With a lot of strange Pokemon products going around, it's always easy to lose track of just what the concept was. And if there's one thing that helps put us back on track, it's a good old fashioned Pokemon stadium!

For those of you unfamiliar, the Pokemon ThinkChip Computerized Battle Stadium is a game disguised as a toy. You're given a large stadium, and two medium-sized Pokemon figures (Squirtle and Geodude). The stadium has places where you set up the figures, and then reads information on the Pokemon from chips within each figure. If your figure has been won a lot of battles, it'll have higher HP. To actually battle, you choose your attack (normal or special, if you have the type advantage), then a light will flash up around the middle of the arena. Press the button quickly as it hits the middle, and you'll maximise your attacking power! From there on, you and your opponent trade blows, with all the necessary evolving and strategic swapping.

Obviously, the game is a lot about luck. The lights will determine your fate, and although you choose when to stop, you'll have to be precise to maximise the damage.
However, strategy is quite an overwhelming factor. You can have six Pokemon to battle with, but when one gets knocked out, it's all over.

Do you put all your faith in your timing?
Or do you swap out to ensure the type advantage?

It's things like this that make this just like the games, and all the training really pays off.

Well, with all that out of the way, let's get to some specifics. As stated, the Stadium comes with Squirtle and Geodude, but you'll definately want to get some more figures if you want to stand a chance. The figures that were available from the Stadium's release were Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Wartortle and Jigglypuff, though I'm unaware if any more were released.

The figures are wonderfully authentic to look at, and just might be the best Pokemon figures I've seen. Unfortunately, with every single one containing its own chip, and carrying a hefty price tag, these are definately NOT for casual play. No matter how friendly Charmander looks, don't mess around with him, or its $40 wasted. Additionally, the Stadium is large and a tad unwieldy, making it a pain for storage and carrying.

However, despite its shortcomings, I think that the Stadium is a clever piece of merchandising that does damn well to recreate the battling spirit. It's a shame that it came after the initial Pokerush, so it didn't get all the credit that I think it deserves.

So, for anyone who's seen it, or own it, what do you think? A priceless addition to anyone's collection? Or just another stab at a tired formula? I myself am in possession of one, and although it's hard finding figures for it, it's worth it for a quick battle when you feel like it.

Do you own the ThinkChip battle stadium?
I do! And I'm seeking proof that I'm not the only one... *er-hem*

What figures do you have?
As well as Squirtle and Geodude, I bought myself Bulbasaur and Charmander as soon as I could. I love those gaffers.

How much do you know about the ThinkChip 'Ash's Talking Pokedex'?
No, this isn't the official Pokedex (which is fun to flaunt around, if you're into that sort of thing), but a way of training your ThinkChip figures. I'm none too familiar with it, but I believe it has to do with answering battling questions, and giving information about your figures.

So get Thinkin', all you Chippers!! ...Oh god, that was a lame slogon. Anyone got anything better? O_o