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Thread: Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

  1. #1
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

    Mr Mardoc sat at his desk, looking through some paper work when his secretary, Francesca enters the room.
    “I’ve got some good news sir,” she says.
    “what is it?” MR Mardoc asks.
    “The ranchers you sent for are on their way. They should be in the island in a couple of days.”
    “That’s wonderful news! Those ranches will finally get the help they need. We must tell them right away!”
    “I’ll get on it.” Francesca Then turned around and left the room. Mr Mardoc stood up from his chair and headed to the window. He looked over the small town.
    “Hopefully, those ranchers could help Age Island thrive.”

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the island…
    A crowd of bandits sat around in the underground cave hideout. A dark figure stood on the biggest rock, preparing to give a speech.
    “My fellow bandits!” he said in a mighty voice, “For years, we’ve had to survive off our wits, while those fools have been living in luxury. They have monsters to fight for them, while we have to protect ourselves. They picture us as criminals while we’re just taking what we need to survive! And now from what I’ve heard, a group of ranches are going under, and what happens? AGIMA goes and requests help from outside the island! I say, I’ve had it! I say, we take back what should be ours!!” A mighty cheer came up from the crowd of bandits.
    “But they have monsters!” cried out one of the bandits. The whole room went silent and everyone stared at the lone bandit.
    “What was that?” the man asked.
    “W..w..well, you see,” the bandit stuttered, regretting that he said anything, “They’ve got monsters to fight with them. How are we going to beat them?” A sinister smile spread on the mans face.
    “Well then he replied, “I say it’s time we payed the shrine a little visit.”

    Okay, here’s the deal. A group of Monster Breeders have been called to Age Island by the chairman of AGIMA, Mr. Mardoc. You see, a bunch of monster ranches are going under and they need their help. You must raise monsters, train them, fight with them in tournaments and win money, all in an attempt to help your ranch. Meanwhile, a group of bandits are planning to take over the island.

    Here’s some places you’ll need to know.

    A place where you can regenerate monsters. You must go to this place in order to create your monster.

    The place where tournaments are held. Not only a normal tournaments held here, but also invitation matches and special cups are held.

    AGIMA training ground
    A place that allows you to give your monster the best training, but it’s going to cost you.

    Here you can place your monster in hibernation by freezing them. You can also combine monsters here.

    Here’s the sign up
    Name: duh
    Age: duh duh
    Gender: triple duh
    Side: Breeders or bandits.
    Ranch: what ranch do you work at? (Breeders only)

    Monster Form
    Attacks: up to two at first, please include description.

    Also, you can have more then one monster, but you must put in the form for them as you go. When your monster learns a new attack, write it’s description down.

    Here’s mine
    Name: Jeremy Calypso
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Side: Breeders
    Appearance: He has shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears a white and black striped, sleeveless shirt, a dark blue vest, white pants, black shoes and a red bandana. He’s a handsome guy.
    Personality: He’s a really nice guy. He cares for his friends and is a fair guy. He can be a bit of a cluts at times, but he means well.
    Ranch: Heerakon
    History: He’s been known as one of the most skilled breeders on his continent. He’s been known to raise his monsters with high fighting skills and is really popular with the girls. Yet he feels a deep emptiness and wishes to see lands outside of his home. When he was invited to come to Age Island, he gladly accepted.
    Relations: Is in love with Dia but is afraid to admit it.
    Other: N/A

    Monster Form
    Name: Zuum
    Appearance: He’s a raptor like monster, just as big as a human. He has green scales with some bits of orange and has a yellow underbelly. He’s pretty well built and looks agile.
    Personality: A bit cocky at times and enjoys a good fight. He’s loyal to Jeremy and will fight for him till the end.
    Charge-charges at the enemy.
    Fireball-fires a ball of fire from his mouth.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Julius Drakthorn
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Side: Bandits
    Appearance: He has shoulder length, brown wavy hair and green eyes. He’s dressed more like a noble with a brown suit with gold trimming, white gloves and white shoes.
    Personality: He may appear to be a total gentleman at times, but in reality, He’s a cruel, twisted maniac. He wants to see AGIMA crumble more then everything and to dominate Age Island.
    Ranch: none (he’s a bandit)
    History: He’s been known as a master thief. He formally a noble living in the city until they found out he was a total crook. He was exiled and now he wants revenge.
    Relations: None yet.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Helljoker
    Appearance: He’s body is nothing but a floating robe. The only physical parts of his body are his head and his hands. His robe is black with green and red marking on it and a red pentagram on the back. He wears a black mask with a red evil looking face on it. The back of his head’s black and bald. His hands are a dark green and claw-like. He carries a large scythe with a black blade.
    Personality: Evil, that’s the only way to describe him. No one could tell what he’s thinking. He gives off a shrieking laugh before he attacks and is totally merciless. He’s evil incarnate.
    Doom Scythe: He swings his scythe at his enemy
    Death Claw: He slashes the enemy with his claw, draining some of their health.
    Other: N/A
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  2. #2
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

    Name: Erik Von Platt (but he calls himself Darius. No one but Fenix knows his real name)
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Side: Breeders
    Appearance: Wears a black sleeveless hooded top and wears fingerless black leather gloves. Wears baggy black trousers and black leather boots. His hair is long and black with some bleached-blonde strikes through it. He has a long scar down the left of his face and some on his arms. Is about 6' 1" and is quite muscular.
    Personality: Can be resentful and hostile at times, but he has strict policies he likes to stick to like Don't Trust Anyone. He'll take a fight on first hand and will almost be in the battle personally when commanding Fenix.
    Ranch: Mons Lomos
    History: At a young age, he and Fenix, a young pup too, worked on a ranch on another continent. One day though, when he was nine, a group of renegade monsters attacked his ranch while he was training Fenix in the forest. He came back to find no survivors and the ranch razed to the ground. He has lost everything in one fell swoop. Denying his identity, he cast off his ranch clothes and even his own name and adopted the name 'Darius'. The underground shrine was still in a viable condition though and he broke the seal on the 'forbidden disc' which enabled his to power up Fenix expodentially. Fenix's whole body changed into a more adult figure, almost losing his humanity in the process. Nonetheless, Darius set out on a new quest. He would not seek revenge, knowing it would only lead to more sorrow and grief, he entered tournaments. By 17, he was a well-known battler on his continent and had already won the annual championship twice. When he was called up for action on a ranch, he accepted.
    Relations: All are (presumably) dead, but maybe a long lost sisteror brother might turn up? (idea for anyone's character maybe?)
    Other: No.


    Name: Fenix
    Appearance: Looks like a werewolf. Stands on hind legs most of the time but always runs on all fours. Has a muscular upper-body. His fur is grey, white and blue. Has a large scar on his chest and over his left eye.
    Personality: A loyal but soul-less creature. He believes he was born to fight for and to fend for his master. Although they have an understanding relationship for each other, no one else thinks they're friends until they actually prove it in times of need.
    Attacks: Thunderball - runs directly at the target and then curls up into a ball and leaps at the target, causing static electricity to be built up within him and give his oppenent a shock.
    Blitzkreig - Powers up both sets of claws on his hands and then grinds them together, creating a boomerang-shaped projectile made of ice which is fired straight at the target.
    Other: Nope.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  3. #3

    Default Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

    Here’s the sign up
    Name: Jade Olramos
    Age: 18
    Gender: female
    Side: can you be netrual? Shes a Wanderer.
    Appearance: Black hair with blue tips, has black long leather jacket, black leather pants and a white tank top shirt with a hood, Skyblue eyes, black sneakers, with her hair always in a ponytail.
    Personality: Out going, strong headed, tom boi and not afraid to speak her mind, can be kind and caring but usually a *****.
    Ranch: ....
    History: Ran away from home when 4, her family treated her, the youngest with no respect, in her eyes her family has died, never wants to remember the past.
    Relations: ....anyone?
    Other: meh..

    Monster Form
    Name: Naga
    Appearance: clickies
    Personality: Very Quiet, loyal, and out going, loves to ambush enemies or just suprise Jade.
    psysonic bombs: creates a black ball with static electricity going around it, fires with great speeds and throws more then one at a time, always hits target. Because of his great training.May stun enemy if hit enough.
    Tail Thack: when enemy is stunned, Naga moves closers and thacks the oppenent with tail, always hits weak point.
    Other: *tail thacks other* Naga: DIE!!!

  4. #4
    A serious brain-f*** Advanced Trainer
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    Default Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

    Name: Sam Omaras
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Side: neither
    Appearance: Tall, with beach blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He wears jeans with a black t-shirt and trainers, he has a black leather jacket but doesn't wear it often, he usually just ties it around his waist.
    Personality: Friendly, out-going, has a deep relationship with his monster but when it comes to people skills he's not very good
    Ranch: -
    History: He's been living on his own since his parents died in a carcrash when he was five. Scared he was going to wind up in a foster home or spend his life at an orphanage he did a runner and lived out the rest of his days as a wanderer
    Relations: Sees Jade around sometimes but has never had the guts to speak to her
    Other: none

    Monster Form
    Name: Moochi
    Personality: A little strange but can be very serious, very loyal monster
    GREAT CANNON: Launches a powerful beam of energy at the enemy
    RAGE OF WIND: Causes the wind to harden and sends it at an enemy
    Other: none

    One signature.
    Experience preferred although training will be provided.
    Witty slogans only, please.

    Imooto-deshi says:

  5. #5
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

    Yikes! Sorry about that. I shopuld have explained the ranch thing a bit more. I put that in just to get a bit more in depth with the characters. You just make up a anme for the ranch you work at. Sorry.

    HPK: You're accepted. Nice history.

    TL: You're in

    Samchu: You're in.

    I wont accept anymore Wanderer type characters.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

    Odin's a bit of a memorial to my most beloved of monsters, a Cabalos also named Odin. He came along as a bit of a freak occurrence when messing around with discs and the lab, and was my first great success in playing the games. He got all the way to S class before he died. I grew WAY too attached to him

    Name: Dia Maxwell
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Side: Breeders
    Appearance: Tall, waist-length magenta hair, midnight blue eyes. She usually has a bit of a tan. Usually wears a silver bikini top, magenta vest, and white knee-length pants, but is fond of clothing that doesn't retain heat.
    Personality: Generally a sweet-tempered girl, but has an ambitious, stubborn streak buried in her. A hard worker, known to work well with others (as long as they're nice). Aspires to be a truly successful breeder.
    Ranch: Durai
    History: Enlisted as a breeder assistant at age 13 to a successful breeder, soaked up everything she learned like a sponge. With only some money and a disc to her name, she struck out on her own. The disc contained a Cabalos (Tiger-Naga), who she adopted and named Odin. The two have been together ever since, and have won a few tournaments to keep themselves fed. When asked to come to Age Island, Dia jumped at the chance.
    Relations: N/A for now...?

    Monster Form
    Name: Odin
    Appearance: Sleek, shiny magenta-hued fur, two purple horns on forehead. Streamlined, strong form. In height, comes up to Dia's waist. Intelligent blue-green eyes.
    Personality: Odin is more intelligent than he seems. He feels like it's his duty to protect Dia, and is extremely loyal to her. Loves to be petted and spoiled, but is very hard-working.
    Bite: Regular bite attack
    One-Two: Kicks with front feet, then executes a backflip and kick with the back feet.

  7. #7
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Monster Rancher: Battle for Age Island (Sign ups)

    I know what you mean. I had a stinger (a green naga) called Sting. We made it to S class too. I'm now starting over with a Joker. Anyway, you're accepted. We need some bandits guys.
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

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