It looks like you can already find one auction selling the next McDonald’s Pokemon 2014 toys and trading cards on eBay. A gallery of each toy package is located at the bottom of this post.
For those collectors out there, you probably already know you can usually buy the toys (+ card) for only $1.50 without having to buy the actual Happy Meal.
According to Bulbapedia and PokeBeach, the trading cards (assuming they are the same as the French McDonald’s promotion) are all reprints from the XY Kalos Starter Set except for Pikachu, which is a reprint from the main XY expansion. I’ve contacted the eBay seller to see if they can confirm.
Here’s a quick checklist of the Toy and Trading card included in each bag.
McDonald’s Pokemon Toy Checklist
No. | Toy | Card | |
1 | Chespin | Weedle | |
2 | Pikachu | Chespin | |
3 | Blastoise | Fennekin | |
4 | Fennekin | Froakie | |
5 | Pancham | Pikachu | |
6 | Venusaur | Inkay | |
7 | Froakie | Honedge | |
8 | Xerneas | Snubbull | |
9 | Charizard | Swirlix | |
10 | Helioptile | Bunnelby | |
11 | Yveltal | Fletchling | |
12 | Mewtwo | Furfrou |
McDonald’s Pokemon Toys 2014
- #1 Chespin
- #2 Pikachu
- #3 Blastoise
- #4 Fennekin
- #5 Pancham
- #6 Venusaur
- #7 Froakie
- #8 Xerneas
- #9 Charizard
- #10 Helioptile
- #11 Yveltal
- #12 Mewtwo
Images via eBay.