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Thread: ASB Reffing Tower

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    Greyfox's Avatar
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    May 2000

    Default ASB Reffing Tower

    The ASB Reffing Tower

    Welcome to the Reffing Tower: a vital part of the ASB community. If you are an approved ASBer and you want to earn points as an official ref, then look at the mock battle below and try it out! You can also try out as a contest judge: more information is below. Here you may request a ref, offer your services, keep your ref record up to date and apply for a position. All other information is below, but if there is anything else you want to know, PM a Head Ref and we'll help you out.

    What Are Referees?
    A referee is the person who interprets the attacks made by all battlers and decides exactly what effect they have, before writing out a descriptive piece detailing the battle. Referees have the power to decide who wins a battle, and are therefore entrusted with great responsibility. As a referee, you are expected to be unbiased and consistent.

    Reffing A Battle
    While reffing a battle, you are required to give a description of how you see each attack panning out. This gives the referee a lot of freedom to write creatively, and the battlers the freedom to be far more strategic and clever in their battle plans than the games ever do. And because of this, you will often see many attacks interpreted differently by different referees, in different situations. It is perfectly acceptable that you ref your attacks differently than others would, as long as it remains unbiased, consistent and logical.

    The most important factor when reffing, is to remember what game you are playing. This is ASB, not Pokemon Red, Gold or Sapphire. Damage should never be pre-calculated; attacks do not have set amounts of damage. When an attack is used, you should take into account things such as accuracy of the attack (whether it hit full on, or just brushed the opponent) and the type of the opponent (water attacks do more damage to fire types, etc.).

    If you are at any time unsure of how to ref an attack, look at the ASB Movelist for a good guide. However this is merely a guide and does not have to be followed exactly.

    Another important thing to know about is "damage caps." It is generally recommended that ASB refs apply a 30-50% damage cap during all normal battles (unless the battlers request it be removed). The most widely used value is 40%. A damage cap simply means that a pokémon cannot receive more than that set amount of damage in one round, regardless of any and all circumstances. Damage caps are completely omitted in events such as Gym Leader/Tourney battles.

    If you receive complaints about your reffing, you are expected to explain your actions to the battlers, so that everybody knows where they stand. If as a battler, you feel a ref’s explanation is biased, or unfair, report to one of the Head Refs who will sort the issue out and have the final say.

    The Reffing Tower
    The Reffing Tower is where you come to become an approved ref. The difference between an approved ref and an unapproved ref is quite simple: an approved ref gets extra rewards for their reffing. Therefore, you can choose to be an unapproved ref and gain the same amount of points from a battle that an approved ref gains but you will not get extra awards and may be at risk of being fired due to poor reffing quality. Approved refs are ranked, depending on their ability and their activeness. There are four attainable ranks, those being Rookie, Intermediate, Advanced and Master. There is also the Head ref, a position a few core individuals hold, they have the final say on every reffing matter. If you have any complaints about reffing, you go to them.

    The reffing tower is also used to request a referee. If you wish to request a new or sub ref, please post a link to the battle, saying whether you require a new ref or a sub ref.

    Becoming A Ref
    To become an approved ref, you must ref the mock battle at the bottom of this post. The Head ref will then analyze your reffing, and decide whether or not you are worthy of a spot as an approved ref. A newly approved ref will start off in either Rookie or Intermediate level; this is at the Head Ref’s discretion. If you fail the test, you must wait for a new mock battle before attempting again. If you just joined ASB, it would beneficial to you if you viewed other reffings before jumping in on your own. It’s not mandatory but it would help you see how the reffings are done.

    Now That You're A Ref...
    If you wish to gain promotion, then you must ref the current mock battle (provided you haven't already reffed it). Please also include what rank you are currently, and what rank you are attempting to achieve. When deciding whether you are worthy of promotion, the Head Ref will also study your general performance, to ensure you are reffing all battles at a good enough quality. It is also possible to be promoted due to sheer hard work, but you must display willingness to be promoted before an actual promotion will take place.

    You must always post links to the battles you are currently reffing to receive your reward, and update your posts every few rounds at least. You should keep all this information in one post, until the head ref posts a new mock battle (this will be in a new post too); then you can make a new post.

    As a referee, you are expected to be active. If you go for an extended period of time without reffing (unless you’ve posted in the Absence Tower), you will be either demoted or fired and will have to re-do a mock reffing in order to be rehired.

    Point allocation goes as follows:

    1 on 1 - Winner and Ref: 2 points, Loser: 1 point.
    2 on 2 - Winner and Ref: 4 points, Loser: 2 points.
    3 on 3 - Winner and Ref: 6 points, Loser: 3 points.

    The loser of the match always receives points equal to the number of pokémon used during the match, while the winner and referee receive twice that.

    If you were reffing a ten on ten match, but only reach the 4th Pokemon from each contestant, and the battle ends in DQ or forfeit, you receive the amount of points had that been a 4 on 4 battle (in this case 8).

    However, since the match was started as a ten-on-ten, you do not get and credit for it being a reward battle, since it was not half over

    If you were sub-reffing the battle, however, take into account the number of rounds, and the amount of people who reffed. If any ref did less than 1/(number of refs) rounds, they get no points. Otherwise, split it down evenly. Round down.

    Your reward for being an approved ref depends on the rank your in and thus the amount of battles you need to complete in order to claim a reward. In the case of a DQ or forfeit, the battle has to be at least half completed (ex: if there is a DQ in a 4 on 4, at least 2 Pokemon have to have been knocked out in order for you to use it as a reward link). When you have reached the required amount, please post links to all the battles, and the Head Ref will then approve your prize. This is the battle amount each rank needs to complete before coming to the head ref:

    Reffing Ranks and Rewards
    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution

    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution
    Free Egg or Safari Zone Poké Ball or 3 points

    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution
    Safari Zone Great Ball, Free Egg, 4 Points
    Free Ability Switch

    Master & Head
    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution
    5 points
    and either three of the following:
    Safari Zone Ultra Ball, Free Egg, Small Stone, Large Stone
    Free Ability Switch

    Anyone not included in the list of current referees must redo the latest mock battle in order to become an approved referee.

    Mock Battle
    Arena: Grassy Knoll
    A beautiful field with flowers everywhere.

    Round 3

    Flowa Powa
    +2 Atk / -3 Spd
    Safeguarded (2 more actions)
    Petal Blizzard ~ Venoshock ~ Synthesis


    +2 SpA, Poisoned
    Hypnosis ~ Zen Headbutt ~ Snatch


    Head Refs
    DarkestLight, Greyfox

    Master Refs
    Oslo, RaZoR_LeAf

    Advanced Refs

    Intermediate Refs
    Crazy Elf Boy, Mew Master,Puma*

    Rookie Refs
    Ash0011, BTPoke, Cynder, Emerald_Gen.3, EraGam, Gigya, Perfect Chaos, Turtleshotz, Aerbrodactyl


    Things to Consider

    - Try our ASB Movelist to check on moves.
    - Remember that we ASB mods like to set you up, so read and ref carefully!
    - Take all stats into consideration.


    Safari Zone Refs

    Any approved ASB Ref can sign up as a Safari Zone ref and can take on anybodies quests. Safari Zone refs will be PMed with a list of what Pokémon can be found in what areas and told instructions on how to ref the Zone.

    Please do not hassle any Safari Refs. They may refuse to ref for you.

    For every five rounds of Safari Quests reffed, a Safari Ref will get 2 points. These can not be used in conjunction with Referee Rewards but still need to be shown in the Bank when payment is received.


    Head Safari Zone Refs
    DarkestLight, Greyfox, MeLoVeGhOsTs

    Safari Zone Refs
    Ayeun, BTPoke, Crazy Elf Boy, Cynder, Gigya, Oslo, Perfect Chaos, RaZoR LeAf, Rossymore

    Pleased be advised, however, that at this present moment in time, we are looking for Safari Zone referees.

    Contest Judges

    Now that Contests are flourishing in ASB, it has come to my attention that we should have people who are able to ref contests asides from myself (DarkestLight). More information on Contests is here.

    Just like with battles, to be an approved Contest Judge you must ref a mock battle. See below for the Mock Contest and post here in this Tower to get your Mock Contest checked. There will be similar (albeit condensed) ranks for Judges as much of it is down to opinion and personal takes on things.* Again, check below. This Mock Contest will, like Battles, be updated to ensure you can gain promotion.

    Any questions PM DarkestLight. Remember, if, when reffing a Contest, you do not think a combo is feasible, then you are in your right to say that a combo would not work. (E.g., Thunderbolt and Flamethrower together, you get the picture. Or something just mind-boggling) If any arguments occur PM me and I shall determine whether or not the attack combo could be pulled off.

    A reffed Contest can go in your reffing status just like any other reffing. You can use it towards your reffing quota. Point prizes and such are all in the link above.

    Current Mock Contest

    Please ref this contest. For those wondering how, you simply type out how the attacks are seen/work in the contest. See the current and past Pokemon Contests for any pointers. Ref the attacks, how well they work (for example, using thrash may over-excite the Pokemon, or something may go unplanned) and give it a score out of 10.00 for each Coordinator/Trainer.


    The Arena: A shoreline dotted with red rocks.


    Punk Rock Oslo and Baseline!![F]

    "Well now. A nice day to sing a ballad of ROCK. First Baseline, use Seed Bomb in a line. Then, while they strike the ground, evade them with Agility. As their little explosions litter the field, use Acid spray to quell the seeds of rebellion!


    Postal Worker Cynder and Papercut[M]

    "Beach! Fun! First, run to the water and use Magical Leaf. When the leaves hit the water, run across them with your Acrobatics. When you run out of leaves..well yer gonna fall! Use Fury Swipes to feign that you can't swim and need help before going under!! "


    Activist firepokemon and Picketsign[F]

    "This beach must be preserved! Quick, Picket! Use Magnet rise so you don't soil the sand, then use Ancient Power to reveal the ancient rock that much be protected, and use Grass Knot to wrap around the stones to show they're loved by the environment.


    Remember not all appeals are big flashy colorful attacks. They are about showcasing a Pokemon’s personality and character. If, for example, a Pokemon is sinister and creepy, and the appeal gives that effect, give it a good mark!

    In light of that, appeals that combine different colors or moods should also receive some credit. But physical appeals, which are rare in contests, should still receive credit even if they’re not flashy. Also consider the Arena, and the feasibility of the attacks ordered. Are all the components there for such an appeal?

    If for example, you saw a Rapidash racing along showing impeccable speed, flames trailing behind it…it’s beautiful, no? Or if a Mightyena used roar, it’s scary, and focuses on its characteristics.

    These are useful pointers for budding Judges.

    Point allocation for Contests is as follows:

    4 participants - 6 points
    6 participants - 9 points
    8 participants - 12 points

    For every participant in the contest, the judge will receive 1.5 points (rounded down) when the contest is complete, while the winner will receive that same amount. In addition to the points, however, the judge will also receive a reward based on their ranking.

    However, because they are receiving this reward, they are no longer entitled to use the Contest towards their normal reffing rewards.


    Head, Expert Judges
    Free catch or evolution or Safari Zone Ultra Ball.

    Experienced Judges
    Free catch, evolution from basic to stage 1, or Safari Zone Great Ball.

    Beginner Judges
    Free Catch or Safari Zone Poké Ball.


    Head Judge

    Expert Judge
    Ayeun, Oslo

    Experienced Judge

    Beginner Judge
    Blademaster, Green Lanturn, MeLoVeGhOsTs,Mew Master, RaZoR_LeAf
    Last edited by Greyfox; 20th January 2015 at 02:41 AM. Reason: Ref Shuffle!

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