New tools can 'sidejack' laptops at Wi-Fi spots

Now this is scary. Everyone's so worried about people leaning over and seeing their screens on public networks, but to be able to do this with nothing more than signal-grabbers... wow. Probably should've seen it coming, but it's still really bad.

Got a couple of questions on the subject. First, the guy on the video recommended a program that creates a VPN encryption, even on an open network. How does that work, exactly? That is, if the system itself doesn't require VPN encryption, how is it that you can create it on your own? Do the router settings change in response to your alteration - and more importantly, could someone detect that setting change and track your activity anyway?

Second, what does this mean for "secure" wireless networks? For instance, say you're at home, logging into the net through a router that requires some password for access. Depending on the settings you've chosen, could one of these signal-snatchers work in the same way there as they would on a public network?

As if my parents' insecure network wasn't bad enough...