Let's rumble!


6 on 6 basics only please

DQ none

I send you attack

Arena: The Cheese Planetoid

A Planetoid the size of a small moon/comet which is made up entirely of many types of Cheese, for the most part its Crust made up of hard Cheese, the Planetoid can be melted in to a molten state, if that happens a bunch of Voltorb and Electrode well surface and use Explosion blasting apart the Planetoid and littering the Field below with hot gooey cheese and fainted Pokemon….

Also note that the Voltorb and Electrode are using Magnet Rise which is why the Cheese ball is floating in the air.


===Round 19===

Luna watches as the Staryu begin to spin. We all know when stars spin that's all sorts of bad news. So she claps her hands a few time and tries to shock the air. It works and a light current is passed molecularlly to Link. In seconds the echidnoderm is paralytic in all its motions.

As such, it falls flat. But it looks..smaller. (-1)

Li: -3E Par +Eva ~~ Lu: -2E

Now the paralysis really stuck it to Link. Luna didn't need to see too clearly to hit a non moving target and railed down with a spray of indescribable content and girth. While hurting, it didn't seem to do much else.(-1)

Li: -7H Par ~~ Lu: -5E

Pleased with her hindered starfish, Luna climbs right atop of Link and points one finger at its gem. A crackle leaves her furry digit, but before it turns into a full fledged Thunderbolt, all 5 of Links legs bent in toward Luna. Luna barely had time to look, let alone cross her arms as a concentrated 5 way Hydro Pump slammed into her a point blank range. Her Thunderbolt went sailing in the other direction(-1)

Li: -9E ~~ Lu: -8E/-14H

===End Stats===


Venus: 84/68
Whoops: 87/54
D.S: 67/0

Kentucky: 100/85
Bete Grise: 70/42
Luigi: 84/89 Slp
Helm: 76/52 Brn