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Thread: Revenge of the Johto Gym leaders!

  1. #1

    Default Revenge of the Johto Gym leaders!


    By Katelyn, aka Iveechan

    One day, in Pokemon Silver, the large headed, small bodied hero was walking to Viridian gym. Despite being a boy, he was named Katemon because the person playing the game was named Katelyn. Any way, he walked into the gym, and saw Blue, a gym leader so stuck up he had no junior trainers!

    *Because I haven't played the game in forever, I forget the exact dialogue*

    Blue, who is also Gary says some stuff. Katemon sits there, for being the hero of the Pokemon games, he never responds to what anyone says to him. Then Gary says something like "Johto's Gyms must be pretty pathetic"...then there was a rumbling from the other side of the gym walls.

    Gary twirled around, for the game characters are so simple they don't turn their heads, the have to move their whole bodies. Suddenly...BAM! Little pixelated balls of wall go flying everywhere as 8 super deformed gym leaders break through.

    "That was a powerful Dynamic Punch," Clair said to Chuck.

    "Why thank you!" Chuck responded.

    "Wha...wha...what's going..."

    But Katelyn forgot to press the confirm button on the game boy (B or A, which is it?). Suddenly, she woke up and pressed A or B. The conversation continued.

    "...on?" Gary stammered.

    "You said our Gyms were pathetic, you spikey hair brat!" Whitney screeched.

    "How did you hear what I said?" Gary questioned.

    Chuck stepped up. "I was using my Mind Reader attack, trying to pick up dirty thoughts from the female gym leaders..." he turned to Clair, Jasmine, and Whitney and winked, and the girls tried to roll their eyes, but couldn't because their eyes were just little black dots..."When I heard you."

    "And I used my Fly attack to tranport everyone!" Falkner added.

    "With the help of my Twister attack!" said Clair.

    Gary was dumbfounded. "You guys have Pokemon powers?"

    "Of course," said Clair. "Only really good trainers who are both powerful and empathetic with their Pokemon can have Pokemon powers. And you can train only 5 at the most. You have 6 and are not empathetic, which is why you have no powers."

    "Let's get him!" said Bugsy.

    Suddenly, the screen turned black, and a Pokemon battle started! Only this time it was the backview of all the Johto gym leaders, facing off against Gary. First, Falkner used Mud Slap, then Bugsy used Fury Cutter, Whitney used Attract (baaaarf, I hate Whitney), Morty used Shadow Ball, Chuck used Dynamic Punch, Jasmine sprouted a tail and used Iron Tail, Pryce used Icy Wind, and Clair used Dragon Breath (she never brushes her teeth). Poor Gary fainted, and the gym leaders gained 1 experiment point each and earned 5 dollars.

    "Ah, that was a good battle," said Pryce, because he didn't have any dialogue yet.

    "Yes, um, very much," Jasmine replied, because she also didn't have any dialogue yet. "Say, how are we gonna split this 5 dollar bill?"

    "Yoink!" said Clair as she snatched the 5 dollar bill. She then tossed out a Pokeball and Dragonite came out.

    "Hey, you don't have a Dragonite!" Morty yelled.

    "Yes I do, the programmers just thought that a gym leader with a Dragonite would be too hard for the players!" Clair hopped on the Dragonite sprite, which was the same size she was and actually didn't look much like a Dragonite. Actually, Clair disappeared and it was just the Dragonite sprite. The sprite flit around the screen, kicking up pixelated leaves, then vanished. Angry, the 7 other gym leaders ran through the giant hole in the gym wall, chasing the Dragonite sprite.

    The whole time Katemon just stood there, an exclaimation point appearing over his head once in awhile. He walked up to the Earth Badge, walked over it so it'd go in his status screen, then continued on his merry way.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Revenge of the Johto Gym leaders!

    heh. Cute story. IS your AIM Address "Allow only" or what? o.o;; j/w...Nice story btw

  3. #3

    Default Revenge of the Johto Gym leaders!

    Huh? My AIM name is Iveechan *gets on AIM*

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