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Thread: Showeray Contest!

  1. #1
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Showeray Contest!

    Umm details are not up yet but signups are welcome. Unlimited.

    Reservations allowed until May 7th. Then you gotta be on the list.

    It'll be between 3 and 4 rounds long, nothing complex. Eliminations will happen each round.

    The Contest will be 4 rounds long, and will be a bit simpler (Im a lil lazy :p)

    Mikachu is quick on the draw.

    The maximum amount of Pokemon allowed per Trainer is 2. Each Pokemon has to be used at least once.

    It's 5/7 so Reservations are now done and done. Post your Pokemon and appeals, TYVM!

    Round 1: Standard Appeal (3 actions)
    Round 2: Super Appeal (4 actions)
    Round 3: Swap Appeal!!! (Use opponents Pokemon for Standard Appeal)
    Round 4: Hyper Appeal (5 actions)

    Winner receives 4 points and badge
    2nd place receives 2 points

    Annnnnd GO!
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 6th May 2009 at 11:08 PM.

    i Judge your entertainment!
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    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

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    Default Re: May Contest


    Well that was quick, 100 replies later and you'll have the June Contest...I have got to win that one!

    Unlimited you say? Pokemon or Contestants? XD

    I'll be using my Licki-soon-to-be-Lickilicky-tung

  3. #3
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    Default Re: May Contest

    I'll reserve a spot aswell. I'll post my appeal when all of the rules are posted.

  4. #4
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: May Contest

    Reserve me! Ill give this contest business another shot lol

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: May Contest

    I would like to try.

  6. #6
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: May Contest

    Gentlemen!! BEHOLD!

    I choose... Blade! (♂)

    Okay Blade, time to try out that appeal I've been working on.

    First, sit and meditate with a Focus Energy. One copy of yourself, off away from you. Stand, have you and your clone run towards each other, then cut loose with a slash. Mimic the old Samurai movies of times since past!

    Focus Energy~Double Team~Slash
    ~Mew Master

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  7. #7
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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  8. #8
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: May Contest

    I will reserve a spot as well

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  9. #9
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  10. #10
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: May Contest

    Im in as well! *takes a reservation number*

    ...just call me G.L.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: May Contest

    count me in.

    Go Spicy Girl my Female Meganium

    Ok Spicy Girl use use Attract then Grasswhistle then use Frenzy Plant!

    ~Charles Legend
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  12. #12
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: May Contest

    WTF Charlie it's a Contest, not a battle. o.O; You wanna give any further direction than just that...?

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  13. #13
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    Default Re: May Contest

    Contest rules do say you don't have to combine attacks together. I think those three attacks on their own characterise Meganium pretty well.

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  14. #14
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: May Contest

    May I please have a seat? ^__^
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
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  15. #15
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    Default Re: May Contest

    Me too....!

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  16. #16
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    I'm going to use my [M] Scyther, whose nickname I forgot.

    Begin with a silver wind to spread a spakling wind across the arena. Then unleash an array of swift stars to streak across the sky, before using a steel wing as you fly around the sparkles.

    Contest fic
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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  17. #17
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Actually using my Lickilicky since I evolved it and not remembered I entered it into contest!

    Begin with a Gyro Ball up into the air, then heat it up with Flamethrower so it expands. Finally, use Aqua Tail when it gets low enough to slam it into the ground, the water should protect you from the super hot ball.

  18. #18
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    I just saw the "one Pokemon used for the whole Contest" rule up there in the first post. Count me out, then. Someone else can take my place.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  19. #19
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    But Blade, DarkestLight said 'may', didn't he?

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    One Pokemon may be used for the whole thing.
    Or I was the one who misunderstood.

    Anyway, I'll be using my male Bellsprout Hellsprout in the first place at least.

    First, use Sunny Day to illuminate the arena, then Bullet Seed and Razor Leaf together to show some Grass Type power.

    Sunny Day, Bullet Seed, Razor Leaf.

  20. #20
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Ok I will be using my Lucario Kitsune-Chan. Start of by using Rock Tomb to throw a bunch of rocks into the air. Follow that by using Swords dance to wow the crowd with your amazing dance skills. After the dance use your power of the aura to jump into the air and destroy those rocks with Aura Sphere.

    Rock Tomb ~ Swords Dance ~ Aura Sphere

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  21. #21
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    I'll be using my male Torterra, Yariza. Show them that your the master of nature.

    First, jump up and create an Earthquake, then Roar to show off your awesomeness and combine that with a Frenzy Plant coming out of the cracks to let people see that you can create life.

    Earthquake ~ Roar ~ Frenzy Plant

  22. #22
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    I shall be using my Electrike, Sparky! Let's go play some fetch boy! First use Swift, and then chase after those stars (as you run, charge up with, well, charge) and then take off with Magnet Rise and chase those stars in the sky.
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  23. #23
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    OK, I will start things off with Ail, my male Leafeon. Ail, start things off with a Sunny Day, then glow and spin with a swords dance and while spinning, gather the energy of the sun and send off a spinning solar beam!

    ...just call me G.L.

  24. #24
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Asi thinks quietly for a moment before bringing out a pure white pokeball with faint ice blue markings etched into it. "Go Yuki," she says, smiling down at her eevee-lution.

    Yuki (f), Glaceon

    Asi ties up her hair in one smooth motion and takes a deep breath, taking in the beautiful spring air. For this appeal she has thought up something that always reminds her of spring, and decides to share it with the audience. "Lets do this Yuki."

    "First I want you to make it Hail, symbolizing the winter we have left behind. Then while the shards of ice fall from the sky, use Sunny Day to melt them as they fall, to show how the snow gives way to rain at the start of spring. The shine yourself up brightly with Mirror Coat, and reflect the tiny rainbows that formed from the water droplets and the sun, so it looks like millions of tiny rainbows and falling from the sky."

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    I should probably say that because of my evolution mishap, I'm using Lickitung again.

    Annoyingly, Lickitung can't learn Gyro Ball (¬_¬) so I'm using this moveset:

    Use Shadow Ball up into the air then use Double Team and go into a circle formation. When the Ball gets low enough, use Flamethrower on the ball to make it explode! Five Lickitung using Flamethrower on an exploding Shadow Ball...nice.

    I'll use my Roserade as my second Pokemon.

  26. #26
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Showeray Contest-Round 1

    Hey all It's May and a new contest has popped up here! Without further ado, let's get this show on the road. Ironically this time, our Contest is within a Bamboo forest. First up is....

    #1: Mew Master and Blade
    Focus Energy~Double Team~Slash

    A pleasant setting. Blade walks out to a small area that has a wider path through the bamboo. He kneels down, one blade holding his body weight up. The other blade is pointing forth, and ever so slightly begins to quiver, Off in the distance, almost like a mirage, we see another Scyther doing the exact same thing.

    Both fighters seem to be focusing their energy, until the quivering blade stops. Both Scythers then lunge at each other with terrific speed, flying though the bamboo forest-blades at their sides. At the last second, a Swift set of Slashes can barely be seen, as Blade and its clone stand away from each other. The clone fizzles one-twice, and then disappears-leaving Blade the true winner of this duel.

    #2: Charles Legend and Spicy Girl
    Attract~Grasswhistle~Frenzy Plant

    As we clear away the fallen bamboo from that last appeal, a Meganium take center stage. She waves her head about and wags her tail, letting her flower be seen to everyone. An amorous connection to the audience to attempted and is recieved, if only moderatly. Seeing all eyes on her, Spicy then whistles a soft song, that careses the crowd and gives them a false sense of security.

    It all seems nice and serene until the ground seems to upheave, with Bamboo stalks flying and vines popping up everywhere and all kind of crazy plant life occuring from Spicy's will alone. With that, her appeal ends.

    #3: Chris 2.1 and Scyther
    Silver Wid~Swift~Steel Wing

    Bamboo is repositioned, and crazy plant life is burned down. After the burn/slash treatment, Chris makes his entry with another Scyther. This one however stars by creating a wind that comes towards him from the North. As it blows over him, specks of his body fly off into it, making te Wind have a Silvery look. As it leaves him, he send a set of Swift Stars to fly within the wind.

    As the two attacks get a fair distance away, he takes off after them, gracefully weaving through the trees and flies around the stars. His wings give off a metallic sheen, as he flies about, creating a grayish picture within the brown and green setting.

    #4: Mikachu Yukitatsu and Hellsprout
    Sunny Day~Bullet Seed~Razor Leaf

    As we move along, we see a relative newcomer to the Contest world, Mikachu. He unleashes a Bellsprout that's rearing to go, with its big head. Anyway, the Sun is called upon, brightening up our bamboo forest a bit. After which, Hellsprout takes a moment to stretch.

    Really more like a moment to breathe as it then began spitting out Seeds from its mouth vertically, while firing leaves off of its rootlike fingers. The three releases soon died down, ending the appeal.

    #5: Crazy Elf Boy and Kitsune
    Rock Tomb~Swords Dance~Aura Sphere.

    Kitsune is up for the next appeal. With no time wasted, he immediatly goes and finds a suitable pile of rocks, which are then flung very high up. As they fly up, the audience is treated to a Lucario performing a kata. Powerful yet slow movements guide his energy thouh his body-a very intricate dance.

    Everyone watches with amazement, and Kit smirks, right when he feels his power reach a peak. Looking up, he runs toward a slanted bamboo and runs up it, lunging skyward after the third step. The rocks are falling back into view, and he charges up a sphere of immense power. Said Sphere is released and sent hurtling into the rocks, causing them to explode.

    #6: Meloveghosts and Yariza

    Wow. 6th appeal in. Yariza makes his way through the Bamboo forest a bit, before settling on a spot. Leaning back on those thick hind legs, Yariza uses a great deal of energy to jump forward, and it landing alone should be powerful enough to make an Earthquake. Nonetheless, the ground shakes and heaves, ripples moving the crust layer like bread dough. As he ground bouncesa dn ripples, Yariza releases a huge bellow from those massive lungs, taking everyone by surprise. Kinaa scary.

    But the Roar's second effect is quite shocking. Once again, plants grow out of the woodworks! Thy rope around the bamboo, vying for sunlight, they jut out in odd directions, its all frenzied out there! Once the plants end their raucous appearance, Yariza backs off the stage.

    #7: Houndoom_Lover and Sparky
    Swift~Charge~Magnet Rise

    Another slash and Burn session and Sparky comes out to play with us. He seems overjoyed to be around today. Without hesitation he tosses some Swift stars forth, as if they were his own chew toy! Barking as they take off, he chases after them, glowing with a childlike energy. Running up some splintered stalks, he starts running on air?!?! Oh!

    He Charged up to do a Magnet Rise! Nice. And now he's chasing the stars in the skies. Funny Pup.

    #8: Green Lanturn and Ail
    Sunny Day~Swords Dance~Solarbeam

    Alright, with that dog running away, we have Ail to look at now. A Leafeon seems not the same unless the sun is out, and Ail did just that. As the SUn once again made an appearance, Ail did not seem so wilted and saddened. Instead, he began jumping about, enjoying his time in this bamboo forest! Almost like he was dancing for joy.

    As he frolicked about he began to collect energy, noted by the yellow spheres of light circling him. Once enough were obtained, he sucked them all into himself, and then pointed his tail toward the sun. A massive Solarbeam was unleashed then, firing fast and bright into the sky.

    #9: Asilynne and Yuki
    Hail~Sunny Day~Mirror Coat

    In comes another Eeveeloution. Of the ice variety, Yuki sets up simply enough, in the middle of the bamboo dense area. Looking toward the sky, the audience noticed small pieces of Hail beginning to fall. Looks like winter is back again! Everyone kinda huddles together, for a cold appeal, when suddenly, the Sun comes back out. The Hail that had fallen in that short amout of time had now begun to melt, becoming water.

    As the droplets fell, Yuki ran about, shieldng herself in a Coat of energy that mirrored the refracting light off of the raindrops. As such, she gave the audience the view of a million moving rainbows off of her body, glistening as the water hung in the air.

    #10: Rossymore and Beroinga
    ShadowBall~Double Team~Flamethrower

    Last but not least, we have Bero. She seems excited to be here. Rubbing her belly, Licki rols her tongue up to the sky and unveils to everyone a glowing Shadow ball. The sphere hangs ever so softly in the air. Slowly it begins to rise...

    As it elevates, Bero forces herself to split up into a team of five. The quintete form a circle under the sphere and hold hands. As tey do, each begins creating an orange-red matrix of energy in their mouths.

    The ball begins to float back down, and once its within range, the Lickysquad unleash their swath of flames upon it. As the Ball is covered by the five streams it explodes, creating a radiant explosion of deep purples and bright reds.

    And with that, that's the end of the first round!


    #1) Mew and Blade
    Score: 8.5/10

    Solid start. The Bamboo forest worked to your advantage there. Nice and clean use of moves and the classic samurai fight is always something everyone likes to see.

    #2) Charles and Spicy
    Score: 8/10

    Not bad for your first time. A little strange, attracting the crowd but hey, you got their attention, right? Frenzy Plant is a crazy move, and letting it do its course was a great move on your part. But I guess jolting the audience out of the whistle induced sleep was not the best ploy-they didn't know what was going on there. But still, good job.

    #3) Chris and Scyther
    Score: 8.2/10

    Funny seeing you in a Contest! Well, this was a little less showy. Mae a stark and poignant contrast, alot of gray and light colors against this darker arena really. I liked it, and the appeal was siomple, focusing on speed and grace. Nice and solid.

    #4) Mikachu and Hellsprout
    Score: 7.8/10

    Huh. First contest as well huh. Alot of firsts this time around. Well, this Appeal was thrown together kinda haphazarly, but it worked. In kind of the same vein as Charles. Sunny Day helped Bell to unleash all kinds of plant Fury. So it was cool and all, but we've already seen it.

    #5) Elf and Kitsune
    Score: 8.1/10

    I feel weird calling Kitsune -chan. Just seems odd to me. Anyway. That was a fun appeal. Lucario doing some pretty cool moves here and there. Though, at the end of the day, the dance seemed useless to me. It still was a nice appeal, following the whole "toss something up, look cool and then break it" routine.

    #6) Meloveghosts and Yariza
    Score: 8.6/10

    The chaos of your appeal saved you. Same vein as Charles and Mikachu's, but you focused on keeping the crowd awake and on their toes, with Earthquakes and Roaring and Plants everywhere! It was a really strong high-energy appeal that got people wondering what was gonna happen next.

    #7) Houndoom Lover and Sparky
    Score: 8.2/10

    Different is the first word that comes to mind when I saw this appeal. A good natured pastime-Fetch- adapted for the stage. I really like the simplicity of it. Kinds funny seeing a dog chase after its toy until the end of time though.

    #8) Green and Ail
    Score: 8.1/10

    Wow, you grassers stick together, lol. Hrm, this Appeal had the same fault as Elf's, with the unnessecary dancing part. Its like a magic show where you suddenly watch the hot babes dancing, so the magician can do something sneaky and you don't really notice it. Only in your case you really were doing something, and that was collecting energy.

    Impressive making the Solarbeam shoot toward the sun though--feedback in a way.

    #9) Asilynne and Yuki
    Score: 9/10

    This appeal was nice. Again, the simplicity of appeals are amazing alla round. This one though just used the weather as accents for the true prize-nature's beauty. It was a strange setup, but it worked out so well and everyone adores seeing what looked like a Eevee made completly out of Aurora Borealis. Great job.

    #10) Rossymore and Bero
    Score: 8.5/10

    Tried an true, toss and smash. It never fails to amaze, but yours was different. When you made that explosion, the area obtained a color that reminded me of sunset. In this setting, those colors stuck out more because they clashed with the green of the forested area.

    It was an odd choice of abilities though, but Lickitung is a master of surprises. Good job

    End Notes

    Unfortunatly, I gotta cut two people from this round :O You all had Good Appeals-and I hope to see each and every one of ya here for the next Contest :O

    Charles and Mikachu are cut from the Contest.

    Next round-Super Appeal 4 attacks. you can swap to yer second Pokemon if you wish.

    i Judge your entertainment!
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    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

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    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Okay! Sparky, sit this one out boy- Good dog! Okay, next up, is Lovebug (Male, shiny)! Take center ring!

    Wait for everyone to get quiet again...Start this round out by crawling up the tallest of the bamboos and shoot a String Shot tightly across to the other tallest one waaaaay over there on the otherside. Crawl back down.

    Find five one-inchish sticks of bamboo, nibble them from the ground and stick four of them in the ground the front of the audiance as a square shape. The remaining one will be for you to use as a balancing stick, nibble one of the ends so its sharper. With your new found balancing stick, crawl all the way back up to the top and start across your stick shot tightrope with your balancing stick in your little mouth.

    Now! Feel free to get fancy! As you squiggle across, throw your balancing stick up on your head progs, and slowly, as you reach the middle, stand up on your hind-suction cups. Wiggle about! Throw the stick back down to your mouth and cut your 'rope' with the sharp end and let it send you flying- Quickly! Before you hit the ground, create a net with String Shot using those four sticks.

    Nail it! Land to safety!

    String Shot~Sting Shot
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

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    Go Licky! I'm not sure which one would have worked better though.

    Come forth Petallion...this may need a bit of thinking.

    Begin with Magical Leaf then use Sunny Day so the sun can make those Leaves shine. Then use Giga Drain and latch onto those leaves and converge them into one massive ball so that when you jump and break it apart with Poison Jab, you're facing the audience and are surrounded by shining leaves.

    Magical Leaf ~ Sunny Day ~ Giga Drain ~ Poison Jab

    Bring on the summer!

  29. #29
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    ...What's Lovebug? Caterpie I'm assuming?

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  30. #30
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Okay Blade, take a rest, let's go... Tarasque!


    Start off by encasing yourself in a Rock Tomb. Then use Focus Blast to burst out of there. Follow up by using an Ancient Power to rearrange the rubble back together before blasting it apart with a Hyper Beam

    Rock Tomb~Focus Blast~Ancient Power~Hyper Beam
    ~Mew Master

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  31. #31
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    I'll be using my male black Gyarados, Zaraki Kenpachi, as my second pokemon. Show us your anger.

    Start off by using Uproar and show us your there, then use Dragon Rage and bring out the fire, follow that up with an Outrage to bring out your strenght. Finish with a Hyperbeam once you worked yourself up. Thats the true rage/power of a Gyarados.

  32. #32
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    I'll use my shiny [F] Exeggutor Yolke.

    Start by releasing a seed bomb. Catch them in a psychic attack and twirl them around you, before releasing them and unleashng a leaf storm. End with an explosion amid the frenzy.

    Seed Bomb -- Psychic -- Leaf Storm -- Explosion

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  33. #33
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    OOps, oh yeah- He be a Lovebug- I mean, a caterpie ^__^u
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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    ...while you sleep.
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  34. #34
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    For me second pokemon, I will be using my shiny Salamence, Dimitri. Dimitri, start things off with a dragon dance. Then ,make it rain and thunder with rain dance. Fly around the twister and add some shine to that twister with Steel Wing and finish by cutting it down to size bydling down the middle with Air Cutter!

    ...just call me G.L.

  35. #35
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Ok I will continue with my Kitsune Chan for now. Ok Kit lets go Avatar style start of with a Water Pulse followed by an Earthquake to create 4 pillars around you, break them with a Blaze Kick and finish with a Vaccum Wave.

    Water Pulse ~ Earthquake ~ Blaze Kick ~ Vaccum Wave

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  36. #36
    ~HOPES AND DREAMS~ Elite Trainer
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    Stormy (f), Shinx

    Asi pat her Glaceon on the head, smiling down at her. "Good job girl!" she said warmly, bringing out a dark blue pokeball with silver clouds and gold lightning bolts etched into it. "Take a break little one you did well. Now time to let your new little sister have a shot." The ornate ball hit the ground with a clink and a shinx materialized on the grass. "Ok Stormy, time for you to live up to your name. With this next phase of the contest, we will symbolize the fun of telling stories at summer camp. First set the mood by doing Rain Dance, make sure the clouds are extra dark. Next, in the darkness and the rain let out a Howl, make it sound as eerie as you can. Then, use Thunder to split a stick of bamboo in half with a crack of thunder, and in the resulting light from the lightning bolt show the crowd a Scary Face! That should bring back some memories of staying up late and telling stories in the cabin!" Stormy nodded cutely and ran up to begin her appeal.

    .: Ben + Brandy :.
    .: September 14th 2012 :.

  37. #37
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Showeray Contest-Round 2

    Alright. Second Round, underway. We'll switch it around and go Highest first.

    #1: Asilynne and Stormy
    Rain Dance~Howl~Thunder~Scary Face

    Within the bamboo jungle, our audience watches as Stormy comes out to do her appeal. She trots over to a slightly more "wooded" area and begins prancing around an area. Soon, dark ominous clouds begin to roll in. They darken the place a bit much, so much that Stormy doesn't register in visual acuity. She doesn't need to-as an eerie Howl reverberates throughout the area.

    Then over to the left, a humongous Thunder rains down, slitting 4 bamboo stalks into mere splinters of their original selves. The boom a few seocnds later makes the crowd jumps and screams. From the flash of the Thunder, a Scary face hangs out over the crowd, making strange swirling tongue gestures. The face departs, and everyone claps vehemently as Stormy comes out of hiding.

    #2: Meloveghosts and Zaraki
    Uproar~Dragon Rage~Outrage~Hyper Beam

    The clouds are being pushed away, but Zaraki flies up and tells the helpers to leave a few. They do and the appeal begins. He coils up and twists in teh sky, bellowing so loud, that the Uproar kinda stings the ears of everyone. Least everyone's awake now. But Zaraki looks pissed. It shows as it releases a swirl of fire from its mouth ,burning through those rain clouds. The flames, in their galaxial brillance, hover over the bamboo.

    But that's not all. Zaraki dives down now, through his own rage, and just spazzes, lashing and breaking bamboo and slamming the ground and causing a terrific tempure tantrum. Crazy Outrageous. There's not a big enough bottle for its mouth though, so it rresorts to firing a massive Hyperbea, into the sky, to end the massive outburst of power. At the end, Zar looks beat, but the applause was high.

    #3: Mew Master and Tarasque
    Rock Tomb~Focus Blast~Ancient Power~Hyperbeam

    Bamboo and sky are restored. Ozone is healed. We're up to appeal number 3 Out comes another big one, Tarasque. The crowd anticipates this eagerly. She starts off in plain view and stamps her feet. In no time at all, bedrock splinters jut out and encase her fully. It doesn't take the crowd long to see the auburn glow emanating from the Tombed dinosaur though, and even less time to react as rock goes flying everywhere, as she waves her arms and roars.

    Then with an unseen skill, the rocks that were blasted forth and flying to kingdom come-were all reversed in momentum, and rebuilt around in a pile not too far from where she stood. Taking a step back the beast lowered her head and charged up an immense blast of energy. It shot forth, obliterating the rocks and screeched on , carving a path of mayhem through the forest.

    #4: Rossymore and Petallion
    Magical Leaf~Sunny Day~Giga Drain~Poison Jab

    The field is cleared, and Rossymore's Pokemon, Petallin steps out. It spins aorund once for the crowd, and in that spin, leaves and petals from it hands tail behind it, floating and twirling with a mystical energy. Its graceful to look at. As they hover and dance, Petal dances with them, and it seems the sun appreciates this, as it comes out to join us.

    Well now comes the trick of the match. Focusing in front of the crowd, Petal raises his hands and begins to draw energy from <s>all living things</s> the sunlight. The leaves all fly closer and closer-effectively making a sphere of leaves with an energized Gigalight center. It would only last briefly, and so Petal performed an Poison Jab-percut to shatter the energy sphere. The leaves all burst upward and out, flying in a multitude of blues and greens and whites. The audience applauds, and Petal leaves.

    #5: Chris 2.1 and Yolke
    Seed Bomb~Psychic~Leaf Storm~Explosion

    The shiny Yolke waddles up on the scene wobbling about. It has no fear as the appeal starts with a multitude of seeds falling from its fernhead. Before they all land and explode, Yolke uses a Psychic to hold them all in arc formation.

    Raising them up a bit above her head, Yolke then commands a Leaf Storm to commence around her, forcing the seeds to explode in a controlled reaction as they explode-the explosions get brighter and she does as well. When the Storm breaks the last Seed, She herself explodes, creating a massive blast that tosses Bamboo skyward and outward. Thank you for Audience shields. As she's now knocked out, two Pokemon come in to remove her (Thanks Whiplash and Shitstorm)! She gets a standing ovation for going all out.

    #6: Houndoom_Lover and Lovebug
    String Shot x 4

    Alright As the forest is reset fully by our ever loveable Dugtrio..Our smallest competitor makes his way in. Lovebug takes the time to climb up one of teh tallest Bamboo stalks up there. He gets up there pretty fast and then he shoots a single String Shot over to a bamboo across the field. Crazy. He then jumps down, omg!

    He then roots around and brings a few of the jagged blown up bamboo stalks together, using String shot to drag them over and under his one super line wayyy up there. Witha flick of his body and flip onto his maim stalk, four of the sticks flipped into place, creating a box. The fifth was on his back, like a bo staff. In any event, he got to the top and began to tightrope wriggle across, only standing on his last two suction cups. He held the 5th stick like a balancing staff as he did, and it was very risky cause a wind just blew and the string swayed wayyy to the left. But he held it!

    The rope swung back and Lovebug then stood on his head, amazing the crowd with his acrobatic skills. At the same time he affixed a String Shot to the back of the staff so when he threw his lil balancing staff up, it cut the rope, but then he swung his head and it gave him enough lift to fly up and fall down with a bit more control. Facing the ground, a massive fourth string shot was delivered, and it fell on the box formation of Bamboo, creating a net-which Lovebug landed on. Well almost. The string shot wasn't tight enough, so when Lovebug hit the net collapsed all on him. But it did soften his fall so no worries. People clapped and cheered anyway, as he crawled off.

    #7: Crazy Elf Boy and
    Water Pulse~Earthquake~Blaze Kick~Vacumn Wave

    With very little to rebuild, Kitsune returns to the arena. The audience settles down and the Lucario begins by firing a Waterpulse that snakes around his body, almost assuming the shape of a dragon. It warps around for a minute and then Kit shoots it off to the skies, done with showing off its pulsing skills. Kit raises his hands, before axe kicking the ground 4 times in successions. Boulders flip from the ground in tandem and before they land Kitsune is able to shatter each one with his knees.

    As he is in the air now, the only way to go is down, and he does, with a Foot laden with Fire, The Axe kick is strong, flames spreading out around him. Not missing a step, Kitsune stands back on one foot and performs a Vacumn wave, wind flying forth and blowing Bamboo backwards in its wake. People clap the speed display, and Kit bows, before leaving.

    #8: Green Lanturn and Dimitri
    Dragon Dance~Rain Dance~Steel Wing~Air Cutter

    Unreal. The final competitor happens to be Green Lanturn! Out comes a Salamence to commemorate the occasion. In true fashion, he dos nto disappoint, performing an Aerial Dance that seemed to highlight all his draconic features. As he sped up and performed more intricate manuvers, the rainclouds returned. He kept flying around all sorts of hectically, and the Rainclouds pouired down, beginning to saturate the soil with water.

    As the rain fell, Dimitri flew down and flew in a clockwise arch around a specific area, causing a twister with his centrifugal motion. But his wings-his wings shone out through the rain as metallic. As the rain fell and Dimitri flew up to reach the top of his Twister, he dive down the center of it. A blue streak could be seen bisecting said twister, and Dimitri would then burst out, creating only a series of large splashes as the twisters' water content fell down to the earth in massive waves.

    Everyone claps and yes! That's all of them. Onto Judging!


    #1) Asi and Stormy
    Score: 8.9/10

    Well now. Good to see you starting Asi. It was a good idea, campfire stories. Really got the crowd involved. And by involved I mean scared. But that was the point, and I really did like it. Nice creative moveset used there as well, really shows that your theme, campfire stories, can be made scary by even the cutest kid, or Shinx as the case may be. Great job.

    #2) Meloveghosts and Zaraki Kenpachi
    Score: 8.0/10

    Ok. Really loud, really destructive, really powerful. Really just showing how angsty a Gyara can be huh? I mean, it's not bad. Dont get me wrong. But your attacks were just that. Attacks. He bashed through this, he bashed through that, he can fire excessive amounts of energy. It seemed he almost lost control of himself there as well which would not have boded well. That's why your score was docked.

    The Dragon rage pattern is what saved you, cause that looked fantastic.

    #3) Mew Master and Tarasque
    Score: 8.2/10

    A strange start, burying a Pokemon, But effective freedom at blasting out. Tara has a strong presence, and that was represented as she both freed herself from imprisonment AND shattered that small mountain. Though I'm still not sure why though? Was that just a way of showing dominance. Still, it was a flashy appeal; lots of high energy moves.

    #4) Rossymore and Petallion
    Score: 8.5/10

    This was unique. A controlled Spirit Bomb Giga Drain huh. That was a nice and special touch to a SUnny Day based theme. The play on colors was nice as well-gave it a special touch of spring in a way, especially with the burst of energy at the end.

    #5) Chris and Yolke
    Score: 8.7/10

    Hrm. Explosions all around. Controlled explosions all around. Surprise ending of having Yolke give it her all just for a Mid Contest round? Piece of cake to you good sir. The crowd loved it and I was amazed it went the path it did-even though I figured something big had to happen.

    Just not exploding Exeggutors. Good job here.

    #6) Houndoom Lover and Lovebug
    Score: 8.7/10

    I loved this appeal. I couldn't give it a higher mark becauSe it was difficult in terms of length. Anyone would get bored watching a Caterpie, no matter how hard it was working. But it was a most creative way of using String Shot. Alot of construction was needed for this match as well, which prolly added to the length. The balancing act was cool-but teh net. Poor net. Still, great work.

    #7) Crazy Elf Boy and Kitsune
    Score: 8.7/10

    It was a nice appeal. In a way, you seemed to use the elements quite well, and Kitsune would be the type to have some mastery over most elements. I did like the Axe kick into the ground the best though, as anyone can stand on one foot and look cool while doing it. But this one was very clean and powerful-defiantly showcasing Kit's preciseness and execution skills.

    #8) Green and Dimitri
    Score: 8.3/10

    And last we have Green. Dimitri did a standup job of creating a twister there. But teh Air Cutter was weird. Because once it finished, Dimitri only watched water slam int the ground. Sure, it was alot of water, but there seemed to be no other pizzaz to it. Rain Dance and Dragon Dance were nice to look at though, I will state that.

    End Notes

    Unfortunatly, I gotta cut three people from this round

    Mew, MLG and Green are cut from the Contest. Sorry guys ;_; I know you all gave it yer all. Dun worry, next contest is 16 days away :O!

    Next round-Swap Appeal You pick one of the opponents pokemon that you have seen thus far, and make an appeal :O! Standard Appeals only!

    Last edited by DarkestLight; 13th May 2009 at 10:14 PM. Reason: Re-reffed! Sorry about confusion earlier.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  38. #38
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Okayy....I'm going to use Asi's Glaceon for this round.

    Ok start with a wish to send a shimmering light down on you. Next I want you to combine mirror coat and aqua tail to spin around wildly, reflecting the sheen around you and creating a beautiful blur.

    I'm kinda assuming the effects of wish will occur during the next actions, like how it takes a while to work in the games?

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  39. #39
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    My big bad Gyara lost to a caterpie


  40. #40
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Showeray Contest!

    Yeah Wish'll work a little later in the appeal. We'll just hafta see how well .!

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

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