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Thread: And now, a taste of things to come...

  1. #1
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    Default And now, a taste of things to come...

    Is it really April already?

    Sometimes it feels like it was yesterday, when a starry-eyed, 15 year old Mewfour first hit CRTL+V and made his first mark on Internet fanfiction. 19 years ago, on 1 April 2000, I introduced the world to Pokèmon, Asylum of the Devitory Style, and the wild ride that followed both in and out of topic is the stuff of TPM legend. Now, I could go on and on, prattling about days long since behind us, but let's not dwell in the past. Instead, let's focus on the future.

    Yeah, I'm still writing stuff, because I am a huge nerd. Not writing nearly as much as I used to, but the kid in my heart isn't ready for that gentle good night just yet. While I've recently gone years without updating my fics, nowadays it's been with purpose. See, I'm working on something. Something that, after finishing Unleashed, I've put everything- and I mean everything, else on hold for. No Pipeball Ultra. No Rumble of the Robot Masters. Nothing but a brand new fic that for YEARS has been a long-kept secret. Until now.

    Mark your calendars. In exactly one year, on 1 April 2020, the 20th anniversary of PADS, the legend begins anew. And it will be called, Pokèmon, Asylum of the Devitory Style, X!

    In the meantime? I'll be dropping more juicy bits in this thread about PADSX. In May, we'll be introduced to the cast... and possibly some other things too. Be here.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    Congratulates! I cannot wait for your historical updates. Cast introduction sounds interesting.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    So how about we set the stage? PADSX will be a direct sequel to PADS, set 20 years after our former hero, Tom Simms, captured the Pokemon League Championship. It'll be set in a completely different region too, one which native Pokèmon exist outside of the official 800-plus. That's the reason behind my XDex project- PADSX will contain mostly original Pokèmon- some are related to real Pokèmon, some are completely different and like nothing you've ever seen. Now, that's not to say that we won't be seeing the canon Pokèmon, but for the most part, it's all Asylum.

    When I said the legend begins again, my choice of words was deliberate. PADSX will focus on brand new characters too, as they embark on a completely new trainer journey. Of course Tom gets a mention every now and then, or more, but as promised, here's the new cast!

    Rob Nuveau
    The main character of PADSX is this young man, Rob Nuveau. Our story begins on his 16th birthday, and the first day of his adventure. In the second chapter, he takes his first steps outside of IDK town. IDK town is a placeholder name for a town I haven't named yet. Let's hope I remember to replace it in a year, like I didn't do with Tom's placeholder name of ttt. Haha, remember that? Well, I sure do. Much like Tom, Rob usually leaps well before he looks. If only he had someone like Porygon to keep him on a leash...

    Tia Hudson
    Rob's best friend and travel buddy (and aforementioned leash). They've been friends since childhood, so any kind of romance between them would be awkward (though it doesn't stop Rob's mother from playing matchmaker). She and Rob start their journey together, and she will usually be the one getting them out of whatever mayhem Rob gets them into.

    Will Tenebrisson
    The bad guy. Well, I shouldn't say bad guy. He is a huge prick, though, and he'll be a constant thorn in our intrepid duo's sides. I'm sure he has his reasons though. There's a lot going on up in that head of his, and not very much of it is pleasant.

    Stay tuned for June's update, wherein I will reveal a brand new Asylum literature experience- one that is the first of its kind for me. Be here.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    Cool! You said some of your new Pokemon are related to real Pokemon, so there are new evolutions to look forward to?

    Also, you are aware that Pokemon Shield and Sword are coming out this year, aren't you? You could use those Pokemon as a base, too!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    I have a number of Eeveelutions in mind, but obviously not all of them will end up making the cut. So yes, there will be new evolutions of existing Pokèmon. Primarily, though, it's completely new Pokèmon.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    It's June already, and with it comes another helping of PADSX teasers.

    Not only will we be seeing all new Pokèmon, but also a new type: the Magic type. Of course, those that have been following my DeviantArt exploits have known about this type for quite some time (hint hint). I don't think I'll be reclassifying any official Pokèmon (like when Magnemite became a Steel type in Gen II), but some of those "related" Pokèmon from the X-Dex might be...

    Speaking of the X-Dex, let's talk a little more about it. I'm currently aiming to have at least 100 original Pokèmon cooked up, with my ideal target being 101. Will all of them make an appearance in PADSX though? Well, the jury is still out on that one, but I will try to shoehorn as much in as I can without having Rob turn into another Ash Ketchum. Yeah, the less of those we have running around, the better. Of course I'll have a few joke Pokèmon thrown in there (like Vanillite and Trubbish- man, some of Gen V's Pokèmon were real dumpster fires), but I've got a handful of Pokèmon designs that I'm real proud of and I can't wait to show them off. July, perhaps.

    And now, that brand new experience I mentioned last month. Well, there's two, actually. One of them is the more traditional fanfic, being words on a screen, but with a little bit more. Behold, art!

    That's right, at least one picture like this (a finished picture, obviously) will accompany each installment of PADSX. I might also drop some links to sound files of the X-Dex Pokèmon cries. Or more? Who knows, but one thing's for sure, this won't be your average light read.

    And the second experience? May I present:

    Yeah, I'm jumping in on this whole audiobook craze. Unleashed and Deathmatch will be the first to be given sound and fury, and shortly after each released chapter of PADSX will follow it's audio counterpart, to befoul your ears after it's offended your eyes.

    It's a pretty damn big project, and now you know why I'm putting absolutley everything else on hold for it. I sure hope I can make this all worth it. I guess we'll find out in ten month's time.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    Alright! Is TPM finally up again? We're sure this time? Good! On to an update!

    July is upon us, and this month brings TPM another PADSX update. Here's a few choice Pokèmon from the X-Dex:

    Sporelette, Vessi, and Cephalo, the traditional Water, Fire, and Grass starters, that our trio of main characters will be kicking off their journey with.

    Freeti and Freetijin, both are Ghost/Magic types.

    Satyree, Satyrnus, and Satyrion, an evolutionary tree of an unusual Fairy/Fighting type pairing.

    And Kazuraba, a pure, non-evolving, Fighting type.

    Of course, as previously mentioned, I'm throwing in some joke designs too.

    Meet Battaby and Battlery, some of the low-effort roster-rounders like Voltorb and Diglett.

    So I bet that's got you wondering, "What's Asylum's ideas for legendaries?" Like the games, my legendaries have a unified theme that tie into the overall plot- and this time it's more than just a badge collect-a-thon. Of course I won't be spoiling any of that, though, you'll just have to wait until 2020 like everyone else.

    So when will I be completing the X-Dex? As soon as I can, obviously, though it may not all be done in time for April. What I'll be doing however, in addition to art pieces, is a game of Who's That Pokèmon? featuring Pokemon from the X-Dex. Are they still doing that in the anime? I don't know, I haven't watched it in almost 20 years. Christ on a stick I'm old.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    August! Here's another load of PADSX teasers.

    Remember in Pokèmon X and Y, when Mega Evolutions were the gimmick of the day? Then in Sun and Moon, it was Z-Moves? Now in Sword and Shield, it's all about Dynamaxing, and that got me thinking; since the new trend seems to be a new gimmick per generation, why not run with it in PADSX? In fact, why don't I do it better than the games, and tie it in with the plot, instead of just "HAI HEER IZ NEW THING K BAI!!11"

    Also, if I were making a Pokemon game, I'd have all the Pokemon available. And mega evolutions. And z-moves.

    Just sayin'.

    So what will this new thing be? Well, I haven't quite decided on the specifics yet, this being a fairly new idea and all, but it's purpose and origins are a lock. If I had to describe it without giving too much away, I'd liken the new MacGuffins to Elder Scrolls, in a way. Kind of gives you an idea of how pants-shittingly crazy things are going to get, huh?

    ...huh. Kinda' running out of tidbits here. I really don't want to start posting bits of what I've already written. Part of the PADS! experience was reading something completely new and unexpected, and I certainly don't want to spoil any of that now. Hopefully I'll be able to conjure up something in time for September's update. Assuming the forum stays up that long this time.

    Just sayin'

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    ....huh. September already. Guess I have to post something.

    Well, let's go back to the brand new Magic type I blabbed about earlier. The Magic type is exactly what it sounds like it might be- Pokemon thst have mystical or otherwise unexplainable powers. Kind of like a cross between the Ghost and Psychic types, with a touch of showmanship. It's weaknesses are to Psychic and Dark attacks, and resistant to Fighting, Fairy, Normal, and Bug attacks. Magic type attacks are super effective against Normal, Bug, and Fighting, and weak against Fairy, Dark, and Ghost, and ineffective against Psychic.

    So how much of a part will the Magic type be playing in PADSX? Well, both Rob and Will are eventually going to be acquiring at least one each, and there's even a Magic-themed gym early on in the story. Whoops! Let that last one slip out, didn't I?

    I never did like the Totem gimmick in Sun/Moon, so I'm sticking with the gyms concept. One thing I am doing differently, at least from the anime, anyway, is having other trainers hanging around in the gyms, forming a gauntlet that our heroes must slog through before finally challenging to leader. And Rob's first gym attempt is a total dumpster fire.

    Come around again next month, and I might just have some more art ready of Rob, Tia, Will... and maybe even our former protagonist too...

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    You really put a lot of effort into it. Good work.
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    Thanks. It'll be difficult to put it all together, but I think it'll definitely be worth the wait.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    omg its october u guys get hype

    Those who read PADS will probably remember the incredibly dark turn the story took in the sixth saga, if not only for Tom's brutal murder (yeah that's right, I just straight up offed the main character in the middle of the story!). Team Rocket's kid gloves were most certainly off, and the villainous ne'er-do-wells in PADSX ratchet that up to 11. And then 12 and 13. Like Team Rocket before them, this to-be-revealed Team's proper debut will grab you, the reader, right by the balls, and let you know that, in no uncertain terms, you're in the deep waters now.

    It's going to be sudden. It's going to be violent. It's going to make me second guess my posting it here- and for those of you who read the start-to-finish bloodbath that was Deathmatch, you know that next to nothing is off the table for me.

    Rob and his allies will run into them multiple times, none of which are going to end well.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    You know what I always thought was strange about the story of the games? How the player would achieve some monumental victory, and then go on to beat the Pokemon League. Take RSE for example. After defeating the avatars of nature's wrath and literally saving the world, the big big climax is winning some championship?

    Yeah, that's not happening in PADSX. Oh, don't be disappointed, there's still going to be a Pokemon League slog, and even a super-emotional solo battle towards the end, but the very last conflict will tie everything up in a neat little package, and then FIRE IT INTO THE SUN. A battle of unimaginable scope will unfold, one that will make Tom's epic 10-on-10 League Championship battle look like a slapfight.

    If you thought Judgment Day or Legend of the Silver Scyther was long, you haven't seen anything yet.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    December! The closing days of 2019 bring us ever closer to the dawn of 2020, and the beginning of the brand new legend.

    Already, PADSX is shaping up to be one big ass story. Believe it or not, I do, in fact, plan these things out, and what I've got pencilled in for PADSX's chapters is mind blowing. My first estimate of PADS' total run was 64 chapters, which then ballooned into 72. PADSX's initial tally?


    Well shit, I thought to myself, 95 is a pretty unsatisfying number, isn't it? So close to three digits, yet so far. Soooooo.... what the hell. Throw in some REAL crazy shit at the end and go for 100+.

    PADS had its handful of half-assed chapters. PADSX will have none. It's going to be one long, confusing, and super, SUPER brutal plunge down the Scorbunny hole, and that's a promise.

    Now, let's close out 2019 with a little more content. One thing I realized, when posting all the artwork of the new characters and Pokemon is i don't think I ever posted any artwork of Tom, our former hero. Hey, it's been 20 years, gimme a break, okay? So here's a little something I whipped up, hopefully Tom turned out to be at least somewhat close to what he appeared in your mind's eye.

    Now with the big Christmas break upon us, I'll be able to bank more PADSX chapters, and release them in a steady, reliable schedule starting in April. More Xdex Pokemon? Wellllllll, maybe. I'm actually working three jobs right now, and this holiday week is the most free time I'll have for a very, very long time. Writing PADSX takes top priority, so you'll have to use your mind's eye again to imagine all the strange new Pokemon that PADSX will throw at you.

    Just a little over three months remains! See you in the new year!
    Last edited by Evil Mewf0ur; 24th December 2019 at 06:40 PM.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    This is extremely inspiring.

    The only bad thing is that I'm about to pass out as I just took my evening medicine. But NIGHT NIGHT!

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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come..., I'm a bit late to my own party, it seems. January blew past me before I even noticed. When I first started working on PADSX, did I think, in less than a year's time, I'd be working 72 hours a week? This whole three jobs thing is really throwing a wrench in my PADSX plans, as whenever I'm not eating or sleeping, I'm working. Less than two months to go and I've only got less than a handful of chapters finished. Oh no, I'm not going to miss the big date of PADS's 20th anniversary. That's set in stone. What isn't so sure is how much I'll be able to release of it, and when. Months-long abandonment was of course nothing new for those who remember PADS's in-progress days, but this time we may be looking at several months. Maybe even a little under a year between updates.

    Looks like Rumble of the Robot Masters, Pipeball Ultra, et al, is getting shelved indefinitely.

    Shamefur dispray

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    Update! Ha ha! Getting another February update in to make up for the complete and utter failure that was the supposed-to-be January update.

    There's three sites I primarily use for my fanfictions- TPM,, and DeviantArt. Whenever I update something, I make the rounds and CTRL+V. PADSX will, however, be a little different. Consider the games. We had Pokemon Red and Blue, Gold and Silver, X and Y, etc. Well, PADSX will do something like that too.

    The Pokemasters will be the home of Pokemon, Asylum of the Devitory Style, X!: TPM version. My DeviantArt profile will host the Pokemon, Asylum of the Devitory Style, X!: DA version, and will bear the "master" version, like Emerald, Platinum, et al- Pokemon, Asylum of the Devitory Style, X!: FFN version. Each one will have differences between them- some minor, like what Pokemon or what battles Rob and friends encounter. Other differences are more significant, like Rob and Tia's team. And I am completely willing to spoil this now: there is one difference so significant that it will be like reading a completely new story by the end.

    At first, each site will receive the first chapter in unison. After that, the FFN version will be taking a back seat, while TPM and DA get their follow-ups. After "awhile," FFN will get the definitive version.

    Do not ask what temporal parameters "awhile" encapsulates. It'll be up when it's up.

    Yes, it's more needlessly complex weirdness and I will absolutley have one hell of a time getting it off the ground while juggling my hellish work schedule, but please understand: this has all been YEARS in the making. I shit you all not. PADSX and all it will be has been rattling around in my head for damn near half a decade, and I'm not giving up on it now. PADSX will be the most incredible life-changing experience in the history of Pokemon fanfiction, and I'll get it done or die trying.

    Last edited by Evil Mewf0ur; 28th February 2020 at 02:54 AM.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

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    Default Re: And now, a taste of things to come...

    Heeeeeeeeeere's March!

    Twenty days remain, my dudes! At the stroke of midnight on April 1st my time (-6 UTC), the Internet will once again suffer a brand new chapter of the worst-titled Pokèmon fanfic series ever, Pokèmon, Asylum of the Devitory Style, X!

    Expanding a little more on the "versions" bombshell I dropped earlier, let me clarify: forums like TPM,, and Bulbagarden will receive the TPM version, along with any other videogame-centric forum I happen across. The DeviantArt version will be posted to art-related sites, like... well, just DA for now. Eventually I'll spread like a virus and plague more corners of the Internet with a touch of the ol' Asylum madness, and PADSX will be my harbinger. The FFN version will be exclusive to FFN, up until whenever I decide it isn't. Maybe that will depend on wether or not something else I'm scheming ends up panning out...

    But enough blathering. TWENTY DAYS YOU GUYS! The moment you've all been waiting for is almost here! Get fuckin' hype it's finally happening! You've waited 11 months and now it's less than three weeks away! Cancel your plans and leave your phone on silent, PADS makes it's grand return on Wednesday April 1st, right here!

    m y** b o d y** i s** r e a d y

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

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