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Thread: Writer's Discouragement

  1. #1
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    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Hi everyone. It's STA... erm... some of you may remember me as one of TPM's fanfic raters when the site was still running it's fanfiction server. ^^; Anyway, I've been away from this forum for quite a while so would like to ask all of yall a few questions about the evolution of this board.

    For one, I've noticed that many of the non-pokémon fanfics have gotten barely any attention at all. Which is, truthfully, quite discouraging to me considering that many of the fanfics who get attention around here are the typical trainer fics. The grading cycle here is also very shallow, and many replies I've read couldn't at all help the author gain better perspective and ways to improve their writing. Especially when (no offense to anyone! No flames, please >_o) their style is, quite honestly, very poor. I just think that it's very unfair that those with poor styles and tedious forms of grammar get more attention than those with the proper skills of writing.

    Anyway, my main concern is about getting other fanfics a chance rather than those with many viewers. Maybe you could try replying to a non-pokémon fanfic that doesn't have any reviews, or a lone story without any viewers. Giving others replies and compliments, as well as constructive critism, can really help someone gain more interest in their writing; and not only that, but gain more confidence in their abilities. I also think everyone should try to put forth more effort in their replies. Like maybe giving constructive critism once in a while. As a writer can't get better without a reader's cristism, am I right?

    Everyone has a story to tell, so don't ever fall short of anyone's ideas. ^_~

    PS: Mods, if this is an illegal thread, I highly appologize. I'm just putting down some of my thoughts and considerations.

  2. #2
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Ah thanks Shadow Trainer Ash Love your sig by the way.

    I have to agree with you, the quality and quantity of replies lately have been Less than desirable. I've been a bit dissapointed that people can't put in as much constructive criticism but perhaps you've all been busy with life.

    But STA I think most people deviate away from Non-Poke here

    I dunno.. I'll be quiet now... Thanks for the rantish post!

  3. #3

    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Well, to tell you the truth, I like what I read a lot. So, unless there's something seriously wrong, I won't critisize. Um.. Yeah..

    About people not reading, it's true. Even if a story has lots of chapters up, lots of replies, there might not be many readers. I'm not sure why people might choose one over another.

    Seeing as I have lots of time, I will try to read any story that looks like it needs a reader. Plus because all the good writers that I'm reading now like to take their own sweet time. *cough*Oz*cough*
    Where the hell have I been!?

  4. #4

    Default Writer's Discouragement

    I write Pokemon stories, but not trainer ones. It makes me sad when my story goes to page 2 of the forum after like a day. A way to solve this problem is to put hyperlinks to your fics in your sig and put an interesting summary, Pokemon or non Pokemon story. I know this is how I discovered some fics. And like what was mentioned before, there are closet readers... those who read but don't respond. So here's an important message from the hybrid Grass/Fighting type that is my namesake...


    It really does make people feel happy to see replies, but try to say more than "Wow, that's great!" This is like on, I felt a little good when I got a reply like that, but when I saw one person compliment my style and say how much he enjoyed reading it, it really made my day.

  5. #5
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    Default Writer's Discouragement

    I agree. I see a lot of people here who I think have potential while reading the first chapter. Then they just never improve... quite annoying. One of the most important aspects of improving your writing is criticism, especially constructive criticism. There have also been many authors on this forum who I have seen writing better and better, thianks to other epople's feedback. onestly, what is the point of posting if you don't add anything new?

    As for non-Pokemon fics... No offense, but sometimes it's hard to imagine TPMers having a life outside Pokemon. They seem to have so much less interest in anything non-Pokemon-related. I see that the whole point of TPM is to be a place for Po,kemon lovers, but it still annoys me. If it weren't for the high-quality fics here (as opposed to, say, I would have posted my fic somewhere else. Or, at least, I would have moved it there by now.

    Did I mention that I am extremely against the words "Good chapter"?
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  6. #6
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    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Originally posted by mistysakura

    As for non-Pokemon fics... No offense, but sometimes it's hard to imagine TPMers having a life outside Pokemon. They seem to have so much less interest in anything non-Pokemon-related. I see that the whole point of TPM is to be a place for Po,kemon lovers, but it still annoys me. If it weren't for the high-quality fics here (as opposed to, say, I would have posted my fic somewhere else. Or, at least, I would have moved it there by now.

    I understand that, but since I lost interest in Pokémon about a year ago, it just irritates me that no one will read my and other's original works because of it being non-pokémon related. But thanks so much to all your mature replies, everyone. I'm glad that that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

  7. #7
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Originally posted by mistysakura
    As for non-Pokemon fics... No offense, but sometimes it's hard to imagine TPMers having a life outside Pokemon. They seem to have so much less interest in anything non-Pokemon-related. I see that the whole point of TPM is to be a place for Po,kemon lovers, but it still annoys me. If it weren't for the high-quality fics here (as opposed to, say, I would have posted my fic somewhere else. Or, at least, I would have moved it there by now.
    None taken. I read a lot of different authors' works from J.K. Rowling to Stephen King (a lot of Stephen King). But when it comes to writing, the only thing on my mind is Pokemon. I guess the world of Pokemon is so interesting that a lot of fanfic writers like to mold it into their choosing. I guess it's like already made cookie dough: you don't have to create from scratch; all you have to do is throw in what you want and let it bake.

    And mistysakura, a lot of people may read your fanfics, but the lack of descripitive criticism or criticism in general is to be expected. Some of us suck at criticism (like me).
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  8. #8

    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Yeah, these whole forums in general are lacking what they once had. My example; my story. When I first posted it here a little over two years ago, I had 2 or 3 faithfull readers. Now, I reposted it on december 16th['02]. It's gotten 13 replies, 10 of which are mine, posting new chapters that nobody cares enough about to criticise. The thing that really baffles me, however, is how many people read it. This thing has almost 300 views, and it's on fire! Yet only 3 of them have managed to take time out of their busy schedule ONCE to reply. I'm confused. I don't visit the forums much anymore, they're not as active, not as fun anymore. I oocasionally pop in to chec on my story [yeah, right!], and I sometimes read other fics, but I've pretty much left this place.

    Quote Originally Posted by PancaKe
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  9. #9
    Random Drop-By Elite Trainer
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    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Rants like this are legal, and needed really. I agree that the board isn't as jumpin' as before. I mean, there hasn't been any serious spammers or enigmas(enigmee..enigmi..enigmui..) which is great, don't get me wrong. we've had our share in the past but they stopped and now everything's really well-behaved. as a subsequent result though, it is a bit more dull around here. less participation in events and activities, less really helpful replies. no controversy, heh, i'm watching myself though i don't want to ask for any ^_^;; *loosen collar* maybe some contests would do the trick? series of events like a non-pokemon ss event, sci-fi ss event, horror, comedy. i dunno, that might up activity.

    moving closer to the subject though, replies gotta be more thought-out (just try, it doesn't have to be life-altering), and i wish non-pokemon fics would get more play. it's always interesting to read non-poke fics for a change of pace imo, but i can see lots of people thinking "i came to this pokemon board to read pokemon fics and write pokemon fics, if i want to read non-pokemon fics.. i'd go somewhere else". it makes sense, but oh well, i love having non-poke fics on the board. a writer may just like the atmosphere of tpm and the people here, but they wanna change things up a bit. pokemon'll get old for all of us sooner or later.

    don't let non-poke fics put you off! the bulk of non-poke fics i've read have great writers and really great styles. pick up some tips by example, most of those non-poke fics are very, very well-made.

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  10. #10

    Default Writer's Discouragement

    I agree. :O

    And on that note, everyone should read STA's fics because they rock. >:O
    Righteous Chaps

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  11. #11
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    Default Writer's Discouragement

    Originally posted by dratinihaunter13
    it's always interesting to read non-poke fics for a change of pace imo, but i can see lots of people thinking "i came to this pokemon board to read pokemon fics and write pokemon fics, if i want to read non-pokemon fics.. i'd go somewhere else". it makes sense, but oh well, i love having non-poke fics on the board.
    Sadly, that's kind of true. Since TPM is centered around pokemon, most people are gonna come here lookin for pokemon related stuff, and tend not to give other stories (non-pokemon) a chance.

    Personally, pokemon got old for me a looooong time ago.

    Ah well, maybe a few of us should just make it a point to give a little extra attention to the non-pokemon fics floatin' around here. 'Cause I too would like to see this fan-fiction board expand somewhat in that respect.

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