Hall of Fame Inductee #3: June 2009: PancaKe

PancaKe joined TPM on February 15, 2001 as Lavern, later using MistyDeeDee and Mist as aliases in turn. An eager member, she quickly made a name for herself as a talented writer and enthusiastic reader. PancaKe is responsible for over 36 literary works on TPM, such as And It Will Heal Through Time, Echoes, Stuff that is not known, Clinging, Countless, Jealousy, Bored, Maths, My Science Teacher Hates Me, Dandruff Dictator, Unwelcomed, Apart, Giving Everything, One Way Street, 24 / 7 Job, All The Same, Never Making Yourself at Home, Angst Of Times, carry the cross, Both of them, Her Job, Replaced, Too Far In, Support, November, Living in Pichu's House, Lapras Valley High, Lapras Valley High 2, Full Moon, This Fic IS Big Enough For The Both Of Us! (co-written with Last Exile), North, Say Hello To Sunshine, shedding.light, A Hidden Innocence, Apart From Them, Memories & Photographs, and numerous untitled poems. Lapras Valley High remains one of the most famous fanfics in TPM history.

Promoted to Fanfiction moderator in early 2003, PancaKe posted the Fanfic 101, which later became the revised Fanfic Rules. She founded Smiley Town, helped run the 2003 Mod Contest and started the 2004 Chain Fic. During her tenure as moderator, which ended late in October 2005, PancaKe hosted the Fanfic Awards numerous times and won a large number herself. She was also notoriously active in The Writer's Lounge where she posted numerous polls and discussions, injecting the forum with a palpable vibrancy.