Uhm... you have to wait until April to request May.
Just for clarifications sake, this thread will basically be for Judges to request doing a certain month. We generally have things sorted a month or so in advanced. Post in the topic requesting to judge a future contest. However you cannot make a request until the current months contest is up (ie: in April you can start requesting to do May)
January - OzAndrew
February - The Arbiter
March - Chris 2.0
April - Charizard04621
May: Ace64
June - Drew
Grand Festival - SaffirePersian, Vermillion, (Oz)Andrew
September - Chris 2.0
October - Chris 2.0
November - Hypotenuse Man
December - Saffire Persian
January - Chris 2.0
February - River
March: Chris 2.0
April: OzAndrew
May: Chris 2.0
June: Chris 2.0
2007 Grand Festival: Chris 2.0
November: River
December: Dream Breaker
Icebox (January/February): River
Springtide (March/April): River
Summerland (May/June): River
Tundra (January/February): DarkestLight
Springthaw (March): DarkestLight
Bloomshine (April): DarkestLight
Showeray (May): DarkestLight
BBQ Pulpit (June): DarkestLight
Scarefest (September): DarkestLight
Costume Party (October): Darkestlight
Turkeystufftastic (November): DarkestLight
Mistlewreath (December): DarkestLight
New Year (Jan/May): Mew Master
June (June): Ayeun
Ruby Beach (July): Green Lanturn
Rock The School (September): Mew Master
October (October): River
Konquest (February/May): DarkestLight
Christmas in July (July): Ayeun
OMG (October/November): DarkestLight
Bluster Contest (February): DarkestLight
Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 28th February 2012 at 06:08 AM. Reason: I edited in all the link, so people can look previous editions up for inspiration.
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
*slaps self* thought it was april *slaps self again*
We are taking requests for the May Contest
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
I'd like to volunteer.Get some experience with it.
ASB Team:Can you believe I only wanted 6?
Thanks, Saffire Persian!(If you like the banner, go ask her to make you one, too.)
Fine by me.
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
Hm... I guess I'll volunteer for the June Contest...
Thanks Drew
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
I suppose I'll do July's, if you'll have me.
ASB Team
Want an ASB banner for your team? Want just a plain banner? Well the Saffire's Banner Shop has reopened! There are new ASB banner styles, so new and old requestees, check it out!
Banner Shop |
New Chapter up Nov. 22, 2006
XD ooh - thanks for telling me. I thought the Grand Festival was a June thing. Thanks, though. ^^ I'll go and do that.If I'm not mistaken, July's contest is actually the Grand Festival, which has its own topic. The main judges are accounted for, but I believe you can still sign up alongside MLG to ref some of the battle rounds.
ASB Team
Want an ASB banner for your team? Want just a plain banner? Well the Saffire's Banner Shop has reopened! There are new ASB banner styles, so new and old requestees, check it out!
Banner Shop |
New Chapter up Nov. 22, 2006
Yea you can ref the battle stages but we have judges for the Grand Festival. Once its finished we'll have a new season of exciting contests so you'll be able to judge then!
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
Anybody wanting to judge the October Contest?
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
That would be brilliant. Incidentally, didn't you ref last years December Contest? The one I won ^^
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
Does anybody object if I Ref the December Contest? I have a big break from college then so I'll actually have time to do so. ^^
ASB Team
Want an ASB banner for your team? Want just a plain banner? Well the Saffire's Banner Shop has reopened! There are new ASB banner styles, so new and old requestees, check it out!
Banner Shop |
New Chapter up Nov. 22, 2006
MeLoveGhosts is unable to host the February Contest.
If anybody else is able to, please let me know asap.
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
*waves hand crazily and bounces around* I'll do it! Now that I'm all Approved and stuffers in the Reffing Tower, yes I am still very interested in doing the Febuary Contest. ^^
*Dad talking about his filling.*
PL: Did it fall out?
Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
PL: Huh.
Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
He just stops.
*hilarity ensues*
Mom: We're one warped family.
*through hiccups*
PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!
Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction
PSN: River_in_Time
XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
I'm going to be judging March: we have a very special contest planned![]()
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
Anyone willing to judge April? TBA? Andrew? Anyone?
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
I will, but I want to make a contest with a change
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
Time to get a judge for June.
Also The 2007 Grand Festival is beginning on July 1st. Anybody who has won a contest ribbon EVER is eligible for entry. There are 12 places this year. I am going to be reffing some of it. I need 2 other judges.
Contest fic
*Chapter 37 up*
Posted September 22nd, 2013
Anyone up for judging December?
*Dad talking about his filling.*
PL: Did it fall out?
Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
PL: Huh.
Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
He just stops.
*hilarity ensues*
Mom: We're one warped family.
*through hiccups*
PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!
Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction
PSN: River_in_Time
XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot
Seeing as I just got approved, I'd love the chance to be able to give it a go and see how well I am at contest judging. That is, unless you think it's a bit too early, River.
No, I think it's all right. I had only just got approved when I did my first contest, so it's ok.
*Dad talking about his filling.*
PL: Did it fall out?
Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
PL: Huh.
Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
He just stops.
*hilarity ensues*
Mom: We're one warped family.
*through hiccups*
PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!
Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction
PSN: River_in_Time
XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot
*plops* Anyone up for January?
*Dad talking about his filling.*
PL: Did it fall out?
Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
PL: Huh.
Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
He just stops.
*hilarity ensues*
Mom: We're one warped family.
*through hiccups*
PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!
Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction
PSN: River_in_Time
XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot
Since there was a lack of interest in the January Contest and contests seem to be taking two months to complete anyway, contests have been extended to last two months instead of the usual one. So... if anyone would like to do March/April contest sign right here please.
*Dad talking about his filling.*
PL: Did it fall out?
Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
PL: Huh.
Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
He just stops.
*hilarity ensues*
Mom: We're one warped family.
*through hiccups*
PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!
Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction
PSN: River_in_Time
XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot
Anyone feel up to do the May/June Contest?
*Dad talking about his filling.*
PL: Did it fall out?
Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
PL: Huh.
Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
He just stops.
*hilarity ensues*
Mom: We're one warped family.
*through hiccups*
PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!
Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction
PSN: River_in_Time
XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot
::Blows dust off::
Ok. Time for this to risssse from its graaaave!
Anyone interested in doing a February Contest. We are going to see how well this January one goes-and if it finishes swiftly enough, we shall do a February one.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
If it finishes in time can I do a feburary contest? I have a great idea for one![]()
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Are you even a Judge?
How does one become a judge? And before you get all "Angry Blademaster" on me Im honestly asking a question, and I want Nice Blademaster to answer it![]()
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
Nice Blademaster says "Up yours.".
You gotta head to the Reffing Tower. There should be a Mock Battle for a Contest on Page 1. Ref it, post it, and if you're lucky, you'll get approved as a Judge.
Thank you, Nice Blademaster. LOL I laugh cause I say that, then I see Delilah in your sig and I crack up even more.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Delilah wants to give you a hug. Just like she gave that helicopter at the end of the movie. >:3
MMMMM Helicpoter hugs, I love those
~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~"Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's
Thank you nice blademaster :>
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.