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Thread: High Stakes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Default High Stakes

    Well, well, well. It's been a long while, hasn't it? I doubt very many people remember me, or care that I'm back. But I am with a new fic. I got thrown off the writing horse, it just took me awhile to get back off. Mostly time's the issue. Plus, my computer crashed so I lost all of my previous fics (I.e. Outcasts from Heaven ) Tell me what you think.

    The trainer looked around warily, her light blue eyes hooded with mistrust. She didn’t like the looks of the dark trees. She shrunk back as they pressed in around her blotting out the cheery yellow beams of sunlight. The path seems to get rougher and roots blocked her way. There were no flowers, and no noise. That was what creeped the young woman out the most. Everywhere you went there was some kind of noise, yet here it was silent as a grave.

    A chilling shiver ran up her spine and she bit down lightly on her tongue. She told herself that was nonsense and to get over it. She would finish up the shortcut and never trust ‘good’ advice again.

    The creature pacing beside her glanced up with his dark eyes. He wasn’t afraid. Darkness was his home and stillness was nothing unusual. His wide nose sniffed the air quietly analyzing it for threats. Mold and a muted pine scent was all that his sensitive snout detected. His mistress was just being silly. Again.

    The Guraina snorted and gave his silky black pelt a quick shake. At the same time a small creature darted in front of him. It smashed into his slender front legs tripping him up. He did half a summersalt before landing on his back in a bramble bush. His mistress’ ear shattering scream had him up in half a second.

    Darting forward, he placed himself between his frightened trainer and the threat. Unfortuantely, the threat seemed to have disappeared. A small glitter caught his eye. Cautiously he crept forward brushing a front paw against the tiny object. Emboldened by his success he stood over the odd bauble. It was a charm of some sort. Silver crafted into the shape of a question mark.

    The human leaned down brushing past him. She smelled of fear mingled with curiosity. The wolf sat back on his haunches cocking his ears for the unseen attacker. Meanwhile, the girl stared at the charm. She could see writing, except it wasn’t in any language she knew.

    “Leah?” The wolf said quietly breaking her concentration. She looked down at him with a small frown.
    “What is it Gunther?” She asked the Guraina softly. She could feel the cold seeping through her navy and white windbreaker.

    Leah didn’t know why she could talk to pokemon. The people from her town claimed it was a gift and she had many friends, human and pokemon alike. She had a cheerful and helpful attitude. She helped run the local gym and organized community events. Even with all this she was a quiet sort of person. Offered advice and suggestions yet never asking for them her. She was the type of person who gave rather than received. Sometimes she was taken advantage of because of that.

    “We need to go.”

    There was a muted urgency in the dark wolf’s words and his tail was tucked against his furry belly. He had been her first pokemon ever and she trusted him completely. If he said it was time to go she wasn’t going to argue.

    She fingered the red and white ball hooked to her belt. She rubbed it gently with the tips of her fingers then started to take it off. Then stopped.

    “Should I let Hakan out?” She whispered having another eerie sensation. It seemed the deep they forged into the woods the worse it got. Her formally white tennis shoes were soggy and brown with mud. Her jeans were splattered and she had lost one of her navy blue trainer’s gloves.

    Her companion shook his head. Despite his uneasy trot he still managed to look confident and ready for anything.

    “The pup can sit this one out.” Gunther growled protectively. He had a soft spot for the little puppy he had raised with Leah.

    Hakan was a strange pokemon, no doubt about it. He seemed like a normal houndour, a tad bit tiny, but normal. Until you notice that his coat was a deep cobalt blue flecked with silver dapples. His bones were white as snow and his eyes a pale violet. He was what was termed a ‘shiny’.

    The most unusual thing about him, however, was his psychic powers. He could see into the future and speak any language. He also had a knack for finding things.

    Frost started to gather around them and their breath came out in large puffs of white. The leave beneath their feet crackled and broke. Leah shivered pausing to put down her pack. She dug around while Gunther paced warily his eyes flicking around nervously. She pulled out a gray and blue snowflake print blanket triumphantly and tossed it around her shoulders. She shivered and chattered her teeth putting the pack back on.

    Snow started to trickle down exquisidely melting on the ground. A slow, meandering wind picked up carrying the hapless flakes into all sorts of objects. They sprinkled Leah face and hair making her shiver harder.

    “I…I thought it wasn’t suppose to get this cold!” The trainer stuttered tucking the blanket tighter. She hadn’t been prepared for snow. After all, they were a good distance from the local foot hills and the woods were supposed to be warmer!

    Soon the snow had piled up to her ankles and she felt a seeping numbness creeping up her legs. Her fingerless gloves gave little protection and her fingers were red with cold. She was sure her nose looked like a little, plump cherry and that her lips were an attractive shade of violet.

    Gun had been silently striding ahead of her. Every now and then he would pause and look back. Finally, Leah just sat down in the middle of the path. Her blue jeans greedily sucked up the wet snow freezing her seat, but she didn’t care. Half her body was numb and she was too tired after a day’s walk to fight anymore.

    The wolf padded back to her with a pleading look. He sniffed her face for reassurance, a strange gesture for a pokemon who normally acted so human- like. She wrapped her numb fingered in the thick fur at his scruff and tried to haul herself up. He bore the painful tugging with patience and whined with worry when Leah fell back down.

    Her limbs felt like lead weights and her eyes stung with defeat. Most of her body had gone numb and her blanket was soaked.

    “Gun?” She whispered fearfully. “Where are we? This isn’t where we are supposed to be. The map… well, it’s different. And all this snow.”

    The pokemon blinked, having no answer to her questions. He cuddled close to her hoping his body would warm her up. Meanwhile, his eyes were flickering around searching. His triangle shaped ears rotated slowly and his blunt, black nose wiggled slightly in the cold air. He wouldn’t admit it, but his paws were chilled even with the thick fur between the tough leather pads.

    “Don’t worry about it.” He reassured her gruffly wrapping his bushy tail around her waist. “Think about survival, okay? Bring out Hakan.”

    Leah opened her mouth to object, but all that came out was a chattering sound caused by her teeth. She fumbled with her belt, slowly drawing the sphere off. With a practiced motion she tossed it gracefully in the air and a sharp beam of light flashed out. A half grown houndour puppy looked around sleepily his eyes clouded. A yawn revealed a pink tongue and sharp white teeth. Stretching, he looked at Gunther and wagged his short tail.

    “Wha’s tha matta?” He yipped cocking his head at the frozen Leah. The snow that fell all around them seemed to slid off an invisible bubble around the fire dog. Gunther knew it was because the that radiated off the black pup melted the soft, white flakes before they got too close.

    “Hakan, snuggle up to Leah.” Gunther growled taking on the role of the authorative father. When he talked with Leah, he mimicked human speech patterns. With another canine it was completely different. His tone took on a guttural quality and he used the back of his throat to accent his words.

    The teenager considered it and crinkled his nose in confusion. His dark coat shimmered.

    “Do it. She’s cold!” The older dog barked forcefully. The younger backed down with his large ears folded down in submission. He crept up to the trainer and curled up against her chest with his skull resting just below her chin.

    Gunther resettled himself on her other side creating a furry sandwhich around the fragile girl.

    A flash of light glinted off the silver charm that had been dropped in the ever deepening snow.

    Sorry for the shortness. Tsk tsk. I don't really have a direction for this fic yet, or characters, or anything really. We'll just have to see how it goes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Default High Stakes

    *blinks* Wow... 'Dis is coolness!!!! There are so many plots this could take, and the characters are really neat! ^-^ I became absorbed in the first few sentences!

    There are a few mistakes, but they're so few I wouldn't worry too much about them. The description was excellent: not too much where it gets boring, but enough for me to paint a detailed picture in my head. Excellent work! Two big thumbs up!

  3. #3
    everyone needs a tiger to love Advanced Trainer
    Advanced Trainer
    Hyperness is a Good Thing's Avatar
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    Default High Stakes

    Yeah, nice fic and all. Great description, and lovely characters...

    A few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes(or are they typos?) but not that much. Not too bad, hope you continue on this's quite interesting.

    I have already developed a liking for a character...hehehehe..I like Gunther..

    pretty banner made by wurz ^^

    I'm Over the Top! AKIRA SHOCK.

    finally I have an asb banner ^^U

  4. #4
    old guy Cool Trainer
    Cool Trainer

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    Default woohoo!

    E_Eevee's back with a fic! ^____^ hey, that's when writing can be the most fun, when you have no idea where you're going! lol

    yesh, this was cool.....i was able to get a picture in my head too, of what was going on. ^^ it must've been REALLY cold for her to suffer that badly.....*unnaturally* cold, heh. ^^; i almost thought Hakan was going to use his flame somehow to generate warmth for Leah....but i'm guessing that he just radiates it instead. hope she thaws out....(i'm sure she will.....unless you plan on killing the main character right off the bat, lol)

    hope you can find the time to write more of this!
    I.P.D. Reyvateil: "How many people cry for you when you die?"
    Luca Trulyworth: "I dunno, 10?"

  5. #5

    Default High Stakes

    Hey, it's good to see you back into things. Though who am I to say? I've harldy worked on my writings lately, I'm so horrible.
    I have to admit that so far it seems preaty slow. Though that's probably just from the fact I can't read it fast enough.

  6. #6
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    Default High Stakes

    burakkichu: Isn't that the truth? The blind stumbling along Cold like the friggin' snow we got here in the Carolinas? LOL, i can't complain tho considering everyone else got more of the powdery white stuff. Radiates yes. And no, i will not kill Leah... erm, yeah anyway. Well, you know how it is with the writing thing.

    Doomykins: Thankies. Long time no see. LOL. It'll speed up.

    Update: Weeelll, I almost have the next chappy done. One sentence/ paragraph at a time. Thanks for your faith guys

  7. #7

    Default High Stakes

    Hey, long time no see! ^_^ Really sorry you lost all your other fics =/ I really liked those ones. But hopefully this one'll turn out just as great. I like how it's starting out so far. A few of your usual mistakes but less than I've seen before. I got slightly confused a little into it but then I figured out what was going on. I like Leah and Gunther and Hakan. Hakan must be pretty ^-^

    I'm gonna try and stick around, even though I don't come to TPM much these days. ^^ Keep up the good work!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default High Stakes

    Timarelay: Hey, yeah, long time ^^ I forgot spell check >.<;;; Which may account for some of the mistakes. I know how you love good grammer. Well, I'm not around much but if you stumble across this again, yay!

    So all for such a long wait. I didn't forget or anything. I just lost the original second chapter and had to rewrite it all.

    Aziza playfully bounded through the high drifts of crisp, cold snow. Her heavy white coat and thick layer of fat under her skin ensured that all she felt was a tingle. The forest was like it always was after a thick winter blanket of snow. Birds twittered to the sun and the prey pokemon had already started to search for forage. She was lucky that her pack was prosperous enough that they did not have to hunt today. They were a small yet close family pack led by Aza’s mother and her uncle.

    She did an extra high bounce and landed on her feet lithe and light as a cat. Supposedly she was out of patrol. Her mentor, Zinzi, had sent her to check the perimeter of their territory. She was to make sure no other packs took an opportunity to encroach on their land. Also she was to find and dispose of any weak, stranded prey animals she ran across. Only by eliminating the weak would they be able to save the strong. Later, some of her pack-mates would take the chose bits of her mercy killings.

    Just as she was about to settle down into a steady, ground eating lope she ran across her first task of the patrol. Some rival pack had stepped over the boundary. They weren’t bold enough to mark territory and she suspected that this was a test. To see how her clan would react. If they showed any sign of weakness they may well invite an attack. Following tradition she re-marked the proper dividing line and continued on her way.

    Other than that it was a spectacularly dull patrol. She looped around to the right ready to take the narrow deer path back home. A stray smell caught her nose. She lifted her short muzzle into the air search for another trace of that elusive scent. It took a moment to collect it because the biting wind was shifting back and forth rapidly, but once it settled she got a lock.

    Partly out of duty and partly out of curiosity she followed it in a stalk. Whatever was trespassing was like nothing she had ever smelled before. As she got closer to the source she was able to distinguish three different smells. Two were pokemon, but she had no idea what the third was.

    Stalking then pausing to crouch she crept forward. Her dark violet eyes were latched on the small ledge just ahead. If she could get there then she would be able to see what she had scented. With her short muzzle her smell wasn’t as good as some other pokemon and her ears were ill shaped for specialized use. However, her eyesight was as keen as any pidgeot and not just motion sensitive.

    Her deft front paws hooked expertly over the lip and she pulled herself up. Below lay the oddest pokemon she had ever seen. Its fur was loose and baggy. From what Aza could see under a powder dusting of snow crystals it was multi-colored. The skin seemed to be peach, but there was a blue undertone to it. The eyes were small and closed resting about what was the strangest muzzle she had ever seen. Long locks of wavy fur fuzzed around the face, but nowhere else it seemed. The scent given off was weak and faint, but definitely feminine.

    She crept closer torn between retreating to report or getting a closer look. In the end her curiosity won over her common sense. She was almost out of the cover of the bushes and a few yards away. The creature still hadn’t moved and Aza was beginning to think it was frozen.

    She took a step closer feeling more confident that the thing was dead. What she hadn’t counted on was an ambush. Something large and heavy slammed into her from the side. The other pokemon, for she immediately realized that’s what he was, tried to use his superior weight and size to pin her down. What he didn’t know was that she was trained to evade those kinds of attacks. Being a small female she knew better than to rely on brute force.

    She twisted out of his tedious hold and scrambled to her paws. A much smaller force slammed into her from the other side. This one she shoved with her shoulder. It toppled over. Fearing that there were more attackers and berating herself for being such a foolish kit she bolted.

    When there was no sounds of pursue she slowed to a cautious trot then circled back. Her slim body was aching faintly from the pressure that had been smashed into it and she was hurt in the pride. If her mentor ever learned of this she would be removed from the patrol. The only solution she could see was to go back and fix her mistake. They wouldn’t surprise her a second time and she was confident she could out run her attackers if it came down to it.

    This time she didn’t even reach to body before she sensed her attacker. He was coming through the bushes to her left silently. She almost wanted to marvel at his skill, he was virtually silently. Not only that but he was coming from downwind.

    When he got close enough to make a dive at her Aza danced nimbly aside. The sun had risen to its top most position making the woodlands quite visible. For the first time she saw her attacker. His dark coat was all gray with varying shades mingle together. His ebony eyes flickered across her with intelligence and suspicion. He was larger than her by quite a bit and much heavier. His legs were shorter, stockier. He was built for endurance.

    “What were you doing sneaking up on us?” He demanded in a harsh tone. His voice was deep and mature filled with protective aggression.

    “What are you doing in our territory?” Aza countered staying out of range. Her delicate paws danced along a thick crust of ice capping the snow. She was ready to retreat at any second.

    “Gunther, who are you arguing with now?” A soft voice interrupted them. Both jumped and turned.

    Aza almost bolted. The corpse was moving! Powerful spirits must be at work for the dead thing to get up and walk. What rooted her to the spot weren’t fear, but awe. Dangling from the corpse’s hand was a silver charm. The Charm to be exact.

    Without thinking for a second Aza managed her best bow while her mind was still in shock. Both the corpse and the attacking pokemon stared at her, but she paid no mind. The savior had come.

  9. #9
    old guy Cool Trainer
    Cool Trainer

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    Default ^^

    interesting...and well written. ^^ savior, huh? wonder where that's gonna lead, hehe. hm...can't place what kinda pokemon that corpse would be -- em, if it *is* a pokemon that is. not too familiar with how all the new pokies look yet. ^^; keep writing!
    I.P.D. Reyvateil: "How many people cry for you when you die?"
    Luca Trulyworth: "I dunno, 10?"

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