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Thread: Electric Buggy to Victory

  1. #1
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Electric Buggy to Victory

    Here we go once again! I've only ever re-started this when we've had a board change or we lost everything and on one occasion when I was busy... But here we go for the UMPTEENTH TIME! Sorry to plauge you readers out there, but I can fully understand if you don't want to reply after reading this on EzBoard which is when I saw it as a small opportunity to re-write it! So enjoy the fun and to all you people out there who want to know where the Buggy is, Chapter 11 People. Chapter 11.


    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 1: Tim Tams, Aquariums and Folders

    It was the day before my Pokemon escapade and Jessica, my sister, had given me a large folder. Within the folder were profiles on all the Pokemon Jessica wanted, with front and side views, lengthy descriptions of all the Pokemon and they were colour coded on where to find them according to the latest online information.

    “You had better get them Andrew, because all my friends have cute Pokemon and you ARE taking our one and only Pokemon – Mr. Mime on your journey, which leaves ME, to do the chores that he does”, said Jessica in a snooty tone.

    I replied with a smirk on my face, “Well you can look after Rocky then, he’s better than any Pokemon I MIGHT send you”.

    “WHAT!!! You aren’t taking that silly dog with you!?” she said horrified.

    “No. Rocky can’t be put in a Pokeball and plus dogs aren’t allowed places, and remember the time he chased that little girl on her tricycle down the road?” I replied with a sneer

    Jessica admitted defeat and said, “Well, well… Fine! I’ll get my own cute Pokemon then!” She stormed off and with a flick of her blonde hair and with a scowl she cried out to mum, “MUM!!! Andrew said he won’t get me any Pokemon when he goes on his journey!”

    As she stormed off I thought, “God she’s immature for a 14 year old”.

    After lunch, which Mum and Mr. Mime had prepared, we all went down to the local Pokemon office and it was there I was to be issued with a Pokedex after taking a simple test that checked whether he knew the basics of Pokemon.

    The test was fairly simple, multi choice is seriously easy, there is no way you could possibly fail it, plus the test was severely easy. Plus you were allowed to take in any books you wanted into the exam. As I leaned on the counter, pulling the ballpoint pen to reach further I felt a pang of regret. I was taking a year off of school to do this little bit of fun. My mum had tried to talk me out of it, but being the stubborn person I was, I finally got my way.

    I handed in the test and passed easily, after the clerk had taken a picture, which had been uploaded to my Pokedex and then registered, I looked at the picture. It was pathetic to say the least, I hadn’t even managed a smile before the picture was taken, but I was ecstatic. With a happy cry I grabbed Mr. Mime’s hand in mine and punched our arms in the air and I cried out, “YES! No school for a year!” But I quickly recovered when I saw the shocked look on my mother’s face, “Umm…” I stammered, “I mean! We’re going to win in the Pokemon League on TV Mr. Mime!”

    “Mi Mime!” cried the Pokemon, happy for this turn of events. I’m sure he was happy to finally get out of the house and into the big bad world.

    That evening my mum and I had a talk on the lounge about what I was planning to do. Yet she was already fretting about all the trouble I’d run into, saying that pedophiles, burglars and kidnappers would all be out for me, I knew she was sensationalizing the very slim risk of that happening, but I smiled and nodded all the same.

    “Mum, I’ll be fine. I’ve got Mr. Mime with me, he’s pretty strong and plus, he can make a great dinner too!” I finally got a word in edgeways.

    “I know, it’s just that there are a whole heap of weird people out there and I want you to be careful, so give us a call every now and then” she said regretfully.

    “Mum. I’ve got a mobile, I have the emergency number saved in the mobile’s memory, its gonna be fine” I said as sincerely as I could.

    “Well…I hope so Andrew. Just remember that I love you, and don’t get into any trouble” she said and gave me one last hug.

    With a groan I replied, “Mum! I’ve never ever gotten a detention at school; I’ll be ok mum. Love you mum. Night”.

    The next morning, as I set off on my Pokemon adventure with Mr. Mime, a Pokemon who had lived with my family for a few years, I thought about why I hadn’t have started my journey sooner. My mother hadn’t allowed Jessica or I, to own any Pokemon with the exception of Mr. Mime. My Mum thought that Pokemon were too dangerous to be around, and could cause serious damage to almost anything. The only reason we got Mr. Mime was that Aunty Maureen sprung him on our family, as a surprise Christmas gift and mum couldn’t refuse without offending her.

    But with the sun shining and a nice breeze in the air, as well as an eighteen-ton backpack crushing my vertebrae, Mr. Mime at my side, we left Hanlon Town and headed onto the track heading to Volup City. As Mr. Mime and I were walking along the track, which was right next to the river, I was on the lookout for nine more Pokemon. The official Pokemon Board, which consisted of well-known trainers and retired Gym Leaders, and bumbling bureaucrats had decided on increasing the number of Pokemon to be carried, from six to ten. And to get into any league, a trainer had to have at least eight badges from the many certified gyms spread across the country. It was a time old tradition, which still continued on today.

    After an hour of walking, I was already exhausted and Mr. Mime and I sat down at a picnic area and had lunch next to the river. I pulled out of my backpack, two water bottles and a packet of Tim Tams, which from the heat had melted. I’d snavelled the biscuits from the fridge so that Jess couldn’t get them. Mr. Mime didn’t care that they were melted, getting chocolate all around his face and on his gloves, so I followed suit as he happily repeated various syllables of his own name repeatedly. I had a bit of a laugh when I saw his others chocolate smeared face and so we went down to the river to wash it off.

    “irtle, Squ” came a cry from the river. “Oh my god Mr. Mime! Its a Squirtle!” I yelled out in a hushed delight when I saw the turtle come out of the river to feast on the melted remains of the Tim Tams. I quickly whispered to Mr. Mime to get his back to the river so that Squirtle couldn’t escape.

    I jumped out in front of the surprised Squirtle, enlarged Pokeball in hand and yelled, “Now Mr. Mime! Use barrier to block off the river so Squirtle can’t escape!” Mr. Mime happily complied as a steel wall quickly appeared. The Squirtle looked confused, it hadn’t been attacked yet so it didn’t know what to do. “Good job Mr. Mime, use Light Screen to box Squirtle in!” the charismatic turtle never saw the Mime sneak up behind it and put up a glass window, then when it turned around to try see Mr. Mime, it was already in front of Squirtle boxing it off, Mr. Mime then put a final Light screen on top. Squirtle was now afraid, and used its water gun to try escape the fish tank that had been craftily constructed around him. However this just filled up the tank and Squirtle had filled up the tank with water in a vain attempt to escape.

    I laughed at the site before me, Squirtle was trying to get out of the fish tank using his water gun and tackle and was getting nowhere. Mr. Mime slapped me out of laughing and pointed to Squirtle that it was running out of air. “Ok Mr. Mime, take down those walls and use confusion”. Squirtle was pretty scared now, and I wonder if I had just made it claustrophobic. Mr. Mime clutched his head in concentration and I saw ripples in the air around Mr. Mime, traveling to the Squirtle, the turtle then clutched his head in pain and stumbled around before collapsing.

    With the enlarged Pokeball still in hand and I stood there in a trance and tried to convince myself that this was real. Finally, thanks to Mr. Mime again, a slap around the cheeks brought me around. I threw the Pokeball and hoped my hand-eye co-ordination would let the ball fly straight to Squirtle. It did! The blue skinned turtle turned into nothing more than a red silhouette before becoming a red shapeless blob of energy and being sucked inside the Pokeball. As the ball rocked on the ground with the red light still on the Pokeball’s button, I hoped that Squirtle would be captured. I stared in amazement, as I had never seen a Pokemon being captured in real life, with a metallic sound the Pokeball stopped moving and it now looked as if Mr. Mime and I had a new teammate – Squirtle!

    When we continued walking on the track to Volup City, I couldn’t believe it, it was only my first day of my journey and already I had caught a hungry Squirtle, I was glad I had stolen those Tim Tams now. My bag still did weigh a ton and I did need to get to the next city before nightfall because I really didn’t want to sleep outside, but I did have a tent and portable cooked and enough food to feed an army and so I trekked on and listened to my walkman.

  2. #2
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)'s back...Glad to see this back up. Is it me, or is it like, re-edited? Or is it just me?

    I love the greedy Squirtle....*huggles it*

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  3. #3
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Thankies!

    Hyperness is a good thing: Aww thanks! And yes its totally re-edited! It seems everyone loves Squirtle... I might have to write him back in... Thanks for reading!

    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 2: Hunger Pangs, Limos and Ditzs

    Continuing on my journey, it was getting late in he day, so I decided to let my new capture, Squirtle out of its Pokeball. “Squirtle! Squirt!” yelled the little blue turtle. He was salivating at the mouth and by my deduction; I’d say he was hungry.

    Mr. Mime, and myself were all pretty hungry ourselves so I decided to reach into my HUGE pack (Which I reckon could hold a Shopping Complex in there and still have enough room left for a carpark. It weighed about as much too) and grab some ingredients for Mr. Mime to prepare a delicious dinner. Squirtle was staring at the food and drooling, I think he was happy to come with us because we had food and this Squirtle looked kind of starved. Out of my bag I pulled out a small esky filled with meats and ice, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, peas, corn and beans as well as some cooking equipment. We were pretty well stocked to say the least. “Ok guys, lets have grilled chicken and steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes and pumpkin. Squirtle, you can help me wash and peel the vegetables, and Mr. Mime, can you start cooking the chicken with the little cooker”.

    I wasn’t going to let Squirtle out of my sight for the chance he might want to get back into the wild if he wasn’t too happy with his new top-security prison, the Pokeball, but I had a hunch that food would win this cool water Pokemon over. So we began to peel the vegetables and put them on to cook.

    In about an hour we sat down in the grass around dusk eating out meal and watching the river flow past with the fading sun reflecting off its surface. “Great meal, so how about some chocolate cake for desert!” I said. I knew almost anyone couldn’t refuse chocolate including me. And Squirtle leapt up and had an ecstatic look on his face. Mr. Mime just looked sideways at the wily teammate.

    As we were getting out the cake in the torchlight, a chubby girl with shoulder-length red hair walked out of the darkness, and eyed my cake. She then stuck her nose up in the air and said, “I just started my Pokemon journey a week ago. I got MY Pokemon from a certified Professor in Cronin Town, I think I can beat any of YOUR pathetic Pokemon”

    “Okkkaaayyyy…” I said slowly, “I didn’t get my Pokemon from a professor, but I think you’re too snobby for your own good, after all, important Professors only give kids like you Pokemon because their parents have high places in the community, or they just nag them until they give in” I was telling this little witch off, how dare she insult me.

    “I am NOT snobby! How dare you say that! Oh, yoo hoo! Brendan bring the limo around, I need to grab my Pokemon from the back seat,” she cooed.

    I snickered when I saw the poor man who had to look after this abomination of a child; he looked about thirty-five with brown hair with a pained expression and forced smile on his face and to top it off had to wear a chauffeur’s uniform.

    Brendan sighed and replied, “Yes Miss Annie”. Then around came a shiny black limo and when Annie opened the door, I peeked inside and saw she had it stocked with a wall of televisions on one side and about 18 remote controls on the other, and a huge bag of popcorn.

    Beside me Squirtle was drooling again, I bet he would have jumped in there if he was given the chance, but finally when Annie grabbed her Pokeballs out of the car she screeched, “Lets battle, if I win I want that chocolate cake, if you win however, I’ll give you this popcorn. Two on two, the fact is, my favourite bakery is so far away and it would take at least thirty minutes to get there.

    “Ok” I replied, “I’ll beat you, you can have a Pokemon journey without having to scab a Pokemon off a Professor” I said coldly. I wanted to test out Mr. Mime again in battle he was so cool and I bet he could win this battle easily!

    She frowned at me in hatred before yelling “Goooooooo, Bellsprout!”

    I knew what a Bellsprout could do, my mate at school had one and it was pretty pathetic too, so I didn’t bother consulting my Pokedex. It used to be his strongest Pokemon too, which wasn’t saying much. I could have beaten his Rattata, Shellder and Bellsprout with one hand behind my back.

    With a smile I turned to Mr. Mime and said, “You reckon you can take this plant down?” Mr. Mime smiled and nodded before walking forward to face the Bellsprout.

    “Mr. Mime, start off with a barrier” I said with a smirk.

    “Umm, wait! STOP! I don’t have my Pokedex on me. BRENDAN! Get me my Pokedex “ Yelled Annie, waving frantically to her limousine and tired driver.

    The poor man ran over and gave her a bright pink Pokedex and when she opened it, the Pokedex replied with a passionate voice, “Good evening Miss Annie, how can I help you tonight?”

    “Tell me how to fight this weird Pokemon Pokedex!” screeched the brat.

    “Well then Miss Annie, why didn’t you go to a Pokemon Department and take a test so then you might actually KNOW something about Pokemon. Come on, let’s battle!” I taunted her, I was pretty sure she would fail that multiple-choice test if she was given it. Sure she looked like twelve, but I was sure that a child, half her age could ace it.

    “Fine, just wait for me to put my earphones in”. Annie plugged her earphones into the Pokedex where I knew that machine would tell the ditz what to do. “Ok, ready! Ok now, Bellsprout growth!” she said happily

    As the plant put its roots into the ground, Mr. Mime was concentrating to put up a steel barrier. Wincing with concentration, both Pokemon finished their attacks. When Mr. Mime had finished erecting the defense wall, the Bellsprout had doubled in size; it had sucked up the nutrients from the ground around it to assist in its growth spurt.

    “Ok Mr. Mime, Substitute” I commanded another evasive maneuver.

    “Bellsprout, razor leaf!” Annie said, as if she actually knew what she was doing.

    Mr. Mime concentrated yet again and created a copy of itself that had a lifeless expression on its face, which appeared in front of the barrier with a flash of light, effectively taking the battering of the Razor Leaves that Bellsprout threw at it.

    “Good work Mr. Mime, while its busy use your confusion” I said quietly.

    “Bellsprout, keep hurting that Mr. Mime!”. Annie was a stupid girl; she herself couldn’t figure out that the substitute Mr. Mime was a fake.

    Mr. Mime clutched his head and those ripples in the air, which I had seen earlier today, traveled through the air and smacked Bellsprout straight over, knocking it out.

    “Good on you Mr. Mime. Come back and have a rest while we let Squirtle deal with the next one”. Mr. Mime walked back happily and gave Squirtle and I a high five.

    “Ok Squirtle, you’re up!” I looked at him hopefully. Squirtle didn’t look too happy until I mentioned the food at stake, at that point he bounded, full of energy, ready to fight.

    “You made my Bellsprout get hurt you meanies! I’m going to have to get Daddy to buy me powerful Pokemon now! Like a Pikachu!” she said, her face turning the same face as her hair.

    “Where’d you find it”, I sneered, “On the side of the road?

    Annie blushed with embarrassment and said, “Well, I didn’t MEAN to run over Bellsprout, it was an accident… Anyway, here’s my Pokemon I got from the Professor, Charmander, go!”

    When the ball hit the ground a white blob of energy appeared, similar to the one that I had seen earlier, when I had caught Squirtle, and took the form of a cute little orange lizard with a flame on the tip of its tail. “Charmander!” it cried cutely.

    “Squirtle, use your water gun, this should be easy!” I felt bad beating a Pokemon as cute as Charmander, it didn’t deserve to be with Annie.

    “Charmander…um…. oh no! I must have overused my Pokedex! The batteries have run out! Charmander do something!” she cried in horror.

    The lizard stood there waiting for an order from Annie and didn’t even see the beam of water come at its back from Squirtle, who was eying the food. I was pretty sure most of that Water Gun attack was drool. Charmander turned to face myself and gave a weak cry before collapsing.

    Annie grudgingly returned it to its Pokeball and twisted her face into one of disgust. “Oh well, you win! Here take the popcorn” and she nastily handed it over to me, which I quickly passed to my Pokemon with a congratulations.

    “See, it doesn’t matter where you got your Pokemon from Annie! It’s how good a trainer you are! Bye, thanks for the popcorn!!!” I said perkily, just to annoy her.

    Annie stormed off to her waiting limo, while Squirtle, Mr. Mime and I ate all of chocolate cake and popcorn before I recalled them to their Pokeballs. Mainly it was Squirtle who ate it, but I wasn’t complaining. I then went to sleep in my tent; happy I had won my first battle, even if it had been against a lazy little ditz.

  4. #4
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Well like yeah...

    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 3: Scrambled, Poached and Fried

    I awoke the next morning with a huge stomach ache from the pig-out of chicken, vegetables, chocolate cake and popcorn the previous night. Then I realized I was on a Pokemon journey and had caught a Squirtle and had a Mr. Mime and that I had to go beat some Gym Leaders, not just selfish brats. I shivered, noticing I was sleeping outside and not inside like any sane person would.

    “Come on guys, up and at em’ ” I said to their Pokeballs before I threw them to the ground releasing them. When they formed back into their normal states, they were just laying there, clutching their stomachs in pain, as was I. “Come on we need to walk to Volup City, its about two more days away”. They just moaned and so with much winging and prodding, I got them to help pack up and I recalled them to their Pokeballs where I guess they just relaxed while I did all the walking. “Lazy Buggers” I muttered.

    As I was walking I noticed a nice house by the river, it looked in pretty good nick and so I decided to take a closer look. On closer inspection, I saw a paddock, and hidden from view was a shed to one side and the fence ran into the river. It was quite a nice little brick house and next to the front door, I saw a faded sign: Pokemon Retreat. This sounded interesting so I decided to ask the owners of the house about it.

    “Hello, anyone home?” I asked whilst knocking on the door. There was a silence before a scurry of feet came to the door.

    “Yes, what can I do for you dear?” and a nice old woman came to the door and asked pleasantly.

    “Well, could I please have some info on this Retreaty thingy” I said awkwardly, pointing to the sign.

    “Come in, come in! Ripper, we have visitors. Anyway dear, what’s your name?” she asked

    I felt a bit overwhelmed when I came inside, these people didn’t even know my name and they were already asking me inside their house. “Um, Andrew” I mumbled out and rubbed the back of my head nervously and forced a smile.

    “Hey mate, why are you here?” came a voice, and then the man it belonged to.

    “Well, I wanted to know what this Retreat thing is please” I said politely

    “Wait a minute, you must be famished. You must have something to eat before we talk. Here have some biscuits, and what kind of drink do you want? Oh! I haven’t even introduced myself, I’m Glenys, nice to meet you Andrew ” she burst out suddenly, and I stood, quite overwhelmed by it all.

    After about two hours, I had found out that these people were Glenys and Edward (Ripper was his nickname). And they looked after Pokemon for trainers for a while, because their only daughter Willow went on a Pokemon adventure and was killed in an accident, and I wasn’t going to pressure these people into giving me more info. But I also found out that they do this Retreat business to keep her memory alive.

    “Well, I’m very sorry about your daughter, but how does this work?” I finally replied.

    “Oh well, Pokemon with trainers don’t usually get to get out in the open as much as wild Pokemon, so this is kind of a holiday for them” said Glenys

    “Yeah, and some of em’ breed like wildfire dammit” piped in Ripper, obviously disgruntled.

    I gave a quite chuckle before I had an idea, “Would you like to meet my Pokemon, I just started my adventure yesterday!” Keen to impress I clutched my Pokeballs in hand waiting for their response.

    “Sure, as long as they don’t mess up the house” he gruffly said.

    I released Mr. Mime and Squirtle from their Pokeballs and they looked very well, making me think that they faked the bellyache. They stood like very well behaved Pokemon until Squirtle saw the food and jumped up onto my lap and started eating the biscuits on my plate like a food crazed animal.

    “Squirtle! Where are your manners! Wait until you have been offered food before you eat it!” I scolded him. Squirtle put down his head in shame, and then Glenys nodded at him, signaling it was ok to chow down and he gave a happy yell and started munching away on the biscuits.

    “Come on Mr. Mime, say hello,” I said to my nervous friend, Mr. Mime was hiding behind the chair I was sitting on and gave a little shy smile and wave.

    “Well dear, do you want to leave your Pokemon here for a while?” asked Glenys.

    “Well, no thanks, I only have these two so far, so I really need them. After all, what’s a Pokemon adventure without the Pokemon?” came my reply.

    “Well then, Andrew, come have a look at our egg center” Said Ripper, and we all went down to the shed I saw earlier, he stood quite proudly next to it, and unlocked the door.

    “Um, where are all the Pokemon” I asked, curious.

    “Well dear, we haven’t had anyone drop by for a few months now so we have a few Pokemon to look after, and after all the cost of feeding them is awfully expensive, so we just look after a few, they’re probably off somewhere playing” Glenys’s explanation was reasonable enough, after all, food was pretty expensive these days, darn government tax!

    When we got inside the shed, there we glass boxes all in the walls, with heat lamps on them. “Wow, look at all these Pokemon eggs guys” I said to an equally amazed pair of Pokemon.

    “God, I don’t know where we’re gonna put all these eggs” said Ripper, “They just keep coming like no tomorrow” Ripper muttered.

    “Hey, I’ll help!” I piped up. I knew I soon regretted it. I cursed myself under my breath for my good and helpful nature.

    “Certainly darling, you can carry these Pokemon eggs with you, they stay dormant unless someone or something looks after it. You know, like chickens, but unless we keep them in these special containers, they would go off” explained Glenys.

    “But there are so many!” I said as I looked at the walls and rows of eggs in the warmers.

    “Well, do you have anyone you can send a few to?” asked Ripper

    It slowly approached on me. With a smile creeping across my face I said, “I know! I’ll get my sister to look after a few Pokemon eggs, but, she only likes cute Pokemon” I said.

    “No worries, we have got them all sorted out into species” said Ripper

    “Well, can we grab these types?” I said, pulling the enormous folder out of my bag. I’d show Jessica for giving me that huge folder; she’d get more than she wanted. I had a flashback to thinking what she particularly wanted, but she’d warned me too, “Don’t you dare send me a Pikachu or anything LIKE a Pikachu! I HATE THEM! If you give me one I will GET YOU” I recalled her threat and shuddered at the thought.

    We spent the next hour getting about eight eggs together and putting them into a glass box like the others with a heat lamp on top. They also included a BIG manual for how to care for Pokemon eggs and baby formula to feed the babies when they hatched. When we had finally finished, the old couple decided to have it couriered to Jessica pronto, best not to have them go off.

    I thought that I had better call Jessica. She finally picked up the phone after umpteen rings; she was probably preening her hair again.

    “Hello?” She answered

    “Its me Jess!” I said enthusiastically.

    “So? What do you want? You better not be in trouble or anything?” she probed.

    “No, I just wanted you to know that I am sending you a whole heap of cute Pokemon. And guess what! I caught a Squirtle!” I said, slightly disheartened.

    “REALLY!” She squealed, ‘Wow! Thanks Andrew! You’re my favorite brother!”

    A deadpan look crossed my face, “I’m your only brother”

    “Well, don’t let Squirtle evolve till I’ve taken it to school and shown all my friends. OK?” she said forcefully.

    “Yeah, whatever Jess”. I whispered to Squirtle – “You better not evolve until my sister sees you and feeds and pampers you. Happy with that?” Squirtle nodded in agreement. After all, the best way to someone’s heart is through their stomach.

    “Jess, you should get the Pokemon early tomorrow. See ya, look after Rocky and tell mum I love her, bye!”. And with that I hung up.

    Mr. Mime came in at that point with a rocking, yellow striped egg. “Mime Mime! MIIIII!” he was yelling. I grabbed him and made him sit down next to me with the rocking egg.

    “Ah, that one must have been close to hatching, just your touch activated it Mimey” said Glenys with a gentle smile.

    After about ten minutes, a yellow electrical plug broke through the brittle surface of the egg, quickly followed by an Elekid. “Ele”, it said softly, opening its eyes for the first time, looking up at Squirtle, Mr. Mime and I.

    “Hey little fella, how are you going?” I said softly while stroking its head.

    “Good work Mr. Mime, you have a parents touch!” Mr. Mime looked alarmed at Rippers comment; I didn’t think he wanted to be a father. But he then turned back to the cute little Elekid and patted him, as did Squirtle.

    We decided to spend the night at Glenys’s and Ripper’s, they were very hospitable and showed me how to look after Elekid. I eventually went to bed with Mr. Mime and Squirtle in one bed and Elekid I in the other. I needed all the Pokemon I could get to get into the league.

  5. #5
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Isn't it shiny!

    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 4: Cuteness, Gluttons and Bureaucracy

    Having been on the road with my Pokemon, Mr. Mime, Squirtle and my new Elekid for a week we had finally arrived at Volup City all the way from Hanlon Town. I think what slowed us down so much were all the breaks we had because my backpack was so big. Apart from fighting Annie and a few random Pokemon, we really hadn’t done that much.

    My first stop in Volup City was the Pokemon Center, when going up its steps, I realized, taking a year off school for a Journey was probably the most adventurous thing I had ever done. After going through the automatic doors and into air-conditioned comfort, I went to the front counter where a man was standing.

    “Um, excuse me Sir, could you please check my Pokemon?” I mumbled out

    “Well first, can you please fill out these forms about you and your Pokemon? They are to help Pokemon trainers everywhere. Oh, and my name’s Stan” said the man in a white coat. He slightly reminded me of someone who worked in a mental institution.

    “How?” I curiously asked.

    “Well, it’s to help eradicate Pokemon Thieving. You see, if you fill out these forms on your Pokemon, we enter their information into a database, and if they ever need to come to another Pokemon center, we will have the appropriate information to help them. But if a Pokemon has been stolen, the database will tell us, and will help us return the Pokemon to its rightful owner. Blahdy Blah Blah Blah” explained Stan.

    “Oh well…Ok” I answered, quite happy with his explanation.

    An hour I handed a chunk of paper back to Stan, along with Squirtle, Mr. Mime and Elekid. “Damn bureaucracy” I muttered

    “Thank you, I’ll just enter this in. Say, by any chance do you have a Pokedex?” he asked

    I fumbled out the unused shiny silver Pokedex and gave it to the attendant. I realized I probably should use it, it could hold some information I might need, but I decided against it. I didn’t want to become Pokedex reliant.

    “Thanks, you won’t have to fill out any more forms, just scan the Pokemon you catch with the dex, and update it with our database next time you visit a center. Now, I’ll just check your Pokemon.” He said.

    Stan led them away through some large swinging doors with Elekid in his arms. Half an hour later with Squirtle devouring a huge packet of Pokemon food Stan returned, but while I was waiting, I had been watching Video Hits, I really liked that Sophie Ellis Bextor was really great. I winced when I saw my food fanatical Squirtle, he could be such a guts, it was embarrassing sometimes.

    “Now Squirtle, how about you give the food back to the nice man?” I said with a hint of authority

    “Oh no, you keep it Squirtle.” Said Stan. Squirtle gave a happy cry and continued to eat and eat.

    “Thank you for checking out my Pokemon. Say, could I grab a bed here for the night?” I asked hopefully, the Government subsidised rooms were a blessing for trainers, they were free for up to a week and then you had to pay. Plus these rooms saved me from delving into my cash, which I had saved, and Mum put in money weekly. It was a pretty sweet deal really.

    “Sure, I’ll just grab you a pair of keys for your room.” Pulling out a form he passed it to me, “Oh and you have to agree to these conditions”

    I filled out the forms before going to my room. I walked in and found a Double bed and two singles as well as a small kitchenette and a bathroom. It was quite good just for the single trainer such as myself. I dumped my huge backpack and put Squirtle and Mr. Mime in their Pokeballs and went off to see the city at night.

    We found a nice park and I grabbed some Fish and Chips, for us all. Elekid was starting to develop his attacks nicely, they used to be quite inaccurate and weak, but as it grew with amazing speed, so did its skills. We were digging into the greasy, artery clogging food when a guy about 12 came up and said, “Do you wanna battle?” he asked nervously

    “Three on three, $20 for the winner?” I proposed

    “Sure, my name’s Liam by the way”

    “Ok Liam lets battle, my name’s Andrew. But where?” I looked puzzled until Liam pointed to a sign next to a path that said – Pokemon Arena

    When we arrived, I had my team by my side, with Squirtle holding the chips. This was a disadvantage, I had lost the element of surprise, but I could still win. The arena had a circular pool in the middle, and within the circle, a smaller circle of land, but otherwise than that, it just had compacted dirt ground.

    “Lets get to it! Go! Slugma!” he yelled out and lobbed a totally red Pokeball onto the ground.

    With a flash of light and a burst of heat a deep red slug appeared, its intense heat making the air around it hard to look at. “Slugma” it bellowed in a slightly cute voice. I pulled out my Pokedex to confirm my suspicions; Slugma was a fire rock Pokemon. Using common sense, I decided to use water.

    ”Squirtle! You’re turn to battle!” I said to it, motioning it to go attack. Squirtle simply stood there and continued eating. “Come on Squirtle!” I hissed at it. Squirtle ignored me and continued to eat, “I’ll buy you more food Squirtle!” I promised. And with that the blue turtle jumped into the arena, determined to win.

    Liam couldn’t help but laugh, he snickered out “Slugma, ember!”

    “Squirtle, jump in the water and keep firing water guns until Slugma faints!” I commanded, if Squirtle touched that thing it would most probably lose its life.

    The weird blob of boiling lava and magma shot out a globule of fire from its bubbling and charcoal back. The Slugma gave a grin as some lava dripped from its mouth, quite disgustingly. The glob of lava or whatever it was hit Squirtle on its shell as it was gliding through the air towards the pool, and I noticed its stomach was noticeable larger making it an easier target. The cobalt Pokemon showed a degree of worry as the lava began to eat into its shell, but as it hit the water with a bellyflop, steam arose and extinguished the fire.

    I was a bit worried and said hopefully “Squirtle! Good work! Keep popping up and down and firing water guns!”

    “Slugma! Boil the water with more embers” Liam said menacingly

    Slugma was firing ember after ember into the water, heating it up to an unbearable level. The sneaky little turtle jumped out of the pool where Slugma couldn’t see it and crept behind, giving a “Squirt” before it fired its Water Gun at Slugma’s horrified self as its skin began to form a crust, sending it into unconsciousness.

    “Fine! Go Goldeen!” Liam said nervously as he recalled his fire Pokemon and released his water Pokemon.

    Liam threw then Pokeball in the water and out came big goldfish, its white and gold skin, quite attractive with a pearl looking horn. Goldeen echoed its name through the water and looked ready for battle.

    “Good work Squirtle, come back. Elekid lets go!” And with that Elekid was far more willing to battle than Squirtle who I had to bribe.

    Squirtle quickly jumped off the arena and ran back to my side as Elekid ran onto the field, they gave each other a hi-5 as they passed each other.

    “Goldeen, use a Supersonic!” Liam grasped at his ears as he

    “Quick Elekid, try to yell as loud as you can” I countered, hoping to null Supersonic out.

    Goldeen brought its head out of the water and gave a cute smile before opening its mouth and a high pitched shriek which stunned Elekid as he tried to counter by yelling out. But it simply failed, as he clutched his head as he tried to block out the sound.

    I saw Liam say something, but I couldn’t hear him, the high pitch had prevented me from hearing. Elekid and I were as deaf as each other, which wasn’t a good thing. Goldeen dived out of the water, its horn glistening, I went to yell out a warning, but realized it was useless. Elekid saw the Goldfish’s horn coming towards him as he dove out of the way. Goldeen missed and hit the ground with a thud, it was suddenly landlocked!

    It flopped around on the ground as Elekid had to laugh at it, but it knew what to do, it began charging with Electricity but Goldeen wasn’t done yet, it fired off a water gun which just resulted in it being spun around as it didn’t have any grip to keep it grounded.

    Liam dejectedly returned his water element to its Pokeball and threw out his last Pokemon with a frown. I was starting to regain my hearing by this time, which was always a good thing.

    With a flash a small bear appeared, its crescent moon on its forehead shining. It was so cute! I didn’t really want to hurt it but it was so CUTE! “Teddiursa” It cooed. Elekid looked at me and frowned, with that it ran over to the Teddy Pokemon and said something to it before it headbutted it with its plug which was crackling with electricity.

    I realized I’d made Elekid jealous, he wanted to be the cutest and was intent on taking down Teddiursa, but the poor Teddy scratched its chest in retaliation. Elekid then sent a small jagged beam of electricity of it, using its thundershock, which made the little Teddiursa faint. I gave a small pout, I’d have to get a Teddiursa one day.

    “I guess you win, here’s your $20” said Liam grudgingly he said as he handed over the money and walked off.

    “Thanks Liam, see ya round. Ok?” I yelled after him.

    I turned back to my team and congratulated them. ” Good work guys! How about we get you fixed up at the Pokemon Center, and then have a look at the city at night”

    We walked back together to the center in high spirits, I had to buy Squirtle more food as a pay-off and treat as if he were the cutest thing alive, but it was worth it. I’d won two battles out of two! We walked around the city and looked at the sites before going back to our room to sleep. Tomorrow if I could get an appointment I was going to fight the Gym Leader, Sophie.

  6. #6
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Shiny Shiny Shiny! Mr Thou! ShinyShinyShiny! - *Is addicted to FF6*

    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 5: Muck, Minesweeper and Aquariums

    Having won three battles so far, and being in Volup City, I thought I should take a crack against a gym leader with my trio of Pokemon. I decided to ask Stan for some information regarding the Gym Leader and some possible strategies.

    “Hey Stan, who’s the Gym Leader?” I asked the next morning. Thankfully, when you registered with the Government, the gyms would gradually increase in difficulty as you traveled, but apparently after the second gym, things got really difficult.

    “Sophie and well the Gym theme for the Gym here in Volup City is ground” replied Stan

    “What types of Pokemon does she use?” I pried, hoping to get the upper hand, but I already knew Squirtle had a large advantage. That is, if I didn’t have to bribe him.

    “Well for a beginner such as yourself I think she uses basic Pokemon that aren’t duel-type,” said Stan

    “And what are they?” I asked suspiciously

    “Sorry, I can’t tell you. Official rules and all.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.

    “Well…. thanks anyway. So, where is it?” I winced as I said this, realizing I had a Refidex upstairs.

    With the instructions clear in my mind I set off through the streets of Volup with Mr. Mime, Elekid and Squirtle following behind me. I turned up to a nice modern looking building, but one I walked inside the automatic doors, it was like stepping into a time-warp. The walls were all clad with dirt and the floor was even dirtier. I knew that this place couldn’t be very hygienic so I just tried not to touch anything. There was a reception area and an elevator to the left. I walked up to the reception desk where a woman was busy playing minesweeper on her PC, when she heard me approaching she pressed Alt-Tab and it popped up with a word processor and she pretended to start typing.

    “Excuse me, could I please make an appointment to battle the Gym Leader?” I said to the receptionist cheerfully.

    “Well, when then?” Came the reply, she looked about thirty but extremely annoyed.

    “Say about 3pm this afternoon?” I said hopefully. If I were lucky, the Gym Leader would be a bit more tired in the afternoon.

    “Let me just check the schedule” she said. She then pulled out a form and stuck it in my face. “Oh, yeah. Fill this out too. I’m busy”. With that she turned back to playing Minesweeper.

    I sighed and went over to a mud brick counter, I filled in the form, but it was covered in dirt. I had to go have a shower, I felt so DIRTY! I quickly handed the form back to the woman, completed. Mr. Mime was being a sort of a parent to Elekid, he was like a father looking after him, but Squirtle seemed like nothing more than that ratty sibling you wish never existed.

    “Yeah, come back at 3pm” she hissed.

    “Thanks for your help” I said coldly and walked out of the Gym briskly. God, what a horrid woman, but I guess working in there was kinda a bad job.

    I quickly went back to the PokeCentre and had a shower, getting rid of all the traces of dirt from my body. I quickly set out and went to prepare for the Gym battle that afternoon. Walking along the streets, I thought it would be best if we had an early lunch before a final training session which after we would face the Gym leader.

    “Hey guys, how about we have some lunch at this Chinese restaurant” I asked my crew.

    They all replied happily. I was starting to think that they all had hollow legs, because the amount that they ate was astounding. Elekid had unfortunately picked up on Squirtle’s gluttony, but it wasn’t as bad, fortunately. We had fried rice, honey chicken, sweet and sour something or other and finally some deep-fried ice cream, which was pretty nice. Half an hour later we walked out, stuffed. I figured that they really couldn’t battle on an empty stomach.

    “Ok, lets go do some tactical training” I decided, leading them towards the park. With that we headed off, Elekid was a tad distracted by the play equipment, but I let him have a go. But not the other two, they would have to battle. We actually did see Liam, but when we waved he pretended he didn’t see us and quickly left pretending he had somewhere else really important to be. I found a nice part of the park where we trained for the remainder of the lunchtime period.

    I walked back into the gym glaring at the receptionist, that rude woman, the level of service these days had dropped significantly, and this woman was one of the main problems. I had a quick glance at her screen as I walked past; she was now playing Solitaire.

    “Which way to the gym leader please?” I said as snarkily as I could.

    “Go down the elevator” She said without even looking up.

    I recalled my team to their Pokeballs and pressed the button for down, with a ping the doors opened and I stepped inside, bloody nervous. I was glad the elevator was not dirty like upstairs; I thoughtfully hoped that the arena was a glisteningly clean area, all shiny and new!

    Then I realized that if I totally bombed out with Pokemon training, then well I’d have to go home and go back to school! I had scammed a year off thanks to some smarmy talking but well Mum and I had a deal, if I totally screw up, the escapade is over. After what seemed like a math lesson, another ping signaled the end of my trip.

    I stepped out and saw that there was dirt everywhere, before realizing that we were in an underground cavern with support beams holding the roof up. I sure as hell didn’t want to be buried underground. I shuddered as I stepped outside, it was cold and annoying lit, there were huge floodlights up everywhere, it was blindingly bright.

    “So, you’re my 3pm appointment” came a girl’s voice; Sophie I presumed. She was quite pretty, if not a bit dirty and her green eyes shining through the dirt smudges on her face. She looked about twenty-something and wore a pair of stonewashed jeans and a blue top, fully equipped with mud stains.

    “Yeah, I’m here for a gym battle. I’m Andrew,” I said while puffing up my chest, sporting my best smile, and deepening my voice in a vain attempt to look tough.

    “WELL THEN, LETS HAVE A TWO ON TWO BATTLE. NO TIME LIMIT. OK.” She said, setting the ground (pun intended) rules.

    I felt as nervous as hell, I felt even more nervous than the time I was in the school musical but I just nodded and threw out Mr. Mime’s and Squirtle’s Pokeballs. With a flash, two blobs of white energy formed into their forms, Mr. Mime and Squirtle. I groaned when I saw Squirtle’s shell had a stain from some Soy Sauce on his shell. I felt a bit of a shiver up my spine as I refocused on the task at hand.

    “FINE PHANPHY AND SANDSHREW GO!!!” Screamed Sophie. There was obviously something wrong with that woman I deducted as the Pokeballs hit the floor.

    A cute blue elephant appeared with some pink ridges on its trunk and waved its trunk in the air; it was a Phanphy. Another globule of energy formed into a cute Sandshrew, its big dark eyes looking at me. I sighed at the cute sight before me, before the roof began to shake from Sophie's screaming. I took about three steps backwards towards the elevator as I felt the earth move, under my feet.

    I was so afraid of the roof collapsing in I put my finger to my mouth and hissed out, “Shhhhh!!!!! You’ll make the roof collapse!!!!”

    “WHAT? PARDON!!! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” screamed Sophie

    I gave her a deadpan look as I thought to myself, “This girl must have her ears filled with dirt or maybe her head…”

    “BE QUIET OR THE ROOF WILL COLLAPSE!” I yelled back equally as loud.

    I noted that the Pokemon were just standing there trying to block their ears and looking uneasy in the arena. They gave a small wave to each other before taking battling stances.

    “AH! OK” she said. “Phanphy Tackle and Sandshrew dig!” she commanded, starting the battle.

    I quickly reacted by saying “Mr. Mime use barrier on the ground and stand on it. Squirtle, you distract Phanphy “

    The cute elephant gave a trumpet and began to charge towards my Squirtle. Squirtle took Phanphy’s hit head on and gave a laugh, taking only a small degree of damage, thanks to his tough shell. Sandshrew however furiously started digging at the ground with its sharp claws before quickly disappearing in like ten seconds flat. Mr. Mime had concentrated his Psychic energies and was now standing on a nice big block of metal, his barrier.

    “Sandshrew stay down, Phanphy get it with another tackle!” Ordered the grubby girl.

    “Mr. Mime and Squirtle, use your team attack” I grinned like a stupid yokel as I said this.

    Phanphy was charging straight for Mr. Mime, hoping he’d have more luck with his attack there. Suddenly Squirtle started talking to Phanphy in is own little language. Then abruptly, Phanphy stopped dead in its tracks and started making this weird snorting sound. I soon realized that Squirtle had distracted Phanphy by telling him a joke. While Phanphy was rolling on the floor laughing, Mr. Mime came up and boxed in Phanphy with his Light Screen.

    “Mim Mime Mr!” Crowed Mr. Mime, happy that his part of the team attack was over, then while he was laughing Sandshrew popped up from under him and knocked him on his bottom, covering him with dirt and a flurry of scratches.

    Squirtle took over where Mr. Mime left and filled up the “Aquarium” with his bubble attack, Mr. Mime had left a small hole in the top Screen, which is where the water went in, and Phanphy wasn’t at all paying attention before the water began to hit him, hurting his body. Phanphy gave a trumpet of help before it gave a scream and fainted surrounded by his weak element. Squirtle was happy that Phanphy fainted because it was now two on one. Sure Squirtle’s attack had been underhanded, but it got the job done. I was glad the cheap trick won. I’d have to remember it for the future.

    Sandshrew was however on Mr. Mime’s head and scratching away. Mr. Mime clutched his head in pain, trying to keep his scalp on and trying to bat Sandshrew off. The small sand coloured Pokemon jumped off of its victim and gave a wicked grin, looking at Mr. Mime. The psychic Pokemon had taken a vicious scratching which had left him with many bloody marks.

    “Come on Mr. Mime, you can do it! You can beat that shrew!” I yelled some encouragement.

    “I don’t think so, this battle isn’t over yet. Make your Mime take down his box so I can return Phanphy and we’ll continue” Said Sophie, obviously unhappy that she only had her shrew left after my scam.

    “Come on guys, let’s earn our first badge! Elekid, you can watch too,” I yelled as I threw Elekid’s Pokeball to the ground. I was glad that Elekid could now be carried in a Pokeball, because now I didn’t have to watch him 24 hours a day. I think he was disappointed that he couldn’t battle, but I’d explained to him earlier at the Chinese restaurant over some Honey Chicken that his Electricity wouldn’t hurt Sophie’s Pokemon at all and he’d only get hurt. He seemed a bit disheartened but agreed.

    While Mr. Mime was taking down the box and the unconscious Phanphy was released from his water torture, Squirtle was slacking off and talking to Elekid. Elekid then fell over, repeating syllables of his name over and over again. Elekid was obviously entertained by the turtle’s jokes. Squirtle was a good joke teller; I’d credit that as one of his finer points. But while they were all distracted, Sandshrew had tunneled back underground.

    “Squirtle! Stop telling jokes and fill up Sandshrew’s hole with water so that it will have to come out! And Mr. Mime, get a Confusion ready for Sandshrew!” I yelled out the orders, wanting this win so badge so bad. If I lost, back to the books! I shuddered at the thought.

    Sophie grimaced then retaliated, “Once you come up Sandshrew, use Mud-Slap on Squirtle!”

    Squirtle started filling up the hole with water, and eventually, Sandshrew came up in a frantic hurry, but when he did, a pile of mud emerged from the earth and was dumped all over Squirtle. Mr. Mime meanwhile had focused on giving out his most powerful Confusion, and he let it loose. The ripples weren’t so subtle this time and traveled over to Sandshrew, too sudden for it to react. Sandshrew was knocked down by these waves and tried to stand back up, but couldn’t. Its mind and body had been battered into submission through one attack. Pretty nifty. Sandshrew had fainted almost instantly; it didn’t even attempt to get back up.

    We had won our first Gym Battle! Elekid was by my side and ran onto the arena congratulating a grazed Mr. Mime and a very dirty Squirtle. I ran onto the arena also and gave them a hug and a hi-five of congratulations, all the while praising them up.

    A depressed voice broke the contentment of the moment. “Excuse me, Andrew or whatever, come over here and get your Gym Badge”

    I ran over with my trio behind me and took the badge out of her hand, it was a piece of Amber; fossilized sap.

    “Here’s my badge the Amber Badge,” she said, obviously depressed. I looked at the badge and she continued on. “My Pokemon and I dig up these Gym Badges ourselves so they’re awfully rare you know. We actually made this cavern when I was working for the Museum and finding fossils. So don’t go losing it, its very rare. You could make your own with some glue, a bug and some food coloring if you really wanted. Oh yeah and Congratulations” She said, putting her grubby glove in my hand and shaking it.

    “Thanks Sophie! Great work guys! We’ve got our first Gym Badge!” I told Squirtle, Elekid and Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime dido’ look so crash hot after the battle so I recalled him and Squirtle.

    “See ya!” I yelled out as we ran towards the elevator, I saw the roof shake and I made a hasty retreat to the elevator, frantically pushing the button to get out.

    After we returned to the Pokemon Center, and had my Pokemon fixed up, using some great medical technology Mr. Mime would be fine in a few hours. I showed Stan our first badge and decided to take Squirtle and Elekid out around the town. I scanned the badge with my Pokedex, updating my status. I also let Stan update the database, so the information was secure around the world.

    We went to the Department Store and I bought some credit cards, Culture Cards, which when inserted into an education revolver, the Pokemon would be able to use that move which the information was imprinted within the card’s memory. It was quite handy, if you didn’t have the time or effort to try teaching your Pokemon manually. Plus some Pokemon were just plain stubborn!

    I traveled back to the Pokemon Center and ordered a Pizza, in about forty minutes, we had a good meal there as we sat on the balcony, looking out at Volup City at night, taking in the sights of what would be our last sleep there.

  7. #7
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    hi Oz! Well, well, you're throwing big slabs of the fic in at a time, eh? Two can play at that game! Actually, I already have, but I'd better go chuck a couple of chapters up.

    And EVIL YOU! You haven't replied to LTL yet! Tsk tsk! Oh yeah I'll keep reading, just like last time, and the time before, and the time ---- just KIDDING!

    LMAO cheers!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  8. #8
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    very good story i will continue to follow this story

  9. #9
    Master Trainer
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Nice going there, Oz. I finally managed to sign in (for the Umpteenth time) and have decided to read it! its doing good, i'm noticing small improvements, and i like them!

    (Btw, my aussie cousin told me what Tim-Tams are )
    and, i'm hopefully putting A Boy And His Bear up, but a few chapters are missing from my archive of chapters, so i'm writing them up! also, making small tweaks here and there.

    keep writing!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  10. #10

    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Teehee! I lurv this story! It's so quirky and and has a great flow to it. It all fits and the characters are great! You're an excellent writer, Oz! Keep it up!

  11. #11
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Good fiction. ^_^ I reviewed this like... a year ago? The description is great and all, but you need to descrbe more emotion you said he was nervous and that was about it. o-o; I would imagine a trainer/person would have more emotion then that.

  12. #12
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05) just dumped a whole load of chapters....

    *pants* just finished reading all. Hurry up and get to a part where I haven;t read yet...pretty please?

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  13. #13
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Thankies to all you nice people!

    OMG Thanks to all you really nice people who replied ^^ Its really nice of you all! ^^

    Gavin: Yep I threw up a heap of chapters that way I can get back to editing the newer chapters sooner and sooner publishing them! And I replied to Lisa! Honest to God I did!

    Blastoise 007: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

    Shiny Marril: Ah, goodo! You finally got onto the boards! Lol! I'm glad you like the changes! It'll be good to see B&HB up ^^; And improved too! Thanks for reading!

    Aquababe 727: Yay! I'm glad you like it! I always intended it to be quirky and fun! Thanks for reading, and well I'm glad you love the characters! Thank you very much! Thanks for reading!

    Mystical Mew: Thanks for reading, and thanks for the constructive criticism! I don't like putting in a ton of emotions because it tends to bog the story down in a quirky tale such as this, TFOB is full of emotions and woah... Thanks for reading!

    Joltstorm: Thanks for reading *Hands an EBTV Water Bottle* And I'm getting back to where I was before - Chapter 21!

    Thanks to everyone again!

    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 6: Retinas, Lasers and Fishing

    Having won the Amber Badge in Volup City, I had no further need to stay there, so I decided to head off to the next destination – Ede Town, a little seaside town that was great for tourists. But most importantly, it had the next gym challenge.

    With my cool little trio of Mr. Mime, Squirtle and Elekid out of their Pokeballs, I thought we could take the nice seaside route to Ede Town. But first we had to go to the supermarket to stock up on some food. I didn’t trust Squirtle around food, so I decided to put him back in his Pokeball before I was near there. We shopped for about an hour and a half, going to the Deli section, grabbing all these different foods I’d never tasted before. If I didn’t like them, then there were three others that might.

    After repacking my pack with a whole heap of food, funded from Mum putting money on my ATM card, I decided to give Jessica a call on my Mobile Phone before I left. I dialed in the number and was greeted with an engaged tone. I kept trying for about half an hour before Jessica finally picked up and with a slathering of snootiness “What do you want Andrew?!”

    “Um hi and how are those eggs going, Jess?” I said, a bit taken back by her tone of voice.

    “Well, I have to take them EVERYWHERE Andrew, do you know how embarrassing that is? I mean all the people on the bus just look at that huge big heat box I carry, anyway, I think they’re gonna hatch soon because I held them up to the light and you can see their silhouettes. And I got them checked out, so I know what they are. Oh! You’re in trouble! Ha Ha! Mum said that you sent me a fire Pokemon and you know fire Pokemon aren’t allowed in the house because its too risky so I’m going to send that red and cream and black egg back to you. The Pokemon Center here in Hanlon town said it was going to be a Cyndaquil. Plus you sent me a Kabuto and those things are SO ugly, they look like giant cockroaches, so you can have it” Rambled Jess.

    I was amazed at how much she could talk, and then I reminded myself that she was a teenage girl and this tool was awfully effective in scamming money off of parents for anything from clothes to tuckshop money. “Well fine Jess, courier it to the Pokemon Center in Ede Town and I’ll pick them up from there.”

    “You haven’t got any new Pokemon; have you Andrew?” asked my sister suspiciously

    I really didn’t want to tell her I had a Elekid otherwise she may want that too so I just lied, “No…”

    “Oh. Well see ya” She said disappointed.

    “Tell mum I love her and look after my Kelpie Rocky, you better be looking after my dog, tell him he’s the cutest doggie woggie! Yes he is! He’s the cutest doggie woggie in the whole world!” I quickly realized what I was doing and hastily ended the conversation, “Bye!” I fumbled out and hung up before I made more of a fool of myself.

    “Ok guys, are we ready to go to Ede Town?” I asked Elekid, Mr. Mime and Squirtle who looked at myself and looked well… embarrassed to know me and gave a half-hearted smile.

    A faked cry of happiness came, so I decided we had best go. As we walked along the track, which was parallel to the beach, I was glad to see the blue-green water continually crashing up against the shore and the wind rustling through my hair on this bright sunny day. The beach had to be one of the nicest places to be, so cool and refreshing.



    That afternoon I jumped onto the bus boiling hot, holding onto the egg container; apparently I had an Igglybuff, Cleffa, Smoochum, Chikorita, Seel and an Eevee all ready to hatch any day now. I couldn’t believe I had to lug this around with me everywhere, but well actually, I didn’t have to really hold it, the boys on the bus were more than happy to take it for me. Plus I left it in the science lab during the day.

    “You got that?” I asked Bryce who was carrying the container.

    “Yes, Jess” he replied as he carefully placed the egg container down on the bus seat as I made my way towards the back seat. The bus was a horrible, horrible thing, it was like Vinyl City, so cheap, I couldn’t believe we had to catch it every morning and afternoon. But well it was the only way to get to school. But the only real feature this bus from the fifties had was an “Evaporative Cooling System” it did crap all but when we went past a shedding tree we once had flowers coming through the vents. It was a very video clip situation. But most of the people on the bus were cool, that made it worthwhile, but there weren’t many girls so I had to set a high standard for my school.

    “Hey Jess” said Gideon as I sat down.

    “Hey Gideon” I replied

    “You look good, how are ya?” he commented

    I blushed; someone had finally noticed my high standards! I spent at least forty minutes every morning making sure I looked good, I couldn’t go out to school looking like a scraggy old woman, plus when you’re popular, you have to keep looking good, all the time. “Oh thanks! I’m good thanks, yourself?” I modestly said

    “Good, good” I winced at his lackluster reply, he could do better than that, but I ignored him and turned back to Bryce.

    “So Bryce, you going to the school dance on Saturday right? I hear they’re getting a strobe light and a smoke machine” Bryce was also cool, but he could be weird sometimes.

    “Ah well, yeah, its set to be awesome, you heard Eminem’s new song?” he answered back.

    “Without Me isn’t it? Oh yeah, that is SO cool, and have you seen the video clip?” I responded

    “Yeah, I find it so funny when he attacks Moby” blurted in Julie

    “Yeah….” I said trailing off, I didn’t like Julie, she dressed like such a skank, and well in a school uniform its hard to do, but she somehow did it.

    “Oh here’s my stop!” I said as I jumped off the bus, “Bye!” I waved to them all as I crossed the road to walk the short trip home. I had a feeling I forgot something, “Bag, hat, PE Gear….”, I said aloud. It suddenly dawned on me, “The Pokemon!”

    “Wait, wait!” I yelled as I ran after the bus



    Walking past one of the secluded beaches I saw a Staryu just laying on the beach so of course being a Pokemon Trainer, I wanted to catch it. With Squirtle swimming around in the waves while Mr. Mime, Elekid and I walked alongside, I had to act fast because Staryu was a very hard Pokemon to catch unaware. Plus it could learn a heap of attacks.

    I pointed to Staryu and whispered to Elekid, because he had a type-advantage “Sneak up on the Staryu over there and use Thunder-wave, you know that new move you learnt. Then use a Quick Attack to get behind it and then use a Thunder-Punch on it from behind.” Elekid just nodded and gave a smile, ready to do me proud and ran onto the sand while firing off a few Thunder-waves at the sunbaking Staryu. It looked like it was sunbaking. But it’s always hard to tell. Especially with a thing like Staryu.

    The plan went perfectly, when Squirtle saw Elekid running towards the water he dived out and went to see what was going on, although he decided to stack back from his crackling fist and plug. Getting zapped wasn’t high on the list of things to do with Squirtle. Eating was probably number one. He’d probably cost me a fortune in food in the future.

    The thunder-waves that Elekid fired off from its plug were nice little rings of electricity that screwed with the Pokemons’ ability to move correctly. Staryu jerked with anger that it had been attacked, only to spin its crystal around to sense what was there, but Elekid had used its Quick Attack to get behind Staryu and punch it in the rear with a Thunder-Punch. Staryu never knew what really hit it.

    I ran down to the beach and tried to kick off my shoes at the same time, as not to get sand in them but fell over instead. Seeing me face down in the sand Mr. Mime ran over to me with Squirtle trailing and helped me up, and they put an empty Pokeball in my hand and patted me on the back.

    I went up to Elekid and patted his plug to congratulate him, only to get a shock. I reared back and threw the Pokeball at the seriously injured Staryu. I missed however, when the Staryu quickly used the last of its energy to try and evade the Pokeball, making some weird grunt while doing so. The Pokeball sailed into the ocean so I asked Mr. Mime and Squirtle to please retrieve the Pokeball for me. Those Pokeballs were expensive and I wasn’t going to leave expensive stuff around.

    I aimed again and threw the ball; this time it hit Staryu just above its crystal core. It gave a tired cry as it was transformed into red energy, before being sucked inside with no resistance. I walked over to the Pokemon Ball and collected my new capture with Elekid. I gave the small electric Pokemon a congratulations, and he loved the praise.

    I gave Elekid another congratulations before we headed down to the rock pools where the Pokeball had landed. I wasn’t going to lose a Pokeball, after all they were $20 each, and when you buy a few, it really adds up. Squirtle was swimming around, while Mr. Mime had grabbed a net from my bag and was using it in the water.

    Suddenly Mr. Mime caught a Krabby and threw it back abruptly with a scared cry when it tried to grab his arm with its pincers. Then out of the deep blue two Kingler came out of the surf with angry looks on their faces and gurgling while snapping their pincers at Mr. Mime. I was guessing that well after hurting their offspring, these parent Pokemon, weren’t happy.

    “Come on Mr. Mime, you can take them, use your confusion”, I yelled. And with that, Mr. Mime started concentrating on creating a powerful confusion attack. But the Kingler duo had come up to him and had whacked him on the head with a Crabhammer attack. Mr. Mime fell into the sand, very stunned and he struggled to get back up.

    This was starting to look bad for my Mime, so I decided to let Squirtle and Elekid help him, but as they got close to the Kingler, the crabs quickly turned around and let loose with a Bubble attack which blasted them into the sea. Elekid flailed around in the water, his lack of swimming ability meant he’d drown without help, but Squirtle was there with a helping shell.

    I decided to run away from these Kingler, which obviously had something against Mr. Mime for throwing that Krabby back into the sea while looking for my Pokeball. I figured out an escape route and made sure it was best if we just ran so I quickly attached Staryu’s Pokeball to by belt, took off Elekid and Squirtle’s Pokeballs and recalled them and attached them back to my belt.

    I then grabbed Mr. Mime’s Pokeball and tried to recall him but a Kingler who turned around to face me intercepted the red beam! I quickly started firing off the red beam again and again and luckily I hit one of the Kingler in the eye, temporarily blinding it. I took this opportunity to do this to the other Kingler and recall Mr. Mime.

    I then ran like hell while the two Kingler with burned retinas stumbled around the beach and occasionally hit each other with their Crabhammer attack. I took off up the beach and continued running until I was sure that the Kingler would never catch up to me again.

    I eventually stopped at a nice seaside park with barbeque facilities about two hours after the Kingler incident and decided we should cook up a barbeque dinner. I was a little unsure about letting Staryu out of its Pokeball, but I did so anyway. It looked worn out and its core just thumped with a nice steady red glow, illuminating a small area in front of it. I started to talk to Staryu, hopeful it could understand me and then gave it a burger, which it lay on, and it disappeared a short time later. I was kind of amazed but then remembered that starfish usually have a mouth on its hack so Staryu must too. My other Pokemon dug in and Squirtle ate like a pig – as usual. Staryu looked a little better and I put some Paralyze Heal on a cloth and wiped it onto Staryu before returning it to its Pokeball to rest. It seemed a bit uneasy, but overall friendly, it didn’t have a clue who attacked it. And that was how it was going to stay.

    I wished that perhaps we didn’t have to walk everywhere, I was sure sick of it, sure I was toning my legs, but it was torture! As I drifted off to sleep while watching the moonlight reflecting off the sea I’m sure that far off in the distance there was Pokemon of some type jumping in and out of the sea, I presumed that it was a pod of Dewgong. They weren’t anything as cute as my Rocky Doggie!

  14. #14
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Gau Happy *Still FF6 Addicted! *

    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 7: Napalm, Telekinesis and Café’s

    Walking on my way to Ede Town, I was reading through my Shiny Silver Pokedex on my Pokemon and their attacks. I had finished downloading updates for my Pokedex. I was halfway through some basic Mime info when I discovered that Mr. Mime could use Telekinesis; the ability to move objects telepathically. As I read further, Mr. Mime could float living things, as long as it was willing. With this new knowledge, I released Mr. Mime to see what he could float.

    “Mr. Mime, I just found out that you could use your Telekinesis to levitate things… Do you think you could float my backpack?” I asked him. A blue aura surrounded my blue backpack and the same aura was emitted through Mr. Mime’s eyes. Before I knew it, it was floating up to my face. “Cool”, I thought to myself, “He can levitate stuff like that Alex Mack girl, except without the computer generated tricks!”

    Mr. Mime did some tricks with the backpack, which I was impressed with because it weighed a ton and he cleaned it out and re-packed it, all in mid-air! Being really game I let out my smallest Pokemon, Elekid. I asked them both if they wanted to be part of my “game (experiment)”, as I wanted to see how much Mr. Mime could psychically lift. Elekid calmed down and stood still as Mr. Mime concentrated on lifting up Elekid. Elekid was giggling like a baby in no time, as Mr. Mime flew him around, near the shoreline. I then thought that there might be slightly embarrassing and I’d be swamped by questions from bratty children so I’d best wrap it up.

    I thanked Mr. Mime and told him we need his skills later when we face other trainers. I decided to let Elekid walk with me, as he probably didn’t understand much about the world, so I talked about how the world worked, give him some basic knowledge. I think he really enjoyed it, but you can never be sure.

    Before I knew it we went down to the beach, and I had a sudden impulse to run away. But then I saw a guy, about 18 polishing a Pokeball while looking out to the sea, tears in his brown eyes. I asked if I could perhaps battle him, so he agreed with a tearful nod before saying sullenly, “I’ll only use one Pokemon, and you can use up to six on my one because it’s very strong”.

    “Um…is that Ok. Oh, and I’ll use four Pokemon?” I cautiously asked.

    “Yes. Let us begin”, he said.

    “Charizard. I choose you!” and with that he threw his Pokeball into the air, towards the sun, where it opened and released and a majestic orangy-red dragon with green tinged wings and a flame on the end of its tail.

    I looked in wonder, a fully evolved Pokemon and one of the strongest types in the world. I then realized the obvious…I WAS BATTLING THIS HUGE MONSTER! I let out a small yelp and released Staryu, Squirtle and Mr. Mime while Elekid jumped out of my arms.

    “Ok guys, we need teamwork, Staryu and Squirtle, get in the water and try bring it down in the water. Mr. Mime you put up a barrier and Light Screen and Elekid, you start firing electricity at Charizard!” I had a plan…not a very good plan, but a plan nonetheless.

    Charizard lazily flew above and got a bit of a shock when Staryu and Squirtle hit him with their Water guns at the same time. Mr. Mime had successfully used his defense moves, but Elekid’s Thunder-shock didn’t reach up to Charizard and Elekid was hitting nothing. Elekid gave a grunt of annoyance and frowned.

    Charizard was slightly annoyed at this and swooped down to skim the waves of the water and it grabbed Staryu! This shocked Squirtle, being so close to his huge opponent, that he withdrew into his shell and it started bobbing on the surface of the water.

    “Mr. Mime, use Substitute! Staryu! Minimize!” I yelled.

    “Charizard, go after the turtle!” Yelled my mystery opponent

    Staryu shrank and fell into the raging waves, but had been roasted by a quick flame while in Charizard’s clutches; Unfortunately, Squirtle had been roasted by Charizard’s Flamethrower Napalm attack and was also in bad shape. Elekid was still trying to get it with its Thunder-shock, however Elekid was now using quick Attack to get up higher and try shock the fire dragon.

    “Mr. Mime, get Squirtle and Staryu back here!” This was starting to look bad, half my team was gone and Elekid couldn’t even hit it… That was it! “Mr. Mime levitate Squirtle and Staryu back here and hide behind your substitute and barrier and Light Screen!”

    “Charizard, go after the little one” said my opponent coldly, arms folded across his chest and standing firm.

    “Run Elekid Run!” For some reason when I was screaming this, I thought of Forrest Gump.

    Elekid was running his little heart out and Mr. Mime had levitated Squirtle and Staryu over to me where I had to leave them for the time being. Charizard was flying behind Elekid shooting a little blast of fire here and there when I realized, he was playing with Elekid; Charizard could roast Elekid whenever it wanted.

    “Elekid! Use Quick-Attack to get on its back and shock it with everything you got!” I was so worried now; Charizard could win at any time.

    Elekid was a blur of yellow and black as he jumped on Charizard’s back, Elekid bellowed, his whole body pulsing with energy and plunged his socket into Charizard’s back; wounding and electrocuting it. With a whip of its mighty tail, it slapped Elekid off it back, and Elekid was falling towards the water; unconscious

    I had to think of a plan quickly, Squirtle and Staryu were out and Mr. Mime was… Mr. Mime! “Mr. Mime, levitate Elekid over here”.

    Elekid’s small body was falling towards the water when it suddenly stopped, a foot above the raging waves and its body was enveloped in blue, before floating back to me and being placed gently on the beach near me.

    “Great work Elekid, you really hurt Charizard”, I said to Elekid. “Its up to Mr. Mime now” I thought grimly.

    “Mr. Mime, time for you to take Charizard down! Use your most powerful move!” I said this, because I knew a confusion attack would be the attack. But Mr. Mime leaped out from behind his Barrier, Light Screen and Substitute and shot his hands out like a photographer, checking a shot, aimed at Charizard, closed his eyes and a multi-coloured beam of Psychic energy came from between his hands and hit Charizard in his wound from Elekid. It was Mr. Mime’s Psybeam.

    Charizard gave a cry before falling down to the water below, only to recalled by its trainer. My defeated opponent looked even more depressed now and came over to talk.

    “Great battle, my name’s Phil” he sullenly said.

    “Oh. Hi. I’m Andrew” I said cautiously, I didn’t know this guy from a bar of soap and he seemed so sullen.

    “Great battle there, I guess I owe you. What do you want? How about I buy you some drinks all round. But first, use these smelling salts on your Elekid and Squirtle. Staryu however will need to be sprayed with some water to bring it back into a full-conscious state.” Said Phil as he dug around in his bag for a small bottle of salts.

    I stared dumbfounded at Phil’s knowledge before piping up, “How do you know so much about Pokemon, did you like study the Pokedex since you were like 3?” I asked with a stunned expression

    “Well, lets get those drinks and I’ll tell you about it” said Phil, “I know this great place about a kilometer away. Come on, I’ll show you after we fix your Pokemon up” he said, a bit more cheerily.

    “Mkay” I fumbled out

    In about half an hour my Pokemon were all conscious again and we were sitting at a café, which overlooked the beach.

    “Well, you wanted a big long life story, Andrew?” Said Phil

    I nodded dumbly.

    “Well, here’s the condensed version, basically I started with Charmander when I was ten, got my gym badges by eleven and took three annual attempts to become league champion, I then beat all the “Elite Trainers”, and then…” Phil broke down crying.

    “There. There” I said in a monotone voice whilst tapping his back.

    “Well, then The Association. Well… They stole almost all my Pokemon, except Charizard who was in a Pokemon Center at the time. Amphoros, Tyranitar, all the rest gone”. Phil started crying into his Beer again and knocked my chocolate milkshake all over Squirtle’s shell. I pitied the poor person who had to clean the mess up.

    I swear Squirtle is like a food magnet, and I wanted to clean him up, but I wanted more info first. “So what is this Association?” I asked cautiously?

    “Its an organization. They take steal Pokemon for personal gain and to sell to the highest bidders, and the rest they keep themselves. But some… are made into food or clothes or used as slave labor. But they can’t be beaten, some high businessmen run it and they pull the wool over everyone’s eyes” Sobbed Phil as he knocked over a bag of chips onto Squirtle’s shell.

    “How did they get your Pokemon?” I asked

    “I was so stupid. I was so naive. I put my Pokedex in one of their slots in their shops, which said it would update it. Oh boy it did. It actually put a tracking device and flash-bang in it. You know one of those things that disorientates you. Well, I was followed and when I tried to bring out one of my Pokemon, to fight them off, they set off the flash-bang using a remote. Needless to say, I was lying in an alleyway for the next three hours; I spent the next week in hospital. But I will get my Pokemon back” Phil stopped crying as he said this and sat up and with a look of cool revenge in his brown eyes and straightened up his black hair and composed himself.

    Being my annoyingly helpful self, I automatically chirped in “I’ll help”, I hated my goodwill genes for always helping, and thought back to all the “good” it got me into.

    “You will help me Andrew?” Said Phil as he wiped his eyes on his T-Shirt

    I sighed. “Yes I will help, we can help each other, you help me train and I’ll help you against this ”Association”.

    “Great! We’ll get them Andrew! Together we will!” Phil grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of my seat. The girl with the Latté and was talking on her mobile started chuckling quietly to herself at the table opposite me.

    I realized that once again, I’d stupidly put myself in trouble. DAMN ME! Plus if I was too busy, I could miss Buffy on Television! God no!

  15. #15
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Buggy Fun Fun Fun!

    Well Electric Buggy To Victory's been updated with another 3 chapters that brings me back to Chapter 8.

    Linky: Here!

  16. #16
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Gau Happy Happy! FF6

    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 8: Markets, Anorexia and Video Hits

    As Phil and myself were walking into Ede Town, he was starting to talk my ear off; talking all about how great a trainer he used to be. Sure he did have an official card to prove it and all, I sure as hell wasn’t going to go along with some possible psycho who would kill or attack me! I just smiled and nodded, totally wincing at my stupid, stupid decision. If worst came to worst, I could always sacrifice him to save myself, stuff heroics, I was all about self-preservation.

    Phil was telling me all about Ede town and all the highlights of it and all about the Gym Leader, his name was Tilden and he specialized in Fighting Pokemon. Phil went on about how he and his Charmeleon at the time whipped Tilden and his Mankey and Hitmonlee by simply roasting them at a distance before they could get an attack in.

    I decided to butt in, “Hey Phil, is there anything really anything interesting in this town?”

    “Um… haven’t you been listening? But well it’s been so long since I’ve been here, but if I remember correctly, there’s an old friend who studied Pokemon here in Ede Town, and it’s a fair hike down there, it’s a little house and adjoining office by the sea” replied Phil

    “But first we have to go to the Pokemon center and I have to pick up a Cyndaquil and Kabuto egg Jessica sent me”, I was happy that I was going to get two new Pokemon, that I ran to the doors of the Pokemon Center and had to come to a screeching halt, almost slamming into the automatic doors that didn’t open as fast as I had expected. I was glad to keep my nose and face in its correct looking position.

    I walked through into the building, feeling the cool air prickle against my sweaty exterior as I took a gulp from my water bottle and felt the greasiness from the sunscreen on my face. Politely I asked for directions from a woman named Cheryl who pointed me to the Mail area.

    I got to the counter with Phil behind me and had to wait in line for about 5 minutes before I was being served. It certainly was much better than the service in a bank, or doctor’s surgery, they were completely slack.

    “Name Please” asked the man behind the counter.

    “Um, Andrew Hall” I said.

    “I got two Pokemon here for you to pick up and a message,” he said.

    “What! Are you sure they aren’t eggs!” I said alarmed.

    “No, they hatched about six days ago. The staff have been looking after them ever since. And well there is a charge of ten dollars per day, per Pokemon” he replied in a bored tone.

    “Well can I have the note first”, I was alarmed, Jess had sent me two Pokemon, and so something must be up and I had to pay one hundred and twenty dollars from my precious budget!

    He handed over the note:

    Dear Andrew,

    I hope you get the eggs Ok; they contain a Cyndaquil and a Kabuto. I hope you like them, the ugly, ugly Kabuto and the cute Cyndaquil. If it weren’t for mum’s rule, she would have probably let me keep the cute Cyndaquil, but well now it’s your problem, along with Kabuto, the horrid little thing. I hate Kabuto’s!

    I need you to send me Squirtle soon please, because I have a swimming carnival soon and I promised that I would bring Squirtle as our team mascot.

    Oh yeah, mum says could you ring too.


    PS. Send Squirtle!

    I felt slightly annoyed by her sending this letter basically demanding that I send Squirtle. Plus she’s made it all the cuter by making all her small letter “i” with little love hearts. Bah. But well, what could I do, if I didn’t yield, she’d whine to mum and then I’d be accused of being unfair and having to come home.



    It was great having a nice sleep in, especially on a Saturday morning, my curtains closed to keep out the sun and virtually no noise. I yawned and flopped back onto my bed, happy with the way things were, no Andrew and his stupid jokes, attitude or smell.

    I was convinced all brothers were genetically made to smell bad, my friend Shannon said her brother smelt really bad; but who knows why?

    I looked over to my watch, and saw the time, “Oh my god! I’m late!” I quickly grabbed my dressing gown and ran down the hall and to the lounge room in a frenzy, I WAS LATE!

    “MUM! Why didn’t you wake me up!?” I yelled at mum, and I specifically asked her to wake me up, this was really important!

    “Oh, morning Jess,” she said cheerily, but this was far from cheery, “I didn’t wake you because you looked so tired” and continued on washing up some plates in the kitchen.

    I gave a frown and walked over to the Video recorder and checked for a tape, there was one on top of the cabinet – Andrew’s Buffy Episodes. I thought for a minute. Andrew had asked us to tape Buffy for us while he was gone and well mum was doing it but well, screw him, he wasn’t here and he didn’t need it. I jammed the tape into the player and pressed record, I was missing Video Hits!

    If I missed it, then well I wouldn’t know all the newest and coolest songs to download on Kazaa, and I wouldn’t be ahead of everyone in knowing the best songs, I had a knack for knowing what songs were cool, and what weren’t.

    I noticed the house was so much quieter without Andrew, and Mr. Mime, I wasn’t too fond of the Pokemon, but he did do a lot of work around the house, and that was a plus. I watched the new film clip from Nikki Webster, that try hard little girl who sang in the Sydney Olympics 2000 and now she had tried to become a cool singer. But she so sucked, and I hated her to the bone.

    Rocky jumped at the door as mum came around to take the garbage down the back, “QUIET YOU STUPID DOG!” I yelled at him, he had no consideration for anyone, however I did. Mum gave me a look as I turned back to the television, taping Video Hits so I could play it again later.

    Rocky slunk away, probably to go sniff the yard and keep watch over the yard. That stupid Andrew had taught him how to jump up, so when it got muddy, he dirtied all my good clothes, and that stupid brother thought he was the cutest thing in the world. He was so] retarded.

    A few minutes later I was watching this crappy techno song, Heaven by DJ Sami, who had no talent whatsoever when mum came running up to me and grabbed my arm, “Come on Jess! Now!”

    My arm felt it was ripping out of its socket, “In the ads, I’m busy” I said turning back to the television. But mum kept pulling, “Fine, fine, but if this is nothing” I threatened.

    “For god’s sakes Jessica, the eggs are hatching!” yelled Mum frantically.

    “Not Happy Jan” I commented, my favourite song was just starting, A1, Caught in the Middle and I had to go watch the little Pokemon Hatch, knowing my luck it would go all the way through Pepsi Live too.

    Up in the spare room, the fish tank that I had converted for the eggs at home, the thud of egg on glass could be heard. With wonder I approached it, and the eggs were being slowly chipped away, the bluish egg suddenly had a white horn stick through it, making a hole and a small Seel pulled itself out and gave a small whimper.

    It was so tiny and cute! I grabbed a towel from the linen cupboard and ran back, to see a tiny beige Pokemon with a green sprout on its head fall onto the floor of the enclosure, the little thing opened its red eyes and looked my Mum and I.

    Then in a flash, Cleffa, Igglybuff and an Eevee came through the shells, all wet and whimpery, and finally a small purple Pokemon dragged itself through the shell, a tiny Smoochum

    We’d have to get these to the Pokemon Center for some help and to get them their immunizations, cute little things. As we carried them downstairs, Rocky looked at us sadly, he was no longer the center of attention, “Sorry Rocky, we’ll be back soon” said Mum while I spat at the jumping dog, “Out of my way”

    With that the dark chocolate kelpie ran off, and we loaded the enclosure into the backseat of the car with myself before Mum driving off. These cuties were mine! But I was missing Video Hits!



    I was interrupted in my thinking, “Sir, could you please move away from the counter, I have others to serve, please make your way down to the nursery to pick up your Pokemon but pay first please”

    I reluctantly paid for it with my dwindling cash supply went down the hallway and met Cheryl again who pointed out my Cyndaquil and Kabuto who were playing ball with a multitude of other Pokemon, they had green stickers on them.

    The nurse went in and picked them up and brought them to Phil and myself. I decided to let out my other Pokemon to meet them. Elekid, Squirtle, Staryu and Mr. Mime all came out of their Pokeballs.

    I received Cyndaquil in my arms and Phil got Kabuto, which promptly scratched his arm, so Phil dropped, wincing from the pain and giving it a chance to escape. I threw my Pokeball at it as it’s little claws scuttled along the sterilized floor, but Kabuto avoided it and gave what seemed to be a cackle.

    “Mr. Mime stop it with a Barrier!” I yelled because I wasn’t going to let it escape, no way was I giving up a Pokemon.

    Mr. Mime ran ahead of it, and put up a barrier, blocking off the corridor with a steel barrier. Kabuto wasn’t done yet and it scuttled as fast as its little claws could take it, making a U-Turn.

    “Levitate it Mr. Mime!” I didn’t know if this would work, since only willing Pokemon and people could be lifted psychically.

    The blue aura surrounded Kabuto for a second, before it shook it off and continued running, but it gave me enough time to throw a Pokeball at it. As the red energy that was Kabuto struggled inside the Pokeball as it rocked on the flood before finally conceding defeat, which made it officially mine.

    During this scuffle I had put down Cyndaquil and my other three Pokemon had been entertaining it, while Phil and Cheryl had gone to get some band-aids to clean up Phil’s arm.

    I put Kabuto in my pocket of my long cargo pants and went back to my Pokemon. I grabbed Cyndaquil and held onto it while Mr. Mime and Phil returned, I’d had enough of this Pokemon Center for one day, so I asked Cheryl if I could grab two rooms, one for me and one for Phil. She nodded and handed the keys to me, along with a ton of paperwork to be filled out. I dumped them into the room along with the 18-ton backpack in my room, and I decided it was time to visit the Researcher.

    As we walked along the track to the Professors’, Phil started talking about his Alakazam and how he raised it from a Kadabra, I just did what I knew was best. Smiled and nodded as he rambled on, giving him the false impression that I was listening. Now Phil was a nice guy, but ever since losing his Pokemon to the Association, he was extremely clingy. My Pokemon however were chatting to Cyndaquil in my arms.

    The formally small little place that Phil used to know was now a three-story mansion! Phil looked in awe as he walked up to the door and rung the doorbell. A woman who was extremely skinny answered the door; she had shoulder length blonde hair and the trademark white coat that all Professors and scientists wear and her green eyes glittered and smile was dazzling. She was attractive, in a skinny way…

    “Hi, I’m Carly. Wait a minute! Phil! It’s you!” She put her arms around Phil and gave him a big hug.

    “Oh, hi. I’m Andrew. I’m with Phil, he’s helping me get into the Pokemon League,” I piped up. I suddenly had to suppress all feeling to help people as I had I feeling that she may need some assistance.

    “Yeah, and Andrew’s helping find my Pokemon” said Phil

    Carly looked alarmed, “Oh you poor thing, come inside and tell me all about it. Andrew, come in and look around, make yourself at home.

    “Hey Carly, can I make a phone call?” I asked, I wanted to ring home and it was cheaper than on my mobile phone.

    “Sure! Anyway Phil, what did you do after you beat the Pokemon League…” She was happy babbling to Phil.

    I picked up the receiver and Mum answered happily.

    “Hi mum! I haven’t spoken to you in ages! I’m in Ede Town. How are you?” I said happy to hear her.

    “Good, good. That’s great you’re so far! What Pokemon have you got?” she asked, I could literally hear her pride through the phone.

    “I’ve got Elekid, Squirtle, Mr. Mime, Staryu and Jess just sent me Kabuto and Cyndaquil.” I said happily.

    “Oh yeah, Jess is telling me to tell you to send Squirtle, can you hear her yelling in the background?” she said in a slightly drawling voice. Jessica could get on her nerves too sometimes.

    “How’s work?” I asked

    “Well, you know how I’m the Human Resource Officer there, at the Youth Detention Center, the new one with all the state of the art facilities and that wonderful pool. Anyway, the security has got some bugs, and on a few occasions a few of those ratbags got in and they broke that poor switch-girl’s arm with a Trumpet they stole from the Music Department. It’s not very nice. I’m glad I’m going to another department at the capital in a few weeks” she said, slightly depressed and worried, but she continued, “You’re such a sweetie for sending Jessica those Pokemon, they just hatched a few hours ago and they’re all Ok. They’re all just resting right now”

    I suddenly had a sick feeling in my gut. “Mum, be careful and remember, I love you.”

    “Andrew! Send me Squirtle!” screeched Jess on the phone; she must have gotten it off of mum.

    “Oh, hi Jess. Did those eggs hatch?” I asked, trying to distract her.

    “Oh yes, I’ve got a Cleffa, Igglybuff, Seel, Eevee, Smoochum, and Chikorita. They’re all so cute!” she cooed.

    “Oh, of course they are Jess, I got them from your folder. You don’t mind if I use it for a fire now?” I taunted.

    I had obviously hit a wrong note “What! You can’t do that! Get me more Pokemon! They’re even starting up a mini-tournament at school and I want to win!” she said in a terrible high pitch that I winced.

    “Sure Jess, bye.” And I hung up the phone.

    Carly and Phil came back, “So Andrew, do you want to see my Smeargle?” asked Carly

    “Sure!” I replied, damn my helpfulness again!

    Carly pulled out a Purple Pokeball, and threw it to the ground with grace.

    A funny looking dog with a paint-brush for a tail and a barrette on its head came out. “Smear!”

    “I’ve been researching Smeargle lately and have discovered that Smeargle can learn every known move! It’s awfully exciting, except they are limited by their power. Here I’ll show you.” Carly went over to the table and pulled out a bowling pin.

    “Smeargle! Hyper Beam!” She commanded.

    Smeargle grabbed his tail and brushed it across his forehead, he then opened his mouth wide and a great orange light started to accumulate there. But it they gave a grunt and a pinprick sized Hyper Beam came out and it hit the Bowling pin, shaking it. It was… unimpressive.

    “See what I mean, It has super moves but it just isn’t powerful enough to back them up” said Carly.

    Phil butted in, “Carly used to live around me before I went on my adventure. Maybe you can do her a favor Andrew? Why don’t you look after Smeargle?”

    I decided to send Smeargle and Squirtle to Jess. I said goodbye to Squirtle and let my team say goodbye too, he didn’t seem too worried, but at the mention of food, he was more than happy to jump back into his Pokeball, and forget about me. Dejectedly I recalled him.

    “Carly, can you send Squirtle and Smeargle to my Sister back in Hanlon?” I asked. I wasn’t really interested in a very weak Smeargle.

    “Sure. Thank you so much Andrew, I don’t know what I can do to repay you? If you need something, give me a yell in the future.

    I thanked her and grabbed Phil and decided to go back to the Pokemon Center. Phil said he was staying at Carly’s the night, and that I can come back tomorrow morning. Dammit, I had to stay alone, but well I wasn’t totally sure of Phil yet. Oh well, if he turns out to be evil, I’ll thwack him over the head with something large and heavy.

  17. #17
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 9: McCrappy, Algebra and Something Suss.

    The next morning I was heading back to Carly’s place after a Mc Donald’s breakfast, consisting of an egg and “bacon” McMuffin with eggshell and indefinable gristle. I sure as hell wouldn’t be dining there soon, unless it was for a McFlurry Mmm… Darn Phil had decided to stay the night at Carly’s and had effectively left me all alone in Ede Town. I was annoyed at him for that, so I told my Pokemon to give him the cold shoulder.

    Mr. Mime knew what I was on about as I had often used the cold shoulder technique against Jessica when I couldn’t stand her any more. So I got him to explain it to Cyndaquil, Elekid, Staryu and Kabuto. Then I noticed Kabuto was trying to escape again! I was getting sick of it; it had tried to escape yesterday and had given Phil a nice slash on the arm.

    Kabuto was scuttling as fast as its little claws could take it on the sandy beach and towards the ocean. I simply raised my arm with Pokeball in hand and recalled it. I decided to talk to Carly about Kabuto when I got there. I also wasn’t sure Staryu could understand or give a Cold Shoulder. I decided to test whether Staryu could understand me.

    “Staryu, use a Water Gun on that post box over there” I said as pleasantly as I could.

    Staryu leapt into the air and spun around it while keeping the Water Gun focused on the Post Box. I then heard the familiar hum of the Postie’s motorbike so I thought I’d better get going, I really didn’t want a fine for something. After all I was saving up for a Laptop Computer and an Electric Buggy.

    “Ok team, let’s go!” I said in a fake enthusiastic voice. They simply turned their backs on me and started talking to each other in their own language. Hey were using the Cold Shoulder on me! But well Staryu didn’t have a shoulder… Or Elekid for that matter.

    “Guys, you’re supposed to do that to Phil, not me! Come on!” I pleaded with them.

    They had a little laugh and followed me to Carly’s place; I had a little radio and was playing it as I walked, keeping the atmosphere light and cheery.

    I finally got to her place and knocked on the door. “Hello! Anyone home?” I called after hitting the doorbell. After a minute or two I heard a scuffle upstairs and someone running down the stairs. But it was Phil who answered the door in little more than Boxer Shorts with Snoopy as Joe Cool on them.

    “Come on Joe Cool, can I come in?” I snidely said. I was about to walk in with Cyndaquil, Staryu, Elekid and Mr. Mime behind me.

    “Um…in a minute, just stay there” Phil shut the door in my face, looking a little more than worried.

    I heard Phil talk to Carly in a hushed voice, “Don’t tell him anything, just pretend I slept on the couch. You’re skirt’s on backwards”. It sure was entertaining to listen to though, and I wasn’t as stupid as they thought.

    “Thanks” replied Carly

    A minute later Carly opened the door and let us in, her clothes had a few wrinkles in them, her hair was a mess and her makeup was non-existent. Phil had on little more than some back to front pants and a lab coat as an improvised shirt. . I pretended I didn’t know a thing. I noticed some clothes on the stairs as I walked past

    “Please ignore the mess, it’s too early. Just go through to the Lab” said Carly

    “It’s 11 in the morning. That’s too early? Did you have a big night?” I said with a smirk

    I immediately felt the sting of that question.

    “What do you mean by that? Did Phil tell you something?” whipped around Carly with an angry glare aimed at Phil who was trying to cover his bare chest.

    “Uh…I’ll just get some orange juice for everyone then…” said Phil, running to the Kitchen.

    In the Lab, I had a few questions to ask Carly. Well sure as hell I wasn’t going to let a free consultation get away.

    “Carly, why does my Kabuto keep trying to run away” I asked while releasing my Kabuto which scuttled up to Carly’s leg.

    “It’s quite simple Kabuto are attracted to pheromones emitted by women” She said, picking up Kabuto and petting it. It was a very, very simple answer. Naturally attracted to women.

    I sat their open mouthed for a minute.

    “O…K…. Well can you tell me about Ash Ketchum? Is he like a real person, and the Cartoon is like of his adventures? I know that Team Rocket thing is made up though.” I’ve always wanted to know that so I asked.

    “Phil, come here for a minute, Andrew has a question.” Said Carly as Phil came through the door with a tray of Orange Juice.

    “Repeat the question Andrew” she said

    I repeated the question, “Is Ash Ketchum a real person?”, and they both started laughing their heads off at me. They continued for about 15 minutes until Carly went really red and collapsed on the floor trying to stop laughing and trying to breathe. I stood there and glared at them both while I retreated out of the room, cradling my crushed pride.

    “Well, I might get going then Carly” I said bitterly, here I was thinking that maybe Ash and the rest of them were real when she goes and humiliates me.

    “Come on Phil. Nice to meet you Carly.” I said coldly and walked out with Staryu and Mr. Mime behind me. However Elekid and Cyndaquil were drinking the orange juice.

    I picked up their Pokeballs and returned them, and Kabuto, which was still attracted to Carly. I walked out and said to Phil, “Meet me at the Gym in an hour”

    I dejectedly walked back into town and got directions, grabbed a Mini M&M’s McFlurry and ate it outside of the Gym. It was a large old sandstone building, with some grand old steps and poles and it had a stylish plaque that said

    Pokemon Gym: Ede Town
    Founded in 1925
    Opened by Mayor Jim Watson

    It was all in like marble, it was very flashy and the Gym looked so great but I was quickly regretting that McFlurry, I shouldn’t have trusted that clown! A half hour later, I was standing outside the Gym hiding in the shade when, suddenly Phil came flying in on his Charizard so majestically. It sure was amazing, but I tried not to show it, I was angry with him!

    “Phil. Glad to see you could make it. And your fly is undone too” I said briskly, walking inside.

    “It is?” Phil’s eyes growing wide, he quickly reached down and done it back up, following me.

    “How’s this, you tell me what happened with Carly if I win this Gym Badge. Ok?” I asked

    Phil just nodded dumbly. Excellent, I should soon know the whole story, and then I shall embarrass him at the correct time!

    I walked into the Gym, now about 1pm and looked for the receptionist or somewhere where I could ask for a Gym Battle, but I could only hope they were better than Sophie’s Receptionist. There was no one in this library looking place, but I saw a man in his 50’s with a Tweed suit and glasses on, he was sitting down behind a large Mahogany desk with an ancient book.

    “Um. I’m looking for Tilden, so I can have a Gym Battle?” I said nervously.

    “I’m Tilden. And you are?” he said sounding very dignified. Not at all like the huge big muscled guy who didn’t have much of a vocabulary, which I’d imagined, which would run a fighting Gym.

    “Andrew. How many Pokemon?” he said calmly, closing his book.

    “Three.” But first, just let me get my Pokemon. He opened a door, which revealed some Fighting Pokemon, writing and when I looked closer I realized they were doing of all things, algebra! Gah! I hated Algebra!

    “Hitmonlee, Machoke and Tyrouge come here, we are currently required for a Gym Battle” said Tilden

    The Machoke took off a pair of glasses and placed them on his book, the other two put down their pens and graphical calculators and they politely walked over to Tilden’s side.

    I pulled Phil to the side, “What the HELL is going on here! I thought you said this was a fighting gym, not a damn bookstore!” I said in a fierce stage whisper.

    Phil simply shrugged. He looked obviously clueless; and useless at the moment too. I’d have to jettison Mr. Useless later cause a dead weight around is pretty useless, I’d see how it goes.

    “Please acquire your location over there Andrew” Leading me through an old sandstone hallway to a spacious battle arena, a sandstone floor, sandstone walls, and the only out of bounds area that was really visible was the ends of the trainer areas. “Remember this is a Heritage Listed property and no damage should be made to it,” said Tilden taking off his glasses and giving his eyes a tired rub.

    I walked over to my spot quite humbly and reached for my Pokeballs, and decided the best strategy would be to attack from a distance with Fighting Pokemon, because they were essentially useless, they had no power from a distance, which was reassuring.

    “Machoke depart for battle”, and Machoke walked off the sidelines to the middle of the arena. “Machoke!” Bellowed the beefy Pokemon. Getting ready for the battle.

    “Go! Cyndaquil!” and I threw out the Pokeball the little mouse appeared from a red silhouette that appeared.

    I had high hopes in Cyndaquil and had an intense training session yesterday arvo, plus I had worked out a few tactics to help him win. Attacking from a distance would be a good idea.

    “Smokescreen!” I commanded the cute Cyndaquil.

    “Focus Energy Machoke” said Tilden calmly.

    Cyndaquil secreted the flammable liquid on its back, covering it and started a flame by rubbing some gland together, its flame on its back starting up. Next from the flame a large blinding, choking smoke, while Machoke started Psyching up by doing a … NEW ZEALAND HAKA!

    I was totally confused by that Haking, but continued on “Leer, Cyndaquil!”

    Cyndaquil’s usually closed eyes, opened up with a steely glare, detracting Machoke from his Haka and leaving his lower chest exposed to attacks.

    “Use a Flamethrower and Headbutt, Cyndaquil!” I yelled.

    Cyndaquil shot off a flamethrower from its back flame, which arced towards Machoke just as it finished up its Haka, burning his rugged chest. But as Cyndaquil tried to follow through with a Headbutt to the charred area, it grabbed Cyndaquil in mid-air and began to squeeze it in its large hands.

    I had to use Cyndaquil’s fire to their full advantage now, otherwise I’d have Cyndaputty, and well, a squashed Pokemon isn’t a pretty sight, as I’d seen in Biology, like this Nidoking. It was totally disgusting, and I shuddered as I recalled it.

    “Fire Spike!” I desperately said

    Cyndaquil’s fire on it’s back flared up solidly and pushed through the palm of Machoke’s hand and out the back of its hand, creating a flow of blood, and a gaping hole. But the flame simply charred its hands and stopped the major blood flow immediately. Machoke staggered from its injuries, it was seriously hurt now, it couldn’t use its hands or its chest in attacks and it had to use its feet.

    “Mega Kick! You can do it Machoke,” said Tilden with surprising confidence.

    I had to admire Machoke; it had charred flesh hanging off its palms and blood flowing in spurts from the back of its hands and still ready to battle. It reminded me of being nailed to a cross in a way. Not a pretty thing to think of either.

    “Use quick attack to avoid it Cyndaquil! You’re going great!” I said hopefully.

    In a flash of red and black, Cyndaquil was behind Machoke ready to attack, but Machoke had had anticipated this, and brought down it’s foot, crushing Cyndaquil’s snout barely missing it’s skull. Cyndaquil shrieked in pain as the beefy Pokemon crushed its nose. Poor Cyndaquil’s snout must have been broken, judging by the blood flow and crooked angle it was now at. But she bravely got up.

    Cyndaquil now turned around to Machoke and let loose with an Ember from its back, to the temple of Machoke’s head, knocking it out. Machoke’s eyes rolled back in its head as it collapsed in a heap on the floor.

    “Machoke return. Go Tyrouge” Said Tilden dejectedly and the small fighting Pokemon walked full of pride onto the arena.

    “Good job Cyndaquil, good job” I said as I returned by bruised and bloodied Pokemon.

    “Go Staryu!” I threw out Staryu’s Pokeball onto the floor and my starfish came out ready to battle, if not so unanimated though. It just stood there, motionless. Hopefully Staryu could also battle from a distance and win.

    “Confuse Ray Staryu!” If I could confuse it, I could have a better chance of winning, and the closer I would be to getting into the Pokemon League on Television.

    “Rapid Spin Tyrouge!” Countered the old man.

    Staryu’s Core turned black and a small black beam with gold specks through it coursed towards Tyrouge, who had stood onto one foot and was twirling around at a surprising speed, like a ballerina really. I guess Tilden’s Pokemon were much more cultured than I though. Staryu’s Confuse Ray simply missed Tyrouge as it spun out of the way.

    “Um… Staryu use… um…” I faulted, trying to think of a good attack to get this tiny fighter.

    “Good work Tyrouge, finish it with a Mach Punch” Tilden adjusted his glasses as he cheered it on.

    Staryu, being the inanimate star it is simply stood there as Tyrouge stealthily flanked it before landing a great attack, shattering Staryu’s core, fainting it instantly. Tyrouge gave a happy cry and walked back to its master, happy to have won. “Good work Tyrouge” he said and patted it on the head.

    We both returned our Pokemon and Tilden motioned to Hitmonlee to take his position. It all came down to this; I decided to Choose Mr. Mime, hopefully, its Psychic Abilities would help me win.

    I threw Mr. Mime’s Pokeball to the ground, directly at the foot of Hitmonlee. The flash caused Hitmonlee to close his eyes, if not only for a second. This battle should be fairly easy, so why not have some fun, “Metronome Mr. Mime!” I said the elfish Pokemon gave me a wink before facing his kicking opponent.

    “Meditate Hitmonlee” came the command from Tilden, our voices seemed to echo throughout the sandstone room, and his order seemed to echo for ages.

    Hitmonlee sat down with it’s legs crossed and closed its eyes, while Mr. Mime went into a blank stare before grabbing his hair and rubbing it furiously, and a powder came out of Mr. Mime’s greeny hair and the cloud landed on Hitmonlee.

    “Ewww! Mr. Mime! You’ve got Dandruff!?!” I said disgustedly

    Phil decided to butt in after all his “usefulness”, “Um, Andrew if you looked at the tinge of that powder, it was slightly purple, so it was a poison powder attack”

    Being told off I simply said, “Oh.”

    “Hitmonlee, take it down with a combo” said Tilden in a booming voice that surprised me.

    I was a little taken aback by that, but continued on, “Mr. Mime use Confusion”

    Mr. Mime simply closed his eyes and released Psychic ripples through the air, which sent Hitmonlee reeling, lying on the floor in pain.

    “Hitmonlee, reversal and Jump Kick” ordered the tweed warrior.

    “Mr. Mime, Psybeam, before it gets you!” I frantically said, after my mistake with Staryu, I wasn’t going to let that happen again.

    Mr. Mime shot out its hands like a photographer and took aim at Hitmonlee, a second later a multicolored beam of light hit Hitmonlee in mid-air knocking it to the ground, defeating it and Mr. Mime, didn’t even have a scratch compared to his last Gym Battle.

    I had won! “Yay” I cheered slightly and raised my arms slightly in victory.

    I ran over to Tilden to get my Pokemon Badge, and he simply handed it to me, shook my hand and said, “You shouldn’t neglect your education Andrew. Pokemon training doesn’t last forever” and walked back into his Classroom and started marking his Pokemons’ tests. I looked at the badge, it was a small golden pen badge, it looked nice, and so I scanned it with my Pokedex and updated the database.

    I turned to Phil as we walked out of the historical monument, “So tell me what happened with Carly!” I said in a teasing voice.

    “Tomorrow Andrew. Tomorrow.” He replied, turning ever so red.

  18. #18
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Awwww...are you ok?

    Anyway...@_@...another whoooooole load of chapters....

    *finally finishes reading*

    Intellectual fighting Pokemon? XDXDXDXD

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  19. #19
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    You've powered through the chapters!

    We were up to chapter 11 or 12 at the ezboard, weren't we? Excellent, we're back to where we left off. Although the real catch-up is when we get to the C/O.

    I know it hurts, but at least your wisdom teeth are out now! And, to quote yourself about a month or two ago ... "I've got the teeth, now where's the wisdom?" --- Where is it??

    Lol jk seeya!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  20. #20
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default The pretty yellow tablets make it good.

    Joltstorm - Ah, I'm pretty Ok now, I was pretty out of it the days after the operation, I apparently told my friend 4 times on MSN that I had my wisdom teeth out. He thought I was looney. It was just the nice yellow tablets they gave me to take away the pain... now they're gone... BTW, thanks for reading and I love putting little parodies in there.... Watching too much Buffy did it to me!

    Gav - Oh look old chap, some Cucumber Sandwiches! Pips removed too! Oh my its quite nice isn't it! Fancy some croquet after this, its the more Royal of all games. And indeedy, I'm revamping 12 as we speak! Yayness eh! Thanks for reading! And I think I'm dumber now than ever. Oh well

    Electric Buggy to Victory!
    By OzAndrew
    Chapter 10: Dance Dance, Entrepreneuring and Lotto

    Walking out of the Gym, I noticed I still had my McFlurry package in my hand! I must’ve held onto it the entire Gym Battle! I blushed at the thought and quickly tossed it into the nearby green bin. I still couldn’t believe I won the badge! I didn’t pull it out, if I dropped it or something I’d be totally screwed! I had to go buy something to keep them secure in. But first, the Pokemon Center. Cyndaquil’s nose and Staryu’s core were both broken and needed some attention.

    Phil butted into my thinking as we walked through the Pokemon Center, “You know Andrew, you could get some valuable experience by staying here in Ede town a Week or so, there are some Trainers around that are worth battling, and well Carly is a Pokemon Researcher so you could learn some stuff from her”

    “Hmmm…” I wasn’t fussed on the idea.

    “Well its really good here too! Nice restraints! We can go to this place called the Tomato Brothers Carly told me about. I’ll pay too!” I said enthusiastically.

    “Yes… good” came my slow reply, Phil obviously wasn’t too learned in the ways of my gluttonous Pokemon. Plus at my victory dinner, I could pump Phil for some info!

    I took my Pokeballs to Cheryl and showed her my new badge who looked pretty impressed. I handed over my Pokeballs containing Cyndaquil and Staryu and quickly told her of their injuries. Being the lazy bastard I am, I needed to watch some television! I’d been so long since I’d seen it! My life, the television potato…

    Turning on the television in the Pokecenter’s Recreation Room I got Daria on the television, the witty sarcastic girl who’s too smart for her own good, with an air-head sister and workaholic parents. It was a good show the last time I watched it, but Quinn reminded me so much of another girl I knew. I just couldn’t put my finger on it though. Phil sat down and we both watched this half hour of quality television.

    There was also a pool table, so I released Elekid, Mr. Mime and Kabuto, I’m sure they could play a game together, that is till the brown Pokemon began to scuttle towards the doorway, I couldn’t really be bothered with Kabuto, so I recalled it with a sigh. It was depressing to own a disobedient Pokemon. Even if it was attracted to females, and at a basic stage too. Elekid and Mr. Mime had a go at Pool and well I’m not too sure how it went to be honest, I was far too interested with the TV. After Daria finished I recalled Mr. Mime and Elekid and we went to the local mall and arcade. It was surprising how well Phil and I got on, he was a whiz at Dance Dance Revolution, but my co-ordination skills so sucked I kind of failed and slunk back, ashamed. Phil and myself got on pretty well, there was a two year gap between us, and I was two years older than my sister, and well, our relationship was the worst you could hope for.

    You’d try to be nice to her; she’d be nasty to you. You’d try to help with assignments; she’d accuse you of being a pest. If you asked for something, you were accused of blaming her. If you asked her to do something, batten down the hatches, World War Three is on. And God Forbid, if you ever ask her to hop off of the phone after six hours, prepare for the apocalypse. Two years wasn’t much of a gap, but I’d so far failed to bridge it. I think it all began when she turned nine, grade three, and from thereon, she’s been evil. But Jess is cunning, I’d give her that, she knows who to manipulate where and when to get what she wants, it used to be to get me in trouble, but now her focus had shifted to clothes.

    I’d played some games at the arcade and I had had enough of the button bashing, bright lights for one day, but I thought Mr. Mime and Elekid would like to have a go, so I released them from their Pokeballs, Elekid gazed in wonder of all the electrical machines and his plug began to crackle. If he did something here, I’d have to pay for all the expensive machines! The red beam hit Elekid thankfully, and he was recalled.

    “Hey Mr. Mime, want me to show you how to do Dance Dance Revolution?” asked Phil.

    My Mime looked at me, hesitant and waiting for my signal. I gave him a nod and they jumped onto the strange dancing contraption, ready for a lesson. As the techno music blared, Mr. Mime was surprisingly good, very good! He beat Phil and was soon challenged by a heap of people; a crowd had formed around the machine.

    I slunk away from the attention and watched Mr. Mime from a distance, doing his stuff on the dancefloor. Sweat was pouring from my Pokemon’s forehead, as this dude stepped up to the machine, ready for a battle. I’m sure he suffered from some kind of addiction to this machine.

    Jenny Lopez [J Lo] – Lets Get Loud

    Let's get loud, let's get loud
    Turn the music up, let's do it
    C'mon people let's get loud
    Let's get loud
    Turn the music up to hear that sound
    Let's get loud, let's get loud
    Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
    What you gotta do

    If you wanna live your life
    Live it all the way and don't waste it
    Every feelin' every beat
    Can be so very sweet and you gotta taste it
    You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
    You gotta prove it
    You gotta mean what you say
    You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
    You gotta prove it
    You gotta mean what you say

    Life's a party, make it hot
    Dance don't ever stop whatever rhythm
    Every minute, every day
    Take them all the way you gotta live 'em ('cause I'm going to live my
    You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
    You gotta prove it
    You gotta mean what you say
    You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
    You gotta prove it
    You gotta mean what you say

    Let's get loud, let's get loud
    Turn the music up, let's do it
    C'mon people let's get loud
    Let's get loud
    Turn the music up to hear that sound
    Let's get loud, let's get loud
    Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
    What you gotta do

    Life is meant to be big fun
    You're not hurtin' anyone
    Nobody loses
    Let the music make you free
    Be what you wanna be
    Make no excuses
    You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
    You gotta prove it
    You gotta mean what you say
    You gotta do it, you gotta do it your way
    You gotta prove it
    You gotta mean what you say

    Let's get loud, let's get loud
    Turn the music up, let's do it
    C'mon people let's get loud
    Let's get loud
    Turn the music up to hear that sound
    Let's get loud, let's get loud
    Ain't nobody gotta tell ya
    What you gotta do

    As their feet finished up to the song, Mr. Mime had won! “Go Mr. Mime!” I cheered him on, and clapped, starting the rest of the crowd off. Mr. Mime took a bow as the dude punched Mr. Mime’s head, which flew into the bar of the machine as he walked off.

    “F*cking gay, piece of crap” came his last words as he walked off.

    Phil helped Mr. Mime up as I stood up to the dude, I stood in his way and said, “Did you call my Pokemon a ****ing gay piece of crap” in the nicest tone I could.

    “What’s it to you?” he sneered, his nose stud flaring up with nose, and his muscles began to tense. He was about a foot shorter than me, but looked about nineteen, I was sure I could take this loser on.

    “Well you’re a total f*ckhead ok?” I said cheerily as I pulled back my fist and thrust it into his nose, smacking him backwards into a Pinball Machine.

    Nursing his injured nose his stood up and pointed at me, “You are so f*ucking going to pay for that”

    “Ooh, I’m sure” I taunted.

    The dude ran at me, and punched me in the gut, sending me falling into the ground. I gasped for air as I laid on the ground, full of pain. The pain of trying to breathe was unbearable, it felt like my lung had collapsed, and I closed my eyes in pain and tried to breathe. Lying on the dusty Arcade carpet wasn’t helping either. I took a deep breath and stood up, wondering why I hadn’t been attacked while I was down. I saw Phil’s fist connecting with the dude’s unshaven jaw sending it upward and falling into a Street Fighter Machine.

    Quite fitting really, but the dude stood up and ran off, obviously he’d had enough for one day. I was amazed Phil had defended myself and Mr. Mime. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. I gave Phil a handshake, “Thanks mate” I gasped.

    “Its ok, say Mr. Mime could you teleport us out of here and to the PokeCenter?” asked Phil.

    Mr. Mime was paler than usual and had a large gash on his head from where he hit the bar, but smiled and closed his eyes. He then moved his arms in a circular motion and white energy seemed to cut through what was in front of me and as the circle connected up, a flash of light blue light blinded everyone for a moment. But when I looked, a hole had been cut to the Pokemon Center. I could see through the large circle to Cheryl who was helping a Swinub’s paws.

    The Arcade owner no doubt had missed all of this so Phil, Mr. Mime and I stepped through the hole, and directly into the Pokemon Center. It was freaky, I felt a bit shaky after walking through it, but pretty much Ok.

    We soon got all bandaged up and I got back my revived Cyndaquil and Staryu, we were all ready for dinner. We walked through the brightly lit town, ready for a delicious dinner, but I had to wonder where that dude was. I kept my eyes open the entire time we walked to the café.

    As we walked through the door it was painted in bright green and the counter was all mosaic. It was tastefully designed with indoor and outdoor areas, the indoor area was polished floors while a shadecloth and pavers decorated outside. I walked in half expecting some dodgy Italian rip-off impersonator to be at the mosaic counter saying, “Itsa Me! Mario!”, but instead there was just a nice looking woman at the counter. I had to wait in line a bit because Ede Town is a bit of a tourist attraction for its beaches and great dining places and the position of the place. I decided to order an all you can eat meal of pizza and pasta with a jug of Fanta, because for some strange reason, that was the only soft-drink I liked. All my mates back in Hanlon Town called me weird cause I didn’t like any soft-drink except for Fanta.

    Anyway, I was about to order all-you-can-eat for myself, Cyndaquil, Mr. Mime and Elekid when I realized this was a free meal. I was going to keep Kabuto with me; it was unpredictable and who knew what could happen with all these people around? I let Phil make the orders; he got the all-you-eat deal too. I was glad Squirtle was with Jess otherwise he’d have made a pig of himself again, and would have eaten the place out of all its food.

    I grabbed a table and everyone sat down before my crotch began to vibrate. I confusedly grabbed it and realized I had my Mobile, which was ringing. Of course I didn’t know my mobile was ringing and everyone in the restaurant checked his or her mobiles before I noticed it was mine. I looked embarrassed and had a quick look around to see if everyone was staring at me. I noticed that the same girl who was at that Café where I got to know Phil. She gave me a weird stare and smile before turning back to her Lasagna.

    “Hello, Andrew?” Said a croaky old voice.

    “Glenys?” I asked suspiciously.

    “Yes. Sorry to ring you right now. But we thought you might have been battling during the day. So we decided to call you now” she replied

    “Right… Why exactly?” I asked, annoyed to be interrupted during my victory meal.

    “Well… I don’t exactly know how to say this but. WE WON THE LOTTO!” She suddenly yelled down the phone.

    I sat there dumbfounded for the next few moments while Glenys tried to get back to me.

    “Wha. Lotto. Win? Huh?” I asked in a dumbfounded voice.

    “Well we won the Lotto sometime last week and Ripper and I have decided to go on a world-wide trip before we get back to our new home. We’re going to open a hotel! Anyway the reason we rang you is that we need a favor of you.” She said.

    “Yeah sure. Anything” I was still a little disconnected and probably would have given anyone who asked whatever they wanted, like my wallet, or my first born child, if I had one.

    “Well you know those eggs in our shed out the back. Well, we’ve gotten our neighbors to look after the Pokemon, but I need you to look after the eggs, perhaps you could sell them. Where are you?” Said Glenys

    “I’m in Ede Town” I felt like a robot

    “Well Ede Town has great markets down near the beach every Sunday and you could sell the eggs there.” Glenys sounded like she had planned this.

    “Ok. You’ll have to send them to me then” I said slowly, it was still processing through my slow brain.

    “Ok, we’ll get the Drowzee we are looking after to Teleport them there with a few trips. So where do you want them?” Asked Glenys

    “Uh. My room at the PokeCentre?” I replied stupidly again

    “They’ll be there soon. Andrew, thank you so much for your help. You can keep all the money from the sale of the eggs” Said Glenys

    Seeing that I had a chance to make some money I quickly replied, “Ok! Sure, I’ll do it. Thanks Glenys. Bye! Have a nice trip!” And with that I hung up.

    “Phil lets go. We’ve gotta get back to the PokeCentre” I said decisively. Money was at stake!

    “Aw… but I haven’t finished my pasta” he whined.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

    As I turned on the light in the room, I was yet again struck dumbfounded. The room was full of eggs. Big ones, small ones, all different colours….

    “Woah”, said Phil.

    I went and grabbed a trolley from the hallway; I put all the eggs on about 5 trolleys, and placed them against the wall. Of course all the eggs were still in their special containers from Glenys and Rippers.

    The next day I went to Cheryl and asked her to classify all the eggs for me. While she was doing that Phil and I went to Carly’s and tried to get her to help me get Kabuto to obey me. She suggested using a Treat System, every time Kabuto does something right, I give him heaps of praise and a cookie. I said goodbye to Carly yet again and headed to the city looking for a battle. But I picked up some cookies first.

    Knowing that Kabuto was attracted to women, I decided to go looking for a battle that wasn’t against a girl. I needed to get Kabuto to be the best it could be. And a testosterone charged battle was first on my list. It was pretty lucky no-one got hurt in the arcade brawl. But well slapping wasn’t one of my better areas.

    I soon found a battle, as I was walking past a computer store, a guy ran out. “You want to battle!?” he asked eagerly.

    “Hey, I’m working right now but can I battle you in my lunch break in about 15 minutes? Meet me on the top of the Myer Center. There’s a battle arena there. Oh, I’m Guy” he said quickly, he didn’t look comfortable leaving the shop alone.

    “Nice to meet you”, I said while I shook his hand “How exactly did you know I am a Pokemon trainer?”

    “Well you do have a Mr. Mime next to you” he said, pointing at my Psychic Pokemon.

    “Right” I said feeling stupid. “See you then, I’m Andrew”

    Twenty minutes later I was standing on the 6th level of the Myer Center and waiting for Guy. I was getting ready to leave, he obviously been caught up in work and I wasn’t going to stand around all day, that is before I heard a mad scramble from the elevator a he ran out looking flustered.

    “I’m here, I’m ready to battle!” He said

    “Ok guy, how about a two on two?” I suggested

    “Ok, lets go. Go Butterfree!” Yelled Guy, full of confidence as he threw out his first Pokeball. With a flash of light a cute Butterfly Pokemon appeared, “Freeeee” it said. It looked so fragile with its bluish wings fluttering to keep it afloat.

    I threw Elekid’s Pokeball to the ground; he had the type advantage and could take this cute Pokemon down. In a flash the yellow and black striped baby Pokemon appeared, his plug crackling with electricity.

    “Elekid, use Thunder-punch!” I commanded

    “Mimic it Butterfree!” countered Guy

    Elekid ran over to Butterfree and was about to use Quick Attack to reach the Bug type so he could use Thunder-punch but Butterfree simply landed and stood in front of Elekid. Elekid somewhat miffed by this charged up his fist and with sparks crackling, punched Butterfree right between its large eyes.

    Butterfree went reeling back about four meters. Butterfree severely injured got back up and flew towards Elekid, now with its tiny fist glowing with electric power. With amazing speed it hit Elekid about four times, which was more of a blow to Elekid’s pride rather than his health.

    “Elekid, use Electric Headbutt and win this!” I cheered.

    “Butterfree, use Hyper Beam!” said Guy smugly.

    Elekid had a grin on his face as he sprinted towards the flying bug, however Butterfree was charging up for his attack and his antennae were glowing the same orange I had seen in Smeargle’s mouth a while earlier. However before Butterfree got a chance to discharge and channel that energy, Elekid hit it in its chest and knocked it out, the Hyper Beam firing harmlessly into space. Although there was the odd chance it could hit a satellite.

    Guy returned his Butterfree and threw out his next Pokemon “Go Rhyhorn!” he said, as the flash formed into a huge rock type rhinoceros, which grunted and nodded its head. Knowing that Elekid’s electricity wouldn’t be effective against this giant I recalled it. I now had to use Kabuto, so it could get some battling experience. Staryu probably could beat it too, but I needed to try out Kabuto.

    “Go Kabuto!” I said hopefully, throwing out its Pokeball.

    “Use Horn Attack Rhyhorn!” commanded Guy the second Kabuto formed.

    The rock rhino was charging towards my prehistoric Pokemon, I had to counter it “Harden Kabuto”

    Kabuto looked at me strangely with its black beady eyes before Rhyhorn came rushing towards it. At that point it started to run back to me in fear. “Harden Kabuto! Use Harden!” I yelled at it as it scuttled back to me.

    Kabuto scared out of its wits braced itself and used harden; at which point a clear gloss coated Kabuto, like varnish. Also, like varnish it was sticky, Rhyhorn still lumbering towards Kabuto came up to it and jabbed it with its horn. But Kabuto’s harden caused it to stick to it’s horn.

    “Mega Drain Kabuto!” I ordered, grass could take this Pokemon down. I’d have to get one in the future, they were pretty powerful.

    Guy’s face was one of panic, “Get it off Rhyhorn!”

    Kabuto, happy it was still perfectly fine, except for the fact it was stuck to Rhyhorn and panicking. Kabuto had a transparent bubble with a green tinge, forced from its underbody and onto Rhyhorn’s head. Rhyhorn stumbled around in pain while the bubble changed colour from transparent to a deep green sucking away his energy, and returned to Kabuto’s underbelly. Giving it the stolen energy. Rhyhorn had been totally drained and passed out, making me the winner! But wow… a one hit knockout by a new Pokemon. Maybe Kabuto was super or something.

    “Congrats Andrew” said Guy. “I better get back to work” as he dejectedly walked back to his shop.

    “Nice meeting you Guy. I’ll have a stall at the markets on Sunday; I’ll be selling Pokemon eggs. Hope to see you there” I said, drumming up business

    “You know Andrew, can I have a Pokemon Egg or two?” Asked Phil

    “Sure, but you’ve gotta help me on the stall and I want a ride back to the Pokemon Centre” I said slyly, slavery was all in style these days.

    “Ok, said Phil reaching into his pocket and bringing out his Pokeball containing his Charizard.

    I grinned. I was about to get a ride on a Charizard! Phil reached into his pocket again a pulled out a $2 coin and a $1 coin. “There we go, now we can get the bus to the Pokemon Center”

    I gave Phil a deadpan stare.

    Back at the Center, Cheryl had classified all the Pokemon eggs and put price estimates on them. I thanked her and gave her an Oddish and Eevee Egg for her trouble then I decided to go and crash on my bed.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

    I had to get up at like 4 am to get to the Seaside markets and set up stall. My god an early start was hell. Nothing would be open yet, and the sun wasn’t up yet.

    I got Phil from his room and I released Mr. Mime and Elekid, and Phil released Charizard. We each grabbed a trolley and a table, but Elekid didn’t have the strength to push his alone so I released Cyndaquil and Kabuto to help push it. Kabuto however sensed something and ran off towards it leaving Cyndaquil and Elekid to push the trolley.

    I threw out Staryu’s Pokeball “Follow Kabuto Staryu! Everyone set up the stall, I’ll be there soon!” I yelled while running after Staryu and Kabuto.

    After about ten minutes Kabuto came to a dead stop. I was about to recall him when I saw that girl again. I’d seen her laughing at me at the Café and Restaurant now. Kabuto scuttled up to her. “Eww. It looks like a giant Cockroach!” She yelled, “Get off of me!” and she drop-kicked Kabuto down the street.

    Kabuto’s eyes began to glow red and it gave this horrible high-pitched screech, and an eerie wisp from nowhere surrounded Kabuto, who’s screeching became higher and higher. Then a bright light enveloped Kabuto and to my surprise it started to grow, changing before my eyes, it stood on two feet, it had two huge sickles and after about five seconds, Kabuto was no more. It was now the huge Kabutops! I was amazed, after one battle yesterday, it evolved, and perhaps it had been harnessing its ancient power or something. Or maybe it had been trying to impress that girl.

    “Kaaaaa!” Shrieked Kabutops in a cockatoo like manner, while raising its scythes menacingly.

    “Wow” mouthed the girl… “I’ll be going. See you soon Andrew”

    “Wait! How did you know my name?” I asked, confused.

    “You’ll see soon enough” she said and walked off.

    I congratulated and recalled Kabutops, which looked awfully sad that even after evolving, the girl hadn’t taken notice of him. I thanked and recalled Staryu too, before heading to the stall.

    When I got back I found the stall and showed Phil my newly evolved Pokemon and he was impressed by it, if not a little scared by it. I was a bit scared of Kabutops too, with those sickles he could be in the next teen horror movie.

    Elekid, Cyndaquil, Mr. Mime, Charizard and Staryu all helped on the stall, and by about 3:30 in the arvo, we had sold almost every egg. Except for two I had held onto just for Phil. I had now gotten a small nest-egg from all the money from the sale of the eggs. I was loaded with cash! Score!

    I surprised Phil who was sitting back and relaxing on a bench near our stall. The entrepreneur inside of him must have worn him out.

    “We sold them all Andrew. Phew. I’m tired. I hope all those Pokemon which hatch have good homes.” He pondered

    “Ah, they should. Ede Town is fairly community orientated. According to this brochure it is. Uh… Phil. I have something for you” I said while motioning to Charizard who brought over two eggs, one about as big as a shoebox and the other the size of a backpack.

    I handed them to Phil. “This is an Abra and a Snorlax” I hope they can fill the void that ‘Association’ took away from you.

    Phil smiled and turned back to me. “Thanks Andrew” he said cradling his new eggs.

    I was happy that I had brought some happiness back to Phil. Then I realized that he still hadn’t told me what had happened at Carly’s! “Hey Phil, you still haven’t told me what happened with Carly!” I demanded!

    “Tomorrow Andrew, Tomorrow” he said yet again

    I was getting annoyed with that answer. If not tomorrow, I will kill him.

  21. #21
    Super Moderator
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Rightio, old chap, keep those chapters coming, they're spiffy indeed!

    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  22. #22
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Zee Pain!

    Gavin Luper: Why thank you for replying ^^ Its nice to see some people appreciating revamps! Here's another for ya!

    Electric Buggy To Victory!
    Chapter 11
    Bikies, Pashing And Electric Buggies!

    Now that I had a cool Kabutops, Staryu, Elekid, Cyndaquil and my faithful Mr. Mime I decided it was time to leave the quaint hideaway called Ede Town. As Phil said his goodbye to Carly who was now starting research on Sunkern and Sunflora and the effects of Solar Stones on Pokemon. Phil’s Snorlax and Abra eggs had hatched and he was extremely happy.

    She already was already set up and was writing up her hypothesis. Phil had spent a few nights there helping her with research, I’m pretty sure it was more along the lines of human anatomy, but I couldn’t be sure! Carly gave Phil a kiss on the cheek and they I turned around and released Mr. Mime so he could see what Carly and Phil were doing but so I wouldn’t be caught watching. I heard a soft squelching noise, like when you step in mud before “MIIIIIIII!!!!” Mr. Mime gave a shriek and ran over to the lovers, who were pashing. He wrenched them apart and slapped Phil across the face leaving a red welt across his cheek, which was already smeared with lipstick.

    “Woah.” Phil stared at Carly for a while.

    “See ya soon Phil” said Carly sweetly before motioning to her lips which Phil did the same and realized he had lipstick over them.

    He had a silly grin and gave her a hug before saying goodbye.

    “Phil, isn’t one goodbye enough” I asked him as we walked to the Golf Shop, ready to buy an electric buggy with my new funds.

    “Hell, I could go for another goodbye now” He said and ran back to Carly picked her up and twirled her around while pashing her.

    I gave a sigh… I’d had one girlfriend before… But well it didn’t work out and Mum and Jess gave me hell about her. Well she was a nice enough girl, Sarah was her name, but well she was fun and cool and all, and we had heaps in common, but all she ever seemed to do was… whinge…

    Mr. Mime gave another cry and went off to stop them but I grabbed his arm so we just stood there looking at Phil and Carly. It really took away my good clean image of them both. It’s amazing how one little action gives you a different insight into a person.

    Phil eventually came back, along with a mouthful of some-one else’s saliva and lipstick.

    I tapped my watch to signal that we should be leaving for the golf shop now. Phil came back towards Mr. Mime and I. “Have you said your last goodbye Phil!?” I asked with a tinge of annoyance in my voice.

    He put on a sly look and turned back towards Carly. He turned around and was about to run back to her, but I motioned to my faithful Mime, he stood in front of Phil and used Light Screen to which Phil ran into and smashed his head with a sickening, or entertaining crack. I guess I was one of those sick people who watched the Funniest Home Video Show, which was REALLY called – World’s Best Crotch Injuries.

    I waived to Carly as did Mr. Mime and we laughed at Phil as he trailed behind me, split lip due to running into the Light Screen. His ego was more seriously damaged than his mouth. It’d heal.

    Now I went to the Golf Store, shut up the sales rep with a “I’ll take it” while pointing at the buggy and half an hour later I was a few grand lighter but now with a golf buggy, insured and heading to the Computer Store. If I was going to be on the road for months, possibly years I did want something else but Phil and my Pokemon for conversation.

    I loved walking into the PC store, grabbing the best Laptop I could find, some games and a Digital Camera. I strode up to the counter, the young man with a goatee was still rubbing his eyes because it was so early but was quickly woken up by me going up to the counter and saying, “I’ll take these”.

    The man quickly nodded and I gave him my Plastic Card, swiped it and gave him about five thousand dollars. By now I was seriously ready to go, but I still needed to grab some food for the road, Phil and I split the bill and we were finally ready to go on either the travelers track or the highway with my new wheels.

    I decided to ring my mum, after my last call I was concerned with her well being as she worked in a Detention Center, but yet again my lovely sister answered.

    “Andrew, oh! You’re the best!” She sucked up to me with cunning deep in her voice.

    “Oh, I try Jessica, how are you going? And how’s Squirtle and Smeargle and the rest of the Pokemon you’ve got?”

    “Oh they’re the best! Smeargle is like so cool! He can do this helicoptery thingy, and hover by twirling his tail! Guess what!” I should have known that Smeargle was better than I thought it was… but it was too late now…

    “What” I asked in a bored tone

    “My Igglybuff and Cleffa evolved! They’re now Jigglypuff and Clefairy! They’re even cuter. They evolved after a battle at school I had against Jamie, you know my friend, she used a Cubone! Oh and I joined a school thing where we train our Pokemon after school and every Friday we have battles against other schools!”

    “Did you win” I was now getting interested. My sister had more Pokemon than me and now she seemed that she was going to probably beat me in a battle.

    “Oh yeah, it was easy, my Vulpix, Chikorita and Seel beat them really easily and Eevee is getting really strong too and Clefairy and Jigglypuff are my most powerful. But Smoochum is kinda weak” she continued

    “Why don’t you try training it up by using the weights set down stairs and the punching bag and them make some targets up and get it to focus it’s attacks on them, or like um, take them to some Tai Bo or some Aerobics or something” I suggested

    “Oh… I should tell you something Andrew…” trailed off Jessica

    “What!?” I asked annoyed

    “Well… your room is now housing my Pokemon, they’re all got their own little beds so… you won’t mind right… its not like they broke much…except well your N64 your Game Boy and a few other things. But lets not dwell on that. Now back to me! Now Chikorita is just so cute! I lo-”

    I hung up.

    “brat…” I muttered under my breath…

    “What was that” asked Phil, “All’s not well in the Hall family?” he asked sarcastically

    I punched him on the arm before getting in the buggy, and accelerating away on the travelers’ track

    Phil ran alongside the Buggy before jumping on the back, it could hold 4 people and two sets of golf clubs. Not that I played golf, but I had played before in Physical Education. In fact it hurt my back big time but that was because I was playing with substandard clubs and the putter was the only thing I could use because it was long enough. I whupped most people, still with a putter and came third, not too bad for a first timer I remembered back to my school days.

    I let Phil drive for a while as I continued to set up my Laptop, install the Sims and connect to the Internet via my mobile phone. I checked my Hotmail Inbox… 184 new messages! I didn’t dare look at the junk mail folder, I just emptied it, it was probably full of porn emails, or some emails saying that I needed a credit card or that I’ve won some “free prize”. I started to play the Sims, it was intriguing, buying furniture controlling people and before I knew it the battery pack was low, so I turned it off for the day, I’d get Elekid to recharge it later. He could be my little battery pack if I should be so evil.

    Phil drove us to a camping spot and we decided to make some Beef Stir-Fry, we cooked the rice made it all and had our dinner together. We gave some to Phil’s ravenous Baby Snorlax and sleepy Abra as well as my Elekid, Mr. Mime who used a knife and fork; Cyndaquil and Kabutops went off and sulked, staring out to the sea. Staryu just stood in front of the fire, in its trance it was eternally in.

    Before long I was in my tent and drifting off to sleep when I heard a low rumbling, getting louder… “Bikies!” I yelled out to Phil in the next tent. I’d heard stories from Cheryl about Bikies stealing anything of value from travelers on the way to Faulkner City; it was named after the old computer programmer who created some old Program or something. I really didn’t give a hoot about him; I was far more concerned about these Bikies.

    I saw a big old Bikie and two younger teens behind him, their Motorbikes making an awful noise. “Go Graveller!” I heard before I felt the ground move beneath me. I grabbed the keys to my Buggy and my new laptop and stepped outside my tent, as did Phil looking like he missed Carly.

    A big jagged rock burst in front of me “Give us everything of value or we’ll crush you” came a growl from the big Bikie. I could see family campers handing over their youngest child to him if he told them too. These Bikies were looking like they needed some personal hygiene lessons, they wore leather and had HEAPS of tattoos and the little kid even had a tattoo on his chest!

    I was annoyed; this jerk had stopped my sleep, scared me and was now demanding my new spoils. I didn’t think so! I reached down to grab my Pokeballs but noticed I left them in the tent. I quickly ducked in there and grabbed a few and threw them out, Cyndaquil, Mr. Mime and Staryu came out.

    “Come on Staryu and Mr. Mime, get him!” I yelled, I was ready to punch this guy given the chance.

    Phil threw out his Pokeball and a small little Snorlax appeared “Snorlax”, came a little cry, as if it had inhaled helium. It was quite funny really, to see it, I wonder if there were anorexic Snorlax?

    Staryu flew off towards Graveller and was instantly knocked back by a swipe of its strong arms, and Mr. Mime had erected a Light Screen in front of it, but Graveller curled up, and smashed the screen into tiny shards of glass which fell to the ground around the fire before bowling over Mr. Mime, he clutched his pear-shaped head and fell backwards before picking himself up ready to fight.

    The small Snorlax rumbled up to Graveller and started wrestling with it, and they were dead even. Neither had an advantage over the other, which was great to be honest.

    The Bikie gave a growl, “Come on kids, show em’ what you’ve got”

    With that a kid about 13 with a nose ring, tattoo on his arm, and his ear and eyebrow pierced threw out a Pokeball containing Lickitung and the other which looked like 9 with his lip pierced and shaved head and leather jacket threw out a Nidorino.

    “Attack!” yelled the little pipsqueak. It was quite funny really, until I saw that the Nidorino had a “PRAISE SATAN” on its horn. I couldn’t help but laugh and ducked back into my tent for my other Pokeballs. Kabutops gave a screech as it emerged from that familiar white flash and Elekid gave a yawn, quite sleepy.

    The wrestling between Snorlax and Graveller was dead even, before Staryu gave a spray of water to it’s back, making some of it’s scales fall off of it’s body, wet mud. Graveller turned around and punched Staryu’s core fracturing it and sending Staryu into the fire.

    “Recover Staryu!” I yelled before returning it and turning towards the Lickitung and Nidorino, which were sizing up Kabutops and Elekid.

    Snorlax grabbed Graveller from behind and held it in a steely grip, which Graveller couldn’t escape.

    Cyndaquil had been hiding behind the fire, camouflaged, but now leapt forward and blasted its eyes with a flamethrower, Graveller used its two free arms to smack Cyndaquil away, sending the poor thing flying. I recalled it as it sailed through the air.

    Turning to Mr. Mime I said, “Use Metronome!”

    Mr. Mime grabbed his head and concentrated, his eyes opened with renewed vigor and leapt eight feet in the air with his elfish foot raised and careened towards the Graveller, which struck it dead between the eyes with a Mega Kick, finally defeating it. The big Bikie returned his Pokemon and yelled some abuse at us. “Loser” I thought to myself, if Jess were here, she’d tell him off.

    I was seriously pissed, these losers had hurt two of my Pokemon and they wanted my worldly possessions. I don’t think I’d give up my shiny new laptop, Electric Buggy OR mobile phone or walkman to these freaks.

    Phil returned his tired little Snorlax, which did a weird little belly dance, I looked weirdly at Phil who shrugged and said, “I only let it watch TV once, and she watched I Dream of Jeannie”. And with that threw out Abra.

    I turned my attention back towards the battle, which was now a three on two.

    The Nidorino lunged towards Abra, whose eyes flashed for a moment, before reappearing behind Nidorino. Elekid gave it a Thunder-shock from behind and it turned around in fury to face Abra, which was chuckling to itself, quite happy with its trickery.

    Lickitung lunged at Kabutops and tried wrapping its tongue around Kabutops’s scythe, which resulted in a large gash, and it ran off back to its trainer wailing. “Get away you retard!” Yelled the little kid and belted the Lickitung over the head with a Baseball Bat.

    The Lickitung ran off towards the beach sobbing and screaming, leaving a trail of tears, blood and saliva and it continued on for quite a while. It was really quite disturbing, attacking that poor Pink Pokemon.

    The Nidorino was determined to win, and his back leg as paralyzed from the thunder shock and let off a Poison Sting, which involved its spikes on its body to shoot out some tiny, barely recognizable spines, which hit Kabutops’ armored body which did absolutely nothing Kabutops crossed its scythes and shot out a small whitish green bubble, it was an absorb attack! The bubble simply popped on impact leaving Kabutops quite irritated as they ran to each other Kabutops ready for blood raising its Scythes menacingly and Nidorino’s horn began to spin as they headed for one another.

    “Look out Kabutops!” Kabutops simply ignored me being the annoying thing it was and simply continued on, impaling itself onto Nidorino, as its Horn pierced through his exoskeleton, he turned to red energy and was recalled to his Pokeball.

    Elekid was annoyed that all had been woken up from its peaceful sleep to this ruckus with a big “EEELLLLLLEEEEEEEKKKIIIIIIIDDDDDD!!!!!!!!” It screamed out towards the night sky and his whole body was brimming with energy and the next time Nidorino lunged at Abra, Elekid gave a shriek and blasted it with a huge bolt of energy, it’s Thunderbolt attack.

    The Nidorino slumped down, FINALLY defeated. The 13 year old returned it before the turning to his dad and saying “We’d better tell the boss about this Dad” before they roared off into the night their bikes load as ever, but defeated.

    I congratulated my Pokemon before asking Phil to look after them while I took Mr. Mime to look for that poor Lickitung. I could always sell it for some profit, or give it to some rehab center.

    I didn’t have to look far, it was sobbing over the next hill with a trail of blood coming from its long tongue. That’s when I noticed in the moonlight the bruises on it’s back and some needle marks on it’s arms, along with the huge purple bruise on its head and the horrible swelling, looked terrible in the direct moonlight. It didn’t have a tattoo by the looks of it though. Suddenly I felt sorry for the Pokemon and wanted to take care of it, so I thought that Mr. Mime should go and talk to Lickitung, to find out its feelings on the matter, and to try persuade it to join my team.

    After half an hour Lickitung came up to me with Mr. Mime by its side looking happy, the Lickitung looked sad and abused. “Do you want to come with me Lickitung? Do you want to join the other Pokemon and Phil and me on our journey?”

    Lickitung didn’t really have a choice, it could either:

    a) Go back and try find it’s abusive 9 year old trainer who rejected it
    b) Try and survive in the wild with a wounded tongue
    c) Come with me.

    I put a Pokeball on the ground in front of it. It was a special blue one Jess had given me. I wasn’t sure if she’d painted it or she’d scabbed some cash to buy it, but it looked pretty!

    Lickitung looked at it for a while, considering slavery. It touched the button on the Pokeball, turned into a red silhouette and was sucked inside he Pokeball, I picked it up and returned back to Phil who had fixed up all the Pokemon which had minor injuries. The others would be fixed up tomorrow at a nearby hospital.

    “Guys, meet Lickitung. Be nice to her,” I asked my Pokemon before releasing it.

    Lickitung stood there, facing the others before I saw Mr. Mime levitate Elekid and Cyndaquil over to meet it. They had a little wave and talk before they went back to Staryu and Kabutops which clearly didn’t want anything to do with it.

    Abra was over with Kabutops and Staryu, but Charizard and Snorlax seemed happy to meet her.

    “Lickitung, let’s just get you fixed up OK?” I asked the scared pink Pokemon.

    I motioned towards Phil who came with Tissues, ointment and other medical equipment he had.

    As Lickitung was being fixed up rather reluctantly around the fire there was a distinct drift between those who didn’t like this new addiction and those who did.

    I gave a sigh… I looked at Phil who was trying to look innocent “PHIL! What happened with you and Carly?”

    Phil simply looked at me “Tomorrow Andrew, in the Buggy Ok.”

    I screwed up my face and looked at the fire, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. My god he was leading me on something chronic!

  23. #23
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    YAY! WOOHOO! New chapter! Like, totally cool, like like yeah. Like YEAH.

    Cool, he has Lickitung now. Can't wait til the youknowwhat chapters though, since they are cool. But any chapters from here on get even better!

    Cheers! Can't wait for chappie 12!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  24. #24
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    *kicks herself and reminds herself to check on the fanfic topics more often*

    Lickitung is keeeeeeewl...

    And its trainer is eviiiiiiil. Nose ring and tattoos at the age of nine O_oUUUUU

    Kid's these days....tsk tsk tsk..*gets booted out through the door*

    Voice: Well, sorry, she's feeling funny today and feeling overly mature and yadda yadda yadda...We're not letting her back in until she's happy and hyper again.

    Me: *pounds on heavy wooden door* Lemme iiiiin! I'm happy and hyper now!!!! *lets out a false, evil laugh*

    Voice: Nu-uh...not letting you in.

    Me: *sobs* What have I done *sniff* to *choke* deserve it....

    *notices the stares*
    Oh yeah... continue writing...mua wants the next chapter.

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  25. #25
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    OMG...this...this is like the best story that I've read here at Tpm!

    you got to keep posting chapters..

  26. #26
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Yay! it has been ages since i was here, because SOMEONE tampered with my thing on here...(wont let me type a c c o u n t)Good chapters...i really like the Jess perspective, so...revised ^^;

    However, A Boy And His Bear i have almost abandoned. I just don't think i have time to re-do nearly all the chapters...FRTC is going well, but it'll reach about 67 chapters in total

    keep it up Oz!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  27. #27

    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Buggy! ^_^

    Cool OZ, me like Damn, Andrew made enough money to buy all that stuff selling eggs? 0_0

  28. #28
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Well, there were lots of eggs to sell I suppose, Chiko.

    C'mon, Oz, next chapter needed!!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  29. #29
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default 7 School Days Left EVER!

    Gavin Luper: Yes its really a turning point from here on in, isn't it and I just love Lickitung! Its so cool! And misunderstood too

    Hyperness Is A Good Thing: Thanks for reading, and you know the kids of today, nose rings, tatoos, they're out of control!

    Celebi Power: Oh thank you ^^ That's very nice of you, I hope you continue to read and hopefully you can tell me why you like it so much ^^;

    Kleckeon: It has been ages! Welcome back! And yes this IS VERY Revised! Thanks for reading! Glad you liked the Jess Perspective!

    Shadow Relm: Well Shadow Relm, do you know how expensive some animals are to buy! Some dogs cost like more than a grand! Just for a puppy! So I'm thinking he DID make a heap of cash! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked!

    Gavin Luper Indeedy, and here it is!

    Electric Buggy To Victory!
    Chapter 12
    Porn Databases, Driving and XXX!

    In my cool little buggy, motoring along the next morning after the encounter with the Bikies, and getting a new Pokemon, Lickitung. Lickitung was awfully bruised and had so many purplish tinges and injection sites on its poor body. Trying to get my worrying away from the tongue Pokemon, I decided to give Mr. Mime a bit of a driving lesson. Since he was the only one who looked like he could drive it due to his opposable thumbs, and he basically did look kinda human… That is if he could talk, was taller and didn’t look weird.

    “Ok Mr. Mime this is the Steering Wheel, you use this to control where you go. Ok?” I motioned to the steering wheel and Mr. Mime grabbed it and thrust it sharply to the left.

    Phil who was in the back was sleeping his head off from last night’s encounter, and as soon as Mr. Mime made the turn, he fell off the back of the buggy with a loud thud. Quite satisfying really.

    “What the!” he yelled out, he’d fallen into a bit of mud. He stood up and his clean shirt was covered by the brown stuff.

    I slammed on the breaks, and threw Staryu out behind the buggy. It was still raring to go, except its core was a bit fragile from taking such a hit from the Graveller.

    “Staryu, clean off Phil, will you?” I asked and sped off laughing

    “Andrew! Stop you bas----“ and with that Staryu washed out his mouth. Phil ran towards the buggy, trying to find refuge from Staryu’s water gun. I finally recalled Staryu once Phil got really pathetic and started begging.

    “You know, when I was training, I never acted like you Andrew. I was such a good little Pokemon Trainer, I used the catch phrases and now that I think of it. Being a good little trainer was such a barrier; it hid who I really was. I have to thank you, and congratulate you for being you” Said Phil, out of the blue.

    “What the? What the bloody heck are you talking about? I’m just being me. And if you don’t like it then ping off I guess” I was taken aback from Phil’s attitude of all philosophical. Maybe being away from Carly was doing screwy things to his head. Or maybe it was screwy before.

    “Come on you’re sopping wet mate. Hop in the back and don’t get anything wet. Or perhaps I should get Cyndaquil to dry you off?” I teased

    “No! No! I’ve got a towel in my bag! I’m fine. Really!” and with that Phil jumped on the back of the Buggy and started looking for his towel.

    I laughed for a while with Mr. Mime about that. I taught Mr. Mime for about an hour while we drove. I had an idea. I threw out my Pokeballs as the Buggy was going, and out came my crew, Kabutops, Elekid, Staryu, Cyndaquil and the newest member, Lickitung. I called out to them, “Come on guys, follow the buggy, it’ll improve your fitness!” And to Mr. Mime I whispered, “Go faster”

    Phil looked at me and smiled, he threw out his Snorlax and Abra, and he didn’t throw out Charizard because it was very well trained. The Abra seemed to be a bit of a practical joker, while the little Snorlax was so funny because it was small AND it belly danced! Phil blamed it on letting it watch TV. Hopefully he won’t let Snorlax see Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. I don’t think I could stand a Snorlax that tried to imitate Sarah Michelle Gellar, I shuddered at the very thought of Snorlax trying to fill that role.

    As we sped away off to Faulkner Town Snorlax was trailing, Lickitung was second last then it was Kabutops, Elekid, Cyndaquil and Staryu. Staryu’s core was sparkling in the sun as it followed the buggy with ease. However I couldn’t see Abra, so I asked the Pokemon. They all pointed to on top of the buggy where Abra was sitting peacefully, taunting the other Pokemon.

    As we were getting closer to the town, I noticed a lot more people milling around. I finally remembered to ask Phil about what happened with Carly! “Say Phil, you know that night you slept over and Carly’s. What happened?”

    “Well I was… uh…um…. Helping her with research!” he said hastily

    “Oh yeah, research of the Human Anatomy I bet” I said sarcastically.

    He punched me on the arm before he continued, “No, actually we were out all night trying to find Sunkern for Carly’s research. You know how they wake up first light, we wanted to get them before they woke up”

    “And….” I wanted all the details.

    “Well we then went back to her place and had sex. Happy?” He said and crossed his arms and started sulking.

    I thought to myself, for a former Pokemon Master, he sure is immature. “So what was it like Phil?”

    “Like I’m gonna tell you. Now… hurry up and drive” he pouted and ignored me.

    “Ooh! Someone’s in a bad mood!” I taunted

    “Shut up ok. She’s my girlfriend so leave it at that.” Came the defensive.

    I decided to be sincere then, “So how come you didn’t stay with Carly?”

    “Well I want my Pokemon back. But I’ve got it all planned out, I get back my Pokemon, I go back and propose to her. We have a beach wedding and then we settle down in Ede Town, Carly with her research and I’m going to start a tutorial service for Pokemon. Ok. Now are we there yet?” Phil finished up.

    “Ok, ok…” I said dumbfounded he’d planned his life.

    The buggy came to a sharp stop, Abra on top of the buggy was thrown forward, and the Pokemon behind us laughed. Mr. Mime pointed underneath the buggy so I took a look.

    When I looked underneath the wheels, there was a Dratini! Mr. Mime had driven over a Dratini! The poor thing was all tangled up, I pulled out a Pokeball and pushed it into Dratini’s face, but all that happened was well, I bruised it a bit…

    I cursed when I realized it belonged to someone else. “What the hell happened Andrew?” asked Phil

    “Well we ran over a Dratini,” I said sheepishly. I then began to remember selfish Annie, and how she kinda ran over her Bellsprout.

    “Wow! Really! Catch it Andrew!” he said excitedly

    “I’ve tried, it belongs to someone else” I was really annoyed now. REALLY, one of the most powerful Pokemon and I can’t catch it

    “Oh, pity hey. We better take it to the Pokemon Center in Faulkner City and hand it in” he said. So I reached underneath the Buggy and grabbed Dratini, it rolled limply in my arms, so I put it into an empty canvas bag.

    “Yeah I guess so” so with that, we returned our Pokemon and we drove to the Pokemon Center in Faulkner City. We got weird looks from people in the main street of town. Faulkner City seemed to be quite a skyscraper city, but without the hustle and bustle of a well, active town.

    We finally got to the PokeCentre and once I parked my buggy in the underground parking spot, I remembered, Green G4, Green G4, I kept repeating it over and over so I wouldn’t forget. However the moment we stepped in the Elevator to take us up to the ground floor, I totally forgot.
    “Never mind, I can always find it later…Right?” I thought worriedly

    We walked up to the reception desk, and the woman behind the desk was very surprised when I showed her the Dratini, that we found.

    She directed us to the Lost Pokemon Area. There I had to fill out countless forms, and basically, if it wasn’t claimed within two weeks, it then legally became mine if I wanted it.

    So I handed it over and went to Level 2 of the Center, Health. I finally noticed the annoying talking elevator, which talked in an unbearably nice tone; it ticked me off big time. After not being able to catch Dratini, I was not happy.

    I went up to the desk and handed in my Pokedex to be updated with the Database. I also handed in my Pokeballs, so that my Pokemon could be healed and had to fill in a whole heap of forms about Lickitung, and how it was abandoned ect ect ect. My god it was boring.

    Finally I was about to leave this place of annoying bureaucracy when over the speaker system I heard, “Andrew Hall, Andrew Hall, please report to the Lost Pokemon Department. Andrew Hall”

    I walked over there severely annoyed. “Yes?” I asked in a curt tone

    “Well, hi, I’m the owner of the Dratini you found, I’m Victoria Adams” said the woman, about 25 and looking stunning in her business attire

    “Yeah, I guess its yours” I said sadly, I wanted the Dratini

    “Well yes, it is, but where did you find it?” she asked

    I panicked, “Uh… I found it on the scenic route to Faulkner Town, some jerk had driven over it!” I said quickly and nervously. Phil kicked me in the leg and grinned sweetly.

    “Oh, what scum!” she said annoyed, “If it weren’t for good people like you, I would have never seen my Dratini again!”

    “Well yeah, um. I guess I better be going then” I said, I seriously didn’t want to get caught out by this businesswoman, for all I knew, she was a lawyer and then I’d be screwed.

    “No, wait I have to repay you for finding my Dratini!” she said grabbing me on the arm, and her chestnut hair swishing behind her.
    “Oh, whatever” I said and started to walk off

    “I want to trade with you!” and with those words, I swiftly turned around and smiled.

    “Of course, what for what?” I asked

    “Well I asked that man back there what you had, and he said according to the forms, you have a Kabutops that I’m interested in” she said, shaking her auburn hair.

    “And what would you trade me?” I quizzed. Hopefully it was the Dratini!

    “Well I have a Dragonair, it’s attracted to Male Pheromones, I can’t stand it anymore” She sighed.

    I snickered, “Well I have a Kabutops that’s attracted to Female Pheromones. I think we have our answer”

    “Oh good, I’ve heard about them, they’re supposed to be strong and nasty looking, plus quite rare and powerful” she complemented.

    “Yes… that’s right, now what do we do now?” I asked

    “Well we go to the machine over there, and we put in the Pokeballs and our Pokedexes, it updates all the info and we get the Pokemon officially traded” she said smiling

    “But we should swap phone numbers so if we ever need to trade back we can” She suggested

    “Uh.. Ok” I dumbly said and recorded the number in my phone.

    “Where did you get the Dragonair?” I asked, interested where a businesswoman would get two dragons.

    “Oh, my Foster Father owned a fishing trawler and he pulled them in one day” she finished up.

    And with that we went over to the simple device that looked like a drink dispenser. It was about as tall as myself, and had two touchscreens next to each other. I decided to say one last goodbye to Kabutops, throwing its Pokeball to the tiled floor, the familiar flash of white light signaled its emergance.

    “Kaaaabuuttoppps!” it screeched

    “Um, well Kabutops, I’ve decided to trade you to this nice woman here who would take great care of you and I want you to be nice to her. OK? And well… we never really got on well, but can we be friends?” I felt sad at losing Kabutops, yet ecstatic at getting a Dragonair!

    Kabutops didn’t seem to be interested in myself, only in Victoria, which was... disappointing to say the least. I dejectedly recalled him and placed him into a slot in the machine.

    Going through the machine’s prompts I was soon rewarded with a Pokeball containing a blue legendary Dragonair. Yay me!

    Back in the lobby, I was starting to get anxious about my next gym battle, “So Phil, what’s the gym Leader’s name?” I asked my resident Mr Know it all

    “His name is Geoff, and he’s a real techno buff. He’s pretty crafty too. He also apparently runs an online porn database. Makes a mint off of it too! ” Phil said wistfully.

    “Um… Phil.. How do you know about all his Porn?”

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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    lol, porn databases. I know that had to be part of the revised chapter *looks around* Yes, I know I haven't posted here in a long time. I'm one of the closet people. I still faithfully read this though, despite the fact that I've read it about 2 times before. I like the chapters more and more. Gotta hurry up with the LTL and EBTV interactions. I believe you guys left off at Chapter 2 in that saga

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    lol, this was a funny chapter.

    Why I like this fanfic so much?

    because it has a very good plot, plus you describe things good. But what makes this better than all the others is because it's in present time.

  32. #32

    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Yaaaay, more more more Glad Phil finally admitted it...

    Tsk, tsk, a laptop, a buggy and now a Dragonair! You'll have that boy spoiled, OZ!

  33. #33
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    A dragonair? He seems to be extremely lucky....

    XDXD I like the part about Mr Mime learning how to drive...XDXD

    An online porn database...interesting.....

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  34. #34
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Hey Oz! Great to see this going well. We REALLY need to start work though, no backing out. Next time you're on MSN, we begin, OK?

    I haven't been on for a week which is why my reply is so delayed, but this is as good as ever and can't wait for the youknowwhat!

    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  35. #35
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    nice chapter! if i remember rightly, i had a right old rant about the third gym badge, cos it looks like [spoiler]. Maybe its changed? who knows....anyway, i also remember Andrew running over the Dragonair, but its eems you've changed it

    Keep it up!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  36. #36
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Hee, school's almost over!

    Well I'm going on Schoolies week soon! I'm almost finished school... High School... FOREVER YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! So I'll work something out... So YAAYYYYY and um, I'm doing final exams too... Thanks for reading everyone!

    The Missing Link A closet person eh! Thanks for reading, and its nice that you decided to reply! Thanks for doing so, and don't worry Gavin and I are working on the Crossover, so it'll be up as soon as possible! Please reply again!

    Celebi Power Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading this and I hope you will in the future!

    Shadow Relm Yay, glad you enjoyed! And spoiled! I don't think so, besides, not everything is as it seems in EBTV!

    Hyperness is a Good Thing Well Dragonair isn't what it seems, you'll find out in good time... And Mr Mime won't be the only driver in EBTV! We'll see various drivers at the wheel at times! More porn info ahoy!

    Gavin Luper Thanks for reading! And yes... work... right...

    Shiny Marril A rant? Where!? And Andrew never ran over Dragonair, always a Dratini, hee, and then he got an upgraded one instead! Thanks for hearing!

    Electric Buggy To Victory
    Chapter 13 - PORN PORN PORN!
    By OzAndrew

    As I as admiring my brand new Dragonair, which was fawning over me with its long slender blue body, I was forced to return it after it finally became too annoying. Instead I released Lickitung and Mr. Mime, Lickitung needed some care and attention after its abusive past, and talking to Mr. Mime as a sort of a Therapist helped Lickitung out quite a bit.

    So I left Mr. Mime and Lickitung in the room of the Pokemon Centre in Faulkner City, and decided to go and do some sightseeing, I found some nice presents to send home for Mum and Jessica, and I wrote them a postcard. After that I sent out a mass e-mail to all my friends back at school, gloating over my past 2 Gym Victories.

    So as I looked around this business-minded town, it didn’t seem to be too lively, and almost everyone was in a business suit, I felt terribly underdressed in just my casual clothes I felt like going and buying a suit.

    I met back up with Phil who had been busy calling Carly on the phone for about 2 hours. He was pleased with himself, but I had the upcoming Gym on my mind, so I decided to ask Phil about when he passed through here like seven years ago when he was on his own Pokemon Adventure.

    “You know Phil, what type of Pokemon do I have to battle here?” I asked Phil

    “Well actually I heard that all the gyms now are trying to diversify their types because element gyms are SO predictable, and this gym was a normal type gym to my last knowledge, but now all gyms have a theme so to say” said Phil gingerly

    “So they’re changing from basic element of Normal to some theme that I don’t have a bloody clue on!” I raged

    “Well I know the Theme of this gym, if that’s any consolation?” Phil said while backing away

    “Well what the BLOODY hell is it then!” I yelled, furiously, I looked around to see the lawyers closing in, if there was a fight a court case could be at hand which meant to them – Cash.

    “It’s actually called a Techno Gym now, so if you work out what type of Pokemon are good with computers, like Porygon, they you’re fine” he said ever so politely

    I simmered down a bit, “Ok, so I need to work out what Pokemon are related to computers, well Porygon is one for sure, and electric Pokemon are also computer related, so there’s no surprises there. So it’ll basically be a Normal and Electric Gym?” I deducted

    “I wouldn’t be too sure if I was you, gym leaders these days are sick of losing and some have a few tricks up their sleeves, so be careful” warned Phil

    So I went back to the Pokemon Centre and grabbed Lickitung and Mr. Mime from their therapy session and heading off to the Gym. However the man at the door wouldn’t let me in, and pointed to a sign on the gym wall, suit and tie must be worn for gentlemen and women must wear a business suit. I was pretty annoyed at that, I had to go and buy a suit and tie for this snobby gym leader!

    I stormed back to the city, my temper about and got quite a nice suit actually with some of the cash I got from selling the Pokemon Eggs in Ede Town. After about an hour I went back to the Gym, it was a tall building with neon lights on the outside of the gym saying “Techno Gym” and below that was a small sign: Computers Repair Shop.

    So this tacky looking gym was also a Computer repair shop. I walked inside, now allowed by the man at the door and fidgeted with my tie, I was nervous and the tie wasn’t helping.

    I walked over to the receptionist’s desk; she was quite pleasant and directed us towards a grand battling arena where the gym leader would be. We walked through the elegant doorway, Phil and I, expecting the battle arena to be some type of palace, except the red carpet stopped at the end of the hallway. From there the ground was dirt covered, and it messed up the bottom of my new trousers, the battle arena was covered in electrical cables and little computer trinkets here and there, and at the end of this gloomy techno palace was a man in his early 50’s typing away at a computer.

    “Uh, hello? I’m Andrew and I’d like a gym battle,” I asked gingerly

    “Yes, well we’d all like something wouldn’t me” came the sharp reply; he didn’t even look up from the Pc as we stood there.

    “Well excuse me! Can I have a gym battle please?” I asked curtly

    “Don’t speak to me in that tone, ask again” he said, his glasses still glue to the PC screen, the gloom around us only broken by the PC screens up the back of the arena.

    “Excuse me sir, can I please have a gym battle,” I asked in my most polite tone

    “Of course! 5 on 5 it will be, take your place please, and all the usual gym rules will apply” A newfound energy flowed through his body, he stood up and his hideous green and purple jumper, tracky dacks and bare feet now visible.

    “What a jerk and slob” I whispered to Phil

    “Well he wasn’t such as slob before, I don’t think so. Wait a minute. Yes, he was a slob back then” whispered Phil back

    I rolled my eyes

    “Ok, I’m Geoff, gym leader here if you haven’t noticed and lets start this battle! Go Porygon!”

    And with that a Pokeball landed somewhere on the gloomy arena covered in wires. Before the Pokeball opened and the light that emerged illuminated the area around it, before it took the shape of a weird Porygon, the symmetrical and pastel Pokemon made a synthetic sound, “Pory. Gon”, and it hovered about 10 centimetres above the ground was the most impressive thing.

    I made up my choice, “Go! Lickitung!” and I threw out a Pokeball, which in a flash of light transformed into a pink being with beady eyes and an excessively long tongue.

    “Porygon, use your Conversion!” and with that Porygon’s bright pastels, turned a dull grey, obviously converting to the rock type, making it almost immune to Normal Attacks, but I had a plan.

    “Lickitung! Use supersonic” Lickitung opened its mouth and apparently did nothing, but in reality it was emitting high pitched sounds which could not be easily detected by human ears which were confusing Porygon.

    “Porygon, use Agility and try evade whatever it tries to attack you with,” Yelled this horrid slob with no fashion sense, and I’m sure Jess would have told him off for sure. I grinned thinking of her, but turned my attention back to the battle.

    “Lickitung, use Lick!” Lickitung was firmly in place and its tongue shot out as quick as a whip and it slapped Porygon with a sticky goo which covered its tongue, Porygon still confused, looked straight down, not knowing up from down, due to supersonic and barged directly into the ground using Agility, its rocky body not getting damaged, but stuck.

    Porygon began to reverse out of its hole, but as it did, there was a beeping sound coming from it, as a truck does when its reversing, but the gooey saliva had now seeped through Porygon’s rocky crust and into its circuitry, paralysing it. It was now stuck halfway in the ground and beeping.

    “Lickitung, use Stomp and keep it in the hole!” the Pink Pokemon surprisingly jumped around the vine like cables with ease and jumped about 7 feet in the air, before landing heavily on Porygon, embedding it within the earth, only a tiny bit of it was visible now.

    “Porygon return” said Geoff sadly, and with a red glow illuminating Porygon, it was returned to its Pokeball. “Go Aipom!” I was expecting Geoff to throw out a Pokeball containing the little purple monkey, but instead I saw a typing money on a laptop behind Geoff’s desk. It was surfing the net from the look of it, and on the computer screen it said – XXXX PORN PORN PORN! HOT PORN PORN!

    “So its techno element is to be a porno monkey?” I snorted

    Geoff just squinted as he saw his monkey’s already wide eyes, open further with every rude picture.

    Phil said to me “That’s its techno element, it can use computers really well, and due to that, its dexterity is very good by the looks of it”

    “Great work Lickitung!” I yelled heaps more praise because Lickitung was still a bit introverted after its abusive trainer.

    The Purple money bounded onto the arena, and faced off against Lickitung. I didn’t really want Lickitung touching Aipom… after all, who knows where its been or what its touched… I shuddered at the thought of Aipom being Geoff’s butt monkey…

    “Aipom! Use Agility!” yelled Geoff, his grey hair was quite long and greasy, and it had probably been years since he’d had a proper clean. And his t-shirt read – 733T HAX0R. What a loser.

    The purple monkey with an extra hand quickly bounded around the arena at a blinding speed with nothing more than a purple blur around the Pink Lickitung.

    “Lickitung, wrap it!” Lickitung waited for Aipom to come in front of it and it speedily shot out its tongue and ensnared the monkey, wrapping it tightly. However its extra hand was still unbound.

    “Aipom! Use Screech!” said Geoff.

    ”Lickitung, slam it down!” I countered

    With the two commands ordered, Aipom let out a terrible screech, making Lickitung more vulnerable to Physical attacks, as Screech made the Pokemon’s rigid stance turn to jelly. However Lickitung raised its tongue high and slammed it down severely injuring Aipom, however the monkey wasn’t out.

    “Aipom use Dynamic Punch!” yelled Geoff

    But before I had a chance to react, the purple monkey’s three hands glowed a bright white before punching Lickitung and sending it reeling across the stadium. Lickitung struggled to get up, and consequently fainted. “Lickitung, return”

    I still had an advantage at this point, and I decided to use a Pokemon that had a little speed up him, Elekid.

    “Go Elekid!” I threw out my Yellow Pokemon with a Black Bolt across its chest and a plug for a forehead, and it gave a big “ELLE!”

    “Elekid, use Quick Attack and Thunder-Punch on Aipom”, I was sure Elekid could do it because it had beaten an Aipom before.

    The purple simian gave out a surprised shriek before Elekid nailed it from behind with a glowing fist of fury and a cackle of happiness.

    “Aipom return, Go WebCrawler” And with that Geoff threw out a Pokeball before a huge spider appeared in a flash, it was called Ariados. What a cheap trainer, using a Pokemon that just happened to be the mascot of a search engine.

    Elekid gave a scared squeak before hiding in amongst the cables, “Elekid, use Thunderbolt!” If I were right, the wires would carry Elekid’s electric current and electrocute the huge arachnid. But the flash of light would also reveal Elekid’s hiding spot.

    Elekid stayed silent but a huge golden flash was seen under a pile of wires, before a split second later, the Ariados was howling in pain before it turned towards Elekid’s hiding spot for revenge.

    “Elekid, Quick Attack to get away!” I tried desperately, as he ran.

    “Don’t let it escape, use Spider Web!” came the nerd’s cry.

    Elekid became a blur of yellow as it streaked across the arena, only to be shot with a glob of sticky white goo, which enveloped Elekid and rendered it harmless.

    “Ariados use Leech Life” he cackled.

    Elekid was lying face up calling for help when the huge spider descended on its prey, ready to feast. Elekid gave a scream when Ariados opened its huge jaws, full with fangs.

    “Return Elekid” and with a flash of red energy Elekid was returned to his Pokeball, out of the battle and Ariados chowed down on its own web.

    Ariados gave an enraged hiss, as I threw out my next Pokemon, Cyndaquil

    “Cyndaquil! Use Flamethrower!” and with that Cyndaquil’s flames on its back came forth in a tremendous amount of heat and burned, not only Ariados, but all the cables around it, the plastic melting and becoming a dangerous hazard.

    Ariados, was burnt to a brittle shell, its once bright colours now black. It gave a hiss and released a flurry of sharp needles at Cyndaquil; some of the sharp darts hit her and released poison into her tiny body. With Ariados’s last use of energy, it collapsed.

    Teetering around Cyndaquil was feeling woozy against her next opponent, a Magneton.

    “Magneton, use Sonic Boom” Yelled Geoff

    “Cyndaquil, use flame wheel to counter it!”

    Magneton’s three piece body, detached from one another and they glowed grey for a moment, before re-forming, and a mini-tornado of electric energy was being created and ready to launch against Cyndaquil

    However as the Sonic Boom came rushing towards Cyndaquil, she used the flames on her back to create a tornado of fire, which she launched at Magneton.

    As the Electric Tornado met the Flame Tornado, the flame overtook the static force and the immense heat blasted the metallic Magneton, making its Steel coating soft, malleable and dripping some of its metal onto the floor.

    “Porn Attracter!” It cried out. “Porn Attracter, use Zap Cannon!” Cried Geoff

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW my mind screamed at me. What a dirty old man. His porn database so HAD to be true after this. My goodness, I’d report him to the police for um… pornographic material and get this dirty, dirty man locked away after this battle.

    “Cyndaquil, Quick Attack and Fire Spike” I commanded, I ALMOST had this battle won!

    As the little mouse became a cream and red blur, it moved slower than usual due to the poison it its system, none the less, it got to Magneton, which was forming an orb of Electricity, to which Cyndaquil made the fire on its back solidify and become a white-hot spike of fire which it planted into the top of the Magneton.

    However as Cyndaquil knocked out the metal Pokemon, it relinquished control of its Zap Cannon, half formed yet still dangerous it let it go, blasting Cyndaquil across the arena and making her faint.

    Geoff had one left and I had 2, it was looking good for me as Geoff motioned to his PC stockpile, from which a Mankey came, it’s eyes looked wild and it had a Mouse in its paw. Its seemed this little money was also PC addicted. No doubt Porn addicted too. What was it with this man and Porn!?

    Geoff said in a tired tone, “Mankey, get them”

    I threw out my final Pokeball; confident I could beat this Pokemon, and released Mr. Mime.

    “Mi!” Came Mr. Mime’s happy cry.

    “Mr. Mime use Metronome” I decided, Metronome can always be fun, and especially if you have a type advantage!

    Mr. Mime put his hands on his pear-shaped head to concentrate and he closed his eyes, then a split second later he opened then in a blinding white flash. Mankey, who was trying to get to the Mime, was trying to avoid the burnt, hot wires but getting ensnared while it was doing so.

    Mr Mime focused his hands together, as if doing Tai Chi or something and a brilliant beam of blue came out, and hit the unsuspecting Mankey who was still trapped in the wires. The blue beam, presumably Ice Beam froze its foot, in an ever-expanding block of ice, by the time Geoff had returned Mankey it was covered in ice up to its pig nose.

    “Ok, you win Andrew. Nice suit by the way” said a smug Gym Leader

    “Hey! Why don’t you let people in here unless they wear a suit anyway?” I asked

    Geoff replied while handing over a badge, which looked like the face of a grinning Bill Gates, “Well actually, I just like people to look classy.”

    I decided not to ask about his Porn database, I’d probably be thrown out without a badge if I did, after this great battle too! Looking at this fifty-something techno slob and just smiled. I left the gym and went back to the Pokemon Centre with Phil and my new badge. I’d have to disinfect it though, who knows where it had been!

    Ok, the badge was VERY weird, but then again Bill Gates is the god of nerds, and I did have a new suit. And I looked over at Phil, he seemed to have a brochure saying – XXXX PORN, he must’ve picked it up at the Gym… Ew. However the disgust was wiped off my face when I saw my Aunty Maureen waiting for me at the Pokemon Centre.

    “Andrew, something’s happened to your Mum” she said gravely.

  37. #37

    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Erm....that boy ain't right!

    Finally, a new chapter! Lol, funny and although the description was good it did seem to go by awfully quickly. Btw my own fic is back OZ, be sure to stop by again! (I do so enjoy using your fic as a shameless plug for my own )

    Btw, why aren't you on MSN?


  38. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    It took a while to read all of this, but it was worth it... I was dissappointed that we didn't get to see Dragonair in action though =(. Still, nice cliffhanger ending, I hope this means it won't be to long before the next chapter though!

  39. #39
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    Niiiiiiiice...I like the slob...hehe...

    o_O...Pokemon like porn sites? Waaaaaah.

    What happened to his mum? Jessica for a while...*waits*

    I wonder why I like her so much..must be because her attitude is somewhat similar to someone I know...*laughs*

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  40. #40
    Master Trainer
    Master Trainer

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    Default Electric Buggy To Victory (Updated NEW CHAPTER! May '05)

    nice chapter, but i cant see most of it due to 'undesirable content'. I see Aipom get off the pc...then thats it. Nevermind, i guess the admins dont like p o r n. Meh, what can you do?

    Good, good. My fic is up, a good excuse to advertise here . Shadow Realm is right, you're never on MSN!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


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