....so, I'm a bit late to my own party, it seems. January blew past me before I even noticed. When I first started working on PADSX, did I think, in less than a year's time, I'd be working 72 hours a week? This whole three jobs thing is really throwing a wrench in my PADSX plans, as whenever I'm not eating or sleeping, I'm working. Less than two months to go and I've only got less than a handful of chapters finished. Oh no, I'm not going to miss the big date of PADS's 20th anniversary. That's set in stone. What isn't so sure is how much I'll be able to release of it, and when. Months-long abandonment was of course nothing new for those who remember PADS's in-progress days, but this time we may be looking at several months. Maybe even a little under a year between updates.

Looks like Rumble of the Robot Masters, Pipeball Ultra, et al, is getting shelved indefinitely.

Shamefur dispray