August! Here's another load of PADSX teasers.

Remember in Pokèmon X and Y, when Mega Evolutions were the gimmick of the day? Then in Sun and Moon, it was Z-Moves? Now in Sword and Shield, it's all about Dynamaxing, and that got me thinking; since the new trend seems to be a new gimmick per generation, why not run with it in PADSX? In fact, why don't I do it better than the games, and tie it in with the plot, instead of just "HAI HEER IZ NEW THING K BAI!!11"

Also, if I were making a Pokemon game, I'd have all the Pokemon available. And mega evolutions. And z-moves.

Just sayin'.

So what will this new thing be? Well, I haven't quite decided on the specifics yet, this being a fairly new idea and all, but it's purpose and origins are a lock. If I had to describe it without giving too much away, I'd liken the new MacGuffins to Elder Scrolls, in a way. Kind of gives you an idea of how pants-shittingly crazy things are going to get, huh?

...huh. Kinda' running out of tidbits here. I really don't want to start posting bits of what I've already written. Part of the PADS! experience was reading something completely new and unexpected, and I certainly don't want to spoil any of that now. Hopefully I'll be able to conjure up something in time for September's update. Assuming the forum stays up that long this time.

Just sayin'