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Thread: A fight for a chance (Mature content)

  1. #1
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    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)

    A fight for a chance


    Have you ever considered the darker side of the world we are involved in? What the animals we choose to enslave think of being trapped in a small sphere for the bulk of their existence? Or how a pokeball confers dominance over a being whom moments before was attempting to terminate your existence. In this world, trainers are largely unaware that their pokeballs are nothing more than a means to alter the personality of their captured pokemon, turning them into willing slave. How else would a mere pokeball turn a raging Kygore into a willing warrior who will follow your every command?

    This is a tale of a group of pokemon fighting for survival. While their lives aren’t in danger, their fate for failing is far worse. Their soul is lost the moment they are trapped within a pokeball. The story follows the journey of a cell of resistance fighters, a group of pokemon who fight to prevent pokemon from being captured by humans with pokeballs. The point of view is that of a Medicham, leader of the resistance cell.

    Chapter 1:

    Mere hours before dawn a small convoy of trucks rolling along a road cut through the forest of Fortree, the rumbling of the eighteen-wheelers muting out any other sounds from the forest. Unseen by the drivers of the trucks behind their bright lights are the small number of pokemon intentionally awaiting their passage through a tunnel, preparing to strike a blow against the oppressive humans. The lead truck possessing jagged metal jaws along the grill leads the procession further into the forest road. As the convoy enters the unlit tunnel, the first blow in the coordinated strike is launched. A Gengar floats up through the ground to release a torrent of golden lightning into the front axel of the leading trunk. The crackling charge rips through the engine, destroying the power steering. Having completed his initial goal, the Gengar sinks back into the asphalt. The driver, a gruff hulking mass of a man, face pales as he attempts to twist the wheel first to the left then the right in an attempt to prevent his vehicle from rolling over. Yet the damage was to great for the truck to recover from, with a lurch the truck rolls onto it’s left side, creating an effective road block. In the few seconds the trunk took to shift from fear inspiring machine into a hulking mass of steel impeding the progress of the five truck convoy the second driver, a short man bulking man sporting a beard three days young as the only hair on his head, is unable to divert the course of his truck. The burly driver of the third truck is able to holler a warning to the other two handlers before slamming on the breaks, avoiding another collision. The fourth and fifth trucks come to a halt without striking the trucks in front of them.

    The well-built driver of the first truck releases a Machoke in an attempt escape the truck before it explodes. The bulky fighter easily rips the exposed door from it’s hinges and drag’s his owner from the truck. As the three truckers exit their cabs and move forward, the burly driver of the third truck releases an underfed Azumarill. Ordering the aquatic rodent to hose the cabs of the two leading trucks to avoid an explosion. The over weight driver of the second truck manages to squirm free of the truck and waddle back to the small group of drivers. After a heated discussion on exactly what the best course of action is, they agree that having their standard issue Machokes shift the hulking remains of the fanged truck out of the cave after shifting it’s cargo to the remaining trucks is the best idea. The second truck is repairable, a minor blessing since they lack the ability to carry the cargo of five trucks on three.

    As the five burly Machokes begin to shift carton after carton of pokemon supplies to the other four trucks, the drivers themselves sit down around a small TV and watch a DVD of a B horror movie. Unseen by the weary workers or the oblivious truckers, a small number of pokemon shifts deeper into the tunnel. Leading the stealthy group is a lone crimson legged Medicham followed by a silently gliding Gligar. A female Dragonair slithers through the air, moving closer to their intending targets. Continuing to move below the paved road, the Gengar returns to wreck havoc. The first hint of the immediate danger facing the truckers comes as the Dragonair strikes, forming a single golden orb before her gapping maw. Golden radiance glistens brilliantly from her charging assault. As the golden orb is released to streak toward the engine of the lead cab, the trucker shot for their menial workers to attack the hovering dragon with a barrage of thrown rocks. The detonation of the golden beam shakes the tunnel, dropping boulders from the blasted ceiling. A second smaller explosion rocks the tunnel as the fuel tank contained within the cab explodes. The explosions launch the Machokes and Azumarill into the air, slamming them into the mineral composite walls. As the fallen pokemon attempt to return to their feet, they are dropped to the ground again along with their owners as the purple-scaled Gligar strikes the ground, generating an earthquake to drop them back on their tails. The underfed workers again claw their way back to their feet as the Medicham steps out of the shadows along with the Gengar to wreck havoc on the fallen slaves. The Gengar applies more tact than his brutal leader, simply using hypnosis to force the pokemon to attack their masters, with brutal efficiency the Machokes deliver karate chops their owners, the frail neck of the fourth driver shatters under the blow. The aquatic rabbit walks over to his master and begins to brutalize the burly man, landing blow after blow to his unshaved face. As the goup de grace, the Machokes line up behind their trainers and deliver a bone shattering cross chop to the back of each of their necks.

    The Medicham steps forward to inspect what the five humans had lost their lives to transport through their forest. To his disappointment, the bulk of the cargo is nothing but a variety of the cursed ensnaring orbs. The rest of the cargo constituted of potions and other healing chemicals, in the minds of the pokemon the only thing their technology has created. But to the amazement of the gathered pokemon, a few of the rare and fragile machines are contained within. The machines are prized for their ability to teach certain of their number additional techniques to combat their way toward freedom. The Gengar continues to manipulate the Machokes to shift the worthwhile cargo to their carved out warren under a near by cliff. Having finished with the soulless fighters, the ghost releases his control and floats away, closely followed by the Gligar. The Medicham slowly walks over to the confused fighters and stares into each of their eyes. The Dragonair watches mournfully, knowing what she is about to view for the countless time. Opening his mouth to speak for the first time the Medicham speaks to the five Machokes and the lone Azumarill, My brothers, I must apologize for what I am about to do. But I know if our places were reversed you would do the same for me. Whatever part of you that the cursed spheres stripe you of has been lost forever, you will never survive in the wild and I know you don’t want to return to the human society. The only mercy I can offer you is a quick end.” And with an echoing crack, the heads of the six enslaved pokemon jerk to the left, the bodies collapse lifeless. Whether the crack echoes in reality or it is simply a trick of the mind, the sound rips a flood of tears from the serpent. The Dragonair mewls for the fallen, praying that they are joyful to be released from their forced bondage. The Medicham simply nods his thanks to the Dragonair and shifts the lifeless husks back to the site of the prior battle. With a thought the Medicham summons an orb of negative energy between his two out stretched paws. As he feeds his hate into the growing violet orb, he targets the fourth truck and releases his fury. The orb strikes the cab as he levitates himself out of the tunnel. He doesn’t so much as flinch as the cab’s explosion sets off a chain reaction, destroying the enslaving orbs and the remains of the dead.


    Is this worth continuing?

  2. #2
    Slacker Supreme Cool Trainer
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    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)


  3. #3
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)

    I agree with Ryandude. The main plot alone is interesting, and opens up the potential for conflict on several levels.

    The opening is also good. I would have rather you not had the intro before the story since it breaks up the opening.

    Just keep running that spellcheck.

  4. #4

    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)

    Those poor Machokes...

  5. #5
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    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)

    Originally posted by Iveechan
    Those poor Machokes...
    That would be the point... Is that a good but sad story or a bad story? Should I continue writing it or not?

  6. #6

    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)

    Well, if Pokemon can't be helped once they're captured by pokeballs, then what are Medicham and the gang going to do, just go around killing trainers and their Pokemon? Sorry if I'm sensitive, the story's nicely written, but I have a soft spot for Machoke, so, heh, just ignore me. I'm a hypocrite, I kill pokies too

  7. #7

    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)

    I can't say much for the heavy use of prose (with very little use of vibrant language), but the plot is very promising. I expect to see more chapters up in the future.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default A fight for a chance (Mature content)

    Thank you for the responses. Sorry for the delay

    A fight for a chance:

    Chapter 2:

    As the sun crests the horizon the sullen Medicham reaches the peak of the last hill on his journey back to the cavern system he calls home. While the humanoid warrior appears to be relativity young, yet the depth of his eyes show the scars of more than most accumulate in a lifetime. Slowly approaching the entrance to a cavern structure cut into the side of a shear cliff, the Medicham takes a moment to turn his gaze toward the brilliant oranges and purples of the sun rises above the mountain’s edge. Only turning away when he fears the danger of being struck down by the shear beauty of the sight. The Medicham nods to the only other being outside of the cave, his draconic companion hovers above the ground, whether waiting for him or observing the sunrise is unknown. With a nod, the Medicham ducks within the entrance, a pair of Azuril meets the lone warrior, their mother had been slain in the wild nearly a month prior. As the two small rodents clutch to his legs, he reaches down to gently rub the back of their heads, the gleeful expression dominating their small faces manage to brighten the stoic warrior’s visage slightly. Grasping the two infants in an attempt to shift the two onto his shoulders while moving further into the caverns. Quickly moving through the passages, the fighter gently places the two children on the passage’s floor as he enters into a large hollowed out chamber. Littering the floor of the chamber are dozens of crates containing accusations from human shipments. Digging through an open cargo container a Zangoose looks up to greet the Medicham “How are you holding up boss? You look tired”

    “I appreciate the concern, but it is unwarranted Ocixem. This morning was nothing out of the ordinary, there was an extra slave releases but that wasn’t unexpected.” As the Medicham scans the partition turned warehouse, he turns back to the mongoose “It was nothing more than another cycle around the carousel. What did we manage to salvage from the humans?”

    “Five cases of healing draught and…” is all the Zangoose is able utter before the two Azuril charge into the storeroom, running between his legs to cling to the Medicham’s legs.

    “We wanna ride the carousel! We wanna ride the carousel! Please! We wanna ride the carousel!” Has become the infants’ mantra.

    “This isn’t a child’s ride, the carousel I am referring to is one that never stops. Instead of horses moving up and down on poles, lethal pitfalls followed by all to brief respites that simply make the lows all that much more unbearable. The events themselves, while similar to what they were before, but coming with increased frequency. Combined with no apparent way of stopping the ride the only way off is to fall from the spinning ride, a lethal prospect itself.” Offers the stoic Medicham.

    “Who… Who built this ebil ebil carousel of doom?” Begs one of the quivering marine rodents.

    “Humans have caused this horrific cycle. Their willingness to enslave us at every turn without a second thought to the fact that we are intelligent beings has condemned use to this existence. With their ever-improving technology, we can’t even hope to fight them off.”

    “So what hope do we have?” The terrified Azuril request, clutching each other while shacking on the ground.

    “We don’t.” With those two words, the petrified infants lose control of their bodies, soiling the cave floor of the storage room. “Ocixem, please clean that up after putting the children to sleep for the night, ask one of the Hypnos to help you insure they don’t have nightmares.”

    “Of course, but are you sure it was necessary to scare them that badly in the first place,” Questions the irritated Zangoose.

    “They need to know the truth, lying to them about life would prove useless. They may be enslaved before it would make a difference, or their knowledge may save their lives. Would you truly begrudge them the truth?”

    “Well, putting it that way they have a right to know, but couldn’t you have told them in a less blunt way?” Asks the concerned Ocixem; using a rag made from the packing material he begins cleaning up the mess.

    “You mean sugar coat it, omit necessary facts so that they are insulted when they learn the truth? And what purpose does that serve other than lying to them by omission?”

    “Let me clean this mess up then put them to sleep,” Offers the irritated inventory manager.

    Walking away, the Medicham moves further into the cavern system in search of his companions. Moving through the high ceilinged cavern system, he locates an empty chamber and sits down, his back against the wall and attempts to fall asleep. Yet after sitting against the wall for hours, the Medicham is forced to concede that sleep will not take him, his mind is still takes time to cope with the life he lives. As he prepares to lever himself to his feet, a purple head pokes out of the floor. The pointed ears coupled with the large eyes and mouth leads to an immediate conclusion that his ghostly compatriot is searching for him. Electing to simply clear his throat instead of standing up yet to get the Gengar’s attention.

    “Didn’t see you boss, got some bad news for you. A group of inspectors have already arrived to inspect the disappearance of them trucks we knocked off last night. No more than a dozen humans, but what do you want to do about it? A meeting has been called… You will be the last to arrive. Sorry it took me so long to find you.”

    “I just needed to get some sleep, you’re not at fault for the delay so don’t worry about it. I need to be getting to that meeting, thank you for notifying me.” And with that the Medicham rises from the ground and goes in search of the conference. He finds it with quite a bit of ease, simply move toward the yelling.

    “This is all Valin’s fault, if he had done his job properly they wouldn’t be here!” Screams a belligerent Pikachu.

    While entering the room the Medicham offers “How could I have better completed my obligations to this den? I stopped the convoy without any of us being injured. No witnesses escaped.”

    “You failed, the humans are again approaching our home. How else do you explain them being here?” Howls the illogical rodent.

    “They are here because this den has housed us for years. For years we have been picking off their shipments and stray trainers with increasing frequency. If you assumed they wouldn’t look into you are a fool. We can either deal with the humans or allow them to locate this cavern system and capture us by the dozens.”

    “You… you insufferable idiot, how is this not your fault. I am going to go clean up your mess!” Screams the enraged yellow rodent. Valin crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow.

    “Then I wish you luck, but has your pack dealt with a group of this size before Raylin?”

    “Do you expect me to fail in the same manner as yourself?”

    “No, of course not. I expect you to fail in your own special way.” Retorts the irritated Medicham. “Good day” And Valin walks out of the chamber.

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