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Thread: The Daily News

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  1. #11
    why wub woo Moderator
    Heald's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Daily News

    Lottery winning rapist could be sued; feminists with sandy vaginas update their blogs in celebration

    If you don't want to read the whole story, here it is in brief:

    - Man sexually assaulted a few women, got a life sentence.
    - Man won Ł7 million (about $14 million) while on day release (and was allowed to keep it, as per UK law)
    - Man was released from prison (life sentence meaning 7 years in an open prison...okay...)
    - Victim wants to sue him (despite being outside the 6 year claimant period) but claims it isn't 'about the money', so would obviously donate all of the proceeds of any lawsuit to a rape charity (of course, this will never happen).
    - UK law lords originally uphold decision that she can't sue, then change mind when tabloids whine about it.
    - Now victim could possibly sue rapist in order to pay for the de-sanding of her vagina.

    Of course, if she does successfully sue a man who has already served his conviction of a crime, then it proves the prison system is bullshit. Officials always claim that prisons are there to rehabilitate as well as lock up dangerous individuals, so obviously someone who has completed his sentence should be regarded as a free man. Allowing people to keep suing criminals after they've completed their sentences is, frankly, bullshit. If you have served your time, you deserve a fresh leaf (obviously taking into account your past crimes, for example, sex offenders obviously not allowed to work in schools). If I was that guy and about to be sued, I'd just piss all the money away so then no one gets to benefit from it. If criminals can't start anew, you might as well line up everyone who's in prison and shoot them in the head, since it proves jail is bullshit.
    Last edited by Heald; 30th January 2008 at 03:25 PM. Reason: it isn't rape if you buy them dinner first
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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