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Thread: Fic writer's dilenma....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    Hey, I have a few questions for you. Please try to answer them as best you can.

    1. In Pokemon fics, does the evil team of criminals having a motto detract from the seriousness of the fic? My fic is a bit serious, and the villians are a merged group of Team Aqua, Team Magma, and Team Rocket. Why or how that merger took place will be revealed later, but I have made a motto for them, which reads as follows:

    Elements of Fire, Water, and the Stars
    Aqua, Magma, Rocket, Begin!
    An alliance formed in eternal light
    We'll show you our unstoppable might!
    Fusion Gang!

    Now, I am trying to create a blend of humor and seriousness, much like the anime. However, would having a motto tip the balance too far in favor of humor? Sorry if this sounds too idiotic...

    2. My fic might have traces of a trainer fic within it. However, does the following motivation seem a bit original for you? I mean, have you seen this before? Basically, an Eevee-owning human loses his memory. One day, however, as he is recuperating, he discovers that the key to his past might lie within a meteor that crashed on Mt. Silver. As such, he has to go there. The problem: You need badges to get into Mt. Silver. He might try to get a few badges, but yeah... . Well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    Let's see if I can help,

    1. Having a motto is ok, the one you have seems cool because its not like the shows and thats good and I like the idea of the murging in the motto. Its ok if they say it sometimes I guess. I am not to sure but its ok.

    2. It is ok, some fics deal with some trainer stuff and some none trainer stuff, it just all depends on how you make it go. But most likey if it has some its a mix but thats good people like that.

    Hope that helps some.

  3. #3
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    They can say it once, and do sort of a Charlie's Angels pose. ONCE. If they repeat it a whole buch of times, like in the anime, it would detract from it.

    Maybe Team Fusion should be a group of rogue members from all three groups. Remeber, Magma and Aqua DISPISE each other. My fic also has a hint of Trainer Fic, but having a reason other than the obvious for fighting the leaders is a good idea. The only reason my main character fights the Gym Leaders is because his sister wants to. However, when he goes into the gym, the fanatical Gym Leaders lock the doors until Shadow fights. He is forced to. He kicks their butts, but I mostly leave out the Gym battles since EVERYone knows what happens in them. The Chuck and Jasmine battles might be highlighted for their own reasons, though.

    *Spoilers! Do not read unless you are not reading my fic and don;t intend to!*

    (Let's just say, the Anime didn't have two big, angry Steelix duke it out.)

  4. #4
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    Kohdok- Indeed, maybe... But what if, however, it was a forced alliance?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    When I was writing my fic (which I will have to start again, seeing as my brother basically destroyed the computer and all of my things on it), I originally included two of my own Team Rocket members, who basically had a motto similar (though with less humour) to the one from the animé. However, my whole idea of what the fic should be about has changed - I don't want it to be so humourous as it is dark and serious. In fact, I really don't want humour in it at all (which makes the start difficult, because if you start off serious, it tends to tell readers to keep away [but if you don't, then it could just as well be anyone else's fic]); so I did away with the motto, and then with Team Rocket. If you want to have the same basis as the show, you might try a motto - I wouldn't, though, as it tends to bring to mind Jessie and James, which are basically there for comic relief (though their role may be serious one moment, in the end they always end up getting laughs [or, attempting, through the writing of the story, to get laughs]). I'm not sure. If it's for explanation's sake, then do include it - if it's only there to become some kind of trademark opener, then don't. That's far too animé-ish, and quickly makes the story dependent on things other than seriousness.

  6. #6
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    I used the motto in my fic, and I have the Sirens doing Comedy relief duty (more correctly, Azura), and being serious antagonists in tandem. I think I can make it work once some of the major plot twists start. I just got into one.

  7. #7
    Master Trainer
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    1) For me, if you say Motto, I'd say Anime. What I mean is that i'd associate a motto with team rocket, associate that with anime and guess you had a trainer fic. Be careful, because when people make harsh assumptions (sometimes false ones) you can lose readers and a lot of respect for what may be a wonderfully written fanfic, but a TRAINER fic. Some people are like that. Yours, however, is good: it's not 'to protect ... to unite... la la la Mankey, that's right', so It's all right.

    2) Sounds good, but I'd advise against eight badges PERSONALLY. If he's heading to Mt Silver, he may not feel good enough for Gym 1 so he may skip it. Makes sense. say he's go to Azalea, maybe miss Goldenrod (it's a big place), Ecruteak, Mahogany and Blackthorn. That's 4 badges. A good amount, I reckon. If you have all badges it is, and although i disagree people will say: This is a trainer fic. They'll tell you its bland, boring, predictable...and you really dont wanna hear that now, do you?

    Good luck with the future, CrystalPinkTorchic!

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  8. #8
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    1. I included a variation of a motto once in my fic, for a few reasons.

    (1) Jessie and James made a brief appearance, and there was a sort of "special situation", so to speak.

    (2) It was less kiddie humor and a little more seriousness (along with a rumor that has flown around about one of them...).

    (3) I only used it ONCE, and don't plan to again.

    Oh, and methinks I have an idea where you got the idea for the motto. You watch too much Yu-Gi-Oh, man. *hint hint*

    2. Be careful about falling into the same old pattern of Gym after Gym. The variation you have seems fine, as long as you stick to the plan. Also, remember to have other material in between these battles, as that will show the true skill of your writing.

    Anyway, good luck with your fic, Torchic!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Fic writer's dilenma....

    Uh...heh. If you say so, mr_pikachu. It is not really so much as for certain reasons...

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