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Thread: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    The light sparkles and glitters and the red carpet rolls to welcome the nominated personnels for the Unown Awards 2007. Commentating here, would be Dark-san, your host for today, with my little assistant, the big bad wolf from Red Riding Hood!

    Dark-san: Tell me today, big bad wolf, what would you be expecting the most?
    Wolf: Lots of meat loaves and French wine!
    Dark-san: ...

    Dark-san: Okay lets forget about my previous question! Of who from the nominated list gave you the most memorable experience!
    Wolf: Of course, Kalah and Kirst!

    *makes wolf cries*

    Dark-san: -_-*

    *Takes mod-stick and hits big bad wolf from nowhere, causing him to faint*

    Dark-san: While my assistant is taking a little nap in dreamland, here are the long awaited list of nominees. Before you voted, here are a couple of rules to followed,

    1) All votes are to be posted either in this topic or through PM to me.

    2) You can change your vote anytime from now to the 25 June 2007. During that period, you can edit your post and changed them.

    3) Any changes to votes made after 25 June 2007 would be rejected.

    4) Members are reminded not to spam up this topic or they would faced disclinary actions taken against them.

    5) All of the reason which the public had given when nominating their choice could be found in the nomination topic.

    6) There can only be one winner for each Unown Trophey. Should there be a tie, we would organise a tiebreaker voting topic and have the pulbic to re-vote (By sending their votes via PM to me). This process would be repeated over again until the winner is decided via ballot. *Go democracy!*

    Without further a do delay, here are the nominees for tonight's grand event! Of the 73 nominations, who would walked off with these trophies at the end of the prestigious event?


    Unown Award 'A' -
    'A'wesome - Andrew
    ‘A’gony Aunt – Plantae
    'A'rceus - Charles Legend
    'A'ctivator: mistysakura

    Unown Award 'B' -
    'B'irthday boy - Last Exile
    ‘B’oss – Chris
    'B'irthday Buddy - Crystal Tears

    Unown Award 'C' -
    'C'unning - Weasel Overlord
    ‘C’hivalrous - Blademaster
    'C'razy - Mega Horny
    'C'omic - mr_pikachu
    'C'reator – Kevin

    Unown Award 'D' -
    'D'ead - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai
    'D'edicated Plantae
    'D'ragon - Weasel Overlord
    'D'edicated: shinypkmnchaser

    Unown Award 'E' -
    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu
    'E'xplosion - Engimatikul

    Unown Award 'F' -
    'F'un - Magmar
    'F'lunky – Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
    'F'un Source – Blademaster

    Unown Award 'G' -
    'G'orgeous - Kalah
    ‘G’rub-of-Werewolves – Zcade0
    'G'amer - Inferno Dragon
    'G'ender Bender - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'H' -
    'H'elpful - Chris
    'H'urry up - Dark-San

    Unown Award 'I' -
    'I'ntermittent - Anitash Superstar
    ‘I’mmense Patience – Dark-San
    'I't's Haunter - Mega Horny
    'I'ntention: Wolfsong

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai

    Unown Award 'K' -
    'K'ind - Lady Vulpix
    'K'ind order - Lady Vulpix

    Unown Award 'L' -
    'L'- like - Roy Karrde
    'L'olicon – Roy Karrde
    'L'ote - Mikachu Yukastu

    Unown Award 'M' -
    'M'aster chief - Mystic Clown
    'M'ew for ILikePokemonP

    Unown Award 'N' -
    'N'ot hyper - Hyperness
    'N'ice Guy - Dark Tyranitar
    'N'icely Nice – Number1ChanseyFan

    Unown Award 'O' -
    'O'rgy – Mr_Pikachu
    'O'ver the Top - Hyperness is a Good thing

    Unown Award 'P' -
    ‘P’rivate Message Forger – Plantae
    'P'irate - Toxicity
    'P'okehelper – Poryhedron

    Unown Award 'Q' -
    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu
    'Q'uick- Inferno_Dragon

    Unown Award 'R' -
    'R'ushing to complete Pokemon Diamond - Crazy Elf Boy
    'R'eplier - Houndoom_lover
    'R'eformed - Zcade0

    Unown Award 'S' -
    'S'trictest - Gabi
    ‘S’exy – Magmar
    'S'orry - Fett one
    'S'ig. Man - mr. pikachu

    Unown Award 'T' -
    'T'oo much post - mr_pikachu
    'T'wins - Houndoom Lover

    Unown Award 'U' -
    'U'no - Keivin
    'U'nkillable - Roy Karde

    Unown Award 'V' -
    ‘V’V Fancier – Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
    'V'icious -
    'V'ariety - Saffire Persian

    Unown Award 'W' -
    'W'orker - Hypotenuse Man
    ‘W’hoosh! – Mega Horny
    'W'hiny - Blademaster
    'W'hack - Kitsun

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'Y' -
    'Y'ugi-oh - Dark Sage
    'Y' me? - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'Z' -
    'Z'elda - Baldemaster
    Z'ealful - Blademaster


    And we have two winners! Trophey 'J' for Emotional Faun Chiko Sai and Trophey 'X' for Mikachu Yukitatsu! Their nomination went uncontested and they deserve their award due to their memorable contribution to the TPM community. Congratulation guys!

    *Hands Trophies over to them*

    Come on, start voting for the rest now. The closing date would be on the 25 June 2007, exactly ten days from now!
    Last edited by Dark-San; 15th June 2007 at 08:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Keyblade Master of Twilight Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Oh Damn I didn't make it oh well...

  3. #3
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Hmm, it seems that I'm the first one to post my votes. Well, it doesn't matter pretty much. Here are my votes.

    Unown Award 'A' – *rolls a dice. 5. rolls again, 6 rolls again, 5… is getting mad at the dice, rolls again, 1*

    'A'wesome - Andrew

    Unown Award 'B'

    ‘B’oss – Chris (Chris is really helpful around here, and well, he’s an Admin.)

    Unown Award 'C' -

    'C'reator – Kevin(Kevin created this awesome board. Shouldn’t he deserve an award?)

    Unown Award 'D'

    'D'edicated Plantae (I feel like voting for me would be of too much ego. Plus Plantae is dedicated to his game too)

    Unown Award 'E'

    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu (Ahh, another Admin. Owner of the Signature Control Center, and being the girl Admin of the board, also a Veteran trainer… well, that’s too much praising.)

    Unown Award 'F'

    'F'un Source – Blademaster(Those creative jokes always get the best of me, and from others too, if I’m not mistaken.)

    Unown Award 'G' - *rolls dice, 4*

    'G'ender Bender - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'H' -

    'H'urry up - Dark-San (Someday, I want to battle that lv 70 team, but first you need to take on the Elite Four)

    Unown Award 'I' -

    'I'ntention: Wolfsong(There are obstacles that we need to overcome.)

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner

    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai (Congratulations ^_^)

    Unown Award 'K' -

    'K'ind order - Lady Vulpix(this one is an auto-winner, but there are two options for the award. I’ll take this option, since it describes the personality of Gabi in the forums. Congratulations Lady Vulpix)

    Unown Award 'L' – *rolls, 1*

    'L'- like - Roy Karrde

    Unown Award 'M' - *flips coin, face*

    'M'ew for ILikePokemonP

    Unown Award 'N' -

    'N'icely Nice – Number1ChanseyFan(obvious choice)

    Unown Award 'O' - *flips coin, tails*

    'O'rgy – Mr_Pikachu

    Unown Award 'P' -

    'P'okehelper – Poryhedron(*has no reason to post*)

    Unown Award 'Q'

    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu (Post with Quality=awesome post)

    Unown Award 'R' - *rolls dice, 5*

    'R'eplier - Houndoom_lover

    Unown Award 'S' -

    'S'ig. Man - mr. pikachu (sig. phrases have become popular because of him)

    Unown Award 'T'

    'T'oo much post - mr_pikachu (self-explanatory)

    Unown Award 'U'

    'U'no - Kevin (self-explanatory)

    Unown Award 'V' – *rolls dice, 6*

    'V'ariety - Saffire Persian

    Unown Award 'W' -

    'W'orker - Hypotenuse Man (*has no reason whatsoever*)

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!

    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu(Congrats. ^_^)

    Unown Award 'Y' -

    'Y' me? - Mega Horny (…)

    Unown Award 'Z' -

    Z'ealful – Blademaster(Another auto-winner. I don’t know what Z’ealful means, but it sounds better than Zelda, no?)

    ...and those are all the votes. Good luck to everyone.

    Optimist award 2012.

    “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” (Linda Grayson)

    Thank you everyone... for being so kind and for bringing out the best in me! You are definitely awesome! ^_^

  4. #4
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Wow, I'm competing against myself for the K trophy! O_o

    I've sent Dark-San my votes. Good luck to everyone!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  5. #5
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    I know the feeling, Lady V. o.o;


    In other other news, [shamelessbragging]if you think 2:11 at the TP Goron Mines is cool, how does 0:18 in the original SMB (no warp zones) and 00:47 in the original DKC (102% completion) suit you? [/shamelessbragging]

    Anyway, I'll have my votes up soon. Ciao.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

    HEY! I do art commissions! Follow me and my pals on their website here!

  6. #6
    Reaper Man Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Unown Award 'A' - eh
    'A'ctivator: mistysakura

    Unown Award 'B' - eh
    ‘B’oss – Chris

    Unown Award 'C' - sounds cool
    ‘C’hivalrous - Blademaster

    Unown Award 'D' - I nominated for it
    'D'edicated Plantae

    Unown Award 'E' - true
    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu

    Unown Award 'F' - eh
    'F'lunky – Emotional Faun Chiko-sai

    Unown Award 'G' - I said it in the RP forum x) and grub doesn't sound very honorable...
    'G'ender Bender - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'H' - two for him, then
    'H'elpful - Chris

    Unown Award 'I' - true
    ‘I’mmense Patience – Dark-San

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai

    Unown Award 'K' - true
    'K'ind order - Lady Vulpix

    Unown Award 'L' - lack of better options x)
    'L'- like - Roy Karrde

    Unown Award 'M' - HALO
    'M'aster chief - Mystic Clown

    Unown Award 'N' - ironic
    'N'ot hyper - Hyperness

    Unown Award 'O' - lack of better answers x)
    'O'ver the Top - Hyperness is a Good thing

    Unown Award 'P' - yarr
    'P'irate - Toxicity

    Unown Award 'Q' - true
    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu

    Unown Award 'R' - look at some of my older posts in Pokemonese
    'R'eformed - Zcade0

    Unown Award 'S' - true
    'S'ig. Man - mr. pikachu

    Unown Award 'T' - humerous
    'T'oo much post - mr_pikachu

    Unown Award 'U' - HE WOULDN'T DIE!!! -shoots- stay dead
    'U'nkillable - Roy Karde

    Unown Award 'V' - eh
    'V'icious -

    Unown Award 'W' - eh
    ‘W’hoosh! – Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'Y' - best. yu-gi-oh fics. this side of. SR: Fifteen.
    'Y'ugi-oh - Dark Sage

    Unown Award 'Z' - because I can
    Z'eda - Blademaster


    short reasons. eh.
    "What pisses me off is that I can't even tell the regular insanity from the special delivery."

    -Dave Jones, CRFH.

    Your last statement qualifies you as a winner of a nonsense contest and a looser everywhere else.

    - Roger Pepitone, CRFH

  7. #7
    But he's still here! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Grr! Who nominated Blademaster for Zelda? I'm the Zelda fan! Me! His zelda information is because of MEEEE! I AM A VICTIM!!!!

    Unown Award 'A' -
    'A'ftermath - Drifblim

    Unown Award 'B' -
    'B'est Member - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'C' -
    'C'razy - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'D' -
    'D'iabolical - Hypotenuse Man

    Unown Award 'E' -
    'E'nnoying - Blademaster

    Unown Award 'F' -
    'F'**king whiny - Blademaster

    Unown Award 'G' -
    'G'orgeous - Hypotenuse man

    Unown Award 'H' -
    'H'ockey Puck for head - Mr. Pikachu

    Unown Award 'I' -
    'I'ts hauntoim! - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'K' -
    'K'ould be nicer -- RaZoR LeAf

    Unown Award 'L' -
    'L'icks other tpmers - Chris 2.0

    Unown Award 'M' -
    'M'assachist - Crystal Tears

    Unown Award 'N' -
    'N'egrek - Negrek

    Unown Award 'O' -
    'O'ops - Chris 2.0

    Unown Award 'P' -
    'P'lease vote for me - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'Q' -
    'Q'uagsire - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'R' -
    'R'eally whiny - Blademaster

    Unown Award 'S' -
    'S'uck up - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'T' -
    'T'aciturn - Negrek

    Unown Award 'U' -
    'U'ptight - The Missing link

    Unown Award 'V' -
    'V'ery whiny - Blademaster

    Unown Award 'W' -
    'W'hiny - Blademaster

    Unown Award 'Y' -
    'Y'ams - Doctor Octillery

    Unown Award 'Z' -
    'Zul' - Angry Video Game Nerd

    ≠Mega Horny

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by Mega Horny View Post
    Grr! Who nominated Blademaster for Zelda? I'm the Zelda fan! Me! His zelda information is because of MEEEE! I AM A VICTIM!!!!
    Mega Horny, kindly note that your vote is only limited to those already mentioned in the nomination topic. Don't add in your own choice.

  9. #9
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by Mega Horny View Post
    Grr! Who nominated Blademaster for Zelda? I'm the Zelda fan! Me! His zelda information is because of MEEEE! I AM A VICTIM!!!!
    BECUASE I CAN, anyways I probably know more about Zelda than you anyway. SO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Unown Award 'A' -
    'A'rceus - Charles Legend

    Unown Award 'B' -
    'B'irthday Buddy - Crystal Tears

    Unown Award 'C' -
    'C'reator – Kevin

    Unown Award 'D' -
    'D'ragon - Weasel Overlord

    Unown Award 'E' -
    'E'xplosion - Engimatikul

    Unown Award 'F' -
    'F'un Source – Blademaster

    Unown Award 'G' -
    ‘G’rub-of-Werewolves – Zcade0

    Unown Award 'H' -
    'H'urry up - Dark-San

    Unown Award 'I' -
    'I't's Haunter - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai

    Unown Award 'K' -
    'K'ind - Lady Vulpix

    Unown Award 'L' -
    'L'olicon – Roy Karrde

    Unown Award 'M' -
    'M'aster chief - Mystic Clown

    Unown Award 'N' -
    'N'ot hyper - Hyperness

    Unown Award 'O' -
    'O'rgy – Mr_Pikachu

    Unown Award 'P' -
    'P'irate - Toxicity

    Unown Award 'Q' -
    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu

    Unown Award 'R' -
    'R'ushing to complete Pokemon Diamond - Crazy Elf Boy

    Unown Award 'S' -
    'S'orry - Fett one

    Unown Award 'T' -
    'T'wins - Houndoom Lover

    Unown Award 'U' -
    'U'nkillable - Roy Karde

    Unown Award 'V' -
    'V'icious -

    Unown Award 'W' -
    ‘W’hoosh! – Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'Y' -
    'Y' me? - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'Z' -
    'Z'elda - Baldemaster

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  10. #10
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    So, am I to assume that voting for yourself is allowed?

    Unown Award 'A'
    'A'ctivator - mistysakura

    Unown Award 'B'
    ‘B’oss – Chris

    Unown Award 'C'
    'C'razy - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'D'
    'D'edicated - shinypkmnchaser

    Unown Award 'E'
    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu

    Unown Award 'F'
    'F'un - Magmar

    Unown Award 'G'
    'G'ender Bender - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'H'
    'H'elpful - Chris

    Unown Award 'I'
    'I'ntention: Wolfsong

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai

    Unown Award 'K'
    'K'ind - Lady Vulpix

    Unown Award 'L'
    'L'olicon – Roy Karrde

    Unown Award 'M'
    'M'ew for ILikePokemonP

    Unown Award 'N'
    'N'ice Guy - darktyranitar

    Unown Award 'O'
    'O'ver the Top - Hyperness is a Good thing

    Unown Award 'P'
    'P'okehelper – Poryhedron

    Unown Award 'Q'
    'Q'uick- Inferno_Dragon

    Unown Award 'R'
    'R'eformed - Zcade0

    Unown Award 'S'
    'S'ig. Man - mr_pikachu

    Unown Award 'T'
    'T'oo much post - mr_pikachu

    Unown Award 'U'
    'U'no - Kevin

    Unown Award 'V'
    'V'ariety - Saffire Persian

    Unown Award 'W'
    'W'hiny - Blademaster

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'Y'
    'Y'ugi-oh - Dark Sage

    Unown Award 'Z'
    Z'ealful - Blademaster

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  11. #11
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    I don't know. I didn't think so, so I didn't. Then again, I wouldn't vote for myself if I could. I don't think I can judge whether Kind or Kind order suits me best, and I'm not taking the Sig man award from you.

    It looks like I'm the only ones who sent my votes via PM. Did you get them, Dark-San?

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
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  12. #12
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Yup, I got them. Sorry for the late reply was out then entire day yesterday.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post
    Then again, I wouldn't vote for myself if I could.
    I take pride in the fact that I only voted for myself twice when I could've done a self-vote in every category for which I was nominated. Go me!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  14. #14
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    I'm already a winner! Excellent!

    Unown Award 'A' -
    'A'wesome - Andrew

    Unown Award 'B' -
    ‘B’oss – Chris

    Unown Award 'C' -
    'C'unning - Weasel Overlord

    Unown Award 'D' -
    'D'edicated: shinypkmnchaser

    Unown Award 'E' -
    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu

    Unown Award 'F' -
    'F'un Source – Blademaster

    Unown Award 'G' -
    'G'amer - Inferno Dragon

    Unown Award 'H' -
    'H'urry up - Dark-San

    Unown Award 'I' -
    'I't's Haunter - Mega Horny

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai

    Unown Award 'K' -
    'K'ind - Lady Vulpix

    Unown Award 'L' -
    'L'- like - Roy Karrde

    Unown Award 'M' -
    'M'ew for ILikePokemonP

    Unown Award 'N' -
    'N'ice Guy - Dark Tyranitar

    Unown Award 'O' -
    'O'ver the Top - Hyperness is a Good thing

    Unown Award 'P' -
    'P'irate - Toxicity

    Unown Award 'Q' -
    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu

    Unown Award 'R' -
    'R'ushing to complete Pokemon Diamond - Crazy Elf Boy

    Unown Award 'S' -
    ‘S’exy – Magmar

    Unown Award 'T' -
    'T'oo much post - mr_pikachu

    Unown Award 'U' -
    'U'no - Keivin

    Unown Award 'V' -
    'V'ariety - Saffire Persian

    Unown Award 'W' -
    'W'hack - Kitsun

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'Y' -
    'Y'ugi-oh - Dark Sage

    Unown Award 'Z' -
    Z'ealful - Blademaster

    I vote for the ones I have specially noticed, that shows how special those member are!

  15. #15
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Unown Award 'A' -
    'A'rceus - Charles Legend (major lack of options >>)

    Unown Award 'B' -
    ‘B’oss – Chris (same as above, though Chris is a pretty take-charge guy)

    Unown Award 'C' -
    'C'reator – Kevin (no-brainer FTW)

    Unown Award 'D' -
    'D'edicated: shinypkmnchaser (Hangman)

    Unown Award 'E' -
    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu (97 sigs? o.o)

    Unown Award 'F' -
    'F'un Source – Blademaster (Go, me!)

    Unown Award 'G' -
    'G'amer - Inferno Dragon (He's all over PCG.)

    Unown Award 'H' -
    'H'elpful - Chris (Well... he is. )

    Unown Award 'I' -
    ‘I’mmense Patience – Dark-San (Never seen him angry.)

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai (...)

    Unown Award 'K' -
    'K'ind - Lady Vulpix (... again)

    Unown Award 'L' -
    'L'olicon – Roy Karrde (... yet again)

    Unown Award 'M' -
    'M'aster chief - Mystic Clown (WHAT HAPPENED TO RvBvG!!?!?!?! ;_

    Unown Award 'N' -
    'N'icely Nice – Number1ChanseyFan (Never seen her anything but happy.)

    Unown Award 'O' -
    'O'ver the Top - Hyperness is a Good thing (lack of options again ><)

    Unown Award 'P' -
    'P'okehelper – Poryhedron (The Pokemon video games forum is like his office.)

    Unown Award 'Q' -
    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu (Need I explain?)

    Unown Award 'R' -
    'R'eplier - Houndoom_lover (Once she starts, she never stops. o.O)

    Unown Award 'S' -
    'S'trictest - Gabi (Sorry, Lady V; lack of options again.)

    Unown Award 'T' -
    'T'wins - Houndoom Lover (this ones a double-entendre for me. :p)

    Unown Award 'U' -
    'U'no - Keivin (yet again, lack of options... who is Keivin, anyway?)

    Unown Award 'V' -
    'V'ariety - Saffire Persian (still lacking good options here...)

    Unown Award 'W' -
    'W'orker - Hypotenuse Man (He's really been putting in the ours since he was Modded.)

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu (... for the last time)

    Unown Award 'Y' -
    'Y'ugi-oh - Dark Sage (Come on - he practically started the trend on this site.)

    Unown Award 'Z' -
    'Z'elda - Blademaster (Speedrun + fanfic + bad-ass drawings of TP bosses IRL. W00t.)

    ~T3h Bl4d3z0r5

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

    HEY! I do art commissions! Follow me and my pals on their website here!

  16. #16
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer
    Houndoom_Lover's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Chthonic, North of Alanta

    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Unown Award 'A' -
    'A'rceus - Charles Legend (It sound cool!)

    Unown Award 'B' -
    'B'irthday Buddy - Crystal Tears (She needs some love ^-^)

    Unown Award 'C' -
    ‘C’hivalrous - Blademaster (*scores ten point* Hehehe, kidding...or am I? o^.^o)

    Unown Award 'D' -
    'D'edicated Plantae (Because...Plantae is?)

    Unown Award 'E' -
    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu (Yay! ^.^)

    Unown Award 'F' -
    'F'un Source – Blademaster (I love hiiiiim!)

    Unown Award 'G' -
    ‘G’rub-of-Werewolves – Zcade0 ('s unfortunent ^-^)

    Unown Award 'H' -
    I’mmense Patience – Dark-San (I didn't know what to doooo)

    Unown Award 'I' -
    ‘I’mmense Patience – Dark-San (I agree! ^-^)

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai (Cool!)

    Unown Award 'K' -
    'K'ind - Lady Vulpix (Name it Kenny!)

    Unown Award 'L' -
    'L'olicon – Roy Karrde (Go you!)

    Unown Award 'M' -
    'M'aster chief - Mystic Clown (Chieft is an awesome title ^-^)

    Unown Award 'N' -
    'N'icely Nice – Number1ChanseyFan (You make puppies smile!)

    Unown Award 'O' -
    'O'ver the Top - Hyperness is a Good thing (Woohoo!)

    Unown Award 'P' -
    P’rivate Message Forger – Plantae (^-^ Cuute!)

    Unown Award 'Q' -
    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu (Pretty awesome!)

    Unown Award 'R' -
    'R'eplier - Houndoom_lover (Blade: Once she starts, she never stops. o.O Me: Like pringles?)

    Unown Award 'S' -
    'S'ig. Man - mr. pikachu (It is pretty awesome...)

    Unown Award 'T' -
    'T'wins - Houndoom Lover (I don't have split personalies you cretes! *blows somthing up* ^_____________^ Who wants cookies?)

    Unown Award 'U' -
    'U'no - Keivin (I dunno ^_^)

    Unown Award 'V' -
    'V'ariety - Saffire Persian (You rock Saffy! ^-^)

    Unown Award 'W' -
    W’hoosh! – Mega Horny (Wheee ha!)

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu (Whatsdismean?!)

    Unown Award 'Y' -
    'Y'ugi-oh - Dark Sage (You taste good! ^-^ *wiggles thumbs*)

    Unown Award 'Z' -
    'Z'ealful - Blademaster (Like duck pudding!! ^_^)
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  17. #17
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by Houndoom_Lover View Post
    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu (Whatsdismean?!)
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    Oh, I'd like to add a nomination: Mikachu Yukitatsu for 'X'enodochial, because he's always kind towards first-time/inexperienced posters and people he hasn't met before.

    He's not the only one, but I think he's the one who shows it the most.
    I hope that explained. I didn't find the word from my English dictionary, but my French dictionary showed another word that I don't remember right now, meaning alien-friendly, and I guess that's what Lady Vulpix meant. She lives in Argentina, right? (Note that the country's main language isn't French though)

    And am I now allowed to use the x Unown in my signature?

  18. #18
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    I do live in Argentina, but that has nothing to do with it. I actually don't know how to say that in Spanish. But have you tried searching the web for it?

    As for putting it on your signature, I'd wait until the awards are handed out.

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
    Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
    Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
    Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).

    Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
    ✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭

  19. #19
    Master Trainer
    Master Trainer

    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    Default Re: Unown Awards 2007 - Voting Phase

    Voting phase ends today.

    The total final tally of the votes collected.

    ** ~ **

    Unown Award 'A' -

    'A'wesome - Andrew - 2
    ‘A’gony Aunt – Plantae
    'A'rceus - Charles Legend - 3
    'A'ctivator- mistysakura - 3

    Unown Award 'B' - Chris
    'B'irthday boy - Last Exile
    ‘B’oss – Chris - 6
    'B'irthday Buddy - Crystal Tears - 2

    Unown Award 'C' - Kevin
    'C'unning - Weasel Overlord – 2
    ‘C’hivalrous – Blademaster - 2
    'C'razy - Mega Horny - 1
    'C'omic - mr_pikachu
    'C'reator – Kevin - 3

    Unown Award 'D' – shinypkmnchaser
    'D'ead - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai
    'D'edicated Plantae - 3
    'D'ragon - Weasel Overlord - 1
    'D'edicated- shinypkmnchaser - 4

    Unown Award 'E' – Little Pikachu
    'E'xperienced - Little Pikachu – 7
    'E'xplosion – Engimatikul - 1

    Unown Award 'F' - Blademaster
    'F'un - Magmar - 1
    'F'lunky – Emotional Faun Chiko-sai - 1
    'F'un Source – Blademaster - 6

    Unown Award 'G' -
    'G'orgeous - Kalah
    ‘G’rub-of-Werewolves – Zcade0 - 2
    'G'amer - Inferno Dragon - 3
    'G'ender Bender - Mikachu Yukitatsu - 3

    Unown Award 'H' -
    'H'elpful - Chris - 4
    'H'urry up - Dark-San - 4

    Unown Award 'I' – Dark-San
    'I'ntermittent - Anitash Superstar - 1
    ‘I’mmense Patience – Dark-San - 3
    'I't's Haunter - Mega Horny - 2
    'I'ntention- Wolfsong - 2

    Unown Award 'J' - Automatic Winner
    'J'ack Sparrow - Emotional Faun Chiko Sai

    Unown Award 'K' – Lady Vulpix
    'K'ind - Lady Vulpix - 5
    'K'ind order - Lady Vulpix - 2

    Unown Award 'L' – Roy Karrde
    'L'- like - Roy Karrde - 3
    'L'olicon – Roy Karrde - 4
    'L'ote - Mikachu Yukastu

    Unown Award 'M' – Mystic Clown
    'M'aster chief - Mystic Clown - 4
    'M'ew - IlikePokemonP - 3

    Unown Award 'N' – Number1ChanseyFan
    'N'ot hyper - Hyperness - 2
    'N'ice Guy - Dark Tyranitar - 2
    'N'icely Nice – Number1ChanseyFan - 4

    Unown Award 'O' – Hyperness is a Good Thing
    'O'rgy – Mr_Pikachu - 2
    'O'ver the Top - Hyperness is a Good thing - 5

    Unown Award 'P' - Poryhedron
    ‘P’rivate Message Forger – Plantae - 1
    'P'irate – Toxicity - 3
    'P'okehelper – Poryhedron – 4

    Unown Award 'Q' – mr_pikachu
    'Q'uality: mr_pikachu - 7
    'Q'uick- Inferno_Dragon - 1

    Unown Award 'R' – Houndoom_lover
    'R'ushing to complete Pokemon Diamond - Crazy Elf Boy - 2
    'R'eplier - Houndoom_lover - 4
    'R'eformed - Zcade0 - 2

    Unown Award 'S' – mr_pikachu
    'S'trictest - Gabi - 1
    ‘S’exy – Magmar - 1
    'S'orry - Fett one - 1
    'S'ig. Man - mr. Pikachu - 4

    Unown Award 'T' – mr_pikachu
    'T'oo much post - mr_pikachu - 4
    'T'wins - Houndoom Lover - 3

    Unown Award 'U' - Kevin
    'U'no - Keivin - 5
    'U'nkillable - Roy Karde - 2

    Unown Award 'V' – Saffire Persian
    ‘V’V Fancier – Emotional Faun Chiko-sai
    'V'icious - - 2
    'V'ariety - Saffire Persian - 6

    Unown Award 'W' – Mega Horny
    'W'orker - Hypotenuse Man - 3
    ‘W’hoosh! – Mega Horny - 4
    'W'hiny - Blademaster
    'W'hack – Kitsun - 1

    Unown Award 'X' - Automatic Winner!
    'X'enodochial - Mikachu Yukitatsu

    Unown Award 'Y' – Dark Sage
    'Y'ugi-oh - Dark Sage – 6
    'Y' me? - Mega Horny - 2

    Unown Award 'Z' - Blademaster
    'Z'elda – Baldemaster - 3
    'Z'ealful – Blademaster – 5
    Last edited by Dark-San; 25th June 2007 at 12:07 PM.

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