It first originate from anime series such as 2001's Hanaukyo Maid and 2005's He is my Master!. The trend causes similar cafes to start spreading from the small streets of Aikihabara is small numbers, before spawning itself around the globe in an increasing rate. When it first appeared, it was classified as a Japanese sub-culture. However these days, marketers and retailers alike are likely to classified it under the mainstream culture.

If you dudes are not aware of what we are discussing, it is a high possibility that you are not a very avid anime fan. The topic discussed in details here would be the maid culture. These maids goes by the name of Pink Panther or Chocolate. The dressing that they are usually found wearing would be white frilled aprons covering the Victorian styled black dress that does not covers their knee caps. They greeted you in a kawaii (cute) way by eithering bending on one side of their body and tilting their head. They will addresses you as 'Masters' for guys and 'Mistress' for ladies. After you give your order, they will serve you your coffee or tea.

Surprisingly many modern Japanese regards this 21st century culture as a substitute for their geisha culture. Something which I find it personally insulting to their culture. Although popular, the maid culture will never replace the historical perception of beauty, usually portrayed by the Geisha.

In the beginning, these cafes are usually visited by male otakus. However as times goes by and this culture being absorb into other foreign culture, the idea becomes widely accepted. And these days you will find a variety of customers visiting these cafes in the name of experiencing the unknowns.

But the influence of this cultural trend stays stronger than ever. To the extent that it spawn the birth of the Butler cafe, its closest relative, in order to cater to the female audience. Besides that technology had also begin to play a part in strengthening the support for the trend.

A group of game designers, lead by a Toudai (University of Tokyo) graduate, decided to invent a game that beats the imagination of every otakus you can find around the world. The game was released five days ago. And your local anime otaku resident predict that it is bound to beat the sales record set by any gal game you can find in history.

The preview of the game is as shown as the link below.

The technology explained wonders. With a small cube, you will be able to pull out a miniature sized maid that is the sized of your palm. The fantastic aspect of the game is that it is interactive when you used different cubes to interact with the maid. You would be able to cross- dressed it, stripped it, make it fall down, sleep the floor and even give present to it. This real time interaction communicates with the user through the emotions and actions displayed by the maid when certain actions are done.

Are you in awe? If you are, no worries! 'Cause this invention will soon be on its way to Singapore no sooner than in one month time, when your resident otaku tries his hand on it. ^.^;