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Thread: The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

  1. #1
    Absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Time is considered a one-way street in this world. Our perception of it is that it is always in motion, and the only reality that we can know of is the past. Destiny and Fate are abstract notions for us, as our own paths change constantly with each decision we make. We realize that once something is occurred, it cannot be undone. The past is in the Past, and cannot be touched. The future is in the Future, and is thus impossible to predict. We are stuck in time's river, doomed to be eventually dragged under by its force...
    But what would we do if we managed to gain a key, and in it a chance to escape this river's tug?

    Would we end up freeing ourselves from the current? Or would we be sucked into its terrifying depths?

    What if it has all ready happened?


    On a bright day, May 24, 2004, a teenage boy happened to be outside on a walk. The sea air brushed by his face, making his eyes squint, and put a broad smile on his face. This boy had lived by the ocean his whole life, and had always shared a love of it with the members of his family. He had been born near the Pacific, and now he lived by the Atlantic. Water had always been part of his life, and he was just fine with that.

    His path would have taken him home in about five minutes. His school back-pack weighed an extra thirty pounds weighing him down, so he ended up going slower in the future. He never suspected at this moment that he should have played hooky with his friend. He didn't even think he would be late getting home. He thought home would always been there. He was wrong...

    A squeek interuppted his walk, and he stumbled forward with his arms flailing to prevent smashing his nose inward. He still fell, but on his shins instead of his own face. He swore silently to himself when he discovered his school uniform had been ripped from the fall, and he looked back at the object. It was a ball. It wasn't a ball. It...

    Looking at the object, the boy got two messages put through his brain. On one hand, there seemed to be a bright blue ball sitting on the curbside with cracks running out from where it rested. It seemed very old, and was covered in a fine layer of fuzz which created the blue color on its surface... But on the other hand, there was nothing at all there. In fact, the cracks underneath the ball weren't there as well.

    As both sides of his mind argued to whether the ball was real or not, the boy began to reach for it, squinting his eyes to try to get it into focus. The effort required to do so astounded the young man, as he had vision that most envied. As his hand came closer to the object (or empty air if you consulted half of his thought) the object grew no clearer. Then, just a mere centimeter away from the ball, it snapped into focus. The boy gripped the ball into his hands. The boy was gone.

    On May 24, 2004, a boy never made it back home, and was never found. Two years later after all hope of finding him had drifted from his family, he was declared legally dead...

    On May 24, 2046, the former District A2-F66 was deserted as it had been for the past twenty-two years. The War of the Shin'ku had left the Mega-district barren of all but rats, insects, and the ruins of the humans who once lived there. The human resistance movement was decaying from within and already on the verge of collapse. Less than one million homo-sapien-sapiens were still alive. Total take-over was predicted in 3 months, followed by a rapid terraforming project.

    On this day, camera #342-94999 registered movement from within the quadrant. Instead of a rat or one of the larger insects that lived on the planet, it noted a human being. Using long dormant sensors, it was able to determine it to be a human male with a rate of decay that suggested an age of 17 years, 5 months, and 23 days. It immiediatly dispatched a warning to the closest Shin'ku headquarters. It then noted that the human was panicking...

    It had begun...


    This rpg is going to be a bit different from the usual rpg on this board. Unlike the usual rpg, those who sign-up will not get to interact with each other... At least not for quite some time. The teenage boy (which I will be doing) has been displaced in time. Instead of existing in 2004, he now is in 2046 in a near post-apocoliptic version of his old world. In this story, the Shin'ku invasion will be the focus point.

    I will accept three characters from each of these time periods:






    Each character from one of these time periods should match what is in their own time period. That means that if you are in 1865, no cars, no planes, etc. The character will play with what was available in their own period.

    While the boy is the only character who can move through time by himself, the others still have plenty of work to do before he visits. In all of these time periods, signs of the Shin'ku invasion force were noticed by a few people. The exploration of the planet, the mapping, the planning, the journey, and finally the invasion occured in chronological order. Each character has an opportunity to dig up things about the invasion force that ends up destroying Earth as we know it in 2046.

    Sign-up Form:


    Age: (13-80)


    Time Period: (1865, 1920, 1960, 2004, 2046)




    Weapon(s): (If any)

    History: (Important!)

    Family: (You can be related to a char from another time period)

    Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

    #31: Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I'll go over to the person's house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A jack-o'-lantern with a knife in the side of its head with a note that says "You." After that, I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.

    #373: Warning to all outer-space guys: You can capture me and put me in your "space zoo" if you like, but I will sit way in the back of my cage, where it's hard to see me. And when I do come out, I won't be wearing any pants.

  2. #2

    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Ook, shibby title and nice idea... Hope I do this right...
    *is dumb*

    Name: Jinsuin Terrome (Calls himself Jin... said as Gin... yah...)
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Time Period: 2046
    Description: 6'2", but doesn't always look to be it as he sometimes crawls around. Hair is slightly above shoulder-length, sort of filthy looking, though not terribly--does, however, look to be fairly greasy. Eyes dart around furtively, and are steel gray. Build is wirey, almost sickly, as is the skin, which is waxy-pale. In a way, looks to be vampiric or demonic. Wears faded, dark blue jeans, black shirt, and a worn, long black jacket. Usually goes barefoot.
    Personality: A bit paranoid--it comes from living where he does and how he does. Knows what he's doing and where he's going as long as he's in his area. Fights when necessary, sometimes when not entirely necessary. Furious when fighting, builds strength with rage. However, he can keep himself under control if he wants to. Doesn't much like the place he lives, but knows that there isn't anywhere else to go...
    Talents: Fighting, specifically with bare knuckles or with knives.
    Weapon(s): His fists, a switchbalde, and throwing knives.
    History: Was born into the Mega district. His mother was killed when he was a little under a year old, and his father followed suite when Jin was ten. He had an older sister, but she's since disappeared--left after the father died, for some reason or other. Lived on his own since then. He stayed in the Mega-district because he didn't really have anywhere else to go... He knew the place as well as he could, and he knew how to survive there.
    Family: Two dead parents and a sister who's either dead or just... somewhere...
    Other: ?

    Hope that's all right... Not quite sure what you want for the future...

    EDIT. Hope that bettah...

  3. #3
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Name: Kayla
    Age: 18
    Sex: Female
    Time Period: 2004
    Description: Long blonde hair, green eyes. 6'4, slim-ish. Wears a black t-shirt with blue jeans.
    Personality: She's nice to her friends. And she's really caring, you just have to get to know her first. She kind of seals others out until they get close. Afraid of water.
    Talents: Quite a good fighter. She's also a wiz with a bow and some arrows.
    Weapon(s): Bow and arrows.
    History: She grew up in the north of California. She loved the ocean, and was always playing around it. She never quite learned how to swim, unfortunately. When she was about 12, she had an accident. She was out playing in the water, when an undertow pulled her out into the ocean. She doesn't remember much about the incident or before then, she had been traumatized by the experience. She was told she had been found unconcious on top of a piece of wood, half submerged, by the coast guard, when her parents reported her missing. The thing was, she never met them again, and was handed to an orphanage until she could care for herself. Ever since then, she has been deathly afrain of the ocean, and generally any water deeper than her waist. She picked up archery as a hobby when she was 15, not being the kind of person to go swimming with her friends during the summer.
    Family: She has no siblings, and her parents are either dead or she has no idea where they live. She ends up having a grandson named Kage...
    (Sure it's fine!)
    Other: Um, not really...

    That what you mean?
    Because college has finally stopped gnawing on my soul.

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  4. #4
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Ginger Cat: Most of it looks ok, you just need to adjust the history a bit. Most life on earth during that time period is either dead, or just struggling to survive. The Shin'ku invasion is almost completed, and humanity isn't in a good position. But him being a loner is fine.

    EVme15: Accepted. You might want to add something about her doing archery though, since technically she would be fairly normal despite her phobia. If you do not mind, my char will know her... It will make things a bit easier when he comes back to 2004.

    I'll put up my char description up tomorrow.
    Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

    #31: Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I'll go over to the person's house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A jack-o'-lantern with a knife in the side of its head with a note that says "You." After that, I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.

    #373: Warning to all outer-space guys: You can capture me and put me in your "space zoo" if you like, but I will sit way in the back of my cage, where it's hard to see me. And when I do come out, I won't be wearing any pants.

  5. #5

    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    OOC: sounds like another winner Thargor......I just hope you start this one(thinks back bitterly that Blank Page never started)

    Name: Donald Emrick Myers(friends call him Rick or Emrick)

    Age: 32

    Sex: male

    Time Period: 1960

    Description: 6'2", firm athletic build, has a small scar on his chin, short sandy blond hair, deep brown eyes, long and slightly round face, has a Navy SEALs tatoo on his left bicep(which few people see since he only wears sleeveless shirts when working out or sparring)

    Personality: rigid and set in his ways, good sense of humor for a hard a$$, very observant and curious

    Talents: espionage, marksmanship, hand to hand combat, automatic weapons{I know its a lot but he is an intelligence agent circa 1960}

    Weapon(s): combat knife, standard issue handgun with silencer, sniper rifle, M16(or its equivalent from 1960), small explosives ..........always has his handgun and usually has his knife but everything else he is only issued for an assignment(meaning unless he is on assignment he will not have anything but his handgun and/or combat knife)

    History: He was a WWII military brat. He grew up on a military base living with his parents and younger sister. When he was younger he was completely against the military. When WWII hit and his father went off to war his mind changed. Seeing his father come home with only one leg(his fathers left leg was lost at the Normandy invasion) he changed his mind. Seeing his fathers selflessness convinved him he wanted to serve his country as his father had. Much to his dismay the war ended before he was old enough to enlist or even be drafted. As soon as he was old enough though he went out and enlisted in the Navy. His father had been a marine, but in peace time he understood that the Navy SEALs would be the only ones likely to see any action so that is where he went. He made it into the Navy with no trouble and passed boot camp with flying colors. He failed the first SEALs test though and had to serve on a Battleship for a full tour before they would allow him to take it again. He passed the second time with no trouble and proceeded to SEALs training. By 26 he had earned a great service record and the rank of Captain. At that time, the cold war was just starting to heat up. The government was concerned about the red menace and was setting up a new agency to deal with the threat known as the Central Intelligence Agency. They looked for the best of the best from every level of governement and military and because of his stellar service record Donald Emrick Myers was recruited as one of the CIA's first field operatives. He has spent the past six years of his life helping to build a network of informants and eliminate rival intelligence threats to the United States. In a time where everyone was concerned about the threats of communism though, Emrick started to notice a few other things that most overlooked that seemed out of place. The past two months he has spent his spare time tracking down certain anomalies that the government doesn't deem threats to national security.(meaning he has started to notice these signs of the Shin'ku the past couple months even though he has no idea what is going on yet beyond soem out of place transmissions and such).

    Family: ooooooooo.....could he be the unnamed boys grandfather? (on his mothers side of course so he wouldn't have to take Emrick's last name)

    Other: He competed in the 1956 Olympics for fencing and was eliminated just short of a bronze medal.

  6. #6
    Beside Myself Elite Trainer
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Erm... are the characters scattered all round the world, or just in one definite place? (Americas [?]) And can they be stolen, not-important historical figures elaborated so all the fields in the RPG form can be filled in *sweatdrop* ? If they are I'll edit my post to suit the ruling.
    1865, eh... ^________^

    Name: Souji Okita

    Age: 22

    Sex: Male

    Time Period: 1865 *is forever grateful to Watsuki-sensei for drawing the Rurouni Kenshin manga* Wheee, fall of the Tokugawa!! *realises she has to write a lot of politics* ._.;; *digs out encyclopedia...*

    Description: He's about 5'4". He is pale and rather scrawny, although this is more due to climate and poor health. Surprisingly, he's rather good at killing pesky challengers/unlaw-abiders/etc with his three-sword-thrust technique. His hair is dark, with bangs and it's put up in a high ponytail, while his eyes are darkish brown and positively glittering with goodwill. (Ugh.) He wears the standard gi and hakama and japanese sandals, with a blue haori (jacket) with white zigzag patterns on the sleeves over that and a headband when he's on duty.

    Personality: He's your average nice guy. He's polite, often excessively so. The type of person that knows all the neighbours by first name, how many children they have, their love affairs, their other niggling little secrets and also where the best place to eat is. ^^() Doesn't like to worry others unnecessarily. He'll kill because he has to... it's his job.

    Talents: Kenjutsu. His style is the Tennen Rishin Ryu, he mastered it at 15 years of age. He has a special technique called the 'three-piece thrust', which does exactly what it says. ^^; He is the strongest swordsman (and most sickly) in the Shinsengumi (see below). Is also good with children.

    Weapon(s): Katana, bokken or shinai, depending. His katana has a fancy name - 'Kikuichi Norimune', it's 2'4" approximately.

    History: (Okay... I went around site-hopping and encyclopedia speed-reading to get this but here is THE place to go if you seriously want to dig up more background on my character and his era. I probably got some info wrong in my extremely hastily assembled version...)
    1865 falls in the era of the Fall of the Tokugawa in Japan, (lots of social and political revolution, feuds, resistance groups etc.) so there was plenty of unrest and bloodshed and stuff like that. Bwahahahaha. This guy really existed, unfortunately, he died/will die in his twenties (25 I think) of tuberculosis. As it is he's got a bad cough, there's blood, and if he overexerts himself he does the fainting thing popularized by females in operas. He was/will be admitted into hospital in late January 1868. In official records he died/will die on 30th May 1868, so hopefully his doings won't last that long so he won't die yet ^^;;;
    Now for the lengthened history.
    He had a large family, but he was the only one to ever join the Shinsengumi, a group that did routine 'policing' for the government in Kyoto (something like that anyway: some people called them assassins, others thought they were heroes. If they thought you were suspicious, you'd be next on the deathroll. Their motto: Kill Evil Instantly 'Aku Soku Zan'. They had a widespread nickname, "Mibu's Wolves", because they first gathered together in the village of Mibu). He had an aptitude for kenjutsu and enrolled in a dojo, but he later with the dojo's other students were accepted as Shinsengumi recruits. Soon after this, he contracted tuberculosis, back then it was an incurable disease.
    He participated in what's known as the Ikedaya affair in June 1864, where the Shinsengumi raided a teahouse in which the heads of 'shishi' (as far as I can gather shishi are resistance/reformation/pioneers of the New Age or summat) were having a meeting. (Basically they killed everyone present.) After the incident, he fainted after coughing up much blood and his disease turned for the worse. The news of his disease was shushed over by his comrades as if it became known the troop's morale would droop. Right now he's lying a bit low so his TB won't act up, but being captain of a regiment of Shinsengumi means he has to get cracking if he's notified of anything by his superiors. He helps to train the younger recruits.
    He has heard odd things about mysterious occurences at night, but nothing serious enough happened for him to sit up and do something about it. (As a lot of suspicious characters were rife this was not particularly disturbing... what couldn't the 3000-strong force at Kyoto cut down?)

    Family: Parents, and a whole slew of brothers and sisters. They live mainly in Tama district (near Edo/Tokyo) He writes letters to them regularly.

    Other: Sickly. O_o He tries his best not to be...

    fangirling is my real day job

  7. #7
    Blame of Absence: Cancer Honorary Moderator
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Name: Lance Zachrus Hunter
    Age: 24
    Sex: Male
    Time Period: 2046
    Description: He is tall for his age of fifteen, and bares rather broad shoulders for an Englishmen, leading many to think he is from the countries to the east. He wears a V necked olden shirt, which is black, and it is short sleeved, where the sleeves are cut off at the bottom of the shoulder. Leather runs through holes in the V to hold it together, also to tighten it if it grows cold. He has hazel eyes and black hair that is shrouded messily around his head. He carries a two-handed laser sword in a sheath on his back, his weapon of choice, which proves as a true foe to his many enemies.
    Personality: Scared. He, like many of the humans is a loner. He doesn't talk much, and doesn't appear to show any affection towards other humans. He looks to survive, and in order to do that he has to be as arrogant as possible. Just ignoring and staying away from other people. As, he figures, they would attack a larger populus of people, rather than one man.
    Talents: Extremely quick reflexes, which is needed for the sword battling and blocking shots from guns with his sword.
    Weapon(s): A large two handed laser sword that rests in a special sheath on his back, it can cut through most metals and can block shots from guns.
    History: He has lived alone for pretty much his whole life, well, after he was ten. One day, when he was twelve, he was attacked by a large man in needing of food, and resulting to cannabilism. He killed the man by a fluke shot of luck and took the mans sword, it is the same one he uses today. The next years of his life were as painful as ever, living by with very little food and very little necessities.
    Family: None
    Other: Nope

  8. #8
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    I have one question about the Shin'ku. Did they have scouts that went on the planet itself, disguised as humans?

    Name: Sally Rayne

    Age: 14

    Sex: F

    Time Period: 1960

    Description: Fairly long brown hair tied into a braid. Green eyes. She likes wearing white shirts and this odd rainbow skirt she made herself. Sandels.

    Personality: An almost complete pacifist, she has given up eating meat altogether, because she believes it cruel. Happy to just have fun and love everything in Nature.

    Talents: Singing, painting, and cracking about any code (codecracking is her ultimate hobby). Currently teaching herself the guitar, but her only talent with that is making it sound horrid.

    Weapon(s): no weapons in the normal means, since she's a pacifist. however, even though she avoids school, she is actually quite smart, quick to understand new ideas, if not accept them.

    History: Born the year after WWII ended, Sally grew up in the newly reenergized US. Almost every day of her life, she had heard about the horrors of war. Her older brother was killed in the D-day invasion. She has learned to abhor war and the loss of life it brings. Many of her friends shared this view of hating war and not trusting the government. They even skipped school alot because they believed it was used to turn people into mindless drones. Turning down guns and upholding flowers, she was part of the group that would eventually be known as hippies.

    Family: A mother, a father, and a younger sister who grew up, married, and had a child named Vered...

    Other: FLOWER POWER!!!! Heh, just wanted to say that.

    EDIT: Heh, changed who my character was related to.

  9. #9
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Name: Vered Penina
    Age: 17
    Sex: female
    Time Period: 2004
    Description: Wavy brown hair, about sholder-length. Often pulled back into a ponytail, otherwise hangs loose. A pair of wire-rimmed glasses (without them, she can barely see two feet in front of her before things get blurry), eyes just about the same shade as her hair. Favorite outfit includes khahki pants or jeans, t-shirts with a plain-color blouse or a hooded sweatshirt over it. a pair of sneakers and a green baseball cap complete the ensamble.
    Personality: generally quiet, though talkative at times. a curiosity that just might get her into trouble one of these days ( ). clever and imaginative, hard working and quick to pick up on new things.
    Talents: Can run pretty fast if she needs to, although she usually would rather walk. She's also good at figuring things out which comes in part from all the reading she's done).
    Weapon(s): a small pocket knife. once tried learning Tai-Kwon-Do, but never got far with it. she never learned more than a couple basic kicks and punches, and almost never practices them, so she's not too good with them.
    History: Born in 1980s in suburban USA. Grew up pretty much like any other child of the time: went to school, had friends, got annoyed with her younger siblings, played video games, etc. She liked to read a lot, though, and got good at figuring out what's going on in the stories. Currently in high school and fairly smart.
    Family: Both parents, an older brother, a younger sister and brother. Despite having plenty of family to interact with, she still enjoys being alone sometimes. (If anyone would like to be related to my char, go ahead.)
    Other: um...chibi!
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  10. #10

    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Hey EVme15, do you mind if I'm related to your char?

    Name: Kage Ikagaide
    Age: 20
    Sex: Male
    Time Period: 2046
    Description: 6'6" tall, his hair was naturally blond like his mother and grandmother but died it black and keeps it short and spiky for practical purposes, he has the brown eyes of father. He is very muscular (Mostly upper body, but has a long stride to run quickly as well). He is very pale, but could be considered handsome, and despite a lot of skirmishes, he has very few scars. He does have a tattoo of a black, red, and silver dragon on his back.
    Personality: Enjoys battle and hates the Shin'ku. He believes strongly in fair fights but will try to win at all costs. He fears his death and will strive to stay alive
    Talents: Excellent with a bow (The talent got passed down) and a powerful fighter.
    Weapons: A 250 lb. bow with high-velocity, laser-tipped arrows. A knife with a laser edge which can be turned up to higher levels of power, making the laser edge grow longer.
    History: Kayla had a daughter at age twenty who's name was Katelin, who at the age of twenty, had Kage. Kage was born two years after the invasion really started so he was used to it. His mother trained him in using a bow and after rescuing people under caved in buildings, he grew quite strong. He and his friends were out looking for stuff in an abondoned part of the city when they came across an old hunting shop, where Kage got a nice compound bow, with the smallest wheels on it to make it a 250 lb. drawback. He also got a lot of high-velocity arrows here and had them altered to have laser tips. He is also very good at making things, merely because he enjoys seeing how things work, and made his knife himself. (He's like the little boy who takes apart his dad's drill at the age of five)
    Family: Kayla's grandson
    Other: Has a tendency to crush people's hands in a handshake.

  11. #11
    Absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    Outlaw JT: Accepted. I'll take you up on that offer... Gramps.

    Emotional Faun Chiko-sai: Accepted and let me just say... Wow. Very good history there, real people are just fine. As for the traveling thing, I wouldn't worry about it...

    Skullfire: You are accepted once you tell me whether your age is 24, or 15. You said both in your sign-up.

    Anjana's Halo: Accepted. Yes, the aliens did "wear" disguises. The ones in your era are more advanced than the ones back in the 1860's.

    Mew Trainer Rose: Char accepted

    Darkmaster Kagemusha: Char accepted

    My sign-up...

    Name: James Ponting

    Age: 17

    Sex: Male

    Time Period: 2004

    Description: 5' 11" Lightly muscled. He has the squared jaw of his father, and the blond hair of his mother. He has a pair of deep brown eyes that his mother tells him belong to his grandfather. He is usually sporting a calm look, and usually doesn't give his appearance much thought. His hair is constantly brushed down, and thus comes down in seperate thick strands of blond. The only thing which makes him look the bit proper is his school uniform which consists of a blue jacket, a bright red tie with the school emblem on it, a pair of blue pants, and a white shirt. He is wearing a pair of sneakers now (which he thankfully changed into before everything started to go to hell).

    Personality: He has a very calm and soothing personality for those who know him. He uses his imagination and spurts of wit to come up with solutions to problems, even though they usually don't work as intended. He is more prone to pesimism since the death of his sister, but he tries to keep in the right frame of mind. When he gets stressful, he occasionally gets splitting headaches that the doctors can't explain. It sometimes screws up his vision.

    Talents: He is half trained in Judo and karate, both of which he ended up quitting. He is an expert at computer hacking, and has made quite a name for himself getting into systems he wasn't allowed access into. He loves to fiddle around with little gadgets, that is when he isn't out on the water.

    Weapon(s): He has no weapons. But, he does have his laptop in his backpack, along with a small flashlight, rollerblades, school books, binoculars, and some food.

    History: James was originally born in Japan during the 1980's. His mother was named Patricia Ponting (maiden name of Myers). His father was named William Ponting, former agent of MI-5, and advisor to his old agency. He lived in Japan until he was eight years old, then moved to America where his mother was originally from. There, he made friends easily, and had somewhat of a normal teenage life. His sister was born there a year later. Then his life became a little less normal when his sister was killed by a car when he was 15 years old. While he handled it well enough, it made him change his view on life quickly.
    He joined a private highschool towards the end of his teenage years, where he became marginally popular. There he gathered the interest of many electronic security companies by sending in reports stating the faults of their own systems. Then, he saw the ball. After that moment, his life as he knew it ended, and he was transported in a world that he was never meant to live to see.

    Family: Mother and father listed, Grandfather is Donald Emrick Myers (Outlaw JT).

    Friends: Vered Penina, and Kayla

    Other: Nothing...
    Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

    #31: Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I'll go over to the person's house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A jack-o'-lantern with a knife in the side of its head with a note that says "You." After that, I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.

    #373: Warning to all outer-space guys: You can capture me and put me in your "space zoo" if you like, but I will sit way in the back of my cage, where it's hard to see me. And when I do come out, I won't be wearing any pants.

  12. #12
    Blame of Absence: Cancer Honorary Moderator
    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    24, soz, typo

  13. #13
    Absent Advanced Trainer
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    Thargor's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Northeast US

    Default The Splintered Looking Glass... (sign-ups)

    All right, this will start this Friday afternoon. I will list who is currently in what era (not where they are from).


    Souji Okita: Emotional Faun Chiko-sai



    Sally Rayne: Anjana's Halo
    Donald Emrick Myers: Outlaw JT


    Vered Penina: Mew Trainer Rose
    Kayla: EVme15


    James Ponting: Thargor
    Kage Ikagaide: Darmaster Kagemusha
    Lance Zachrus Hunter: Skullfire
    Jinsuin Terrome: Ginger Cat

    Currently the 2004 and 2046 positions ar full. One more can be accepted for 1960, two more for 1865, and three more for 1920.
    Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey

    #31: Sometimes when I feel like killing someone, I do a little trick to calm myself down. I'll go over to the person's house and ring the doorbell. When the person comes to the door, I'm gone, but you know what I've left on the porch? A jack-o'-lantern with a knife in the side of its head with a note that says "You." After that, I usually feel a lot better, and no harm done.

    #373: Warning to all outer-space guys: You can capture me and put me in your "space zoo" if you like, but I will sit way in the back of my cage, where it's hard to see me. And when I do come out, I won't be wearing any pants.

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