I loved Ada's strip. Go, Royalblue/Magenta!

And the editorial was great too!

Seeing Brian post a fic review in the E-Zine was a surprise; I don't like dissecting fics like that, but I think he did a good job and I applaud his effort.

I never got to read The Emeral League, but it's nice to see old fics get some attention, and I liked the interview.

As for the commandments... sorry, but I don't agree with most of them. I don't like recipies for writing, I think they limit creations too much and result in repetitive and unoriginal stories. Assigning labels to characters and defining their traits and possible courses of actions according to their labels is not a good idea, in my opinion. Real people don't fit into any labels. Why should fictional characters be different? Anyway, I think this can serve as a guideline for writers who don't have a clear picture of what his/her story and characters will be like. You can start with a pre-fabricated idea and then start building from there in order to create something new. But I would call them 'suggestions' rather than 'commandments'.