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6th September 2002, 12:11 AM
Here we go once again! I've only ever re-started this when we've had a board change or we lost everything and on one occasion when I was busy... But here we go for the UMPTEENTH TIME! Sorry to plauge you readers out there, but I can fully understand if you don't want to reply after reading this on EzBoard which is when I saw it as a small opportunity to re-write it! So enjoy the fun and to all you people out there who want to know where the Buggy is, Chapter 11 People. Chapter 11.


Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 1: Tim Tams, Aquariums and Folders

It was the day before my Pokemon escapade and Jessica, my sister, had given me a large folder. Within the folder were profiles on all the Pokemon Jessica wanted, with front and side views, lengthy descriptions of all the Pokemon and they were colour coded on where to find them according to the latest online information.

“You had better get them Andrew, because all my friends have cute Pokemon and you ARE taking our one and only Pokemon – Mr. Mime on your journey, which leaves ME, to do the chores that he does”, said Jessica in a snooty tone.

I replied with a smirk on my face, “Well you can look after Rocky then, he’s better than any Pokemon I MIGHT send you”.

“WHAT!!! You aren’t taking that silly dog with you!?” she said horrified.

“No. Rocky can’t be put in a Pokeball and plus dogs aren’t allowed places, and remember the time he chased that little girl on her tricycle down the road?” I replied with a sneer

Jessica admitted defeat and said, “Well, well… Fine! I’ll get my own cute Pokemon then!” She stormed off and with a flick of her blonde hair and with a scowl she cried out to mum, “MUM!!! Andrew said he won’t get me any Pokemon when he goes on his journey!”

As she stormed off I thought, “God she’s immature for a 14 year old”.

After lunch, which Mum and Mr. Mime had prepared, we all went down to the local Pokemon office and it was there I was to be issued with a Pokedex after taking a simple test that checked whether he knew the basics of Pokemon.

The test was fairly simple, multi choice is seriously easy, there is no way you could possibly fail it, plus the test was severely easy. Plus you were allowed to take in any books you wanted into the exam. As I leaned on the counter, pulling the ballpoint pen to reach further I felt a pang of regret. I was taking a year off of school to do this little bit of fun. My mum had tried to talk me out of it, but being the stubborn person I was, I finally got my way.

I handed in the test and passed easily, after the clerk had taken a picture, which had been uploaded to my Pokedex and then registered, I looked at the picture. It was pathetic to say the least, I hadn’t even managed a smile before the picture was taken, but I was ecstatic. With a happy cry I grabbed Mr. Mime’s hand in mine and punched our arms in the air and I cried out, “YES! No school for a year!” But I quickly recovered when I saw the shocked look on my mother’s face, “Umm…” I stammered, “I mean! We’re going to win in the Pokemon League on TV Mr. Mime!”

“Mi Mime!” cried the Pokemon, happy for this turn of events. I’m sure he was happy to finally get out of the house and into the big bad world.

That evening my mum and I had a talk on the lounge about what I was planning to do. Yet she was already fretting about all the trouble I’d run into, saying that pedophiles, burglars and kidnappers would all be out for me, I knew she was sensationalizing the very slim risk of that happening, but I smiled and nodded all the same.

“Mum, I’ll be fine. I’ve got Mr. Mime with me, he’s pretty strong and plus, he can make a great dinner too!” I finally got a word in edgeways.

“I know, it’s just that there are a whole heap of weird people out there and I want you to be careful, so give us a call every now and then” she said regretfully.

“Mum. I’ve got a mobile, I have the emergency number saved in the mobile’s memory, its gonna be fine” I said as sincerely as I could.

“Well…I hope so Andrew. Just remember that I love you, and don’t get into any trouble” she said and gave me one last hug.

With a groan I replied, “Mum! I’ve never ever gotten a detention at school; I’ll be ok mum. Love you mum. Night”.

The next morning, as I set off on my Pokemon adventure with Mr. Mime, a Pokemon who had lived with my family for a few years, I thought about why I hadn’t have started my journey sooner. My mother hadn’t allowed Jessica or I, to own any Pokemon with the exception of Mr. Mime. My Mum thought that Pokemon were too dangerous to be around, and could cause serious damage to almost anything. The only reason we got Mr. Mime was that Aunty Maureen sprung him on our family, as a surprise Christmas gift and mum couldn’t refuse without offending her.

But with the sun shining and a nice breeze in the air, as well as an eighteen-ton backpack crushing my vertebrae, Mr. Mime at my side, we left Hanlon Town and headed onto the track heading to Volup City. As Mr. Mime and I were walking along the track, which was right next to the river, I was on the lookout for nine more Pokemon. The official Pokemon Board, which consisted of well-known trainers and retired Gym Leaders, and bumbling bureaucrats had decided on increasing the number of Pokemon to be carried, from six to ten. And to get into any league, a trainer had to have at least eight badges from the many certified gyms spread across the country. It was a time old tradition, which still continued on today.

After an hour of walking, I was already exhausted and Mr. Mime and I sat down at a picnic area and had lunch next to the river. I pulled out of my backpack, two water bottles and a packet of Tim Tams, which from the heat had melted. I’d snavelled the biscuits from the fridge so that Jess couldn’t get them. Mr. Mime didn’t care that they were melted, getting chocolate all around his face and on his gloves, so I followed suit as he happily repeated various syllables of his own name repeatedly. I had a bit of a laugh when I saw his others chocolate smeared face and so we went down to the river to wash it off.

“irtle, Squ” came a cry from the river. “Oh my god Mr. Mime! Its a Squirtle!” I yelled out in a hushed delight when I saw the turtle come out of the river to feast on the melted remains of the Tim Tams. I quickly whispered to Mr. Mime to get his back to the river so that Squirtle couldn’t escape.

I jumped out in front of the surprised Squirtle, enlarged Pokeball in hand and yelled, “Now Mr. Mime! Use barrier to block off the river so Squirtle can’t escape!” Mr. Mime happily complied as a steel wall quickly appeared. The Squirtle looked confused, it hadn’t been attacked yet so it didn’t know what to do. “Good job Mr. Mime, use Light Screen to box Squirtle in!” the charismatic turtle never saw the Mime sneak up behind it and put up a glass window, then when it turned around to try see Mr. Mime, it was already in front of Squirtle boxing it off, Mr. Mime then put a final Light screen on top. Squirtle was now afraid, and used its water gun to try escape the fish tank that had been craftily constructed around him. However this just filled up the tank and Squirtle had filled up the tank with water in a vain attempt to escape.

I laughed at the site before me, Squirtle was trying to get out of the fish tank using his water gun and tackle and was getting nowhere. Mr. Mime slapped me out of laughing and pointed to Squirtle that it was running out of air. “Ok Mr. Mime, take down those walls and use confusion”. Squirtle was pretty scared now, and I wonder if I had just made it claustrophobic. Mr. Mime clutched his head in concentration and I saw ripples in the air around Mr. Mime, traveling to the Squirtle, the turtle then clutched his head in pain and stumbled around before collapsing.

With the enlarged Pokeball still in hand and I stood there in a trance and tried to convince myself that this was real. Finally, thanks to Mr. Mime again, a slap around the cheeks brought me around. I threw the Pokeball and hoped my hand-eye co-ordination would let the ball fly straight to Squirtle. It did! The blue skinned turtle turned into nothing more than a red silhouette before becoming a red shapeless blob of energy and being sucked inside the Pokeball. As the ball rocked on the ground with the red light still on the Pokeball’s button, I hoped that Squirtle would be captured. I stared in amazement, as I had never seen a Pokemon being captured in real life, with a metallic sound the Pokeball stopped moving and it now looked as if Mr. Mime and I had a new teammate – Squirtle!

When we continued walking on the track to Volup City, I couldn’t believe it, it was only my first day of my journey and already I had caught a hungry Squirtle, I was glad I had stolen those Tim Tams now. My bag still did weigh a ton and I did need to get to the next city before nightfall because I really didn’t want to sleep outside, but I did have a tent and portable cooked and enough food to feed an army and so I trekked on and listened to my walkman.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
6th September 2002, 09:59 AM
Yay...it's back...Glad to see this back up. Is it me, or is it like, re-edited? Or is it just me?

I love the greedy Squirtle....*huggles it*

6th September 2002, 07:44 PM
Hyperness is a good thing: Aww thanks! And yes its totally re-edited! It seems everyone loves Squirtle... I might have to write him back in... Thanks for reading!

Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 2: Hunger Pangs, Limos and Ditzs

Continuing on my journey, it was getting late in he day, so I decided to let my new capture, Squirtle out of its Pokeball. “Squirtle! Squirt!” yelled the little blue turtle. He was salivating at the mouth and by my deduction; I’d say he was hungry.

Mr. Mime, and myself were all pretty hungry ourselves so I decided to reach into my HUGE pack (Which I reckon could hold a Shopping Complex in there and still have enough room left for a carpark. It weighed about as much too) and grab some ingredients for Mr. Mime to prepare a delicious dinner. Squirtle was staring at the food and drooling, I think he was happy to come with us because we had food and this Squirtle looked kind of starved. Out of my bag I pulled out a small esky filled with meats and ice, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, peas, corn and beans as well as some cooking equipment. We were pretty well stocked to say the least. “Ok guys, lets have grilled chicken and steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes and pumpkin. Squirtle, you can help me wash and peel the vegetables, and Mr. Mime, can you start cooking the chicken with the little cooker”.

I wasn’t going to let Squirtle out of my sight for the chance he might want to get back into the wild if he wasn’t too happy with his new top-security prison, the Pokeball, but I had a hunch that food would win this cool water Pokemon over. So we began to peel the vegetables and put them on to cook.

In about an hour we sat down in the grass around dusk eating out meal and watching the river flow past with the fading sun reflecting off its surface. “Great meal, so how about some chocolate cake for desert!” I said. I knew almost anyone couldn’t refuse chocolate including me. And Squirtle leapt up and had an ecstatic look on his face. Mr. Mime just looked sideways at the wily teammate.

As we were getting out the cake in the torchlight, a chubby girl with shoulder-length red hair walked out of the darkness, and eyed my cake. She then stuck her nose up in the air and said, “I just started my Pokemon journey a week ago. I got MY Pokemon from a certified Professor in Cronin Town, I think I can beat any of YOUR pathetic Pokemon”

“Okkkaaayyyy…” I said slowly, “I didn’t get my Pokemon from a professor, but I think you’re too snobby for your own good, after all, important Professors only give kids like you Pokemon because their parents have high places in the community, or they just nag them until they give in” I was telling this little witch off, how dare she insult me.

“I am NOT snobby! How dare you say that! Oh, yoo hoo! Brendan bring the limo around, I need to grab my Pokemon from the back seat,” she cooed.

I snickered when I saw the poor man who had to look after this abomination of a child; he looked about thirty-five with brown hair with a pained expression and forced smile on his face and to top it off had to wear a chauffeur’s uniform.

Brendan sighed and replied, “Yes Miss Annie”. Then around came a shiny black limo and when Annie opened the door, I peeked inside and saw she had it stocked with a wall of televisions on one side and about 18 remote controls on the other, and a huge bag of popcorn.

Beside me Squirtle was drooling again, I bet he would have jumped in there if he was given the chance, but finally when Annie grabbed her Pokeballs out of the car she screeched, “Lets battle, if I win I want that chocolate cake, if you win however, I’ll give you this popcorn. Two on two, the fact is, my favourite bakery is so far away and it would take at least thirty minutes to get there.

“Ok” I replied, “I’ll beat you, you can have a Pokemon journey without having to scab a Pokemon off a Professor” I said coldly. I wanted to test out Mr. Mime again in battle he was so cool and I bet he could win this battle easily!

She frowned at me in hatred before yelling “Goooooooo, Bellsprout!”

I knew what a Bellsprout could do, my mate at school had one and it was pretty pathetic too, so I didn’t bother consulting my Pokedex. It used to be his strongest Pokemon too, which wasn’t saying much. I could have beaten his Rattata, Shellder and Bellsprout with one hand behind my back.

With a smile I turned to Mr. Mime and said, “You reckon you can take this plant down?” Mr. Mime smiled and nodded before walking forward to face the Bellsprout.

“Mr. Mime, start off with a barrier” I said with a smirk.

“Umm, wait! STOP! I don’t have my Pokedex on me. BRENDAN! Get me my Pokedex “ Yelled Annie, waving frantically to her limousine and tired driver.

The poor man ran over and gave her a bright pink Pokedex and when she opened it, the Pokedex replied with a passionate voice, “Good evening Miss Annie, how can I help you tonight?”

“Tell me how to fight this weird Pokemon Pokedex!” screeched the brat.

“Well then Miss Annie, why didn’t you go to a Pokemon Department and take a test so then you might actually KNOW something about Pokemon. Come on, let’s battle!” I taunted her, I was pretty sure she would fail that multiple-choice test if she was given it. Sure she looked like twelve, but I was sure that a child, half her age could ace it.

“Fine, just wait for me to put my earphones in”. Annie plugged her earphones into the Pokedex where I knew that machine would tell the ditz what to do. “Ok, ready! Ok now, Bellsprout growth!” she said happily

As the plant put its roots into the ground, Mr. Mime was concentrating to put up a steel barrier. Wincing with concentration, both Pokemon finished their attacks. When Mr. Mime had finished erecting the defense wall, the Bellsprout had doubled in size; it had sucked up the nutrients from the ground around it to assist in its growth spurt.

“Ok Mr. Mime, Substitute” I commanded another evasive maneuver.

“Bellsprout, razor leaf!” Annie said, as if she actually knew what she was doing.

Mr. Mime concentrated yet again and created a copy of itself that had a lifeless expression on its face, which appeared in front of the barrier with a flash of light, effectively taking the battering of the Razor Leaves that Bellsprout threw at it.

“Good work Mr. Mime, while its busy use your confusion” I said quietly.

“Bellsprout, keep hurting that Mr. Mime!”. Annie was a stupid girl; she herself couldn’t figure out that the substitute Mr. Mime was a fake.

Mr. Mime clutched his head and those ripples in the air, which I had seen earlier today, traveled through the air and smacked Bellsprout straight over, knocking it out.

“Good on you Mr. Mime. Come back and have a rest while we let Squirtle deal with the next one”. Mr. Mime walked back happily and gave Squirtle and I a high five.

“Ok Squirtle, you’re up!” I looked at him hopefully. Squirtle didn’t look too happy until I mentioned the food at stake, at that point he bounded, full of energy, ready to fight.

“You made my Bellsprout get hurt you meanies! I’m going to have to get Daddy to buy me powerful Pokemon now! Like a Pikachu!” she said, her face turning the same face as her hair.

“Where’d you find it”, I sneered, “On the side of the road?

Annie blushed with embarrassment and said, “Well, I didn’t MEAN to run over Bellsprout, it was an accident… Anyway, here’s my Pokemon I got from the Professor, Charmander, go!”

When the ball hit the ground a white blob of energy appeared, similar to the one that I had seen earlier, when I had caught Squirtle, and took the form of a cute little orange lizard with a flame on the tip of its tail. “Charmander!” it cried cutely.

“Squirtle, use your water gun, this should be easy!” I felt bad beating a Pokemon as cute as Charmander, it didn’t deserve to be with Annie.

“Charmander…um…. oh no! I must have overused my Pokedex! The batteries have run out! Charmander do something!” she cried in horror.

The lizard stood there waiting for an order from Annie and didn’t even see the beam of water come at its back from Squirtle, who was eying the food. I was pretty sure most of that Water Gun attack was drool. Charmander turned to face myself and gave a weak cry before collapsing.

Annie grudgingly returned it to its Pokeball and twisted her face into one of disgust. “Oh well, you win! Here take the popcorn” and she nastily handed it over to me, which I quickly passed to my Pokemon with a congratulations.

“See, it doesn’t matter where you got your Pokemon from Annie! It’s how good a trainer you are! Bye, thanks for the popcorn!!!” I said perkily, just to annoy her.

Annie stormed off to her waiting limo, while Squirtle, Mr. Mime and I ate all of chocolate cake and popcorn before I recalled them to their Pokeballs. Mainly it was Squirtle who ate it, but I wasn’t complaining. I then went to sleep in my tent; happy I had won my first battle, even if it had been against a lazy little ditz.

6th September 2002, 07:47 PM
Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 3: Scrambled, Poached and Fried

I awoke the next morning with a huge stomach ache from the pig-out of chicken, vegetables, chocolate cake and popcorn the previous night. Then I realized I was on a Pokemon journey and had caught a Squirtle and had a Mr. Mime and that I had to go beat some Gym Leaders, not just selfish brats. I shivered, noticing I was sleeping outside and not inside like any sane person would.

“Come on guys, up and at em’ ” I said to their Pokeballs before I threw them to the ground releasing them. When they formed back into their normal states, they were just laying there, clutching their stomachs in pain, as was I. “Come on we need to walk to Volup City, its about two more days away”. They just moaned and so with much winging and prodding, I got them to help pack up and I recalled them to their Pokeballs where I guess they just relaxed while I did all the walking. “Lazy Buggers” I muttered.

As I was walking I noticed a nice house by the river, it looked in pretty good nick and so I decided to take a closer look. On closer inspection, I saw a paddock, and hidden from view was a shed to one side and the fence ran into the river. It was quite a nice little brick house and next to the front door, I saw a faded sign: Pokemon Retreat. This sounded interesting so I decided to ask the owners of the house about it.

“Hello, anyone home?” I asked whilst knocking on the door. There was a silence before a scurry of feet came to the door.

“Yes, what can I do for you dear?” and a nice old woman came to the door and asked pleasantly.

“Well, could I please have some info on this Retreaty thingy” I said awkwardly, pointing to the sign.

“Come in, come in! Ripper, we have visitors. Anyway dear, what’s your name?” she asked

I felt a bit overwhelmed when I came inside, these people didn’t even know my name and they were already asking me inside their house. “Um, Andrew” I mumbled out and rubbed the back of my head nervously and forced a smile.

“Hey mate, why are you here?” came a voice, and then the man it belonged to.

“Well, I wanted to know what this Retreat thing is please” I said politely

“Wait a minute, you must be famished. You must have something to eat before we talk. Here have some biscuits, and what kind of drink do you want? Oh! I haven’t even introduced myself, I’m Glenys, nice to meet you Andrew ” she burst out suddenly, and I stood, quite overwhelmed by it all.

After about two hours, I had found out that these people were Glenys and Edward (Ripper was his nickname). And they looked after Pokemon for trainers for a while, because their only daughter Willow went on a Pokemon adventure and was killed in an accident, and I wasn’t going to pressure these people into giving me more info. But I also found out that they do this Retreat business to keep her memory alive.

“Well, I’m very sorry about your daughter, but how does this work?” I finally replied.

“Oh well, Pokemon with trainers don’t usually get to get out in the open as much as wild Pokemon, so this is kind of a holiday for them” said Glenys

“Yeah, and some of em’ breed like wildfire dammit” piped in Ripper, obviously disgruntled.

I gave a quite chuckle before I had an idea, “Would you like to meet my Pokemon, I just started my adventure yesterday!” Keen to impress I clutched my Pokeballs in hand waiting for their response.

“Sure, as long as they don’t mess up the house” he gruffly said.

I released Mr. Mime and Squirtle from their Pokeballs and they looked very well, making me think that they faked the bellyache. They stood like very well behaved Pokemon until Squirtle saw the food and jumped up onto my lap and started eating the biscuits on my plate like a food crazed animal.

“Squirtle! Where are your manners! Wait until you have been offered food before you eat it!” I scolded him. Squirtle put down his head in shame, and then Glenys nodded at him, signaling it was ok to chow down and he gave a happy yell and started munching away on the biscuits.

“Come on Mr. Mime, say hello,” I said to my nervous friend, Mr. Mime was hiding behind the chair I was sitting on and gave a little shy smile and wave.

“Well dear, do you want to leave your Pokemon here for a while?” asked Glenys.

“Well, no thanks, I only have these two so far, so I really need them. After all, what’s a Pokemon adventure without the Pokemon?” came my reply.

“Well then, Andrew, come have a look at our egg center” Said Ripper, and we all went down to the shed I saw earlier, he stood quite proudly next to it, and unlocked the door.

“Um, where are all the Pokemon” I asked, curious.

“Well dear, we haven’t had anyone drop by for a few months now so we have a few Pokemon to look after, and after all the cost of feeding them is awfully expensive, so we just look after a few, they’re probably off somewhere playing” Glenys’s explanation was reasonable enough, after all, food was pretty expensive these days, darn government tax!

When we got inside the shed, there we glass boxes all in the walls, with heat lamps on them. “Wow, look at all these Pokemon eggs guys” I said to an equally amazed pair of Pokemon.

“God, I don’t know where we’re gonna put all these eggs” said Ripper, “They just keep coming like no tomorrow” Ripper muttered.

“Hey, I’ll help!” I piped up. I knew I soon regretted it. I cursed myself under my breath for my good and helpful nature.

“Certainly darling, you can carry these Pokemon eggs with you, they stay dormant unless someone or something looks after it. You know, like chickens, but unless we keep them in these special containers, they would go off” explained Glenys.

“But there are so many!” I said as I looked at the walls and rows of eggs in the warmers.

“Well, do you have anyone you can send a few to?” asked Ripper

It slowly approached on me. With a smile creeping across my face I said, “I know! I’ll get my sister to look after a few Pokemon eggs, but, she only likes cute Pokemon” I said.

“No worries, we have got them all sorted out into species” said Ripper

“Well, can we grab these types?” I said, pulling the enormous folder out of my bag. I’d show Jessica for giving me that huge folder; she’d get more than she wanted. I had a flashback to thinking what she particularly wanted, but she’d warned me too, “Don’t you dare send me a Pikachu or anything LIKE a Pikachu! I HATE THEM! If you give me one I will GET YOU” I recalled her threat and shuddered at the thought.

We spent the next hour getting about eight eggs together and putting them into a glass box like the others with a heat lamp on top. They also included a BIG manual for how to care for Pokemon eggs and baby formula to feed the babies when they hatched. When we had finally finished, the old couple decided to have it couriered to Jessica pronto, best not to have them go off.

I thought that I had better call Jessica. She finally picked up the phone after umpteen rings; she was probably preening her hair again.

“Hello?” She answered

“Its me Jess!” I said enthusiastically.

“So? What do you want? You better not be in trouble or anything?” she probed.

“No, I just wanted you to know that I am sending you a whole heap of cute Pokemon. And guess what! I caught a Squirtle!” I said, slightly disheartened.

“REALLY!” She squealed, ‘Wow! Thanks Andrew! You’re my favorite brother!”

A deadpan look crossed my face, “I’m your only brother”

“Well, don’t let Squirtle evolve till I’ve taken it to school and shown all my friends. OK?” she said forcefully.

“Yeah, whatever Jess”. I whispered to Squirtle – “You better not evolve until my sister sees you and feeds and pampers you. Happy with that?” Squirtle nodded in agreement. After all, the best way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.

“Jess, you should get the Pokemon early tomorrow. See ya, look after Rocky and tell mum I love her, bye!”. And with that I hung up.

Mr. Mime came in at that point with a rocking, yellow striped egg. “Mime Mime! MIIIII!” he was yelling. I grabbed him and made him sit down next to me with the rocking egg.

“Ah, that one must have been close to hatching, just your touch activated it Mimey” said Glenys with a gentle smile.

After about ten minutes, a yellow electrical plug broke through the brittle surface of the egg, quickly followed by an Elekid. “Ele”, it said softly, opening its eyes for the first time, looking up at Squirtle, Mr. Mime and I.

“Hey little fella, how are you going?” I said softly while stroking its head.

“Good work Mr. Mime, you have a parents touch!” Mr. Mime looked alarmed at Rippers comment; I didn’t think he wanted to be a father. But he then turned back to the cute little Elekid and patted him, as did Squirtle.

We decided to spend the night at Glenys’s and Ripper’s, they were very hospitable and showed me how to look after Elekid. I eventually went to bed with Mr. Mime and Squirtle in one bed and Elekid I in the other. I needed all the Pokemon I could get to get into the league.

6th September 2002, 07:48 PM
Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 4: Cuteness, Gluttons and Bureaucracy

Having been on the road with my Pokemon, Mr. Mime, Squirtle and my new Elekid for a week we had finally arrived at Volup City all the way from Hanlon Town. I think what slowed us down so much were all the breaks we had because my backpack was so big. Apart from fighting Annie and a few random Pokemon, we really hadn’t done that much.

My first stop in Volup City was the Pokemon Center, when going up its steps, I realized, taking a year off school for a Journey was probably the most adventurous thing I had ever done. After going through the automatic doors and into air-conditioned comfort, I went to the front counter where a man was standing.

“Um, excuse me Sir, could you please check my Pokemon?” I mumbled out

“Well first, can you please fill out these forms about you and your Pokemon? They are to help Pokemon trainers everywhere. Oh, and my name’s Stan” said the man in a white coat. He slightly reminded me of someone who worked in a mental institution.

“How?” I curiously asked.

“Well, it’s to help eradicate Pokemon Thieving. You see, if you fill out these forms on your Pokemon, we enter their information into a database, and if they ever need to come to another Pokemon center, we will have the appropriate information to help them. But if a Pokemon has been stolen, the database will tell us, and will help us return the Pokemon to its rightful owner. Blahdy Blah Blah Blah” explained Stan.

“Oh well…Ok” I answered, quite happy with his explanation.

An hour I handed a chunk of paper back to Stan, along with Squirtle, Mr. Mime and Elekid. “Damn bureaucracy” I muttered

“Thank you, I’ll just enter this in. Say, by any chance do you have a Pokedex?” he asked

I fumbled out the unused shiny silver Pokedex and gave it to the attendant. I realized I probably should use it, it could hold some information I might need, but I decided against it. I didn’t want to become Pokedex reliant.

“Thanks, you won’t have to fill out any more forms, just scan the Pokemon you catch with the dex, and update it with our database next time you visit a center. Now, I’ll just check your Pokemon.” He said.

Stan led them away through some large swinging doors with Elekid in his arms. Half an hour later with Squirtle devouring a huge packet of Pokemon food Stan returned, but while I was waiting, I had been watching Video Hits, I really liked that Sophie Ellis Bextor was really great. I winced when I saw my food fanatical Squirtle, he could be such a guts, it was embarrassing sometimes.

“Now Squirtle, how about you give the food back to the nice man?” I said with a hint of authority

“Oh no, you keep it Squirtle.” Said Stan. Squirtle gave a happy cry and continued to eat and eat.

“Thank you for checking out my Pokemon. Say, could I grab a bed here for the night?” I asked hopefully, the Government subsidised rooms were a blessing for trainers, they were free for up to a week and then you had to pay. Plus these rooms saved me from delving into my cash, which I had saved, and Mum put in money weekly. It was a pretty sweet deal really.

“Sure, I’ll just grab you a pair of keys for your room.” Pulling out a form he passed it to me, “Oh and you have to agree to these conditions”

I filled out the forms before going to my room. I walked in and found a Double bed and two singles as well as a small kitchenette and a bathroom. It was quite good just for the single trainer such as myself. I dumped my huge backpack and put Squirtle and Mr. Mime in their Pokeballs and went off to see the city at night.

We found a nice park and I grabbed some Fish and Chips, for us all. Elekid was starting to develop his attacks nicely, they used to be quite inaccurate and weak, but as it grew with amazing speed, so did its skills. We were digging into the greasy, artery clogging food when a guy about 12 came up and said, “Do you wanna battle?” he asked nervously

“Three on three, $20 for the winner?” I proposed

“Sure, my name’s Liam by the way”

“Ok Liam lets battle, my name’s Andrew. But where?” I looked puzzled until Liam pointed to a sign next to a path that said – Pokemon Arena

When we arrived, I had my team by my side, with Squirtle holding the chips. This was a disadvantage, I had lost the element of surprise, but I could still win. The arena had a circular pool in the middle, and within the circle, a smaller circle of land, but otherwise than that, it just had compacted dirt ground.

“Lets get to it! Go! Slugma!” he yelled out and lobbed a totally red Pokeball onto the ground.

With a flash of light and a burst of heat a deep red slug appeared, its intense heat making the air around it hard to look at. “Slugma” it bellowed in a slightly cute voice. I pulled out my Pokedex to confirm my suspicions; Slugma was a fire rock Pokemon. Using common sense, I decided to use water.

”Squirtle! You’re turn to battle!” I said to it, motioning it to go attack. Squirtle simply stood there and continued eating. “Come on Squirtle!” I hissed at it. Squirtle ignored me and continued to eat, “I’ll buy you more food Squirtle!” I promised. And with that the blue turtle jumped into the arena, determined to win.

Liam couldn’t help but laugh, he snickered out “Slugma, ember!”

“Squirtle, jump in the water and keep firing water guns until Slugma faints!” I commanded, if Squirtle touched that thing it would most probably lose its life.

The weird blob of boiling lava and magma shot out a globule of fire from its bubbling and charcoal back. The Slugma gave a grin as some lava dripped from its mouth, quite disgustingly. The glob of lava or whatever it was hit Squirtle on its shell as it was gliding through the air towards the pool, and I noticed its stomach was noticeable larger making it an easier target. The cobalt Pokemon showed a degree of worry as the lava began to eat into its shell, but as it hit the water with a bellyflop, steam arose and extinguished the fire.

I was a bit worried and said hopefully “Squirtle! Good work! Keep popping up and down and firing water guns!”

“Slugma! Boil the water with more embers” Liam said menacingly

Slugma was firing ember after ember into the water, heating it up to an unbearable level. The sneaky little turtle jumped out of the pool where Slugma couldn’t see it and crept behind, giving a “Squirt” before it fired its Water Gun at Slugma’s horrified self as its skin began to form a crust, sending it into unconsciousness.

“Fine! Go Goldeen!” Liam said nervously as he recalled his fire Pokemon and released his water Pokemon.

Liam threw then Pokeball in the water and out came big goldfish, its white and gold skin, quite attractive with a pearl looking horn. Goldeen echoed its name through the water and looked ready for battle.

“Good work Squirtle, come back. Elekid lets go!” And with that Elekid was far more willing to battle than Squirtle who I had to bribe.

Squirtle quickly jumped off the arena and ran back to my side as Elekid ran onto the field, they gave each other a hi-5 as they passed each other.

“Goldeen, use a Supersonic!” Liam grasped at his ears as he

“Quick Elekid, try to yell as loud as you can” I countered, hoping to null Supersonic out.

Goldeen brought its head out of the water and gave a cute smile before opening its mouth and a high pitched shriek which stunned Elekid as he tried to counter by yelling out. But it simply failed, as he clutched his head as he tried to block out the sound.

I saw Liam say something, but I couldn’t hear him, the high pitch had prevented me from hearing. Elekid and I were as deaf as each other, which wasn’t a good thing. Goldeen dived out of the water, its horn glistening, I went to yell out a warning, but realized it was useless. Elekid saw the Goldfish’s horn coming towards him as he dove out of the way. Goldeen missed and hit the ground with a thud, it was suddenly landlocked!

It flopped around on the ground as Elekid had to laugh at it, but it knew what to do, it began charging with Electricity but Goldeen wasn’t done yet, it fired off a water gun which just resulted in it being spun around as it didn’t have any grip to keep it grounded.

Liam dejectedly returned his water element to its Pokeball and threw out his last Pokemon with a frown. I was starting to regain my hearing by this time, which was always a good thing.

With a flash a small bear appeared, its crescent moon on its forehead shining. It was so cute! I didn’t really want to hurt it but it was so CUTE! “Teddiursa” It cooed. Elekid looked at me and frowned, with that it ran over to the Teddy Pokemon and said something to it before it headbutted it with its plug which was crackling with electricity.

I realized I’d made Elekid jealous, he wanted to be the cutest and was intent on taking down Teddiursa, but the poor Teddy scratched its chest in retaliation. Elekid then sent a small jagged beam of electricity of it, using its thundershock, which made the little Teddiursa faint. I gave a small pout, I’d have to get a Teddiursa one day.

“I guess you win, here’s your $20” said Liam grudgingly he said as he handed over the money and walked off.

“Thanks Liam, see ya round. Ok?” I yelled after him.

I turned back to my team and congratulated them. ” Good work guys! How about we get you fixed up at the Pokemon Center, and then have a look at the city at night”

We walked back together to the center in high spirits, I had to buy Squirtle more food as a pay-off and treat as if he were the cutest thing alive, but it was worth it. I’d won two battles out of two! We walked around the city and looked at the sites before going back to our room to sleep. Tomorrow if I could get an appointment I was going to fight the Gym Leader, Sophie.

6th September 2002, 07:50 PM
Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 5: Muck, Minesweeper and Aquariums

Having won three battles so far, and being in Volup City, I thought I should take a crack against a gym leader with my trio of Pokemon. I decided to ask Stan for some information regarding the Gym Leader and some possible strategies.

“Hey Stan, who’s the Gym Leader?” I asked the next morning. Thankfully, when you registered with the Government, the gyms would gradually increase in difficulty as you traveled, but apparently after the second gym, things got really difficult.

“Sophie and well the Gym theme for the Gym here in Volup City is ground” replied Stan

“What types of Pokemon does she use?” I pried, hoping to get the upper hand, but I already knew Squirtle had a large advantage. That is, if I didn’t have to bribe him.

“Well for a beginner such as yourself I think she uses basic Pokemon that aren’t duel-type,” said Stan

“And what are they?” I asked suspiciously

“Sorry, I can’t tell you. Official rules and all.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Well…. thanks anyway. So, where is it?” I winced as I said this, realizing I had a Refidex upstairs.

With the instructions clear in my mind I set off through the streets of Volup with Mr. Mime, Elekid and Squirtle following behind me. I turned up to a nice modern looking building, but one I walked inside the automatic doors, it was like stepping into a time-warp. The walls were all clad with dirt and the floor was even dirtier. I knew that this place couldn’t be very hygienic so I just tried not to touch anything. There was a reception area and an elevator to the left. I walked up to the reception desk where a woman was busy playing minesweeper on her PC, when she heard me approaching she pressed Alt-Tab and it popped up with a word processor and she pretended to start typing.

“Excuse me, could I please make an appointment to battle the Gym Leader?” I said to the receptionist cheerfully.

“Well, when then?” Came the reply, she looked about thirty but extremely annoyed.

“Say about 3pm this afternoon?” I said hopefully. If I were lucky, the Gym Leader would be a bit more tired in the afternoon.

“Let me just check the schedule” she said. She then pulled out a form and stuck it in my face. “Oh, yeah. Fill this out too. I’m busy”. With that she turned back to playing Minesweeper.

I sighed and went over to a mud brick counter, I filled in the form, but it was covered in dirt. I had to go have a shower, I felt so DIRTY! I quickly handed the form back to the woman, completed. Mr. Mime was being a sort of a parent to Elekid, he was like a father looking after him, but Squirtle seemed like nothing more than that ratty sibling you wish never existed.

“Yeah, come back at 3pm” she hissed.

“Thanks for your help” I said coldly and walked out of the Gym briskly. God, what a horrid woman, but I guess working in there was kinda a bad job.

I quickly went back to the PokeCentre and had a shower, getting rid of all the traces of dirt from my body. I quickly set out and went to prepare for the Gym battle that afternoon. Walking along the streets, I thought it would be best if we had an early lunch before a final training session which after we would face the Gym leader.

“Hey guys, how about we have some lunch at this Chinese restaurant” I asked my crew.

They all replied happily. I was starting to think that they all had hollow legs, because the amount that they ate was astounding. Elekid had unfortunately picked up on Squirtle’s gluttony, but it wasn’t as bad, fortunately. We had fried rice, honey chicken, sweet and sour something or other and finally some deep-fried ice cream, which was pretty nice. Half an hour later we walked out, stuffed. I figured that they really couldn’t battle on an empty stomach.

“Ok, lets go do some tactical training” I decided, leading them towards the park. With that we headed off, Elekid was a tad distracted by the play equipment, but I let him have a go. But not the other two, they would have to battle. We actually did see Liam, but when we waved he pretended he didn’t see us and quickly left pretending he had somewhere else really important to be. I found a nice part of the park where we trained for the remainder of the lunchtime period.

I walked back into the gym glaring at the receptionist, that rude woman, the level of service these days had dropped significantly, and this woman was one of the main problems. I had a quick glance at her screen as I walked past; she was now playing Solitaire.

“Which way to the gym leader please?” I said as snarkily as I could.

“Go down the elevator” She said without even looking up.

I recalled my team to their Pokeballs and pressed the button for down, with a ping the doors opened and I stepped inside, bloody nervous. I was glad the elevator was not dirty like upstairs; I thoughtfully hoped that the arena was a glisteningly clean area, all shiny and new!

Then I realized that if I totally bombed out with Pokemon training, then well I’d have to go home and go back to school! I had scammed a year off thanks to some smarmy talking but well Mum and I had a deal, if I totally screw up, the escapade is over. After what seemed like a math lesson, another ping signaled the end of my trip.

I stepped out and saw that there was dirt everywhere, before realizing that we were in an underground cavern with support beams holding the roof up. I sure as hell didn’t want to be buried underground. I shuddered as I stepped outside, it was cold and annoying lit, there were huge floodlights up everywhere, it was blindingly bright.

“So, you’re my 3pm appointment” came a girl’s voice; Sophie I presumed. She was quite pretty, if not a bit dirty and her green eyes shining through the dirt smudges on her face. She looked about twenty-something and wore a pair of stonewashed jeans and a blue top, fully equipped with mud stains.

“Yeah, I’m here for a gym battle. I’m Andrew,” I said while puffing up my chest, sporting my best smile, and deepening my voice in a vain attempt to look tough.

“WELL THEN, LETS HAVE A TWO ON TWO BATTLE. NO TIME LIMIT. OK.” She said, setting the ground (pun intended) rules.

I felt as nervous as hell, I felt even more nervous than the time I was in the school musical but I just nodded and threw out Mr. Mime’s and Squirtle’s Pokeballs. With a flash, two blobs of white energy formed into their forms, Mr. Mime and Squirtle. I groaned when I saw Squirtle’s shell had a stain from some Soy Sauce on his shell. I felt a bit of a shiver up my spine as I refocused on the task at hand.

“FINE PHANPHY AND SANDSHREW GO!!!” Screamed Sophie. There was obviously something wrong with that woman I deducted as the Pokeballs hit the floor.

A cute blue elephant appeared with some pink ridges on its trunk and waved its trunk in the air; it was a Phanphy. Another globule of energy formed into a cute Sandshrew, its big dark eyes looking at me. I sighed at the cute sight before me, before the roof began to shake from Sophie's screaming. I took about three steps backwards towards the elevator as I felt the earth move, under my feet.

I was so afraid of the roof collapsing in I put my finger to my mouth and hissed out, “Shhhhh!!!!! You’ll make the roof collapse!!!!”

“WHAT? PARDON!!! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” screamed Sophie

I gave her a deadpan look as I thought to myself, “This girl must have her ears filled with dirt or maybe her head…”

“BE QUIET OR THE ROOF WILL COLLAPSE!” I yelled back equally as loud.

I noted that the Pokemon were just standing there trying to block their ears and looking uneasy in the arena. They gave a small wave to each other before taking battling stances.

“AH! OK” she said. “Phanphy Tackle and Sandshrew dig!” she commanded, starting the battle.

I quickly reacted by saying “Mr. Mime use barrier on the ground and stand on it. Squirtle, you distract Phanphy “

The cute elephant gave a trumpet and began to charge towards my Squirtle. Squirtle took Phanphy’s hit head on and gave a laugh, taking only a small degree of damage, thanks to his tough shell. Sandshrew however furiously started digging at the ground with its sharp claws before quickly disappearing in like ten seconds flat. Mr. Mime had concentrated his Psychic energies and was now standing on a nice big block of metal, his barrier.

“Sandshrew stay down, Phanphy get it with another tackle!” Ordered the grubby girl.

“Mr. Mime and Squirtle, use your team attack” I grinned like a stupid yokel as I said this.

Phanphy was charging straight for Mr. Mime, hoping he’d have more luck with his attack there. Suddenly Squirtle started talking to Phanphy in is own little language. Then abruptly, Phanphy stopped dead in its tracks and started making this weird snorting sound. I soon realized that Squirtle had distracted Phanphy by telling him a joke. While Phanphy was rolling on the floor laughing, Mr. Mime came up and boxed in Phanphy with his Light Screen.

“Mim Mime Mr!” Crowed Mr. Mime, happy that his part of the team attack was over, then while he was laughing Sandshrew popped up from under him and knocked him on his bottom, covering him with dirt and a flurry of scratches.

Squirtle took over where Mr. Mime left and filled up the “Aquarium” with his bubble attack, Mr. Mime had left a small hole in the top Screen, which is where the water went in, and Phanphy wasn’t at all paying attention before the water began to hit him, hurting his body. Phanphy gave a trumpet of help before it gave a scream and fainted surrounded by his weak element. Squirtle was happy that Phanphy fainted because it was now two on one. Sure Squirtle’s attack had been underhanded, but it got the job done. I was glad the cheap trick won. I’d have to remember it for the future.

Sandshrew was however on Mr. Mime’s head and scratching away. Mr. Mime clutched his head in pain, trying to keep his scalp on and trying to bat Sandshrew off. The small sand coloured Pokemon jumped off of its victim and gave a wicked grin, looking at Mr. Mime. The psychic Pokemon had taken a vicious scratching which had left him with many bloody marks.

“Come on Mr. Mime, you can do it! You can beat that shrew!” I yelled some encouragement.

“I don’t think so, this battle isn’t over yet. Make your Mime take down his box so I can return Phanphy and we’ll continue” Said Sophie, obviously unhappy that she only had her shrew left after my scam.

“Come on guys, let’s earn our first badge! Elekid, you can watch too,” I yelled as I threw Elekid’s Pokeball to the ground. I was glad that Elekid could now be carried in a Pokeball, because now I didn’t have to watch him 24 hours a day. I think he was disappointed that he couldn’t battle, but I’d explained to him earlier at the Chinese restaurant over some Honey Chicken that his Electricity wouldn’t hurt Sophie’s Pokemon at all and he’d only get hurt. He seemed a bit disheartened but agreed.

While Mr. Mime was taking down the box and the unconscious Phanphy was released from his water torture, Squirtle was slacking off and talking to Elekid. Elekid then fell over, repeating syllables of his name over and over again. Elekid was obviously entertained by the turtle’s jokes. Squirtle was a good joke teller; I’d credit that as one of his finer points. But while they were all distracted, Sandshrew had tunneled back underground.

“Squirtle! Stop telling jokes and fill up Sandshrew’s hole with water so that it will have to come out! And Mr. Mime, get a Confusion ready for Sandshrew!” I yelled out the orders, wanting this win so badge so bad. If I lost, back to the books! I shuddered at the thought.

Sophie grimaced then retaliated, “Once you come up Sandshrew, use Mud-Slap on Squirtle!”

Squirtle started filling up the hole with water, and eventually, Sandshrew came up in a frantic hurry, but when he did, a pile of mud emerged from the earth and was dumped all over Squirtle. Mr. Mime meanwhile had focused on giving out his most powerful Confusion, and he let it loose. The ripples weren’t so subtle this time and traveled over to Sandshrew, too sudden for it to react. Sandshrew was knocked down by these waves and tried to stand back up, but couldn’t. Its mind and body had been battered into submission through one attack. Pretty nifty. Sandshrew had fainted almost instantly; it didn’t even attempt to get back up.

We had won our first Gym Battle! Elekid was by my side and ran onto the arena congratulating a grazed Mr. Mime and a very dirty Squirtle. I ran onto the arena also and gave them a hug and a hi-five of congratulations, all the while praising them up.

A depressed voice broke the contentment of the moment. “Excuse me, Andrew or whatever, come over here and get your Gym Badge”

I ran over with my trio behind me and took the badge out of her hand, it was a piece of Amber; fossilized sap.

“Here’s my badge the Amber Badge,” she said, obviously depressed. I looked at the badge and she continued on. “My Pokemon and I dig up these Gym Badges ourselves so they’re awfully rare you know. We actually made this cavern when I was working for the Museum and finding fossils. So don’t go losing it, its very rare. You could make your own with some glue, a bug and some food coloring if you really wanted. Oh yeah and Congratulations” She said, putting her grubby glove in my hand and shaking it.

“Thanks Sophie! Great work guys! We’ve got our first Gym Badge!” I told Squirtle, Elekid and Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime dido’ look so crash hot after the battle so I recalled him and Squirtle.

“See ya!” I yelled out as we ran towards the elevator, I saw the roof shake and I made a hasty retreat to the elevator, frantically pushing the button to get out.

After we returned to the Pokemon Center, and had my Pokemon fixed up, using some great medical technology Mr. Mime would be fine in a few hours. I showed Stan our first badge and decided to take Squirtle and Elekid out around the town. I scanned the badge with my Pokedex, updating my status. I also let Stan update the database, so the information was secure around the world.

We went to the Department Store and I bought some credit cards, Culture Cards, which when inserted into an education revolver, the Pokemon would be able to use that move which the information was imprinted within the card’s memory. It was quite handy, if you didn’t have the time or effort to try teaching your Pokemon manually. Plus some Pokemon were just plain stubborn!

I traveled back to the Pokemon Center and ordered a Pizza, in about forty minutes, we had a good meal there as we sat on the balcony, looking out at Volup City at night, taking in the sights of what would be our last sleep there.

Gavin Luper
7th September 2002, 12:31 AM
hi Oz! Well, well, you're throwing big slabs of the fic in at a time, eh? Two can play at that game! Actually, I already have, but I'd better go chuck a couple of chapters up.

And EVIL YOU! You haven't replied to LTL yet! Tsk tsk! Oh yeah I'll keep reading, just like last time, and the time before, and the time ---- just KIDDING!

LMAO cheers!

7th September 2002, 12:20 PM
very good story i will continue to follow this story

Chris 2.1
7th September 2002, 01:44 PM
Nice going there, Oz. I finally managed to sign in (for the Umpteenth time) and have decided to read it! its doing good, i'm noticing small improvements, and i like them!

(Btw, my aussie cousin told me what Tim-Tams are ;))
and, i'm hopefully putting A Boy And His Bear up, but a few chapters are missing from my archive of chapters, so i'm writing them up! also, making small tweaks here and there.

keep writing!

7th September 2002, 03:54 PM
Teehee! I lurv this story! It's so quirky and and has a great flow to it. It all fits and the characters are great! You're an excellent writer, Oz! Keep it up!

Mystical Mew
8th September 2002, 08:17 PM
Good fiction. ^_^ I reviewed this like... a year ago? The description is great and all, but you need to descrbe more emotion you said he was nervous and that was about it. o-o; I would imagine a trainer/person would have more emotion then that.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
9th September 2002, 10:09 AM
@_@...you just dumped a whole load of chapters....

*pants* just finished reading all. Hurry up and get to a part where I haven;t read yet...pretty please?

10th September 2002, 03:55 PM
OMG Thanks to all you really nice people who replied ^^ Its really nice of you all! ^^ :D

Gavin: Yep I threw up a heap of chapters that way I can get back to editing the newer chapters sooner and sooner publishing them! And I replied to Lisa! Honest to God I did!

Blastoise 007: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

Shiny Marril: Ah, goodo! You finally got onto the boards! Lol! I'm glad you like the changes! It'll be good to see B&HB up ^^; And improved too! Thanks for reading!

Aquababe 727: Yay! I'm glad you like it! I always intended it to be quirky and fun! Thanks for reading, and well I'm glad you love the characters! Thank you very much! Thanks for reading!

Mystical Mew: Thanks for reading, and thanks for the constructive criticism! I don't like putting in a ton of emotions because it tends to bog the story down in a quirky tale such as this, TFOB is full of emotions and woah... Thanks for reading!

Joltstorm: Thanks for reading *Hands an EBTV Water Bottle* And I'm getting back to where I was before - Chapter 21!

Thanks to everyone again!

Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 6: Retinas, Lasers and Fishing

Having won the Amber Badge in Volup City, I had no further need to stay there, so I decided to head off to the next destination – Ede Town, a little seaside town that was great for tourists. But most importantly, it had the next gym challenge.

With my cool little trio of Mr. Mime, Squirtle and Elekid out of their Pokeballs, I thought we could take the nice seaside route to Ede Town. But first we had to go to the supermarket to stock up on some food. I didn’t trust Squirtle around food, so I decided to put him back in his Pokeball before I was near there. We shopped for about an hour and a half, going to the Deli section, grabbing all these different foods I’d never tasted before. If I didn’t like them, then there were three others that might.

After repacking my pack with a whole heap of food, funded from Mum putting money on my ATM card, I decided to give Jessica a call on my Mobile Phone before I left. I dialed in the number and was greeted with an engaged tone. I kept trying for about half an hour before Jessica finally picked up and with a slathering of snootiness “What do you want Andrew?!”

“Um hi and how are those eggs going, Jess?” I said, a bit taken back by her tone of voice.

“Well, I have to take them EVERYWHERE Andrew, do you know how embarrassing that is? I mean all the people on the bus just look at that huge big heat box I carry, anyway, I think they’re gonna hatch soon because I held them up to the light and you can see their silhouettes. And I got them checked out, so I know what they are. Oh! You’re in trouble! Ha Ha! Mum said that you sent me a fire Pokemon and you know fire Pokemon aren’t allowed in the house because its too risky so I’m going to send that red and cream and black egg back to you. The Pokemon Center here in Hanlon town said it was going to be a Cyndaquil. Plus you sent me a Kabuto and those things are SO ugly, they look like giant cockroaches, so you can have it” Rambled Jess.

I was amazed at how much she could talk, and then I reminded myself that she was a teenage girl and this tool was awfully effective in scamming money off of parents for anything from clothes to tuckshop money. “Well fine Jess, courier it to the Pokemon Center in Ede Town and I’ll pick them up from there.”

“You haven’t got any new Pokemon; have you Andrew?” asked my sister suspiciously

I really didn’t want to tell her I had a Elekid otherwise she may want that too so I just lied, “No…”

“Oh. Well see ya” She said disappointed.

“Tell mum I love her and look after my Kelpie Rocky, you better be looking after my dog, tell him he’s the cutest doggie woggie! Yes he is! He’s the cutest doggie woggie in the whole world!” I quickly realized what I was doing and hastily ended the conversation, “Bye!” I fumbled out and hung up before I made more of a fool of myself.

“Ok guys, are we ready to go to Ede Town?” I asked Elekid, Mr. Mime and Squirtle who looked at myself and looked well… embarrassed to know me and gave a half-hearted smile.

A faked cry of happiness came, so I decided we had best go. As we walked along the track, which was parallel to the beach, I was glad to see the blue-green water continually crashing up against the shore and the wind rustling through my hair on this bright sunny day. The beach had to be one of the nicest places to be, so cool and refreshing.



That afternoon I jumped onto the bus boiling hot, holding onto the egg container; apparently I had an Igglybuff, Cleffa, Smoochum, Chikorita, Seel and an Eevee all ready to hatch any day now. I couldn’t believe I had to lug this around with me everywhere, but well actually, I didn’t have to really hold it, the boys on the bus were more than happy to take it for me. Plus I left it in the science lab during the day.

“You got that?” I asked Bryce who was carrying the container.

“Yes, Jess” he replied as he carefully placed the egg container down on the bus seat as I made my way towards the back seat. The bus was a horrible, horrible thing, it was like Vinyl City, so cheap, I couldn’t believe we had to catch it every morning and afternoon. But well it was the only way to get to school. But the only real feature this bus from the fifties had was an “Evaporative Cooling System” it did crap all but when we went past a shedding tree we once had flowers coming through the vents. It was a very video clip situation. But most of the people on the bus were cool, that made it worthwhile, but there weren’t many girls so I had to set a high standard for my school.

“Hey Jess” said Gideon as I sat down.

“Hey Gideon” I replied

“You look good, how are ya?” he commented

I blushed; someone had finally noticed my high standards! I spent at least forty minutes every morning making sure I looked good, I couldn’t go out to school looking like a scraggy old woman, plus when you’re popular, you have to keep looking good, all the time. “Oh thanks! I’m good thanks, yourself?” I modestly said

“Good, good” I winced at his lackluster reply, he could do better than that, but I ignored him and turned back to Bryce.

“So Bryce, you going to the school dance on Saturday right? I hear they’re getting a strobe light and a smoke machine” Bryce was also cool, but he could be weird sometimes.

“Ah well, yeah, its set to be awesome, you heard Eminem’s new song?” he answered back.

“Without Me isn’t it? Oh yeah, that is SO cool, and have you seen the video clip?” I responded

“Yeah, I find it so funny when he attacks Moby” blurted in Julie

“Yeah….” I said trailing off, I didn’t like Julie, she dressed like such a skank, and well in a school uniform its hard to do, but she somehow did it.

“Oh here’s my stop!” I said as I jumped off the bus, “Bye!” I waved to them all as I crossed the road to walk the short trip home. I had a feeling I forgot something, “Bag, hat, PE Gear….”, I said aloud. It suddenly dawned on me, “The Pokemon!”

“Wait, wait!” I yelled as I ran after the bus



Walking past one of the secluded beaches I saw a Staryu just laying on the beach so of course being a Pokemon Trainer, I wanted to catch it. With Squirtle swimming around in the waves while Mr. Mime, Elekid and I walked alongside, I had to act fast because Staryu was a very hard Pokemon to catch unaware. Plus it could learn a heap of attacks.

I pointed to Staryu and whispered to Elekid, because he had a type-advantage “Sneak up on the Staryu over there and use Thunder-wave, you know that new move you learnt. Then use a Quick Attack to get behind it and then use a Thunder-Punch on it from behind.” Elekid just nodded and gave a smile, ready to do me proud and ran onto the sand while firing off a few Thunder-waves at the sunbaking Staryu. It looked like it was sunbaking. But it’s always hard to tell. Especially with a thing like Staryu.

The plan went perfectly, when Squirtle saw Elekid running towards the water he dived out and went to see what was going on, although he decided to stack back from his crackling fist and plug. Getting zapped wasn’t high on the list of things to do with Squirtle. Eating was probably number one. He’d probably cost me a fortune in food in the future.

The thunder-waves that Elekid fired off from its plug were nice little rings of electricity that screwed with the Pokemons’ ability to move correctly. Staryu jerked with anger that it had been attacked, only to spin its crystal around to sense what was there, but Elekid had used its Quick Attack to get behind Staryu and punch it in the rear with a Thunder-Punch. Staryu never knew what really hit it.

I ran down to the beach and tried to kick off my shoes at the same time, as not to get sand in them but fell over instead. Seeing me face down in the sand Mr. Mime ran over to me with Squirtle trailing and helped me up, and they put an empty Pokeball in my hand and patted me on the back.

I went up to Elekid and patted his plug to congratulate him, only to get a shock. I reared back and threw the Pokeball at the seriously injured Staryu. I missed however, when the Staryu quickly used the last of its energy to try and evade the Pokeball, making some weird grunt while doing so. The Pokeball sailed into the ocean so I asked Mr. Mime and Squirtle to please retrieve the Pokeball for me. Those Pokeballs were expensive and I wasn’t going to leave expensive stuff around.

I aimed again and threw the ball; this time it hit Staryu just above its crystal core. It gave a tired cry as it was transformed into red energy, before being sucked inside with no resistance. I walked over to the Pokemon Ball and collected my new capture with Elekid. I gave the small electric Pokemon a congratulations, and he loved the praise.

I gave Elekid another congratulations before we headed down to the rock pools where the Pokeball had landed. I wasn’t going to lose a Pokeball, after all they were $20 each, and when you buy a few, it really adds up. Squirtle was swimming around, while Mr. Mime had grabbed a net from my bag and was using it in the water.

Suddenly Mr. Mime caught a Krabby and threw it back abruptly with a scared cry when it tried to grab his arm with its pincers. Then out of the deep blue two Kingler came out of the surf with angry looks on their faces and gurgling while snapping their pincers at Mr. Mime. I was guessing that well after hurting their offspring, these parent Pokemon, weren’t happy.

“Come on Mr. Mime, you can take them, use your confusion”, I yelled. And with that, Mr. Mime started concentrating on creating a powerful confusion attack. But the Kingler duo had come up to him and had whacked him on the head with a Crabhammer attack. Mr. Mime fell into the sand, very stunned and he struggled to get back up.

This was starting to look bad for my Mime, so I decided to let Squirtle and Elekid help him, but as they got close to the Kingler, the crabs quickly turned around and let loose with a Bubble attack which blasted them into the sea. Elekid flailed around in the water, his lack of swimming ability meant he’d drown without help, but Squirtle was there with a helping shell.

I decided to run away from these Kingler, which obviously had something against Mr. Mime for throwing that Krabby back into the sea while looking for my Pokeball. I figured out an escape route and made sure it was best if we just ran so I quickly attached Staryu’s Pokeball to by belt, took off Elekid and Squirtle’s Pokeballs and recalled them and attached them back to my belt.

I then grabbed Mr. Mime’s Pokeball and tried to recall him but a Kingler who turned around to face me intercepted the red beam! I quickly started firing off the red beam again and again and luckily I hit one of the Kingler in the eye, temporarily blinding it. I took this opportunity to do this to the other Kingler and recall Mr. Mime.

I then ran like hell while the two Kingler with burned retinas stumbled around the beach and occasionally hit each other with their Crabhammer attack. I took off up the beach and continued running until I was sure that the Kingler would never catch up to me again.

I eventually stopped at a nice seaside park with barbeque facilities about two hours after the Kingler incident and decided we should cook up a barbeque dinner. I was a little unsure about letting Staryu out of its Pokeball, but I did so anyway. It looked worn out and its core just thumped with a nice steady red glow, illuminating a small area in front of it. I started to talk to Staryu, hopeful it could understand me and then gave it a burger, which it lay on, and it disappeared a short time later. I was kind of amazed but then remembered that starfish usually have a mouth on its hack so Staryu must too. My other Pokemon dug in and Squirtle ate like a pig – as usual. Staryu looked a little better and I put some Paralyze Heal on a cloth and wiped it onto Staryu before returning it to its Pokeball to rest. It seemed a bit uneasy, but overall friendly, it didn’t have a clue who attacked it. And that was how it was going to stay.

I wished that perhaps we didn’t have to walk everywhere, I was sure sick of it, sure I was toning my legs, but it was torture! As I drifted off to sleep while watching the moonlight reflecting off the sea I’m sure that far off in the distance there was Pokemon of some type jumping in and out of the sea, I presumed that it was a pod of Dewgong. They weren’t anything as cute as my Rocky Doggie!

10th September 2002, 03:56 PM
Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 7: Napalm, Telekinesis and Café’s

Walking on my way to Ede Town, I was reading through my Shiny Silver Pokedex on my Pokemon and their attacks. I had finished downloading updates for my Pokedex. I was halfway through some basic Mime info when I discovered that Mr. Mime could use Telekinesis; the ability to move objects telepathically. As I read further, Mr. Mime could float living things, as long as it was willing. With this new knowledge, I released Mr. Mime to see what he could float.

“Mr. Mime, I just found out that you could use your Telekinesis to levitate things… Do you think you could float my backpack?” I asked him. A blue aura surrounded my blue backpack and the same aura was emitted through Mr. Mime’s eyes. Before I knew it, it was floating up to my face. “Cool”, I thought to myself, “He can levitate stuff like that Alex Mack girl, except without the computer generated tricks!”

Mr. Mime did some tricks with the backpack, which I was impressed with because it weighed a ton and he cleaned it out and re-packed it, all in mid-air! Being really game I let out my smallest Pokemon, Elekid. I asked them both if they wanted to be part of my “game (experiment)”, as I wanted to see how much Mr. Mime could psychically lift. Elekid calmed down and stood still as Mr. Mime concentrated on lifting up Elekid. Elekid was giggling like a baby in no time, as Mr. Mime flew him around, near the shoreline. I then thought that there might be slightly embarrassing and I’d be swamped by questions from bratty children so I’d best wrap it up.

I thanked Mr. Mime and told him we need his skills later when we face other trainers. I decided to let Elekid walk with me, as he probably didn’t understand much about the world, so I talked about how the world worked, give him some basic knowledge. I think he really enjoyed it, but you can never be sure.

Before I knew it we went down to the beach, and I had a sudden impulse to run away. But then I saw a guy, about 18 polishing a Pokeball while looking out to the sea, tears in his brown eyes. I asked if I could perhaps battle him, so he agreed with a tearful nod before saying sullenly, “I’ll only use one Pokemon, and you can use up to six on my one because it’s very strong”.

“Um…is that Ok. Oh, and I’ll use four Pokemon?” I cautiously asked.

“Yes. Let us begin”, he said.

“Charizard. I choose you!” and with that he threw his Pokeball into the air, towards the sun, where it opened and released and a majestic orangy-red dragon with green tinged wings and a flame on the end of its tail.

I looked in wonder, a fully evolved Pokemon and one of the strongest types in the world. I then realized the obvious…I WAS BATTLING THIS HUGE MONSTER! I let out a small yelp and released Staryu, Squirtle and Mr. Mime while Elekid jumped out of my arms.

“Ok guys, we need teamwork, Staryu and Squirtle, get in the water and try bring it down in the water. Mr. Mime you put up a barrier and Light Screen and Elekid, you start firing electricity at Charizard!” I had a plan…not a very good plan, but a plan nonetheless.

Charizard lazily flew above and got a bit of a shock when Staryu and Squirtle hit him with their Water guns at the same time. Mr. Mime had successfully used his defense moves, but Elekid’s Thunder-shock didn’t reach up to Charizard and Elekid was hitting nothing. Elekid gave a grunt of annoyance and frowned.

Charizard was slightly annoyed at this and swooped down to skim the waves of the water and it grabbed Staryu! This shocked Squirtle, being so close to his huge opponent, that he withdrew into his shell and it started bobbing on the surface of the water.

“Mr. Mime, use Substitute! Staryu! Minimize!” I yelled.

“Charizard, go after the turtle!” Yelled my mystery opponent

Staryu shrank and fell into the raging waves, but had been roasted by a quick flame while in Charizard’s clutches; Unfortunately, Squirtle had been roasted by Charizard’s Flamethrower Napalm attack and was also in bad shape. Elekid was still trying to get it with its Thunder-shock, however Elekid was now using quick Attack to get up higher and try shock the fire dragon.

“Mr. Mime, get Squirtle and Staryu back here!” This was starting to look bad, half my team was gone and Elekid couldn’t even hit it… That was it! “Mr. Mime levitate Squirtle and Staryu back here and hide behind your substitute and barrier and Light Screen!”

“Charizard, go after the little one” said my opponent coldly, arms folded across his chest and standing firm.

“Run Elekid Run!” For some reason when I was screaming this, I thought of Forrest Gump.

Elekid was running his little heart out and Mr. Mime had levitated Squirtle and Staryu over to me where I had to leave them for the time being. Charizard was flying behind Elekid shooting a little blast of fire here and there when I realized, he was playing with Elekid; Charizard could roast Elekid whenever it wanted.

“Elekid! Use Quick-Attack to get on its back and shock it with everything you got!” I was so worried now; Charizard could win at any time.

Elekid was a blur of yellow and black as he jumped on Charizard’s back, Elekid bellowed, his whole body pulsing with energy and plunged his socket into Charizard’s back; wounding and electrocuting it. With a whip of its mighty tail, it slapped Elekid off it back, and Elekid was falling towards the water; unconscious

I had to think of a plan quickly, Squirtle and Staryu were out and Mr. Mime was… Mr. Mime! “Mr. Mime, levitate Elekid over here”.

Elekid’s small body was falling towards the water when it suddenly stopped, a foot above the raging waves and its body was enveloped in blue, before floating back to me and being placed gently on the beach near me.

“Great work Elekid, you really hurt Charizard”, I said to Elekid. “Its up to Mr. Mime now” I thought grimly.

“Mr. Mime, time for you to take Charizard down! Use your most powerful move!” I said this, because I knew a confusion attack would be the attack. But Mr. Mime leaped out from behind his Barrier, Light Screen and Substitute and shot his hands out like a photographer, checking a shot, aimed at Charizard, closed his eyes and a multi-coloured beam of Psychic energy came from between his hands and hit Charizard in his wound from Elekid. It was Mr. Mime’s Psybeam.

Charizard gave a cry before falling down to the water below, only to recalled by its trainer. My defeated opponent looked even more depressed now and came over to talk.

“Great battle, my name’s Phil” he sullenly said.

“Oh. Hi. I’m Andrew” I said cautiously, I didn’t know this guy from a bar of soap and he seemed so sullen.

“Great battle there, I guess I owe you. What do you want? How about I buy you some drinks all round. But first, use these smelling salts on your Elekid and Squirtle. Staryu however will need to be sprayed with some water to bring it back into a full-conscious state.” Said Phil as he dug around in his bag for a small bottle of salts.

I stared dumbfounded at Phil’s knowledge before piping up, “How do you know so much about Pokemon, did you like study the Pokedex since you were like 3?” I asked with a stunned expression

“Well, lets get those drinks and I’ll tell you about it” said Phil, “I know this great place about a kilometer away. Come on, I’ll show you after we fix your Pokemon up” he said, a bit more cheerily.

“Mkay” I fumbled out

In about half an hour my Pokemon were all conscious again and we were sitting at a café, which overlooked the beach.

“Well, you wanted a big long life story, Andrew?” Said Phil

I nodded dumbly.

“Well, here’s the condensed version, basically I started with Charmander when I was ten, got my gym badges by eleven and took three annual attempts to become league champion, I then beat all the “Elite Trainers”, and then…” Phil broke down crying.

“There. There” I said in a monotone voice whilst tapping his back.

“Well, then The Association. Well… They stole almost all my Pokemon, except Charizard who was in a Pokemon Center at the time. Amphoros, Tyranitar, all the rest gone”. Phil started crying into his Beer again and knocked my chocolate milkshake all over Squirtle’s shell. I pitied the poor person who had to clean the mess up.

I swear Squirtle is like a food magnet, and I wanted to clean him up, but I wanted more info first. “So what is this Association?” I asked cautiously?

“Its an organization. They take steal Pokemon for personal gain and to sell to the highest bidders, and the rest they keep themselves. But some… are made into food or clothes or used as slave labor. But they can’t be beaten, some high businessmen run it and they pull the wool over everyone’s eyes” Sobbed Phil as he knocked over a bag of chips onto Squirtle’s shell.

“How did they get your Pokemon?” I asked

“I was so stupid. I was so naive. I put my Pokedex in one of their slots in their shops, which said it would update it. Oh boy it did. It actually put a tracking device and flash-bang in it. You know one of those things that disorientates you. Well, I was followed and when I tried to bring out one of my Pokemon, to fight them off, they set off the flash-bang using a remote. Needless to say, I was lying in an alleyway for the next three hours; I spent the next week in hospital. But I will get my Pokemon back” Phil stopped crying as he said this and sat up and with a look of cool revenge in his brown eyes and straightened up his black hair and composed himself.

Being my annoyingly helpful self, I automatically chirped in “I’ll help”, I hated my goodwill genes for always helping, and thought back to all the “good” it got me into.

“You will help me Andrew?” Said Phil as he wiped his eyes on his T-Shirt

I sighed. “Yes I will help, we can help each other, you help me train and I’ll help you against this ”Association”.

“Great! We’ll get them Andrew! Together we will!” Phil grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of my seat. The girl with the Latté and was talking on her mobile started chuckling quietly to herself at the table opposite me.

I realized that once again, I’d stupidly put myself in trouble. DAMN ME! Plus if I was too busy, I could miss Buffy on Television! God no!

10th September 2002, 03:59 PM
Well Electric Buggy To Victory's been updated with another 3 chapters that brings me back to Chapter 8.

Linky: Here! :P (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=38810#post38810)

10th September 2002, 04:00 PM
Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 8: Markets, Anorexia and Video Hits

As Phil and myself were walking into Ede Town, he was starting to talk my ear off; talking all about how great a trainer he used to be. Sure he did have an official card to prove it and all, I sure as hell wasn’t going to go along with some possible psycho who would kill or attack me! I just smiled and nodded, totally wincing at my stupid, stupid decision. If worst came to worst, I could always sacrifice him to save myself, stuff heroics, I was all about self-preservation.

Phil was telling me all about Ede town and all the highlights of it and all about the Gym Leader, his name was Tilden and he specialized in Fighting Pokemon. Phil went on about how he and his Charmeleon at the time whipped Tilden and his Mankey and Hitmonlee by simply roasting them at a distance before they could get an attack in.

I decided to butt in, “Hey Phil, is there anything really anything interesting in this town?”

“Um… haven’t you been listening? But well it’s been so long since I’ve been here, but if I remember correctly, there’s an old friend who studied Pokemon here in Ede Town, and it’s a fair hike down there, it’s a little house and adjoining office by the sea” replied Phil

“But first we have to go to the Pokemon center and I have to pick up a Cyndaquil and Kabuto egg Jessica sent me”, I was happy that I was going to get two new Pokemon, that I ran to the doors of the Pokemon Center and had to come to a screeching halt, almost slamming into the automatic doors that didn’t open as fast as I had expected. I was glad to keep my nose and face in its correct looking position.

I walked through into the building, feeling the cool air prickle against my sweaty exterior as I took a gulp from my water bottle and felt the greasiness from the sunscreen on my face. Politely I asked for directions from a woman named Cheryl who pointed me to the Mail area.

I got to the counter with Phil behind me and had to wait in line for about 5 minutes before I was being served. It certainly was much better than the service in a bank, or doctor’s surgery, they were completely slack.

“Name Please” asked the man behind the counter.

“Um, Andrew Hall” I said.

“I got two Pokemon here for you to pick up and a message,” he said.

“What! Are you sure they aren’t eggs!” I said alarmed.

“No, they hatched about six days ago. The staff have been looking after them ever since. And well there is a charge of ten dollars per day, per Pokemon” he replied in a bored tone.

“Well can I have the note first”, I was alarmed, Jess had sent me two Pokemon, and so something must be up and I had to pay one hundred and twenty dollars from my precious budget!

He handed over the note:

Dear Andrew,

I hope you get the eggs Ok; they contain a Cyndaquil and a Kabuto. I hope you like them, the ugly, ugly Kabuto and the cute Cyndaquil. If it weren’t for mum’s rule, she would have probably let me keep the cute Cyndaquil, but well now it’s your problem, along with Kabuto, the horrid little thing. I hate Kabuto’s!

I need you to send me Squirtle soon please, because I have a swimming carnival soon and I promised that I would bring Squirtle as our team mascot.

Oh yeah, mum says could you ring too.


PS. Send Squirtle!

I felt slightly annoyed by her sending this letter basically demanding that I send Squirtle. Plus she’s made it all the cuter by making all her small letter “i” with little love hearts. Bah. But well, what could I do, if I didn’t yield, she’d whine to mum and then I’d be accused of being unfair and having to come home.



It was great having a nice sleep in, especially on a Saturday morning, my curtains closed to keep out the sun and virtually no noise. I yawned and flopped back onto my bed, happy with the way things were, no Andrew and his stupid jokes, attitude or smell.

I was convinced all brothers were genetically made to smell bad, my friend Shannon said her brother smelt really bad; but who knows why?

I looked over to my watch, and saw the time, “Oh my god! I’m late!” I quickly grabbed my dressing gown and ran down the hall and to the lounge room in a frenzy, I WAS LATE!

“MUM! Why didn’t you wake me up!?” I yelled at mum, and I specifically asked her to wake me up, this was really important!

“Oh, morning Jess,” she said cheerily, but this was far from cheery, “I didn’t wake you because you looked so tired” and continued on washing up some plates in the kitchen.

I gave a frown and walked over to the Video recorder and checked for a tape, there was one on top of the cabinet – Andrew’s Buffy Episodes. I thought for a minute. Andrew had asked us to tape Buffy for us while he was gone and well mum was doing it but well, screw him, he wasn’t here and he didn’t need it. I jammed the tape into the player and pressed record, I was missing Video Hits!

If I missed it, then well I wouldn’t know all the newest and coolest songs to download on Kazaa, and I wouldn’t be ahead of everyone in knowing the best songs, I had a knack for knowing what songs were cool, and what weren’t.

I noticed the house was so much quieter without Andrew, and Mr. Mime, I wasn’t too fond of the Pokemon, but he did do a lot of work around the house, and that was a plus. I watched the new film clip from Nikki Webster, that try hard little girl who sang in the Sydney Olympics 2000 and now she had tried to become a cool singer. But she so sucked, and I hated her to the bone.

Rocky jumped at the door as mum came around to take the garbage down the back, “QUIET YOU STUPID DOG!” I yelled at him, he had no consideration for anyone, however I did. Mum gave me a look as I turned back to the television, taping Video Hits so I could play it again later.

Rocky slunk away, probably to go sniff the yard and keep watch over the yard. That stupid Andrew had taught him how to jump up, so when it got muddy, he dirtied all my good clothes, and that stupid brother thought he was the cutest thing in the world. He was so] retarded.

A few minutes later I was watching this crappy techno song, Heaven by DJ Sami, who had no talent whatsoever when mum came running up to me and grabbed my arm, “Come on Jess! Now!”

My arm felt it was ripping out of its socket, “In the ads, I’m busy” I said turning back to the television. But mum kept pulling, “Fine, fine, but if this is nothing” I threatened.

“For god’s sakes Jessica, the eggs are hatching!” yelled Mum frantically.

“Not Happy Jan” I commented, my favourite song was just starting, A1, Caught in the Middle and I had to go watch the little Pokemon Hatch, knowing my luck it would go all the way through Pepsi Live too.

Up in the spare room, the fish tank that I had converted for the eggs at home, the thud of egg on glass could be heard. With wonder I approached it, and the eggs were being slowly chipped away, the bluish egg suddenly had a white horn stick through it, making a hole and a small Seel pulled itself out and gave a small whimper.

It was so tiny and cute! I grabbed a towel from the linen cupboard and ran back, to see a tiny beige Pokemon with a green sprout on its head fall onto the floor of the enclosure, the little thing opened its red eyes and looked my Mum and I.

Then in a flash, Cleffa, Igglybuff and an Eevee came through the shells, all wet and whimpery, and finally a small purple Pokemon dragged itself through the shell, a tiny Smoochum

We’d have to get these to the Pokemon Center for some help and to get them their immunizations, cute little things. As we carried them downstairs, Rocky looked at us sadly, he was no longer the center of attention, “Sorry Rocky, we’ll be back soon” said Mum while I spat at the jumping dog, “Out of my way”

With that the dark chocolate kelpie ran off, and we loaded the enclosure into the backseat of the car with myself before Mum driving off. These cuties were mine! But I was missing Video Hits!



I was interrupted in my thinking, “Sir, could you please move away from the counter, I have others to serve, please make your way down to the nursery to pick up your Pokemon but pay first please”

I reluctantly paid for it with my dwindling cash supply went down the hallway and met Cheryl again who pointed out my Cyndaquil and Kabuto who were playing ball with a multitude of other Pokemon, they had green stickers on them.

The nurse went in and picked them up and brought them to Phil and myself. I decided to let out my other Pokemon to meet them. Elekid, Squirtle, Staryu and Mr. Mime all came out of their Pokeballs.

I received Cyndaquil in my arms and Phil got Kabuto, which promptly scratched his arm, so Phil dropped, wincing from the pain and giving it a chance to escape. I threw my Pokeball at it as it’s little claws scuttled along the sterilized floor, but Kabuto avoided it and gave what seemed to be a cackle.

“Mr. Mime stop it with a Barrier!” I yelled because I wasn’t going to let it escape, no way was I giving up a Pokemon.

Mr. Mime ran ahead of it, and put up a barrier, blocking off the corridor with a steel barrier. Kabuto wasn’t done yet and it scuttled as fast as its little claws could take it, making a U-Turn.

“Levitate it Mr. Mime!” I didn’t know if this would work, since only willing Pokemon and people could be lifted psychically.

The blue aura surrounded Kabuto for a second, before it shook it off and continued running, but it gave me enough time to throw a Pokeball at it. As the red energy that was Kabuto struggled inside the Pokeball as it rocked on the flood before finally conceding defeat, which made it officially mine.

During this scuffle I had put down Cyndaquil and my other three Pokemon had been entertaining it, while Phil and Cheryl had gone to get some band-aids to clean up Phil’s arm.

I put Kabuto in my pocket of my long cargo pants and went back to my Pokemon. I grabbed Cyndaquil and held onto it while Mr. Mime and Phil returned, I’d had enough of this Pokemon Center for one day, so I asked Cheryl if I could grab two rooms, one for me and one for Phil. She nodded and handed the keys to me, along with a ton of paperwork to be filled out. I dumped them into the room along with the 18-ton backpack in my room, and I decided it was time to visit the Researcher.

As we walked along the track to the Professors’, Phil started talking about his Alakazam and how he raised it from a Kadabra, I just did what I knew was best. Smiled and nodded as he rambled on, giving him the false impression that I was listening. Now Phil was a nice guy, but ever since losing his Pokemon to the Association, he was extremely clingy. My Pokemon however were chatting to Cyndaquil in my arms.

The formally small little place that Phil used to know was now a three-story mansion! Phil looked in awe as he walked up to the door and rung the doorbell. A woman who was extremely skinny answered the door; she had shoulder length blonde hair and the trademark white coat that all Professors and scientists wear and her green eyes glittered and smile was dazzling. She was attractive, in a skinny way…

“Hi, I’m Carly. Wait a minute! Phil! It’s you!” She put her arms around Phil and gave him a big hug.

“Oh, hi. I’m Andrew. I’m with Phil, he’s helping me get into the Pokemon League,” I piped up. I suddenly had to suppress all feeling to help people as I had I feeling that she may need some assistance.

“Yeah, and Andrew’s helping find my Pokemon” said Phil

Carly looked alarmed, “Oh you poor thing, come inside and tell me all about it. Andrew, come in and look around, make yourself at home.

“Hey Carly, can I make a phone call?” I asked, I wanted to ring home and it was cheaper than on my mobile phone.

“Sure! Anyway Phil, what did you do after you beat the Pokemon League…” She was happy babbling to Phil.

I picked up the receiver and Mum answered happily.

“Hi mum! I haven’t spoken to you in ages! I’m in Ede Town. How are you?” I said happy to hear her.

“Good, good. That’s great you’re so far! What Pokemon have you got?” she asked, I could literally hear her pride through the phone.

“I’ve got Elekid, Squirtle, Mr. Mime, Staryu and Jess just sent me Kabuto and Cyndaquil.” I said happily.

“Oh yeah, Jess is telling me to tell you to send Squirtle, can you hear her yelling in the background?” she said in a slightly drawling voice. Jessica could get on her nerves too sometimes.

“How’s work?” I asked

“Well, you know how I’m the Human Resource Officer there, at the Youth Detention Center, the new one with all the state of the art facilities and that wonderful pool. Anyway, the security has got some bugs, and on a few occasions a few of those ratbags got in and they broke that poor switch-girl’s arm with a Trumpet they stole from the Music Department. It’s not very nice. I’m glad I’m going to another department at the capital in a few weeks” she said, slightly depressed and worried, but she continued, “You’re such a sweetie for sending Jessica those Pokemon, they just hatched a few hours ago and they’re all Ok. They’re all just resting right now”

I suddenly had a sick feeling in my gut. “Mum, be careful and remember, I love you.”

“Andrew! Send me Squirtle!” screeched Jess on the phone; she must have gotten it off of mum.

“Oh, hi Jess. Did those eggs hatch?” I asked, trying to distract her.

“Oh yes, I’ve got a Cleffa, Igglybuff, Seel, Eevee, Smoochum, and Chikorita. They’re all so cute!” she cooed.

“Oh, of course they are Jess, I got them from your folder. You don’t mind if I use it for a fire now?” I taunted.

I had obviously hit a wrong note “What! You can’t do that! Get me more Pokemon! They’re even starting up a mini-tournament at school and I want to win!” she said in a terrible high pitch that I winced.

“Sure Jess, bye.” And I hung up the phone.

Carly and Phil came back, “So Andrew, do you want to see my Smeargle?” asked Carly

“Sure!” I replied, damn my helpfulness again!

Carly pulled out a Purple Pokeball, and threw it to the ground with grace.

A funny looking dog with a paint-brush for a tail and a barrette on its head came out. “Smear!”

“I’ve been researching Smeargle lately and have discovered that Smeargle can learn every known move! It’s awfully exciting, except they are limited by their power. Here I’ll show you.” Carly went over to the table and pulled out a bowling pin.

“Smeargle! Hyper Beam!” She commanded.

Smeargle grabbed his tail and brushed it across his forehead, he then opened his mouth wide and a great orange light started to accumulate there. But it they gave a grunt and a pinprick sized Hyper Beam came out and it hit the Bowling pin, shaking it. It was… unimpressive.

“See what I mean, It has super moves but it just isn’t powerful enough to back them up” said Carly.

Phil butted in, “Carly used to live around me before I went on my adventure. Maybe you can do her a favor Andrew? Why don’t you look after Smeargle?”

I decided to send Smeargle and Squirtle to Jess. I said goodbye to Squirtle and let my team say goodbye too, he didn’t seem too worried, but at the mention of food, he was more than happy to jump back into his Pokeball, and forget about me. Dejectedly I recalled him.

“Carly, can you send Squirtle and Smeargle to my Sister back in Hanlon?” I asked. I wasn’t really interested in a very weak Smeargle.

“Sure. Thank you so much Andrew, I don’t know what I can do to repay you? If you need something, give me a yell in the future.

I thanked her and grabbed Phil and decided to go back to the Pokemon Center. Phil said he was staying at Carly’s the night, and that I can come back tomorrow morning. Dammit, I had to stay alone, but well I wasn’t totally sure of Phil yet. Oh well, if he turns out to be evil, I’ll thwack him over the head with something large and heavy.

21st September 2002, 01:51 AM

Electric Buggy to Victory
By OzAndrew
Chapter 9: McCrappy, Algebra and Something Suss.

The next morning I was heading back to Carly’s place after a Mc Donald’s breakfast, consisting of an egg and “bacon” McMuffin with eggshell and indefinable gristle. I sure as hell wouldn’t be dining there soon, unless it was for a McFlurry Mmm… Darn Phil had decided to stay the night at Carly’s and had effectively left me all alone in Ede Town. I was annoyed at him for that, so I told my Pokemon to give him the cold shoulder.

Mr. Mime knew what I was on about as I had often used the cold shoulder technique against Jessica when I couldn’t stand her any more. So I got him to explain it to Cyndaquil, Elekid, Staryu and Kabuto. Then I noticed Kabuto was trying to escape again! I was getting sick of it; it had tried to escape yesterday and had given Phil a nice slash on the arm.

Kabuto was scuttling as fast as its little claws could take it on the sandy beach and towards the ocean. I simply raised my arm with Pokeball in hand and recalled it. I decided to talk to Carly about Kabuto when I got there. I also wasn’t sure Staryu could understand or give a Cold Shoulder. I decided to test whether Staryu could understand me.

“Staryu, use a Water Gun on that post box over there” I said as pleasantly as I could.

Staryu leapt into the air and spun around it while keeping the Water Gun focused on the Post Box. I then heard the familiar hum of the Postie’s motorbike so I thought I’d better get going, I really didn’t want a fine for something. After all I was saving up for a Laptop Computer and an Electric Buggy.

“Ok team, let’s go!” I said in a fake enthusiastic voice. They simply turned their backs on me and started talking to each other in their own language. Hey were using the Cold Shoulder on me! But well Staryu didn’t have a shoulder… Or Elekid for that matter.

“Guys, you’re supposed to do that to Phil, not me! Come on!” I pleaded with them.

They had a little laugh and followed me to Carly’s place; I had a little radio and was playing it as I walked, keeping the atmosphere light and cheery.

I finally got to her place and knocked on the door. “Hello! Anyone home?” I called after hitting the doorbell. After a minute or two I heard a scuffle upstairs and someone running down the stairs. But it was Phil who answered the door in little more than Boxer Shorts with Snoopy as Joe Cool on them.

“Come on Joe Cool, can I come in?” I snidely said. I was about to walk in with Cyndaquil, Staryu, Elekid and Mr. Mime behind me.

“Um…in a minute, just stay there” Phil shut the door in my face, looking a little more than worried.

I heard Phil talk to Carly in a hushed voice, “Don’t tell him anything, just pretend I slept on the couch. You’re skirt’s on backwards”. It sure was entertaining to listen to though, and I wasn’t as stupid as they thought.

“Thanks” replied Carly

A minute later Carly opened the door and let us in, her clothes had a few wrinkles in them, her hair was a mess and her makeup was non-existent. Phil had on little more than some back to front pants and a lab coat as an improvised shirt. . I pretended I didn’t know a thing. I noticed some clothes on the stairs as I walked past

“Please ignore the mess, it’s too early. Just go through to the Lab” said Carly

“It’s 11 in the morning. That’s too early? Did you have a big night?” I said with a smirk

I immediately felt the sting of that question.

“What do you mean by that? Did Phil tell you something?” whipped around Carly with an angry glare aimed at Phil who was trying to cover his bare chest.

“Uh…I’ll just get some orange juice for everyone then…” said Phil, running to the Kitchen.

In the Lab, I had a few questions to ask Carly. Well sure as hell I wasn’t going to let a free consultation get away.

“Carly, why does my Kabuto keep trying to run away” I asked while releasing my Kabuto which scuttled up to Carly’s leg.

“It’s quite simple Kabuto are attracted to pheromones emitted by women” She said, picking up Kabuto and petting it. It was a very, very simple answer. Naturally attracted to women.

I sat their open mouthed for a minute.

“O…K…. Well can you tell me about Ash Ketchum? Is he like a real person, and the Cartoon is like of his adventures? I know that Team Rocket thing is made up though.” I’ve always wanted to know that so I asked.

“Phil, come here for a minute, Andrew has a question.” Said Carly as Phil came through the door with a tray of Orange Juice.

“Repeat the question Andrew” she said

I repeated the question, “Is Ash Ketchum a real person?”, and they both started laughing their heads off at me. They continued for about 15 minutes until Carly went really red and collapsed on the floor trying to stop laughing and trying to breathe. I stood there and glared at them both while I retreated out of the room, cradling my crushed pride.

“Well, I might get going then Carly” I said bitterly, here I was thinking that maybe Ash and the rest of them were real when she goes and humiliates me.

“Come on Phil. Nice to meet you Carly.” I said coldly and walked out with Staryu and Mr. Mime behind me. However Elekid and Cyndaquil were drinking the orange juice.

I picked up their Pokeballs and returned them, and Kabuto, which was still attracted to Carly. I walked out and said to Phil, “Meet me at the Gym in an hour”

I dejectedly walked back into town and got directions, grabbed a Mini M&M’s McFlurry and ate it outside of the Gym. It was a large old sandstone building, with some grand old steps and poles and it had a stylish plaque that said

Pokemon Gym: Ede Town
Founded in 1925
Opened by Mayor Jim Watson

It was all in like marble, it was very flashy and the Gym looked so great but I was quickly regretting that McFlurry, I shouldn’t have trusted that clown! A half hour later, I was standing outside the Gym hiding in the shade when, suddenly Phil came flying in on his Charizard so majestically. It sure was amazing, but I tried not to show it, I was angry with him!

“Phil. Glad to see you could make it. And your fly is undone too” I said briskly, walking inside.

“It is?” Phil’s eyes growing wide, he quickly reached down and done it back up, following me.

“How’s this, you tell me what happened with Carly if I win this Gym Badge. Ok?” I asked

Phil just nodded dumbly. Excellent, I should soon know the whole story, and then I shall embarrass him at the correct time!

I walked into the Gym, now about 1pm and looked for the receptionist or somewhere where I could ask for a Gym Battle, but I could only hope they were better than Sophie’s Receptionist. There was no one in this library looking place, but I saw a man in his 50’s with a Tweed suit and glasses on, he was sitting down behind a large Mahogany desk with an ancient book.

“Um. I’m looking for Tilden, so I can have a Gym Battle?” I said nervously.

“I’m Tilden. And you are?” he said sounding very dignified. Not at all like the huge big muscled guy who didn’t have much of a vocabulary, which I’d imagined, which would run a fighting Gym.

“Andrew. How many Pokemon?” he said calmly, closing his book.

“Three.” But first, just let me get my Pokemon. He opened a door, which revealed some Fighting Pokemon, writing and when I looked closer I realized they were doing of all things, algebra! Gah! I hated Algebra!

“Hitmonlee, Machoke and Tyrouge come here, we are currently required for a Gym Battle” said Tilden

The Machoke took off a pair of glasses and placed them on his book, the other two put down their pens and graphical calculators and they politely walked over to Tilden’s side.

I pulled Phil to the side, “What the HELL is going on here! I thought you said this was a fighting gym, not a damn bookstore!” I said in a fierce stage whisper.

Phil simply shrugged. He looked obviously clueless; and useless at the moment too. I’d have to jettison Mr. Useless later cause a dead weight around is pretty useless, I’d see how it goes.

“Please acquire your location over there Andrew” Leading me through an old sandstone hallway to a spacious battle arena, a sandstone floor, sandstone walls, and the only out of bounds area that was really visible was the ends of the trainer areas. “Remember this is a Heritage Listed property and no damage should be made to it,” said Tilden taking off his glasses and giving his eyes a tired rub.

I walked over to my spot quite humbly and reached for my Pokeballs, and decided the best strategy would be to attack from a distance with Fighting Pokemon, because they were essentially useless, they had no power from a distance, which was reassuring.

“Machoke depart for battle”, and Machoke walked off the sidelines to the middle of the arena. “Machoke!” Bellowed the beefy Pokemon. Getting ready for the battle.

“Go! Cyndaquil!” and I threw out the Pokeball the little mouse appeared from a red silhouette that appeared.

I had high hopes in Cyndaquil and had an intense training session yesterday arvo, plus I had worked out a few tactics to help him win. Attacking from a distance would be a good idea.

“Smokescreen!” I commanded the cute Cyndaquil.

“Focus Energy Machoke” said Tilden calmly.

Cyndaquil secreted the flammable liquid on its back, covering it and started a flame by rubbing some gland together, its flame on its back starting up. Next from the flame a large blinding, choking smoke, while Machoke started Psyching up by doing a … NEW ZEALAND HAKA!

I was totally confused by that Haking, but continued on “Leer, Cyndaquil!”

Cyndaquil’s usually closed eyes, opened up with a steely glare, detracting Machoke from his Haka and leaving his lower chest exposed to attacks.

“Use a Flamethrower and Headbutt, Cyndaquil!” I yelled.

Cyndaquil shot off a flamethrower from its back flame, which arced towards Machoke just as it finished up its Haka, burning his rugged chest. But as Cyndaquil tried to follow through with a Headbutt to the charred area, it grabbed Cyndaquil in mid-air and began to squeeze it in its large hands.

I had to use Cyndaquil’s fire to their full advantage now, otherwise I’d have Cyndaputty, and well, a squashed Pokemon isn’t a pretty sight, as I’d seen in Biology, like this Nidoking. It was totally disgusting, and I shuddered as I recalled it.

“Fire Spike!” I desperately said

Cyndaquil’s fire on it’s back flared up solidly and pushed through the palm of Machoke’s hand and out the back of its hand, creating a flow of blood, and a gaping hole. But the flame simply charred its hands and stopped the major blood flow immediately. Machoke staggered from its injuries, it was seriously hurt now, it couldn’t use its hands or its chest in attacks and it had to use its feet.

“Mega Kick! You can do it Machoke,” said Tilden with surprising confidence.

I had to admire Machoke; it had charred flesh hanging off its palms and blood flowing in spurts from the back of its hands and still ready to battle. It reminded me of being nailed to a cross in a way. Not a pretty thing to think of either.

“Use quick attack to avoid it Cyndaquil! You’re going great!” I said hopefully.

In a flash of red and black, Cyndaquil was behind Machoke ready to attack, but Machoke had had anticipated this, and brought down it’s foot, crushing Cyndaquil’s snout barely missing it’s skull. Cyndaquil shrieked in pain as the beefy Pokemon crushed its nose. Poor Cyndaquil’s snout must have been broken, judging by the blood flow and crooked angle it was now at. But she bravely got up.

Cyndaquil now turned around to Machoke and let loose with an Ember from its back, to the temple of Machoke’s head, knocking it out. Machoke’s eyes rolled back in its head as it collapsed in a heap on the floor.

“Machoke return. Go Tyrouge” Said Tilden dejectedly and the small fighting Pokemon walked full of pride onto the arena.

“Good job Cyndaquil, good job” I said as I returned by bruised and bloodied Pokemon.

“Go Staryu!” I threw out Staryu’s Pokeball onto the floor and my starfish came out ready to battle, if not so unanimated though. It just stood there, motionless. Hopefully Staryu could also battle from a distance and win.

“Confuse Ray Staryu!” If I could confuse it, I could have a better chance of winning, and the closer I would be to getting into the Pokemon League on Television.

“Rapid Spin Tyrouge!” Countered the old man.

Staryu’s Core turned black and a small black beam with gold specks through it coursed towards Tyrouge, who had stood onto one foot and was twirling around at a surprising speed, like a ballerina really. I guess Tilden’s Pokemon were much more cultured than I though. Staryu’s Confuse Ray simply missed Tyrouge as it spun out of the way.

“Um… Staryu use… um…” I faulted, trying to think of a good attack to get this tiny fighter.

“Good work Tyrouge, finish it with a Mach Punch” Tilden adjusted his glasses as he cheered it on.

Staryu, being the inanimate star it is simply stood there as Tyrouge stealthily flanked it before landing a great attack, shattering Staryu’s core, fainting it instantly. Tyrouge gave a happy cry and walked back to its master, happy to have won. “Good work Tyrouge” he said and patted it on the head.

We both returned our Pokemon and Tilden motioned to Hitmonlee to take his position. It all came down to this; I decided to Choose Mr. Mime, hopefully, its Psychic Abilities would help me win.

I threw Mr. Mime’s Pokeball to the ground, directly at the foot of Hitmonlee. The flash caused Hitmonlee to close his eyes, if not only for a second. This battle should be fairly easy, so why not have some fun, “Metronome Mr. Mime!” I said the elfish Pokemon gave me a wink before facing his kicking opponent.

“Meditate Hitmonlee” came the command from Tilden, our voices seemed to echo throughout the sandstone room, and his order seemed to echo for ages.

Hitmonlee sat down with it’s legs crossed and closed its eyes, while Mr. Mime went into a blank stare before grabbing his hair and rubbing it furiously, and a powder came out of Mr. Mime’s greeny hair and the cloud landed on Hitmonlee.

“Ewww! Mr. Mime! You’ve got Dandruff!?!” I said disgustedly

Phil decided to butt in after all his “usefulness”, “Um, Andrew if you looked at the tinge of that powder, it was slightly purple, so it was a poison powder attack”

Being told off I simply said, “Oh.”

“Hitmonlee, take it down with a combo” said Tilden in a booming voice that surprised me.

I was a little taken aback by that, but continued on, “Mr. Mime use Confusion”

Mr. Mime simply closed his eyes and released Psychic ripples through the air, which sent Hitmonlee reeling, lying on the floor in pain.

“Hitmonlee, reversal and Jump Kick” ordered the tweed warrior.

“Mr. Mime, Psybeam, before it gets you!” I frantically said, after my mistake with Staryu, I wasn’t going to let that happen again.

Mr. Mime shot out its hands like a photographer and took aim at Hitmonlee, a second later a multicolored beam of light hit Hitmonlee in mid-air knocking it to the ground, defeating it and Mr. Mime, didn’t even have a scratch compared to his last Gym Battle.

I had won! “Yay” I cheered slightly and raised my arms slightly in victory.

I ran over to Tilden to get my Pokemon Badge, and he simply handed it to me, shook my hand and said, “You shouldn’t neglect your education Andrew. Pokemon training doesn’t last forever” and walked back into his Classroom and started marking his Pokemons’ tests. I looked at the badge, it was a small golden pen badge, it looked nice, and so I scanned it with my Pokedex and updated the database.

I turned to Phil as we walked out of the historical monument, “So tell me what happened with Carly!” I said in a teasing voice.

“Tomorrow Andrew. Tomorrow.” He replied, turning ever so red.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
21st September 2002, 04:05 AM
Awwww...are you ok?

Anyway...@_@...another whoooooole load of chapters....

*finally finishes reading*

Intellectual fighting Pokemon? XDXDXDXD

Gavin Luper
21st September 2002, 07:27 AM
You've powered through the chapters!

We were up to chapter 11 or 12 at the ezboard, weren't we? Excellent, we're back to where we left off. Although the real catch-up is when we get to the C/O.

I know it hurts, but at least your wisdom teeth are out now! And, to quote yourself about a month or two ago ... "I've got the teeth, now where's the wisdom?" --- Where is it??

Lol jk seeya!

28th September 2002, 10:24 AM
Joltstorm - Ah, I'm pretty Ok now, I was pretty out of it the days after the operation, I apparently told my friend 4 times on MSN that I had my wisdom teeth out. He thought I was looney. It was just the nice yellow tablets they gave me to take away the pain... now they're gone... :( BTW, thanks for reading and I love putting little parodies in there.... Watching too much Buffy did it to me!

Gav - Oh look old chap, some Cucumber Sandwiches! Pips removed too! Oh my its quite nice isn't it! Fancy some croquet after this, its the more Royal of all games. And indeedy, I'm revamping 12 as we speak! Yayness eh! Thanks for reading! And I think I'm dumber now than ever. :S Oh well

Electric Buggy to Victory!
By OzAndrew
Chapter 10: Dance Dance, Entrepreneuring and Lotto

Walking out of the Gym, I noticed I still had my McFlurry package in my hand! I must’ve held onto it the entire Gym Battle! I blushed at the thought and quickly tossed it into the nearby green bin. I still couldn’t believe I won the badge! I didn’t pull it out, if I dropped it or something I’d be totally screwed! I had to go buy something to keep them secure in. But first, the Pokemon Center. Cyndaquil’s nose and Staryu’s core were both broken and needed some attention.

Phil butted into my thinking as we walked through the Pokemon Center, “You know Andrew, you could get some valuable experience by staying here in Ede town a Week or so, there are some Trainers around that are worth battling, and well Carly is a Pokemon Researcher so you could learn some stuff from her”

“Hmmm…” I wasn’t fussed on the idea.

“Well its really good here too! Nice restraints! We can go to this place called the Tomato Brothers Carly told me about. I’ll pay too!” I said enthusiastically.

“Yes… good” came my slow reply, Phil obviously wasn’t too learned in the ways of my gluttonous Pokemon. Plus at my victory dinner, I could pump Phil for some info!

I took my Pokeballs to Cheryl and showed her my new badge who looked pretty impressed. I handed over my Pokeballs containing Cyndaquil and Staryu and quickly told her of their injuries. Being the lazy bastard I am, I needed to watch some television! I’d been so long since I’d seen it! My life, the television potato…

Turning on the television in the Pokecenter’s Recreation Room I got Daria on the television, the witty sarcastic girl who’s too smart for her own good, with an air-head sister and workaholic parents. It was a good show the last time I watched it, but Quinn reminded me so much of another girl I knew. I just couldn’t put my finger on it though. Phil sat down and we both watched this half hour of quality television.

There was also a pool table, so I released Elekid, Mr. Mime and Kabuto, I’m sure they could play a game together, that is till the brown Pokemon began to scuttle towards the doorway, I couldn’t really be bothered with Kabuto, so I recalled it with a sigh. It was depressing to own a disobedient Pokemon. Even if it was attracted to females, and at a basic stage too. Elekid and Mr. Mime had a go at Pool and well I’m not too sure how it went to be honest, I was far too interested with the TV. After Daria finished I recalled Mr. Mime and Elekid and we went to the local mall and arcade. It was surprising how well Phil and I got on, he was a whiz at Dance Dance Revolution, but my co-ordination skills so sucked I kind of failed and slunk back, ashamed. Phil and myself got on pretty well, there was a two year gap between us, and I was two years older than my sister, and well, our relationship was the worst you could hope for.

You’d try to be nice to her; she’d be nasty to you. You’d try to help with assignments; she’d accuse you of being a pest. If you asked for something, you were accused of blaming her. If you asked her to do something, batten down the hatches, World War Three is on. And God Forbid, if you ever ask her to hop off of the phone after six hours, prepare for the apocalypse. Two years wasn’t much of a gap, but I’d so far failed to bridge it. I think it all began when she turned nine, grade three, and from thereon, she’s been evil. But Jess is cunning, I’d give her that, she knows who to manipulate where and when to get what she wants, it used to be to get me in trouble, but now her focus had shifted to clothes.

I’d played some games at the arcade and I had had enough of the button bashing, bright lights for one day, but I thought Mr. Mime and Elekid would like to have a go, so I released them from their Pokeballs, Elekid gazed in wonder of all the electrical machines and his plug began to crackle. If he did something here, I’d have to pay for all the expensive machines! The red beam hit Elekid thankfully, and he was recalled.

“Hey Mr. Mime, want me to show you how to do Dance Dance Revolution?” asked Phil.

My Mime looked at me, hesitant and waiting for my signal. I gave him a nod and they jumped onto the strange dancing contraption, ready for a lesson. As the techno music blared, Mr. Mime was surprisingly good, very good! He beat Phil and was soon challenged by a heap of people; a crowd had formed around the machine.

I slunk away from the attention and watched Mr. Mime from a distance, doing his stuff on the dancefloor. Sweat was pouring from my Pokemon’s forehead, as this dude stepped up to the machine, ready for a battle. I’m sure he suffered from some kind of addiction to this machine.

Jenny Lopez [J Lo] – Lets Get Loud

Let's get loud, let's get loud
Turn the music up, let's do it
C'mon people let's get loud
Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound
Let's get loud, let's get loud
Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
What you gotta do

If you wanna live your life
Live it all the way and don't waste it
Every feelin' every beat
Can be so very sweet and you gotta taste it
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say

Life's a party, make it hot
Dance don't ever stop whatever rhythm
Every minute, every day
Take them all the way you gotta live 'em ('cause I'm going to live my
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say

Let's get loud, let's get loud
Turn the music up, let's do it
C'mon people let's get loud
Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound
Let's get loud, let's get loud
Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
What you gotta do

Life is meant to be big fun
You're not hurtin' anyone
Nobody loses
Let the music make you free
Be what you wanna be
Make no excuses
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say
You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
You gotta prove it
You gotta mean what you say

Let's get loud, let's get loud
Turn the music up, let's do it
C'mon people let's get loud
Let's get loud
Turn the music up to hear that sound
Let's get loud, let's get loud
Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
What you gotta do

As their feet finished up to the song, Mr. Mime had won! “Go Mr. Mime!” I cheered him on, and clapped, starting the rest of the crowd off. Mr. Mime took a bow as the dude punched Mr. Mime’s head, which flew into the bar of the machine as he walked off.

“F*cking gay, piece of crap” came his last words as he walked off.

Phil helped Mr. Mime up as I stood up to the dude, I stood in his way and said, “Did you call my Pokemon a ****ing gay piece of crap” in the nicest tone I could.

“What’s it to you?” he sneered, his nose stud flaring up with nose, and his muscles began to tense. He was about a foot shorter than me, but looked about nineteen, I was sure I could take this loser on.

“Well you’re a total f*ckhead ok?” I said cheerily as I pulled back my fist and thrust it into his nose, smacking him backwards into a Pinball Machine.

Nursing his injured nose his stood up and pointed at me, “You are so f*ucking going to pay for that”

“Ooh, I’m sure” I taunted.

The dude ran at me, and punched me in the gut, sending me falling into the ground. I gasped for air as I laid on the ground, full of pain. The pain of trying to breathe was unbearable, it felt like my lung had collapsed, and I closed my eyes in pain and tried to breathe. Lying on the dusty Arcade carpet wasn’t helping either. I took a deep breath and stood up, wondering why I hadn’t been attacked while I was down. I saw Phil’s fist connecting with the dude’s unshaven jaw sending it upward and falling into a Street Fighter Machine.

Quite fitting really, but the dude stood up and ran off, obviously he’d had enough for one day. I was amazed Phil had defended myself and Mr. Mime. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. I gave Phil a handshake, “Thanks mate” I gasped.

“Its ok, say Mr. Mime could you teleport us out of here and to the PokeCenter?” asked Phil.

Mr. Mime was paler than usual and had a large gash on his head from where he hit the bar, but smiled and closed his eyes. He then moved his arms in a circular motion and white energy seemed to cut through what was in front of me and as the circle connected up, a flash of light blue light blinded everyone for a moment. But when I looked, a hole had been cut to the Pokemon Center. I could see through the large circle to Cheryl who was helping a Swinub’s paws.

The Arcade owner no doubt had missed all of this so Phil, Mr. Mime and I stepped through the hole, and directly into the Pokemon Center. It was freaky, I felt a bit shaky after walking through it, but pretty much Ok.

We soon got all bandaged up and I got back my revived Cyndaquil and Staryu, we were all ready for dinner. We walked through the brightly lit town, ready for a delicious dinner, but I had to wonder where that dude was. I kept my eyes open the entire time we walked to the café.

As we walked through the door it was painted in bright green and the counter was all mosaic. It was tastefully designed with indoor and outdoor areas, the indoor area was polished floors while a shadecloth and pavers decorated outside. I walked in half expecting some dodgy Italian rip-off impersonator to be at the mosaic counter saying, “Itsa Me! Mario!”, but instead there was just a nice looking woman at the counter. I had to wait in line a bit because Ede Town is a bit of a tourist attraction for its beaches and great dining places and the position of the place. I decided to order an all you can eat meal of pizza and pasta with a jug of Fanta, because for some strange reason, that was the only soft-drink I liked. All my mates back in Hanlon Town called me weird cause I didn’t like any soft-drink except for Fanta.

Anyway, I was about to order all-you-can-eat for myself, Cyndaquil, Mr. Mime and Elekid when I realized this was a free meal. I was going to keep Kabuto with me; it was unpredictable and who knew what could happen with all these people around? I let Phil make the orders; he got the all-you-eat deal too. I was glad Squirtle was with Jess otherwise he’d have made a pig of himself again, and would have eaten the place out of all its food.

I grabbed a table and everyone sat down before my crotch began to vibrate. I confusedly grabbed it and realized I had my Mobile, which was ringing. Of course I didn’t know my mobile was ringing and everyone in the restaurant checked his or her mobiles before I noticed it was mine. I looked embarrassed and had a quick look around to see if everyone was staring at me. I noticed that the same girl who was at that Café where I got to know Phil. She gave me a weird stare and smile before turning back to her Lasagna.

“Hello, Andrew?” Said a croaky old voice.

“Glenys?” I asked suspiciously.

“Yes. Sorry to ring you right now. But we thought you might have been battling during the day. So we decided to call you now” she replied

“Right… Why exactly?” I asked, annoyed to be interrupted during my victory meal.

“Well… I don’t exactly know how to say this but. WE WON THE LOTTO!” She suddenly yelled down the phone.

I sat there dumbfounded for the next few moments while Glenys tried to get back to me.

“Wha. Lotto. Win? Huh?” I asked in a dumbfounded voice.

“Well we won the Lotto sometime last week and Ripper and I have decided to go on a world-wide trip before we get back to our new home. We’re going to open a hotel! Anyway the reason we rang you is that we need a favor of you.” She said.

“Yeah sure. Anything” I was still a little disconnected and probably would have given anyone who asked whatever they wanted, like my wallet, or my first born child, if I had one.

“Well you know those eggs in our shed out the back. Well, we’ve gotten our neighbors to look after the Pokemon, but I need you to look after the eggs, perhaps you could sell them. Where are you?” Said Glenys

“I’m in Ede Town” I felt like a robot

“Well Ede Town has great markets down near the beach every Sunday and you could sell the eggs there.” Glenys sounded like she had planned this.

“Ok. You’ll have to send them to me then” I said slowly, it was still processing through my slow brain.

“Ok, we’ll get the Drowzee we are looking after to Teleport them there with a few trips. So where do you want them?” Asked Glenys

“Uh. My room at the PokeCentre?” I replied stupidly again

“They’ll be there soon. Andrew, thank you so much for your help. You can keep all the money from the sale of the eggs” Said Glenys

Seeing that I had a chance to make some money I quickly replied, “Ok! Sure, I’ll do it. Thanks Glenys. Bye! Have a nice trip!” And with that I hung up.

“Phil lets go. We’ve gotta get back to the PokeCentre” I said decisively. Money was at stake!

“Aw… but I haven’t finished my pasta” he whined.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

As I turned on the light in the room, I was yet again struck dumbfounded. The room was full of eggs. Big ones, small ones, all different colours….

“Woah”, said Phil.

I went and grabbed a trolley from the hallway; I put all the eggs on about 5 trolleys, and placed them against the wall. Of course all the eggs were still in their special containers from Glenys and Rippers.

The next day I went to Cheryl and asked her to classify all the eggs for me. While she was doing that Phil and I went to Carly’s and tried to get her to help me get Kabuto to obey me. She suggested using a Treat System, every time Kabuto does something right, I give him heaps of praise and a cookie. I said goodbye to Carly yet again and headed to the city looking for a battle. But I picked up some cookies first.

Knowing that Kabuto was attracted to women, I decided to go looking for a battle that wasn’t against a girl. I needed to get Kabuto to be the best it could be. And a testosterone charged battle was first on my list. It was pretty lucky no-one got hurt in the arcade brawl. But well slapping wasn’t one of my better areas.

I soon found a battle, as I was walking past a computer store, a guy ran out. “You want to battle!?” he asked eagerly.

“Hey, I’m working right now but can I battle you in my lunch break in about 15 minutes? Meet me on the top of the Myer Center. There’s a battle arena there. Oh, I’m Guy” he said quickly, he didn’t look comfortable leaving the shop alone.

“Nice to meet you”, I said while I shook his hand “How exactly did you know I am a Pokemon trainer?”

“Well you do have a Mr. Mime next to you” he said, pointing at my Psychic Pokemon.

“Right” I said feeling stupid. “See you then, I’m Andrew”

Twenty minutes later I was standing on the 6th level of the Myer Center and waiting for Guy. I was getting ready to leave, he obviously been caught up in work and I wasn’t going to stand around all day, that is before I heard a mad scramble from the elevator a he ran out looking flustered.

“I’m here, I’m ready to battle!” He said

“Ok guy, how about a two on two?” I suggested

“Ok, lets go. Go Butterfree!” Yelled Guy, full of confidence as he threw out his first Pokeball. With a flash of light a cute Butterfly Pokemon appeared, “Freeeee” it said. It looked so fragile with its bluish wings fluttering to keep it afloat.

I threw Elekid’s Pokeball to the ground; he had the type advantage and could take this cute Pokemon down. In a flash the yellow and black striped baby Pokemon appeared, his plug crackling with electricity.

“Elekid, use Thunder-punch!” I commanded

“Mimic it Butterfree!” countered Guy

Elekid ran over to Butterfree and was about to use Quick Attack to reach the Bug type so he could use Thunder-punch but Butterfree simply landed and stood in front of Elekid. Elekid somewhat miffed by this charged up his fist and with sparks crackling, punched Butterfree right between its large eyes.

Butterfree went reeling back about four meters. Butterfree severely injured got back up and flew towards Elekid, now with its tiny fist glowing with electric power. With amazing speed it hit Elekid about four times, which was more of a blow to Elekid’s pride rather than his health.

“Elekid, use Electric Headbutt and win this!” I cheered.

“Butterfree, use Hyper Beam!” said Guy smugly.

Elekid had a grin on his face as he sprinted towards the flying bug, however Butterfree was charging up for his attack and his antennae were glowing the same orange I had seen in Smeargle’s mouth a while earlier. However before Butterfree got a chance to discharge and channel that energy, Elekid hit it in its chest and knocked it out, the Hyper Beam firing harmlessly into space. Although there was the odd chance it could hit a satellite.

Guy returned his Butterfree and threw out his next Pokemon “Go Rhyhorn!” he said, as the flash formed into a huge rock type rhinoceros, which grunted and nodded its head. Knowing that Elekid’s electricity wouldn’t be effective against this giant I recalled it. I now had to use Kabuto, so it could get some battling experience. Staryu probably could beat it too, but I needed to try out Kabuto.

“Go Kabuto!” I said hopefully, throwing out its Pokeball.

“Use Horn Attack Rhyhorn!” commanded Guy the second Kabuto formed.

The rock rhino was charging towards my prehistoric Pokemon, I had to counter it “Harden Kabuto”

Kabuto looked at me strangely with its black beady eyes before Rhyhorn came rushing towards it. At that point it started to run back to me in fear. “Harden Kabuto! Use Harden!” I yelled at it as it scuttled back to me.

Kabuto scared out of its wits braced itself and used harden; at which point a clear gloss coated Kabuto, like varnish. Also, like varnish it was sticky, Rhyhorn still lumbering towards Kabuto came up to it and jabbed it with its horn. But Kabuto’s harden caused it to stick to it’s horn.

“Mega Drain Kabuto!” I ordered, grass could take this Pokemon down. I’d have to get one in the future, they were pretty powerful.

Guy’s face was one of panic, “Get it off Rhyhorn!”

Kabuto, happy it was still perfectly fine, except for the fact it was stuck to Rhyhorn and panicking. Kabuto had a transparent bubble with a green tinge, forced from its underbody and onto Rhyhorn’s head. Rhyhorn stumbled around in pain while the bubble changed colour from transparent to a deep green sucking away his energy, and returned to Kabuto’s underbelly. Giving it the stolen energy. Rhyhorn had been totally drained and passed out, making me the winner! But wow… a one hit knockout by a new Pokemon. Maybe Kabuto was super or something.

“Congrats Andrew” said Guy. “I better get back to work” as he dejectedly walked back to his shop.

“Nice meeting you Guy. I’ll have a stall at the markets on Sunday; I’ll be selling Pokemon eggs. Hope to see you there” I said, drumming up business

“You know Andrew, can I have a Pokemon Egg or two?” Asked Phil

“Sure, but you’ve gotta help me on the stall and I want a ride back to the Pokemon Centre” I said slyly, slavery was all in style these days.

“Ok, said Phil reaching into his pocket and bringing out his Pokeball containing his Charizard.

I grinned. I was about to get a ride on a Charizard! Phil reached into his pocket again a pulled out a $2 coin and a $1 coin. “There we go, now we can get the bus to the Pokemon Center”

I gave Phil a deadpan stare.

Back at the Center, Cheryl had classified all the Pokemon eggs and put price estimates on them. I thanked her and gave her an Oddish and Eevee Egg for her trouble then I decided to go and crash on my bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

I had to get up at like 4 am to get to the Seaside markets and set up stall. My god an early start was hell. Nothing would be open yet, and the sun wasn’t up yet.

I got Phil from his room and I released Mr. Mime and Elekid, and Phil released Charizard. We each grabbed a trolley and a table, but Elekid didn’t have the strength to push his alone so I released Cyndaquil and Kabuto to help push it. Kabuto however sensed something and ran off towards it leaving Cyndaquil and Elekid to push the trolley.

I threw out Staryu’s Pokeball “Follow Kabuto Staryu! Everyone set up the stall, I’ll be there soon!” I yelled while running after Staryu and Kabuto.

After about ten minutes Kabuto came to a dead stop. I was about to recall him when I saw that girl again. I’d seen her laughing at me at the Café and Restaurant now. Kabuto scuttled up to her. “Eww. It looks like a giant Cockroach!” She yelled, “Get off of me!” and she drop-kicked Kabuto down the street.

Kabuto’s eyes began to glow red and it gave this horrible high-pitched screech, and an eerie wisp from nowhere surrounded Kabuto, who’s screeching became higher and higher. Then a bright light enveloped Kabuto and to my surprise it started to grow, changing before my eyes, it stood on two feet, it had two huge sickles and after about five seconds, Kabuto was no more. It was now the huge Kabutops! I was amazed, after one battle yesterday, it evolved, and perhaps it had been harnessing its ancient power or something. Or maybe it had been trying to impress that girl.

“Kaaaaa!” Shrieked Kabutops in a cockatoo like manner, while raising its scythes menacingly.

“Wow” mouthed the girl… “I’ll be going. See you soon Andrew”

“Wait! How did you know my name?” I asked, confused.

“You’ll see soon enough” she said and walked off.

I congratulated and recalled Kabutops, which looked awfully sad that even after evolving, the girl hadn’t taken notice of him. I thanked and recalled Staryu too, before heading to the stall.

When I got back I found the stall and showed Phil my newly evolved Pokemon and he was impressed by it, if not a little scared by it. I was a bit scared of Kabutops too, with those sickles he could be in the next teen horror movie.

Elekid, Cyndaquil, Mr. Mime, Charizard and Staryu all helped on the stall, and by about 3:30 in the arvo, we had sold almost every egg. Except for two I had held onto just for Phil. I had now gotten a small nest-egg from all the money from the sale of the eggs. I was loaded with cash! Score!

I surprised Phil who was sitting back and relaxing on a bench near our stall. The entrepreneur inside of him must have worn him out.

“We sold them all Andrew. Phew. I’m tired. I hope all those Pokemon which hatch have good homes.” He pondered

“Ah, they should. Ede Town is fairly community orientated. According to this brochure it is. Uh… Phil. I have something for you” I said while motioning to Charizard who brought over two eggs, one about as big as a shoebox and the other the size of a backpack.

I handed them to Phil. “This is an Abra and a Snorlax” I hope they can fill the void that ‘Association’ took away from you.

Phil smiled and turned back to me. “Thanks Andrew” he said cradling his new eggs.

I was happy that I had brought some happiness back to Phil. Then I realized that he still hadn’t told me what had happened at Carly’s! “Hey Phil, you still haven’t told me what happened with Carly!” I demanded!

“Tomorrow Andrew, Tomorrow” he said yet again

I was getting annoyed with that answer. If not tomorrow, I will kill him.

Gavin Luper
28th September 2002, 09:58 PM
Rightio, old chap, keep those chapters coming, they're spiffy indeed!


9th October 2002, 02:27 AM
Gavin Luper: Why thank you for replying ^^ Its nice to see some people appreciating revamps! Here's another for ya!

Electric Buggy To Victory!
Chapter 11
Bikies, Pashing And Electric Buggies!

Now that I had a cool Kabutops, Staryu, Elekid, Cyndaquil and my faithful Mr. Mime I decided it was time to leave the quaint hideaway called Ede Town. As Phil said his goodbye to Carly who was now starting research on Sunkern and Sunflora and the effects of Solar Stones on Pokemon. Phil’s Snorlax and Abra eggs had hatched and he was extremely happy.

She already was already set up and was writing up her hypothesis. Phil had spent a few nights there helping her with research, I’m pretty sure it was more along the lines of human anatomy, but I couldn’t be sure! Carly gave Phil a kiss on the cheek and they I turned around and released Mr. Mime so he could see what Carly and Phil were doing but so I wouldn’t be caught watching. I heard a soft squelching noise, like when you step in mud before “MIIIIIIII!!!!” Mr. Mime gave a shriek and ran over to the lovers, who were pashing. He wrenched them apart and slapped Phil across the face leaving a red welt across his cheek, which was already smeared with lipstick.

“Woah.” Phil stared at Carly for a while.

“See ya soon Phil” said Carly sweetly before motioning to her lips which Phil did the same and realized he had lipstick over them.

He had a silly grin and gave her a hug before saying goodbye.

“Phil, isn’t one goodbye enough” I asked him as we walked to the Golf Shop, ready to buy an electric buggy with my new funds.

“Hell, I could go for another goodbye now” He said and ran back to Carly picked her up and twirled her around while pashing her.

I gave a sigh… I’d had one girlfriend before… But well it didn’t work out and Mum and Jess gave me hell about her. Well she was a nice enough girl, Sarah was her name, but well she was fun and cool and all, and we had heaps in common, but all she ever seemed to do was… whinge…

Mr. Mime gave another cry and went off to stop them but I grabbed his arm so we just stood there looking at Phil and Carly. It really took away my good clean image of them both. It’s amazing how one little action gives you a different insight into a person.

Phil eventually came back, along with a mouthful of some-one else’s saliva and lipstick.

I tapped my watch to signal that we should be leaving for the golf shop now. Phil came back towards Mr. Mime and I. “Have you said your last goodbye Phil!?” I asked with a tinge of annoyance in my voice.

He put on a sly look and turned back towards Carly. He turned around and was about to run back to her, but I motioned to my faithful Mime, he stood in front of Phil and used Light Screen to which Phil ran into and smashed his head with a sickening, or entertaining crack. I guess I was one of those sick people who watched the Funniest Home Video Show, which was REALLY called – World’s Best Crotch Injuries.

I waived to Carly as did Mr. Mime and we laughed at Phil as he trailed behind me, split lip due to running into the Light Screen. His ego was more seriously damaged than his mouth. It’d heal.

Now I went to the Golf Store, shut up the sales rep with a “I’ll take it” while pointing at the buggy and half an hour later I was a few grand lighter but now with a golf buggy, insured and heading to the Computer Store. If I was going to be on the road for months, possibly years I did want something else but Phil and my Pokemon for conversation.

I loved walking into the PC store, grabbing the best Laptop I could find, some games and a Digital Camera. I strode up to the counter, the young man with a goatee was still rubbing his eyes because it was so early but was quickly woken up by me going up to the counter and saying, “I’ll take these”.

The man quickly nodded and I gave him my Plastic Card, swiped it and gave him about five thousand dollars. By now I was seriously ready to go, but I still needed to grab some food for the road, Phil and I split the bill and we were finally ready to go on either the travelers track or the highway with my new wheels.

I decided to ring my mum, after my last call I was concerned with her well being as she worked in a Detention Center, but yet again my lovely sister answered.

“Andrew, oh! You’re the best!” She sucked up to me with cunning deep in her voice.

“Oh, I try Jessica, how are you going? And how’s Squirtle and Smeargle and the rest of the Pokemon you’ve got?”

“Oh they’re the best! Smeargle is like so cool! He can do this helicoptery thingy, and hover by twirling his tail! Guess what!” I should have known that Smeargle was better than I thought it was… but it was too late now…

“What” I asked in a bored tone

“My Igglybuff and Cleffa evolved! They’re now Jigglypuff and Clefairy! They’re even cuter. They evolved after a battle at school I had against Jamie, you know my friend, she used a Cubone! Oh and I joined a school thing where we train our Pokemon after school and every Friday we have battles against other schools!”

“Did you win” I was now getting interested. My sister had more Pokemon than me and now she seemed that she was going to probably beat me in a battle.

“Oh yeah, it was easy, my Vulpix, Chikorita and Seel beat them really easily and Eevee is getting really strong too and Clefairy and Jigglypuff are my most powerful. But Smoochum is kinda weak” she continued

“Why don’t you try training it up by using the weights set down stairs and the punching bag and them make some targets up and get it to focus it’s attacks on them, or like um, take them to some Tai Bo or some Aerobics or something” I suggested

“Oh… I should tell you something Andrew…” trailed off Jessica

“What!?” I asked annoyed

“Well… your room is now housing my Pokemon, they’re all got their own little beds so… you won’t mind right… its not like they broke much…except well your N64 your Game Boy and a few other things. But lets not dwell on that. Now back to me! Now Chikorita is just so cute! I lo-”

I hung up.

“brat…” I muttered under my breath…

“What was that” asked Phil, “All’s not well in the Hall family?” he asked sarcastically

I punched him on the arm before getting in the buggy, and accelerating away on the travelers’ track

Phil ran alongside the Buggy before jumping on the back, it could hold 4 people and two sets of golf clubs. Not that I played golf, but I had played before in Physical Education. In fact it hurt my back big time but that was because I was playing with substandard clubs and the putter was the only thing I could use because it was long enough. I whupped most people, still with a putter and came third, not too bad for a first timer I remembered back to my school days.

I let Phil drive for a while as I continued to set up my Laptop, install the Sims and connect to the Internet via my mobile phone. I checked my Hotmail Inbox… 184 new messages! I didn’t dare look at the junk mail folder, I just emptied it, it was probably full of porn emails, or some emails saying that I needed a credit card or that I’ve won some “free prize”. I started to play the Sims, it was intriguing, buying furniture controlling people and before I knew it the battery pack was low, so I turned it off for the day, I’d get Elekid to recharge it later. He could be my little battery pack if I should be so evil.

Phil drove us to a camping spot and we decided to make some Beef Stir-Fry, we cooked the rice made it all and had our dinner together. We gave some to Phil’s ravenous Baby Snorlax and sleepy Abra as well as my Elekid, Mr. Mime who used a knife and fork; Cyndaquil and Kabutops went off and sulked, staring out to the sea. Staryu just stood in front of the fire, in its trance it was eternally in.

Before long I was in my tent and drifting off to sleep when I heard a low rumbling, getting louder… “Bikies!” I yelled out to Phil in the next tent. I’d heard stories from Cheryl about Bikies stealing anything of value from travelers on the way to Faulkner City; it was named after the old computer programmer who created some old Program or something. I really didn’t give a hoot about him; I was far more concerned about these Bikies.

I saw a big old Bikie and two younger teens behind him, their Motorbikes making an awful noise. “Go Graveller!” I heard before I felt the ground move beneath me. I grabbed the keys to my Buggy and my new laptop and stepped outside my tent, as did Phil looking like he missed Carly.

A big jagged rock burst in front of me “Give us everything of value or we’ll crush you” came a growl from the big Bikie. I could see family campers handing over their youngest child to him if he told them too. These Bikies were looking like they needed some personal hygiene lessons, they wore leather and had HEAPS of tattoos and the little kid even had a tattoo on his chest!

I was annoyed; this jerk had stopped my sleep, scared me and was now demanding my new spoils. I didn’t think so! I reached down to grab my Pokeballs but noticed I left them in the tent. I quickly ducked in there and grabbed a few and threw them out, Cyndaquil, Mr. Mime and Staryu came out.

“Come on Staryu and Mr. Mime, get him!” I yelled, I was ready to punch this guy given the chance.

Phil threw out his Pokeball and a small little Snorlax appeared “Snorlax”, came a little cry, as if it had inhaled helium. It was quite funny really, to see it, I wonder if there were anorexic Snorlax?

Staryu flew off towards Graveller and was instantly knocked back by a swipe of its strong arms, and Mr. Mime had erected a Light Screen in front of it, but Graveller curled up, and smashed the screen into tiny shards of glass which fell to the ground around the fire before bowling over Mr. Mime, he clutched his pear-shaped head and fell backwards before picking himself up ready to fight.

The small Snorlax rumbled up to Graveller and started wrestling with it, and they were dead even. Neither had an advantage over the other, which was great to be honest.

The Bikie gave a growl, “Come on kids, show em’ what you’ve got”

With that a kid about 13 with a nose ring, tattoo on his arm, and his ear and eyebrow pierced threw out a Pokeball containing Lickitung and the other which looked like 9 with his lip pierced and shaved head and leather jacket threw out a Nidorino.

“Attack!” yelled the little pipsqueak. It was quite funny really, until I saw that the Nidorino had a “PRAISE SATAN” on its horn. I couldn’t help but laugh and ducked back into my tent for my other Pokeballs. Kabutops gave a screech as it emerged from that familiar white flash and Elekid gave a yawn, quite sleepy.

The wrestling between Snorlax and Graveller was dead even, before Staryu gave a spray of water to it’s back, making some of it’s scales fall off of it’s body, wet mud. Graveller turned around and punched Staryu’s core fracturing it and sending Staryu into the fire.

“Recover Staryu!” I yelled before returning it and turning towards the Lickitung and Nidorino, which were sizing up Kabutops and Elekid.

Snorlax grabbed Graveller from behind and held it in a steely grip, which Graveller couldn’t escape.

Cyndaquil had been hiding behind the fire, camouflaged, but now leapt forward and blasted its eyes with a flamethrower, Graveller used its two free arms to smack Cyndaquil away, sending the poor thing flying. I recalled it as it sailed through the air.

Turning to Mr. Mime I said, “Use Metronome!”

Mr. Mime grabbed his head and concentrated, his eyes opened with renewed vigor and leapt eight feet in the air with his elfish foot raised and careened towards the Graveller, which struck it dead between the eyes with a Mega Kick, finally defeating it. The big Bikie returned his Pokemon and yelled some abuse at us. “Loser” I thought to myself, if Jess were here, she’d tell him off.

I was seriously pissed, these losers had hurt two of my Pokemon and they wanted my worldly possessions. I don’t think I’d give up my shiny new laptop, Electric Buggy OR mobile phone or walkman to these freaks.

Phil returned his tired little Snorlax, which did a weird little belly dance, I looked weirdly at Phil who shrugged and said, “I only let it watch TV once, and she watched I Dream of Jeannie”. And with that threw out Abra.

I turned my attention back towards the battle, which was now a three on two.

The Nidorino lunged towards Abra, whose eyes flashed for a moment, before reappearing behind Nidorino. Elekid gave it a Thunder-shock from behind and it turned around in fury to face Abra, which was chuckling to itself, quite happy with its trickery.

Lickitung lunged at Kabutops and tried wrapping its tongue around Kabutops’s scythe, which resulted in a large gash, and it ran off back to its trainer wailing. “Get away you retard!” Yelled the little kid and belted the Lickitung over the head with a Baseball Bat.

The Lickitung ran off towards the beach sobbing and screaming, leaving a trail of tears, blood and saliva and it continued on for quite a while. It was really quite disturbing, attacking that poor Pink Pokemon.

The Nidorino was determined to win, and his back leg as paralyzed from the thunder shock and let off a Poison Sting, which involved its spikes on its body to shoot out some tiny, barely recognizable spines, which hit Kabutops’ armored body which did absolutely nothing Kabutops crossed its scythes and shot out a small whitish green bubble, it was an absorb attack! The bubble simply popped on impact leaving Kabutops quite irritated as they ran to each other Kabutops ready for blood raising its Scythes menacingly and Nidorino’s horn began to spin as they headed for one another.

“Look out Kabutops!” Kabutops simply ignored me being the annoying thing it was and simply continued on, impaling itself onto Nidorino, as its Horn pierced through his exoskeleton, he turned to red energy and was recalled to his Pokeball.

Elekid was annoyed that all had been woken up from its peaceful sleep to this ruckus with a big “EEELLLLLLEEEEEEEKKKIIIIIIIDDDDDD!!!!!!!!” It screamed out towards the night sky and his whole body was brimming with energy and the next time Nidorino lunged at Abra, Elekid gave a shriek and blasted it with a huge bolt of energy, it’s Thunderbolt attack.

The Nidorino slumped down, FINALLY defeated. The 13 year old returned it before the turning to his dad and saying “We’d better tell the boss about this Dad” before they roared off into the night their bikes load as ever, but defeated.

I congratulated my Pokemon before asking Phil to look after them while I took Mr. Mime to look for that poor Lickitung. I could always sell it for some profit, or give it to some rehab center.

I didn’t have to look far, it was sobbing over the next hill with a trail of blood coming from its long tongue. That’s when I noticed in the moonlight the bruises on it’s back and some needle marks on it’s arms, along with the huge purple bruise on its head and the horrible swelling, looked terrible in the direct moonlight. It didn’t have a tattoo by the looks of it though. Suddenly I felt sorry for the Pokemon and wanted to take care of it, so I thought that Mr. Mime should go and talk to Lickitung, to find out its feelings on the matter, and to try persuade it to join my team.

After half an hour Lickitung came up to me with Mr. Mime by its side looking happy, the Lickitung looked sad and abused. “Do you want to come with me Lickitung? Do you want to join the other Pokemon and Phil and me on our journey?”

Lickitung didn’t really have a choice, it could either:

a) Go back and try find it’s abusive 9 year old trainer who rejected it
b) Try and survive in the wild with a wounded tongue
c) Come with me.

I put a Pokeball on the ground in front of it. It was a special blue one Jess had given me. I wasn’t sure if she’d painted it or she’d scabbed some cash to buy it, but it looked pretty!

Lickitung looked at it for a while, considering slavery. It touched the button on the Pokeball, turned into a red silhouette and was sucked inside he Pokeball, I picked it up and returned back to Phil who had fixed up all the Pokemon which had minor injuries. The others would be fixed up tomorrow at a nearby hospital.

“Guys, meet Lickitung. Be nice to her,” I asked my Pokemon before releasing it.

Lickitung stood there, facing the others before I saw Mr. Mime levitate Elekid and Cyndaquil over to meet it. They had a little wave and talk before they went back to Staryu and Kabutops which clearly didn’t want anything to do with it.

Abra was over with Kabutops and Staryu, but Charizard and Snorlax seemed happy to meet her.

“Lickitung, let’s just get you fixed up OK?” I asked the scared pink Pokemon.

I motioned towards Phil who came with Tissues, ointment and other medical equipment he had.

As Lickitung was being fixed up rather reluctantly around the fire there was a distinct drift between those who didn’t like this new addiction and those who did.

I gave a sigh… I looked at Phil who was trying to look innocent “PHIL! What happened with you and Carly?”

Phil simply looked at me “Tomorrow Andrew, in the Buggy Ok.”

I screwed up my face and looked at the fire, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. My god he was leading me on something chronic!

Gavin Luper
9th October 2002, 02:39 AM
YAY! WOOHOO! New chapter! Like, totally cool, like like yeah. Like YEAH.

Cool, he has Lickitung now. Can't wait til the youknowwhat chapters though, since they are cool. But any chapters from here on get even better!

Cheers! Can't wait for chappie 12!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
9th October 2002, 06:21 AM
*kicks herself and reminds herself to check on the fanfic topics more often*

Lickitung is keeeeeeewl...

And its trainer is eviiiiiiil. Nose ring and tattoos at the age of nine O_oUUUUU

Kid's these days....tsk tsk tsk..*gets booted out through the door*

Voice: Well, sorry, she's feeling funny today and feeling overly mature and yadda yadda yadda...We're not letting her back in until she's happy and hyper again.

Me: *pounds on heavy wooden door* Lemme iiiiin! I'm happy and hyper now!!!! *lets out a false, evil laugh*

Voice: Nu-uh...not letting you in.

Me: *sobs* What have I done *sniff* to *choke* deserve it....

*notices the stares*
Oh yeah... continue writing...mua wants the next chapter.

9th October 2002, 01:13 PM
OMG...this...this is like the best story that I've read here at Tpm!

you got to keep posting chapters;)..

Chris 2.1
13th October 2002, 04:30 AM
Yay! it has been ages since i was here, because SOMEONE tampered with my thing on here...(wont let me type a c c o u n t)Good chapters...i really like the Jess perspective, so...revised ^^;

However, A Boy And His Bear i have almost abandoned. I just don't think i have time to re-do nearly all the chapters...FRTC is going well, but it'll reach about 67 chapters in total :o

keep it up Oz!

Shadow Realm
13th October 2002, 07:24 AM
Buggy! ^_^

Cool OZ, me like :) Damn, Andrew made enough money to buy all that stuff selling eggs? 0_0

Gavin Luper
13th October 2002, 10:55 PM
Well, there were lots of eggs to sell I suppose, Chiko.

C'mon, Oz, next chapter needed!!

19th October 2002, 10:52 AM
Gavin Luper: Yes its really a turning point from here on in, isn't it and I just love Lickitung! Its so cool! And misunderstood too :(

Hyperness Is A Good Thing: Thanks for reading, and you know the kids of today, nose rings, tatoos, they're out of control!

Celebi Power: Oh thank you ^^ That's very nice of you, I hope you continue to read and hopefully you can tell me why you like it so much ^^;

Kleckeon: It has been ages! Welcome back! And yes this IS VERY Revised! Thanks for reading! Glad you liked the Jess Perspective!

Shadow Relm: Well Shadow Relm, do you know how expensive some animals are to buy! Some dogs cost like more than a grand! Just for a puppy! So I'm thinking he DID make a heap of cash! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked!

Gavin Luper Indeedy, and here it is!

Electric Buggy To Victory!
Chapter 12
Porn Databases, Driving and XXX!

In my cool little buggy, motoring along the next morning after the encounter with the Bikies, and getting a new Pokemon, Lickitung. Lickitung was awfully bruised and had so many purplish tinges and injection sites on its poor body. Trying to get my worrying away from the tongue Pokemon, I decided to give Mr. Mime a bit of a driving lesson. Since he was the only one who looked like he could drive it due to his opposable thumbs, and he basically did look kinda human… That is if he could talk, was taller and didn’t look weird.

“Ok Mr. Mime this is the Steering Wheel, you use this to control where you go. Ok?” I motioned to the steering wheel and Mr. Mime grabbed it and thrust it sharply to the left.

Phil who was in the back was sleeping his head off from last night’s encounter, and as soon as Mr. Mime made the turn, he fell off the back of the buggy with a loud thud. Quite satisfying really.

“What the!” he yelled out, he’d fallen into a bit of mud. He stood up and his clean shirt was covered by the brown stuff.

I slammed on the breaks, and threw Staryu out behind the buggy. It was still raring to go, except its core was a bit fragile from taking such a hit from the Graveller.

“Staryu, clean off Phil, will you?” I asked and sped off laughing

“Andrew! Stop you bas----“ and with that Staryu washed out his mouth. Phil ran towards the buggy, trying to find refuge from Staryu’s water gun. I finally recalled Staryu once Phil got really pathetic and started begging.

“You know, when I was training, I never acted like you Andrew. I was such a good little Pokemon Trainer, I used the catch phrases and now that I think of it. Being a good little trainer was such a barrier; it hid who I really was. I have to thank you, and congratulate you for being you” Said Phil, out of the blue.

“What the? What the bloody heck are you talking about? I’m just being me. And if you don’t like it then ping off I guess” I was taken aback from Phil’s attitude of all philosophical. Maybe being away from Carly was doing screwy things to his head. Or maybe it was screwy before.

“Come on you’re sopping wet mate. Hop in the back and don’t get anything wet. Or perhaps I should get Cyndaquil to dry you off?” I teased

“No! No! I’ve got a towel in my bag! I’m fine. Really!” and with that Phil jumped on the back of the Buggy and started looking for his towel.

I laughed for a while with Mr. Mime about that. I taught Mr. Mime for about an hour while we drove. I had an idea. I threw out my Pokeballs as the Buggy was going, and out came my crew, Kabutops, Elekid, Staryu, Cyndaquil and the newest member, Lickitung. I called out to them, “Come on guys, follow the buggy, it’ll improve your fitness!” And to Mr. Mime I whispered, “Go faster”

Phil looked at me and smiled, he threw out his Snorlax and Abra, and he didn’t throw out Charizard because it was very well trained. The Abra seemed to be a bit of a practical joker, while the little Snorlax was so funny because it was small AND it belly danced! Phil blamed it on letting it watch TV. Hopefully he won’t let Snorlax see Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. I don’t think I could stand a Snorlax that tried to imitate Sarah Michelle Gellar, I shuddered at the very thought of Snorlax trying to fill that role.

As we sped away off to Faulkner Town Snorlax was trailing, Lickitung was second last then it was Kabutops, Elekid, Cyndaquil and Staryu. Staryu’s core was sparkling in the sun as it followed the buggy with ease. However I couldn’t see Abra, so I asked the Pokemon. They all pointed to on top of the buggy where Abra was sitting peacefully, taunting the other Pokemon.

As we were getting closer to the town, I noticed a lot more people milling around. I finally remembered to ask Phil about what happened with Carly! “Say Phil, you know that night you slept over and Carly’s. What happened?”

“Well I was… uh…um…. Helping her with research!” he said hastily

“Oh yeah, research of the Human Anatomy I bet” I said sarcastically.

He punched me on the arm before he continued, “No, actually we were out all night trying to find Sunkern for Carly’s research. You know how they wake up first light, we wanted to get them before they woke up”

“And….” I wanted all the details.

“Well we then went back to her place and had sex. Happy?” He said and crossed his arms and started sulking.

I thought to myself, for a former Pokemon Master, he sure is immature. “So what was it like Phil?”

“Like I’m gonna tell you. Now… hurry up and drive” he pouted and ignored me.

“Ooh! Someone’s in a bad mood!” I taunted

“Shut up ok. She’s my girlfriend so leave it at that.” Came the defensive.

I decided to be sincere then, “So how come you didn’t stay with Carly?”

“Well I want my Pokemon back. But I’ve got it all planned out, I get back my Pokemon, I go back and propose to her. We have a beach wedding and then we settle down in Ede Town, Carly with her research and I’m going to start a tutorial service for Pokemon. Ok. Now are we there yet?” Phil finished up.

“Ok, ok…” I said dumbfounded he’d planned his life.

The buggy came to a sharp stop, Abra on top of the buggy was thrown forward, and the Pokemon behind us laughed. Mr. Mime pointed underneath the buggy so I took a look.

When I looked underneath the wheels, there was a Dratini! Mr. Mime had driven over a Dratini! The poor thing was all tangled up, I pulled out a Pokeball and pushed it into Dratini’s face, but all that happened was well, I bruised it a bit…

I cursed when I realized it belonged to someone else. “What the hell happened Andrew?” asked Phil

“Well we ran over a Dratini,” I said sheepishly. I then began to remember selfish Annie, and how she kinda ran over her Bellsprout.

“Wow! Really! Catch it Andrew!” he said excitedly

“I’ve tried, it belongs to someone else” I was really annoyed now. REALLY, one of the most powerful Pokemon and I can’t catch it

“Oh, pity hey. We better take it to the Pokemon Center in Faulkner City and hand it in” he said. So I reached underneath the Buggy and grabbed Dratini, it rolled limply in my arms, so I put it into an empty canvas bag.

“Yeah I guess so” so with that, we returned our Pokemon and we drove to the Pokemon Center in Faulkner City. We got weird looks from people in the main street of town. Faulkner City seemed to be quite a skyscraper city, but without the hustle and bustle of a well, active town.

We finally got to the PokeCentre and once I parked my buggy in the underground parking spot, I remembered, Green G4, Green G4, I kept repeating it over and over so I wouldn’t forget. However the moment we stepped in the Elevator to take us up to the ground floor, I totally forgot.
“Never mind, I can always find it later…Right?” I thought worriedly

We walked up to the reception desk, and the woman behind the desk was very surprised when I showed her the Dratini, that we found.

She directed us to the Lost Pokemon Area. There I had to fill out countless forms, and basically, if it wasn’t claimed within two weeks, it then legally became mine if I wanted it.

So I handed it over and went to Level 2 of the Center, Health. I finally noticed the annoying talking elevator, which talked in an unbearably nice tone; it ticked me off big time. After not being able to catch Dratini, I was not happy.

I went up to the desk and handed in my Pokedex to be updated with the Database. I also handed in my Pokeballs, so that my Pokemon could be healed and had to fill in a whole heap of forms about Lickitung, and how it was abandoned ect ect ect. My god it was boring.

Finally I was about to leave this place of annoying bureaucracy when over the speaker system I heard, “Andrew Hall, Andrew Hall, please report to the Lost Pokemon Department. Andrew Hall”

I walked over there severely annoyed. “Yes?” I asked in a curt tone

“Well, hi, I’m the owner of the Dratini you found, I’m Victoria Adams” said the woman, about 25 and looking stunning in her business attire

“Yeah, I guess its yours” I said sadly, I wanted the Dratini

“Well yes, it is, but where did you find it?” she asked

I panicked, “Uh… I found it on the scenic route to Faulkner Town, some jerk had driven over it!” I said quickly and nervously. Phil kicked me in the leg and grinned sweetly.

“Oh, what scum!” she said annoyed, “If it weren’t for good people like you, I would have never seen my Dratini again!”

“Well yeah, um. I guess I better be going then” I said, I seriously didn’t want to get caught out by this businesswoman, for all I knew, she was a lawyer and then I’d be screwed.

“No, wait I have to repay you for finding my Dratini!” she said grabbing me on the arm, and her chestnut hair swishing behind her.
“Oh, whatever” I said and started to walk off

“I want to trade with you!” and with those words, I swiftly turned around and smiled.

“Of course, what for what?” I asked

“Well I asked that man back there what you had, and he said according to the forms, you have a Kabutops that I’m interested in” she said, shaking her auburn hair.

“And what would you trade me?” I quizzed. Hopefully it was the Dratini!

“Well I have a Dragonair, it’s attracted to Male Pheromones, I can’t stand it anymore” She sighed.

I snickered, “Well I have a Kabutops that’s attracted to Female Pheromones. I think we have our answer”

“Oh good, I’ve heard about them, they’re supposed to be strong and nasty looking, plus quite rare and powerful” she complemented.

“Yes… that’s right, now what do we do now?” I asked

“Well we go to the machine over there, and we put in the Pokeballs and our Pokedexes, it updates all the info and we get the Pokemon officially traded” she said smiling

“But we should swap phone numbers so if we ever need to trade back we can” She suggested

“Uh.. Ok” I dumbly said and recorded the number in my phone.

“Where did you get the Dragonair?” I asked, interested where a businesswoman would get two dragons.

“Oh, my Foster Father owned a fishing trawler and he pulled them in one day” she finished up.

And with that we went over to the simple device that looked like a drink dispenser. It was about as tall as myself, and had two touchscreens next to each other. I decided to say one last goodbye to Kabutops, throwing its Pokeball to the tiled floor, the familiar flash of white light signaled its emergance.

“Kaaaabuuttoppps!” it screeched

“Um, well Kabutops, I’ve decided to trade you to this nice woman here who would take great care of you and I want you to be nice to her. OK? And well… we never really got on well, but can we be friends?” I felt sad at losing Kabutops, yet ecstatic at getting a Dragonair!

Kabutops didn’t seem to be interested in myself, only in Victoria, which was... disappointing to say the least. I dejectedly recalled him and placed him into a slot in the machine.

Going through the machine’s prompts I was soon rewarded with a Pokeball containing a blue legendary Dragonair. Yay me!

Back in the lobby, I was starting to get anxious about my next gym battle, “So Phil, what’s the gym Leader’s name?” I asked my resident Mr Know it all

“His name is Geoff, and he’s a real techno buff. He’s pretty crafty too. He also apparently runs an online porn database. Makes a mint off of it too! ” Phil said wistfully.

“Um… Phil.. How do you know about all his Porn?”

19th October 2002, 12:20 PM
lol, porn databases. I know that had to be part of the revised chapter *looks around* Yes, I know I haven't posted here in a long time. I'm one of the closet people. I still faithfully read this though, despite the fact that I've read it about 2 times before. I like the chapters more and more. Gotta hurry up with the LTL and EBTV interactions. I believe you guys left off at Chapter 2 in that saga

19th October 2002, 01:14 PM
lol, this was a funny chapter.

Why I like this fanfic so much?

because it has a very good plot, plus you describe things good. But what makes this better than all the others is because it's in present time.

Shadow Realm
20th October 2002, 10:17 AM
Yaaaay, more more more :) Glad Phil finally admitted it...

Tsk, tsk, a laptop, a buggy and now a Dragonair! You'll have that boy spoiled, OZ! :P

Hyperness is a Good Thing
21st October 2002, 06:26 AM
A dragonair? He seems to be extremely lucky....

XDXD I like the part about Mr Mime learning how to drive...XDXD

An online porn database...interesting.....

Gavin Luper
22nd October 2002, 05:09 AM
Hey Oz! Great to see this going well. We REALLY need to start work though, no backing out. Next time you're on MSN, we begin, OK?

I haven't been on for a week which is why my reply is so delayed, but this is as good as ever and can't wait for the youknowwhat!


Chris 2.1
23rd October 2002, 05:18 AM
nice chapter! if i remember rightly, i had a right old rant about the third gym badge, cos it looks like [spoiler]. Maybe its changed? who knows....anyway, i also remember Andrew running over the Dragonair, but its eems you've changed it :)

Keep it up!

31st October 2002, 06:17 PM
Well I'm going on Schoolies week soon! I'm almost finished school... High School... FOREVER YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! So I'll work something out... So YAAYYYYY and um, I'm doing final exams too... Thanks for reading everyone!

The Missing Link A closet person eh! Thanks for reading, and its nice that you decided to reply! Thanks for doing so, and don't worry Gavin and I are working on the Crossover, so it'll be up as soon as possible! Please reply again!

Celebi Power Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading this and I hope you will in the future!

Shadow Relm Yay, glad you enjoyed! And spoiled! I don't think so, besides, not everything is as it seems in EBTV!

Hyperness is a Good Thing Well Dragonair isn't what it seems, you'll find out in good time... And Mr Mime won't be the only driver in EBTV! We'll see various drivers at the wheel at times! More porn info ahoy!

Gavin Luper Thanks for reading! And yes... work... right...

Shiny Marril A rant? Where!? And Andrew never ran over Dragonair, always a Dratini, hee, and then he got an upgraded one instead! Thanks for hearing!

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 13 - PORN PORN PORN!
By OzAndrew

As I as admiring my brand new Dragonair, which was fawning over me with its long slender blue body, I was forced to return it after it finally became too annoying. Instead I released Lickitung and Mr. Mime, Lickitung needed some care and attention after its abusive past, and talking to Mr. Mime as a sort of a Therapist helped Lickitung out quite a bit.

So I left Mr. Mime and Lickitung in the room of the Pokemon Centre in Faulkner City, and decided to go and do some sightseeing, I found some nice presents to send home for Mum and Jessica, and I wrote them a postcard. After that I sent out a mass e-mail to all my friends back at school, gloating over my past 2 Gym Victories.

So as I looked around this business-minded town, it didn’t seem to be too lively, and almost everyone was in a business suit, I felt terribly underdressed in just my casual clothes I felt like going and buying a suit.

I met back up with Phil who had been busy calling Carly on the phone for about 2 hours. He was pleased with himself, but I had the upcoming Gym on my mind, so I decided to ask Phil about when he passed through here like seven years ago when he was on his own Pokemon Adventure.

“You know Phil, what type of Pokemon do I have to battle here?” I asked Phil

“Well actually I heard that all the gyms now are trying to diversify their types because element gyms are SO predictable, and this gym was a normal type gym to my last knowledge, but now all gyms have a theme so to say” said Phil gingerly

“So they’re changing from basic element of Normal to some theme that I don’t have a bloody clue on!” I raged

“Well I know the Theme of this gym, if that’s any consolation?” Phil said while backing away

“Well what the BLOODY hell is it then!” I yelled, furiously, I looked around to see the lawyers closing in, if there was a fight a court case could be at hand which meant to them – Cash.

“It’s actually called a Techno Gym now, so if you work out what type of Pokemon are good with computers, like Porygon, they you’re fine” he said ever so politely

I simmered down a bit, “Ok, so I need to work out what Pokemon are related to computers, well Porygon is one for sure, and electric Pokemon are also computer related, so there’s no surprises there. So it’ll basically be a Normal and Electric Gym?” I deducted

“I wouldn’t be too sure if I was you, gym leaders these days are sick of losing and some have a few tricks up their sleeves, so be careful” warned Phil

So I went back to the Pokemon Centre and grabbed Lickitung and Mr. Mime from their therapy session and heading off to the Gym. However the man at the door wouldn’t let me in, and pointed to a sign on the gym wall, suit and tie must be worn for gentlemen and women must wear a business suit. I was pretty annoyed at that, I had to go and buy a suit and tie for this snobby gym leader!

I stormed back to the city, my temper about and got quite a nice suit actually with some of the cash I got from selling the Pokemon Eggs in Ede Town. After about an hour I went back to the Gym, it was a tall building with neon lights on the outside of the gym saying “Techno Gym” and below that was a small sign: Computers Repair Shop.

So this tacky looking gym was also a Computer repair shop. I walked inside, now allowed by the man at the door and fidgeted with my tie, I was nervous and the tie wasn’t helping.

I walked over to the receptionist’s desk; she was quite pleasant and directed us towards a grand battling arena where the gym leader would be. We walked through the elegant doorway, Phil and I, expecting the battle arena to be some type of palace, except the red carpet stopped at the end of the hallway. From there the ground was dirt covered, and it messed up the bottom of my new trousers, the battle arena was covered in electrical cables and little computer trinkets here and there, and at the end of this gloomy techno palace was a man in his early 50’s typing away at a computer.

“Uh, hello? I’m Andrew and I’d like a gym battle,” I asked gingerly

“Yes, well we’d all like something wouldn’t me” came the sharp reply; he didn’t even look up from the Pc as we stood there.

“Well excuse me! Can I have a gym battle please?” I asked curtly

“Don’t speak to me in that tone, ask again” he said, his glasses still glue to the PC screen, the gloom around us only broken by the PC screens up the back of the arena.

“Excuse me sir, can I please have a gym battle,” I asked in my most polite tone

“Of course! 5 on 5 it will be, take your place please, and all the usual gym rules will apply” A newfound energy flowed through his body, he stood up and his hideous green and purple jumper, tracky dacks and bare feet now visible.

“What a jerk and slob” I whispered to Phil

“Well he wasn’t such as slob before, I don’t think so. Wait a minute. Yes, he was a slob back then” whispered Phil back

I rolled my eyes

“Ok, I’m Geoff, gym leader here if you haven’t noticed and lets start this battle! Go Porygon!”

And with that a Pokeball landed somewhere on the gloomy arena covered in wires. Before the Pokeball opened and the light that emerged illuminated the area around it, before it took the shape of a weird Porygon, the symmetrical and pastel Pokemon made a synthetic sound, “Pory. Gon”, and it hovered about 10 centimetres above the ground was the most impressive thing.

I made up my choice, “Go! Lickitung!” and I threw out a Pokeball, which in a flash of light transformed into a pink being with beady eyes and an excessively long tongue.

“Porygon, use your Conversion!” and with that Porygon’s bright pastels, turned a dull grey, obviously converting to the rock type, making it almost immune to Normal Attacks, but I had a plan.

“Lickitung! Use supersonic” Lickitung opened its mouth and apparently did nothing, but in reality it was emitting high pitched sounds which could not be easily detected by human ears which were confusing Porygon.

“Porygon, use Agility and try evade whatever it tries to attack you with,” Yelled this horrid slob with no fashion sense, and I’m sure Jess would have told him off for sure. I grinned thinking of her, but turned my attention back to the battle.

“Lickitung, use Lick!” Lickitung was firmly in place and its tongue shot out as quick as a whip and it slapped Porygon with a sticky goo which covered its tongue, Porygon still confused, looked straight down, not knowing up from down, due to supersonic and barged directly into the ground using Agility, its rocky body not getting damaged, but stuck.

Porygon began to reverse out of its hole, but as it did, there was a beeping sound coming from it, as a truck does when its reversing, but the gooey saliva had now seeped through Porygon’s rocky crust and into its circuitry, paralysing it. It was now stuck halfway in the ground and beeping.

“Lickitung, use Stomp and keep it in the hole!” the Pink Pokemon surprisingly jumped around the vine like cables with ease and jumped about 7 feet in the air, before landing heavily on Porygon, embedding it within the earth, only a tiny bit of it was visible now.

“Porygon return” said Geoff sadly, and with a red glow illuminating Porygon, it was returned to its Pokeball. “Go Aipom!” I was expecting Geoff to throw out a Pokeball containing the little purple monkey, but instead I saw a typing money on a laptop behind Geoff’s desk. It was surfing the net from the look of it, and on the computer screen it said – XXXX PORN PORN PORN! HOT PORN PORN!

“So its techno element is to be a porno monkey?” I snorted

Geoff just squinted as he saw his monkey’s already wide eyes, open further with every rude picture.

Phil said to me “That’s its techno element, it can use computers really well, and due to that, its dexterity is very good by the looks of it”

“Great work Lickitung!” I yelled heaps more praise because Lickitung was still a bit introverted after its abusive trainer.

The Purple money bounded onto the arena, and faced off against Lickitung. I didn’t really want Lickitung touching Aipom… after all, who knows where its been or what its touched… I shuddered at the thought of Aipom being Geoff’s butt monkey…

“Aipom! Use Agility!” yelled Geoff, his grey hair was quite long and greasy, and it had probably been years since he’d had a proper clean. And his t-shirt read – 733T HAX0R. What a loser.

The purple monkey with an extra hand quickly bounded around the arena at a blinding speed with nothing more than a purple blur around the Pink Lickitung.

“Lickitung, wrap it!” Lickitung waited for Aipom to come in front of it and it speedily shot out its tongue and ensnared the monkey, wrapping it tightly. However its extra hand was still unbound.

“Aipom! Use Screech!” said Geoff.

”Lickitung, slam it down!” I countered

With the two commands ordered, Aipom let out a terrible screech, making Lickitung more vulnerable to Physical attacks, as Screech made the Pokemon’s rigid stance turn to jelly. However Lickitung raised its tongue high and slammed it down severely injuring Aipom, however the monkey wasn’t out.

“Aipom use Dynamic Punch!” yelled Geoff

But before I had a chance to react, the purple monkey’s three hands glowed a bright white before punching Lickitung and sending it reeling across the stadium. Lickitung struggled to get up, and consequently fainted. “Lickitung, return”

I still had an advantage at this point, and I decided to use a Pokemon that had a little speed up him, Elekid.

“Go Elekid!” I threw out my Yellow Pokemon with a Black Bolt across its chest and a plug for a forehead, and it gave a big “ELLE!”

“Elekid, use Quick Attack and Thunder-Punch on Aipom”, I was sure Elekid could do it because it had beaten an Aipom before.

The purple simian gave out a surprised shriek before Elekid nailed it from behind with a glowing fist of fury and a cackle of happiness.

“Aipom return, Go WebCrawler” And with that Geoff threw out a Pokeball before a huge spider appeared in a flash, it was called Ariados. What a cheap trainer, using a Pokemon that just happened to be the mascot of a search engine.

Elekid gave a scared squeak before hiding in amongst the cables, “Elekid, use Thunderbolt!” If I were right, the wires would carry Elekid’s electric current and electrocute the huge arachnid. But the flash of light would also reveal Elekid’s hiding spot.

Elekid stayed silent but a huge golden flash was seen under a pile of wires, before a split second later, the Ariados was howling in pain before it turned towards Elekid’s hiding spot for revenge.

“Elekid, Quick Attack to get away!” I tried desperately, as he ran.

“Don’t let it escape, use Spider Web!” came the nerd’s cry.

Elekid became a blur of yellow as it streaked across the arena, only to be shot with a glob of sticky white goo, which enveloped Elekid and rendered it harmless.

“Ariados use Leech Life” he cackled.

Elekid was lying face up calling for help when the huge spider descended on its prey, ready to feast. Elekid gave a scream when Ariados opened its huge jaws, full with fangs.

“Return Elekid” and with a flash of red energy Elekid was returned to his Pokeball, out of the battle and Ariados chowed down on its own web.

Ariados gave an enraged hiss, as I threw out my next Pokemon, Cyndaquil

“Cyndaquil! Use Flamethrower!” and with that Cyndaquil’s flames on its back came forth in a tremendous amount of heat and burned, not only Ariados, but all the cables around it, the plastic melting and becoming a dangerous hazard.

Ariados, was burnt to a brittle shell, its once bright colours now black. It gave a hiss and released a flurry of sharp needles at Cyndaquil; some of the sharp darts hit her and released poison into her tiny body. With Ariados’s last use of energy, it collapsed.

Teetering around Cyndaquil was feeling woozy against her next opponent, a Magneton.

“Magneton, use Sonic Boom” Yelled Geoff

“Cyndaquil, use flame wheel to counter it!”

Magneton’s three piece body, detached from one another and they glowed grey for a moment, before re-forming, and a mini-tornado of electric energy was being created and ready to launch against Cyndaquil

However as the Sonic Boom came rushing towards Cyndaquil, she used the flames on her back to create a tornado of fire, which she launched at Magneton.

As the Electric Tornado met the Flame Tornado, the flame overtook the static force and the immense heat blasted the metallic Magneton, making its Steel coating soft, malleable and dripping some of its metal onto the floor.

“Porn Attracter!” It cried out. “Porn Attracter, use Zap Cannon!” Cried Geoff

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW my mind screamed at me. What a dirty old man. His porn database so HAD to be true after this. My goodness, I’d report him to the police for um… pornographic material and get this dirty, dirty man locked away after this battle.

“Cyndaquil, Quick Attack and Fire Spike” I commanded, I ALMOST had this battle won!

As the little mouse became a cream and red blur, it moved slower than usual due to the poison it its system, none the less, it got to Magneton, which was forming an orb of Electricity, to which Cyndaquil made the fire on its back solidify and become a white-hot spike of fire which it planted into the top of the Magneton.

However as Cyndaquil knocked out the metal Pokemon, it relinquished control of its Zap Cannon, half formed yet still dangerous it let it go, blasting Cyndaquil across the arena and making her faint.

Geoff had one left and I had 2, it was looking good for me as Geoff motioned to his PC stockpile, from which a Mankey came, it’s eyes looked wild and it had a Mouse in its paw. Its seemed this little money was also PC addicted. No doubt Porn addicted too. What was it with this man and Porn!?

Geoff said in a tired tone, “Mankey, get them”

I threw out my final Pokeball; confident I could beat this Pokemon, and released Mr. Mime.

“Mi!” Came Mr. Mime’s happy cry.

“Mr. Mime use Metronome” I decided, Metronome can always be fun, and especially if you have a type advantage!

Mr. Mime put his hands on his pear-shaped head to concentrate and he closed his eyes, then a split second later he opened then in a blinding white flash. Mankey, who was trying to get to the Mime, was trying to avoid the burnt, hot wires but getting ensnared while it was doing so.

Mr Mime focused his hands together, as if doing Tai Chi or something and a brilliant beam of blue came out, and hit the unsuspecting Mankey who was still trapped in the wires. The blue beam, presumably Ice Beam froze its foot, in an ever-expanding block of ice, by the time Geoff had returned Mankey it was covered in ice up to its pig nose.

“Ok, you win Andrew. Nice suit by the way” said a smug Gym Leader

“Hey! Why don’t you let people in here unless they wear a suit anyway?” I asked

Geoff replied while handing over a badge, which looked like the face of a grinning Bill Gates, “Well actually, I just like people to look classy.”

I decided not to ask about his Porn database, I’d probably be thrown out without a badge if I did, after this great battle too! Looking at this fifty-something techno slob and just smiled. I left the gym and went back to the Pokemon Centre with Phil and my new badge. I’d have to disinfect it though, who knows where it had been!

Ok, the badge was VERY weird, but then again Bill Gates is the god of nerds, and I did have a new suit. And I looked over at Phil, he seemed to have a brochure saying – XXXX PORN, he must’ve picked it up at the Gym… Ew. However the disgust was wiped off my face when I saw my Aunty Maureen waiting for me at the Pokemon Centre.

“Andrew, something’s happened to your Mum” she said gravely.

Shadow Realm
31st October 2002, 06:40 PM
Erm....that boy ain't right!

Finally, a new chapter! Lol, funny and although the description was good it did seem to go by awfully quickly. Btw my own fic is back OZ, be sure to stop by again! (I do so enjoy using your fic as a shameless plug for my own ;))

Btw, why aren't you on MSN?


31st October 2002, 06:47 PM
It took a while to read all of this, but it was worth it... I was dissappointed that we didn't get to see Dragonair in action though =(. Still, nice cliffhanger ending, I hope this means it won't be to long before the next chapter though!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
1st November 2002, 08:44 AM
Niiiiiiiice...I like the slob...hehe...

o_O...Pokemon like porn sites? Waaaaaah.

What happened to his mum?

Awww....no Jessica for a while...*waits*

I wonder why I like her so much..must be because her attitude is somewhat similar to someone I know...*laughs*

Chris 2.1
1st November 2002, 12:46 PM
nice chapter, but i cant see most of it due to 'undesirable content'. I see Aipom get off the pc...then thats it. Nevermind, i guess the admins dont like p o r n. Meh, what can you do?

Good, good. My fic is up, a good excuse to advertise here :). Shadow Realm is right, you're never on MSN!

Gavin Luper
1st November 2002, 10:35 PM
Is it alright if we continue work on ******* ***** ** *******/**** *** ****** ********* very very soon?

Very nice chapter, had me laughing out loud in some places, ah great writing. The cliffhanger at the end is cool because it's an unusual type of cliffhanger in trainer fics. They're usually all "uh oh, the battle is going to end, who will win?" kinda thing. This one is cool.

I like the typing Aipom, gives me ideas for LTL (not THOSE kinds of ideas, Oz...) maybe it'll be in the ********* with the Lisa in floaties thing.

Well, keep the chapters up, this is brilliant, and good to see that Andrew won his third badge!



16th November 2002, 06:35 PM
*gasps for breath*

24th November 2002, 12:33 AM
Oh hey everyone I'm back from the stresses of year twelve and schoolies week, and I'm free! FREEEEEEE!!! From everything! So I have a lot more spare time on my hands! Yay! So sorry about the wait everyone, I was just so occupied with school and schoolies week!

Shadow Realm Eep! Sorry I forgot the A! BTW, which Boy is wierd? I probably wasn't on MSN cause of Schoolies Week and the fact that I was in the last few days of school! Thanks for reading!

Jex I'm flattered you took the time out to read my fic, thank you! Don't worry Dragonair gets some battling action this chapter! And here's the conclusion to the cliffhanger! Sorry bout the wait! *Points above*

Hyperness Is A Good Thing Heh, you like the slob! I don't! Well we won't know if the Pokemon like Porn Sites... I dunno... never asked one! And you find out what happens this chapter and some Jessica, she's taking a much more central role from this chapter onwards. Glad you like her!

Shiny Marril Hey dude! Thanks for reading, I sent you the chapter in Word so you could read it, sorry 'bout the content but I made that epi a bit wierd! And um, I think I did check out your fic a while back but I'll be back on it soon!

Gavin Of course! Work work work! Great to hear it made you laugh! Thanks for your kind comments too! I try to be different! And a DJing Aipom is what you need! Really! Thank you very much Gavin! Thanks!

100 Fang Croconaw Hi, I'm guessing you read this, but I can't remember you! Sorry! Did you have another Alias? But the new chapters are coming! So wait! And breathe too! That's good!

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 14 – Coma, Coins and a New Companion
By OzAndrew

As soon as I stepped into the Pokemon Centre and saw my Aunty Maureen there, I knew something was wrong. I ran over to her, her face solemn, “Hey Aunty Reen, what’s the matter?” I asked while faking a smile.

“Andrew, I think you’d better come with me, we’ll go sit down,” she said, holding her car keys tightly. The tinkling sound was making me nervous.

Phil was standing beside me looking uneasy, I handed him my Pokeballs and asked him to go and get them fixed up. Phil nodded and took them; I don’t think he wanted to intrude on this moment.

I turned back to my Aunt, she was smiling but she had tears in her eyes, “Andrew you need to come with me now, Mum’s been hurt”, she grabbed my hand and gripped it tightly; I sat there, staring. Inside I felt like I had been punched and I wanted to collapse to the floor, but my body kept strong and I just stared as she continued.

“She’s in Hanlon Town and she’s in a Coma” continued my Aunt

“How?” I mumbled

“Well the office was overrun by the little punks who broke into the office, they don’t know how yet and they smashed a laser printer over her head because she had tried to fight back when they threatened her. She apparently grabbed a knife and told them to back off, before they attacked her” My Aunt’s eyes were all watery and I finally broke into tears. I didn’t want to be the big strong guy on an adventure any more; I just wanted to go home to my mum.

“I’ll take you in the car back to Hanlon Town, Ok Andrew?” she asked

I nodded, my face was red and streaming with tears, “She always hated working in the Youth Detention Centre and now…” I trailed off.

We went back to my room in the Pokemon Centre and I sobbed myself to sleep for a while. When I woke up Phil and Aunty Maureen (Reen for short) were chatting quietly.

“Ah Andrew. I’ve been talking to your Aunt and well I don’t think it would be appropriate of me to come back with you so I’m going to continue looking for my Pokemon alone. If you ever want to, well travel again, give me a buzz on my mobile” said Phil, my Aunt in the background nodded, her usually glowing face now dull and sullen.

“Ok Phil” I said meekly, I didn’t have the will to fight back anymore.

I shook Phil’s hand and wished him luck in finding his Pokemon. I released my Pokemon to say goodbye, they were all touched in their own ways but Dragonair wouldn’t get off of me! It kept putting its long blue snake body over me. I ended up petting it and setting it gently down.

I said goodbye to the tricky Abra and the TV addicted Snorlax and finally to the loyal Charizard. They knew I had to go. I gave Phil’s hand one final shake and left.

With that I grabbed my things, and left the buggy in the carpark and went out to my Aunt’s car. I fell asleep inside the car, I was emotionally drained. We drove through the night to Hanlon Town. When we finally got there, we rushed up to the hospital. Inside we were greeted by the antiseptic smell that all medical establishments seem to have. We went up an elevator and finally to my Mum’s room.

Outside the room I saw my sister and went over to her but she said, “Took you long enough you slacker” in a bitter tone. I just shook it off and stepped into the room. It was about 3am and well visitors weren’t allowed at this time but we’d been let in especially. Jessica tossed her blonde hair to the side and put up her hand to block off her view of me as I walked in the room.

The room was dimly lit, the window had a great view of Hanlon Town at night, but I went over to my mum’s room. My Uncle Darren was sitting next to her, asleep in the chair. He was about Thirty-Five but he seemed to have aged terribly and looked about Fifty-five. Aunty Maureen grabbed her husband’s hand and led him out of the room in a slumbering walk.

I sat down next to my mum’s bed, the moonlight was on her face, she was breathing, but it didn’t seem normal. It seemed like her spirit was gone and all that remained was the body of my mother. I looked over and saw she was hooked up to a lot of Life Support Apparatus; it seemed to be keeping her alive.

Her usually clean skin was riddled with bruises on her face, and arms, the rest of her body was underneath the blanket. Some cruel bastard had done this to my mother. I grabbed my mum’s hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

The next thing I knew, Jess was shaking me and telling me to wake up. She led me down to the Cafeteria for Breakfast with my Aunt and Uncle. It was about 8:00 in the morning. Everyone at the table was sullen and depressed. In fact, everyone at the cafeteria seemed sullen; I guess a hospital isn’t the cheeriest place.

My Aunt looked me in the eye after we had finished breakfast, “Andrew, you may have to make some hard decisions soon.” She said gently.

“What type of decisions?” I asked, my brown hair messed up from last night.

“Well, we’ll let the doctor talk to you later. And the police want to talk to you too” said my Uncle. His face wore a grim expression.

Jessica leaned over and gave me a hug. I pulled away from her. She never gave me a hug. “Why is she hugging me?” I thought. I finished up and went to the recreation room where a Police Officer was standing.

“I think you’d better sit down son,” said the officer in a deep gruff voice.


Two hours later…

“So you’re saying some group of men from this Association I’ve heard so much about broke into the Youth Detention Centre to get some punks out to train them and to use in their elaborate scheme of world domination. And it was just a shame my mum got in the way when they were breaking out!?” I yelled, flustered and annoyed.

“Yes son.” He said, taking a sip of the cup of tea.

“Then why did you take two hours to tell me the main thing?” I yelled at him.

“Well I like all the victims and families of the victims to know the full story” he replied simply

“Isn’t that breaching a confidentiality clause?” I asked

“Yeah, but who’s going to tell!” he blurted out.

“Ok thanks Officer Martin, so if you catch them you’ll charge them with attempted murder” I seethed.

“Absolutely” he gave me a larrikin grin, shook my hand and left.

I walked out of the room bewildered, and confused, I bumped into the doctor who promptly led me back into the recreation room of the hospital.


An hour later…

“So basically, my Mum’s in a Coma, you want me to authorise you to switch off my Mum’s life support, which means she could die. And if she dies my sister and I go into Foster Care?” I asked, sending spit flying with every word I was so angry.

“Yes Andrew” she replied calmly.

“Then how come you talked to me for an hour about it!?” I asked bewildered.

“I want all my patients to know their options” she took a sip of tea as she said it.

“Doctor, let me put it this way.” I said curtly, being polite yet the seething in my voice was strong. “You will never switch off my Mother’s life support. Ok Doc?”

“Well I see you don’t care about other patients who need beds do you!” and with that she stormed out.


I walked back into my mum’s room to see Courtney and Lachlan, the little devil children of Maureen and Darren clambering over my mother, oblivious to it all.

“Bouncy bouncy bouncy!” cried Courtney as she jumped on my mother.

“Grrr” Growled Lachlan.

Seeing this I screamed “GET OFF HER YOU LITTLE MONGRELS!!!!!!”

“No more bouncy” asked Courtney as she climbed off the bed.

“OUT YOU LITTLE GOOD FOR NOTHINGS!” I screamed as they ran out, looking for their parents, whilst starting the waterworks. I started to cry as I pressed the buzzer for a nurse, this was all too much for me to handle. My mum had to pull through. She had to.


Two Months Later

“Andrew, I think you’ve got to come to grips with this honey, your mother, my sister is not going to wake up, no matter what you say, she’s taken too much head trauma and the doctors think its best if they give the equipment to people who have a chance” said Aunty Maureen calmly, as we sat across her table.

“I think its best that you listen to your Aunt Andrew,” commented Uncle Darren.

“I don’t think you understand, my mum’s going to pull through I know she is” I said, fighting off tears as I heard Courtney in her room on her bed yelling “Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy!!!”

“Andrew, face the facts. She’s going to die.”


Three months later

After staying by my mother’s hospital bed for seven months, two weeks and three days, my mum finally woke up. During that time I resumed school and trained my Pokemon around town. Also, on occasional phone calls to Phil, I had found out Phil had added a Sunflora to his team. So he had Snorlax, Charizard, Abra and the new Sunflora. Phil had also been researching this Association and was getting an idea of where his old friends had gone. Apparently some had been shipped overseas so he took a month’s trip to Germany but had found nothing at all to his disappointment. But he was looking forward to meeting back up was what I picked up.


One day after one of mum’s Physiotherapy sessions:

“Andrew, I want you to go back on your adventure. You’ve always wanted to do it, and well I think if you stay here looking after me you’ll end up regretting it.” Said mum, her face a lot more slim after lying down for such a long period of time. She continued, “Anyway I’m out of the woods now and I’m going to be ok. I just need my therapy and stay here for a few more weeks and then I can go home” she said “Besides, Vivian is coming to stay with me and you know how nice she is, she’s been looking after her sick mother who just passed away recently”

At this point Jessica walked in, “I heard you were going Andrew. If you are, I’m coming too!” Her slim little body was standing firm, hands on her hips, green eyes defiant and full of fight.

I certainly didn’t want Jessica with me 24/7, after all I’d seen her nearly every day at the hospital and that’s why I went back to school. To get away from her, she was hardly bearable 1/1. I butted in, “Jessica I don’t think it would be a good idea if you should well come with me even IF I do go”

“I’m not staying here, and besides I’ve got Pokemon too and they want to see the world. And anyway, I want to be a fashion designer, and how can I get inspiration to design if I don’t go out and explore!” she said melodramatically, her blonde hair swishing around as she went on.

“When you say explore, don’t you mean go to a shopping centre?” I asked sarcastically. I hit a right note and she instantly glared at me.

Mum butted in, “Andrew you will take your sister at least for a while during the school holidays, it’ll be good for her”

I protested about this decision for a while, before I finally gave up. Even at my age, almost an adult I had give in. I finally came to the conclusion that I’d think about going back on my adventure.

I walked down to the park to think, however Jessica came too. I released my Pokemon - Mr. Mime, Elekid, Staryu, Lickitung, Cyndaquil and Dragonair.

Unfortunately Jessica also released her lot – Chikorita, Seel, Eevee, Smeargle (From Carly), Smoochum, Jigglypuff, Clefairy and my old Squirtle. He’d turned traitor on me for food. I should’ve known that in the first place anyway.

The Pokemon went off to play in the playground while I sat there deep in thought.

I was watching Mr. Mime and Lickitung on the swings; those two seemed to be the best of mates now. Dragonair didn’t seem as fond of me; yet still a loyal Pokemon. Elekid and Cyndaquil also seemed to be the best buddies, both hatched from eggs and cute. Staryu was the Pokemon I really didn’t have any emotional attachment to. Sure it was loyal (I think), powerful and determined, I just wasn’t sure if it had emotions.

I had a bit of a play with Squirtle, but it was evident whom he loved now. Jessica’s other Pokemon were awfully fond of her and to a degree me. I was quite disappointed when Jess pointed out that she has more Pokemon than me and better fashion sense than me. I saw her Pokemon playing on the slide as such and having a grand old time.

Not too long after, a Sixteen-year-old boy with red hair and looking very well dressed came over and sat next to my sister. He gave her a bit of a chat, before she gave him a horrified look, shoved him off of the seat and proceeded to kick him while he was down. “You freak! Why the hell did you try to kiss me! Why would I want to kiss to a Laaaahhhooooossseeerrr (Loser) like you” Jessica yelled at him, and did that L on the forehead thing while she said Loser.

I gave a stifled laugh, but that guy caught on, “What are you laughing at mate?” he said, getting up and coming over to me. He was shorter than me and I didn’t think his intimidation act was working too well until he shocked me by saying, “If you think you’re so tough, lets battle then. Three on three. Just on the grass here” he said brushing the dirt off his clothes and giving me dirty look.

Jessica went over onto the Playground equipment and got onto it; from there she’d have a good vantage point of the battle. I let my Pokemon stay out, but they came and stood behind me.

“Crobat I choose you!” yelled the teen as he lobbed out a purple Pokeball. A large purple bat with frenzied eyes and expression emerged; drool coming from its fangs.

“What’s your name MATE” I yelled out

“Its Joel MATE! What’s yours?” he yelled back. He was hoping that by beating me his bruised ego would be a bit better. But I had news for this jerk

“Dragonair” I said and looked to her. She slithered onto the grass to face this giant Pokemon.

The usually nocturnal Pokemon flew into the air and my snake like Pokemon began charging up for an attack.

Jessica yelled, “GO!” and with that the battle began.

“Dragonair! Use Icy Wind!” I commanded. I knew this Pokemon was part flying and flying and should obviously be weak to electric and ice attacks.

“Crobat, use Toxic!” yelled Joel, his red hair messed up from his run in with my sassy sis.

Dragonair’s orb on her neck began to glow a light blue, and with that a cold breeze began to whirl around the park, before Crobat was consumed into a large orb, the colour Dragonair’s orb had turned. The Pokemon screeched and thrashed around, desperate to get out. Its frenzy getting worse. The wind finally died down, and Crobat crash landed onto the grass, but still in the battle.

“Dragonair, use Dragon breath!” I commanded. I obviously had Crobat almost out.

“Crobat, bite it!!” yelled Joel; his eyes were full of rage of being made a fool.

Crobat gave a mighty screech, and with that screech Dragonair seemed immobilized as Crobat sunk its fangs into Dragonair, and began grinding, sucking the blood from it and flying away. Dragonair hung limply from its fangs as it had a feral grin on its face before hurling the Pokemon into the soft ground of the park, sending clods of dirt flying, hitting Chikorita in the process.

Dragonair laid limp in the ground. Not moving. I hoped Crobat hadn’t killed it as I recalled it, and seeing the small pool of blood soaking into the sand around where Dragonair had been.

Joel recalled Crobat in a red flash and his fiery temper looked like it matched his hair at this point, “Espeon!” he yelled out, and a lilac coloured cat with fine short hair, two tales, a red orb in its forehead and two dark eyes, gleaming with excitement leapt out of the Pokeball with a happy cry.

I looked at looked at Staryu as its red crystal shone. I don’t think I was going to use it again for a while after its Gym Defeat against Tilden in Ede Town. But I quickly decided against it and gave Staryu a nod, it jumped into the fray, quick to try re-earn my trust.

“Espeon use Psybeam!” ordered Joel

“Staryu, use your Psychic!” I ordered back. Hopefully the stronger Psychic attack would win.

Espeon’s red jewel turned dark purple, as did Staryu’s core. Espeon leapt forward with a multi-coloured beam of energy, like a mini-rainbow and it hit Staryu’s arm. Staryu was knocked back a few meters but Staryu was still charging up its superior attack. The attack was let loose, a dark purple beam, came from its core, pinprick before it hit Espeon’s Jewel, before it enlarged and covered Espeon’s head. Espeon howled out in pain and put its paws over its head, trying to stop the pain. It lay down on the charred grass, seriously shaken.

“Espeon, use Iron Tail!” yelled Joel.

“Staryu use Ice Beam!” I directed, with a bit of luck Ice Beam would freeze Espeon before it could shatter Staryu’s core with the tail of steel.

Staryu’s core now red again, turned a light blue. Espeon’s forehead jewel turned a shiny silver, its tail’s fur thickening and turning silver, like a steel wool pad. Staryu shot out its light blue beam from its core; the beam shined in the sunlight and the brilliant light blue hit a pouncing Espeon. The Iron Tail scratched Staryu’s core, and didn’t shatter it thankfully as Espeon finally fainted.

I motioned to Staryu to go over to Jessica, Jessica yelled out a “Go Andrew!” which was awfully out of turn for her. I motioned to Elekid and Joel silently threw out his Pokeball, which revealed a beautiful Vulpix, with a Tan hide, red tales and olive eyes. Elekid muttered a few things to Vulpix and Vulpix gave a little s******, while they both looked at Mr. Mime. Mr Mime ran onto the field and must’ve scolded Elekid for saying something mean or rude. None the less, Elekid and Vulpix looked quite happy together and not really willing to battle.

I had other plans however, “Elekid use Mud Slap!” I yelled.

“Vulpix, stop goofing off an use Faint Attack!” said Joel a lot more sullenly.

Elekid and Vulpix said a few words and the Yellow Plug Pokemon reached into the earth and picked up a clod of earth, which was quite soft after the overnight rains. Elekid held onto the earth while Vulpix became invisible and reappeared directly in front of Elekid. Elekid dropped some of the mud on Vulpix and Vulpix gave him a slight nudge.

Vulpix and Elekid fell down with much dramatics. They wheezed and tried not to chuckle as they pretended to be unconscious. Elekid and Vulpix didn’t want to fight, so Joel and I returned them to their appropriate Pokeballs. We ordered out our hopefully last Pokemon.

“Mudkip! I choose you!” said Joel, as a small bluish Pokemon on all fours, beady eyes and orange cheeks emerged from the light of its Pokeball, giving a small cry “Mudd!”

I motioned to Mr Mime and he jumped into action, against this tiny Pokemon, this was sure to be an easy battle. Joel smiled as Mudkip grinned, flapping his tail as it bounded towards Mr Mime who looked slightly wierded out by this.

“Mudkip! Use Tail Slap!” yelled Joel!

“Mr Mime! Retaliate with your own Double Slap Attack!” I countered.

Mudkip’s slimy tail connected with Mr Mime’s Glove as they slapped furiously at each other, only seeming to connect with each other’s attack. It looked kinda like a game of clapping that seven year old girls do. It was going nowhere.

“Mudkip! Use Magnitude!” yelled Joel

“Mr Mime! Use Metronome” I once again said hopefully.

Mudkip gave a small little yell; it was an ugly thing as the earth began to shake, Mr Mime concentrating on a random attack. As if on cue Mr Mime flung out his hands and a flurry of small coins came in a small shower on Mudkip, which didn’t seem to interrupt the attack as dirt began to fly everywhere, one clod taking out Lickitung and another Clefairy. But the best one was Joel as the dirt slammed into his face.

Meanwhile Mr Mime was being absorbed into the ground and I had to recall my psychic type from being absorbed into the ground. Suddenly Squirtle ran onto the battlefield.

Amazed I looked at Squirtle as he stared down Mudkip, “You’ve come to fight for me Squirtle!?” I asked the cute turtle.

Squirtle looked at me as if I was a weirdo as he began grabbing all the coins from the weak Pay Day attack and ran off the field and to the platform before the slide and began to unwrap the coins, revealing chocolate.

“Typical” I muttered.

Joel came up to me with a huff. He shook my hand, and walked off hastily to a bike and rode off. Dirt on him, angry look and he did make a good exit, with Mudkip bounding happily alongside. I think the battle showed me I had to get back on the road and train against real trainers, not just my school buddies and their sad line up. I thought of Adam’s splashing Wailmer and Nathan’s Congo Line Kecleon. They weren’t much of a challenge. I had to get back on the road. Even if it was with my sister.

Squirtle was munching on the coins, trying to stuff as many as he could into his mouth as he was enveloped by a flash of white energy as it enveloped him, his eyes held a greedy look. The white energy grew and reformed into a Wartortle, who instantly began stuffing food into his now larger mouth.

“Congrats Wartortle” I said as I went up to congratulate him.

Jessica ran over, “Oh! You mightn’t be as cute but I still like you!”

And with that we went to the Pokemon Centre, I knew Dragonair would be ok; it wasn’t a rare and almost Legendary Pokemon that could be taken out by a bat. Although in the Pokemon Anime, Pikachu seemed to be unstoppable and this had made it become the most wanted Pokemon ever. How sad.

I later returned to mum in the hospital and agreed to her that I would continue my journey and I would take Jessica for a while. I shuddered at the thought of taking my teenybopper sister into the wilderness; we wouldn’t start travelling every morning till Jessica had done her hair and makeup.

I rang Phil the next morning as Jessica and I stood at the train station. We had said our farewells last night. Phil was more than happy to meet back up with myself and Jessica in Faulkner, where my Buggy was still in underground driving. Besides, we’d have to catch the Train back to Faulkner unfortunately.

Jessica had 6 suitcases, three were for her clothes, one was for her Cd’s and her stuff and another for her own Pokemon and the other was for her beauty gear. I was glad we had a trolley to place them all on. And I piled my stuff on top.

This was going to be the Pokemon trip from hell – With Jessica.

“Hurry up Andrew! The train doors are closing!” she said frantically as the computer said, “Doors closing. Please Stand Clear!”

I shuddered.

Chris 2.1
24th November 2002, 03:14 AM
good chapters! its really a very good fic Oz! you should be very proud of it ;):yes:

24th November 2002, 07:03 AM
Squirtle evolved into Wartortle when he didn't even battle? Cool! And going with Jessica 24/7? That will be a real problem for him.:yes:

Hyperness is a Good Thing
24th November 2002, 09:02 AM
Cool..We get to see Squirtle/ Warotortle agian...
Anyways....good thing his mother wokeup...but why was everyone so sure that she would die?

Shadow Realm
24th November 2002, 02:18 PM
Cool, an odd mix of a dark chapter and a humorous one. Glad Jessica will be a more prominent character. *points to the word reAlm* I'm watching yooouuu.....

25th November 2002, 01:03 AM
look who started reading again!

Its nice to see this up with chapters I havent read before. Jessica is the classic biach ^.~ And i dont remember Phil acutally confessing the fact that he did it. U should have kept it going it was amusing!


26th November 2002, 05:58 PM
Shiny Marril: Thank you! Please continue to read!

100FangCroconaw: Squirtle evolved because it could and because it wanted to be able to eat a lot more quicker. And Jess 24/7 is going to be fun! Hee!

Hyperness Is A Good Thing: Hee, seems like everyone likes the turtle!

Shadow Realm: Yes well a mix is sometimes good, *Looks at Carly in this chapter....* Seems like Everyone loves Jessica!

Mist: OMG, thanks for reading! Ah, another person who likes Jess :P And thanks for your feedback, but Phil's character is going to develop a bit more in chapters to come. Thank you for reading Mist!

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 15 – Trains, Mud And Grave Battles ( Or: Will you just shut up!)
By OzAndrew

On the train trip from hell with Jessica, her constant nattering, self-absorption and mindless gossip was grinding on my nerves. She was jabbering on about her friend’s brothers and how they were much nicer than me. I had finally had enough; 2 hours of sitting next to her was driving me mad! I yelled at her, “For the love of god! WILL YOU SHUT UP!!” She looked at me with an open mouth and looked horrified. All the people around us looked at me with distaste and looked at me as if I’d done something wrong!

We finally arrived back in Faulkner City after many hours of sitting on the Train next to each other in silence. I played the laptop and she listened to her music. Faulkner City looked pretty interesting, the high-rise buildings, and the way everyone moved as if they were all heading to a very important meeting or something. Jessica looked around in awe, I knew what she was thinking of – Shopping. I grabbed her by the arm and started to lead her to the underground car park where Phil said he’d meet us.

Jessica protested, saying that she needed to experience a different culture but I just continued on. We finally got to the Underground carpark after I made the mistake of walking past City Beach. Needless to say she came out with a new top at my expense. Phil was leaning on the buggy fitted out in his usual black t-shirt, long baggy cargos and that distant gaze. Jessica waltzed up to Phil with a great big smile, “Hi! I’m Andrew’s sister, Jessica. Nice to meet you Phil I’ve heard so much about you!” she said with a great cheerfulness.

After the horror stories I’d told Phil about Jessica with her attitude he looked somewhat surprised, “Oh hi Jessica, you seem a lot nicer than what Andrew made you out to be” said Phil with a smirk, but the effect was instant. Jessica glared at me and gave me a death stare while all the while smiling pleasantly at Phil.

While Phil and I packed up the buggy we let out our Pokemon to get acquainted. Jessica’s Pokemon seemed to be very well behaved and well a lot like Jessica. Jessica’s troupe of Eevee, Chikorita, Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Smoochum, Seel and Smeargle were playing a game of Duck Duck Goose with my Staryu, Cyndaquil, Elekid, Mr. Mime and Lickitung. Phil’s Abra was playing too. But Dragonair, Charizard and Snorlax just seemed to be having a good laugh at Wartortle’s jokes.

After a good while we finally got all of Jessica’s stuff packed into the Buggy. I jumped in the Drivers seat, Phil beside me and Jessica doing her nails with her nail kit on the back two seats. The next gym was the Rancher Gym, and by the sounds of it, it seemed to be out in Hicksville.
“When I had a go at this gym it was quite easy it was on a farm if I remember” remembered Phil.

“Are we going to a farm?! If we are I am not setting foot off of this cruddy oversized moving hairdryer!” said Jessica hastily. She obviously didn’t want to get dirty.

“But Jessica,” I reasoned, “Aunty Maureen has a little farm with a cow, chickens and sometimes Ducks”

“That’s different, they’re nice clean animals,” she said righteously.

I gave out an annoyed sigh.

We drove through the countryside, away from High-Rise Faulkner City, towards Goldsworthy Town, a middle sized town, and the Rancher Gym was about a half hour before you got to Goldsworthy Town.

“This place is starting to smell countryish. I don’t like it” Declared Jess.

As we were on the path drawing ever closer to Goldsworthy there was a piece of tin with an arrow and Gym written crudely on it, standing up on a rock, with an arrow pointing to a well worn dirt path. I turned the buggy down the path, towards the gym. As we were going down the path I wondered what Pokemon might be used in a Farm. “Tauros, Psyduck… um… maybe a Miltank” I thought to myself.

As we went along the track I saw a pretty shoddy house and about fifteen kids running around outside. We continued on and it seemed the Gym was near that trashy house. Jessica turned up her nose in disgust as we continued on, and all of a sudden the kids all ran to a ring and there was a teenager riding a bull. He was hanging on for dear life as the animal tried to buck him off. I stopped the buggy outside the ring to watch, and the boy eventually was bucked off, and he flew headfirst into the muddy ground with a sickening thud.

The kids around us cheered. I looked at Jessica and Phil in worry, we were all pretty shocked, but the boy finally stood up with a larrikin grin.

“Hey look kids! Outsiders!” he said in a drawling country voice.

I gave a slight wave and decided to ask a question, “So do you know where the Gym is around here?”

All the little kids murmured amongst themselves and the boy stood proudly, “Heck! I AM the Gym Leader here, and this is my beautiful gym!” he said with his arms out looking proudly and the rotting wooden ring, the muddy earth and I just noticed a small sign saying the obvious – Gym.

I looked at him, wondering if he really was the gym leader, he only looked about 14 or 15. He had his brown hair messed up and Jessica was already sure he was a disgusting human being, not worthy of talking to her.

Phil hopped out of the Buggy, and looked at the kid, “Hey kid, where’s your parents” he asked in a chastising voice.

“They’re dead, they were stupid anyway, and they were killed when they dug a really deep hole for a stupid pool idea. I don’t know why they were doing that, its not like we needed a bath, we already have one” he replied looking righteous, yet the stupid county accent really reinforced what Phil, Jessica and I knew – He was a county hick.

I stepped out of the Buggy, “Well could I have a Gym Battle then, I’m Andrew, and what’s your name?” I asked.

“Your names Andy too! Lookey here kids, my name is the same as a big time city folk!” he said while looking pretty stupid. I certainly didn’t him; He called me Andy.

Jessica got off the Buggy wearing her nice clean sneakers; she looked mighty annoyed, “Look you country freak, just give my brother a damn battle so I can leave this stinking hell. Ok?”

Andy just looked amused, “You shouldn’t let your woman talk as much, besides, she should be in the kitchen. Like my cousin, Darlene” he said look at me as if I was a bad child and at Jessica like she was a bad dog. But he’d just opened up a can of whoop-*** now; no one insults Jessica and gets away with it. Plus he’d insulted me. Phil sat down in the Buggy and tried to ignore this all.

Jessica walked up to Andy with her hands on her hips, her face one of determination and vengeance, “Look you abnormal jerk, don’t you tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. I don’t think you should have some girl locked up in a Kitchen like a slave. And don’t you EVER tell me to shut up. Are we clear?” She glared at him with a deathly look, just daring him to reply with some of his stupid country lack of knowledge.

Andy gave a small nod, he was certainly taken aback, I had to get in on this too, “Look you country hick, don’t you don’t tell my sister what to do. Now lets battle. Six on Six” I said while looking quite angry.

Andy regained his stupid look and lopsided smile, barefoot, dirty and with terrible morals he somehow commanded the little children like his army, “Go up and grab my Poking MA! holding thingies” and with that they all ran up to the house and scampered down within a minute.

“I know we can make this a bit funner, so lets make it two on two at a time. Ok?” I nodded and grabbed Elekid and Cyndaquil’s Pokeballs.

“Go Bulls!” yelled Andy as he threw the Pokeballs into the ring where he had just been riding. However only one Tauros came out, and it looked dirty. Andy looked shocked, he yelled out, “Where’s me other bull?!”

A girl about the same age as Andy poked her head out the window, “WE HAD HIM FOR DINNER LAST WEEK!” and with that she was gone, taking her horrible voice with her.

Andy threw out another Pokeball; it was a Tangela. It roped the Tauros around the neck with its vines and put it on Tauros’s back. The green instant noodle Pokemon looked quite ratty, as did everything else around here.

“Attack whatever comes out ok!” yelled Andy

“Elekid and Cyndaquil, go!” I yelled out. The two cute ones on my team came out, ready to battle.

Tauros began running at Cyndaquil and Elekid, and I had a plan similar to one Mr. Mime and Squirtle used to do. “Dodge at the last second guys!” I yelled out. The stampeding Tauros ran at Elekid and Cyndaquil, and at the last possible moment they jumped away, Tauros tried to stop in the slippery mud, but instead it skidded into the old wooden barrier. It held surprisingly and it fell down for a second. Tangela was crushed by the huge Tauros and was struggling to get out from under him.

“Elekid, do what Mr. Mime showed you!” I yelled out. Elekid gave a small nod and ran over to the downed pair and its electricity began to crackle around it, and it seemed to create a clear barrier, with visible electricity coursing through it; An Electric Light Screen. Elekid managed to put up 3 of these barriers around Tauros, minus the side where the wooden fence and on top of them. The Tangela was very squashed, but it managed to hold onto Tauros’s back. Tauros rammed the Electric Screen and bellowed in pain. “Cyndaquil, fill it up!” I yelled

The small little mouse jumped on the wooden barrier and began to breathe fire all over the Tangela and Tauros, making them both furious and totally burnt. Tauros turned around and rammed the wooden fence, making Cyndaquil fall out of the ring and out of the match. Cyndaquil ran over to Jessica where she started to talk to it, congratulating it. Tangela was obviously knocked out but some of its vines were still on fire and it was still attacked to Tauros, who was unable to dislodge it or get out of the Electric Box.

“Elekid! Use a Thunderbolt,” I yelled out. Elekid gathered up all its strength and began to tense up; the plug on its head began to glow, as did the lightning symbol on his belly. He let loose with an “ELE” and a great big bolt of lightning hit Tauros, defeating it. Elekid ran over to me and I gave it a Hi-5 before it went to sit in the buggy with Jess and Cyndaquil.

Andy recalled his two Pokemon once the Electric Light Screen had faded and threw out another 2, a Psyduck and Miltank.

I threw out Lickitung’s Blue Pokeball and Dragonair’s Normal Pokeball for battle. The long blue snake had both the orb around its neck and its eyes glittering in the sunlight. Lickitung’s small black beady eyes were focused on its opponent, the Psyduck.



The lovely sea breeze flowed through my house again as I went to get a new pair of pants to put on, after having to deal with a sniffling Rhyhorn who sneezed on my pants, she seemed to be suffering from a cold. Easily fixed, but not the same for my snot-covered cargos. Sunflora trailed behind me, smiling happily and enjoying my company.

Having a quick shower I got changed and decided to resume my research. After all I wasn’t being funded to sit around all day pretending to do work. Oh what the hey. I’d research tomorrow; right now I’m going to go watch Rikki Lake. After all American Trash Tv is the best aphrodisiac for not wanting to work.

My Gligar and Pikachu came and sat next to myself and Sunflora as I flicked on the switch for Rikki Lake, seeing the corner topic – Lesbian Love Triangles I felt slightly sickened and switched to Jerry Springer – Animal Love Affairs EXPOSED! That was sure to be good!

Sure it was disgusting as a man admitted that the Goat was his secret lover and we didn’t see anything, the expression of his wife who I’m sure had a beard admitted she’d been seeing the Donkey! It was hilarious as the couple had a fistfight and I’m pretty sure the wife with some facial hair won.

“Pika!” cried Pikachu before he coughed, interrupting my entertainment.

“Quiet Pikachu! I’m trying to watch this! And I’m sure you only have a cold from that damn Rhyhorn” I said whilst looking at the screen

Sunflora suddenly jumped up and screamed as I heard another stifled cough before I could see a hole through Sunflora’s leaf arm. Turning around I caught sight of Pikachu. Blood flowing in a crimson pattern from its chest, its eyes glassy and dead and the happy expression it always wore, gone, replaced by a look of terror.

But next to it was Gligar with a single bloodied hole in its purple head, eyes closed and a grim look on its face as blood continued to come from the hole in spurts, and cover the floor with blood, wet, warm and sticky blood, its claws settled neatly across its lap.

“Oh ****” I mumbled, recalling Sunflora who was screaming. Stumbling away from the bodies of my friends the acid in my stomach rose up making it impossible to hold anymore as I belched it out of my system. I felt the burning acid leave my body and splatter over the floor, hitting my shoes and my pants.

“Well someone’s been a naughty girl haven’t they?” came a man’s voice from behind me. As I turned I saw the glint of cold steel in the light and I instantly began to run. I ran right into another man and screamed even though no-one but the Pokemon could hear me. If they were still alive. Struggling against his bulk I saw he was young and unshaven with cold heartless eyes.

I managed to kick him in the shins as I saw Rhyhorn’s large corpse on the lawn, multiple bullets to his skull, blood in a large patch, soaking into the usually green manicured law. Fumbling for a Pokeball, the only one on me other than Sunflora’s was Torchic’s a fire bird, who could maybe be able to escape and get help. As I ran I pressed the button on the Pokeball, releasing the Pokemon whom I was studying. “Get help Torchic! Get help!” I screamed as I was tackled to the ground and a cloth was put over my mouth, “Get PHIL TORCHIC! Go to Faulkner City!”

Breathing in a chemical smell I felt my arms go limp and I was falling into unconsciousness, just like when I’d been to hospital before. However before my eyes and ears stopped working I heard another cough and something fell to the ground with a sickening thump.


This guy was seriously a loser, he SO deserved to be on Rikki Lake or Jerry Springer or something to show what a weirdo hick of a loser he was. Maybe I could contact the shows after the battle and claim some commission!

“Miltank! Use Present! Psyduck, use scratch!” Yelled Andy breaking my thoughts and bringing me back to the battle.

The Miltank curled into a ball before it bounced into the air with a great big flash of light. When it hit the ground, there was a beautifully wrapped Present that most probably held a dangerous explosive in front of it. Lickitung however ran over to the box and started unwrapping it.

“Lickitung NO! STOP!” I yelled frantically, but in the meantime the scheming Psyduck had snuck up on Dragonair and given it a few scratches. Dragonair cried out in pain before it struck Psyduck on the beak and sent it flying into the mud.

Lickitung gave me a thumbs-up as she opened it, I had a look of horror as the wrapping came off it, and it was surprisingly a box of berries! Lickitung gulped them down swiftly, I realised that Lickitung has a great sense of smell for food.

“Miltank use Body Slam! Psyduck use Disable!” commanded Andy, the jerk of the week.

“Dragonair, use Thunder on the Psyduck and Lickitung, go with your own body slam!” I yelled out.

The fat cow ran towards my Lickitung and jumped into the air, ready to come down and slam it, but Lickitung jumped in the air too and their bellies collided, knocking them both back into the mud. Dragonair’s orb turned a bright yellow as it concentrated on summoning the elements to strike down Psyduck, however Psyduck’s eyes glowed orange for a second before Dragonair was frozen in its place. However the bolt of lightning came and struck Psyduck, defeating it. Andy recalled it, as volts were still crackling over its body.

“Miltank, use your Hyper Beam!” yelled Andy, with globs of saliva flying from his mouth.

“Lickitung, grab Dragonair and run!” I yelled, Dragonair was still frozen in its place from Psyduck’s disable. The tubby pink Pokemon ran over to Dragonair and picked it up, however the orb of orange energy in Miltank’s mouth finally formed into a dangerous beam of energy. It rammed Lickitung and Dragonair into the wooden pillar, head first knocking Lickitung and Dragonair out.

I recalled my Pokemon and got ready to release Staryu and Mr. Mime.

“Go Mr. Mime and Jigglypuff!” yelled Andy. The Jigglypuff started to sing something with a country feel and it had its hair messed but long and frizzy which made it look like a marshmellow with a wig. But the funnier thing was the Mr. Mime who began to line dance and he wore a cowboy hat and he was decked out in totally Texan looking gear.

Andy grabbed his hand in annoyance, “Go you stupid Pokemon! ATTACK! DON’T DANCE!”

Jessica saw this, she carefully put Elekid and Cyndaquil down she marched up to my side and said to me, “I’ll help you this time”

“Don’t you dare call your Pokemon Stupid you little country loser. We’ll show you how good they can be!”

I was a bit miffed until she threw out her own Jigglypuff that appeared in a blinding flash of light and a happy cry. I realised then that this battle was one of honour for our Mr. Mime and Jigglypuff. Their species had been defamed and now it was time for payback.

I threw out Mr. Mime’s Pokeball next to Jigglypuff, and they gave each other a little hug. The line dancing Mr. Mime and Country Singing Jigglypuff faced off against Jessica’s pampered puff and my skilled Mr. Mime who could not only cook but also drive!

“Mr Mime use Safeguard on Jigglypuff and yourself!” I commanded

“Ok Jigglypuff, lets show this jerk how good you can be! Use Shadow Ball on the Mr. Mime”

Andy obviously didn’t get this and simply yelled out, “ATTACK!”

My Mr. Mime closed its eyes and a moment later both himself and Jigglypuff were surrounded by a white aura. Jigglypuff had been muttering its name and moving its hands around a small marble sized orb. The orb began to grow; the shadows from nearby trees were pulled into the ball, making it a mesmerising mix of purple and black. Jigglypuff let the attack go and it flew amazingly fast into the opposing Mime. The other Jigglypuff was singing its heart out but to no avail.

“Mr. Mime use Psybeam on Jigglypuff!” I yelled

“Jiggly, you’re going great now finish off that Mime with a Mega Punch!” said Jessica, full of flair and determination

The opposing Mime was still line dancing and the Jigglypuff still singing, but as Jigglypuff’s almost non-existent hand almost hit the Mr. Mime he clapped and turned around still moving to Jigglypuff’s music. Jessica’s Jigglypuff had missed. However my Mr. Mime had shot out his hands and had the rival Jigglypuff in its sights, he gave out a short cry and a multi-coloured beam hit the Jigglypuff, hitting it into a sharp point on the wooden fence, knocking it out.

The Mime that had been dancing to Jigglypuff’s singing now stopped and looked disappointed as he couldn’t dance anymore. He gave a small sigh as Jessica’s Jigglypuff rushed towards him with an angry fist that hit him on the side of the head. The Mime was defeated.

Mr. Mime and Jigglypuff gave each other a Hi-5 and Elekid and Cyndaquil ran over and they had a group hug. I’d won my fourth badge with a little help from Jessica! Andy was looking around for something to give me as a badge, he called out to one of his little cronies, they ran up to the house and ran back a second later with a Whip and a pen. Andy signed it and handed it over annoyed. I gave the whip a crack.

Andy looked at Phil funny as he walked past. He walked up to the house as we all piled into the buggy, Elekid, Cyndaquil and Jigglypuff on the roof celebrating and Mr. Mime sitting next to Phil in the back. We were pulling away from the Gym towards Goldsworthy Town as Andy came running towards us. He turned to Phil and said, “I remember you, and you came through here a few years ago with a Seadra and a Politoed and showed my daddy another loss. You know, I think the Politoed he got from some guy when he was in a big city, Cronin City, was yours. Cause well I remembered you and your Pokemon”

Phil gave a surprised look, “Where would this Politoed be now?” he asked

“Well it’d probably be with my dad behind the house, you’d have to dig and get it though. It’d be on his dead body.” Said Andy

Phil jumped out with renewed vigour, “Give me a shovel,” he said firmly.

“I’ll meet you guys in Goldsworthy ok,” he said

“Do you want help?” I asked, it seemed pretty unrealistic that Politoed would be trapped with Andy’s dead dads body.

“No Andrew, this is my Pokemon and I have to do this for Politoed” he said strongly.

Jessica gave Phil a slight wave as we drove off to town.

“You know Andrew, you wouldn’t have won without me” alleged Jessica in an upright voice.

I just groaned and began to drive.

27th November 2002, 04:53 AM
I don't remember Carly getting almost murdered ^_^ But that part was cool. ARen't Rhyhorn made out of rock though - and if they were then those knives would'nt have made a difference would they? How could all her pokemon be attacked, wouldn't they at least have been smart enough to actually fight back or something? Gligar could've toxiced them or something. But anyway it was a good twist and I don't rememer Carly having Torchic. ^_^ <-- is obsessed with these. ^_^;;

I remember Andy, the country bumpkin. That's what my friends mum says that the guy i like is. She calls him a country bumkin. How mean :P


27th November 2002, 05:37 AM

The only "good" with this chapter was your writing ^_^

27th November 2002, 05:59 AM
Oh no Werdnazo!! You can't kill the 'chu! You just can't kill the 'chu... *sobs*

Great chapter, that. Andy was a hoot, seems all the gym leaders thus far have been rather undesirable, eh?
The assault on Carly was done well also. I didn't see it coming, but maybe I was just paying too much attention to Springer... Good to see that the Association is into more than just stealing Pokemon and other Dr. Evil antics. Can't wait for the next chapter! :D

Hyperness is a Good Thing
28th November 2002, 08:53 AM
YeS!!!!!! Die you little evil yellow rat!!!! *laughs evilly*

*Notices all the weird stares she's getting* Uhhhh.....very.....sad....Pikachu....died. Yeah.

Hmmm.....the country hick was.....annoying...but at least...he was interesting......a line dancing Mr Mime...@_@

Chris 2.1
28th November 2002, 10:34 AM
Great. i see the revised addition has advance Pokemon in, which i really admire you for. Phil suits a Torchic like i suit a bowl of ice cream :-p

Anyway, Andy, the country bumpkin was great. I know for sure there is at least ONE sane gym Leader...*remembers what he thinks is either the 5th/6th leader, and remembers Sophie Ellis Bextor playing in the match*

Good so far, i loved the carly scene. I'll keep reading!

28th November 2002, 10:50 AM
Good chappy, I really liked Andy the country bumpkin.And i never expected Jessica to help.

Gavin Luper
29th November 2002, 06:52 AM
Hi Oz!

Well, well, very nice chapter. I couldn't spot any MAJOR flaws myself ... LOL!!

I've always hated it when Jessica stepped in and fought for Andrew, I don't really know why, maybe just because she's such a snob. Please please please make her change for the better, somewhere near the end! I'm desperate!

I liked the new scene you added in, very cool. I think (from memory) that's the first time that we have seen things from Carly's point of view, no? It's cool. Great to see that you are incorporating the newly discovered pokemon like Mudkip and Torchic in this revampment of the chapters. Great to see. I like that you kinda left the Carly scene open to interpretation, brilliant!

I'm literally scratching my head here (because it's itchy not because i'm thinking hard) ... was that the fourth or fifth gym? I think it was the 4th, no? Please clarify!!

That 'we ate him for dinner last week has always been a hit with me, lol!

Well, that's all for now, keep the next chapter coming close behind! We need to YOU-KNOW-WHAT!

Cheers dude!

Chris 2.1
30th November 2002, 03:24 AM
gl: its the 4th: 1st - amber badge, 2nd - the gold pen, 3rd - bill gates badge, and 4th - the whip. i think the 5th is the gym with sophie ellis bextor in...but Andrew has that cool tourney first :D

30th November 2002, 07:41 AM
Woah... so many replies... *Blinks* This new chapter has a few new things here and there, some more dialouge and description added and some bad things removed. Enjoy! Now onto all your replies!

Mist: The Carly scene was new and I wanted to add some more to Phil's character. Well as I see Rhyhorn, their exterior hide of rock and ground material covers their innards, which aren't all rock and ground materials, but flesh and blood ^^; But knives weren't used against it! Bullets were! Fast moving pieces of deady steel! And all the Pokemon were basically sniped out that way they were dead before they knew what was happening. A few fought back, as you'll find out later, but a heap died, a few ran away, a few were wounded and poor old Gligar saw Animal Lovers on Jerry Springer as his last thing. He never knew what hit him! And Carly has a heap of Pokemon, she has a Permit to do so! Plus I didn't want to bore you all with the She has this ect ect listing, so I only included ones that are relevent to the plot or interesting. BTW you're not the only one obsessed with these Smiles! ^^ Well good luck with your Country Bumpkin ;) And thanks for reading!

Celebi Power: Didn't like Carly's trouble or those Pokemon dying eh? :S Oh well Thanks for reading anyway!

DragoKnight Lol! I Killed Pikachu! I've always wanted a Pikachu death, and what better way! But glad to know you liked the Gym Leader, but the fact is, there are a few normal ones, the rest have wierd mannerisms, are freaky and just plain wierd. Trina's Probably my fav Gym Leader cause she's hot and she's a nice person without being sappy. Thanks for the comments on Carly's attack! And yes the Association is trying to tie up some loose ends so to say, and Carly had become one of those ends... Sorry I haven't replied to Minty Thrill yet but my life's wierd now, I've got a second job, had schoolies week and I'm renovating so its pretty full on :P So thank you for reading and your comments

Hyperness IS a good thing: Thanks for reading! Glad to know YOU liked Pika's death! I did! Yeah the country dude was annoying, but he pops up later, much to all your horror. But the Line Dancing Mr Mime lol... I was thinking Countryish and thought to put a twist on it! Thanks for reading!

Shiny Marril Hey dude, thanks for that, I thought I'd better include some Advance Pokemon to keep it fresh, but I'm only including the English named ones, that way I can keep it english :P And who says Phil gets Torchic! It could be dead for all you know! And Ice cream is nice. With Pancakes. With Maple Syrup. Yum. And there is my fav Gym Leader next - Trina :D I love her, she's so nice... *Raves on about her* And yeah Sophie is in the next battle, I think it adds something out of the ordinary. I stole it from Mist :P Thanks for reading!

100 Fang Croconaw Hey dude, thanks for reading, so you liked Andy eh! He makes a brief reappearance like really far away so keep your peepers out for him! And Jess helped out cause she was really pissed at Andy, and the next best thing than smacking him was to Help Andrew.

Gavin Luper Hey dude, thanks for replying!!! So you couldn't find any problems :S DAMMIT! And the reason Jess steps in to help Andrew is cause she's really peeved at Andy for being a chauvanistic pig and she wants payback. And don't worry her Character Changes for the better later on, but don't be expecting all "I'm An Angel" rubbish, she'll still be the same character... but well... different... Ah glad to see you liked the new scene! And yeah it was the first point of view from Carly and probably only one of two or three at the most, she has a love for Trash TV! Yeah, I'm incorporating in the Advance Pokemon cause I want to keep this up to date and not stale! And Carly's fate is hanging in the balance... maybe a Hypno or Misdreavus survived and will tell Phil.. who knows... And yar, that was the 4th Gym, its a bit of a slow down now after the 5th Gym with more wacky side adventures! YAY! The First Gym was with Sophie and the Amber Badge. The Second was with Tilden in Ede Town and his Fighting Algebra Pokemon, then the Super Geek with his Porn in Faulkner and now Andy, the hick in nowheresville! Then its Trina, and then its another guy and then another gal and a final gal. Everyone loves that Tauros line BTW, I personally don't find it funny! That's probably cause I wrote it! And yep, Crossover Soon! I know, I know!

Shiny Marril Hey! That's my job! I tell people things :P :( You know what's coming up... Oh well! ^^; Thanks for reading btw

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 16 - Goldsworthy City Tournament!
Levitation, Merchandise and Food Poisoning
By OzAndrew

Jessica and I stood in Goldsworthy City’s Expansive Pokemon Center. We’d managed to get some accommodation for the night; I’d paid for a two-bedroom apartment for the next week. Jess had insisted that we get uptown accommodation because she wouldn’t be “roughing it” in some free Trainer Accommodation. Up in the room Jess had borrowed my mobile phone and was busy calling all her friends back in Hanlon Town, telling them all how she was “roughing it” with her wimpy brother and cool friend.

I glared at her when she made that comment; only she released Smoochum on me. The horrid little creature came up and hugged my leg, and planted a kiss on my knee. I gave a look of disgust at Smoochum, and it ran back to Jessica and started crying! Jessica gave one look at the wailing little Pokemon and she stormed over, smacked me over the head with her heavy make-up case and went back to her conversation.

I looked around the apartment for a while, released Mr. Mime, Elekid, Lickitung, Staryu, Dragonair and finally Cyndaquil. I still had four spare spaces on my team. Heck Jessica even had more Pokemon than me and that’s depressing when your little sister can beat you in Pokemon training. I gave my Pokemon the run-down of the dos and don’ts of what goes on in the apartment and decided to give them a treat.

I ran a Spa Bath for Dragonair and Staryu; I added heaps of bubble bath and left them to their own devices. I then grabbed Elekid, Lickitung and Cyndaquil went downstairs in the elevator and took them over to the sauna. Cyndaquil was eager to go in, the cute little mouse, but Elekid and Lickitung stopped at the door when a wave of heat hit them and they didn’t want to go in. Elekid waved bye to Cyndaquil, his best friend and caught up with the rest of us.

While we were walking I asked Mr. Mime if he’d levitate me, just for fun. His eyes glowed blue and I felt something trying to control my body, it was a ticklish sensation, I began to fight it but realized that if I did, Mr. Mime couldn’t levitate myself.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them Mr. Mime had levitated me up about ten meters and I was glowing a weird blue, just like his eyes. Lickitung gave a happy laugh until all of a sudden she too was levitated into the air. Mr. Mime had to stand still and concentrate on lifting Lickitung and myself, but Elekid tried to sneak off, only to start glowing and levitating too. My Mr. Mime’s face was one filled with concentration, levitating myself and Lickitung was no-easy task and then and making Elekid fly too was the icing on the cake.

Then as if on target as I was high above the world a small child came over and bumped into Mr. Mime, breaking his concentration and letting Elekid, Lickitung and I fall with a terrible yell. He quickly concentrated again to try and save us, but well Lickitung and I had our fall slowed and well, we weren’t that hurt, and Elekid was above us and levitating just fine.

Mr. Mime gave an embarrassed expression as he faced us and began to blab, forgetting about Elekid and having him fall on his head. We all walked around dazed and nursing our bruises for a while before we walked into an information center. The woman with the headset on turned to us and gave a happy smile.

“Hi! Welcome to Goldsworthy’s Information Center! How may I help you!” she said incredible perkily.

Mr. Mime grabbed a free keyring, pencil and stickers and gave some to the other Pokemon. “Um… I’d like some info on what Pokemon Facilities you have around here? And do you have a map by any chance?” I said to the woman, she had a vacant smile on her face, and her eyes were glazed over. She was like some hideously attractive zombie.

After a few seconds she tilted her head to the side and said, “Sorry! I was just taking a moment to think, we have a Pokemon Retreat here, and our gym is also in the town. And I just remembered we have a Pokemon Tournament here every three months, it’s on in two days, maybe you’d like to enter”

“Wow, a Tournament! What are the conditions?” I asked excitedly

With another over-perky smile she handed me a brochure and said, “Well it’s held over two days, Wednesday is the trials stage and Thursday are the finals. The winner gets three evolution stones and some vouchers for shops here in the town”

I instantly thought of Staryu, “Wow, cool, how do I enter?”

“Well just do this form and give it to me, along with your Pokedex so I can enter you in!” her black hair, and pale blue eyes shone and she had that glazed look again, so I took the form and a pen and sat down to write it all down.

Mr. Mime, Elekid and Lickitung were having a great time with the free stickers while I filled out the form. I finally finished it and handed it to the woman with that trusty old Shiny Silver Pokedex waited for her. We finally got it sorted and she handed me back my Pokedex and said I was all ready to battle in two days! I was about to walk out and she said perkily, ”Those stickers and pencils and other Goldsworthy merchandise come to twenty-four dollars, ninety-five” I gave a gasp, paid and left. The three stooges seemed happy.

I got back to the Hotel room and surprise surprise, Jess is still on the phone. She’s on it so much it should be attached to her ear. She gave me her Pokeballs and told me to go look after them for a while. I decided to grab Staryu and Dragonair from that Spa bath, Cyndaquil from the saunas and head to the local park for some training.

I had Smoochum and Seel against Lickitung, Smeargle and Chikorita against Dragonair, Jigglypuff and Clefairy against Cyndaquil and Elekid and Mr. Mime against Eevee. I had Wartortle and Seel just come and talk to me; after all, I had caught Wartortle. I left them for a little while and when we came back they were all seriously puffed.

Two days passed like this, training, and just seeing the city. I wanted my Pokemon to be as strong as they could be before meeting the Gym Leader. Plus I didn’t want Jessica turning up to the Tournament and embarrassing me so I sent her off to a Movie when my battle was scheduled.

It was two on two in the practice, whoever made it through had to battle again to get through to the finals tomorrow. We had to go to a simple compacted dirt arena near the park. I drew against some little girl, about ten or so. She gave her Wooper a kiss and put a happy sticker on its antenna and commanded it into battle. I felt really bad that I’d whup her really good. I chose Lickitung and the little blue Pokemon faced off against my fat pink one. The little girl yelled out “Water Gun it smiley!” The armless Pokemon charged up a Water Gun and Lickitung just opened its big mouth and simply drank the high-pressured water. I gave a smile and yelled “Body Slam!” Lickitung eyed the frightened little blue tadpole, and focused its energies. It ran at high speed at Wooper, jumped up and came down heavily on it with a whump. Wooper wasn’t done yet and ran at Lickitung in rage with its head aimed at its belly, Lickitung used it tongue to simply slap it away into the dirt, knocking it out.

The girl began to cry, I felt really bad for doing so, but well I could win a stone to evolve Staryu. I don’t know what I’d do with the other two stones though. I shook my head at the wailing girl who picked up Wooper, ran over to me, and with eyes full of hate, revenge and well tears, she kicked me in the shins! I just smiled and she kicked me again. I gave her a smile and she ran off screaming, “HE HURT MY SMILEY! MUMMY! HE HURT SMILEY! MAKE HIM PAY!” I looked around at the townsfolk. They were tut-tutting and shaking their fingers at me. I guess I won that round!

I went for lunch at Pizza Hut, greasy food galore. I went grabbed my laptop and had started up Excel and had begun a spreadsheet showing each of my Pokemon’s wins and losses. I’d started it back in Hanlon while my mum was in that coma. Dragonair was in the lead, and then it was Mr. Mime, Elekid, Staryu, Cyndaquil and finally Lickitung. I congratulated Lickitung once again and we all went and grabbed some Pizza; well actually I grabbed it all and brought it back for them. The greasy food made me feel ill, and my Pokemon weren’t feeling too well for ware after eating it. I put them back inside their Pokeballs and walked back to the stadium.

I was up against a boy in a wheelchair; he gave only a slight smile as he threw out a Hitmontop. I felt like throwing up and going home but I had to finish this battle first. I threw out Elekid’s Pokeball, ready to face the opponent.

The kid gave a smile and Hitmontop got onto its head and began to spin rapidly around Elekid, making it a bit wary. Elekid looked sick like me, there must’ve been something in the Pizza Hut food, stupid cheap food. I grabbed my water bottle, trying to keep the vomit down I saw that Hitmontop was just going to confuse Elekid before going in for the kill. Elekid had to stop him before that happened, I thought through all of Elekid’s attacks, and I finally thought of the perfect one!

“Elekid! Thunder-Wave!” Elekid’s started to rotate his arms to create the Thunder-Wave. His plug began to pulse with energy before he gave off a sick “Ele” and a slow-moving ring of electricity hit the spinning Hitmontop, making its muscles convulse, paralyzing it. Elekid wandered over to the Hitmontop, who had a scared took, but was too paralyzed to stop Elekid. Elekid simply dragged Hitmontop to the edge of the arena and threw it out. The yellow Pokemon gave a sick look before he “christened” the ground with Pizza Hut food. “Go! Jelly!” yelled the boy, he’d been frozen and hadn’t said a thing but he’d regained his wits, and a sense of anger. A green blob appeared next to Elekid and gave a “Ditto”. I fumbled out my Pokedex to see if it was a different evolution or mutated Ditto. However it just gave me the same old Ditto info. Something must’ve happened to make it green from the usually pink colour. It looked like a big piece of snot. “Get it ditto!” He yelled. However Elekid began to vomit again and Ditto backed away, repulsed.

“Ditto! Come on!” he yelled again.

“You can do it Elekid!” I yelled, before I had to stuff the water bottle back into my mouth.

Elekid walked over to the Ditto and gave it a weak zap. Ditto gave a shriek and in a flash of white, it transformed into Elekid! Only it was green instead of yellow!

Elekid gave another look at Ditto and vomited all over it. Ditto ran around in horror and turned back to its owner, wanting assistance. The boy gave up and drove his wheelchair onto the arena and picked up Ditto, shook my hand and left.

The locals began to tut-tuting at me again for beating a little boy in a wheelchair. Elekid vomited at my feet. I for sure knew where not to go for food again. Then in a flash of white Elekid began to glow, and grow! It grew and grew before the light faded and Elekid had finished evolving! Electabuzz gave a happy cry before it slumped back over, sick as a dog.

I gave Electabuzz a hug and congratulated it. But it simply vomited on my back. It tried to give a weak call but collapsed, I recalled it and went back to the Pokemon center. They could help me get rid of this sickness, and I was pretty sure I’d be suing Pizza Hut for their shoddy food.

I trudged back to the Pokemon Center feeling sick, and I handed over my Pokemon at the Examination Desk. The man took them and I asked for them to be delivered to my room. I got in the elevator, sick as a dog and got back into my room. I put the laptop on the bed and ran off to the toilet and vomited. I didn’t care what Miss. Pompous thought, little brat. I stayed near the toilet for the next hour, vomiting.

Jessica collected my Pokeballs and I went to bed and fell asleep instantly. I awoke to see Jessica on my Laptop, talking to my friends on MSN! Little cretin! I looked at the clock and set off in search of food. I opened the door and room service was there with a delicious breakfast.

“Oh! Good, breakfast is here!” said Jessica

I looked in the mirror, I was pale and sickly. I released my Pokemon; Electabuzz was still looking terrible as was Cyndaquil Mr. Mime and Lickitung. Dragonair and Staryu mustn’t have had much to eat and looked ok. Jessica opened up the lid on the big breakie and the four sickly Pokemon all took off for the toilet and started retching. It wasn’t a pretty thing.

I laid on the bed, Jessica was typing on MSN with one hand and eating breakfast with the other. She’d connected to the net by finding a phone plug and connecting a USB cord to the Laptop and Phone Plug. She was smarter than I’d taken her to be. I wasn’t hungry and neither were Dragonair and Staryu. Plus I had a big battle in the finals in two hours. Most of my team was sick, Phil was away and I had my sister talking about how annoying I am to this guy in Canada I know!

I had no choice, I’d have to ask Jessica for her Pokemon, and leave mine in her net surfing care. I walked over to her, “Jessica, can I borrow your Pokemon and can you look after mine?”

She gave a confused look, “What for?”

“Well I need them for a battle”; I didn’t want her knowing the truth about the Tournament, who knows what she’d do if she turned up.

“Well Ok… But you owe me BIG TIME!” she said and sat back down to her food.

I said farewell to the four sickly Pokemon, the stench coming from the toilet was unbearable.

Ok, so I had Dragonair, Staryu, Chikorita, Smoochum, Seel, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Smeargle, and Eevee. Seel had wanted to stay with Jessica and plus I didn’t know if it could help me in battle. Jessica’s Pokemon weren’t all cuteness; while mum was in the coma we’d both trained our Pokemon. I’d gone freelance and she’d gone in the school program.

I arrived at the makeshift stadium and decided to be nice and sociable, that way when I had my butt kicked they wouldn’t be as eager to be all “Hooray”. I handed my Pokedex into the check-in register. Apparently I’d been put up to the grand final due to my two wins yesterday that didn’t result in a KO on my side and my three badges.

The zombie woman at the information center must’ve forgotten to enter it in. I didn’t care, I just wanted to win! Also the decider on who gets into the final had just been played out.

I looked around for my Grand Final Opponent. Going off what people told me I soon found her, I tapped her on the shoulder.

“Hi! I’m Andrew; I’m your Opponent in the grand final!” I said as nicely as possible.

The girl turned around, she looked my age, but much shorter! Being six foot made most people short. But she turned around and looked pretty nice, she shook my hand and said, “Hi I’m Rose, nice to meet you.” She looked quite pretty, but she hid it with her blue jumper with the Pokeball on the front. Her brown hair was hidden behind a cap with a Pokeball on front and well she was wearing training clothes. I thought she’d look much better in something else. If Jess had seen her, she’d be trying to make her wear the latest fashion. But for my sake she was in the hotel room cleaning up spew! Thinking again, I don’t think she would have cleaned up, rather she’d have called room service.

“Well yeah, I think we have to battle in a minute. What are the rules for the finals?” I asked curiously.

She gave a smile, “Its as many Pokemon we have, you better watch out cause I have a great team!”

I gave a smile, “Oh it looks like we’re going now”. And with that we went to opposite ends of the arena, and got ready to battle. I thought I should use Smeargle first as well it had a heap of attacks thanks to Carly.

The ref said in a loud voice, “The Battle is Between Andrew Hall and Rose Birch, they can use as many Pokemon as they can produce, up to ten being the limit of course. 10 minutes per Pokemon before they have to be withdrawn. Let the match begin!”

And I shook my head to clear it from the illness I still had and threw out Smeargle’s Purple and White Pokeball. Rose whispered something into her Pokeball and threw it.

An Umbreon appeared to my surprise, “Umbreon use Faint Attack and Confuse Ray!” she yelled. “Smeargle, use Lock on and Hyper Beam!” I countered.

The dark Pokemon had its rings glowing with dark energy before it disappeared and suddenly re-appeared in front of Smeargle and slammed it. Smeargle had been using his nose to find out where Umbreon was, locking onto his target.

Smeargle opened its mouth and a large Hyper Beam was instantly produced, its white energy with an orange ting slamming into Umbreon and sending it flying with an “Umbreeeeeee”. Smeargle bent over to catch its breath and Umbreon’s amazing powers it streaked back to Smeargle, severely injured. “Smeargle! Use Sludge!”

Umbreon stood in front of Smeargle as it focused its energy, Umbreon’s rings and red eyed began to flash white, before the beam hit Smeargle in the head, confusing it! Smeargle walked around like a drunk while Umbreon laid down, trying to conserve its energy. “Come on Umbreon! You can do it!” Cheered Rose.

Smeargle began to wave his tail around and the end of it became a dark black and coated in a goopy solution. Smeargle pointed its tail at Smeargle and like a hose, it fired off sludge, and Umbreon howled in pain as it got into its system. “Go Umbreon, finish off that confused Smeargle with a Bite!” she commanded, she had talent. More talent than that Andy loser from the farm or Annie, the lazy ditz.

Umbreon ran over to Smeargle and with the poison injuring it, Umbreon winced as Smeargle gave a cry of pain when the dark dog bit into its neck. Smeargle lay on the ground as the poison finally knocked out Umbreon from the pain. Smeargle struggled to get back up and well, sat back up.

Rose thanked Umbreon and congratulated it, she recalled it and threw out her next Pokeball, a Sandshrew. The cute little Pokemon gave a cute cry before burrowing underground. “Smeargle, use some attack on the hole Sandshrew left! I commanded.”

Smeargle brought out its tail and began to think, again his tail turned black and gooey and he began to fire Sludge into the hole, but after a few minutes the hole was filled with sludge and no sign of Sandshrew, I was forced to recall Smeargle, but there was still no sign of Sandshrew until it burst up from underneath the ground! UNSCATHED! It would’ve been perfect for Rose if Sandshrew hadn’t of tunneled up outside the battle arena. Plus Smeargle’s ten minutes was up so I recalled the doggy. It was in no way as cute as Rocky!

I threw out Chikorita’s Pokeball and with a happy cry it swung its leaf around. Rose gave a smile and threw out her next Pokeball, a Charmander appeared in a flash of light. Rose gave a smile and her eyes gleamed and she gave Charmander the nod. “Plan Alpha Charmander!” She yelled. Just what I needed, a plan against a Pokemon with a type disadvantage. Great.

I gave a confused look as Charmander began blasting Flames here and there at Chikorita that it was barely avoiding. Charmander blasted Chikorita with a Flame Thrower as it tried to hit it with a Razor Leaf, but Charmander ran straight at Chikorita and rammed it into the sludge pool. Chikorita cried out for help as the thick black goo was pulling her down, poisoning her and burning. In one last attempt she whipped out her vines and dragged Charmander in before she almost sunk. I recalled Chikorita and congratulated it. But Charmander was thrashing around trying to keep his head and tail above the goo. Just as he was about to sink Rose recalled him with a sigh and threw out her next Pokemon. She might have six more after this one, which gave me a bit of a fright.

I wondered who would be next, but I decided to take a chance on Smoochum and see if the little thing could do an attack of some kind. I threw out its Pokeball, and it appeared on the field, saw me and began to cry! The darn thing must’ve still been upset that I glared at it. I hissed at it, “There’s food in it for you if you battle!”

It quickly popped its head up and put on the toughest look it could. I pointed my Pokedex at Smoochum so it could tell me a list of all of Smoochum’s Attacks it could learn. I read the attacks and got ready to command Smoochum.

Rose gave a smile and threw out a Pokeball, “Go Quagsire! You can do it! Use your Beta Strategy”. Quagsire picked up Smoochum who attempted to kiss it and planted a Sweet Kiss on its arm; Smoochum’s saliva began to seep into Quagsire’s gooey skin and started to affect its performance. But nonetheless, Quagsire threw Smoochum into the air and water gun it and Smoochum gave little resistance. But I had to think of something; I looked at the Pokedex and yelled, “Smooch! Use Ice Beam!” Smoochum’s hair began to flow freely and from its small lips a beam of whiteness with a tinge of blue streaked toward Quagsire, freezing its Water Gun and freezing its lips together. Smoochum landed on top of the frozen Water Gun and laughed at Quagsire with this unexpected turn. Quagsire fell backwards with the weight of the ice beam and Smoochum more than happily began to jump on its back. The Ice totally immobilized it and Smoochum’s jumping and happy cries were annoying. That was until it began to glow, just like Elekid did yesterday! Smoochum gave one last “Smooch” until it grew in a blaze of light.

What soon appeared with an angry “JYNX!” was Jessica’s new Pokemon. It looked like Goldie Hawn. With huge lips that looked like they’d been sucked into a vacuum cleaner, a large chest and a shapely body. It was quite disgusting really, in a slutty way. Jessica wouldn’t be happy her cute Smoochum evolved.

Quagsire shook off the ice tower from its mouth and fired an Ice Beam at Jynx, Jynx simply shimmied to the left and leapt onto Quagsire, getting it in a Headlock, forcing Rose to recall it. She was looking worried. But as she did a sly smile crossed her face, and with that she yelled out to her Pokeball, which she lobbed into the sky “Skarmony use Whirlwind to blow Jynx away!”

Jynx eyed its opponent and I was slightly freaked by the looks of Jynx. It scared me, but it seemed capable to attack on its own. Skarmony with its shiny amour took to the sky with ease, and cawed at Jynx, Jynx closed its eyes and concentrated on an attack, and seconds later shards of ice began to rain all around the stadium causing the locals to hide under the grandstand and Skarmony was taking heavy damage, but not before a happy Jynx held its bosom and began to celebrate with some modeling poses. Yet the severely injured bird cawed and began to flap its wings rapidly unexpectedly blowing Jynx out. I thanked the Pokemon and before I could recall it, she ran over to me, hugged and kissed me. I gave a smile and recalled it.

I still had had Staryu, Dragonair, Seel, Clefairy, Jigglypuff and Eevee. I lobbed out Eevee’s Pokeball and the adorable fox gave a small cry, and as soon as it was on the field Rose nodded and Skarmony swept down, picked Eevee up in its talons and began to fly upwards! The bird cawed as it was high above the ground as Eevee stopped struggling in its steel claws and began to shriek in terror. Skarmony swooped higher and higher, threatening to drop Eevee, but I simply had to recall it. After all a dead Pokemon wasn’t my favorite thing to give someone.

Rose gave a smile but wasn’t celebrating yet. I threw out Jigglypuff’s Pokeball hoping that it could take down Skarmony, one of the toughest birds I’ve ever seen. Jigglypuff began to inflate itself and got about one foot off the ground before Skarmony once again swooped down and grabbed Jigglypuff by its hair. Its wide eyes were full of horror as were mine as it reached the same height as Eevee did. But I suddenly had an idea! “Jigglypuff! Defense Curl!” And with that Jigglypuff began to glow white as Skarmony dropped it, with rubber power it hit the ground and bounced back up! “Use Rollout!” And Jigglypuff once again agreed, and rolled in the air a great time before it unexpectedly hit Skarmony, knocking it to the ground. Jigglypuff relentlessly rolled onto it, slamming it around the field until Rose recalled it; she fiddled with her cap and threw out her next Pokeball.

A pink Pokemon appeared with its purple horns and pink fluff, it closed its eyes, got up and chanted while dancing around “Flaaaafffyyy” came its irritating call. It began to rain and there was a clap of thunder that made Jigglypuff jump. Plus the locals began to look at me again so I avoided eye contact with the people.

Flaffy gave an evil smile as did Rose, and Flaffy sent a small bolt of energy into the sky. Jigglypuff looked around for an attack to avoid, and we were both shocked when Jigglypuff was hit with a Thunder Attack, which left it unconscious but its body still suffering from convulsions.

I released Dragonair yet within seconds the beautiful Pokemon was lying unconscious from three quick successive Thunder Attacks from the sky. I was so angry now, I felt like spewing from the food and I was wet from the rain. I threw out Clefairy who instantly began to start a Metronome attack; Clefairy waved its fingers, once, twice and wham! Another bolt of lightning coursed through Jessica’s Pokemon, fainting it.

Clefairy lay unconscious as I only had Staryu left. Yet just at that moment Jessica and Seel and Phil came running up. Somehow they’d found out! Phil was grubby and dirty and holding a Pokeball with glee and Jessica was looking fashionable and holding onto an umbrella with Seel at her feet, poking its cheeky tongue out at me.

I couldn’t lose in front Jessica and Phil! I threw out Staryu’s Pokeball, “Minimize!” I yelled.

Staryu began to rotate and shrink; Flaffy’s Thunder Attack missed terribly and scorched the earth where the now tiny starfish had been. Staryu was too small to be seen and had all of its power intact.

“Staryu! Use Hydro Pump to push it out!” I yelled, and suddenly five beams of water hit Flaffy, knocking it out of the ring!

“Ollie Ollie Ollie!” yelled Rose as she threw out her Pokeball, “ Ow– Ow –Ow!” Came the cry of the Meowth that appeared. It was well groomed for sure, but I wasn’t going to let it win! “Staryu use Swift!”, “Ollie! Screech!” countered Rose.

Staryu was still unable to be seen and suddenly a volley of stars appeared and began to hit Meowth. Meowth cried in pain as the stars hit it. “Staryu! Rapid Spin!” I yelled, and suddenly a red slash appeared on Ollie’s chest, and started to bleed profusely.

Rose put her head down and ran onto the field, and grabbed Ollie, and zapped him back in his Pokeball. The shook my hand, and said “Thank you very much Andrew for your battle. I don’t have any more Pokemon and Meowth is hurt, so if you’ll excuse me…” and with that she walked off. I felt really bad, but happy I won, that I yelled out to her “Can I meet you tomorrow!?” and Rose yelled back, “Only if you can find me!” I congratulated Staryu and it appeared again, its core began flashing many colours, I didn’t have a clue what that meant though.

Jessica came skipping to me “Congrats”, and released my Pokemon. Mr. Mime, Lickitung, Elekid and Cyndaquil. They all promptly vomited over myself and Staryu.. Phil walked over; “I found my Politoed, after all these years I found him”. And with a smile Phil released a cute green and yellow Pokemon that quickly jumped on him and started crying with happiness.

An official came over to me and shook my hand, I received cheers from the crowd as he handed me shopping vouchers which Jessica promptly took, a voucher for three evolution stones of my choice and a Pokeball. I threw the Pokeball on the ground and a furball with a pig nose and a happy smile greeted me. A Mankey!

The man shook my hand and said, “Good work son, we haven’t seen such a battle in quite a while. Congratulations”

Jessica held out her hand for her Pokeballs, which I promptly gave back, and she snatched the Evolution Stones Voucher from me too! “Lets go somewhere to celebrate!” came Jessica’s happy idea.

“Great Idea Jess!” replied Phil.

I had an idea… “Yes, let us go to the Pokemon Center first then lets go to a great place I went to yesterday. Oh and Jess… something happened to Smoochum”

“Really?” she asked, “What?”

“I’ll tell you over our victory dinner” I replied.

I’d show them the horror of Pizza Hut, I gave an evil laugh and they both looked at me weirdly, but I didn’t care! I had won the Goldsworthy Tournament!

30th November 2002, 07:48 AM
Eep.. Error... And I can't delete it :S It posted like some of Chapter 16 for no reason... I think its cause it disconnected on me halfway through and then I restarted it... Oh well.. Stupid thing... Sorry. And to make use of this post um... Here's a spoiler...

Can Sister and Brother stand each other for such a long period? What happens when one of them breaks... ? Will it mean the end for the journey? Oh well.. you'll have to keep reading to find out ;P

Chris 2.1
30th November 2002, 09:44 AM
i liked it, but the idea of a 10-10 Pokemon battle was slightly scary, since people have an upper hand before the battle even starts, depending on the Pokemon they have. a 6-6 or something would have been better, IMHO.

Rose seemed a nice character...she appears in the Gym, right? I thought so :P

All in all, i don't like people syaing "skarmory! use a whirlwind to blow Jynx away!" i prefer:
"Skarmory! attack"
"What is that?" I asked myself, starign blankly at the intmidating bird. It flapped its wings and created a small dust cloud.
"Use a whirlwind to blow Jynx away!" Rose cried.

see? she sends the Pokemon out, then attacks. if she didnt, how does Skarmory hear the attack? it makes a lot more sense, IMO.

enough bitchin': X ellent chapter. Hope to see some more soon.

1st December 2002, 03:29 AM
You're right, I didn't like how they got killed.. *crys*
....but a story is now fun when everything goes how you want it to ;)

Great chapter:yes:

Hyperness is a Good Thing
1st December 2002, 09:00 AM
Jinx was....interesting...hehe

Pizza Hut food is that scary??? XDXDXDXD

Will he meet Rose again??

Phil got his Politoed back...how nice.

4th December 2002, 07:11 AM
Shiny Marril Ooh, Shiny... And I think I went overboard with a 10 vs 10 battle, but I thought it was high time Jess's Pokemon got some exposure and battling experience. And Rose appears again, no worries! And with the orders after the Pokeball is thrown, my interpretation is that the Pokemon inside still has a degree of hearing, however diminished. So I guess its up to personal interpretation, however thanks for reading!

Celebi Power Sorry you didn't like the Pokemon being killed but every now and then this story takes a dive to the dark side, and I guess it adds variation to the usual snarky fun it provides, but thank you for reading!

Hyperness Is A Good Thing Jynx was interesting, from going from a whingy Smoochum to a Pokemon in touch with its.. new parts all so soon! And yes Pizza Hut food IS scary, as is Sizzler food.

Now a special treat 2 Chapters! ^^;

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 17: Backstabbing, Bothersome Battling & Bitchiness
By OzAndrew

It was two days after we’d been to Pizza Hut after my victory in the monthly tournament there. But the downside was the townspeople thought I picked on small children, after I beat a kid in a wheelchair and a small girl who put stickers on her Wooper’s head. I’d won three evolution stones, Phil had made a return and Jessica was still around. I was imaging how I could get rid of her instead of travelling with her. But for the time being I was drawing a blank.

Sure it was entertaining watching Jessica, Jessica’s team and Phil suffer from the same food poisoning I had earlier on. They’d wondered why at Pizza Hut I’d eaten nothing and drunk water. At least now I’d paid Jessica back for being so terrible to me. But her Pokemon had allowed me to win the tournament. So I was grateful to them but certainly not to Jessica. During those two days off I’d met Rose for a drink and we had a chat about the battle.

Phil had been trying to keep from vomiting whilst getting reacquainted with his Politoed. It was quite entertaining, but I was being sadistic, in those two magical days Jessica had kept to herself with the moaning and groaning and I’d used the laptop to talk to my friends on MSN Messenger, telling them about my adventures.

I downloaded Trillian and used it for a while, it was nifty being able to use 5 chat services at once, but it kept dropping out and was quite annoying so I uninstalled it and accidentally erased all my contacts so I had to re-add them all. Which they all promptly taunted me for doing so. But I was able to live with it.

But it was a new day and Jessica and Phil both looked worse for wear, but Jessica was determined, she grabbed those shopping vouchers and I grabbed the Evolution stone vouchers off her, but she snatched them back.

“Hey! Give them back! They’re mine!” I protested angrily

“Think again, MY Pokemon won that battle, not you so therefore I win!” She said smartly

“Phil! Do something” I whinged

“Well… she does have a point Andrew… you did win cause of her Pokemon” he considered

“But I HAD to, my others were sick! And I used my Dragonair and Staryu! Plus I won the prelim battles!” I continued, I was about to lose out on my winnings, which I had worked hard for.

Jessica had a triumphant smile and simply waved them in my face, I grabbed her arm and she tried to wrestle out of my grip scratching me in the process. We were both yelling and Phil stood in the room in embarrassment for a small time before leaving.

By the time we’d finished Jessica was off her rocker, I had a lovely gash from my eyebrow to my cheek on the left hand side and I had the vouchers. Phil walked in and grabbed them off of me, “HEY!” I yelled but I really didn’t feel like fighting Phil.

“I’ve decided what you’re going to do,” he said calmly

“What?” we both asked while sitting on the bed, staring at him quizzically

“Well… you’re going to have a battle, a quick one on one to see who gets the winnings, I’ll take your Pokeballs and give you a random one of your team to battle with” he said

Jessica and I cleaned up and I wiped the blood off of my face and put some Dettol on it, which stung horribly. If I was lucky I’d had a scar, which I could tout as getting in a tough situation. But it wasn’t deep enough to be a scar, which was unfortunate.

Jessica and I went outside and Phil took our Pokeballs. He put them each in an individual bag and mixed them up and then tossed out a random one to each of us, which we caught. I got a non-descript red and white Pokeball, as did Jessica. If it were my blue and white Pokeball, it was Lickitung, if Jessica had a purple Pokeball it was Smeargle, but those two were ruled out.

Phil signalled to us, and we threw out our Pokeballs onto the lush grass in front of the building. In two quick successive flashes our Seel and Cyndaquil appeared. I gave an annoyed yelp. Some people around us came and watched. I felt so embarrassed.

My fire mouse versus a white aquatic mammal. It wasn’t looking good for me, I had the type disadvantage, and I hadn’t ever battled with or against this Pokemon before. I swore under my breath, as the type disadvantage was gravely not in my favour. Jessica gave it a slight nod and a smile, she knew what to do.

I felt the blood running down my face. “Cyndaquil, use Flamethrower!” I yelled out, and Cyndaquil gave a small smile before its slanty eyes glowed with an eerie confidence. “Cynda!” I cried out as a wall of flames came from its back, rushing towards Seel.

Seel smiled too and simply blasted the fire away with small quick blasts of water. “I am so good Andrew, you can’t beat me.” said Jessica smugly.

“Come on Cyndaquil, use Fire Spike!” I yelled out, its black hide had four main patches where it secreted a bodily fluid, which enabled it to control the flames on its back. The flames were actually a defence mechanism to scare off any attackers, but now days it was a fearsome weapon.

Seel clapped its flippers and smiled at us, Jessica smiled too. “Damn sister, why couldn’t I have been a single child?” I cursed under my breath

Seel’s horn began to glow as Cyndaquil ran at it, with its flames ready to do close range damage hopefully burning the horrid white seel. Cyndaquil began to roll with its spikes of fire protecting it, but as it sped at Seel, Jessica gave a smile and a mystical multicoloured misty beam of energy hit Cyndaquil. Stunning it.

“What the!?” I said, quoting Rove.

“Its an Aurora Beam, but you wouldn’t know that, since I am in the A grade level of Pokemon training at school” she went on smugly.

“Well I can still beat you and get that shopping spree!” I retaliated, wincing from the pain of the gash.

“I’d like to see you try you sad loser!” she yelled

“HOW DARE YOU! Cyndaquil, GET SEEL!” and with that I tried to control myself going over to Jessica and whacking the little brat.

Cyndaquil gave another try and sprinted at Seel to Headbutt it, but Seel simply sat there and moved its head as the mouse impaled itself on Seel’s horn. The horn then glowed again and Cyndaquil was sent reeling back, its innards frozen, blood leaking. It wasn’t in a good state, in fact it was critical.

Jessica smiled and the townspeople began cheering her on! I looked on in disbelief

An old man yelled from the sidelines, “That’s the brute who won the Tournament!”

Then the small girl I beat first with the Wooper and the Smile sticker came forward, “He beat my Wooper with his cruel Lickitung!” she protested. And the crowd sympathised with her. Her mother yelled out, “You monster!”

Then as if it were a bad dream the boy in the wheelchair came forward holding onto his Green Ditto, “He beat me too” he said and broke down crying.

A rather large man stepped forward, “You like to pick on people in wheelchairs eh?” he said furiously.

I was scared. I ran.

The townspeople hated me. My god they hated me. I ran to the Pokemon Centre, I got Cyndaquil quickly stitched up. She wouldn’t be able to battle for a week or so. I released Cyndaquil and cradled her, apologising to her for being such a bad trainer. But I realised I felt worse and recalled her. I needed to get away from myself for a while. Away from the usual old me. I needed a trip away from me. I had the perfect idea. A makeover.

I crossed the road to the mall, and quickly ran into the

I walked into the Just Jeans store and quickly bought a new outfit, I bought a pair of new jeans, and they were quite nice. I also bought a nice new black leather jacket, and a plain white tee shirt to go under it. I quickly went next door to Colorado and bought a pair of black boots. I then went to the hairdressers and had then bleach my hair. I then decided to finally get my eyebrow pierced at the piercing salon.

My god, I looked and felt like such a different person I realised as I stood in front of a mirror. No-one would recognise me. I had a horrible pain in my head, a fashionable bolt so to say as well as the gash, and new blonde hair and a new outfit. I loved the feel of the leather; it was quite nice, smooth yet tough. I was feeling a bit cynical for constantly picking at Jess for her materialistic ways. But now I could do that thing that The Fonz off of Happy Days did. “Aaayyyeeeee”

I walked past a shop and was admiring the new me. I gave a smile and kept walking, only to hear an abrupt voice, “Andrew! Andrew! Wait up!”

I took a deep breath and kept walking, how could someone recognise me! I walked faster only to have a flash behind me, smacked into my legs from behind, knocking me down.

“Oh Hi Andrew, I knew we’d meet again!” came a familiar voice

It was Rose.

I put on a fake smile and turned around, “Oh Hi Rose!” I said and gave her a hug, when she came to hug me, “Fancy seeing you here!” I said over enthusiastically.

“I know Andrew, I would’ve thought you’d left! But well sorry for getting Ollie to stop you” she said motioning to a Meowth at her side.

“So enjoying Goldsworthy City?” She went on.

I gave up the act, “No, I hate it. I want out of here. The people hate me; my sister hates me and if it were me against the world. I’d bet on the world” I commented.

We sat down on a bench and began to talk, “ You know, I just wish people would take me seriously Rose” I said.

“I know how you feel Andrew, they think we’re some kind of retards going on a trip around the country for a shot at Victory” She went on\\\

“Yeah, I just want to have some fun and be a trainer for a little while” I said

“Its not like I’m going to have a life long profession as a Trainer” said Rose.

“I’m sorry Rose. I’ve made us both depressed!” I said with a tad of annoyance at myself. I rarely open up to anyone and especially not a girl I’ve met twice!

“That’s ok” she said and sighed.

I sighed too, I wanted out of this town, but I needed a battle first, I had been a bit lazy lately but spontaneous thinking got the best of me, “Wanna come with me to the Gym” I said with a hopeful grin

“Um, well…” She said, thinking it over, “Well ok!”

“Lets go! I said enthusiastically and stood up

We walked to the end of the mall and out onto the street until we stopped.

“Do you know where the Gym is Rose?” I said sheepishly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

After about an hour we made it to the gym and found out that the theme here was a Shiny Gym! We had a bit of a laugh, talking about how our eyes would burn from the shininess. Once we quietened down, I took a good look at the gym.

It was down a flight of stairs from the street with a glitzy sign pointing down. We walked through the door and we were confronted with a nightclub. Everything was so shiny! We took in our surroundings; it was a nightclub all right, with the shiny disco floor, the disco ball, and the shiny black walls.

It was darned funky. But it was kinda quiet. A woman was behind the bar polishing some glasses. Rose and I took a seat at the bar.

“Um, hi! Are we at the Gym?” I asked stupidly

“Yes you are, could I help you?” replied a woman with long blonde hair, light blue eyes and a killer smile.

“Well Andrew would like a Gym battle” Explained Rose, gripping onto Meowth as it tried to escape.

“Well then, I usually take battles at night, on the disco floor, but if you’d like, we’ll have a warm up battle now!” She said, swinging around her shiny blonde hair and coming out from behind the bar. She wore knee high black boots, shiny of course, and was outfitted in a stylish dress which wasn’t’ particularly shiny.

“Well I’m Trina, leader of the Shiny Gym. Who are you?” She asked

“I’m Andrew Hall, Average Joe Trainer” I replied

Rose’s Meowth was mesmerised by the shininess of the whole place and sprinted off. Rose went off to look for it.

We walked down to the dance floor and Trina stated the rules, “This will be a three on three battle. No Time Limit. The Dance floor is the arena and if you so much as dare ruin my gym” She went all evil, “I WILL SUE YOU!”

I was taken aback as she suddenly started smiling again and threw out a Pokeball. “Go Wobbuffet!” She yelled and suddenly the lights went out, leaving us in the pitch black.

I considered whom to use. Cyndaquil wasn’t in this battle because the little dear was injured, so I threw out an old favourite. “Go Electabuzz!” I yelled.

And in the darkness a flash appeared, and the light faded for a second before Electabuzz gave a cry and began to glow white.

“It’s evolving,” I said wide eyed.

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 18 – Illusion, Glossiness and Shopping
By OzAndrew

Electabuzz was glowing, and ready to evolve, and I was waiting with anticipation. But this all seemed so sudden. He only changed from Elekid a few days ago and has been sick. Electabuzz gave a nasty roar, and the glowing didn’t die down.

“What the?” I said

Trina looked at me and said, “Oh well, Electric Pokemon glow in the dark here, I always love trainers reactions when they think they’re evolving!” She laughed, slapping her knee.

I consulted my Pokedex, and apparently Electabuzz as a species naturally glow in sudden dark as a reflex kinda reaction. I hit my head in annoyance. I hadn’t had Electabuzz in the sudden dark before and well gee; here he was being a night-light. Plus add to that all the electrical appliances and lights around here and well, it was Electabuzz Glow Central.

Rose came stumbling back with a very charred Meowth, “I’m SO Sorry, Ollie didn’t mean to but it was so shiny and he couldn’t control himself.” She said apologetically.

Trina looked funnily. “Oh, I gotcha, your Meowth must’ve broken the circuit and gotten electrocuted!” before laughing again. “No problems I’ll just call the electrician” she continued.

“I’mreallysorryOlliejustranoffandthenhewasmesmeris edandthenhejustgrabbedatitandthenhegotashockandthe nthelightswentoutandI’mreallyreallyreally SORRY, I’ll pay for him to replace the wire” gushed Rose.

“That’s Ok dear, how about you just pay half, easier that way” said Trina as she was smiling at Rose, trying not to chuckle.

I thought to myself, “I’m supposed to be the one laughing at people’s misfortunes!” before commanding Electabuzz into battle, he was out only source of light for the time being.

“Don’t worry Andrew, I’ll get my electrician to mess with the power for a while, you… Rose or something, wait here so you can show him where and I’ll get him” said Trina

Trina ran off into the darkness whilst I stood near Electabuzz, he was emitting an electrical field and it was kind of tingly being near it! A few moments later Trina came back with a dark figure, I couldn’t tell who it was but Trina motioned to Rose and the dark figure led her away. Rose had a scared look on her face she was leaving. But maybe it was just the darkness.

Trina’s Wobbuffet had been standing motionless for the time being, and it seemed dead or something. It was totally inanimate or talking for that matter. Trina took her place and we got ready for the battle again, illuminated only by Electabuzz.

“Lets go,” said Trina simply and so the battle had begun. It had actually started like ten minutes ago, but the power out had caused some trouble.

“Electabuzz, try a thunder wave!” I yelled out. I hadn’t seen Electabuzz perform this move, only Elekid so I wondered if it looked any different.

Electabuzz moved his hands into a circular position before a crackling ring of electricity was created where Electabuzz motioned. Electabuzz gave a smirk as the ring of Electricity flew at Wobbuffet at a moderate speed. Wobbuffet was being totally inanimate, it just stood there. But as soon as it got close to it, the blue Pokemon began to secrete a shiny substance over its body. And when the ring hit Wobbuffet it flew back at Electabuzz at high speed, crashing into his left arm as he tried to dodge it. He was paralysed.

I was amazed at this, but maybe a faster attack could get through that shiny goo. “Electabuzz, use Thunder shock!” and Electabuzz quickly complied with a small jagged beam of electricity, which quickly came back at him. When he tried to dodge, my Pokemon’s whole left side was paralysed. He took the hit surprisingly well.

I had another idea, two attacks at once, I’m sure Wobbuffet couldn’t handle.

“Electabuzz use a Mega Punch and an Thunder Punch!” I yelled out. This Wobbuffet was almost as annoying as the one in the cartoon show. But far more powerful.

Wobbuffet gave a slight smile and secreted its shiny goo as Electabuzz dragged itself over. He somehow lifted up his left arm as well as his right, both of them brimming with power. The right fist was crackling with power, the left just ready to slam that smug Wobbuffet.

With a huge bang, and a flash, Wobbuffet was hit, but Electabuzz was sent flying, the glowing almost stopping and leaving us in the pitch black. Trina sported a smug smile. She knew this would happen all along, but she wasn’t saying a thing.

Electabuzz laid on the unlit dance floor. He was panting heavily and one of his antenna was bent at a weird angle. I asked Electabuzz if I wanted to be recalled but shook his head. I had to come up with a strategy.

I had a quick look in my Silver Pokedex, looking at all of Electabuzz’s known attacks. But it looked like I’d have to teach him one here and now. I found the perfect one to get rid of that goo. That darn shiny reflective goo.

“Ok Electabuzz, you can do it!” I yelled, “Now Electabuzz concentrate on the cold. Concentrate on anything cold” I said, and Electabuzz looked at me weirdly before complying. He shut his eyes and was surrounded by a blue aura. I have a happy yell.

Trina looked surprised, “Wobbuffet, send back whatever it throws at you.” She said calmly.

I had achieved the first part, “Ok now Electabuzz, channel that cold thought onto your Right fist” I said and the blue aura moved and focused into his fist.

“Now Punch Wobbuffet!” I yelled out with a huge grin.

Electabuzz opened his eyes and there seemed to be a knowing in his eyes as he punched Wobbuffet and the cold energy began to freeze the goo around it. Wobbuffet tried to move but was frozen in a matter of seconds; his goo had worked against it. I gave Electabuzz a hug as the lights came back on and Electabuzz stopped glowing. It took a second for my eyes to readjust in the sudden light.

The floor began to glow and flash, the mirror ball began to spin and lights were flashing and some music started up. Murder on the Dance Floor by Sophie Ellis Bextor. I recalled Electabuzz as Rose came back from a door, holding a rejuvenated Ollie who was simply dazzled so Rose recalled him with an embarrassed sigh. I recalled Electabuzz and congratulated it. It was such a fluke we won.

The music began to throb, loudly. I considered whom to choose next. Mankey was out, due to inexperience. Lickitung, Dragonair and Mr. Mime were my choices. I decided to rely on my Mime. Trina pulled out a blue chrome Pokeball and recalled Wobbuffet by hitting his tail with the red beam. The music started to play.

Its Murder on the dance floor, but you’d better not kill the groove
DJ, Gonna burn this god damn house right down.

“Go Mr. Mime!” I commanded and my Mime landed on the dance floor and began to dance with a happy grin.

“Go Steelix” commanded Trina, she started to move to the music.

Oh I know, I know I know, I know, I know about your kind
And so, and so, and so, and so, and so

My mouth and Mr. Mime’s mouth dropped when this huge silver reflective snake appeared in front of Mr. Mime and myself. It somehow was able to fit in the gym too. I looked up to see the raised ceiling on the dance floor. My face was a twisted look of horror and Mr. Mime’s was too.

I gave a croak of my voice, “Mr. Mime, use a Psybeam” I said weakly but the music drowned me out.

“Steelix, slam it!” said Trina simply with a look of victory.

I’ll have to play. If you think you’re getting away, I will prove you wrong
Ill take you wall the way, boy, just come along and hear me when I say hey

Steelix gave an evil grin and reared up, Mr. Mime ran in panic as the giant beast came and slammed down, just as Mr. Mime dove out of the way. The ground shook but didn’t break. Mr. Mime looked terrified, he had to attack.

“Bullet-proof floor” said Trina over the music and continued to groove. I understood why now.

“Ok Mr. Mime, aim a Psybeam for the Disco Ball!” I yelled, hopefully the beam would shatter into many, many little beams and damage Steelix

“Wrap it Steelix!”

Its murder on the dance floor, but you better not kill the groove
Its murder on the dance floor, but you better not steal the moves

It was a catchy song and I found myself tapping my foot. But Mr. Mime was busy trying to avoid the massive Steelix whose metal shiny skin was reflecting the light. Mr. Mime quickly focused his energies into a clearly defined beam of multicoloured beam of energy. It hit the disco ball and shattered, raining psychic energy onto the arena; I held my hand up to my head to try shielding any that came my way.

The beam split up and began to bounce off Steelix’s skin and dissipated. It did him no damage whatsoever. The shiny tail swung around Mr. Mime and captured him in a death grip!

“Crap” I mouthed.

Oh I know, I know, I know, I know, I know there may be others
And so, and so, and so, and so, and so I’ll have to prey. Don’t think you’re getting away

Mr. Mime was caught in Steelix’s grip and was struggling to get out, but was being squeezed tighter and tighter. Mr. Mime cried out. I didn’t know what he could do. He was totally restrained.

“Mr. Mime! Levitate out of there!” I tried but he simply couldn’t concentrate under that pain.

Trina gave a laugh and then her orders whilst dancing. She was a really attractive woman. “Steelix, slam it down and hyper beam it!”

I will prove you wrong. I’ll lead you all astray, stay another song
I’ll blow you all away. Hey, its murder on the dance floor

Mr. Mime tried to escape, but was viciously thrown down onto the ground, his skin was torn in places and blood was oozing out of his wounds. He probably had crushed ribs too.

The orange orb grew in light and power in Steelix’s mouth. I had no choice. I recalled Mr. Mime. I’d lost him. But I needed to win. I quickly threw out Dragonair’s Pokeball, whilst Trina recalled Steelix.

The music faded out and turned into a full techno beat, I shook my head. Those bright lights had disorientated me for one thing.

I looked out onto the arena, I shook my head, and I thought I saw Mankey. I shook my head again… It was Mankey…

“CRAP!” I yelled out!

Mankey yelled out too, “MAAAANNNNKKKKKKK!”

“What the?” I said

“Mank Ey?” Replied Mankey

“Are you mimicking me?!” I said with a tad of annoyance

“Man An Mankey Ma?!” replied Mankey.

I narrowed my eyes at him… that is till my eyebrow hurt like hell. I was stuck with Mankey for this battle, and what a cliff-hanger. I needed to win to get out of this god-forsaken town!

“Well, just go and battle then,” I said dejectedly.

“Mank, ey an ky manke nky!” he repeated before leaping onto the dance floor with great relish.

Trina gave a laugh at this and threw out her last Pokemon, in the insignificant flash of light; a Persian appeared and gave a snarl. Its coat was beautiful; it seemed to shimmer in the light. Trina must’ve taken great care of her Persian to have it look as great as it did.

Mankey leapt onto the dance floor arena and faced off against Persian, all the while Rose seemed to be studying Trina. Probably so she could get some tips when she battled her. I looked over at Mankey and I didn’t have faith in what I saw. But what could I do? Recall and forfeit. I don’t think so.

“Mankey! Use a Karate Chop!” I said hopefully

“Mankey! Key ey Mank Man!” repeated Mankey and imitated me, standing in my position. He sure was peeving me off.

“JUST DO IT DAMMIT!” I screamed. That was the second time today I’d lost my temper. Rose bore a look of surprise and crept towards the entrance.

“Oh gee Andrew, I have to go! Bye!” She said and bolted up the stairs. My yell and new look had probably scared her.

“Persian, use a Slash,” said Trina calmly.

The two beige Pokemon store each other down, waiting for the other to make the first move. Mankey couldn’t stand it any longer, but Persian leapt at it, claws extended, but Mankey quickly performed four back flips, landed on Persian’s back and Karate Chopped the base of its neck with both paws and then back flipped to a neutral position right in front of me.

I stood open mouthed. But Mankey sure was agile and powerful. I woke out of the trance and I struggled to hear the Gym Leader’s next command, but I yelled mine instead.

“Good work Mankey! Use a Fury Swipes!” I said looking ecstatic that the battle may not have been a total loss.

Persian had a smug smile before it suddenly faded from view. I looked around but Mankey stood perfectly still, and leapt into the air where Persian reappeared in front of it, but Persian fell to the ground with a cat’s dexterity. However a dark wave slammed into Mankey sending it flying. Mankey recovered and clamoured onto the disco ball, and jumped onto Persian’s back and scratched it.

I stood open mouthed as Persian’s jewel glittered and it came to scratch Mankey but it simply kicked Persian’s jewel, sending it sliding over the floor. Before back flipping and bounding up to Persian, grabbing its tail and throwing it into the stairs.

The beautiful, silky, shiny feline laid limply on the stairs. My new best pal, Mankey, had defeated it! Trina hit a button on her remote, the music and lights stopped and the nightclub had returned to normal. She walked over to me and recalled Persian on the way.

“Good work Andrew, you’ve defeated me in a Gym Battle. Here is your badge. Just scan if with your Pokedex,” she said with a smile whilst producing a Shiny Badge. She handed me a small black square, in a silver outline and it looked quite attractive. I pulled out my Pokedex and it looked liked they matched. I scanned the badge with my Pokedex, activating the microchip within it and securing it as mine. Trina reached over and pressed a button on the silver back, the black screen came to life with a flash.

Trina’s face came up on the tiny two-inch screen, it was looking at a watch face. Suddenly a voice could be heard. “Hi, I’m Trina from the Goldsworthy City Gym and this trainer has proven themselves worthy of a Shiny Badge”

I was amazed, Mankey and Electabuzz had won their battle, and well, this badge was well worth it. And my forth badge at that! I was halfway to the Pokemon League!
I thanked Trina and tried to smile, but the pain from Jessica’s slash and that eyebrow bolt hurt. As I left, Trina said, “If I were a few years younger, I’d date you” which left a major smile on my face.

The smile was soon wiped off my face as I realised I had to go back to the hotel and face Jessica. But first I’d get my Pokemon healed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Surprisingly Jessica and I quickly made up and apparently Phil had had a talk to Jessica and she was going to give me some of the vouchers and she was keeping some. Jessica was very pleased with my new look; I was apparently socially acceptable to be seen in public with now. I rolled my eyes at that comment. With that, we went to the mall again.


“You know how hard it was getting that Evolution Stone Voucher off of Jessica,” commented Phil.

“I can only imagine Phil, must’ve been hard to wrench them off of her” I said with a grin.

Phil and I had gone to the Mall and let Jessica run off to the shops with her vouchers and we’d spend mine.

“So what’s with the look Andrew? Are you gonna keep it?” asked Phil

“I don’t know why I changed it to be honest. But I have to admit, it does give me a mean and mysterious look which the girls like” I said with a smirk.

“Ah, here’s the evolution stone store” pointed out my friend and we went inside.


Inside the evolution stone store, I looked for an aquatic stone, deep blue. The deeper the blue, the more powerful the radiation from it and the stronger your Pokemon would be when it evolved I remembered reading. I gave the man my voucher and released Staryu. It just stood there. Motionless. It really was a boring Pokemon.

I gave Staryu a pat before I lowered the deep aqua coloured stone and it began to spin in mid air, its core pulsating a deep blue, corresponding to the stone’s colour.

I gently touched the stone with Staryu and it began to glow. The stone’s blue energy surrounded Staryu like an aurora and the Starfish began to grow. Then in a sudden flash of light the brown Staryu I’d owned and not loved was replaced by a large purple Starmie which seemed to be a tad more animated with its back star spinning in time to its pulsating red core with was of a much more crystallised structure now. I had a wide smile on my face and recalled Starmie. Everyone else in the shop was staring at me. I gave a quick wave and left. It was time to go shopping!


Five hours later Phil and I sat on a bench, surrounded by bags, exhausted look on both our faces and both wielding a drink. I took a gulp of my chocolate shake and sighed. I’d bought some games, some new clothes, some hair gel, some books, some shoes and some Pokemon equipment. Most of it useless, but free none the less.

Jessica stood in front of us, with a brand new Clefable and Wigglytuff who were carrying bags. She had surprisingly few bags.

“Hey Jess, I see you got your Evolution Stone Vouchers all used up eh?” I said, looking at Wigglytuff and Clefable which were her old Clefairy and Jigglypuff. They were weighed down with everything from a new cooking set, to clothes, hair products and some brand new shoes. And Jessica gave a nod.

“You sure don’t have much do you Jess?” I said questionably.

“What do you mean by that? The rest I’ve had delivered back to the hotel. Oh and I got the Buggy roof replaced with some of your money since you lost that battle with me, so I got it replaced with a sunroof and some sturdier stuff!” She said happily.

I really couldn’t be bothered so I replied with a distant “Oh.”

We all hauled ourselves back to the hotel for our last night in Goldsworthy city. I hated Goldsworthy City.


The next morning we all packed up the new and improved buggy and set our sites on the next destination, which has a gym. Forbes City. It was another seaside town and it was good to get out of the city. So with an early start we left Goldsworthy city in our wake.

“Good riddance you pathetic town!” I yelled out as we drove through the outskirts of the town.

And no one dared to yell back.


Ta da.. Comments please!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
4th December 2002, 08:33 AM
Awww......I liked that Persian....hehe...


Jessica and Ohil got food poisoning too....

Andrew is evil....XDXDXDXD

Chris 2.1
4th December 2002, 11:33 AM
excellent chapters. I am glad Andrew got Starmie; i think they're great Pokemon. Maybe it can have more of a personality...even if you're emphasising how unhuman it is.

gr8 job. onto forbes town!

5th December 2002, 05:46 AM
Heh, well I'm just now wating on Gavin's return so we can post the crossover chapter number one and then number two. But he had to wait for me to repost so he's been awfully nice and patient ^^; While we wait, I'll reply!

Hyperness Is A Good Thing: Ah, you liked the Persian eh, I haven't heard that comment before but oh well, it lost to an inexperienced, mimicking Mankey ^^; How sad for it. And yes Andrew instigated their sickness which was evil of him as they didn't really deserve it. But Andrew's kharma sometimes works against him later...

Shiny Marril: Hey, thanks yeah, Starmie's in it now and it has a tad more life but it develops much more of a personality, and we learn about its background too. lol, and before we go to Forbes town , we have the Crossover! Thanks for reading!

Chris 2.1
5th December 2002, 11:22 AM
yea, i think it was part one of the crossover i saw...i remember Jess catching an albino *******. I also remember it being very good! :)

Shadow Realm
5th December 2002, 03:23 PM
Dammit, where is all this money coming from? :S

*doesn't like the new look* I keep expecting him to hop onto the buggy and start singing Greased Lightning.

Enough b!tching. Good chapter, I thought it was well written and the disco gym was a good idea

6th December 2002, 08:26 AM
finally a clean gym XD.

anyway..this was really a long chapter, I enjoyed reading it ^^.

Gavin Luper
6th December 2002, 11:47 PM
oooh ... those chapters are really good.

I wonder what will happen in the next chapter??

Chris 2.1
7th December 2002, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by Gavin Luper

I wonder what will happen in the next chapter??

Call me crazy, but isn't it part one of the *********? I think you should know gav :)

Gavin Luper
12th December 2002, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by ShinyMarill
Call me crazy, but isn't it part one of the *********? I think you should know gav :)

Someone needs to learn sarcasm when they see it :D

12th December 2002, 08:36 AM
Hi Oz. Finally a clean gym.And I bet that the townspeople really hate him.Oh and By the way, If You view the thread wahoo oz, you'll see some people congragulating you on something.

Chris 2.1
12th December 2002, 10:11 AM
gavin: lol, i'll make sure i remember the sarcasm. It's my best friend, really :)

12th December 2002, 08:01 PM
Ohhhhhhh Maaaa Gaaaaaddddddd (Oh My God) *Imitates Lamber... er sorry Amber from Survivor 2 who was nicknamed Lamber for her following ways from www.televisionwithoutpity.com *

Well thank you for all of your replies everyone ^^; I guess now that I'm a mod I have to enforce these rules lol... So I guess you all have to give more than 1 line replies. Or else I am so shutting this thread down ;)

But well I can't post the next chapter which is a Crossover Chapter with Gavin Luper's Lisa The Legend which isn't directly involved in the first episode, but majorly in the second. But till Gavin and I are both online and can syncronise them we can't post it. So hang in there! And the second part of the crossover I've written 7 pages of it so far ^^;

And while we're waiting, are there any suggestions for EBTV you want? Like do you want to see a certain character again, do you want someone to die? Or do you want to see a chapter from a certain characters point of view? Becuase I want to give you my readers what you want ^^;

Shiny Marril Yep you did see the Crossover part one, but no-ones seen part two! Hee! And Jess did catch a certain Pokemon... which will be revealed all so soon!

Shadow Realm Well the money's coming from two sources Shadow Realm, firstly is Andrew's mum and secondly, from the Egg Sales. You know how much it costs to buy a puppy these days! If you get it from a breeder expect anything from 300 Dollars to about 2 Grand. Plus all that new stuff was bought with vouchers, so I hope I cleared up that money deal for you! Ah well the look doesn't stay forever, it was an impulse decision and will fade away... maybe... Anyway, thank you and I think this Disco Gym was probably my favourite ^^;

Celebi Power Yeah, the Ground Gym, Techno Gym and Farm Gym were all pretty grotty! But I can let you know the next Gym is a Mime Gym Hee ^^; And it was two large chapters, hope you enjoyed it!

Gavin Oh thank you! And gee, I don't know! Do you!?

Shiny Marril What ARE you talking about!? There's no such thing as a Cr******* oops.

Gavin That was sarcasm? I'm so hurt :(

100 Fang Croconaw Yep a clean gym! Funny eh, Tilden's was the only tidy one before that. Lol and those Townspeople weren't the nicest in the world, but it'll all work out. And Wahoo Oz! Yay ^^;

Shiny Marril Sarcasm's your best bud? That's so cool! Can I meet him!?


12th December 2002, 10:09 PM
Lol. Good chapter. Oh my gosh Andrew sounds sooooo hot now that he got that bleached hair and new clothes! I so badly wanna see him with that. ^_^ sorry i love cute guys with bleeched hair...


I love cute guys.

^_^ good chappy

Jess is such a *****,


13th December 2002, 07:12 AM
Mist Lol... I bleached my hair and got all new stuff on and just before schoolies... but I don't have any pics lol Hee, thanks for reading and here's a heap of Jess, Phil and Andrew now ^^; This chappies like 11 pages long! Enjoy!

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 19 - Kidnapping, Holidaying and Cruising
By OzAndrew

WARNING: May Contain Lisa The Legend References

Travelling along the seaside path it felt so good to feel the sun, sea breeze and the water alongside us. It was such a nice difference from the inland trek we’d had to take through Faulkner and Goldsworthy City. Sure they were nice in their own was but nothing compared to the sparkling water of the beach.

After beating me in a battle Jessica had used her vouchers of which there were many, to replace the Buggy’s Flimsy roof with something far more substantial, and space, not to mention a sunlounge. I’d had no say in the matter whatsoever but it was her voucher, not mine. But for now she was on top of the buggy with a Girlfriend Magazine, sunbaking with a bottle of water. I tried to make a fast turn so she’d fall off but she gave a sharp yell and with a flash Wartortle appeared and blasted me in the chest with a Water Gun, winding me.

“Traitor” I muttered as I wiped the water off of my body and face. Wartortle in its unevolved form, Squirtle was my first ever captured Pokemon. Now he was nothing more than a foot solider, doing Jessica’s bidding.

As we were travelling along, Phil was in the back calling Carly whilst Jessica and I pretended not to overhear his call.

“Oh well Carly I wish I was there to help you with your cold, I hope you get better soon! Cause you don’t seem the same, you poor dear, take plenty of Echinacea, water, and fruit, and get the Pokemon to do some of the work for you dear. You work too much you poor thing, I hope I can see you soon!”

“Oh yes Carly, I’m thinking of you right now, your hair is the same colour as this sand we’re driving past, your eyes are like the water which is softly rippling before my eyes, your grace, your beauty. You” Babbled Phil as I rolled my eyes, however Jess was getting irritated and cleared her throat.

But the babbling continued, “I love you Carly, your ample firm, bre…” and with that Jessica kicked him in the back of the head by leaning from the top of the buggy.

“EMBRACE, EMBRACE, that’s what I was saying… That’s right… embrace. Your ample and firm embrace…” stammered Phil, recovering from the violence Jessica lashed out with.

“I’m going to go now… I’ve got a headache and well good luck with your new project on Misdreavus’s, because they can apparently be really darn nasty sometimes”

“I love you,” he cooed down the phone in a sickening voice

“Love you too”

“I love you more”

“Oh no no no no no, I love YOU more”

“Get well soon honey”

“Bye Bye”

“Love you”

“See you soon” finished up the hopeless Romeo as Jessica slunk off of the top of the buggy and sat next to me.

“What is with Phil” she asked, “Why is he such as sob?” asked Jessica in a totally snooty tone

“Well its because he’s Phil. Also he’s emotionally fragile, he’s had a tough emotional ride after having his team stolen from him. And to make it worse, he’s in love” I explained to her

Jessica was unearthly quite, until she said in a disgusted voice, “Well that’s just sad and disgusting”

“Here Jess, I’ll show you something,” I said to her quietly whilst Phil sat in the back of the buggy stroking Wartortle’s Shell.

“Hey Phil, what happened between you and Carly that night before I found you in her place?” I asked, simply to get a reaction.

Phil gave a dreamy stare, “Oh well I was with Carly on that that beautiful starlit night, and because she was so talented and beautiful she’d been given a grant from the PRASRC, the Pokemon Research and Scientific Research Corporation. Anyway we needed some Sunkern to start off her research so I released Charizard and we made our way through the forest, so we could catch some. And well one thing led to another and she fell into my arms and we kissed.” and Phil was abruptly stopped by Jessica.

“TOO MUCH INFORMATION!” She yelled cutting him off and having Wartortle blast him in the face with water. She sure was using her Pokemon as a nasty weapon.

I decided to gross her out even more, “So Phil what happened with you and Carly in those seven MAGICAL months whilst Jessica and I were in Hanlon Town?” I said with an evil look on my face.

“To be honest I helped Carly research and then I kept a Sunflora from the experiment” he said, releasing the grass Pokemon.

Jessica and I hadn’t seen this Pokemon before and looked at it in wonder, its green body, and huge yellow head, pointing towards the sun. It couldn’t keep smiling. Wartortle jumped on top of the buggy and invited Sunflora up, and they began to talk on top of the buggy. It wasn’t long before they were laughing.

“Oh and Carly and I had wonderful love life going” he said quietly

“You are disgusting” smouldered Jessica as she reached over to whack Phil again.

I had a laugh to myself as the Mobile rang. It was Glenys according to the screen.

“Hi Glenys, this is Andrew” I said cheerily as Phil yelled out in pain

“Oh, Andrew, how are you?” she replied. These people had won the lotto, what are the chances of that happening. But she soon explained what they did with a majority of the money.

Basically Glenys and Edward (Ripper), had gone on their world wide trip and experienced Italy, Europe, USA, the UK and finished their tour around the world with a stop over in New Zealand. When they’d left they bought a block of land and hired a company to build a holiday resort. It was now all finished and they wanted us to stay for a while. We couldn’t turn down a free holiday and it was too good to say no to! So we all decided to go and have a relaxing time as free guests in a brand new resort.

Sitting around the campfire that night we all released our Pokemon. Lickitung and Mr. Mime instantly began chatting, they were great mates. But Jessica’s Jynx quickly ran over to Mr. Mime and began to grope him to his distaste. Lickitung helped its friend with a swift slap across the face with her tongue, sending the weird Pokemon packing. Electabuzz was looking awkward on his own as Cyndaquil now shied away from her old friend. But Electabuzz soon began a new relationship with Jynx, much to Cyndaquil’s distaste.

Cyndaquil quickly waddled over to the other small Pokemon, Eevee, Abra, Mankey, Seel and Chikorita. They were looking a tad depressed around all the evolved Pokemon. Charizard and Politoed were having a chat about their old times and looked quite happy. Starmie just stood there; it was more of a conversation piece, than a part of the conversation. Snorlax was rolling on the ground before making his paw into a gun and doing a Charlie’s Angels Pose. Wigglytuff and Clefable saw this a joined in whilst Smeargle, Sunflora and Wartortle looked on.

Dragonair was all over me, sure it was nice a few months ago, but it was sure as hell annoying now! The blue dragon slithered over me before I went to tear it off my body. I thought back to Kabutops, how I wanted it back. Jessica thankfully grabbed Dragonair and began to stroke it, however Dragonair was obsessed with me, so I recalled the Pokemon to Jessica’s distaste.

We all were pretty happy, but I still worried about Lickitung, the other Pokemon wouldn’t talk to it whenever it tried to get involved. I’d have to have a chat with them later. Phil sat there, writing, “I’m writing to Carly” he explained.

Suddenly a girl and boy whizzed along the road in a buggy with an Elekid on top, keeping it going. Electabuzz gave its unevolved form a wave as it gave a shock to the buggy’s system, keeping it going. The girl had a hyperactive Aipom on her, I’d met it twice before in battle and it may have seemed a bit too wimpy, but sure quick. The guy gave a small wave whilst the girl was looking for something on the floor of the buggy. They were gone pretty fast, but I wanted a battle. Jessica took a look at the buggy and at the girl.

“Did you see her dress sense!?” she said to me

“Um… no… why?” I replied quizzically.

“Well her hair for one thing, I’m sure it s dyed, secondly her bandana, bandanas are SO out of fashion. She’s also wearing this huge big chunky piece of equipment around her neck, God knows what it does and I’m not even starting on the clothes” she prattled on.

“Typical” muttered Phil under his breath

“And our Buggy is WAY better, we’ve got four seats, its not solar powered, and we’ve got a reinforced roof” and with that she grabbed a quilt, pillow, jumped on top of the buggy and went to sleep.

“Meh” I muttered, getting into my tent and leaving the Pokemon to their own devices, they weren’t stupid, I’m sure they could fend for themselves.

The next morning I recalled everyone but Mankey and Cyndaquil. Jessica didn’t recall Chikorita and Eevee and Phil left Sunflora and Abra stay out. They hopped onto the top of the buggy and began to have a grand old time, before trying to sing, causing Jessica to get crabby and whack the roof, and yelled “Keep it down, I need my sleep”

She was still wrapped in her blanket and was half asleep as we pulled up to the resort. The light mango Tuscan colour of the resort tied in well with the beach and seaside theme. The minute we walked in and walked over to the receptionist we were ushered swiftly into the elevator to the Penthouse. But we came across that girl and guy again. Jessica gave a snort as she saw them.

“What is with those clothes?” she said, looking down on her own clothes, wearing a blue silken dress, not Hawaiian, I remembered her stressing about it in the store. And then she posed as if on a catwalk, swishing her hair around and pouting. She did the pouting most of the time but the posing was funny.

When we got to the top of the elevator Jessica and I were held in a deathly grip by Ripper and Glenys respectively the moment the doors opened.

We had a whole heap of general chat until the early afternoon when we showed them our Pokemon, the remembered Mr. Mime, Wartortle and Electabuzz and gave them tight hugs. Then they decided to show us around the hotel. They had a gym, pool, spa, sauna, kids room, dock, luxury cruiser, health and beauty centre and God knows what else. It was great.

As we walked past a television in reception Snorlax saw a Big Brother special on Television and saw a woman with Pooh Bear Pyjamas, Bunny Ears and blonde hair shaking her “Groove thing” so to say.

“Look at me! Look at me!” She yelled

“Sarah Marie, what are you doing?” came one of the housemate’s calls

“I’m doing the Bum Dance!” she said and cackled manically before the song – I’m so Excited began to play.

The Tubby TV Pokemon saw this and began to shake her bum, and Glenys saw this and grabbed a pair of Bunny Ears from the reception counter and gave them to the Pokemon. Snorlax gave Glenys a great big hug before she too began doing the Bum Dance in front of everyone. God knows who saw, before Phil zapped Snorlax inside its Pokeball, with the bunny ears going in too. Jynx saw Sarah Marie and began to do the Bum Dance and Jessica recalled it too. I gave my Pokemon a stern look and they didn’t move.

Ripper broke the awkwardness, “So what do you want to do?”

Jessica chirped in first, “I’d like to go to the Beauty and Health Centre”

I thought for a while and decided that we could do some training. After all we had a huge gym area at our disposal and I think we could improve on our strength. “Um, The Gym if that’s all right?” I asked

Phil looked out to the sea, ”I’d love to have a ride on the boat” he said.

And so we all went our separate ways, Jessica and Ripper to the health centre, Phil and Glenys to the boat and myself to the gym. But first I grabbed the bags and everything left in the Buggy and took it up to the room we were given, and I threw everyone’s stuff in their corresponding rooms.

I got changed into a light T-Shirt and pants and remembered Tilden and his algebra toting fighting Pokemon. If anything I could take some multi-skilling up with my Pokemon! With that we entered the empty gym and met the personal trainer, being a new resort, not many people knew of it. I wanted to toughen up Mr. Mime; he was great with his Psychic Powers, but a bit weak on the physical side.

Scott was the personal trainer’s name and we all got going, working hard. After about an hour and a half we wandered out, near stuffed. Mr. Mime had surely developed biceps, Electabuzz wasn’t as tubby, Starmie and Cyndaquil had improved their speed on the treadmill and Dragonair had developed some strength too, but Mankey was still like a live wire, hyperactive so to say.

We all had a swim in the pool, except Cyndaquil who sat in the sauna. Since there was so much moisture in the Sauna, and heat it was surely giving it a slight prowess over heated water, but we’d have to test cold water later.

We swam until about 7 o’clock at night at which we got up to the room, had our showers and all and I called room service, ordered a heap of food, spaghetti bolognaise and juice. We stuffed ourselves, I taught my Pokemon some grooming in the bathroom, and how to brush their teeth, except Starmie of course. The Pokemon who wanted to sleep in their Pokeballs did so, and the others hopped on the beds.

I swear I was asleep before I hit the pillow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


Glenys took me down to the dock after Snorlax embarrassed me in the reception area. The water was clear and the breeze whipped through my brown hair. Politoed was glad to be back at the beach again. It’d been trapped in the clothes a rotten carcass for god knows how long and it was always glad to be out of its Pokeball.

“So Phil, how did you meet up with Andrew?” she asked as untying the rope

“Well its kinda a mutual agreement” I explained, “I had all my Pokemon stolen minus Charizard a while ago” I said sadly

“Oh you poor thing, I know how it feels to lose something that you hold so close you too, who stole them?” she said sympathetically

“Well basically some Association, a black market trade in Pokemon run by jet setting executives around the world who recruit thugs, to do their dirty work. Like when they busted all those teenagers out of the detention centre back near Hanlon town,” I explained, I was expecting this woman to leave then, thinking I was a nutcase. But she didn’t she simply listened so I went on.

“Most of my Pokemon were probably resold like to that gym coming near Goldsworthy, or dead. I did some tracking down of some of the thugs and I found out that some of my Pokemon were sent to Germany, so I had a trip over there, but I didn’t find a thing, I’ll probably never see them again” I realised I was whinging so I began to shut up.

“So whom were your old friends?” asked Glenys as we got onto the boat.

“Well I had a heap, Charizard, thank god I’ve still got him, Amphoros, Kingdra, Tyranitar, Khangaskhan, Tangela, Gligar, Rhyhorn, Kadabra, and my Politoed I found again. Plus I had some other ones on me at the time, which were stolen too” I rambled on.

“Well let’s get out to sea! We’ll chat later” Said Glenys as she herded us on board, Abra, Politoed and I that is.

She released a Remoraid and an Octillery to my surprise, “They’re my dead daughter’s,” she explained as they swam alongside the boat.

I picked up my green and yellow friend and gave him a hug; I wasn’t going to let him go again. Abra suddenly teleported onto my shoulders and looked out to sea.

I remember digging Politoed up from the Farm Gym where Andrew and Jess had won his third badge, the country lad Andy said that his Father had bought it from the association long ago, and he remembered my Politoed when I’d won my badge there a few years ago.

Sure he was a bit of a country boy, but I was so thankful I was going to get my Pokemon back I relentlessly dug into that earth, whilst trying to ignore those poor children raise themselves. I felt sorry for their last Tauros too, it seemed it was going to be dinner soon, if not already, and they could’ve just gone to the shop to buy some lamb or beef. I called family services so perhaps they could give them some support.

When I had gone down far enough there was a stench, the worst stench I had ever smelt, I had to dig with my hands then until I touched the rotting worm infested corpse of a man, before I had to try and pry my Pokeball from his dead flesh, which made me sick to my stomach.

I eventually put down Politoed and remembered when I’d caught him from his little pond so long ago as a Poliwag. He was feisty and hated me for taking him away from his little world, but grew to love me in time. It was great to have an old friend back.

I looked out to sea, wishing I’d find the rest of them soon.

Glenys was a great host for the afternoon, wining and dining us for the afternoon, but poor Snorlax and Charizard had to stay in their Pokeballs. I didn’t want them sinking the boat!

In the late stages of the day Glenys showed me how to steer the boat and let me take a quick spin around the water, which was thrilling fun. The feeling of the sea spray as you break the waves is one of the best feelings.

There was a bit of an island near Ripper and Glenys’s resort, but someone apparently owned it and it was private property, no one allowed on it. I tried getting closer to the island buy we had to steer away, but there was some weird light coming from it. Maybe I’d snorkel over there tomorrow, heck, you have to break the law every now and then!

We ended up sleeping on the boat because it was a bit of a trip back to shore and it was so wonderful having the sound of the water lapping against the boat. I recalled Politoed and Abra and drifted into a wonderful slumber.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to see someone standing over my bed, it was a woman. “Glenys?” I asked uneasily. I tried to reach for the light but I couldn’t move. Something was holding me back psychically. I tried to grab Abra’s Pokeball, or Politoed’s but I couldn’t! The panic overwhelmed me as something jabbed my arm and I couldn’t help myself from drifting into slumber.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


How dare Jynx embarrass me! That Pokemon needed some fashion advice, and I was the girl to show her. I’d tell her off later. But in the meantime I couldn’t wait to get to the health and beauty centre. Ripper led me there, I couldn’t believe Andrew, my idiotic brother knew these rich old people. They treated Andrew and I like their grandchildren or something.

The old man went on and on all about himself, and his trips around the world but I just kept smiling and nodding, I didn’t want to get him annoyed. Hopefully when he died, I’d get some inheritance from him! I smiled at the thought of money, if he died, I could buy a whole heap more clothes!

I let Eevee out of its Pokeball, it was so small and cute, one of my favourites now that Jigglypuff and Clefairy had evolved. I hugged my brown friend and thought of what Eeveeloution would be best for it. Jolteon was a no-go cause it looked too fierce, and its fur meant it was unhuggable. Vaporeon was so icky and slimy, Flareon’s red totally clashed with my hair colour, so I didn’t want it. That left two Eeveelutions, Espeon and Umbreon. I’d think about it later.

As we came to another complex it was beautifully decked out in marble, and I thought my Pokemon could do with a makeover too, so I let them out and we’d have the full treatment. First was a wonderful massage, I really enjoyed that, before a mud pack, seaweed wrap, manicure, pedicure and then we were given the final makeover, a fashion one.

I chose a lovely outfit and the fashion consultant agreed, with me so I was thrilled about that, and everyone during the day had been so nice and coming to my every whim, I’d have to thank them later. But I got my makeup also done too, and my Pokemon were also just finishing up.

Smeargle was the first to arrive and looked very suave, in a suit, top hat and using his tail as a cane, Wartortle soon followed, looking very similar and they’d made him a bit more respectable and a lot less rugged. It was all Andrew’s fault Wartortle didn’t have as much taste, he was a terrible trainer and my battle only enforced my point more.

Jynx came over next, and boy did she look great, she had a blue shimmering dress, new hairstyle, elbow length white gloves, a new blue shade of lipstick and she looked great and I was thrilled she’d ditched that old red dress and long hair. It looked so much better in a bob.

Wigglytuff and Clefable came next with new hairstyles and were feeling soft and beautiful. Wigglytuff had her hair and ears styled downwards and looked great, whilst Clefable had her hair in a bun and those wings were looking so beautiful too. I was so proud to own them all!

Chikorita, Seel and Eevee were the last to arrive and all looked pretty much the same, but a lot more refreshed, which was a welcome change. Eevee now just wore a collar, Chikorita a necklace and Seel had a cute bow around his neck It was night by the time we got out of there, and I decided we’d go out somewhere and have a bit of a fun.

I was walking in the dark with my hair up and chopsticks through it, body glitter on and looking very good. When I looked up in the tree and saw a White figure in there. I wasn’t too sure what it was, so I grabbed Andrew’s Pokedex and scanned it. It accessorises so well and Andrew was too much of a dope and would never learn anything so I was much better off with it.

“Murkrow, the darkness Pokemon” it started blandly, I didn’t like the sound of it so I quickly went through options and changed it to sound like Freddy Prinze Jr. He was so cool and he sounded great.

So I scanned the Pokemon again and this time it said suavely, “This is Murkrow, the Pokemon of the night. Researchers say it is known for tricking people whom are cruel to it and stealing their belongings. But it is also a highly intelligent Pokemon, which can follow complex orders” said the Pokedex

“Thanks Freddie” I said to it.

“No problems, anytime you need me, just press a button,” it said so politely! I was thrilled to have such a great sounding Pokedex!

I looked up at the Murkrow and studied it, it was small white and a tad skinny, but you can never tell with birds, most are lice and disease infested. But if I got it quarantined, I could have some fun with it.

I threw out Jynx’s Pokeball, she could use some Ice Moves and that could help me catch it! “Jynx, use Ice Beam on that white Murkrow”

Jynx nodded, and she looked so stylish, and with a deep breath a beam of ice energy, matching her new outfit streaked over to the Murkrow who sensed it and fluttered onto the pavement in front of me.

It had a pinkish beak and legs, it was much more beautiful than the picture in the Pokedex and it had beautiful blue eyes which totally matched its snow white feathers. And its beak wasn’t crooked and the feathers around his head weren’t in a bowl shape, but needed a bit of a groom. I’d take it to the PokeCentre before the health and beauty centre.

“Murkrow!” It cawed

“Hey Murkrow, I’m battling you so that I can capture you” I said to it, feeling the night air around me.

“Come on Jynx, lets beat it, use a Lovely Kiss,” I said whilst the Murkrow began to fly around Jynx.

But my great Psychic Pokemon grabbed it out of mid air and kissed it on the lovely beak it has. A look of shock crossed its face before it faded into a deep slumber whilst Jynx cradled it in her arms.

I gave a grin of happiness as I picked out a pearl looking Pokeball out of my handbag and touched the Pokemon with it, before it turned into a red silhouette, and was sucked into the Pokeball, capturing it!

I gave a smile and continued along the underdeveloped town. I caught my first Pokemon, I would’ve given a yell but I would’ve embarrassed myself. I continued along, and I saw a shopping centre in the distance, they were sure to have some fun there. So I recalled Jynx and picked up my pace.

I continued walking until a woman with frazzled greyish blonde hair, and a Slowbro stood in front of me.

“Excuse me” I said nastily, that woman needed a makeover and fast, and her hair was a definite no no.

“You’re not going anywhere young lady,” she said

“Riiigghhhtttt, get out of my way” I said to her before continuing to walk along before she stood in front of me again.

“Look, I’ve got places to go, people to see and you definitely need a makeover, or perhaps a total reconstruction of your face for a start” I said nastily to her before I began walking again.

I tried to take another step but I couldn’t, I realised that woman’s Slowbro had stopped me! “LET ME GO YOU *****! LET ME THE ****ING HELL GO *****!” I screamed out as loud as I could. I saw that girl with the bad dress sense again, “HELP ME!” I screamed

I tried to move, but I couldn’t, I summed up all my energy and got my arm free, I screwed my hand into a fist and smashed that woman in the face. She gave a yell before coming back to me with a needle in her hand and a blood nose, “Let see how you’d like a makeover you little witch,” she rasped into my ear.

I gave a gasp as the woman jabbed my arm, injecting something into me. It instantly took affect as I fell into unconsciousness.

The last thing I saw before I fell into the darkness was that girl, with the bandana, the bad fashion sense... Now I see nothing but darkness.

13th December 2002, 07:54 AM
*breathes*.....woo I bet that was the association!;)

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Edit: btw Congratz to the modship!

13th December 2002, 10:16 AM
Cool! I saw and remembered Lisa and Gavin in all the parts they were in.I think that is a very good chapter.

Chris 2.1
13th December 2002, 11:27 AM
another amazing chapter oz. i loved the 'Jess Perspective'; she is like a girl in my form at school who makes first impressions on peoples clothes they wear (too bad i spilled my breakfast down my shirt the day we met:P )

I love that Albino Murkrow, and i'm sure it'll make a great appearence in the fic.

ps: If Phil USED to have a Kababra, and he now has an Abra, is it an indication he'll never get his old one back?

Shadow Realm
13th December 2002, 05:27 PM
Jessica is......weird. Anyway, good chapter OZ, looking forward to the next! Although I don't recognise the LTL crossover, having never seriously read LTL ^^`

13th December 2002, 08:25 PM
heh...Nice ficcy OZ! I've been a closet reader on ur fic for a long time.....

15th December 2002, 07:14 AM
I would like to urge my readers to read Lisa The Legend (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2313) as the next chapter in Electric Buggy To Victory is a Crossover with Lisa The Legend where the two fics meet and try to solve the mystery, escape and have fun. And reading Lisa The Legend will help you better understand the crossover. Thanks! BTW I've written 7 pages of the Crossover and I'm just warming up!

Celebi Power It may be the association, but after all you never know... do you! Lol! I can't wait for it either! Its the full on Lisa the Legend Crossover! And thank you ^^ I'll try mod as best I can ^^

100 Fang Croconaw Thank you ^^ Yep next chapter is ALL New featuring the crossover! Stay tuned!

Shiny Marril Oh thank you, I'm flattered. Yes Jess perspectives are fun to do too ^^ Although I constantly have to redo them ^^; So does that girl hate you now or something? And yeah the Albino Murkrow's a nice addition, it does more than nothing :D BTW Kadabra is currently part of a travelling Scandinavian Circus. We may see it again *Shrugs* You never know... lol I may do its perspective

Shadow Realm Jess wierd? If she heard that you'd be dead or ***** slapped. One of the two ;) Ah and next chapter is like action galore ^^; I can't wait!

MetaKnight89 Thank you! Glad you came out of the closet!

And now a secret to show you all, one of the upcoming Mr Mime Evolutions I've created. Frostsight, the Ice/Psychic type is one of the upcoming Pokemon faces in his 6th Gym - The Mime Gym. There are another 5 Mimelutions so this one took me like 1 hour to make on paint :P Enjoy and speculate about what you think it does and such!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Shadow Realm
15th December 2002, 08:14 AM
Uh....I assume its an ice type. Meh, looks more like a Ghost evolution than a Mr. Mime to me :P

Chris 2.1
15th December 2002, 08:50 AM
i love frostsight; he's like a haunter or a gastly in a way, and he is really creative. i like this idea. when will we see anymore?

15th December 2002, 07:18 PM
*reads Jessica's opinion on Vaporeon* That's it. I now know for sure that Jess is eeeeevil...

Loved the chapter, good to see the bandana girl come back, and in such a surprising way, I never saw it coming (I was caught offguard...AGAIN!) but I'm not too thrilled about Phil also in a jam. Poor ol' Phil, he doesn't seem to have much luck...

Looking forward to seeing Murkrow's antics, and how the whole crossover thing goes. (Still yet to get up to speed with all that)
Maybe someday EBTV will meet Minty Thrill!! :D Well, actually, I doubt that. Andrew's well-trained Pokemon would upstage Tony's...three, lol

Mew Trainer Rose
15th December 2002, 08:27 PM
WOO! crossover time! THis is the last chap a read when it was up the first time, so no that there's new chappys I'll reply again. :) Great job with the fic so far, Oz!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
18th December 2002, 09:35 AM
Frostsight is........unusual..true...does resemble ghost.

Ooh...what's gonna happen to all of them? *really, no sarcasm meant, haven't read that far before*

One is starting to like Jessica more and more...ehehehehehhehe. ^_^ Imagine giving Pokemon a makeover.

20th December 2002, 11:47 PM
Shadow Realm Hey! Yep, it is a ice type lol But I'll keep it a secret on how it evolves to that in the chapter ehehehe

Shiny Marril Ah goodo ^^ You'll see more Mimelutions leading up to the epi, and then all will be explained in the 6th Gym.

DragoKnight Hee, Jess is very shallow in regards to Pokemon for the time being. And bandana girl is LISA! From Lisa the Legend! lOl! And poor old Phil, well things get better for him, he even goes off on his own later. And Murkrow having Antics, perhaps... Lol, for the time being its not quirky. Thanks for reading! And perhaps lol!

Mew Trainer RoseWell Rose, here's a new chapter for you! Enjoy!

Hyperness Is A Good Thing Yep, Frostsight is ghostish but not a ghost! And here you'll find out what happens eh... lol And Another Jessica fan eh! lol! She needs her own sequel.

Attention all! Ok readers, the long awaited time the CROSSOVER! WOOO!!! There's another chapter after this because Gavin and I we worked so hard on this and there's simply too much to fit into one chapter! So hang in there! For the other half, here we go: Lisa The Legend (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=100824#post100824) Enjoy everyone!

Electric Buggy To Victory – Lisa the Legend Crossover Part 1:
Kidnappings, Genetics and Salvage
By OzAndrew & Gavin Luper

I awoke the next morning about tenish in the morning, and stepped out to see the warm sun on my face from my balcony. Mr. Mime came out and admired the sight too, the waves lapping against the beach, and far off in the distance I saw the boat I’d seen earlier, Phil and Glenys were obviously on it. I was glad for Phil getting reacquainted with Politoed.

I wondered how my old buddy Kabutops was; well he really wasn’t a buddy, more of an acquaintance… But Dragonair was getting more irritating every time I saw it. Sure it was rare, powerful and would evolve into a near legendary Pokemon, but personality wise, it sucked. I decided to play a prank on Jessica; I motioned to Mr. Mime and awoke Mankey. Mankey ignored me and laid in its bed before deciding to follow me.

I whispered to Mr. Mime and Mankey imitated it, nasty thing it was! Mr. Mime just gave a laugh at us both as we glared each other down, but we really quietly opened the door. And snuck over to the king sized bed, only to find it unslept in.

“Wha?” I said and scratched my head, with Mr. Mime and Mankey doing the same in confusion. Jessica’s bags were all here, and everything was simply untouched, she hadn’t been in here at all.

“Oh crap” I said as Mr. Mime laughed at me and Mankey mimicked. If Jessica had been like hurt in a car accident or maybe she’d been attacked by some wild Pokemon or was in trouble I’d be in so much trouble. Mum would KILL me! A shudder went down my back as I high tailed out of there, and went to wake up my other Pokemon. I released Starmie, Lickitung and Dragonair from their Pokeballs and woke up Cyndaquil and Electabuzz. We had to find Jessica, but first, Phil was to be found.

We all scrambled down to the dock and the boat was cruising back, within five minutes the luxury liner pulled in and I was rabid for answers. Glenys came out on the deck with a worried look, she was holding onto four Pokeballs as she pulled in.

“Hey Glenys, where’s Phil?” I asked with a hint of panic. My vain, selfish, evil younger sister was gone and if she was in trouble mum would hear of it and I’d be in hell of a lot of trouble.

She made her way off the boat looking frazzled, “Phil’s not here,” She said simply and I looked open mouthed at her.

“He’s gone,” she said before continuing, “I woke up late and had breakfast and when I went to check on Phil, well he wasn’t there. His four Pokeballs were all that I could find, and they were under his pillow. I think he fell overboard or something so I let Remoraid and Octillery stay behind to look for him.”

I felt further isolated, “So did you call the lifeguard or something!?” I yelled

She shook her head, “No, there’s no Lifeguards around here because its such a small and new town. We’re still actually deciding on a name for the town” she commented

Something hit me, “You said four Pokeballs right?” I said eagerly

“Yes, but right now we need to get some Flying and Water Pokemon to search for him” she said

I grabbed the Pokeballs from her hands and threw them onto the pier, in four successive flashes of light, Snorlax with Bunny ears popped out, Abra twitched his ears and smiled mystically, Charizard gave a yawn and stretched and Sunflora looked towards the sun with a smile.

Politoed was missing. At least it was hopefully with Phil.

“Um, Glenys, Jessica is missing too” I said regretfully.

She looked at me quizzically, “You’re joking right?”

“No” I said

“Well lets go off to the Police Station then” she said grimly.


Ripper(Edward), Glenys and I quickly drove down to the Police Station and went inside. There was that boy I saw yesterday with that Aipom next to me waiting at the counter, he wore a worried look as he stood there.

I would’ve made a joke but I really didn’t feel like it, Phil had probably drowned and Jessica would’ve mostly been killed for telling someone off about his or her dress sense. I held out my hand to greet him, “Hi, I’m Andrew” I said looking a bit down. “Why are you here? The usual? Murder, Arson, or drugs?” I couldn’t help myself but joke.

He gave a bitter laugh, nervously touching his black hair and nursing the plaster cast covering his arm , “Hi, I’m Gavin and I’m here for Fraud” he gave a grin, I noticed a large book under his arm. He sobered up, “I’ve actually here to get some help, my friend’s disappeared and well she left behind someone” Gavin said pointing at an Aipom “So I think she’s in trouble” his face grinning, yet it was evident he was stressing. Big time.

An officer cleared his throat and broke the awkward silence “How can I help you?”



I awoke with a start, I had a throbbing head and I was lying on a dirty carpet floor and facing a wooden wall, it was very daggy and needed updating. I struggled to pick myself up off the floor, but I felt too weak to do that. The power in my arms was gone so I just sat there, breathing while the rest of my body wouldn’t move.

I reached for my Pokeballs in my handbag but it was gone! I got a fright and I finally was able to move my head, I looked around to see I was in a well-lit place and we seemed to be in a boardroom of sorts. I looked over to see that girl with the bad fashion sense she was about my height, with black hair, golden eyes, overalls, which were TOTALLY OUT OF FASHION, a bandana and worst of all, really chunky shoes.

I dragged myself to the door and struggled to open it. It was locked. I slammed my fist in frustration. It was more irritating than when I’d done all this work around home and Andrew had done nothing and that left me to do it all, I mean, how can I be expected to do chores when I have to keep my social status intact.

I slowly regained a bit of composure and straightened my hair up, then it dawned on me… I’d been kidnapped! I shook the girl next to me and frantically I slapped her across the face to wake her up.

“What was that for!?” she said angrily and slapped me back almost instantaneously

“How dare you! I’m trying to save us here!” I said angrily, how dare she slap me!

“Well sorry, I don’t too well when I try to save someone in my pyjamas and get jabbed in the arm for it” She said rubbing her arm and looking at me uneasily.

I had a new tactic, I’d do my new girl thing when someone new comes to school, “So sorry about that, I’m Jessica, nice to meet you. I love your bandana” I lied with a smile

She shifted uncomfortably and searched for her Pokemon belt, “I guess my Pokemon are gone eh? I’m Lisa, nice to meet you, Jessica. But right now it looks like we’ve been kidnapped” She said terribly disappointedly.

“Well lets fix your hair up, we can’t go anywhere with people looking like this! What will people think!?” I said pulling cosmetics compact and hairbrush and styling gel from my handbag.

“I really don’t think we have time for this” she said looking at me like I was a weirdo. She got up and began to try to open the door, but it was locked.

“I already tried that. Come ON, sit down and I’ll fix you up. It looks like we’ve been kidnapped, obviously…” I said rolling my eyes.

Lisa reluctantly sat down in the board chair, it wasn’t too bad and I began to do her hair into a bun with a fringe and some skilfully positioned strands of hair. Lisa began to talk, “There’s no point yelling for help, because for one thing, they’ll have us isolated and soundproofed if they were professional criminals – which I think they are cause they had the forethought to use an anaesthetic to knock us out without much struggle – and for another thing, they’d know we’re awake and we’d lose our element of surprise” she said thoughtfully as I finished up on her dark black hair.

“Hm..” I pondered. There were sales at all the shops soon, hopefully I could get some cool clothes from City Beach.

But Lisa continued, “I already decided that the walls, although they look like flimsy wood – must be brick underneath – otherwise it’d be too easy to get out and the steel door would have no purpose.” All the while I just “Hmmmed”

I gave Lisa some light makeup and we were all ready to escape but yet again Lisa went on, “ I’ll just check, but I’m quite sure …” she said as she went up to the door and slammed her fist into the wall. I couldn’t help but feel her pain as she cradled her hand and continued on, wincing through the pain, clearly evident on her face, “Anyone who tried punching their way out through here would have a VERY sore fist”

I was getting all worried now, I couldn’t rely on Andrew or Phil to save us, Lisa and I’d have to do it ourselves now. “Well we should escape now… we’re both ready” I said, hoping she’d come up with an answer and not just the depressing truth.

A smile shot across Lisa’s face, “The vent!” Lisa cried. “ We can escape through the ceiling!”

“Oh great.” I muttered underneath my breath. Crawling through a ceiling wasn’t my idea of fun, and I’d get dirty! Lisa yet again muttered something depressing about our kidnapping as I decided to do something and moved the chairs, quite flimsy old things, but they’d do the job.

After some grunting and pushing and pulling we were both into the dusty ceiling, and it was so flimsy too, I was sure I could see a cockroach or rat or something and I cringed thinking about it. Disgusting things, I’d need another makeover after this.

Suddenly the plaster around me began to crack and I wore an alarmed look. “Bye Lisa”



I’d woken up in an office of sorts and it’d taken me a few minutes to recompose myself as I shook my head. I’d been anaesthetised and I was terribly groggy. The carpet beneath me smelt terrible and I considered throwing up. Looking up the ceiling above me began to crack so I stood up and began poking at it. With a rush of dust, rubble and foul air, two girls fell onto my head sending me reeling as they got a soft landing. Wheezing as I heard a snap in my chest when I hit the floor again.

“Gee thanks girls, I think you broke my ribs” I said and keeled over on the floor. The piercing pain was making me woozy, and the room started to spin.

“Oh my god! Phil! Sorry!” said Jessica tending to me

“Hi I’m Lisa. You made a nice landing. Sorry ‘bout that” said the other girl, picking herself up from the floor, I don’t think she knew how much pain I was in.

As the pain made it harder to see, I saw this Lisa gasp in surprise as the door opened and a woman was standing there, she looked about fiftish with her wild greying hair in a wind tunnel effect.

“Well I can see you’re all awake now, we can start the fun. Don’t bother trying to escape, my Psychic Pokemon will stop you. Now if you’d like to follow me please.” She motioned before walking off, and the Slowbro stood by the door, waiting for us to follow.

Clutching my ribs, I think they’d been bruised; I reluctantly hobbled behind the woman, keeping my distance. Jessica and Lisa walked behind me, whispering something I couldn’t hear, hopefully they’d spotted our Pokemon. I couldn’t stand to lose them all again. Slowbro took up the rear, sporting a fierce look, the Shellder on its tail, frothing at the mouth, eager to strike.

Going down a set of stairs we came to a large area, it was a large semi circled shape, the floor made of granite and the walls with marble. It seemed to be some kind of abandoned tourist attraction or research area or something. Quite odd. Suddenly I felt my body being restricted again as my feet left the ground. Also there was something in my pockets. I’d have to check out what it was…



On board the boat we were searching the area where it was likely Phil could’ve fallen out and with Politoed no less. I threw out Starmie’s Pokeball into the seas as the boat was cutting through the waves. Starmie appeared with a happy twirl and its core began to pulsate a yellow colour. Reluctantly I also lobbed out Dragonair’s Pokeball and she appeared with a coo before swimming alongside the boat, waiting for my instructions.

So the dude I met was Gavin and his mate Lisa had disappeared, her Aipom looking quite distraught was anxiously playing with Gavin’s hair, much to his dislike. He nervously fidgeted with some really cool Pokeball, it was like made of Crystal, but when he saw me staring he put it away and looked sheepish before pressing the buttons on four Pokeballs and with a flash of light a small green bird appeared and cried “Natu” and amazingly enough, a Staryu appeared before finally a cute little blob of pink appeared with a squeak. A Ditto. An in the water a large fish appeared, but it was green, it was a Green Lanturn, I gazed at it, it certainly was pretty amazing.

Diving into the water, Gavin’s Staryu showed off its aquatic skills spinning through the water at amazing and dazzling speeds, blowing seaform on my Starmie. Starmie’s core pulsated with red energy, pretty ticked off at Staryu and unleashed a water gun attack, to which Staryu easily countered.

“Hey Starmie! Stop!” I yelled at Starmie. I had once again lost my temper in front of someone and they’d probably think I was psychotic. But we had to find Phil and Lisa and Jessica not play little water fights. Starmie quickly simmered down as Dragonair swam in front of the boat, clearly enjoying the easy ride she was getting from it. The little Natu chirped and sat atop Gavin’s head, with Aipom on his shoulder it was getting crowded on the good ship Gavin.

“Now Staryu and Natu, you search for any of those three people ok? Ditto, you transform into Natu and start searching too” he said grimacing as they all went their separate ways and Ditto’s shape reforming to that of Natu’s before taking flight.

Feeling a bit stupid I ordered my two to go searching too. Looking around, it seemed about twenty other people on small watercrafts of all types ranging from a windsurfer to a tinny and another awesome boat all sending out their water and flying Pokemon to search for them. It was endearing, but it was more likely the girls were back on the mainland, not out here at sea, but none-the-less safer probably.

“So Gavin, what brings you out here?” I asked, trying to make small talk.

“Well Lisa and I were searching for a book on Suicune that we had heard was here,” he said, again swatting at Aipom.

“Ah, Suicune? You’re joking right? That’s nothing more than an advertising scheme! Just like all those other so called Legendary Pokemon!” I blurted out, trying not to laugh.

Gavin rubbed his arm, glaring at me, “How could you say that? Honestly, you don’t know the first thing about these Pokemon. Lisa and I have run into them a few times” he said getting defensive.

“Well for a start you don’t have any proof” I commented quite snarkily.

“You’ll see, I’ll get some real proof, that’ll show you” he said, calming down, and staring out at all the Pokemon. Aipom by now had scampered up to the top of the crows nest and was looking as best he could, his 3rd hand raising him to as high as he could go.

“Yeah…” I said, pretty unconvinced. The Legendary Pokemon were so not real. They were just made up to draw tourists in. But some people really did believe in them, but by now the Media was sick and tired of people crying “Wolf” so to say.

“So what happened to your arm” I asked Gavin, looking at his plaster cast, trying to fix up my earlier comments.

“I don’t know if you’d call this proof or not, but I got this from a Legendary Pokemon.” He said motioning to his arm before continuing, his voice becoming cold “And a good friend of mine died from Entei. If that isn’t proof enough, then screw you”

“Sorry Gavin” I said softly, as he walked off to the other side of the boat, obviously annoyed with me. God I could be such a jerk at times.



The Slowbro’s psychic Powers eerily lifted Phil away to another room before the door was psychically slammed in his face. I winced, thinking of the pain he was in. But I soon turned back to the freaky woman facing us. Perhaps if we took out the Slowbro somehow, she’d have no protection and would so easily be taken out.

But that meant I could get hurt. Or perhaps even, god forbid - dirty. Shuddering I faced her as she held my Pokeballs in her hand, I recognised them when I saw my Murkrow’s Pokeball and Smeargle’s. And Lisa gasped when she saw her Pokemon Belt held up at us.

“Give them back you old hag!” Lisa yelled at her, running towards the woman, obviously trying to get her Pokemon back.

Suddenly, Slowbro’s eyes glowed blue and Lisa was softly put back in her place, next to me. Her face was one of true hate.

“God Damn Team Rocket. Give me back my Pokemon! NOW!” Lisa screamed. I couldn’t help but laugh when she mentioned Team Rocket, that non-existent loser group. But I quickly stopped before she saw or heard me.

“Girls, Girls, I’d much more like it if you called me Lenina, its so much nicer” she said calmly.

I decided I’d try and suck up to her, so then we could at least get a Pokemon and have a chance against that Slowbro, behind her I saw a toilet sign on the door. “Say Lenina, can I please go to the toilet?” I asked sweetly. Lisa looked at me in disbelief, her eyes full of fight. “What!?” I said to her, “I need to go!”

“No. You may not. Right now you’re going to be battling” she said, before giving a smirk.

“Battle?!” said Lisa in disbelief.

“Yes, whoever wins, gets to live. Simple enough. Here are your Pokemon” she said, throwing us two Pokeballs each. “Don’t you even think of using them to escape, I have a gun, ready for use on both of you” she continued, pulling the black metal weapon out of her grubby lab coat, and pointing it at us.

We kinda had no choice, plus that Slowbro could hurt us easily too, and I didn’t trust its rabid Shellder half, it looked like it was psychotic or something, drooling at the mouth, it was disgusting. Throwing out our Pokeballs, I nervously said “Good Luck Lisa”

“You too Jessica” she said back, a grimace plastering her face. If she wasn’t careful she could cause early wrinkling by doing that too much. With that Lisa and I waited for our Pokemon to appear.

Chris 2.1
21st December 2002, 07:34 AM
wow. truly stunning. I'm sure Jess' Murkrow will help out here against Slowbro...but who will die?

I think they're on the provate Island Glenys talked about; that must be it!!!! Maybe Gavin and Andrew can save the day, but will Andrew get to ride Phil's Charizard with content?

Hyperness is a Good Thing
21st December 2002, 08:21 AM
Ooooooh.......nice crossover....


Nice chapter....wonder how will they all get out of this mess...

And why was Phil locked away? Why is Jessica so scared of getting dirty - is it because of vanity or hygienic reasons?So many questions.....

I'll wait for the answers...in the meantime..I'm going to check out Lisa the Legend.

Mew Trainer Rose
23rd December 2002, 06:37 AM
Great job! :) the crossover is great, it's taking fic writing to a new level. Can't wiat to see how they get outta this!

5th January 2003, 02:59 AM
Shiny Marril Sparkle Sparkle. Yay its all new! Glad you liked it! That's great you know ^^ and well who knows about Murkrow, it was just captured, so who knows if it'll instantly obey. And GASP! Where did you get that idea!? And someone may die... you don't know who or when hehehehe.... Hopefully Andrew and Gav can do something about it and regarding Charizard, I don't think there's hope in hell for that happening! lol..

Hyperness IS a Good thing Yay! Glad you like it! We'll see why Phil was locked away in good time, and Jessica doesn't like getting dirty except in life and death... but well do you? Thanks for reading!

Mew Trainer Rose Thanks for reading Mew Trainer Rose, I hope you enjoy!

Well to tide you all over till the next installment here’s a little teaser/dream sequence I’m sure you’ll all hate to bits. It’s a dream of Andrew’s as he gets in the Pokemon league.

Oh my god. I was finally here! The Pokemon League! “YAY!” I yelled out as I ran up to the big glass building that was the registration area. People were bustling around me, seemingly happy that their city was hosting this bi-yearly Pokemon league in their town. After all it brought tourism dollars!

Suddenly as was running, my dog, Rocky ran up along side me and looked at me cutely, “Hello Rocky Fonzie!” I said to the chocolate brown kelpie. He just groaned and stepped on a weird outdoors escalator, which lead straight to the building. How odd.

Just before I was about to step on the escalator, there was Oprah! It really was Oprah, “Hi Oprah!” I yelled out and waved at her as she looked like she was interviewing people. She gave me a pissed off look before turning back to her interview. She was looking really bad though, in a big yellow dress that made me think she was a lemon.

Finally Oprah came up to me after interviewing other people, “So which Disney Movie is your Favorite? Mary Poppins?” she asked me, not really interested.

And at that instant Mary Poppins floated next to Oprah on her Umbrella “Oh this IS Jolly good! Isn’t it!?” she cooed.

I was feeling really pressured, “Um, er… uh…” I stammered

“Hurry up dammit, like I want to talk to you loser!” screeched Oprah, seriously pissed.

“Sorry Oprah” I muttered, “I liked Aladdin…”

“Oh do excuse Oprah! Without her food, she can get bitchy at times!” chimed in Merry Poppins.

“Shut up you cow!” yelled Oprah and slapped Merry Poppins across the face.

“That is impolite young lady! Off to bed with you!” said Merry Poppins as she stabbed Oprah through the chest with her umbrella.

I started backing away and towards the escalator to the building again, when along comes a Psyduck wearing a Monocle and top hat. “Oh hello old chap, I’m here to guide you” he said before bringing out a pipe and began to smoke. All the while Merry Poppins and Oprah and slugging it out.

“Now old boy, the thing you have to remember when you’re in the League, is to always wear your game face, no matter what, doesn’t matter if you’ve been kicked in the guts, had a great win or a crushing loss or perhaps a piece of glass is in your eye. Always remain composed like myself here” he rambled in his stuffy British Accent.

“Yes sir” I said as he led me into the building, his little webbed feet making a funny noise as he waddled. He reminded me of a fairy penguin, but not as cute. Waddling inside, there was the place we walked in, I put all my badges in a turnstile and a giraffe gave me back a token. “Use it wisely” it muttered as I walked on.

The token looked like the Car from Monopoly. I remembered back to when I was at my family day carer - Wendy, a Scottish woman with three children, Shivon, Paul and Dee and Neil was her husband, they had two little dogs, very hairy and kinda cute in a way and well I was in her care every morning and afternoon. Anyway the point is that when I played Monopoly with Paul and Shivon when I was about seven I played Monopoly with them and Paul said that “The car ALWAYS goes first… no matter what” I guess that’s always stuck with me, along with Wendy’s really nice caramel slice.

But what did the token mean? But the Psyduck was hurrying me along so I stuffed it in my pocket and continued along. “I know this all may seem very strange to you, but you must hurry to your battle!” he simpered on.

With a flash Rocky was back next to me and the Psyduck was gone. I faced a large television screen, it was Ricki Lake and the topic according to the screen was none other than Jessica on the screen, I couldn’t hear her, but she was busy screeching away as the crowd was cheering her on.

As an ad break came on in big letters on the screen “Andrew Battle – Now!”, backing away from the screen I ran into an elevator and was soon met with a stadium full of people “Erk!” I yelled and ran back towards the elevator, but it was gone… replaced by… KIRBY?! Edging away from the pink puffball I went up to the Stadium. Looking down to the field, there was Arnold Schwarzasomething or other. “Ahlll Riiiiggghhhttt Scum, letsa battle!” He bellowed before flexing his huge arm and continuing “I’m a taaank”

How odd, and before I knew it Mr. Mime was on the field, hands on his hips and yelling “Look darnit, I’m not just your cooking slave, hurry up and command me! Oh fine!” he whined in a weird tone. I just stared at him as I watched the battle and listened to the announcer.

Mr. Mime walked over to Arnold and wound his arm back before his open palm flew forward and slapped a confused Arnold across the face as the commentator’s irritating voice bellowed over the loudspeaker, which was inconveniently placed next to me.

“Oh it looks like Mr. Mime is going in for a ***** slap attack! And watch how Arnold’s taking it! He’s ***** slapping him back! Oh no! This is almost as bad as a daytime soap people!” he went on melodramatically.

After a lot more slaps it was over, Mr. Mime delivered one last slap to Arnold’s face and the tank fell into unconsciousness, having the living daylights slapped out of him.

“Yay!” I cheered! I won!

“What do you mean YOU WON” Mr. Mime scowled at me as he grabbed the trophy and clonked me over the head with it before he stood next to Oprah and showed off his trophy. And Rocky and Psyduck flanked Oprah, both now wearing sunglasses and looking like bodyguards… how odd….

The whole world went black and fell over in pain, clutching my head. When I opened my eyes, mum was there, “You did good. Now rest” she said, stroking my face. Looking around I was in a hospital, and there was a Delibird grabbing pills and stuffing them into his sack and Jessica was there, looking incredibly surly.

I tried to move my arm, but my whole body was restrained, I couldn’t move it! And Kabutops was next to me and raised his scythe to my neck before it came down sickeningly fast and with a wet slice it was over. The dream was over….

5th January 2003, 03:07 AM
THAT was...weird, yup totally. Kirby plus Mary Poppins O_o. Anyways.......nice going with the crossover.

Chris 2.1
5th January 2003, 07:13 AM
wow oz! totally..............strange :P.....................

I see that Delibird is stealing! Uh-oh :P. Gr8 characteristic there: hit and run, perhaps?

I think Psyduck will be Jess'....Hee...i hope he has 'the monacle!' That would be soo 1337!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it up.

Gavin Luper
5th January 2003, 10:08 AM
Hey Oz! Haven't replied here for ages have I? Well, the dream is as good as when you showed me before of course, although I still think you have a bizarre sense of humour!

Modelled upon your own dream, is it? Lol I read that topic in Misc.

Let's keep working, maybe we can have our chapters up tomorrow or the next day...

6th January 2003, 12:16 AM
Yes! Yes! Yes! You added KIRBY!!! Thank you Werdnazo, all is now right with the world. :D

Loved the dream sequence, it was all very strange and yet in a way realistic. Loved the Psyduck, as well as Oprah getting her comuppance! Gotta watch them umbrellas...

The thing that's going to stick in my mind now, though, is Arnold Schwarzenegger saying "I’m a taaank." ^^;

17th January 2003, 08:28 AM
Woah man cool stuff! Cant believe poor Lisa had her hair done by Jessica. EWWWWWW how gross. The bandana was cool enough.

Tell your sister she's a teenybopping *****. If i had've gone to your house i would've snapped her CDs and replaced them all with system of a down and NOFX and Goldfinger and Sum41 and Papa Roach and all the other heavy bands.


And as for the next part move your ***! :P I know what you told me about it, and I'm gonna keep my mouth shut but please hurry up!

(take your time i dont care)


Gavin Luper
17th January 2003, 08:38 AM
I agree with Tara. Although, 3000+ words is about a third of teh way there, in my chapter anyway!


- Gavin.

25th January 2003, 12:11 PM
Any new chapters soon? >_<

Gavin Luper
26th January 2003, 10:21 PM
I haven't spoken to Oz for a few days, I know he's been very busy being - uh - dragged around ... but last I spoke to him he was approaching the end of the crossover chapter, so by tomorrow he may be finished!

28th January 2003, 06:39 AM
Metaknight 89 Yeppers, that dream WAS wierd! Enjoy the crossover!

Shiny Marril Woo ^^ Yay. That Delibird's a drug popping klepto! lol, and you never know where the Psyduck will turn up. And the monicle is so cool! ^^

Gavin Luper Lol! You read my Misc Topic! And Oprah was such a biddy to me in my dream, Mary Poppins took her down. Thanks for doing the crossover with me!

DragoKnight Yeppers! Kirby was there! Cyclone Ability & UFO owns you ;) I've wanted to do a wierd thing for a while and this was my chance! And well um, I hope you don't go round talking like Arnold! lol!

Mist Lol! Well the hair was changed for a while, oh well. And I think the bandana look was on its way out? And I'm not gonna tell my sister that cause I'd like to live. K ^^;

Celebi Power Right Here, Right Now

To all Well here it is, the great and stunning conclusion to the EBTV LTL Crossover! YAY! Sorry about the delay, rellies staying, much whinging. lol... Enjoy! And at the bottom of the fic I've added a piccie of another Mimelution Sinma a Dark/Psy Type. Mind you Paint isn't good to draw with and I don't own a scanner....

Here's a Link to the Lisa The Legend part: Here! (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=127621#post127621)

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28th January 2003, 06:41 AM
Electric Buggy To Victory – Lisa The Legend
Crossover 2 – Searching, Hybrids and Combats
By OzAndrew & Gavin Luper


As the flashes of light from the Pokeballs emerged and took shape, I gave a happy grin when I saw my excellent Wigglytuff, with is soft pink fur still excellent, and its new hairdo still in place, it looked exquisite. Plus it’d probably have to be almost as powerful as my new Jynx or Clefable. Looking over at Lisa, she looked half decent now, apart from some dust smudges I no doubt had unfortunately.

Wigglytuff’s opponent emerged into a disgusting snake, but it was only when the glow faded down, I saw the snakes’ true form, it was an adorable Dratini, it was even cuter than Dragonair! And more portable and cute too! It had a beautiful skin and its eyes were so beautifully deep. But glancing around, I saw that witch, Lenina with that damn gun. I’d never really seen one in real life before, let alone fired, so well I didn’t have a clue if it were fake or not. Knowing my luck it’d be a pretend one, just like off of that excellent show – Beautiful Single Police Woman. That show was so great; she was able to make police weapons accessorize so well, I wish I could somehow accessorise that well one day.

But suddenly, I remembered that Lenina would kill whoever lost, and well I’m far too attractive to die. But I can’t exactly let some poor girl die because of me, even if she’s not as good looking or smart, but certainly full of guts. If we could draw the battle out as long as possible, hopefully something could happen so we could escape or clout Lenina over the head with something. Well if that disgusting Slowbro couldn’t stop us, then we might have a chance.

I mouthed to Lisa a few small words as Lenina looked away for a second, “You go first! Make it a weak attack!”, I soon realised Lisa wasn’t as dumb as a post and understood me, mouthing back her reply, “Sure”

Lenina turned our attention back to us, and I noticed how disgusting grubby her labcoat was, it certainly wasn’t hygienic for sure, but Lisa interrupted my thoughts as she commanded her cute Dratini into battle, “Use a Bubble Attack!” she said making weird emphasis on words, obviously to communicate with her Pokemon, although I’m sure her Dratini knew more pathetic moves, like Tail Whip for a start.

But I knew Wigglytuff had some far better low to near pathetic moves, “Use your Charm, Wigglytuff!” I countered. Lenina looked a tad frazzled, well as much as a crazy woman of she could as the Pokemon attacked. Dratini exhaled and released three tiny bubbles, of saliva no doubt that floated innocently over to Wigglytuff, one popping on the way and the other two popping just near Wiggly’s ears. Wigglytuff retaliated by producing a subliminal effect, lowering the opponent’s attack through its sickeningly cute look.

I couldn’t help but snicker at this, as could Lisa as Lenina looked furious by now. She looked ready to snap and I saw her casually point the gun at Wigglytuff, I had to to step in, “Lenina, please can I go to the toilet?” that got her attention so I added “Please?” hopefully this was a psycho that liked manners. Lenina softened, I think appealing to her feminine side had worked to my profit as she came to stand next to me I left Wigglytuff and awaited her instructions. “Of course you can. But I’ll just escort you.” She said before dangerously throwing her gun in the air and catching it. “I’ll be taking this with me, of course” she continued, cradling the gun.

Lenina started walking off, and I followed, but she turned back to Lisa and said slyly, “And just to make sure you don’t get any ideas …” and with that, three Pokeballs hit the floor near Slowbro. Released from their containers emerged a terribly huge and jagged Steelix, it looked rusted in areas, that could give someone tetanus. Next to that huge monster appeared a Persian, but rather than being cute and docile, this one looked murderous and its fangs were huge! And finally with a burst of intense heat, a large Flareon appeared, it was really big! And hot too. Lisa looked a bit intimidated by these Pokemon, but hopefully her Dratini and whatever her other two Pokemon could take these four down.

If Lisa could defeat those Pokemon, she could escape and didn’t have to die, then I’d have a chance too! I hoped that she wasn’t too stupid to understand what my plan was so I mouthed one single word as Lenina dragged me upstairs to the toilet. “Fight”.

Going up the steel staircase it was terribly dusty, not to mention noisy, Lenina led me through some kind of old dusty kitchen, the food she ate was certainly not well, clean. I noticed a bag of chips and she saw this and hastily explained, “Great minds don’t have time for petty things such as cooking”

She led me through to a bathroom, it was a disgusting shade of green and stunk horribly, it no doubt was some drug dealers domain by the looks of it. Dirty and gritty, I felt defiled by just being in there. Lenina waited by the basin while I went into one of the stalls, I put the surprisingly clean toilet paper all over the seat, floor, bowl and whatever other area and was about to sit down when over the stall wall I could see a small green feathered bird on the windowsill outside.

I heard Lenina, “Get away you inferior pathetic lifeform” she snarked. I grabbed out Andrew’s Pokedex and put it on silent mode, it was a Natu according to the Pokedex and it was a Psychic type! With a small flash the Natu was inside the air around it shimmering as it reappeared. Lenina held the gun up to Natu; I couldn’t let her hurt an innocent Pokemon, even if it wasn’t totally cute, but only semi. I remembered my other two Pokeballs and quickly lobbed them over the stall door; I opened the door to find Lenina. “Bad move dear” she coldly said and dropped a Pokeball to the floor. With a flash next to my new Albino Murkrow and Chikorita appeared a HUGE Piloswine.

Chikorita leapt into battle as soon as Piloswine appeared, leaping in for a tackle attack whilst Murkrow fluttered around uncertainly at me, “Please attack Murkrow!” I asked it and with a soft “Murrrr” it swooped down, and landed on Piloswine’s back and began pecking it.

The Natu however had the right idea and tried to wrestle the gun out of Lenina’s hands, pecking and scratching at her, she swatted away at him. Piloswine’s heavy coat meant that Murkrow was doing little damage and Chikorita had already started to release some Razor Leaves, trying to clip away its hair and do damage.

I tried edging away from the battle but the Piloswine’s bloodshot eyes gave a glare and a blast of ice crystals at me, not really hurting, but feeling terribly cold. But my dress had ice in it now! “ITS DRY CLEAN ONLY YOU JERK!” I screeched at it, taken aback Lenina relinquished the gun as Natu tried to fly away with it, but well within seconds it was back in her clutches as she fired the gun in the air.

The blast sent some plaster and dust falling down as Piloswine released a Blizzard attack on Chikorita, ripping away some small areas of its light green skin and tearing off one of its Vines as it was attempting a Vine Whip. I recalled Chikorita, it was obvious it couldn’t battle anymore.

Lenina got the upper hand on Natu and slammed it with the butt of the gun as it fluttered towards me, and disappearing with flash. I was left temporarily blinded as I staggered towards the door, trying to escape. Murkrow followed me as I got to the Kitchen before Lenina fired another shot. Facing her I grabbed a bottle of… Dolmio and wielded it as best a weapon I could as she appeared with her Piloswine missing some hair and some dignity.

The Murkrow fluttering beside me looked a tad confused, “Please attack them Murkrow!” I begged and it began to glow. From its beak a small pure white light beam formed and hit Piloswine on the snout. The piggy Pokemon gave a snort as the beam became larger, engulfing the Pokemon and the sheer light in the room was blinding yet again. When I opened my eyes Piloswine was unconscious next to a shocked Lenina. “You little *****” she said softy before I unscrewed the lid on the Pasta Sauce, got some on me and threw it at her. I missed terribly, the bottle hitting the wall and dropping to the floor. I stood shocked, I’d missed. Quickly I pointed to the window and yelled “Look! Its that Natu!” and ran.

Lenina fired off gunshot after gunshot as I ran down the noisy steps, no easy feat in high heels and yelled at Lisa, “Lisa, quickly, we have to get out of here!!” Lisa was looking terribly calm as were Dratini and Wigglytuff, apparently she’d been too stupid to know that she was supposed to escape. Shaking my head Murkrow fluttered besides me, I remembered it still hadn’t been cleaned totally. “Thanks Murkrow” I said.

Lisa threw out two Pokemon too, a kind of cute Elekid and an ugly blue beached dugong or something, and it had like boils all over its back. And it had a disgusting look too, I shuddered as I commanded Murkrow, “Murkrow – use –”
But I heard the click of a gun behind me somehow and froze on the spot. I was dead if that trigger was pulled.


Mr. Mime and Aipom were busy chattering away on the Ships deck while Lickitung was out on the back of the boat enjoying some cheese and kabana, nicely given by Glenys and Ripper. I was sure Aipom and Mr. Mime were busy comparing stories, it was obvious that he would win after all he could cook, clean and kinda drive and that Aipom seemed just… hyper…. It certainly couldn’t stand still, well neither could I at a time like this, if Jessica was in trouble I would be SO DEAD! And I’d have to go back to school too!

I’d had a chat do a dude on a Windsurfer with a Quilfish and they’d had no luck. Well his Quilfish had a habit of using minimize whenever scared and over the duration of the chat it had simply, disappeared. That guy went off and I talked to a shop owner with a rather daft Porygon Two that bobbed on the surface, not quite alive. It looked like an inflatable pool toy, she had a hunch that the kids were playing a prank and were inland, not here. Finally I met some guy with like six Pidgeys fluttering about him, probably no doubt with lice. He said that perhaps they were on the island, and that seemed like a good hunch. I thanked him and went to tell someone else.

I had to tell Gavin, but well, I felt bad about what had happened earlier, so I bit the bullet and looked down on him from the upper deck, “Have you heard anything?” I asked much to his surprise.

“No, have you?” he asked, looking wistfully out to see, it was pretty, but after all day it was boring.

I had some info but it wasn’t much, “Nah … I’ve been to see a couple of the trainers. I was just talking to a guy with a lot of Pidgeys and he said we should try looking on the island near the peninsula” I said and pointed towards the nearby island.

Gavin broke the silence, rubbing his arm, it was obviously itchy, “Maybe we should go tell the Pokemon to search the Island then?” he said

“Good idea. We’ll have to wait until they return though I said” still a bit cautiously. Suddenly I had an idea, what if Jess had gone bargain hunting or something, it wasn’t impossible, after all she could be at Fashion Fair right now for all I know. “I can’t believe Jess has gone and gotten herself into trouble again. I’ll be the one who gets blamed, I bet.” I said bitterly, but I couldn’t help but smile. It was typical Jessica.

Gavin gave a snort and commented, “Again? How often does she get you into these messes”

I gave a half hearted laugh before sarcastically saying, “Hardly ever. Maybe I over exaggerated, but it’s just so hard to have her travelling with me. She’s like a full time job sometimes.”

Gavin gave me a curious look; I think I was venting a bit too much again. “She travels with you? So you’re on a journey then?” he asked

I gave a quick smile; hopefully if I did well I’d be the next big star! Although I surprised I hadn’t already told Gavin all this, “Yeah! I thought I already told you” said and proudly showed him my 4 badges, I had the whip back in the apartment.” “I have five badges” I said just in case he didn’t understand “ … I was actually just driving through here to go to the next gym, after we caught up with Glenys and Ripper, that is. But then … Jess and Phil had to go and disappear, didn’t they?” I finished up sarcastically.

“Well I guess I’m lucky to be an only child then” drawled Gavin

Sure Jess could be a terrible pest, but she wasn’t that bad all the time, “Jess is alright, usually we get on Ok.” I said hastily, backing her up. “It would be SO boring to be an only child. Is it?” I asked Gavin. The only other only child I had knew well was Jacob from Primary School, and he was a ratbag.

Gavin just stared out to sea for a while, looking slightly depressed and replied in a tone barely audible, “I guess so” and with that he went to sit near the back with Lickitung, looking out upon the sea.


Lisa waved frantically back to me as I rushed back to the arena, Lenina taunting with her gun, “Now, now girls, I warned you not to try anything stupid …” and she muttered something before turning to me and screaming, “Now, get back to where you’re supposed to be.” She was worse than my old PE teacher. I recalled Murkrow and turned back to Wigglytuff who gave me a comforting look, before turning back to Dratini. There was an eerie silence, and all we could hear was the distant sounds of the waves breaking onto the beach.

Breaking that sound Lenina bellowed “FIGHT!”, she would have to be losing her voice with all the screaming she was doing, and it can make you sound like a smoker when you’re older, its not healthy. Wiggly looked at me while I tried to think of another pathetic move and moved for the excellent shiny Pokedex and got ready to use it when I remembered another one.

“Use Pound, Wigglytuff!” I said to my adorable Pokemon.

Lisa countered with a Water Gun, which wasn’t very fair, Dratinis could know some more pathetic moves than a Water Gun. But I was relived when the cute blue serpent released a pathetic stream of water towards Wigglytuff as it wandered up and touched its tail daintily.

“Hurry it up, girls,” Lenina taunted us and once again toted her gun. That line was getting SO old, it was like watching some old cop show, with the mop tops, and the poor hygiene and the disgusting fashion it was an atrocity to watch. And it’s probably empty too. “My gun is getting restless.” She continued.

Lisa looked a bit worried and yelled out her next command, “Dratini, Ice Beam! FULL STRENGTH!” she yelled, her voice echoing within the arena. Oh. My. God. What a backstabbing witch! She never intended this all along! She KNEW she couldn’t beat me so she TRICKED ME! HOW DARE SHE!

Wigglytuff leapt out of the way as the bright beam, which radiated cold whizzed towards my Pokemon and luckily Wigglytuff exhaled and the beam missed her by a FRACTION!

I furrowed my brow, before remembering that could cause early wrinkles and tried to look at angry as I could as I commanded my Pink Puffball. “SHADOW BALL WIGGLYTUFF!” I yelled as loud as possible. If Lisa wanted to play tough, I could play tough. I’d show her that she’d be the one to die, NOT ME!

Wigglytuff narrowed her humongous eyes and put her paws together and began rubbing them together, within seconds an purple and black ball of ever moving energy was created, about the size of a basketball, it seemed to absorb all the shadows around us and suck them into the attack. I gave Wigglytuff the nod as it threw the ball as quick as it could at Dratini. The dragon Pokemon closed its cute little eyes and concentrated as hard as it could, and Wigglytuff’s Shadow Ball attack just bounced right off.

Hearing a huge metal clang I saw the door fall off the room where Phil was being captive. It seemed she had a plan! I looked a bit embarrassed while glaring at her still. Phil emerged his black tee looking a bit dusty and a bit worse for wear, but pretty much ok.

“Phil are you alright?” I said, noticing smoke billowing from the room he had been in. “Smoke… fire” he coughed, as I couldn’t help but give him a duh look. The room he’d been in looked like some kind of laboratory storeroom. Obviously Wigglytuff had done the right thing.

Lenina gaped at the fire like a stupid bint. “No, not that … no … it’s on fire …” she gasped. I had no patience in helping this woman at all now, for all I cared she could burn here and now.

A small explosion could be heard; obviously some flammable chemicals had been set alight, which is never a good thing. Lenina seemed lost in her own little world, staring straight ahead, with the thick smoke billowing out, it was worse than when that fat slob Uncle Warren tries to barbeque, choking I saw my Pokeballs on a table near Lenina, I ran over and grabbed mine, throwing them into my handbag before recalling Wigglytuff.

The thick smoke was sickening as I struggled to remember where the door was, it was so thick and smothering, feeling dizzy I heard Lisa’s voice through the smoke, “Drop to the ground” somehow that triggered what we’d been taught to do in a fire by the visiting firefighters that came to my school when I was like five. I remember Stephanie and I had gotten a lollipop from them and they sprayed the school with the hose. We all got a bit wet and ran around under the sprinkler, ah good old memories.

Now I was slithering on this disgusting floor, trying to avoid Lenina the psycho and her psycho Pokemon. I muttered to Phil who was ahead of me, “This floors filthy” honestly, when was the last time someone disinfected this hellhole, it was like living in some disgusting slum. I heard Lisa mutter something as Phil grabbed my hand and we all kind of crawled together, it was hard as we leant on each others hands but we were getting somewhere.

I heard Lenina screeching something, she needed some Soothers really soon, or something to calm down her poor vocal chords, that’s for sure. Suddenly the crazy witch started firing her gun around wildly, obviously trying to hit us, and I was glad she had no sense of direction whatsoever. I felt the air burn and crackle around me as I head Lisa’s muffled cries, the smoke smothered everything. It made every breath feel like I was taking in a breath of fire.

Lenina screamed something along the lines of “Die! DIE YOU STUPID F-ING BITCHES! DIEEEEEEEEE” and with that she began firing again, and something whizzed past my shoulder, I gave a squeal as I tried to look at my dress, it had been damaged EVEN MORE! That Piloswine and Lenina were going to pay for this. Then the burning stabbing pain began, I gave a moan as I saw something green flutter around us, I squinted my eyes to see, only to be comforted by the darkness.


Rubbing my temples I awoke, teleporting always made me so queasy, even when I was with my old Kadabra, probably no doubt in slavery or on someone’s dinner plate by now.

Phil’s Old Kadabra

Oh please, levitate through a fiery hoop, how pathetic. I loathed this country, it was cold, snowy and always dark, the only people who came to see me perform were drunk or small children who disobeyed their parents instructions.

I tried to use my spoon to pry the crystal locks off, but with no use, they severely restricted my psychic abilities, so much so that they could only be used for minor havoc and tricks nowadays. I was so sick of this country as the big bulky man waltzed up to me, obviously as drunk as Judge Judy is bitchy and spoke in his heavy Russian accent, “You know little psychic thingie, I like you”

I communicated back to him, “Oh yes, I like you very much too” obviously if I could get these crystal rings off of my wrists I could be free! Sure I’d have my powers depleted after not using them after a long time, but I’d be free.

He continued, “That is why, Boris and I have decided to sell you off to the land of milk and honey, Switzerland” he savoured that last name with relish, it was obvious he wanted to go there. With Phil dead, Switzerland was a great place to go, it had one of the most open minded populations in the world, and great cuisine too. I felt a pang of guilt knowing that Phil was dead, shot in the gut, but I had to move on, try and get out of this existence I was suffering in day in and out.

“Switzerland?” I questioned, “Why?”

“Well psychic thingie, we need the money, and they’re interested in you, and we’re going to trade you for a dancing bear thingie, and the crowds love furry animals” he stumbled through that incoherently, but I got the gist of it.

“Oh well Boris, it’ll be a shame to go, I can’t believe I’ll have to say goodbye to you and all the other Pokemon here at the circus, but I’ll miss you all” I smarmed to him, in Switzerland they were also quite caring, so I could have a much better chance of being freed too.

“Yes Psychic Thingie” he said, tears welling in his eyes, “I’ll miss you too!” before throwing himself on me and drenching me in tears. I now had a chance to get out, to escape, I hope that everyone else that Phil I used to be team mates with had the same chance, all those years ago…


Getting up, I saw a Natu fluttering around its small green form looking concerned as I clutched my sore ribs. Looking around my surroundings, it seemed I was back on the boat I was on last night; Andrew and some other dude came running up to us. Andrew said something and helped me up, I was still pretty disorientated, it was hard to keep track of the conversation around me.

The other boy began blabbering on, asking if Lisa, the girl that fell on me was alright. She replied weakly, “I thought I was shot” . The boy with dark hair and a tan moved some hair on her face out of her eyes as she continued in a rabble, “Oh, sorry for wearing your shirt by the way, it was cold outside the tent and I couldn’t find my own clothes quickly enough … oh and sorry for not leaving a note or anything but I was just checking I didn’t think we’d get kidnapped”

The boy just watched Lisa blather on, before comforting her “Don’t worry about – hey, hang on!” and exploding. “You got kidnapped and SHOT!?”

I just listened intently as Andrew was standing next to me. I was leaning on him like a crutch, he turned to me, looking confused and worried about his little sister, lying unconscious in front of us. “Don’t worry, a teleportation knocks people around, some don’t handle it too well, she’ll wake up in a minute” I said, comforting him. Once after a Teleportation with my Kadabra, I lost my clothes, it was an entertaining situation and it ended up all right.

We turned back to Lisa and the guy with the plaster cast, leaving Jessica to sleep, she’d be fine in a moment, and I didn’t think she was about to fall overboard. “Yeah … kidnapping’s just the usual routine,” said Lisa as an Aipom, by the looks of it hers sprinted up to her and gave her an affectionate hug. She hugged back before continuing, “And I THOUGHT I got shot, but it turns out that Natu just grazed my shoulder … he teleported us three back here.” That green bird fluttered onto Lisa who while dirty, grazed, sweaty and a bit tired was more than affectionate towards Natu “Thanks Natu … you’re a lot stronger, and kinder, than I give you credit for.” She thanked the tiny bird.

Andrew began to breath faster, and pulled on my shoulder, “OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod” he panicked pointed at Jessica’s shoulder, it was the first time I noticed it. Blood. Lisa and Gavin turned to us and looked shocked also.

Gavin asked the question on our minds, “Was she… shot?” he asked.

Lisa broke the silence, “I heard her cry out just before we teleported back here … when Lenina was shooting. I think she might have been shot!” it was obvious she was holding back tears.

“In the shoulder” I mumbled, taking in the situation.

The guy I still didn’t have a clue on balled his hands into fists and growled, “Lenina…”

We all stood around her, no-one was game to touch her body. Jessica began to shake all over, like a person having an epileptic fit before sitting up and glaring at us “What’s your problem?” she snarked.

Andrew went to hug Jessica but a glare soon stopped that idea, “You’re alright… you’re alive” he breathed in deeply, happy his little sister was alive. She was taking the bullet awfully well, maybe it hadn’t registered yet and she was still in shock?

Jessica screwed up her face and looked at us all, “Well duh! What, did you think I got shot!?” she said in a condescending tone. Andrew looked choked up, as Lisa and the other person looked alarmed, I myself was surprised at how well she was taking it.

“Yuh huh!” we suddenly all said at once at a surprised Jessica who felt her arm with a cringe.

“Oh… no…” she muttered, feeling her arm more before looking very peeved off, “I thought I did, but it turns out the bullet just grazed my arm … it ripped through my top though!” she said, groping her arm and looking depressed. Her dress did seem to be very nice, once upon a time.

“What about the blood!” Andrew enquired, pointing at her shoulder, it seemed soaked in blood

“I bet it’s stained my top now … stupid Lenina … it’s not blood,” muttered Jessica, looking at the ruined outfit “When I was upstairs Lenina led me through the kitchen to go to the toilet, and then this Natu shot through the window and pecked at her face and she dropped her gun, so I grabbed the nearest thing … a bottle of pasta sauce … and threw it at her to get away.” She explained to us all as well all pretty much stood open mouthed.

With that mystery solved and everyone ok, Lisa’s friend looked at Jessica with an inquizative look, “Was it Dolmio?… The sauce I mean?” he asked.

Jessica just looked at him, the wheels in her mind clicking over as she replied slowly, “Yeah, why?”

He folded his arms with contempt and stood back, “Horrible stuff” he said with some disgust.

Glenys and Ripper emerged after this with Mr Mime and Lickitung following behind. They radioed the search party off and we were off to the Police Station, but not before a quick shower on board, a bite to eat, it wasn’t much after Aipom, Mr. Mime and Lickitung had finished most of it off during the day, but it’d tide us over for a few more hours till we got some real food.

Sailing back we all got acquainted, I met Gavin and we had a small chat, nothing major really, we were all majorly buggered after such a day. And Jessica’s poor brave Chikorita was covered in bruises and was terribly injured, so we gave it a small bath in and wiped its battered body down, applying dettol to the grazes on its green body before returning it. Jessica also got changed into a nice new pair of clothes which weren’t beginning to look horribly tattered and she seemed a lot happier.

Ripper and Glenys decided we’d all have a celebratory feast at the hotel after we check in at the police station and phoned ahead. Everyone involved would be invited for their help. Right now, I felt like some Chinese.


God damn Jessica. Always getting in trouble, it was a godsend she’d survived. If she hadn’t… God, I didn’t want to even think about it. Lisa and Gavin and their hyper Aipom were in the Library while Jessica, Phil, Ripper, Glenys and I stood outside. It was quite hot in my leather jacket and the building was blocking out the breeze. I’d have to rethink this new look. Jessica sullenly handed me back my Pokedex and gave a small smile, she looked terrible.

I would have to stay a week in this resort to relax and get over this fully, Jessica seemed like she was coming to terms with what happened to her and she was a lot more sombre and was leaning on her Wigglytuff for support. Knowing Jessica she’d not show her true self in front of people, but release it all behind closed doors, away from the world.

Phil seemed to be a lot more withdrawn too, and it turned out his “Missing Politoed” was all along in a pocket. Why he didn’t use it, god only knows. But his Pokemon were sure happy to be re-united with him, I couldn’t tell who was the most happy out of them all. Mankey wouldn’t probably care less about me. Stupid monkey.

Lisa and Gavin and Aipom ran the second they were out of the doors and began laughing, they were so happy go-lucky, I had to wonder what their parents would say. I winced, thinking of what I’d have to tell Mum about this whole ordeal, it wasn’t something easily hidden. We began walking back to the hotel as the terrible trio had a private chat and lingered behind. Glenys and Ripper were ideal grandparents, better than my real ones, plus they were rich and didn’t go to bed at six at night and they didn’t have a carnivorous lounge chair. They just watched over the exhausted lot of us as we trudged home.
Wigglytuff gently patted Jessica as she ambled along, ready for bed. She’d had a long day. Suddenly I heard Lisa give a sharp yell, turning around Gavin was running off down the ally next to the library and Aipom was nowhere to be seen. “Crap” I muttered before running. Jessica groaned and ambled with Wigglytuff and Phil jogged behind me, Glenys and Ripper bringing up the rear end.

Getting into the alleyway, it suddenly opened up, its narrow entrance was deceiving as there was a huge area once in. Lisa was bound up with what looked like Glad Wrap, the purple monkey and a book lying face down off in the distance and Gavin squeezing a Pokeball so tight it probably could’ve shattered in his hand.

Walking out of the shadows and old woman in a dirty lab coat appeared, her wild hair looking like some terrible afro and she looked homeless, she had burns over her body, her leg looking terribly red, and some patches of hair missing, she looked like a total wreck. The poor lady, hopefully we could get her to the homeless shelter if there is somewhere like that around here, preferably to a hospital first. Breaking the silence she spoke, “So, Lisa Walters, thought you could escape, huh?” her voice croaky and full of menace. There was serious hate vibes coming from everyone here.

“Thought you could kill me, eh?” growled the woman.

“Thought you could kill ME, eh?” said Lisa like a smart-alec. I really wanted to help this poor lady, she needed help.

I looked clueless when Phil muttered to be, “That’s the woman who kidnapped us! Lenina!”

I saw Jessica round the corner with Wigglytuff, she was shocked to say the least as she stumbled and gave a frightened squeal. Wigglytuff patted Jessica for reassurance and stood in front of her, ready to fight. I was still clueless as to what was happening as Lenina continued, “I’m not only accompanied by my normal Pokemon now … I have someone new to show you.”

Something began to emerge from the shadows as Gavin called out, “Get everyone out and ready to fight!” and Phil said to the elderly couple, “Quick! Get the police, as quick as you can!” they didn’t argue and went as fast as they could. Hopefully there would be someone at the Police station.

Out of the shadows came a huge worm, it was a disgusting swirl of green and orange, a pink antennae, and it looked like it had fins too. It was freaky to describe, it couldn’t be from Earth. Lenina cackled again, she obviously had some evil doctor thing going on. “That thing is disgusting,” said Lisa, stating the obvious.

“This is the result of four years of experimentation,” said Lenina proudly, glaring at the dark haired girl, tied up in a Glad Wrapish thing “It took four years of genetic research, four years of intense splicing, four years of evading the STUPID police … to produce this. Along with many other genetic researchers, I discovered some of the Pokemon with the simplest DNA, and through intensive programs we created test-tube Pokemon … we grew them from Stem Cells. And then, we spliced them together. To produce CYDMH #19.” Rambled the crazy later, maybe the smoke inhalation had made her delirious.

“CYD… what?” came Lisa’s stunned reply

“The Caterpie-Yanma-Dunsparce-Magikarp-Hybrid Number Nineteen. It took eighteen failed attempts and failed enlargements before we managed to create a surviving specie,” said Lenina slowly, drawing a gun out of her pocket. Before for some stupid reason putting it away “I won’t need it now,” she muttered, locking her eyes on me as I cringed and looked away.

Lisa began to struggle against the stuff around her body and yelled “That’s just weird!”

Obviously Lenina was a classic evil doctor, she just HAD to tell us her evil plan. It was funny on Austin Powers, but she just wasn’t. “The hybrid needed intelligence … at this stage it cannot use any of its attacks without being ordered around … except for one,” Lenina’s rambled, she really needed all help now, physical AND mental. “That’s why we needed to splice in a human … to enable it to become indestructible. I had to kill you anyway, so I thought I should kill two birds with one stone.”

Gavin stepped forward, clenching a Moon Ball and glared at Lenina, as she turned to him, Sid or whatever turning too and said politely, “Good morning, Gavin Luper” he just stood there like a statue and glared.

After about ten seconds he finally replied, “Give Lisa back now! Or we’ll fight you!” he threatened, and threw his Pokeballs to the ground. Natu, Ditto, Girafathingie I couldn’t remember its name and a Staryu and an amazing Green Lanturn appeared, the Lanturn flopping on the ground.

Jessica looked at me, full of fight, and raised her eyebrows at me as she released her Pokemon, an injured Chikorita, Seel, Eevee, Wartortle, Jynx, Clefable and some white bird. Phil released his Abra, mini Snorlax, Sunflora, Charizard and Politoed. They both glared at me as Wigglytuff strolled over to Lisa and grabbed her Pokeballs releasing some beached whale or something, a Dratini and an Elekid.

They all glared at me until I went, “Oh….” And released my crew of Mr. Mime, Dragonair, Starmie, Lickitung, Cyndaquil, Mankey and Electabuzz. Lenina glared at us all as I tried to avoid eye contact, which usually worked in school. “Very well then, we will see how a bunch of weak trainers matches up against renowned Professor Lenina Johnson. Cydm, attack them!” she projected.

Everyone began to attack, the Pokemon going totally feral, like more feral than this eel trying to eat Ducks in a Dreamworld pond. Jessica’s Chikorita was quickly taken down with a glad wrap swirl, wrapping it up and forcing her to return her already injured friend.

Jynx and Electabuzz were fighting side by side, releasing ice beams and thunderbolts. Mr. Mime standing back from it all and shooting Psychic blasts. Dragonair proudly laid near me and fired off attacks, Mankey meanwhile had jumped on Cydm’s back and was wildly scratching at it and Lickitung was tongue slapping it while Cyndaquil and that beached whale thing had created a huge explosion together at the weirdo Pokemon. None of these were doing any good, as it seemed terribly unscathed.

Cydm wrapped up both Jynx and Electabuzz terribly tightly as they fell to the ground struggling to breath we both recalled them. The mini Snorlax was having a great time, on Cydm’s back obviously it’d watched some horse riding. Abra was there next to it and Mankey; they were having a great time. Quite odd really.

The giant blue whale Pokemon created a huge big smokey haze over the area near Cydm, and Cyndaquil fired off a flamethrower attack, sending a napalm of fire over the library’s lovely new walls, setting it alight. Smoke alarms began to go off as the wall began to catch fire, seeing this, the water Pokemon all used their abilities to douse the fire out. Everyone glared at the fire mouse as it gave an embarrassed wave.

The rest of the Pokemon were doing their darndest to hurt it, no-one could even scratch it. It was frustrating to say the least. Suddenly Lenina ordered her indestructible Pokemon, “Cydm, use Tackle” and with that a score of Pokemon were slammed into the dirt, damaged and out of the battle. Dragonair, Starmie, Snorlax, Abra, Chikorita, Jynx and Electabuzz were all out of the battle already.

Looking over at my crew Mr. Mime, Lickitung, Mankey and Cyndaquil were still at it, they being agile enough to avoid the giant worm’s crushing attack. Lisa’s Pokemon had all avoided the attacks and so far Gavin’s Ditto had been squashed and snapped back into shape.

I saw Phil nod at his Charizard, Politoed and Sunflora and gave a wink to Charizard before saying, “Charizard! Ember it!” sending the deathwing Pokemon to the skies ready to rain fire down on the enemy.

Jessica still had numbers on her side, a white bird I had to ask her about, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Eevee, Seel and Wartortle all doing well and still not damaged. Lenina barked some more orders and Wartortle and the Green Lanturn were suddenly caught in its sticky web a quick movement of its head sending the Water and Electric Type hurtling into the ground with a sickening thud continually. Wartortle meanwhile had withdrawn into his shell smartly, but Cydm threw it into Clefable’s arm, resulting in a sickening snap that was soon overpowered by the war cries of the remaining Pokemon.

Lisa became the first human to speak in a while “We just have to use our numbers to beat it!” she cried desperately.

Looking around Gavin was drenched in sweat and replied without looking, “Right!”

Jessica sadly recalled Clefable and said sullenly, “Ok then”

We all gave each other a quick nod as all the Pokemon that weren’t terribly injured lined up, Girafarig, Natu, Ditto, Staryu, Mr. Mime, Lickitung, Cyndaquil, Mankey, Wigglytuff, Dratini, Sunflora, Charizard, Politoed, Murkrow, Seel, a big fat blue whaleish thing that Lisa owned and Eevee. Cydm’s vacant look was deceiving as it let off another string shot taking out Charizard and Murkrow, our air support, the sticky substance breaking their fragile wings.

The rest of the bunch gave a cry and launched themselves like a lot of rugby players at the Genetically engineered Pokemon, before with a small blink it reappeared, next to Lenina as she smirked, her burnt skin cracking and bleeding as she moved her face. It was truly disgusting.

Suddenly the giant worm flopped and floated along slamming Pokemon into the walls and using sting shot on them, Elekid falling victim to the sticky substance and Dratini, Seel and Cyndaquil getting battered and smashed into the walls in sickening style. Lisa was looking around wildly; she only had Wigglytuff and Wartortle left. The big blue whale thingamajig was finally referred to by name, “Fiskmire” paused Lisa, “Use Ice Beam on HER!” She yelled, pointing at the shocked professor.

Lenina jumped out of the way as Fiskmire released a blue ball of energy, barely missing her and making the metallic wall freeze. Lisa looked at me and yelled again, “Ignore the Cydm! Aim for Lenina!”

I really had to wonder about her tactics as Natu was now being Cydm’s slamming buddy, sending it fluttering about. It wasn’t a good idea, Cydm was the one we had to take down, it was the main threat, not some third degree burns victim. Voicing my concerns I yelled, “How do we ignore it, it’s trying to kill us!”.

I looked over at Jessica, her face was one of pure rage, her eyes were burning as suddenly Eevee was crushed along with its Double Team Clones into the gravel, its bones making a sickening crushing sound and once it got out of the way it was bruised and bloodied, “Whee” it moaned softly as I noticed a rib sticking out of the skin as it laid on its back.

Jessica recalled it, she only had Wigglytuff left and ran over to Lenina, screaming with raw animal instinct, “YOU….” before in her sneakers began to kick Lenina’s burnt shins, kicking again and again, the thud of rubber on flesh again and again as she doubled over in pain, howling. Everyone stopped and watched before finally Lenina broke her trance and roared, bringing back an open palm and swiping at Jessica, who backstepped out of the way.

The remaining Pokemon resumed their attack Sunflora firing off Razor leaves which simply clattered to the ground, ineffective, Politoed water gunning it, Mr. Mime psychically trying to keep it in place with no luck, Lickitung and Wigglytuff both firing off Shadow Balls, Wigglytuff’s much more better formed and stable. The others were trying to attack Lenina, Mankey leaping wildly around, trying to scratch her, Fiskmire trying to ice beam Lenina and the others doing their best on their relevant targets. Jessica still trying to kick Lenina, as the “scientist” batted Mankey away with a rock in her hand. Surprisingly Lenina and Cydm were still mostly unhurt as they continued their attack.

A bluish beam came flying past me, sucking the wind towards it as it flew towards Lenina, hitting her in the side, sending her into a spasm, Fiskmire, Mankey, Jessica and Ditto backing away from her vibrating form. Was she epileptic perhaps? And where did that attack come from!? “What was that!?” I blurted and looked around wildly.

Gavin was leaning on his knees, panting heavily as he said in between gasps and leaning on his Giraffe Pokemon that had trotted up to him. “It was Girafarig. See, do it again Girafarig.”

The half beautiful Pokemon released a smaller and a not as fast or correctly coloured beam arced towards a recovering Lenina as Cydm teleported in front of the attack and taking the hit fair on the antennae and flinching as Mankey came back to attack the worm. “Right then…” I said, a bit disappointed, that attack didn’t have as much effect as before.

The remaining Pokemon all fired projectile attacks at Cydm as it slammed Mankey down finally. The Pig Monkey doubled over in pain as it was recalled. In the distance I could hear sirens, hopefully they were the Police, and ambulances too. In yet another surprise, Aipom the hyper monkey ran up to Lisa’s shoulder and leapt into battle as she commanded it, “Aipom, use Swift attack – your strongest Swift attack ever! – on Lenina!”

The Monkey narrowed its eyes and formed its energy into small stars, glowing intensely around its body before they flew towards a smug Lenina. Cydm teleported into their way but they wizzed past it and into Lenina, relentlessly battering her body as she moaned in pain before finally dropping to the ground.

We all sighed in relief before the Worm spat up a glob of whitish acid onto Girafathingie, as Wartortle gently used its water to spray it from its back. The Pokemon reared back in anger before it was enveloped in a white glow as its body began to reform and shape into a larger Pokemon. All the while it ran at Cydm and rammed into it, sending the bug sprawling onto its back, with it struggling to get back up.

“Its evolving!” said Phil with a glimmer of hope. But Girawhatevers don’t evolve so I grabbed my Pokedex, “Girafathingys don’t evolve, do they?” I said looking at Jessica who had now wandered safely back towards me.

Gavin not taking his eyes off his transforming Pokemon said, “Apparently they do?”

The glow died off and the Pokemon’s fierce and retarded tail was gone, replaced by a normal tail, a wizened expression, much more fur and a much more powerful and muscular form. I finally pulled the Pokedex out of my pocket as Lisa bitterly looked at me and said, “I thought only yuppies had those”

The Pokedex spouted its entry, “Girafury – The wise Psychic pokemon. It is a matured version of its baby form, Girafarig, and has an advance Psybeam attack, as well as having very special telekinesis and telepathy. Girafury has the speed to rival that of its distant cousin, the Rapidash, and its tail, which before possessed a psychotic and aggressive mind of its own, has become calm and intelligent like the other head, and merged with it, making Girafury twice as smart, however, adding a small amount of physical ability and aggression. The other head disappears, leaving a normal tail.”

“Congrats Girafury” Said Gavin, patting his newly evolved Pokemon.
Suddenly I had an idea, Cydm was a Pokemon, it could be recalled! Duh to me! If we had’ve done this in the first place we would’ve avoided this slaughter. With that I yelled out to Jessica, who was closest to it all, sure she could get hurt and killed, but better her than me. “Jessica … recall Cydm to its Pokeball!” I yelled out.

She gave me a peeved off look but Jessica being closest to Lenina’s body looked at her unconscious or dead body, and gingerly looked around checking if the coast was clear as one of Lickitung’s Shadow Balls narrowly missed her. “Cydm! Come on, time to go back to your … uh …” she stammered, looking for its Pokeball. She found it and stood up triumphantly, “Ultra Ball” she finished and with that the Pokemon was recalled into its home.

Lisa and Jessica gave each other a grin before running over and giving each other a hug. “Come back to the Resort” Lisa said, as the police and ambulance vehicles began to pull up and they came running into the alleyway.


Riding in the Airport Shuttle Mini-Van we were discussing the day’s events, the very long and tiring events of yesterday. After we’d told the Police everything we’d headed back to the hotel, stopping at the PokeCenter along the way, chowed down and slept a long time, till about 10am. Lisa and Gavin told us that they had to head home and Glenys and Ripper were more than happy to give them a free ride home.

Feeling the nice air conditioning on my skin, it truly was a luxury I couldn’t live without.

“So what happened to the Genetically Engineered Pokemon?” asked Lisa, fiddling with her bandana.

“Well I heard they were all found at the burning observatory?” replied Andrew.

“Yeah, I heard that too, but I heard the Steelix had died from the fire” Gavin said, giving his input.

“Well that’s all fine and well, but what happened to the mega worm of disgustingness?” butted in Jessica.

“Yeah!?” chimed in Andrew, Jessica and Lisa.

“Its been given to scientists” I lied, keeping its Ultra Ball minimized and in my pocket, unseen to all.

“Oh, I think it should be put down personally,” said Andrew

And this started a floodgate of opinions of everyone, arguing over what should be done over Cydm, each with their own opinions. Little did they know I’d keep it for my own purposes, waiting to be unleashed upon the world again.


“We will keep in contact, right?” asked Lisa, looking a bit sad to be leaving.

“Sure … we have your Poke Gear number, and you have our mobile numbers. We’ll ring you sometime to catch up again.” I reassured her

“For sure” backed up Phil

Jessica walked up to Lisa, a good night’s sleep had done them both well, and with their Pokemon well and recovered, they were ready to go, “Thanks for” she paused, considering her words, “Well…saving us” She said a tad grudgingly.

Lisa gave a laugh “Thanks for … doing my hair,” she said as if they were both long lost sisters. And if they were, God help us all. “And for battling with me. With each other, as well as against Lenina. Glad she’s in jail now. But yeah, thanks for battling with me.” She said, stopping herself before ramble mode.

“Who would have won, do you think?” asked Jessica, looking a bit miffed as she fiddled with her blonde hair again. Lisa shrugged, I made an “I dunno” sound, Phil looked away and Gavin was fiddling with his Pokeballs. Personally I think Jessica would’ve won, she’s a tough cookie underneath it all and would probably take someone down like she did Lenina.

Gavin once again tried to reason with Glenys and Ripper about paying for the flight, waving some cash in their faces, trying to get them to take it. But they stood strong, not taking a dollar of it. “Besides, we’re rich, we won the lotto, we have all the money we need.” Reasoned Edward.

Gavin defeated, shrugged his shoulders and stood next to his friend. The muffled boarding call went again and Lisa struggled to lift her heavy pack up, she’d have to be careful she didn’t do some spinal injury to herself. They went to turn for the gate, but I thought I’d better say a proper goodbye.

Standing next to Gavin, I shook his good hand and said, “Seeya Gavin. And sorry I didn’t believe in the legendaries before.” Trying to keep it short and simple.

“You still don’t, do you?” accused Gavin.

I honestly didn’t believe in them, but each to their own, if they wanted to catch some marketing scheme across the world, kudos to them. “Well….”I croaked, not voicing my real opinion.

Gavin looked a bit peeved but nonetheless gave a smile and said, “Seeya”

Lisa gave everyone a little wave and they all walked through to customs to be thoroughly searched all the while saying “Bye!” and, “We’ll see you again!”. I hoped they weren’t subjected to the nasty searching.

“You know I still don’t like them,” said Jessica snootily as we walked back to the shuttle.

Chris 2.1
28th January 2003, 10:46 AM

Kick-@$$! Wkd! In every language it means brilliant! What an interesting chapter...OMG! Dolmio! i didnt know you got it in australia! We have it in england, too :P

I thought that worm-thing was just plain weird...and Phil using it is weird too. I bet that association will get their asses whooped to the moon and back with that thing.

Girafury: OOOOOOOOOH! Nice Pokemon Gav! I'll comment on it more in LTL. I thought this was great! The Kadabra should come home...and how come he thought Phil died?

All in all, 10/10. X ellent chapter! YAY! *throws a party and gets drunk*

Gavin Luper
29th January 2003, 12:22 AM

Brilliant chapter if I do say so myself. Where to begin?? I feel like I've already read it all so many times! Let's see ...

Jessica VS Lisa: That was cool. Nice to see that they both agreed at first, and then how Jessica felt when she thought Lisa had tricked her. Nice bit with the Dolmio and so on. Good that you had that bit with Jess upstairs, I was wondering how she went.

Gavin and Andrew's discussion went well too, came off nice and smoothly in the end so that is good. Good to see their different backgrounds making their beliefs different.

So, Phil's Kadabra is still alive and kicking, although he's holed up in that stupid circus! Poor him. Maybe if he can make it to Switzerland he can escape? Let's hope so.

I liked hearing Lenina absoutely lose it, that was good - go psycho i mean. She was a psycho from the start really. And I really liked the way you did the scene with the Cydm (ugh!) because it seemed a lot better described than mine was! Ah well, can't be changed now, can it?

Overall, we both put this togetehr really smoothly and it worked out wonderfully in the end! Congrats Oz!!!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
30th January 2003, 09:13 AM
Well......nice crossover chapter....Both yours and Gavin's were very good...^_^ The battles were interesting.

Now I'm getting interested in the Kadabra....poor psychic thing....

1st February 2003, 08:05 PM
Awww, Replies ^^

Shiny Marril - Glad you liked it! And yes we get Dolmio here! I like the Tomato Onion and Garlic one the best! And Yep Cydm's a wierdo, and you never know what will happen to it, but I can say Carly's involved. Girafury's also a kickbutt pokemon, its a lot easier to say than its unevolved pokemon! And Kadabra doesn't think he has a home because he thinks Phil is dead from what he was told, and his psychic powers are totally diminished. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Gavin Luper - Well Well Well, thank you for agreeing to do this crossover with me mate! It was a hell of a good thing to do ^^ And it was great of you to write the second part, it was a lot easier to make things fit in because of that! Your writing skills are excellent dude, and its great to see how good you've gotten!

Hyper - Thanks for reading! Glad to know you enjoyed it! And I can say that Kadabra will make a comeback, to what, I don't know!

6th February 2003, 05:20 PM
Nice work on the crossover!Heheh, Jessica's going to release it on the world!

8th February 2003, 09:10 AM
100 Fangy Glad you enjoyed the crossover! It was like 18 pages at the end! And I have no idea what you're talking about with the comment on Jessica! lol!

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 22 – Fireworks, Whispering and BRAKE! BRAKE!
By OzAndrew

Mr. Mime

My Trainer, Andrew, his sister Jessica and friend Phil and the lot of us Pokemon had spent a week relaxing at a nice beach retreat, we’d met some new friends, like an Aipom I’m sure had Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or an addiction to Maple Syrup from when I’d talked to him on the ship. He was way in the wacky, which was entertaining, but tired me out after a while.

Andrew had let me drive the buggy to our next destination, Forbes Town if I remembered correctly, but it was like a three-day drive so we’d all take turns, and apparently Electabuzz was going to learn too. It was pretty easy, break, steer and accelerate, if not a lot of fun. After about two hours Andrew released Electabuzz from his capture ball, “Hey Buzz!” I greeted him as he gave a devilish grin. “Hey Mime” he nodded back to me.

“Ok Electabuzz, this is the break, you press this to stop, you press this to go faster and you use this to turn, Ok? Just go slowly till you get the hang of it Ok?” said Andrew, giving Electabuzz some direction. But he was a sly one, he knew what was going on.

“Drive carefully or I’ll send Wigglytuff down to get you Electabuzz!” commented Jessica from the sun lounge roof. She was a funny one, she had a superficial shell, but underneath it all she’s a nice kid. She’d often spent a night in her room worrying about the people at school, but she didn’t let on, not even to her mother.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine Electabuzz” Andrew said, reassuring the devilish Electabuzz who simply s******ed to himself.

Electabuzz hopped behind the wheel, Andrew next to him, Phil and I on the back seat and Jessica on the sunroof. Electabuzz drove pretty well for about ten minutes before giving a snort, I had no idea what he was up to, but I held on anyway, better to be safe than sorry.

Then feeling the air prickle around me, my green hair stood on end giving me an unsightly afro. Never good. The buggy jolted before suddenly taking off at rocket speed, the unsuspecting Phil simply was left in mid air before falling to the ground, still in his sitting position. I heard Jessica squeal from the roof as she held on for dear life and Andrew was holding onto the side with one hand and the other on his forehead.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I saw Abra emerge from his capture ball and sit on Phil’s shoulder, giving him a sympathetic ruffle of the hair. “BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE!” Jessica was screaming from the top of the buggy.

“Told you this was a great idea! Jolting the buggy to make it go faster!” cried Electabuzz, happy his plan had worked. True it was a good thing, but well we’d lost a person. Oh well, perhaps Sunflora’s idea of using Growth to the point where she became so big to carry everyone wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

“Oh my FACE!” moaned Andrew, clutching his head. “You’re never driving again Electabuzz, return” he said.

As Electabuzz was recalled he tried to speak, “Why?”

“You Ok down there Andrew” asked Jessica

“No, my forehead smashed into the buggy when Electabuzz decided to go into 22nd gear” he moaned.

“I thought it only goes up to five?” quizzed Jessica.

“It DOES! But he made another 18” he replied

“Electabuzz was only trying to help!” I tried to put in. But once again, they couldn’t understand me; perhaps one day when I could focus my psychic powers greater, I could perhaps communicate telepathically.

I turned around to see Abra giggling, “Hee! I wanna see them hurt again! AGAIN!” he chuckled, being the evil little thing he was. Phil was next to him, rubbing his butt. “Electabuzz broke my tailbone!” he moaned.

“Well EXCUSE ME! But does anyone care about MY pain! I think I strained some muscles in my arms after holding on for dear life! I say we need to punish him!” she bellowed, not happy at all.

“Perhaps that’s a good idea Andrew” commented Phil.

“Hee!” squealed Abra.

“Shut up you little twit, people getting hurt isn’t funny” I reprimanded him.

“Sawwweeee” he said, and pouted.

Andrew was mulling it over in his head, he was unsure of what to do, punish or not to punish. If only I could tell him that Electabuzz had only tried to help, then he’d understand.

“You’re right, perhaps we should reprimand Electabuzz, no dinner tonight and we’ll talk to him about being irresponsible” said Andrew, taking action in his mini court.

”That’s not fair!” I yelled!

“Huh…” Andrew, Jessica and Phil all had looks of amazement, confusion and sheer idiotism about them, yet all looking at me.

“Oh. My. God! Mr. Mime’s learnt how to communicate Psychically! That’s what it is!” raved Phil, grabbing me, hugging me and slapping me on the back.

“Ow” I winced as he whacked my back some more.

“Is that possible?” asked Jessica, looking a bit confused.

“I’ll get the latest Pokedex upgrade and check” said Andrew, opening up his little electronic thing.

Jessica meanwhile had crouched to my level, “Can you do it again Mimey? Can you do it again?!” she asked.

“Um… I don’t think I can do it again…” I said; as Jessica looked at me, hoping for me to suddenly start chatting.

“He’s not doing ANYTHING different Andrew” whined Jessica. How rude, here I was trying to communicate, and unsuccessfully and she was whining about me!

“Ooh! I’ve downloaded a heap on Mr. Mime’s skilled qualities! Here we go, psychic fireworks, psychic memory links, psychic light sabers and OOH! BALLOON ANIMALS! ” He said excitedly. I had to simply wince; sometimes he could be such a dope.

“Well what about telepathically talking?” asked Phil, rubbing Abra’s ear.

“Oh yeah….” Said Andrew, a bit sidetracked, “Well it says Mr. Mime can use them when he either trains through years of practice or when he’s trying to be heard, it can sometimes break through”

“Well that explains it then. How about we try out some of his other powers now?” replied Phil.

“Yeah, I want to see the fireworks!” commented Jess.

Well Jess wanted Fireworks, I’d give her Fireworks. Summoning all my psychic energies into a ball left me a slight bit lightheaded before I willed it into the air, keeping it focused before suddenly relinquishing my hold on it and expanding it as quick as possible. Presto. Fireworks.

“Ooh!” cooed the three humans.

“How about the Lightsaber now!?” Said Phil like an excited 5 year old at a birthday party after one too many cheerio and tomato sauce as well as stuffing himself full with 4 pieces of birthday cake.

I remembered that god-awful movie Star Wars, quite boring, but Andrew dragged me along because his good for nothing friends wanted to go along and see it too, they were all on the edge of their seats, but in reality, it sucked.

So I once again focused my Psychic energy into a ball in my hand before shaping it with my mind into the shape of a light saber. This was childs play, easy stuff. I swung it around a few times, making that noise before throwing it into the air and having it simply disappear.

“Ooh!” they cooed again.

Andrew pouted, “We don’t have any balloons but, can you do them for us later!?” he asked hopefully.

“What was the other one?” asked Jessica, pulling out her hairbrush and began stroking her hair back into place.

“Errr…. Psychic Memory Links?” remembered Phil.

“That’s it! We should try that out with some of our Pokemon to get to know them better!” said Andrew.

Wincing I remove the droplet of sweat from my head after doing the psychic acts. I really didn’t want to do all this, I wanted to do it another day. Suddenly, as if on cue I saw two trainers walk towards us, over the horizon. One was a guy and tall and skinny, about six foot tall, blonde hair, red top and jeans and the girl was about five foot six, dark hair, low cut purple top on with some tight black pants. She was hanging off of him like a rash, whispering in his ear as they walked on, grinning, talking and giving the occasional kiss as a Raticate waddled in front of them, its teeth glistening in the sun, and its fur excellently groomed.

Andrew saw this and went up to them, holding a Pokeball in his hand, “Hi! I see you’ve got Pokemon! Wanna battle?! 2 on 2?” he asked.

The girl turned her nose up at him and began to whisper in that guys ear. He just looked on and nodded, “No way” he said.

With a crushed expression on his face, Andrew turned to him, “Please.” He said softly.

The girl gave him a pitying look before whispering in that guy’s ear, “Yeah, ok then. One on one, lets go” he said, lobbing out a Pokeball, and with a flash a Drowzee appeared, its lower body covered in a brown slime while the rest of its was a rough and resilient yellow hide. What was even weirder, it had a nose like an elephant.

I turned to Andrew, but he shook his head and threw out his Pokeball, and Cyndaquil appeared, nervous but determined.

“Go Cinders!” I cheered her on.

“Oh! Hi Mimey! Thank you!” she replied, heartened by my cheer and raised her back flames and released more flammable liquid to power the blaze.

“So you’re opponent” said the Drowzee with a yawn.

“Um… yes….” Said Cyndaquil, intimidated.

“FIGHT, FIGHT!” Squealed Abra!

I shot a small bolt of psychic energy at him, sending him flying off of Phil’s shoulder. He really brought a lot of disrespect to the group and was nothing more than a little warmonger.

“Go Cyndaquil!” cheered Jessica, releasing Eevee and Seel to cheer on too.

“Lets go Cinda! Toast ‘em!” yelled Eevee.

“Yeah! Show him who’s more powerful!” clapped Seel.

“Thanks guys. I hope I can” she said gently, before bounding closer to her opponent.

So I wandered over to the Buggy and climbed on top of the roof, and sat on the sun lounge, from there I had an excellent view of the battle. Abra teleported up next to me the air shimmering from where he appeared. Seel and Eevee couldn’t see very well so I levitated them up and so with that we were all spectators. Jessica saw us up there and climbed up too as Phil sat on the buggy.

Andrew nodded to Cyndaquil, “Ok Cynda, start off with a Flamethrower!” he commanded her.

The guy with the leech girl was having everything relayed to him by the looks of it. He was too enthralled with being with her and holding her. “Disable Drowzee” he said gently before kissing his girlfriend, rubbing her belly till she laughed.

Cyndaquil and Drowzee faced each other before Cyndaquil powered up her back flame and shot it towards Drowzee who narrowly ambled out of the way. Drowzee closed his tiny eyes and caught eye contact with Cyndaquil, her back flame instantly disappearing.

“Eep!” she shrieked.

Andrew looked surprised as the couple got back to smooching. “Errr… Cyndaquil! Use a swift attack!” he said weakly.

The vixen once again whispered to her little victim who relayed the message, “Drowzee, use a headbutt”

Cyndaquil closed her eyes, before being surrounded by a golden glow, her energy being transformed into a solid damaging attack. Cyndaquil opened her eyes, surrounded by a multitude of glowing little stars all ready to attack, She glared at Drowzee as he ran towards Cyndaquil as fast as his pudgy self could. The stars all flew towards Drowzee as he was about to launch himself towards nervous little mouse. The yellow Pokemon reeled in pain as the stars relentlessly struck his head.

“Yay!” we all cheered from the buggy. Except for Abra who was calling for blood!

Cyndaquil gained some more self confidence and sprinted towards Drowzee before using her tiny claws to slash him again and again on the face. Andrew simply watched Cyndaquil as she continued to attack Drowzee before it finally fainted.

The girl gave a whimper before her boyfriend bellowed, “You cheated!”

Raticate put in his two cents, “YEAH!”

Cyndaquil waddled back to Andrew, “I didn’t mean to cheat” she mumbled.

“Cheating! What the!?” said an amazed Andrew.

The relayed message once again came through, “Yeah, totally, you cheated to beat Drowzee with that Mr. Mime and Abra!” they accused.

“As if!” said Phil, getting into the action.

Jessica had Eevee on her lap, stroking it, “Stupid boys, absolute idiots” she said to us Pokemon before climbing down.

The humans talking descended into a rabble of accusations and yelling before finally an agreement was made.

“So you don’t believe us, and we don’t believe you” said Andrew, resolving the issue.

“Ok!” the couple said cheerily and wandered off, the Raticate following behind, giving us the finger as best he could with his dirty rat claws. “Good for nothing rat!” I yelled out to it, as it scampered off, taking its smooching and brain dead couple with it.

“Congrats Cinders!” we all congratulated the little fire Pokemon.


“Abra” I said quietly.

It turned its head to me, its smirk still showing, “Yes?”

“SHUT UP!” we all shrieked at him, and with that he walked over to Phil and sat on his shoulder.

We all chatted for a while, congratulating Cyndaquil on her battle before Jessica put Seel and Eevee in a large handbag and carried them off as she went to Andrew’s Laptop and began to chat on MSN to her friends back home. Walking over I saw she was talking to her cousin, Olivia, she lived up north and I’d never met her, but Andrew hated her and Jessica loved her.

Andrew tore me away from the laptop and asked me with a pleading voice, “Hey wanna do that memory psycho linky dink thingie Mr. Mime?”

I gave a nod, I couldn’t stand to disappoint him, it really got him down, he takes it to heart a lot more than he should take a rejection.

”Yay!” he said heartily, and threw four Pokeballs to the ground, Lickitung, Dragonair, Mankey and Starmie appeared. Lickitung gave me a little wave, Dragonair instantly slithered onto Andrew and Starmie began to spin its back star around in excitement. Whilst Mankey began to imitate Andrew’s movements again.

“Well since Electabuzz and Cyndaquil were hatched from Eggs, they really don’t have much of a history, but I want to know more about these guys” reasoned Andrew.

“Hey guys” I said to the four, Lickitung was the only one who replied, Dragonair was too obsessed with Andrew, Mankey with imitating and Starmie just couldn’t. I gave a little sigh.

“Hey here’s an idea,” said Phil, walking up behind us.

“What?” replied Andrew.

“Well we could all release our Pokemon for a cross training session, that way they can learn a variety of moves from each other, you know?” he said.

That was actually a good idea and so with that Phil took Cyndaquil and Electabuzz the punished, Jessica and her handbag of Eevee and Seel off into a clearing a while away. Andrew waved and wave Mankey a frustrated look as it imitated him.

We all walked over to the buggy and sat down on the ant-free fresh grass and in a circle. Andrew once again butted in, “How about we sing Coombiiya MeLord! Coombiiya!”

Lickitung and I gave a groan as Mankey and Andrew began swaying from side to side singing that godawful song, this snapped them outta their singing. “So um, lets get started?” asked Andrew, scratching the back of his head, looking a tad embarrassed. “Um, everyone we’re gonna link through Mr. Mime here and um, look at your pasts ok?” he went on.

I tapped into my inner self, my deeper energy and pressed one hand on Starmie’s core, it pulsated with energy when I did so, and I put my other on Andrew’s Forehead. Closing my eyes I focused on working their minds together. With a flash, we had viewed Starmie’s life as if on a super fast forward, as if someone had gotten the VCR remote and was just controlling it as they willed.

Suddenly there was a voice as we started from the beginning again jerkily forwarding to other parts.

“I used to be a part of a Staryu” the echoing voice resounded in our heads.

We saw a simple Staryu pulsating along through the ocean. Its beautifully shiny core full of life as it sucked in water and spat it out to propel itself through the ocean, teeming with life all around.

“That was, before I was attacked by a Pokemon for drifting into its territory.”

Cut off snippets of Staryu battling some kind of shark, it was fighting a losing battle as its giant teeth ripped into Staryu, ripping off limbs and shattering the core into hundreds of tiny fragments.

“I was swept along on the currents, unaware of my existence for days, weeks, perhaps months. In time I began to regrow, and this was possible due to a shard of crystal embedded in myself. ” Starmie narrated.

“Woah. This is trippy” Andrew interrupted.

“Yes, it is, isn’t it? Anyway I slowly grew stronger, before I was a whole Staryu again. Seeking my revenge I attacked and killed that Pokemon that had caused me so much pain”

Once again, we saw a single limb grow into a full Staryu again, but its carefree attitude seemed gone. It seemed bitter and resentful. We cut to Staryu using Sharpen and Rapid Spin on the Shark, slicing off fins and dealing huge wounds, which turned the beautiful water from blue to red. And with the red, predators arrived, finishing off Staryu’s revenge.

“After that I led a meaningless existence, drifting with the currents, trying to discover myself until I met you, washed up on the beach. I am hoping my current path with you Andrew will help me discover my true purpose”

”Me too Starmie, I hope that you can find your true calling” agreed Andrew, his voice resonating as if we were in a large hall of some kind, but no bodies were seen, only the movie of Starmie’s past.

And with another flash it was over. We had psychically linked, it was an amazing feeling of success, followed by a degree of exhaustion. Keen to please I pressed a hand on Mankey’s head and Andrew’s once again. With another flash we were in bushland.

“Whoah! This is cool! REALLY REALLY COOOL!” yelled Mankey, obviously happy.

“Well that’s nice, can you speak a bit softer please” I commented, I had no ears, but the sheer power of his voice was overwhelming.

“So I guess we start when I was hatched along with my two other brothers. My mum was a Mankey and my dad a Primeape” started Mankey.

We saw a large tree with a flimsy looking nest and inside were four Mankey’s all looking pretty much alike, except for one really small one. The Primeape leapt onto the scene, hands full of grubs and leaves and tree roots by the looks of it as they all chowed down.

“My older brothers were stronger and better than me at pretty much everything. Dad didn’t really like me because of that and Mum pretty much sided with dad no matter what” he went on.

We saw the three baby mankeys leaping from branch to branch, carefree however the smaller one lagged behind, obviously not as well developed. The other fighting types teased my mankey, until it began to tease them about their larger nose, skinny arms and the like. This seemed to work quite well.

“Well this seemed to work quite well, I got back at my stupid idiotic brothers! But well my parents also didn’t like me so I decided to leave home” continued Mankey.

Seeing Mankey just jump out of the nest in broad daylight and not bothering to sneak off was quite funny. That is till he ran onto the road and was almost run over by a woman doing her makeup in the car, and driving about twice the speed limit and also talking on her phone and listening to the radio whilst sipping coffee and eating a breakfast bar. Needless to say, I now believe that television report about women being able to multi-task.

“But then I got captured and I worked at the Goldsworthy High School Gym for a year before being given to you” finished up Mankey.

And finally we saw a teenage boy kick, punch and stomp on Mankey before throwing a Pokemon ball at him before then giving that to his PE teacher as a gift for being such a great mate and teacher for five years. How nice. The next minute was a montage of Mankey helping out in the school weights room, smacking small children for being pests and training with the kids. And with a flash we were back again.

“Well… next Mr. Mime!” Andrew said, as I clutched my head, I was getting worn out. All this mind power I was using, I’d be tired for at least a week. But regardless, I grabbed Dragonair’s scrawny neck and repeated the process.

“Oh Andrew! You’re so great Andrew!” began Dragonair.

“Oh. Shut up.” I managed to mutter to the silly Pokemon.

“Uh… Ok” mumbled Andrew.

“Well Andrew, just so you know, I was born as a Dratini in some warm tropical waters, with other Dratinis too! We all had a great time, swimming around, and having fun, I even made great friends with a Shellder, we were best friends too! We had great fun swimming around the oceans all day long!” rambled Dragonair.

We saw a montage of swimming and frolicking snakes having great fun, and then a snake with a Shellder. Then the Shellder and Dratini frolicking and having great fun. It was pretty boring I had to admit.

“Anyway, one day a fishing trawler got all of us, so we were all caught along with a heap of fish. I was one of the unfortunate ones unable to escape. So along with Shellder we were hauled aboard and quickly captured by a big swarthy man who had a lot of body hair and was really cute! He than gave us to his stepdaughter who trained us for a few years” she blathered on some more. Dragonair really got on my nerves, it was a stupid twit.

Again, more frolicking before we saw Dratini and Shellder along with some other Dratinis caught in a fishing net. They were dragged aboard a ship whose deck was chockas with squirming fish. A large man threw an armful of Pokeballs at Dratinis and other Pokemon on the deck, squirming to try and escape back into the safety of the cool dark clear water.

The Pokeballs containing Shellder and Dratini were given to the girl that I remember being the woman who traded Dragonair for! Her picture was in Andrew’s Pokedex for future reference for some reason. We then saw a montage of the Dratinis and Shellder and a plethora of other water Pokemon frolicking and playing with the girl.

“And one day, I just, evolved!” went on Dragonair.

And we saw more playing and frolicking, until Dratini simply, evolved! I have to say, this was getting pretty boring, so I just cut the link altogether.

“Why’d you do that!” yelled Dragonair at me.

“Whoops! Accident!” I lied.

“And I was just getting to the good part too, and I was going to tell Andrew all about it!” she whined.

“Get over it!” I yelled at her.

Taking a quick breath I set up the final link between Lickitung and Andrew, with a flash we were introduced to her world.

“Um, hi” she said timidly.

“Hey Licky” I said softly

“Hey!” said Andrew enthusiastically; he was really enjoying all this memory stuff.

“So… where do I start?” Lickitung asked shyly.

“From the beginning?” I suggested the obvious.

“Oh well I was one of four children in a forest, two boys, two girls. We had a nice life, my mother raised us, but one day she went to gather food, she didn’t return. A Taillow looked after us as best it could for a few days, but then it decided we needed help. ” Started Lickitung, sounding rather sad.

We saw the baby tongue Pokemon frolicking and playing and I instantly was sick of them, just like those damn Dratinis. But then the mother didn’t return, the tiny swallow Pokemon tried to provide for them, but it simply couldn’t do enough to raise the poor things.

“But the Taillow got a Pelican friend of his to carry us to the nearest Pokemon Center two at a time. My elder brother and sister went first, before the pelican returned for us. We climbed inside as Tailow decided to accompany us to the Pokemon center where we would be looked after, but something happened on the way” she continued, getting more and more somber.

We saw the babies take to the air in its mouth no less, but as soon as things were going well we heard two shots, and the male Lickitung tumbled to earth, hitting the dry earth with a sickening thud. Taillow was soon behind, hitting the earth at a disgusting speed, blood oozing from its chest where a bullet had struck it. The pelican however had managed to control its descent before a man and two young boys, with tattoos, piercing and having a bad stench stepped on its neck, snapping it and killing the helpful Pokemon. Lickitung stumbled out of the beak of the dead Pokemon and on seeing all the corpses of its friends began to sob uncontrollable.

“From there on, my life was hell, till you took me in Andrew” she said gently as we saw a montage of sickening abuse, I simply had to block out. The last thing Lickitung said before I cut the connection, “Thank you Andrew. Thank you”

From there, I clutched my forehead in pain; Andrew had a nasty bruise developing there too. I was simply so exhausted I collapsed from it all. Andrew helped me to the buggy as he recalled the others, “Thank you Mr. Mime” he said, “Thank you so much” and with that, rain began to fall, spittle gently descending with a plop. Jessica quickly started shrieking and running for the buggy.

“MY HAIR! MY HAIR!” She shrieked as most of the Pokemon stayed out to frolic in the rain. I hated frolicking. As far as I was concerned, any frolicking Pokemon could be sucked into a black hole.

Next Time On Electric Buggy To Victory

1)The next gym!
2)The long awaited Mime-Elutions!
3)Along with pictures from the author!
4)Jessica Battles!
5)A split?! Mmmmm…. Banana split…yummy…

Chris 2.1
8th February 2003, 09:37 AM
WOW! good idea here, having a Pokie POV! I liked it, but it seemd rather fillery to me. I also liked how Dragonair was so tediously boring! Lol.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
8th February 2003, 11:08 AM
Nice chapter..I like Lickitung's story the best......poor, poor thing.....

Dragonair's one was amusing.....Nice to have a pokemon POV for once.^^

8th February 2003, 06:44 PM
Nice.I never knew that Abra was so evil!Hee, Phil flew out the back in sitting position!Nice chappy.

Mew Trainer Rose
8th February 2003, 09:06 PM
:( what an odd Abra...
balloon animals! Oooooo!
"memory psycho linky dink" I find that quote funny. linky dink. :)

8th February 2003, 11:14 PM
There is only one thing i like about jessica. She is fun to make fun of. I swear what a *****! I mean like yeah that was just sooooo stupid of jessica.

She likes pop :no:

Anyways whats with the hybrid thing? You HAD to use all the weakest poekmon didnt u. :P why not strong pokemon like, Charizard and Mewtwo and Celibi and others ? :P Nyahh.

^_^ anywayz btw oz thanks for the message i still have 2 show adam it but i hope he likes it. :P



11th February 2003, 03:56 AM
Well I'm a little late, but here goes.

This story is great so far. It's pretty funny at times, and it's a change of pace from what would seem "normal" in a Pokemon Journey. The Gyms are pretty unorthidox, but that allows for interesting character development for the leaders of those Gyms and of course the trainer who has to battle at them.

It's also intersting how the characters refer to Ash and Team Rocket as simply TV characters who don't exist in the real world, sort of poking fun at the anime maybe?

The crossover with Lisa the Legend was really interesting too. I really liked seeing both sets of characters come together and interact. It's interesting how Andrew and Jessica don't believe in Team Rocket or Legendary Pokemon, and then meet up with people who think completely opposite of that from personal experience with both. Good thing Lisa never brought up she met Ash... Then thing's would have gotten really odd.

The last chapter was really interesting, showing what the Pokemon were thinking, and how they had spent their lives until Andrew met them. Although, I wonder why Mr. Mime doesn't like Pokemon who frolic? Maybe being carefree and happy just doesn't sit well with him? Andrew already knows Mr. Mime's past, but I wonder if there's something that the readers don't know that would explain it? Maybe it's just how Mr. Mime is.

The story is really good, keep it up! ^_^

Gavin Luper
11th February 2003, 05:35 AM

Having the whole chapter as Mimey's point of view was very cool, very original and very easy and fun to read. It gave a nice insight to not only him, but also the personalities of all the other pokemon. It's the best way of bringing out all the fellow pokemon's characters!

It was kind of a filler chapter, but as I said, very cool!


14th February 2003, 08:31 AM

Well I'm about 3 pages into chapter 26, with a lot of Gym Battles in Forbes Town, which seems oh so long ago now! And um there's a fight... and I can let you in on a few future happenings.

1) Olivia, Jessica and Andrew's Shopping Minded, Party Minded and Not Too smart cousin comes along.
2) We'll see Rose and Annie again ^^
3) Chapter 27 will have a new Pokemon to Andrew's team
4) We'll soon see an end to the Phil and Carly Non-Saga
5) Well... um... We see Rocky again!

Shiny Marril Yep, I've wanted to have a Mr. Mime POV for a LOOOONG time, my original plan was to have him at a playground, something very similar to the anime, that was before I realized it really really sucked. And sure it was a filler, but its another step closer for Cynda's evolution, plus you got to see and know more about the Super Seven :P And yes, Dragonair sucks.

Hyper Hyper Hyper! Yar Lickitung was probably my second favourite, Squirtle the first which I saw in the anime. Plus well it did have that kiddie bikie retard as a trainer. And Dragonairs one was full of... frolicking... Thanks for reading!

One Hundred Fang Yes, Abra is an evil evil Pokemon, this will come into play when the Phil arc reaches it peak ^^ And yeppers, Phil falling out like that is funny.

Mew Trainer Rose Uh huh, Abra's an evil one! EEEVILLL! Kinda makes you wonder who its father was ;) And we will see some Balloon Animal action in 27... Thanks for reading!

Mist Jess IS fun to make fun of ^^ But it pisses her off! And the Hybrid idea I never truely thought Gavin would accept it, but he did, and he perfected it too! Marry me Tara ;)

Gene Child Mewtwo Yay! A closet reader! WoO! Love your long replies! Glad to know you like the offbeat feeling of EBTV ^^ I try to keep it away from the anime as much as I can, and making fun of it at times here gives it some more credablity.

Yay, you liked the crossover ^^ And if they DID say they met ash, Andrew would've said it was a cheap pathetic ripoff. I'm planning to have one of those. And adding the Pokemon's personalities lets you get more attached to them. Plus Mr Mime was peeved off at Dragonair's constant memories of frolicking so he kinda was still annoyed. And you still don't know Mr. Mime's past... its a secret! Thank you SO much for reading and replying! I hope you continue to!

Gavin Luper K then ^^ Glad to know you liked Mimey's POV I think I told you I've been wanting to put it in for a while ^^ And well yeah, it did bring out their personalities, so now you all love them more! And lol yes it was a filler, but I prefer to call it an emotional advancement chapter...lol... I haven't seen you on MSN for yonks either!? Whats the deal!

Thanks to all for replying! ^^

Gavin Luper
15th February 2003, 01:33 AM
Yeah, I haven't seen you around for ages! What times do you usually come online these days?

15th February 2003, 09:43 AM
Hi OzAndrew, I just finish reading and I think it is one is the best trainer fics I have ever read, the characters are cool and so are the pokemon, can't wait for chapter 26.

17th February 2003, 08:05 PM
Well, i just finshed reading it. Nice work. At least this time I wasn't up till 4 am... ^_^ Keep up the good work.

10th March 2003, 07:48 AM
Gav I'm online when I can be :D

Jon UKX Yay thanks for reading, I'm very happy you enjoy this fic. When I have time and inspiration I love to write it.

Nala 98 Lol, nothing makes sense at 4am, thank you very much for taking the time to read it all.

Everyone Now I'm blatently stealing SM's idea. It's called. Q&A with the Stars of EBTV! Now basically ask a question to the characters of EBTV and they'll reply ASAP with their answer. It could be Sophie, Liam or perhaps Hollywood or Wigglytuff. Its up to you, so get asking! And yeah.. here's the new chappie...

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 23 – Mimes, Defeat and Embarrassment.
By OzAndrew

Driving along for a few more days we’d encountered a lot I’d even almost captured a Gastly, but escaped by simply disappearing, which was a big disappointment, I really wanted a ghost Pokemon for that reason, because they could simply avoid any damage. I’d also tried to capture a Farfetched but it simply flew away. It was really very disappointing, but I lied to Jess and Phil and said I’d let them go because it was cruel to capture them. I don’t think they were very impressed.

I wasn’t really that good at catching Pokemon, they usually always ran away, and the only way I’d caught Squirtle and Staryu was by lucky ambush. I’d have to work out a cunning way to get a new Pokemon. After all I still had like three empty slots left, and I might need a full ten for what laid ahead of me. I had Lickitung, Mr. Mime, Cyndaquil, Dragonair, Starmie, Mankey and Electabuzz. I needed some more Pokemon and soon.

As we drove into Forbes, we took in the city feel, it just felt, empty, it was a huge place, we got lost in the suburbs, but there was absolutely nothing interesting in this hilly city. Plus as we got into the city center, there was nearly no-one around. It was really suss. We pulled out the refadex and looked for the nearest Pokemon Center.

Stopping at a bakery along the way I got an orange juice and pasty, Jessica a chicken pie and Phil a steak and onion one. We sat near the buggy in the town center, looking for something; it was if no one was around. And the few people we did see, well they were just coming and going from the grocery store. We took a walk around the main strip of town near the stores, but the only one open was Woolworths, the grocers, and it was only three in the afternoon, everything else was closed.

“This place REALLY sucks” said Jessica, stating the obvious as she released Eevee into her handbag and carried it around.

“And the DUH Award goes to Jessica!” I snarked at her.

“Ever heard of deodorant, LOSER! You smell like you poohed yourself” she said meanly back to me.

“Come on children, calm down or I’m giving you a fifteen minute time-out” said Phil sarcastically.

“Meh, its her fault” I said, brushing it off.

“Is not! Its YOUR fault, loser”

“Is not! You twit!”

“Come on you two, cut it out, its starting to get a bit dark around here, lets go to the Pokemon Center, dump our stuff, go out to dinner and have a rest” said Phil, once again stepping in.

“I don’t want to go to dinner with someone like HIM!” she said pointing at me, acting like a four year old before she got a stern look.

“Don’t look at me like that! Fine, fine, I’ll go” she said, giving in.

“Hey! Want to have a trolley race!” I butted in, there were some discarded trolleys around, and there was a hill ahead. We could race down the hill in trolleys! For fun! It’d been always one of my greatest things I’d wanted to do.

Jessica and Phil’s response put a dampener on that idea with just their deadpan look at me. It was the epitome of “Get real”

Phil drove the buggy to the Pokemon Center, it was right next to this city’s huge hospital and was dwarfed in size. But still it was relatively new, fresh and clean. Always good, clean was good, ad besides, I needed a shower; I was feeling grubby after all these days I hadn’t had a good wash. Jessica had brought her own “Bush Shower” thing, which you filled up with water and hooked it up, and then you showered. Quite nice, that is if I’d been allowed to use it. Jessica had even brought the “Bush Shower Curtin” which was a collapsible plastic structure that stopped perverts.

We arrived, I didn’t have to update my Pokemon again with their database thank god, so I just handed them in to be healed while Jessica and Phil went ahead and got the rooms. There was no-one around, this place was just deserted apart from the one person at the desk. It was extremely freaky, but it would make an excellent place for a teen horror movie killer. He’d have a field day here, secluded place, lack of security, stupid teens… I should join Jess up!

I looked at a table near the entrance, it had local newspapers, brochures and some stupid government notices. It was rather… pointless. Looking through the newspaper the rain began to fall outside as it hit the roof of the center, you could hear a dull roar created by the dropping of the water. There really was nothing in the local paper, I didn’t want to know about water restrictions or dog registration, but I wondered how Rocky was going, my doggy woggie! Near the back of the paper were some movie times, and apparently there was a movie marathon on!

Apparently it was tonight too! I walked to our rooms and held up the newspaper to them. “Look everyone! Who wants to go to the movies!?” I asked them with my best grin.

“Um… what about Dinner?” asked Phil.

“We can get lots of junk food!” I suggested.

“I’m in, I want Malteasers!.” he confirmed.

“Well sure, Andrew, but don’t you have a Gym match?” questioned Jessica, being the surprising voice of reason.

“Yeah, yeah, but its all good!” I said, brushing her off.

“Well don’t come crying to me when you lose” she said rather coldly.

“Well lets get going! We’ll miss it” I said, hurrying them along.


The Next Morning

We got out of the movie marathon at about four am the next morning, my bum was numb after sitting down for so long, and the movies weren’t really crash hot.

First up we saw The Santa Clause Two, Santa seduces a woman and convinces her to give up her good looks, job, cash, car, cats and probably left her door unlocked to go with him. It was stupid, because she went from being independent to being old, fat and ugly and dancing in her undies in the North Pole. Utter rubbish.

Just Married, well it’d looked excellent in the previews, so funny, but the truth was, the excellent bits WERE the previews, the rest was complete and utter rubbish. It was totally unfunny.

After a short interlude for the smokers, we saw Chicago, the musical, it was pretty good and I enjoyed the corrupt world it portrayed but some of the songs peeved me off far too much. That’s for sure. It was overrated, but it was still good. By now all of my overpriced junk food was gone, and all I was left with was a craving for water and an urgent need to vomit.

Thankfully the last movie, Sweet Home Alabama allowed me to run to the toilets and retch, and while I didn’t throw up, after watching Sweet Home Alabama, I’d like to put it down as one of the most predictable movies ever. Although I did laugh how she took all the cash from the bank. And with that, it was all over. Thank god. Three crap movies and one good one. Explains the discounted price for watching them all.

Getting back to the Center and our free rooms we basically collapsed on our beds being six o’clock in the morning. I was utterly exhausted, and watching movies was such hard and terrible work, I simply couldn’t do it again so soon. Maybe in a few months I’d go to another Marathon. Drifting off to sleep again, I was woken up by the wonderful screaming of ambulance sirens whining at fever pitch as they pulled into the nearby hospital.

I gave a groan and had a shower in the tiny space, I was glad Jessica had her own room to whine in, I certainly didn’t want to listen to her go on and on and on. Probably because I’d snap and probably yell my head off at her. To which then I’d never be able to forget for the rest of my life.

The warm water was a welcome as it got rid of that dirty and gritty feeling I was unfortunately getting used to as I traveled on the road. Getting out of the shower I wiped the mirror and took a look at myself. My blonde bleached hair was growing out, it’d be back to normal in a few weeks but in the meantime I’d have to get rid of that eyebrow piercing. I winced in pain as I unscrewed it and threw it away, it began to bleed so I put some tissues up to it and stop the bleeding. Eventually the bloodflow stopped and began to clot but it still hurt like hell so I tried not to make any facial movements, which would result in pain.

I put away my leather jacket, I’d save that for another occasion like when I’d actually need it, because black leather is a horrible thing to wear, it totally absorbs the heat around you, which is fine if you’re in a cold environment but well.. this wasn’t what I’d call frosty central. I pulled out a simple t-shirt and slipped it on, it certainly was a lot nicer and airy. I sprayed on some deodorant, to make myself smell a bit more bearable, but I was always peeved at deodorant ads, cause well who gets like um.. jumped in an elevator, carries frozen peas as a makeshift ice pack so that girls will run into things when they sniff you and such. Come on, really, does that happen in real life? No.

I brushed my hair, put in a tad of hair gel, brushed my teeth and was ready to roll. I looked in the refadex the location of the local gym and set off, hopefully we’d be all done by lunch and perhaps gone by the arvo, on our way to the next destination. Cronin Town. I knocked on Jessica and Phil’s doors and we got set to go the next gym. Jessica was in a surprisingly good mood for some reason.

“Go kick butt Andrew, cause well this town is a hellhole. And you look at lot better without that gay eyebrow piercing” she said egging me on in her own way.

“Gee, thanks Jessica” I replied, the sarcasm dripping so thickly.

“Yeah, you’ll be fine, and besides you look better without all that leather and stuff.” said Phil a bit less enthusiastically as he released his Sunflora and had it accompany us and giving us its eternally happy grin. Perhaps it was drugged up or its face was just plain stuck.

I gave a grimace as we hopped in the mode of transportation and took off for the Gym, I was still a bit nervous, Phil had no idea of what the Gym’s type was but to his last knowledge it was a Psychic Gym when he last came through and won all his badges. I really had no-one strong against Psychics, apart from Lickitung’s lick attack she knew along with Shadow Ball.

We pulled up to the Gym and parked it, putting some money into the meter. Looking at the Gym, it seemed to be rather… jagged and… bright and if not… tacky.
“Oh god” Jessica whispered, seemingly terrified.

But it was a pretty scary sight… it was a bright neonish building with different streaks of bright colours outlining the black building, with a defunct old neon flashing sign out the front. “Gym” it flashed in pink. It was very um.. dated so to say… and it smelt like the ashtray of this town. Pushing open the old glass door retro music hit me like a wave of pain.

WE GET TOGETHER ‘CAUSE OPPOSITES ATTRACT[/B] came the horrid screeching of some song.

I shut the door again. Again there was nothing but the sounds of nature.

”What FREAK runs this gym?” Screeched Jessica.

“He used to be hip!” commented Phil, looking embarrassed.

“As in hip 20 years ago?” I offered.

“Well he did play some old music… but it wasn’t so bad when I came here” said Phil awkwardly.

“Well we’ve gotta go in, lets just plug our ears” I suggested. I pulled open the door with my hand, quickly put my hand over my ears and held the door open with my foot as we scurried inside. We wandered through a movie foyer of types with the walls lined with movie posters of “Not Without My Daughter”, “Who Framed Rodger Rabbit” and “Back to the Future!”

This place was in need of a serious makeover. Maybe I could call that television show and they could do something or at least attempt something. Right about now I was rather thankful for the human evolution of hands, they were rather helpful in making the god-awful music nothing more than a dull roar.

Finally after walking through this movie poster hall of musical hell we came to a large shiny door. Using my foot I kicked it open as we all scurried through to the main arena. Smoke billowed around our feet as we wandered in, I was a bit surprised and startled, I was thinking that this place was like on fire, before I realized that I’d probably be unconscious by now if I had of taken a breath.

In the middle of the room, a dark guy with bleached hair in a Mohawk, a bright green jacket, bright and tight orange pants and some star shaped sunglasses was playing a rather jagged looking guitar. He was totally engrossed in whatever horrid music was playing and enjoying it. It was a scary sight. Jessica looked shocked, Phil looked a bit surprised and I looked kind of scared.

He continued as the music blared on and on and on. Finally I gave a little sigh and went over to him, tapping his shoulder.

“****!” He screamed out in surprise as I stood there, a dull look on my face.

He pulled a remote somewhere out of those disgustingly tight pants and pressed a button. Instantly some lights came on and the music stopped, but he put his hands up, as if surrendering and beginning to back away. “I don’t want any trouble, man” he said, his eyes wide through his pink star sunglasses.

I gave him another dumb look and pulled out a Pokeball, not saying a thing. If I had the Gym Leader spooked, that was definitely a good thing for me. Relaxing the Gym Leader put his hands down and gave an exhausted sigh and began to laugh and leant on his knees. “And here I thought you were here to kill me” he said, in between laughing.

“Somebody call the fashion police…” came Jessica’s mutter. Phil pulled out his Phone and held it out for Jessica to take. She simply glared at him as he gingerly put it back.

“Battle” I said, hopefully we could have this over and done with quickly.

“Hold onto your horses man, you’re moving quicker than the B52’s” he said, putting his Sunnies on his forehead.

“The B52’s?” I had no clue what the B52’s were. Maybe they were a plane or something.

“You know…” he said slowly, looking at our dumb looks. “Love Shack! Baby Love Shack!” he continued breaking into song.

“Oooooooo” we all replied. That old song was made by the B52’s.

“So um. Can we battle? And what’s the theme?” I asked.

“Well hello there, my name’s Hollywood and I’m your Gym Leader for today. My theme is the Mime Gym as Mr. Mime’s were the most popular Pokemon in the height of the eighties!” he screeched out, and winked at me.

I was taken aback. A Mime Gym. As in Mr. Mime. As in MY Mr. Mime. Oh God. “Um… great” I said giving a fake smile.

“You know honey, you’d look great with a Perm” he said to a clearly uninterested sister of mine who gave a snort and glared at him.

“Ooh, you’re colder than the ABBA Breakup!” he continued, “Now honey, go take your spot over at the other end of the room Ok” he said, waving his hands at me.

“Ooookkaayy then” I said, trying to piss this weirdo off. But if this was a mime gym, it still had elements of the Psychics, and my best bet was Lickitung.

“And sweetie, what’s your name” he said, giving me a wink.

I gave a shudder and replied softly, “Andrew”

“That’s such a boring name, you should get a new one that’s so fresh and exciting, just like mine!” he crowed.

“Uh… yeah….” Like I was going to get a weirdo name. Weirdo.

I looked out on the arena, it seemed to be a concrete arena with some concrete pillars surrounding the edges and a raised ceiling. Looking up I saw a giant movie poster entitled “Mannequin” and the caption of a man holding a store dummy. “She comes to life when no-body’s around!” The floor still was covered in a thick haze of smoke from the smoke machine.

“That’s my FAVOURITE Movie” said Hollywood, putting his hands on his heart and looking skyward. The guy was seriously stuck in the eighties.

“So um… a one on one?” I suggested, hopefully Lickitung could take him out.

“Ooh! Sure a one on one with you would be great!” he said back.

I gave another shudder and tried not to look at him as he stared at me. Suddenly I remembered the words of one of my old friends Michael. ”If you ever think a gay man’s trying to hit on you, chances are he’s undressing you with his eyes”

“Bugger” I muttered before continuing, “No. Not US. There is no US. I mean the POKEMON BATTLE” I yelled, clarifying it.

“Awww, sure thing, but if you change your mind…” he said, trailing off.

I took this as the time to start the battle and quickly hurled out Lickitung’s blue Pokeball into the middle of the arena. Hollywood took his Pokeball once again out of his impossibly tight orange pants, god knows where he kept them and threw out his Pokeball.

In a flash of light the two Pokemon appeared. Lickitung and a smog haze with red eyes. “Erk” I gave a shudder. That thing didn’t look like a Mr. Mime! I pulled out my Pokedex and gave it the once over. Reading the text it spewed out on this weird Pokemon.

Frostsight The Mist Pokemon This Pokemon is an evolution of Mr. Mime after being exposed to extreme cold and the effects of a Polar Stone, the body of this Pokemon becomes nothing more than icy matter held together by its advanced mind powers. This Ice and Psychic type dissipates in hot weather but coming into contact with this Pokemon has the effect of touching liquid nitrogen. This Pokemon is highly dangerous and shouldn’t be approached. This Pokedex accepts no responsibility for any injuries, loss, pain… and the rest of the excerpt rambled off into a legal disclaimer.

The room’s temperature took a nose dive as I looked at the Frostsight, a bluey grey mass of mist, its red eyes glowing, its gloves, still of a Mr. Mime’s and it hovered about half a meter off of the ground, staring with vengeful eyes. “Eep” I gave a another shudder as the room got colder. Lickitung gave a shudder also and we both rubbed our arms to get warm. I knew I should’ve kept my Leather Jacket.

“Lets go!” said Hollywood as the battle started.

“Lickitung, use a Shadow Ball!” I commanded her, this was her only real attack that could be effective against this Pokemon.

“Frostsight, evade it” said Hollywood, grabbing his crotch as he jumped forward.

“EW!” Screeched Jessica as Phil released Charizard on the sidelines and they huddled around his tail flame for warmth. Lucky buggers, here I was freezing. But I was battling so I guess I had to deal with it.

My Pink Pokemon gave Frostsight a glare before rubbing her hand together and the darkness from the room began to accumulate between her paws. Before long a black and purple sphere of moving energy appeared between her little hands and without hesitation, threw it right at the fog. Frostsight gave an evil cackle and exploded into tiny wave of fog which simply disappeared as the Shadow Ball wizzed right through where it would’ve been and hit the concrete pillar, exploding. Frostsight had like.. lost or something! I’d won!

“I WIN!” I yelled out happily as I jumped around.

”Not yet” said Hollywood giving me a big smile. It was quite unnerving.

Suddenly shards of blue mist began to reform and they took the form of Frostsight. It’d just been an evasive move! Hollywood gave a smirk as the mist began to descend on Lickitung, she instinctively stuck out her tongue to try and use her primal lick attack, but instead her tongue simply froze the instant it was surrounded by Frostsight.

”TUNG!” Screamed my Pokemon in paid as the biting cold surrounded her and began to freeze more of her body. I had to recall her, she’d be like that cabbage that the Science People froze and smashed with liquid nitrogen when they came to my primary school.

“RETURN!” I yelled as the red recall beam bringing her back into the safety of her Pokeball hit Lickitung. I’d lost. I’d lost….



So there I am, totally freezing my butt off but thank god for Phil’s Charizard I wasn’t so cold. Andrew like totally screwed up his Gym Battle and began to chuck a tantrum like a three year old on the floor, crying his heart out and going on about how pathetic he was. I wasn’t about to step in.

Phil went over as Hollywood ran over to Andrew and gave him a hug. My brother gave a shocked look as he realized Hollywood that absolute weirdo had gone and hugged him. To which he was totally shocked and ran out of the gym faster than I’d seen him run before. Crybaby. It was a totally babyish thing to do. If I’d have lost, I’d of taken it with a sense of pride.

I released my Eevee because its nice warm fur could help keep me retain my body heat. I walked over to Phil with Eevee in my arms and Charizard behind. “He didn’t take that one well, did he?” I said to him with a grin.

“That’s not that nice Jessica…” trailed off Jessica. “But he bawled like a baby!” he laughed and we both began to give a chuckle. Hollywood recalled his Frostsight as I put down Eevee because I was getting a stitch from the humor of it all. I’d have to totally tell all my friends this, it’d be so funny!

Eevee rubbed against my leg, and I looked down. It was Andrew’s Pokedex. He’d dropped it. Picking it up I had an idea. If Andrew couldn’t win, I would, I was a totally better battler than him, I could like totally win!

“Hey Phil, can I battle?” I asked him.

He gave me a surprised look which brought him out of his fit of giggles. “Um… I guess so, but since you’re not registered you won’t get a badge” he said.

“But he doesn’t know that” I said, motioning to Hollywood, the weirdo. He totally was stuck in the 80’s. And me getting a perm? No way! I’d look like some desperate hooker from “Pretty Woman”

“Hey Hollywood, battle you?” I said to him, taking Andrews place.

“Oh sweetie, will Andrew be ok?” he asked sadly.

“Oh shut up, he’ll get over it you weirdo” I said coldly to him. I certainly didn’t want him talking to me weirdly.

“You little…” he said looking at me.

“My name’s Jessica and I want a battle now” I demanded. I wasn’t going to take his crap, I was a woman, I’d make the rules.

“Fine honey… a four on four at once sound good?” he said with a smirk, grabbing some Pokeballs from his disgustingly outdated outfit. I seriously couldn’t help this man, he just deserved to die for the fashion atrocities he’d committed. The eighties were over, he should let them go.

“Sure” I replied, grabbing four of my Pokeballs. I released Seel, Smeargle, Clefable and Eevee. My four fighters would be able to win against something like that really retarded ice thing.

“Oooh, catty” he said making a purr.

“We’ll you’d know about being Catty, wouldn’t you!” I yelled.

“Go! Psymirror, Platonpsy, Sinma and Elemimetal” yelled Hollywood, releasing his four Pokemon. He was totally dated, like how big hair used to be popular, but thank god went out.

The first Pokemon to emerge gave a monotone eerie voice “Psymirror”, it was wearing a totally unfashionable large jesters hat, which while sparkly was red and blue with polka dots. But the skinny Pokemon had only slits for eyes, it was really weird. Its candy striped body was a mix of silver and blue and it held onto a red candy stripe wand with a crystal orb on the end.

The next Pokemon that appeared said no name and looked a lot like Mr. Mime but well.. Brain dead. I used Andrew’s Pokedex on this weirdo. Typical for Hollywood. His name was probably really John or something.

Platonpsy The Symbiotic Pokemon This Pokemon was once a normal Mr. Mime before being infected with a metallic symbiote which attached itself to its Brain Stem and overtaking its consciousness. This metallic substance spreads over the host’s body, adding new and dangerous weaponry to its home. However once the parasite was totally drained the Mime’s life energy both will die. Such examples of weaponry include jetpacks, artillery and wheels. If it highly recommended Mr. Mime’s do not come in contact with this Pokemon. This is a metal and psychic type Pokemon[/I]

Woah… these Pokemon were seriously freaky. I looked at the Platonpsy, the metal seemed to be moving over its body, its back had a jetpack of sorts and one of its arms had been turned into a cannon. And half of its head was covered in this living parasite and one of its eyes had been transformed into a laser eye of sorts. It was really scary. “Don’t touch that thing guys! They’re unsanitary!” I yelled out to my team. I know Eevee had learnt a projectile move or two from the other Pokemon which was a relief. The rest had some long reaching attacks which was a good thing to know.

The next Pokemon appeared with a flash. “Sinma” it said before evilly cackling. It had no body, but a cape, which was really mesmerizing, it was looking into space at night. It was totally fashionable! I wanted one! But other than that, it had like a dummy in its hands, which was totally evil looking, like some voodoo dolly. And its hands, eyes, mouth and feet were just a hovering in their respective places.

What the hell was wrong with these Pokemon this stupid Hollywood had. And why the hell were all the gym leaders I’d met so far such retards! There was that loser Andy and now Hollywood. Did the Pokemon Board go and search for the biggest wierdos they could find or something!? If I was on that board, I’m make sure NORMAL people like me were Gym Leaders.

I pulled out Andrew’s Pokedex yet again, this thing was handy, I’d so have to get one for myself. Plus if I wanted it to, I could have it speak like the biggest spunk of the moment! Like maybe Beau Brady from Home and Away! He was SO HOT!

SinmaThe Vengeance Wizard PokemonThis Pokemon evolves from a Mr. Mime in a burst of emotional energy. Studies show emotions such as betrayal; misleading and lying can trigger the evolution, but only in severe cases. Sinma uses the enchanted clay in its hand to mould a copy of its opponent and make it suffer. Its other devastating attack involves sucking them into his cape and enduring a severely painful attack. While its body is now gone, it still holds monumental strength as a Dark and Psychic Pokemon.

God, what the hell had Hollywood done to these Pokemon to get them like this, they suffered these horrible afflictions. This guy was some serious weirdo. God. I was saying weirdo so much! I needed a better word!

The final Pokemon emerged from its Pokeball, it was a Mr. Mime looking thing, but like… not all there. It seemed to glow with a weird aura, and its chest where there would be that usual circle was replaced with sparkly crystals! And this Mr. Mime’s hair was gone, its face pasty and eyes vacant and it had some disgusting drool coming from its mouth. It also looked a bit more muscle than Mr. Mime and more physically agile. It was scary really.

ElemimetalThe Surgically Created PokemonThis is another Mr. Mime evolution created by replacing its Psychic Core with a special retainer. This retainer can be filled with four different elemental stones, its powers being transferred to the Pokemon. This can give a great deal of variety to a Pokemon, however the less pure the stone the more adverse affects it can have on the Pokemon as it can alter its mental state. Once a stone is inserted, it can never be removed or else the Pokemon will die.

Phil pulled out his camera and took some shots of the awesome foursome versus the four freaks. Mr. Mime was cool and all, but I’d never want him to become something like the other Pokemon I’ve seen, they were just simply atrocious. And it was like totally immoral, like how Robert Redford got plastic surgery. But then again, he needed it, in Spy Game his wrinkles were REALLY BAD!

And with that the battle started. “Eevee, use a shadow ball on those freaks, Smearle fly around and shoot sludge on them, Seel, use an Aurora beam to keep them at bay and Clefable, use a Metronome” I commanded.

“Come on mean team! Lets get them! Platonpsy, use Psy Cannon, Sinma, use Revenge on one of them, Elemimetal, use a flamethrower on them and finally sweety pie Psymirror, reflect their attacks back at them.” Yelled Hollywood.

“Jessica! You need to team up on them!” hissed Phil from the sidelines. It was certainly a really good idea too! I tried to figure out which one to target first, probably the strongest though. I could totally kick their big collective ***.

The Pokemon all jumped into Battle, all looking great, Smeargle took to the skies, rotating his tail fast enough to hover and fly, Clefable went into a trance and began concentrating while Eevee released her own little Shadow Ball at Platonpsy which knocked it back Seel however kept Psymirror and Elemimetal at bay with its wide Aurora beam.

The dazzling light from my cute Seel’s horn kept me from seeing the battle. A blast from Platonpsy, that metally thingie which was like all Terminator sent Eevee and Seel reeling, but in succession, Smeargle began to pump sludge out on Sinma which winced before moulding its clay.

Clefable released what looked like a Leech Seed at Elemimetal, the slightly beefy Pokemon gave a grunt of pain as the seed hit his chest and began to expand. Eevee jumped back into the fray with a headbutt at Psymirror, which took the hit surprisingly well and hit Eevee on the head with its wand.

Seel charged up an Ice Beam at Platonpsy and sent it into its direction, but with a purple charge its jetpacks sent it flying up next to Smeargle! “Smeargle! Use a fire attack!” I shrieked as it flew around, trying to avoid its Psy Cannon attack.

Clefable was now simply rubbing its head and patting its cute tummy! “Clefable! What are you doing!?” I yelled at my Pokemon. They were like totally losing! I saw that Sinma thingie glaring evilly at me with its dead eyes as it held an icky replica of Clefable.

“Wanna give up honey?” taunted Hollywood.

“No way, I’m not losing to some Michael Jackson wannabe!” I yelled back at him. “And I mean BEFORE THE PLASTIC SURGERY!”

“What? He’s never had any surgery!” yelled Hollywood, obviously offended.

“Oh yeah, and I suppose he’s never touched a kid either!”
“You must be joking!” said Hollywood, stroking his hair impatiently.

“Get with the program freak! The 80’s are over! We’re in a freaking new millennium, loser!” I yelled at this guy.

“Go Jess!” Cheered Phil

“Shut up!” I screamed back. I was winning the verbal battle, but not the Pokemon battle.

Eevee was being clobbered by Psymirror over the head with its magic crystal before it finally broke out of its reach and leapt on its head and began ripping its hat, the crystal balls on the end jingling as its eyes sprung open in surprise.

Elemimetal was having his energy sapped slowly but with a crazy look, one quarter of his core began to glow an eerie red before the rest of its body took on the aura, the seed and its vines disintegrating in a fiery blaze. Seel took aim at Sinma and began to fire an ice beam at it, but with a sweep of its cape Seel was gone! “Seel!?” I cried looking for my cute white Pokemon. I looked at Sinma’s cape which was so pretty, I could see Seel! And it was being hit by bolts of Dark Energy! Screaming out in pain! The poor thing! “Hold in there Seel!” I yelled to it.

Clefable came to its aid, now released from its Voodoo hold as Sinma concentrated its attack on Seel. Clefable’s fist glowed a deep red as it struck Sinma’s hand holding its Voodoo doll. The doll shattered and Seel came flying out of the cape, seriously injured but into the oncoming Elemimetal who was sneaking up to Clefable, ready to thwack it.

Smeargle was still hovering around, exchanging flamethrowers with a Psy Cannoning Platonpsy. Eevee bounded off of Psymirror’s ripped and tattered head and using her quick attack bounded onto Platonpsy’s back. Using her sharp claws and teeth she dug into the flesh of this Pokemon, with seemingly no effect. Platonpsy turned on its side and Eevee simply slid off and fell onto Elemimetal who was ganging up on Clefable along with Sinma and Psymirror.

Seel was still hurt pretty badly, its skin terribly burnt in places from the dark energy but managed to get back into the battle, its horn beginning to rotate it leapt up to Sinma and jabbed his eye with his Horn Drill. Sinma cried in pain as it put its hands up to its eye, screaming.

“Return!” Yelled Hollywood, recalling Sinma.

“Smeargle, come on down!” I called to the exhausted Beagle. Smeargle gave a happy grin and fell onto Psymirror, knocking him down again. Seel took refuge in a corner of the field, trying to regain some of its strength after taking such a great job. I gave him a little wave, cause if I said anything Hollywood would certainly order his wierdos to attack my poor little Seel!

“Clefable use a Seismic Toss on Platonpsy! Eevee and Smeargle, get Elemimetal” I ordered my Pokemon. Psymirror seemed to be useless so far, just getting in the way with its crystal rod and candy stripe body. Hopefully while Clefable could keep one busy, the other two could team up.

“Platonpsy, use a metal punch! Elemimetal, Moon Power! Psymirror, Echo Screen” ordered Hollywood. All of those attacks were like non-existent, unless the new mimes came with new attacks!

Clefable ran over to Platonpsy to grab it, but was kept at bay by his rapid punches. Psymirror began to chant and wave his wand as Mirrors began to appear and form before flying at Eevee and Smeargle. Eevee ducked most of them as Smeargle Mach Punched through them, sending shards of glass flying around the arena. Elemimetal’s core glowed with an eerie black as its aura began to change from red to a dark black. Pressing his hands together he began to swirl them around faster than little girls doing clapsies before a dark whirlwind began to form.

Seel by now had caught his breath and keeping in the fog haze waddled near Clefable who was desperately trying to avoid Platonpsy’s punches. Seel seeing this leapt into battle, with a rather sad squeal at the symbiotic Pokemon. Catching the metal psychic’s attention it released a Psy Cannon of purple energy from its arm as Seel flew towards it. Point blank.

This distraction gave Clefable the time it needed to lift Platonpsy above her head, giving a squeal about it before hurling it at Elemimetal. “Return!” I yelled at Seel, recalling it after its great battle. It was really great. But Elemimetal seeing its flying comrade coming towards it leapt out of the way, letting its dark whirlwind go. The whirlwind dissipated into a stream of tiny black bolts of energy, which blasted through most of the mirrors streaming towards Eevee and Smeargle and blasting them too.

Yelling in pain Eevee and Smeargle stopped their attack on Psymirror for a minute. Psymirror recomposed its stretchy self and began to bind Eevee, its flexy body squeezing tighter and tighter around it.

Smeargle was trying to avoid the punches thrown at him before he had an idea, using his tail he began to tickle Elemimetal with its tail under its arms. Clefable was now fluttering with her wings about a meter off the ground and began to sing a soothing melody to Platonpsy. It had no effect on the symbiote which simply punched it in the face, sending it shrieking and flying backwards.

“Clefable! Metronome!” I hoped it could let off some great attack at Platonpsy. Clefable waggled its fingers and began to glow an eerie blue. Maybe it was summoning a rare surf attack!? Smeargle’s tail was dripping purple and I noticed it had actually used Toxic on Elemimetal, poisoning it while tickling it.

Eevee was still struggling against Psymirror, scratching and clawing it for all it was worth. It was working, but not fast enough. Meanwhile Platonpsy was about to release a Psy Cannon from its cannon arm, but a huge blue figure rose up behind Clefable, glowing and screeching. Clefable’s eyes glowed the same eerie blue as the bird-like figure flew towards Platonpsy and through it, before coming back and circling it in a blue sphere of energy. The bird gave one final screech before disappearing, leaving a fainted Platonpsy on the ground.

“You’re a nasty one girl!” Yelled Hollywood, recalling his scarier Pokemon.

“You don’t know how nasty I can get!” I yelled back.

Eevee was still struggling against Psymirror as Clefable came to aid it , only to get clonked on the head with its wand. This gave Eevee the time to escape as it bit Psymirror again and leapt out of reach. Psymirror started to chant waving its wand around before two candycane stipes came out and began to wrap around Clefable, encasing it and dragging it towards Psymirror.

Eevee used a Quick attack and tried to break the straps, but simply bounced off. Clefable gave a scream before a pink flash was seen and it was gone. Eevee gave a yelp and I looked at Psymirror. A smirk crossed its face as it held up its want, a pink force inside of its crystal ball.

“Your Clefable’s in there” said the Gym Leader, purring.

“Not for long! Eevee! Double Edge that wand!” I commanded the brown fox.

Eevee leapt into battle at an amazing speed, knocking the wand from Psymirror’s hand at such a force it hit the concrete pillar and shattered. The psychic type simply collapsed as a pink flash revealed an unconscious Clefable. We both recalled our fainted Pokemon and got ready for this final bout as I brushed some hair out of my face.

“Elemimetal, Crystal Beam!” commanded Hollywood as his final Pokemon’s core on its chest began to glow, its crazed look illuminated by the power. Smeargle fired out his own Hyper Beam in retaliation, but it was dwarfed by the beam released by Elemimetal. The Blue, Black, Yellow and Red beam of intertwined coloured simply hit Smeargle, and sent it flying. It was already unconscious. It was about to hit a concrete pillar and I tried to recall it but I missed!

Phil’s Charizard took action as I tried the recall beam again and again. Charizard swooped into action, catching Smeargle with its large leathery wing and placing it down gently where I recalled it.

“Good work Smeargle, thanks Charizard. Go Eevee” I said. It was all up to my little foxy now. She gave me a wink and began to charge at Elemimetal, exhausted after using up such a huge amount of energy defeating Smeargle. Eevee was surrounded by a black glow as she sped up, leaping off of the ground she slammed into Elemimetal’s core, fracturing it. The multi-type Pokemon looked amazed before simply collapsing into the fog.
“Return” said Hollywood bitterly.

“I won Phil! I WON!” I shrieked, hugging Eevee as it squealed with job.


Back at the Pokemon Center, I ran up to Andrew with the great news. “I won!” I shrieked at him, but he just turned to me, his eyes all red and teary, it was obvious he’d been crying.

“Look you big crybaby, I won your badge, now lets go!” I said to my brother, giving him a hug to cheer him up.

“She was really great Andrew, she took down four of his Pokemon” complimented Phil while I stood there with a big grin holding onto the badge.

Andrew took the glittery zig-zag badge that said “80s” he looked at it and put it into his wallet. “I could get kicked out for this you know. Expelled.” He said, not even thanking me.

“Hello!? Where’s my thanks” I said to my brother.

“You don’t get one” he said simply, walking away.

“Hey!” I said, punching his back.

“Ow!” he cried before his voice turned menacingly cold. “I’m the trainer,” he said, pounding his chest, “You’re the sidekick,” he said pointing to Phil who gave a cry of objection, “And you’re the bratty sister” he said, pointing at me.

“Well if you’re that way I want my badge back you loser!” I yelled to him.

“I don’t want to be around you. Go home” he said again walking away.

“Stop right there you stupid idiot! My Pokemon went through hell to get you this badge and the least you can do is say thanks, but no, its all about you isn’t it.” I said ranting and raving.

“Damn straight, its about me. Not you. Me.”

“Well fine then, you be a dickhead, but I’ll get through. I’ll show you” I commented as he walked through the glass doors.

“Don’t worry Jess. We’ll sort this out later” said Phil, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Next Time on Electric Buggy To Victory

1) Our siblings go their seperate Ways
2) Two new teammates. Who are they?
3) Some More Bitchiness. Don't you love it ;)
4) A new face. :D
5) An old mate. Gasp!

Chris 2.1
10th March 2003, 12:44 PM
cool chapter, although the battle was slightly confusing! it was great, though. Hollywood rooled! He is really funny, and its ok about the Q&A!

Mew Trainer Rose
10th March 2003, 04:59 PM
wow, that sounds like an incredibly tacky gym, with the most messed-up pokemon ever. o_O
and that wasn't very nice of Andrew, was it?

5) An old mate. Gasp!
might you mean that trainer you mentioned to me in an IM a little while ago? who was in about 2 previous chapters and battled Andrew?

10th March 2003, 05:21 PM
Shiny Marril No, not your Q&A the OTHER SM - Silver Machop! lol! With his Q&A with the stars of Tyler and Magmar... ^^; Anywho the battle was confusing, I tried to keep the action going on all fronts, which I felt unless you were paying attention could easily confuse you. And Hollywood, lol, he's like scary, I don't like him. But he was fun to write ^^;

Mew Trainer Rose Shhh! Quiet you! But that Gym was wierd, with those Mime-elutions eh lol. And no, Andrew got all Pissy he lost against one of the Gym leader's Pokemon and Jess took down four. And that trainer Inxnay on the Shhhnay...

PeopleAny Q's for the characters?

Jessica: You people are so mean to me. I'm so going to start rumors about you now. Talk to me! I'm popular! Come on!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
22nd March 2003, 03:17 AM
Eehehehheheeh.......too lazy to ask any questions......

Anyways.....finally got around to reading this....my internet connection has been such a b**ch for the past few days... haven't been able to access TPM.....

Andrew was such an idiot....he didn't appreciate his sister's effort! Meanie.....

I liked Jessica's battle....it was cool......^_^ And those Mr. Mimes were freaky. There were several....grammatical errors here and there....maybe should try proofreading it again....

Besides that, great chapter....post the next one soon....

27th March 2003, 11:15 AM
Great chapter, this chapter was like a chapter from Electric Buggy to Victory. damn you took an idea that I was going to use for Oakbark's appearance in Skin Deep. Oh well.:D

Chris 2.1
30th March 2003, 03:32 AM
Jess? I got a question for ya

How come you never trained with any of your friends? I mean, you do have friends, am i right?

30th March 2003, 03:52 AM
Shiny Marril

Jessica FINALLY! Someone decides to ask a question. And Its me! Yay! I knew I was the most popular Character! Anyway I DO have friends Duh. What do you think I am. A loser? As if! And I did used to train with my friends at school. And well Steph and I used to battle, like her Whispmur and Mudkip against my Igglybuff and Cleffa a lot. That's how they evolved! Besides, my friends stopped wanting to train with my after I got invited to the A team of my school's Interschool Pokemon Battling. That was a lot of fun, but well we only went against other girl trainers. So yes, I did train and I have a lot of friends. Christina, Stephanie and Jamie being my closest. Thanks for asking!

Chris 2.1
30th March 2003, 04:10 AM
I kinda meant on a badge-spree lke Andrew. If you were so popular, how come you never went off with some friends? Oh, and its Whismur ;) ... what are they teaching you at school?!?

30th March 2003, 05:42 AM
Shiny Marril

Jessica- Oh boo frikkity hoo. So I got one letter wrong. Like that matters. And my friends couldn't come with me. Steph's my best friend, but her mum Beth is SOOOO tight! She said Steph needs to concentrate on her schoolwork. As if. Besides, we'd do it on the road or something! And well why would I want to enter the Pokemon League. You know its all rigged. Right? And the adbreaks! Its like SO BAD! And like I want to take on the freaky gyms. Hollywood was so freaky. So are you like all done with me now? Besides, I'm waiting for Andrew to crack and lose! Then I'm going to sell his loser Pokemon and keep the cute ones! Like Cyndaquil! Duh!

2nd April 2003, 04:27 PM
Keep asking those Questions people!

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 24 – Trapped, Captured And Evolved.
By OzAndrew


I felt the sweat accumulated around my body as I sat on the chair, bloodstains on my body. Not my blood, but the blood of my Pokemon at my research center. Slaughtered. Torchic, god knows what happened to it, it was probably dead too. I tried not to sob as I lent onto the cold glass. My wrists were a bright red after being tied to this wall for what seemed like an eternity.

I looked out into darkness from my cell. There was only a single video camera filming me. They were watching me. My every move in this prison, this hell. All I had to wonder was why. Why was I being held here, why had my Pokemon been slaughtered and why wasn’t I dead by now. I let out a tiny sob and put my head in my lap, trying to stop the tears. I couldn’t let them see me. I had to be strong. But it was so hard. With a small sigh I began to shudder, trying to hold in the pain. But it was too hard. Letting out a small gasp I began to sob, my tears soaking my dress. They were going to kill me. I knew it.

From the darkness a man approached, well dressed with a cold and methodical look on his face. “Hello Ms Tucker” he said rather coldly.

“LET ME OUT OF HERE! BASTARD!” I screamed, trying to pull myself from the restraints.

“No manners? How rude… I’m sorry, we’ll just have to leave you there a bit longer…” he said, a smile crossing his face

“PLEASE! PLEASE LET ME OUT OF HERE!” I began to beg, tears running down my face, I didn’t want to be strong anymore, I wanted to be safe, to be free.

”I’d like to… but I’m afraid I can’t Ms. Tucker” came he reply as he ran a hand through his greasy hair, slicking it back.

“Why… why am I here” I asked more softly, why had I been targeted… why was I prisoner... WHY!

Clearing his throat, he gave a motion towards the darkness as he stood next to the video camera. “You’re what we call… collateral my dear..”

“WHAT THE **** FOR!?” I screamed, losing it again.

“If you can’t control your dirty mouth Ms Tucker we’ll sew it up… but we believe this will be much more effective for your silence” he said as a trolley was wheeled forward. A young boy and a Slowpoke were bolted down to the steel trolleys. Unconscious. Why.. What was this all about? I saw another man inject something into them both before they woke up screaming.

“MUMMY! MUMMY! I WANT MY MUMMY!” screamed the little boy, trying to trash around on his cold steel platform. I placed my face in horror against the glass. They wouldn’t.. Kill them… would they? The boy began to scream and trying to move, but the suited man let go with a punch into his face, silencing him further before screams of pain echoed. Echoed everywhere. I could hear his screaming everywhere, around me, within me. Tears were streaming down his face as he tried to move.

“Well Ms Tucker, I’m afraid if you don’t keep your mouth shut, children are going to keep disappearing and being killed in front of your eyes. And after we’re done with this one, we have a girl and her Marril. And you’ve got front row seats. How lucky”

“Oh my god! Let them go you bastard! LET THEM GO! They have no part in this!” I screamed as the Slowpoke gave its own scream of pain as the other man plunged a metal rod into its large eye, fluids spluting everywhere. The businessman had a smirk on his face, watching all of this with glee.

“Well we will stop all of this my dear, when we have what we want?” he said simply. Turning to leave.

“You can have anything! My house, my research, my Pokemon! JUST LET THEM Go!” I screamed, slamming my face against the glass. The medical looking man gave the boy a cold smile and covered his mouth with electrical tape. The boy looked about six and terrified. The medic gave him another look before steadying his head with his hand, pulling out a razor blade and slicing his ear off in one swift action. The boy started to scream, blood oozing everywhere.

“Well we already have them. And you’re probably wondering why you’re still alive my dear…” he said, trailing off, before looking at the boy, as one would look at a piece of art.

“Why am I still alive then?” my pleas weren’t going to save these children… but why was I being spared…

“Ask your Boyfriend” he finished before being reabsorbed by the darkness.


I can’t believe Jessica won and I lost. Its bloody unbelievable I tell you! UN BE LEAVE ABLE! That Hollywood dude was like a total weirdo, but I’d lost to him. It was all really depressing. And even worse, he’d tried to hit on me. Like ew! If I were that way inclined it would be fine, but I’m not so it was totally wrong! I didn’t care if I’d annoyed Jessica or Phil. This was the worst day in my life. Losing in a Gym Battle. I’d lost a bit when training back in Hanlon town, like to that redhead kid who had the hots for Jess, and some other people. But my first Gym loss…

The sun started to go down as I headed for the park. I released Electabuzz as I sat on one of the swings; mosquitoes began to fly around, seeking my blood. I took some wild flaps at them before beginning to swing. Higher and higher, the blood in my head any my internal organs being thrust back and forward was exhilarating. Sure I was a bit too big, but it was a lot of fun.

Electabuzz was sitting on his swing, pushing himself back and forward, but not getting too far as I was swinging high above the park. I slowed down and put my joggers down to come to a complete stop next to Electabuzz. “Want to swing like me eh?” I asked my yellow friend.

“Buzz” he replied with a nod.

“Ok then, do what you were doing before, but when you’ve got a bit of momentum put your legs away when going back and push them out when you’re going forward. You’ll end up going faster and faster and higher and higher.” I said to him, as he gave a nod every now and then, before putting it into practice. I have to say, he picked it up very quickly. I released Mr. Mime and let him have my swing as I walked off into the park, ready to have a think.

I’d only really had one huge loss, and it was a Gym battle.. It wasn’t so bad. After all, it was the 6th Gym, not the 1st. I’d come a long way from the hairbrained Aquarium attack I’d actually won my badges through skill. Or the other persons lack of skill… Which wouldn’t make me as good as I thought to be, but still better than the other person, yet still not skilled... hold on.. I’m confused.

I walked over to the new Japanese Garden. It was quite pretty, they’d used crushed Quartz as mulch in the gardens and in the dark, and the moonlight glittered off of them like they were tiny diamonds. It would’ve been good if they were really diamonds, not quartz. I sat down and watched the water; some goldfish had been released in there. It all looked pretty new, and judging from the fish’s size, it’d had only been open a few weeks. You could tell by the goldfish in a water feature how old the feature was. In this shopping center, Garden City, there were like these HUGE goldfish on each side of the escalator. They were at least one foot long. They really didn’t deserve to be trapped in air-conditioned comfort for all eternity.

I released Starmie and Dragonair and let them swim in the water, enjoying their night paddle, and trying not to hurt the 3-second memoried creatures. I walked on a bit more and heard a crunching sound. It was really quite eerie; it was like someone eating cereal.. But at this time of night!? I released Mankey; it could defend me since almost all the others were elsewhere.

I heard the crunching from behind the bonsai collection as I walked over there quietly as not to disturb them. Maybe someone was stealing the quartz! To then melt down and use on inferior watches! I gave a “Shh” sound to Mankey to keep quiet, but he simply done it back to me. I gave him a slap on the head and he slapped me back to which I yelled out in pain.

The crunching stopped and I saw a small hunched figure run off and up a tree. It was a Pokemon! I could maybe catch it! I opened my Pokedex to try and scan it, but it was already too far away. “Get after it Mankey!” I commanded it pointing in the direction it went.

“Mank Ank Ey Mankey!” it said giving a fake sound of excitement.

“Just get it!” I yelled. Mankey gave a sigh and bolted towards the dark, maybe purplish figure. I had an idea for scanning it; Cyndaquil could bring some light to the situation. I released it and asked it to throw some light on the situation. Bringing the light up I was able to use the Pokedex.

Sableye – The Immunity Pokemon
This Pokemon has no weaknesses whatsoever. It comes out at night to feed on Rocks and other minerals. This Pokemon is of a Dark and Ghost combination so scientists say its nature is rooted in evil. They also claim it loves to frighten those with Psychic energies and feeds off its fear. While having no weaknesses, it isn’t exceptionally strong.

Reading this I heard a screech and looked up. Mankey came flying out of the tree and hit the ground with a thud. He gave a weak call before I recalled him and looked a Cyndaquil who backed away. “Please?” I asked her as she backed away further.

I heard the rough heavy breathing behind me before a rasping in my ears. “SABLEYE” I gave a heavy scream and turned around. A small little purple figure was in front of me and was reaching out towards me. “****!” I screamed and instinctively kicked at it, but my leg went right through it, and began to feel cold.
I gave another scream as Cyndaquil began to fire off a Flamethrower. I leapt out of the way as the purple figure’s jewel sapphire eyes glowed and the fire began to sweep around it, destroying the nice Japanese bonsai plants.

Cyndaquil let off her fire and we had a look at a slightly roasted, but still pretty much Ok Sableye. It once again reached out for me and I yelled to Cyndaquil, “Trap it with a Fire Spin or SOMETHING!” I hoped she knew that move yet, but in my opinion she was almost ready to evolve.

Sableye leapt out of the way, and gave a grin, showing a row of tiny pearly pointy teeth. However Cyndaquil watched it and released a tornado of fire, which swept around the Ghost and trapped it. The fire intensified as I heard its screams, which sounded like wind whistling through a crack.

I gave a cringe as the fire died down revealing a crispy yet not finger licking ghost. I pulled out a normal Pokeball and hurled it at Sableye, hitting the green gem on its back. It became a red silhouette and was sucked into the ball. It began to wobble before stopping with a click. I walked over and picked up the Pokeball. I’d caught Sableye. And I shuddered at the thought.

“Good work Cynda” I congratulated the fire mouse, but it was awfully dark and scary… And at least I’d gotten the scary creature that’d been here.


How God Damn Rude! After Andrew left I left my four battlers and went out taking with me Wartortle, Wigglytuff, Jynx and Chikorita. I needed to calm down; stressing made you look so much older quicker these days. I walked through this dead city and decided to call someone. I’d scored Andrew’s red Mobile, without him knowing of course and decided to give someone a ring. I tried Steph first, but hers was turned off, then Jamie’s and finally Christina’s.. all turned off. I gave a sigh and realized they were still in school.

I wondered who else I could ring… my cool cousin Oliva! She was like two weeks older than Andrew, and she’d quit school to work at City Beach, this surfie clothes store full time. Plus she had heaps of cash! She only had one Pokemon and it was like a Sentret or something, it was rather cute last time I saw it three years ago.

“Hey Olivia!” I said to her as she answered the phone.

“Hey Jess!” She replied. Olivia wasn’t the most talkative person, so it was an effort to keep a chat going on with her.

“Whatcha up to?” I asked, making small talk, trying to make the conversation right away.

“Just stocking the shelves with the latest winter gear, like these beanies that have devils horns on them, they’re so hot!” she replied, as I heard the clang of what I presumed coat hangers on metal racks.

“Wow that’s great! So like um anything else new?” I asked her, brushing my hair out of my face as I continued on my way.

“No, not really… Just wanting to take a holiday,” she said, giving a sigh.

“That’s nice! Andrew and I had a fight and he’s being a real jerk, you should come join us! Girl Power and all!” I asked her; we could gang up on him! Last time we did it was LOTS of fun!

“That idiot! That sounds like fun!” she replied

“Yeah, it is! So you gonna come down?” Having an ally would be cool, like old times, and it’d be like having one of my school friends with me!

“Mmm….. Well I gotta check with my boss first, I’m third in command here at this store! But if its all fine with him, sure!” she said a bit uncertain.

”Great Olivia! Talk to you soon!”

“Bye Jess!” and with that we hung up.

I continued on and found a new juice place – Boost Juice! It looked really cool and healthy! They made these smoothies with all natural, fat free and healthy fruits and veggies and made it yummy apparently. There was a large line up for them so I took my place. After a while I was finally served, I ordered a Berry Deluxe smoothie and paid. They soon called my name and I slurped down on my juice. Yummy! It was like a blast of cool refreshing fruit in my mouth!

It was starting to get dark out so I headed off to the shops, it was Thursday, late night shopping, and no-one was around it was really creepy. I decided to head home to the Pokemon center for a good nights sleep, I’d really just stormed out and left Phil there all alone, I wonder what he was up to.

I continued along and I heard a trash can rustle. I looked closer, from what I could remember at school, it was a Blissey! They were Ok, but they well were really fat.. They couldn’t help it, it was genetic, but Liposuction on Blisseys hadn’t been a success story so far. And the Blissey eating out of the trashcan wasn’t really appealing either. It wasn’t helping its weight problem. Fat dirty pink egg. It looked really desolate. I had an idea; I’d catch it and sell it! Or perhaps give it to some disadvantaged person… That’d be nice…

I threw out Chikorita’s Pokeball to face the fluffy, and if not dirty Pokemon. My cute Green Pokemon stared down her opponent and gave an angry growl “Chika!” she yelled before leaping into battle, the Blissey holding the trash can lid like a makeshift shield.

“Chikorita, use a Poison Powder!” I commanded her. Chikorita gave a nod and her leaf turned a deep purple before she swirled it around, releasing the poisonous attack at Blissey. Blissey held up the lid in some futile attempt, but it looked pretty defeated already. “Chikorita, follow up with a Vine Whip!” I told her as she extended her vines and began to lash the Pudgy Pink Pokemon who wailed in pain.

I threw a Pokeball at it but it hit the lid instead and simply fell to the ground, useless and probably now broken. “Chikorita, use a tackle attack!” I said, hopefully this would finish it off. The grass Pokemon picked up speed and rammed into the Blissey’s stomach, shattering its egg in a gooey mess.

It shrieked in pain as I threw a Pokeball at it, hitting it in its face as the Pokeball sucked it into its sphere. The Pokeball didn’t even wobble as it hit the ground with a click. I’d caught an undernourished, dirty, fat Blissey! All of a sudden Chikorita gave a cry of worry “CHIKORITA!” as she was covered in a brilliant white light. She began to get bigger and bigger and her leaf was growing steadily larger. I realized that she was evolving! After a few moments the glowing stopped and I looked at Chikorita, she was looking scared and gave a whisper “Bayleaf?”

“Wow! Congratulations!” I said, comforting the large grass Pokemon, she was a bit scared by the looks of it. I would be too if I evolved. With that I recalled Bayleaf and I headed home for a rest but not after handing it in to the lady to heal. I’d give it to some disadvantaged kid tomorrow.


The next morning Andrew came to my room. “Look Jessica, I’m sorry for getting upset at you,” he said calmly, sitting down.

“Don’t sit on my bed,” I said, gritting my teeth. After he’d been so mean to me I wasn’t accepting his apology!

“Look! I can’t deal with you, you little twit! I try to be nice and you go and be all Bitchy!” he yelled in my face. HOW DARE HE!

I stood back up and screamed in his face, “Well guess what, you’re not the hotshot anymore you idiot. Besides, you lost a match, go have cry! Get over it! Like we want to listen to your whining.” I screamed back.

There was a knock on the door as a crotchety old woman glared at us, “This isn’t some fighting match, so KEEP IT DOWN!” she screamed before slamming the door.

“*****” said Andrew and I at the same time and we gave a giggle. We got over that quickly and back to glaring, and the awkward silence.

Andrew gave a sigh and looked at me, “I think we need some time apart, being together 24/7 is just terrible ya know?”

“Mmmm….” I said mulling it over in my head… what was he getting at… he wasn’t trying to send me home was he!?

“So I’ve had a think and well… we need some time apart…” he said softly.

“Go on…” I was intrigued.

“Well um… I was thinking Phil and you could travel together to the next town one way and I’d get there another way.” He said even more quietly.

“COOL!” I yelled but quickly cringed. I didn’t want another yelling at from the nurse from hell.

“Wha!?” he said confused.

“That’s cool! I get to take the buggy and you can walk!” I said happily

“Wha!?” he repeated.

“Yeah, and you have to buy me a prepaid mobile too, just in case” I said with some blackmail.

“Wha… but…” he said, giving a sad puppy look.

“You have to, or else I’ll tell mum EVERYTHING” I said with menace now.

Andrew’s shoulders dropped and he glared at me. “Fine.”

I gave a cheer and stood up, “Woo!”

Andrew muttered at me, “Boarding school would’ve been better for you. Like Lapras Valley High”

“As if I’d go there!” I said to him, Lapras Valley was like a totally weird place, in the papers like people had died there weirdly. Not that I read the papers, but other nerds in my class did and they talked about it.

“Well I’ll start packing to leave, I need a headstart” he said, dejected.

“Don’t forget my mobile!” I said as he walked out grumbling.

“Yeah yeah, I’ll give it to you before I leave” he replied, looking dejected.

I was so going to have my own adventure now! Yay for me! Now where was Phil? I had to tell him this news.

Next Time On EBTV
1 - Jess's New Pokemon
2 - The cousin!
3 - Rose!
4 - We still don't find out anything much about Phil
5 - See Andrew try to walk a long distance!

The Time After That On EBTV
-The EBTV Spinoff Special
See various clips of alternative ways EBTV could have gone along with some characters getting their own fic! Its bound to be fun!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
3rd April 2003, 04:14 AM
Nice chapter......^^

Well...looks like Jessica and Andrew are going different ways.....

Poor Carly...=(......I wonder why they want her and/or Phil....

Chris 2.1
3rd April 2003, 09:31 AM
Definitely my fave Chapter! Sableye! whoo! Blissey, eh? Well, i didnt thing it suited Jess, but it does, so make her keep it! She has too many pink pokes...Wiggly, Cleff, Blissey...make them reinact the battle of the somme, and the winner can stay on Jess' team.

BAYLEEF! you know i've always wanted her to evolve! Yayayayayayayayayayay. Bayleef rox :). Oh, and i loved it how you descriebd Blissey as a fat egg :P

Ooooooh, the Phil and Carly thing is just soooo kewl! Its heating up (after some time) and is totally amazing. Ps: I'll remember those cliffhangers you told me about! Hmm...

all in all, this chapter rocks. Yay. Sableye. I wonder what its like?

3rd April 2003, 04:58 PM
Nice chappy, And Andrew, Jessica, you two have both a question coming your way!

Andrew:Why did you catch the Sableye if you're so afraid of it?

Jess:Why all that fashion?

3rd April 2003, 05:15 PM
HYPER! - Yeah, Jess and Andrew are going their own ways.. for a while lol! But well its not permanent I can assure you. *Looks at plan* From 3-6 Epis they're apart, but not out of contact. Yeah.. poor carly... *Pouts* I like her... but well Phil's got a large part to play...

Shiny Marril - What the! Favourite Chappie? Huh? This was one of my shortest! Only 8 pages :S Blissey ain't sticking around, Jessica's going all Good Samaritan and is goign to give it away. lol.. A good samaritan LOL!.... Yay well Bayleaf's evolved I wasn't too keen on its evolution but it has been through a fair bit. Yeah, the Phil and Carly thing IS heating up.. I'm thinking of throwing in a few more twists and turns... heheheh... And Sableye.... its personality you'll find out soon!

100 Fangy - Thanks for reading!

Andrew - Well I caught Sableye... *Shudders* But its really freaky, I guess I caught it because I know Ghost Types are cool and my Pokedex said it had a heap of immunities, plus I need some more Pokemon to bring my team total to ten... so I guess I did catch it... besides, if it tries to touch me, I am so trading or selling it!

Jessica - What do you mean? Fashion is life. Duh! Get with the program! Besides, fashion is an element of being cool! And you can't be cool without fashion. How many dirty hippies have been cool hey? Dirty dirty hippies. So like if you're a dirty hippy I am SO not ever talking to you again!

Mew Trainer Rose
3rd April 2003, 06:48 PM
Why would anyone let a Blissey go? (since i assume that's why its there, because they evolve by happiness, and it doesn't look like it'd get happy enough in the streets. :( )
Sableye? I'm not too familiar with that yet...(goes to look it up) um, according to this site, it's not the Immunity pokemon, but the Drakness pokemon: http://upn.dynup.net/pvg/games/rs/pokedex/068.shtml . And I've found that that site's generally pretty good.
Yay! next chap has the character I've been waiting for! :D And spinnoffs are always fun (remembers a Simpson's episode where they made up a couple spinoffs, like the "Simpson Family Smile Time Variety Hour" XD)

10th April 2003, 11:23 PM
Mew Trainer Rose - Jess ain't gonna let a Blissey go! She's going to sell/trade it away ^^ Smart girl she is. But Blissey's don't always have to evolve through happiness. *Shrugs* And the Sableye thing, I make up my own entries, its creative freedom :D Plus that site don't work :S I hope you all enjoy the next chappie!

Sableye Heheheh...

Mr. Mime Eep! *Runs away*

Chris 2.1
11th April 2003, 12:42 PM
Ok then! Phil: what were all of your old Pokemon? i was quite curious ever since you were introduced.

17th April 2003, 03:51 AM
Phil Well Shiny Marril, when I defeated the League they'd just introduced the 10 Pokemon rule. So I had my Charizard, Politoed, both of which I got back, Kadabra, Tyranitar, Sudowoodo, Stantler, Mightyena, Amphy, Medicharm and my Alteria. I hope they're all ok and enjoying their life somewhere, hopefully I can get some info about where they are. Oh well. My current team if you're interested is Charizard, Sunflora, Snorlax, Abra and Politoed. And Cydm. But Cydm's a secret. Ok.

And I'm about to start work on the next chapter, sorry about the delay but well I have no excuse. lol.

17th April 2003, 06:10 PM
To Jess-What do you mean fashion is life?Sure, I admit that fashion is an element of being cool but will fashion get you anywhere in life besides popularity?I don't think so.Also, I am not a dirty hippie.

22nd April 2003, 12:46 AM
One Hundred Fang Croconaw
Jess - Well Fashion is all about looking good, feeling good and knowing you look good. Fashion can take you places! Imagine I was a fashion designer, I couldn't get anywhere without having Fashion Sense! Plus people give jobs to more attractive people! How many people as Newsreaders are unfashionable? Sure there are a handful, bu they're just unpopular! And how do I know you're not a dirty hippy. But then again, there's a chance you could be cute! You never know...

Wigglytuff I certainly don't want to go on another shopping trip anytime in the future! Last time we went god, it was TORTURE!

Clefable You're telling me! It was horrible!

Chris 2.1
22nd April 2003, 03:41 AM
Andrew! andrew! I got a question. Are you planning on searching the world for that Lady with your Kabutops? Dragonair seems really annoying...Oh, and Cyndaquil: male or female? i'm sure i've seen references to both genders. MAYBE you have a secret compartment in your coat that ... *ramble ramble* and then when you ... *blabber*...........

22nd April 2003, 05:48 AM
Shiny Marril
Andrew - Well I don't have to search for that lady, I've got her number stored right here in my mobile *Searches*... I think its in here... Erk... its gone! Damn SIM CARD! Now I'm stuck with Dragonair FOREVER! NOOOOOO! I really should actively search for a trade with Dragonair...

Jess - I'll have it! I'll have it! I want it! ITS SOOO CUTE!

Andrew - Think again, I'm not trading you ANYTHING!

Jess - Well... well... I HATE YOU ANDREW!

Andrew - The feeling's mutual. Anyway Shiny Marril, Cyndaquil is DEFINATELY a girl, I don't know how often I've said it! But Cynda's a chick... perhaps in a slip of the tounge I've called her a him but you all stuff up sometimes.. Like this time I accidently called my teacher Mum... Perhaps I'd better list my Pokemon's Genders for you... and if you have one of those machines, go to um.. India and set up a clinic...

Mr. Mime - Male! Duh!
Squirtle - Male! Double DUH!
Elekid/Electabuzz - Male! Triple DUH!
Mankey - Male! Quadruple Duh!? Is that right?
Kabuto/Kabutops - Male! What's the one after 4? :S
Lickitung - Female!
Cyndaquil - Female!
Dragonair - Female! Godarnit I don't want this thing! I should EBay it...
Staryu/Starmie - I have no clue.
Sableye - *Shudders* I'm not checking! I'll get someone else to!

So yeah.. thanks for asking!

Jess - You didn't ask me! ASK ME![/b]

Andrew - *Rolls Eyes* Don't. You'll only make her evil stronger.

Jess - Who you calling evil!

Andrew - *Sighs* Nothing.. nothing at all...

Gavin Luper
26th April 2003, 04:27 AM
I told you so! I told you so!

See? I did catch up. It took like 45 minutes but I did it. So nyaaaa! Actually they were both very very good chapters. The gym one was so cool, the battle was one of the best and the descriptions of the Mimelutions was (Y).<--- (does that work?) Hollywood is very very very scary.

Chapter 24 was good too, stupid diseased Blissey, it probably has some nasty disease other than malnutrition and obesity. It's probably catching. Yuck.

So now I see ... they're going to split up for a short while. But what will happen in the meantime? Dum dum dum ...


Chris 2.1
26th April 2003, 05:50 AM
I WONDER if Cydm (is that right? or Cymd...Mydc etc etc) will be seen again? It'd be great seeing him socialise with all Jess' Pokies! They'd all pee their panties and run away ^_^

But yea...back on point, Olivia and Jess might scare phil...he should get in the Buggy and DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE!!! Hahahahahahahaha! *throws smoke bomb to the floor and runs*

Bayleef: So, what was it like evolving? do you like your new figure, so to speak?

26th April 2003, 06:16 AM
Jess can I ask you a question?
What was Lenina really like cos I don't think she was that threatining.

29th April 2003, 01:34 AM
Gavin Luper

Finally! Caught up did we! Thanks! I liked the Mime Gym too! I think I'd been going on about those Mimelutions for like EVER! LOL! Oh well, its all over now! I'm happy you liked the battle, I did too, but some people said it was confusing. And that Blissey is now gone! Read on! I can't wait for our next crossover :D

Shiny Marril

Cydm Socializing, what crack are you on? Olivia's quite slow... but pretty, but she's really rather... stupid.. but I can tell you next chapter we have Phil playing dressups! Lol! With the girls at City Beach...

Bayleef Hi. Well Shiny Marril.. evolving, I'm not an expert or anything, but well its... you suddenly realize a whole new part to yourself, and a lot more power, and that power takes you over. You can't feel anything, see anything or do anything because its all about the power. After it, you're like in a totally different body its really wierd. But right now I'm SCARED! I WANNA BE A CHIKORITA AGAIN! *Cries*



Well gee, I wasn't Lenina's best friend or anything , I think our arrangement was more like me being A HOSTAGE! DUR! Honestly, having some woman attack you outside in the dark isn't scary? You're telling me that being held at gunpoint isn't scary? You're telling me that witch who grazed my arm, almost killed my Chikorita and had a lot of scary powerful Pokemon wasn't scary. She was scary that's for sure. And stinky. And she had her shirt on backwards I was pretty sure. But yes, she WAS scary, honestly, what type of kidnapper isn't? How'd you feel if you were kidnapped Jon?

And well yea... that's about it! Here's the next chapter!

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 26 – Wheels, Airports and Confusion
By OzAndrew


Well thank God Andrew was gone; he’s went to head off to the next town on foot, Cronin Town or something. I’d leave the directing to Phil, he was smart, he’d know where to go! I sat atop the Buggy with Bayleef, trying to calm her down, she’d been blubbering non-stop for like three days now, she was scared of herself. Poor thing, I gave her head a rub as I opened a bottle of mineral water and let her drink it down. It was only then I noticed the buggy roof was bending under her weight! I tried to calm her down before recalling her… The longer spent out of a Pokeball and used to herself the better. I guess she had a bad body image… poor dear.

“Now Bayleef” I said soothingly as the roof gave a creak, “You know I love you, but I gotta recall you now or you’ll kill us” and with that she burst into a new stream of tears.. I recalled Bayleef and sighed. Right now I had that dirty scungy Blissey, I shouldn’t have let Seel say hello to it because now its got a large rash all over it, putting it out of commission for a while. I knew I shouldn’t have let them touch homeless things.

Phil was over in the park’s field with his Pokemon and most of mine, minus three and doing that cross training thing, trying to make sure they all learnt a wide range of moves. It seemed pretty interesting, and Wigglytuff and Clefable seemed to be great at mimicking moves and using them on a smaller scale. That Murkrow, I’d really have to keep it quiet, otherwise people would want them, I was lucky this Pokemon I caught wasn’t disgusting apart from a bit of grime and grit the groomers fixed up! And Jynx, she still looked good with her short blonde hair, long blue dress and elbow length white gloves. Smeargle was clearly the best, showing off all his moves, little Eevee was impressed with it that’s for sure.

I’d tried taking Blissey to a Charity, but they wouldn’t accept it on the grounds that it was far too grotty and would cost them too much to fix up. That was disappointing, I tried cleaning it up after covering my exposed skin and clothes with glad wrap and giving it a wash outside… with the hose.. and hospital strength disinfectant. We’re talking the stuff that burns your skin off here. But it still looked really ratty! Maybe if I could trade it to some unsuspecting loser I could …. WHAT THE!

The huge pink antennae, big eyes and wormy body… Oh ****. CYDM WAS BACK AND THAT MEANT LENINA WAS TOO! I looked over to Phil and screamed! That huge indestructible worm thing was back! “PHIL! HELP!” I screamed again, he looked perplexed and walked over to me, looking embarrassed. I didn’t care, I just saw CYDM! Which means there was like stalkers around! Why were stalkers always after me!? Sure I’m attractive… but …

“Phil Phil! OHMIGOD Did you just see did you just see!” I blathered on.

“See what?” he said calmly as Sunflora came next to him as well as Politoed, they gave a glance at me and turned back to their trainer.

“CYDM YOU IDIOT!” I screeched back at him.

“No.. you must be seeing things” he said, putting his hand to my forehead, I slapped it away with a scowl.

“I am not sick! Didn’t you just see it! Cydm! The worm of doom! From that ***** Lenina?” I pleaded with him but he gave me a dismissive look.

“Jess you’re probably dehydrated from lying out in this sun without drinking your water” he chastised me, but I held up the water bottle in retaliation. He shook his head and went back to the cross training. I knew I was right… I think…

I never wanted to be in that situation again, my arm still had a mark from the bullet and I’m sure there was lump where I’d been injected by psycho ***** of doom. And I’d been dirty, almost died, had my dress destroyed and suffocated. And to top it off Cydm. I so hate Lenina…. What happened to her again? Oh yeah, she hadn’t died; she was like under arrest ‘n stuff. Apparently we’d all have to meet again and give our testimonies at the court case in the future to keep that witch locked away forever. And she was really burnt too, so if she survived her 3rd degree burns she’d have a great time in jail. Stupid *****.

That Lisa girl was ok, but really naive and she seemed like SUCH a leech! She got that boy Gavin to pay for everything! Gavin was pretty hot but I wasn’t going to crack onto him, well it wasn’t the time and they had some weird Pokemon too. But overall I guess they were pretty nice and normal. No, that’s too lenient.. I’d have to think about it later.

Looking back at the field, Charizard and Politoed seemed to be sitting it out. It was evident their battling days were a while ago cause they didn’t have the same enthusiasm. Then my brand new mobile began to ring, it was a Nokia, I’d gotten a custom cover for it, silver with a pink star and a playboy bunny on it. And on the back it said in cool letters – Playboy Bunny. I looked at who was ringing, if it was a telemarketer, I would so abuse them, but it was like Olivia! She’d be bound to stick up for me!

“Hey Olivia!” I said perkily

“Hi Jess.. how did you know it was me?” she asked quizzically.

“Caller ID Olivia!” I replied.

She paused before continuing, “Well that’s really cool Jess… remember about that Holiday I was gonna take, well I was able to convince the boss to let me off for this week! I just like caught a plane down and I’m at the airport just outside Cook City, did you want to like come and meet up?”

“Sure thing Olivia! I’ll get everything packed up and we can like go! So like where will we meet?” I asked her, cause the last airport I went to we almost got lost thanks to mum.

“Um… I’ll find you!” she said, “Well I gotta go through customs so I’ll see you in a few hours! If all else fails I can sleep overnight in the hotel” she said as she hung up. There was like that SARS thing around and all the international people had to get checked up. It wasn’t cool but oh well.

“Hey Phil we’ve gotta go!” I yelled to him as he fumbled with his Pokeballs and hastily recalled his Pokemon and mine. He put mine back in my special Pokeball Handbag I’d scored, it had compartments for heaps of things! My mobile, Pokeballs, makeup and my purse. It was really cool! As soon as I got my Pokemon back I released Eevee, Smeargle, Wigglytuff, and Clefable to do their thing on the roof. Phil let his Politoed, Abra and Sunflora up there as well and with that we were off, myself at the wheel, it was a lot of fun!

4 Hours Later

”We’re going nowhere!” I screeched, pounding the steering wheel in frustration. Right now we were in industrial hell, it was cold and dark cars were all driving past and our little buggy wasn’t going anywhere fast.

“Phil, make it go faster!” I whined, pressing the acceleration to the floor.

“How do you suggest Jessica? Me getting out and making it lighter?” he drawled.

“Yea, ok, get out!” I said shoving his arm.

“How about no.” he said, pursing his lips.

“Well fine! How do you suggest we make this go faster?” I said, feeling a bit scared, it was really quite dark and scary and well I could hear the steelworks still going, with the clanging and screeching…

“I have no idea Jessica, the sooner we get there the better” he said, looking unhappy.

Suddenly I had a brainwave, Electabuzz! He like got us out of a fix like this before! He could like power us along to the airport super fast! But looking around, I just realized it was just Phil and I. No Electabuzz, no power.. but the cross training!

“Phil! Tell me which of these Pokemon can use Electric attacks!?” I asked him.

“None” he said simply.

“What about you cross training thingie?” I shot back.

“Well if you remember the first time we did it, Electabuzz was in trouble and when we did it today, he wasn’t here! Duh Jessica” he said, pissed off.

“Hey! Don’t speak to me like that!” I said, before giving him a well-deserved thump.

Suddenly there was this screech, “Did we run over anything?” and there was more of a clanging sound, metallic… “Drive! DRIVE!” I screeched as we chugged along seemingly slower.

It was about 9pm when we finally got to the airport, it was still humid, but chilly and we had to pay like fifteen dollars for parking! It was appalling! Phil and I hurried inside; the place was pretty empty, except for a group of tired Japanese tourists being hurried onto the plane. Their flags had been flown once too many, their camera clicked once too often and they were exhausted. Quite funny really.

I continued walking on and I was about to call Olivia who no doubt was enjoying her room by now when this girl walked into me, knocking my mobile out of my hand. “Hey you! Watch where you’re going!” I yelled at her as I bent to pick it up.

“Do.. I.. know you?” she asked curiously as she backed away.

“No. I don’t know you, now if you’ll excuse me!” she said, wearing a light blue tank top with a Japanese symbol on it and some long sporty pants they looked Adidas.

“Hold on.. I know you!” Chimed in Phil.

“Oh Puhleeez” I had to mutter, this shortish girl with brown hair we knew her. I don’t think I knew her, besides, it was dark out and I didn’t fancy driving alongside the highway in our slow-*** Buggy.

This girl stood uncomfortably around, rubbing her arm as it finally hit Phil, “Ah ha! Got it! You’re Rose! From the Goldsworthy City Tournament! You went against Andrew and like totally lost! I’m his friend and this is his little sister” he said a bit too enthusiastically as he put his hand on my shoulder.

Rose shifted around uncomfortably, “Well yeah…” she’d gotten her *** kicked by Andrew and his Pokemon! Hold on.. .MY POKEMON!

“So why are you here?” I snitted, if my Pokemon had beaten her with deadbeat Andrew at the helm, she mustn’t be too good.

“Well I’m just getting my new baby Poochyena” she said, waiting alone next to a turning carousel.

“Ah….” I said, waiting for her to expand.

“E-Bay. Aeroplane, Canada” she said simply.

“Oh that’s nice. We have to go now” I said and started to walk away.

“Hey Rose, what are you doing? Want to come with us?” asked Phil. WHAT THE!?

“What are you doing PHIL!” I hissed at him as Rose grabbed a small red carry case which came through the turnstile.

“Thanks guys! And to think I’d have to walk to Cronin Town alone! That is… where you’re headed right?” she continued, opening the cage to which a small grayish black dog emerged.

“We don’t really walk..” I said slowly.

“You’re giving me a lift! GREAT!” she went on, ecstatic, now thanks to Phil we were stuck with this girl. And I doubt she even knew my name.

“Well first we’re going to get Jessica’s cousin, Olivia and maybe spend a night here and then set off first thing in the morning. We have to meet Andrew back in Cronin town in a few days” he rambled on, telling this girl everything.

“Now if you’ll excuse me I have to find my cousin” I said as I walked as fast as possible across the carpet and dialed up Olivia on my mobile. Phil was in the background talking to Rose and they were getting to know that evil dark dog. It had really sharp pointy teeth. Bad puppy.

“Olivia! Olivia!” I hissed down the phone as she picked it up.

“Oh HI Jessica!” she said sounding very happy.

“Hi Olivia, where are you!?”

“I’m in the hotel. Remember I like told you” she said very slowly.

“How do I get there?” I asked a bit perplexed in this huge airport, we could be at the other side of the place for all I knew!

“Well um….ask someone. Ring me when you get here. Now like I have to go now .” she said slowly. Sometimes she could be so irritating and slow… but she was still cool! And she worked at City Beach! And she got money! I turned around to face Phil and that Rose girl and was instantly confronted.

“Hey Jess ready to trade!?” She asked, holding out a Pokeball.

“Wha!?” I said, confused.

“I talked her into trading Blissey for Mawille!” said Phil enthusiastically.

“Who said I wanted to trade it?” I asked with a sneer.

“Well you did Jessica, you know for the huge drive down here” said Phil, crossing his arms across his chest all matter of factly.

“Well… well” I said, stammering.

“Great! Lets go!” she said leading me to the Traveler’s PokeCenter.

At least I was getting rid of Blissey.


“Sableye! RETURN!” I screeched at my new Pokemon as it was recalled to its Pokeball. Sableye had like tried to kill Mimey and Starmie!

Here I was like introducing it to all my Pokemon and when I release Mr. Mime and Starmie it goes totally Psycho and tries to kill them! Mr Mime was nursing a possibly broken arm and some nasty deep gashes around his neck and Starmie had one of its purple limbs ripped off and covered in pointy bite wounds. “SORRY! I’ll get you help ASAP!” I said to them as I recalled them both.

Walking alone in the dark was really scary, and I didn’t like it. Especially along a deserted old road in the pitch black. I had a torch but well it didn’t light everything up. I had to walk to the next town and well walking really sucked. I should’ve been the one to take the buggy! I’d never felt more unfit in my life, every single step sent a surge of pain up my leg and spine. I didn’t want to walk anymore! I needed a Charizard!

I gave a whimper as the shell-shocked remainder of my team followed behind me. Mankey, Electabuzz, Cyndaquil and Dragonair. They made me feel a bit more safe walking around outside, after dark all alone! I had a think back to all of my other battles I’d had, I’d had a lot of losses back in my hometown when Mum was unwell, and probably the one that hurt most was Hollywood… But well… I really didn’t know…

I’d left my music with Jessica, I had my laptop with me, so that was kickass but carrying everything on my back was killing me! It was so heavy and going up hills I went backwards. Walking along at night was killing me, but I HAD to make it to the next town before the other two, then I could totally show them up.

I heard a squeal and looked down, Mankey was gone. How odd. It should be repeating me about now, “Mankey! MAKNEY!” I yelled out for him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a red knife… and it went for Cyndaquil. “LOOK OUT!” I yelled at Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil barely dodged as the knife sliced into Dragonair.

She gave a squeal as I ran over to pick up Cyndaquil and when I looked back, she was gone. “Electabuzz! Do Something!” I yelled at him.

“Buzz” he replied, clutching at a large slice wound on his leg and blood began to pour out rapidly. “Return!” I said recalling him, that’d stop his bleeding for a while.

”****” This wasn’t good, two of my Pokemon gone, three out of action, one a psycho killer and Cyndaquil the only one left. I saw a hub cap or something on the side of the road and grabbed it in a futile bit of self defense. Shining my flashlight into the bushes I saw some rustling. “Flamethrower Cyndaquil!” I told her.

Instantaneously she released a wave of fire, scorching the ground around us. Suddenly I remembered it was summer and well.. bush fire season. I didn’t want to go to Jail. I’d have to be careful. “Cyndaquil, find it with a Swift Attack!”

The yellowy glow around her turned into a wave of small stars that found its target with an angry hiss “Seviper!” came the call. I tried to see it, but it was too dark to actually recognize anything. Cyndaquil stood by my side as the huge snake lunged out at me! I wasn’t going to do a whole Steve Irwin thing! I wasn’t that stupid. “Cynda! You fend it off while I find the others!” I yelled at her, taking off into the bush. A large truck came past with its lights on full blare enabling me to see something.

Rifling around I caught a glimpse of Dragonair’s blue body. I recalled her and began looking for Mankey. I heard a sound, hopefully it wasn’t another Seviper. Taking a look around I saw a glimpse of Cyndaquil trying to keep it away, but it was closing in on her as she tired. I had to find Mankey and fast.

I saw Mankey, its fur and fuzz was bloodied and matted, and it wasn’t moving. It couldn’t be dead… I didn’t have time to check, “Return!” I said as the beam scooped him back into his Pokeball. I breathed a sigh of relief as Mankey was recalled, that meant he was still alive. Now I had to get out of here.

“Cyndaquil! We’ve gotta go!” I yelled to her, as I began to run. I was so tired, I don’t think I was going anywhere. I looked for some sign of a car coming, they could help us get out of us. Cyndaquil was trying to keep Seviper at bay with flamethrowers, but the snake was dodging each and every attack, its black, gold and purple body moving fluidly.

Seviper’s red fangs gave a sparkle as it leapt for Cyndaquil, Cynda was exhausted so I threw the hub-cap right at Seviper. It didn’t see that one coming! I gave a cheer as it tried to recollect its thoughts, but by then it was swept up in fire. And followed up with a good strong head butt. Fainting it!

“Great work Cyndaquil!” I commended her as she gave a cheer and we walked onto the road. Cyndaquil began to glow with light, she was evolving! Her body began to get larger, stockier and a lot more powerful. “Congrats Cyndaquil!” I said to her, as I realized she wasn’t Cyndaquil anymore, but Quilava!

Suddenly Seviper gave another lunge towards us! Right into a the wheels of a family car. Ew, its body was ripped apart and blood sprayed everywhere as the van halted to a stop. The Seviper was dead! Yay!

I recalled Quilava, I needed to get out of here ASAP, my team needed help! The door opened and a middle aged woman opened the door, “OH MY GOD! I KILLED YOUR POKEMON! I’M SO SORRY!” She babbled, holding my shoulder… I decided to play along, and gave a sniffle. I could perhaps get to the next town faster! I looked at the family van, it seemed full, but it was better than walking. I gave another sniffle and off we went.

Next Time If I remember!

- Phil and the girls play dressups
- Andrew goes to the next gym
- The beginning of the end for the Phil/Carly thing
- A 3 Way Bitchfight!
- Nothing else really...

Gavin Luper
29th April 2003, 02:06 AM
Hey Oz! I read that one a lot quicker that time. Really cool chapter, I really liked the end bit where Andrew got attacked by that Seviper (though I have no idea what it looks like). No reason really, but Mankey didn't really deserve to die. Maybe it's not dead.

And Cyndaquil evolved! YAY! I ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS GOING TO EVOLVE (in fact, I thought it had evolved already at one stage lol).

Why the hell did Phil pick Rose up to tag along with them. She's annoying, she's just a blob and doesn't do anything. Hopefully Olivia is a helluva lot more fun and interesting.

Great chapter!

Chris 2.1
29th April 2003, 11:03 AM
Great chapter! Seviper, eh? ;) Lol. I thought Oz would catch it! But its too evill, like Sableye. At least I know ONE Pokemon Andy's gonna catch! I also thought I knew a 2nd, but i have my doubts if you're going ahead with that.

Mawile for Jess? kewl! I wodner why Rose wants such a tatty blissey...maybe she's trying to be a nurse or just has low standards :-p

Andrew has a ride! Man, Seviper really caused Hell. Glad Cynda evolved, i've been waiting AGES! hehe. I thought she'd evolve at Rancher Gym. Oh well. Wonder who the nice people are? a Dragonair-trader, perhaps? *smirk*

ps: Check out my sig! It's T.H.E team! :) They're doing nicely, although Pineco is a pain to raise >_< I taught him sweet scent and headbutt to help :P and then he learend take down >___<;;

Oh well. KEEP IT UP!

29th April 2003, 05:57 PM
Wow who woulda thought that Andrew would be attacked by a Seviper? Or it would be torn apart by a car?

As I said on AIM, nice fic. Man I was wishing you would finish the litte PhilCydm part in the rest of the chapter. Oh well, at least Cydm is ALMOST revealed~_~.

Hyperness is a Good Thing
30th April 2003, 10:44 AM
XD Andrew playing the crybaby.......Coooool..smart move I have to say.....

Wow....Sableye is dangerous.....@_@ Injuring the other Pokemon like that...

Ooooooh....Jessica doesn't seem to like Rose....will that be the catfight mentioned?

Mew Trainer Rose
30th April 2003, 01:45 PM
Eee! The character with the same name as me is back! and with a cute Houndour puppy. Awww...*huggs puppy, then nearly gets her ear bitten off*

Sableye must hate psychics or something. must be the dark/ghost mix. Seviper's almost as evil, isn't it? It's a good pokemon in the game, tho. I hope Seviper didn't know Poison Tail, or Andrew'll have to make sure his pokemon aren't poisoned as wll as slashed up. I love that move...

1st May 2003, 07:43 PM
Pant... gasp... wheeze... finally caught up! You mkae really long chapters, OzAndrew! But that's part of the fun of reading it!

I bet Phil didn't tell Rose about Blissey's hygenic state! Lying cheat! And what about Cydm? Wha's he going to use them for? Well, I'm sure he wouldn't answer that question, but I've got a boatload of others for your characters!

Phil: What do you like most about Carly? Why is it that you love her so much?

Andrew: Why do you treat your sister so meanly? I probably wouldn't understand, being an only child, so fill me in! And which one of your Pokemon would you say is your favorite?

Jessica: Why do you treat your brother so meanly? I probably wouldn't understand, being an only child, so fill me in! How did you feel about the Pizza Hut incident? And do you have any fashion advice for me?

Mr. Mime: What did you feel like when you saw all those evolutions of yourself? Were you upset when Andrew didn't use you to battle?

Bayleef: Congratulations! How does it feel to be evolved? Do you like your new power? And has your personality changed any?

Quilava: Congrats to you too! How did it feel going head-to-head with Seviper? Were you scared? And how does your new strength feel? Has it changed you in any ways other than physically?

Sableye: Why are you so mean to Andrew's Pokemon, specifically Starmie and Mr. Mime? And why were you in that area when Andrew caught you? Do you have a grudge against him for doing that?

Cydm: If you can answer my questions, please do! How does it feel to have the traits of four different Pokemon? Do you have multiple personalities? Are you upset with your existence? Do you feel like you have a purpose in life? And do you have any idea about Phil's plans?

Lenina: Why are you such a psychopath? Were you abused as a child or something? What made you want to join Team Rocket? Why did you combine four different Pokemon? And where did you get all of your Pokemon?

Hmm... I've got a new thing to add to my sig! "Killer of all Q & A's" ... meh, nah. Anyway, reply when you can, OzAndrew! Oops, I mean, EBTV characters! ;)

3rd May 2003, 05:29 AM
Woah! Heapsa replies *Shocked* :o

Gavin Luper Thanks for reading! I'd consider this one of my lamer chapters IMO And don't worry! Mankey ain't dead! Just critically injured. In my fics when a Pokemon dies it can't be recalled. And Indeed! Cynda did evolve, it was high time for her, and well I was going to push it back another 6 chapters... And Phil choosing Rose... there's a reason behind it all... really :D And Olivia's just really stupid... and even more selfish.

Shiny Marril Heh Andrew was perhaps going to catch it but the initial shock of it, the fact it was torn apart by the car and Cynda's evolution kidna meant he forgot about it all. Adn yeah next chappie Jess will have Mawille, and Rose doesn't know how skanky Blissey is! Not until she opens the Pokeball :D And the nice people well its a mother driving, a dad and the back is shoved in with like 13 kids. They're part of a wacky religion. And Dragonair Traders eh... well don't worry things are planned for that little draggy. And your team, seems well rounded, but Pineco really needs some Tms to help him out liek Giga Drain IMO.

Sneasel Reborned Heh, I had a hard time picking the attacker, most of the new RS pokemon are really lame. And we have a big part of teh Phil/Carly thing revealed next chapter... or not... Its still undecided. Thanks for readin!

HYPER! Indeed, Andrew can act his way out of a paper bag! And Sableye went totally psycho on Mr. Mime and Starmie. But we also have a 3 way battle next chapter... Rose vs Olivia vs Jess. Thankies for reading and replying!

Mew Trainer Rose INdeed, you're back! And you don't have a houndour puppy, but a poochyena Pup :D And you're on the money regarding Sableye! And well some of Andrew's Pokemon are poisoned but they'll live!

Mr. Pikachu Heh! Welcome aboard! Yeah, I do like to make my fic chapters long :D Indeed, Phil didn't tell her about Blissey's dirty state! And CYDM is well just waiting to be revealed... Now time for ALL YOUR QUESTIONS! *Dies*

Phil - Well the thing I like most about her is her mix of brains and looks. Well I love Carly cause she's hot, smart and she and I get on really well plus well she likes me and we're childhood sweethearts you could say. There was this one time, on the beach....

Andrew - Well since you're an only child you don't know how INVASIVE younger siblings are, they seem to get away with everything, they take your money, your things and for some reason my shoes and act all innocent. And then they've got that whole "I'm the youngest" act going on so they get more presents. Its really crap. If you have one you know about it. Any my favourite Pokemon... well I'd say Mr. Mime for his loyalty, Lickitung for her shyness same with Quilava. Electabuzz is cool and I've had him since he was a baby... The rest I'm not fussed on too much. Don't get me wrong, I care for them, I'm just not their best mates.

Jessica I'm not mean to Andrew! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! He's like my older brother, and he's nasty to me so I'm nasty to him! That and well he's totally uncool. But well.. I like to keep up this appearance of queen *****, it gives me respect. And Pizza Hut! I so rang them up when I was sick and they gave me 100 dollars compensation, sure Andrew paid for it cause it was his victory, but it was my Pokemon that won for him! And fashion advice... well tell me what you wear, what you look like and I'll help you out! Cause you need to choose what suits you!

Mr. Mime Well I never saw the Mimelutions as Andrew coined them, but he let me look at them in my Pokedex. They seemed really quite scary and freaky. I don't want to lose myself and become a total freak. And I'm not upset about not battling, I know he tries to make the best decisions about us battling all the time, although I'm still pissed at him for making me go against Steelix in that disco! That hurt!

Bayleef Thanks... but I'm not too sure about being Evolved. Its scary.. I'm not fond of it! I want to be cute little Chikorita again! Sure I'm bigger and more powerful, but its not just for me, I can never be picked up and cuddled again and I'm going to be expected to battle harded and plus I'm not as cute to other pokemon. And my personality hasn't changed, only my body :(

Quilava - Thanks! Being evolved is great! Now I can totally hurt bad people more! Going against Seviper was really scary, he'd like totally hurt all my other friends! Like Electabuzz! That made me really quite angry, but I got that seviper back. But I don't think it deserved to die. And well if I've changed you'll tell me right! YAY!

Sableye - Nasssty Pssssychicsssss... I want their energy... heheehehehe.... Niicccceeee pssssychic energiess... heheheheh... I'll not hurt him... for the moment... as long as he keeps my food coming and lets me "play" with the nice Psychics for a while... hehehehehe...

CYDM - *Author pops in * Well if you remember CYDM can't think only obey commands as pointed out in the Crossover! Without his human componant its really nothing more than an overpowered worm.

Lenina - How dare you call me a psychopath! I'm A GENIUS! I'm creating a new era of Pokemon! Its not my fault the primative world cannot understand that. My parents did not understand me either, but they're dead now. They paid for their ignorance. And who said anything about joining Team Rocket! I'm not part of any group! But I was given money from anonymous donars to further my research. And I combined four different Pokemon because I could. Who else with my genetic knowledge could've done such a thing? All of my Pokemon were genetically altered from their parents and they contained the strongest traits of their species while remaining loyal to me! I'm a genius I tell you and when I get out of here I'm going to prove it to everyone!

Me You're evil! Thanks for reading!

Sailor Scorpio
3rd May 2003, 05:40 AM
I just caught up and read thw hole thing. Oz man this is a way coolies mad fic badly keep it. Also if you want you can call me Rob. Sorry for repeating but this is a major cool fic

Mew Trainer Rose
3rd May 2003, 06:14 AM
Did I say Houndour pup? *looks back* Gah, I did. I knew full well that it was a Poochyena, I have no idea why I typed Houndour. Meh.

3rd May 2003, 06:20 AM
After escaping the fic Skin Deep, evil ***** Madame Dussane has a question for Lenina.

Where do you get your frickin evilness, I mean I went to evil school then joined Team Rocket (then I was fired but that's another story) and I haven't even create my own pokemon. Also how do you feel being being defeated by two girls and two guys?cos I was pissed off when I was defeated by Leah, Annie and Jon. and one more thing, I am more evil than you so beat it sister!

Chris 2.1
4th May 2003, 09:58 AM
Ozz! I taught Pineco some pantsies moves, he has Headbutt and Sweet Scent and some more! I took down Chuck with JUST Phanpy. I need to check their evolution levels :)

18th May 2003, 03:09 PM
So, if everyone likes this fic, why hasn't there been a post here for over 2 weeks?

Well... better start a reply for the whole fic.

Where'd the hub-cap come from that took out the snake?
Why is Jessica such a *****? Andrew could easily take all his stuff on the buggy and dump her anyway. He could also get a new "mobile". He lets her take advantage of him way too often. If I was Andrew, she wouldn't be able to take charge of me. Violence does solve everything.

I also think it's very mean to make Jessica stronger then Andrew. And making a character loosely based(I believe because of the same name) such a dope kinda stupid. You make him seem like Ash Ketchum, just with a lot less luck.

I dunno, I forget everthing else I would comment on...

1st June 2003, 08:14 AM
Sailor Scorpio - Thanks for reading dude, seems you liked it eh? Lol.

Rosey of the Mew Trainers Meh, oh well, I screw up too ^^; lol. Enjoy! Plot twist!

Lenina *Police Step In* We're sorry, you can't communicate with unconvicted criminals unless you're their lawyers I'm afraid. You'll have to wait until after the court hearing.

Shiny Heh! Finished the game yet? I'm currently on a 35 mission. I'm training up a lot of different pokies to lv 35 and then dumping them.

Otto I dunno :\
The hubcap was on the side of the road, if you walk along the roads here you can occasionally find em. Jess is such a ***** because she can be to get her own way. Andrew doesn't ditch her cause if he does, he'll have to go back to school and get in lots of trouble. Young siblings are evil. Jess ain't stronger than Andrew either. So :P lol and the character is NOT based on Ash! I HATE ASH! LOL! Thanks for reading...

ANd here is a new chappie finally! lol! After like EVER! And there may be another crossover with gavin next chapter, as yet unconfirmed.

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 27 – Dressups, A Pedophile and Cults.
By OzAndrew


I was sitting in a family van, overflowing with people; it was like some drug shipment on board. I was curled up in a ball on the floor, all my Pokemon had been taken out by that rather nasty Seviper who’d met its end through the wheels of this van. All but Quilava who’d gone and evolved! While my Pokemon were in their balls I’d put them in Stasis Lock, effectively halting their injuries and recovery. It was a rather calming effect.

Meanwhile the people all around me who talking about their group, they were apparently off to the next town to start off recruiting people. They were going on and on about their leader and how great he was and how when they die they’re going to a new life in a new body in Langsvounce. It was rather annoying and whenever they looked at me, I gave a quick nod and kept my face to the ground. They were true and utter nutters. The dust in the mini van was awful too, good thing I didn’t have asthma like Jessica or else I’d be rather screwed.

“So would you like to join our calling Brother!” they asked me and all of a sudden all their eyes were trained on me. I was getting a free ride, so what exactly could I say…

“Of course! I’d love to join your… Calling Group…” they sounded like telemarketers.

The van buzzed with excitement, annoying one of the few small children who began to scream, and of course, when it rains it pours, starting off ALL of the little hellspawn off screeching their lungs out. Taking in another breath, the dust was near unbearable, but soon we’d be to the next town and not a moment too soon. I’d soon be out of here, have healed Pokemon, and be kicking the *** of the next Gym Leader.

So far I had my Ground Gym and Fighting Gym badges (A cool piece of Amber and small gold pen respectively), the Techno Gym (That freaky badge with the face of Bill Gates), The whip from the Farm place, the Shiny Gym (The tiny shiny TV) and the Mime Gym (That glittery badge that said ‘80’s’)! Only 2 more Gyms and I’m outta there and on my way to fame and fortune if I can win the League. If not, I can get some product endorsement job and get cash from that.

And I’m out of school for a while, which is a relief, no more constant assignment stress and the freedom and cash to go where I want when I want. Sure it was dangerous, but what isn’t these days. At least soon I’d be outta here and ready for my next challenge. And away from my blackmailing sister, that’s for sure.


What. The. Hell.

This was pure hell! 4 people. 1 Buggy = Not Much Speed! Why’d that damn Phil have to bring Rose along! She’s such a blob! All she does is talk Pokemon with Phil. Yappy yappy this, yappy yappy that. Oh my Ralts! Yappy Yappy Yappy.

It was so annoying, and Olivia’s not a smart cookie… but we both sat on the roof, talking about the latest fashions. Ever since the war, cargos were back in as were much more earthy colours! I don’t care what it was about, something to do with oil, I don’t keep aware of that crap, unless its about me, I don’t care.

“So Olivia, what’s new at City Beach?” I asked her as I took a swig out of my Powerpuff Girls water bottle.

“Um.. I don’t know… I’d have to be in there to have a look” she drawled back.

“But you like work there full time…” I countered.

“Well… I don’t know! There are lots of nice things there…”

“So where are all your clothes then Olivia?” I asked, she had come with nothing but a handbag containing some makeup and a few credit cards.

“Well, I didn’t need to bring anything, and carrying bags is so hard that it hurts my shoulder” she whined, so true I have to carry things at times, but it helped make me fit!

“So like is that all you’re going to wear Olivia? For however long you’re here with us?” I asked her. I hope I didn’t have to lend her clothes. Especially my clothes. That reminded me, we needed to stop at a Laundromat soon, so I could wash all of my clothes. After today’s set, tomorrow’s set, and the day after tomorrow, there would only be 1 set left!

We seemed to be driving through the suburbs at the moment, no more manure trucks to be stuck behind, petrol fumes to be doused with and stinky livestock carriers. The kids outside were looking at us weirdly. I know we weren’t at the next town already; it’d been so quick. We’d obviously come to another place on the way there. I think, at least I wasn’t in charge because then I wouldn’t take blame if something happened.

Rose and Phil continued to chatter on like a pair of old friends and Olivia was quiet as always we drove past another corner store as Olivia began to pat the top of the buggy “Stop! Stop! There’s a City Beach store!” she yelled out.

Phil slammed on the breaks and drove into the store, “Why do you need to go there Olivia?” he asked. I was just as confused as he.

“I need some clothes!” she said, daintily hopping off. Olivia was so cool she had a tan and everything!

I followed Olivia in, Rose and Phil stood by the entrance of the store, peering in. We went through all the clothes, trying everything on, and Olivia looked like she hadn’t seen some of the clothes before. But she like worked with them every day, it was seriously weird I tell you. I was going to release Jynx and perhaps get her out of that blue dress and perhaps into a bit more summery and now seemed like the time to do it. With a flash she appeared and that blue dress was looking a bit dirty by now, she’d had it a while and it had a few rips and tears here and there. I went through the racks, the cool music from FatBoySlim pumping through the store as Jynx followed behind me.

I took a glance outside and Rose was moddycoddling her new Poochyena, and it affectionately licked her ear. I had to admit, it was kinda cool but then Jynx popped up and showed me a T-Shirt. “Barbie is a ****” I said aloud and looked at her “No.” and with that she put it away. We wanted Hawaiian kind of feel for summer, I grabbed a cool dress, it was a red and yellowish swirl pattern with Billabong written on the side. And to go with that.. perhaps a simple white T-Shirt. And some sandles and a necklace to go with it!

I picked it all out and sent Jynx into the Dressing Room, she soon came out looking quite stylish and ready for summer. Nice! I paid for her as Phil stood impatiently outside with his Politoed. That gave me an idea! “Phil! Come in here! We’ll make you over!” I yelled to him as he gave a face and ran off into the shop next door. If I remembered properly it was a pet store.

“Jessica! Can you believe City Beach has all these cool clothes!” exclaimed Olivia, holding up a denim skirt with lace patches, exactly like the one she was wearing.

I just stared as she sincerely said, “Well did you!?”

Every day at work must be an adventure for that girl. I grabbed myself a nice pair of ¾ cargo pants with lots of cool pockets, a nice new necklace and watch and I looked at the shirt Jynx picked out earlier… It was kinda cool… so I bought it! Barbie IS a ****! Olivia grabbed all her clothes, like 6 bags worth of stuff, I don’t even think she tried it all on and we went back to the buggy.

Rose was there with her Meowth and Poochyena and looked at us both expectantly. “Hey guys! Now you’re done! I was talking to Phil and he thought it’d be a good idea if we had a 3-way battle! Cause I was going to go for the league too.”

“Mmmm… well we’d like to but we can’t.” I said simply and brushed past her.

Oliva walked next to me and moaned “These BAGS ARE SO HEAVY!” And we’d only walked like 10 meters with them.

Phil popped up too, “Come on Jess, I’ll pay for whoever’s dinner if they win. Their choice of place” he said enticingly… it was a good deal. And I could totally kick their asses.

“Fine! I will, but carry my Pokeball for me Phil! Its SO HEAVY” Moaned Olivia, handing her Sentret to the perplexed man.

“So the carpark sound good?” asked Rose.

“Whatever, but drive me there. I’m tired” whined Oliva.

And with that we were off, to the secluded loading area of the shopping center. It was a bit cloudy out but that was no worry. We soon came to a halt and we all got out. Rose seemed eager to battle and her Meowth was close behind. The dark dog I presumed had been recalled.

We all stood next to one another and in the distance I noticed this woman, with a mobile she just seemed to be standing and watching us. How weird. And Phil was perving on her. Typical. Rose started the battle as her cat leapt onto the asphalt. I threw out my new steel type, Mawille, and a small yellow feminine figure with a red eyes, and a large gray Venus fly trap on its head appeared. “Hey Mawille, you look good!” I encouraged her as she blushed. Sure it wasn’t the best-looking Pokemon, but it seemed strong.

“Damn Blissey” Spat Rose. Heh. No doubt she’d now realized how bad it was.

Olivia whined at Phil to throw out her Pokeball and in the familiar flash, a Sentret appeared. “Sen-Tret!” it chirped. It was sure cute!

“Mawille! Start off with some Fake Tears!” according to this pamphlet I picked up, it not only lulled the opponent into feeling sorry for Mawille, but also their defence would be lower! Awesome move!

“Ollie, stop it with a screech!” countered Rose.

Oliva stood there and looked uncomfortable as Phil asked, “So.. have you ever battled before?”

“No. Why would I?” asked Olivia.

Phil looked a bit dumbstruck, it was one of those questions that had to have a lot of thought put into them. But Oliva just went and sat on the buggy and said with a shrug “Its too much effort anyway”

Mawille began to start sniffling, and tears soon streamed down her face as Ollie felt a bit off put by his expression, but Rose cleared her throat and the kitty started screeching away. Sentret covered its ears and rolled up into a ball obviously to stop the screeching from hurting its delicate ears.

“Mawille Crunch it!” I screamed over the sound and Mawille’s large bangs swung from side to side as she ran over to Ollie, clanging all the way as her giant gray clap trap swung from side to side and her red eyes still had a few tears in them.

“Ollie! Keep it away with a thunderbolt!” defended Rose as Sentret bounded around and began to rub against her leg.

Ollie however was a bit hesitant as was Mawille about actively hurting their former teammates when it came to actively hurting one another, they were both pretty torn up about it. Sentret however bounded over and waved a hello as it bounded around, looking at shopping dockets on the ground and sniffing various plants in the gardens and threw some of the mulch around.

Ollie and Mawille both seemed to click and grinned at Sentret who’d found a head of lettuce decaying. Needless to say, Phil took the initiative and quickly recalled the poor thing after it’d almost been electrocuted and bitten to death. Olivia didn’t even care! She was far too busy looking at her new clothes, poor squirrelly thingy, it didn’t deserve to be ripped apart so viciously.

“Ollie! Plan Alpha!” said Rose. Honestly, who has plans its really pathetic. But none-the-less I had to counter it.

“Ok Mawille, you took out Sentret… good work… now take out Ollie! Crunch it!”

They both just kind of stood there again, they were friends and obviously didn’t want to battle…

Suddenly a man with a large gut came over to me, he looked like he was the security guard of the shopping center! I quickly recalled Mawille as Rose recalled Meowth and we stood expectantly. Phil quickly moved towards Rose as I heard him mumble, “Quick, come with me” and with that he pulled her away.

The man was sweating a lot, ew. Looked like tubby didn’t get out much.

“Excuse me young ladies” he said wiping his head with his arm as a torrent of sweat ran down his face. Sure it was summer, But EW! “I’ve seen you battling here on these grounds, that is illegal and I’m going to have to report you to the authorities” he said with a degree of glee. He looked really sickening, this time he wiped his face with his somewhat dirty tie, it had a tomato sauce stain on it, and the bottom of his shirt was undone so we could see his disgusting gut.

“Ok we’re sorry, can we go?” I said quickly, moving away as I saw that woman with the mobile quickly go into the nearby shop, I’m sure it was her who called slobby on us.

“Oh I’m afraid its more serious than that, I’m afraid if you want to stay out of trouble, you’ll have to do me a favor” he said, rubbing his hands and staring at me like I was his next roast dinner.

“What type of favor?” I asked, getting into the buggy, Olivia was flicking through a magazine, not fussed at all. She really should take more notice of the world around her.

“Well men have… needs” he said, putting his hands in his pocket. What was going on?

At this moment Olivia picked up, “OH MY ****ING GOD! YOU DIRTY PAEDOPHILE! You won’t rape us! I’ve got my mobile and I’ll ring people who’ll beat you up! Like my brother! He does boxing! QUICK JESS GO!” she screeched as I sat open mouthed and shocked. Ew, he DID look like a sexual predator, we’d been warned all about them in school.

I put my foot to the pedal of the buggy as it gave a slight hum and took off incredibly slowly, but still fast enough to outpace fatty pedophile. A black car pulled out of no-where as the buggy slammed into it with a hollow thud, I looked back and the wierdo was gone thank god.

But a well dressed and HOT man stepped out of the car, and flashed a grin at me, “Jessica Hall I presume”

Oooh! Wow! HE WAS SO HOT!


So basically, I’m in a Pokemon center, minding my own business, filling out forms to say I’d legally obtained the badges, one of which I hadn’t, and updating my profile when this snotty little kid comes up to me. “I will beat you Evil Team Rocket!” He said and pointed at me.

“Huh..” I said, trying to brush him off and now he’d challenged me to a battle outside the center. He looked oddly familiar in jeans, green gloves, black shirt and a blue jacket and a red cap with some weird symbol on the front. And to top it off, he had a yellow piece of fluff on his shoulder. But the kid itself had a snotty nose and wouldn’t stop running, and was really fat, that T-Shirt looked like it was at breaking point trying to keep the fat from escaping.

“You evil Team Rocket! I’ll make you blast off!” he said to me again, like some kind of really stupid child. Sure he looked like he was maybe 8 at the oldest but he was weird.

“Um.. Team Rocket doesn’t exist kiddie…” I said calmly.

“Liar! Go! Caterpie! I CHOOSE YOU!” he yelled, and like a baseball pitcher, turned his hat backwards and threw the Pokeball. A rather small and depressed looking worm appeared. “Caterpie” it said rather unimpressively.

“Go Sableye?” I said cautiously, holding the Pokeball in my hand the purple beast appeared in front of me, and gave its neck a sickening crack. “Ssssaableyye!” it hissed, and launched itself at the Caterpie who made no attempt in moving.

“QUICK CATERPIE! EVOLVE!” said that stupid kid. “I BELIEVE IN YOU! EVOLVE AND YOU’LL WIN!” he screamed.

But Sableye’s sharp claws quickly penetrated the exoskeleton of the worm as it shrieked in pain. Sableye showed no signs of stopping, and that poor worm looked beat. “Sableye! STOP!” I commanded, and with that the weird dark ghost gave me a weird grin with its freaky pointy teeth and blue gem eyes.

“Oh NO CATERPIE!” yelled the kid and recalled his poor worm Pokemon.

“GO! NOCTOWL!” he screamed, and once again threw the Pokeball out. To my surprise a weird looking Noctowl appeared on the ground, it was tiny! And its wings were orangey gold and its breast was gold. Wow! Maybe it was a rare one! I pulled out my silver Pokedex to check it out and these words appeared on the screen. “Not a Pokemon.”

The bird quickly tried to take off, but it couldn’t even lift its wings.. they were coated in something.. but the looks of it.. paint!? And it didn’t look like a Noctowl… was this thing really a normal owl captured and painted!? The bird continued to hop away as fast as it could go, poor thing. “Come back Noctowl! I’m sorry for treating you that way!” yelled the kid as he ran after the bird, which gave it enough insensitive to fly. Poor bird. Probably was minding its own business when it was captured. And the kid had probably used Toxic paint on it.

“Oh noes! Team rocket! What did you do that for!” said the kid to me.

“Hey kid, did you take a tablet or 16 you found on the floor?” I asked as it hit me… This kid was pretending to be Ash Ketchum. Oh god. How horrible. The TV Show had brainwashed kids like this. I gave a shirk as the kid threw out another Pokeball.

“But I’m not done yet! My Charizard will make you blast off!”

“Crap!” I whimpered as the Pokeball light revealed… a large paper mache creation. How sad. It was a lot of orange and red clumps here and there and pieces of wire sticking out. Someone could lose an eye on that thing. It was like 10 feet high and all very very lame.

“Oh No! Charizard! Your tail light has gone out! I’ll re-light it with this match Charizard! Hang in there!” he yelled as he struck a match and looked at it with a large grin, “I like fire…” he said with glee before lighting the “tail” of the creation.

Needless to say, Charizard was easily defeated. Well with a lot of smoke blowing me in my eyes but.

“You may have taught your Sableye strong fire moves but you can’t beat my Pikachu!” yelled the kid, recalling the burnt wire framing and the yellow ball of fluff on his shoulder was thrown out.

“Pikachu! Use Agility!” he said as the yellow pile of fluff sat there. A slight wind blew and the fluff moved slightly.

“Yes! No-one can beat my Pikachu’s speed! Lets see your Sableye beat my Pikachu” he taunted as the fluff rolled around a bit more.

“Sableye, Night Shade” I said simply and the dark Pokemon’s gems on its chest began to sparkle a deep black, and a rather unclean bolt of energy hit the fluff, and with that.. it disappeared.

“Idiot kid” I muttered, recalling Sableye and walking back inside.

“You stole my Pikachu! Where’d you hide it! Give it back Team Rocket!” he said running after me as fast as his severely overweight body would carry him. It was like watching an Oompa Loompa, crossed with a penguin and a person… the way he ran.. was… so slow… and his face was drenched in perspiration, poor kid needed some exercise.

I just continued walking off, and ignored that kid. I’d report him to the Pokemon Center about his poor Caterpie. Suddenly a large hand came down on my shoulder and scared me half to death I gave out a scared gasp.

Oh crap. That kid must’ve had an older brother. I was dead now, I turned around to face the man in the suit as he asked, “Andrew Hall?”

I gave a weak nod, and he continued. “I’d like you to please come with us and co-operate. We already have your sister.”

Oh crap.

Chris 2.1
1st June 2003, 08:26 AM
Warming chapter, the Apshalt battle reminded me of sumemr...ahhhhh...neways, you showed me all this liek 2 days ago but the battle wasnt in!

Paedo - freeky. I'd tell you about the Geography teacher at my school but you know about him...

Mawile - i love them now! Great job!!!!!!!!! Sentret is a blob, like Olivia. Makes more sense if she has a Wobbuffet!

City Beach - LOL, Olivia's so weird. She is just great! Funny! And etc etc....Oh well.

The Ash wannabe is pure genius! Pyromaniac...'Art Attack' master and such, oh man, i hope he returns!

Great, i'd rate it about 9/10 because it was SO FUNNY! hehe...*takes pills*

Hyperness is a Good Thing
1st June 2003, 10:07 AM

Ewwww.....an Ash impersonator.....that's sad.... really, really sad. Pathetic....

'Neeways.....wonder why those people are rounding up Jess and Andrew.

1st June 2003, 10:54 PM
After that kid, I take back what I said about Andrew like Ash.

Nothing really happened though, except for the end of the two peoples part's. So, I will wait instead for next chap.

2nd June 2003, 04:42 AM
lol, even better the second time round. ;)
Great chapter, Werdnazo, I'm still under the firm belief though that Andrew should smack him out!!

Looking forward to seeing where this trouble takes things!

Mew Trainer Rose
2nd June 2003, 08:55 PM
"Rosey of the Mew Trainers"? well that's an interesting spin on my name. :P

"After today’s set, tomorrow’s set, and the day after tomorrow, there would only be 1 set left!" LOL, that reminds me of a Simpson's Quote! "after this case of beer, and the next case, there'll only be one case left!" ^_^

Olivia's never battled before? what kind of a trainer is she? o_O

both Andrew and Jessica get confronted by overweight guys before they're asked to go with strage people who call them by name. hmmm...

hey, i wonder what the crazy cult group was. will we ever find out?

23rd June 2003, 04:12 PM
Oh no! Evil people! Run!!

Anyway, this chapter was pretty good! "The darker side of security personnel!" And the pathetic Ash impersonater... great! But Ash is better than that! The real Ash, I mean. That kid was just a stupid idiot. A paper mache Charizard... heh heh... "Oh no, your tail flame's gone out! Let me re-light it..." BRILLIANCE!

And since when were Pokemon bad guys good looking? :rolleyes:

5th July 2003, 04:09 AM
Well I'm afraid you'll all probably know there's another crossover in the works, but before I can post it, Gav has to finish a chapter of his fic first. But in the meantime, if there's a wacky EBTV scene you want re-written, something that you've always wanted to see or something EBTV related that you want written, post here and tell me, it'll help bide the time. Just post a bit of a description of what you want and I'll work away on it.

And keep those questions coming!

Shiny Marril Nice to hear you like Mawille! Olivia's got a Sentret and that's all lol. And the kid, I've been wanting to write him for ages. Hillarious. Thanks for reading!

Hyper! Heh, that kid is pathetically funny. And you'll find out next chapter!

Otto Glad you changed your mind and thanks for reading!

DragoKnight Thanks for reading! Heh, violence against small kiddies is wrong

Trainer who has Rosey Mews Olivia's not a trainer, she just owns a Sentret. Yeah, there is a connection with the overwieght people. And you'll see a snippet of the cult later on. Lol.. more will be revealed. Thanks for reading!

Mr. Pika And since when was Ash smart ;) Lol! And this is my fic! Not the anime! Lol! Thanks for reading!

6th July 2003, 01:55 PM
I kinda stopped reading this for a while... But I'm back again. That part a ways back with those guys (I almost called them Team Rocket, but they probably aren't.) executing Pokemon and such kinda bugged me... so I didn't read this for a while... (Please don't take this as a request to change or lighten up scenes like that... I understand that truthfully that's what an evil orginization would do, and I was just suprised. I respect your vision as an author, and so I'd feel bad if I made you think you had to cut things or whatever.) But I finally did, and everthing after was interesting and humorous as always. I'll try to keep up with this story more, and I'm really looking forward to the crossover chapters.

Also, that Ash inpersonator was funny... It's sad, because there probably are kids in real life who've done similar. (Although for a while... I wanted an Ash hat... Does that make me a bad person? ^_^)

It seems you've got the personalities for the characters' pokemon as well as the characters themsleves worked out, and I really like how that's reflected in the story and in the Q&A outside of that. I'd ask a question myself, but I don't have one right now... But when I get one I'll be sure to ask away.

5th August 2003, 05:38 PM
Gene Child Mewtwo Well thanks for coming back. Sorry if you were sickened by that part, but well everythign isn't always sunshine. The Ash Impersonator I've been wanting to do for months! I'm still debating whether we'll see him and his sister and brother again. Thanks, I've felt I've neglected their personalities of late, so I'm going to have to up the ante. Perhaps another Pokemon POV.


Your Chance To Be In EBTV

Well I'm being a sellout whore, so basically if you want to be in EBTV, here's your chance, I'll pick the ones that most appeal to me. Here's the signup form.

1) Character Name
2) Gender
3) Appearance
4) Pokemon (If not yet seen in this fic it'll appeal more ^^; )
5) Why you want to be in ebtv
6) Personality of Character
7) Fav Character in EBTV and why.
8) Anything else.

And of course, please tell me which of Andrew and Jess's Pokemon you'd like to have a POV.

Chris 2.1
5th August 2003, 05:54 PM
1) Character Name - Chris Wilson (Wilson is so common in the Uk)

2) Gender - Male

3) Appearance - 5"10 (dwarf me if i'm too big ^^), black spiked hair, Baggy Jeans (JNCO if auzzies have them), a pair of DC'S (Lyrics, if we're technical), and My t-shirt, you ask? its a 2-1, sky blue t-shirt with a target on the front, while the sleeves are navy blue.

4) Pokemon (If not yet seen in this fic it'll appeal more ^^; )K-k-k-k-Kecleon! Erm...and it's a Tye Dye colour, that always moves around ^^

5) Why you want to be in ebtv: EBTV has been going for a long time, and since it has, from the start, I can say it's sharp. Oz is sharp. Maybe Australia is sharp on the whole (it looks sharp...) but the subtle Humor, slapped in your face with fluid (but always funny) battles make this a sublime HIT for me. If I were to be in EBTV I know Oz could really make me see me how others see me (did you understand that?), and plus, It would be like watching a home movie without LOOKING like a Grawp and sounding like one :-/. But most of all, I'd love to hear Jess insult me ^^;;

6) Personality of Character: Sarcastic....occaisionly too much, actually. I'm witty, but at the worse times, which leads to a pi$$ed off audience!

7) Fav Character in EBTV and why: Jess. I can't believe she's real! She's like the stereotypical teenybopper (as Mist one said ^^) that you'd love to use as a punch bag, but at the same time, just laugh at. I wish she'd win the league....let alone enter!

Anything else. Yea, but remotely EBTV based, not really.
Oh, Kecleon jumps up at people like dogs, but his tongues about 4 metres :- /
and also.....Chris has no preferences to food.

EDIT - I'd like Snorlax' POV, she could go and see Charlie's Angles 2!

Mew Trainer Rose
5th August 2003, 06:42 PM
Ooo, i wanna be in it! ...oh, wait, i already am. ;) I wonder who else will be sucked into the terrific strangeness that is this fic. ^_^

5th August 2003, 09:40 PM
1) Otto Sperling
2) Male
3) A guy in a Trench coat and sun glasses. Tall. He has the matching hat as well with black hair under. Jeans and white shirt inside his jacket which he rarely takes off.
4) Sneasel
5) Cause if I'm in it, that means there'll be a chapter :D As well, um... it appeals to be to have one of my own creations in a fic which I have always been unable to write.
6) Serious, yet insane. Get's right down to business no matter how impossible it might seem.
7) My favotire character would have to be, of course, Andy... I mean Andrew. Not just because I can't remember anyone else. Wait, I remember other characters like Jessica and her.. it is cousin? As well as the other miscellaneous ones. Andrew is my favorite character because he is the only one I have not gotten a serious general loathing towards. For one thing, he is not a steroetypical girl. Another is he stayed by is mother that whole time, interupting his dreams. He is also one I sympathize, for being a very uhhh... I'll stop there :þ
Another this is that the Sneasel will have a very happy, energetic, love everybody attitude. That means the Otto, will be very enbaressed by him when he might get to a very serious thing. So, a very akward combination I guess.

Really, I don't care who gets in, I just want a chappy.

6th August 2003, 11:04 PM
1. Brian (make up your own last name)
2. Male
3. He's short, has brown hair that's parted right down the middle. Has thin black glasses (with thick lenses). His favorite shirt is black, and shows a Pikachu getting thwacked in the head by a bone. He's got dark blue shorts, and a pair of brown sandals. Has a unibrow-thing going on that he has to "take care of" every few days. :P
4. He has a Marowak, a Medicham, and a Duskull. (The last two are optional, but he really should have the Marowak to go with the shirt. Also, the last two are Hoenn Pokemon, if you didn't know.)
5. Because I've read this entire, wild and crazy fic, and it's been one heckuva ride. I think Brian would add an interesting (and weird) side to the cast. Not to mention that I just like Oz so much! [/suckup] And I have a full wallet... [/bribe]
6. Is horribly geeky when dealing with situations in life, but is an expert at battling and using the skills of his Pokemon to his advantage.
7. Hmm. Probably Andrew. Although I wish he'd be more resistant to his sister. Maybe Phil, but that's just because he has CYDM. And because he wants to save his girlfriend. And because we really don't know a lot about him.
8. Brian absolutely HATES it when people misspell his name or call him "Brain", which tends to happen often. (If you want, you don't have to include that if it doesn't fit in.) His background is somewhat shrouded and he doesn't like talking about his parents. Interpret that any way you want.

And no, this character is not based on me. He only has my name. Let's get a new chappie!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
7th August 2003, 02:37 AM
Ooooooh! You actually went ahead with the contest thing! Coooooooool.... @_@

Anyways...^_^ I'll post later because my comp is having problems now..I'm not even sure if this will get through..

Question: How many characters will be picked?

7th August 2003, 03:41 AM
Thanks Hyperness.

I'm actually planning on including everyone at one point or another for applying. Whether it be in a rare battle, or as a one off remark to someone on Telly or in the paper. So yea, that way I don't have to pick :D

7th August 2003, 09:13 AM
1) Jon Owng
2) Male
3)Jon is about 5'6 with black gelled hair, black oval glasses, a blue t-shirt with a smiley yellow face, jeans with a hole in the left leg and black and red trainers.
4) Cluff
5) This fic was the first one I read when I came to TPM, it is excellent because of its insane nature, the characters are good and the chapters are written with quality.
6) Jon is a adventurous but michievious person, she enjoys listening to music and singing as well, he likes to play tricks on unexpected trainers.
7) a tie between Andrew and Jessica, both are cool and they both have personality which make them likeably characters. Andrew is amusing while Jess is the type of girl you love to hate but I still like her.
8)Cluff is known to spray girls with his water gun attack but he does shock male trainer with ts thundershock attack when they call him cute.

Shadow Djinn
7th August 2003, 02:11 PM
Feh, can't remember if I replied to this before, but I like it alot ^^;.

1) Zane Keskagi
2) Feh, Male
3) He has wavyspiky blond hair, not the punk style, the animeish kind. Then he has a black t-shirt with nothing on it, and black cargo shorts. Yep. Fashion disaster =P. Also, hes around 5'7.
4) Houndoom, Umbreon, Absol
5) Lesee....when i first came to TPM, I saw Lisa the Legend. I read up, I think, somewhere around when they mentioned a crossover with EBTV. So I searched Fanfic and found it, then I started reading it, waiting for new chappies, etc.
6) ^_- You dont wanna know...He's the average loner person, silent, serious, calm, etc. When he batt;es. he uses stealth, speed, and strategy to win.
7) Hm...if it was anything, I'd say Mr. Mime, but if it's human, then andrew cause it livens up the fic from it's dark self =P.
Anything else: Nope nadda zip zero.

Mystic Latios
7th August 2003, 05:47 PM
1) Carl Nozama


3)short brown hair, blue eyes, blue jeans, black sweater with no picture on it.

4)Shiftry, Kirlia, Shedinja, Banette, Absol, Parasect

5)This was one of the first fanfics that I have read here and have been waiting for new chapters ever since I first read it. I thought may be you could use this charater in a rare battle.

6)Very shy person and usually doesn't like to talk a lot. Hates people who are obsessed with fashion and likes to make smart allack and witty comments sometimes when he feels like talking.

7)This is a hard decision. I guess my favorite character would be Jessica. Like Mist said, she's like the stereotypical teenybopper that you would really like to laugh at.

Banette likes to pull pranks on fashion obsessed people. Kirlia, for some reason, always does a short ballet dance after she comes out of her pokeball. Shedinja likes to fight a lot, but doesn't act like Phil's Abra. Shiftry always acts tough, but isn't as good a fighter as he tries to get his opponent to think. Absol acts like a warrior from a Xena Warrior Princess episode. Parasect acts like a coward and runs away in fear sometimes.

7th August 2003, 10:54 PM
Well this is a mighty fine fic, not many things are wrong, I dislike when an author puts in a younger sister or brotehr in the fic as a main character, but thats you, so sorry that I dislike that. The pokemon are finely created, and I was wondering what happened to Wartortle? The Ash impersonator is a loser, and I think that this is a good fic. I thought of more coments but my mind is elsewhere

26th August 2003, 10:51 AM
I'm new to this forum but i've been reading this fic and it is absolutely brilliant.I don't know why but Jess is my fave character and the pokémon i'd most like to be in the fic would for Jess to get a Pichu

Chris 2.1
26th August 2003, 02:38 PM
PokeMasterX: I don't wanna sound like an EBTV freak, but I think Jess once mentioned she'd kill Andrew if he caught her a Pikachu...I guess this new continent hates Pikahchu's family, huh?

Oh well, Oz, good luck with the c/o!

28th August 2003, 03:28 AM
Damn,forgot about that.Well The coolest pokemon woud be a Kecleon.I'd love to seee one of those in EBTV.

15th September 2003, 11:07 AM
1) Koji Sakira
2) Male
3) Black Goku-like hair, red shirt, black pants, Diesel shoes
4) Squirrl
5) Because its a great fic and everybody reads it, and I would love to be mentioned as an ego booster lol
6) He's the kind of guy always trying to cheer everybody up, but with girls and battles he gets serious
7) Phil, because of CYDM, and because he has a very different quest, to get all his old Pokémon, and I hope when he gets his Pokémon back he fights Andrew
8) Squirrl loves eating Apricorns, and he eats one when he gets the chance. Because he often steal them from shops and gardens he and Koji often get in alot of trouble

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17th October 2003, 07:22 AM
Will thank readers later =)

Lisa The Legend (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2313&perpage=15&pagenumber=40)

Electric Buggy To Victory – Lisa The Legend Crossover
Chapter 28 – Bacon, Cops and Shopping.
By Gavin Luper and OzAndrew


Gawd this cop I was sitting next to was HOT! And I’m not talking run of the mill Dawnson’s Creek HOT but Amazing Race Reichan HOT! Its so sad Reichan’s gay. Oliva was too busy rummaging around in her new City Beach Bag gaping at each new piece of clothing that appeared “Wow! This is so cool!? I wonder where it came from” and with that the cops, and myself gave Oliva a blank stare.

So there we were, a large cushy… paddywagon they call it, its like a modified ute you see. And on the back is usually a cage, but this was like “Delux” And in the front, driving behind bulletproof glass was an average looking guy, and in the back with us looked like a new Recruit, I glanced at his name tag, Constable Jamie Rule. He was about six foot two, and looked a tad cramped in the back of our transport vehicle.

Apparently we were being taken to that place where we went like AGES ago, with that annoying Lisa girl and her kinda cool friend Gavin. And that whole “I’m an evil *****” mad scientist game. It really was stupid. Or as mum would say, quoting Kath and Kim “St-ewe-pid” So now we were going back again. Apparently they had a new district court there, and since the crime was there, long story short, we had to go back and be on the stand and give a whine about Lenina to get her *** booted into jail.

“So Officer Rule,” I said, biting my lip, “Will you be taking care of myself during this case?”

“Well I’m only your escort to the safe house, then other Officers will take over sorry Jessica” he said, taking off his hat and ruffling his short hair.

“But still, I’d feel safer with you with me Jamie” I gave a little sad face, I’d prefer watching him to all of the other old craggy police officers.

He gave a little young and continued on, “The Police Department will do all in its power to protect you, your brother, Ms Lisa Walters and Mr Gavin Luper. You’re in safe hands. Rest assured.”

Oliva gave a scared cry before a relieved expression, I looked at her as she held the new outfit she’d brought which was exactly the same as the one she was wearing, poo brown ¾ cargos, and a floral top. It did look nice with her bleach blonde hair and deep tan though. Anyway she explained, “I like thought that I brought the same thing twice you know Jess, I’ve had that happen SO many times” and then she resumed rummaging around her shopping lug.

“WAIT! You mean you’re not going to save me from that pedophile!?” she suddenly screeched.

”Lenina sexually assaulted you miss?” asked Constable Rule, concerned.

“Well I think he was going to, that look in those eyes, sweaty disgusting self” she paused, looking a tad upset and ignoring everything.

“Oh My!” he said, rather upset at this turn of events and missing the whole “He” part of what she said.

“I just never want to see some-one look at me again, that sickening look in their eyes as they come closer and threaten me” Olivia sobbed into her new clothes as I sat and watched.

“Well we’ll report this as soon as we arrive at the safehouse. We’ll get a female doctor to check you over” he said, and went to comfort Olivia, but stopped short of touching her on the arm.

I was sold, what a gentleman! If I were a few years older I’d be his girfriend!

“Oh look! My mobile’s ringing!” perked up Olivia as she grabbed the phone and blabbed away.

“What do you mean I’m late for work?” she screeched down the phone presumably to Cairns. “I was at City Beach an hour or two ago! What do you mean I had to be in Cairns at your City Beach? I told you I was taking a holiday down south to get some new clothes. Whatever, I’ve gotta go now, my phone is like um… what’s the word when you’re trying to hang up on someone you don’t like Jessica?”

“Breaking up” I offered helpfully.

“Yeah… you’re breaking up! What do you mean I’ll be in trouble when I get back!? I’m the third in charge I’ll let you know! Being first in charge doesn’t make you better than me. Yeah, you’re like breaking up” and with a fake gurgling sound she made, she hung up and looked at Officer Rule and I and raised her eyebrows and flicked her hair back and said “Have I got great talky skills or what?”

The rest of the drive was rather uneventful, but we stopped for lunch, well actually we were stuck in the back of the vehicle whilst they gave us some fatty sausage rolls and juice for lunch. I took a few bites, but I wasn’t particularly hungry and it was quite greasy.

Olivia looked at it and said, “Where’s the tomato sauce? And plate and napkins!? I don’t want it” and with that Officer Rule wolfed it down and thanked the fat officer who handed it to him. With that attitude he was going to become as fat as a hippo. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so obsessed with him…

The next thing I know, I’m being tapped on the shoulder by Officer Rule’s police partner, I got a shock and jumped in surprise seeing a large unshaven man next to me. Olivia was next to me, snoring away almost as bad as our grandfather, simply awful. I don’t know how Nanna still slept in the same room with him after all his awful snoring! Its probably genetic. Olivia and I were being helped out of the back of the car and my bum was numb and I had a tiny bit of saliva on my shoulder but I quickly concealed it. I looked up at what was in front of me and yelled out.


So there I am, sitting in the reception area of the hotel of Glenys and Ripper, reading the paper about some boy named Jon Owng whose exposed as faking a picture an undiscovered Pokemon he called Cluff when all it was, was simply cotton wool with some beaded eyes. I could’ve made a better fake Pokemon than that, really I could’ve.

Anyway, getting sidetracked, Jessica and surprisingly Oliva turn up, complaining and moaning, well actually Jessica doing most of the complaining and moaning, Olivia just complained that she was tired from carrying her bag and Pokeball to the hotel from the car was exhausting. I really could’ve done with more than a week away from the Jessica.

Typical Olivia, I hadn’t seen her in like 3 years, and after 3 minutes I was sick of her already. Jess explained her reasons for being here and I gave a shrug and a half hearted hug to dear “Livvy” as Mum called her.

“So anyway, they drive us to this deserted creepy house in the middle of nowhere! No doors or anything! It was stupid! ABSOLUTELY STUPID! And it was old, and run down and there was no way in hell we were staying there, right Olivia” rambled Jessica.

“Yea” piped up Olivia, sitting down on the lounge, and looked exhausted before she started rummaging through a city beach bag and looking amazed at every single thing she pulled out.

“And the taps were leaky and the carpet was so dusty, my allergies fired up as soon as I stepped on to the deck, so I told them to drop us off here and stuff their protection, I’m a big girl, I can defend myself” said my sister rather daftly.

“I’m sure you can, just like when you got kidnapped eh Jessie Bessie” I taunted seeing Glenys and Ripper were behind her, but out of hearing range.

“DON’T YOU TALK TO ME YOU DORK! NO ONE LIKES A SMART Arr---“ screamed Jessica, before I pointed and she turned around and upon seeing a shocked Glenys and Ripper began to babble apologies. I grinned evilly as she began totally sucking up to them with the “Oh you look great” and the “Great hotel!”

I talked to Edward, turns out the little seaside town had really pulled itself together in the few months we’d been away, and being the middle of summer it was a relief to be near the sea and away from the inland Cronin town. And more importantly, the new little town had called itself Port Valeo, sounded like yuppies had named it, or maybe that was the marketing ploy to draw them in.

I explained to them that we were in town for the Court Hearing in the new courthouse, and I offered to pay, but this time, we didn’t get a penthouse suite, apparently honeymooning couples were staying there. But we got the 1st floor because they were rarely used in opposition to the higher levels. But still, accommodation in a 4 ½ star hotel was pretty flash.

In my own room, I took a quick look around and adjusted the air con before I released my Pokemon and took a look at them all, minus Sableye. I’d politely declined the option to stay at the disgusting safehouse Jessica had been so nasty about, but I’d asked for them to keep a watch outside, just in case, and probably it’d be two fat lazy cops, like Chief Wiggum.

Lickitung and Electabuzz seemed to be having a nice chat, whilst Mankey and Starmie seemed to play Scissors, paper, rock, Starmie displaying the appropriate sign on its gem and so far, was kicking Mankey’s butt, probably because it was psychic.

Mr Mime was talking to Quilava who seemed quite pleased about her new form and Dragonair was AGAIN trying to curl up around me. Stupid thing. I gave it a dismissive pat and told it to go play with the others in the loungeroom and away from me. Talk about killing someone, it looked like it was about to start bawling its big snakey eyes out! Someone can’t take rejection!

I’d have to do something about Sableye, I really didn’t want to be attacked by it after I saw the way it tore into Mr Mime and Starmie, Starmie still had a scar on it as did Mr Mime. In fact Mankey had a rather large gash across its back too as did Dragonair and Electabuzz on its leg, all from that roadkill Seviper. They all had their little battle scars, and that made me feel pretty guilty, I was scott free, and they were my little bodyguards.

It was getting late, so I let them play whilst I had a shower and into my boxers, my backpack was looking pretty tatty and a bit worse for wear. Ah well, maybe when it broke I’d do something about it. I left Mr Mime in control of the remote and set up the pull out sofa bed for them to sleep on. I recalled Quilava and Dragonair and let Mankey, Electabuzz, Starmie and Lickitung watch the inhouse movies. I recalled them because I didn’t want to be responsible for a new hotel burning down, or waking up to a snake around my neck.


“Phil, where are we going?! PHIL!” I screeched at Phi, while Ollie looked kinda annoyed, since he was trying to sleep in my lap while I was yelling. I was in the back of what looked like a police car, but Phil was in the front, sipping a beer. Next to him was a woman in a powersuit who was driving and talking on her mobile.

Phil leant over and gave her a peck on the cheek as I sat back, disgruntled, and buckled my seatbelt.

“We’re going to the meet the others” he said simply. And with that, he turned on the radio, full roar. It drowned me out and woke up Ollie, who clutched his sensitive ears in pain. I recalled my favourite kitty and put my hands over my own ears. My earmuffs were in my backpack, which was, unfortunately in the boot. Drat.

Over the next few hours it looked like we were getting closer to the city, but it didn’t look like Cronin City where Jess told me she was meeting Andrew. How strange. In the dark it was sort of hard to tell where we were going, but I got a look at a roadsign when the headlights reflected it, and we were about 30 Kilometers away from Chamberlain City. Ah, a river city. It looked so pretty at night, maybe they had relatives here in this great city, it was so pretty!

I released my baby Poochyena, and had him look around with me, he looked amazed at all the lights too. Being pretty young, it was nice to see he was learning a bit about the world. His doggy face was transfixed on all the smells and sites around him, and with a small yelp he put his tiny paw up to the window.

But, to my surprise, we didn’t go down the main street. In fact it looked like we were going to the industrial area, a lot less nice and a lot more grotty. Smoke pouring out of factories and you could hear the metallic clang, and with the loud music going, it was even overpowering that.

We pulled up to a stoplight and Phil leant over and gave the woman a great big pash, how inappropriate to be doing that in front of me. I tried to ignore it the best I could, but the light turned green and I cleared my throat to give them a hint, but they didn’t take it. Finally, as the light turned orange, they pulled apart, a big sticky and icky thread of saliva between them. Yuck.

“So exactly who are you?” I asked the woman, poking my finger through the wire and tapping her on the shoulder.

“Shut her up Phil” she said simply. Phil just looked at her, blank. “Now.” She said more forcefully.

“Wha!? No!” I gave a little whimper as he stuck the muzzle of a gun through the mesh wire. I couldn’t die! I couldn’t! I clutched onto Poochyena as he pulled the trigger and closed his eyes, before saying to me, “Think happy thoughts”


Waking up pretty late, I’d slept in to about 10:30, crap, and missed the new McDonald’s breakfast stuff. I went out to the loungeroom and looked at my four sleeping Pokemon, Mr. Mime hogging the sheet, Mankey with the blanket, and Electabuzz curled up next to Starmie whose core was a dim red. Lickitung had a good idea and was curled up on the other lounge all alone. Looked like they had a good sleep and I had too, I decided to let them be.

I walked down to Maccas, to see if I could scrunge up some greasy breakfast food, but no luck. So I just headed down to the supermarket and picked up some stuff for a nice breakfast, and somewhat cheap too.

I got back and Mankey was creeping around, investigating everything then saw me and began to imitate my carrying the plastic shopping bags. I just ignored the annoying Monkey, I saw a thing on TV that if you ignore behavior like that, they’ll stop eventually.

Ah well, I cracked open some bacon and eggs, and put it on the frying pan, I got Mankey to take care of toast cooking and I fried up a few other things too. With the sounds of the crackling fat, the other four sleepyheads woke up. I served them up a nice breakfast and Mr. Mime looked somewhat surprised.

I guess he’d gone from being domestic slave to battler, and earned a few scars along the way, poor thing. So they had a nice breakfast and I was about to let Quilava, Sableye and Dragonair have some too, but all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door followed by “OPEN UP ANDREW! I CAN SMELL BACON! I WANT SOME NOW!” screamed Jessica.

I opened the door and Olivia followed with a small and pitiful “Hi.”

“I can’t believe you cooked and didn’t ask me over, honestly, expect me to eat out again do you?” she whinged, grabbing a plate and helping herself to it.

“Thanks for stopping by Jessica, what are you planning on doing today?” I asked with a drawl.

“This bacon is too fatty! I need paper towels to get rid of the oil! You’re a bad cook!” She screamed like an overacting Japanese person on Iron chef before continuing, “I’m going shopping today, and you’re coming with me, I need you to run some errands for me”

“Huh, what type of errands” I asked, a bit miffed.

“I’ll tell you when I finish breakfast, in the meantime feed my Pokemon too!” she screeched.

“So ummm Olivia knows all about our adventures then Jess?” I asked her quietly.

“Well if she hasn’t picked it up by now, I don’t think she will” said Jessica a bit rudely.
“Perhaps if we don’t tell her there’s no risk of Mum finding out I stuffed up looking after you and you were kidnapped” I explained and with that Jessica ate more bacon into her hungry mouth.

Someone was in a bossy mood today. “Hey, where’s Sentret?” wondered Olivia before sitting down and watching Kangaroo Jack on the inhouse movie channel. Ick. Bad movie.

Between snarfs and chewing, Jessica managed to blurt out she’d gotten a Mawile and threw its Pokeball to the ground and a yellow and brown creature appeared, it looked like it wore flare jeans but it had no mouth, and a huge mouth in the back of its head. I grabbed my Pokedex out and scanned this weird Pokemon who was making its intros with my Pokemon.

Mawille, The Steel Trap Pokemon. This odd Pokemon bears a striking resemblance to the Venus Fly Trap plants in which it draws nutrients through luring prey into its large maw. Other than that it had no other way of ingesting food. In the wild it preys on small animals and insects to suppliment its diet. Its cute front can easily trick unsuspecting predators into its gaping maw. Proceed with caution

Wow, what a Pokemon. “So where did you get it Jess?” I asked.

“Oh Rose. Traded Blissey for it.” She said before stuffing some more bacon into her mouth.

“Where did you meet Rose? And where is Phil?” I asked Jess.

“Oh, at the airport where Olivia was. She came with us and Phil tricked her into trading that Blissey for it.” She explained, “oh and Phil, shouldn’t he be here by now? Maybe he just continued onto Cronin without us? We got separated when the police took us away. Give him a ring on your mobile Andrew”

“No, I got you a mobile, you ring him” I countered.

“No you!” she exclaimed, taking a moment out from her food.

And so it fell into a “You, NO YOU “ match in which Olivia got up and said, “Quiet you too, this movie’s hard to follow, and the Kangaroo doesn’t talk like in the ads!”

I had a quiet snicker at her and pulled out my mobile and rang her, Phil only to find out the number had been disconnected… Odd. But he was able to take care of himself. I’m sure we’d see him in Cronin after the trial and explain it all to him.

I was just about to leave after recalling my five feasting Pokemon but Jessica screeched out, spraying Orange Juice everywhere, “WHAT ABOUT MY ERRANDS!”

“Tell you what Jessica, screw your errands, I have a Pokemon League to get ready for, and if your tiny mind can’t remember that, perhaps you should go home” I said rather meanly. I was about to slam the door, but I just couldn’t. Jessica looked like she was about to cry. I guess being here brought up some bad memories.

”Ok Jess… I’m sorry, what do you want me to do” I said, apologizing for my outburst.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been a bit weird too sorry Andrew” apologized Jessica, and with that dumped her plate in the sink with a sickening smash. And with a happy grin, picked up her handbag and declared, “LETS GO SHOE SHOPPING!”

And with that my day turned to crap.

I walked around after Jessica for hour after hour waiting outside store after store. I think the highlight was when I got to take Jessica’s Pokemon for Ice Cream. Mawille quickly chomped it down and almost took off my hand, Wartortle scoffed it down and it looked like he had a beer gut. Wigglytuff, Smeargle and Clefable seemed quite able to eat it normally, Seel needed some help, and Bayleaf was clumsy, dropped hers and began to cry but Jynx had some new clothes and comforted her. She had a red and yellow swirly billabong dress, sandles and a white T with the slogan – Barbie is a Slu*. With that cool Murkrow on my shoulder, I gave it some scraps of lettuce and meat I’d put it in a cup. Jess had a decent load of Pokemon, I felt a bit jealous Wartortle chose her over me.

Heading back, I gave Jessica her Pokemon and decided to go and look for a battle, and I ran into some wierdo lady, trying to give me some seaweed shoes. I wasn’t amused. I mouthed off a bit and she released a Pokemon on me! Eep!


So Andrew ditched my Pokemon back on me and Olivia and I continued Shopping. Retail therapy really helped you know, cause I was totally stressed about being back near Lenina. So there I was ranting on to Olivia about how self centered Andrew is, and who else turns up, but Lisa!

Sure, a few rolled oats on her face, cut, dirty, and in cooler clothes Lisa, but still Lisa. I wondered how she’d gotten so dirty. But then again, she was a bit of a tomboy. I heard her call out my name and I looked around and there she was! Being nice as I am I walked over and said, “Oh hi Lisa” as sincerely as I could. To be honest, I wasn’t too fond of Lisa since she tried to get me killed with her Dratini then claimed later it was part of a plan.

Lisa came over and said another Hi and Olivia of course had no idea who this girl was, so I waited for Lisa to introduce herself, but it wasn’t happening. “I hoped you’d be here for the trial, I just got here” she explained. And it looked like she’d got here via traipsing through the bush.

Of course Olivia piped up, “What trial?” and if she hadn’t gotten it by now, I wasn’t explaining the story to her four times before she understood it. She was always a bit daft, but since going bleach blonde, she was dumber than ever.

“The trial run for the Discount Rates at the hotel” I lied to my stupid cousin, hopefully it wasn’t genetic, but I didn’t feel like I wanted her butting in every two minutes asking questions so I saw a store and gave a strong hint, “Look .Olivia, Beauty Berries!”

Thankfully she took the hint and went off mumbling something.

”Sorry” Apologized Lisa for bringing up the subject.

“That’s okay, Lisa. She doesn’t know anything about the trial yet. Andrew reckons we should just never tell her, but I don’t know what she’s going to think when we go off to the courthouse for a few hours” I said to her, relaying what Andrew said.

Lisa changed the subject with a breath in, causing some oats to go flying off of her face. “It’ll be interesting to see Lenina again, won’t it” said Lisa.

That name made me feel sick… disgusted me, and I’d have to see her, and her grubby burnt self. “I wonder if her hair’s grown back” I mumbled before seeing I caught Lisa’s attention and continued, getting worked up, “I hope they use Capital Punishment, I mean, honestly …”

I was getting a bit too angry, so it was my turn to change the subject, “We got into town yesterday, Me, Andrew and Olivia … she’s our cousin. Glenys and Ripper are letting us stay at the resort again and its going really well. Where are you staying?” I inquired, I wonder if she’d also been near that awful safehouse. By the looks of her, most likely, so I started up again, she could have my awful room and I could move to one on a higher level!

“You can stay at the resort if you want to, Glenys and Ripper wouldn’t mind at all, you know that!” I said as sincerely as I could.

Lisa looked taken aback, and she moved some of her hair out of her eyes as she said rather embarrassed, “Oh, well, I already … I mean, well … thanks Jess.”

I looked her up and down again, she had a surprisingly nice top on, “Nice top, where’d you get that?” I enquired, she was certainly looking nicer than the last time I saw her, apart from the whole cuts, oats and dirt on her.

“Oh, I got it for Christmas, I think it might have come from the Surf Shop in Ecruteak.” She explained and I just nodded, it wasn’t that great though.

I suddenly remembered, Lisa travelled with that somewhat good looking guy, Gavin, “Where’s Gavin” I asked rather plainly.

“Hm?” said Lisa, obviously the marketplace wasn’t the best place to have a chat. She seemed to process it and reply “Oh, he’s coming later … he had to go somewhere, family stuff. Yeah. So … let’s go to the resort then, hey? Come on, Aipom” and with that the little purple monkey came running out of the Berry store we were outside of, and Olivia was in.

I can’t believe they let stupid stores like this exist, it totally was all a fake ripoff. I just came in here to have a look, but this place seems dodgy …” said Lisa, and I couldn’t help but agree.

“I reckon” I blurted out and saw a basket full of more lies, “As if there are such a thing as speedshock berries. . The stuff in this shop has gotta be fake. Anybody who buys any of this stuff has rocks in their head” I said condescendingly and looking at the shopkeeper.

And right on cue, Olivia comes wandering out with a ton of Beauty Berries. Yet she had no Pokemon to use it on. I don’t think they worked on people. Idiot. I wish I wasn’t related to her.

So later we’re at the new café next door to the resort and its getting late, the sun glaring through the glass, and the café has typical exorbitant prices. Andrew turned up, and holding a really tatty backpack, it looked burnt, ripped, battered and dirty. Ah well, his entire fault probably.

Andrew grumbled about getting his backpack back. Probably insulted some kids knowing him.

At least you got it back” I said with some sting. “Now you see where being rude gets you.” Serves him right after the way he talked to me today.

He then muttered in my ear “Stupid witch” and I just brushed it off. Now it was his turn to be embarrassed as he looked next to him and said Hi to Lisa.

“Hey Andrew’ said Lisa, trying to stop herself from laughing. “Long time no see… what happened to your backpack?” she asked. Like he wasn’t going to tell us anyway.

Andrew glared at me before starting his stupid and obviously lying story about an ekans, or something, but how could a snake carry a bag. He then claimed Quilava had beaten it… but wasn’t Quilava still a Cyndaquil? Oh well, he hadn’t told me how it evolved, yet I show him my Mawille, talk about a one way street.

Olivia piped up, straw a few millimetres from her face, “You snapped it in half! You can’t be serious!” she declared.

Andrew and I just looked at eachother. After staying in Cairns with her for 3 weeks, we knew how daft she was.

“AAAAAAANNNNYWAY,” said Andrew, yawning loudly. “I reckon we should get a good night’s sleep if we’re supposed to testify tomorrow.” What a tool. Seriously.

“Its only six thirty!” Lisa and I managed to say at the same time.

Olivia once again joined in with another dumb comment, You know, in City Beach, we don’t have to go home if we don’t want to. The shops are open for a full 24 hours on Saturdays, too.” I’m pretty sure the employees locked her in the store over the weekend and told her this stupid story.

“That’s great,” I said, brushing her off, “But Andy we’re not going to bed at all if we don’t want to” Sometimes he used that old “I’m older so I’m in charge” rubbish.

My brother looked a bit annoyed I wasn’t doing what he said “I didn’t mean now. Just earlier than usual. We haven’t eaten yet, anyway. And Phil and Glenys said they’d take us on their boat for a night-time cruise. D’you wanna come, Lisa?”

Oooh! A water cruise! Great! Lisa quickly agreed as Andrew and Lisa talked about Gavin again, I tuned out, I’d heard it all before.

We all got ready and hopped on the boat, it was quite nice to be on the open sea at night. Lisa and I talked about our friends, and music and our Pokemon, turned out her Electabuzz evolved, I wondered if it was better than Andrew’s. She’d gotten all this cool stuff lately and made me want some new stuff too. Andrew spent the duration of the ride trying to fix up his backpack and muttering about having to spend a ton of money on a new one and Olivia just looked over the side into the ocean and had a brief chat with the old people.

I told Jess about Phil and Andrew had told me they’d probably just use his statement he gave originally when he saw the police. Well you should’ve seen Lisa’s face change. Even in the moonlight I could see her go pale with anger. And Lisa had so many cool friends on the road, I just new some rejects via Andrew.

On the deck, Seel, Murkrow and Aipom played with Mankey and looked quite happy as Sableye took a great deal of fun into getting as close as it could to the water without falling in. What a creepy ghost it was. Seriously. But I wonder if its gems were worth anything?

We got off of the boat and went back to our rooms, Olivia gave a scream out as we took a shortcut back to the resort through a little patch of bush, but I just continued on, back to the room. They’d all be perfectly fine I’m sure. I continued on with the oblivious Lisa and showed her the great room she’d be in, my old one!


My backpack. My cool adidas backpack. Dead. Great, I was running low on money too, been living the high life too much.

So after that refreshing if not chilly cruise we trudged back to the hotel, but we kids took a shortcut through a tiny bit of bush. Olivia trailed behind me, complaining about her earrings and shoes being too heavy when she gave a little scream.

I ran over and saw a Metapod lying on the ground, glowing. That must mean its ready to evolve! I released Lickitung and she appeared with a cry. She used a shadow ball with no order on the glowing Metapod and it promptly fainted. With a quick motion I threw my Pokeball and captured the almost about to evolve Metapod! I congratulated Lickitung and was about to recall her when I heard Olivia give a shriek again.

Sighing I turned around and saw a Spoink’s tail caught underneath her foot. She shrieked for me to do something as the little pig struggled to get away, putting its little pearl down for a minute. Which fascinated Olivia as the moonlight reflected off of the pearl.

I threw another Pokeball at the Spoink and with that it was sucked into the Pokeball along with its Pearl. But as it laid rocking on the ground, it burst open, revealing a somewhat sweaty pig. It must’ve used some effort to escape, so I threw another Pokeball. This time it was caught with no problems.

I had two new Pokemon! Spoink and Metapod! Huzzah! Lickitung seemed stoked, and Olivia whinged again. I was beginning to block out everything she said really. I suddenly realized I should probably give Olivia a Pokemon to look after if Sentret was with Phil for a while. And I was keeping Butterfree, and she did kinda step on the little psychic Pig, spoink, a black pig on a springy tail, holding a pearl. So I handed the Pokeball over to Olivia.

“Here Olivia, you look after Spoink for a while” I said, putting it in her hand.

“No!” she shrieked.

“You don’t want it?” I said, a bit confused.

“No, I don’t want to carry it. Carry it for me back to my room Andrew” she said simply and continued walking into the night, the wind blowing her hair into my face.



I’ve been in this room for who knows how long, I think the only way I’ve been able to keep sane is the fact that I know that at the end of this, I’ll die. I’ll finally be free of this nightmare. My clothes are dirty, my hair is dirty, in fact, I am in fact just plain disgusting. I guess having to drink out of the toilet is starting to have an effect on me, I can feel a rash around my mouth forming, the burning and itching.

Apparently they still have my Torchic. Its my last Pokemon alive they told me. Ever since that boy and the slowpoke, a few other children were brought in every time I tried to escape, or made a bit too much noise they’d gruesomely torture them before leaving their mutilated corpses in front of me for a week before removing it.

Suddenly, the door flung open with a large metallic squeal, I had to hold my eyes up to the light, but from what I could see, a brown headed girl was being carried towards me, with a bloody wound in her neck, pale and her eyes closed. The two men in suits, I couldn’t see because of the sudden change in light. The poor girl was already dead. At least I could hope the same for me soon.

As my eyes adjusted I saw a woman, blonde hair, and suit walk through, clutching her mobile phone and picking at her hair, filled with specs of blood, she had large sunglasses on so her face was out of sight. However, the man following her looked somewhat familiar. I gasped as I realized who it was, “PHILLIP!” I screamed, throwing myself onto the cold separating glass….

17th October 2003, 09:48 AM
lmao @ Cluff: a fakemon.

This chapter had kinda much typos, but it was still easy to understand. I can't wait to see Selina

Mew Trainer Rose
17th October 2003, 12:06 PM
Yay, Rose's POV! tho I'm told it's her last. :( doesn't look too good for her...I hope Ollie and Poochyena are OK. :)

*blink* Olivia is very dense. And quite lazy. she doesn't want to carry a single pokeball for the short walk to the resort? ... Maybe Lenia will go nuts during the trial and somehow kill her. :P We can only hope. ^_^

Chris 2.1
19th October 2003, 09:55 AM
Great work! Yea, im back from my mates now so we can talk chappies next time on msn!

Cool....good work here! Metapod...*chuckle* I remember you saying about him! I can't wait, lol. The problem was, the captures were kinda rushed imho, but the result was great! WHAT HAPPENED TO SENTRET!?!?!?!?!?! ;_; the poor wee racoon/thing.

Keep up the good work!

ps: LOVED the cluff thing ^^

24th October 2003, 12:21 AM
That was neat. Having Olivia around is fun for the readers, but I could imagine how it would be annoying for the characters who actually have to deal with her. Also your use of Fake Pokemon is very good. (And it's really fake, which is a change for the normal Real Fake Pokemon. ^_^) I wonder if Olivia would have wanted a Cluff if she had heard about it? Maybe she's not that dense. Maybe...

Although, It's odd how Andrew's story about the Ekans and that wierd lady were explained beter in the LTL version, but since this version showed it in JessicaVision (tm) I can see why it didn't come through. ^_^

I wonder what's up with Phil... I have some ideas, but I don't want to say things that could possibly be the right answer. That would be cheating in reverse or something.

Anyway, this crossover is off to a good start, and I can't wait to see more. Thanks for putting in the extra effort to bring us cool crossover chapters! ^_^

Keep it up! :wave:

(And just wondering, but is it really true that the kangaroo in Kangaroo Jack doesn't talk? I never saw it. )

24th October 2003, 12:55 AM

Thanks to everyone for your entries! There is no closing date, so if you wanted to resubmit yours or uh like get in with a chance, do so before you forget!

Powaran Hi Thanks for reading the fic, why don't you like Siblings in the fics? Are you a lucky only child? Wartotle is also with Jess which she stole off of Andrew under the guise of a "Swimming Carnival" at school.

Pokemaster X Absolutely no Pikachus :) I had one, but it was promptly killed :) Nothing like getting rid of attention seekers. But yeah a Keckleon could turn up, since well yeah I'm a bit hesitent since Shiny / Brit Chris had one in his fic. Thanks for taking the time to have a squiz!

Brit Chris How would you like a trophey for your knowledge? :P

After Crossover part 1

Dragon Claw - Yep, I included John Ukx in the newspaper with his "Cluff" lol :P "kinda much typos" ? lol. Like where? Although Mr Pika will fix that for me no doubt.

Rosey Mew Trainer - Nuh uh, Rose ain't looking too good... If you've ever met Olivia, she has the mental capacity of a Post It Note... Seriously.. But I can't see Olivia being killed off... yet :P

Brit Chris - Ah so you liked Metapod eh? A Butterfree for andrew ;) Yea, the captures were rushed, but they get time.. along with finding out about Sentret next episode... its an Abra POV Special! Yea, Cluff was waiting to be snarked at :) lol. Thanks for reading!

Gene Child Mewtwo Ah, a reply from you is a nice way to end up my day. Olivia is a joy to write, but a horror to be around. I think Jon Ukx is offended about my Cluff usage, haven't heard a thing from him! lol Yea, Jess doesn't have patience for Andrew, and I didn't want it to be Carbon Copy of Gavin's work. Come on, guess Phil's path! Lol. And Kangaroo Jack only talks when he's delerious... its an awful movie. Thanks for reading!

25th October 2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by OzAndrew

"kinda much typos" ? lol. Like where? Although Mr Pika will fix that for me no doubt.
Well, I would, except for the fact that it would take away from any possible enjoyment I could have of this chapter to edit it, as it would take a long, long time. No offense intended. It's just that there were numerous errors all over the place. I tried to edit it at first, but just couldn't keep at it for more than about ten paragraphs. I will, however, list some of the more common errors you made. Okay, first of all, there were several times in this chapter where you called Olivia “Oliva”, and forgot to break apart your sentences with periods, semicolons, etc. Next, I don’t think you ever put punctuation at the end of a quote. And there are numerous other mistakes scattered about, but I really don't want to have to list them all. I know from your previous chapters that you can do better work than this, Oz. This chapter really deserves an edit, if only to correct the errors I specifically mentioned. Though it would be nice if you could correct some of the other things as well.

I don't want to bash your chapter like crazy, as it really doesn't deserve that. You had some points of nice writing, but other parts were very incoherent and troublesome from a reader's standpoint. The dialogue and emotions were good, if not slightly overexaggerated. Though I don't think that's a huge problem or anything. And you really shouldn't need this many references to outside things to make your chapter great. I don't even know who "Kath and Kim" are, and I've never bothered to watch "Kangaroo Jack".

Anyway, I know this chapter has great potential as long as it makes coherent sense, and I know you're a dedicated writer. (Put two and two together, and you'll know what I'm hinting at.) Just take your time on the next one, and try not to make things overly confusing. Read through it yourself after you write it, if that's what it takes. But I know you can do better than this, and I hate to see good writing skills go to waste. Well, I guess I'll leave you with that, and a prayer to not be banned. ;) See ya later! :wave:

Heavenly Sage HLSOE
26th October 2003, 01:55 AM
Since I proofread this I must as well reply (*Unlike a certain person who promised to) *Glares. What I had to say, you know Ozzie. The fic is great, the language is wonderful IMHO. The grammar fine. The plot kewlz (ok this is a crossover).

Well done.

P.S: I don't understand what u meant, what happened 2 ur AIM?

26th October 2003, 11:44 PM

Enjoy Mr Pikachu. Will give proper reply later... when not assignmenting

23rd January 2004, 06:19 AM
New chapter coming soon. Watchout :D

23rd January 2004, 09:18 AM
Goody a new chapter, and no, I do I am not an only child, dang it. I have four siblings, although 2 are like ten years older than me and much cooler and everything, it gets annoying trying to plan holidays with them. No, I dislike family getting involved in a trainers life since it sort ruins the freedom, it would be like having to drag a ball and chain, and it prevents shipping, which can be really funny in this fic. hint hint.

Also like your reply to Mr. Pikachu was very brillant.

29th January 2004, 10:37 PM
Powarun - Ah so you're the baby of the family. I don't want to add in Shipping just yet, I was going to add in a love intrest for Andrew, but I didn't want to make it too hokey, so its still in the "Maybe" category. I love adding family, its like adding those annoying family members everyone has, and dragging them along when they're not wanted. But probably Jess would get a love intrest before Andrew. Because guys who talk about love all the time are really really annoying, and the Andrew POVs would become awful. It'd be like listening to my annoying friend who won't shut up about his slutty girlfriend all the time.

I have finished the 21 page sequel to the crossover, and final crossover *I Think* :) I love it more than life itself, and am awfully pleased with it. I love reading Gavin's parts, he puts a great spin on it all and its a thrill to read.

So I just have to get online with him and we'll sort it out!

Peace out loyal viewers!

20th February 2004, 07:50 AM
Enjoy everyone! Long time coming, but a regular flow of new chapters will be close behind! So grab a drink, something to eat and enjoy reading all of this!

Here's the LTL side of teh Crossover ok! It's Here! Go there now! (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=414738#post414738)

Lisa the Legend & Electric Buggy To Victory Crossover.
By Gavin Luper and OzAndrew
Chapter 29 – Hotels, Courtrooms & Battles


Waking up the next morning, I was out of bed, in the shower, changed and out of the room by 8:30, giving me enough time to get breakfast outside. As the doors closed on the elevators I could hear Jessica thumping on my door, “ANDREW! OPEN UP! I WANT BREAKFAST!”

I smirked as I heard someone yell at her “OI! Keep it down!” I snickered to myself as the elevator went down to the Lobby. Waving hello to Simon, the guy at the desk, I continued out and tried to make a decision on where to have Breakfast. Walking along the sidewalk through a new housing estate I picked up my newest Pokeball containing Metapod and pressed its button, releasing the green Pokemon.

“Hi Metapod” I said quite simply, “I’m Andrew”


“Uh, I like captured you last night” I said, a tad bemused.

“Metapod” it said, sounding a tad angry.

“Uh sorry Metapod, here, meet Mr. Mime!” I said, releasing my Psychic Pokemon.

The two exchanged glances and looked at me. “Mr. Mime, could you please explain the whole situation to Metapod, I’m really sick of doing it, you know” I said as I began to walk off. I heard Mr. Mime give an annoyed sigh as it called out to me.

“Come on you two lazybones!” I called out without looking back.

“METAPOD!” grunted the Bug Pokemon. I hoped it’d evolve soon, like it was about to do when I caught it.

Suddenly Mr. Mime was behind me, grunting as he cradled the cocoon Pokemon in his arms. I forgot that Metapod couldn’t move. I took Metapod from Mr. Mime and carried him under my shoulder with one arm. I could feel it glaring at me, watching my every move.

Gee, it was already 8:30 and I was sweating under this awful summer sun, I wiped it off of my face and continued to the main strip of town, first off I stopped in at the Newsagents and grabbed the local paper from home, and some Listerine Strips and went into McDonalds, ordering some McMuffin and Orange Juice and two hash browns and chowed down while I read the paper. The orange juice tasted awful but I wasn’t about to complain at McDonalds, they’d probably attack me with their clown, mobster, blob and furry.

Reading the paper, next to the comics and horoscopes I saw the “Pokemon You Wouldn’t Believe” column, today’s one came from America, and some kid had captured a Squirrel and somehow gotten to the state finals, but when he released his 6th and final Pokemon it was the poor Squirrel which was sadly killed by the Tauros’s hooves. Apparently the kid’s name was Koji and by the looks of his picture he’d used more hair gel than the set of a tacky 1980’s movie on his hair.

Reading on I checked my Horoscope, Aries: Your day will be filled with delays and problems. Oh great, just what I need, a depressive outlook on life. Throwing my food wrapping and paper away I stopped in at the supermarket and picked up a box of Sultana Bran and 2 Liters of milk for my team to eat when we got back to the hotel, before we headed to the courthouse.

I was in the 8 Items or less checkout with my two Items, Metapod in hand and Mimey carrying the food as a stern looking Policeman came over. I had 6 items less! Why was I in trouble! Or maybe this was about Jessica! Or the court hearing! I gave a fake smile as I asked, “What can I help you with Officer”

“Andrew Hall?” he asked, looking at me.

“Yes?” I replied.

“You dropped your wallet back at McDonalds. Here you go.” He said as he handed it to me.

”Oh thanks! How did you find me?” I asked, a bit startled.

“Oh sorry to break up your little CSI Meeting, but I have customers to serve, so if you two could possibly break up your forensics and do it elsewhere, it’d be great” chimed in the checkout chick. She looked seriously peeved off as she fiddled with her nose ring. I was glad she wasn’t handling any fresh fruits. Or rather, anything not in a packet.

“Oh, just followed you” he said simply and walked off.

I proceeded through the checkout with one of the deadliest looks from Tracy according to her badge. And once I’d paid and gotten my stuff I quickly left. She obviously wasn’t one of the nicer residents. And no, I don’t think she was there to help me, contrary to what her badge also said.

Exiting the store, the Police Officer was there, waiting for me.

“Oh yes, I also was about to head over to the hotel and tell you this anyway, but the Court hearing has been delayed by a day, because we had a security breach yesterday, so we’re going to fix it up before we put you kids up there” he said, taking off of his hat.

“Oh… thanks” I said, rather distantly.

“Actually I still have to tell the other 3, would you like a ride back to the hotel in the police car?” he offered.

“Absolutely!” I said, ecstatically before having a brainwave, “But first, where’s the craft store?”



Andrew had left early no doubt, so when I went looking to see if he wanted to have Breakfast with me, all I got was a neighbor yelling at me. So I decided to go down to the beach for a swim. I took Seel, Wartortle, Wigglytuff, Clefable and Eevee. I left Murkrow, Bayleaf, Mawille, Smeargle and Jynx with Olivia who was still asleep. I could hear her snorting in her sleep. Like Babe the pig really.

The surf was great down on the beach, wasn’t deadly, wasn’t like a lake, but next to perfect, but there seemed to be some seaweed washing in. As I looked at it before walking in, an old surfie guy came out in his wetsuit and board, and said to me “Look out love, that stuff washes up every morning”, pointing at the seaweed.

“Thanks!” I said and went into the surf, holding onto Seel, who had recovered from its Rash with that disgusting Blissey.

Wartortle was close behind whilst Wiggly and Clefable preferred to stay on the beach and paddle their feet. Eevee had tried to dig a hole as deep as he could, and by the looks of it was doing pretty well. I told Wiggly to watch over him as we three leapt into the water.

Seel and Wartortle had a heap of fun and we surfed the waves together, and a few times I got dunked, but they helped me back. The seaweed was a bit scratchy anyway but I ignored it. I saw Eevee was stuck in the hole he’d dug for himself, because Clefable and Wigglytuff were crowded around the hole, trying to reach their pathetically useless arms down there.

I swam back to shore and Seel and Wartortle came with me, we saw in the hole, Eevee had seawater up to its chest. I leant down, and grabbed him by the scruff of his little neck and yanked him up. Wrapping myself in the towel, Eevee shook like Rocky did when he got wet. With that we headed back to the hotel, in my bikini-top and short board shorts I was kinda taken by surprise when I ran into Lisa outside my door.

“Oh! Jessica!” said Lisa, playing with her Pokegear and a Pokeball in her hand with Aipom fiddling with her hair.

“What?” I said, trying to get the key into my lock.

“Gavin’s here, and so is a Police Officer” she said, rather excited. And with that Gavin came around the corner, in a tank top, boardies, thongs and looking pretty good if not a lot more worn out, but here I was, sandy, wet, looking like a drowned rat and I just noticed a bit of red seaweed in my hair as I brushed it off and scratched my arm. As he turned his head to look at Lisa for some sort of approval, I noticed a HUGE scar on his face! We’re talking from ear to cheek on his left cheek.

I tried to get back some dignity, as Gavin gave me an odd look as he raised his right eyebrow, “Hey Jess… you look… blotchy”

I looked at my arm. I looked at my other arm. I looked at my legs. I’d gotten a rash from that seaweed! “Uh, you’ll have to excuse me for a little while!” and with that I dashed into my apartment, left it open far enough for my Pokemon to slip in and with that I slammed it shut in their amused faces.

Looking in the mirror I was covered from head to toe in a blotchy rash. I leapt into the shower, washed the salt and sand off of me. My Pokemon would be fine with Olivia while I got showered and presentable. By the looks of it I’d need a bit of Calamine Lotion on this, so after I was out of the shower, with some of the Hotel’s complimentary cotton balls I wiped the soothing lotion over me, leaving just a faint burning feeling. With some concealer, this rash would be unidentifiable. I was all bumpy, red, itchy and rather uncomfortable.

I heard Lisa knock at the door, “Jessica, umm, do you need some help? Just that we uh, have to see the Police Officer now” I heard her muffled voice, and Gavin giggling, before a slight grunt of pain. I gave a small grin at that.

“No, no I’m fine, really, I’ll be ready in a little while. You go ahead, I’ll see you in your apartment” I called out, slipping on a nice new pink boob tube and my denim skirt and white belt. I left Wigglytuff, Clefable, Eevee, Seel and Wartortle to get cleaned up in the bathroom, I’m sure they could handle themselves. I just put away the hair drier and anything they could hurt themselves with.

I let myself out of the apartment, to see Gavin rubbing his arm and Lisa took the lead to Olivia’s room. Walking behind Gavin I noticed Gavin had a limp! I had no idea! Gosh, I wonder what he’d been through, obviously a lot worse than my rash, but right now we had to see another of these retarded police officers, I swear if they tried to get us in that dusty house again I would scream.

We went into Andrew’s room, Andrew sat up on the Bench, Gavin sat on a stool next to the bench and Lisa and I grabbed the couch. Olivia sat there, brushing her new Spoink, that ***** Aliesha at school had one, she treated me really badly, she always had her hair up in a bun, and whenever the boys came along, she was a complete skank.

This Spoink seemed a bit happy to be pampered, its little eyes closed, its little breathing was pretty calm. “I didn’t know you had a Spoink Olivia” said Lisa, a bit surprised as she walked over to pet the sleeping piggy.

Andrew piped up with an introduction, “Oh Gavin, this is our cousin, Olivia” as Olivia just stared at Gavin’s huge scar whilst he gave a smile and wave. Gavin shifted uncomfortably and his smile faded as Olivia continued staring at his face, which was really rude.

“Um, did you know you like have a HUGE scar on your face?” she asked rather bluntly and pointed.

“Well no, I didn’t know thanks for telling me” he said in a deadpan voice.

“Oh… do you like clothes?” she asked in her same simple tone.

“Not really” he said, a bit bored with Olivia.

“Oh…. Do you like hair” she pestered, she’d tried this one on me before and I wasn’t impressed, sure I like hair and clothes, but she’s just so.. simple!

“Uh, no, should I?”

Andrew butted in, “Olivia, guys don’t talk about clothes and hair ok” he said, looking a bit irritated.

“Oh you guys are no fun!” she said getting up, dropping the poor tiny Spoink onto the creamy carpet with a snort, his pearl rolled away, so he grabbed it and on his teeny legs, ran after Olivia, making it through the door before it was slammed shut.

“What happened to her Sentret, Andrew?” I asked him, I hadn’t seen it in a few days.

He just shrugged at me as the Police Officer walked into the room and took off his hat, the room was pretty tense as we all sat there, eyes trained on him. Lisa’s Aipom broke the silence with a small monkey chitter.

“Well kids, I have good news and bad news” he said, quite plainly.

“Bad news first, that way we’ve got the good to make it bittersweet” I said rather frankly, I needed to get back to my room, I was itchy already.

“Well the bad news is that Lenina may be making another attempt to take you out of the picture” he said, looking at us all, “See, you’re the main witnesses to the case and without you, all we have is burnt out science equipment, a carcass or two and no hard evidence.” He paused for a moment, “ So there’s a high chance your lives will be on the line.”

Aipom gave an annoyed yelp at that as he grabbed at Lisa’s bandana. “However, if you want to, you could always wish to withdraw and have Lenina walk free” he said rather bluntly, towering above us and rather quickly.

We all sat around looking rather depressed, we all knew we had to get Lenina behind bars, but we didn’t want to be killed in the process. Gavin surprisingly was the one who was spoke up, “I’m not letting some reject retiree get the best of me, I’m going to let this ***** ruin my life”, he said rather plainly and coldly.

“You’re right, we can’t let her get away with what she did to us and whomever else she came across” said Andrew, looking rather annoyed, creasing his forehead. He’s going to have awful wrinkles by the time he’s 28.

The police officer chimed back in, “Also, we found out she was in contact with an unknown person which we believe might orchestrate your downfall”

“On the upside, you have an extra day before the trial. It’s been postponed because we believed Lenina was trying to escape custody. So … we’ll see you at the courthouse tomorrow at noon, then.” He said before leaving, probably off to stop graffiti artists.

Sitting back on the couch, everyone looked kind of worried. I didn’t want to die, I know it sounds clichéd, but I’m too young to die!

After a few moments, my stupid brother spoke up, “Uh, guys, can you please leave my room”

“Why you selfish idiot? Why can’t we chill here?” I said, rather annoyed as Lisa and Gavin looked away, obviously trying not to get involved. I know its rude to fight in front of people, but he’s being a jerk, what happens if there was a sniper outside! We just step out and BANG! Dead! Just like on that 24 show!

Andrew groaned before rubbing the back of his neck, “Because I’ve got to do Crafty stuff”

“You mean like ice cream stick photoframes?” piped up Lisa, no doubt she’d made her fair share in primary school.

“Uh yea… something like that” replied Andrew vaguely.

Gavin took the lead and began to leave the room, saying as he walked to the door, “Come on girls, let the man make his frilly toilet roll holder” which made us all crack up, but we tried rather hard no to show it.

I swear we got a look of pure death from him as we left that room.

I called out to him as we walked down the hallway, “Seeya after our Brunch Andrew!” before whispering to Lisa, “I bet he’s playing dressups with his Pokemon” which made us laugh our heads off.



I didn’t care what they said, I had a great plan! I could do so much! So I didn’t do breakfast, I had a greater scheme, what with my glue and blue paint! I had the best idea ever! I swear, I could make a business out of my scheme it looked so good! Putting it away I chilled out on the couch before I met up with them later.

Later that day I met up with them on the beach, Olivia was still peeved off and Jessica and Lisa were being annoyingly chatty. I tried my best to get over their comments but.

“Well since it seems like we’ve got an extra day before we have to go to Court, and I do have the league coming up, how about I have some battling with you Gavin” I piped up. I really hadn’t been Pokemon training lately, just cruising around and doing… stuff.

“Well sure Andrew” he said.

“How about we battle on the empty pontoon,” I said, pointing to one that didn’t have a boat docked on it “That seems large enough and its on water so we’ll need a bit more skill then. Just a one on one to start off with right?” I said, laying the rules down.

We continued down the beach, and walked onto the floating rubbery blue pontoon. Gavin went to one end, I went to the other, Jessica, Olivia and Lisa sat nearby on the beach, keenly watching us. I had to win this, I hadn’t gotten 6 badges from chance, had I now. And I had been using the same Pokemon again and again.

“Go Sableye!” I yelled, lobbing the Pokeball onto the springy and warm rubber. With a flash, Sableye appeared, and pointed a finger at Gavin before licking its lips. WHAT THE HELL. Gavin wore the same expression as he threw out his Pokeball into the air, I realized who it was, Natu. And with a flash, the tiny green Psychic Bird appeared fluttering in the air, sending Sableye into a frenzy as he kept leaping up and trying to grab the bird.

“Sableye! CALM DOWN!” I yelled at it, but it was ignoring me completely in its grab for Natu. I whipped out my Pokedex, to see what could help. I scrolled through his attacks and say “Calm Mind”. That’s bound to cool him down.

“Calm Mind Sableye!” I yelled at the weird ghost/dark type. Obediently it sat down, and its eyes began to glow an eerie white. But Gavin had just commanded Natu, and I’d ignored what he said! Natu fluttered around the calming ghost, and it began to start molting, dropping a few feathers, when they hit the Purple Pokemon, they disappeared. I quickly pointed my Pokedex at that, to find out what it does.

Featherdance – A move known by some flying Pokemon. It drops some of its feathers which in turn slows the opponent down greatly. Oh great, just what I needed.

“Sableye! Toxic on Natu!” I commanded.

“Quick! Safeguard!” countered Gavin.

And with that, Sableye got up, a lot more focused than before, but damn slow about it. By the time Sableye had spat out the purplish toxic glob, Natu was already shimmering with a green glittery energy, making the goo fall into the ocean useless.

I felt a bit bad because I’d just killed some innocent animal with that toxin in the sea, some innocent catfish or Goldeen. But Gavin was at an advantage already. “Quick Natu, teleport and Quick attack” he said.

I was about to say a counterattack, but I just smiled smugly as I realized what would happen. The little green bird disappeared with a small flash, and reappeared behind Sableye, then a green blur passed right through the ghost, and Natu came out, looking a little more than shaken.

“Damn, I forgot about that” muttered Gavin.

“Don’t you love ghosts!” I reveled.

“Well let’s see what happens now… Natu! Skill Swap!” he yelled, looking confident.

I quickly again looked at my Pokedex, “Skill Swap – Switches the skills between Pokemon” “USELESS JUNK!” I yelled at it and threw it back in my pocket, it told me absolutely nothing! Natu began to glow with a golden light, which also covered Sableye, and it then faded just as quickly as it had appeared.

”Heh, well guess what Andrew, Natu now has the ghostly properties of Sableye, and Sableye, well, if he falls asleep, he’ll just wake up quicker” laughed Gavin.

I didn’t think Gavin was so crash hot at training, but he was totally kicking my *** now.

“Uh Sableye, use um… uh… Night Shade?” I tried, Sableye was brand new and I couldn’t remember all its moves!

“Quick Natu, Steel Wing and finish off Sableye” said Gavin rather calmly. That made two of us that knew that this battle was over.

Natu’s wing rippled with metallic energy as it swooped down and struck Sableye in the head, sending a spurt of blackish goo splattering over the already black pontoon. With a gash in its head, Sableye fell over like a tree, unconscious. “Return Sableye” I said, a bit disappointed. I guess my new Pokemon wasn’t as good as I thought it was.

Natu flew over to Gavin, and went to perch on his head, but passed straight through him. He gave a chuckle as he thanked and congratulated Natu before recalling him.

“Andrew! How could you lose? Here you are pretending you’re a great trainer and you lose to Gavin, who’s not even got a gym badge!” said Jessica, all aflap, and blotchy, waving her black wicker cowboy hat in the air.

“Well last time I checked Jessica, your opinions didn’t count for squat!” I yelled back to her as she came onto the pontoon, carefully avoiding Sableye’s blood, which she could somehow see perfectly fine.

“Well I bet if I battled Gavin, I could totally kick his ***, and show you who’s the better trainer” she said defiantly, grabbing out her handbag and Pokeball in hand.

“Uh, well all I have with me are Natu and Girafury, and this really isn’t a great place for him to battle, its too small Jessica” explained Gavin, walking away from the Pontoon as the seawater splashed against it. “Perhaps another time eh Jess?”

“That’s not fair! I wanted to show Andrew up!” stomped my bratty sister.

“Tell you what Jessica, I’ll battle you” said Lisa, getting up from the sand and brushing it off of her shorts and legs. I looked over next to Lisa and saw that Olivia was spending most of her time by the looks of it digging a hole on the beach, and it looked like she’d gotten to a distance down. Her tiny Spoink was teetering on the edge, whilst trying to look down.

Jess looked taken aback from Lisa’s suggestion, and simply nodded as they both headed off to their places on the pontoon. I went and sat next to Olivia’s hole and made sure Spoink didn’t fall in. I released Mankey who sat down next to me and kept copying me, I was trying not to get angry and ignore it, but it was hard work. Quilava however was a bit scared of the water, so she was enjoying her new evolved form by walking around the beach and sniffing little hermit crabs, tufts of grass and Gavin in general who’d come to sit next to me.

“Who do you think’ll win?” he asked me.

“Mmmm… I’d have to pick Lisa by a nose” I said. Jessica couldn’t possibly try to beat her.

“I have to agree, Lisa came third in a tournament and she’s got two badges too” said Gavin, backing up the case.
We both sat intently as Olivia kept digging into the sand, with a small shovel she seemed to have. But on the pontoon, Jessica threw out her Pokeball, and with a shimmering whiteness, that amazing albino Murkrow appeared with a soft call. It smirked and took into the skies.

Lisa however was a bit hesitant and threw out her choice, which appeared with a similar glittery burst. Vulpix. On a pontoon. Surrounded by water. Not the best choice I had to say, but she could probably still pull it off. “Go Mary Cherry!” I yelled out to Jessica to support her, but she just gave me the finger.

“Oooh, looks like you’re in the bad books eh Andrew” taunted Gavin.

“Meh, she’ll be over it soon enough, if I get her something, she’ll swing right back into happy mode”

Vulpix seemed a bit disturbed by the water and gave a worried look at Lisa, who reassured it. But by that time Jessica had already issued a command. The white Murkrow had taken to the skies, and with a brief glow of its blue eyes, a barrage of cold wind hit Vulpix, who stood strong through it. Obviously that was an Icy Wind.

Lisa yelled out for Vulpix to use a Firebomb attack, and Vulpix opened its mouth, a flame accumulated before the fireball was released and missed Murkrow completely. But suddenly, it exploded over its head. The flames began to shower down around Murkrow who smartly swooped out of the way. We could see the intense heat as the air around Murkrow rippled.

Lisa scrunched up her face in annoyance as Gavin reassured her “You can do it!” sounding like Rob Schneider from all those Adam Sandler movies. Lisa’s face was now full of concentration as we watched the nuts and bolts in her mind tick over, “Vulpix! Hypnotize Murkrow!” she yelled out.

Jessica looked shocked, before stuttering quickly “Uh, Murkrow… uh…. Mirror Move!” And like that the white Murkrow’s eyes glowed a eerie silver before a small glowing mirror appeared in front of it. Vulpix’s blue eyes reflected back at her in the mirror as she looked stunned before, like cow tipping, it fell over on its side, asleep.

“Good work Birdy!” said Jess as she continued on her assault “Now use Pallid Beam!” she yelled, quite content she’d won. Lisa however was yelling at poor Vulpix to wake up and looking a bit more than frustrated.

Murkrow fluttered in the air, a white glow surrounding it, and it let off a massive beam of white energy hit Vulpix, enveloping it, before the entire pontoon was shrouded in light. Vulpix no doubt had awoken, and with a scream. I squinted through the light; no doubt this was burning my retinas.

A saw a brief glance of the recall beam and a rather annoyed Lisa was saying, “This would’ve been different if I had’ve used Dratini, Jessica” as they were coming up to us on the beach with Jessica trying to be gracious but she couldn’t hold it in by the looks of it.

“Congrats Jess” I said to her simply as she came up to me, Murkrow fluttering around her.

”Thanks! I told you I was a better trainer than you Andrew!” she said, rather ecstatic, then saw Lisa, obviously trying to be happy for Jessica with an awful fake smile. That lowered her mood a few points.

”Wow Jess, you pulled that battle off pretty well, Lisa, how long has it been since you actually lost a battle?” asked Gavin, as he and I stood up and began to head back to the hotel. Mankey was again imitating me, and wouldn’t stop. Quilava gave him a friendly nudge and we continued on.

Lisa muttered something under her breath as Jessica was knocked to the ground with an unexpected “WOA”. Behind her was that little Spoink, pointing back to the beach and a huge pile of sand. Jessica got up out of the sand, and began muttering under her breath, determined to keep her good mood. Over the sounds of the waves I heard Olivia “Jessica! Andrew! Their new friends! ANYONE! Get me out of this hole! My legs are all wet and I’m all sandy and its ruining my new clothes!”


After pulling Olivia out of the hole, we had a rather uneventful night; Lisa and I went out to get some Chinese food, which we took back to the hotel because Glenys and Ripper had some Anniversary thing planned and we saw them off in their old bomby car. It was funny really, they didn’t buy a new car after winning the lottery, they kept their old Commodore because it apparently was “Reliable, and has a lot of good memories” I can kind of see their point, after all, their only kid was in that car every day to and from school.

Lisa and I let out Electabuzzes out as we walked back, her Elekid had evolved since we saw her last, it was really funny really, I remembered my Elekid and how much he’d grown since Mr. Mime had the egg hatch on him. But Lisa’s electric type seemed a bit surly and resentful, my Electabuzz tried to mess around with him in a friendly way, but received a quick punch in the gut for his efforts. We recalled them after that. But Lisa’s Dratini was still that, but I told her she was lucky to have a Dratini and not a Dragonair, they were annoyingly clingy.

After some dinner, we found a game of Monopoly, the Australian Edition and after some pushing from Jessica, we decided to play. The funny part about the Aussie edition is that the little Koala token was “Made In China” and all the place names were really out of date.

Lisa took a surprising first lead, I brought all the railroad and the brown properties, my favs. Gavin was the first to be knocked out, then myself. Jessica fell afoul of Olivia’s quiet property acquiring, before it turned out in the end Olivia owned all but the orange the purple parts on the board! She either landed on Chance spaces, tax spaces or Olivia’s devastatingly awful Hotels.

In a rather anticlimactic moment, Olivia won when Lisa landed on the green part, one space short of a Community Chest, and as the card revealed, a 2nd Place Beauty contest winner. After that we all went to our separate rooms and I released Mankey, Mr. Mime, Electabuzz and Lickitung to watch the movie channel in the hotel till god knows how late. But after brushing my teeth I fell asleep surprisingly quickly.


20th February 2004, 07:52 AM

I had the worst night EVER! The rash from the beach was so ITCHY! The Calamine lotion did its job, but it wasn’t so great. At least in the morning I resembled something like me. I petted my depressed Bayleaf as I had an orange juice. She hadn’t been too happy since evolving, but I think she was getting used to it, and was getting over it eventually. Jynx was looking good in her summer skirt and top. My new Mawille was peculiar, I wondered how Rose treated it because it used the complimentary toothbrush and paste on its giant silver maw for a good 15 minutes, after that it did some sort of Aerobics routine by doing some sort of pushups with its Maw. It seemed really focused on self-improvement.

Clefable and Wigglytuff had poor Seel, Smeargle and Eevee and were intent on making them over with an old brush, hair stuff and old clothes I gave to them. Talk about Fairy Eye for the Trapped Pokemon. Murkrow sat on the bench and seemed happy to be watching everything with its blue eyes. Wartortle had raided the fridge in the middle of the night, leaving nothing but Ice Cubes in the tray; he was busy being a lazy couch Potato. I really had to trade him back to Andrew for something, maybe that nice Quilava or Dragonair.

I suddenly remembered today was the day of the trial, I wonder if Lenina’s burns had gotten better? I wonder where CYDM was, and if she was going to try kill us today. I pulled out a conservative black skirt, white top, and put my blonde hair up in a bun, this way I looked a lot more presentable.

After recalling my Pokemon and leaving Eevee by my side just in case, I went to see Andrew. Mr. Mime let me in to his messy apartment; there was Andrew, socks on, boxers, shirt and no tie, well struggling to do the tie. “I haven’t had to do one since school! Its so hard to remember!” he claimed, truth is, he sucked at doing ties up, mum always fixed it up for him.

“Where did you get a suit?” I asked a bit confused, feeling a bit of last night’s Lemon Chicken rising in my throat.

“Um, this place with a Techno Gym and a slob and stuff” he said, going into the bedroom before quickly appearing with pants now on.

“Well it looks decent”

“You don’t look so bad yourself Ms Powersuit” he joked looking at me.

“Well I need to show them I mean business” and with that I cracked the belt over my hand.

“Yea, all you really need now is a jacket with large shoulder pads to really show the world you mean boss, cause the larger your shoulder pads, the more of a psycho attitude you have” said Andrew in a rambling tone as he continued getting ready.

At that moment Glenys knocked and walked in, holding a jacket with ridiculously large shoulder pads on a coat hanger. It was so dusty and old, but a nice thing to do, that old lady had no fashion sense really. Andrew tried not to laugh during this all, which he seems to do a lot often.

At about nine, we were all in the Lobby, ready to go, Gavin looking good in a simple black collared business shirt and pants. Lisa was in a white top and turquoise skirt, however the Pokegear and Aipom didn’t complete her look. Lisa’s hair was nicely pulled back into a simple ponytail. I could’ve given her a French twist, but really, I was far too busy putting my hair into a bun. Besides, Lisa didn’t care for getting presentable; she was a practical girl who would no doubt make a great farmer or something.

Olivia came up behind us, utterly confused, “Where are you guys going? I want to go? You’re not leaving me behind like my family did once are you?” Olivia said, lips quivering and her eyes about to burst into full waterworks. Her little Spoink was at her feet tapping her thoughtfully on the calf. Or Hamstring.

Andrew turned to her, “Don’t worry Olivia, we’re just going away for today”

“Why didn’t you invite me!?” She said, a tear running down her face. I felt a bit bad, but explaining it all to Olivia was really so, so difficult. “I’ll be good, I promise! I won’t stuff up, or get into trouble, or spill stuff on your clothes when I’m bored and eating and then the stains won’t come out so I have to throw them away” she babbled.

It took a moment to register. “HEY! You threw out my Betty Boop Top! I was wondering where that was! THAT WAS ONE OF A KIND OLIVIA!” I yelled in anger. I loved that Betty Boop top I thought I’d lost it somehow!

Lisa stepped in and gave Olivia a pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry Olivia, we’ll be back, besides, remember that time you dug yourself into a hole, we got you out, didn’t we!” she said rather simply as so Olivia could understand.

Olivia sniffled as she looked at us all. “Well, whatever you’re doing, I hope you don’t have fun! I suppose I’ll just have to go shopping today and buy everyone welcome home presents!”

Gavin gave a little chuckle, “Don’t worry Olivia, it’s just a bit of tying up of loose ends we have to do”

“Ohmigod! Did you say split ends!” she screeched, running her hand through her bleached hair in a panic.

A Police Van pulled up outside of reception, and Officer Rule came back!

“Hi Officer Rule!” I said, waving at him a bit too overenthusiastically.

“That’s no fair! You get to go with hot cops! Oh and Andrew, some Abra with a sack and stuff turned up with a note for you” huffed Olivia as she stomped over to the elevator just as it opened, allowing a family with their beach gear to squeeze out, accidentally bonk Olivia on the head with their boogie board and exit to the beach. This left a dazed and confused Olivia get into the Elevator with her Spoink behind her as she looked confused at the tiny Psychic pig and say “I can’t remember the level we were staying on, I know it started with a three”

I gave a little laugh as I realized the elevator only went up to single digits except the penthouse. Andrew looked at me rather confused, “Phil’s Abra?” he asked as we got into the van.

Lisa sat next to me in the Van, she pointed up to Officer Rule up front and whispered, “He looks just like that guy from that show!”

“I know! I swear he IS that guy from that show! Isn’t he hot!” I whispered back.

Andrew of course got a wind of this, rolled his eyes and spoke loudly to embarrass me, “OH JESSICA! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT TO MARRY OFFICER RULE! OH! ON THE BEACH YOU SAY! WOW!” I simply gave him the best stare of death as Officer Rule looked back at Lisa, and she gave an innocent wave.

I was thankfully right behind his seat so unless he turned right around, he couldn’t see me. Gavin was getting paler and paler as we approached the courthouse, it really made his scar stand out. “Don’t worry Gavin” said Lisa, patting his knee.

“I know it’ll be all right, really I do” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

We pulled up to the Courthouse steps, there was a gaggle of news reporters waiting outside, and of course those reporters that cover court cases are always old fat men, or really wrinkly ladies. I didn’t want to be interviewed by them, so Gavin, Lisa and I breezed right through them, led by Officer Rule, and ignored their pathetic questions. Lisa’s Aipom was using its tail to swat away any microphones that got stuck in her face. We got inside the automatic doors and stood in the Lobby, waiting for Andrew to arrive. I could see him outside, lapping up the attention. And speaking as he does, he was going on and on about himself and the case no doubt.

”Andrew Hall, what do you think should happen to Lenina?” asked a woman in the brightest pink powersuit with the largest shoulder pads I’ve ever seen.

“Aww, I reckon either she gets tested on by her own stuff, or she gets put in a butch women’s prison.” He said as the crowd closed closer and closer on him. Eventually Officer Rule came through and dragged him through the glass doors. Famewhore of a brother.

We all gave him a bit of a frosty reception as we walked through the metal detectors. We dropped our Pokemon through for registration and collected them back as we passed through with no hassles. Officer Rule ushered us through to the corridor. Off to the left hand side of the building we could see a line of people under a sign “Traffic Offences”. Those people probably deserved it, after that terrifying ride at night after meeting Rose at the airport, a lot of bad driver almost hit us.

The ground was a simple green carpet, and there was a lot of wood paneling with metal trim around. It was still quite new actually, but as we entered court room six, it seemed to be packed except for the front row. I presume it was for us. Walking past the crowd I clung to my handbag as they all stared accusingly at me.

“Welcome you four teenagers” said the judge, she was surprisingly young, about mid twenties with her hair had obviously been part of a disaster involving cheap black dye that in the fluorescent lights, made it look blue. But the bob cut put emphasis on her chubby cheeks and reminded me of that wonderful Wizard of Oz Movie I used to watch as a child.

I also had to note the black and white granny nightie didn’t look so good on her. After all, Judge Judy, my mum’s favourite person, right in front of Oprah mind you, we all know Judy doesn’t wear anything under that gown. That 60 year old hussy. I didn’t want to visualize that woman, I shuddered at the thought.

Right then, the judge began to speak in front of the packed room, and we all stood up.


‘Now that the Crown has presented their four main witnesses, I’ll allow opening statements from firstly the prosecuting Crown before the defence.” Said the judge before eagerly grabbing a mars bar from under her dress and began to noisily unwrap it in the silent and packed courtroom. She then pulled out a Diet Coke from under that dress. I don’t think the Diet was going to help in this situation, and by the looks of those odd bulges, she had a lot more food in that granny gown.

You could see the Typist sitting below her glare daggers at her as she pulled out a Ryvita Crispbread and the Officer simply rolled his eyes. Seeing them, I felt a bit hungry after having some Promite on toast for breakfast. Jessica, Lisa, Gavin and I all sat up like store dummies on show. I took a look around and took a quick guess; there were about 25 people in this room. Not including the 10 Jurors who amongst them looked pretty bored, but I noticed the Pidgey Lice guy among them! Probably more of those cool reporters too! The judge had a trail of caramel over her bored face as she lit up and called out to one of the two back doors behind her, “Bring in the accused!”

The old Prosecutor looked about 75 in the shade, pretty old and wrinkly. The defence attorney for Lenina was a young balding 30-year-old man, who had obviously tried to attempt the comb over look and successfully failed. The prosecutor wore a pretty smug look on his face as Lenina was brought in from the left door behind the judge who wiped the little bits of chocolate off of her face as she walked in.

We all kind of tensed up as Lenina came around through the doorway. She wore a plain one-piece navy jumpsuit with the combination of letters and number over her chest. Her wrists were shackled but her legs were free. A red haired officer who’d seen too much sun in his youth was behind her as she was put into the accused area.

I was surprisingly empty, I really had no emotions; I couldn’t spend another minute worrying about this woman. We were all silent as per the court, but you could see the daggers Lisa, Gavin and Jessica were shooting this woman would’ve gone through the walls before she came through and most definitely killed her.

Lenina’s left side of her face was a horrible plasticy red, whilst her hair was short, and around the left side of her skull, there was a fine silvery layering which didn’t hide the burns that trailed down her neck to goodness knows where. She gave a small grin and waved to us with her handcuffed hands. I was shocked, a woman facing these charges seemed to be in such a good mood. Jessica and Lisa were whispering whilst Gavin had simply continued to get paler.

The attorney trying to put Lenina away stood up, and adjusted his old tie, which shifted all of his wrinkly skin, clearing his throat, this caught the bored Judge’s attention as she pulled out a bag of Malteasers and began popping them. With an old voice that wavered a bit, the old man stood up, and you could see it was quite an effort for him.

”Your honor, the courtroom, my esteemed colleagues and members of the public” he began, each word fading off so I had to strain to hear him. “We are here today to convict Professor Lenina Johnson of illegal genetic testing, kidnapping, verbal abuse, assault, and Pokenapping. As you can see, our four young whippersnappers here are going to tell you what happened.” And with that, we all sat up a bit taller with that recommendation. “Members of the jury, do not be fooled by this woman’s appearance, this lady has committed many serious crimes. During the course of this trial, it will be uncovered that these young men and women overcome great difficulties to defeat her in the name of self defence.” And with that, he sat down and gave us a grin, which contorted all the wrinkles in his face oddly.

“Will the defence please give their opening statement” drawled the judge, popping another chocolate in her mouth.

The smarmy looking man stood up, and to my surprise was quite short. He oozed over to the Jury’s area and leant over their little barrier, giving a wink to one of the more attractive female members of the jury who looked utterly repulsed. That poor, poor woman. “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, we are here today because of a total lack of respect for the elderly” and with that, I saw the four older members of the jury nod their heads and start paying attention, “Andrew and Jessica Hall, Lisa Walters, Phillip Steiner and Gavin Luper are nothing but DIRTY LIARS!” he yelled, looking at the courtroom. Wha?! I looked at my sister who pulled out her mobile and was writing on it. “Lying biatch” I gave a grin and passed it back.

“During this trial we are going to prove that Lisa, Jessica and Phillip trespassed on Lenina’s relaxation area, physically assaulted her, performed ARSON on the building, and left her for dead. But that wasn’t enough for them was it? The youth of today are vicious killers!” he said, captivating even the judge who almost started choking on a mouthful of malteasers.

“These three then got ANDREW AND GAVIN to attack her in an alleyway when she was injured and looking for help. Can you believe this? Five people, three strapping young men and two cunning young women ATTACKED an injured pensioner in an alleyway! Can you believe what a cowardly attack that was! Not only that, we are going to have them convicted for the MURDER of the Pokemon which died in the fire. Lenina’s beloved Steelix and Slowbro amongst them. Now she only has two harmless Pokemon left, Piloswine and Flareon. And because of the LIES these children told, she has been separated from the only things in this world that care for her!” I was about to pop. I couldn’t shut up anymore, but I had to. Jessica and Lisa also looked about ready to scream out at his liar.

But he continued on, “See how they’ve made a poor old woman cry! LOOK!” And on cue, Lenina began weeping some of the most fake tears I have ever seen in my life.

”My life’s been stolen from me” she mumbled before breaking down into her arms.

Everyone in the room began to glare at us, even the prosecution lawyer who now looked at us in disgust. I hope the media didn’t hear about this now.

“Thank you, your honor” said the defending lawyer, and sat down, ignoring Lenina beside him who sat up, emotionless, apart from a sideways smirk.

“You little good for nothings!” whispered the lawyer to us as the Judge pulled out a stick of Kabana from under that dress.

Lenina grabbed the pen and from the Defence lawyer and gave a little grin, before standing up, clicking the pen and announcing something to everyone, “I do hope those horrible attackers don’t try to hurt me again.”

Suddenly, the doors on the courtroom burst open with a large bang, and a wave of smoke poured into the room. Terrorists! Illegal Immigrants! So with that I released Dragonair, which had been handy in its Pokeball in my hand all along. I heard a few men and a caught a glimpse of camouflage, a man and a woman gave a scream.

Jessica gave a little shriek and clung to my arm as the people stormed into the room. I heard a few whizzing sounds and had no idea what it was, so I grabbed Jessica’s arm and forced her onto the floor. Lisa and Gavin quickly followed. My Dragonair was curled around my legs as I quickly whispered “We need to get out of here”

“Well” Jessica started, but the fear in her eyes was so strong she bit her tongue.

I heard the Judge give a shriek, and ran into one of the back rooms, screaming, “You’ll never get me! I’ve got food that’ll last a week!”

Standing up, Jessica, Lisa and Gavin prepared their Pokeballs, as did I, but as we were about to throw them, a young lad, about 15 or so stepped out of the smoke, carrying a beige box connected with a strap around his neck. The box was about the size of a small Wheat-Bix box, and with a press of the button he gave a grin and said “No Pokemon” and waved his finger as if scolding us. Grabbing the gun from his holster, he shot the woman in the neck in the row behind me. She promptly collapsed; clutching at the side of her neck where It looked liked a dart had hit her.

“Dragonair! Get them! Dragonbreath!” I yelled, but Dragonair was lying limply on the ground, its eyes a deep red colour.

“Go Electabuzz!” yelled Lisa, throwing her Pokeball at the guy. We all watched in expectation for the flash, but it wasn’t opening, it continued sailing on, into the gunman’s face as he turned to shoot us with his small black pistol. The Pokeball hit him straight in the teeth making him drop his gun unexpectedly. The Pokeball flew up in the air after bouncing off of his teeth, and fell right back into his hands where he tried to grin, but was wincing in pain. Setting back into the smoke I realized he had Electabuzz.

“Get back here!” Shrieked Lisa, she grabbed Jessica’s arm and ducked into the smoke. Dragging my sister into the smokey haze where people were shrieking in terror. I could make out the camouflage gear the people were wearing and noticed they hadn’t reached the front of the courtroom yet. In fact, they were still stuck up the back where a couple of the large men had engaged in fighting then barehanded.

I saw the gun on the ground and grabbed it. “Gavin! Grab something to fight with” I yelled at him.

Gavin looked around to find the Judge’s hammer strewn on the ground, picking it up, he looked at my Dragonair, lying on the floor, motionless, “What about that?” He asked.

“Leave her. We need to stop them” I said simply and took off into the smoke with the tranquillizer gun, which looked like a chunkier black glock pistol.

Lenina had taken off into the smoke I noticed, as had her smarmy lawyer. Officer Rule had a gun, and I’m pretty sure it didn’t have tranquilizer darts in it, but real bullets. The secretary was stuck with the jury members, trying to get the judge to let them in, but she was screaming blue murder.

Our prosecution lawyer had taken a shot in the chest and was slumped over the grand wooden desk, seeing a feather I had a sigh of relief realizing he was only out temporarily.

I saw a man in camouflage pants coming towards us through the smoke, so I instinctively held up the gun and fired at where I presumed his chest would be. My hands shook and were blasted backwards probably also by my nervousness as I heard a moan and thud. Remembering the action movies I’d seen I pulled the thingie back as to ready to fire another dart.

With Gavin close behind I looked at the body of the man, I was going to take his weapon and give it to Gavin. I looked at the unconscious body, blank eyes staring into nothing; I realized I’d shot the Pidgey Guy. He’d been wearing camouflage pants. Feeling a wave of shame, I didn’t think talking right now would help, I was pumped up on adrenalin and I didn’t want to get taken out. Gavin said hoarsely through the smoke “Shoot Lenina, we don’t want her escaping”

I gave a nod, but right now I had to find Jessica and Lisa, seems Pokeballs were absolutely useless, as were our Pokeballs. I heard more thuds and whizzing through the air as I stumbled across more unconscious people. I heard from the smoke and saw a glimpse of pink “How do you feel being a terrorist?” before a shriek and another thud.

I came across another camouflaged person, and felt the dart wizz past my ear, and I shot back in retaliation, hitting them in the abdomen. They soon collapsed, and we continued on, looking for Jessica and Lisa.

In this smoke, it was absolute madness, I felt somewhat sickened when I saw a pregnant woman lying between the seats and unconscious, and got more and more worked up. We came across another man in camouflage gear, without remembering the gun I roared out and punched him in his painted face. He was sent stumbling backwards as I kicked him in the gut and doubled over before I automatically slammed my hand containing the gun in my hand down on his skull with a sickening crack. I think out of stupid dumb luck I’d taken him down while he was distracted. Gavin came up behind me saying “What have you done Andrew”

Slipping back into my normal self I looked down at his body, I hoped it was unconscious. I saw a red slash across the back of his skull, which was bleeding freely. I looked at my right hand it was splashed with his blood. The gun had made the damage. I felt disgusted with myself, I’d never done something like this before, what had made me go into such a raw state? Moving on I heard Jessica shriek in pain and a crack and another wail of pain.

I saw a blurry figure of blue; I figured it to be Officer Rule. “Officer!” I said hurriedly going up to him. “Are you guys all right?” he asked, looking rather wild eyed and constantly checking around him, gun in hand.

I was like in automatic mode now. It all seemed a bit of a whir seeing Lenina’s burnt self walk out of the smoke and promptly shoot Officer Rule in the leg. He fell to the ground screaming as a squirt of his life liquid splashed over the carpet.

“Hello Andrew” she said, addressing myself. I looked next to me and saw Gavin who had somehow gotten Officer Rule’s gun and behind his back.

“Oh and Mr. Luper, what a grand thing it is to see you again, isn’t it?” she taunted, raising the gun up.

Suddenly, the smarmy lawyer with a tranquillizer dart in his chest fell out of the smoke, and fell onto me. Unable to hold his weight and off balance, I fell backwards into the rows of wooden chairs. I had a moment of panic as I realized I’d hit the chair before a moment of horrible pain in the back of my head. I laid on the corner of the chair for a moment, limply watching the world before I fell onto the carpet.

It was like watching everything in slow motion. Lenina raised the gun at Gavin’s head, Gavin ducked, punched her in the chest, sending her onto the ground and dropping her gun, he stood above her, now holding the power of life and death. That’s when the darkness took over.


“Andrew! Andrew!” I shrieked. My brother was so pale and there was blood on the back of his head. I shook his arm, it was still warm. “Andrew! Wake up!” I didn’t want to move him in case he has broken his back or something. I rubbed my backside, it was still in more pain than the time when I went skating and fell over. No doubt I’d broken my tailbone. Dragonair came slithering up behind Gavin and was trying to strangle his leg, its eyes were all red for some reason. Lisa also tried pulling it off, but I found Andrew’s Pokeball and recalled it.

Lisa and Gavin seemed to be applying pressure to poor Officer Rule’s leg, using some plastic handcuffs Officer Rule had to strap it off to stop blood coming from his calf. Now the smoke had cleared, about ten of the attackers were unconscious or tied up. Over three quarters of everyone had been knocked out. Lenina was dead, the blood splatter over Gavin’s face and her red fluid soaked into the green carpet. Lisa had gotten her Electabuzz back; she and I were a great team. I distracted them, she attacked then, I kicked them in the crotch or poke their eyes. Sure we only took out four people, but it was still more than everyone else.

Andrew gave a murmur as he woke up. I grabbed his hand as he looked around and at me, “Did we win?” I stopped myself from crying as I looked at him.


Andrew got a bit of a cleanup from one of the Ambulance officers. He wasn’t allowed to frown or make major facial expressions because it would tear the healing skin. He went to frown but quickly stopped. Everyone who was tranquilized was ok in the end, but I think the pregnant woman miscarried apparently, and that was awful. Aunty Maureen and Aunty Claire had both had baby troubles so I kind of know what she would be like. They still had trouble coaxing the judge out; she still wouldn’t come out, saying she had enough food for days. I think that’d be true. Ms Piggy wouldn’t come out till she ran out. And poor Officer Rule would probably make a good recovery because the shot was a clean one.

After that, we were all taken to the Police Station and quickly interviewed us; they seemed pretty overwhelmed by it all. They took the 10 men into custody; the others escaped, and probably wouldn’t be found. I guess they found more resistance than they expected.

Gavin had apparently accidentally killed Lenina, he shot her with what he thought was a tranquilizer dart, but it was actually a real gun, with real bullets. I felt somewhat happier knowing that woman was dead. After all of this, it was all over, no more Lenina, no more anything, just back to shopping, battling and telling Andrew off. It was a huge weight off of my shoulders, and hopefully mum wouldn’t find out. I’m sure cause we’re minors they can’t write our names up or publish our photos, so she can’t find out it was us.

Back at the hotel, the reporters didn’t seem to hound us anymore, those trashy people, and I gave a laugh hearing that the mega shoulder padded woman had gotten a dart in her arm when trying to interview one of the terrorists. She had so deserved it.

Glenys and Ripper came back from their Anniversary and seemed a bit amazed that we always seemed to get into trouble. “I’ll bloody tell you one thing, for a small seaside town, its never bloody peaceful” said Ripper, having a beer that evening as we all hung in the lobby bar.

Sipping pink Vodka cruiser I’d scammed, one, but only one, I talked to Gavin whilst the music was playing in the ok bar.

“So where are you heading off to now Gavin?” I quizzed him as he had a sip of his Bundy and Cola. Ripper had smuggled us all alcohol saying that we deserved it after such a day, and pretended they were normal drinks when Glenys asked.

“Well Lisa and I had better head home I think” he said, wincing from the strong taste. Mine was just like cordial!

“Well how are you getting there? Airplane again?”

”Well, we can’t afford that, and we don’t want to ask them”, he said, pointing at the old generous couple, “So I took a look at some maps, and we’re going to use our Pokemon to surf home”

“You’re joking right” I said, giving him a deadpan stare.

“Well no, because we’ll always keep land in sight, and it’ll only take a day at the most if we head off early”

“Guh, well how will you do that with your two Psychic Pokemon and Lisa’s Fiskmire. I don’t think it can carry you both, and Dratini, that thing can barely pull its own weight” I said, thinking of Lisa’s team.

“I wouldn’t underestimate them, besides, I actually have a Seel, I didn’t tell anyone about” he said, giving a dorky smile.

“Hey! You didn’t battle me because you didn’t have enough Pokemon!” I said rather angrily.

Gavin choked some of his drink back out, “Uh, it was a surprise, you see”

“Yea, well our Seels could’ve had a fun time together Gavin” I glared at him, how selfish really. My hand raised Seel had never really encountered its wild counterparts, Gavin’s could’ve been a friend for mine.

“Sorry Jess, besides, what are you doing next?” he asked me.

“You know, I really don’t know, go over to Cronin town or something? Was that where we were going next for Andrew’s seventh badge” I said, a bit confused. I hadn’t chatted to him about that yet.

Olivia decided to stroll over with her glass of non-alcoholic wine “I feel so tipsy!” she said, running her hand through her hair. Poor little Spoink gave an embarrassed little snot when she said that. As did Gavin and I.

“I heard you were talking about where we were going next Jess, I want to go to Pacific Fair! Largest Shopping Center in this state!”

“Ooh really Olivia?”, I was interested now.

“Yea, I got a brochure when I was out today getting gifts for everyone!” she said, pulling up a big bag.

“Everyone, everyone!” she announced, dinging her glass to get the attention of us all. “I’ve got gifts for you all!” she said happily, ”So close your eyes and I’ll give you all one!”

Feeling something heavy in my army I kept my eyes shut, “Open now everyone!” she said, happily. I looked down at my present in horror.

Even little Aipom had gotten a gift, he chattered happily as he had a little black leather band around the base of his tail and he leapt over to Spoink which had a little white one on its arm. “Those are friendship armbands you two! You’ll be bestest friends forever, just like me and what’s her name?”

Olivia explained Lisa’s one, “It’s a Magic 8 Ball Lisa! Ask it a question and it tells the truth! Its how I answer all my tests at school!” We all gave a polite laugh as Lisa shook it up and said “Is this gift useless?”

“Ask again later” was the answer.

“Andrew! I got you a black hair dye treatment! I’ll dye your hair later!” She said as we all laughed again. I was sure ready to enjoy watching him squirm.

“Gavin, I got you a big tub of vitamin e cream to get rid of that horrible big scar” she said, as he looked at the label and gave one of the fakest smiles I’d ever seen.

And Jessica, I got you a personalized Barbie Doll! One that looks just like me! There was this store that makes them and I made an order in the morning and in the arvo I picked it up! Now you can enjoy seeing me all the time” she said, coming over and putting her hand on my shoulder. “We’ll be like sisters! I took a photo of you while you were asleep and I had one made of you for me!” and with that she showed probably one of the ugliest dolls I’d ever seen. A thin trail of drool, my old purple “Little Star” Pjs and some awful bed hair. I was ashamed. I’d have to burn that doll.

But like everyone else I gave a great big fake smile “Thanks Olivia!”

“Oh and Glenys and Ripper, I got you a Polaroid Camera! To record memories and stuff so when you go crazy like old people do, you can look at the pictures and remain sane!” she said rather simply as she always does. I’m surprised she kept her job at City Beach. Maybe it was out of pity.

“We’re not quite there yet Olivia” said Glenys a tad bitterly, I think she’d caught onto Ripper who hastily downed more alcohol.

She gave them the camera and told them to take a picture of us “Ok everyone, say Cheese!” and with that, 3 pictures were taken. One for them, one for Lisa and Gavin and one for Andrew, Olivia and I. By then we were all pretty exhausted, and we all headed off to our separate beds. After all, we needed to be up early to see Lisa and Gavin off.


The final morning, we all were up at 5 O’Clock. I’d put on my bordies, Jess her boardies and bikini top and Olivia was still in a dressing gown. Lisa was in her swimwear as was Gavin as they waded out into the water. Jessica suddenly yelled out, “Look out for the seaweed!”

“Don’t worry, we will” said Gavin with a laugh.

“Seeya Jess! Hopefully we’ll kick butt again!” called Lisa as a wave came from behind and almost sent her underwater.

“Hell Yea!” replied Jess.

Lisa and Gavin both had their backpacks on, and Aipom was on the back of Fiskmire already waving goodbye to the tiny little Spoink. I was feeling a bit jealous. I wanted one now.

“See you new people! And boy with scar! 3 Times a day! On a hot day, 5 times a day!” yelled out Olivia.

“See you guys, travel safe! Don’t run into more trouble!” I joked, and they laughed as Gavin clung to his Seel and Lisa got on the giant beached blue walrus thing. “And don’t run into any more ‘Legendaries’” I air quoted. With that comment, God, talk about a frosty goodbye! The glares could’ve killed me.

“Good one you jerk” sniped Jessica, throwing sand in my face.

“Hey!” and with that I kicked sand at Jessica.

“I’ll get you good Andrew!” she shrieked, running down to the water, grabbing a glob of goopy sand “Take that”

I tried to dodge, but it got my shoulder. “You guys, attack Jessica with Sand!” I yelled, releasing my Pokemon.

Jessica gave a shriek and ran back to the hotel. Her back was covered in sand and seaweed rather quickly and rather entertainingly. Looking out to sea, Gavin and Lisa were already far out, but it looked like they were heading into a storm. That’s a bad thing.

Going back to the hotel, Olivia came up to me, “Andrew, that Abra thing is still waiting for you, its been like waiting in my room for like a day!” she said unhappily.

Abra! I’d totally forgotten about that! “What about Abra” I asked her.

“Well like I said before, its got cuts and its got a bag full of something” she said in a huff.

As I walked quickly back to the hotel, I was met at reception by a young lad in a wheelchair. “Andrew Hall?” he asked.

“Well yes, what do you want?” I said, a bit confused.

His face became a smirk, “I’ve got a great deal for you”

21st February 2004, 02:04 AM
What a laugh! Hah! :D

Who the heck is that guy with Andrew? I've got a feeling he's about to get into even more trouble... Jessica's majorly peeved at Andrew, and Lisa and Gavin are steamed, too... AND WHERE THE HECK IS PHIL?! He's the only one who didn't show up at trial, and he's been acting... erm... suspicious in earlier chapters... gah! If I don't find out about Phil soon, I'm gonna scream!

Well, this was good. Nice comedic aspects every few seconds, and the battles were good, too. Poor Natu, it can't perch on Gavin now! Poor, poor thing! And what was up with the useless Pokemon in the courthouse? I can understand the locking of the Pokeballs, but how'd they KO all the Pokemon, too? Hm. Odd.

Anyway, I can't wait till next chapter! :wave:

P.S. Hey Oz, several months ago I saw a thread titled "ebtv 2", and if I remember correctly, you started it. It only lasted for one chapter. Were you trying to start the sequel then, or what? 'Cause I'm confused. Please enlighten me, even though I'm sure this has been discussed already somewhere. ^_^;

21st February 2004, 02:54 AM
Mr Pikachu - Ah, that new guy, I've already written in his deal in the next chapter, the Big 3-0 :D Andrew can put people off side with his rather blunt comments, like Lisa, Gavin and Jess ;P And Phil, well I was going to write up Phil's big discovery in the Crossover, but really, 21 pages is already enough, so it got shifted to another episode back, which I'm 6 pages into already. And the useless Pokemon, we'll find out soon too, well maybe in about 3 episodes, when Dragonair still is incapacitated and somewhat psychotic. Oh and EBTV 2 was a dare from Craig, I followed up and wrote it, with Vivian, and I tried 3rd person, but I absolutely suck in 3rd person so I decided to discontinue it, but I plan on having Vivian and her ADD neighbour meet Andrew and Jess.

All Readers This episode also marks the begginning of the new Arc-Style EBTV, the chapters will be less standalone and more immediately after the other, and the storylines won't arise and be easily solved in every episode, so we have a few storylines arising already, Dragonair, Metapod, Wheelchair kid, Phil, Rose, Andrew's badges, Olivia's brains...

So if you want to give me a yell and tell me what characters you'd like to hear from again, that'd be tops thanks.

21st February 2004, 04:19 AM
Whee! Fic crossovers are good... As far as my memory serves, I've never actually replied to EBTV before, so you've got yourself a new reader! Well, you've yanked someone out of the closet, anyway.

This chapter was cool. I really like your supporting characters' personalities, especially Olivia. Clueless people can really liven up my day (note: that only applies to characters, not real people. :D) I think that this fic's style suits its narrators. Now and then you get these first person fics that have a teenager for a main charater, but they have elegant language and really detailed description... as if they'd really notice half that stuff. EBTV's different. Also, I really like how when the viewpoint switches, the emphasis is on different things, eg. when it's Jess' turn, there's a lot more about clothes and stuff. Fantastic POV handling.

Just watch some grammar errors; you repeat the same mistakes quite a few times. Eg. “Well I need to show them I mean business” and with that I cracked the belt over my hand. Before the closing quotation marks, htere should have been a comma. In every quoted bit of speech, there always has to be some form of punctuation before the closing quotation mark. Wait a minute... actually, it might be my browser, since mr_pikachu didn't pick it up. Heh.

Have fun with your storylines!

21st February 2004, 04:47 AM
MistySakura - Yay! Thanks for replying! Olivia was never in the original plan, but was an idea when the real deal came to live with us for 2 weeks, and even then she was going to be a 2 episode pony, but right now, she's a treasure I love to keep for a little longer. Thanks for the praise, and the grammatical problems, well.. lets say its a hard habit to kick after you've been doing it for donkey's years! But from what I've gathered, its one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't problems if you put commas everywhere. Thanks again Ada!

21st February 2004, 04:49 AM
No, it wasn't your browser, mistysakura. I saw it too, but I've long since given up telling Oz about it. Besides, this is the "newer, nicer, less critique-y" version of my former self. ;) No to mention the fact that I DON'T HAVE ANY DANG TIME ANYMORE!! :P

Is the Q & A thingie with the characters still on, Oz? I've got a few questions, if it is...

Andrew, why do you continue to pester Lisa and Gavin about legendaries? Don't you trust them?

Jessica, how does it feel to have a worthless dunce travelling with you? Is it frustrating, or can you relate to her?

Olivia, why do you continue to do ditzy things? I mean, you can't really be that dumb, right? (Oh, and it was three times a day, right? ;))

Spoink, why don't you run away and get a trainer who actually has some gray matter?

Mystery guy, WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!

Yeah, that just about covers it. Thanks, Oz! :wave:

21st February 2004, 05:15 AM
Mr. Pika Yep the Q&A is neverending. :)

Andrew - Pfft, we all know the Legendaries are marketing tools, they don't exist. Everyone knows that. Lisa and Gavin are cool, they're just... I don't believe their whole Legendary deal, anyone who does is just plain daft. Or they're attention seekers.

Jessica - Hey! Don't call Olivia that! She may be totally brainless, but she's my cousin! And that means I'm related to her! She is pretty dumb, but really, you just block her out after a while, she knows a bit about clothes, but is hopeless, so you can at least pretend to have a conversation.

Olivia - Like hi! Who are you? Who are you calling a Ditz? Not me I hope, I passed like City Beach training and stuff! And yes, my Cleo magazine says Vitamin E cream takes away scars, you don't have any, do you?

Spoink - I would run away, but Olivia's nice to me, its better than being alone in the wild, my family was taken out in the last tropical storm, and those of us that did survive were picked off by Spearows. I went and stayed with some Metapods and Caterpies with my cousins, but they're older than me so I don't mind. But Olivia can be pretty silly, but hopefully I can help her! I can't wait to meet Sentret, then we can be friends!

Mystery Guy - Hi, I'm Robson Tanner. I'm from Goldsworthy town, remember me?

Chris 2.1
24th February 2004, 04:01 AM

OMG what a cliffhanger! I can't wait.......

did Andrew get the materials from the craft store?

Oh, and is Olivia staying long?

and I may PM you about a type of Gym coming up relating to 'andrew's gym badges' which I didn't like.......can you remember it? The totally wrong one?

PS: we've got 24! I've watched 2 episodesd of it. Not thinking too much of it, either :rolleyes:

Gavin Luper
25th February 2004, 03:37 AM
Hey Oz!

Well, what can I say?

It's awesome.

I didn't even bother reading it again, I've read it about fifteen times over the last month anyway, so I think it's fair comment to say it's the best chapter you've churned out (that I can remember). Great description, great dialogue, great Olivia characterisation ... what more can a reader ask for?

So is Jess going to be eternally plagued with her rash? Will the wheelchair guy reveal his true purpose? And what about Abra - what's it up to?

Lol ... anyway, great chapter in the end. Congrats!


29th February 2004, 01:34 AM
Brit Chris - Andrew did go to the craft store.... it was implied I think. Olivia is around for at least a few more episodes. I am confused about the badges... you can PM me :) And 24 sucks. Season 2 and 3 suck.

Gav - Thanks for the comment! I love this chapter too! It has so much going for it! Thank you for going through all of this and working on it with me. Jess's rash goes away... Wheelie is in next chapter and is annoying vauge. Abra.. well most of next chapter is from his POV... Thanks again!

Next chapter will be a bit gory... half of the main character cast die next episode too... and well most of the Pokemon do too... So... any ideas or speculations on what will happen as I write this follow up to the fab crossover?

6th March 2004, 05:51 AM
WARNING the next chapter is MA 15+. If you don't like murder, don't read it, and post and request for a summary... I'll do that if someone requests it

And this is IMMEDIATELY after last chapter so yea... new arc format.

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 30: Discoveries, Blackmail and casualties
By OzAndrew


Ok, so some creepy kid was here in a light blue top and a pair of white board shorts in an old leather wheelchair. His hair was a dull brown in a bowl cut, and his pale skin riddled with freckles and he looked about 12. I seriously didn’t like this kid already, he acted way too smug.

“Well I suppose you’re wondering what this deal is, aren’t you?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

“Well, yes, and the fact I don’t have a clue who you are” I said simply as Jessica and Olivia bypassed me to the elevator, snickering.

He looked surprised as he looked me up and down, “I’m Robson, remember?” he quizzed.

I shook my head in confusion.

“Robson Tanner?”

I again shook my head.

“You know, you beat me in Goldsworthy City?”

My brain was beginning to hurt, shaking it so much, and the cut on the back of my head wasn’t helping.

His pale spots on his face got rather red, “You know how you beat my Ditto and Hitmontop”

It all suddenly clicked, “Oh yea! Hee! That was funny! Elekid vomited over it!” and I started laughing.

“STOP IT!” he roared and rammed his wheelchair into my leg in fury.

“Ow! OW! That hurt! But Ok!” and I tried to hide my laughter, that was a funny battle. And Elekid did evolve in that battle. But I had a sick feeling remembering Pizza Hut.

“Anyway, I have a Videotape I believe you should watch,” he said mysteriously. I had a chuckle as I remembered watching The Ring and hoped his tape wasn’t like that. “I’ll wait around this area till the end of the day. If you don’t comply with my requests, I’ll be forced to get myself into “Trouble” And have you incarcerated.” Threatened Robson, looking even smugger with his freckly dimples.

“Riiiiight” I drawled, taking the tape off of him before stepping into the elevator and taking it back up to my room.

“What did wheely want Andrew?” pestered Jessica, leaning against my door as I walked up to her.

“I don’t know exactly, he had a tape he gave to me, and apparently if I don’t agree to his conditions he’s going to hurt himself and make it look like I did it” I explained, a bit confused.

“Mmm… so Mr Cripple wants something from you, and if you don’t give, you’ll get in trouble?” she deducted.

I put the key in the lock, and turned to her, “I guess so, wanna watch the tape?” She looked around as I hissed in her ear, “Seven days Jessica!” And with that she playfully slapped my arm.

”Well here I was about to go talk to Olivia about how to wash clothes instead of constantly buying new ones, but this sounds a lot more interesting” she said, walking through the door.

”ABRAAB!!” came a hiss before I turned and saw Abra clinging to Jessica’s chest like a baby.

“GET OFF ME!” she screamed, flailing her arms around uselessly.

“ABABR!” hissed the little yellow Pokemon and flung itself onto my arm.

“Nice to see you too Abra!” I said as it began to cry on my shoulder. “What’s the matter?” With that a flurry of incoherent Abra syllables were flung at me.

“Andrew, look at what’s in this sack!” said Jessica, looking inside the old Hessian bag. “There’s blood on these Pokeballs!” she said as I put the tape over on the counter, and got a good look at Abra. It looked rather pale, well a pastel yellow

“Where’s Phil and Rose, Abra?” I asked them.

“Oh, Rose,” snotted Jessica, “That useless lump of a girl”

“Hey Jess, she’s actually a nice person, but you didn’t take the time to meet her, did you” I said nastily, Rose was a pretty nice person on the occasions I’d met her.

Jessica waved her hand into the air, “Whatever!”

And at that moment Olivia strode in, pressing buttons on her mobile Phone, little black Spoink looking somewhat irritated. “Andrew, you’re good with electrical stuff, why won’t it work?”

I took it off of her hands and looked at the bright pink mobile, “Is it charged?”

“Charged?” she asked.

“You know, so it’ll work again” I told her.

”I’ve heard of that!” she declared, rummaging around her white handbag, which looked to be like a small and feminine bowling bag.

I gave a sigh as Jessica thankfully came over and plugged in the charger and mobile.

”Mr. Mime, Starmie, come on out” I said, pressing their buttons on their respective Pokeballs. Starmie’s core glowed a welcoming rainbow colour as Abra hugged Starmie and Mr. Mime. I had an idea, like that psycho memory linky dink thingie, they could relay Abra’s memories to Jessica and I. Make him relive it so to say.

“What’s that for Andrew?” asked Jessica, whilst Olivia was completely oblivious looking for a glass.

I explained my idea to my blonde sister as Olivia rummaged around in the cupboards and disgustedly whined, “I can’t find anything to drink out of!”

“Wash up a cup” I offered and with that, Jessica, the Pokemon and I strode into the bedroom.

“Olivia, watch out for us Ok” said Jessica before rolling her eyes at Olivia who had obviously never touched a dishcloth in her life. Seeing that Jessica released Mawille and Clefable to watch over us, because if you broke a psychic link abruptly, humans could be put into comas and stuff.

Jessica and I sat down on the bed, facing each other. Abra was in the middle, and we joined hands with Starmie and Mr. Mime who were opposite each other. “Ok, lets sort this crap out” sighed Jessica and closed her eyes.

“Oh goodie” I deadpanned, before closing my eyes and getting a blue flash of light.



Inside my Pokeball I was resting, remembering my first battle with Snorlax, at the campfire. That was fun, hurting things was so cool! Suddenly, I felt a rush of air as I was forced out of the Pokeball into a blinding light; opening my eyes I saw I was in a dingy warehouse of sorts.

Looking over I saw some girl I’d never seen before, and Phil was holding a rag to her neck, blood was seeping out. She gave a gurgle of pain as another woman, in a pinstripe black power suit was behind him and said coldly, “Leave her, lets go see your other friend”

Now I like inflicting pain as much as the next Pokemon, but this was just cruel. Phil gave me a look as I walked over to the girl and put my paw on the rag, which was covering the right side of her neck. I was there for a little while as she awoke, sputtering, “Help, release my Pokemon”, blood seeping from the corner of her mouth.

I looked around; it didn’t look like she had any. I saw a motion of her hand point to her back pocket. I reached in there and pulled out a Pokeball, I pressed the button like I’d seen so many times before, and with a flash of light, that Blissey appeared.

“What ‘chu want? Punk?” she said nastily, glaring at me.

“Look after that girl, I’m going after Phil” I told Blissey, that egg had a really bad attitude, and after seeing what happened to Seel, with that awful infected rash, I wasn’t about to touch her.

Blissey muttered something as I followed after Phil, I teleported into the corner of the ceiling, like a fly on the wall with a small flash. I was able to view the entire room; in the left corner of the room was a glass box with a toilet and not much else. The skinny woman inside I recognized as Carly! When Andrew had gone away for a few months, we’d stayed with her and helped do research and stuff.

Her white coat was yellowed and bloodied, a rash on her and she was looking extremely ill. Over in the other corner, I saw Torchic, in a tiny cage. The poor bird had lost a few of its feathers and looking extremely grimy. I looked on the floor right in front of the box Carly was in; she was now gripping herself tightly, sobbing lightly as she stared at Phil and the woman.

Looking closely, it was her Sunflora, it had died, its green body, now withered and brown like a dried flower and its sunflower head a dusty crumbling pile on the ground.

Breaking the sound of Carly’s sobs, I saw the woman step up to the glass and tap, “Hi” she said softly, as she took off her sunglasses, catching her attention.

Carly looked grimly at the brunette woman in front of her, you could see she was trying not to cry. “Just letting you know Carly, well we’ve gotten to know about you really well over the past six weeks, so how about you get to know me a bit better.” She said, kicking away the Sunflora’s dried head.

Carly just continued to watch her, “Well honey, my name’s Merrill. I’ve been in charge of this operation, and its been going really well, well up until the point your boyfriend-“ She cut herself off and looked at my uneasy master who was staring at the concrete floor.

“I’m sorry, EX-Boyfriend,” she continued, “Anyway, everything was going to plan, Phil was going to bring us some information, some Pokemon, and in return, we’d give him back his Pokemon now and then. But then someone had a moral crisis, didn’t they, so well he’s now keeping it a secret” she said, walking towards Phil.

”But I like finding them out” she said, putting her hand up Phil’s shirt and began to massage his torso. Phil tried to stop looking happy, and was avoiding eye contact with everyone, except Merrill, and he promptly began kissing her, letting his hands explore her body.

This was all so wrong; I never knew humans could be so cruel. Well apart from That Brady Bunch movie that Snorlax made me watch with her.

“Anyway, Phil and I came to an agreement, you get to live, but we know how much you care for children, what with that Slowpoke and all, you break so easily.” She said, caressing Phil’s arm.

“What’s the deal” spat Carly bitterly, speaking for the first time in months, her voice was no longer sing-song and pleasant, but if someone had shoved a Magcargo down her throat.

Phil spoke up, “We need you to decode some of the information I took from you, and continue working for us, Carly. Because well, you seem to have encoded it.”

Carly just stared at him, we’d spent some time with her over the time when Andrew was away. She was pretty nice and funny, but right now she was a face of pure rage, “Well lets see, I encode my work so bastards like you can’t steal if”

Merrill stepped in and gave a smirk, “Oh Carly, remember when that Anti Pokeball Technology you developed was put away for safekeeping?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” said Carly, trying to bluff.

“Come on Carly, you know after that night on the beach, I stole that information” said Phil rather harshly.

“You said you loved me!” screamed Carly, throwing her fists against the glass. This was all pretty creepy to watch really.

“Well Carly, I guess I did love you… but you don’t compare to Merrill here. But the point is, I want you to live, and this is the way you’re going to do it” said Phil. Human relationships are so confusing, now I can see how enthralling they are, like another show Snorlax and I watched about like a beach and people living there and stuff.

“Well what do I have to do?” she said quietly.

Merrill looked up at the trapped woman and said, “Well dear, your first job will be to refine the Pokeball Inhibitor, so that Pokemon in the area in the time don’t become limp puppets that later try to kill everyone in a bloody rage.”

“Well how can I test that with no Pokemon” said Carly rather blankly.

The brunette woman brushed her fringe back and pursed her lips before purring, ”Oh, we have someone here, a trainer who has a few Pokemon. And we also have three men out the back with some AK-47s who love nothing more than seeing their bullets hit their targets. Just so you get the idea.”

“I’ll just go and give Rose the antidote to the knockout dart” said Phil, walking out of room, and not giving a second look at Carly. I hovered to follow him and eventually floated down to his shoulder.

As he knelt over Rose, I was confused about this all, and my master seemed to understand that, “I’m really not evil Abra, I’m just pretending to be so I can get these guys free,” he said as he injected a yellow fluid into Rose’s arm.

She moaned in pain, which was pretty cool, and I giggled as Blissey came towards me, “I had to look after this person and that took a lot of effort, I bloody hope she bloody appreciates it” she moaned as she continued to hold the bloodied hanky to her neck.

Phil grabbed Rose’s brown leather belt which had a small pouch on the side, he reached into there and pulled out a variety of Pokeballs which he put in his own small green plastic case. I felt a bit stupid; I didn’t know she had Pokemon in there. Lifting up Rose like one would a baby, he walked back into that main warehouse room and I once again hid in the corners, it made me wonder why Phil was allowing me to get around and see everything. What about the nasty Politoed?

“Got her Pokemon” he said smiling as he shook the green container at Merrill who walked over and grabbed it from his hand.

Merrill withdrew a walkie-talkie from her pinstriped business suit and mumbled through it, and almost instantaneously, a group of large men traversed through a sliding door, large black guns in hand. In jeans and wife beaters, they didn’t look the full bikkie upstairs.

Merrill reached into the container and promptly threw out a Pokeball. A pink Flaffy appeared, looking around and saying, “Where am I? Who are you people?” Merrill began to walk towards Carly’s glass container, and tapped on the glass.

”Oh and Carly, here’s another reminder of what we’ll do to anyone who stands in our way” threatened Merril, and she nodded to the three men who instantaneously started firing off their guns. Flaffy didn’t even have time to scream as its body was torn apart from the bullets, leaving bloody red pile of Pokemon parts. I gave a gasp, it was sickening. I like dealing a bit of pain, but this is disgusting! I quickly teleported over to Blissey, I needed to get everyone out of here and as quickly as I could.

Blissey seemed indifferent from this all, and gave a shrug as I appeared, “I never liked that sheep, never had an original thought, ya know” she shrugged as the blood began to creep towards this room.

“Blissey, I need you to create a distraction, so I can get everyone out of here!” I pleaded to the pink Pokemon.

“Now why should I?” she grimaced back at me as she made her way towards the door, ready to walk out on her own.

“Because it’s the right thing to do!” I yelled at her.

“Screw that, the right thing to do, is not always the right thing to do. Its about survival. You idiot.” she countered, and stood at the front door, and was about to pull it open.

“That makes no sense!” I shrieked at her.

Seconds later, she pulled open the door, before a single deafening shot and a blast of blood, Blissey fell backwards, the messy top of her head went splattering onto the metallic sheet walls behind her. She was dead. Through that very door, another man entered, looking quite similar to the others, but quite hairy. He raised his gun to me, but I quickly teleported back to Phil’s shoulder. All this use of my psychic powers was getting tiring.

Merrill turned to me and gave a grin, “So, you’re the cause of that little disturbance over there, aren’t you, psychic rat?” she said rather nastily.

Phil quickly stuck up for me; I didn’t want to get shot to pieces either. The mess of that sheep was just sickening. “Wait, no Merrill, you’re not hurting my Abra”

“Maybe later then…” she said, teasingly, giving me a scratch behind my ear.

Rose was still in Phil’s arms and she was beginning to awaken, “Good morning dear” said Merrill, quite happy being the one in charge of everything. With that, she pulled out a small silver revolver.

“My neck” moaned Rose, awakening as she clutched at her neck whilst Phil gently put her on the ground. He quickly rolled a Pokeball to me while he was crouched over Rose. I minimized it and put it just inside my chest armor. Merrill held her gun up to a disorientated Rose, as she writhed on the floor moaning in pain.

“I’ve got a gift for you Merrill,” said Phil in a sing-song voice, handing over a Pokeball. “Its Cydm”

“Excellent, my superiors will be thrilled when they find out I’ve secured this freak,” said the pinstriped woman, slipping it into her handbag“

“Cydm!?” said Carly rather incredulously, “That was just a rumor some of my colleagues were talking about!”

A shot rang through the air, when I opened my eyes, my ears were still ringing from the deafening sound. The glass that encased Carly has still standing, but there was a small dent there a small slug of metal was pushed into it “Oh, Carly dear, did I ask for you to speak?” said Merrill rather smugly, but everyone seemed rather startled by the shots

Phil looked stunned, and rather taken aback. All of a sudden, Rose leapt into Merrill, knocking away her Gun, handbag, and out of the black leather handbag, the small green container. Merrill teetered around, before falling down rather hardly onto her side. Giving a moan and a string of swearwords, Merrill reached for the Gun. But instead, Rose reached for the box of Pokeballs and threw it to the ground, knocking off its lid and releasing all the Pokemon inside.

A plethora of Pokemon emerged, as the four men released the safety switches, and a bullet riddled Charmander was thrown back meters. Dead before he hit the ground. A shocked Rose suddenly realized what to do with a groan, and she grabbed the gun and held it rather ineptly at Merrill who was on her knees.

Phil had taken off into the entry where Blissey had died. I thought the safest place to be, would to be next to Carly, so I once again summoned up my Psychic energies and teleported inside, next to the glass, as Carly began cowering under a filthy sheet, rocking back and forward.

A Sandshrew tried to rollout towards one of the men, but was shot to pieces and fell at their feet, its blood gushing onto the concrete floor. The flashes and the sounds of the gunshots were deafening. Ollie, the Meowth made a dash for one of the men, and got into his face, slashing it, and his neck to pieces. I could see him shrieking but I couldn’t hear anything but the deafening gunshots.

A Quagsire hit the ground, its vacant look still apparent as it looked up towards the roof, and its body full of bullet wounds. I saw the sparks as the Skarmony, which was cowering off of the steel bird. He was curled up and trying to save himself.

Rose gave a gasp and fell backwards as Merrill elbowed her in the stomach, then slammed her elbow into her jaw, sending Rose toppling to the ground. Moaning, a single gunshot, seemingly louder than the rest echoed through the warehouse as Merrill stood triumphant over her. That triumph was shortlived as Poochyena slammed into her leg, and sent the gun flying from her hand again. Lying down, she booted the tiny dog in the head, sending it skidding across the slick red floor.

Umbreon appeared on the chest on another of the men, and ripped out his throat, leaving him gasping his last few breathes as the blood pooled around him. A Ralts appeared to be on the head of one of the men, as the man blankly turned towards his companion and shot him with no emotion, unlike the glee his other 3 comrades had taken when they had taken out the other Pokemon.

Unfortunately, the man to whom Ralts was controlling was thrown to the ground and quickly gunned down. Merrill scrambled for her gun, and with a high powered, and well aimed shot, blasted Skarmony and Umbreon away.

Ollie and Poochyena were cowering next to Rose’s body. Or what was left of it. She was lying facedown, and there was a mess of blood and hair. Poochyena was terrified as Merrill went to advance on them. But she slipped on the blood of her fallen enemy. It appeared those high heels weren’t the best choice for today.

It took a moment for me to realize that the gunshots had ended. The walls were riddled with holes, and one side of the glass was riddled with bullets. As the final lackey approached his boss, I took the opportunity once again to teleport between Poochyena and Ollie, grab them each with a paw and teleport back inside the glass.

“Don’t forget I have the key” shrieked Merrill, surrounded by death. Carly was sobbing manically, rocking back and forward muttering, “All is fine. All is fine”

The blood could be seen on the thin white stripes of Merrill’s black suit as she approached the glass door. Ollie turned to me and just looked absolutely exhausted, his face one of depression as he looked at his dead trainer. Poochyena howled, “Wake up! WAKE UP”

I summoned up the last of my energy as I tried to envision where we’d teleport in a minute when she walked through that door. And with Carly too, I’d probably fail.

As Merrill put the key in the lock, Phil finally spoke up, Sunflora by his side. “Merrill…. Don’t”

“Don’t stand in my way Phil, or I’ll kill you. Just like I killed that little ***** there” she threatened, waving her gun around and appearing more than a bit frazzled as she looked at Rose.

“There’s been enough death today… let it be,” he said softly, stepping into the large puddle of blood belonging to Skarmony.

“I’m grabbing Carly, and I’m leaving, and killing the rest of those scum Pokemon of hers” she roared, turning the key.

“Sorry Merrill” came a soft voice as two leaves, glowing with a rainbow aura, magically slammed into the back of the puppet master. She slumped, as the firearm-toting lackey killed Sunflora with ease and turned the cocked gun towards Phil.

“No, I’m sorry Phil. I have to kill you now” she said as she stood up and turned towards her lover, my master.

“Protect me!” yelled Phil as he threw Pokeballs into the air. Snorlax, Charizard and Politoed appeared; only to have Politoed almost instantaneously fall backwards as a splatter its blood covered Snorlax and Charizard.

“Don’t hide behind your Pokemon Phil, I can take you” she said, firing a shot into Snorlax’s side which made her shriek in pain, “I want to know how it all ends!” before slumping over. But by the looks of it, the bullet passed through her, and hit Phil in the leg. She shot again, sending the great fire dragon tumbling towards the ground. Dead.

“Phil, dear…. We have to break up. But I still need you. See you next week.” she said and walked out, dropping her gun into the blood and walking right past him, and kicking his shot leg as he cowered on the ground.

The lackey followed Merrill as they stepped out into the night. I listened out for the ignition of the car, which came soon after before teleporting out of the prison. Phil and Snorlax were screaming in pain as Phil recalled Snorlax. Dragging himself over, I psychically held him up, as he got the door where Carly was being kept. He turned the key and opened the door totally.

Carly flew out, and delivered a swift punch to his face, “HOW COULD YOU!” she screamed and rushed into the middle of the warehouse, now littered with four dead people, and many dead Pokemon. “Look at what you created! YOU BASTARD!”

Poochyena and Ollie were crying their eyes out as they clutched at each other, “Why, Why Rose,” they asked, shell-shocked.

Carly dipped her slender, pale hand into the blood and picked up Merrill’s revolver. “You caused all of this… you Phil…” she said a great fire evident within her voice.

”I didn’t mean to” said Phil quietly, moving towards her.

“Well you did!… So how much of everything you told me was true?” she said, her eyes red.

”That I loved you…” he said, edging towards her.

“Don’t say that! You never loved me! Never! You just used me! Used me to get information!” she said, sobbing and hysterical.

“I did love you Carly, but along the way I found Merrill much better” he said again, trying to console her.

Carly raised the gun, and cocked the trigger, sobbing she tried to keep the gun under control.

One last, final shot rang out.

The final casualty dropped to the ground, blood seeping from a sole bullet wound in their head.

Chris 2.1
6th March 2004, 06:07 AM

You killed the 2 people I didn't think you would! AaAaAaAacCkK!

POLITOAD! MY DEAR POLI! *weeps in a black suit*

Anyway the action was amazing...Skarmory got shot? *confused*. Phil sounds like he's dead, although he COULD pull through....hmm, this was really dark...

So Wheelie is introduced! Earlier than I thought, Oz. I wonder if he'll have a Hitmonlee in crutches, or a Wingull with glasses? Hehehe.

Some punctuation work needed methinks, I noticed a few mistakes, but overall great work.

*gets a towel and wipes blood off monitor*

Mew Trainer Rose
6th March 2004, 11:25 AM
Yay! Ollie lived! And the Poochyena pup!

Oh yeah, and the character with my name is dead. But Ollie's still alive! ^_^

wow, that was a lot of killing. I'm wondering if Snorlax is still alive, it sounded liek the onely one who might be out of Phil's pokemon. i suppose I'll have to wait and see.

7th March 2004, 03:28 AM
I can't believe you killed Phil and Rose... quite a bit of killing in he recent chapters. Unexpectedness.

The way Abra narrated telepathecally was good; it's like you're actually there, instead of someone just telling you what happened. Some bits were a bit confusing though; unfortunately, I don't remember which. Bleh.

Gavin Luper
7th March 2004, 07:27 AM
EGAD. Talk about a lot of death and dying and killing and violence and stuff. That was a really fast-paced chapter, I can't believe how much happened. It was great though, really.

I can't believe Rose is dead! And Phil too! It's just ... so sad ... and tragic ... anyway, what a pity. :D

I want to see more now! What happens to Carly, and her remaining few pokemon? Did Abra teleport her to safety, or what? ANSWER, MAN! ANSWER!

Lol. Good stuff. Cheers!

- Gavin.

1st May 2004, 05:32 AM
Brit Chris Yep, Rose and Phil are dead. And Poli, I didn't like it :D Skarmony died from teh revolver. It was more highpowered than the machine gun shots which didn't penetrate. Wheelie's a good for nothing git. lol Thanks for reading.

Mew Trainer Rose Yep Ollie and Poochy and Snorlax are all alive.. more this chapter.. thanks for reading.

Gavin - Heh I promised an action episode! Didn't I! And all those answers to your questions are here and now...

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 31 – Recon, Repercussions and Redirection
By OzAndrew


Phil slumped to the floor. Dead. I quickly teleported to his side and psychically flung Carly across the room in anger. The high-powered bullet from the revolver had left a thin trail of blood running down the front of Phil’s face, with a simple bloody hole. The back of his head had exploded and splattered over the metal sheeting with a loud splash. Carly shrieked in terror as she skidded across the bloody floor and slammed into the steel wall, which shuddered under her weight.

For some reason I pulled out the Pokeball from underneath my chest armour and activated it. With a sparkle I instantly recognized it as Olivia’s Sentret. He gasped as he saw what had happened.

Glancing around he quickly asked, “Is Olivia ok?!â€

“Yes. But Phil is dead.â€

Sentret got down off its tail and gave me a hug. “I’m so sorry Abra. I really amâ€

Carly moaned from the floor as I charged up a colorful Psybeam, ready for the moment she’d get up again.

Suddenly, Poochyena and Ollie got in the way and Ollie quite upset, threatened me, “Harm her, and it’s the last thing you’ll doâ€

From a darkened corner I heard a quiet cry, “Hello? Anyone?â€

Ollie and Poochyena rushed over to help an injured Carly as Sentret and I cautiously moved towards the dark area.

“Abra, I have a letter for Andrew with me Phil told me to give him…â€

â€Careful Sentret, I’ll use a flash to see what’s there,†I said quietly while I charged up a small ball of energy, which lit up the area. Sentret gasped as I dropped the flash suddenly in response. I noticed what was alive in a tiny cage. A Torchic. Most of its plumage was gone, this bird looked rather skinny and ratty.

“Help me!†chirped Torchic with a bit of stress evident on its voice, “Help me before more people come! PEOPLE BRING PAIN!!!†she squawked.

I had no attacks I could think of to get it out. Sentret shrugged too. “Meowth, Poochyena, can you help me get this Torchic free?†I called out to them.

“Quiet! They’ll hear you!†shrieked the tiny firebird.

Poochyena fired off a shadow ball, which left the lock brittle and crackling, whilst Ollie quickly shot past with extended claws and slashed the lock, making it fall to the ground with a heavy clang, and making Torchic cry out in terror.

Its tiny eyes full of terror, she shrieked again, “Loud noises!†With that, she began to pull out a tuft of feathers and twitched.

Carly had crawled over to Rose’s corpse, surrounded by all the other dead people and was stroking her hair, “Pretty hair, pretty hair†she said softly, rocking back and forward on her knees.

Rose’s two Pokemon made their way over to their dead owner, and sat quietly around her, watching Carly continually stroke the blood splattered hair. Sentret was shocked, more than anything, and Torchic was twitching as it slowly followed myself around the room.

I couldn’t see anyone else who’d been spared this ugly death… next to Phil, I suddenly remembered Snorlax, in her Pokeball on Status lock no doubt. I rummaged into Phil’s pockets and soon found the only Pokeball in there. Probably best not to open it. I dipped a claw into the blood and marked an X on it.

I had loved violence, but I’d never really known true violence… cold hearted murder… And it made me sick to my very core. We survivors, Meowth, Poochyena, Sentret, Torchic and myself holding Snorlax’s Pokeball all stood around Carly, she’d probably take us to the police or something now.

“What do you all want? Food? I have no din dins till the bunny knocks on my mirror†she said, in a sing-song voice. I didn’t understand her… but we all hoped she’d understand us.

“I don’t speak your language… I failed Burrito talking… hee! I mean Mexican,†she said softly, almost drowned out by the patter of fresh rain upon the iron roof. “I have to go home now, don’t follow me. Bye.†Said the professor, she’s obviously lost it and wiped her face and simply walked out of the room. Torchic ran behind her shrieking, “Don’t leave me alone in the dark again!†but waited by the door as she simply walked out into the pouring rainy night.

We all sat there in shock. The last person alive had walked out on us.

â€What do we do now?†asked Poochyena, looking awfully confused.

Ollie looked rather distraught, “We need to find another humanâ€

“Humans?! Humans?! HUMANS CAUSED THIS!†shrieked Torchic, tearing out another tuft of her hair and exposing more of her gray skin.

“Yes, but they can also fix this†countered Sentret quickly, playing with the envelope in its hands.

“LIES! ALL LIES!†shrieked the bird again.

I had an idea of who to go to… “We’ll go to Andrew, a friend… he’ll know what to do,†I said calmly, looking at them all, and a recognition was found in their eyes. Well, except Torchic’s beady eyes, which kept twitching.

“How do we get there then?†asked Ollie.

“Teleportation, I’ll teleport to them,†I said simply.

“And how will you carry all of us?†asked Sentret.

â€I won’t, I’ll just go, get him and bring him back,†I said, rather pleased with my plan.

“You can’t leave us here!†cried the baby puppy.

“Well how else will we all travel there?†I asked, rather simply.

Torchic screamed in my ears, “POKEBALLS! WE CAN BE IN THE SAFE SAFE POKEBALLS!â€

“Don’t do that!†I screamed at her.

Sentret looked across the room, “I’m sure we can all find a Pokeball to get into… we’ll bring the balls back here and go inside them Abra, you carry them to Andrew†he said calmly. With that, the group dispersed and came back to me rather quickly, hiding in their Pokeballs.

I tried to grab them all, but failed, they all rolled away, so thinking quickly, I grabbed a nearby Hessian bag and put in the Pokeballs. Safe as houses. Now to find Andrew… I concentrated on what he looked like and began to focus my psychic energy on him, and get an area of where he was….



There was another flash of light as we all gave a sigh of relief from being released from this psychic memory trip. Jessica next to me was pale and gave a weak moan. With a groan and a sound like she was underwater, she threw up all over the floor. Giving a bit of a cry of horror, Jessica clutched at her nose, as blood began to run out of it.

“Jessica!†I yelled out rather instinctively.

Jessica simply looked at Abra dully as she walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Where I heard her turn on the tap and begin to brush her teeth.

I suppose the Psychic trip was a bit too harsh on Jessica, I felt a bit nauseous myself, but I wasn’t throwing up. Abra simply stared at us knowingly as I glared at the little Psychic thing. I thanked Starmie, which gave a happy glow on its core as I recalled it. Mr. Mime had made his way out to the kitchen and grabbed a packet of shapes and began to chow down, he looked exhausted.

“Abra, you made that up, didn’t you?†I said quietly. I didn’t believe Abra, this was probably one of his sick ideas.

Abra quickly shook his head in denial, but I wasn’t convinced, I remembered what Phil had told me and used it against this little liar. “Abra, you know Phil told me that you like to inflict pain on people… how don’t I know that you just dreamed all of this up?â€

Abra looked shocked, and reached under his armour and found a Pokeball, with a glow of his eyes, Abra psychically opened it, and with a flash I found Sentret right in front of me. Sentret handed over an obviously very worn envelope, its words were however written very neatly as I looked at the envelope. “To Andrew†it said simply as I brushed some of the raccoon’s loose hairs from it. It gave a happy cry and scuttled out of the bedroom and towards Olivia who was sitting happily next to Spoink on the lounge.

Sentret leapt happily onto Olivia’s lap, much to Spoink’s annoyance as it gave an angry snort. “Oh, Sentret, hi†said Livvy, as mum called her. Sentret gave a babble of its language and snuggled up to Olivia, as she shoved it away, yelling “I am trying to watch Wheel of Fortune Sentret! It is hard to figure out what a vowel is, so get off!â€

Sentret dejectedly sat next to Spoink, as the little pig gave a hello and fiddled with its friendship band. Mawille and Clefable were also both watching the television and seemed to be happy, but I noticed Mawille had a can of beans in each hand and was lifting each in a quick motion.

Jessica came out of the bathroom, looking better, but still extremely pale, she got sick rather easily. She said quietly to me, as not to let Abra hear her “Andrew, do you think its true…â€

“I don’t want to believe it Jessica, but I’ve got a letter from Phil hereâ€

“Well.. open it then†she said impatiently.

Ripping at the envelope, I pulled out one single piece of paper. “Answers – 56 Chubb St. Fredrickson City. Beware.†And with another look, I found a plain white keycard, with a black magnetic strip on one side. There was nothing more.

“Is that for an ATM Andrew?†Asked Jessica.

“I don’t know… I think it opens a door or something… probably at this address…†I said, trying to jog my mind.

“So if Phil and Rose are really dead, how do we find out… I say we find Carly, because we don’t know where in Cronin town that warehouse is, or how long ago that was,†said Jessica. She’d obviously given this some thought.

“You’re right, but we also have to check out that address in Fredickson†I said, screwing up my face, the stitches I got from yesterday’s court case encounter or CCE were aching on the back of my head.

“Well …†trailed off Jessica as she held up a hand. You could see the cogs turning around in her head, “Well, “ she started again, “I think we should see Carly in Ede town, see if she’s Ok, she’ll probably be able to help us, and besides, if we went to Fredickson, we’d probably get shot to pieces…â€

“You’re right… we should probably tell the police, let them know there’s been a slaughter in Cronin…†I said to my sister.

Jessica ran a hand through her hand, “What are they going to say Andrew, we have no evidence, only what that little Abra remembered, and last time I checked, that didn’t count for anythingâ€

“Yes, Abra could be making it all up, I remember Phil told me it cut off one of Sunflora’s leaves once, just for fun… but.. they can’t be dead, right?â€

Jessica shrugged her shoulder as Olivia was enthralled now by The Price is Right, “Number 6! Number 6!†shrieked Olivia, holding up 5 digits.

Jessica looked like she was going to throw up again as she took her head in her hands and gave a moan.

“We need to get you something to eat,†I said, leading her to the kitchenette and searching through the fridge.

“WheetBix?†I asked, I’d brought that yesterday.

“No, you know I hate that Andrew†she replied.

“Cheesestick?†I asked, holding it out.

“That’ll do†she groaned, grabbed it and sat on the bench. I got her and myself a glass of water after washing them up and sat next to her on the bench.

“So, what’ll we do about Olivia, she’s obviously too… Olivia to come along, I feel bad keeping her in the dark, but its too complicated for her†I said to Jessica, taking a sip from the glass.

“We could just ask her to leave?†said Jessica simply.

I was shocked at how little Jessica had thought this our, â€Ooooh No! We can’t do that, if we did that, then Olivia would get angry which would get Aunty Patty mad, which would make the rest of the family angry, and then mum would get angry and make us come home and I’d have to go back to schoolâ€

With a sour expression, Jessica glared at me, “Fine then, you come up with something betterâ€

“How about we make it so she like fails really bad or something and we suggest nicely she leave or something?†I quizzed.

“Hmm… but at what?†asked Jessica, taking a bite out of the stick of cheese.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,†I said absentmindedly, “Um.. but I guess at whatever… like if we have a battle or something she’d totally lose… and she’d feel badâ€

Jessica snorted with laughter, then looked shocked she’d snorted, “Olivia? Battling?†and with that we both roared with laughter.

“Who knew the Tupperware was more expensive than the luggage,†said Olivia, shocked, as Mr. Mime shrugged and licked his fingers of the colouring and flavoring from the shapes.

“So now, how do we get back to Ede Town?†I asked Jessica.

“Oh, that’s easy! Buggy!†she said, giving a grin.

“And the buggy is where?†I asked.

Her face fell instantly, “I don’t remember!†she cried with a look of shock.

Olivia at this moment strode over to the bench, and slammed down a receipt and winked at us both.

“Huh?†Jess and I both instantly said.

“City Beach†said Olivia, grinning.

“City Beach, what?†I asked, utterly confused.

â€City Beach, Miltonâ€

â€City Beach, Milton?†asked Jessica.

“Yes, that’s where we left the buggy you silly billies!†said Olivia, before promptly turning tail and romping back to the lounge.

“Oh†I said softly.

“So, we’ll catch a train to Milton. We’ll leave first thing tomorrow†said Jessica rather knowingly and turned to leave. “We need to pack and leave, now†she said sternly, glaring at everyone, recalling Mawille and Clefable and tromping out of the room.

Olivia soon also left my room, taking Spoink and Sentret with her, as they both fought to open the door for her. Soon it was just Mr. Mime and myself…
“Hey, Mimey, want to help clean up†and with that, Mr. Mime tromped out to probably Jessica’s room.


Later that night I packed up all my stuff and had to sleep on the lounge because of the vomit in my room. But as I was going to sleep, I heard a thud on my door, “Andrew Hall! LET ME IN NOW!†came the shrill cry of someone yet to experience puberty.

Moaning, I looked at the time on my mobile’s screen. 10 Pm… in my boxers I stumbled over to the door and opened it, only to have this kid run straight over my foot. That certainly woke me up. Giving a moan of pain I hobbled over to the couch as the he came into my room.

“Andrew Hall, I hope you watched my video?†he demanded, getting as close as to me as he could, whilst trying to look threatening, but for me, it was far too close to my feet.

Sitting down, I turned on the TV, “No, Robson, I haven’tâ€

“Oh, well I’m afraid to tell you that unless you take my offer now, I’m going to my father, an equity officer from Goldsworthy that you discriminated against me. We’ll sue your panties off!†he threatened in his high-pitched voice.

I turned up the volume.

“SO CAN I TRAVEL WITH YOU!!!†he screeched.

“Whatever, be ready at eight†I said and pointed towards the door.

The next morning, I had everything packed up into my bag, I wanted a new white Billabong one, but on second thought, they got dirty quite easy. After what the ekans did to this bag, its looking scabby. Stupid seaweed shoe person.

Jessica and Olivia looked ready, surprisingly, Olivia had on a Dr Harry hat, Jessica her cowboy hat, and we headed down to the lobby. The girls were pulling their suitcases behind them, and clutched onto their silver makeup cases. We went down to the lobby, said our farewells to Glenys and Edward, again, we’d probably see them soon. They seemed disappointed to see us go, but really, what could we do about it.

From there, Jessica and Olivia headed to the new train station, while I went to the PokeCenter first. I still had the Pokeballs from Abra; I’d yet to drop them off. I handed them in and instructed them to courier them to me at Ede Town, and warned them the Snorlax was in a critical condition with a bullet wound.

They stared at me, shell-shocked. They were going to ask questions I didn’t know the answers to, so taking advantage of this I walked out, and right into Robson.

“ASSAULT! ASSAULT!†he shrieked, alerting the Staff from the Pokemon Center’s attention. I didn’t have time for this; I had to make the train.

“Shut up you little brat, and follow me!†I hissed at him.

“Oh, sorry†he said, rolling back in his wheelchair out of the door. Jerking around he called back “SORRY! THERE WAS NO ASSAULT!†and wheeled after me asking a barrage of questions I really didn’t care about.

We just made the train, because Robson crashed into a senior citizen and picked a fight with her, calling her a “Stupid old biddyâ€. Jessica and Olivia looked at us, Robson wide-eyed and eager, myself looking utterly bored. We got on the train; it was quite empty, which was good, and this was yet to be graffitied and peed on.

“I’m Robson! I’m blackmailing Andrew to go traveling,†he piped up once we’d all gotten a seat.

“Black male?†piped up Olivia, utterly confused. “You mean, like Will Smith? Are you going to make Andrew black?â€

We simply sat in silence for a moment.

“So why did you choose Andrew?†asked Jessica.

Robson scratched at his face, and began, “Well, because I want to go training and stuff, but because I’m in a wheelchair its hard… So well, I had a person I was traveling with, but they were really uncool, so I ditched them…â€

Jessica was right back at him, “You didn’t answer my question!â€

Robson jerked up in surprise as I leant my head against the glass, “Uh, yea, anyway, I need someone to travel with, so I got a neighbor to track you down Andrew, and I decided that after you beat me, I was so going to get payback. So I got a friend to make up the tape so it looks like you’re attacking me and stuff.â€

The twelve year old sat back in his wheelchair; smug he was now a criminal mastermind.

“You know you just told me your entire plan?†I asked.

“Uh… well…â€

“That is just so totally lame, I can see why they ditched you. Why not get someone else to escort you?†jabbed my sister.

He began to get all red, and began to sniffle, “Because no one else would be my friend!†Olivia at this point gently tapped him on the back. Jessica snorted an insult, and he began crying even more. Talk about crocodile tears. “I’m going to tell my daddy on you!†he squealed through the moaning.

“Oh yea, who’s your daddy?†I asked, rather unimpressed.

He lifted up his face, wiped his nose on his shirt and with a big toothy grin, said cheerily, “My daddy runs the Jail outside of Hanlon Town. Plus he’s on the Discrimination board, so if you’re mean to me, a disabled kid, you’re so going to have your ass sued offâ€

We all looked shocked for a moment, before Olivia swished back her hair, “So like you seem…ooh! SHEEP!†she squealed, seeing the animals outside of the train. I suddenly remembered that poor Flaffy that may or may not have been murdered.

A few stops later, we were again in Milton, and a short walk to the shopping center. “Push me!†demanded Robson like a baby.

“No, you can wheel yourself, I’ve seen you†I countered.

“But I cannnnnnn’t Annndrewwwww†he whinged.

“Do it yourselfâ€

â€I’m telling on you! You’ll be in so much trouble, and I won’t be your bestest friend anymore!†he threatened. Kids like this needed to be killed. Robson was already pissing me off.

“FINE JUST SHUT UP†I screamed and began to drive him to the carpark, the girls in tow.

â€Andrew, we shouldn’t go around in daytime, if the Buggy’s there†piped up Jess.

“Why not?†I asked, rather confused, “It’s a carpark, its parked, now we’re retrieving itâ€

We all stopped outside of a chemists. “Its not that simple Andrew†she said, hands on her hips.

“Well why isn’t it then?†I was getting, very, VERY angry, my face steely.

“There’s a pedophile who attacked us!†Olivia twittered into the conversation. “But there’s a City Beach there!â€

“Oh, BLOODY HELL†I moaned. Couldn’t they keep out of trouble! â€Fine, he doesn’t know me, I’ll go get it. You all stay here. AND NO FIGHTING!â€

With that I rampaged over to the shopping center, and quickly found a large red shipping container, converted into a pretty crappy office and knocked on the door. The large sign saying “Security†seemed to be the place to go. It seemed like one of the huts you see on a building site. All around this area of the carpark it was cordoned off, the asphalt surrounded by ten foot tall wire fencing, and surrounded by six floodlights, way up in the air. Right next to this building was the buggy, and it was chained to the container. Not a good sign.

There was a yawn, and scuffle, a short young kid with glasses, and sandals opened the door, and he had a badge on that said “Work Experience – Brianâ€

“Uh, Brian, I need to get back my electric Buggy, I was wondering if you can help me?†I asked in my nicest tone.

â€Oh, I’m not sure Sir, I’m just a Work Experience Kid†he said, adjusting his glasses.

“Well, I’m in kind of a hurry, my aunt is getting married, and I have the rings so…†I lied, trying to make it seem urgent,

“Well where are the rings?†he asked simply.

I hadn’t thought about that… “They’re… back with my sister†I said, rather unconvincingly.

Brian stood in front of me, for about a whole minute, his face screwed up in concentration. You could see the cogs in his mind turning over. “You’ll have to wait till my supervisor, Chris or the Boss comes back†he finished and slammed the door in my face.



“Ok guys, we’re going there tonight, and we’re busting the Buggy out†I said to the others in the park. They were seated on the bench, whilst I stood in front of them.

“Jessica, you’re with Robson, you’re taking the side closest to the road!†I barked at them. “Olivia, you’re with me, we’ll be on the shops sideâ€

“Can we stop in City Beach on the way there?†she asked, brushing her hair.

“No. Next questionâ€

“Why are we doing this? I don’t want to, its too much work and I want to go already,†moaned Robson, putting his hand up as if he were in school.

“PIPE DOWN NEWBIE! ITS MY WAY, OR THE HIGHWAY!†I screamed, drawing the attention of a nearby picnicking couple.

“So what do we do when we’re in position?†asked Jessica.

“Ok, first step, disable the lights. Second step, cut through the wire. Step three; Olivia and I are closest to the buggy, so we begin to get it free. Then, two minutes after we start, you and Robson release your Pokemon and create a distraction. Then, when Olivia and I drive out, you retreat. Is that clear?!†I said rather bossily.

They all gave a quick nod.

“Good, now for the rest of the afternoon, we train our Pokemon we intend to use, and get them ready for tonight. We’ll show them what happens when they screw with our Buggy†I finished menacingly.

“What happens?†asked Olivia rather innocently.

“Yea, what happens?†seconded Robson.


1st May 2004, 06:15 AM
All right! I'm finally in a fanfic! *sniff* I knew I was destined for greatness!

Time to talk to myself...

Yahoo, I get a cameo!
But it's... just a cameo!
Oh, who cares, I'm still starring in Ozzy's fic!
But I'm playing a geeky, idiotic guy!
But I'm in Ozzy's fic, you imbecile!
But... I'm just a low-level intern dude...

So yeah, that's pretty much how the argument went. But anyway, nice chapter. ms is right, though; you need punctuation marks in quotations that end sentences. And the insanity came kinda fast... very sudden. Yeah, I know everyone around her DIED, but it was still very fast! Hopefully it's temporary... :|

Well, looking forward to how the plot turns out! Why do I have a feeling they'll be caught in the act...?

1st May 2004, 06:38 AM
Love the last line. The plan goes perfectly, and then... Got a bit confused there, but after a bit of explanation, I gotta love the typical humor of EBTV. Whingy Rodson's such a pain... you create really comical characters, all nice and exaggerated and all that. He seems to be a cross between Jess and Olivia at the moment; that bit where he told Andrew the entire plan was lovely.

Go characters.

1) Character Name: Ada
2) Gender: Transexual male (Just kidding.) Female
3) Appearance: Long, dark hair,, dark eyes, 5'2, light blue t-shirt, white jeans, sneakers. She looks very, very normal. And looks are deceiving.
4) Pokemon (If not yet seen in this fic it'll appeal more ^^; ): 1 Metapod. That's it.
5) Why you want to be in ebtv: For everything, there is a reason... not
6) Personality of Character: See 8.
7) Fav Character in EBTV and why. Jess has a personality... very vibrant and all that stuff.
8) Anything else.: Well, as an April Fool's joke she got a Metapod with only Harden for her starting Pokemon... and since she found out that it was useless, she's gone slightly crackers. Usually sits in corner and stares into space thinking about fluorescent plants and the like. Only speaks when prodded -- hard, and even then, it is only to demand you trade Pokemon with her.
So, how do you like my creativity there?

Chris 2.1
1st May 2004, 12:58 PM
I didn't even see this chapter! Anyway I wonder who CHRIS is? :P and nice to see how annoying Robson is. Olivia's so stupid. Black Male. Phhh. Also, Torchic's frantic plucking itself was pure comedy.

Maybe Glenys and Ripper can start a detective team. That place seemed pretty hefty in crime terms and had a rubbish police force.

The Infultration of the Car-Park begins, but CHRIS will kick their butts!

4th May 2004, 06:44 PM
Mr Pika - Yep, you're in the fic, but don't worry, you're in next episode too... Yes, my evil punctuation and quotation marks still don't go together, curses. But you have to remember Mr. Pika, Carly had been locked away for like 3 months... she'd already pretty much lost it...

MistySakura - Ah, thanks for the compliments ^^; I'm trying to make Jess a bit more like Jess IRL, still Jessica but a bit more mature. Robson is one of those people who believes that because he's disabled (Of his own fault) that the world owes him. ALso, Ada, Hee. Metapod vs Metapod battle!

Brit Chris - Yep, Olivia is stupid, she pays for 'Step Classes' lol. Glenys and Ripper have their hands full with the resort, but they haven't really encountered any problems lol. And Chris, will sooooo not kick their butts. :P

Thanks for reading doods!

Gavin Luper
4th June 2004, 10:08 PM
Told you I'd reply eventually.

Hehehe, I love this chapter, it's awesome. Heh, that freaky Torchic of Carly's is hilarious ... and you used the "LIES! ALL LIES!" thingy, which rules! Will we be seeing more of this neurotic little tweety bird?

This was a really interesting way to blend a really graphic and action-packed chapter back into the so-called "normal" world of Andrew, Jessica and Olivia. I like very much. Poor Jess though, chucking up all over the floor. Bet that stain's not gonna come out in a hurry ^^ Hopefully the janitor doesn't secretly follow them for his revenge or something.

Woo hoo ... more buggy coming up! I can't wait to get back into the buggying days of yore, so much fun they were. And the no-battle chapter worked really well too.

But my fave part is - Wheelie! That's right, Robson is such an annoying twerp that I personally want to run over him with a large, oversized vehicle. I can't believe he's going to cling around - he really is the character you love to hate. I trust me, I hate him big time. Damn disable kids and the law. I say they send him down the side of a mountain as soon as they can. Andrew shouldn't put up with that!

Anyways, overall = I like! Please post more soon!


17th July 2004, 09:48 AM
Gavin - Thanks! Yep! More of torchic after this chapter! Yea, poor Jessica :( And the poor cleaning lady doesn't get paid enough! LOL! Excellent! You <3 to hate Robson! Just what I wanted!

Ok, time for the long awaited chapter 32.

Electric Buggy to Victory
Chapter 32 – Breaking, Entering and Beans
By OzAndrew


“Ok everyone, lets get going” I said, motioning to them to head out, we’d worked out where to go and who was using what Pokemon. Better being prepared than caught off guard. Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted after all.

It was sorted, I’d be using Electabuzz and Lickitung, and Robson was going to use his Spheal. Jessica was going to use Mawille and Wartortle and rounding out the team was Olivia’s Spoink. We had been using the picnic table as our base of operations, and had scared off a family and their esky picnic. More like I had scared them off, but right now, I was livid.

It was now around ten o’clock at night, apart from the occasional hoon speeding along the road, we all crept rather silently. Well as silently as a ditz, ***** and brat can. Olivia was distracted by the moonlight reflecting off of parked cars, Robson was whining about how much his arms hurt, and Jessica about her legs. I snapped at her that she should have worn more sensible shoes, and that shut her up.

Finally, we approached the carpark, Olivia and I went to the left, creeping along the way, Jessica and Robson went right.

“Andrew, why are we doing this again?” asked Olivia, before noticing her reflection and standing in front of it, shocked.

Olivia was now seeing if her reflection could keep up with her movements “To get back the golf cart, or electric buggy,” I said, rather simply.

“Oh. Ok!”

With that, Olivia and I stood on the outside of the wire fence, just in the dark, I released Electabuzz and Lickitung and Olivia released Spoink. “Ok Electabuzz, Ice Punch the fence!” I hissed at him.

With a bluish glow, Electabuzz’s fist struck the wire, making it rattle, but also the area around the blow, was now brittle. “Spoink, can you use your Iron Tail to knock it away?” I asked the little piggy.

Spoink gave a look at Olivia who was watching a cloud pass over the moon and with a little metallic glow of his tail, struck the fence, creating an opening large enough for us all to get through. Olivia at this point noticed the City Beach shopfront. I cursed myself for forgetting such a vital point of operations. She had already wandered away. There was no going back.

We all charged into the area, well.. minus Olivia. Inside the demountable, in the middle of the area, there was a light on, but I could hear the radio. Hopefully that kid from earlier, and his boss weren’t around. I gave a thumbs up to Lickitung like we’d practiced, and it got on top of an old car in the dark, and began to form a powerful Shadow Ball, its purplish hue and inky blackness was more powerful at night. Also, depending on the phase the moon was in, it was most powerful on those nights where there is no moon.

Unfortunately, there was a half moon out tonight, but with a little sound, Lickitung shot its Ghost Powered ball into the globe of one of the giant lights, like you’d find at a stadium. It hit, a little from left, but a direct hit didn’t count, the dark fog it left on impact gave enough time to destroy it without being spotted.

I signaled to Electabuzz who shot off a newly learnt Fire Punch volley into the base of the metallic light, melting the wiring around it, and making the light flicker off. Lickitung fired off another Shadow Ball, making it darken our second and last night, whilst Spoink used Bounce, launching itself into the air and shattering the globe with its Iron Tail. With a happy little snort, Spoink gave us a wave and bounded through the hole, back to Olivia.

Now, the three of us snuck over to where the Buggy was, but by now, the other two lights should have gone out. Jessica and Robson were probably bickering, and we didn’t have time for this. Lickitung spotted the Buggy in the dark, chained to the demountable, and we all crawled to it. Electabuzz lifted a flaming fist, about to shatter the lock, or melt it. But, all of a sudden, a Poison Dart flew into Electabuzz’s hand and he roared with pain. Looking for where it came from, I looked around. A person stood, the light behind them, silhouetted them from view

“Think you could steal our property, did you?” someone yelled with an evident British accent.

I froze. Electabuzz was moaning in pain. If I replied it was mine, I couldn’t exactly get out of that, could I? With a red blast, the Electric Pokemon was recalled, and Lickitung was getting really tense.

The teenager yelled, ”Who are you!” before flicking on a torch and shining it directly in my eyes.

“Thanks a lot, JERK!” I yelled, throwing Mr. Mime’s and Starmie’s Pokeballs whilst Lickitung stood in front of me.

“Dustox, Gust!” he yelled, dropping his flashlight as one of the Pokeballs hit him on the side of the head. In a turn of good luck, the light rolled towards me, giving me a chance to steal it.

I looked above and saw a Purple moth, its great big yellow eyes, green and red wings swooped down towards Starmie, and began to flap furiously, sending it flying onto the bonnet of a nearby car.

The guy grunted and I saw even in the dim moonlight, two Pokeballs go flying “Go, Kecleon and Cloyster!” he yelled.
A green lizard appeared, as did a giant purple clam. Mr. Mime instantly fired off a Psybeam at Kecleon, sending it reeling, but making its stripe turn into what looked like fog.

I turned the flashlight onto the guy standing in front of me, Dark hair, a pale complexion and an odd… hole around his lips. For some reason, I had no idea why he had a hole there, it was like a train wreck, you know you shouldn’t look, but you can’t turn away.

“What are you doing, you Rookie?!” he yelled, as Cloyster fired off an icy spear from its main purplish spike at Lickitung who dodged it. The Spear pierced through the bonnet of the car with a metallic scrape.

“What!? I’m a Champ you tool!” I yelled back, as Kecleon fired off its tongue, wrapping it tightly around Mr. Mime. “Wrap Dustox, Lickitung!” I countered, making my own tongey warrior slurp the bug out of the sky. Unfortunately, she started to cough on its spores or dust or whatever the hell Dustox was covered in.

“Oh please, trying to copy my lucky charm, Kecleon?” he snotted. “Cloyster, Clamp, Starmie”!

Starmie had been countering the Icicle Spears from Cloyster, with Water Gun, knocking them away, but its core gave a flash of fear as it tried desperately to dive out of the way of the large Pokemon. Unfortunately, Cloyster’s weight made its dash that much quicker, allowing it to envelop most of Starmie.

“Harden Starmie!” I called out to my psychic Pokemon, and it began to brightly glow, as if ready to evolve again, but it held strong against Cloyster’s crushing shell.

In this brief moment, Mr. Mime, caught by Kecleon, Dustox by Lickitung and Starmie by Cloyster, I shone my acquired torch onto my opponent. He wore pretty average clothes, but wore a nametag which indicated his name, “Chris”. In this opportunity Dustox had by now fluttered out of reach, and began to glow golden around its wings, and around its mouth.

”HYPER BEAM DUSTOX!” yelled Chris, as Lickitung sputtered on the dust that moth had left in its mouth.

“Protect, quickly!” I said, flapping my arms about in worry. Lickitung had at this point covered a fair area around her in saliva. But as the beam shot towards her, the air around Lickitung glowed a soft blue, and as the bright yellow beam shot, it seemed to be absorbed by the light. However, Lickitung was now panting heavily.

“Use a Shockwave and take it out” I yelled, Lickitung faintly glowed Yellow before quicker than the eye could follow, Dustox, flailing in the air after such an attack, was electrified in mid air, rather brightly, before falling to the ground, twitching and soon recalled.

“Good work Lickitung, now, take out Kecleon!” who was busy constricting Mr. Mime, who was failing. The green lizard saw the great big Pink blob coming and simply leapt in the air, swung its tail around, and smacked Lickitung fair in the skull, and skidding across the concrete.

Seeing the blood pool, I quickly recalled Lickitung and set its Pokeball on “Status Lock”. Mr. Mime had taken this opportunity to Psychic Cloyster’s shell open, and free Starmie, who’d taken a great deal of delight in using Sharpen whilst trapped, poking its innards.

Looking at the ruined car next to me, I had an idea. “Mr. Mime, levitate the car and drop it on them! Starmie, keep them busy!”

Mr. Mime began to glow bluish, and a nearby car, began to rattle in response. Cloyster was charging up another icicle beam, and thankfully, due to Sharpen, Kecleon’s tongue was gashed after trying to wrap Starmie.

“Camouflage, Starmie!” I said, realizing the area we were in. Starmie laid down, and its core glowed gray, before its entire purple body, was as gray as the concrete around us. This resulted in the icicle spear bouncing harmlessly off of it.

“Dammit! My army, attack the Mime!” screamed Chris.

Starmie tried to move after them, but due to itts concrete appearance, couldn’t even lift a limb to help.

“Oh, Mr. Mime, stuff it! Just take them out! Fake them out, and close in for the kill!” I commanded him, as another guy came out of the complex, and gawked at me.

“Don’t worry, I’ve called the boss, he’s on his way!” yelled that Work Exp kid, Brian, as he adjusted his glasses.

Mr. Mime has now used his Psychic powers to make himself appear to be rushing at the duo of Pokemon head on, but in reality, was behind them. The first thing they knew, Kecleon was hit by a Mega Punch, sending it flying through a windowscreen, shattering it, and Cloyster, shocked, was then Psychically thrown into the recovering lizard.

“Score!” I yelled, recalling a Stony Starmie, and jumping into the Buggy, Mr. Mime, close behind.

“Get back here, that’s not yours!” demanded Chris, “That was going to be mine! I’d filled in the claim forms and everything!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll stop him!” yelled Brian, and threw a Pokeball in front of me, as I accelerated the Buggy. In a white flash, a brown Pokemon with a glistening skull appeared.

I didn’t have time for another battle, so with a quick thought, I threw out Metapod’s Pokeball.

“Go, PUPITAR!” I commanded, releasing my Metapod, in a paper mache and blue Pupitar look. I prayed it’d hold up, in the dim moonlight, it looked dinki-di. I turned towards Brian. “Let us go, or my Pupitar who is ready to evolve, will do that, and DESTROY your Pokemon.”

“You’re bluffing” he said simply.

“EVOLVE!” I commanded Metapod, like we’d rehearsed. Just like that, Metapod began to glow a glorious white.

“Oh dear god! GO GO GO!” he screamed like a little girl.

“The Door?” I asked simply.

“OPEN IT NOW MAROWAK!” he squealed as Chris scowled at me.

The Pokemon threw its bone with deadly accuracy, and knocked the lock clean apart, sending it clattering to the ground, and the wire gates opening. “Thanks a lot!” I yelled, recalling “Pupitar” and driving off into the night, stopping for Olivia to jump in.

The last I heard of them was from Chris, as he yelled to his trainee, “Oh, gee, great, that was going to be MY Buggy, you insufferable twat! I was going to use that on MY Journey. THANKS A LOT! How am I going to be a Pokemon Master now?!”


“Guys! Push me! Harder! Harder!” squealed Robson as we got through the fence, after Mawille practically destroyed an entire section of it for him to get through.

I hoped we got in quietly, as Wartortle’s tummy rumbled, probably giving us away. He began to feign being exhausted, but I flicked his large ear, which made Wartortle snap back into place. Spheal moved slowly behind us, the small blue and beige Pokemon waddled, rather grossly. How could someone let an animal get THAT FAT?! Well, except Snorlax, they just had bad genes.

As I began to glance around for Andrew, I noticed him driving off into the dark, only by the reflectors on the back of the buggy.

“Dammit! We’re too late!” I said, this was ALL of Robson’s fault, he claimed he got stuck in the Trolley Bay, that the drift on the ground, kept bringing his Wheelchair back there. Unfortunately, that happened four times. Little attention whore.

“Well I’m glad it wasn’t MY fault we were late, I suppose if you were quicker, this wouldn’t have happened” snotted Robson, wheeling into the light.

“What are you doing, you MORON” I hissed, slapping him around the head.

“YOU HIT ME!?” he yelled back, “I AM GETTING MY DADDY TO SUE YOU!”

“Oh shut up or I’ll do worse than SLAP you, you little girl” I threatened, kicking his tyre.

“That’s assault! You’re breaking my property! SOMEONE HELP ME!” he squealed, shaking his mop top around.

Suddenly, two guys, one nearly six foot and dark hair ran up to me, the other one, short and weedy with glasses was close behind. “How can we help you miss?” the tall one asked, he was Brittish.


I knew we couldn’t trust such a little moron.

“If you’ll come with me, Miss. I know a little boy who needs his teddy weddy bear” he motioned, and reached for my arm whilst talking sternly, before turning towards Robson and talking to him like one would a baby.

“I am NOT A BABY! SPHEAL! USE ICE BALL!” he squealed, as his tubby Pokemon glowed an icy blue and began to roll towards the guy whose nametag read “Chris”. With a quick flash, a Marowak leapt in front of him, and took the blow of the attack, sending it sprawling to the ground. Wartortle took the chance to kick it while it was down, water gunning it, and body slamming it. The short nerdy guy recalled it with a depressed sigh.

“Oh, great, NOT AGAIN! I should learn to ADAPT better” sighed Chris, releasing two Pokemon, with a flash, a Seviper and a hovering mutated head, Weezing.

Andrew had told me about his encounter with a Seviper, this mix of red, gold, purple and Black Pokemon didn’t look too bad, but the Weezing, I was expecting it to smell badly, however it was starting to smell like lavender at the moment.

“Seviper! Poison Tail! Weezing, Poison Gas! Oh wait, damn you mum! Use sweet scent!” he commanded, rather tiredly.

“Uh, go Mawille and Wartortle! Do your thing!” I yelled. Wheezing, surprisingly exhaled a wonderfully fragent lavender smell, according to my nanna, lavender kept away moths, and helped you to sleep. My Pokemon all breathed easily, and gave a grin at this pleasant Pokemon.

Seviper however had launched itself as Spheal, striking it, sending it flying into the side of the demountable and bouncing off, leaving a dent. As it came to a halt, I saw it was covered in purple goo. The snake hissed at me, and began to lunge at Wartortle, who simply withdrew into his shell.

Giving a call of annoyance, and seeking easier prey, it went for Mawille, who, still clutching her cans of beans, stood her ground, shooting her mouth at the last second and catching Seviper. The snake tried to move in her giant mouth, but a vicious shake sent a splatter of blood over the ground, as she dropped her victim.

“Oh, crap. Said Chris, ”Wheezing, Haze!”

A purplish haze covered the arena, all wonderfully aromatic! I totally wanted a Weezing for my own now! However, when the purple cleared, I was in shock.

It was that man again! The man last time we were in this carpark!

“Oh! Little girl! You’ve come BACK TO ME!” he said in delight.

I stood there in utter disgust as he wore nothing but boxer shorts and some slippers. His rolls of fat and hair stood out terrifyingly.

“I knew you couldn’t resist a real man like me” he said, before turning towards the two guys and with a gesture, told them to move off, “Thanks boys, great work! Take the night off!”

I stood absolutely shocked, as he took a step towards me, “Come with me, I’m going to show you some fun” he said, disgustingly, touching his boxer shorts. Quick as a flash, Mawille leapt up, and threw a can of beans right into his forehead. Like a great big tree, he fell over, backwards, his skull hitting the concrete with a dull thud.

“Wait! You can’t do that to my boss!” yelled the small weedy kid, running towards me. Mawille threw her second can of beans, striking him right between the eyes, breaking his glasses and he tumbled to the ground.

The British boy stood up, hands in the air as his Weezing floated next to him. “Look, sorry for that guy, he’s weird, I’ll call the police on him, but to keep my job, you should kind of knock me out too” he said, shielding his nose and mouth.

“Well, ok Chris…” I said sadly, as he cowered, ready for Mawille’s strike. However, I released Wigglytuff who sang him into dreamland.

“Wow! I’m glad I got us out of that!” said Robson, piping up.

“WHAT THE HELL” I screamed at him, “I did all the work! THEN YOU ACCUSE ME OF ASSAULT”

“That was part of the plan, duh” he said, with a tone that made me believe he didn’t believe it.

With nothing more to say to him, I slapped him fair across the head and walked off towards the park. Robson came behind, whining all the way. Behind us, three men, snoring, two would have a major headache come morning.


We were soon off to Ede Town, Andrew was irritated, but we needed to go, the sooner the police came, we could get caught. The driving was uneventful, Robson was strapped onto the top of the buggy with a blanket, and his wheelchair folded beside Olivia, the rest of our baggage in the back and under the seats.

Andrew was muttering about how the Buggy wasn't in a great condition, Olivia was talking about the shop window dummy wearing what she was (Her reflection) and Robson was whinging about something. I just took in the views.

The drive through Milton was uneventful, and we were soon on the road again, the buggy, being electric, was pretty silent, and driving through the bush, I heard a noise… the voice of an Eevee!

Suddenly, as we rounded a corner, I saw about seven Eevees on the side of the road, all making happy noises and looking at something.

“Stop Andrew! I want my Eevee to see these Eevees!” I squealed in delight! SO CUTE!”

I turned on the flashlight Andrew gave me as I released the Pokemon. Eevee gave a happy cry to its type who suddenly turned at us, their maws coated in blood, their eyes feral, and I realized they’d just taken down a Pokemon, a Mightyena, and were feasting.

“Oh CRAP!” Yelled Andrew, who tried to start the buggy again.

At this moment, a large Eevee leapt towards my little fluffball and sank its Teeth into its front leg.

“NO! EEVEE!” I screamed, getting out of the buggy and holding out the Pokeball. MY LITTLE EEVEE! She squealed in pain as I started to line up the ball. Suddenly, to my left, another Eevee leapt out, and it sunk its teeth into my arms. I dropped the ball and screamed, before seeing the other five Eevees jump onto mine.


Chris 2.1
17th July 2004, 10:40 AM
Wow!! Great Chapter!

Heh, I kicked arse...liked all my fic references there. I also thought all my Pokes were pretty good....WHY did I choose Dustox again? -_-;; They all fought well.

Also: Glad I wasnt friendly with the paedo. I think Chris is due for a return appearence ;)

Great work! ps: my new MSN is Mandley_Mandle@Hotmail.com, and the last episode of 24 is on on Thursday! Michelle's assignement was great!

Mew Trainer Rose
17th July 2004, 11:47 AM
Robeson is annoying as heck. And none of Andrew's traveling companions are any better. Jessica actually looks inteligent compared to the other two. And that's sad.
Interesting having an aromatheraputic Weezing. It'll be quite a shock if Jessica does get one and finds it stinks :P The rest of teh breakout was pretty good, too.
Feral Eevees! Nice twist. :)

Chris 2.1
17th July 2004, 01:24 PM
MTR: Yea, well Chris/Me had that Weezing in one of my old trainer fics. It lived at home, and Chris' Mum taught it TM's like Sweet Scent over Poison Gas, Attract over Scary Face and Lovely Kiss over sludge. At first, the female Poison gas Pokemon was a hindrance, but I actually love them as Pokemon now!

18th July 2004, 12:18 AM
LOL. Good old Olivia! Can she never stop thinking of City Beach?! And those battles were awesome, especially the "Pupitar"... you always find creative ways to make battles unique! :D

I've been saying this a lot lately, but watch your use of commas. Remember, if both sides of the comma can be complete sentences on their own, you either need to use a conjunction with the comma, or choose a different punctuation mark. You can't just connect everything with commas, either; that creates a run-on sentence. (Note the use of the semicolon in the last sentence to prevent a run-on.)

Otherwise, it's good old EBTV again! Glad to see it back, and I'm looking forward to whatever hijinks they get into next! :wave:

P.S. I wasn't aware that Eevees were carnivorous... :eek:

Gavin Luper
19th July 2004, 12:47 AM
Good day Andrew, I say, have a cucumber sandwich old chap!

Hmm ... spiffy chapter.

Firstly, can I just say that Robson is a rather annoying twat. I'd personally like him to fall down an elevator shaft as soon as possible.

Oooooh! Breaking and entering. I like a lot! I love the way it was done, using the pokemon and all. And GO OLIVIA for doing absolutely nothing. Well done.

Excellent battle scene. The Metapod - Pupitar thingy was an absolute crack up, lol! I didn't get it at first though, which is probably a bit sad :(

And ... the Fat Guy returns! It was horrible, I had to force myself to read the description of what he looked like :scared: But the BEANS WERE THE BEST. Ah, it was my favourite bit of the chapter easily. The third guy should've been beaned too, though, he was quite irritating.

Last but not least ... cannibal Eevees! AAARGH! What will become of our heroes? :eek:

I'm holding my breath so please post the next chapter soon!

Chris 2.1
19th July 2004, 01:00 PM
I'll tell you why the 'third guy' should have been beaned...


*disapears in smoke*

2nd August 2004, 10:19 PM
Brit Chris - Lol, hope you enjoyed your Cameo. Yes, I think Chris may make a return in a long time... but a VERY small one... ;P

Mew Trainer Rose - Ah yes, what would Jessica do with her own Wheezing!? Compared to Olivia IRL, Jessica is a rocket scientist. But the Eevee's aren't that great ;x

Mr Pika - Heh, thanks for the battle comment, I came up with the Pupitar after that kid and the paper mache Charizard, fluff of Pikachu and such. lol. Oh and yes, Eevees are disgusting creatures.

Gavin - Hee, yea Robson is annoying, and not based on anyone I know! Great to know you liked that sneaky bit! Fat Guy's last appearance, I HOPE!!! And yep, beans are fantastic, and Mawille's projectile Steel Weapon! LOL!

Brit Chris - Lookout, or I'll bean ya! ;)

Ok, this chapter is mainly setting it up for the end... so it may be a bit of a task to read, but stick with it... thanks.

Electric Buggy To Victory
Chapter 33: Infected, Destuction and Taunting (Or The Beginning of the End Or Finger Lickin’ Good)
By OzAndrew


The Eevee Gang were all over Jessica’s own one, it was shrieking in pain, its fur all bloodied and a large open gash on its chest. This was my last glimpse of Eevee alive, before the other Eevees pounced, covering the crying mess with their own bodies and ripping apart the innocent one needlessly.

To my left, Jessica shrieked in pain, as one of the Eevee’s clung to her arm, dangling and clinging with its teeth. Robson was on top of the Buggy, Olivia was over to my right, shrieking as she kept one of them at bay by trying to hit it with a belt.

I released Mankey and picked one of the Eevee’s off the scrum, threw it in the air, pulled my leg back and kicked as hard as my good old shoes could go. I had a glimpse of happiness as I remembered these were the steel capped ones I had brought back in Goldsworthy. With a satisfying dull thud, the Eevee’s skull bounced off of my shoe, and it landed about 20 meters away, unmoving.

Mankey seeing what I had done, grabbed the one threatening Olivia who had lost a City Beach belt to it and mimicked my dropkick. It hit the ground and came back, for more, smashing into a shocked Mankey. I also released Sableye who fired off a Shadow Ball at the Mankey digging into Jessica’s arm, but it did nothing but ruffle its hair. Jessica was swatting at it with her free hand, stabbing it in the eyes, doing all she could, but at the moment, she really was quite overwhelmed.

“Sableye, get the other Eevee’s off of Jessica’s one,” I commanded it, and with a feral grin, Sableye leapt into the pack and took a bite onto one of their snouts, and spat out its nose and some of its muzzle. That Eevee ran into the night, howling. I guess cause it eats Rocks, Sableye’s teeth were really strong.

I left Mankey and Sableye to thrash them and I saw Robson release his Hitmontop, which got in on the action. “Olivia, med kit!” I barked at my cousin, who stood there absolutely shocked.

Olivia dug through Jessica’s bags with a frenzy, and quickly pulled out a small clear med kit. Mr. Mime was still tired from the earlier battle, and we needed some Psychic power to remove the Eevee carefully from Jessica’s arm as it hung there, its eyes feral. I released Starmie who carefully used Psychic to remove it into a waiting Hitmontop, who jumped headfirst onto it, using its horn to pin it to the ground.

Mankey and Sableye’s frenzied attack had sent the Eevee’s into the night, with broken limbs and vicious bites, which hopefully would become infected. These Eevee’s needed to be eradicated, so while Jessica had her arm wrapped up by Olivia, I used Metapod, dressed up like Pupitar encase the pinned Eevee entirely with String Shot except its nose.

I grabbed Jessica’s Wigglytuff and got it to put our captive to sleep before putting it in a bag in the back of the Buggy. Robson was too busy singing his own praises while Olivia tended to a sobbing Jessica. She was sitting on the bush floor, petting its bloody fur, racked with sobbing fits.

“Jessica, you and Olivia on the roof with Eevee, Robson, I’ll strap you onto the back seats” I commanded them. Jessica’s arm needed medical attention, her arm’s bandaging was already a deep blood red, she couldn’t stand to lose much blood.

Slowly, like an old, broken woman, Jessica got onto the roof, Olivia cradling Eevee in Robson’s blanket and together they sat there as the cold night wind whistled around us. Robson had my blanket in the back where I’d rigged him up safely, and was sound asleep. I needed to get us to some help ASAP. Ede town was only about 1 ½ hours away if I took the highway, or I could go along this trainer’s track and take about 3 hours. I quickly took us onto the highway, hoping our reflectors would keep us from being run down.

I stuck in the left lame and ended up releasing Electabuzz in the seat next to mine. His hand still had the poisonous pins in it from that Dustox, but he fought through the pain to supercharge us to the hospital in about forty-five minutes. The honk of the airhorn shocked us all when there was a Semi-trailer next to us, which practically snuck up on us, but I was concentrating on the road. The cold wind was trying to keep me awake, but it was still a struggle.

Eventually we pulled into the seaside Ede Town, the streets were empty, and apart from the low hum from the Buggy, there was only the occasional bark of a dog, or a catfight. The low rumbling of the ocean in the distance, I tried to remember where the reasonable hospital was. It wasn’t brand new, but it wasn’t old, I just drove straight into the Emergency department. Jessica got down, and two nurses came straight out, still holding their cups of coffee and tittering away.

Jessica and Olivia went into the hospital, Jessica sobbing most of the way, her bandage dripping a thin trail of blood as she walked into the hospital. I noticed Eevee still on the roof, and decided to take it in too, I placed it on a patient trolly, covered it with the sheet. The sheet quickly picked up the blood on the dead creature and wheeled it just outside of Jessica’s curtained area. One of the nurses walked past myself and I took the opportunity to explain the situation briefly and went back to the Buggy.

Driving to the Pokemon Center, I dropped in all of mine and Jessica’s Pokeballs (Bar Quilava and Metapod), I carried all of our bags inside, wheeled the sleeping Robson in. From there, I checked in a room, and put everything in there. Cheryl wasn’t working the graveyard shift, she was the woman I’d dealt with when I’d been here last time in the majority of situations. Having absolutely no memory of the Pokemon I’d given her as a thanks, I ignoring that, but kept Quilava with myself before heading out to the hospital. I tried to remember Jessica’s lineup in my head and repeated it over and over.

Gossipy Wigglytuff and Clefable…. Albino Murkrow… Well-Dressed Jynx… Versitile Smeargle…. MY WARTORTLE (I was a bit angry at this one)That seel…. Oh, and that Mawille… Dead Eevee… oh and the Depressed Bayleef.

Nine Pokemon. But I only had eight at the moment, two of them pretty useless, being the tarted up Metapod and psychotic Dragonair who’d not been the same since the courthouse problem. Suddenly I realized the Eevee in one of the bags, and rushed back to the room, unzipping it and seeing it kind of dazed, but the fresh air I just gave it, the mummified creature was now growling, and twisting.

I grabbed a loose thread, held it away from my body, and went up to the Pokemon Med Student, explaining that this was the creature that killed my sister’s Eevee. His eyes opened widely, and took it gingerly, from there, he practically threw it into the isolation room and peered at it through the window. Horrified.

I quickly took a shower, and got into a change of clothes, a light blue T-Shirt, Jeans and my faithful black boots and decided to walk to the hospital. By now, the sun was now rising, and the salt air of the ocean was refreshing on my face. I noticed many tents setting up, and realized that these were the same markets where I sold all of those Pokemon eggs. Taking a look in my wallet, things were starting to look a bit dire, we’d probably need to get some more cash, and in a week or two, the little spending sprees here and there had really left a large dent in all that cash I’d initially come into.

I came across a woman selling some flowers, and grabbed a large bunch, of lavender (Which is apparently calming) and some more native plants like bottlebrush and some other flowers I didn’t know. It smelt nice though, and it should have cheered Jessica up a bit. Further down the end of the markets by the beach, I head a chorus of meowing, getting closer, it was a box full of Giveaway Skitty. Getting Jessica a new little cat like creature would help her ease the pain. I reached into the box, and tried to pick out the most responsive one. They were a little box of personalities, one in the corner, the cardboard soaking up its pee. Two play fighting, and another one, which continually kept jumping up at the sides of the box with little luck. She seemed a little rascal, and with permission, I picked her out of the box. This Skitty did NOT like being held, I let it explore a bit, but let Quilava out to make sure it didn’t try escape. Quilava actually did a good job, and let Skitty ride on its back as we got to the Hospital.

I put Skitty in a Pokeball, an recalled Quilava as I came to the Hospital. Apparently Jessica was on the third floor. Getting there, I had pangs of fear, due to what had happened to Mum a few months ago. The floors were disinfected and squeaky clean. It was still early, and quite deserted around, since it was also the weekend. Wielding my bunch of Flowers, I stepped into the room, Olivia was on a bed, snoring loudly, looking rather grubby and uncomfortable, half of her body lying over half of the bed. Jessica was in the next bed to Olivia, and she was sitting up, pale, and her arm resting on her lap. The hospital nightie wasn’t too flattering on her, but hearing my loud footsteps, Jessica looked at me and gave a poor little smile.

“Hey, Jess” I said softly.

“Hey… nice flowers… are they for me?” Jessica asked, looking at them thoughtfully.

Putting them on her small little bedside table, I replied “Yea, I’ll find a vase for them later…. So how’s your arm?”

She raised it up with no problems and gave a little grin “Only blood loss and a little tendon damage, oh and sixteen stitches… I have to keep this on for about two weeks, and the drip in for another day, “ Jessica said, pointing to the clear drip bag I hadn’t noticed before continuing, “But I should get out tomorrow…”

”That’s great Jessica, I got you a little something so I hope you can be cheered up a little,” I said, giving her a Pokeball. The Pokeball containing Skitty. I still actually had Eevee’s useless Pokeball in my pocket, minimized. I had no idea with what to do with it. Not to mention, no idea of what had been done with the body.

Jessica’s face was contorted as she opened up the Pokeball, and with a flash, the small little orange and yellow cat Pokemon leapt onto her lap and began to purr in happiness. Jessica sat motionless from the Eevee as her face began to crumple, and turn a bright red, she began to sob, and shoved the creature away. “GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY!” she cried, trying to shove the shocked creature off of the bed. I quickly recalled it.

“Why did you do that?!” I asked, shocked.

“YOU IDIOT! Why did you bring me something that’d remind me of Eevee!” she said, using her bandaged arm to wipe her face.

“I thought it’d help you…” I said softly, as Olivia continued to snore.

“Well it didn’t! Now all I have is a little container of ashes and nothing else, get out!” she yelled at me and threw a pillow.

I was absolutely crushed, and left the hospital, confused. When my ambled back to the Pokemon Center, and turned on my Phone. Instantly, my phone began to vibrate more than that little Sims Love bed ever could. 45 Messages. I quickly checked it, and all were from my mum, asking about Jessica.

Almost instantaneously, my phone began to ring, and I knew who it was.

“Hello? Mum?” I answered.

“ANDREW! Oh god, how could you let something awful happen to Jessica?!” she screamed, seemingly overwhelmed, “I TRUSTED YOU!”

“Hi Mum, Jessica is going to be Ok, she’s in hospital, but she’ll be out soon” I said, rather exhausted.

“I KNOW! I got a call asking for my healthcare details in the middle of the night, but they wouldn’t tell me anything” she said, stressed.

I took a sigh, “Hold on, let me tell you what happened”

“Fine then, tell me the entire story…” she said a bit calmer now. This woman had a nervous breakdown when they accidentally messed up the role once at school, marking me as wagging school. The following phone call one of tears and worry. Not to mention the jail-like way she ran the household…

From there, I explained the entire thing, leaving out reclaiming the buggy and such, only to be interrupted with comments like “Why were you travelling at that time of night?” And “Why were you on such an unsafe path?” I answered them and ploughed on.

“I’m very disappointed in you Andrew. My friend Vivyan is coming to see you tomorrow, and I’ll expect her to bring you home for a couple of days… I worry about you kids a lot… you don’t know how hard it is to be alone…Not have you kids home from school, know how your day is. Jessica’s phonecalls every few days are ok, but its not the same as having you both here…” she said, rather sadly.

“I’m sorry Mum, we’ll be back soon, but I need to finish up some business here in Ede before I can come back.

“Well when Vivyan comes, I want you to be there, ready and waiting to go… NO EXCEPTIONS!” she said, before on a lighter tone, “I love you, and I want you to SMS me the hospital number and the doctor’s name, and the name of the Sister on Duty ASAP! Bye… AND TAKE CARE OF JESSICA”

With that, she hung up. I headed back to the Pokemon Centre, I needed a rest. But as soon as I walked in, Cheryl was there, giving me a hug and saying that the Eevee I brought in was sent to Carly. I remembered why we’d come back to Ede town in the first place, and realized that I’d had some Pokemon Sent here too, I rushed upstairs, and collected the Pokeballs of Abra, Snorlax, Torchic, Meowth and Poochyena. Of course, with a horrific fee too.

I realized what I had to do with the last two, they had to go back to Rose’s family, now they were in tip-top shape. I asked that the two Pokemon be shipped off to Rose Burgand’s house, I attached a note of my phone number and name. They could call me if they wanted to.

Snorlax was still on limited movement, and would be for a month, her gunshot wound was still sore in the side of her lower gut. Abra was well, and Torchic would not stop picking at herself, causing a brief fungal infection. But apart from that, they were Ok. Robson wheeled into me then, filling himself with fake praise “Did you see the way my Hitmontop kicked the crap out of those Eevees!” he yelled, pumping a fist into the air and making his bowl cut swish around.

”Yes, yes, good work Robson, you Pokemon Master.” I said dryly.

Robson stopped in his tracks and looked shocked, “You really think so?!” He asked, tears in his eyes as he looked utterly spellbound.

Seeing him so captivated, I had to ruin his dream. “No. You suck.” I said calmly and walked over to the recovery section, leaving a screeching kid trailing behind me telling me how much I sucked, and how bad his dad was going to sue my family.

I picked up Electabuzz, with his bandaged hand; Lickitung was well, as was Mimey, Starmie, Sableye and Mankey. Jessica’s Pokemon were all healthy as well. I set off to Carly’s place, Robson in tow; he had some trouble in the sandy parts, demanding I help him. But eventually using his Ditto as something to roll over, he got there with no troubles.

I was rather confused at what we’d find, a fake Carly? Carly in a crying ball? Guns? Booby traps?

”Robson, can you be a big man and ring the doorbell?” I asked, taking a few steps back.

“You bet!” he said, wheeling right up and pressing the button again and again.

The door swung open suddenly, and Carly stood there in front of us, her face was one of utter shock. Her green eyes were bloodshot and absolutely terrified. She grabbed a bottle of pills and downed two, before grabbing another bottle and downing those.

“Sorry, Ritalin and Prozac… I need them…” she said, ushering myself and Robson inside.

“So, um, Hi Carly.” I said, giving a small wave.

“Hold on, I these need to take effect, just wait here for ten minutes while I calm down” she said, going upstairs. She looked pale and even skinnier, her blonde hair was dull and she just seemed… so dull.

Robson now decided to blast away some questions, “So, Andrew, who is this woman?”

“Used to be Phil’s girlfriend or something… and they grew up together… and um.. she gave me Smeargle” I explained

“Oh. Why are we here? I don’t like waiting. Waiting takes FOREVER” he asked and whinged.

I didn’t feel like explaining it all again, but I said simply “To give her some Pokemon… how about you go outside and play with your Pokemon, there are some Kingler around!” I said enticingly.

“OK!” squealed Robson in delight, as he let his oblivious Pokemon out and they trundled out of the door.

I held four Pokeballs in my hand, Smeargle, Snorlax, Abra and Torchic’s as Carly came downstairs, her face waxen. “Hi, Andrew” she said, in a creepy monotone.

“Are you Ok Carly? I found out from Abra what happened…” I asked her.

With a tilt of her head, she shook it suddenly and looked down, “No, I’m not. I’ve been here about 2 weeks, I’m drugged out to my eyeballs, and when I don’t take them, I just want to curl up and die…”

What made it especially creepy is that she spoke with no emotion, no fear, no remorse over killing Phil. Just a blank nothingness. “Oh, and the side effects, nausea, vomiting, sleep loss… I hate it. I just want it to all end” she continued.

I gave her a sympathetic look as she continued on… “So after all of that death and destruction… that started here with Pikachu… I’m looking at selling up and moving soon. I’ll continue my work… but there are too many memories here now.”

“Well you could always go near Roma, that’s a nice calm place…” I offered.

Carly shook her head in disagreement, “Too hot in summer… but since you know, you believe me then…. Right?”

“Absolutely, I believe you…” I said..

“You know I’d never want to hurt Phil, right? Well.. I just snapped… I’m so sorry, I know you were friends or something, but I’m surprised to see you alive… I thought he killed you like that young girl was…”

“Rose…” I said, softly… remembering the carnage that she was put through in her final moments.

Carly’s eyes dropped “Was that her name?” She gripped a pillow on the couch tighter for support. I nodded and she continued.

“But I lost it there… its just a blur of fear and betrayal and murder… and the police don’t believe me… they just thought I was drunk… by the time they investigated my house and the warehouse they found nothing… It was clean, and being set up to be a factory for something like scooters…”

“Merril?” I asked…

That snapped Carly out of her monotone, as with fierce hatred, she talked, “That *****… if I ever find her, she’ll wish she were dead”

I looked shocked, and that put Carly’s mood back in its place. “They locked me up overnight, thinking I was crazy, my dad got me out and brought me home… from there I’ve just been trying to cope… getting back to work on some of the stuff they stole.”

“Speaking of your work Carly, apparently you got the Eevee that I brought in.” I said, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, I had to put it down.. it was contaminated” She said simply.

“Huh?” I was puzzled, I’d heard tales of Eevee’s going feral in the wild when left alone in packs. I’d just presumed it was feral.

“Well no doubt you know a bit about the Anti Pokeball device, right?” she asked as I tried to rack my brains, realizing that there was one of those things in the courtroom that deactivated the Pokeballs, including Lisa’s.

“Kind of…” I said, my mind was a big foggy, I felt the back of my head and felt the little scar there where the hair had begun to grow over. The dissolvable stitches had done their job.

Carly upped and led me into her lab, it was spotless, no sign of work or anything, the microscope sat on the middle table, the neutral sandy colour of the room added to the bland feeling. Carly reached under the sink, and lifted up a compartment, and out she pulled, was a small gray box, almost exactly like the one in the courtroom. But a bit slicker.

“They kidnapped me for this” She said, “I thought they didn’t get it… they didn’t… but they got my plans… through Phil…. I hate to think what they’re doing with it now”

“Well they used it in a courtroom of people to try help a criminal woman escape?” I added.

“Oh… So you know it stops Pokeballs from activating… well you know about the Side Effect of it too, the major drawback…?” she asked.

“Um… it made my Dragonair go silly” I said, and with that, Carly whipped around and shook me by the shoulders, as best her small hands could.

“Give me that Pokemon! NOW!” she yelled.

I wasn’t about to hand it over to a woman who just killed an Eevee this morning. “Why?”

“It must be destroyed, its mind is reduced to simply kill and destroy… with food its only instincts…. This machine can turn any Pokemon in the area not within a pokemon into a psychotic monster within days of exposure” she said, pulling out a syringe.

“What?! No! You can’t kill Dragonair! I traded my Kabutops for it!” I protested.

“Give it! Give it now or I’ll stab you in the eye with this!” she threatened me, as I backed away to one side of the counter.

“WHAT?! NO!”

“I heard what that Eevee I destroyed did to your sister’s Pokemon… do you want to be responsible for the death and destruction your Pokemon could cause?” she said, a bit more rationally.

“No. Only if you can cure it or something I’ll give it to you…” I said.

Carly dropped the Syringe and began to weep, “I’m so sorry… I’m so, so sorry.. I didn’t mean to… but we still need to do something about your Dragonair… I can cryogenically freeze it, so while I work on a cure, its condition won’t get any worse”

“That’s a bit better… does it have to be right now?” I asked.

Carly nodded, “The sooner the better, because after a few weeks, the Pokemon will break the Pokeball and go on a rampage… A Charmeleon did that after exposure, a poor letterbox was destroyed. If there was anyone around, they would have been torn to shreds and burnt too”

“Well… I guess you’re right…” I said, getting Dragonair’s Pokeball out. I wasn’t too sure, but I did know this woman was right. “Can I say goodbye?” I asked her.

“NO! It may try to kill us both. Just put it right into the tank here… next to the Spinarak and Kingdra down on the left” She said, as a fog rose out of a small metal tank in one of the compartments.

“Goodbye, Dragonair” I said, and placed in her Pokeball with some tongs.

“You did the right thing” said Carly, taking some more pills.

“Also, I should give these three to you…” I said, giving her the Pokeballs of Abra, Snorlax and Torchic. Carly released them and Snorlax filled up the room, as much as her pudgy body could. Torchic saw Carly, and ran towards her, then stopped, backed away warily, and retreated to a corner and began to pluck out more feathers. Abra was unsure and sat on Snorlax’s shoulder, watching us.

I said to Phil’s remaining Pokemon, “Look after Carly, and such, she’s your new trainer now” They gave a nod of recognition and were then recalled. Torchic was in the corner, shrieking in terror from the flash of the Pokeballs as Carly tried to calm it down.

“Carly what’s this mean?” I asked, pulling out the address and keycard Phil had sent with Sentret before he died.

“I’m guessing that’s where their headquarters are…. But wait… that’s where I did some work experience… that’s in Fredrickson, its one of the most respected Labs in the world, its massive… its called Future Advances… That can’t be right…” She said, backing away in a bit of shock.

“This technology, I’ve been working on it to stop terrorists for years, if they’re using it to bust people out of prison, you should stop it…” she said, and went back to the couch, grabbing the pillow for security.

I just screwed up my face in worry, “I need to go now… I’m sorry Carly, you have my mobile number, I’ll come visit you once you have your new place” I said and made my way to the door calling on the way out “Take care of Dragonair!”

I looked out at the beach, and Robson was being threatened by a Kingler, a Corphish and a Shellder as he continued to throw sand at them. “You poopy heads! You cannot hurt me! My daddy is the high commissioner of the discrimin----- OOOWWWWWW!!! YOU SPAT THE PEARL AT ME!!! GET IT DITTO!”

Next Time

A Trade…
A Catch…
A Special POV…


Mew Trainer Rose
2nd August 2004, 11:56 PM
And that's probably the last we'll see of Ollie the Meowth. At least he's alive and going home. ^_^

Eeep. psychotic Eevees. Poor Jess, too bad the Skitty didn't comfort her. Those things are cute. I guess that means Andrew gets to keep it, huh?

Poor Carly. Drugs can only help her so much. Afetr what happened, it's understandable how she feels. I hope things get better after she moves.

Chris 2.1
3rd August 2004, 05:11 AM
Wow! You showed me this about.....X hours ago? it's 11:10AM now, and you showed me at like maybe 12:30 or something, and you'd done a few para's....

Well done old bean!

Pretty good chapter, but...I dunno it felt weird. I just think there are other ways to get rid of Dragonair than killing it.....couldn't he give it some fat-@$$ collector, who doesn't realise it smothers them?

It's jus giving the fic a rather sullen mood, that's all.

Not much else to say really, other than good luck with the future jess! (She'll know what I mean) :P

15th September 2004, 06:26 AM
MTR - Ah, we'll see what'll happen with the Eevee. But yea, goodbye to Ollie and Poochy! Thanks for being a fun character! Oh, and yep, drugs are the only way for her now.

Brit - Ah yes, too much killing! BUt It didn't die! Its Chriogenically frozen!

Oh well.. I've been "Hard at work" *Snorts with contempuous laughter* with Uni. Although once I get these 2 assignments out of the way, I'll be good! I've written up a scene list on the train... but not much else so far.. its looking domestic and such... Any crazy suggestions?

16th September 2004, 09:12 PM
Aw, poor Skitty! Such a sweet little Pokemon doesn't deserve to get shoved off a bed... and STUPID ANDREW! I can only imagine what Jessica might have felt like... I'll put myself in the same sort of situation to demonstrate.

*mr_pikachu wakes up and yawns*
Mom: Oh, um... sorry, but we ran over your dog last night with a steamroller.
mr_pikachu: WHAT?!
Mom: Oh, but don't worry. This should make you feel better. I brought you a new puppy! Oh, and some pancakes.

Yeah, that wouldn't be good. Bad, bad Andrew! THINK before you ACT! :mad2:

This was pretty good, just work on your sentence structure. Grammar in general is really the big issue here, IMO. You've done an excellent job of making something so sad seem so funny, though. I really envy you for that ability. Being able to create those kinds of mixed emotions is really something. :yes:

Well, get that next chapter out there! :wave:

P.S. Okay, how did I miss this when it was up in August? :what:

Gavin Luper
8th December 2004, 02:26 AM
*revives topic*

Well, well, well, what a very good yet terrible chapter that I forgot to reply to until now. What a silly mistake.

Poor Jessica's Eevee. What a horrible end for it. Hope it can rest in peace in Eevee heaven/Eevee hell. Damn those cannabalistic innocent-looking Eevees! Damn them all! Good that Andrew had those handy steel-capped boots!

The police won't believe Carly? That's terrible. Of course she wasn't drunk, you stupid officer people! Wake up and smell the carnage!

Good realism of every day stuff. That one of the things I love about EBTV - the realism. It's great.

Anyhow, great chapter. Naturally, I'm looking forward to the next one, whenever it may come!


1st May 2005, 06:23 AM
Mr Pika - Well I don't particularly like Skitty, but we find out what happens to the little fluffball.

Gavin - Thanks a lot for the reply

Well after such a long wait I'd like this to be a blockbuster episode. But its not. So... buckle yourself in for some kath and kim style fun and we find out which of Andrew's team is the strongest!

Electric Buggy to Victory
Chapter 34 : Prissyness. Popups and the Paramount Pokemon
By Andrew

Previously on EBTV

Jessica’s Eevee was mauled to death by some equally cute yet disturbed Eevees, in the scuffle, Jessica’s arm got a few large bites and gashes. Olivia remained useless and clueless, as did Robson. Andrew tried to cheer up Jessica with a giveaway Skitty which ultimately made her upset. Their mother found out about Jessica being in hospital as a result of her injuries and demanded they all come home.

Finally, in a confrontation with Carly, the survivor of the factory/warehouse massacre, she’s gone a bit skitso, and it turns out her Anti-Pokeball device had been stolen, and was used in the courtroom drama, not to mention its side effects make any Pokemon around at the time psychotic. Ie – Those killer Eevees. Reluctantly Andrew handed over Dragonair into some liquid nitrogen whilst she works on a cure.

Current Lineup

Jessica – Mawille, Albino Murkrow, Jynx, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Seel, Bayleef, Smeargle and Wartortle.
Andrew – Starmie, Electabuzz, Mr. Mime, Quilava, Sableye, Mankey, Metapod and Lickitung.
Olivia – Sentret and Spoink
Robson – Spheal, Green Ditto and Hitmontop


“Here we go Courtney, your big cousin Andrew got you a Pokemon while he was off journeying!” I said enticingly to my six year old cousin, Courtney. Her eyes were a crystal blue, and her hair a mop of curly blonde ringlets.

“Really, for me!?” she asked, dropping her Barbie doll down like yesterdays newspaper.

“Yes, I’ve got a Pokemon JUST for you!” I said, getting out Skitty’s Pokeball.

“What about one for Lachlan, he’ll be sad if you don’t get one for him too!” she said, rather innocently.

At now fifty dollars a Pokeball (No longer the easy 20, due to some taxing), I wasn’t about to shell out for another one, ”Uh… well since you’re the big sister, you can look after this Pokemon, and Lachlan will get one when he’s older!”

“Oh, ok! Mummy! Mummy! Come look!” she yelled, running along to the door, and running back to me as quick as her little feet could take her.

“Well here you go Courtney,” I said, pressing the release button on the Pokeball, “Here’s Skitty!”

“Oh I LOVE IT!” she said, picking it up by its tail and squeezing the poor young kitten. Its odd expression even more contorted.

”Uhm.. careful there Courtney! Skitty can’t be hugged so tightly” I said, noticing the squirming and increasingly breathless cat.

“But how will it know I love it?”

“Well, by looking after it properly, how about you get a bowl of milk, an old bed, and a brush” I suggested, and almost instantaneously, dragging the poor creature by its tail, she ran out to the shed to start looking for a bed.

Lachlan who’d been busy in the sandpit now took this opportunity to come up to me, I’m sure he was a little slow or something, since he was four, hadn’t yet mastered talking, and drooled far too much.

“Where’s mine!?” he demanded, knocking sand all over me.

“Um, you’ll get one when you’re older Lachie…”

“I WANT ONE NOW! NOW!” he screamed, throwing a truck at my head, I barely dodged as it slammed into the glass door behind me.

This brought Aunty Maureen rather quickly, as Lachlan ran off to hide. “What did you just do?”

“I gave Courtney a present!” I said rather innocently, and at the same time happy I’d palmed off a useless Pokemon.

“Oh, ok, well come on, give me a hand, and lets go feed the cattle” she said, slipping into some gumboots, putting on a bucket hat and stepping into the harsh sun.

I was out at Aunty Maureen’s place two days since Vivyan had taken us all home from Ede Town. I’d made a stop here at Aunty Maureen’s and Uncle Darren’s and still hadn’t gotten up the guts to see mum at home. I was staying here on their acreage, being nanny, cook, cleaner, anything to be the perfect guest and such.

I’d since disposed of my mobile in a staged “Accident” and relying on their awful phone service to avoid any calls, screaming at me to come home. I’m sure they were all fine at home.

Suddenly Like a bad omen, the cows, chickens, sheep and dogs went crazy. Birds started squawking and took to the skies, and Uncle Darren took a step outside and yelled to me down in the paddock, “Andrew, phone for you! ITS YOUR MUM!”


Andrew had been gone two days, and here I was, left to slave around the house with mum. Vivyan was a good houseguest, and was sharing mum’s room. She spent most of the day painting and making cups of tea. Olivia was acting like she was in a health resort, constantly coming up to me, and requesting I make her things like a cafe. Not to mention she was using all my good makeup I’d left at home, and was in MY bathrobe too! Everytime I tried to tell mum, she told me its my punishment for leaving her alone and lonely! Also the awful Robson was being a complete brat, he wanted to go upstairs, then downstairs, and let me tell you, a kid in a wheelchair isn’t easy to move.

Mum was clearly quite sick of it too, but even with my bandaged arm, I couldn’t get out of the work. As soon as I’d gotten in, Mum had been hysterical, but with some smooth talking she was back to normal. Since her physiotherapy and rehabilitation when she had been attacked, mum had taken a voluntary retirement package, at the ripe age of 40, but she’d simply taken the money and continued working in a new department of the government, now in Treasury.

I for one was glad she was out of working admin at the prison. She’d always been stressed in there, and now she’d calmed down a bit… but not much. I’d had a good gasbag with Steph on the phone, and she was totally bitchy now I’d left her behind, but her exchange student, Satchico was keeping her company. Jamie had left school to live with her boyfriend and work at Fashion Fair, the daggiest and cheapest store around Hanlon and really didn’t want to talk to me. Leann however was still really chatty, she had a new boyfriend who worked at as an apprentice plumber and she said that was a real turn on for her. But she was going to be moving up the coast soon, and that was really sad, all my best girlfriends in Hanlon had all moved on since I’d been away. But I guess I’d moved on first. I’m SUCH a trendsetter I guess.

Deciding to get away from the claustrophobic feeling of home, I went into school, taking the buggy and gave a bit of motivational speech to the other girls telling them about my adventures. I’d taken Andrew’s badges from his bag to show off at school. Everyone seemed quite impressed by it. Some of the little girls came up to me and said, “We want to be as pretty and talented when we grow up, just like you Jessica!”

Being realistic, those girls would never really be as pretty, but they could get talented, so I agreed with them and let my Pokemon train with the kids. Mareka the coach came up to me, as I recalled Bayleef, who’d taken to cutting herself with her razor leaf in some desperate ploy for attention. So pathetic. But with her rather Greek heritage, Mareka was quite stocky, and athletic looking in her tracky-dacks.

“So, Jessica, going back on the road soon?” she asked, holding onto her training schedule on a clipboard.

Watching Smeargle hover in the air over the kids and rain a gentle bubble over them from its tail I replied, “Yes, I think in a week once I’ve recharged my batteries”

“Well, Jessica, I’ve been talking to Miss Just-“

“The VICE headmaster?” I butted in

Mareka looked straight at me, and I knew she was being serious, “Uhm, she’s now the head of the school, Jessica… anyway… since you left our school team, we’ve not been doing so well, the other girls can’t cut it the way your sometimes ruthless battling did”

“So, you want me to help train you girls up?” I asked, hopefully it wouldn’t take too much away from my time.

“Well, you see, since you left the school on such short notice, your marks to the Education Board aren’t looking too great… they could be better though” said Mareka, looking rather uncomfortable at this point.

I was now a bit confused. “What are you getting at?”

Mareka sighed, “I’m sorry Jessica, but in order for your marks to stay at a good level, Miss Just wants some of your Pokemon to help the school team compete… For the good of the school…”

“WHAT?!” I screeched. That old bitch, Miss Just who accused me of scratching her car when I was 13 was now blackmailing me!

“We want at least 2 of your Pokemon… For one, your Smeargle because its great range of attacks… and another one” Mareka looked at the 15 other girls as they feebly battled with their subpar Sunkerns and Shroomishes which seemed to make up the majority of the squad.

I thought it over, if I failed and got kicked out of school, I couldn’t get into a design course at university for my fashions… but even if I went back to school and tried to work it out, Miss Just could just mess with my marks further.

“Fine then, you can take Smeargle and ….” I tried to think it over as Smeargle dropped to the floor in shock, squashing Seel who was sliding across the polished floors.

“Bayleef” I said, realizing Miss Depressed Grass Dino just wasn’t that great to have around anymore.

Suddenly, Miss Just strode into the gymnasium, “We don’t want some sobbing excuse for a pokemon, we want your best battler. We’ll take that rare Clefable off of you for the time being as well. You can get them back during school holidays”

“Oh, Miss Just how nice to see you again… still single?” I enquired. What with a lovely big scar on her face, and permanent constipated look on her face, at fifty, I’m guessing her chances at love were all but over.

“Miss Hall. I suggest you keep your smart mouth shut and be happy with the deal I’ve just engineered, that way we get the best of both worlds. You continue to be a useless truant, and we get star Pokemon.” She sniped, adjusting her brooch on her very lacy light blue shirt.

I sniped back, petting Smeargle, “Oh, what can I say, living on the road, it’s the life for me. Besides, at least I don’t have to come to the boring school assemblies. You know the ones that drone on and on.”

With a sly grin, Prudance Just glared at me, “Oh, yes, we’ll also have your Wartortle. The swim team needs some moral.”

“Uh. How about… NO”

Her grin showed her horribly coffee stained teeth as it contorted her constipated face somewhat, “How about I fail you, or better still, expel you from the most prestigious school in the state, and lets see you cope at a public school. Remember that excursion to the local State High? Oh, yes, those kids threw rocks at each other, from the rooves. I’m sure someone of your… calibre could fit in there…” she snotted and turned on her orthopaedic heels. “Leave the Pokemon at the door Miss Hall. We’ll see you in a couple of months”


“Hi! Mum!” I said, biggest grin on my face, huge bunch of flowers, and arms outstretched as I stood at the front door.

“DON’T YOU HI MUM ME! GET IN THIS HOUSE THIS INSTANT ANDREW!” came the shriek as the security screen door flew open.

“Look! I got you flowers!” I said, holding out the bunch like a shield.

“DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME! GET IN RIGHT NOW!” my mother screamed again, suddenly she saw the neighbours in their driveway, and put on her fake happy voice. “Oh! Hello Lyn! Your garden’s looking lovely! I’ll catch up with you later! Bye!”

I gingerly stepped into the house, onto the polished wooden floor, taking my shoes off. Mum had a new painting on the loungroom wall, and seemed to have given the house interior a new lick of paint. The clean shades of white against the wooden floor and furniture. Somehow the bright deep red lounges blended in rather well “So, Andrew, what do you have to say for yourself, putting your SISTER in danger. You’re ABSOLUTELY IRRESPONSIBLE! Its SELFISH! Thinking ONLY OF YOURSELF! Don’t you know Jessica could have LOST HER ARM!” screeched my mother, making her important points far louder. For some reason, mum thought the entire house was soundproof, yet failed to realize that gyprock won’t conceal the screaming.

After that I kind of tuned out to be honest, yet kept my apologetic look on my face, and appearing downtrodden. After what seemed like an hour and a half, I checked my watch quickly, and it was. I tuned back into Mum’s now hoarse voice, ranting. Obviously without us around for her daily five minute rants, she’d kept it all for a coming home present.

Miraculously, her mouth kept flapping, “Its irresponsible, just like your father! No sense of being responsible like! Now what would have happened if that arm had of gotten infected!? She could have been raped in the hospital! Now, come and help me make dinner and give me a hug. We’re having Lasange and I need you to make sure the sauce doesn’t get lumpy.”

Feeling incredibly numb, downtrodden and depressed, I faked a smile and gave a hug. “Its good to have you home. I don’t want you leaving again”

“Um… Mum, I do have badges… you know…” I stuttered out, afraid of another 90 minute screamfest. Who knows what the neighbours thought. Besides, she acted as if she was the first ever woman to have a child drop from her nether-regions.

Just then, Jessica stepped into the door, “WHAT A ****ING BITCH!”


Over dinner, Jessica again was still incredibly angry, and I was feeling a bit sad over losing Wartortle again. My first capture through that tricky aquarium trick. Olivia was wearing chopsticks in her hair, and a nice summery dress, but her plate and placemat were covered in the remnants of a slice of lasagne and salad. Robson’s looked like an absolute bomb. Mum was about to hit him over the head with a nearby photo frame by the way he talked:

“Ow! Its too hot!”

“This pasta sheeting isn’t cooked well enough”

“EW a TOMATO SEED! I HATE TOMATO SEEDS! I thought you knew that!”

“Can you pick up my fork”

”Can I have a slice for my Hitmontop? LIKE NOW!”

“My 4th mother used to order better Lasagne than this”

“Why have you used Cheddar Cheese in the white sauce?”

“I don’t like this salad dressing!”

”I need a new knife, this looks dirty!”

“Your stupid dog won’t stop looking at me from the door while we eat!”

Vivyan however answered every one of his requests with a calm smile and demenour. It was amazing at how she dealt with someone like him with absolutely no traces of anger.

Eventually, I was stuck with the cleanup duty and Vivyan volunteered to help. Jessica was going to call her friends to give a new rant. Meanwhile, Mum had decided she needed to “Do some washing downstairs for a couple of hours,” taking along the portable television, a few cushions and a bottle of water. Meanwhile, Robson and Olivia sat on the couch, arguing about pastries, and which one they’d like to eat tomorrow at a new bakery. So far, they had scrapped out Danishes and were now debating mock vs fresh cream doughnuts.

“He’s a little shit isn’t he?” said Vivyan, scraping off a plate into Rocky’s scraps bowl.

“Huh?” I said, stunned Vivyan had sworn.

“Robson, you know, whinge whinge whinge, I want this, I want that. I tell you, if he were my son, he’d get a good smack around the head,” she continued, keeping me absolutely flabbergasted.

Expecting a reply, Vivyan looked at me whilst she continued to help me clean. “Viv… they may hear you!” was the first thing I could say.

“Don’t worry, between Mawille, myself, your mother and Jessica, we’ve all been pretty sick of carrying him up and down up and down 20 times a day.” She continued as I filled up the sink to wash up.

“Yea, he’s fairly annoying, but because of a little mishap in Goldsworthy, his dad’s some judge that can sue me to kingdom come. So now I have to put up with the brat of the century.” I complained back, explaining the situation.

“Yes, Jessica mentioned it yesterday when I was doing a painting for you to hang on your wall. But what’s with Olivia? Is she… a bit slow or something?” asked Viv.


”Oh, I see.”

“She’s not particularly helpful, is she?”

Being rather observant, Vivyan brought something else into my attention, “Not in the slightest, she’s grating on everyone’s nerves too. Can’t even clean up after herself and is probably the laziest person I’ve met. I bet your mum’s blood pressure is through the roof because of those two, and it certainly wouldn’t be helping the internal stitches and staples she had put in”


Olivia sat on the red lounge, watching the television whilst paying attention to Robson and their debate over fresh versus mock cream in cream buns. As another advertisement for incontinence pads came on, a brief thought ran through Robson’s head.

“Olivia, so apart from going around with Andrew and Jessica, what are you going to do when you get home to Cairns?” he said as he used a knife to cut into the fabric of the fairly new couch.

Olivia swept her bleached blonde hair out of her face and crinkled her nose at the elderly people with bladder problems in disgust before replying, “Oh, well I think I should become an author, because my brother, Adam always says I make up stories.”

“What type of books will you write?” asked Robson, no stranger to making up stories.

After taking a careful moment of consideration, Olivia had decided on her career choice, “I was thinking Children’s Books, they’re always so complex, I can get through 3 a day if I’m lucky.”

Robson’s face lit up in excitement, “OH! I love the Piggy Wiggy Books!” he garbled breathlessly, “What story will you do, will it be like the Piggy Wiggy Books?”

Olivia looked him straight in the eyes and unloaded her story idea, “Well I was thinking about having the story of a girl. An ordinary girl, and basically she has a guardian angel, but the angel is telling her to kill as part of a greater scheme. So the girl slaughters the father in the shed with his power tools, kills the mother in the kitchen. Its then we find out the angel is actually her dead older sister, and we follow her as she hunts down this really meanie girl from school and kills her by throwing her off a bridge during a storm. We then follow her and slowly uncover that she actually has a mental illness and there is no angel as she goes on killing people”

Robson stared Olivia dead in the eyes.

“Will it have pictures?”


“Popups too?!”



“Mmm… Well what can we do? Mum’s certainly not going to let me go again. Jessica’s got no hope of going either. Olivia won’t go without Jessica, a fellow galpal. But I bet Robson won’t leave easily either.”

“Maybe I’ll work on your mother, dropping hints and whatnot, and you just try to be ready to leave on the spur of the moment if I get her to change her mind. Then take off before she changes her mind back again. Because I don’t want my best friend to die from stress, or to pop her internal stitches carrying a wheelchair up and downstairs” explained Vivyan as I washed and rinsed up the dishes.

I had no idea of what to say next as I continued washing up, and gave the impression I was deep in thought, “Mmmmm”

“Anyway, keep packed and I’ll do what I can. Oh, and I think your mum wanted you to mow the lawn at 6am tomorrow morning, and she told me to get you to use your Pokemon to help clean up too…” mentioned Viv as she finished up and sat down next to Olivia on the couch.

Wiping down the bench, I threw the cloth on top of the sink and went on the verandah to peer into the backyard and see how it was going. Without myself there to look after it, it was not a pretty sight. The good old clothesline was pretty much surrounded by grass, the concrete path and patio now absolutely swamped by weeds, at astronomical heights. I saw movement in the grass, and instantly thought it was a snake, but it was actually poor old Rocky, trying to run around.

The next morning I woke up and decided to delegate to the team. With a pair of old runners on, a singlet and shorts, I found the old mower under the house, hidden away. Filling it up I released Quilava and ordered her to use her swift attack and fire needles to give everything a nice edging. With a daunted look she started her fire and began to blast away, slowly but surely making an outline of what I’d mow. Rocky was running around like a mad hatter, barking at Quilava.

After filling up the mower with some petrol and oil I got to work, it was rather satisfying to see all the grass destroyed so easily.


I looked up and saw Jessica’s Murkrow sitting in the bottlebrush tree, eating some nectar from the bright red flowers it produced.

“Oi! Murkrow!”

Murkrow continued to chow down and ignored me, “Get over here, now!” I yelled, the bird could certainly help me with the chores. But alas, it kept ignoring me. “Metapod! String shot its leg!” I commanded as I released my faux-pupitar.

The blue Metapod fired off a quick thread, and caught the unsuspecting bird by surprise, tangling around its pink foot. “KROW!” it shrieked, and instinctively took to the sky, but I was holding the thread and quickly reeled it in.

“Look birdy, you and my Electabuzz are going to use your icy moves to freeze off those weeds over there, and you’re going to do it” I said at the white bird as it sat on my arm, looking it straight in the eyes. It went to peck my face, so I backhanded it and sent it sprawling into the bush.

“Metapod, you watch it, ok?” I said to the bug as I put it atop the clothesline. Releasing Electabuzz, I gave him his orders and grumbling, he went off and started ice punching, but in the hot morning sun, he had to put a lot more effort into it.

Giving another thought so the weeds wouldn’t grow back, I released Sableye, who growled at Rocky and they were both at odds, staring at each other. Rocky had the hair on his back all standing up and teeth bared. Sableye had put himself on all fours and was showing off his disturbingly pointy teeth. They both gave a growl as Sableye launched himself at Rocky.

Rocky dodged, did a roll and went back to bite Sableye on his left leg, but the odd little thing moved in the nick of time. Stepping in, I took Rocky underneath the house and locked him in there. He wasn’t happy about it, but I certainly didn’t want Sableye killing my dog. Turning back, Sableye was busy taunting Quilava who rolled her eyes and shot a warning quill in his direction. Backing off, he began to swing from the clothesline, making it spin and now Metapod gave a whinge.

I released Mankey, the only one who got along with Sableye and was looking through my silver Pokedex to see what he could do in the yard to prove himself useful. Scanning him, I looked at his known moves and was somewhat surprised to see Mankey had learnt Arial Ace. That move kind of was like a sharp swipe apparently, and perfect for cutting down the iced plants. I set him to work and made him stick to Sableye, who was using toxic on the plants once Mankey cut them down.

I’d also figured out that Sableye had an uncontrollable lust to destroy Psychic Pokemon after a bit of reading up on them on the internet. So I threw Mr. Mime and Starmie over the front fence to get to work over there, weeding and watering the flowers and lawn. With Sableye so distracted, he only popped his head up for a moment, sniffed the air, and got back to spewing toxic goo.

I tried to think what Lickitung could do, the last one with no real task, so I released her and said she should work on her Iron Tail move to try and dig some holes to plant new plants in later. With a grunt of concentration, Lickitung’s odd tail began to glow silvery and she began to stab it in the ground. Good old Iron Tail.

After a couple hours, the yard looked perfect! As a reward, I made up some salad sandwiches and took my crew up to the nearby park. I figured that perhaps they would have a mini tournament between themselves, to perhaps raise their experience levels and whatnot. After a meal, they were all ready (I’d kept Sableye in his Pokeball whilst everyone else chowed down).

I figured out the first round draw. Metapod wouldn’t be a part of the tournament, because I didn’t want its fragile Paper-mache being destroyed. But we’d first have Mankey vs Sableye. Mr. Mime vs Starmie. Quilava vs Lickitung and Electabuzz had a free pass through to the next round. They’d all have to rely on their own battling skills, without myself ordering them around, so we’d see how they’d go.

Starting off was Mankey vs Sableye, and I released them both on opposite ends of the mini basketball court. Sableye got onto all fours and hissed at Mankey, whilst trying to shade its eyes from the sun. Mankey however was busy taking the mickey out of Sableye, imitating him. Sableye’s long tongue flashed out as it bounded across the concrete. Mankey gave a worried cry as he glowed briefly, before splitting into 5 other mankeys. Double team! Sableye’s eyes glowed as he bounded from one to the other, knocking out clone after clone. After three, he leapt onto the real Mankey, who was ready for his sharp claws with a well-timed Fire Punch.

Sableye was sent skittering backwards, in response, its coloured chest gems glowed a dark purple, and an erratic beam shot towards Mankey, and didn’t affect it in the slightest. A completely failed Night Shade. Mankey who had been cringing in terror gave a chuckle as his paw glowed white. I wondered if he still knew about type differences, because he seemed to be quite cluey. As Sableye was sent flying again, and I saw the sharp scrapes on it, I realized it had used Arial Ace. Obviously Mankey was a smart little tacker and knew Sableye’s immunity and successfully countered it.

I recalled the little ghost and congratulated Mankey. He and Metapod sat next to me as the next battle started off. Good old Mr. Mime vs Starmie. My money was personally on the mime, he just knew a lot of good moves and could beat Starmie.

Surprisingly, Starmie gave a little blue glow, as its core changed to blue and it fired up a teensy beam of energy into the heavens. It began to cloud over immediately, but just over the park and the clouds began to turn greeny. Mr. Mime ignored Starmie’s little prank as he rushed in for a quick Double Slap attack. However, just as he was about to strike, a golf-ball sized piece of hail struck him on the arm, and stopped him long enough for Starmie to move out of the way.

Starmie now used what looked to be sharpen, as its edges began to shimmer dangerously, like knives. Mr. Mime charged up a thunderbolt attack and was about to fire it off, as hail began to strike the concrete and the two battling Pokemon. Starmie took a hit on the core, but endured it. Mr. Mime ran around a bit, before getting a wonderful idea, and used a light screen, as if it were an umbrella.

Starmie now launched at Mr. Mime with a Rapid Spin, and with its sharp edges, that would really hurt Mr. Mime badly. Mimey however was ready, and fired off a quick thunderbolt, shocking the starfish rather badly. And in a quick follow up, Mr. Mime appeared to hit Starmie’s core repeatedly with a volley of Ice, Fire, Thunder and … shadow punches? That was new! I didn't know Mr. Mime could learn shadow punch! Starmie couldn’t stand the assault on its core and weakly collapsed.

The hail began to clear up, but the clouds remained as I recalled Starmie. The final battle of the prelims was Quilava vs Lickitung. I was kind of sure Lickitung would be easily defeated. Quilava started off heating things up by firing off a quick flamethrower. Lickitung barely avoided, but was fairly irritated by this. With her scarring and whatnot, I suppose adding more bodily damage to herself wasn’t high on the agenda. Quilava now fired off some small fiery needles from her head, getting a couple onto Lickitung’s tail as she tried to run away.

Infuriated, Lickitung’s small beady eyes turned blue, as she jumped onto the earth, and gave a stomp. The earth opened up slightly, as a dirty watery blast emerged from the hole with surprising speed, and swamped Quilava. The fire type shook off the water pulse, and began to fire off a swift attack. Lickitung was now back on the concrete and used her tongue to launch a rather spectacular flip into the air. She seemed to linger before coming down hard onto Quilava’s back, performing a stomp as she came down. Quilava crumpled under the weight, but in one final payback she burnt Lickitung’s bottom with her back flame and squealed in pain before fainting.

In the next round, they were both VERY short, as Mr. Mime took out Mankey with a volley of Psybeams, no matter how much he tried to dodge. Electabuzz also just fried an already burnt Lickitung. I felt a bit sorry for Mankey and Lickitung, being taken out so easily.

The grand finale was between Electabuzz and Mr. Mime. They both squared off on the damp and slick concrete. As soon as I said “Go” Electabuzz had thrown a fist into the pavement, coated with icy energy and froze the thin later of water. Being on a slope, this caught Mr. Mime unaware, as his feet became frozen to the ground. With a sly smile, Mr. Mime held out his hands as if a photographer and fired off a Psybeam, hitting Electabuzz’s left arm.

Taking this chance, Mr. Mime glittered slightly, covering himself in a safeguard. Electabuzz didn’t notice this, and his thunder wave dissipated harmlessly after hitting Mr. Mime. Now rather annoyed at the Mime, Electabuzz and Mr. Mime traded Thunderbolts, Mr. Mime’s being trumped slightly as he endured the electrocution.

Mr. Mime now had his own first covered in a burning energy as he punched the ice around his feet, easily melting it. Electabuzz was a tad shocked and tried to take Mr. Mime down with a Mega Punch. However, Mr. Mime’s eyes glowed a deep blue, stopping Electabuzz. Electabuzz then began to rise into the air, unable to move. (Quite like how he was a baby Elekid being flown around) The psychic type levitated Electabuzz onto his head and pounded his skull against the pavement over and over. I recalled an obviously beaten Electabuzz and congratulated Mr. Mime. It was cool to know that I was backing the right horse. So the first round losers, Quilava, Starmie, Metapod and Sableye were all fairly annoyed. Quilava seemed to bond a little with the creepy ghost over their loss. Lickitung still really didn’t have any friends, but congratulated Mr. Mime. Mankey was kind of peeved he didn’t get a chance to beat the mime, and brushed him off. Electabuzz brooded a little, before he and Mankey went off in a kind of Karate Kid style training thing.

As I got home, I was kind of still kind of afraid of mum, and as I was coming up the stairs, she put her finger on her lips and began to hiss in my ear “What is with that ANNOYING Disabled kid! I was about to push him down the stairs today! And Olivia! She’s treating this place like a bloody health spa! Get rid of them! Besides! Where have you been all afternoon! Once you’d done the garden I wanted you to help me tape up the spare room so I can paint it!” she hissed, and then went back upstairs.

“Oh! Olivia, you ok? Do you want a drink refill?” asked mum, as she walked back into the kitchen. Olivia was sitting on the lounge in a bathrobe, watching the O.C. “Oh I love you Seth! Christmahunnawhatever is so cool!” She breezily said.

Robson was sitting next to her, and greatly enjoying the OC as well “Oh, no! Now Summer’s going to find out about that romance! Chino! Ew! Hahaahah” he laughed.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way to Jessica’s room. Bayleef was sitting outside, leaking what looked to be sap from her vine, as she was using another vine and a razor leaf to cut it open. “Bay! Bayleef!” it whinged, blocking my way.

I pushed past the dinosaur and into Jessica’s room. “Hey, Jessica, want to go Fredrickson tomorrow and find out what’s in that secret lab where the stolen anti-Pokeball device may or may not be!?”

”What are you doing in my room!?!” she screeched. I guess it was genetic. I felt a pang of pity for Jessica’s future husband and children.

“Well I wanted to discuss what we’d do next!” I explained.

“Go out, knock, then come in!” she demanded as she flicked through her music collection.

I complied, and went back in, “Yes! What do you want Andrew?” she now said in a completely weird fake tone of voice.

“Um… want to take off tomorrow morning? To do all that stuff, and find out about what happened to Phil?” I asked again.

There was an awkward silence.

Jessica’s mind was ticking over, I could pretty much hear her think, “Of course I do. I didn’t know Phil as long as you Andrew, but I’d still like to find out if he’s… really.. you know.. dead”

I sat down on Jessica’s queen sized bed, “I don’t think Abra was.. .lying to us… and I don’t think it could have made it all up.. but I guess I want to see it all for myself”

“Yea, but how are we going to get in there?” asked Jessica, “Oh, and GET OFF my bed”

I stood up, “Well, I’ve got that keycard that Sentret had, and that gets us into some special lab that has something to do with Merril or something … you know? In Fredrickson”

“And what are you planning to do? Get shot?” Snotted Jessica, before getting quiet again.

“Well, I’ve got Mr. Mime, he can teleport me out of any danger… and come to think of it, I’ll get Mr. Mime to teach it to your Jynx” I explained.

“Oh great, so I’m coming along? To your little Mission Impossible 007 Lameo thing?”

“Well you can stay here, with mum… and her psychoness. Not to mention what you told me about school, the headmistress has it in for you. Plus, I don’t think working at Fashion Fair or Supre would be in your best long term interests” I explained.

“There’s NO way in hell I’m working at skank central. Ever. Besides, I guess I can use Robson as a human shield.”

“ I guess if we gag him, that’d work”


After dinner, my mother was complaining about money and had dragged me out onto the verandah to moan. I don’t know when she got injured in that prison thin, if it smacked her head out of wack, or set off the major bitch alarm.

“Andrew, you know your Laptop, and buggy and whatnot... do you REALLY need them?” she said, cradling a cup of hot tea.

”Well yes, since I earnt them, I think I should keep them”

“Because I can’t afford to keep bankrolling yours and your ungrateful sister’s gallivanting around the countryside”

“So how are we supposed to eat then?!” I asked, shocked.

Taking a sip of her tea, mum looked into the garden “That’s not my problem, ask your father”

“You mean the father that left us when I was four, and we hear from about once a year”

“Yes, I’m a single mother, I can’t afford this type of expense of having children!”

“You’re not the ONLY single mother in the world! Other people cope just fine. Like Katlyn! ” I tried to argue

“Oh! Look! My palms I planted are growing well, aren’t they!” Rosemary exclaimed, ignoring me.

”Mum! Don’t ignore me! Stop changing the subject!” I shouted.

Getting up, I had a mug waved in my face threateningly, “ANDREW! The neighbours! What do you think they’ll think! WHAT WILL THEY THINK if they hear you screaming all day and night! They’ll call the cops and they’ll call me a bad mother that’s what! Now if you excuse me I’m going to bed!”

“ARE YOU DELUSIONAL!” I yelled after her.

The next morning, we were so out of there. I spent the rest of the night packing, I had tomorrow’s outfit all laid out and ironed. Jeans, white sneakers, my dog tags, black leather wrist cuff and black belt and a cool vintage black and white button up shirt. Looking swish!

Far better than the awful bleached hair and leather incident. It was like Fonzie on crack. At least now I looked sophisticated, clean and swanky. I was going to miss my bed. Even if my room had been trashed and pretty much reduced to nothing when Jessica’s baby Pokemon had hatched.

Tomorrow was a new day, and I was all ready for some SPY action!

Chris 2.1
1st May 2005, 08:00 AM
Good chapter. Nice to see the Pokemon fighting each other. Reminds me of Survivor. Lol.

Mankey with Aerial Ace was a nifty thing, and it was cool seeing them all do the gardening, hehe. Sableye is pure evil.

Looking forward to the next chapter, good work!

The Decapitated Mole
1st May 2005, 10:27 AM
Well, that certainly took long enough!!! Get with the program man and make it snappy!!


But anywho... great chapter, well worth the wait. I simultaneously love and hate this story because it's great and well-written and all that, but I completely loathe all of the characters except for Andrew, and probably Vivyan[Phil was alright, I guess], which makes reading a chapter of this story a lot like watching an episode of The Office. But that's a good thing. Great chapter, like I said before. I'm glad Jessica's getting what's for from that bitchy school-president, because she deserves it royally, and Andrew should really give his mom what she's got coming to her.

That's really most of what I had to say. Keep up the good work, aaaand...


1st May 2005, 11:06 AM
*pleads* Please say you're going to get rid of Olivia and Robson soon?! Olivia I can deal with but Robson is an annoying twat who whines and whines and doesn't give anyone joy in the world. Maybe if he was caught doing something embarrassing, Andrew could blackmail him and force him to go home. Yes, yes, perfect...

Other than that, awesome chapter. I wish you updated more frequently since it's hard to get back into the swing of things when you don't post a new chapter for months but as long as they keep coming, that's ok

2nd May 2005, 06:14 AM
You are sooo metro.

Lol ^_^ Twas a good chapter, I thought it was more of a filler, to get from one point of action to the next, but was still a good chance for character development and such. ^_^ Nice character development of the pokemon too, that went very well. And the school teachers sound like bitches >.<

Charles Legend
2nd May 2005, 08:24 AM
that's odd Andy, I thought I had replied last time I read, err the only thing I can say right now is that I well read this as soon as I can, Athought hopefuly I don't stay up all night until 7 am my time again like I did on friday while reading Gav's fic or atlest thje only one of his that I know of anyways.

but anyhow Andy I Promise I well read this some more some time, if I don't well then you can black mail me, sound fair?

~Charles legend

10th May 2005, 01:12 PM
Wewt! Finally sat down and caught up with 'ya, Ozzy. I took three nights out of my particular busy (haha!) schedule and sat down and started reading this great "ficcie" of your's and I must say, I likes what I reads.

...and I hate reading. oo;;

But yeah, as Becca so thoughtfully put earlier, please do something with the wheelchair kid and his annoying female counterpart. Unfortunately, I'm afraid to think of what would happen if you did part with them. I'd pro'lly miss their slothful arrogance and whatnot.

I didn't like to see Jess part with her Wartortle, because I was hoping to see him evolute (word creation!) into a Blastoise. That would've been neat. Lousy blackmailing headmaster.

Regardless, a good read and I will be keeping up with this.


23rd May 2005, 06:17 AM
Wow. Everyone in that house is nuts to some degree. What's frightening is that Andrew's probably the sanest of them all. :eek:

Pretty good. You've got the same hyperactive pace that you normally do, so that's nothing new. You really do use it to its fullest extent. Normally, I would loathe the nuttiness here, but since that's the point, it's probably a good thing.

However, there are some things that , in my opinion, could be improved. For instance, it'd be nice if you could edit some more. After all, while this fic may be crazy, it's not at the level of utter chaos where complete incoherence is desirable. Your fic is funny with pure comedic plotlines, while it wouldn't be too surprising to have a chapter of TMAOH be entirely written in binary code. The point is that grammar and spelling problems get in the way of the natural hilarity you produce in this fic.

Overall, this is looking nice. You can't help but love and hate Robson and Olivia, and Jessica's great with her sane insanity. Andrew's the only voice of "reason" (ha ha), and considering what his reason's are, it's no surprise what we've already been through, and have yet to see. Simply put, I love the direction this fic has gone in, and I can't wait to see where it leads! Until next chapter! :wave:

6th November 2005, 11:27 PM
Mr Pika - Lol. Its true, I AM the most sane person in the household. see my userpic. Isn't it obvious?

Also, yes, editing is paramount, and I'd like to think its getting better with time, *Hahahah*. Also, yes, we're going on like, an Alias, Spy little tangent for a bit! Then some finale setting up stuff.

Arby - Olivia and Robson are around for a while longer. Just a teensy bit longer. Like a while. Thank you for reading.

Charlie Boy -Thanks, I do hope you read!

Tara - Yes! It was a filler Shhhh!

TML - A new chapter is coming soon!

Moley moley mole! I personally HATE the office. Its also nice to have these karma moments... dontcha think?

Chris - Yes, thank you for reading! sAbleye steals babies in the night and eats them.


New chapter coming soon! Lookout!

Since I've like, moved out, been extremely sick the last 3 months and just been really busy overall and not owned a Pc, I've had no EBTV time.

HOWEVER I just scored a pc last night, craptacular, BUT i can word process. And that's all I need, right baby? So expect a new chapter soon! Post any crazy ideas too pls

Gavin Luper
7th November 2005, 03:44 AM
Hurrah! A new chapter on the way at last! About time! *cough*

No, seriously, great to hear Oz!

And I'm assuming the illnesses are completely gone now? Which would be a good thing. :D

Can't wait.


Chris 2.1
7th November 2005, 04:22 PM
Make use of your horrible illness by giving it to Robson in the fic.

And my only suggestion is give some of the Pokemon more screen time....

10th November 2005, 07:30 PM
Here we go, the longawaited new chapter!

Chapter 35
Electric Buggy To Victory by (Oz)Andrew.
Drugs, Escapes and Stereotypes.

“Oh! Goodie! My chair massages! Oooh, oooh…. Oooohhhhhh”

The vibrating chair strained under the weight of the portly, yet energetic head of the Minister for Pokemon, Thomas Burkle, or as he was affectionately known around the office and by family and friends, Tommy Tummy. Apparently a rub of his now rather large stomach would bring luck. Alana, the secretary had always wanted a baby girl, so when she fell pregnant, a quick rub was on the cards. Nine months later, out came a baby girl. Some felt it was just a silly rumour, but Tommy had once been a master trainer, and after years of this claim, he simply accepted it as fact.

However, standing in front of Tommy, was Merrill, impatiently tapping her well manicured fingers against Thomas’s rather expensive mahogany desk. “Yes, yes, your chair massages, I do hope you enjoy it Tommy. Anyway, here’s the progress report of this year’s upcoming trainers for the tournament. I just need you to sign some forms so I can undertake some more intensive investigation of some of them.”

However, Tommy had once too often taken a blow to the head in his years of Pokemon Training, leaving him with a rather short attention span. This worked to his advantage when he was running for the Minister of Pokemon, all of his interviews were short, amusing and people recognized him from being reigning champ. However, what he lacked in policies, actual political clout and conversational skills, he made up with charisma. But charisma can only take a person so far, and Tommy was rather disinterested by doing his job, and much more amused by all the gadgets and trinkets in the world. Last week, he had tried Space Ice Cream! A tad chalky, but when in your mouth it fizzes up with an odd taste. Unfortunately, for his cholesterol and blood sugar levels, he insisted on only eating this for a week.

But a new week was here, and with it, a new gadget brought by Tommy’s second in charge, Merrill. Trustworthy, hardworking and also a great battler, Merrill looked after all of the rubbishy little things that bothered Tommy’s days. Once a week she came around, had some forms signed and then took off again, looking a tad happier; to no doubt improve the world in the department of Pokemon. A couple of weeks ago, she looked rather frazzled, but Tommy was brushed off rather quickly, as she lied, “Its that time of the month”. Three minutes later, Tommy was re-discovering the safe under his desk and was insistent on cracking the code. A further thirty seconds after that, an aged Machamp ripped it apart, sending his wife’s anniversary present of a fine crystal statue shattering to the floor.

Good old Merrill cleaned it up and Alana ordered another. At taxpayers expense, of course. As Tommy’s rather large bulk jiggled in the chair, his guts hanging over his belt, he wondered where he ever got such a competent second in charge officer, he didn’t remember doing any interviews. But, alas, his wave of thought was soon wiped out as he signed the forms and was given a hula-hoop that glittered and swirled as you went.

Three rotations later, Alana was calling a chiropractor and giving Tommy a sedative with his chocolate biscuits. On Merrill’s orders, of course.


Three days at home had sent me absolutely batty. Robson was the main cause of that, of course. Jessica was still rather snooty, but after having to clean up after her ‘favouritist’ cousin ever, Olivia wasn’t ranking too highly. Vivyan was keeping the entire place slightly sane as Mum had hysterical fits every other waking hour, on everything from conserving energy, Rocky digging a hole, the fear of Fire Pokemon ruining her house, the constant “Mess” and everything else in between, I was snapping a lot as well.

With my bags packed, I was half-tempted to get Jessica’s Wigglytuff to sing Mum to sleep whilst I escaped. However, that morning, Vivyan came to me with a solution. She was going to slip a rather large dose of relaxants into my Mother’s mid-morning tea, giving us time to escape, with a rather relaxed mother watching it all. Apparently she too was about to snap, but apparently its like a million times worse than anything else. But she’d only drug out mother if we took the terrible twosome with us.

Jessica’s eyes lit up once she heard this, but we both realized that getting Robson and Olivia would be a problem. I decided I’d handle Robson, and Jessica would deal with Olivia. I tried to figure out my options… what to do… what to do…He wouldn’t listen to reason, he was rather happy being trucked around everywhere, having Mum, me or a bevy of Pokemon waiting on his every single move. Brute force would have probably resulted in some property damage, and even when sedated, I doubt Mum could have stopped herself having a psychotic episode if anything happened to the house.

I released Metapod, still looking like a Pupitar, I’d use its “Evolution” scare tactics to get my way. Robson was in the loungeroom, playing my old Nintendo 64, “This is AWFUL! At my house my dad has got me like a new Playstation 4! I play great games on it like Tekken 10!” he declared as he guided Conker around the admittedly, amusing yet graphically pathetic game.

Rolling my eyes, I held Metapod in my arms, “Robson, there is no Playstation 4 yet.”

Robson’s little freckled face became really red, giving him the appearance of a sunburnt balloon. “Yes there is because I have one!”

“Uh huh…. So, if we stop in at your house, I can see it and play it?”

“No! I don’t LIKE YOU and I don’t want you in MYYYY house!” Declared Robson, rather snotilly, throwing my N64 controller onto the wooden floor.

“DID SOMEONE RUIN MY BEAUTIFUL POLISHED FLOOR!” came a screech from the hallway, with a flurry of feet Mum was in front of me, on her hands and knees, examining the “scratching” of her beautiful polished floor.

“He made me do it!” squealed Robson when Mum glared at him.

The death ray moved towards me, and I held up Metapod to shield my eyes. “No I didn’t!” I tried in defence.

“Yes he did!”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes yes yes yes yes HE DIIIIID”

“Wait, this is stupid, no, I didn’t. Honestly Mum, would I want to ruin your lovely floors which you’ve put so much time, effort and money into maintaining? No, I wouldn’t,” I explained calmly and rationally.

“Yes! He did it!”

At that point, Vivyan walked in, clutching two cups of tea, “Come on Rosemary, lets have a cuppa, did I tell you about this lovely gentleman I met when I went out dancing?”

As they went outside Vivyan gave me a wink, obviously the drugged cup of tea was ready to take effect. It was kind of sad to resort to these types of things, especially since I was now “Banned” from going away again, due to my poor responsibility, when it came to Jessica’s arm, still lightly bandaged.

During all of this, Robson had turned on the television and was busy watching Scooby Doo. “Oh! No! Velma’s lost her glasses! OH NO! THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GHOST! NO NO NO!!! GHOSTS!” he squealed in a voice that pierced my eardrum.

Metapod squirmed, his paper-mache shell a tad irritating. I hoped I’d used non-toxic glue. Suddenly, I had an idea. “Robson. You know, this house is haunted, right?” I said, deadly serious.

“WHAT!?” came the predictable reply.

”Well, the people that used to live in this house before us, like in the 70’s…” I started, constructing a story.

“The 70’s?” asked Robson, utterly confused.

“Never mind. The fact is, they ALL DIED! Painfully and slowly.” I continued as Robson gasped in horror. Now, when you hear Rocky downstairs at night, running, he’s trying to get away from the ghosts. You know those creaks you hear in the middle of the night? That’s them… if you’re out of your room, they’ll get you. See, we tried to get the house exorcised, but the Priest was killed by the ghosts too.” For effect, I crackled Metapod’s paper-mache. “Hear that, that’s them, they want your soul.”

“I’ve got to get out of here!” Shrieked Robson, his blond mop of hair trembling in fear as his Hitmontop pushed his wheelchair to my room and started to order his Pokemon to pack his possessions. I was thankfully already packed. As I sat with a smug look on my face, Jessica and Olivia turned up in the loungeroom, looking ready to go, bags packed. I helped them pack up the buggy underneath the house.

Recalling Metapod, I released Mr. Mime and Electabuzz. Electabuzz was now incredibly bratty to Mr. Mime as we tried to carry Robson and his chair downstairs. I guess after losing in battle, Buzz, just wasn’t happy. A small thundershock and psybeam was exchanged after Electabuzz “accidentally” dropped the wheelchair onto Mr. Mime who gave a cry of protest.

A now crying Robson was howling about ghosts and souls so much it was like watching a painful episode of Yu-Gi-Oh. All we needed was someone to blabber about friendship being super important and the irritation level would’ve become unbearable.

Getting Electabuzz to give a small jolt to the battery of the buggy for some extra speed, I recalled everyone, had Robson in the back, his wheelchair on the back, bags stowed under seats, Olivia riding shotgun and Jessica had taken prime position on the rooftop. It was looking kind of overcast as I said my final goodbye to Rocky, his chocolate brown coat still glossy. He was getting a bit old now but was still full of expression as he sadly saw us drive out of the garage.

Vivyan was standing next to our mother, who looked oddly happy. Then, as if talking to an incredibly stupid child, Vivyan said to her, “See, the kids are leaving, they’re doing the Pokemon thing, they’ll be okay, see Rose, see them go.”

Then, like a bad omen, some schoolchildren on their way to the bus-stop walked past our house and waved, “Hi Mrs. Mum of Andrew and Jessica!”

We were halfway up the road when our mother, in her early forties, dropped her cup of tea into the garden, chipping it on the ceramic angel and took off like an Olympic runner towards the buggy. “STOP RIGHT THERE!” She bellowed, like a cow separated from its calf.

“Ah! THE GHOST IS IN YOUR MUM AND WANTS MY SOUL!” screamed Robson, smacking me on the back of the head.

“Go! Andrew! FASTER! She’s gaining!” yelled Jessica.

“I’m getting a lot of new clothes for coming with you!” said Olivia happily, a refreshing change from the other two.

However, with no shoes on, a determined look in her eyes and dressed rather well for saying she was going to hang around the house all day, cleaning incessantly, she was gaining up to the buggy.

“How could you leave! After all I’ve done for you!” she yelled, getting closer, and as she slammed her hand onto the backseat of the buggy, making Robson scream in a high pitched squeal. “I just want you safe!” she panted, now showing signs of fatigue, and the drugs wouldn’t be helping either.

“Love you mum! Bye!” said Jessica, giving a wave and clinging to the sunroof recliner sunlounge.

“I love you too sweety!” said Mum, still running, but now climbing onto the backseat, using Robson’s chair to get in.

“Spheal! Water gun the ghosts away!” came a horrible little cry. A quick flash later, a small blue ball of blubber with aquatic powers emerged onto Robson’s lap. Before I could utter anything, the fat Pokemon blasted my mother with a powerful discharge of water into her chest, sending her flying from the buggy, and landing onto the neighbour’s lawn thankfully. Hopefully the drugs took the edge off of the pain.

“See you mum! Love you! Sorry!” I called out as I continued to drive.

“GOODBYE MEANIE GHOST POO HEAD!” screamed Robson as he fawned over his Spheal.

As we drove off into the distance, mum began to scream a wide variety of swearwords before simply collapsing on the lawn, her legs giving out from under her. Wet, grass stained and barefoot, I guessed this wasn’t mum’s finest moment as the postie drove past on his motorbike, glanced at her, delivered the mail and continued on.

Hours dragged on as I continued to drive, Jessica had released her Smeargle and Mawille to keep her company on the roof, but soon yelled at them to “SPEAK ENGLISH OR SHUT UP!” Olivia was quite happy with her belief that she had won a brand new wardrobe and was going to Fredrickson to pick it up. Robson however was muttering about ghosts over and over.

I felt slightly guilty that I was dragged those two and my little sister into something where Phil, a ton of Pokemon and thugs had died, in order to try and figure out the truth or not. All I had was a basic idea of where to go in Fredrickson, and a swipe card. However, looking at them, I had a weak whingy sister, idiotic and perhaps retarded cousin not to mention some brat who had blackmailed me and I could barely remember the details of that. Meh, they could afford to come along, its not like there were going to do anything useful.

Rain began to fall as Jessica and myself traded places to give my arms a rest, and to give her a go at driving the buggy. A disgruntled Smeargle and Mawille sat on the roof, muttering quietly. I tried to grab out my book to read, but after a few rather solid drops of rain plopped onto the book, I put it away. My now outdated laptop was not really working, I’d idiotically thrown my mobile in a lake and my MP3 player was full of horrible songs from about three years ago. To create some fun, I figured I’d have my Pokemon attack random things from the buggy on the side of the road. Jessica recalled a now wet, dripping and surly pair of Pokemon as I released Starmie to do some random attacking.

The sun was setting as we drove along the road, thankfully not dirt, and instead asphalt. If it was dirt, we would’ve been bogged rather quickly. Jessica was an ok driver, and she turned on the headlights. Rather dim headlights, but headlights nonetheless. Starmie attacked some random things and the occasional Pokemon as we travelled along, taking out a Nincada, park bench and small flock of Pidgey who were trying to take shelter from the rain. We had a small tad of trouble when Starmie water gunned a Ratatta, only to have a swarm of them begin running behind the buggy in anger. Some help from Electabuzz and Mr. Mime took them all out, leaving around 25 small purple rats unconscious in the middle of the road, at night, in the rain. Three rather happy Ekans slithered out of the grass and began consuming the unconscious rats. I felt kind of guilty for ruining the eco-system and decided to stop while I was ahead.

Robson was now snoring in the backseat, Jessica looking rather exhausted and Olivia was drooling onto her shoulder as I took over driving again. I’d forgotten to get the tent from home, any sleeping equipment at all actually so we’d have to continue on. We passed a caravan park, and a variety of other trainers on the side of the road. I was kind of itching for a battle, so as Jessica, Olivia and Robson slept, I steered the buggy over for a moment as I saw a trainer and a magmar standing underneath a park annex. I left Starmie to defend the sleepers, you know, so they wouldn’t get killed or anything.

Walking over, I saw it was a girl in her late teens, with brown hair, but with streaks of bright pink and blue through it. She was rather short, a tad wet, but looking better next to her Magmar. Feeling the warmth as I got closer, she looked a tad apprehensive.

”G’day, just wondering if I could give you a battle”

“What?! A battle! At 11pm at night! In the rain!” she said, looking tired and a tad wed.

“Um…. Well yes…” I admitted sheepishly.

Pulling out a Pokeball from the back of her Jeans and threw it onto the muddy ground. I was now regretting this idea, the wind whipped around me, chilling my already wet body. From a bright flash, a Pokemon appeared, green, short arms, large kangaroo legs and a mushroom top. It looked like a retarded Mario character. “Breloom!” it shrieked, and one of its stubby arms stretched out like rubber, smacking down a rather small sapling.

Looking rather cagey, she rolled up her wet pink and beige top, “Well come on then, I’m Becca by the way “

My feet were getting wet and soggy and I was sinking into the mud as I threw out my choice. Sableye. A flash of lightning illuminated the clearing as Sableye gave a hiss and took off into the surrounding trees. I saw Becca consult her Pokedex, a plain white one; seconds later, she commanded her grass Pokemon, “Breloom! Detect where Sableye is with foresight!”

“Sableye, fire off a toxic and leap to another tree!” I had no idea where Sableye was, knowing my luck he’d abandoned me, and was off to a life of eating rocks again. However, as Breloom concentrated, a purple glob of toxic poison struck it in the chest. Before it could fully set in though, the rain began to wash it away.

“Bullet Seed it Breloom!” came Becca’s next command, her face looking somewhat elfin in the light coming from her Magma.

A stream of fluro green seeds spewed from Breloom’s mouth and headed into one of the treetops. Seconds later, a small purple and black creature fell into the mud with a sickening thud.

“Sableye! Recover!” I tried to command the ghost.

Becca’s face turned cold as she ordered her Pokemon, “Mach Punch it quickly!”

Sableye’s eye and chest gems all began to glow a warm golden colour and renewed him with energy after that large fall. As Breloom became a blur streaking towards Sableye who was still recovering energy, a massive thunderbolt from the sky crashed down nearby, stunning Breloom into flinching and hitting a tree instead.

“Sableye, Night Shade!”

“Breloom, Leech Seed!”

Breloom’s stubby arms stretched and groped around its mushroom and threw a handful of seeds at Sableye who was busy charging dark energy between its chest gems. A couple of seeds hit my ghost on his arm as a bolt of jagged energy slammed Breloom in the face, who was already suffering from light poisoning. Sableye now enraged swiped at the seeds worming themselves across its … skin(?), planting small roots into its skin and glowing with beads of energy sucked from Sableye. The small beads began to gravitate back towards Breloom.

However with a jagged roar, Sableye launched itself at Breloom and clung to its chest, digging in its sharp claws into its chest and began to savagely bite its arms and neck. I felt somewhat guilty as a greenish sap began to pour from Breloom’s body and Becca who was shocked, recalled it quickly.

”So… bit of rain we’re having, eh?” I mentioned, now up to my ankles in mud.

Becca looked at me oddly, as Sableye ripped the last of the plants from its skin triumphantly, “That thing is absolutely feral, you know. I hope he hasn’t hurt my Breloom permanently”

“Yea, he’s a tad… hyper… Thanks for the battle though Becca, hopefully I’ll see you at this year’s league” I said, getting back to the buggy.

“I only need one more badge and I’m in!” she yelled as I walked back through the mud and rain.

Holding up two fingers I yelled back, “Two for me!”

Hurrying back to the Buggy, everyone was thankfully still asleep, Starmie still standing guard. Five hours later, it was still overcast and drizzling as I pulled into Fredrickson City, rather exhausted. 4am, Jessica began to stir, the sky grey and depressing. What a great omen. Fredrickson seems to be a hub of activity, filled with annoyingly “Artsy” people, admittedly drunk I’d seen so far, not to mention the amount of ugly art throughout the city. But it was a Saturday morning, and they’d probably had a big Friday night.

Pulling over on a sidestreet, I pulled out the address that Phil had written down, and the keycard in my left hand. I figured I’d walk there, leaving the other three asleep and safe. However, as I was quietly getting out of the buggy, Jessica’s eyes flickered open and after a second her eyes were full of suspicion, “Where do you think you’re going?” she probed.

Holding up the keycard I looked at Jessica, “Off with this card to try and get some answers… So I want you to stay here and be safe”

Her usually friendly face suddenly clouded over as Jessica’s face was one of pure fury, “How DARE you leave me in an allyway with these TWO!” she yelled, and flung her arm in the direction of Robson and Olivia, “Besides, I want to come along, Jynx and Mr. Mime can get us out of trouble easily, and I’m your sister for god’s sakes so don’t you even THINK of leaving me behind”

With the noise from Jessica’s outburst, and a group of drunken people staggering out of a nearby club, singing “Another one bites the dust!” Olivia and Robson woke up.

“Come on guys, chop chop! We’re leaving in 5!” ordered Jessica as Olivia dabbed at a large pool of drool over her top.

Twenty minutes later we were standing outside a large sandstone and glass structure, seven stories high with a large lobby complete with guards and a piece of art which looked like a giant rubix cube melded with a cow. I was pushing Robson’s wheelchair as Olivia was yawning, complaining along the lines of, “When do I get my new clothes! Why do we have to walk! Someone piggyback me! Ooh! Pidgeons! I like Ice Cream! I wish I had a poncho for this rain.”

Robson was just insisting on going faster, and then I was going too fast, or turning his chair too soon. I should’ve kicked him in the shins, that would’ve at least made me feel better. We walked around to the side of the building, and there was a large metal fence, about halfway down the alley, I saw a plain white door with swipe access through the fence. Jessica released Mawille, who was still a bit upset at being treated badly by her. I got Quilava to melt the black metal fence and Mawille bit through it with ease, clutching its can of baked beans the entire time.

We quickly got through as Robson began to protest, “Why are you ruining this place! I am SO telling on you to my dad! He’s on the anti-discrimination board and will get you in SO much trouble!” he squealed, as we were all getting rained on lightly.

I looked him in the face as Robson’s little face was contorted in mild annoyance. “Its because we’re stopping the people who help evil ghosts”

Robson’s little pale face popped open and shut as Jessica struggled to stifle a giggle. Olivia was however bemoaning the sudden frizziness of her hair, muttering something about Beauty Berries not helping her. With a swipe of the card, a green light flickered on at the swipe access point, and the door opened a smidgen.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the door open. Inside was a harshly lit corridor, a grey tiled floor and bleak white walls covered in the occasional scribble of art which looked like kiddy scrawl. I gave a nod as I wheeled Robson inside, and released Mr. Mime behind me, Jessica calling out Jynx still in her beach sarong and top. Olivia gave a little squeal of excitement, “I know this one! I have a Psychic Pokemon too!” and with a little flash of light, a small black pig with a large pink pearl appeared, bouncing on its springy tail; Spoink.

Robson got all bratty, but before I could mention anything, I saw a security camera at the end of the hallway, currently looking down the other way. “Jessica! Quick! Get your Murkrow to take out that camera!”. Seconds later, the silky white bird with its mane of beautiful feathers swooped down the corridor, and placed its pink legs onto the camera, before a small white beam of energy created a small explosion, leaving it clattering to the ground, a smouldering bunch of plastic and glass.

We continued in this fashion, taking out three more cameras as Spoink jovially hopped around us. Olivia believed this to be the place where she’d get a new wardrobe for some reason, thinking it was City Beach’s head office, where she’d get the latest surf style clothing months before everyone else.

Suddenly, a scientist came into sight through a doorway, pushing a trolley full of what looked like blood samples. Robson however wheeled into action, screeching, “You EVIL GHOST PEOPLE!” and threw out his Hitmontop who began to spin on its head, becoming nothing more than a brown and blue blur. Jessica was quick off of the mark with Jynx and behind her, running to stop Robson.

Olivia and I stood utterly stunned, as she mentioned, “Those are the UGLIEST summer coats I’ve ever seen”

The scientist was utterly shocked, swore and pressed a button on a machine on his belt. A frosted sheet of glass between the two doorways slammed down, missing Jynx by inches. I heard a few muffled screams, but nothing else.

“Mankey! Punch through that glass!” I ordered him.

My pig monkey appeared, and began to imitate Olivia brushing her hair at this odd moment, before an extra glare sent him into action. However, the glass simply shuddered, sending Mankey screeching in pain about his injured fist. A quick try of Quilava’s fire, Mr. Mime’s psychic blasts, Electabuzz’s electricity, Lickitung’s iron tail, starmie’s ice beam and a pitiful string shot yielded no results. The glass simply took all the damage without so much as a scratch. I recalled all my Pokemon except for Mr. Mime and Olivia released Sentret for some reason so we were now surrounded by a trio of Pokemon.

The small ferret, meerkat type Pokemon looked oddly at ease as it scampered around a corner. It was then I realized when Phil had it, it’d probably been here before, after all I’d gotten the letter and access card from Sentret. Olivia dashed after it, but I quickly pulled her out of range of the camera. I could either keep Mr. Mime out in case we needed to teleport out of here, but I needed a small and quick Pokemon to take out the camera. Erring on the side of worry, I had Olivia recall Spoink and I recalled Mr. Mime. With a flash my small ghost Pokemon appeared, Sableye. With a quick order, he was on top of the camera, ripping it to shreds.

Olivia and I followed Sentret as it got its bearings, eventually leading us to a doorway which looked exactly similar to all the others we’d walked past. However, with a motion from Sentret, I swiped the card, and it surprisingly let us in. Inside the room, there were a variety of computer workstations, Pokeballs and some whiteboards. Not to mention something that looked awfully familiar to that anti-pokemon device I’d seen at the courthouse. Except now it was about the size of a small dictionary and glossy white and silver. I quickly picked it up, and placed it into my leather satchel as Olivia wandered around and ran her hands over things.

A middle aged gentleman who looked rather stressed with a great deal of dark black hair and a bushy moustache came into the room, clutching what looked like a crossword puzzle. I froze completely still and ducked down as he simply sat down and continued on his computer. About a minute later, after adjusting his lab coat, he noticed Olivia sitting at the computer next to him.

“YARGH!” he screamed in absolute horror, falling off of his swivel chair.

“Oh! Hi! I’m Olivia! I’m hear for my new clothes!” said my cheery cousin at 5am in a building we snuck into.

“Who in the blazens!” he huffed, picking himself up as Sentret ran around him.

He gave a glance at the Sentret as I decided to come into the scene. “Hi! This is Olivia, she won the latest Pokemon Contest…. thingie…” I trailed off as I popped up from behind a desk.

“GAH!” he gave another yell as he was shocked in seeing myself. “Will you STOP SCARING ME! If there are any more of you, hurry up and come out now!”

Olivia tilted her head in utter confusion, “There’s no one else here but us! I also didn’t know I won contests!”

“Oh yes you did! Stop being so modest Olivia!” I smarmed, coming up behind her, “Oh hello, my name is Andrew” I said, holding out my hand to the man. “This is part of her prize, a tour of … this facility! But our guide came down sick, so we’re looking around ourselves!”

His face hardened as he shook my hand, “Now why are you really here, hurry up because Neil will be back any minute now and I don’t think you kids deserve to die”

I gave a gulp and Olivia looked offended, “I bleach!” she stated.

“Ok, fine, we’re just trying to find some answers about Phil and someone named Merrill” I admitted, keeping low on details.

“You’ll want the 6th floor. Now, here’s my email address if you need any help after this. I shouldn’t be helping you, but I can’t exactly quit, or else I’m sacked… you know, for life. Oh, and I’m Brian McWhurter. Now, lets get you out of here,” babbled Brian rather quickly, stroking his facial hair and stuffing paper into my pocket.

Unfortunately at that moment, a young, short and skinny man walked into the lab, glared at us and demanded, “Who are these people?”

“These are… are….uh”, Brian stuttered.

“That’s it, shut up Brian, I’m demoting you, not to mention calling the squad.” He snotted and screwed up his face, showing severe acne scars. I stood there, Pokeball in my hand, ready to release it as he said to us, “Recall your Pokemon NOW or you’ll be in further trouble. Olivia recalled Sentret as I advanced on this young guy. I could easily take him out with a few kicks. But Brian quickly shook his head as soon as he saw me move.

“Get me the squad now, two intruders, level four security breach! What do you mean they’re busy! Just send someone!” he yelled into a walky talky before showing us the stun gun in his hand.

A few awkward moments passed as I felt the lump of plastic in my bag dig into my spine. What seemed like a second later, two people burst into the laboratory, slamming the young fellow out of the way and knocking the gun from his hand.

“Look what you oafs have done!” he yelled, scrambling for his gun.

“Meta….Pupitar! Get that gun!” I commanded, releasing my Metapod. One string shot later, I had the gun in my hand. “Now, we’re going to get out of here, or else my Pupitar will evolve and kick all your asses,” Metapod knew the drill as it glowed white, using Harden. The young fellow cowered as did Brian.

At this second I noticed the two people next to me. Someone who looked like they belonged in a rap film clip, oversized shiny workout clothes, do-rag, large sneakers and a sneer. The other fellow wore a beanie, had a long mane of dreadlocks, bloodshot eyes and some odd green clothes and bare feet.

The African-American guy looked me down with a glare, “Bring it ON biatch! That shiz is WACK!” he said, pointing his fingers as if a gun at Metapod.

“Woah….” Uttered the hippy, who grabbed a clump of green stuff from his sleeve and squashed it into a basic cigarette shape before lighting up. “Mmmm… hemp” he moaned in happiness.

With a grin from the rap guy, he released a Combusken, “I loves me some fried chicken!”

The hippy was savouring every drag from his cigarette, before the rapper smacked him in the back of the head. “That’s not cool man, just because you’re not on my wavelength doesn’t mean you can hurt your common man… oh yea, except that dude….” And with that a Sudowoodo appeared, complete with bloodshot eyes as it seemed to caress the air with its arms.

“Dis’ll be fun like that skinny-ass white chick!” yelled the rapper.

“What did you say about Jessica!?” I demanded. Hopefully she hadn’t been kidnapped or something. She had Jynx with her, that should’ve gotten her out of trouble, I had told her to get out at any sign of danger…

“Don’t worry, we didn’t stay long man…. Woooooahhhh” moaned the hippy.

“Go! Quilava and Mankey!” I yelled, throwing out my Pokeballs as the two Pokemon appeared, facing off against their opponents. If these two dropkicks had hurt Jessica, there’d be hell to pay.

“Mmmm! That stuff smells so good!” said Olivia, sniffing some of the smoke from the Hippy. Her Spoink and Sentret appeared by her side and they all took in the stench and let out a small giggle.

10th November 2005, 09:38 PM
At last! Another new chapter of EBTV! Ah, it's been far too long. :biggrin:

I have to say, Ozzy - I mean, Andrew (still gotta get used to that!) - your characters are as brilliant as ever. The interactions between them never cease to amaze me, as Jessica's frustration with her Pokemon made quite clear. (“SPEAK ENGLISH OR SHUT UP!”... hee!) Nice way to advance the plot, especially with the whole drugged-mom-chasing-after-buggy-through-the-rain thing. Although I do believe that should've come with a "Don't try this at home or anywhere else" label. But no matter! Hopefully she'll settle down and stay out of our hero's way, huh?

I do think it would've been nice to have had a little more description of the setting. Obviously your fic thrives on chaotic humor, but it was still a little difficult to picture transitions from, say, sneaking through the darkened hallways to Olivia sitting next to the guy by the computers. A bit more detail there would've made the mental image a little easier. (For instance, was the room as dark as the hallway, or was it plainly lit up?) And a bit of work on various grammar things wouldn't hurt, either. But I know you're tired of hearing that from me, so I certainly won't drone on about it.

This is still a hilarious fic, honestly. Although I'm going to have to look back to see things like why Andrew's still two badges short for the league (I thought he was automatically qualified for beating the "Gym Leader" who ate his best Pokemon at that ranch), the plot still makes sense for the most part, even after so long without a chapter. That alone tells you how this fic's stuck in my mind. It's great to see the gang back in action. Anyway, I'll see you next chapter! :wave:

Gavin Luper
11th November 2005, 05:35 AM
Lmao ... the whole dye thing - "I bleach!" - still has me laughing.

Hurrah, a new chapter at last. And it really was worth the wait, I have to say. So, so, so much fun to read, and did I mention it was good too? Everything about this chapter was the awesomeness that is EBTV. That's more or less all I can say, it was just really, really good. And funny. Jessica was cool. And Olivia ... was Olivia. Oh, nice mention of the Beauty Berries ... sneaky crossover reference ... I like!

Anyway, can't wait to see how all this unfolds ... will Quilava and Mankey defeat Sudowoodo and Combusken? Dum dum dum ... more suspense than the Alias finale! (I doubt Vaughn or Nadia will die ... but still ...)

Congrats on another brilliant chapter Oz (I'm still calling you Oz).


Chris 2.1
11th November 2005, 03:27 PM
Yea cool chapter. I see it's moving more into the Merril plotline, and the whole sneaking into the building thing was interesting, as will the upcoming 2-2 match against the Hippie and the Gangsta. Leaving Home was also funny.

21st November 2005, 07:35 PM
Mr Pika - Oh, no, just wait till Andrew (maybe) gets all 8 badges and watch her then. His mother will be A Grade PSYCHO STAGE MUM. For a while. HEeheh. Plus, yes, I focus more on characters than describing things lol...

Gavin - Mr Name isn't Michael Vaughn... its Michelle... I've had... operations! Thanks for reading!

Brit Chris - Yes, the Hippy and Gangster are 2 of the "elite security squad" handpicked to defend that building... they're all horrible stereotypes and why did you think I had Tommy Tummy in there...

14th April 2006, 12:38 AM
Just letting you know I'm in the process of writing a brand new chapter. Sorry I've not updated in FOREVER but I had a case of Glandular Fever and then no computer (As I moved out!) but the new one's coming up and find out what Andrew does to "Help" his Pokemon in battle. Oh god.

Not to mention how Robson's Ghost hunt goes down!

Hyperness is a Good Thing
14th April 2006, 03:12 AM
*waves hello* Hehe, catching up on all the old fics that I used to read...haha I was the first person to reply about 4 years ago o.o wow..this fic has run a looooong time. =)

*fingers twitch* Am I allowed to strangle Robson? Just kill him a Leeeetle bit? *puppy dog eyes*
Their poor mom, she's been through a lot...

*rotfl at Tommy Tummy* What an amusing character - but in shows and all he's the type of character who'll get killed in an evil and terrible way by the badguys... ^_^ Maybe something to come?

love your crazy style of writing, it makes me laugh, and the weird tongue in cheek jokes and all are funny.

but the new one's coming up and find out what Andrew does to "Help" his Pokemon in battle. Oh god. I can't wait to read about that.

23rd April 2006, 09:08 AM
Hi there, Andrew. New reader here. Just finished reading the whole fic after a week.

Great fic. No wonder it gets the best comedy fic award. Hmm, usually comedy fics don't appeal me, as the usual one are usually laced with deliberately (or maybe because the author writing skill is quite poor) bad grammar, pointless plot etc, you get the point. However, this fic has certainly piqued my interest.

I love the characters! Even some of the minor character are funny, such as Tommy Tummy, the fat parking lot boss guy, and the others. As for Olivia, well... she's quite hillarious, although sometimes a bit annoying. Robson is purely nuisance, although his paranoid of ghost in this chapter brings some laughing for me.

Good work Andrew. This fic have come a long way. I can't wait for the next chapter!

24th April 2006, 03:57 PM
Great fic dude