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Thread: Tower of the Ascended

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  1. #1
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Tower of the Ascended


    Welcome to the Tower of the Ascended. Everything related to Gym Leaders will be placed here. Normally only an elite number of people comes here, so I advise you to keep quiet and carefully read what is of interest to you..


    What is a Gym Leader?

    You've played the games, you've seen the anime. Gym Leaders are challenges each trainer has to overcome if they wish to succeed in a league. Gym Leaders represent the best trainers in the area. They have well trained teams and tactics that ensure they win. A Gym Leader battle is no easy battle, but for a dedicated trainer, it's a must have.

    How does one become a Gym Leader?

    The first Gym leaders were chosen specifically for their talents, how long they have been at TPM and their overall personality and attitude towards battling. The second generation earned them by defeating another Gym Leader in a one-on-one baby challenge that the was set up to ensure new blood. Future Gym leaders must earn their places, but this will be explained later on.


    Battling a Gym Leader

    To take part in a Gym Battle all you have to do is challenge a Gym Leader to a Gym Match. You can do this by PMing them, posting a topic with the challenge in the title, or take a Gym Leader up in his open challenge.

    If and when a Gym Leader accepts the challenge, they reserve the right to change or set the rules for the match as they see fit. This includes any DQ time or pokémon used. If a Gym Leader and combatant cannot agree on certain rules, then the Gym Leader can refuse to battle.

    A Gym Battle can be no less than a 3 vs 3, but if it is a tag match (2 out at once) it must be no less than a 4 vs 4. The Maximum amount would be 8 vs 8.

    If you win a Gym Battle you will receive the Gym Leader's badge, a representation of your success. This will be recorded in this very tower as a permanent record. Winning a battle will earn you the regular prize of points, but also a free catch or evolution. This freebie is redeemable for only one week after your battle has ended, so you can't save them up.


    The Gym Leader Section

    Gym Leaders, this concerns you. This tells you what you need as a Gym Leader, and what you are expected to undertake.


    A Badge
    This can be anything within reason. An item that you create an intricate history for, a treasure of some-kind, or just a pin on badge shaped like something. It doesn't matter, it's your 'badge'.

    An Arena
    This can also be anything within reason. Your arena is unique to your Gym. Make it as complex as you like (though remember your match can only be played out as well as the ref understands your arena), or make it simple. This arena should be used for all your Gym Matches.

    A Team
    This isn't that difficult, you basically pick your Gym Pokemon out of your usual team ready for battle. They can be any pokémon on your team. The most important point here is that they are not taking part in any other battle. Be it regular, tournament or a contest, those pokémon must be free from all constraints. The same does not apply to the challenger.

    A Gym Leader can have only one Gym Battle going at any time, but can do so outside of the usual battle slot constraints (currently set to 4, a Gym Battle would theoretically be a 5th).

    As a Gym Leader it is your job to defend your Gym Badge. If you rout challengers for two battles, you will earn a free catch or evolution. Gym Leaders cannot challenge each other while fighting other challengers.


    The System of Winning

    A challenger who wishes to become a Gym Leader must first collect 6 Gym badges before they can make a play for a position. Until a new place is made publicly open, the only way to become a Gym Leader is to replace another. With all the badges on your side, you can choose to challenge a Gym Leader in a title match. The end result of which will always be a Gym Leader and a regular battler.

    If the challenging trainer wins against the Gym Leader in a title match, he/she can claim the gym his/her and replace the old Gym Leader. The old Gym Leader then has to collect all badges again before he can try to challenge and become Gym Leader himself again.

    If the challenging trainer loses against the Gym Leader, he/she can't battle that Gym Leader for his gym again for a two week waiting period. In the interim, s/he may challenge other Gym Leaders.


    Bias and Cheating

    Gym Leaders found to be going easy on their competitors for whatever reason will be punished, most likely in a pint deduction from their account. The amount depends on the severity of the bias.

    The same goes for refs, who play favor towards either the Gym leader or the battler. Refs will likely get a higher tax on their points if they are found to be doing this.


    The Gym Leader Hall of Fame

    All current and past Gym Leaders will be listed here, with their arena's and badges. For further information regarding previous Gym Leaders, look in the 'Gym Leader Tower' in the ASB Archive.

    Current Gym Leaders

    Previous Gym Leaders


    The Winners Hall of Fame

    (The Blue Blue Badge)
    (The Kikoutei Badge)
    (The Conversion Badge)
    (The Radiant Badge)
    (The Lucky Clover Badge)
    Dark Sage
    (The Serenity Badge)
    (The Serenity Badge)
    (The Golden Leaf Badge)
    (The Golden Leaf Badge)
    Knight of Time
    (The Golden Rod Badge)
    (The Sharp Edge Stone)
    Mew Master
    (The Power Coin)
    Mike Mysterio
    (The Serenity, Power Coin and Golden Leaf Badges)
    (The Power Coin, Strategym, Golden Leaf, and Dragon Stone Badges)
    (The Golden Leaf Badge, The Kikoutei Badge)


    Gym Leader Status

    Here you will see which Gym Leaders are currently in battles, whom they are against and such. It will let you know that, should you wish to challenge a Gym Leader, which ones are available or not.

    Ayeun -Available
    BTPoke - Available
    Crazy Elf Boy - Unavailable
    Cynder - Available
    DarkestLight - Available
    Greyfox - Available

    Oslo - Unavailable
    Wolfsong -Available



    So here's the new change. We wiped out the current E4. We're going to make it more Trainer based. What that means is the following.

    If perchance someone makes it to Champion level (Basically attaining 8 badges...holy crap we have 8 Gyms!), they and their squad will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, as well as given a generous dousing of praise and points. The Champion then has a choice. Either go about your merry little way, or immediately become the first E4 member--no questions asked. This will continue until we have 4 Champions and therefore an Elite 4! Constructing a team will be explain to each person as they reach this lofty height, so good luck to everyone!


    Challengers who defeat a Gym Leader or E4-member receive a special move as an added price. You'll need to give your selected pokémon to the Gym Leader/Elite 4-member and you'll not be able to use it for a week, since it's training. Only a pokémon who fought in the battle can learn the move, and it must be compatible (which will be decided by the 'committee'), so no Turboblaze on Wailmer, for example. Then you'll get it back with a new move, which you'll need to record in the TotA and then get approved.

    Special note: if Gym Leaders want to obtain a move by a fellow Gym Leader, they can challenge each other as well. The difference is that the challenged one can set up the rules, even outside the standard rules (so you can do a 1 v. 1 instead of the min. 3 v. 3). The only thing won from these matches is the move, nothing more, nothing less (that includes points!).

    GL: To decide which you'll use and teach, you'll need to post it here in this thread along with the pokémon that can learn it, then the 'committee' (which is the current Mods) will approve or disapprove the move and/or pokémon capable of using it (mostly give out suggestions or restrictions actually).

    Last edited by DarkestLight; 13th October 2013 at 12:42 PM. Reason: Edited Gym Availability

  2. #2
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Here is the Strategym

    The Strategym

    The Strategym starts off as a normal Indigo Plateau arena but as each round progresses the arena is teleported to a different site chosen at random from the pool of arenas by the ref. In each arena different things maybe happen but one constant thing is that a certain attack type will be powered up and one will be powered down. No moves or Pokemon are banned in this gym because anything and everything needs to be utilised for strategies to work.

    The arenas are as follows:

    Normal Field: The Plains of Karashi
    The plains of Karashi are a vast near endless plains of grass with near to no landmarks. The only things that can be seen for miles are a great Savannah tree with many branches and leaves good for cover, a small pond filled with muddy water and a small outcrop of 3 rocks in a triangular formation.
    Attacks powered up: Normal
    Attacks weakened: Ghost

    Fire Field: The Fire ridge of Orin
    A deep red hot caldera on the top of a very active volcano. Several holes of boiling hot magma litter the battle field and will on occasion burst out possibly damaging the pokemon currently out. It also has a pesky habit of overflowing the magma beneath onto the battle field, the only areas on this field that are safe from this magma are a hardened wave of rock on the east and west side of the field. (Fire pokemon are not affected by the lava.)
    Attacks powered up: Fire
    Attacks weakened: Water

    Water Field: Island of Noshi'Korota
    A small secluded sandy island in the middle of a vast deep ocean. The island contains a single coconut palm tree with 3 coconuts (use them as you wish) medium length grass lazily sways back and forth from the gentle ocean breeze while it is girt by pure white sand of the finest quality.
    Attacks powered up: Water
    Attacks weakened: Fire

    Electric Field: Thunder Fields of Adorna
    A field of blackened soil and charred earth, the fields of Adorana are always constantly under siege by a never ending thunderstorm of a dangerous class. Gale force winds make it nigh impossible to fly and constant thunder strikes batter the ground without relent. (Electric Pokemon are immune to the Lightning)
    Attacks powered up: Electric
    Attacks weakened: Flying

    Grass Field: The Forest of Satarashi
    This battle field is deep within the forest; it is strewn with tree roots, entangling vines, hollow trunks and the fruit of the nearby trees (Not all of them beneficial). The grass here is in varying heights from very long on the outsides and growing short in height as they reach the middle to be only an inch high.
    Attacks powered up: Grass
    Attacks weakened: Ground

    Ice Field: Ice Caves of the Bogra Titans
    A cave of pure ice carved in perfect circles like it was done with a machine or a very large animal. Its surface is smooth and will cause near to no friction at all, stalagmites are on the ground beneath while stalactites precariously hang from the ceiling above even the slightest shake might bring them down.
    Attacks powered up: Ice
    Attacks weakened: Rock

    Fighting Field: Dojo of Mahareta
    Just a standard fighting dojo with many ornate armour and swords donning the walls (wink) and tatami mats lining the floor beneath, there are four pillars that hold the dojo off the ground they are sturdy but can be broken with enough force.
    Attacks powered up: Fighting
    Attacks weakened: Dark

    Poison Field:
    Sludge fens of Ruguon
    A proverbial sea of waste coming from the many inhabitants of the world just chucked in one place causing to it form into a amorphic sludge of a blackish purple nature. The field is dotted with small puddles of the waster as well as having the shore of the sludge sea on the eastern side of the field, any contact with this sludge may result in poisoning (Poison pokemon are immune to this affect)
    Attacks powered up: Poison
    Attacks weakened: Grass

    Ground Field: Labyrinth of the Kualas Minotaur
    This labyrinth is almost impossible to solve yet after the many centuries it has stood the walls of it are now very brittle and are on breaking point. The maze has no ceiling to speak of so jumping on the walls to "cheat" is always a possibility.
    Attacks powered up: Ground
    Attacks weakened: Electric

    Flying Field: Tree tops of the Satarashi forest
    Now into the tree tops of the Satarashi forest the air is open and the breeze is gentle. Flying pokemon will have a big advantage here since there are no obstacles to get in their way and the air conditions are right for flying. The tops of the trees are sturdy enough for most pokemon to stand on them and can be easily hopped from one to the next like platforms.
    Attacks powered up: Flying
    Attacks weakened: Bug

    Psychic Field: Gravity Chamber
    A huge glass chamber with gravity constantly beating down on the fighters making movement harder, physical attacks are harder to do while special attacks are easier to perform.
    Attacks powered up: Psychic
    Attacks weakened: Fighting

    Bug Field: Hives of the Mirashi Wasps
    A gigantic bee hive with hexagon shaped holes in the walls all dripping with honey. There is a possibility that a swarm of bees will blanket the field and cause Bug type damage to both combatants. There is some honey on the floor as well this is extremely sticky but can be removed by shaking wildly.
    Attacks powered up: Bug
    Attacks weakened: Dragon

    Rock Field: Blockstone Quarry
    A giant stone quarry with deep white walls made from pure stone. There are a few digging machines around the field as well as piles of cut up rocks which can be picked up and thrown. The ground in the quarry is sort of hard but easy enough to dig through.
    Attacks powered up: Rock
    Attacks weakened: Ice

    Ghost Field: Ghost ship
    An eerie broken up ghost ship docked in an old harbour, there a numerous holes in the sides of the ship to due old age and wood rot. The sail are tattered and as you go into the bowels of the ship there are several plants growing on the sides of the walls and possibly a random ghost pokemon floating through. The floors of the decks are very brittle and might break if stepped on too hard.
    Attacks powered up: Ghost
    Attacks weakened: Normal

    Dragon Field: Birthing grounds of the Sky Dragons
    A series of pillars on top of a mountain several thousand metres above the ground. It is a very dangerous field because both fighters need to hop from one pillar to another to get to each other unless they can fly. If a pokemon falls off then they are rescued by a mysterious dragon but at the cost of 5HP.
    Attacks powered up: Dragon
    Attacks weakened: Steel

    Dark Field: Bat Caves of Androzeni
    A pitch black cave with next to no visibility what so ever, Dark type pokemon have no problem seeing in this cave. There is also a possibility that a swarm of bats will fly through the cave and possibly damage both pokemon with Dark type energy.
    Attacks powered up: Dark
    Attacks weakened: Psychic

    Steel Field: Cliemen’s Steel Mill
    A normal run of the “mill” steel mill. There are random machines going on and off beeping all the time running numerous tests. Huge steel beams swing over head held together by fragile cables which may break at any second. Other then that there a piles of steel beam lying on the ground which provide excellent cover and shields.
    Attacks powered up: Steel
    Attacks weakened: Poison

    Here is the Badge:

    Strategym Badge

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  3. #3
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Gym subject to change, but for now...

    Battleready Lateral Interstellar Template Zone

    The arena is in the vast expanse of an alien planet of decaying ruins and broken, abandoned cities. Stuck in a state of constant and erratic polar shift, the planet is turbulent and unpredictable, and thus there is only one safe place to battle: the sky.

    There is no specific Gym arena: The entire atmosphere is free to use. Both Pokemon battle from atop magnetic platforms that can alter in size from tiny plate-sized objects capable of holding a Caterpie, to fifty-foot dais that can support a Wailord. These platforms act as magnets to their riders, so there is no danger of being knocked off of them.

    It is recommended that you use stick with special attacks during this battle: Using physical attacks require the crafts to burn much energy moving around as well as crash into one another. This will eventually cause them to lose altitude and crash, resulting in an automatic KO.

    It is also recommended that you watch your altitude: Drop too low and you could get Confused by the magnetic waves of the ground below. Conversely, ascending too high could cause Freezing by the frigid upper atmosphere.

    Banned moves: Moves that require the land or sea (Surf, Fissure, Earthquake, Waterfall, etc.). Rock attacks are usable thanks to the ruins below.

    Altered moves: Sunny Day (The turbulent magnetosphere sometimes allows unfiltered sunlight to break through. Can cause Burns. Ever see the Golden Gate Bridge scene in The Core? It's kinda like that.) and Rain Dance (Magneticism = electricity. Starting a Rain Dance will cause rain as usual, but it will also cause superstorm-level lightning. If you see it moving towards you, you better watch out!)

    Also, one last note: Since we're gonna be battling in the sky, shooting at each other over a barren, polarized planet, we of course need some badass music. Our battle theme will be Ikaruga's epic boss music: Butsutekkai.

    My Badge:

    Radiant Badge

    A Badge crafted by yours truly, it doesn't come with any fancy gimmicks or stories attached. It's just metal and plastic... But if you stick a watch battery in it, it's compatible with any console.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

    HEY! I do art commissions! Follow me and my pals on their website here!

  4. #4
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended


    Arena: Mineral desert

    Sand as far as the eye can see. There is one big rock pillar in the middle, shaped like an obelisk. Various strange symbols are drawn in the sand, but seem to dissapear now and then. There's a four turn Sandstorm, then two turns without. Weather-moves are only usable in the two turns that the sandstorm is subdued. As soon as the two turns are over, the sandstorm is back. Earthquake is pretty ineffective due to all the sand; and the drought slightly lessens the power of water-pokemon or water-moves.

    Badge: Solid Stone

    A silverwhite round stone with a sharp edge. It is according to rumors the combination of his former badge and that of his master. It consists only of pure minerals.

    Final Record:

    Had a 10/1 record when advanced to E4.


    VS Knight of Time
    VS Dragonis
    VS Houndoom_Lover
    VS Chris
    VS Unbraced
    VS Mike Mysterio
    VS Dogfish
    VS Ayeun
    VS Wolfsong
    VS Mike Mysterio II


    VS Grey

    Final team:

    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 9th January 2011 at 05:28 AM.

  5. #5
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended


    Arena: The Firefly

    The battle take place in the silent world of space and both opponents start on the surface of the Firefly class ship, Serenity. Trainers are provided with space suits, and Pokemon with an indestructible, blue-tinged bubble of oxygen about their heads at all times.

    While they are in contact with the ship’s surface, gravity holds, but as soon as they leave the surface, whether to jump in the air, or to dodge an attack, gravity takes a vacation and the Pokemon may go floating off into space. Luckily, there are handy space-Pokemon who will fetch back any Pokemon who does find himself flying away, bringing it back down to the surface with a penalty of 5(%) health lost through pure terror at the freefalling and lack of gravity.

    Every sixth turn, the referee rolls a dice to determine whether Serenity is on the run from the Alliance, with a 30% chance of this being true. If this happens, all participants must use a full turn to hold on for dear life, lest they be lost in the depths of space. During this lost turn, however, each Pokemon regains 20(%) energy, as a result of sitting still and performing no moves.

    The top of the Serenity is an uneven place, looking like this. Pokemon can move about the top of the ship at will, and even down the sides if they please, because of the built-in surface gravity field.


    - As space is a singularly noiseless place, no sound-based attacks will work.
    - The same goes for weather moves, as there is obviously no weather in space.
    - If a Pokemon loses contact with the surface of Serenity, they will be automatically transported back by one of the referee’s Pokemon, and lose 5(%) health.
    - Each Pokemon may only use Double Team once, and instead of its normal lasting time, it will only last one turn, as the clones have no gravity to stop them floating off into space.
    - Toxic may not be used, and any powder-based moves have a higher likelihood of failure (70%) due to it being easier for them to disperse.
    - Any moves that would normally damage the environment (Dig, Earthquake, etc.) does the same as what it would normally do, minus the damaging element. So an Earthquake would shake the surface and do its normal damage to the opponent, but the surface of the ship will not be harmed.

    The Serenity Badge

    This badge is only small, but very dense; and as such, feels very heavy in the hand. It's a clear, dark blue-tinged circle with what appear to be stars wheeling inside, if you peer very closely. The Serenity Badge is said to contain a piece of space itself, but this is mostly written off as legend, since everyone knows it's impossible to contain space anywhere, right?

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  6. #6
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Temple of the Yoroi

    You finished climbing the mountain of stairs to reach this ancient training ground. A solitary pagoda-style roofed home awaits you at the top. Entering this space, you only see darkness, until the torches flare up on their own in a square, outlining the edges of the arena.

    Along the walls however, is the "ace in the hole" so to speak. There are 11 armors in total, standing around the arena, as if to judge the match for themselves. In front of where each of the Armor's stand, is an orb atop a pedestal. The White and Black armor orbs however, are blocked from being used. If at any point you so choose, you can snag an orb from the pedestal, and command the Armor to attack your opponent. This takes an action. The Orb will then be useless for the rest of the battle, so use them wisely.

    ....the secret of the White and Black Armors however, begins to come to light...

    The armors are:

    Wildfire (Fire-Flamethrower)
    Torrent (Water-Surf)
    HardRock (Rock-Stone Edge)
    Hailo (Grass-Leaf Blade)
    Strata (Flying-Aeroblast)
    Corruption (Dark-Night Slash)
    Illusion (Psychic-Psystrike)
    Cruelty(Steel-Meteor Mash)
    Infection (Poison-Cross Poison)
    Shiroi Kikoutei (Fairy-Moonblast) || Kuroi Kikoutei (Dragon-Draco Meteor)

    Clan of the Samurai Troopers


    Kikoutei Badge.
    Its said to help achieve balance of the warrior's heart with the world.

    - Secret Sword
    The user cuts with its bladed appendage. The odd power contained in the strike does physical damage to the target.
    Users: Ha-ohmaru, Fei Long, Anubis, Ordemos, Yoshitora, Vega, Krauser, Kenzie, Zentillion

    I will honor one with this TM under 2 Conditions.
    1) The user of said move uses a fair amount of Slashing/blade dependant moves naturally.
    2) The user of said move participates in the Gym Battle against me.

    Hailo is officially Light, and seeing as how light can be correlated to Grass moreso than Electric, I found it more fitting. If a bipedal "blade" wielding Electric comes along, I'll swap it out. Under consideration is Bolt Strike as Hailo's move, as that fits better...but still no Electric Blade wielder* Fairy has been added to complete the set.

    Updated 8/24/12
    Wolf 3-3 L
    Ash 1-3
    Chaos 2-3
    bopp 4-4
    MxG 3-4
    DCM 3-4
    Aye 4-4 L
    Dra 2-3
    MMY 3-4
    Mew 2-3
    GL Qual
    Bl Qual L
    Ros Qual
    UC Qual

    Last edited by DarkestLight; 16th November 2014 at 07:06 PM.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  7. #7
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended


    VS Knight of Time
    VS Dragonis

    Evolved Hihio Zabimaru from Onix => Steelix

    VS Houndoom_Lover
    VS Chris

    Evolved Jake Rightontop from Tyrogue => Hitmontop

    VS Unbraced
    VS Mike Mysterio

    Evolved Katara, the sight; from Prinplup => Empoleon

    VS Dogfish
    VS Ayeun

    Evolved Adam Rock; from Metang => Metagross

    VS Wolfsong
    VS Mike Mysterio II

    Evolved Wade Firstenline; from Nosepass => Probopass


    VS Grey
    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 9th January 2011 at 05:16 AM.

  8. #8
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
    Crazy Elf Boy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended


    vs Charles
    vs Kirby 97

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  9. #9
    YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Improbability Vortex 2:

    Randomness at its finest, the improbability votrex 2 is able to generate energy of all types. We stand in a small space sphere, inpenetratable with 0 gravity. In the centre lies the vortex itself, a bright light and undestructable. At the end of every round, a sphere of energy appears, from a specific type, like Fire, Flying, Psychic or Ground as examples. Should an attack be able to travel through one of these spheres, that attack does increased damage. In addition, the sphere we're in is indestructable and see through, and to travel out of it would cause slight oxygen deprivation. The sphere makes some moves impossible, such as Dive, Dig and Earthquake. Fish based pokemon, like Gorebyss, can swim easily through 0 gravity like water.

    Rules: Double Team and Toxic cannot be used, and rest can only be used once per match. (This is subject to change)

    ~Gym Team~
    ~Credit to RaZoR LeAf for the banner~

    ~Badge & TM~
    Badge: Roll of Fate

    TM ~ Meteor Mash
    Capable of learning the TM

    Last edited by Dogfish44; 27th August 2011 at 02:38 PM.
    Back bitches

  10. #10
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Ahh! Didn't see you there, I was too busy drawing. Do you see the dragons, their majesty, the history, their passion? That's what I try to capture as I draw. Hmm? Who am I?
    I'm Dante Richards, better known to you as Mew Master. And this is a haven, of sorts.
    Dragons come here from across the world to witness our matches. The battles, the drama, the rage boiling within everyone's heart. Is that why you come here, to challenge me.
    We shall see.
    Can your soul hold on to the rage that burns within the dragon's heart? Can it withstand the passions that storm throughout its veins? Can you stand up, while its fire scorches the earth around you?
    You think you can?
    To the Dragon Roost.

    Badge – Dragon Stone An oval gem made from the solidified essence of a dragon's soul. The gem seems perfectly cut, smooth to the touch. The colors change depending on the mood of the holder. When in a serious fight, the gem burns red with rage, when content, it's a soft hue of blue. In the center of the badge is a reptilian pupil that seems to stare back at the holder no matter how the badge is held.

    Team (image soon):
    Susanoo, Tsuki-Yomi, Jubikari, Ziz, Godzilla, Otohime, Zu

    TM: Bide
    Useable by Zu, Susanoo, and Tsuki Yomi (Godzilla and Ziz know it from Gen 1)

    When the dice are thrown, the twisting of fate can bring about victory. This symbolizes Bide in all it's glory. Able to swing around a match from the agony of defeat, Bide can turn the tide in any battle. Provided you survive the onslaught.

    Any Pokemon that manages to defeat the Gym may have access to this move.

    Arena – Dragon Roost

    The main arena is set inside a dormant volcano, the cliff walls are igneous rock, carved into long grooves and several landings scattered along the walls themselves. Dragons, real dragons and not Pokémon roost on these landings and oversee the matches that transpire. All types of dragons stay here, western, eastern, wyvern, drakes, hydras, and even sea serpents travel great distances to roost here and oversee the battle.

    The arena is a standard Indigo stadium on a platform held over the still glowing magma 80 feet below. The battlers are on elevated towers, with the ref standing in front of a massive dragon statue that appears to be in a silent roar. Boarders of the arena are massive rib bones, making the battlers feel like they are in the belly of the massive beast itself. They stand over a hundred feet high, dwarfing any human and Pokémon.

    Throughout the match the dragons in this area let loose with an eerie chanting howl, voicing their displeasure at the current match. Everything around the combatants and Pokémon starts to shift and warp until they find themselves in a new arena with only one dragon watching over them and affecting the battle, each with their own restrictions.

    Once a Pokémon faints, the trainers recall them both, even if one is still active and ready to fight. And the area changes due to the Dragon’s song. After the competitors see their new arena are they allowed to send out the next set of Pokémon and attack as per normal. For each Pokemon a Trainer has that is still conscious, they receive one point. The trainer with the most points at the end of the match wins the battle.

    The new arena is randomly selected, and can even bring them back to the starting arena, but cannot keep the battlers in the same arena twice in a row.

    The other Arenas:

    1. Ryuguo – Ryujin (Japanese)

    A magnificent palace built out of red and white coral. The main area of battle is in a courtyard. Ryujin’s magic infuses the sea around the palace and allows non-fish Pokémon to breathe as if they had gills themselves. Fish Pokémon have an advantage as they can now move more freely in the battle than previously. Despite being made of coral, the edges of the palace are painful if a battler crashes into them (Min 3% HP). There is also a danger of Ryujin’s turtle servants zipping by on message runs. Being hit by the turtle messengers hurts (-4 HP) as well as disorienting the one struck. During every 2 Rounds after being transported here Ryujin will revitalize the Pokémon by giving them 10 Energy.

    Ryujin’s massive Eastern-Dragon body can be seen from any point of the battle as his winding body seems to almost envelop the palace.

    Palace Coral – Minimum of Health lost on contact
    Turtle Messengers – 4 Health lost if hit


    No Status Moves
    Fire Moves
    Dark Moves
    Flying Moves

    2. Grass field – Yamata-no-Ooriochi (Japanese)

    A wonderful grassy field in which there are a few rocks and boulders scattered throughout. It sits between two mountains, each covered in conifer forests. The dragon of this field is an eight-headed hydra, with vicious fangs and cherry-pip like eyes. Blood flows from its engorged belly and pine trees grow on its back. Eight individual tails whip around, uprooting trees and sending them flying in random directions. The Yamata is a hungry and tenacious individual and will snap at the battlers every 3 Rounds, causing 15 damage with a chance to poison each time.

    Yamata – Every three Rounds each Pokemon is attacked for 15 Health
    Poison – 40% chance of Toxic Level Poison starting at Level 2 with each attack


    Restricted Moves:
    Double Team
    Any and all kinds of healing

    [color=skyblue]3. Heaven Spires – Keiryuujin (Original/Eastern)

    A massive area that has spire-like rocks scattered about. It strangely resembles a training area high above ground except with rock spires instead of wooden poles. The combatants fight high above the ground on the tops of the spires which are flattened out so that they can stand. Between all the spires curves a massive Eastern Dragon. His skin reflects light and is pure white. A massive mane of fur flows from the back of his head, and massive curved claws adorn his hands and feet. Should any of the Pokémon fall from the spires Keiryuujin shall catch them at a -10% Health penalty. The spires are close enough to reach jumping and hopping, but much easier to just fly.

    Spires – Falling causes 10% Health Loss


    Restricted Moves:
    Super Effective Attacks.

    4. World's Water River – Vritra (Indian)[/b]

    Holding back the waters of the entire world is a massive serpent by the name of Vritra. A large snake who's scales are as much rock and ground as they are chitin. Its coils hold the water of the world back as it rests in a giant river. The battle here takes place in the river bed where Ground, Electric, and Water attacks gain a bonus. If too many Water type moves are used, Vritra will drain the attack away and add it to the collection of water behind his coils. If the dragon itself is hit by an attack, it may lash out for 15 Damage at the offender or it will unleash a flash flood through the river bed and wash both combatants away.

    Vritra – If hit with an attack it lashes out for either 15 Damage or a wide Surf attack

    Water, Ground, and Electric attacks get a +3 Bonus to damage

    Restricted Moves:
    Every third Water attack is nullified and added to the water Vritra hoards.

    5. Volcano Bed - Kíashkiklah (Original/Western)

    Set within a volcanic cavern, the floor of the arena is still cooling with glowing cracks that show the red-hot lava flowing underneath. Kíashkiklah stands overlooking the fighting on a protruding rock structure, roaring and the sounds echoing in the cavern. In his raging state, the Fire Dragon will launch massive fireballs into the arena, damaging anything nearby for 15% at random intervals. He will also set up a barrier that will block Physical and Special attacks around certain Pokemon for a single attack. Very uncomfortable for any non-Fire, Rock, or Dragon Pokémon.

    Kíashkiklah – Randomly launches fireballs for 15 Damage

    Kíashkiklah – Randomly protect someone with a Dome barrier against one attack. Acts like Protect or Detect.

    Restricted Moves:
    No Plant
    No Water
    No Steel

    6. Swamp – Tarasque (French)

    A massive drake with a spiked shell, four sets of legs, and a lion's head, the Tarasque is a beast that terrorizes the local village with an offering. The swamp itself is 1-3 feet deep filled with rotting and decaying plant materials and trees. Ground, Rock, Plant, and Water attacks are easier to use and cost less energy. Every round the Tarasque will demand a sacrifice and will attack both Pokémon for Moderate to Excellent Damage. Sound based attacks may ward it off or dissuade it from attacking. A select few may even calm it. Both Pokemon could even work together to take down or drive away the Tarasque, doing so will reward a bonus of 20 Health and Energy to both Pokemon.

    Tarasque – As the battle continues, it will attack both Pokemon only once every Round. Only some sound attacks can either calm or scare it. When reduced to 40% Health it will flee unless goaded to continue attacking. Attacks it can use are those with a high Critical hit Ratio due to the blades and spines it possesses.

    Driving away the Tarasque – If Successful both Pokemon receive 20 Health and Energy. Killing it or managing to reduce it to 0 Health will fully restore both Pokemon to 100 Health and Energy.
    Ground, Rock, Plant, and Water attacks cost 3 less Energy.

    Restricted Moves:
    No move substitutions.

    7. World Serpent – Ouroboros (Various)

    The World Serpent, Ouroboros has many similarities with the Leviathan and Jormungand. A representation of purification and eternity in alchemy and mathematics, the arena is the snake's body itself, as it curls around eating its own tail. The serpent is in space, or a close approximation of it, as galaxies and stars float on in the multi-colored darkness. Ouroboros has it's own gravity, and one opponent can be thrown or jump from one coil to another as the serpent wraps around itself in a twisting writhing motion. Steel moves have an interesting ability to randomly change type when they are used. One may use an Iron Head and find that their attack burns the opponent. Or they use an Iron Claw and realize that it packs the power of electricity. The World Serpent's alchemical nature transmutes the nature of Steel attacks into one of the other 16 Types.



    Alchemy - Steel moves randomly change Element type upon use.

    8. Primordial Chaos – Tiamat (Babylonian)

    In the void before time, the dragon Tiamat commands the origins of the ocean and land. Within this whirlpool of chaotic energy, floating landmasses and bodies of water the battle rages. Water flows in long twisting rivers between and around the floating rocks that break off and recombine with Tiamat's body before breaking off again. The dragon herself is a winding serpent roaring as the Pokemon battled, dwarfed by Tiamat. Pokemon seem to float from mass to mass, gravity has little affect here, and any Water Pokemon restricted to water can leap from stream to stream, or use the currents velocity into their attacks. All attacks have a much stronger impact as they use less energy per use, as the void energies energize all combatants.

    Floating Landmasses – Floating around randomly, chunks of rock may fly off from collisions. If hit, the rock pieces deal 6-8 Damage.

    Vital Energy – All energy use is reduced by 3
    Primal Force – All attacks deal +3 Damage

    Restricted Moves:

    9. The Underworld – Nehebkau (Egyptian)

    When the soul departs from the body, this is where Nehebkau dwells. A serpent with the arms and legs of a man, he guards the spirits of Pharaohs and nobility along with the entrance to the underworld. Long in body, and fierce towards those who disturb the dead, Nehebkau watches this arena. The arena is a wide darkened passage, while it is dark, a fog hangs a few feet above the floor. Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols float in the air representing the separation of the spirit from life. Throughout the battle Nehebkau can be seen slithering around the arena, watching the battlers carefully. The area magnifies Dark, Bug, and Ghost moves, giving them normal accuracy. Other moves are reduced in their accuracy.

    Spirits – The ghosts of those passing onto the underworld will pass by and attack the battlers for 5 damage every round.

    Spirit Stuff – Ghosts can be hit with Normal and Fighting Type Attacks without Foresight, and Ghost attacks can hit Normal Types.
    I See You – Ghost, Bug, and Dark attacks do not have their accuracy lowered. All other Attack Types do.
    Fighting Blind – All other Type attacks are at reduced accuracy

    Restricted moves:
    Any Healing

    10. Temple Training Grounds – Yinglong (Chinese)

    A temple atop a remote Chinese mountain. Yinglong, an ancient eastern dragon with a mixture of chimeric features hovers over the massive training grounds, watching the battle with a distant interest. Various martial arts weapons are on racks around the grounds as the Pokemon battle. The weapons can give any Pokemon that uses them a small to large bonus when used. Such a bonus can be increased if used with a Fighting type attack. Students of the arts will randomly attack the Pokemon as part of their own training. A rain storm will sometimes break out, soaking the temple in water.

    Students – Those under training will attack for 6 Damage for two attack slots. This is part of their training as well as for disrupting classes.
    Rain – As per Rain Dance with a two Round wait between each storm.

    Weapons – Various weapons can give a +4 bonus to physical attacks. The bonus is +8 when used with Fighting attacks.

    Restricted Moves:

    Fairness – Super Effective moves are limited. Each Pokemon may use a single x2 Effective move Per Round. Any x4 Effective move will force the Pokemon unable to use any super effective move for two Rounds. This does not affect Non-damaging super effective moves.

    11. Mountain Castle - Chudo-Yudo (Russia)

    [b]A multi-headed dragon with control over the weather, Chudo-Yudo constantly flies around the castle carved into the mountain top. Weather changes periodically, never giving a nice day and always expressions of the weather's extremes. Able to spit fire and control the weather, he is a benevolent dragon. Weather changes constantly throughout the time spent here, and any attempts to change the weather itself are met with a blast of flames from one of his seven heads.

    Weather God – Chudo-Yudo constantly keeps the weather changing, showing his control and mastery over the elements. Creating effects similar to Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Hail, while also including Fog, Cloudy Skies, and snow (not like Hail). Never allowing there to not be an adverse weather condition.
    Chudo-Yudo – Any attempts to change the weather without the dragon's permission will result with a Fire Blast attack at full strength no matter the weather condition.


    Restricted Moves:

    12. Ayers Rock – Rainbow Serpent (Australia)

    On top of the large sandstone formation coils the Rainbow Serpent. Various representations have the being representing different things. A large horned wurm, she is a god of fertility and life who's scales are the colors of the rainbow, hence her name. While the Pokemon battle in her presence, any Fire, Grass, Water, Ground, and Dragon attacks are more powerful than normal. However, she may lash out with a rage as she summons a thunderstorm and unleashes lightning bolts on the arena, before she heals them after her rage is satisfied.

    Rain – As per Rain Dance, with two round breaks in between.
    Lightning – The Rainbow Serpent will use several Electric Attacks after she brings the rain. When the rain leaves she will stop attacking.

    Life Force – Fire, Grass, Water, Ground, and Dragon attacks are increased by +3 damage.

    13. Temple Spire – Quetzalcoatl (Aztec)

    A temple sacrificial platform on an Aztec structure. Blood of past sacrifices stain the ground. Curled around the structure and watching the fight is Quetzalcoatl himself. A lengthy feathered winged serpent watches over the battle. While the Aztec were a group who offered human sacrifices to their gods, this god did not require them, and was appalled by them. As a god of light and creation, Quetzalcoatl allows those who battle on the temple access to the moves Morning Sun and Moonlight. Invoking the dragon's offer puts a heavy tax on the Pokemon, and the moves can only be used twice in the battle. His presence always brings a sight of bright shining light.


    Light God's Favor – Both Pokemon have access to the moves Moonlight and Morning Sun. Useable only once.
    God's Light – Quetzalcoatl gives of light as if Sunny Day was constantly active.

    14. Lake Lerna – Hydra (Greek)

    Poisonous fumes hover on the air around this lake and the entrance to the cave in the back where the hydra lives. A creature with multiple heads and insane regeneration, the Hydra protects the Golden Fleece, or it used to until Hercules befell it. The multi-headed dragon is back, hunting his territory as Pokemon battle by the mouth of the cave. The poisonous air instantly gives the Pokemon Toxic at level 3 There is only one way to remove the Toxic, as Refresh and Rest won't quite cut it, and that's to steal the Golden Fleece from the Hydra itself. Doing so, however, is going to be a bit more trouble than it's worth

    Toxic Fumes – Instantly gives the Pokemon Toxic at Level 3. Moves that will remove Stats Conditions will not remove the Toxic Poison. Even Steel Pokemon are affected.
    Hydra – The Hydra will snap its many heads at the Pokemon, each head getting one attack slot per round if it's so inclined. More than 10 Damage to a single head will lop it off and three more will grow in its place an action later. The Hydra starts with 3 heads.

    Golden Fleece – Protected by the Hydra. If stolen and worn, it will remove the poisons and return 15 Health to the Pokemon in possession of it every Round. When removed or stolen, the Pokemon will once again be poisoned with Toxic at Level 3

    Restricted Moves:

    15. Jund – The Ur-Dragon (Original/Magic the Gathering)

    The embodiment of all dragons, the living force behind the majesty, ferocity, and destruction. The Ur-Dragon is the origin of all dragons and shares similar characteristics with them all. It's body is a bright golden collection of armored scales, with two sets of massive wings, one leathery and the other feathered. The body is long and serpentine, graceful as its powerful fore and hind limbs never seem to touch the ground, each ending in massive claws. The head is large and wedge-shaped, covered in horny protrusions. Massive teeth line the jaw as bones spur off the back hinge of the lower jaw. Its eyes are black orbs with two white rings that rotate around a white orb within the eye. As the eyes focus, the rings overlap and rotate, almost like a camera zooming in.

    The arena is Jund, the shard of the plane Alara where dragons are at the top of the pecking order. Broken by volcanic activity, jungle overgrowth, and bubbling tar-filled swamps, the entire arena is a place of devastation and survival of the fittest. Here the strength of Dragon Type attacks is doubled above and beyond any Type advantage.

    Ur-Dragon – A being of hunger, heat, and need, the Ur-Dragon will lash out with a massive Hyper Beam capable of hitting all Pokemon in a single move. Only attacks once every three Rounds for 20 Damage.
    Jund – Volcanic crevasses, carnivorous plants, tar pits. Jund is a land of danger and can severely damage anyone who isn't careful of where they are going.
    Dragons – Other dragons can enter the fight, trying to devour the Pokemon invading their territory. Each Dragon has 40 Health and Energy to spend in combat, can fly in, leave, and have access to all Dragon and Fire Type attacks. They are considered Dragon/Fire for Damage.

    Dragon Soul – All Dragon Type attacks gain a x2 to damage above and before any Type Advantage is taken into effect. Even the weakest Dragon Claw can slay another dragon

    Rage – Every Pokemon will be under the effects of the move Rage even if they do not normally learn it. Increasing their Attack and Special Attack after being damaged.
    Fury – Pokemon are under the effects of Taunt for their stay in this Arena and must attack. Attacks absorbing damage, such as Counter, Mirror Coat, Bide, and Metal Burst can still be used as normal.

    Restricted Moves:

    Last edited by Mew Master; 28th May 2011 at 12:43 AM.
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  11. #11
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    New Gym:

    Secret Garden!


    A secluded Chinese style garden, equipped with a pond, pagoda, bridges and rock paths.

    Battle style:

    Tournament style, Best out of 5 (subject to negotiation). Each team uses 1v1, and fight until one is defeated. The victor records a point, and both send out fresh combatants for the next round. This continues until the first team have 5 wins. Draws count as 0, so the match may go more than 9 combatants each. Pokemon that are recalled may not be used again in the gym.

    After a battler is defeated, the VICTOR sends first, followed by the DEFEATED, who also ATTACKS first, despite the battle order previously.

    Moves rules:

    Rest and Pain split may only be used ONCE during the entire battle (Not per pokemon)! The move Ingrain will not work in the garden, but there are 5 (and ONLY 5) Ingrain roots already established, that any pokemon may grab on to at the cost of one action. Doing so grants that pokemon the benefit and drawback of Ingrain, and when that pokemon is defeated, the root retracts. Weather effecting moves will automatically fail to work, due to the fire suppression system, and abilities that affect the weather have no effect (eg: air lock and cloud nine).

    Gym specials:

    Fire suppression system, Ingrain bonuses (see above), Tournament style battle

    Fire suppression system: A system implanted to protect the gardens. Has 6 settings. Starts at 0 (default).

    0. No change. Battle acts as normal. The level of sun in this stage is equivalent to ‘Sunny day’.

    1. Rain effect. Battle field under effect of Rain dance/Rain conditions.

    2. Mist effect. Covers entire battle field.

    3. Haze effect. Covers entire battle field.

    4. Fog effect. Covers entire battle field in a thick layer of fog. Reduces accuracy by 50%.

    5. Heavy Rain. Fire, ground and rock types take damage per turn. Solar beam takes an extra round to charge. Doubles the effect of Hydration, Water Dish, Swift Swim, and Dry skin. If thunder is used, its chance of being protected or Detected goes from 30% to 15%.

    As stated above, weather moves, or abilities cannot be used, and attempting to use Defog during stages 2-4 will not removed the effect.

    The system is activated AFTER any fire type move is used, and will go up one level for each fire type move used. It will remain at the setting it peaks at for 5 rounds, before defaulting down one level. This means that the first fire type move will still hit for normal damage, but subsequent moves will not. NOTE: The level's of the system STACK, so at level 3, you are also affected by level 2 AND level 1.


    The NEW grass assembly!

    The Grass Assembly has been adjusted. The new members are:

    1 - Sceptile - Unburden - Grass
    2 - Vileplume - Effect spore - Grass/Poison
    3 - Celebi - Natural Curew - Grass/Psychic - Pending
    4 - Ludicolo - Rain dish - Grass/Water
    5 - Abomasnow - Sound proof - Grass/ice - Pending
    6 - Shritty - Early Bird - Grass/dark
    7 - Jumpluff - Leaf guard - Grass/flying
    8 - Torterra - Overgrow - Grass/ground
    9 - Ferrothorn - Iron barbs - Grass/steel - Pending
    10 - Cradily - Suction cups - Grass/Rock


    The golden leaf

    Awarded to trainers who show harmony in their fighting spirit, and unison with their partners.

    The TM of the Secret Garden is:

    - Grass Whistle.

    Usable by all members of the grass assembly by default, the Synthesis TM can be taught to any one pokemon with: A mouth, and 2 hands (minimum).
    Last edited by Ayeun; 16th January 2012 at 10:17 PM.

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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    ./le sigh.

    Why does no one wish to challenge my gym?

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  13. #13
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Set up your own challenges? It's what I did. Then you might come across someone who would take your challenge. I would, but I'm not allowed.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Won Here.
    And Here.

    Evolving CPR the Chinchou --> Lantern

    Back bitches

  15. #15
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended


    After a relatively empty lifespan of 2 battles, Codename: B.L.I.T.Z. has closed its nonexistent doors and been left in peace in the deep reaches of space.

    Win: VS. Darth CookieMonster

    Loss: VS. chaos_redefined

    I'll post my E4 arena and my 7 E4 Pokemon later.

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  16. #16

    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    One thing ive been thinking about. Since i have had 0 E4 challenges so for im thinking extra incentive could be in order.

    How about TM's for beating E4's? Special moves that can only be learned by certain pokemon (Sacred Fire, Aeroblast, Elemental Hyperbeams etc) could be given away to winners and taught to any pokemon that could logically learn it. (Aeroblast on a Pidgeot, not on a Torterra etc).

    I know it would be an extra job for the Approval tower but only a minor one and its still much more controlled than the old Sig moves used to be.

    (oh and ill be editting in my E4 team shortly, hopefully after this Safari Zone run)

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  17. #17
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    On the discussion of that system UC, we thought up of a few things.

    First off, the Elite Four will have a rotation system. Each gym-completed (all badges) challenger can challenge the Elite Four, and in any order they desire. That makes sure that challenger don't get stuck 'cuz there's an absent E4-member or anything.

    Next up is the TM aspect. Instead of TM's, we're gonna introduce Move Tutors. Challengers who defeat a Gym Leader or E4-member receive a special move as an added price. Only a pokemon who fought in the battle can learn the move, and it must be compatible (which will be decided by me or DL), so no Turboblaze on Wailmer for example. If you win against a GL/E4 you will give the pokemon to the GL'er/E4-member and you'll not be able to use it for a week, since it's training with us

    Special note: if GL'ers or E4-members want to obtain a move by another GL'er/E4-member they can challenge eachother aswell. The big difference is that the challenged one can set up the rules (don't have to be inside the normal rules). So you can do a 1vs1 instead of the min. 3v3, etc. The only thing that is won from these matches is the move, nothing more, nothing less.

    To decide which move a Gym Leader or Elite Four will be using/learning, they have to come here and make a suggestion. Either me or DL will then comment and approve/disapprove.

    If a pokemon gained an added move by Move Tutor you must post this in Approval Tower and add it in your VS Seeker (as to keep track of things). One pokemon can have more than one special move, but it's gonna have to be approved first. So Spider Web and Turboblaze would be alright, but Turboblaze and Sacred Fire would be overkill.
    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 6th March 2011 at 08:37 AM.

  18. #18
    YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    OK, can I have some clarification?

    Do I basically select a move, and the team members which I think could viably learn it? Then, any mon who beats my gym taking part in the battle gains that move where viable?

    Secondly, where do I post my move? Here? Or somewhere else?
    Back bitches

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    You choose a move that you want to have your pokémon learn (and teach). This pokémon has to be on your gym team, and has to be something viable. When you figure it out, post it here, and your terms for the move (such as which pokémon can use it). Then either Darkly or MLG will approve it.

    [Edit] Dammit!

  20. #20
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Yes, that's correct. And you post it right here. Then the 'comite' will decide your fate

  21. #21
    YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Move - Meteor Mash. A natural when the gym is in outer space.

    Banette, Gliscor, Grumpig, Froslass, Porygon-Z and Swalot are capable of this move.
    Back bitches

  22. #22

    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Personally, id probably take Magma Storm but only my Charizard knows it.

    Btw i havent registered my team yet but im still in the Safari Zone 'finalizing' it.

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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Any move, eh? This may be the motivation I need to finish my team and arena...

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  24. #24
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Well yeah, any move (only condition is that we approve it).

    As for a non-written-but-go-by-rule, Gymleaders can only use 'normal' moves, while E4 has acces to Legendary moves.

  25. #25
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    >.> Oh damnit. That means I can't have that move we talked about. Grey, you can have it, I dun think anything else but a legend learns it.

    Edit: Ok DF. Ummm I'm taking a quick look at MM here...

    Move - Meteor Mash. A natural when the gym is in outer space.

    Banette, Gliscor, Grumpig, Froslass, Porygon-Z and Swalot are capable of this move.

    K. I'm cool with Gliscor, Grumpig and Pory-Z having it. That's super plausible to me.

    Banette & Froslass seems a bit of an odd choice for Meteor Mash, since they're both ghosts and really don't seem...Mash worthy. Hell, I'd even accept Convectank having it over them two x_x

    Swalot just bugs me cause it has no hands in the first place, but it could mash you with its girth, since it is in space, as you said.

    Muggles, your input? I just have an issue with the ghosts having it.
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 7th March 2011 at 06:53 PM.

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  26. #26
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Well, I suppose we could make an exception for Darkly since he is sorta the leader of the Gym Leaders. Or should be with his record.

    'sides, I don't really want that move anymore -- the one I've chosen is much more suiting. :3

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    ELITE 4

    The Pillars of Heaven and Hell
    A desolate, dry wasteland that extends for miles. On either side of the arena are two pillars -- one that heals you, and one that slowly drains the life out of you. Destroying your opponent's pillars means two things: you drain their health faster, and you recover your own. These four pillars have their own HP (which is up to ref discretion), and can be destroyed by powerful attacks. Because the arena is so dry, weather changing is impermissible.


    The user calls down holy energies to smite the foe. The type is decided by the user upon being used; once the type has been chosen, it must remain that way for the duration of the match.
    Learnable by: Legendary pokémon, or pokémon who've evolved twice.
    Last edited by Greyfox; 6th July 2011 at 05:39 PM.

  28. #28
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Stealing Grey's format for now.



    1. Muladhara: Hookbill, Torterra(M) - Overgrow
    2. Swadhisthana: Dorrie, Kingdra(F) - Sniper
    3. Manipura: Rawk Hawk, Blaziken(M) - Speed Boost*
    4. Anahata: Thunderhand, Electivire(M) - Motor Drive
    5. Vishuddha: Boolossus, Drifblim(F) - Aftermath
    6. Ajna: Grand Star, Starmie(N) - Natural Cure
    7. Sahasrara: Doopliss, Ditto(N) - Impostor*

    *=Ability is being changed via BW giveaway.


    Coming soon.

    Move Tutor

    Coming soon.

    Sorry for the brevity, but that offer won't last forever. Ta-ta!
    Last edited by Blademaster; 14th March 2011 at 03:04 PM.

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  29. #29
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    I need to make my Elite Team too.. So far all I got is a Beta.

    About Meteor Mash, the move is good. However, both ghosts are no go for me aswell and neither is Porygon Z. It's just odd =/ I'm even torn about Gliscor..

    Well, let's say Gymleaders can get thoses moves aswell, but they need a number of wins to be able to select them. Let's say a minimum of 7 wins.

  30. #30
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Ah fuck, I just realized I can't do any E4 stuff until my not-likely-to-end-any-time-soon Safari Zone trip is over. My Articuno is gonna be on my team, and since it isn't approved yet, I can't do anything...

    Can I make my 7-Pokemon E4 team of death and then change one member? Two of my E4 team members DEFINITELY need Ability changes, and the offer's only good for another couple of weeks.

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  31. #31
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    I don't think your E4 team has to be static, I'm sure some changes can be made (I'm still debating if I wanna replace Dragonair with someone else, for instance), so I'm sure they won't mind you making a swap later on. They may make you remove special move that you gave 'em though...

  32. #32
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Honestly the special move thing doesn't concern me much...

    I need 7 Pokemon and an arena. And a move, I guess. I'll post that shit later when inspiration strikes.

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  33. #33
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Take your time -- 's not like our doors are being slammed open by challengers, after all...

  34. #34
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    I had a post typed out too.

    MLG: 7 wins? Really? I think I have that....dun think I posted my MxG win up here...hell I think that makes me eligible for a damn evo, gotta check this.

    Blade: Dude what? No problem. Make your E4 team when you feel like it. Yes it needs to be Pokemon you currently own. But if you already caught them-whether SZ or purchase, then you can post them in the team-and you can take advantage of the ability swap deal going on-so when you do get to use them, you'll be good to go. This goes for Pokemon that may be in use in the SZ that you wanna swap Abilities as well, we'll just approve it when they get out so they can start using that new one once the SZ is done.

    Grey: Yeah I'm still looking for a new move. Think I might go a different route. Maybe.

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  35. #35
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Honestly, for my TM for my Gym, I'd have to go with Bide. Hell, I've won matches with it before. *pokes Gav with a stick*
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  36. #36
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Ba ba ba baaaaa, an actual gym badge!

    ...which is a lot larger than I meant it to be. Rats!

    Also, this move thing... I can't decide!! May come back shortly after deciding ahah.

    this is hell
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    spanner cock?

  37. #37
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Brock: "TM34 Bide, your opponent absorbs damage in battle then pay it back double!"

  38. #38
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Lol, tis true...
    ~Mew Master

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  39. #39
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    Update in E4-section + Move Tutors.

    Also, the new number of required badges for both E4-challenge and gymleader replacement is four.

  40. #40
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: Tower of the Ascended

    The TM of the Secret Garden is:

    - Synthesis.

    Usable by all members of the grass assembly by default, the Synthesis TM can be taught to any one pokemon of the team that defeats the Secret Garden.

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