Let's rumble!


6 on 6 basics only please

DQ none

I send you attack

Arena: The Cheese Planetoid

A Planetoid the size of a small moon/comet which is made up entirely of many types of Cheese, for the most part its Crust made up of hard Cheese, the Planetoid can be melted in to a molten state, if that happens a bunch of Voltorb and Electrode well surface and use Explosion blasting apart the Planetoid and littering the Field below with hot gooey cheese and fainted Pokemon….

Also note that the Voltorb and Electrode are using Magnet Rise which is why the Cheese ball is floating in the air.


===Round 2===

The little goblinghost snoozes away, and BT seems quite confident in his little competitor. Even as Lucifer spits all over his hide. Truly, he spit hot fire! That blast was like 50 times bugger than Lucifer, its ridiculous!

And yet, soundly she slept. Like a glove. Speaking of glove, Beldam seems to tear them off and Furiously Swipe at Lucifer's face. Nasty nasty! (-2)

Be: -4E/-14H ~~ Lu: -10E/-7H

The aloof slasher finally stops when a second Fire Blast alights her hide, and those eyes spring open! For truth! With no time to waste, the burning ghost whips around and throws a haymaker over toward Lucifer. But you don't punch the devil! Thats just silly. Her throw goes wild! (-2)

Be: -6E/-13H ~~ Lu: -10E

Before Lucifer can get off a third Fire Blast off, Beldam gets her act together and tries to look awfully seductive. But- a,mist being smoldering and covered in scorch marks, it just wasn't working for Lucifer. A third scorching left the ghost reeling in pain.

Be: -3E/-13H ~~ Lu: -10E

===End Stats===