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Thread: Tower of the Ascended

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  1. #1
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Tower of the Ascended


    Welcome to the Tower of the Ascended. Everything related to Gym Leaders will be placed here. Normally only an elite number of people comes here, so I advise you to keep quiet and carefully read what is of interest to you..


    What is a Gym Leader?

    You've played the games, you've seen the anime. Gym Leaders are challenges each trainer has to overcome if they wish to succeed in a league. Gym Leaders represent the best trainers in the area. They have well trained teams and tactics that ensure they win. A Gym Leader battle is no easy battle, but for a dedicated trainer, it's a must have.

    How does one become a Gym Leader?

    The first Gym leaders were chosen specifically for their talents, how long they have been at TPM and their overall personality and attitude towards battling. The second generation earned them by defeating another Gym Leader in a one-on-one baby challenge that the was set up to ensure new blood. Future Gym leaders must earn their places, but this will be explained later on.


    Battling a Gym Leader

    To take part in a Gym Battle all you have to do is challenge a Gym Leader to a Gym Match. You can do this by PMing them, posting a topic with the challenge in the title, or take a Gym Leader up in his open challenge.

    If and when a Gym Leader accepts the challenge, they reserve the right to change or set the rules for the match as they see fit. This includes any DQ time or pokémon used. If a Gym Leader and combatant cannot agree on certain rules, then the Gym Leader can refuse to battle.

    A Gym Battle can be no less than a 3 vs 3, but if it is a tag match (2 out at once) it must be no less than a 4 vs 4. The Maximum amount would be 8 vs 8.

    If you win a Gym Battle you will receive the Gym Leader's badge, a representation of your success. This will be recorded in this very tower as a permanent record. Winning a battle will earn you the regular prize of points, but also a free catch or evolution. This freebie is redeemable for only one week after your battle has ended, so you can't save them up.


    The Gym Leader Section

    Gym Leaders, this concerns you. This tells you what you need as a Gym Leader, and what you are expected to undertake.


    A Badge
    This can be anything within reason. An item that you create an intricate history for, a treasure of some-kind, or just a pin on badge shaped like something. It doesn't matter, it's your 'badge'.

    An Arena
    This can also be anything within reason. Your arena is unique to your Gym. Make it as complex as you like (though remember your match can only be played out as well as the ref understands your arena), or make it simple. This arena should be used for all your Gym Matches.

    A Team
    This isn't that difficult, you basically pick your Gym Pokemon out of your usual team ready for battle. They can be any pokémon on your team. The most important point here is that they are not taking part in any other battle. Be it regular, tournament or a contest, those pokémon must be free from all constraints. The same does not apply to the challenger.

    A Gym Leader can have only one Gym Battle going at any time, but can do so outside of the usual battle slot constraints (currently set to 4, a Gym Battle would theoretically be a 5th).

    As a Gym Leader it is your job to defend your Gym Badge. If you rout challengers for two battles, you will earn a free catch or evolution. Gym Leaders cannot challenge each other while fighting other challengers.


    The System of Winning

    A challenger who wishes to become a Gym Leader must first collect 6 Gym badges before they can make a play for a position. Until a new place is made publicly open, the only way to become a Gym Leader is to replace another. With all the badges on your side, you can choose to challenge a Gym Leader in a title match. The end result of which will always be a Gym Leader and a regular battler.

    If the challenging trainer wins against the Gym Leader in a title match, he/she can claim the gym his/her and replace the old Gym Leader. The old Gym Leader then has to collect all badges again before he can try to challenge and become Gym Leader himself again.

    If the challenging trainer loses against the Gym Leader, he/she can't battle that Gym Leader for his gym again for a two week waiting period. In the interim, s/he may challenge other Gym Leaders.


    Bias and Cheating

    Gym Leaders found to be going easy on their competitors for whatever reason will be punished, most likely in a pint deduction from their account. The amount depends on the severity of the bias.

    The same goes for refs, who play favor towards either the Gym leader or the battler. Refs will likely get a higher tax on their points if they are found to be doing this.


    The Gym Leader Hall of Fame

    All current and past Gym Leaders will be listed here, with their arena's and badges. For further information regarding previous Gym Leaders, look in the 'Gym Leader Tower' in the ASB Archive.

    Current Gym Leaders

    Previous Gym Leaders


    The Winners Hall of Fame

    (The Blue Blue Badge)
    (The Kikoutei Badge)
    (The Conversion Badge)
    (The Radiant Badge)
    (The Lucky Clover Badge)
    Dark Sage
    (The Serenity Badge)
    (The Serenity Badge)
    (The Golden Leaf Badge)
    (The Golden Leaf Badge)
    Knight of Time
    (The Golden Rod Badge)
    (The Sharp Edge Stone)
    Mew Master
    (The Power Coin)
    Mike Mysterio
    (The Serenity, Power Coin and Golden Leaf Badges)
    (The Power Coin, Strategym, Golden Leaf, and Dragon Stone Badges)
    (The Golden Leaf Badge, The Kikoutei Badge)


    Gym Leader Status

    Here you will see which Gym Leaders are currently in battles, whom they are against and such. It will let you know that, should you wish to challenge a Gym Leader, which ones are available or not.

    Ayeun -Available
    BTPoke - Available
    Crazy Elf Boy - Unavailable
    Cynder - Available
    DarkestLight - Available
    Greyfox - Available

    Oslo - Unavailable
    Wolfsong -Available



    So here's the new change. We wiped out the current E4. We're going to make it more Trainer based. What that means is the following.

    If perchance someone makes it to Champion level (Basically attaining 8 badges...holy crap we have 8 Gyms!), they and their squad will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, as well as given a generous dousing of praise and points. The Champion then has a choice. Either go about your merry little way, or immediately become the first E4 member--no questions asked. This will continue until we have 4 Champions and therefore an Elite 4! Constructing a team will be explain to each person as they reach this lofty height, so good luck to everyone!


    Challengers who defeat a Gym Leader or E4-member receive a special move as an added price. You'll need to give your selected pokémon to the Gym Leader/Elite 4-member and you'll not be able to use it for a week, since it's training. Only a pokémon who fought in the battle can learn the move, and it must be compatible (which will be decided by the 'committee'), so no Turboblaze on Wailmer, for example. Then you'll get it back with a new move, which you'll need to record in the TotA and then get approved.

    Special note: if Gym Leaders want to obtain a move by a fellow Gym Leader, they can challenge each other as well. The difference is that the challenged one can set up the rules, even outside the standard rules (so you can do a 1 v. 1 instead of the min. 3 v. 3). The only thing won from these matches is the move, nothing more, nothing less (that includes points!).

    GL: To decide which you'll use and teach, you'll need to post it here in this thread along with the pokémon that can learn it, then the 'committee' (which is the current Mods) will approve or disapprove the move and/or pokémon capable of using it (mostly give out suggestions or restrictions actually).

    Last edited by DarkestLight; 13th October 2013 at 12:42 PM. Reason: Edited Gym Availability

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