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    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    I wasn't going to post this at all - but I showed it to Gavin, and he convinced me to. I wrote it for a school assignment, to wrtie a story with the themes of violence, and prejudice and racism. And the first thing that came to my head was the way that Christians are perescuted daily for their faith. So that's what my story is about. It's only something short - but heavy issues are dealt with in this story - and I am very sorry if I offend anyone. If i do offend anyone, please tell me. Because that is not my intention.


    By Tara


    Sunday evening.

    The sky had already become the purple of a sunset, pink streaks shooting through the clouds. The grass was slowly becoming damp underneath me, but I wasn't paying much attention to the grass. Life was too short to sit and feel the grass get wet.

    Cody was next to me. His feet were kicking in the air, as he babbled on about nothing in particular. It was only six fifteen; the church service didn't start for another fifteen minutes, so we decided not to let the rest of the day slip away.

    "It's been really cool, today has," Cody spoke, breaking the silence. He continued to kick his feet in the air, losing a shoe in the process. He got up and went to retrieve it.

    "I know," I agreed, sighing. I watched him walk over and pick up his shoe.
    "Can you believe it? There’s less than a week until the youth group camp!’ Cody announced, excitement rushing to affect his voice. He turned to me, his eyes sparkling.’Only a week! That’s seven days!’

    ‘It’s more like five days,’ I corrected him.’It’s on Friday.’

    ‘Whatever!’ Cody threw his shoe at me. I was always correcting him and others, so I guess I deserved it. But still, I didn’t deserve it in the face. Cody ran over to me.’Are you all right? I’m so sorry!’

    I picked up his shoe, and hit him with it.’You should be!’ I exclaimed. I grinned at him and he grinned back. All of a sudden, I found him on top of me. The wind was squashed right out of my body, as he smothered me in a hug. I hugged back; he was my best friend after all.

    He got up, and pulled me up with him.’We’d better get inside. It’s going to be an awesome service tonight.’


    The place was packed. No room to move. People had tried to sit in the aisles at the beginning, but weren’t allowed due to fire regulations. I couldn’t believe the feeling that was in the room at the end of the talk. There was such a feeling of God in the air. So many people were crying, shaking, screaming, laughing… It was too awesome to describe.

    ‘Ami.’ Cody’s voice entered my ear suddenly.’Ami, can you feel God here?’

    His voice was shaken. It startled me.’Yes,’ I replied.’I can feel him.’

    ‘I can feel something else,’ Cody began. I turned around, and looked up at him. He was much taller than I, and usually hid his feelings from the world. Tonight, he looked different. His shining eyes, they looked troubled, and the happy spark was gone.

    ‘What?’ I watched him, but he didn’t look as excited as he had before. Worried, perhaps, but not excited and happy. I was concerned.

    ‘Something is going to happen tonight,’ he told me.’Can’t you feel it?’ Cody smiled briefly at me, a small, sad smile.’Whatever happens, I’ll see you there.’

    There was a scream, a shriek, and a crack. People began to push in all different directions, climbing over chairs, running through the room. The place became chaotic. For one of the first times in my life, I saw visible fear in Cody’s chocolate irises. Another crack followed. Confusion was throughout the room. People rushed everywhere. I tried to move across, out the aisle with Cody. Somebody running across the pews pushed me out the way, knocking me to the ground.

    ‘Cody!’ I yelled.’Where are you?’

    Cody’s hand gripped mine firmly, and he yanked me up. We ran, his hand still gripping mine, through the mass of people. I felt as though I was at an overcrowded concert, being squashed everywhere. Most of all, I was scared.

    I was so scared. My heart was pounding at least a kilometer an hour; my skin, coated with sweat. It wasn’t nice, but I wasn’t about to stop and worry about things like that. Cody turned around, and pulled me close to him. I could feel his rapid heartbeat as I tried to hide against his chest. My stomach was tied into a thousand knots. I didn’t know what was going on.

    ‘I’m scared, Cody,’ I told him, clinging on for dear life.’What’s going on?’

    Cody held me tight. This was so not like him. Usually he would just stay right off me, right away from me in the physical side of things. Tonight, though, my heart just felt like it was going to burst. Not because of its rate, but because it was overflowing with love for Cody. I loved him so much, he was my best friend, and I was scared for the both of us.

    ‘They have guns,’ Cody replied into my ear, confirming what I thought was true. I began to cry. One half of me was trying not to cry, because I didn’t want to be a wimp, or a wuss, in front of Cody. The other half wanted me to bawl, to show how I felt, and to take the sympathy. The tears rolled down my cheeks.

    ‘We have to get out of here.’ I looked up at Cody, and he nodded, showing me he heard. Still holding my hand, we ducked through the crowds, and through the door. Outside, there were more bad people with guns.

    Why were they attacking us? What had we done? What did they need to come and harass a God filled environment for? I wanted the answers. I called them out to God, I yelled out to him to get rid of them. As we ran, I screamed for God to not let those die who had not given their lives back yet. I screamed out for him.

    ’Lord, don’t let us all die! I always wanted to die for my faith, but please get rid of them! Too many non-Christians will be hurt by this. Too many people will be hurt by this. Please don’t take anybody. If you have to take someone, let it be me, please Lord, let it be me!’

    And there was a crack.

    Cody pulled me down, and we rolled down the grassy slope, tumbling head over heels. And we stopped.

    I looked over to Cody.

    He lay on the grass.

    ‘Come on, Cody, get up,’ I pleaded in between gasps. I tried to catch my breath. Cody didn’t move. I poked him side.’Come on, Cody,’ I pleaded again.’We have to keep running!’ I pushed him, and he flopped over to the

    The grass was a funny shade of red underneath him.

    He hadn’t pulled me down.

    I didn’t want it to be true.

    ‘Cody, come on,’ I said, scared.’Don’t play around any more. We have to go.’

    He didn’t move.

    ’What ever happens, I’ll see you there.’

    I didn’t want him there. I wanted him here, with me.

    My heart tore into two. Then those two piece shattered, the shards of broken heart falling to the ground. They were too sharp to pick up. I tried to place them together again, but I bled. My soul wept.

    I was alone in my world.

    ’My Lord, please don’t let it be true. Please, make it all a dream. I’m going to wake up soon, aren’t I? No… I’m not… Let Cody wake up, please Lord, bring him back…’

    But Cody was gone.


    ‘Rock for God.’

    ‘Jesus Freak?’

    ‘What is that stuff?’

    ‘I don’t know. Jesus forever, Satan never?’

    ‘Ha. Jesus is a fag.’

    I held my chin up high and kept walking, ignoring the girls behind me. They started off by reading my bag, but Tegan and Kasey were just going to ridicule me for being a Christian. I was used to it, but it was a bit harsh now. I walked alone, hoping they would lose interest and start talking about a CD or something.

    ‘Hey, Freak!’ Tegan called. I looked around.

    ‘Yeah?’ I asked.

    ‘Hey, you’re that girl,’ Tegan began.

    ‘Yeah, I’m a girl,’ I replied.

    ‘You were at that Christian massacre the other week weren’t you?’ Tegan asked.

    I nodded, trying not to remember. Trying not to remember the fear, the horror, and the losses that night.

    ‘I heard a rumor that they missed a person,’ Tegan started, snidely. I wish she would shut up. I didn’t need to hear this, especially now. I turned my back to them.

    I tried to ignore her. Tried to block out the sound of her voice.

    ‘Good riddance, really,’ Tegan continued.’Ever since they killed Jesus, the world’s been filled with Jesus Wannabes. Hey look at that, there’s one in front of us.’

    My eyes filled with tears.

    ‘But now, there’s a lot less,’ Tegan smiled nastily, nodding as she finished.

    A tear rolled down my cheek. I turned around once more.’What did he ever do to you but love you? What did he ever do to you aside from think you were good enough to die for? What have I ever done to you?’ I asked.’Please don’t talk about the other week. I lost my best friend there, and I don’t want to remember it. It’s hard enough without you teasing me about it.’

    Teresa stopped her laughter, and glanced at Kasey. Kasey looked at Tegan, questioning what her next move was. Tegan grinned.

    ‘Aww, Jesus’s little baby is crying. Do you want a tissue?’ Tegan asked.

    ‘Tegan. Please! Leave me alone!’ I cried. Memories came back of the other week. It was so similar; I was being persecuted for my faith.

    Just like Cody.

    I could see him, lying there, on the grass. Me crying next to him, bawling my eyes out. The guys with guns running to see whether we were okay. Hiding underneath him so that they would think I was dead too. Staying there, not wanting to leave him. Although he had already gone.

    And now I stood here, alone, Tegan throwing insults at me left, right and center. All because of my faith.

    If I was a Buddist girl, she would’ve been in big trouble. If I were an Indian Hindu, she could’ve been called up to the principal. If I were a Muslim in a head scarf, she could’ve been down at the police station now, answering questions.

    But I was neither of those.

    I was merely a Jesus Wannabe.

    And nobody noticed the millions of Jesus Wannabe’s that got persecuted every day for their faith.


    I tried to avoid Tegan all week. My friends knew better than to mention Cody, unless I brought up the topic. My teachers understood how I was feeling, and understood why I would break down in the middle of class. Even my family could tell when I was feeling all right and when I was devastated that he wasn’t here anymore.

    But Jesus was always with me. He gave me hope. Because Jesus never left my side, he never changed. Just like north was always north, Jesus stayed the same.

    North was always north, Jesus was always Christ. It had a ring to it.

    I grabbed my texta from my bag, and began to write it on my bag.

    My maths teacher would have gone off at me a few weeks ago. But I was still fragile from the event, and she didn’t dare yell at me. I wondered how long this would last, it wasn’t too bad. But I would give anything, even special treatment, for the return of Cody.

    The class I most dreaded was now science. I’d always hated it, but now there was an empty space next to me, and there was nothing to go to science for. Science had always been a big joke. Cody had always been the punch line.

    The substitute teacher walked in, and we took our seats. Before he could call the role, head teacher of science entered with Tegan. She chewed her gum, and played with her black hair, eyeing the sub.

    The sub and the head teacher exchanged whispers, before letting Tegan go and take a seat.

    ’Lord, Lord please don’t let her sit next to me. Please don’t let her come near me. I don’t want to think about it today, please don’t let her give me trouble again. I don’t want to be reminded, I hurt so badly already Jesus! Please hold me and keep me safe from her. Please, let her see, that you really are not the God she may know, and that you love her enough to die for her. Please soften her heart and show your love to her. Amen’

    ‘Hello, Jesus wannabe,’ Tegan hissed, sitting next to me.

    ’GOD! What did I just ask you? Dude, stop messing round with me here!’

    ‘Hi,’ I replied nervously. My stomach tied itself into a hundred knots.

    Tegan reached out for my diary, and began to flick through it.

    ‘Ami?’ the sub called.

    I lifted my arm.’Here.’

    The sub continued calling names.

    ‘Cody?’ he yelled.

    Great. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

    ‘Cody?’ he repeated.

    Tegan looked up, and glanced at me.’Sir, he’s dead,’ she informed him.

    ‘Don’t talk like that,’ the sub scolded.’Is Cody here?’

    ‘No!’ Tegan yelled.’He’s dead!’

    ‘You, be quiet or you’re going to the staff room,’ the sub threatened.

    ‘But Sir! Cody died the other week in the Christian massacre!’ Tegan told him at the top of her lungs.

    I couldn’t handle this any more.

    ’Lord! Make her stop! Why is she saying this? It’s hurting me, it’s cutting me deeper. I… I need to leave the room, Lord. Please come with me.’

    I got up, my eyes streaming tears, and walked out the room. I sat in the corridor, trying to calm myself down. I was a nervous wreck lately, anything made me cry. What had happened to me?

    Inside, Tegan and the sub were having a loud argument. People from other classes were trying to look inside to see what was going on.

    ‘Sir, why would I make something up like that? Ami left the room, crying. Gee I wonder why? Cody was her best friend, and you’re too stupid to realize that I’m not’ she swore loudly’lying and I’m telling the truth, and that he really did die!’

    ‘Get to the staffroom,’ the sub bellowed.’How dare you!’

    ‘Even ask the head teacher!’ Tegan screamed.’You dumb’ she swore once more, before leaving the room, slamming the door hard behind her.

    ‘What did you do that for?’ I asked through tears.

    ‘I don’t know.’ Tegan shrugged, then swore.’That sub was too stupid to realize that Cody was dead. Anyway, I hate him.’

    ’Lord, what is going on? Why did she stick up for me? Was she doing it to be nice, or was she really just looking for an opportunity to put **** on me, and on Cody? Or are you giving me an opportunity? Is this why this is happening? Because I can save Tegan? Please! Soften her heart, Lord, please make her wonder about us! Please let her come to know your love, just as I do!’

    Tegan took a seat next to me.

    ‘You know, you didn’t have to fight like that.’

    Tegan shrugged.’Nothing better to do anyway. Don’t even know why head teacher swapped classes for me. I’m not even that smart. Probably just a dumb’ she finished with the f word.

    ‘You swear a lot,’ I commented.’How come?’

    ‘Because it makes my talking more colourful?’ Tegan shrugged.’I’ve never really thought about that. But you don’t swear at all. You’re a freak of nature.’

    ‘I’m a freak of Jesus,’ I corrected.

    ‘Yeah,’ Tegan nodded.’You’re just a stupid Jesus Wannabe.’

    ‘One who doesn’t swear,’ I added, half smiling.

    Tegan smiled back. For a moment, I thought I saw something light behind her eyes.

    ‘You know, you’re such a freak,’ she began. The light had gone.’Cody died for a good cause. Jesus was murdured for a good cause.’

    ‘I know,’ I replied, trying to hold back the tears that were about to flow.

    ‘Yeah, how could you know?’ Tegan demanded, becoming nasty.

    ‘Jesus was killed because he was sent to take the death that everybody should get. Because he loves us so much, he didn’t want us to not be his friends. So he took what we should have gotten for not being friends with him and not letting him come in our lives. And after he died, he rose.’

    ‘This guy, rose from the dead? What bull-’

    ‘No, please, hear me out. He rose, and because he rose, he beat death. Defeated death, and now we can be friends with him and go to heaven and be with him, because he defeated the second death.’

    ‘Oh, so now we die more than once?’

    ‘Body, and spiritual. When you’re body dies, if God hasn’t made your spirit alive, then that dies too.’

    ‘What’s the’ she swore point in that if it wasn’t alive in the first place?’

    The sub burst out the room. ‘What are you doing here? I sent you to the staff room! You,’ he snapped, pointing to me. ‘Get inside now, unless you want to join her.’

    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Kasey came up to me at lunchtime. "You, Jesus wannabe," she yelled.


    "What the hell do you think you're playing at?" she demanded. She pushed my shoulder. "Keep your Jesus freak stuff to yourself, Bible braniac! We, don't want to know. You don't tell us, okay?" Tegan stood behind her. It was a complete reversal of the other day, where Tegan was the ringleader. Kasey looked angry, her eyes were filled with a black fire.

    My friends watched on. One got up, but I waved him away with my hand.

    "She was asking me, so I answered her," I replied.

    Lord, I don't know what's happening, but whatever happens, turn it around and use it for good!

    "Well keep it to yourself next time," Kasey informed me. "Nobody wants to hear about some stupid guy who died on the cross because he did some terrible crime. Funny lot, you are. Worship some guy who was killed for a crime."

    "He died for us. Not for himself."

    "That's right, you guys don' realize that they wouldn't have killed him if he didnÂ’t commit a crime!" Kasey yelled.

    "They still did, because that's what he was sent here to do," I answered.

    "What can I say? You know the lies off by heart."

    "I know what is the truth," I answered. "You do not know what you are talking about enough to use it against me. If you want to know anything, I will tell you, but if you are just here to insult me for being a Christian, you are wasting your time. Nothing can take me apart from God, not even your insults and your slandering."

    I met the ground with a hard thump, my cheek stinging. Kasey pulled back her wrist. That really hurt, I couldn't deny that. I was going to have a nice bruise in the morning. I started to get up, but Kasey kicked me down once more. Her toe dug into my side a number of times. I was winded, I needed oxygen. But Kasey wouldn't stop picking on me, wouldn't stop bashing me.

    I grasped as much air as I could when she stopped.

    "What do you say to that?" Kasey gloated. "Still in love with God as much? If he loves you so much, then why isn't he stopping this?"

    "Because there is a greater purpose," I replied. "He is not a playground referee, he is boss of the universe, and he loves you just as much as me."

    Kasey's scowl, if possible, grew darker.

    Lord, may this actually affect Kasey and Tegan. Can you please soften their hearts?

    I don't know if God responded straight away or not. I felt a blow to the head, and decided that I no longer needed to stay awake.


    "Why didn't you fight back?" Tegan asked.

    My head was pounding. I didn't dare open my eyes again, the flourecent lights of sick bay were just blinding. But why was Tegan in here? I opened my eyes, the bright light of the room stinging them.

    "What?" I asked, drowsily. I felt like I'd been hit with a sack of bricks.

    "Why didn't you fight back? I've seen you in self defense, and you're a good fighter," Tegan repeated.

    "Why didn't I fight back?" I asked.


    "Because Jesus wouldn't have," I replied.


    "There are better things to do than fight," I told her. "And anyway, he hates it when we fight. I wasn't going to make him more upset."

    "So now he hates Kasey, and he hates me because we fought with you?" Tegan asked. She sounded strange, and looked strange. I sat up, holding my head with one hand, and studied Tegan. She sat in the chair across from me, a large cut on her cheek. She held a red tissue up to it. Her eyes looked tired and worn, her black hair was messy. Her face looked sad, if that.

    I was scared.

    "No! Don't ever think that!" I told Tegan. "God loves you too much to hate you for having a fight! If he hated you for fighting, then he wouldn't have died for you, and because we know that he died for you, and loves you that much, then he couldn't possibly hate you! Tegan, he loves you so much. Do you ever get that feeling when you're just bursting with love for somebody, maybe a guy?"

    Tegan nodded slowly.

    "Well, God is like that. He's like the best friend, always bursting with love for you. And he's not about to let a fight get in between you and his love. He already sent Jesus to die for us. And Jesus took away whatever wall fighting could put between you and God. He loves you so much, Tegan. He loves you so much, and he just wants you to know that."

    Tegan nodded. "What if its just for you? What if its not for everybody?" she asked.

    "Because he told us so," I replied. "John three sixteen sums this up. For he so loved the world he gave his only son. Tegan, where do you live?"

    "Behind the school," she replied.

    "Think bigger," I told her.



    "The world?"

    "Bingo!" I exclaimed. My head gave an almighty throb, but I tried to ignore it. "He wants to be part of your world, because he died for you! He loves you, Tegan!"

    "This is too heavy," Tegan replied. “I don’t know…”

    “Tegan, do you know why Jesus died on the cross?” I asked gently.

    “Um…” Tegan paused.

    “Go on,” I pushed.

    Tegan’s eyes began to well up with tears. “I can’t! It goes against everything I live for! It goes against everything! Kasey won’t be my friend, I’ll lose all of the friendships I have, I’ll lose everything!”

    “Tegan, before I knew Jesus, I knew nobody. I was a loner. I wished for things that I knew I never would be able to have. Then I became friends with Cody, and it clicked. We could relate about everything. He showed me the love that Jesus had for me, and from that day on, me and Jesus were best friends. We still are. But he wants to be your best friend too. Will you let him?”

    “What will Kasey think?” Tegan asked. A tear, mixed heavily with mascara and eyeliner, rolled down her cheek.

    “Who knows? We can pray that God will use you to reach out to her. If she rejects you, it may be for the better in the long run. It will hurt, but being a Christian is not easy. Jesus said so himself.”

    “Is that why you didn’t fight back?”


    My head was aching, my stomach was bunched up. Tegan was crying, God was filling her heart.

    “Will you accept God, Tegan?” I asked her gently.

    “I don’t know if I can…”

    “What’s stopping you?” I asked once more. “Just answer, what’s stopping you, and that will be the last question, I promise.”

    Tegan thought about this. Minutes passed. Finally she answered. “Nothing.”

    “What do you want, Tegan?”

    “I want… I want to be a Christian.”

    “What does that mean?”

    “I want to be Jesus’s friend?” she asked.

    “Is that what you want?”

    She paused, and took a deep breath. “Yes,” she shakily answered.


    Tegan laughed, letting her natural brown hair flow down her back. She jumped around after the others, singing at the top of her lungs, at youth group. The music was loud, we were all singing and making our own miniature moshpit. Tegan sang the loudest.

    Her black makeup had gone, her white face makeup had been removed. She still wore the armbands, but not as many had sharp spikes on them, and there were a lot more colours now. Her makeup consisted of some eye glitter and mascara. Her smile was broad, and showed off her teeth greatly.

    She was an inspiration. She had so much to life for now.

    Cody was an inspiration. Cody was gone, he wasnÂ’t coming back. It still hurt me to think about this. To think about him and remember that it used to be him running around with us. My heart was still torn for him, but God was mending it.

    God used broken things. My heart was broken for Cody, TeganÂ’s heart was empty. Through CodyÂ’s death, and the deaths of many others, that had affected so many people, Tegan had been affected. She had become one of GodÂ’s children.

    God would never stop loving her. North was always north, God was always going to be God, and was always going to be there.

    I think Kasey saw this partially.

    I think she saw something as she saw us running around for God, singing to him.

    I think she saw something, but she didnÂ’t say anything.

    Kasey just watched from the shadows.

    The End

    I am so sorry if anything in there offends anyone. I guess it was one of those things I wrote when i really wanted to express a strong opinion, and I dont know if it came out a little too strong...


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Finished praying

    This is awesome ... and not just as a story, because by the time I had got to the second part I had forgotten that it was a story and got completely engrossed in it. No, it's awesome as an opinion. One of the strongest things I've ever read - maybe THE strongest - probably because I can relate to it a little and because I know who wrote it, and why.

    Great work Tara. I reckon God would be pretty pleased with this.


    - Gavin.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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    This is definitely the most powerful fic I've read online, at least... and I'm not a Christian. And no, I can't relate to such strong beliefs that Ami has. But I could feel Ami's hurt and her trust in God. It's so magical. And this fic's given me a new perspective on Christian beliefs; if we're going to respect all religions, we definitely shouldn't forget about Christianity.

    Every fic I've read, I've managed to be at least slightly detached; I can look at it from a technical point of view. But this one is an exception. If I took this fic to bits, analysing description and characterisation, I'd be shattering something too precious for me to handle.
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    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

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    Gavin, MistySakura, both you guys... thank you so much. You dont realise how encouraging it is to hear you say that. I didn't think it was that strong, I didn't realise how strongly i put this through - but I guess, from hearing what you guys had to say about it, it came thorugh more powerful than I had hoped. Which is awesome and something to praise God for.

    I think it came across so real because when I was writing it, i found myself being placed in the shoes of Ami. And I found myself being in the story, the story was about me with the name Ami. And because I've experienced a lot of what the story deals with (but to a much lesser extent), I was writing not from my mind, but from my heart? I dont know... But I found myself crying when I wrote it, crying because I had the first part in my head, being played as if it were a memory of me and my best friend. Although he is still alive, I had it playing in my head as a memory that he died - and I couldn't handle it. It was so hard for me to write after that...

    But your comments really really are encouraging. Thank you so much for it. Each comment, has left me breathless. I sat here at the computer, gasping for air for a good minute before i could even reply. Writing this reply has been really hard too, just to try and express all my emotions..

    This is something to praise God for. Totally.


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Quite compelling, Tara. A little pretentious in some parts, but then again, writing is meant to be pretentious anyway in some form. And well, you know I'm not religion's biggest fan by far, but the tale was compelling. Belief and will to suceed are wonderful traits. Noice going.

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    Well, I clicked on this expecting something else, and found hidden treasure instead! Even though our beliefs vary in intensity, this is not offensive. Very moving story. Your emotion really came through, I can picture you crying as you wrote. I may be exceptionally open-minded, but it's hard to imagine Christians being the targets of such hate today; that may be the difference between where we live. (?)

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    Ryan: Thanks for your encouraging words. Brought a smile to my face. Your beautiful - you are.

    Suite Madam blu: It's not just where I live. It's not public - its just something that happens and nobody really notices. Everywhere, people are being teased, pushed around, bullied, all for their faith. Although it doesnt always happen the way that I wrote it does, it does happen. And I guess thats's one of the messages in the story. It does happen - and nobody notices.


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Bravo, Tara I can tell that God is using you, to help bring glory to his name in your own special ways, this story made me cry, because it realy dose show the truth of God's words.

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    Very nice, Tara. Such emotion, such feeling. Really impressive.

    I know that these things do happen, and I've often wondered why society chooses to ignore it as they have. Is it fear of something stronger than them? It is simple "rooting for the underdog (the other, probably smaller religions in the world)"? I dunno, but I agree with you - if we're going to take notice of hate crimes, we have to notice ALL of them. You can't just pick and choose by preference.

    You know, I used to see your sig comments about being a servant of the Lord, and I wondered how devout you really were. It seems like a lot of people act all high and mighty because they say they're Christians, but in reality show little respect for God. (Not saying you're like that AT ALL; just making a comparison. Sorry if I've offended you in any way.) But you, you're a true devout believer. Not only do you believe in the Lord's word, but you go and use it for good, too. That's something to really be admired. It really shows that you're a strong person. To stand on the forum and the world and show your beliefs for all to see... you're brave, and rightfully so.

    Again, excellent work. I'm glad Gavin made you post this. It was something to really be admired.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Ryu - thank you so much. Do you know how much your words encourage me? Everytime I see somebody reply so honestly like that, I cry. This thread makes me cry - just seeing how much people can get out of one story - I'm just so moved. Praise God for that defiantly!

    Mr Pika - Its true that society does overlook Christianity. It's got such a bad name in other peoples eyes - but that isnt the fault of the majority of Christians. I suppose you could say that for the other religions also, but christianity is so overlooked it breaks my heart sometimes. But - its expected that its going to be tough. I mean, Ami knew that her journey was going to be tough. I know that my journey through life is going to get harder and harder as I grow up - but I'm prepared for that. It says in Mathew something along the lines of "if you want to follow me, you must be prepared to give up yourself and take the cross". And taking the cross isnt easy.

    And thank you for your words of encouragement. I guess I want to focus God in more of my writigns -but I just dont know how. *shrugs* something to pray for.


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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    Tara... wow. This is definitely the most powerful thing I've read in a long time. This is one of the only stories I've read that is so powerful and so well-done that I didn't even feel like I was reading a story. I felt like I standing right there in every scene watching Ami. I felt Ami's fear when Cody tells her "They have guns," and I could totally relate to her thoughts throughout everything.

    I'm so glad Gavin made you post this, and I know God will continue to use you to do amazing things in this life.

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    That was a powerful story, and very well writen. it felt very real, even though i've nver seen this problem where i live (New England, USA).

    however, i can relate to it because i'm Jewish, and feel very strongly about my religion. I know that the Jewish people have gone through many dificulties because they stood up for their religion. my grandpa, in fact, is a holocaust servival. he's 85 and still strong, and tells me stories sometimes. although i've never had anyone pick on me for being jewish, i know that my mom was when she was grewing up. in fact, a nun once told her that she would go to hell because she was jewish.

    I guess i'm trying to say that i understand how Ami felt in this story. She seems to be a minority in her community, and stands up for her religion. very insperational. I never realised that Christianity was being threatened in parts of the world. it's good to learn about these things, and become more aware of the racial problems in the world. It's great that you're not afraid to speak out about the racial problems that are occuring today. I hope you continue to suport your good moral veiws, humanity, and peace. ^_^
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    Wow I take a two month break from TPM first fic I read when I come back is this one. As you can see from the bottom of my sig, I am one of the biggest Christians in my school. And As I read this fic I felt like crying (I didn't though) because I go through everything that Ami goes through. I go through the teasing and almost everything that happened in this story (minus the loss of a best friend in a Christian Massacre )

    This fic is pretty darn awesome and I quote almost everyone who posted, "God has used you... make that all his children to "recruit" more Christians," and you are doing so I think that God is pretty pleased with you right about now, if you don't mind me saying.

    May God Bless You All...

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    Wow, I cant believe this thread is still around, it feels like ages since I posted this.

    I guess theres no real way to express how encouraging the comments you guys make are to me. I cant really say anything else but thanks to you guys and to God.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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