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    War of the Forums
    War of the Forums ~ JPG/PNG Alternatives (#151+ Only)

    Table of Contents

    Cover Page #1
    #001: The Evil Eye
    #002: Meet the Heads, Pt. 1
    #003: Meet the Heads, Pt. 2
    #004: Aliens!
    #005: Don't leave your planet without it!
    #006: It's a syndicate! Really!
    #007: Oscars? Golden Globes? Emmys? That other one we all ignore?
    #008: I shall call him "Mini Me"
    #009: From Situation to Catastrophe: The Indigo Road
    #010: She's baaaaack...
    #011: No refunds or exchanges. Results are not typical. Void where prohibited.
    #012: Eye of the Beholder
    #013: Dead Man Walkin'
    #014: L'eau Murky River by Giorgio Armani
    #015: sex, lies, and videotape
    #016: Four Moderators and a Funeral
    #017: Prepare for trouble... make it double...
    #018: Most people wait until the third date.
    #019: The Honeymoon's Over
    #020: Some things, money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard.
    #021: Be careful what you wish for...
    #022: It's good to be right!
    #023: Absence
    #024: Slippery Tongue
    #025: Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
    #026: "WTF" does not suffice.
    #028: Planes, Trains, and UFOs
    #029: Out Of Context
    #030: Amaze your friends! Fool your enemies! Adobe® Photoshop®
    #031: Family Feud
    #032: The greatest victory is the battle not fought.
    #033: Candid Camera
    #034: Reality TV
    #035: Daydreams are Sometimes Nightmares
    #036: Out of the Frying Pan
    #037: The Definition of Insanity
    #038: The Missing Link and the Order of the Aliens
    #039: Pencils down, class.
    #040: The Seven Habits of Highly Defective Fanficcers
    #041: It's like Mapquest, only more fun!
    #042: Water Spout
    #043: Tangled Web
    #044: Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Fanfic
    #045: The Power of One
    #046: Checking Out
    #047: The Untold Story
    #048: The Silent Mod
    #049: You're fired.
    #050: Wishful Thinking
    Extra #1: The Other Six Habits of Highly Defective Fanficcers

    Cover Page #2
    #051: Like a Rock
    #052: Fight Club
    #053: The Baffled and the Beautiful
    #054: Cooties!
    #055: Friend of a Friend
    #056: Advanced Snooping
    #057: Need-to-Know Basis
    #058: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
    #059: Don't Blink
    #060: Girl Talk
    #061: Entertainment Value
    #062: How the Other Half Lives
    #063: And these guys rule the world.
    #064: Screw the rules. I have money!
    #065: Saved by the DEFCON 1.
    #066: The Gift of the Magi
    #067: Eight hundred life sentences, to be served consecutively.
    #068: The War at Home
    #069: Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen
    #070: Escape
    #071: Multitasking is insulting.
    #072: It's Greek to me.
    #073: Magic: The Gathering
    #074: Impervious! Untouchable! Bulletproof! Indomitable!
    #075: An End to Reason
    #076: Uninvited
    #077: Storming Fanfic's Gates
    #078: "Oligarchy" just doesn't sound as good.
    #079: Close Encounter
    #080: Reckless Fire
    #081: Houston, we have a problem.
    #082: Look to the Sky
    #083: Facade
    #084: Axis and Allies
    #085: Worst-Case Scenario
    #086: Bloody Sword
    #087: Slash
    #088: Silence of the Lambs
    #089: To Know the Unknown
    #090: Miss Congeniality
    #091: White Noise
    #092: Demodded
    #093: Gone, but not forgotten.
    #094: Free Speech
    #095: Save your tears for the day when the pain is far behind.
    #096: Hypothetical Question
    #097: Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
    #098: Bruised Ego
    #099: Make a Move
    #100: Vengeance
    Extra #2: The Secret of My Success

    Cover Page #3
    #101: In One Ear...
    #102: He's Dead
    #103: Human Nature
    #104: Check, please.
    #105: Three's a Crowd
    #106: Backstage
    #107: Urban Chaos
    #108: Hopeless
    #109: Moderator Appreciation Day
    #110: Introspection
    #111: TPM
    #112: I'll Be Back
    #113: Nonverbal Signals
    #114: Indecent Proposal
    #115: Man of Mystery
    #116: Private Message
    #117: Office Space
    #118: Rose and Release
    #119: Undeniable Logic
    #120: Crossfire
    #121: Collateral Damage
    #122: Stare
    #123: Chat
    #124: Insomnia
    #125: Women's Intuition
    #126: Sage Eye for the Mage Guy
    #127: Absolute Terror
    #128: The End is Near
    #129: Snap out of it, or just snap?
    #130: Emotionally Drained
    #131: Haphazardous Waste
    #132: Nasty Plot
    #133: Cha-cha-cha... Charmin!
    #134: You're getting very sleepy...
    #135: Covert Ops
    #136: Lost Technology
    #137: No late fees!
    #138: Reverse Psychology
    #139: Does he get a tax deduction?
    #140: Top Secret
    #141: I can see my house from here!
    #142: Word Count
    #143: Geek Squad
    #144: Green Eggs and Ham
    #145: Legendary Pokémon
    #146: One More Thing
    #147: I hacked into a criminal mastermind's HQ, and all I got was this lousy comic.
    #148: The Book of Ages
    #149: End Times
    #150: Forbidden Technique: Account Resurrection
    Extra #3: You can't do that in War of the Forums!

    Cover Page #4
    #151: Star-Crossed Lover
    #152: Time Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
    #153: Question
    #154: Chain of Memories, Pt. 1
    #155: Chain of Memories, Pt. 2
    #156: Chain of Memories, Pt. 3
    #157: Chain of Memories, Pt. 4
    #158: Intermission
    #159: Chain of Memories, Pt. 5
    #160: Chain of Memories, Pt. 6
    #161: Chain of Memories, Pt. 7
    #162: Chain of Memories, Pt. 8
    #163: Hot-headed
    #164: Read or Die
    #165: The Next Level
    #166: Deserter
    #167: Macho Man
    #168: Pardon the Interruption
    #169: Ascension
    #170: Chain Reaction
    #171: No guts, no glory.
    #172: Thinking Backwards
    #173: Cast in the Name of God
    #174: Insanity is a point of view.
    #175: Hysteria
    #176: I like swords.
    #177: The name is misleading.
    #178: We call them "special" now.
    #179: Trinity
    #180: Fallacy
    #181: Because a copy of a copy just isn't the same as the original.
    #182: Faith and Logic
    #183: Tiebreaker
    #184: Dead Man Walking
    #185: Dead Man Talking
    #186: Overlooked

    Character Guide, Part One
    (Warning! Major spoilers if you haven’t read the latest pages!)


    The Missing Link
    An alien from the planet “PCG.” Becomes engaged to Mega Horny after their second meeting following the Fanfic Awards. Her history is relatively unknown.
    First appeared in #1: The Evil Eye.

    Mega Horny
    A somewhat perverted young man who hits on The Missing Link. Becomes engaged to her in the aftermath of the Fanfic Awards. Was recently sent by his bodyguard to train with Dark Sage.
    First appeared in #1: The Evil Eye (first pictured in #4: Aliens!).

    One of the four leaders of the world of Fanfic. He is a bit paranoid and immature, so he consequently lacks the respect of his peers. His computer skills, however, are virtually unmatched.
    First appeared in #2: Meet the Heads, Pt. 1.

    One of the four leaders of the world of Fanfic. He is the most experienced of the four leaders and has a razor-sharp wit. He is also the only moderator to be shown giving an infraction.
    First appeared in #2: Meet the Heads, Pt. 1.

    One of the four leaders of the world of Fanfic. She is a bit more passive than her peers. When she does speak, however, you know it’s about something important.
    First appeared in #3: Meet the Heads, Pt. 2.

    Gavin Luper
    One of the four leaders of the world of Fanfic. He could be considered the unofficial leader of the group. As a serious person, he doesn’t appreciate an excess of silliness.
    First appeared in #3: Meet the Heads, Pt. 2.

    A powerful, sword-wielding mercenary who works alone. He is hired as a guardian for Mega Horny. He claims to lead “The I Syndicate” of which he is the sole member. Left Mega Horny with Dark Sage, his former mentor, after concluding that he had no talent for traditional combat.
    First appeared in #4: Aliens!

    Shuppet Master
    A young, extremely confident Fanficcer. He serves as an assistant of some manner under Dark Sage. Is the first to use a "forbidden technique."
    First appeared in #7: Oscars? Golden Globes? Emmys? That other one we all ignore?

    Normally I frown upon author's notes, even if they are given outside of fic chapters themselves. But since this sort of work is much, much different from any "traditional" fanfic, I'm making an exception. Besides, I'd like you to be able to see my thought process in coming up with... this.

    Cover page: I made this shortly before posting the preview topic, after I'd already completed a decent amount of work on War of the Forums. It's mostly a collage of characters, although there's a lot of significance behind the arrangement of everything on the cover. Some things will be revealed shortly, while others may be a little unclear even once we've gotten to the critical point.

    For those of you who like trivia, here's a list of all the characters (each row is left-to-right)...

    Row 1: Major Alex Louis Armstrong (Full Metal Alchemist), Yomiko Readman (R. O. D.)
    Row 2: Mizuho Kazami (Onegai Teacher!), Commander Amarao (FLCL), Shonen Bat (Paranoia Agent), Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach), Satoshi "Sasshi" Imamiya (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi)
    Row 3: Yami Malik (Yu-Gi-Oh!), Kikyo (Inuyasha), Hideki Motosuwa (Chobits), Chi/Elda (Chobits), Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2), Jaden Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
    Row 4: Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion), Sarutobi (Naruto), Abel Nightroad (Trinity Blood), Shinobu Maehara (Love Hina)

    #1: Yeah, it's the first page. I created this one about a month ago. Honestly, I think my skills have improved fairly significantly since I made this, but I just can't bear to change this page. It was what spawned the whole project, so even if it's imperfect, it's special to me in its own way.

    As you can see, it only features one character - in fact, it only features one image that was simply shifted to show where the other character was focused. The whole thing uses implication; there's nothing overt. It's not even clear exactly what happened... but you're certainly free to guess.
    Last edited by mr_pikachu; 22nd February 2009 at 11:23 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  2. #2
    But he's still here! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Hey, simple things are often great things. Limited or not, the first comic was awesome, me appearing in it aside. I've told you the rest, all I can say is: "Count me in."

  3. #3
    ' 3 ' Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Hm, this is definitely something different. I'm intrigued.

    Get the rest of the chapter here soon!
    Please take it easy~

  4. #4

    Default Re: War of the Forums

    XD. Very creative way to get your point across. I'm also proud to say I could name 98% of the animé characters featured in your picture. And to think I just watched Magical Shopping Arcade.

    0_o.. And.. is there really more? Or are you just trying to make a certain.. erm.. 'point'.

    If there is going to be more.. I'm looking forward to it.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Mega Horny: I suppose simplicity can be good sometimes, but things are going to get a lot more complicated in the near future. Better pictures, too.

    Faiz: I'm glad to hear you're interested. Hopefully the pages to come will fulfill your hopes.

    Incidentally, I'm not sure if I'd call anything here a chapter, but you could at least divide the fic into pages. In that case, this is the shortest first chapter I've ever "written."

    Saffire: I'm surprised nobody figured out Sasshi... I know Shuppet Master's seen it, at least. Ah, well.

    See that little "#1" in the upper left? Yeah, this is the first of many pages. And if you're talking about what I think you are, I wasn't going for that at all when I came up with this. That may play a role in the conflict(s)... actually, it probably will. But it wasn't the point of this project, believe it or not. In any case, I'm glad you liked it!

    Character Guide, Part Two
    (Warning! Major spoilers if you haven’t read the latest pages!)


    Evil Mewfour
    An enigmatic figure who seems to desire nothing more than murder and destruction. Little else is currently known about this character.
    First appeared in #7: Oscars? Golden Globes? Emmys? That other one we all ignore?

    A dark woman who rarely shows any sign of happiness. As such, her nickname is the "Angst Queen." Little else is currently known about this character.
    First appeared in #7: Oscars? Golden Globes? Emmys? That other one we all ignore?

    Master of Paradox
    A rebellious man who believes he is vastly superior to his peers. Little else is currently known about this character.
    First appeared in #7: Oscars? Golden Globes? Emmys? That other one we all ignore?

    Samchu and eevee-shayna
    A young couple who are almost always seen together. They could be considered one character because of their inseparability and nearly identical tastes. Little else is currently known about this character.
    First appeared in #7: Oscars? Golden Globes? Emmys? That other one we all ignore?

    Won the "Most Likely to be a Couple" prize in the Fanfic Awards along with Gavin. Has not yet been shown. Nothing else is currently known about this character.
    First mentioned in #16: Four Moderators and a Funeral.

    A criminal who won "Nicest Fanficcer" in the Fanfic Awards. Recently escaped from a maximum-security prison in the Fanfic Archives. Has not yet been shown.
    First mentioned in #16: Four Moderators and a Funeral.

    The Decapitated Mole
    An old friend of mr_pikachu who won "Best Writer" in the Fanfic Awards. Is said to have died two years ago. Has not yet been shown. Nothing else is currently known about this character.
    First mentioned in #16: Four Moderators and a Funeral.

    Charles Legend
    A top reporter for the Fanfic E-zine. His stature and blood-red trench coat give him a very intimidating appearance. However, his true personality is a mystery to most.
    First mentioned in #33: Candid Camera (first pictured in #34: Reality TV).

    Dark Sage
    An enigmatic figure who taught Blademaster to fight. He takes Mega Horny under his wing when his former student returns. Shuppet Master works as his assistant.
    Last edited by mr_pikachu; 24th July 2007 at 08:04 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  6. #6
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    I enjoyed that way more than I should have.... ^_-;

    Really good stuff, actually, considering that it was just six panels with no movement. I'm gonna take your word that you've improved as far as pictures go, but the dialogue was spot on. That really needs no improvement at all. And, though I have no idea of about half the names of the characters you posted, I can pretty much identify every anime they're from ^_< Hope that counts.

    Consider me a reader.

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  7. #7

    Default Re: War of the Forums

    I like the technique that you used with the opening comic page, simple and effective, and despite it being obvious it didn't actually occur to me that it was the same image with the focus shifted, heh. On top of that I feel a bond with whoever the main character is

    Interested to see where it's going, and at the very least comic fics are pretty easy to read

  8. #8
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    fireguardian: Thanks! Yeah, it'll get better, trust me. I was actually kind of screwing around when I made this first one... starting taking it seriously at about #4 or #5.

    And I'm willing to count that toward understanding if you are. It's good to have your readership!

    Whisper: Hehe, thanks! Some other visual techniques will be used eventually that I think will be even better, but I'm glad that one worked decently. It's a little harder to say who the main character is than you may expect... right now, yes, it's Mr. I-Don't-Feel-Like-Entering-The-Frame.

    And it should be fairly easy to read overall, even if there are some thicker conversations at certain points. The chapters will definitely be shorter than most, at least. ^_^;;

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  9. #9
    Geekier-than-thou. Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Well, I'm already sold.

    Though I have to ask: Will there be backgrounds before too long?
    スタートの合図 叫べ心 求めるまま
    窮屈で半端な日常は 飛び越えてやる
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    信じてる絆を抱いて 賭けて行く明日へ

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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Hinoryu: Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

    As for the backgrounds, that was one of the things I was describing when I said it would get better. Even #2 will have backgrounds... again, this was mostly a fluke because the one picture I used had a plain white back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Heh, this is so cool, Brian - and what an original idea. To make it in the format of a comic book is pretty creative, too, although I have to agree with everyone else that the first page was pretty basic and simple. But like you said - it gets better - and I totally believe that. Hell, even if it doesn't get better, this seems like some decent, simple fun, and for that, I commend you.

    I'll be reading from here on in!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Gavin: Thanks! Yeah, I haven't seen a fic like this before, although there have been a few smiley fics. Seemed like a new enough concept to work. It's going to get better, and it's going to be fun. I just hope my humor hits the mark. Thanks for joining the readership!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Hee, I like it! ^_^ Simple and basic, but of course with any work the author always improves as it goes onward. So I look forward to reading more! ^_^
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    B4: Hehe, I'm glad to hear it! I honestly do think it gets a lot better, and I hope the rest of you think so, too. Good to have you as a reader!

    #2 planned for later today. Look for it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    What character does it involved this time round? Though idea of using a single picture and further developed it into a comic strip does shows that you certainly have your own way to doing things creatively.

    However my beloved Kazumi Mizuho is being outraged of her modesty by Mega Horny. =(

    Keep them coming in, Mr Pika. Looking forward to them. ^.^

  16. #16
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    Dark: Ehehe, you'll see when it comes. Just remember that they're not all going to be done like this. And thank you for complimenting me for my laziness. ^_^

    Not sure what you mean by Mizuho, though. There's no Mizuho here! Only The Missing Link. No Mizuho, I tell you!

    ...In any event, I appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thanks, man!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  17. #17
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    ...This is just crazy enough to be highly amusing. Never knew TML was a reddish-head, heh. And anyone getting biatch-slapped over anything is an instawin, so...

    I shall return. I look forward to #2.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  18. #18
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Phoenixsong: Crazy? Well, perhaps. TML's definitely got the purple hair thing going. You've gotta admit, though, it's an awesome 'do. And I hear she slaps hard, so our MH must be in some serious pain right now. Thanks for joining the group! ^_^

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  19. #19
    Solar Blaze Wizard Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    Note to self: do not make TML mad.

    You made her into a hot red-head and Mega Horny into someone who's...well, just read his name. Are you making all the characters based off of a member of the forums? I shudder to think what you'd turn Master of Paradox into...

    This looks highly entertaining. Please update with #2 soon!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinoryu
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  20. #20
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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    I like it.

    I think all the significant comments have already been made, but I like the idea and I'll be looking forward to the next page.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums

    starjake: Yes, Becca's certainly nice, but she can probably bite if you give her a reason. ^_^

    As for your second question, just look at the title. And for the last... no comment.

    Who doesn't love vague responses, huh?

    Gabi: Short and sweet! Hopefully you'll like #2!

    Speaking of which!

    #2: More characters! Yeah, this introduces myself and Martin. I was still sort of toying with the idea of doing a project like this, but at this point I decided to go beyond simply doing one frame for each character. That's why the picture in frame five is different from frames one and three.

    This really sets the tone. If I had been completely serious about things at this point, the whole thing may have been a lot more grim. But since I was still messing around when I created the first page, it became fairly comedic.

    And yes, timing is everything. By the time #1 was posted, Martin had already been demodded. I hadn't exactly expected that.

    Oh, well. Screw reality! I'm going through with this the way I planned it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  22. #22
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#2)

    I'm digging this so far, man. First page is funny in its simplicity (although I doubt Becca is one to 'eek', but hey, author's license). The second page... ouch, dh slammed you. A lot. I like seeing characters who have a snarky response to everything, so I think I'll like seeing more of dh.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

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    Jeff: Yes, Martin hit me over the head and threw me to the sharks. Funny how that works! He's certainly witty.

    As for the author's license, I'll be taking a bit of that here and there. Considering the nature of a few specific plotlines, I'll have to do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#2)

    Sweet. I did somewhat picture you as a Shinji-like character, mr_pikachu.

    But dh has a reason for doubting you. Not only do you have your 24-hour naps, but also your 48-hour marathons of doing whatever. You do have one big weapon against your enemy. Smite them with the mallet of good grammar!
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    Shonta: Yeah, he seems sorta accurate for me, to be honest. We'll see how well it works.

    And yes, I know I'm hardly the most predictable person in the world. Maybe that's why I'm comic relief to him... or maybe it's something else. I wish I had weaponry like what you described, but unfortunately I'm stuck with the paperweight of decent spelling.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#2)

    Heh. I love it when someone lays the smackdown on themself. Also, forgive me, but who is Martin? I probably only know him by his handle...

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    MH: Yes, I know, I suck that badly. Thanks. And shame on you! Martin = dh13. ^_^

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  28. #28
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    "This from the guy who insists on posting in every single topic"

    Self-jabbing... I love it!

    So, you're Shinji? Can't really say I was expecting that.
    Please take it easy~

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    dt: Yeah, I'm just a self-effacing kind of guy. ^_^ It's part of why Shinji seemed to fit, really.

    Funny... nobody's commented about the choice for Martin's character yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  30. #30

    Smile Re: War of the Forums (#2)

    First of all, I was expecting a story not comics ... but this is much better. In fact, my sides are splitting as we speaking. As Ollivander said to Harry in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone "But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you." And that's what I think of this "story."

    Like I say to most stories, keep up the good work, mr_pikachu!
    Fritz: So, Prue, I hear your friend’s a cop.
    Prue: Inspector, actually.
    Fritz: Oh, yeah. (to Andy) Well, I got these parking tickets...
    Andy: Yeah, my focus is mainly homicide, robbery.
    Fritz: Yeah. Yeah. So I have these parking tickets...

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  31. #31
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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#2)

    Hmm, I'm normally one to only read and comment on all the YGO fics that have been on the forum so far

    However, THIS is definitely worth giving some attention too. I like the style you've given this story, so I'm REALLY looking forward to how this turns out

    Here's hoping for the best


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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#2)

    Comment on dh13's character choice: lol. Wonder how much he appreciates being an old snarky guy, hm?

    Self-jabbing. Another instawin. Yes.

    I should probably point out right now that I'm only familiar with about, oh, say, 1.8% of the characters you had on your cover page, and I have no idea who the heck these people are. But, eh. It's still funny. Please, sir, may I have some more?

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

    plusle f, burmy m

  33. #33
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    oh hay can u cameo me plz

    Okay, uh. Kidding around aside, pretty awesome. I actually used to run a tiny webcomic myself, waaaay back when sprite comics were the cool thing to do. As in, before Megaman recolors were considered a sin against god. (Not that my guy WAS a Megaman recolor, he was a recolor AND a splice. I'm thankful to say my spriting skills got way better since then.)

    My one qualm is, well, self-depreciating humor. It gets so overused in webcomics it's sort of old by now, but I still laugh at this. Am I easily amused? Probably. Does it mean you shouldn't use it? Not at all. Just a warning, don't overuse it.
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    Yeah the second one does reveal lots of bad points about Mr Pika.

    1) He drinks, yes (And I presume that from the half- drunken comment)
    2) He sleeps for 24 hours (He's a lazy bum!)
    3) He posts in every topic (He's a busybody!)

    How revealing~ 0.0".


    Haha~ I probably would enjoy this chapter much better than the first one. Especially abour how Martin jabs Mr Pika at every single opportunity, I love it. Keep up the good work, dude.

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    hmm, I wasn't expecting this to be a comic, but a smart idea none-the-less. I'm curious to see more of this.

    And yeah, as Hinoryu said, I'd like to make an appearance as well, although there's really no chance of that happening.
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    Holy cow. Typing this reply is going to take awhile, isn't it?

    Inferno: Yeah, that's what I meant in the preview topic when I said I didn't think a single person had a clue. But I do appreciate the compliment. And nice reference! If you like stuff like that, I think you'll appreciate a lot of the page titles.

    Perfect Chaos: So, you're stepping outside your comfort zone for this? Thanks, Perfect! I appreciate it!

    The style does gradually change, but there's going to be a lot of this same sort of humor. So if you like this, hopefully you'll like the stuff to come.

    Phoenixsong: I'm suddenly reminded of Oliver Twist. MORE? Hehe. ^_^

    Yeah, Martin's the dinosaur of the forum, but his wit's as smart as those ginsu knives you see on TV. And another person likes my self-effacing style? Wow. Maybe my real-life self isn't such a freak after all!

    Anyway, don't worry about not knowing who these characters are. That may be a good thing, in fact, because it'll make it easier to remember who they represent. (Although I am planning a character guide eventally...) There won't be any crucial references to anime, so don't fret. Everything's self-contained.

    Hinoryu: Ah yes, sprite comics. The only one I know that's still running successfully is 8-bit Theater; most of the genre collapsed upon itself from sheer overuse. Good times, though. Good times.

    Self-depreciating humor fits me a lot better than you might think, since I do it all the time anyway. Of course, everyone wants a little respect... We'll see how it comes together.

    Dark: Well, "half-drunken posts" was actually supposed to refer to stupidity induced from lack of sleep. Look around TPM, and you can see it for yourself. (Seriously.)

    And everybody loves Martin. Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to get pictures for him? It's crazy! I've found hundreds more for people who aren't even supposed to be main characters yet!

    Mystic_clown: Yup, shattered expectations. Gotta love it! And as for appearing, well, you should already know the decision I've made. If you're such a "Mystic," just read my mind, man!

    ...Wow. I have never replied to six people at once. Ever.

    #3 should be arriving later today.

    *gasps for air*

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: War of the Forums (#2)

    My manga reading has trained me to read right to left, so it took a moment to sort out your order. Past that, this story is interesting and unique to the board. Pikachu-sensei is turning into a web-comic artist!

    It's amusing how you brought together most of the FanFic forum with this concept. No matter what one prefers to read (yu-gi-oh, pokemon, or etc. fics) everyone can appreciate a comic.
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    eevee-shayna: Hehe, with all the anime characters in there, it almost seems like a manga, huh? But yeah, this is definitely not your everyday fanfic. ^_^

    And I'm glad you think this is uniting the forum. I can't exactly say that it was my main goal, but at least it helps with readership issues!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    I liked the part about posting on every topic. Shame on you, Brian, you even manage to make them all GOOD posts!

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    Gabi: Ahehe! Clearly, I spend too much time here if you're making comments like that. Thanks for the compliment. It's good to have you on board!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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