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Thread: From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

  1. #81
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Cool, nice chapters so far!

    I miss Megan and Jet's old days on TR, during the days of Vicious. However, the Holmes Organization is also threatening, so there's nothing I'm missing.

  2. #82
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I cant wait for the new chapter! I think I know what Krystal catches after seeing your openings/endings thing. Ive been reading your fic, its really good
    Stop trembling
    Open your eyes
    Release your own time! Shootin’ star going towards the future!
    Draw the arch of light
    You’ll reach it, if you keep believing
    When the voice that calls for you
    Bursts open in your heart
    Everything will start, Believer!

  3. #83
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Hey everyone. Firstly, sorry for not posting a chapter on thursday. I was down south visiting some friends, and got back last night. I would secondly like to congratulate Hanada Tattsu for his recent approved mod-spot in the anime forum.

    Oakbark: The Wobbuffet and Smeargle rivalry was fun, and to date, there have been no more mentions of it. However, i am writing Chapter 23 as i type this, entitled 'Sabotage'. It will probably change soon. I am hoping to fit in some more antics at Pontarico Reserve, and maybe even incorporating Dustox.

    Dragonfree: was this the Bayleef at the TPM forums? I am very sorry to hear that either way. Smoking has awful results, why can't people see that?

    Hanada: They were once dubbed as 'anime days', which is a reason I wanted to pull away from them. However, as i plan the ending to the fic (Most parts of the fic are decided and whatnot), i Know you'll like Megan's last mission....or rather, her departure from the Miami Islands.

    Templar: Yea, i guess i did reveal TOO much. Is it the right one you're thinking of? Thanks for that, i'm proud of this fic.

    -The Indigo Road-
    Chapter 14 - The Pourie Town Tourney
    By Shinymarill


    We sat by the lakeside. Kingdra and Marill swam around, while Charizard just stood by my side as I groomed Mareep. He really enjoyed being groomed. I then put him down, as he ran around the open clearing.

    It was a semi-circular clearing, the straight edge being a lovely pool with a waterfall. Trees and bushes surrounded the area. Chris was testing Granbull’s focus bands on Electabuzz, while Umbreon lay asleep. Pidgeotto perched on a tree branch while Bulbasaur lay by the pool. Those two were really antisocial!

    “How’s the water?” I asked Marill. She chirped her name and splashed some water around playfully. Kingdra was probably eating some seaweed underwater. I then heard something hard, and I focused on the pool, horror-struck, as Kingdra was flung out the water.

    With a thud, Kingdra slammed against the soft grass. I ran over to him and lifted him up slightly. He looked hurt.
    “What happened?” I asked him, rubbing his body. He turned to the water, where a water Pokemon watched us.

    “Seel, Seel!” He barked, clapping his fins.
    “Did you get in a fight with Seel?” I asked sympathetically. Kingdra nodded, before drooping a little. I got out his Pokeball and recalled him.

    “Seel, you messed with the wrong girl,” I said, getting up. “Mareep! Thundershock!”
    Mareep blasted a blue surge of static electricity through the air and towards the water. Seel watched, a playful look in his eyes.

    As the attack struck the water, Seel became shocked to an intense degree. The electrical energy shot through the waves and conducted, which made Seel dizzy and ill. Soon enough, Seel was in no state to battle, as he floated limply on the waves.

    “What are you going to do with it now?” Chris asked. He had a point. I couldn’t just leave it here, could I? I fumbled for an Ultra Ball on my belt.
    “Go!” I cried, throwing it. It smacked Seel on the head and pulled him inside, registering him as mine.

    “Cool” I said, as the ball shot back to my hand. “Now, let’s head onwards to Pourie Town”
    We recalled all of our Pokemon and headed out the clearing and towards Pourie town.



    “Agility!” I cried, as Jolteon tore across the arena. Treecko watched, a confused look upon his face. The girl who owned Treecko also watched with a rather perplexed expression.

    “Leaf blade!” She cried. Her name was Emily, and she was coloured. She had lovely black hair in a vivid perm, while wearing massive red earrings. She had a lovely violet t-shirt on, and black leather trousers.

    Emily had just started her journey, and Professor Helmsworth had given her a Treecko. The other night, James Holmes of Team Rocket had kidnapped me, and had prepared to frame me for the robbery of the Professor’s lab in Pontaricò Town. Luckily, Chris’ Noctowl had helped me out and made a mockery of the rocket trap, and I was now sailing home.

    The Professor had a theme for this year’s starter Pokemon – grass types! I had met a lot of people with various Pokemon, and Emily had Treecko. I had battled Connor, who had a Seedot, and also a girl called Rosie with a Bellossom.

    Treecko grasped the air, and a green powder soon spread around the air he grasped. Soon enough, a branch-like blade formed in his arms like a sword. Treecko held it close, as Jolteon prepared to strike.

    Jolteon ran forward, but Treecko swung his blade around and smacked Jolteon in the stomach. He leapt back, but started to growl, his pins brimming with electricity.

    “Thunder!” I roared. I felt bad: This kid had hardly battled, and I was just whupping her butt! Oh well: I was the Miami League Champion! I had to make sure people knew that…

    Jolteon blasted a streak of electric needles into the sky, which all shot down at Treecko. He swung his blade around hazardously, but the needles shot into his body. One seeped into his arm, causing him to clutch it in pain.

    “Tackle!” I cried. Jolteon shot forward and smacked Treecko in the stomach, sending him to the ground. He laid there, bruises and grazes all across his body. Emily got out her Pokeball and recalled Treecko.

    “Thanks for the battle” She muttered, walking off. I smiled to myself: Another kid beaten!
    However, my cell phone rang. I picked it up.

    “Hello?” I answered.
    “Rika, this is Christopher Ritson, head of the Miami League” Chris said. “We have a new challenger here for you now”

    “Oh, I see” I said nervously. Somebody had won the Miami League, so I needed to head off and challenge him or her. I needed to get back home: Mum and Dad would be so worried about me!

    “I’ll make it there in a week” I said. I could just train some more…
    “I’m afraid you need to make your way down here now” Chris told me. “The battle is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon”

    “I’m not even at Catcalina yet!” I protested.
    “Just get here,” Chris said sternly. “Or your title as Miami League Champion goes down the drain”



    Pourie Town soon came into view. It was small and quaint, bigger than Pallet Town. On the sign greeting us into the town, an Elekid and a Mareep were seen either side of the words ‘Welcome to Pourie Town’.

    “Cool” Krystal said. “They have Mareep here!”
    “Maybe they like Electric Pokemon” I thought. I remember an Island we visited in the Miami Archipelago where a lot of trainers battled with Electric Pokemon. One guy, who had a Raichu, beat me silly. Elekid had been butt-whupped, causing him to run off in a sulk.

    We wandered into town, and saw a large stadium before us. A light brick path lead the way to the Stadium, houses, shops and trees either side. We wandered down in anticipation: The Stadium took up most of the town.

    “Lets see what all this is about” I mumbled, as we wandered to the entrance. There was a man and a woman standing at a ticket booth at the side, who stopped us when we wandered towards the locked gate.

    “I’m sorry” The woman began. “But the tournament hasn’t begun yet”
    “Tournament?” I asked.
    “That’s right,” The woman told us. She had springy blonde hair, while the man had sensible, flat brown hair.

    “You can register here if you’re interested in participating” The man told us. He had thick glasses and a very boring but satisfied look splattered across his face.

    “Or, you can buy tickets for the tournament, which is held on Wednesday” The lady told us. It was Monday today, so we could enter, train and even win!
    I cleared my throat.

    “I’d like to –

    “I’ll enter” Krystal cut in. I watched her with a confused expression. She looked up at me as she filled in the form.
    “Remember? I captured Mareep” Krystal explained.

    “But it’s rubbish!” I stated. “Electabuzz could beat it any day!”
    “You wish” Krystal snapped. “Anyway, Nurse Joy said Mareep’s very strong”

    “Yea, that’s what she said” I complained. I grabbed a form and filled it in, before giving it to the woman. Krystal gave the woman her form, and we were then given cool laminated cards to put around out necks. Mine said ‘Entrant 20’, while Krystal’s said ‘Entrant 21’

    We walked off towards the Pokemoncenter, our minds focused on the training ahead. Kecleon and Marill watched, concerned on what was happening at the moment.



    Time is a strange thing. Whenever you want it to slow down, it speeds up! That is just totally stupid! Anyway, Chris told me he could whup me, but let me tell you, he is the guy in for a whupping!

    Mareep isn’t small and weak: He’s very strong! I trained with him all yesterday and Monday, and his attacks are a lot better. We’ll show that idiot Chris!

    Ok, we waited in the locker room for our battle. There were 22 people in altogether, and matches were fought until it was tied to two people. The winner got a voucher for 5 free Ultra balls, and also a coupon for £5 off any item at ‘Saffron Boutique’, which I knew sold rare Dragon items that could boost dragon Pokemon’s power.

    I was called my number, and Mareep and me ran out the room and onto the arena. It was an Astroturf arena, springy and slightly damp. My opponent stood on the other side…it was Daniel Grey! He was the kid from Pallet town who chose Charmander.

    “Hey Krystal!” He shouted. “I can’t wait to battle!”
    “Me neither” I shouted. “Mareep and I are tough”

    “My Pokemon’s tougher” Daniel bragged. The bell sounded, and I instantly felt tense and excited. The crowd drowned out everything that was announced by the announcer, and I soon found myself engulfed in battle.

    “Go, Magneton!” Daniel cried. His heavy ball burst open in a shower of light, taking the form of a Magneton. I stared at it; could a rookie already have such a strong Pokemon? It didn’t sound right.

    “Mareep! Attack with a thunderbolt!” I roared. Mareep blasted a jagged streak of electricity forward at the metal Magneton. However, it simply floated out of the way. I watched in frustration.

    “Thunderwave!” Daniel cried. Magneton’s magnet units glowed, before he fired off numerous streaks of thin, electrical energy forward at Mareep, who stood his ground. I warned myself that this Magneton was tough.

    “Flash!” I cried happily. I had a great plan. Mareep’s tail orb brimmed with a white shimmer, before that white shimmer was projected through the whole arena. I could barely see, neither could Magneton or Daniel.

    “Thundershock!” Daniel cried. I was one step ahead.
    “Hidden power!” I ordered, cutting into Daniel’s command. Mareep’s orb glowed a dimmer white, before a small flame flickered inside. I knew Mareep’s stats were suited for a fire attack!

    Mareep roared, and soon he ran across the arena. The glow, although at his tail end, shot across his body and engulfed him, before he ran up and tackled Magneton in mid-air. Magneton floated back, as the flames spread across his hard surface.

    “Thunderbolt!” I shouted. Mareep blasted the attack again, which his Magneton at extreme speed. Magneton moaned and floated around, before he lost his balance and clattered to the ground. Steam hissed from around him as he closed his eyes.

    “No!” Daniel cried. “Magneton!”
    “Number 21 wins!” The referee said. “Clear the arena!”

    We walked off our respected sides of the arena and towards the rooms, where I got Mareep healed. Marill ran forward and hugged Mareep, congratulating him on his recent victory.

    “Reep!” She bleated. I looked across at Chris.
    “Nice match” He told me. “I watched”

    “Thanks” I told him. “Are you up next?”
    A bell sounded. A battle had just begun.
    “After this one, yeah” Chris told me. “Wish me luck”

    “Good luck” I whispered. We waited together, watching the match on the screen above. I hoped he did well…



    Magneton hovered by my side as I watched the match from the locker room. There were two, so I wasn’t in the same one as Krystal. I wished I could have beaten her, but that Hidden Power attack was strong.

    “Never mind” I said. “We need to head off to Saffron for our 3rd badges”
    As Charmander sat by my side, I decided to release my team of five. I threw the three remaining Pokeballs out, as Geodude, Furret and Taillow formed before me.

    “We’ll hang around for the rest of the match,” I told them. They all cheered loudly. I decided to look out from the door leading to the arena and watch the match. It was a Raichu versus a Voltorb.

    “Iron tail!” The boy shouted. His name was Martin: I’d talked to him in the Pokemoncenter. His Raichu was strong, and the two had been training for ages. Raichu’s tail glowed a vivid metallic colour, before he thwacked it down onto Voltorb’s head.

    “Voltorb is out!” The referee cried, as Voltorb exploded with frustration. Laughing, Martin hugged his Raichu as the trainer recalled his Voltorb and brushed past me. I opened my mouth in fascination as Martin waved to the crowd. What a trainer!

    I was totally excited about this! He walked out the other exit to the other locker rooms. Krystal would probably get all the gossip! Oh well. I watched as Chris wandered over for his first match, wondering who would emerge to face him.

    Suddenly, I saw Martin! He wandered through our Locker room.
    “Hey Dan” He said.
    “Hey there” I replied, my eyes widening in joy. “Great match”

    “Thanks” He told me. “I’m up again”
    “Against Chris?” I asked. Martin nodded.
    “Raichu has just been healed, so we’re fine” He assured me. “Great seeing you again”

    I watched him dash out the doors and appear on the other side of the arena.



    I faced Martin. I hadn’t seen him since I battled Elekid with his Raichu! What a mistake that was. His scruffy brown hair still nestled on his face, and his patches of freckles littering his face made me reminisce. Through a pair of thin, oval glasses, his bright tan eyes shone brightly.

    “I hope you’re a little better than last time” He smirked. I returned the smirk with a slight grin.
    “We’ll have to see,” I said. The bell sounded, the referee signalled the start of the match.

    “Raichu, I choose you!” Martin cried, releasing the Pokeball. The ball burst open, and the orange mouse formed from the elegant white light. He clenched his paws and tried some rapid punches into the air.

    “Electabuzz, go!” I cried. I opened the ball and sent Electabuzz out. My Electric soldier faced off in this dynamic match. “Thunderpunch!”

    Growling, Electabuzz concentrated his electricity down into his left fist. He clenched it in rage, and built up the energy, before driving his fist forward at Raichu. He smacked Raichu in the cheek, and the Pokemon flew through the air. He smacked against the ground, but soon got up.

    “Doubleslap!” Martin commanded. I knew this guy was strong, and I also knew he had strategies, but this attack wasn’t anything compared to Thunderpunch. Raichu ran forward and slapped Electabuzz across the face with his rounded paws.

    “Thundershock!” I cried. Electabuzz released a charge of electricity across his body, which shot into Raichu’s body by means of his outstretched paw. Raichu stumbled back, dizzy from the attack.

    “Don’t stop! Try using iron tail!” Martin ordered. Raichu’s yellow thunderbolt on the end of his tail shimmered with a metallic coat, before he forced it down onto Electabuzz’ head. My Pokemon fell back slightly, damaged by the powerful attack.

    “Use a skull bash!” I told Electabuzz. Now, we hadn’t used this move for a while, but I was pretty sure he could remember it. Electabuzz used his mighty hands to hold Raichu in place, before bringing his head forward and smacking Raichu in the face. Raichu fell onto his back, worn out.

    “Now stomp!” I said. Electabuzz forced his foot down onto Raichu’s body, but Raichu soon released a sharp (and rather vibrant) Thunderbolt into Electabuzz. My Pokemon’s eyes widened in fear and in shock as Raichu got up and smacked him in the face.

    “Seismic toss!” Martin said. Raichu ran forward and grabbed Electabuzz’ body with both hands. Raichu then bent down and sprung into the air, covering a fair distance by using his long, springy tail.

    Raichu then held Electabuzz down as he started to rocket back to the arena. Electabuzz watched, fear creeping over his face. With a sickening thud, Electabuzz lay on the ground, while Raichu stood proudly.

    “Electabuzz!” I cried. That was strong! I was still confused why Martin hadn’t used a hyper beam, but I’m sure he was saving his strength. Electabuzz needed to act fast…

    “Raichu! Finish him with a Hyper Beam!” Martin cried. Raichu spread his legs out and held his hands out either side of him. His cheeks brimmed with a white glow as the same energy formed into his mouth. The beam was blasted out of Raichu’s mouth and straight towards Electabuzz, who was facing away from the devastating attack.

    “Light screen!” I cut in. Electabuzz turned round and wiped his hands across thin air, forming a light pink barrier. The hyper beam was forced against it, Electabuzz cowering from behind his shield. The light screen forced the hyper beam back at Raichu, who watched with a confused look.

    “Hurry and use agility!” Martin said, as the devastating hyper beam smashed him in the face. Raichu shot across the arena as blood seeped from his mouth. Raichu landed on the floor and made a sickening crunch.

    The crowd gasped as Raichu lay there. There was no movement. The referee declared me the winner, as Martin recalled Raichu and walked off to his locker room. I hugged Electabuzz, asking if he was Ok. I’m sure we could take this tournament down!



    I’d battled another match: It was against a Chinchou, owned by a girl called Monica. It was actually hard, as the Pokemon had constantly used confuse ray on Mareep. Mareep ended up releasing a large Thunderwave on the whole arena, which took down Chinchou easily. However, Monica and myself were still achy from the after-effect.

    My next match was soon, but I didn’t know whom it was against. I just knew that the person had won every last match without taking even half their health off. That was good. Too good. I knew we could beat them...but how? It was the semi-match, in which the winner would go on in the finals to win the vouchers and stuff.

    The crowd cheered and roared as I walked out the lockers with Mareep. We had to beat this tournament!


    [U ]Dane [/u]

    I watched from the locker rooms. My opponent walked onto the arena with a Mareep, and waved to the crowd. I looked down at Ditto.

    “Transform” I commanded. Ditto glowed white, as he reshaped and took the form of a Mareep. I looked at the two, and mine was a lovely shiny bronze colour, which varied from the usual electrifying yellow.

    “Let’s go,” I told Mareep, as we walked onto the arena. “This girl’s trainer you well, very well indeed”

    Chapter 15 is up on Thursday, which is the start of our ~Tales of Trechery~. These next few installments of the fic are 'specials, so to speak, but i'd say they difer from the specials in the original FRTC. I hope you enjoy's a little taster...

    -Tony gets a shock in the or two, to be precise...
    “Misty’s all mine” David said, chuckling. I could see a team rocket badge pinned to his t-shirt, and gasped. Exeggutor released a large cloud of sleep powder, as Blastoise and David covered their noses. I made a slight whimper as I fell asleep. How…how could this happen?

    -Krystal is in for a surprise in her next match:
    As the light left Mareep’s body, I saw he was now a shocking pink! Small clumps of wool clung to his body, and I guessed his constant electric attacks had caused the wool to shed. He stared at me with his cute little eyes…I was so happy!

    -Angry at Megan, Jet thinks back to their old days on Team Rocket...and how they reshaped him rationally. Learn more about Mark Sims and Charmander on that fateful 3rd mission:
    “Okay!” Jet snapped. “But none of your Pokemon have died”
    He was right. Charmander had died, and he used to belong to Jet. I sniffed slightly, biting my lip.

    “Exactly” Jet continued, referring to my silence. “I can remember it so vividly, and I wish it was erased from my mind sometimes”

    Get ready....Monday...Tales of Trechery. What will YOU find out from it all?

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  4. #84
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Aww...... poor Raichu! The specials seem like they'll be interesting.

  5. #85
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Great chapter SM, though I did think that Krystal would catch a Swablu but Seel will do. Something tells me that Tales of Treachery will be quite dark.

  6. #86
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Raichu: yea, poor guy. He got his just desserts! but the Tales of Trechery are great fun to read and write...well...maybe not fun...

    Jon: its sinister alright. Swablu? W.A.S (wait and see). she may do, if Altaria is a dragon...

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  7. #87
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Another great chappie, I wasnt expecting a Seel, but still cool,these specials sound exiting, Keep Writing!

  8. #88
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Good chapter, too many people talking but it was good. Like how the guy so far is a cheater. Ditto. Well keep it up. BTW I was searching for your fic new chapter on thursday and and you know the rest. I am glad the Chris beat that mean ugly Riachu.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  9. #89
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    That was a great chapter, and Krystal's new catch was surprising to say the least. Hasn't she got three water types now?

    I like how my character,Dane, started out. I'm a cheat with that Ditto of mine.
    I guess this would be a good time to admit my full christian name is.....Damien. I know, how weird is that.......

    Watch out for my new fanfic - Changing times

    * Chapter 1 Up! *

  10. #90
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Psychoflame: Unexpected is definitely the word. It was something rather 'last-minute', but i hope you grow to appreciate him all the same. I hope he's social, unlike Bulbasaur and Pidgeotto *frown*

    Powarun: Sorry to confuse you. Dane is bitter...or is he? He is not seen as badly later on...not by Krystal, anyway. What does Chris eventually have against him? Grudges can be so petty...Raichu? UGLY? MEAN? *Raichu26! Thunderbolt!*

    Oakbark: Three indeed. Maybe she'll give Kingdra to Tony? maybe she'll go train at Cerulean Gym and give Charizard and Mareep to Kimi? Who knows. DAMIEN? burn him, burn him...BURN HIM!

    I am pleased with the overall sucess of this chapter, and I hope that The Tales of Trechery go down well! I am also considering the dream, and how it will work. As the TOT go on, you'll see what I mean.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  11. #91

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Whoa! Really nice chapter. The Seel catching had a bit quick ending, but that's nothing to worry about. I can't wait for the TOT! No, Bayleef was not at pokemasters. She was at Mew's hangout, along with my best internet friends... smoking is so stupid...
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  12. #92
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Powarun: *Deep voice* WHAT'D YOU SAY?!??!?!??!?!?!??! *Tosses Raichu's PokeBall* Rain Dance!!! *As Raichu's cheeks glow blue, Powarun converts into the water-droplet form* Thunder!! *Raichu strikes Powarun with the lightning bolt of 00berness* Enemy Powarun fainted!

  13. #93
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Dragonfree: It was rushed, wasnt it? I felt the same. Seel isn't seen much YET, but his character and attitude are unearthed soon enough. TOT is really well anticipated, probably because i made such an ordeal out of it! I hope you enjoy

    Raichu: *stares in amazement* well, I'm a water type, so i'll just...erm...just move along...*runs for the hills on camelback*

    Its tuesday, and Shiny still has easter eggs! *munch munch* Oh, just for fun, and more of a quessie i have: Do you all celebrate easter with chocolate eggs? I was curious...cos we do in the Uk *munch*

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  14. #94

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    We do... I'm munching mine right now too... and typing... and playing Sapphire... I'm always doing so many things at once... whoops, the batteries in my gameboy Advance are dead. Have to go and get new ones.
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  15. #95
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Wow this fic is really good. I just started it due to a deal between me and ShinyMarill and I am sad that I didn't start reading it sooner, it is really good.

  16. #96
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Dragonfree: lol! I'm eating a malteasers one...hmmm...i guess Malteasers are a Uk thing though... I hate it when batteries go dead! x_x;;

    Legendarymon: Hey there. I read your post wrong and thought you said 'I started a duel with Shinymarill!' En Guard, Touche! hehe. Glad you like the fanfic, hope you keep reading.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  17. #97
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Thanks for congratulating me on my mod spot! That was nice of you!

    Anyway, nice chapter! Mareep is very strong, i like it. It should evolve all the way into Ampharos. And Marill should evolve into Azumarill too.

  18. #98
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Hanada: Oh, its Ok! PM me for spoilers on who evolves, who doesnt, or KRYSTALS FINAL TEAM! . I want to reveal the information since it has changed after writing Chapter 23.

    At the moment, I am writing Chapter 24 - the Dream. It features Megan mostly, as well as small Chris, Krystal and Tony parts. The Tony part is reaching a climax, as you'll see tommorrow.

    Here is some parts from Chapter 24!

    -Chris is in for a shock when he returns to Saffron...
    My eyes windened as Megan and Jet stared at me from their van. I got off the scooter and stared back, my mouth open. They both got out, as well as two other, probably less important rockets.

    "Time to settle the score...'twerp'" Jet sneered. Megan looked awful - pale, clammy, with a slightly lazy walk, so to speak. She shouldn't be working...not in this state...

    -What's up with Misty?
    I screamed. As loud as I could. I didn’t care if anyone or nobody heard me. I just felt like shrivelling up and dying right now…my mind was scarred with outcomes of what could have happened...

    MORE? MORE? Nah, wait! lol. Hope this keeps you going. PM me for the storyline of ANYONE; Chris and Krystal, Tony, Rika, Molly, Megan, Al........or final teams, current teams ANYTHING!

    i'm bored :-(

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  19. #99

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    *sigh* It's so long till chapter 24...
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  20. #100
    Master Trainer
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Dragonfree: awww, dont fret! I can remember when i wrote this chapter i'm posting at the moment...time will pass, and in the meantime...*gets out a large book with peeling gold letters*, lets check out the ~Tales of Trechery~

    ~Tales of Trechery~
    Part 1
    By Shinymarill


    “Yea, I’m fine” I assured Mum. She was SO annoying when she was all ‘did you get robbed? Remember to take care’ and junk, and since my slight ‘escapade’ (or perhaps ‘soap opera style subplot’) incident, Mum had rang me an awful lot.

    “Well, Mantine and Corsola are still here, Rika honey” Mum said. Sure…state the OBVIOUS! I had to agree that this 6-6 battle would be rather hard to do if I had only 4 Pokemon: Jolteon, Heracross, Ninetales and Ampharos. I needed a plan…but what could I do? The boat was already arriving at Paragon Dock, and I had no choice what to do. I needed to BUY a Pokemon, or perhaps steal one…

    “Don’t be stupid,” I reminded myself. I can’t steal a Pokemon! I turned my mobile phone off (after saying goodbye to Mum, of course), and looked around. I was really stuck for what to do…

    “Rika! Hey, Rika!”

    Someone ran over to me. I remembered his spiked brown hair and his baseball cap (or, his rather unfashionable cap that went AROUND his head), his black t-shirt and green shorts.

    “Remember me from the league?” The boy asked me. “I’m Roy!”
    I stared blankly at him. He can’t have done too well; he looked clumsy, although I’m not sure if you can look clumsy or not.

    “Oh….” I muttered. “Oh yes!”
    He seemed satisfied by my act. “I remember you now!”

    “Are you keeping your title up?” He inquired. I wanted to reply so sarcastically, that guy was sooooo full of it.
    “Yea, that’s right,” I told him. “But I only have 4 Pokemon on me”

    “Oh. I…I see” Roy stuttered. He obviously couldn’t take in how I had ‘forgotten’ to take 2 Pokemon with me on a very long cruise. Either way, he fumbled around for something on his belt.

    “Take this,” He said. “One of my best Pokemon”
    “What is it?” I asked, quite keen. I clasped my hand around the ball tightly.
    “Ahh…you’ll have to wait and see” He said, winking at me. I frowned at him disapprovingly.

    “It’s a Ditto” Roy explained. “He has almighty statistics”
    “How come?” I inquired. “Do you train him a lot?”

    Ok, so I’d asked the stupid question now. But this guy can’t have done well in the league if I didn’t know him…

    “I don’t really battle as much” Roy told me. “I’ve been in Hoenn for the past few months, entering Contests and such. You get awarded ribbons and trophies depending on how well your Pokemon looks while performing certain attacks”

    “So, this Ditto’s won a lot?” I asked. Roy gave a quick nod. “Well, that’s 5 Pokemon on my team now, but what about the last?”

    My Dad had told me about these contests, and how good they were as far as statistics were concerned, so I could try and get a 2nd Pokemon off beauty boy here. He thought for a moment, before getting out a Great Ball.

    “This Pokemon’s strong” He began. “It’s a Haunter”
    “Haunter, eh?” I said, keen to test out this brilliant Pokemon. Roy nodded. I took the ball and thanked him.

    “Are you watching the fights?” I asked.
    “Oh, yes!” Roy told me. “I’ll be rooting for you, Rika. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat after the fight?”

    “Yea, sure” I told him, strolling off the boat rather quickly. I separated from him and headed towards the stadium. I was very grateful for Roy; giving me (or lending me) two Pokemon for the match, but he would NEVER have a romantic date with me!



    I looked across the arena at my opponent. He was around 15 (and pretty cute!), wearing a navy blue long sleeved t-shirt and denim jeans, as well as funky purple trainers. His eyes shimmered with a teal colour; it was a lovely blend of green and blue. Dark brown hair was scattered over his head, spiked at the front. However, he wandered onto the arena with a Mareep!

    “He’s got a Mareep,” I mumbled. I noticed it was more of a flashy gold colour than my shocking yellow. Its fur sparkled slightly, and made it look much more tanned than my sheep.

    “Hello” He said happily. “I can’t wait for our battle”
    His voice had a distinct ‘happy-go-lucky’ note to it, which was slightly alarming, but he was cute, and his body wasn’t bad, so I guess it was ok.

    “Me neither” I told him. “I love meeting cute guys and whipping them in battle”
    “You don’t have to whip me in battle ” He said slyly. I blushed, chuckled and prepared to attack. Battle first, fraternise later…

    “I’m Krystal,” I said across the arena. He smiled back.
    “Dane” He began. “Mareep! Voltage Tackle!”

    With a rather violent bleat, Dane’s Mareep tore across the arena; a shower of sparks shooting from behind his coat. My Mareep watched with a confused expression, before being mauled down by the fast little sheep.

    “Mareep!” I cried. I looked across at Dane.
    “Round 2” He chuckled, as Mareep turned on the spot to face us again. “Voltage tackle again!”

    “Mareep! Get out the way!” I ordered my fluffy companion. He darted to the left, as a shooting blaze of searing sparks hurtled forward. Those sparks acted as some sort of damage-taker; anything that hit Mareep would get shocked.

    “Try a flash!” I suggested. Maybe if I could blind it…

    Mareep’s tail end glowed vibrantly, before a large white light shot out of it and spread around the arena. I could barely see a thing; neither could Dane or our Mareep. I knew my Mareep could sense another electric Pokemon, though.

    “Thundershock!” I said. “Take that Dane!”
    “Take what?” He mumbled. “Mareep! Hidden Power!”

    Suddenly, the bright white glow was soon shrouded out by a red glow coming from Dane’s Mareep. He was using hidden power! Not only that, but it was the fire hidden power, too. My Mareep’s stats meant it could use a fire-hidden power, but so could Dane’s!

    A giant ball of flames shot forward and smacked into Mareep, making him fall down. Mareep had singed, blackened fur, and looked rather ugly compared to his golden opponent. We had to hit back!

    “Take down!” I cried. Mareep charged forward at Dane’s Mareep and smacked him in the face. He stumbled back, before my Mareep blasted a Thundershock into the soft, fluffy fur of Dane’s Mareep.

    “Thanks for that” Dane said, as Mareep’s fur fluffed up. It was amazing! It was all fluffy and flumpy (is that a word?), like a duvet made of marshmallows! It made it look considerably bigger though, which proved a problem.

    “Mareep! Don’t use any electric attacks,” I warned him. “Use…erm…do you know iron tail?”
    Mareep looked at me, hope shimmering in his eyes. He turned back round, the navy stripes on his horns glowing silver.

    “Reeep!” My friend bleated happily. He swung his tail round, giving it a metallic look to it. He used it to smash into Dane’s Mareep, sending the golden fluff ball flying back across his side of the arena.

    “Get up!” Dane snapped. His Mareep wearily got up, but watched, as my Mareep was encased in a wonderful white glow! He was evolving for me! I watched, a stunned look across my face, as the glow shaped Mareep completely differently; he was now on hind legs, and the wool faded away to reveal a somewhat shiny, rubbery coat.

    As the light left Mareep’s body, I saw he was now a shocking pink! Small clumps of wool clung to his body, and I guessed his constant electric attacks had caused the wool to shed. He stared at me with his cute little eyes…I was so happy!

    “Great job!” I cried. The crowd cheered loudly, spurring me on. Oh, what the heck! “TAKE THAT, DANE!”

    “Nice job” he said softly. I blushed, giggling to myself.
    “Flaaffy!” I shouted. “Headbutt!”

    Flaaffy ran across the arena (and pretty darn fast, too), before smacking his head into Dane’s gorgeous golden Mareep. Mareep stumbled back, but released a large thunderbolt into Flaaffy.

    Flaaffy squealed as he tumbled back. Mareep then galloped forward and rammed him in the stomach. Flaaffy clutched his side, panting a lot. He was exhausted after evolution, and was starting to get weak.

    “Please! Keep it up!” I cried. “Thunderpunch!”
    Flaaffy’s fist crackled with electricity, and he brought it forward through the air at Mareep. He took the impact too well, and managed to drive himself forward, pushing Flaaffy back.

    “Flaaffy! Focus punch!” I ordered. Flaaffy slammed Mareep in the face with his fist, causing blood to spew out from his now-battered face. I cringed slightly, as Flaaffy kicked Mareep hard. However, his foot was trapped in the maze of soft wool, giving Mareep an advantage.

    “Mareep! Thunderbolt!” Dane shouted. Mareep blasted a severe blast of surging electricity into Flaaffy via his foot. Flaaffy stumbled around after being headbutted by Mareep soon after.

    “You’re getting weaker…” Dane teased. He may be cute, but I’d love to smack him in the face…

    “Flaaffy! Use a fire punch!” I spat. Flaaffy’s fist glowed red, before it shot up in flames. He forced them forward at Mareep, which could finish the match for sure, but the golden, loveable (yet oh so annoying) Pokemon leapt out the way.

    “I’ve had it” Dane said. “Mareep! End this with a swift attack!”
    Of course! Why didn’t I try that? We could have hit their Mareep if we used that attack…it never misses…

    Mourning over my lack of ideas, I watched as a barrage of sharp stars shot forward on cue to Mareep’s bleat. Flaaffy slapped the air to repel the stars, but his efforts soon failed as he surrendered to the almighty blast.

    “NO!” I shouted. Flaaffy fell down onto the floor, a cloud of dust escaping from underneath him. He twitched slightly, as Mareep and Dane waved to the audience. That was my cue to get lost. I recalled Flaaffy and walked towards the locker rooms.



    “Get them back, Corphish!” The kid cried. His wee lobster ran at Wartortle, who nimbly leapt into the air. His fluffy tail billowed from beneath him, and it looked fabulous.

    “Wartortle! Double kick!” I cried. Wartortle thrust his foot down and kept kicking at Corphish, who retaliated with his claws, snapping them and scuttling back. Wartortle, however, smashed his foot into Corphish and made him collapse.

    “Yea!” I cried. I gave Wartortle a high five. The kid recalled his Corphish.
    “Great match” He told me.
    “Thanks” I said back. We were on the outskirts of town, in a light wood, and this kid had challenged me before he headed to Cerulean Gym.

    “Now, you’d best head off to the Gym” I told him. “Misty will be sure to test your skills”

    That was my line I had to say to advertise the Gym. It sounded so corny! Like something from the anime…and we all know that’s a pile of rubbish…even though my little sister Brittany likes it…

    Wartortle and me wandered through the forest for more battles. I hadn’t battled Anne-Marie again, which was confusing. She did, however, seem like the kind of girl who would never set foot here again. She’d get all the other badges and probably sleep with the head of the league to get into the tournament! She lost against me, and hadn’t even had a re-match…

    “This is boring,” I mumbled. I would release Mudkip, but he had a tendency to run away from anything. He was a scaredy-cat! Or fish…whatever the heck he is…

    We soon approached a seating area, with a rather smashed picnic bench. Upon closer inspection, it seemed the bench had been warped and re-shaped by acid . I bent down and examined it.

    “What would do such a thing?” I asked, careful not to touch it. Wartortle then tackled me to the ground as something lunged forward at us. I looked up to see a slinky Ekans now twisting around the bench. It had tried to attack us!

    “Hey!” I snapped. I got up, and leapt back. “Wartortle! Water gun!”
    Wartortle blasted a water gun forward and kept Ekans back. Wartortle then leapt forward and headbutted the snake, knocking it out.

    “There” I snapped. “Taken care of alright”
    I walked away from the area we were at. However, I soon turned back and stared at the ugly snake. I felt sorry for it in a strange way. It lay there, motionless except for its slight breathing.

    “Oh man,” I mumbled. I felt sorry for the little thing, even if it tried to poison me. I guess I was less ruthless than Krystal…did you know when we were in Shroomish Woods she pelted a Kakuna with rocks? She’s a sadist…

    “Pokeball, GO!” I cried, throwing the ball. I hurled it forward at Ekans and smacked it on the forehead. It was dragged inside and sucked into the ball, before dropping onto the grass.

    “You poor thing” I said, taking the ball. I then saw a battered Pokedex on the floor. Pink in colour…

    Picking it up, I saw the screen had been smashed and a few of the buttons were broken and pulled out. The paint had been scratched and scraped and it looked in horrible condition. I accessed the profile.

    “’Vis ‘ere Pokedex belongs to Anne-Marie Appleton” David Beckham told me. I gasped. That was the girl I battled at the Gym! That was a few days ago, maybe as much as 5!

    She must be near. I looked around the cleared space for any sign of her. Maybe Ekans had attacked her? If Ekans lunged at me from behind, then I should look there. I pushed apart ferns and branches as I made my way along.

    “Come on…” I grumbled. I looked around the wood; it was a lot thicker here than it was out in the clearing. Thick branches whipped into my face as Mankey and Aipom scuttled across the treetops.

    I stopped as I felt my foot kick something. I looked, and saw a body lying on the floor. I remember leaping back and cursing, before I looked at who it was. It had mud on its face and hair in the way, as well as feathers from a boa.

    “Water gun” I told Wartortle. His icy blast washed the mud from her face and her hair clung to her forehead. I stared deep into the closed eyes of Anne-Marie, and screamed as I saw the large gash on her arm. A purple poison seeped from the reddish brown wound. It looked infected.

    “What do I do?” I asked myself. I had to get her to a hospital. But an Ekans couldn’t have done all this…they’re poison isn’t weak enough. I realised Anne’s Pokedex was still in my hand.

    Breathing frantically, I tapped in ‘serpent Pokemon’ into the Pokedex. It came up with Ekans, Arbok and Seviper. I hadn’t heard of Seviper before, so I clicked information.

    It came up with all sorts of various shots of wounds from Seviper’s. They looked large, but judging by Seviper’s attack method, it seems most injuries were to the legs.

    “Well, Seviper’s ruled out” I declared. Arbok didn’t live around here anyway…what could it be?

    I suddenly gasped as something clasped around my face. I could sense a hand…I grabbed it and tried to see who it was, but I felt somebody kick the back of my legs. I fell to the ground, still gagged.

    “Nice knowing you” A familiar voice said. I looked up to see David with his foot on my chest, Blastoise by his side. I looked wildly around: I had only Mudkip, Ekans and Wartortle on me, but Wartortle had done a runner!

    “David!” I gasped weakly. He then stepped back to show an Exeggutor behind him. This one was…this was golden! It was a shiny one! I was so happy to see this Pokemon, but at the same time, unhappy at the prospect of kidnap.

    “Misty’s all mine” He said, chuckling. I could see a team rocket badge pinned to his t-shirt, and gasped. Exeggutor released a large cloud of sleep powder, as Blastoise and David covered their noses. I made a slight whimper as I fell asleep. How…how could this happen?



    Walking around the giant lake on Pyro Island, I saw many trainers and Pokemon alongside each other; water Pokemon assisted their trainers in staying afloat, while an Aipom helped his trainer up a tree.

    “I’m sorry,” I said, looking down at the ground. I was referring to my Pokemon, Vileplume, Linoone and Ariados. “But I’m going to have to let you go, for the better”

    I started to walk through town. I crossed a bridge to get there, a bridge which overlooked a riverbank full of Ludicolo’s playing in the water. I sighed a heavy sigh. Suddenly, I saw Jet run towards me.

    “Megan!” He breathed. “What are you doing?”
    “I…I’m taking my Pokemon to the pawnshop” I told him. “They deserve a better life”

    “Don’t say that,” Jet snapped. “You’re a wonderful person”
    “Would a wonderful person get demoted?” I snapped. Jet looked shocked.
    “We’ve been through a lot together,” He told me.

    “We? We?” I asked. “I, MEGAN, had to watch Damien Crag get impaled onto a large rocky spike. I, MEGAN, had to fall from Demi-Duo Gym into the forest and break my arm. I, MEGAN, had to –

    “Okay!” Jet snapped. “But none of your Pokemon have died”
    He was right. Charmander had died, and he used to belong to Jet. I sniffed slightly, biting my lip.

    “Exactly” Jet continued, referring to my silence. “I can remember it so vividly, and I wish it was erased from my mind sometimes”


    Megan and Jet had successfully accomplished their first mission. Now, they were on their 3rd mission for Team Rocket, and were stealing the Aerodactyl DNA from a laboratory in Croclan Island.

    “Don’t worry” Jet told a rather nervous Megan. “As soon as the alarm sounds, we run”
    “But what if I trip up?” Megan asked. They were patrolling the top floor, along with a man named Mark Sims. He had messy mousy hair, and a freckled face. He was young, too.

    Their objective was for the three to gag and drug the scientists and people in the room. When they woke up, Mark’s Paras released another spore and kept them asleep. When the alarm was rung (IE: when their objective was complete), they had to run out the building and away.

    “You’ll be fine” Mark told them. “We just have to be careful”
    The room was tense. It was a smashed up laboratory, and they had to run up a small flight of steps (as the lab area was set into the floor), and run towards the long staircase. Windows had been boarded up with help from Pineco.

    Suddenly, a large bell sounded. People started to wake, so Mark had issued a spore whirlwind to be blasted through the building. Jet ran towards Megan and Mark, but he tripped, smacking his chin on the floor.

    “Charmander!” Jet cried. “Help me!”
    Charmander ran forward to help Jet, who was on the floor. The spore was making him cough, so he covered his mouth up.

    Megan and Mark watched with Pineco, Paras and Spinarak. Charmander helped Jet slightly, and Jet managed to get on his feet. However, as he began to run, Charmander began to fall down.

    “Come on!” Megan cried. “Just get Charmander’s Pokeball and recall him!”
    Jet raced forward to the flight of stairs, and felt for his Pokeball.
    “I left it on the dashboard of the car” He gasped. “I didn’t think I’d need it”

    “I’ll get him,” Mark said. Paras watched as Mark leapt into the cloud of spore. He coughed and spluttered, as Charmander was heard crying out.

    “Watch out for his flame tail!” Jet snapped. “It’s dangerous!”
    There was a flicker of flames seen from the glowing blue powder, and Megan and Jet (as well as Pineco, Spinarak and Paras) dived down the stairwell as a massive burst of flames engulfed the whole room.

    “Keep rolling” Jet muttered, as they rolled down the stairs. Crumbled plasterboard fell onto their heads as they slammed against the marble steps. They looked up, unable to see any of the blast but able to recall scared visions…

    “MARK!” Jet roared. “CHARMANDER!”
    Megan comforted him.
    “He saved us” Megan began. “Mark saved our lives”

    “But Charmander’s gone” Jet said. “Gone”

    Next, in part 2...

    -After Krystal's loss to Dane, Chris gets a challange from the guy himself!

    “Fire spin!” Dane cried. Ninetales released a shooting whirlwind of flames from her mouth, which shrouded around Kecleon. He screamed in pain as flames engulfed him. I had to take action.

    -Dane has a call with ... someone, but...what could be happening tomorrow?

    “Good, good” I murmured. I never realised how clever that kid was! He had this thing sussed out. “And when is everything falling into place?”

    “Tomorrow” Dane said. “4pm”

    Part 2 of our tale will continue...but for now...*places book back on shelf* I'll leave you to wonder...

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  21. #101
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Pretty good chapter. My only complaint would be I didn't quite understand exactly how Jet's Charmander died... but then, I could be the only one. Dane is really an interesting character. Can't wait to read more.

  22. #102
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Another great chapter!

    Wow, so Dave is a member of TR. I never would have guessed.

    I like how you insert flashbacks in there, it's really good to see the story happening from people's different points of view. And Anne Marie's dead?

  23. #103

    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Hmmm... if Anne-Marie has been lying there for five days, unconcious, she should be dead by now... let's hope so... or hey! If her pokémon haven't eaten for five days... uh-oh. Well, who knows what happens... that David Beckham pokédex is so funny. It always makes me laugh.
    Poor Charmander. It didn't live to become a Charmeleon or Charizard... it could never fly... Do I sound stupid when I get emotional?
    Why hasn't anyone noticed that Dane always has the same pokémon as his oppoment? I'd think there was something fishy about that right away...
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  24. #104
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Mr Mayor: *puts labcoat on* let me explain:
    Basically, Paras released a whirlwind of sleep powder, thus also releasing toxins into the atmosphere. It is these hormonal (is that right?) toxins that alter the brain's senses, causing it to lull you to sleep. HOWEVER, these toxins also react when lit, forming a chemical reaction. This reaction was an epxlosion, engulfing Mark and Charmander in flames.
    Understand? lol. Dane rules. He's generally a cool guy....except for...*cough* erm...NEXT PERSON!

    Hanada: It was something I could use to make Dave even more hateable...he stole Tony's 'girl!'. Dave is a very unique character as you'll see in the Tony saga*, and Tony's relationship with Misty develops a lot more.

    Dragonfree: she might be dead, she might not. I wanted a personalised Pokedex, and i think it is actually pretty neat! Wait till you hear Kimi's Gareth Gates one ^________^;;; I guess you like Charizard LOADS, do you? hehe. Charmander...poor Charmander...You're catching onto Dane quicker than Chris! I mean...nah, thats just silly...*nervous glance left 2 ight*

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  25. #105
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Ok, it makes sence now. Thanks. I am eagerly awaiting the next Chapter.

    *goes to read a Chapter form the original, which he still isn't finished with*

  26. #106
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Mr Mayor: I read old chappies sometimes...remenisce and whatnot ahh, glad you understood my science lesson ^_^

    Oakbark: so, YOU have an alter ego too, eh?
    Now, what have i told you? NO CANDY!
    Timmy: I WANT IT...*sob sob* YOU HATE THEM? yea, glad you liked the chapter. Anne Marie might not be dead, dont worry. She might get taken somewhere else i leading you on or blabbing? lets say she's not the only death in the fic.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  27. #107
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Well it was a pretty good chapter, surprise with a new kind of death. Well at least Crystal lost giving Chris a golden oppertunity to win thid tournement. Better make him win
    I survived the blast holding onto a Focus band. I hate Pika and Riachu, no offence man but the guy is annoying.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  28. #108
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Dragonfree: The colouring really is amazing, I am very impressed. I hoped there was a better Kec. sprite, he looks like he's doing the Hula or something ^_^;;. Oh well. I also wished the shiny Kec. was purple instead of having a blue stripe >_<';;

    Powarun: She isn't confirmed as being dead...don't run before you can walk (can Catform do either? lol). Chris may just win this tournament....*crosses fingers, before realising he KNOWS what happens* oh well.

    People, people! Chapter 16....i think thats the next one ^_^;; has more from Chris about the dream....its a recollection, not an actual dream, but it sharpens and sharpens...until...BOOM! Yea, i'm still planning the dream to take place in the fic, but it's very confusing........

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  29. #109
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Well, Castform floats. It can't run maybe it rolls and the clouds mistaken for women's chest could be wheels. O-o. Anyway be a little nice to Chris and make him claim some fame.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  30. #110
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    i know ive been gone for a million years, but im back now! there was easter and my mom had her apendix out (she's doing fine, btw)!

    this fic has progressed alot. here are some of my favorite parts:
    I clicked my tongue again and agreed. Stupid Chris. He had to travel over the seas to get some action, while I just had to eavesdrop on a criminal gang as they spilled their secret plans…the chump…


    “Dustox!” I cried, staring at the Pokemon. It was rather ugly compared to the alternate evolution, Beautifly, but I’m sure Chris would be pleased all the same. I watched in fascination. Nothing could ruin this moment…

    “Suzie!” Mum cried. “Grandma needs a sponge bath”


    Scyther was being beaten badly. I laughed sadistically. Al couldn’t run forever…and I had been assigned to track him down and catch him again. I’d explain in detail…but I can’t. It’s exclusive information, and I don’t know how many of you are reading this…
    cant wait till next UD, so bye!

  31. #111
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    ShinyMarill: This is off topic, but, you were talking about the Kecleon sprite, and he's the main Pokemon in your fic. I was just wondering, is he your favorite Pokemon?

  32. #112
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Powarun: You'll have to see if he gets fame or not...But i doubt it, unless he runs the National Lottery and pushes the button that reelases the balls! yay!

    Ultra Poke: who are you? Lol. I dont remember you...
    UD? ??? ahem. so yea...the fic has progressed nicely hasnt it? Oh, and that Sandra thing = The whole thing doesnt get explained until Chapter 25, really. Al meets a special someone in Lavender town ^_^

    Mr Mayor: Yea, the litle guys great. I am Kecleon on the spp forums, but i keep my old 'old skl' name here :-p

    so yea, Chapter 25 underway. It's mostly Molly ... and ... erm ... you'll find out in Chapter 16 i think why she's in. *ahem*. Al is also in for a whee while, and I'm trying to fit Chris in as well.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  33. #113
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Ok, I am doing what i did with FRTC: The 'ask the author' interveiw. You have any questions about this fanfic or any other fics i've done, then Post them here and I will answer them as sharply as possible. You may ALSO ask CHARACTERS questions, 'EBTV Style' hehe. Oz wont mind

    I am not prepared, however, to reveal spoilers in the post, so dont ask! hehe.

    I hope i get a few quessies from you lot! Ask Chris, Krystal, Tony, Al, Sandra, Duncan, Megan, Jet, James Holmes, Rika, Molly, Misty, DAVE, George, Daniel, Kecleon, Marill or ANY POKEMON! GO FOR IT!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  34. #114
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    I've got a question for Krystal:
    Why did you become a Dragon tamer? I mean there isn't many dragons to tame.

  35. #115
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Question for Tony:
    Do you hate Dave enough to kill him????
    (its only hypathetical, so its not technically a spoiler)

    Watch out for my new fanfic - Changing times

    * Chapter 1 Up! *

  36. #116
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Jon UKX:
    Krystal: Why? DUH. Lance is adorable. Heh. That old cow Claire is there, though. What? I'M NOT BLUSHING YOU RETARD! ... well, Dragons like my Charizard and Kingdra are purely stong, they need very little training (DONT say i'm lazy :-/ or i'll get Chariard on you), and some, like Swablu (I DEFINITELY need one) are sprta cute. Why? Do you think i won't get in?
    Marill:Let's hope she can get back to earth, eh Jon? Well, at least she took me with her...she COULD have left me with stupid old Kimi...
    Krystal: What was that, Marill sweetie?
    Marill: Marill, mar!

    Tony: Hmm...I'm not sure. I'm pretty melow really, so I probably wouldn't stab him intentionally. Krystal, however, has a much shorter fuse than me.
    Krystal:: WHAT?
    Tony:: Heh...i Didn't know you were here! ... But Damien, (thats your name, right?) I think I would just beat him up, personally. I gotta go, anyway, cos Wartortle needs trained up so he can evolve!
    Wartortle: Buddy, you got kidnapped on Monday, remember? I ran off into the woods, cos i was scared, and then thats all THEY know! Don't ruin anything you idiot...
    Tony: See? he's crying with hapiness and enthusiasm...
    Wartortle: Thank Grimer he can't hear me...*grin*

    Chris: OH, no questions for me, then? Fine! I'll start my own fanfic, with blackjack, and roulette...Oh, forget the Fanfic, i'll just start my own casino...
    Electabuzz: I bags being Doorman!
    Granbull: YOU? erm...I have focus bands...LOOK!
    Chris Don't you just HATE it when you get stubborn Pokemon? Like Bulbasaur?
    Bulbasaur: I hate you.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  37. #117
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Question for Anne Marie:

    Are you dead? LOL

  38. #118
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Question for Granbull:

    I know in the first FRTC, you and Charmeleon seemed to be rivals, althought you did come together in that battle with the seventh Gym Leader. Are you and Charizard friends now, or do you still try and better each other?

    Also, Question for Chris and Krystal:

    You two shared that kiss in the woods. Can you see anything happening between to two of you in the future?

  39. #119
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Anne-Marie: Erm, NO! Right now, I am in the forest, barely staying alive with a GIGANTIC GASH on my left leg. I feel drowsy, my make-up bag has gone and my mascara has smudged! Oh, do you want to hear my totally heroic story? Ok, so I was battling this Ekans, and i thought it spat a dart at me, but i turned, and saw this guy, about 18 or 19, standing over me with a tranquilizer gun! He had a Blastoise by his side, and kicked me in the teeth (my LIPSTICK smudged, the retard). Erm...I won't be saying much more ... i feel kinda drowsy...

    Mr Mayor
    Chris: Oh, we're a perfect match, Mr Mayor! She, a dragon taming girl with beautiful blue hair...and me, a bold, naieve young kid with a chameleon Pokemon. OH! It's just great. I HAVE been planning something for the bike path...

    Krystal: ***SMACK***
    He's joking...optimism and ugliness dont to together, Chris! Hahhaahahhaa! Well, he's a really good mate, and I stand by that: we're close mates and we always will be. My theory is that if we go out, we'll take it further, and if we split up then...we'd get further arpart. I dont want to lose him as a friend...he's very kind, and funny...

    Chris: Whats this? my ears are burning...

    Krystal: We're not talking about YOU...

    Chris: NO! my ears ARE burning! Charizard's been making fun of me...

    Krystal: He did?

    Chris: Well...Ok, i yanked his tail to see what would happen...

    Krystal: oh yea, he's pretty thick, too. Thanks! Thats one more question that you got CHRIS!


    Granbull: Well, I dont see him as much as i'd like to. Charizard and I are just, well, normal, i guess. We did seem very close in the Miami Islands, but once he evolved he seemed to be rather dominant of the group: He had evolved TWICE now, and although 'King and 'Queen were the same, those two were very quiet Pokemon.

    Charizard: Dogg, I can answer questions better than you!

    Granbull: Oh yea? EAT MY FIST!




    Kecleon: Can we have an interveiw WITHOUT Granbull fighting? This is stupid! Come on, Bulbasaur, lets go somewhere else...

    Bulbasaur: Just leave me alone, Okay? I HATE being the center of attention...

    Kecleon:: Pidgeotto? Hey! Pidgeotto?

    Noctowl: Oh...he had to erm...DISAPEAR somewhere...MWA-HA-HA!

    Kecleon: You remind me of the farmer that killed my parents.

    Noctowl: Yes, I get that a lot...

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  40. #120
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    Default From Rookie To Champion - The Indigo Road

    Okay I had a question that has been bugging me since FRTC
    Chris, have you beaten pokemon Ruby or Sapphire on your gameboy yet. You had it since the begining of the story and you haven't used it yet. Also other than Pidgeot what other pokemon do you want.

    Krystal, do you think that Damien deserved to die?

    Bulbasaur, what would you do if you had a fan club named after you, who worshiped you, but you couldn't kill them or hurt them.
    If something is wrong, please say so.

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