two visitors helplessly. What was I to do? Despite everything, she was still my mother and with dad gone she was the only thing I really had to call family. I didn't know what Melanthe wanted and I didn't care. My gut told me that it was bad, that the reprocussions could be seriously costly, but I didn't give a damn about that crap. Humanity could go to hell for all I cared. The most important thing to me right then was getting my mother out of that mess alive and well.

    I sighed deeply and took a step forward. "Alright, tell me what I have to do."

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    Here's where things start to get interesting... bwahahaha.... Maybe this will get me out of my icky mood...

    *huggles* My precious...


    She grinned wickedly. "Good little boy. Just stay where you are, or your precious mommy gets it."

    I snarled, a harsh, inhuman sound, pure hatered radiating from my person. I rarely lost control of my emotions anymore, and the fact that Melanthe was here, now, was enough to truly piss me off.

    I spat something at her in a language that was so old it had no name. She laughed, tightening her grip on Sorcha just slightly, but enough to make the woman whimper in pain.

    "Foul first-blood, get your hands off of her!" I growled.

    "Or what, ancient one? Hmm? Self-righteous bitch, she's done nothing to earn your favor, she thinks she's too good for the rest of us." Melanthe glared disdainfully.

    My eyes flashed with power. "Don't you ever, ever reffer to yourself as one of my people. You are nothing, disowned, and certainly not one of us!"

    Melanthe roared in rage. "I am of the first-blood!" she screamed, eyes burning red.

    "You are of the tainted-blood, more like," I hissed.

    She began to retort, when a voice dripping with power echoed through the chamber. "Enough."

    A black void, an emptiness, opened up in the air, swirling, leading into oblivion... and a form took shape in that window. He stepped into the room, and everything hushed. The air grew cold, and my hair stood on end in responce to that power. A black floor-length cloak covered his body, and the hood was thrown over his head, hiding his face. I didn't need to see his face to know who he was...

    "Amzer..." I whispered.

    "Melanthe," his voice echoed, as if it came from a long distance off, "give up your quest."

    "And let you win?! Never!" she shrieked. "I honor my family-"


    She fell quiet, trembling with the feel of his power. "You are nothing to me, to my power..."

    "Your power exists no longer. You forsake your right long, long ago. That is why you attempt, feebly, this futile quest... I am watching you, and I will not let you gain anything."

    She hissed, and it was if you could feel his glare on the air. "Enough. Begone, wretch, begone from this plane!" He waved his hand, and she was cast backwards, into another spinning void, bound to God knows where.

    With that, he looked at us briefly, but that moment seemed like an eternity, before he stepped backwards into the void that he had first emerged from.

    I turned to Sorcha, my eyes void of any discernable thought. "I think things have just proven to be much more... perilous than I originally thought. Time is running out, dear one, for all of us..."


    I seethed in rage. How dare he! How dare she! They knew, then, didn't they... they knew something. What, and how much, was up for debate. At least I still had Mateo... I smiled to myself. I had planted my enchantments on him, and, when I called, he would have no choice but to obey. He had proven himself weak morally, and there was no way he could even know. His mother would be able to free him... she was strong. I frowned slightly, but I relaxed. He would never let her near enough. She didn't want him...

    "Things are in motion, my lord," I whispered, knowing that he heard me. "All we have to do is wait..."

    EDIT: My 1,000th post! ^_^ *dance*

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    I stood there frozen, my mind reeling through the events that had transpired before me. I didn't understand anything. That man...Amzer...who the hell was he? Who was this woman who had just walked into our house, the one Mel had called ancient one? What the hell was a first-blood and WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!? I growled at my own ignorance, forgetting that I had yet to regain my clothing and as such, was still stood before this gathering in the same state in which I had entered this existence. Not that there was anything to be shy about.

    The ancient one approached my mum and helped her slowly to her feet. I instantly took a step to help her but one glance from the visitor froze my feet in their tracks. There was ancient power hidden there; magic so old I doubted there was word for it.

    "Mateo," there was a calming wisdom about her voice but deep down I could the supression of urgency. I felt like I was being addressed as a small child. "Go to your room and get dressed, you will be called upon when needed."

    "But -"

    "There is much that needs discussing, matters not befitting a child such as yourself."

    I felt a twinge of anger from inside me. Who was she to address me in such a way!? A child!? I had seeped into powers darkner than she had seen! Could a child do such things!? "Any matters involving my mother concern me as well. I am of her blood."

    "That is true, but your part comes later. Until then, I suggest you do as I have suggested and think over the matter at hand. I daresay your flirting has only intensified the need for my arrival."

    And they were gone to some other part of the house; I didn't care to guess where. This visitor appeared to have a control over the house's powers, she could come and go as she pleased - most likely. They could have gone anywhere.

    I sighed and looked about the room. Spots of blood stained the ground where - just minutes ago - Melanthe had held my mum hostage. I would only admit it to myself but I was so scared of what would happen to her. If that Amzer guy hadn't have shown up she might have...I shook my head violently, dismissing the thought. Death was not for one to dwell upon too deeply.

    Giving in to the visitor's 'suggestion', I retreated to my room and clothed myself. The reality of how things had played out was finally beginning to sink in and I hated myself for it. I had learned my lesson though: no sex inside the house, always outside of it. I nodded to confirm my decision. Dreadful though the situation had been, I wasn't going to change my ways over it. My mother had survived and she would recover quickly. No doubt her hatred for me had already returned.

    I stopped by the mirror and glanced briefly at my reflection. For a moment I thought I saw a demon in my place but on second glance I saw it all was normal. Too much thinking wasn't good for me. I scanned my room, I needed to do something to get my mind off of today. I thought about the conversation downstairs. I had been told that it didn't concern me but it could provide so many of the answers that I sought. I would have to find out what they were talking about and I'd have to do it in a way that wouldn't get me caught.

    I pulled a section of carpet from the floor and lifted out the loose panel. Reaching in I took out my dark secret, my book of the forbidden arts. Somewhere in here was bound to be a spell that would let me spy on them. No. No. No. Yes! This one would be perfect! My gaze fell across a spell of shadows, one that would grant me the power to use the shadows as I wished, as a gateway between my room and the house. I could spy and get back before anyone knew I was gone. The perfect plan.

    I placed the book on the floor and carried out the necessary steps. A bit of this, a bad of that, a couple of drops of fresh blood, the usual crap. Not particularly pretty but it was fast. Just the sort of thing I needed. The spell complete, I stepped over to the shadow of my bookcase that fell on to the wall by the door. I stuck out my hand, watching the darkness embrace it as its own. I smiled and stepped forward. Let's see what's so important to them.

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    If flys were capable of grinning, Mephisto's smile would have dominated his face. Wishing to get close to Mateo, the archdemon had transformed himself into a fly and was not following him around. He had watched these interesting turn of events and even though he wanted to see how it turned out, he knew he had to stick with the plan. He followed the kid to his room, thinknig that now was a perfect time to make his presence known.

    He stopped however when Mateo pulled out a specific book, a book of secret arts.

    I can't believe this! He's got a book on forbidden arts and he's hiding it from his mother? I know 'm betting against him, but thank God!

    He watched as his target opened a partal in the shadows.

    He must want to see what's going on. I wouldn't mind watching myself.

    As quietly as he could, he flew down and landed on Mateo's shoulder. Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice.

    Thanks for the lift. I'll try to pay you back when I'm writing up the contract.

    I know this might be a stupid question, but where would Malik be during all this? Still with Sorcha and the others?
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    It's OK, MC, I'll take care of it...


    I stood, staring at the woman before me. Zarahlinda was a creature of legend, the faerie godmother of the vampire world... the one that all said would appear in the most desperate times and make everything better again. While the thought should have made me feel better... the fact that I didn't know that times were that desperate really, really worried me.

    She stood in the middle of my kitchen, completely still, like a statue with such cold, realistic beauty that it tore at my heart to see her standing there, a daughter of an age so long ago that our knowledge of it is nearly pure speculation. Her skin was perfect alabaster white, and glowed slightly in the harsh electric lighting of the room. This was not skin to be shown by cheap, modern means; no, this was beauty to be reveled in under the stars and moon, simple perfection that no human should or would ever come close to reaching.

    Malik touched my shoulder, and I shook my head slightly. Zarahlinda looked at me with her deep, neutral eyes, eyes that held secrets and knowledge that I could only dream of. Some called her the Mother of the vampire nation; I wasn't sure about that, but I knew that she was old... very, very old... She sighed, a deep, world-weary sound, a mere hint and the burdens that she carried.

    "Sorcha... where do I begin? There is so much that you don't know, and we have no time to explain even the smallest parts. We are in danger, and I fear that, once again, the world must turn to you for help."

    Emotions flooded my mind, but the most powerful one was anger. "No! Not again, I won't go through that again. My life has fallen to Hell... I won't have my hopes uplifted only to be destroyed again!"

    "Sorcha, listen to me. This isn't like last time. This time... only the Guardians know what is happening, and we are powerless to stop it. We need the Watcher-"

    "Then go find the damned Watcher your self!" I burst out. Malik's grip on my shoulder tightened slightly, and my temper subsided slightly.

    "The Watcher of the Wheel. That's you, Sorcha... you are the only one who can reunite the primary powers safely, before someone else does."

    "Primary powers?"

    "The basic elements," she explained. "Earth, water, air, and fire... the secondary powers are mind, spirit, light, and dark... the tertiary powers are like the ones that you and your son have, powers that control mixtures of the primaries and secondaries."

    "Like a color wheel?" I asked, feeling slightly embarrassed at my simple comparison.

    "Yes, and no... but you get the idea. Someone is stealing the Hearts of the primary powers, and they hope to use them to unleash gods only know what upon the world. I am the Guardian of Wind's Heart... and it is gone, taken while I slept through the centuries. I couldn't say for sure, but I believe it was not very long ago, though I could be wrong." She shook her head. "The Heart of Earth is the only one that remains in the hands of it's Guardian... but you have the Heart of Fire."

    "I do? But..."

    Zarahlinda smiled. "During the last war, a friend of yours picked it up."

    I jumped out of my chair. "Oh! Yes-"

    "I know all ready. We must take care to secure the stone..." She trailed off. Her eyes glowed silver. "Demon..." she growled.

    Zarahlinda grabbed my hand and shouted a few words towards a darkened corner... and out tumbled Mateo. I collapsed to the ground, not from the shock of having my own energy used against my will, but from disbelief... What was the boy doing?! How... then I realized. The stench of the dark arts was everywhere... I paled, stricken, and looked at my son, not wanting to see what I had seen with my own eyes...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    I just stood there under the displeased gaze of our guest. I was sorry - not just for being caught but honestly sorry, I hated that this woman's gaze could make me feel so weak. Several minutes ticked past without either of us uttering a word. Even Malik, who had knelt to comfort my grief-stricken mother, remained silent. I didn't have the balls to speak first.

    It was our guest who first broke the silence. "Give it to me Mateo."

    I knew what she meant of course and I wasn't so stupid as to play dumb with her. I pulled the book out from beneath my shirt. I had picked it up at the last minute, thinking it would have been safer on my persons than in my room. I still stood by that decision.

    She looked it over careful, analysing the dark contents hidden beneath its covers just by touching the spine with her fingers. I had to admire her knowledge of the arts, it was the only thing that truly hinted at how old she might be. "Where did you get this?"

    I shrugged. "I found it. I was out walking at it was there. I figured it couldn't hurt."

    She placed it down on the table. "How could you be so careless?" she asked, her steady tone betraying her for a brief moment. "What could have led you to believe that you of all people should be dabbing in forbidden arts. Considering your the son of -"

    I'd given her all the respect I could stand. "I know whose fucking son I am!" I spat angrily, "that's why I did it! I'm not my parents! When will people realise that!? And I tell you what, I'm thankful - THANKFUL that I'm not like them! Dad fucked off without a word! And mum, mum pushes away everyone who cares about her. It started with Garth, he came to her for help and she was too busy spending time lying on her back to actually do anything! She made him turn! And me, she's hating me since the beginning! All I ever wanted was to be like her but nothing was ever good enough, it was never right! Now all I want is to be as least like her as I can! Hell, she's probably the reason dad left us anyway and you know what, he had the right idea! I'm sick to death of being her fucking screw-up, her mistake! You came here because the world needs her - well whoop-deee-fucking-do! They can have her because I don't need her anymore!" I turned from them all and stormed out of the kitchen.

    "You're possessed Mateo," despite my outburst her tone was as calm as I had heard it. Our guest - whomever she was - truly was amazing.

    I paused in my tracks and turned back to her. "I'm what?"

    "It wasn't supposed to happen this way. In exchange for saving the world and because he had made such a mess of her life already, God decided to reward Sorcha with a child of pure soul - you. But there was an incident. Sorcha was raped by the demon that had possessed Garth and thus, some of his essence was transferred unto you. It will never have enough strength to possess you like Garth was possessed but it could become strong enough to corrupt your soul completely by feeding off your darker emotions. Sorcha only acted the way she did because she was afraid of what might happen, she didn't know she was only making things worse."

    I turned to my mother. "Is this true?"

    She nodded.

    "Why? Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded, my anger rising.

    "How could I?"

    I opened my mouth to say something but our guest interrupted me.

    "Mateo calm yourself. Would you not have done the same thing?"

    "No," I didn't even pause to dwell on it. "i already told you, I'm not like my mother and now it seems I'm even less like her than I first thought." I headed out again.

    "Where are you going?" asked Malik.

    I shrugged, "the hell if I know. I just gotta get out the hell outta this madhouse."

    "I don't think that's wise Mateo," our guest said.

    "Look lady, I don't know who you are or where you came from but you've just told me that I've been corrupted by the essence of a demon that raped my mum and tried to take over the planet. Now I have a lot of respect for you but I can't just go and accept that sort of thing as the norm. I'm going out, I don't know where and I'll returned whenever I feel that I can face coming back to my mother who, it turns out, not only hates me but fears me as well. Now if that's all kosher with you, I'm outta here."

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    So that explains everything. Mateo possessed the essence of Garth, the demon who tried to take over the world twenty years ago. It all made sense now. That was the darkness Mephisto sensed in the boy.

    A darkness he intended to use to his advantage.

    Mephisto remained still on his back as Mateo left the house. He was muttering something underneath his breath, possibly something bad about his mother. He wnted to get the boy alone, no interferance.

    He soon got his wish when the boy wandered down a deserted street. Mephisto then decided to make his move.

    "Poor child," his voice rang out, "having to lie in his parents shadow."

    Mateo looked around, unaware that voice origin of the voice was sitting on his back.

    "What the..?" he asked himself softly, looking around.

    "You have so much potental," Mephisto continued, "But yet they are wasted because of those parents of yours."

    "Where are you?" Mateo called.

    "It's such a shame. You can become more then what you are now. You can become more then mummy's little dissapointment."

    Mateo's face twisted into a scowl.

    "Where are you!?" he shouted.

    Mephisto chuckled, "No need to shout, I'm right behind you."

    Mateo balled his hand into a fist and spun around, hoping to hit whoever was behind him. However, since Mephisto was on Mateo's back, the punch obviously missed.

    "Violent aren't we? I guess a more 'human' form will suit you."

    Mephisto flew off of Mateo's back. The son of Sorcha turned to see Mephisto transform back into his human form.

    "Who are you?" Mateo asked dangerously, his hands ready incase he attacked. Mephisto just smirked.

    "My names, is Mephistopheles," he announced, giving Mateo a formal bow, "and I can make all your dreams come true."

    The blonde archdemon then removed his contacts, revealing his red, serpant eyes and grinned wickedly.

    "Now, sir, how may I be of service."

    I'll post for Malik later.
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    *glares* Don't make me pull the plug on that one... I'm really, really not liking the looks of it. Mateo moving out, I can deal with, honing the powers, OK, but... I very, very strongly dislike where this is going.

    Meh.... I'll post later if I get over being pissed.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    I don't see the problem. Mateo hasn't sold his soul to Mephisto yet, there's still a chance to save him.
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    My point exactly. I never had any attention of having Mateo sell his soul. I know he's completely sexually orientated but he isn't an idiot. Whatever, I've deleted it now and I can't bring it back so we might as well drop the subject. I might post later, gotta think up a new sub-plot now.

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    I never said that you had to delete it, but it's too early in the plot for the whole shabang. *grumbles* I'm just in a pissy mood, cause I've found out a bunch of not-so-pleasant events that may be in my near future... gah...

    *plugs brain back into Piggy D*

    I'll edit in a post in a few... class is about over.

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
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    Now that mess has been cleared up, let's get a post in here.


    I stared at the demon before me - Mephistopheles or whatever the hell he called himself - offering me his 'services'. I wasn't an idiot. What would a demon want with me? There was cost here and he wasn't gonna tell me what it was until I'd commited to something - I was sure of that much. But then again...I was out of the house at last, finally away from my mother's shadow and I was gonna need something to make sure I could survive. What I needed, was an empire of my very own. And I knew just the thing.

    "Alright Mephi, let's put these 'services' of yours to the test. There's an abandoned building over there, I want it as my own, fixed to my specifications."

    He bowed his head slightly. "As you wish."

    It took little more than a few minutes to accomplish but when it was done, even I was impressed with the work. It was exactly what I wanted - and it hadn't taken that long to put together either.

    "Nice work," I commented, slapping the demon on his back. "You got a phone -"

    No sooner had the word escaped my mouth than the demon was offering me the latest model. I just grinned at him and took care of a few calls. Satisfied, I sipped the phone into my pocket and gazed at my newest possession with pride. My empire had begun, now all I needed were some subjects.

    "I always said I'd own my own strip club oneday," I bragged to the demon behind me. "The only test now is whether or not some of my old friends keep to their old promises."

    I didn't even have the chance to just out my 'executive office' before they were piling through the doors, each one eager to prove they were worthy of dancing in my club. The stage was set already, all they had to do was perform. Of course, they were only the preliminaries. When it came to women, I had my standards, this was going to be a delicate screening process.

    Mephi stalked in the background like a watchful hawk as fit girl after fit girl stripped from top to bottom and all for my viewing pleasure. I'd never expected anything to come from it but halfway through my last applicant, I suddenly remembered something that I hadn't thought about for a long time.

    Taking great care not to miss any of the action taking place in front of me, I called Mephi over for what I intended to be my last request. Once this was up and running he could concern himself with whatever payments he expected.

    "I need you to do something for me Mephi."

    "What is it?"

    "I need satan to release one of his seals. I want him to release Helveairica from her curse."

    "I will do my best."

    I nodded. "You do that. In the meantime," I paused to seperate the selected few from those who had just faled to do anything for me. "I've got some 'private' interviews to conduct." I turned to the would-be strippers I was about to interview. "Now if you'll just move yourselves into one of the specially designed rooms over there, I'll be with each of you shortly."

    I saw Mephi taking his leave and reached quickly to grab his arm. "And Mephi, whatever happens, don't hurry back."

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    Time for me to make a comeback.


    Zombies were much different from my acolytes. For one, they didn't have any coherent trains of thought, just uttering the same two names in their heads over and over again.

    Malik and Proticia

    Malik and Proticia

    Obviously some necromancer was at work here. However, I couldn't care less about the fate of these two. Should these zombies kill them, it would save me the trouble should the need arise. However, they were not running from me, which I seemed to enjoy more; I prefer a straight fight.

    I cut one straight in half but its two halves still came towards me. Obviously my sword was not going to be much use. It was time to send these fools to the grave. I sheathed my sword then outstretched my hands and fired fireballs at these abominations, turning them to ashes. I suddenly heard a loud growl and a thud. I turned around and saw that Helve had come and had taken down two zombies, tearing them limb from limb, in an attempt to save me from them as they were sneaking up behind me.
    "Move Helve!" I yelled. She looked up and saw me preparing a fireball and she jumped out the way. I incinerated the remains of the zombies and that was the end of that. Helve looked at me.
    What were those?
    "I don't know, but all I could tell was that they're looking for Malik and Proticia. You can do what you want but frankly I don't like zombies walking around when I don't know why."
    I was about to walk away, but I had one problem; I had not the slightest clue where to begin looking, and my usual approach of disemboweling everything until someone notices will probably not work this time. I turned to Helve.
    "You don't know where Malik is, do you?"
    She shook her head. I scowled and closed my eyes, trying to sense him or anyone that would have anything to do with him. Suddenly, I felt an immense presence and opened my eyes. An archdemon had approached us and was upon us. I unsheathed my sword and readied it.
    "Show yourself archdemon!" I yelled into the darkness and out of the darkness he materialised.
    "Please, put that toothpick away, you washed up shell. I heard Satan finished you off."
    Angered, I realised my sword would be more or less useless and I sheathed it.
    "You heard wrong. I cancelled my subscription with him and I'm free now."
    "Free to do what? Barbecue zombies and scare people? Please. Now move, this doesn't concern you."
    He moved towards Helve, but I threw a fireball at his feet.
    "What do you want with Helve?"
    He sighed.
    "If you must know, I'm fulfilling my obligation to my client. Now, don't make me angry, I don't want to have to rip you limb from limb."
    "I'd like to see you try."
    "Careful of what you wish for, weakling."
    He turned to me and readied himself, as did I. I wasn't particularly looking for a fight but I'm not letting some pompous dick piss me off without paying the consequences.
    Stop it!
    We both turned to face Helve.
    Look, Legion, this has nothing to do with you, leave this to me, I'm more than capable of handling myself
    I looked to Helve, then to this visitor.
    "Fine, if you want to get rid of me, tell me where I can find Malik."
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
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    "Dear gods, it's going to happen again, isn't it?" I whispered to myself, my body and mind totally numb.

    Marduk, where are you?! Help me, PLEASE! I cried out into the cosmos.

    "I am sorry, Sorcha..." Zarahlinda said quietly, not looking at me. I said nothing, willing to feel Marduk's mind reach out to me, but only emptiness replied. Silent blood-tinted tears trailed slowly down my face, anguish tearing my heart to bits.

    Suddenly, Malik's hand on my shoulder convulsed slightly and stiffened. I turned to look at him, and was met by blank eyes.

    "Malik? What's wrong?" I whispered, asking because of worry, not because I really wanted to know. I didn't think I could take much more at present.

    "Someone's.... looking for me..." he replied, distracted, eyes still distant.

    Zarahlinda looked up sharply. "Who?"

    Malik shook his head, mind returning to the present. "I don't know, but I don't like it, either..."

    I stood suddenly, dizziness throwing my balance off momentarily. "Let's get out of here... I need to get away from this house..."

    Zarahlinda and Malik nodded, and we took our leave.
    Outside, the air was still in the dark night, and I had that feeling again... that feeling of teetering on the edge of some momentous event. I did hate that feeling...

    Something, a sound or movement, caught my attention, and I stopped abruptly. "Someone approaches..." I whispered, waiting...

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

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    Helve glared at Mephistopheles, but gave a nod as if understanding that this demon was something to be dealt with by herself. While she had not minded Legion's company, she still had been slightly unsure why he had come to her in the first place... and he had been demanding the whereabouts of Malik. Playing dumb didn't seem to be an option either... although it had worked for a short time.
    Alright... Legion... Malik...
    So many voices... so many souls... so much searching... but for some reason, so many voices were chanting for Malik. So many.... to find the source of their wanting... their desire... it was not too difficult.
    Helve closed her eyes briefly, and then stared straight at Legion. After a few moments, instantly the idea of where Malik was popped into his head... along with the knowledge that he was with Sorcha. Legion gave a nod, although he stared at Helve... perhaps thinking some thing, and then he left.
    Be careful... one who defies ...

    "So... Helve... so nice seeing you still... trapped in your wolven form..." Meph (shortening the name) said playfully to Helve, which triggered a snarl from her.
    Yes, Satan's curse proves quite potent... still... Helve snarled, glaring with her vicious golden eyes.
    " Well... I have a proposition for you. I will allow the curse to be removed..."
    At what PRICE? I am no fool Mephistophiles... at what price would you have this curse removed from me?
    Meph then gave a light bow, a smirk upon his face.
    "Oh... quite the contrary... there is little price. I shall release you... but in return, you must pay a visit to Sorcha's son... Mateo..."
    Mateo? Mateo? Why upon the Earth and Heavens would he summon me?
    Meph shrugged, and Helve pondered. It seemed so simple... just visit the dreadful son of Sorcha and be freed of the curse. Helve longed to be freed... to rid herself of the voices of her own self...
    Agreed. Do it and I shall come.
    Meph smiled and swiftly did a bow, and suddenly a huge crackling from the sky plummeted to the earth. A gusting swirl of wind seemed to surround Helve as the clouds above her created a strange storm-like pattern. An eruption of screams pierced into the air... and suddenly Helve's wolven form began to glow a silverish color as it immediately shrank and then began to take on a more humanoid form. After a few more moments of blistering winds... Helve's transformation was complete. She was in her neutral form... completely naked. Her beautiful pale skin seemed to glow in the moonlight, as beautiful grey wings folded inward to her back. Her long, ribbon-like hair swirled about her shoulders like velvet strands as she stood before Meph. A few more instances later, Helve wrapped her wings about her body and instantly the wings melted to form a sheet-like dress.
    "Take me to ... Mateo..." Helve said, narrowing her eyes.
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    "As you wish, my dear," Mephisto rpelied, trying to be a suave as he can, "If you'll just follow me."

    Rather then fly, he figured they may as well walk back to Mateo's new club. It wasn't that far away anyway. He really didn't expect to find Helve this quickly.

    "So tell me," Mephisto asked, trying to strike up a conversation, "How have you been?"

    "I could have done better," was her response. Mephisto decided to drop it there, but apparently she wasn't done yet.

    "Now I'd like to ask you something. Why are you releasing me, just for seeing Mateo?"

    Mephisto just shrugged, as if it was nothing.

    "The boy and I have a, 'certain agreement'. And one of the terms was that I release you. He's the one you should be thanking."

    "I'm assuming you're offering the usual price?"

    Mephisto chuckled.

    "But of course."
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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    With my company having departed for the evening, following what had been a...rigourous interview process, I was sat alone at the bar steadily making my way through some of the stock. Hard to believe how much chaos I had fought through during the day. Never would have imagined that having sex would have caused so much trouble. But then, it didn't make any difference so why did I care? That's was my mom's problem and as far as I was concerned there was no connection between us. Whatever shit was going on in her life it had nothing to do with me. I was my own person and from now on I was going to do whatever the hell I liked.

    My evening of quiet contemplaton at the bottom of a beer bottle was cut short by the return of Mephi and my newest guest, Helve. I thanked the demon quickly and dismissed him before approaching Helve.

    "Good evening Helve," I greeted her cooly.

    You'll forgive me but I'd much ratehr we skipped the pleasentries. Why did you call me here?

    I looked her over briefly then turned my attentions to a speck of dust on the bar. "My whole life I've grown up with my mother's past hanging over me. I'm haunted by a war that kept the inhabitants of this world free and yet, I have reason to doubt my own thoughts." I turned to Helve, fixing a firm gaze upon her stunning form. "I have been told that each immortal that helped win that war possessed great strength - my mother especially - but it seems to me that this information had been...corrupted. My father is little more than a coward. Malik, Jalken and Illumina are but pathetic shadows of their former selves and my mother," I paused briefly to grimace, as if the very mention of her brought a bitter taste to my mouth, "she is the worst. I spent years listening to bullshit stories about how powerful she is, but she's weak. I was told about how she stared into the face of a powerful demon and slew him, yet she fears the smallest essence of him."

    Helve listened to my ramblings, her facial expression unchanged. Already I was forming high opinions of her. And what has this to do with me?

    "Of all those who fought 'for good' in that war you are the only one I have yet to meet. All my opinions of the others have been slashed by the pathetic existences they have chosen to leave but you - you who were cursed by both sides - I wonder if you truly are what they claim you to be."

    And how would you wish to decide this?

    "I propose a test. Your beauty is indeed far more intoxicating than my mother ever described to me but I wonder if you are truly as strong as she has lead me to believe. All I ask is that you partake in a wagered fight with me."

    What terms?

    "If I win you let me have you for the evening, what little of it is left."

    And if I win?

    "Then you walk, and we never see each other again, that I can promise you."

    She inclined her head slightly. Very well. She summoned her blade to her hand, as did I. Let us begin.

    I charged first, eager to test her defences but they held solid. Her form was perfectly suited for battle. Her pace was blistering, she blocked everything I threw at her and all with an elegant grace that almost seemed to be arousing. I could find no flaw in her moves. Her technique was perfected, there were no weaknesses, no blindsides, she could stop anything I sent her way and from any direction. She was deeply gifted.

    Breaking from the fray, I took a brief moment to re-assess my tactics before charging at her again. Sparks flew from our blades as they clashed, each one perfectly matching the speed and accuracy of the other. In combat we seemed perfectly match. For now anyways. Seeking a better battlefield, I drew our spar outside where we could relish our abilities in the open air. Dodging a blaze of wind that tore across the alley I spun round, slapping a trash can towards her which she sliced effortlessly with her blade.

    As the wind dropped we paused our battle. Faced off at opposite ends of a narrow battlezone, we waited as the wind died down around us. Neither of us moved, both of us compeltely still, calm and unwavering. We had yet to even break a sweat.

    Enough of this. You said you wanted a fight.

    "I was just warming up," I replied with a smirk. "But I see your point." I shifted my blade as my hand tensed. "Ladies first."

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    Malik had to admit, this little evening was becoming wierder and wierder. First Sorcha says something about an evil appearing, then some vampire tries to hold her hostage, then another vampire (obviously a very important one) and the evil one ran off, then there's another arguement between Sorcha and Mateo and now Malik had the feeling that someone was after him.

    Furthermore, the familer darkness he had felt earlier had vanished, but it still ingered at the back of his mind. He decided to do something to take his mind off of it.

    "So, uh, Zarahlinda was it? What's this new evil that's appeared, and what does it have to do with the four guardians?"

    Zarahlinda turned to answer, but stopped as she noticed something over Malik's shoulder. The devil spawn turned to see, believe it or not, a small group of zombies shambling towards him.

    This was nothing new as far as Malik was concerned. He had an encounter once before with a necromancer, about 70 or so years ago. He smirked.

    "Well," he joked, "I wonder who's been messing with necromancy this time?" Malik apparently was the only one who would make jokes about this. After all, he was the son of the devil for christ's sake!

    "Ma...lik..." one of the zombies moaned as it shambled towards him. Maliks face then went serious.

    So, someone's sent this little group after me specifically huh? I wonder what they'd want with me?

    "I'll handle this," he said, stepped towards them, "It seems they want to have a crack at me."

    Stretching his arms out to his sides, a black mist seemed to form around them. Two swords formed from the darkness, one in each hand. As the dark angel got into a battle stance, a wicked grin crossed his face.

    "Now let's put dad's lessons to the test," he murmered under his breath.
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    Helve smirked slightly and for the first time she didn't hear the voices in her head- well, not all of the voices. There was one dominant one- the one who lusted for fight, who kept taunting her. Kept telling her what to do... when to move... when to strike. Helve found it rather annoying, but she was determined to keep this new freedom she had suddenly been allowed and to rid herself of this trial that Mateo was placing upon her.

    Raising her lovely silver blade, she charged straight at Mateo. A clash of metal rang through the air as she pushed firmly against him, a smirk permenantly placed upon his face. They exchanged many blows... and it occured very easily to Helve that she was not about to win. Not in her neutral form...
    "Come on Helve, I know you have more then that..." Mateo said lightly, as they pressed into eachother blade by blade. Suddenly however, Mateo withdrew on of his hands and instantly slammed his fist into her gut. Giving a slight cry, Helve was pushed back slightly. She skidded on the ground for a second, glaring back upwards at Mateo.
    "Where are the fireworks? Your dark magic? Your good magic? Surely you're not going to stay in your neutral form and expect to beat me?"
    Helve glared... she didn't expect Mateo to know so much about her. It was true... her evil side compelled her to come out. It had wanted to come out... it wanted to fight and to win.
    "No, there will be no other friends coming out to play. I am in control now- more than I ever have been... and it will just be me- the Neutral Helve. ... and I can still beat you this way."
    With that, Helve charged at him again with a swifter amount of speed this time- raising her sword above her head and then smashing it down upon Mateo. He was a bit surprised by her amount of power, but he still held firm and soon they were at it again- fists and kicks included. This continued for about a half an hour... and his endurance stayed firm.
    "You know you're going to lose..." Mateo said, breathing heavily for they both were worn out slightly. Helve's eyes narrowed in rage and she thought about transforming into her wolven form... but she knew that would be considered cheating. She could not transform... and she could not lose. Yet... she knew that she couldn't win. Not like this...
    "Well, this has been great fun... but I want my prize. Now."
    With that, Mateo charged straight at her with a furry- it was obvious that he was putting a great deal of his strength and power into this attack. Their blades collided yet again, but this time Mateo swiped to the side and slide his blade off hers. She tried to compensate for it, but instantly Mateo changed the angle of his sword so that he used the thick handle of the sword to smash it into her solar plexis, which caused Helve to gasp and fall to her knees. Swiftly Mateo pointed the sword straight at her neck... a smirk upon his face.
    " I told you... you can't beat me."

    With that, Helve bent her head in defeat. She knew she had lost... and her silky tendrils of hair billowed about her face as she felt herself become slightly limp. She had lost... and now she had to do some thing she had never done before... at least, not in her neutral form. (We won't go into her evil form's history...)
    "Fine. A deal is a deal. Let us get this night over with... and then I can be on my way come the morning."

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