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Thread: ASB Reffing Tower

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  1. #1
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    May 2000

    Default ASB Reffing Tower

    The ASB Reffing Tower

    Welcome to the Reffing Tower: a vital part of the ASB community. If you are an approved ASBer and you want to earn points as an official ref, then look at the mock battle below and try it out! You can also try out as a contest judge: more information is below. Here you may request a ref, offer your services, keep your ref record up to date and apply for a position. All other information is below, but if there is anything else you want to know, PM a Head Ref and we'll help you out.

    What Are Referees?
    A referee is the person who interprets the attacks made by all battlers and decides exactly what effect they have, before writing out a descriptive piece detailing the battle. Referees have the power to decide who wins a battle, and are therefore entrusted with great responsibility. As a referee, you are expected to be unbiased and consistent.

    Reffing A Battle
    While reffing a battle, you are required to give a description of how you see each attack panning out. This gives the referee a lot of freedom to write creatively, and the battlers the freedom to be far more strategic and clever in their battle plans than the games ever do. And because of this, you will often see many attacks interpreted differently by different referees, in different situations. It is perfectly acceptable that you ref your attacks differently than others would, as long as it remains unbiased, consistent and logical.

    The most important factor when reffing, is to remember what game you are playing. This is ASB, not Pokemon Red, Gold or Sapphire. Damage should never be pre-calculated; attacks do not have set amounts of damage. When an attack is used, you should take into account things such as accuracy of the attack (whether it hit full on, or just brushed the opponent) and the type of the opponent (water attacks do more damage to fire types, etc.).

    If you are at any time unsure of how to ref an attack, look at the ASB Movelist for a good guide. However this is merely a guide and does not have to be followed exactly.

    Another important thing to know about is "damage caps." It is generally recommended that ASB refs apply a 30-50% damage cap during all normal battles (unless the battlers request it be removed). The most widely used value is 40%. A damage cap simply means that a pokémon cannot receive more than that set amount of damage in one round, regardless of any and all circumstances. Damage caps are completely omitted in events such as Gym Leader/Tourney battles.

    If you receive complaints about your reffing, you are expected to explain your actions to the battlers, so that everybody knows where they stand. If as a battler, you feel a ref’s explanation is biased, or unfair, report to one of the Head Refs who will sort the issue out and have the final say.

    The Reffing Tower
    The Reffing Tower is where you come to become an approved ref. The difference between an approved ref and an unapproved ref is quite simple: an approved ref gets extra rewards for their reffing. Therefore, you can choose to be an unapproved ref and gain the same amount of points from a battle that an approved ref gains but you will not get extra awards and may be at risk of being fired due to poor reffing quality. Approved refs are ranked, depending on their ability and their activeness. There are four attainable ranks, those being Rookie, Intermediate, Advanced and Master. There is also the Head ref, a position a few core individuals hold, they have the final say on every reffing matter. If you have any complaints about reffing, you go to them.

    The reffing tower is also used to request a referee. If you wish to request a new or sub ref, please post a link to the battle, saying whether you require a new ref or a sub ref.

    Becoming A Ref
    To become an approved ref, you must ref the mock battle at the bottom of this post. The Head ref will then analyze your reffing, and decide whether or not you are worthy of a spot as an approved ref. A newly approved ref will start off in either Rookie or Intermediate level; this is at the Head Ref’s discretion. If you fail the test, you must wait for a new mock battle before attempting again. If you just joined ASB, it would beneficial to you if you viewed other reffings before jumping in on your own. It’s not mandatory but it would help you see how the reffings are done.

    Now That You're A Ref...
    If you wish to gain promotion, then you must ref the current mock battle (provided you haven't already reffed it). Please also include what rank you are currently, and what rank you are attempting to achieve. When deciding whether you are worthy of promotion, the Head Ref will also study your general performance, to ensure you are reffing all battles at a good enough quality. It is also possible to be promoted due to sheer hard work, but you must display willingness to be promoted before an actual promotion will take place.

    You must always post links to the battles you are currently reffing to receive your reward, and update your posts every few rounds at least. You should keep all this information in one post, until the head ref posts a new mock battle (this will be in a new post too); then you can make a new post.

    As a referee, you are expected to be active. If you go for an extended period of time without reffing (unless you’ve posted in the Absence Tower), you will be either demoted or fired and will have to re-do a mock reffing in order to be rehired.

    Point allocation goes as follows:

    1 on 1 - Winner and Ref: 2 points, Loser: 1 point.
    2 on 2 - Winner and Ref: 4 points, Loser: 2 points.
    3 on 3 - Winner and Ref: 6 points, Loser: 3 points.

    The loser of the match always receives points equal to the number of pokémon used during the match, while the winner and referee receive twice that.

    If you were reffing a ten on ten match, but only reach the 4th Pokemon from each contestant, and the battle ends in DQ or forfeit, you receive the amount of points had that been a 4 on 4 battle (in this case 8).

    However, since the match was started as a ten-on-ten, you do not get and credit for it being a reward battle, since it was not half over

    If you were sub-reffing the battle, however, take into account the number of rounds, and the amount of people who reffed. If any ref did less than 1/(number of refs) rounds, they get no points. Otherwise, split it down evenly. Round down.

    Your reward for being an approved ref depends on the rank your in and thus the amount of battles you need to complete in order to claim a reward. In the case of a DQ or forfeit, the battle has to be at least half completed (ex: if there is a DQ in a 4 on 4, at least 2 Pokemon have to have been knocked out in order for you to use it as a reward link). When you have reached the required amount, please post links to all the battles, and the Head Ref will then approve your prize. This is the battle amount each rank needs to complete before coming to the head ref:

    Reffing Ranks and Rewards
    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution

    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution
    Free Egg or Safari Zone Poké Ball or 3 points

    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution
    Safari Zone Great Ball, Free Egg, 4 Points
    Free Ability Switch

    Master & Head
    Battles Needed:
    Free Catch or Evolution
    5 points
    and either three of the following:
    Safari Zone Ultra Ball, Free Egg, Small Stone, Large Stone
    Free Ability Switch

    Anyone not included in the list of current referees must redo the latest mock battle in order to become an approved referee.

    Mock Battle
    Arena: Grassy Knoll
    A beautiful field with flowers everywhere.

    Round 3

    Flowa Powa
    +2 Atk / -3 Spd
    Safeguarded (2 more actions)
    Petal Blizzard ~ Venoshock ~ Synthesis


    +2 SpA, Poisoned
    Hypnosis ~ Zen Headbutt ~ Snatch


    Head Refs
    DarkestLight, Greyfox

    Master Refs
    Oslo, RaZoR_LeAf

    Advanced Refs

    Intermediate Refs
    Crazy Elf Boy, Mew Master,Puma*

    Rookie Refs
    Ash0011, BTPoke, Cynder, Emerald_Gen.3, EraGam, Gigya, Perfect Chaos, Turtleshotz, Aerbrodactyl


    Things to Consider

    - Try our ASB Movelist to check on moves.
    - Remember that we ASB mods like to set you up, so read and ref carefully!
    - Take all stats into consideration.


    Safari Zone Refs

    Any approved ASB Ref can sign up as a Safari Zone ref and can take on anybodies quests. Safari Zone refs will be PMed with a list of what Pokémon can be found in what areas and told instructions on how to ref the Zone.

    Please do not hassle any Safari Refs. They may refuse to ref for you.

    For every five rounds of Safari Quests reffed, a Safari Ref will get 2 points. These can not be used in conjunction with Referee Rewards but still need to be shown in the Bank when payment is received.


    Head Safari Zone Refs
    DarkestLight, Greyfox, MeLoVeGhOsTs

    Safari Zone Refs
    Ayeun, BTPoke, Crazy Elf Boy, Cynder, Gigya, Oslo, Perfect Chaos, RaZoR LeAf, Rossymore

    Pleased be advised, however, that at this present moment in time, we are looking for Safari Zone referees.

    Contest Judges

    Now that Contests are flourishing in ASB, it has come to my attention that we should have people who are able to ref contests asides from myself (DarkestLight). More information on Contests is here.

    Just like with battles, to be an approved Contest Judge you must ref a mock battle. See below for the Mock Contest and post here in this Tower to get your Mock Contest checked. There will be similar (albeit condensed) ranks for Judges as much of it is down to opinion and personal takes on things.* Again, check below. This Mock Contest will, like Battles, be updated to ensure you can gain promotion.

    Any questions PM DarkestLight. Remember, if, when reffing a Contest, you do not think a combo is feasible, then you are in your right to say that a combo would not work. (E.g., Thunderbolt and Flamethrower together, you get the picture. Or something just mind-boggling) If any arguments occur PM me and I shall determine whether or not the attack combo could be pulled off.

    A reffed Contest can go in your reffing status just like any other reffing. You can use it towards your reffing quota. Point prizes and such are all in the link above.

    Current Mock Contest

    Please ref this contest. For those wondering how, you simply type out how the attacks are seen/work in the contest. See the current and past Pokemon Contests for any pointers. Ref the attacks, how well they work (for example, using thrash may over-excite the Pokemon, or something may go unplanned) and give it a score out of 10.00 for each Coordinator/Trainer.


    The Arena: A shoreline dotted with red rocks.


    Punk Rock Oslo and Baseline!![F]

    "Well now. A nice day to sing a ballad of ROCK. First Baseline, use Seed Bomb in a line. Then, while they strike the ground, evade them with Agility. As their little explosions litter the field, use Acid spray to quell the seeds of rebellion!


    Postal Worker Cynder and Papercut[M]

    "Beach! Fun! First, run to the water and use Magical Leaf. When the leaves hit the water, run across them with your Acrobatics. When you run out of leaves..well yer gonna fall! Use Fury Swipes to feign that you can't swim and need help before going under!! "


    Activist firepokemon and Picketsign[F]

    "This beach must be preserved! Quick, Picket! Use Magnet rise so you don't soil the sand, then use Ancient Power to reveal the ancient rock that much be protected, and use Grass Knot to wrap around the stones to show they're loved by the environment.


    Remember not all appeals are big flashy colorful attacks. They are about showcasing a Pokemon’s personality and character. If, for example, a Pokemon is sinister and creepy, and the appeal gives that effect, give it a good mark!

    In light of that, appeals that combine different colors or moods should also receive some credit. But physical appeals, which are rare in contests, should still receive credit even if they’re not flashy. Also consider the Arena, and the feasibility of the attacks ordered. Are all the components there for such an appeal?

    If for example, you saw a Rapidash racing along showing impeccable speed, flames trailing behind it…it’s beautiful, no? Or if a Mightyena used roar, it’s scary, and focuses on its characteristics.

    These are useful pointers for budding Judges.

    Point allocation for Contests is as follows:

    4 participants - 6 points
    6 participants - 9 points
    8 participants - 12 points

    For every participant in the contest, the judge will receive 1.5 points (rounded down) when the contest is complete, while the winner will receive that same amount. In addition to the points, however, the judge will also receive a reward based on their ranking.

    However, because they are receiving this reward, they are no longer entitled to use the Contest towards their normal reffing rewards.


    Head, Expert Judges
    Free catch or evolution or Safari Zone Ultra Ball.

    Experienced Judges
    Free catch, evolution from basic to stage 1, or Safari Zone Great Ball.

    Beginner Judges
    Free Catch or Safari Zone Poké Ball.


    Head Judge

    Expert Judge
    Ayeun, Oslo

    Experienced Judge

    Beginner Judge
    Blademaster, Green Lanturn, MeLoVeGhOsTs,Mew Master, RaZoR_LeAf
    Last edited by Greyfox; 20th January 2015 at 02:41 AM. Reason: Ref Shuffle!

  2. #2
    Greyfox's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2000

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    head ref

    Current Battles

    mew master vs darkestlight : round 32 : updated 9.21.2012 : [link]
    perfect chaos vs oslo : round 20 : updated 12.3.2012 [link]
    perfect chaos vs razorleaf : round 14 : updated 12.3.2012 [link]
    darkestlight vs ash0011 : round 8 : updated 11.26.2012 [link]

    Completed Battles
    ayeun vs chaos_redefined : 21 rounds : completed 7.23.2011 : winner ayeun [link]
    mew master vs darkestlight : 18 rounds : updated 1.3.2012 : winner darkestlight [link]
    asilynne vs crystal tears : 2 rounds : updated 3.29.2012 [link]
    darth cookiemonster vs ayeun vs oslo : 4 rounds : updated 5.6.2012 [link]
    rossymore vs meloveghosts : 19 rounds : updated 6.19.2012 [link]

    Redeemable Battles

    boss fight! unbraced, dogfish44, crown34 vs rayquazza : 4 rounds : completed 9.23.10 : winner dogfish44 [link]
    glitz pit! blademaster vs oslo : completed 10.1.2010 : winner blademaster [link]
    glitz pit! blademaster vs c~dub : completed 10.26.2010 : winner blademaster [link]
    darkestlight vs darth cookiemonster : 18 rounds : completed 11.17.2010 : winner darkestlight [link]
    meloveghosts vs dragonis : 41 rounds : completed 12.13.2010 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    glitz pit! blademaster vs master of paradox : completed 1.7.2011 : winner blademaster [link]
    dogfish44 vs darth cookiemonster : 15 rounds : completed 1.19.2011 : winner dogfish44 [link]
    meloveghosts vs shadowlynx : 8 rounds : completed 1.25.2011 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    c~dub vs papabopp : 10 rounds : completed 2.1.2011 : draw [link]
    darkestlight vs metallixs girl : 17 rounds : completed 2.23.2011 : winner darkestlight [link]
    crown34 vs dogfish44 : 33 rounds : completed 3.5.2011 : winner dogfish44 [link]
    [kqt] charles legend vs c~dub : 5 rounds : completed 3.8.2011 : winner c~dub [link]
    [kqt] meloveghosts vs c~dub : 5 rounds : completed 3.31.11 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    meloveghosts vs wolfsong : 36 rounds : completed 5.3.2011 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    dogfish44 vs chaos_redefined : 16 rounds : completed 5.31.2011 : winner dogfish44 [link]
    chaos_redefined vs meloveghosts : 20 rounds : completed 7.4.2011 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    ayeun vs darkestlight : 5 rounds : completed 9.28.2011 : winner darkestlight [link]
    razor leaf vs papabopp : 33 rounds : completed 10.14.2011 : winner razor leaf [link]
    [st] meloveghosts vs oslo : 4 rounds : completed 2.8.2012 : winner oslo [link]
    [p1] oslo vs rossymore : 6 rounds : completed 3.21.2012 : winner oslo [link]
    meloveghosts vs darkestlight : 41 rounds : completed 4.2.2012 : winner darkestlight [link]
    btpoke vs oslo : 16 rounds : completed 4.2.2012 : winner oslo [link]
    [stab] ayeun vs rossymore : 6 rounds : completed 5.18.2012 : winner rossymore [link]
    oslo vs mike mysterio : 11 rounds : completed 6.10.2012 : winner oslo [link]
    meloveghosts vs chris 2.1 : 9 rounds : completed 6.10.2012 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    [stab] darkestlight vs rossymore : 5 rounds : completed 6.12.2012 : winner darkestlight [link]
    [dtt] mikachu yukitatsu vs perfect chaos : 5 rounds : completed 10.12.2012 : winner perfect chaos [link]


    Last Updated 12.3.2012
    Last edited by Greyfox; 3rd December 2012 at 02:21 PM.

  3. #3
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
    Veteran Trainer
    DarkestLight's Avatar
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    Jan 2003

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Going to Rework my Reffing Tower to be more consistent with monthly clearances.

    DL's Reffing Book

    Complete: 275

    Ref rewards unclaimed:

    32 Eggs
    9 Large Stones
    4 Small Stones
    4 Free catch/evo
    6 Shards
    1 Token

    7 UltraBall SZ trip
    1 Contest Filter
    2 Ability Switches

    My own Current Battles that need claiming.

    vs Cynder I really hope I didn't scare her off!
    vs MLG Losing now, but I can turn it up
    vs RL 10| 6 pts

    Match | Completion | Rounds | Winner | Points

    Rossy vs Cyn 16 | Cyn | 14

    Puma vs Em 8 | Puma | 2

    Ay vs BT 14 | BT | 6


    In Progress: 2 (Oh almost done....)

    Match | Round

    Rl vs Oslo 12- This is looking good
    Rossy vs KOT 10 | Comeback kid?


    Discontinued: 11

    Battle | DQ'ed | Rounds | Points
    DF vs Oslo | DF | 9 | 2
    MxG vs Drag | MxG | 20 | 10
    DCM vs Grey | 8 | Grey | 8/12
    Ay vs DCM Too big for anyone to handle. 0/0
    PS vs CT | 7 | CT | 2
    MLG vs BT | 14 | MLG | 2
    PC vs Chibz | 5/1 | 2/0
    Gig va Ay 1 | 0
    GG vs Und 3 | Und | 2
    Ka vs Em 7 | Em | 4
    Mika vs Asi 10 | Asi | 2
    M_c vs Asi 7 | M_C | 2
    PC vs CEB 3 | DOA | 0

    * Battle as of yet unclaimed by me.
    *Can be used as a REF reward battle
    * Forfeit, but complete battle

    Last edited by DarkestLight; 18th January 2015 at 01:36 PM. Reason: 5 reffed matches you have to add in Feb. Also, check old trees to ensure you have correct Batches of rewards you need to use

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  4. #4
    Does it look like I care? Advanced Trainer
    Advanced Trainer
    Emerald_Gen.3's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    It depends on who's asking...

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    just making a ref reward thing

    Rank: Beginner Ref

    Current Battles


    Completed Battles
    Edretah vs Kumori : Edretah : Round 10 : Updated 4-21-2013 [Link]
    Darkestlight vs RaZoR LeAf : Darkestlight : Round 10 : Updated 4-29-2013[Link]
    Kumori vs Darth_Jack : Darth_Jack : Round 5 : Updated 8-9-2013[Link]

    Redeemable Battles
    Edretah vs Kumori : Edretah : Round 10 : Updated 4-21-2013 [Link]
    Darkestlight vs RaZoR LeAf : Darkestlight : Round 10 : Updated 4-29-2013[Link]
    Kumori vs Darth_Jack : Darth_Jack : Round 5 : Updated 8-9-2013Link]

    Updated: 8-9-2013
    [Gym] [Incomplete] [DQ/Forfeit] [Complete] [Tournament]
    Last edited by Emerald_Gen.3; 5th November 2014 at 06:37 PM.

    Are you ready for this?
    Vs Seeker
    Adventure, another Pokemon Forum
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  5. #5
    Layout Madman Advanced Trainer
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    Puma's Avatar
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    May 2013

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    iHazNoName vs. YuNonameus
    These two charming combatants duke it out under the following conditions! You might want to read them, people are rumoring they contain helpful information!

    => Victory Road
    [Accuracy takes quite a hit! Both Pokémon are on -2 Accuracy until someone decides to use the move flash.]

    DQ Time
    => Since it's not specified, we'll stick with 1 week! Plenty of time!

    => The battle is over when the Pokémon of a trainer fainted.
    => Damage Cap is set to 45% default.
    => DQ Time only starts to apply when one of the combatants call it.

    => With darkness surrounding the Pokémon, everything seems a bit eerie. Still, none of the two seems to have a major advantage regarding the battlefield.



    Let's get cooking!
    ♣ROUND 6♣

    Let's get back to watching this action packed battle! Well, as long as you call this everything consuming darkness "seeing". This might also explain the poor Pokemon just stumbling around, in search of their opponent. POPSTAR seems to make out his enemy first, leaping at the still eagerly searching PARCOUR and executing a bite that had to hurt a lot! Hm, as long as a lot is defined as scratching it a tiny bit, due to it's reduced attack power. The poor victim of this reckless attack started to deliver a draining blow, but with the all-caps-POPSTAR just jumping around willy-nilly in the dark, missing the punch was unavoidable. POPSTAR doesn't seem to land another hit with his superb jumping tactics too. Screw darkness.
    [ PARCOUR | -3 HP |-3 EP | ~ ] - [ POPSTAR | -0 HP | -9 EP | ~]

    PARCOUR doesn't even try to look for his opponent this time. His fist starts glowing while he is focussing on a punch of enormous power. POPSTAR, seeing his chance to strike whips his tail in the direction of the charging Medicham, missing completely though. Unfortunate timing, because PARCOUR just finished concentrating and delivered the fatal blow into POPSTAR's guts. I'd start spamming all-caps too if I got hit by that. Ouch.
    Either way, POPSTAR seems to be powering up a bit. Is this a possible advantage I see there?
    [ PARCOUR | -0 HP |-15 EP | ~ ] - [ POPSTAR | -16 HP | -5 EP | Torrent in effect ]

    POPSTAR, sick of the last punch, doesn't feel like doing anything now. Or he just doesn't have anymore orders, that could also be a reason. Not betting on that one though. While sitting down, the SimiPOOR tripped over a little grass stain on the floor. How the hell are you even able to trip over a little piece of grass? POPSTAR does seem to be bothered though, getting hit by it's nemesis, the dangerous grass type is something you don't just take. At least it doesn't seem to be in PARCOUR's regular repertoire to start casting grass around, so the damage was bearable.
    [ PARCOUR |-0 HP |-4 EP | ~ ] - [ POPSTAR | -9 HP | -0 EP | ~]

    Also, fresh water drops on POPSTAR, regenerating a tiny bit of HP.
    [ POPSTAR | +3 HP Aqua Ring ]



    Referee Notes
    • Speed advantages are completely out of effect, since the battlers need to make each other out in the dark first before they can attack. However, accuracy now affects the speed of an action.
    • Everything that was not stated in the mock battle exactly, like gender, DQ Times and Damage Cap/Rule stuff is completely made up by me, according to my going-to-be standarts.
    • The "addition" tab usually lists advantages some Pokémon might get regarding the terrain or the arena itself.
    • Any minor grammar mistakes might occured because it's 2:30 AM here (:
    • If the damage and accuracy seems random, I actually did a lot of research and calculating before deciding these things, so yeah.

    I was kinda aiming for the [Intermediate] Referee rank, though looking at all the other mock battles (after I made that one of course, come on) it doesn't seem like an option :'D
    Last edited by Puma; 1st June 2013 at 03:25 AM. Reason: Added [!] to Torrent, to show that it is active in the "Afterwards" section.

  6. #6
    Does it look like I care? Advanced Trainer
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    It depends on who's asking...

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Sub-ref here please

    Are you ready for this?
    Vs Seeker
    Adventure, another Pokemon Forum
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  7. #7
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    I want more flavor text in the mock-battle. Squeeeeeeee.

    Good job Grey!

  8. #8
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    RaZoR LeAf's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Master Ref - Beginner Judge

    Active Battles

    ASB Bar Fight [3 vs 3[/b]

    Completed Battles

    ccw vs Dogfish44 1 vs 1
    Darkest Light vs Ayeun 3 vs 3
    Mikachu Yukitatsu vs Dragonis 2 vs 2
    Darkest Light vs Dragonis 1 vs 1
    Redeemed for: Evo ~ Points ~ Egg ~ Great Ball

    Darkest Light vs Wolfsong 1 vs 1
    Crown34 vs Cynder 2 vs 2
    BTPoke vs Chris 2.1 2 vs 2 (DQ but viable)
    [DTT] Oslo vs Darkest Light 1 vs 1
    Redeemed for: Evo ~ Points ~ Egg ~ Great Ball

    Ash0011 + Mikachu vs Cynder + BTPoke 4 vs 4 Tag
    Ayeun vs Oslo 6 vs 6
    Verdant Tournament 1 vs 1
    Emerald vs Knight of Time 3 vs 3

    Safari Zone

    Completed Treks

    BTPoke's Quest 32 Rounds

    Active Treks

    Darkest Light - 20-60 ; 61-80
    Emerald_Gen.3 - 1-25 ; 26-50
    BTPoke - ; 1-35
    Oslo - Unbanked

    Men of Horror vs Papabopp 1 vs 1 Round 6

    DQs and Forfeits
    Spade vs Kirby97 2 vs 2 DQ
    Crazy Elf Boy vs Kirby97 3 vs 3 (Gym) DQ
    Darth Cookie Monster vs Spade 4 vs 4 DQ
    Darth Cookie Monster vs Men of Horror 4 vs 4 DQ
    Men of Horror vs Knight of Time 2 vs 2 Forfeit
    chaos_redifined vs Darth Cookie Monster 1 vs 1 DQ
    Darth Cookie Monster vs Greyfox 10 vs 10 DQ
    Shadowlynx vs Crown34 2 vs 2
    Jelibean Man vs RODAN 2 vs 2 DQ
    Darkest Light vs Mike Mysterio 3 vs 3 DQ
    Doshfish44 vs Oslo 6 vs 6 DQ
    Emerald Gen.3 vs Ayeun Forgotten about?
    p4r6g6777 vs kaBoMBers Notebook 2 vs 2 DQ

    Last edited by RaZoR LeAf; 28th June 2013 at 04:10 PM.

  9. #9
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Can I have confirmation of these four battles being viable to get a Ref Reward please?

    Darkest Light vs Wolfsong 1 vs 1
    Crown34 vs Cynder 2 vs 2
    BTPoke vs Chris 2.1 2 vs 2 (DQ but viable)
    [DTT] Oslo vs Darkest Light 1 vs 1

    4 Points banked - Free Catch - Egg - Great Ball can wait
    Last edited by RaZoR LeAf; 11th November 2012 at 11:27 AM.

  10. #10
    Give me my cookies. Advanced Trainer
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    Nov 2009

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Reffing Journal
    Darth Cookiemonster
    Rank: Rookie Ref
    Other: None

    Ref Reward Inventory:
    0 Rewards

    Current Battles:
    1. Ayeun vs Greyfox
    2. Charles vs Blade
    3. MLG vs MOP
    4. MxG vs MOH
    5. Mario vs RL

    Past Battles:

    Used Ref Rewards:

    Disqualified and Forfeits:

    Sub-Reffed Matches
    Last edited by Darth CookieMonster; 11th January 2011 at 08:28 PM.

  11. #11
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
    Ayeun's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Application for Experienced Ref level position. However, I understand if you want me to take another one, as this one seemed relatively easy.

    Round (last round + 1)

    Team Bob vs Team Abraham
    Rastafarian – Zombie

    MeLoVeGhOsTs demanded flavor text, so he got it:

    Zombie's sing a RAINBOW! Sing a RAINBOW! Sing a RAINBOW toooooo!!!~~~~


    Marley (No gender given) --- Deadmau5 (No gender given)

    [HP: 95 | EN: 81] --- [HP: 76 | EN: 89]

    (|)))))))))|)))))))))|) --- (|)))))))))|)))))))))|)

    (|))))))))))|)))))))))|) --- (|)))))))))|)))))))))|)

    [Safeguard] --- [Lock on, Poison]

    Calm mind ~ Metal claw ~ Focus Punch --- Moonlight ~ Counter ~ Facade


    Round (last round + 1) begins with both Marley and Deadmau5 taking a moment to draw inner strength. While Marley gains a bonus to his/her fighting form, Deadmau5 recovers some of the lost health.

    (Marley: - 5 en, +1 SpA/SpD) --- (Deadmau5: + 15 hp, - 10 en)

    Marley lashes out with his/her claws of steel, and although Abraham directed him/her to counter the attack, Deadmau5 just doesn’t seem to know how to do that.

    (Marley: - 5 en) --- (Deadmau5: - 5 hp)

    Marley tightens his/her focus, preparing to hit Deadmau5 with all his/her might. Deadmau5 counters the attack with a facade, showing off the pains of being poisoned. Marley looses his/her focus, which is a good thing, considering the attack would have just passed right through Deadmau5.

    (Marley: - 15 hp, - 10 en) --- (Deadmau5: - 10 en)

    Deadmau5 takes a hit from the poison damage, but this battle is far from over.

    (Deadmau5: - 5 hp)


    End of round (Last round + 1)


    Marley (No gender given) --- Deadmau5 (No gender given)

    [HP: 80 | EN: 61] --- [HP: 81 | EN: 79]

    (|)))))))))|)))))))))|) --- (|)))))))))|)))))))))|)

    (|)))))))))|)))))))))|) --- (|)))))))))|)))))))))|)

    [Safeguard] --- [Lock on, Poison]

    Team (whoever didn’t attack first this round) to attack next.

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

    Ayeun's Safari adventures.

  12. #12
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Alright, after much deliberation, I am pleased to announce that Ayeun has been promoted from Intermediate to Experienced! She joins the ranks of Dan and Rossymore!

    Also, coming February 1st, I'm going to start a house cleaning, of sorts, with the current list of referees. Anyone not currently active (aside from those who have posted in the Absence Tower) will be removed from the list. If you have an asterisk (*) next to your name, please be advised...

  13. #13
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower


  14. #14
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Any chance of a sub-ref for this battle:
    As DCM is absent.

  15. #15
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Can we please get a ref in here?. Its been 5 days, and no bites...

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

    Ayeun's Safari adventures.

  16. #16
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Can someone please take Me vs MoH? Cookie took it and then went MIA in January...

    AIM: MetallixGirl84 MSN: Yahoo: metallixgirl84

  17. #17
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Could use a ref over here. Can't get my gym badges if I can't get a ref

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
    oh chaos your awesome lol

  18. #18
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    And jelibean_man has reminded me that we lack a ref here

    [14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
    oh chaos your awesome lol

  19. #19
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Alright, everyone sitting down? All the ref requests have been filled? Good.

    Alright, because it's February and because we have only a small handful of refs, I've decided to, just for the time being, start a promotion. Anyone who applies (and succeeds) to become a ref starting today will earn a Shard. Three of which, when brought together, will make a coveted Token!

    In addition, I've made an adjustment for the ref rewards, so feel free to check 'em out!
    Last edited by Greyfox; 20th February 2011 at 04:51 PM.

  20. #20
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Kudos on the work, Grey!

  21. #21
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Waiting on a ref for battle jelibean vs ____ REF ____
    []/ here
    have opponent and attacks and Pokemon have been sent

  22. #22
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Hum me and Cueball could use a ref here...

    Mock Reffing

    Arena: an Ark

    MARLEY @Inner Focus
    HP: 95 Energy: 81
    Calm Mind ~ Metal Claw ~ Focus Punch


    DEADMAU5 @Keen Eye
    HP: 76 Energy: 89
    Moonlight ~ Counter ~ Facade
    Poisoned, Locked On

    Marley, giving itself a boot to power up it’s fighting sprit, meanwhile the ghostly troll looks around and spots a few faint rays of moonlight and draws in the moon’s energy

    Marley: -5 % Energy +1 SpAtk & SpDef Deadmaus5: + 7% HP -10 % Energy

    Marley Lashed out with its claws of steel and slashed the troll who body was glowing suddenly the Lucario found itself with it’s own attack, that sneaky wraith Countered!

    Marley: - 8 % HP - 5% Energy Deadmaus5: - 5 %HP - 8 % Energy

    Marley charging up fighting energy in its fist but it soon loses Focus do to the craft wraith attacking it.

    Marley: -15 % HP 10 - % Energy Deadmaus5: 10 - % Energy

    Deadmaus5 glows and then grunts as it felt the poison flowing threw it’s body.

    Deadmaus5: - 5 HP

    MARLEY @Inner Focus
    HP: 72 Energy: 61


    DEADMAU5 @Keen Eye
    HP: 63
    Energy: 61
    Poisoned, Locked On


    ~Charles Legend
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    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

  23. #23
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    New Mock Reffing!

  24. #24
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Any chance of a new mock contest? The BP Oil Spill is a little dated.

  25. #25
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    I suppose I could, but those are more Darkly's bag, so I wouldn't really know what to look for there.

  26. #26
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    HEHEHEH OK ! 10Q Japan

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  27. #27
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Contest Reffing is done.

    Side note. Can you all post what battles of yours need reffing?

    I've cleaned out my reffing log and noticed I actually have quite a few spaces open finally. Don't start new battles now >> I wanna see what matches may have fallen by the wayside so I can start picking some up and get back on track.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  28. #28
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Mew Master
    Rank: Experienced Ref
    Other: Contest, Safari Zone Ref

    Current Ref Rewards:
    2 Free Evolutions (1 Claimed)
    10 Points (10 Claimed)
    2 Free Safari Zone with Ultra Ball (1 Claimed, 1 Used)
    2 Large Stone (1 Claimed)

    Current Battles:
    1. Open
    2. Dogfish44 vs DarkestLight (Round 6, 12 on 12)
    3. [GYM] Blademaster vs chaos redefined (Round 1, 3 on 3)
    4. Open
    5. Wolfsong vs papabopp (Round 3, 6 on 6)

    Finished Battles:
    1. Dragonis vs. Hyperness is a Good Thing (Round: 6, Tag-Team 1 set, Dragonis Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    2. River vs The Arbiter (Round: 9, 1 on 1, The Arbiter Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    3. The Arbiter vs. Weasel Overlord (Round: 9, 1 on 1, Tie, 2 Points Awarded to All)
    4. Chris 2.0 vs Silencer (Round: 12, 2 on 2, Chris 2.0 Victor, 4 Points Awarded)
    5. DarkestLight vs Crystal Tears (Round: 11, 2 on 2, Crystal Tears Victor, 4 Points Awarded)
    Evolve Tsuki-Yomi to Gardivour
    6. Crazy Elf Boy vs Crystal Tears (Round: 12, Sub Ref- Round 5 on, 2 on 2)
    7. Knight of Time vs Darkestlight (Round: 7, Tag Team 1 set, Knight of Time Victorious, 2 Points Awarded)
    8. Silencer vs Charles Legend (Round: 6, 2 on 2, Disqualified, past halfway mark, Charles Legend, 2 Points Awarded)
    9. MeLoVeGhOsTs vs Heald (Round 6, 1 on 1, Heald Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    10. Crystal Tears vs DarkestLight (Round 6, Sub Ref – Round 3 on, 1 on 1, Crystal Tears Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    Evolve Zu to Garchomp
    11. Heald vs Crystal Tears (Round 5, 1 on 1, Crystal Tears Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    12. Lesbian vs Loli: Ayuen vs Kurosakura (Round 8, 2 on 2, Kurosakura Victor, 4 Points Awarded)
    13. Abilities: The Missing Link vs MeLoVeGhOsTs (Round 5, 1 on 1, The Missing Link Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    14.Asilynne vs Ayuen (Round: 6, 1 on 1, Ayuen Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    Evolve Zillant to Salamance, Receive 5 Points, 1 Large Stone, 1 Free Saf Zone (Ultra Ball) of horror vs Mikachu Yukitatsu (Round: 11, 1 on 1)
    16.MeLoVeGhOsTs vs Metalix's Girl (Round: 12, 4 on 4 Tag-Team, MeLoVeGhOsTs Victor, 4 Points Awarded)
    17.Dogfish44 vs Knight of Time (Round 4, 1 on 1, Knight of Time Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    18.chaos redefined vs Metalix's Girl (Round 18, 3 on 3, Metalix's Girl Victor, 6 Points Awarded)
    Evolve Tango to Empoleon, Receive 5 Points, 1 Large Stone, 1 Free Saf Zone (Ultra Ball)
    19. Ultimate Charizard vs RaZoRLeAf (Round 5, 1 on 1, Ultimate Charizard Victor, 2 Points awarded)

    Disqualified and Forfeits:
    1. Andrew vs Lady Vulpix (Round: 2, 1 on 1, Forfeit to Andrew, No Points Awarded)
    2. Elec Man EXE vs. Phoenixsong(Round: 5, 3 on 3, Forfeit to Pheonixsong, 2 Points Awarded)
    3. Unsolved Puzzle vs River (Round: 7, 2 on 2, Unsolved Puzzel DQ’ed, 2 Points Awarded)
    4. Gym Match: Arbiter vs MeLoVeGhOsTs (Round: 17, 4 on 4, Arbiter DQ’ed, 4 Points Awarded)
    5. IceCold vs Green Lantern (Round 2, 1 on 1, IceCold DQ'ed, No Points Awarded.)
    6. The Dragon Roost: Dragonis vs Mike Mysterio (Round: 6, 6 on 6, Ref Bail, Combatants wished to leave battle)
    7. Knight of Time vs Rossymore (Round 1, 3 on 3 Tag-Team, One set, Knight of Time DQ'ed, No Points Awarded)
    8. Dragon Roost: ChobiChibi vs Crystal Tears (Round 2, 1 on 1, ChobiChibi DQ'ed, No points awarded)
    9.Crystal Tears vs Mystic Clown (Round: 13, 3 on 3, Crystal Tears DQ'ed, 4 Points awarded)
    10.Baby New Year Battle: Metalixs Girl vs Kurosakura (Round 2, 4 on 4, Kurosakura DQ'd, two points to Metalix Girl)
    11.Ultimate Charizard vs toucheiruka (Round 3, 3 on 3)
    12.toucheiruka vs Crystal Tears (Round 2, 3 on 3)
    13.New Years Contest (Five Participants, Round 3)
    14.Falcon's Eye vs Darth CookieMonster (Round : 13, 4 on 4, Forfeit to Darth CookieMonster, 4 Points awarded)
    15.Deadwood Zen vs crown34 (Round 5, 2 on 2, Deadwood Zen Disqualified, 2 Points awared)
    16.Race Battle: Deadwood Zen vs Dogfish44 (Round 4, 1 on 1 Single, Deadwood Zen DQ'd, No points awarded)
    17.ryandude713 vs men of horror (Round 2, 2 on 2, No Points Awarded)

    Sub-Reffed Matches
    1. Gym Match: Knight of Time vs Chris 2.0 (Round: 4, Sub Ref-Round 3 on, Tag Team 2 Sets)

    Safari Zone Participants:
    MeLoVeGhOsTs (Round 7: COMPLETE)
    Asilynne (Round 31)
    Wolfsong (Round 6: COMPLETE)
    Wolfsong 2 (Round 15)
    Pheonixsong (Round 11)
    Greyfox (Round 35)
    chaos redefined (Round 7)
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
    SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096

  29. #29
    Existing In a Parallel Plane Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Time to see If I don't suck in the mock battle!

    TOMB vs BIG O

    @Mummy---@No Guard

    Round (some number)

    Roger sends out a gray golem, which lands on the ground causing a minor tremor. Tomb starts to realize that It will have to buy some time and starts to cry crocodile tears. The golem though remains steady, not effected by the fake tears. (TOMB -3PP). Big O starts to charge up a force inside it, and heaves it weight at Tomb, causing some pretty good damage to the sarcophagus. (TOMB -8HP, BIG O -5PP) Upon impact, strands of paper come out of Tomb and covers Big O. The giant seems undaunted and unaware to the change though. (Big O@Mummy)

    Tomb starts to be irked about it's failure and tries to set up a barrier of energy, but It's nonexistant muscles start to heave up preventing it from concentrating. Big O on the flipside starts to churn out some copies of itself. (Big O 3+ copies, -6PP)

    To make things worse for Tomb, Big O blasts an inky shade of darkness at Tomb. Tomb realizes that this is it for it, but it refuses to go alone! Tomb's shadow slides up to Big O and grabs hold of it's shadow. (TOMB -8PP). The black shade envelops Tomb dealing fatal damage to it. (BIG O -7PP, TOMB -25HP). At this time, Big O starts to feel a large amount of pain, that Destiny Bond drained Big O's health! Both Tomb and Big O faint and land on the ground. Big O's clones subside into oblivion. Wow, Big O's down as quickly it came.

    TOMB vs BIG O


  30. #30
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Alright, first and foremost, Night Shade did waaaay too much damage. I know it's SE and all, but 25HP is just heavy. I'll approve you as a Rookie Ref for now, but just try to scale down your damage output from here on out, aye? Oh, and curiously -- why did Fake Tears fail?

  31. #31
    Existing In a Parallel Plane Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Golurk's No Guard means that it is battle-focused, so it would not really care for Fake Tears. It is also more mechanical than other Pokemon, so I assume that it wouldn't bother caring emotions.

  32. #32
    I prefer "Bopp" to "Papa" Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    NSMBWII! would you like to ref my match as your first?
    If not, would anyone else please

  33. #33
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Just a little pointer for nsmbwii. It's pure esthetics, but it makes it easier for battlers and refs if you also post the given commands in the reffing.

  34. #34
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    This is my first time so heregoes nothing,
    Round 1 TOMB VS. BIG O
    Roger sends out a bizarre colored Golurk, which lands on the ground causing a small earthquake. Tomb looks up at the looming creature and starts to cry Krokorok tears( or are they?) The grey giant simply stares down at Tomb unaffected by the fake tears( Big O -4pp)
    Tomb then realizing that crying isn't going to solve anything charges up for a night Shade, but Big O who has other plans hurls it's full weight at the sarchopogus inflicting major damage (Tomb -15hp) at once bands of papyrus unfurl from the sarchophogus and wrap around Big O(Big O@Mummy) Undaunted by it's predicament the colossal golem Throws a huge punch at Tomb, Tomb counters with a fully charged Night Shade dealing a large blow to Big O (Big O -25hp Tomb -2pp Tomb -12hp) Big O stumbles allowing Tomb to land a fatal night shade

  35. #35
    Existing In a Parallel Plane Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Ignore Armatyle for now. I'm going to be helping him with making a suitable and less sloppy reffing attempt later this weekend.

  36. #36
    Existing In a Parallel Plane Junior Trainer
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  37. #37
    Rawr! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Hmm, I need something to do in my free time. So why not ref?


    HP: 33pts
    Energy: 53pts
    Fake Tears ~ Safeguard ~ Destiny Bond

    BIG O

    @No Guard
    HP: 100pts
    Energy: 100pts
    Heavy Slam ~ Double Team ~ Night Shade

    TOMB sneered at the opponent trainer, daring him to send out his next pokemon. His last pokemon was a cinch to defeat, so why wouldn't his next one be the same? The haunted coffin couldn't have been more wrong though, because from the red and white sphere that ROGER SMITH threw into the air emerged a huge ghostly robot, also known as a golurk.
    Upon the sight of BIG O, TOMB burst into tears. These crocodile tears had very little effect on the golurk however, and it just stared down it's body in contempt. (-2 NRG TOMB) BIG O then closed its' eyes and started to glow silver before slamming its' arm down with incredible force onto the coffin, causing its' fake tears to become real. (-7 NRG BIG O, -12 HP TOMB)
    After the last excersion, BIG O paused for a second allowing TOMB to set up a safeguard against all possible status conditions. (+ Safeguard TOMB, - 3 NRG TOMB) After catching its' breath BIG O's joints creaked before it seemingly disappeared, replaced by 5 exact doppelgangers that surrounded TOMB and the various barrels on the ship. (- 6 NRG BIG O, + 4 Doppelgangers)
    After glowing slightly, TOMB siezed up with paralysis which foiled its' attempts to attack. (-1 NRG) BIG O took the opportunity to attack and each of the doppelgangers' eyes suddenly went blank, scaring the fatigued TOMB out of its' wits. (- 12 HP TOMB, - 10 NRG BIG O)


    HP: 9pts
    Energy: 47pts

    BIG O

    @No Guard
    HP: 100pts
    Energy: 77pts
    4 Doppelgangers

  38. #38
    I prefer "Bopp" to "Papa" Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    I like the fact that we are getting a boost in refs around here

  39. #39
    Rawr! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Umm, am I approved or what? *pokes Greyfox and whoever else has the power to approve new judges*

  40. #40
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Since Grey is a bit busy, I'm gonna go ahead and take this one.

    Cynder, a good battle overal. You took in account Fake Tears, which could be troublesome on a genderless, emotionless robot-ghost like this fella here. I like that. I would say the EN of Nightshade was a bit high, but it was a nice deal of damage too so that kinda makes up for it. I repeat, overal a good reffing: approved as a rookie ref, go get'm!

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