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Thread: ASB Reffing Tower

  1. #1
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
    Master Trainer
    MeLoVeGhOsTs's Avatar
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    Default ASB Reffing Tower

    The ASB Reffing Tower

    Welcome to the Reffing Tower: a vital part of the ASB community. If you are an approved ASBer and you want to earn points as an official ref, then look at the mock battle below and try it out! You can also try out as a contest judge: more information is below. Here you may request a ref, offer your services, keep your ref record up to date and apply for a position. All other information is below, but if there is anything else you want to know, PM a moderator and we'll help you out.

    What Are Referees?
    A referee is the person who interprets the attacks made by all battlers and decides exactly what effect they have, before writing out a descriptive piece detailing the battle. Referees have the power to decide who wins a battle, and are therefore entrusted with great responsibility. As a referee, you are expected to be unbiased and consistent.

    Reffing A Battle
    While reffing a battle, you are required to give a description of how you see each attack panning out. This gives the referee a lot of freedom to write creatively, and the battlers the freedom to be far more strategic and clever in their battle plans than the games ever do. And because of this, you will often see many attacks interpreted differently by different referees, in different situations. It is perfectly acceptable that you ref your attacks differently than others would, as long as it remains unbiased, consistent and logical.

    The most important factor when reffing, is to remember what game you are playing. This is ASB, not Pokemon Red, Gold or Sapphire. Damage should never be pre-calculated; attacks do not have set amounts of damage. When an attack is used, you should take into account things such as accuracy of the attack (whether it hit full on, or just brushed the opponent) and the type of the opponent (water attacks do more damage to fire types)

    If you are at any time unsure of how to ref an attack, look at the ASB Attack List for a good guide. However this is merely a guide and does not have to be followed exactly.

    Another important thing to know about is "damage caps." It is generally recommended that ASB refs apply a 30-50% damage cap during all normal battles (unless the battlers request it be removed). The most widely used value is 40%. A damage cap simply means that a pokémon cannot receive more than that set amount of damage in one round, regardless of any and all circumstances. Damage caps are completely omitted in events such as Gym Leader/Tourney battles (esp. since damage is purposely increased there).

    If you receive complaints about your reffing, you are expected to explain your actions to the battlers, so that everybody knows where they stand. If as a battler, you feel a ref’s explanation is biased, or unfair, report to the head ref who will sort the issue out and have the final say.

    The Reffing Tower
    The Reffing Tower is where you come to become an approved ref. The difference between an approved ref and an unapproved ref is quite simple: an approved ref gets extra rewards for their reffing. Therefore, you can choose to be an unapproved ref and gain the same amount of points from a battle that an approved ref gains but you will not get extra awards and may be at risk of being fired due to poor reffing quality. Approved refs are ranked, depending on their ability and their activeness. There are four difference attainable ranks, those being Rookie, Intermediate, Advanced and Master. There is also the Head ref, a position a few core individuals hold, they have the final say on every reffing matter. If you have any complaints about reffing, you go to them.

    The reffing tower is also used to request a referee. If you wish to request a new or sub ref, please post a link to the battle, saying whether you require a new ref or a sub ref.

    Becoming A Ref
    To become an approved ref, you must ref the mock battle at the bottom of this post. The Head ref will then analyze your reffing, and decide whether or not you are worthy of a spot as an approved ref. A newly approved ref will start off in either Rookie or Intermediate level; this is at the Head Ref’s discretion. If you fail the test, you must wait for a new mock battle before attempting again. If you just joined ASB, it would beneficial to you if you viewed other reffings before jumping in on your own. It’s not mandatory but it would help you see how the reffings are done.

    Now That You're A Ref...
    If you wish to gain promotion, then you must ref the current mock battle (provided you haven't already reffed it). Please also include what rank you are currently, and what rank you are attempting to achieve. When deciding whether you are worthy of promotion, the head ref will also study your general performance, to ensure you are reffing all battles at a good enough quality. It is also possible to be promoted due to sheer hard work.

    You must always post links to the battles you are currently reffing to receive your reward, and update your posts every few rounds at least. You should keep all this information in one post, until the head ref posts a new mock battle (this will be in a new post too); then you can make a new post.

    As a referee, you are expected to be active. If you go for an extended period of time without reffing (unless you’ve posted in the Absence Tower), you will be either demoted or fired and will have to re-do a mock reffing in order to be rehired.


    Point allocation goes as follows.

    In the past: If you were reffing a ten on ten match, but only reach the 4th Pokemon from each contestant, and the battle ends in DQ or forfeit, you would not receive any points.

    Currently: If you were reffing a ten on ten match, but only reach the 4th Pokemon from each contestant, and the battle ends in DQ or forfeit, you receive the amount of points had that been a 4 on 4 battle. (in this case 8).

    However, since the match was started as a ten-on-ten, you do not get and credit for it being a reward battle, since it was not half over

    In the past: If you were sub-reffing a battle, you would get no points if you did not complete at least half the battle.

    Currently: When the battle is over, take into account the number of rounds, and the amount of people who reffed. If any ref did less that 1/(number of refs) rounds, they get no points. Otherwise, split it down evenly. Round down.

    Your reward for being an approved ref depends on the rank your in and thus the amount of battles you need to complete in order to claim a reward. In the case of a DQ or forfeit, the battle has to be at least half completed (ex: if there is a DQ in a 4 on 4, at least 2 Pokemon have to have been knocked out in order for you to use it as a reward link). When you have reached the required amount, please post links to all the battles, and the Head Ref will then approve your prize. This is the battle amount each rank needs to complete before coming to the head ref:

    Reffing ranks and rewards

    Number of battles needed to collect reward: 6
    Reward: Free pokemon or evolution

    Number of battles needed to collect: 5
    Reward: Free pokemon or evolution
    + Free egg | Safari Zone Trip with Pokéball | 3 points

    Number of battles needed to collect: 5
    Reward: Free pokemon or evolution
    + Safari Zone Trip with Greatball
    + Free egg
    + 4 points

    Number of battles needed to collect: 4
    Reward: Free pokemon or evolution
    + Safari Zone Trip with Ultraball
    + Free egg and small stone | Large Stone
    + 5 points

    Number of battles needed to collect: 4
    Reward: Free pokemon or evolution
    + 5 points
    + Choice of 3 below
    Safari Zone Trip with Ultraball
    Free egg
    Small stone
    Large stone

    Anyone not included in the list of current referees must redo the latest mock battle in order to become an approved referee.

    Mock Battle
    Arena: Junkyard

    The cars parts strewn hair can double as bludgeon equipment, but they can also hurt you!

    Pre-Round stats

    Elitist RNG and JUSTICE!

    Shell Armor
    Guillotine~Metal Claw~Brine
    Tox lvl 5, Atk+4 Mind Reader BP'ed to it last action
    I will aid you in meeting your maker!


    No0|3 Pawaa and Stick!

    Payback~Steel Wing~Secret Power
    -2 Acc, +4 Def
    N0! U \/\/0n7 b337 /\/\3!!


    Head Refs:
    DarkestLight, MeLoveGhosts

    Master Refs:
    **Greyfox, Crazy Elf Boy, Mew Master, Oslo

    Experienced Refs:
    Crystal Tears, Rossymore, RaZoR_LeAf

    Intermediate Refs:
    Wolfsong, Weasel Overlord, Knight of Time, Ayeun

    Rookie Refs:
    Blademaster, Asilynne, Chaos_redefined, *Unbraced, Dogfish, *Spade, *Dabsaww, Green Lanturn, *DarthCookieMonster, *Heald, *Kurosakura


    Things to Consider

    - Try our ASB Movelist to check on moves.
    - Remember that we ASB-mods like to set you up, so read and ref carefully!
    - Take all stats into consideration.


    Contest Refs / Judges

    Now that Contests are flourishing in ASB, it has come to my attention that we should have people who are able to ref contests asides from myself (Darkestlight). More information on Contests is here.

    Just like with battles, to be an approved Contest Judge you must ref a mock battle. See below for the Mock Contest and post here in this Tower to get your Mock Contest checked. There will be similar (albeit condensed) ranks for Judges as much of it is down to opinion and personal takes on things.* Again, check below. This Mock Contest will, like Battles, be updated to ensure you can gain promotion.

    Any questions PM Darkestlight. Remember, if, when reffing a Contest, you do not think a combo is feasible, then you are in your right to say that a combo would not work. (Eg...Thunderbolt and Flamethrower together, you get the picture. Or something just mind-boggling) If any arguments occur PM me and I shall determine whether or not the attack combo could be pulled off.

    A reffed Contest can go in your reffing status just like any other reffing. You can use it towards your reffing quota. Point prizes and such are all in the link above.

    Current Mock Contest

    Please ref this contest. For those wondering how, you simply type out how the attacks are seen/work in the contest. See the current and past Pokemon Contests for any pointers. Ref the attacks, how well they work (for example, using thrash may over-excite the Pokemon, or something may go unplanned) and give it a score out of 10.00 for each Co-ordinator/Trainer.


    The Arena: A small tar pit? Upon which planks of wood are situated for the Pokemon to stand.


    Enviromentalist Blade and Flipflop[M]

    "Heh! Ok Flipflop. First, Double Team so you are a school of fish. Then Water Pulse upward and jump through the rings, and thenfall into the tar! End with Flail to show your frustration at bp"


    Bp BigWig Elf and Coverup[M]

    "Hey hey hey! Get my oil back!Haze to cover this up as fast as possible. Throw them of the trail with a bunch of shiny glittery Icy Wind pieces that shine, and then Confuse Ray them if they ask too many questions!!"


    Geologist Denz and Sloth[F]

    "Well see, this will start to make the land sag! We gotta help. Sloth, Fissure to make a ditch! As it fills, Stealth Rock to close the hole and end with Rock Smash to hide it all!"


    Remember not all appeals are big flashy colourful attacks. They are about showcasing a Pokemon’s personality and character. If, for example, a Pokemon is sinister and creepy, and the appeal gives that effect, give it a good mark!

    In light of that, appeals that combine different colours or moods should also receive some credit. But physical appeals, which are rare in contests, should still receive credit even if they’re not flashy.

    If for example, you saw a Rapidash racing along showing impeccable speed, flames trailing behind it…it’s beautiful, no? Or if a Mightyena used roar, it’s scary, and focuses on its characteristics.

    These are useful pointers for budding Judges.


    Head Judge

    Expert Judge

    Experienced Judge

    Beginner Judge
    Mew Master
    Green Lanturn

    *-Will be shifted to a lower rank/removed from Approved ref status soon if action is not taken.
    **-Consideration for previously inaccessible rank has been filed.
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 10th November 2010 at 03:12 PM. Reason: Mock Reffing Updated, Reffing folk shifted..

  2. #2
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Alright. New Tower. Start off with this...

    DL's Reffing Book

    Complete: 115+

    Matches here are from 1/1/11 -3/27/11
    Complete records can be found (here) [Link to come as soon as I get it hosted somewhere on ze intrawebz.]

    Ref rewards unclaimed:
    7 Eggs
    11 Large Stones
    8 Small Stones
    13 free catches/evo's
    5 UltraBall SZ trip
    1 Ref handoff
    1 Contest Filter

    Match | Completion | Rounds | Winner | Points

    --Unclaimed Ref reward battles--
    *WS vs DF44 | 12/10 | 28 | DF | 12
    *WS vs papa | 12/10 | 29/19 | WS | 12
    *Neo vs DCM | 12/10 | 8 | Tie | 2
    Mike vs Wolfy | 12/10 | 30/2 | WS | 18/0
    *DF44 vs CL | 12/10 | 4 | DF | 2
    *DCM vs papa | 12/10 | 13 | papa | 6
    *DCM vs RL | 12/10 | 5 | RL | 2

    *MxG vs MLG III | 28 | MLG | 10
    *MLG vs MMY | 17/10| MLG | 8
    *DCM vs MoH | 22 | DCM | 6
    *CL vs Blade | 4 | BM | 2


    In Progress: 10 (Already grabbing subs.)

    Match | Round
    Eevee Rumble | 26 - Some life....
    Cr vs DF | 11/6 ---to cover expenses (stalled)---
    MoP vs BM 5 - Wow, crazy lead.
    Ay vs Elf | 5 - Signs of movement
    Con vs DF | 10 - Great fight here
    WS vs MxG | 5 - Sleeping is awesome?
    Ay vs Drag | 7 - Looks to be rough going
    Ay vs Papa | 5 - See how this fares
    RL vs WS | 5 - Stinky love


    Discontinued: 11

    Battle | DQ'ed | Rounds | Points

    Glitz Pit #1/4 | Unbraced/Houndy | 1/4 | 0/2
    Kyuu vs PS | Kyuu | 10 | 4
    DCM vs DF | DCM | 8 | 4
    Wolfy vs VP | VP | 19 | 0
    *Cl vs Grey | 22/7 - Gave back to Rossy
    Ay vs Eve | Eve | 4 | 0
    Cr vs Eve | Eve | 6 | 0
    MLG vs Cr | Cr | 2 | 2
    MLG vs C_c | C_c | 8 | 2/0
    PS vs MLG | PS | 4 | 2
    Pat vs Der | Pat | 7 | 2
    Oslo vs RL | Oslo | 10/5 | 0 - Points go to CT
    CT vs MC | Shutting down | 5 | 0
    *AsClown vs KuroElf | Shutting down | 5 | 2
    *GL vs WO | Shutting down | 4 | 2

    * Battle as of yet unclaimed by me.
    *Can be used as a REF reward battle
    * Forfeit, but complete battle

    Last edited by DarkestLight; 8th January 2011 at 12:28 PM. Reason: Edited freebies.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  3. #3
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Mew Master
    Rank: Master Ref
    Other: Contest, Safari Zone Ref

    Current Battles:
    1. Open
    2. New Years Contest (Five Participants, Round 1)
    3. toucheiruka vs Crystal Tears (Round 2, 3 on 3)
    4. Ultimate Charizard vs toucheiruka {Round 3, 3 on 3)
    5. Baby New Year Battle: Metalixs Girl vs Kurosakura (Round 2, 4 on 4)

    Finished Battles:
    1. Dragonis vs. Hyperness is a Good Thing (Round: 6, Tag-Team 1 set, Dragonis Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    2. River vs The Arbiter (Round: 9, 1 on 1, The Arbiter Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    3. The Arbiter vs. Weasel Overlord (Round: 9, 1 on 1, Tie, 2 Points Awarded to All)
    4. Chris 2.0 vs Silencer (Round: 12, 2 on 2, Chris 2.0 Victor, 4 Points Awarded)
    5. DarkestLight vs Crystal Tears (Round: 11, 2 on 2, Crystal Tears Victor, 4 Points Awarded)
    Evolve Tsuki-Yomi to Gardivour
    6. Crazy Elf Boy vs Crystal Tears (Round: 12, Sub Ref- Round 5 on, 2 on 2)
    7. Knight of Time vs Darkestlight (Round: 7, Tag Team 1 set, Knight of Time Victorious, 2 Points Awarded)
    8. Silencer vs Charles Legend (Round: 6, 2 on 2, Disqualified, past halfway mark, Charles Legend, 2 Points Awarded)
    9. MeLoVeGhOsTs vs Heald (Round 6, 1 on 1, Heald Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    10. Crystal Tears vs DarkestLight (Round 6, Sub Ref – Round 3 on, 1 on 1, Crystal Tears Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    Evolve Zu to Garchomp
    11. Heald vs Crystal Tears (Round 5, 1 on 1, Crystal Tears Victor, 2 Points Awarded)
    12. Lesbian vs Loli: Ayuen vs Kurosakura (Round 8, 2 on 2, Kurosakura Victor, 4 Points Awarded)
    13. Abilities: The Missing Link vs MeLoVeGhOsTs (Round 5, 1 on 1, The Missing Link Victor, 2 Points Awarded)


    Disqualified and Forfeits:
    1. Andrew vs Lady Vulpix (Round: 2, 1 on 1, Forfeit to Andrew, No Points Awarded)
    2. Elec Man EXE vs. Phoenixsong(Round: 5, 3 on 3, Forfeit to Pheonixsong, 2 Points Awarded)
    3. Unsolved Puzzle vs River (Round: 7, 2 on 2, Unsolved Puzzel DQ’ed, 2 Points Awarded)
    4. Gym Match: Arbiter vs MeLoVeGhOsTs (Round: 17, 4 on 4, Arbiter DQ’ed, 4 Points Awarded)
    5. IceCold vs Green Lantern (Round 2, 1 on 1, IceCold DQ'ed, No Points Awarded.)
    6. The Dragon Roost: Dragonis vs Mike Mysterio (Round: 6, 6 on 6, Ref Bail, Combatants wished to leave battle)
    7. Knight of Time vs Rossymore (Round 1, 3 on 3 Tag-Team, One set, Knight of Time DQ'ed, No Points Awarded)
    8. Dragon Roost: ChobiChibi vs Crystal Tears (Round 2, 1 on 1, ChobiChibi DQ'ed, No points awarded)
    9. Crystal Tears vs Mystic Clown (Round: 13, 3 on 3, Crystal Tears DQ'ed, 4 Points awarded)

    Sub-Reffed Matches
    1. Gym Match: Knight of Time vs Chris 2.0 (Round: 4, Sub Ref-Round 3 on, Tag Team 2 Sets)

    Safari Zone Participants:
    MeLoVeGhOsTs (Round 7: COMPLETE)
    Asilynne (Round 22)
    Wolfsong (Round 6: COMPLETE)
    Wolfsong 2 (Round 15)
    Pheonixsong (Round 11)
    Greyfox (Round 4)
    Last edited by Mew Master; 2nd January 2010 at 01:43 PM.
    ~Mew Master

    ASB Battle Art
    Bring your Battles to Life

    Mew Master on "Tracer" Well at least I make you happy with my character's impending downward mental spiral.

    We don't like reality... we Re-draw it!

    Diamond Friend Code: 124696093377
    SoulSilver Friend Code: 296633754096

  4. #4
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Wait, does this mean we can start using the ref bonuses now? Because I have eight finished battles that I'd like to claim. =3

  5. #5
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Friday. All new terms begin Friday, 1/1. We just needed to get all the Towers cleaned up and ready to go.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  6. #6
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower


  7. #7
    It's like Rossy, but more! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    I'll repost my mock match up here later...

    Round X


    The Pewter there no imagination left in the world?

    Team of Brock (???)

    65% HP
    34% EN
    *Speed +2, Toxicated (-8% next round)*
    Earth Power ~ Dynamicpunch ~ Gyro Ball

    Team of MeLo (???)
    53% HP
    45% EN
    *Attack +1, Defense +1*

    Avalanche ~ Focus Blast ~ Hammer Arm

    We begin this epic Gym Match of epicness with Golem collecting up his energy. A rumble is then heard from around the arena. Ore's eyes glow light blue and from out of nowhere (damn anime physics), a torrent of snow came thick and fast. Golem and Brock gave a gasp of surprise but Golem was swept up. Ore grinned...but the earth beneath him exploded, sending him flying. He landed with a thud whilst Golem emerged from the snow, shivering.

    [Golem: -15% health, -7% energy]
    *Speed +2, Toxicated*

    [Ore: -16% health, -9% energy]
    *Attack +1, Defense +1*

    Golem shakes off the snow and gives a great roar. He charges at Ore, crunching the layer of fresh snow, fist glowing white. Ore, meanwhile, was creating a sphere of energy in between his hands. Golem punches Ore...and misses. Out of the corner of his eye, Golem sees Ore grins. Golem then cries out in pain as the Focus Blast is thrust into him at close range. A mini explosion blasts him back and he goes flying across the snow like a giant snowball. Some of his shell had been chipped off! Golem growled.

    [Golem: -23% health, -6% energy]
    *Speed +2, Toxicated, Defense -1*

    [Ore: -0% health, -9% energy]
    *Attack +1, Defense +1*

    Golem lies on the floor for a second before breaking on in wait...he's spinning in a ball. Ore seems to be flexing his right arm and limbering himself up. Golem begins to spin (cycle ) towards Ore. Ore comes up with an idea, and grins at how brilliant it is. Golem gets closer and closer and then Ore gives a mighty roar. He slams his arm down onto Golem and makes the ground around them shake. Golem gives a shriek of pain before slamming into Ore. Another stab of pain tells him the poison is becoming intense. Golem then whimpers as that was the last of his strength. He collapses on the ground, knocked out.

    [Golem: -30% health, -6% energy]

    [Ore: -12% health, -9% energy]

    Team of Brock (???)

    0% HP
    15% EN

    Team of MeLo (???)
    25% HP
    18% EN

    Side Notes

    1) Since this is a Gym Match, Damage Cap's go out the window

    2) Golem just got served!

    3) IMAGE FAIL!

    4) Brock sends out...then someone does something.
    Last edited by Rossymore; 30th December 2009 at 11:51 AM.

  8. #8
    It's like Rossy, but more! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Phew! That took forever! No images for this round, it's being suckish.

  9. #9
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    master ref

    Current Battles
    meloveghosts vs houndoom_lover : round 5 : updated 6.16.2010 [link]
    glitz pit! blademaster vs weasel overlord : round 1 : updated 6.19.2010 [link]

    Completed Battles
    glt -- prince crimson vs meloveghosts : 2 rounds : completed 7.1.2009 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    chaostiger vs mikachu yukitatsu : 3 rounds : completed 7.27.2009 : winner mikachu yukitatsu [link]
    adrenaline vs blademaster : 6 rounds : completed 8.8.2009 : winner blademaster [link]
    crazy elf boy vs chaos redefined : 6 rounds : completed 10.8.2009 : winner crazy elf boy [link]

    Redeemed Battles
    airship battle! rossymore vs charles legend : 3 rounds : completed 6.1.2009 : winner charles legend [link]
    glt -- green lanturn vs darkestlight : 6 rounds : completed 6.4.2009 : winner darkestlight [link]
    sleep battle! asilynne vs pheonixsong : 6 rounds : completed 6.5.2009 : winner pheonixsong [link]
    prince crimson vs charles legend : 2 rounds : completed 6.12.2009 : winner prince crimson [link]
    darkestlight vs mike mysterio : 7 rounds : completed 7.14.2009 : winner darkestlight [link]
    meloveghosts vs adrenaline : 5 rounds : completed 8.1.2009 : winner meloveghosts [link]
    crazy elf boy vs pheonixsong : 7 rounds : completed 10.8.2009 : winner crazy elf boy [link]
    mew master & asilynne vs meloveghosts & knight of time : 7 rounds : completed 12.8.2009 : winners meloveghosts & knight of time [link]
    darkestlight vs mew master : 12 rounds : completed 12.17.2009 [link]
    glitz pit! blademaster vs darth cookiemonster : 5 rounds : completed 12.24.2009 : winner blademaster [link]
    ayeun vs darth cookiemonster : 12 rounds : completed 12.16.2009 : winner darth cookiemonster [link]
    wolfsong vs crazy elf boy : 9 rounds : completed 12.24.2009 : winner crazy elf boy [link]
    classy_cat18 vs crystal tears : 10 rounds : completed 12.8.2009 : winner classy_cat18 [link]
    chaos_redefined vs weasel overlord : 18 rounds : completed 3.20.2010 : winner weasel overlord [link]
    glitz pit! blademaster vs chaos_redefined : completed 2.10.2010 : winner chaos_redefined [link]
    glitz pit! blademaster vs darkestlight : completed 6.10.2010 : winner darkestlight [link]


    Last Updated 6.19.2010
    Last edited by Greyfox; 19th June 2010 at 11:53 AM.

  10. #10
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Ok, rossy.

    First off, Avalanche is a slow move. It has a -4 speed reduction in the games and relies on taking damage for its uber-attack. Golem has a 2/6 speed bonus which would've automatically put golem's attack in first and boosting Avalanche's power the second Earth Power hits Ore.

    Also, -16HP for Earthpower and -23HP for Focusblast seems a bit much. Especially because neither of them has boosted stats to accompagny those attacks.

    Hammer Arm reduces speed. You should've mentioned that in the end, because now I have no way of knowing if you knew about the speed-reduction and didn't type it up because it's just a mock-battle; or if you just forgot about it.

    The battle was reffed on a good base, the text is easy on the eyes and reads fluently. You have a good sense of humor to spice up the reffing and that shows in this mock-battle.

    So, you ref good and constantly, but on the errors you made today I'm not going to promote you to Master Ref. You need some more expierence in my eyes.

    Try again next mock-battle!
    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 2nd January 2010 at 11:34 AM.

  11. #11
    It's like Rossy, but more! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Hmm...not surprised I wasn't promoted.

    The attacks did that sort of damage because they were supereffective.
    I thought that would have been obvious, so their damage was doubled. I knew about the speed reduction but that's put in at the start of next round. I should have put something in the round that said something about it.

    Focus Blast did that large amount of damage since it was at close range...very close range.
    For Avalanche: I think anime and not bad.

  12. #12
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Well, seeing as there's a new Reffing Tower, I've got some updates.

    Knight of Time's Reffing Record

    Status: Rookie Ref

    Current Battles:
    Shivaree vs classy_cat18**: 2 on 2, Round 6
    Darth CookieMonster vs Kyuuketsuki*: 2 on 2, Round 2
    Houndoom_Lover vs Mike Mysterio*: 1 on 1, Round 2

    Completed Battles:

    Kyuuketsuki vs Mike Mysterio: 3 on 3, 17 Rounds, Mike Mysterio won (Dec. 12, 2009)
    chaos_redefined vs Darth CookieMonster: 1 on 1, 4 rounds, chaos_redefined won (Dec. 28, 2009)
    Metallix's Girl vs Ayeun: 3 on 3, 23 Rounds, Metallix's Girl won (Jan. 8, 2010)

    *- denotes that abilities are in use in this battle
    **- denotes that this battle is currently on hold
    Last edited by Knight of Time; 8th January 2010 at 02:06 PM.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  13. #13
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock vs Rocking Rocker MLG
    Round (N/A)


    Golem (M)
    Ability: {N/A}
    65% HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    34% EP ~~~~~~
    Status: Speed +2
    Toxic: 8%
    Gym is mine and Trainer's! You can't have!
    ~ ~

    Ore (M)
    Ability: {N/A}
    53% HP ~~~~~~~~~~
    45% EP ~~~~~~~~~
    Status: Attack: +1
    Defense: +1
    My Trainer wants this place! I want to be a gym Pokemon!
    ~ ~

    Arena Status: Pewter City Gym. Nothing abnormal.
    Ref Notes:

    Golem glows as brownish light seems to come out of the floor. Golem absorbs it and a beam shoots out of his mouth. (-4EP Golem) Ore shudders as the beam impales him and he feels his defense boost disappear. {-12HP; Defense -1 Ore)
    Not happy at all with such a painful hit, Ore decides he can play the type weakness game too! Time to make a rocksicle. He waves his arms toward the living boulder and snow pours in through the windows, breaking the glass. This felt so unnatural for him. (-7EP Ore) Unfortunately, the snow missed Golem completely! Brock scowled at the huge pile of snow and broken glass.

    Now Ore was irritated. He focused and a darker brown beam shot from his hand. (-9EP Ore) It slammed into Golem, knocking him back. (-15HP Golem)
    Golem retaliates by moving up to him and swinging his arm. Unfortunately it's his turn to miss entirely. (-5EP Golem)

    Ore copied his foe's motion and landed a fist atop Golem's head. [-7HP Golem) The Rampardos took a breath, feeling a bit more sluggish. (-8EN; Speed -1 Ore) Golem backed up a few steps and flung a steel ball that appeared in his hand. (-6EP Golem) It connected for some nice damage. (-10HP Ore)

    Golem rumbles as he feels the toxic eat away at him. (-8HP Golem)


    Golem (M)
    35% HP ~~~~~~~
    19% EP ~~~
    Status: Speed +2
    Toxic: 16%
    You broke gym with snow! Feeling very tired...

    Ore (M)
    31% HP ~~~~~~
    21% EP ~~~~
    Status: Attack +1
    Defense: ~
    Speed: -1
    Sluggish and tired...

    Arena Status: Pewter City Gym. There is snow and broken glass below all the windows.
    Ref Notes:

    Hi, hope this is all right. I'd like to take a shot at reffing. ^^

    AIM: MetallixGirl84 MSN: Yahoo: metallixgirl84

  14. #14
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    7HP for Hammer Arm is to low considering Golem has a weakness to Fighting attacks. I'm also dazzeled by the fact that an Avalanche can miss, but the rest of your energy and health calculations were pretty accurate.

    You're approved as a rookie ref, so go nuts!

  15. #15
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Thanks! Yeah, about Avalanche, I was using the ASB Movelist doing all the attacks and on the movelist it has Avalanche's accuracy as Good as apposed to Excellent, so I did an accuracy roll on it and it just so happened to miss. Later I happened to see that Avalanche has a 100 acc in the games, so I guess I'll use the game stats from now on. Hammer Arm was a mistake on my part. ^^

    AIM: MetallixGirl84 MSN: Yahoo: metallixgirl84

  16. #16
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower


    Sub-ref, since Kuro needs time off Anyone up for it?

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

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  17. #17
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Kurosakura here, reporting for duty! Here's an update on my reffings:

    [Current Reffing]

    01. Wolfsong vs. DarkestLight - 8v8 - Double - Round 8
    02. Azure-Blazing-Knight vs. Kyuuketsuki - 2v2 - Double - Round 3
    03. Wolfsong vs. ?? - 3v3 - Single - Round 1


    001. Andrew vs. Unbraced - 2v2 - Melee - 5 Rounds - Andrew won (23/09/09)
    002. Mikachu Yukitatsu vs. Andrew - 2v2 - Melee - 4 Rounds - Andrew won (23/09/09)
    003. Kyuuketsuki vs. Metallixs Girl - 1v1 - Single - 5 Rounds - Metallixs Girl won (11/10/09)
    004. Houndoom_Lover vs. Knight of Time - 1v1 - Single - 4 Rounds - Knight of Time won (28/10/09)
    005. chaos_redefined vs. Phoenixsong - 2v2 - Single - 20 Rounds - chaos_redefined won (12/12/09)

    Reward unclaimed.

    006. Crazy Elf Boy vs. Greyfox - 2v2 - Single - 8 Rounds - Crazy Elf Boy won (21/12/09)
    007. Shadow vs. Rossymore - 2v2 - Single - 10 Rounds - Rossymore won (14/1/10)
    008. Metallixs Girl vs. Roy Karrde - 2v2 - Single - 13 Rounds - DQ on Roy Karrde (28/1/10)

    [Sub Reffing]

    001. juuichiban-taicho vs. Crazy Elf Boy - 4v4 - Single - Round 15 - Sub-ref round 5


    001. Metalixs Girl vs. Adrenaline - 4v4 - Single - 5 Rounds - DQ on Adrenaline

    Intermediate Referee hoping to reach Advanced!

    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock vs. Rocking Rocker MLG

    Sub Round 1
    1 vs. 1
    DQ: 7 Days
    Damage Cap: None
    Banned Moves: None
    Location: Pewter City Gym

    “Rocks, rocks and more rocks.”
    Weather: Clear

    Pre-Battle Status

    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock and Golem

    HP: 65 ()))))))))))))))))))))
    EN: 34 ()))))))))))))))))))))
    Status: Rocky
    Badly Poisoned
    +2 Spd.

    Earth Power ~ Dynamicpunch ~ Gyro Ball

    Rocking Rocker MLG and Ore

    HP: 53 ()))))))))))))))))))))
    EN: 45 ())))))))))) ))))))))))
    Status: Prehistoric!
    +1 Atk.
    +1 Def.

    Avalanche ~ Focus Blast ~ Hammer Arm

    Sub Round 1, Start!


    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock: "You think you can just claim my gym? I've only lost once to you, that's enough! Golem, start with Earthpower, then use that distraction to get close and hit it with Dynamicpunch. Finish it up with with Gyro Ball!"

    Rocking Rocker MLG: "Your foolish rock pokemon are no match for my rocks, silly amateur. This gym is mine, for once and for all! Ore, Avalanche. When it's trying to escape the snow and attack you, hit it with Focusblast. Put an end to it with Hammer Arm!"


    The two combatants waste no time as the battle drags on! Golem, with his superior speed, uses the earthy terrain in the gym battlefield to his advantage with Earth Power, lobbing the substances beneath Ore’s feet at him. However, Golem fell into Ore’s trap, since he readied an Avalanche beforehand, and a tidal wave of snow and ice comes crashing down on the giant turtle-esque turtle.

    Golem: -21 HP, -8 EN
    Ore: -9 HP, -12 EN

    With the slight sound of sloshing snow, Golem pops his head out of the massive load of… cold wet stuff. He charges toward Ore with a Dynamic Punch, but completely misses his mark, leaving him open for a direct Focus Blast, which looked… more than painful.

    Golem:-22 HP, -4 EN, -1 Sp. Def.
    Ore: -0 HP, -8 EN

    Alrighty! Third time’s the charm! We can do this! ...or not. Golem hurled a Gyro Ball at Ore, but it didn’t do much damage, since he was so slow. Ore shrugged off the hit and thonked Golem on the head, almost in a bored fashion. He didn’t quite finish him off, but he came quite close!

    Golem: -13 HP, -1 EN
    Ore: -2 HP, -6 EN, -1 Spd.


    Golem is hurt by poison! -8 HP



    Golem: -64 HP/65 HP, -13 EN/34 EN -1 Sp. Def.
    Ore: -11 HP/53 HP, -26 EN/45 EN, -1 Spd.


    Sub Round 1 Ends!

    Current Status

    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock and Golem

    HP: 1 ()))))))))))))))))))))
    EN: 21 ()))))))))))))))))))))
    Status: Barely… alive…
    Badly Poisoned
    -1 Sp. Def.
    +2 Spd.

    Rocking Rocker MLG and Ore

    HP: 42 ()))))))))))))))))))))
    EN: 19 ()))))))))))))))))))))
    Status: Prehistoric!
    +1 Atk.
    +1 Def.
    -1 Spd.

    Sub Round 2, go!

    Rocking Rocker MLG, you're up!

    I’m assuming this is a gym match, so there is no damage cap.
    No DQ time was specified, so it’s getting the default 7 day/1 week DQ time.
    Each Pokemon will use 1 HP for every 1 EN needed to perform attacks.
    Last edited by Kurosakura; 1st May 2010 at 05:30 PM.

    Click for my VS Seeker entry!

    Winner of the 2009 Jack of all Trades and Rising Star Unown Awards!
    Winner of The 2009 Diamond Masquerade's Most Valuable Newbie and Best History Awards!

    17:27 Samchu if Becki won't let me kill off Sara then Cici can't use super effective one-hit adorable ko moves on anyone

  18. #18
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Links for Reffing Battles

    Combatants|Pokemon Involved|Rounds|Victor



    4/2008 | Matches 1-2

    1:Dragonis vs Dark Sage | 3v3 | 15 Rounds | Dark Sage Won
    2:Dragonis vs SR-71 | 1v1 | 6 Rounds | Dragonis Won

    5/2008 | Match 3

    1:Dark Sage vs SR-71 | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Dark Sage Won

    10/2008 | Match 4

    1:Ultimate Charizard vs Steve_Candy | 2v2 | Round 10 |Ultimate Charizard Won

    12/2008 | Match 5

    1:Darkestlight vs SR-71 | 1v1 | 4 Rounds | Darkestlight Won

    1/2009 Matches 6-7

    1:Dragonis vs Mew Master | 2v2 Tag Team | Round 5 | Dragonis Won|1/2009
    *Evolved Vibrava into Flygon*
    2:MLG vs Charles Legend | 2v2 Tag Team | Round 3 | MLG Won

    2/2009 Matches 8-9

    1:Darkestlight vs Dragonis | 2v2 | 11 Rounds | DL Won
    2:MLG vs Dragonis | 1v1 | 6 Rounds | Dragonis Won

    3/2009 Matches 10-14

    1:Chris 2.1 vs Charles Legend | 3v3 | 14 Rounds | Chris 2.1 Won
    2:GL vs DL | 2v2 Tag Team | 5 Rounds | DL Won

    *Evolved Lairon into Aggron*
    3:Asilynne vs Mystic Clown | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Asilynne Won
    4:MLG vs Chris 2.1 | 2v2 Tag Team | 5 Rounds | MLG Won
    5:Endy Ends vs DL | 2v2 | 10 Rounds | DL Won

    4/2009 Matches 15-20

    1:Blademaster vs DL | 5v5 | 12 Rounds | Blademaster Won
    *Evolving Nidoran M into Nidorino*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    2:Charles Legend vs Wolfsong | 3v3 | 15 Rounds | Wolfsong Won
    3:Mew Master vs Rossymore | 1v1 | 8 Rounds | Mew Master Won
    4:MLG vs Lune | 1v1 | 4 Rounds | MLG Won
    5:Ursaring17 vs Greyfox | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Ursaring Won

    *Evolving Nidoran F into Nidorina*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    6:UC vs DL | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | DL Won

    5/2009 Matches 21-23

    1:MLG vs Wolfsong | 4v4 | 21 Rounds | Wolfsong Won
    2:Dragonis vs Mike Mysterio | 1v1 | 8 Rounds | Mike Mysterio Won
    3:DL vs Rossymore | 1v1 | 6 Rounds | DL Won

    *Evolving Abra into Kadabra*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip

    6/2009 Matches 24-25

    1:MLG vs Mikachu | 2v2 | 8 Rounds | MLG Won
    2:MLG vs Houndoom Lover | 1v1 | 4 Rounds | MLG Won

    7/2009 Matches 26-28

    1:Classy_Cat vs Mystic Clown | 2v2 | 17 Rounds | Classy Won
    2:Charles Legend vs Weasel Overlord | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Weasel Won

    *Evolving Bulbasaur into Ivysaur*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    3:MLG vs DL | 3v3 | 14 Rounds | MLG Won

    8/2009 Matches 29
    1:Heald vs Dragonis | 2v2 | 12 Rounds | Heald Won

    9/2009 Matches 30-31

    1:MLG vs Mystic Clown | 3v3 | 9 Rounds | DQ in favour of MLG
    2:Articuno vs Blademaster | 3v3 | 12 Rounds | DQ in favour of Blademaster
    *Evolving Squirtle into Wartortle*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip

    10/2009 Matches 32-34

    1:KOT vs Mew Master | 6v6 | 29 Rounds | KOT Won
    2:Houndoom Lover vs Rossymore vs Asilynne | 1v1v1 | 9 Rounds | Asilynne Won
    3:VP vs Bear | 2v2 | 8 Rounds | DQ in Favour of VP

    12/2009 Matches 35-37

    1:Heald vs Mike Mysterio | 3v3 | 16 Rounds | Heald Won
    *Evolving Onix to Steelix*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    2:Greyfox vs Dragonis | 3v3 | 18 Rounds | Greyfox Won
    3:Charles Legend vs Darkestlight | 8v8 | 19 Rounds | Darkestlight Won

    1/2010 Matches 38-39

    1:Charles Legend vs Houndoom Lover | 3v3 | 15 Rounds | Houndoom Lover
    2:Charles Legend vs Darkestlight | 8v8 | 4 Rounds | Darkestlight

    *Evolving Wailmer to Wailord*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip

    Not Ref Claimable:
    1:Charles Legend vs Phantom Echo | 4v4 | Phantom DQ’ed
    2:11th Captain vs Houndude | 3v3 | Houndude DQ’ed
    3: Green Lanturn vs Andrew | 2v2 | Andrew DQ’ed
    4: Unbraced vs Adrenaline | 2v2 | Adrenaline DQ’ed

    Not going anywhere:

    1:DD vs MOA | 3v3 | Round 2 just passed
    2:Whivit vs Steve_Candy | 2v2 | Round 1 just passed
    3:Charles Legend vs Steve_Candy | 1v1 | Round 1 just passed

    Not Yet Claimed|Claimed|Unclaimable|Evolutions

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  19. #19
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

  20. #20
    YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Gonna apply for reffing work. Seems fun, and good English practice
    Mock Battle

    Arena: Pewter City GYM.

    [MON HERE]

    64 HP 34 EN
    [][][][][][][][][][] | [][][][][][][][][][]
    Speed +2 | Toxic -8%


    Attack +2 | Defense +2
    [][][][][][][][][][] | [][][][][][][][][][]
    53 HP 45 EN

    [MON HERE]

    The round starts off, with a speedy golem suddenly stopping. Unfortunately for Ore, the ground doesn't, as a wave of dirt hurtles across the arena. Ore doesn't bother trying to get a grip, but lets the force push him back as he calls upon an avalance attack. Golem chills in the blast, skidding on the now icy floor.

    ~ -20 HP, -6 EN Golem | -14HP, -11 EN Ore ~

    Somewhat cold, Golem regains his footing. He focuses on Rampardos, before crarging in with a Dynamic Punch. Unfortunately, somebody ignored the flashing lights saying that the floor was not the best for gripping on to things. Instead of hitting the rampardos, he spins round and round, and desrtoys a very large rock. Hey, at least it isn't too bad, as the icy floor is gritted. Ore meanwhile, charges up a batch of energy, and flings it in Golems general direction. That would have worked, but it seems nobody enjoyed the results of the ice show, as Golem dodges.

    ~ -7 EN Golem | -10 EN Ore ~

    Now the pair is really wound up, and that means fun time is around the corner. Golem charges up a large iron ball, and flings it towards Ore. It travels fast, breaking up some of the underfoot ice, before hitting Ore at great speed. For some reason, the impact seems weaker than before. Shaking it off, Ore rushes in with a giant fist, crashing down on Golem and spreading the stattered ice everywhere. Like the piece that jusst ruined my refs flag. SOMEBODY is going to have to pay for that one. And by that, i don't mean Ore's speed drop. That does not count.

    ~ -20 HP, -3 EN Golem | -8 HP, -12 EN Speed - 1, Ore ~

    The toxic also didn't help.
    Golem -8 HP, -16 next round.

    [MON HERE]

    16 HP 18 EN
    [][][][][][][][][][] | [][][][][][][][][][]
    Speed +2 | Toxic -8%, -16% next round.


    Attack +2 | Defense +2 | Speed -1
    [][][][][][][][][][] | [][][][][][][][][][]

    31 HP 12 EN

    [MON HERE]

    -Ice is spread across the arena in small sharp patches
    -I'm Reffing without a flag here. Loser now pays for it.
    -MLG, you're up, post your moves.
    -No damage cap here
    Bah, let me put images in later. Thanks.
    Back bitches

  21. #21
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    This battle has been waiting to get a ref for a whole week now, mebbe somebody could be so kind?

    I'm back.

  22. #22
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    You should put the given commands with the pokemon in the pre-battle stats. Asides from that you should put up the nickname of the pokemon, it's species and gender. This makes things a little clearer for the reader. Just write as if people would know nothing about the match and they view it for the first time. Sprites help too.

    Besides stat-problems, I don't see any major flaws in damage calculation or writing. Actually I enjoyed your writing.

    So you're approved as a Rookie Ref, go get them tiger!

  23. #23
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Gonna give this a go! Wish me luck.

    Team Brock versus Team MLG

    Location: Pewter Gym
    Rules: Gym battle rules in effect; no banned moves
    Abilities: Inactive
    DQ Time: None

    ‡ Pre-Round ‡

    ‡ Round # ‡

    The two cutthroat Rock-types face off for the next round. Golem careens forth and fires off a beam of energy Ore’s way. Grunting, the Rampardos bears the attack before closing its eyes. A white-blue glow surroundings him as, without warning, shards of ice and swells of snow come bursting through the arena’s windows. Winter begins to fill the arena and, boy, Golem feels it.

    <Golem: -22 HP; -4 EP>
    <Ore: -9 HP; -8 EP; -1 Defence>

    Golem goes skidding forth, ready to pay Ore back for that last one. A fierce energy suffuses his fist as he approaches Ore, but a patch of ice gets in his way and, bam, Golem is suddenly on his back like an upturned Ledyba. Taking advantage of his foe’s misfortune, Ore responds with a Focusblast right to the kisser.

    <Golem: -16 HP; -4 EP>
    <Ore: -8 EP>

    Blushing, Golem finally pulls himself to his feet. Now cautious, he crosses the battlefield gingerly, launching a silver sphere right at Ore. Not willing to be outdone, the Rampardos crosses the arena in two great lunges and brings his arm down right on Golem’s rocky carapace. Ouchies.

    <Golem: -14 HP; -8 EP; -1 Speed>
    <Ore: -14 HP; -8 EP>

    Golem’s face scrunches up as the toxin does what it does best. <-8 HP>

    ‡ Post-Round ‡

    Team MLG to command next
    Last edited by Oslo; 19th March 2010 at 05:38 PM.

  24. #24
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Well, being as that I've been getting used to reffing again, I'd like to try for a promotion to Intermediate please.

    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock vs Rocking Rocker MLG
    Reffed by Knight of Time

    Location: Pewter City Gym

    DQ: 1 week

    Banned moves: None

    Round N

    Pre-Round Stats:

    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock:

    Golem (M)
    Earth Power ~ Dynamicpunch ~ Gyro Ball
    Status: Badly poisoned (8% next round), Speed +2

    Rocking Rocker MLG:

    Ore the Rampardos (M, shiny)
    Avalanche ~ Focus Blast ~ Hammer Arm
    Status: Attack +1, Defense +1

    The gym battle continues as Golem goes for an Earth Power. Gathering as much Ground energy as he can manage, he forms it into a ball close to his size, and throws it toward Ore. Ore, upon taking the hard hit, decides payback is in order...icy cold payback that is, as he retailiates with a powerful Avalanche that makes Golem slide toward the wall. Talk about being a rock Pokemon caught between a wall and a really cold place!

    Golem: -12 Health, -6 Energy, Speed +2, is buried in a thick mound of snow and ice
    Ore: -8 Health, -10 Energy, Attack +1, Defense +1

    Furiously trying to free himself from his predicament, Golem begins to throw snow out of the way quickly, with the help of his glowing fists...but at that moment he doesn't immediately notice Ore forming a Focus Blast in his massive claws. The explosive projectile is fired at Golem, slamming into him and making him cringe in pain...but the resulting explosion helps to speed up Golem's escape from the snow, and he slowly but steadily comes at Ore with his Dynamicpunch, smacking the Rampardos hard and making him feel disoriented after that strong hit.

    Golem: -14 Health, -9 Energy, Speed +2, managed to get out of the snow
    Ore: -8 Health, -11 Energy, Attack +1, Defense +1, Confused

    With only a little bit of snow remaining on his rock-hard body, Golem stretches out both his arms, making them harden even more with a glint of silver, before rapidly spinning almost like a tornado, bashing into Ore with his Gyro Ball, causing the Rampardos to roar in pain. Despite still feeling disoriented, Ore isn't about to let that strike come to him without delivering some payback, and proceeds to use a Hammer Arm on Golem, concentrating a great deal of energy into his arm before slamming it with all his strength onto Golem. The stress though from using such a move does get to Ore however, as he feels his speed take a reduction blow. Meanwhile, Golem winces in pain, as the poison in his system saps some more health from him.

    Golem: -19 Health (11 from the Hammer Arm, 8 from the poison), -7 Energy
    Ore: -6 Health, -10 Energy, Attack +1, Defense +1, Confused, Speed -1

    Stats After Round N:

    Pewter City Gym Leader Brock:

    Golem (M)
    Status: Badly poisoned (10% next round), Speed +2

    Rocking Rocker MLG:

    Ore the Rampardos (M, shiny)
    Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Confused, Speed -1


    Rocking Rocker MLG, you have the first move for the next round.
    Last edited by Knight of Time; 27th March 2010 at 12:05 PM.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  25. #25
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Oslo, good overal. The reading wasn't over-spectacular, but the reffing was done efficiently. A few remarks, 4EN is a bit low for Earthpower, but it can pass, depending on how you interprete STAB etc. However, Hammer Arm reduces the speed of the user, not the foe. And Gyroball's damage depends on the speed of the foe. The faster the opponent, the more damage.

    Anyway, enough nitpicking, you're approved! Go nuts.

    Kyle, you've been a staple ref here since you restarted and I'm certainly going to promote you for your hard work. Ofcourse, that would be unfair to just base promotions on hard work, but you're mockreffing is also flawless. Good job. Go nuts aswell.


  26. #26
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Is there anyway we can get a ref here please?
    Silver Wolf
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  27. #27
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Question: I know I dropped off the face of the planet for a while, but whatever happened to reviewing my mock reffing? owo

    Click for my VS Seeker entry!

    Winner of the 2009 Jack of all Trades and Rising Star Unown Awards!
    Winner of The 2009 Diamond Masquerade's Most Valuable Newbie and Best History Awards!

    17:27 Samchu if Becki won't let me kill off Sara then Cici can't use super effective one-hit adorable ko moves on anyone

  28. #28
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Sorry Kuro, I have no excuse! I did take a look at your reffing though, and I'll approve you as an Advanced Ref. I saw no major flaws anywhere, but it was a bit short, though. The initial damage looked a bit high, but I assumed you used higher numbers for a Gym match.

  29. #29
    Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Time to apply to ref!

    Arena: Brock's Gym

    Pre-Game Stats

    Brock's Team


    64 health 34 Energy
    Speed Bonus (+2) Toxic (-8%)
    Moves:Earth Power~Dynamic Punch~Gyro Ball

    MLG's Team


    53 health 45 energy
    [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!][!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Atk & Def (+1)
    Moves:Avalanche~Focusblast~Hammer Arm

    MOVE 1

    The round begins with Golem calling apon a mass of lava and rocks. They geyser up below Ore and he shoots up towards the ceiling! Ore then falls and lands on the ground with a lovely thump. Ticked off, Ore sends a wave of snow and ice crystals which sweeps above golem. But the ground is still hot from golem's earth power, causing the snow and ice to melt. Leaving our two rocky heroes under a pool of water!

    Golem: -10 hp -5ep Speed Bonus(+2) Submerged
    Ore: -13 hp -10 ep Atk & Def (+1) Submerged

    MOVE 2

    Because they are rock type, they both are awful at swimming! They both sink to the bottom and Golem begins by charging Ore with a glowing white fist. Well, charging isn't the right word, more like slowly approaching. While approaching a ball of concentrated energy begins forming in Ore's mouth. Golem finally arrives at his destination and swings his fist of energy towards Ore's gut. It hits and afterward Ore blindly releases a BLAST of energy. But to no avail, it misses and blows a hole in the side of the gym. Ore is now acting quite silly and bedazzled. It just walks around in circles with stars floating over its head.

    Golem: -8 ep Speed Bonus(+2) Still submerged
    Ore: -6 hp -15 ep Atk & Def (+1) Still submerged Confused

    MOVE 3

    Golem, in a wonderful mood. Suddenly creates a ball of steel in his hand, then pegs it straight towards Ore. It speeds directly towards Ore leaving a wake in its path, then slams the Headbutt Pokemon in the face. Afterwards Ore prepares a hammer arm attack, and then hits himself in the face. Being confused must really suck. Golem feels weakend because of the toxic.

    Golem:-16hp -6ep Speed Bonus(+2) Still submerged
    Ore:-20hp -8ep Atk & Def (+1) Still submerged Confused

    Post Round Stats

    Brock's Team

    Health:38 Energy:15
    Speed bonus (+2) Toxic (16%) Submerged

    MLG's Team

    Health:14 Energy:12
    Atk & Def (+1) Confused Submerged
    Last edited by dabsaww; 2nd May 2010 at 03:24 PM.

  30. #30
    Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    I wanna try out for Ref

    Round: ?
    Arena: Pewter City Gym


    HP 65[][][][][][][][][][] EN 34[][][][][][][][][][] (Toxic)

    Ore(Rampardos M)
    HP 53[][][][][][][][][][] EN 45[][][][][][][][][][]
    Attack:+1 Defense:+1

    Golem starts by slamming his foot in the ground causing cracks and to spread across the gym floor and eventually slam Ore and deal some damage too. Ore retaliates by causing a sweeping mass of snow crash into Golem.
    Golem -15HP -9EN (Toxic) Ore -10HP -7EN

    Golem quickly covers despite its great loss in HP and charges Ore landing a punch right in Ore’s gut. Ore confused and gasping for air launches a blast of focus energy towards Golem unfortunately missing by quite a few feet.
    Golem -5EN (Toxic) Ore -7HP-12EN (confused)

    Golem launches a ball of steel towards Ore nailing Ore square between the eyes. Ore still confused charges towards Golem swinging its arm. Ore manages to land a decent hit on Golem dealing a good amount of damage.
    Golem -9HP-10EN (Toxic) Ore -10HP-7EN (confused) Speed:-1

    Golem -8HP (Toxic)

    Post Round

    HP 33[][][][][][][][][][] EN 10[][][][][][][][][][] (Toxic)

    Ore(Rampardos M)
    HP 26 [][][][][][][][][][] EN 19 [][][][][][][][][][] (confused)
    Attack:+1 Defense:+1 Speed:-1

  31. #31
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Dabsaww: The damage of Dynamicpunch was quite low, and the energy for Focusblast was too high. Besides from that, a good first reffing, so I'm gonna approve you as a Rookie Ref. Look at movelist when you're reffing and keep the damage/energy levels in mind. Have fun!

    Spade: I'm also gonna approve you as a rookie ref. The damage and energy levels were nicely distributed, but I'm gonna have to ask you to write up the text some more. It's a tad unoriginal and a bit short too. Besides from that, go nuts.

  32. #32
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Links for Reffing Battles

    Combatants|Pokemon Involved|Rounds|Victor



    4/2008 | Matches 1-2

    1:Dragonis vs Dark Sage | 3v3 | 15 Rounds | Dark Sage Won
    2:Dragonis vs SR-71 | 1v1 | 6 Rounds | Dragonis Won

    5/2008 | Match 3

    1:Dark Sage vs SR-71 | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Dark Sage Won

    10/2008 | Match 4

    1:Ultimate Charizard vs Steve_Candy | 2v2 | Round 10 |Ultimate Charizard Won

    12/2008 | Match 5

    1:Darkestlight vs SR-71 | 1v1 | 4 Rounds | Darkestlight Won

    1/2009 Matches 6-7

    1:Dragonis vs Mew Master | 2v2 Tag Team | Round 5 | Dragonis Won|1/2009
    *Evolved Vibrava into Flygon*
    2:MLG vs Charles Legend | 2v2 Tag Team | Round 3 | MLG Won

    2/2009 Matches 8-9

    1:Darkestlight vs Dragonis | 2v2 | 11 Rounds | DL Won
    2:MLG vs Dragonis | 1v1 | 6 Rounds | Dragonis Won

    3/2009 Matches 10-14

    1:Chris 2.1 vs Charles Legend | 3v3 | 14 Rounds | Chris 2.1 Won
    2:GL vs DL | 2v2 Tag Team | 5 Rounds | DL Won

    *Evolved Lairon into Aggron*
    3:Asilynne vs Mystic Clown | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Asilynne Won
    4:MLG vs Chris 2.1 | 2v2 Tag Team | 5 Rounds | MLG Won
    5:Endy Ends vs DL | 2v2 | 10 Rounds | DL Won

    4/2009 Matches 15-20

    1:Blademaster vs DL | 5v5 | 12 Rounds | Blademaster Won
    *Evolving Nidoran M into Nidorino*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    2:Charles Legend vs Wolfsong | 3v3 | 15 Rounds | Wolfsong Won
    3:Mew Master vs Rossymore | 1v1 | 8 Rounds | Mew Master Won
    4:MLG vs Lune | 1v1 | 4 Rounds | MLG Won
    5:Ursaring17 vs Greyfox | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Ursaring Won

    *Evolving Nidoran F into Nidorina*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    6:UC vs DL | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | DL Won

    5/2009 Matches 21-23

    1:MLG vs Wolfsong | 4v4 | 21 Rounds | Wolfsong Won
    2:Dragonis vs Mike Mysterio | 1v1 | 8 Rounds | Mike Mysterio Won
    3:DL vs Rossymore | 1v1 | 6 Rounds | DL Won

    *Evolving Abra into Kadabra*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip

    6/2009 Matches 24-25

    1:MLG vs Mikachu | 2v2 | 8 Rounds | MLG Won
    2:MLG vs Houndoom Lover | 1v1 | 4 Rounds | MLG Won

    7/2009 Matches 26-28

    1:Classy_Cat vs Mystic Clown | 2v2 | 17 Rounds | Classy Won
    2:Charles Legend vs Weasel Overlord | 1v1 | 5 Rounds | Weasel Won

    *Evolving Bulbasaur into Ivysaur*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    3:MLG vs DL | 3v3 | 14 Rounds | MLG Won

    8/2009 Matches 29
    1:Heald vs Dragonis | 2v2 | 12 Rounds | Heald Won

    9/2009 Matches 30-31

    1:MLG vs Mystic Clown | 3v3 | 9 Rounds | DQ in favour of MLG
    2:Articuno vs Blademaster | 3v3 | 12 Rounds | DQ in favour of Blademaster
    *Evolving Squirtle into Wartortle*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip

    10/2009 Matches 32-34

    1:KOT vs Mew Master | 6v6 | 29 Rounds | KOT Won
    2:Houndoom Lover vs Rossymore vs Asilynne | 1v1v1 | 9 Rounds | Asilynne Won
    3:VP vs Bear | 2v2 | 8 Rounds | DQ in Favour of VP

    12/2009 Matches 35-37

    1:Heald vs Mike Mysterio | 3v3 | 16 Rounds | Heald Won
    *Evolving Onix to Steelix*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip
    2:Greyfox vs Dragonis | 3v3 | 18 Rounds | Greyfox Won
    3:Charles Legend vs Darkestlight | 8v8 | 19 Rounds | Darkestlight Won

    1/2010 Matches 38-39

    1:Charles Legend vs Houndoom Lover | 3v3 | 15 Rounds | Houndoom Lover Won
    2:Charles Legend vs Darkestlight | 8v8 | 4 Rounds | Darkestlight Won

    *Evolving Wailmer to Wailord*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip

    3/2010 Matches 40

    1:MLG vs Crystal Tears | 1v1 | 4 Rounds | DQ in Favour of MLG

    4/2010 Matches 41-43

    1:Ultimate Charizard vs Unbraced | 3v3 | 13 Rounds | Ultimate Charizard Won
    2:MLG vs Heald | 3v3 | 13 Rounds | MLG Won
    3:MLG vs Mike Mysterio | 4v4 | 19 Rounds | MLG Won

    *Evolving Graveller to Golem*, 5 pts, Large Evolution Stone, Ultra Ball Safari Trip

    Not Ref Claimable:
    1:Charles Legend vs Phantom Echo | 4v4 | Phantom DQ’ed
    2:11th Captain vs Houndude | 3v3 | Houndude DQ’ed
    3: Green Lanturn vs Andrew | 2v2 | Andrew DQ’ed
    4: Unbraced vs Adrenaline | 2v2 | Adrenaline DQ’ed

    Not going anywhere:

    1:DD vs MOA | 3v3 | Round 2 just passed
    2:Whivit vs Steve_Candy | 2v2 | Round 1 just passed
    3:Charles Legend vs Steve_Candy | 1v1 | Round 1 just passed

    Not Yet Claimed|Claimed|Unclaimable|Evolutions

    ~*~*~* Unown Awards *~*~*~
    "Y"earning | "B"anner Guy | "K"urosakura's

  33. #33
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    OK, I'm gonna give reffing a go again, see how well I fare. It's been a long time since I wrote pokemon battles (no really, I haven't even done a pokemon RPG in ages). Dunno why there are massive spaces appearing, must have something to do with the table tags I'm using.


    With the title of Pewter Gym Leader hanging in the balance, neither trainer is letting up in this battle of the rock titans. With Golem shining like a christmas tree decoration after consecutive use of Rock Polish in the previous rounds it's raring to go despite suffering from a nasty poisoning. Staring down its opponent, the reanimated fossil pokemon Ramparados, Golem roars and raises it's stubby arms into the air. Globules of fluidic light bubble up from the ground followed swiftly by chunks of earth and stone formed out of pure seismic energy. They hover in the air for a second, before every single one flies at the tyrannic pokemon, slamming into it's chest at the exact same time. Ore stumbles backgrounds growling at the scar the impact leaves, but a twinkle in his eye shows he's not ready to back down. With a roar equalling his foes, Ore summons a raging blizzard. The windows of the gym shatter as ice and snow crash against the walls, and an avalanche piles in over Golem, partially burying the astounded pokemon.

    Trapped beneath the weight of the snow, Golem struggles to regain his footing, but digging yourself out of heavy snow takes time, and that's exactly what MLG and Ore were hoping for. With a target unable to move very far and very fast, Ore closes his eyes and focuses his mind. Within his thoughts he sees his opponent, he visualises the weak points, he prepares his target and he is ready. Energy builds up around him as the preperations take place, a build up that does not go unnoticed by the opponents. Brock yells out to Golem, but the rock type is still pulling himself free of the snow pile. It's too little too late, as Ore unleashes his attack, a precise and focused attack of concentrated energy. It blows Golem out of the snow completely, obliterating the fluffy stuff surrounding him and leaving the Gym Leader's prized pokemon leaning against the back wall of the gym, outer shell clearly worse for wear.

    Rockin Rocker that he is, MLG lets loose a couple of notes and the crowd goes wild. Brock is fuming but is still showing the Gym Leader poise and not rising to a throwing insults. Rising to it's feet, Golem curls itself into a ball. No amount of stone cracking or snow falling is going to put it off winning this battle. As the pokemon begins spinning on the spot, a metallic shimmer passes over the pokemon and the sound of gravel crunching is replaced with a metallic whine. Ore holds his ground. He holds out his clawed arms ready for attack. Precision is again what he needs, but an opponent not moving is exactly what Golem wants to. Golem suddenly springs forward, and like a wrecking ball heading for a building speeds, spinning rapidly, towards Ore. Seconds before impact, Ore slams his fist outwards and the two collide perfectly. What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmoveable object? The crowd and the trainers dive for voer as rock, metal and ice goes flying everywhere. When the dust settles, Golem is clutching his body as it's showing signs of heavy damage, wincing as the poison takes this opportunity to seep further into his veins. Ore on the other hand uses his tail to regain a balance, but looks a lot less steady on his feet than before.

    Don't quote it, it's messy...

  34. #34
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    The table tags are stupid.
    You can't have any line breaks between them.
    So they need to be in one long ugly line of code.
    But hey, it's better than nothing :O.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  35. #35
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Dan: I'm not gonna complain about something (except the large spaces, but that would be totally over the top), so I'm just gonna nod and give the title of Intermediate Ref! Welcome back.

  36. #36
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Intermediate Ref

    Active Battles

    Darth Cookie Monster vs Spade
    4 vs 4
    R1 | R2 | R3
    R4 | R5 | R6

    Darkest Light vs Ayeun
    3 vs 3
    R1 | R2 | R3
    R4 | R5 | R6

    Darth Cookie Monster vs Men of Horror
    4 vs 4
    R1 | R2 | R3
    R4 | R5 | R6

    Completed Battles

    DQs and Forfeits

    Spade vs Kirby97
    2 vs 2
    R1 | R2 | R3
    R4 | DQ

    Crazy Elf Boy vs Kirby97
    3 vs 3 (Gym)
    R1 | R2 | R3
    R4 | DQ

    Last edited by RaZoR LeAf; 15th July 2010 at 06:09 AM.

  37. #37
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Methinks I was accidentally left off the list of Rookie Refs.

  38. #38
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Aug 2000

    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Alright, I think it's time I posted an without further ado:

    Knight of Time's Reffing Record

    Status: Intermediate Ref

    Current Battles:
    Ayeun vs. Asilynne: 1 on 1, Round 5
    dabsaww vs. Oslo: 2 on 2, Round 9

    Completed Battles:

    Kyuuketsuki vs. Mike Mysterio: 3 on 3, 17 Rounds, Mike Mysterio won (Dec. 12, 2009)
    chaos_redefined vs. Darth CookieMonster: 1 on 1, 4 rounds, chaos_redefined won (Dec. 28, 2009)
    Metallix's Girl vs. Ayeun: 3 on 3, 23 Rounds, Metallix's Girl won (Jan. 8, 2010)
    chaos_redefined vs. DarkestLight: 2 on 2, 8 Rounds, DarkestLight won (Apr. 23, 2010)

    DQs and Forfeits:

    Wolfsong vs. Darth CookieMonster: 2 on 2, 10 Rounds, Darth CookieMonster DQed
    Darth CookieMonster vs. Kyuuketsuki: 2 on 2, 6 Rounds, Kyuuketsuki DQed

    Incomplete Battles (ones that ended in DQ or forfeit, but cannot be used for ref rewards):

    Dragonis vs. Pixel: 3 on 3, 3 Rounds, Pixel forfeited
    Shivaree vs. classy_cat18: 2 on 2, 6 Rounds, Shivaree DQed
    Houndoom_Lover vs. Mike Mysterio: 1 on 1, 2 Rounds, Houndoom_Lover DQed
    Everoy vs. Dogfish44: 2 on 2, 3 Rounds, Everoy DQed

    I guess this means I'm eligible to collect some ref rewards, right?

    Edit: If I am correct in my assumption, could I have a free evo, and 3 points, please?
    Last edited by Knight of Time; 31st May 2010 at 09:21 AM.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  39. #39
    Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB Reffing Tower

    Rookie Ref

    Current Battles
    dabsaaw vs men of horror (Ref Spade): 2 on 2 Round Seven
    DF44 vs papabopp, Ref Spade: 1 on 1 Round Five
    2v2 Dabsaww vs. Mike Ref: Spade: 2 on 2 Round Three

    Completed Battles
    RaZoR LeAf vs Kirby97 (Ref: Spade): 2 on 2 Round Eleven RaZoR LeAf won
    conman vs Kirby97 ref Spade: 2 on 2 Round Nine conman won
    [GYM] MLG vs. Ayeun (Ref: Spade): 4 on 4 Round Seven MLG won

    Incompleted Battles
    dabsaaw vs C~Dub (Ref: Spade): 1 on 1 Round One ended in DQ with dabsaww winning
    Iiit's battle time! :) Oslo vs. Deragf (Ref: SUBREF PLEASE): 4 on 4 subreffed Round Six ended in DQ with Oslo winning
    Last edited by Spade; 28th June 2010 at 02:30 PM.

  40. #40

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